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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-11-01 12:18:19

11/01/2018 ISSUE 44


Indian River Land Trust restoring
more habitat. P8

Heated competition
at ‘Chili Challenge.’ P28
Centennial Celebration begins:
This ‘time,’ it’s all about Vero! P26

Rare jewelry heist For breaking news visit
in broad daylight
jars The Moorings No good outcome
seen in bizarre
Vero election saga

Staff Writer Staff Writer

Police continue to investi- Circuit Judge Paul Kanarek
gate last month’s theft of more
than $50,000 worth of jewelry could have quietly retired from
from a home in the Porpoise
Bay section of The Moorings 31 years on the bench on some
but so far have no suspects.
easy, boring, low-profile case,
The robbers struck in broad
daylight while John and Jenni- but instead he got Linda Hill-
fer Elmore, who own and op-
erate Jennifer Elmore Interior man’s bizarre election chal-
Design and A Shade Better,
were at work. lenge related to a blank page

The couple didn’t notice missing a signature in her can-
anything amiss when they re-
turned home that evening. It didate qualifying packet.
wasn’t until the next day when
Jennifer Elmore was getting Hillman is asking for an emer-
ready for work that the theft
came to light. gency injunction to invalidate

CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 the Nov. 6 City Council election,

School District once claiming that she was wrongly
again has to borrow
millions to pay bills removed from the ballot.

BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Rich in small-town poli-
Staff Writer
tics, the controversy dragged
The School District, which
gets nearly $280 million a year longtime city and county of-
from taxpayers, has run out of
money again, according to Su- Many facilities at Historic Dodgertown are very much in need of repair. ficials to the stand to be sworn
perintendent Mark Rendell,
who asked the School Board From the air, it looks great. But maintenance problems abound in and cross-examined. Pal-
to approve a bridge loan of
$10 million last week while in- ace intrigue showed up, too,
sisting that the shortfall is not in Hillman’s seemingly wild
due to his mismanagement of
speculation about whether or
BY RAY MCNULTY Vero City Council meeting last jacent to the sports complex. not her enemies on the City
Staff Writer month, where the city reject- “I will acknowledge there Council tampered with public

ed the county’s $2.4 million are some deferred mainte- records after hours.

Among the still-unresolved offer to buy the former Dodg- nance items there, and the Last week’s drama dredged

issues in the county’s efforts to ertown Golf Club property ad- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

convince Major League Base-

ball to take over operations at MY
Historic Dodgertown is how

Aren’t School Board races supposed to be nonpartisan?much each side will contrib-

ute to renovate, upgrade and BY RAY MCNULTY the future of our public matter most, especially in
maintain the aging facility. Staff Writer
schools – not their political these unsettling times.
It needs it more than most
affiliations. We have a chance to test the

people realize. We’re supposed to vote So now, only days before character of the candidates.

“Part of any deal we have for School Board candidates we go to the polls, we’re pre- For those of you who don’t

with Major League Baseball is based on their backgrounds, sented with a wonderful op- know: Florida law mandates

going to include who’s paying qualifications, ideas about portunity to learn something that School Board elections

for what,” County Administra- education and visions for more, something that should CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

tor Jason Brown said during a

November 1, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 44 Newsstand Price $1.00 Halloween Parade:
All dressed up for
News 1-10 Faith 48 Pets 68 TO ADVERTISE CALL the big event. P12
Arts 31-36 Games 49-51 Real Estate 71-80 772-559-4187
Books 46-47 Health 53-57 Style 58-61
Dining 62 Insight 37-52 St. Ed’s 69 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 44 People 11-30 Wine 63 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Moorings burglary When police arrived, sheriff’s de- Among the items taken was a gold they know. That is often the case in
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tective Ismael Hau noticed that a bracelet Jennifer Elmore recently re- robberies like this, several detectives
kitchen window was slightly opened ceived from her husband to celebrate said.
She opened a dresser drawer to grab and the latch that locks the window their 30th wedding anniversary and
a piece of jewelry and noticed an en- was missing. The Elmores, who are several charm bracelets, which in- The robber, or robbers, appeared
tire section of her jewelry box was careful to lock their windows when cluded jewelry pieces given to her to know when the Elmores would be
missing. they’re not home, had not noticed over the years by her now grown chil- away from home. They also knew ex-
because the suspect or suspects had dren. actly what they wanted.
“At first I thought I wasn’t seeing it closed the wooden blinds to conceal
right,” Jennifer Elmore said. “I was in the break-in. “Those bracelets are only worth “Nothing else in the house was
disbelief. I was in shock that our house $3,500 to $4,000,” Jennifer Elmore touched,” Jennifer Elmore said. “Right
had been invaded.” Detectives dusted for fingerprints said. “But you can’t put a price tag next to the jewelry was a drawer filled
and are waiting for the results to be on them because they were from my with pearls, and they left that. John has
She began yelling for her husband, processed, according to sheriff’s office children. They tell the story of my life. a coin collection that was in plain view
who ran upstairs to see what was reports. They’ve also contacted area Those things can’t be replaced.” and they ignored it.
wrong. He quickly called the sheriff’s pawn shops and asked them to keep
department. an eye out for the stolen jewelry. Detective Hau told the couple that “They were very particular. They had
the culprit very likely is somebody already chosen what they wanted.”

“It’s something you hear about your
whole life, but never think it will hap-
pen to you,” John Elmore said. “The
hard part is knowing someone was in
your house, they invaded your privacy.

“I don’t think we’ll ever feel the same

The experience prompted the El-
mores to re-evaluate their home secu-

Although they always make sure the
doors and windows are locked, they
previously didn’t use rods to prevent
someone from opening the windows
even if they break the latch, John El-
more said.

“The biggest thing people can do is
keep your valuables hidden or locked
away,” he said. The couple also real-
ized the importance of installing a
home security system, which can dis-
courage burglaries.

“Most people do a good job of se-
curing their homes when they go on
a trip,” John Elmore said. “But day-to-
day they get lax.”

The Elmores shared their story with
Vero Beach 32963 in the hope that
their neighbors will benefit from their
mistakes. They also hope someone
may have information about the Oct.
4 burglary and contact sheriff’s inves-
tigators. 

Historic Dodgertown

county is going to be responsible for a
significant portion of that in the deal,”
he added. “But Major League Baseball
is saying the place has to be up to Ma-
jor League Baseball’s standards before
they run anything there.”

Apparently, that will take consider-
able work.

Several residents who spoke at that
same meeting criticized the county’s
failure to properly maintain the com-
plex, where roofs need to be replaced,
soffits are peeling, ceilings are sagging,
a wooden stairway is in disrepair, wa-
ter fountains are rusting, mold grows
on the sides of buildings, and sections
of Holman Stadium are blocked off for
safety reasons.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 3


“A number of us were surprised “We were having problems main- was the failure of the multi-sport com- things,” Brown said, “but it took a while
by the comments made by the gen- taining other county facilities as well,” plex to turn any significant profit for for them to break even, and the profit
tlemen who said it’s in bad shape,” Brown said. “I remember reading a number of years – money that His- they’re producing hasn’t been enough.”
longtime Vero Beach resident and about ambulances breaking down. toric Dodgertown CEO Peter O’Malley,
retired realtor Cliff Norris said at the But now that things are improving, fi- whose five-way partnership has oper- O’Malley, 80, began talking to Major
meeting. nancially, we’re playing catch-up. ated the place since 2011, said would League Baseball officials last year in
be reinvested in the facility. hopes that they would take over His-
Among those who exposed the “This isn’t where we wanted to be,” toric Dodgertown’s operations and
county’s poor maintenance of Histor- he added, “but we’ll get the place back It wasn’t until 2016 that Historic possibly make it the hub of the game’s
ic Dodgertown was Terry Borcheller, in shape.” Dodgertown broke even. inner-city youth program.
the professional sports-car racer and
Vero Beach resident who, along with Also delaying some of the repairs “We had hoped for some different CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Lakeland-based builder Mark Hul-
bert, wanted to buy and develop the NEW LISTING
long-idle, golf-course property.
Exclusively John’s Island
He said he recently drove through
the complex and took photographs of Located on 1.05± acres, this highly desirable 5BR+study Gem Island
conditions he described as “dilapidat- retreat showcases breathtaking JI Sound views. Enjoy 120’± of water
ed” – so much so that he warned the frontage, dock w/ lift, Intracoastal access, and a swim-out pool. Boasting
county could “end up in a lawsuit” if a 8,240± GSF, features include an impressive living room with fireplace,
visitor gets injured. dining room, covered terrace, island kitchen, family room and breakfast area.
Rounding out perfection is the gracious master suite with exercise room, an
“A coat of paint does a lot of good, attached guest cabana, screened lanai w/ BBQ grill, and a 3-car garage.
but I don’t know how many more coats 120 Green Turtle Way : $5,850,000
of paint they can put on over there
without having some maintenance,” three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
Borcheller told the council. “I’m tell- health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
ing you: It’s embarrassing, what the
place looks like. 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :

“That’s not the Dodgertown I had
envisioned,” he added, “and I hope
the county takes the money it was go-
ing to spend to buy this [golf-course]
property and puts it into Dodgertown,
because it needs it.”

He closed by saying, “People want
to be proud of that place, but the way
it looks right now, it’s a mess.”

Jason Redmon, vice president of
the local Cal Ripken youth baseball
league, echoed Borcheller’s remarks.
He also questioned the sincerity of
Major League Baseball’s interest in
Vero Beach and challenged the coun-
ty’s sentimental rhetoric about Histor-
ic Dodgertown.

“Why is Major League Baseball all
of a sudden interested in Vero Beach
again?” Redmon said. “It’s not be-
cause of Dodgertown. Look at the

“You want to create that nostalgia?
You’re protecting it? Then why does
that place look the way it does?” he
continued. “You should be embar-
rassed. I’m embarrassed. I won’t take
my kids there anymore.”

Vero Beach Vice Mayor Lange Sykes,
who said he had seen recent photo-
graphs of Historic Dodgertown, called
the conditions “pretty poor,” adding
“there are a lot of improvements that
need to be made.”

Reached by phone last week, Brown
said the county is aware that some
roofs need to be replaced and other
maintenance work is needed, but he
disagreed with claims the facility was
dilapidated and deteriorating.

He said “limited financial resourc-
es” during the recession years pre-
vented the county from funding some
repair and maintenance projects at
Historic Dodgertown.

4 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Historic Dodgertown Bizarre Vero election tions law are pretty rare, but Reingold tossed off the ballot – she would pre-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 said he would be consulting with one sumably get the money back, and Vero
or more on the Hillman case. Beach taxpayers would be on the hook
After Major League Baseball ex- up players from the past like former for a $25,000 special election.
pressed some interest, O’Malley councilman Randy Old, former Vero If Hillman wins, and gets the injunc-
turned over the negotiations to the first lady Alla Kramer and even former tion she seeks invalidating the Nov. 6 But if Kanarek ultimately finds that
county. Brown said the two sides are councilman Bill Fish, bringing them City Council election in which four Hillman alone bore the burden of
“getting close” to an agreement, add- back from the annals of city history to candidates are on the ballot – and she making sure her qualification packet
ing “I think we can get to a place that pack the third-floor courtroom. and another disqualified candidate was complete and signed on every
could be beneficial to both parties.” are not – Hillman may have to put up a page that required a signature, and
Though Hillman claims she’s always hefty bond in an amount equal to the that the city cancelled the Nov. 6 elec-
Brown told the City Council that if been a pro-electric-sale gal, the gallery estimated cost of putting on a special tion and held up that scheduled vote
negotiations with Major League Base- was filled with people who opposed election in January. for no reason, Hillman would have to
ball fail, the county could put up a the sale of Vero’s electric utility to Flori- pay, via her bond money, for the Su-
“For Sale sign” on the 72-acre Historic da Power & Light over the past decade, NEWS ANALYSIS pervisor of Elections and City Clerk to
Dodgertown property. all their hopes poured into Hillman as conduct a special election.
the underdog bucking City Hall. Kanarek brought this up, saying “it’s
If that happens – if Historic Dodg- a matter of law” and not within his That’s where the sticky legal ques-
ertown shuts down when O’Malley’s By the time this week’s issue of discretion whether or not to hold that tions come into play. If she doesn’t
lease expires in May – County Com- Vero Beach 32963 reaches mailboxes, money until the truth can be sorted have $25,000 sitting around, can Hill-
mission Chairman Peter O’Bryan said Kanarek will likely have ruled on Hill- out. Kanarek asked Reingold what the man fund that cost via campaign do-
the local economy would lose the $15 man’s request for an emergency in- estimated cost would be of putting on nations if her candidacy is in limbo?
million per year in “direct spending” junction that would block certification an election specifically for Vero City
generated by the complex’s operations. of the Nov. 6 Vero Beach City Council Council and Reingold told Kanarek To bolster her case that she is a bona
election. But no matter what Kanarek that number was $25,000. fide candidate, Hillman continued to
Brown said Major League Baseball decides, the court case presents legal accept and report campaign contribu-
is willing to maintain Historic Dodg- questions local elections officials don’t “We would pay” the bond, said Hill- tions even after the city took her name
ertown’s facilities “in a first-class man- see every day. man’s Tallahassee-based attorney Mark off the ballot. Last Thursday, Hillman
ner,” if the county makes the financial Herron, without even glancing back at submitted her latest campaign trea-
investment necessary to bring those “Elections law is very specialized,” his client. surer report showing a $100 check
facilities up to the Major League Base- County Attorney Dylan Reingold said from Indian River Shores resident, for-
ball’s standards. last week when we tried to get some Then if, after fact finding by the mer Vero mayor and county commis-
answers from him, in his capacity as court, Hillman was shown to be a sioner Caroline Ginn.
“I’d say Major League Baseball will legal counsel for Supervisor of Elec- qualified candidate after all – if city of-
maintain it better,” Brown said, “prob- tions Leslie Swan. Attorneys who earn ficials were found to be in some way Hillman also made an in-kind dona-
ably better than we maintain a lot of their bread and butter practicing elec- responsible for the mix-up that got her tion to herself in the amount of $141
facilities in the county.”  labeled “Promotional Materials,” in-
dicating that she’s still somehow cam-



Indian River


District Seat 2

Paid political advertisment approved by
Tom Lowther, non partisan for IRC Mosquito Control Seat 2

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 5


paigning despite the murky status of Herron in his complaint cites the gin fundraising, and that prequalifying ing signature on Hillman’s form went
this election. fact that City Clerk Tammy Bursick ac- is different from final qualifying. unnoticed until Sept. 10 – after the of-
cepted Hillman’s treasurer reports as ficial qualifying period ended Sept. 7.
Florida Statute bars candidates evidence that she was qualified, but the At issue is the fact that, instead of
eliminated from a race from continu- city argues that multiple candidates waiting until September to file her Hillman’s Oct. 25 treasurer’s report
ing to collect campaign contributions, pre-qualified in order to legally open whole qualifying packet, Hillman showed that she had collected $9,225
but Hillman asserts that she is and has their campaign bank accounts and be- turned all the documents in back in in donations, and so far spent $4,274.51
always been a qualified candidate. July. It’s the city’s position that the miss-

6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bizarre Vero election My Vero Over the past three years, politics as trict 4. In fact, the local GOP is running
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 usual has become politics of the un- paid ads and social-media posts and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 usual – and, apparently, our commu- videos, urging voters to cast ballots for
in campaign expenses, leaving her nity hasn’t been spared the political its School Board candidates.
$4,950.49 in the bank as of Oct. 19. be nonpartisan, which means candi- polarization and tribalism we’re see-
dates are prohibited from running as ing across America. One such video, which can be found
The general rule of thumb, accord- representatives of a political party. on Facebook, endorses Rosario and
ing to numerous published explana- “I don’t know what the norm is these Barenborg – as well as state Rep. Erin
tions of election finance law, is that a They can’t legally campaign as Re- days,” said Tom Lockwood, longtime Grall, who is running for re-election
candidate can legally expend campaign publicans or Democrats. Their politi- president of the county’s Republican against Democrat Nicole Haagenson –
funds on costs they would not have in- cal mailings may not contain any word Executive Committee. “It’s not poli- and closes with the phrase: “Your voice
curred had they not been a candidate or symbol that suggests a party affilia- tics as we knew it just a few years ago. of reason will stop extremism.”
for office. These include signs, mailers, tion. There’s no “R” or “D” next to their Things are changing.
campaign-specific travel and meals, T- names on the ballots. For what it’s worth, Lockwood said
shirts and buttons, luncheons attended “There are so many different factions, the Democrats prompted his party to
as a candidate, printing, mailing and The law, though, places no such even within the parties,” he added. “It’s act when they publicly supported Schiff,
postage. Legal fees spent on advice or restrictions on the political parties, not just Republicans and Democrats who received 51 percent of the vote and
representation directly related to the which are allowed to publicly express anymore.” rode to victory on the largest Democrat-
candidacy also appear to be fair game. their support for candidates, even ic turnout for a primary election in this
those running in non-partisan races. Perhaps not, but that fracturing county in more than 25 years.
Expenses do not need to be report- hasn’t prevented the local Republicans
ed when incurred, but instead they As Indian River County Supervisor of and Democrats from breaking with Lockwood cited his party’s low turn-
show up after the candidate is billed Elections Leslie Swan put it: “The par- protocol and setting a disappointing out – 37.5 percent, down from 43 per-
and actually writes a check for the ex- ties can endorse whomever they want.” precedent by introducing party politics cent in 2016 – and referred to Schiff’s
pense. So if she’s successful in proving into non-partisan School Board races. success as a “wake-up call” for local
she was qualified, Hillman might be Until this year, however, those en- Republicans, who currently enjoy a 46
able to ramp up fundraising between dorsements didn’t happen in School First, the Democrats of Indian River percent to 26 percent advantage in reg-
Kanarek’s final ruling and the spe- Board races. openly supported Mara Schiff in her istered voters in the county.
cial election. If Hillman’s candidacy School Board District 1 primary, then
is tossed out and she’s stuck with a Our non-partisan elections might celebrated her August triumph over “This is the first time we’ve done
$25,000 bill for a new election, lawyers not have been free of party influence, Eugene Wolff. Now, the group is recom- this,” Lockwood said of his party’s
then will be left to argue whether or not given that we live in a relatively small mending Merchon Green and Stacey endorsement of School Board candi-
she can fundraise to cover the bond.  community in which most people Klim in the District 2 and 4 races. dates. “But after what happened in Au-
running for local office don’t hide their gust, we felt a change of attitude was
political leanings, but there was at Likewise, the Republican Executive needed. There was a concern about
least the appearance of propriety. Committee is backing Jackie Rosario getting our people out to vote.
in District 2 and Teri Barenborg in Dis-
Not anymore.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 7


“Also, when you look at the total im- Facebook page contains an ad and two be, especially in a community where the outgoing one, will refuse to rubber-
pact, the School Board might be more videos – all posted on the social-media one party has dominated local elec- stamp Rendell’s requests – like this one
important than the County Commis- site by the committee – endorsing her tions for more than 20 years. to take out a multimillion-dollar loan –
sion,” he added. “Coming out in sup- candidacy. without demanding evidence, analysis
port of these candidates helps people So let’s put a stop to it. and prior notice.
understand who they’re voting for.” Rosario, meanwhile, posted on her Let’s rise above the polarization and
Facebook page a photograph of the tribalism that divides too many of us, Financial expert and recent school
Adriana de Kanter, vice chairman committee’s advertisement endorsing embrace our better angels and prove district Audit Committee Chairman
of the Democrats of Indian River, also her and Barenborg, along with Repub- that this community is as special as Bob Auwaerter was given three min-
saw nothing wrong with supporting lican candidates in other races. we believe it is. utes to speak about the financial move
candidates in the nonpartisan School Let’s test the character of these School at the Oct. 23 School Board meeting.
Board races. Similar posts could not be found Board candidates – all four of them – by
on the Facebook pages of their oppo- demanding that they say publicly the “You’re missing the justification
She said the local Democratic lead- nents, but it would be naïve to think party endorsements they’ve received for it from a financial perspective,”
ers believe Klim and Merchon are Klim and Merchon are unaware of the are wrong and flatly reject them. he told the School Board, pointing
strong candidates who possess the support they’re receiving from the lo- And if they choose to say nothing and out that documentation of what the
qualifications, background and pas- cal Democrats. allow the parties to crash what’s sup- money is needed for and a cash-flow
sion needed to improve our schools, posed to be a nonpartisan election? analysis should be provided to the
and they share the party’s positions on Besides, even when the parties didn’t That’s up to them. board and the public to show why the
educational issues. endorse candidates in non-partisan Then it’s up to you.  money is needed and prove the bor-
races, some voters still wanted to know. rowed amount is correct.
“These are candidates who have been School District has to borrow
active in the community and bring a “We’d get calls from people asking CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 As an elected official serving as
perspective we feel is best for the school about the non-partisan races and want- town councilman for Indian River
district, and we believe it helps to let our ing to know what a candidate’s political school finances. Shores, Auwaerter said he would table
voters know who we support,” de Kant- affiliation was,” Swan said. “We still do.” Borrowing millions at the last min- an item presented with no transpar-
er said. “What political party people be- ency and accounting to the public.
long to is no great secret, anyway.” The reason is: Those callers don’t ute to make payroll for October was the “A private discussion between the Su-
care which candidate is more quali- last action taken by the sitting School perintendent and individual School
Neither of the School Board candi- fied or has the better ideas, and there’s Board before three of its five members Board members does not cut it.”
dates endorsed by the local Republicans no reason to find out. All that matters are replaced after the election.
tried hard to hide their ties to the party. is that they vote for their team, even Two years ago, when the district
when the races are supposed to be It is possible the new board, unlike borrowed $8 million for nearly a year,
While there’s no mention of the Re- nonpartisan. Auwaerter showed that cash-flow
publican Executive Committee’s sup- analysis actually only justified bor-
port on Barenborg’s “Barenborg 4 That’s not only the lazy way to vote,
Schools” Facebook page, her personal but it also violates the spirit of what CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
non-partisan races are supposed to

8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Unlicensed building contractor charged for 3rd time

BY FERNANDO MARTINEZ plea to Third Degree Grand Theft in May never returned to do any more work. $10,560, but no work was ever done.
Staff Writer 2017 in a similar case. He was charged in Bohlen entered a ‘no contest’ plea Then, on Jan. 16 of this year, Neena
September for the most recent incident.
An unlicensed building contractor in that case and was sentenced in May Madan of Windermere, Florida, re-
with a long history of swindling home- Bohlen was first arrested in 2015 for 2017 to two days in jail and put on pro- ported to the Indian River County
owners by taking payments and not do- allegedly cheating homeowners. Ac- bation for 60 months. Sheriff’s Office that she had paid
ing the work is facing new charges. This cording to police reports, Vero Beach $1,344 to Bohlen to replace wooden
time he is accused of trying to bilk aVero resident Jennifer Rotondo hired Bohlen Five months later, in October siding on a Vero Beach house she is
homeowner out of more than $10,000. and paid him a total of $16,800 to re- 2017, Charles Salemme hired Bohlen renovating. The work was never com-
model her kitchen. After demolishing to repair his roof, which was dam- pleted, Madan told investigators.
Richard Roy Bohlen, 52, has been in the kitchen and removing the granite aged by Hurricane Irma, according
jail since June 6 for violating probation countertops – which he said he was to an affidavit from the Vero Beach Bohlen was jailed in June when
he received after entering a ‘no contest’ donating to someone in need – Bohlen Police Department. Salemme, who charges were brought in this case. He
hired Bohlen after seeing an ad on later entered a not guilty plea and the
Craigslist, told police he paid Bohlen case is still pending. 


BY SUE COCKING Relax. It is not the future site of a big-
Staff Writer box retailer. You are looking at begin-
ning stages of the Indian River Land
Driving south on U.S. 1 past Oslo Trust's restoration of 30 acres of the
Road, you may have noticed cleared Coastal Oaks Preserve – a 220-acre jewel
land with scattered piles of debris on a in permanent conservation extending
former citrus grove on the east side of from U.S. 1 to the Indian River Lagoon.
the highway.
Bounded roughly by the Grove Isles

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 9


development to the north and Vero acres fronting the highway in 2016 – land acres was clogged with exotic Austra- said David Heuberger, the Trust's di-
Shores to the south, the preserve enve- that had been slated for construction of lian pine and Brazilian pepper. Then rector of land protection.
lopes a rich mix of habitats – wetlands, more than 500 homes. The Trust paid the Trust got to work – knocking down
pine flat woods, mangrove forest and for the property with private donations the invasive trees, slashing the bushy The next step is to get rid of the
coastal oak hammock. as well as mitigation money from the St. thickets, mulching and raking. debris and grade the property. Then
Johns River Water Management District. plans call for restoration of a 50/50
The Land Trust acquired 190 acres of "It's becoming a blank slate – a can- mix of forested wetlands and upland
the property in 2011, followed by the 30 Until very recently, the front 30 vas to create a natural environment,"

10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


School District has to borrow a Tax Anticipation Note that borrows lowing October. Last year the School largest employer in the county can run
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 against future tax dollars at 2.8-per- District had money in other accounts without a chief financial officer.”
cent interest through January. it could use temporarily to fill the gap,
rowing about $1 million for 30 days, but not this year. Morrison has not been at work since
which would have saved the district The short-term loan will cost the Rendell publicly accused him of trans-
thousands of dollars in interest pay- School District – and taxpayers – more School Board members Laura Zorc ferring $2.3 million out of the general
ments. The board approved the bor- than $80,000 in interest, legal fees and and Charles Searcy expressed disbe- fund to other accounts without his per-
rowing anyway, based on confidential consulting and fees. lief the School District couldn’t make mission at the July 31 budget hearing.
back-room information supposedly it through the next few weeks.
warranting the larger loan. The School District has a budget of Zorc said she had no idea what the
nearly $280 million dollars for the cur- Searcy insisted Rendell and Chief Fi- $10 million was needed for and “Dr.
Rendell provided even less informa- rent fiscal year, but Rendell insisted nancial Officer Carter Morrison told him Rendell did not offer me that informa-
tion this year than he did two years the bridge loan is not needed “because they wouldn’t issue a Tax Anticipation tion” when asked.
ago, the agenda packet merely stating of bad financial management.” Note this year, which Rendell denied.
the $10 million was needed for “opera- Board member Tiffany Justice said
tions.” The School District will issue Instead, Rendell said the School “We’re wasting money because we she was given the information, read-
District is short because tax revenue don’t have good financial manage- ing a laundry list of bills that need to be
comes in a flood in November and De- ment,” Searcy said, pointing out Mor- paid, with nearly $5 million in payroll
cember, leaving coffers dry by the fol- rison’s absence. “I don’t see how the by the end of October among them.

Chairman Shawn Frost also claimed
he was given fulsome explanations,
suggesting that Rendell doesn’t provide
equal information to all School Board
members in his back-room discussions.

The whole exchange once again re-
vealed an extraordinary lack of trans-
parency on the part of Rendell and the
School District that has been permitted
by the current School Board. Information
is relayed verbally to a few board mem-
bers, while the public is left guessing.

Zorc and Searcy voted against the
loan, while Frost, Justice and Dale
Simchick voted in favor.

Searcy said the new board “will have
a tough time of it,” with high-ranking
personnel missing. Not only has Morri-
son been absent under conditions that
remain unclear, but Assistant Super-
intendent of Human Resources Jayne
Purcell has also been missing, with no
explanation given to the public.

She replaced long-time employee
Bruce Green, who resigned in July.
Union negotiations have been stalled
since then, affecting about 1,800 of the
district’s 2,200 employees. 

Land Trust


oak forest to be completed before next
summer. Deeper marshes will be plant-
ed with cypress and pond apple while
the shallower portions will host red
maple, American elm and sugarberry.
Cordgrass and leather fern will edge the
marshes. The upland forest has live oak,
magnolia, pignut hickory, saw palmet-
to, beauty berry and wild coffee.

The Trust, partnering with Harbor
Branch Oceanographic Institute, is
working with students from Indian Riv-
er County high schools to help restore
the preserve as part of an after-school
Junior Scientist Program.

"This is such a unique place," said
Trust Executive Director Ken Grudens.
"We want to be able to provide limited
or organized access working with non-
profit partners. We want to keep the
rustic feel and allow the public to use it
in some form or fashion." 

Nicholas and Anabella Brandes.


12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Halloween Parade: All dressed up and somewhere to go!

Daniel and Rehanna Vargas.

Kristin, Kurt and Dawson Runge with (sitting) Dylan Runge and Taylor Anderson. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14


Creativity and cutie pies abound- Susan Cannon with Greyson and Jordon Keene.
ed at the 60th annual Halloween Isabella and Cole McCabe.
Parade hosted by the City of Vero
Beach Recreation Department
and corporate sponsors Mulligan’s
Beach House and George E. War-
ren Corp. From ingeniously elabo-
rate to simple and comfortable, the
menagerie of costume-clad chil-
dren and their parents gathered
at the Vero Beach Woman’s Club
before heading over to stroll along
14th Avenue in Historic Downtown
Vero Beach. Preceded by an escort
of fire trucks the parade partici-
pants stopped frequently to pose
for photos with the folks who lined
the route, before entering the Vero
Beach Community Center, where
many also vied for top honors in
the annual costume contest. 

Lindsey Modert with twins Maxx and Maverick, Isla on trapeze and Tyde Modert.

14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Rocky Prudenti.

Christopher Gray with son Sam. Violet and Cassidy Prescott. Tiffany McLaughlin with children Georgia and William.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 15


Sierra Goldstein with daughter Aurora. Brittany Barbato and Haley Barbre.

Annia Reyes, Geannin Ramos (standing) and Thais Guevara. Michael Schlitt with Lainey, Trace and Brittany Schlitt, Sean and Elizabeth Breckenridge with children Alexandra and Michael.
and Autumn Monroe with dog Tanner.

Summer and Jo Barbre with children Gavin, Makenslee and Ryleigh Harris.
Haley, Christopher and Jaxon.

Kyra Lozado, Cheyanne Lozado and Mason Poole.

16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


NASA space ace fascinates at Navy League lunch

Staff Writer

“I never dreamed I’d be an astronaut, Brian Becker, Lisa and Larry Lassise, and Eric Menger. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Ryan and Melissa Weaver.
let alone director of the Kennedy Space
Center,” said retired USMC Col. Robert He said that NASA, in conjunction happen so that we don’t have to rely on The Navy League’s mission is three
Cabana, director of NASA’s John F. Ken- with numerous industry and interna- our Russian partners.” pronged: to support the sea services
nedy Space Center. He spoke to guests tional partners, is focused on returning (Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and
at a special Navy League Treasure to the Moon by June 2020 to create a lu- Cabana also touched on some of American Flag Merchant Marines) and
Coast Council luncheon last Tuesday nar outpost, and reaching Mars by 2024 NASA’s many programs, including their families; to educate the American
at the Quail Valley River Club, where aboard the Orion spacecraft. In the Launch Services, Exploration Research people and their elected leaders about
his informative talk touched on NASA’s long term, they are preparing for deep and Technology, and Life Sciences and the critical importance of sea power for
past, present and future. space exploration. Food Production. their economic prosperity and national
security; and to help build America’s
“It’s an exciting day for the Navy “We are building a sustainable ar- “This is NASA’s 60th anniversary future through successful youth pro-
League today,” said Maryjo Thompson, chitecture that allows us to continue to this year,” he said. “I look back on grams such as the Naval Sea Cadet
current president. “We are celebrating build on it and keep adding to it as we NASA’s history and it’s phenomenal; Corps. Membership is open to veter-
the 243rd birthday of the United States progress in our exploration of the solar all that we have accomplished. But ans of all military services; civilians are
Navy and we have a most esteemed system.” to me, I look forward to the next 60 also welcome to join.
speaker with us today.” years. The past is awesome, but I be-
Noting that initial commercial flight lieve the next 60 years are even going Upcoming Navy League dinners will
As part of the festivities, Cabana crews have primarily been naval ser- to be more fantastic than NASA’s first take place at the Pointe West Country
joined Thompson, along with the tradi- vice members, he added, “right now 60 years. I can’t tell you how proud I Club: Nov. 15, Jan. 22, Feb. 26, March 26,
tion of the “eldest and youngest sailor,” this is my No. 1 priority at the Kennedy am to be able to be a part of this. It’s April 23 and May 21.
Korky Korker and Eric Menger, respec- Space Center. I want to see U.S. crews only getting better; I couldn’t be more
tively, for a ceremonial sword cutting of flying on U.S. rockets from U.S. soil pleased with what we’ve done but it’s For more information, visit treasure-
the birthday cake. next year. And we’re going to make that only going to get better.” 

A graduate of the U.S. Naval Acad-
emy, Cabana logged more than 7,000
hours as a Naval Aviator before becom-
ing an astronaut. He served as pilot on
two spaceflights and as mission com-
mander for two others, including as the
first commander of the International
Space Station.

Cabana explained that the National
Space Council has issued three space
policy directives: return to the Moon
and on to Mars; streamline regulations
for commercial operations in space;
and national space traffic management
to “clean things up.”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 17


Telly Antona and Pat Geyer. Maryjo Thompson, Robert Cabana and Mary Sheil. Penny and John Aliyetti.

Peg and Ron Kindy. Mary Liberi and John Bracken. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
Judy and Jim Turner.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Gladys LaForge, Marty Zickert, Wanda Lincoln and Randy Laws. Lars de Jounge with Connie and Bill Zorc.
Pat Geyer with Al and Ursula Hunt.

John and Jean Beckert with Maryjo and Al Thompson.

Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners Patty Valdes and Sam Wellschlager.
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Dot Kingsbury with Chris and Phil Hanley, and Julie and Tom Nowak.

20 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Reading words with friends at ‘Lights on Afterschool’ rally

Staff Writer

Words flew off the page last Thurs- Verna Wright and Valerie Evans. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Isaiah Cummings.
day as Indian River County children
participated in the nationwide Jump- ing they are equipped to be successful many reluctant readers now, with so- kind of interaction.”
Start Read for the Record and Lights on learners. Over the years TLA has built cial media and computers competing Marie O’Brien, coordinator of the
Afterschool Rally. The literacy celebra- a vast network of collaborators to ad- for their attention. By having someone
tions were coordinated by The Learn- dress everything from kindergarten model reading, it shows children how county-wide event and TLA manager
ing Alliance to promote the Moonshot readiness to ensuring children’s social- important and how much fun reading of Digital Media and Moonshot Out-
Moment Goal to have 90 percent of all emotional needs are met – indicators can be.” reach, explained that the JumpStart
students reading on grade level by the of successful academic careers. Read for the Record read-aloud and
third grade. “We’re a part of Moonshot and are the 19th annual Lights on Afterschool
Valerie Evans, Liberty Magnet happy to participate in events like this. Rally correspond with their efforts to
At similar events around the coun- School media specialist, was the guest It helps the kids to see people from the create enriched literacy activities.
try, millions of educators highlighted reader at Dasie Hope, sharing the story school here at Dasie Hope; to let them
the importance of early literacy and with a group of excited children en- know we’re all working together,” said “It’s exciting that our county’s stu-
language skills for all children. Lo- rolled in the afterschool program. In- Verna Wright, Dasie Hope founder. “If dents enjoyed this story during the
cally, TLA estimated that more than spired by the book’s colorful illustra- it weren’t for afterschool programs like day in our preschool and elementary
4,500 students participated through tions and beautiful prose, the children Dasie Hope, a lot of children wouldn’t schools, and then in several after-
public elementary schools as well as also decorated paper doves – the uni- get the extra help they need in reading. school programs celebrating extended
with Moonshot Community Action versal symbol for peace. We reinforce what they are learning in learning opportunities,” said O’Brien.
Network partners, including the Dasie school. If these children didn’t come
Hope Bridgewater Center, IRC Brackett “Events like this motivate the kids to here a lot of them wouldn’t get this For more information, visit the-
Library, Buggy Bunch, Literacy Servic- want to read,” said Evans. “There are so or moonshotmo-
es of IRC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Vero 
Beach Karate Association, Vero Beach
Museum of Art, Kindergarten Readi-
ness Collaborative, The Learning Alli-
ance Moonshot Academy Afterschool
Programs, Little Rising Stars Preschool
and Childcare Resources.

The featured book, “Maybe Some-
thing Beautiful: How Art Transformed
a Neighborhood,” is based on the true
story of Rafael and Candice López,
who brightened the alleyways of East
Village in San Diego, Calif., by turning
them into colorful canvases.

The story mirrors TLA efforts to
brighten the lives of children by ensur-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 21


Valerie Evans. Janiya Hall and Omariah Foote. Harmoni Edmond and Kamara Simon.

Michael Hauser and Ja’niyah Marsh. Marie O’Brien, Kimberly Wright and Ashton Dawkins. Christopher and Alexander Diaz.

Christian Burns. Devin Bryant. Keiona Matthews and Yasmine Cummings. Cristo Mercado.

22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Fire Truck Pull proves: In community there is strength

Staff Writer

The community literally pulled This year’s winning team: Indian River Rugby Club Men’s Team. PHOTOS: ANTHONY INSWASTY Alexa Rooney, 5, flies down a water slide.
together recently at the third annu-
al Fire Truck Pull n’ Play Water Day, “All of these events are awareness ery two minutes, according to the St.
hosted by the Indian River County events. We want to keep it fresh in Baldrick’s website.
Firefighters Local 2201, Walking people’s minds. We may only rec-
Tree Brewery and the event’s ben- ognize cancer for one month, but “We’re here to create awareness
eficiary, the St. Baldrick’s Founda- for St. Baldrick’s childhood cancer
tion. research and to raise some money
so we can keep on helping kids out,”
St. Baldrick’s Indian River hosts said John O’Connor, IRC Firefight-
four events throughout the year ers’ Association president.
to raise awareness and funds for
childhood cancer research. Pro- Families cheered on all 10 teams
ceeds from the Fire Truck Pull, the as they took two runs trying for the
upcoming Nov. 3 Rays of Hope Me- fastest time. Last year’s champions,
morial Golf Outing, the Cure Kids the Indian River Rugby Club men’s
Cancer Gala on Feb. 23 and the Big team, once again took home first
Shave in March will all go toward place with a time of 19 seconds. The
the local fundraising goal. Volunteer Firefighters took second
place with 20.41 seconds.
On Saturday, teams of up to 10
people threw everything they had In a few special races, Team Chel-
into the ultimate strength compe- sea and Quentin, along with pullers
tition – playing “tug of war” with a from all the other teams, crossed the
40,000-pound fire truck – with the line in 13.56 seconds, demonstrating
goal of being the fastest team to pull that pulling together is the only way
the fire truck a distance of 100 feet. to beat cancer. Team Strong WILLed
closed out the afternoon with anoth-
Missy Elward and John O’Connor. er big push from the crowd, tackling
the clock in 10.44 seconds much as
the families of these kids deal with it the team’s namesake, Will Alvey, did
on a daily basis,” said Missy Elward, with his cancer.
who for the past nine years has orga-
nized local St. Baldrick’s events with Walking Tree held its annual Fam-
Frank Mannino. “Our goal is to raise ily Day in conjunction with the truck
$200,000 with all the events.” pull this year, adding water slides, a
bounce house and dunk tank, food
With only 4 percent of U.S. federal trucks and a D.J. to the festivities.
funding dedicated to childhood can-
cer research, St. Baldrick’s founders “Family Day is a day to bring fami-
were looking for a way to increase lies from around the community
research in that field. together and say thank you for sup-
porting us,” said Amanda Martin,
“St. Baldrick’s is second only to Walking Tree tasting room manager
the U.S. government in funding and event coordinator. “It just made
children’s cancer research,” noted sense to host Family Day in conjunc-
Elward. “I continue to do this be- tion with the Truck Pull.”
cause we have not found a cure for
all childhood cancers yet and there For more information, visit stbal-
are kids and families still having to 
fight this ugly disease.”

More children are lost to cancer
in the U.S. than any other disease.
Worldwide, a child is diagnosed ev-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 23


Alyssa and Alan Dritenbas, owner of Walking Tree Brewery, with sons Evan and Wes.

24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Alzheimer & Parkinson group tells donors: ‘If you can, we can’

Elke Fetterolf, Scott Alexander and Trudie Rainone. Kay Brown and Peggy Cunningham. Francie Kirkpatrick, Charles Brashears and Mugs Holifield.

BY MARY SCHENKEL Appreciation Reception last Wednes- ers assisting them. In Indian River She noted that the mission of the lo-
Staff Writer day evening at Northern Trust Bank, as County, statistically, there are 6,000 cal nonprofit, which relies solely on do-
they enjoyed a delicious spread of hors people with Alzheimer’s and up to 900 nations, is to help caregivers cope with
“Everyone in this room has sup- d’oeuvres provided by Wild Thyme Ca- with Parkinson’s. family members who have memory is-
ported this organization through phi- tering. sues or movement disorders.
lanthropy, through their expertise and “Eighty percent of those with de-
through their time,” said Peggy Cun- To put things into context, she pro- mentia are still living actively in our “I want to mention, everything we
ningham, executive director of the vided some staggering statistics: Na- community and are being cared for by do is free; that’s an outstanding claim
Alzheimer & Parkinson Association tionally, 5.7 million Americans are those unpaid family and friends,” said to be able to make,” said Cunningham.
of Indian River County. Cunningham struggling with Alzheimer’s, 1.5 mil- Cunningham. “The really shocking
thanked the invited guests at a Donor lion are living with Parkinson’s, and thing about those statistics is that this She noted some of their numerous
there are 16.1 million unpaid caregiv- is going to double in the next 12 years.” programs and services: respite care
at their facility and in-home respite;

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 25


movement programs; training and anyone; Project Lifesaver for anyone Cunningham, reiterating her thanks. Remember takes place Nov. 3 at River-
education through annual confer- at risk of wandering; and wellness pro- “That you can allow us to give these side Park. On April 10, Rita Moreno will
ences with expert speakers; a Demen- grams aimed at successful aging. programs for free is just amazing. You be the guest speaker at their Successful
tia Friendly Community program that all know we don’t belong to any nation- Aging Luncheon at the Vero Beach Mu-
includes virtual dementia tours; nine- “Everything that you do, we are hop- al organization. This is you; this is local seum of Art.
week caregiver Stress Busters classes; ing you will continue to do. If you can, and it’s because of you.”
memory screenings that are open to we can. You’re the reason we can be a For more information, visit alzpark.
vital resource to the community,” said Next up, their 15th annual Walk to org. 

26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Centennial Celebration: This
‘time,’ it’s all about Vero!

Indian River County Sheriff’s Office Color Guard. Ret. Col. Martin Zickert, Laura Moss and Tony Young.

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF two-step foundation was decorated
with reclaimed tiles, the markings of
Staff Writer a sundial and the date May 19, 2119,
which will mark the City’s 200th an-
The City of Vero Beach officially niversary.
kicked off its Centennial Celebration
last Saturday morning with a Flag Cer- Adding a level of historical authen-
emony and Time Capsule placement at ticity, City Councilman Tony Young,
the Driftwood Inn Resort. Fortunately, grandson of A.W. Young, elected in
westerly winds were helping to blow 1919 as Vero’s first mayor, was on hand
the remnants of the devastating red for the dedication.
tide out to sea.
“This is the start of our Centennial
“This is a great honor that was be- Year,” stated City Councilwoman Lau-
stowed on us. We could not have been ra Moss. “We’re burying the time cap-
more proud than to be a participant sule in the foundation of the flagpole.
in the Centennial Celebration,” said We’re taking things from the past and
Lee Olsen, Waldo’s Restaurant general burying them, preserving them for
manager. the future. We have a beautiful com-
munity and we look to preserve and
The event encouraged folks to pause protect it for the future.”
and reflect on the past with the preser-
vation of items to help those in the next Anna Valencia Tillery, Ms. Vero Cen-
century understand life today. Old cell- tennial, arrived in style in the rumble
phones, menus, newspaper articles, seat of a 1931 Ford Coupe bearing the
military medals and hats were among time capsule, before she and Mayor
the items dropped off at City Hall and Harry Howle wielded spades to en-
Waldo’s for inclusion in the time cap- tomb the collected artifacts.
sule. According to Olsen, the most
unique object was an old Driftwood With the full fanfare due the Cen-
Inn Resort skeleton key. tenary, the flag was presented by Ret.
Col. Martin Zickert to the Indian River
The capsule was topped off with a County Sheriff’s Office Color Guard,
hand-painted tile which, according to as bugler Duke Scales set the tone for
Olsen, belonged to his late father and the occasion. At the behest of Young,
was painted by “a little old man on the the flag had flown over the U.S. Capi-
beach in Brazil with one finger.” Olsen tol in Washington, D.C. on May 19 of
joked, “the scary thing is that in 100 this year, the date of the City’s 99th
years it will probably take some guy in anniversary.
scuba gear to get to it.”
After the flag-raising, Indian River
He may not be too far from the mark; Charter High School student Katie
Vero has had trouble keeping track of Brown sang a moving rendition of the
its time capsules. According to City National Anthem.
Clerk Tammy Bursick, the last one,
buried somewhere near the front of “We live in a wonderful, beautiful
City Hall, has yet to be located. city and I’m really glad that the red
tide seems to have subsided,” said
Tom Staubach, who manages all the Howle in his closing remarks. “It’s a
restoration work on the iconic oceans- beautiful day, and we’ve got a wonder-
ide property, was the mastermind be- ful celebration here today, the official
hind the design of the flagpole’s foun- kickoff for our Centennial Celebra-
dation, which pays homage to Waldo’s tion.”
Mountain, a 100-foot mound with
stairs created by Waldo Sexton. The For Centennial event information,
visit 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 27


Tony Young, Lee Olsen, Jeanne Radlet and Tammy Bursick. Ms. Vero Centennial Anna Valencia Tillery. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Douglas Klock, Peggy Riffey, Joel Brown and Debbie Bianchi.

Gabriel and Susan Navarra with Leticia and Larry Wood. Bea and Ray Nottingham. Preston Hargrave, Mayor Harry Howle and Grayson Hargrave.

28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Chefs’ heated competition spices up ‘Chili Challenge’

Brenda Kasper, Elysia Kasper, Anthony Zorbaugh, Eric Smith, Nikki Cameron and Big Mike Genaldi. Erik Toomsoo, Lee Olsen, Attila Gabor, Shaun Dibble. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Sunrise Rotary picked up the Rotary club, have been a part of it and the cusp of All Hallows Eve. In a nod
Staff Writer wooden spoon from the Indian River cooked in it for years. And won it,” not- to Mother Nature’s recent nasty trick,
County firefighters, hosts of the for- ed Arthur Hodge, event chair. “On top Vero Beach Lifeguard Association
As temperatures began to cool mer Indian River County Chili Cook- of that the Vero Beach Club – what we served up Red Tide Chili from Waldo’s.
slightly last weekend, locals were off, and promised the event – one of call the mother club – started in 1926. The American Cancer Society’s Team-
“feelin’ chili” at the Centennial Chili many planned to mark the City of So the local Rotary has been around work Chili was comprised of chilies
Challenge at Riverside Park last Sat- Vero Beach Centennial – would be almost as long as the city, making the made by four different people com-
urday, hosted by Sunrise Rotary Vero “hot stuff.” Centennial tie-in obvious.” bined into one big pot. And the team
Beach. from Sailfish Brewing Company di-
“It was a natural move as we, as a Winds arrived in the nick of time to vulged their secret – the beer. Not only
blow away remnants of the red tide, the 3 ½ gallons of beer in the chili, but
which he said could have ruined Ro- the 10 gallons the cooks consumed as
tary’s second attempt at stirring the they worked.
chili pot. “Last year it rained Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, so we had to Attendees voted on their favor-
cancel the cook-off. This year we’re ite concoctions as ‘heated’ debates
ready to go.” loomed over whether chili should
have beans, if white chili counts, and
Chili-heads made no beans about it even whether chili is a soup or a stew.
as they sampled their way through 22 In the end all agreed the evening was
different chilies, from wild turkey and a delicious success – especially The
venison to smoked meats, chocolate Source, which took home the People’s
and shrimp. There was white chili and Choice Award for its Classic Chili.
red chili; spicy or sweet; with a mix
of old family, award-winning and ex- A cadre of local media personalities,
perimental recipes. Each chef claimed including yours truly, considered aro-
special ingredients, too – TLC, ghost ma, texture, heat, aftertaste and color
chili peppers, beans, shrimp and beer. while judging the chilies, dished up in
a blind tasting within five categories:
Chefs toiled over large cauldrons, nonprofit, brewery, restaurant, civic
all bubbling like a witch’s brew on

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 29


Jane McCabe and Glen Blair. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
Tom and Debbie Crow, Suzanne Pirnie, Jim Farnham and Beth McMahon.
Ms Vero Centennial Anna Valencia Tillery and Vicki Wild.

and independent.
The Humdingers and Slip and the

Spinouts entertained the crowds as
they digested their chili and enjoyed
the camaraderie.

Proceeds benefit Sunrise Rotary’s
community projects and scholarships.
Next up: the Florida Craft Brew &
Wingfest at Royal Palm Pointe on Feb.
16. For more information, visit sunrise- 


People’s Choice:
The Source, Classic Chili

American Cancer Society,
Relay for Life, Teamwork Chili

Sailfish Brewing Company,

Chili Beer
Pizzoodles, Italian Chili
Civic Organization:
Vero Beach Lifeguard Association,
Red Tide Chili from Waldo’s
Hodge Podge, Chili

30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 Shelley Adelle and Richard Giessert. The Humdingers.
Richard Schlitt with Emily Wilcox and Winnie Wilcox.

Loretta Martin with Collin Brosche, Tim Martin Brenda Hodge, Kim Orndorff and Kynn Reeves. Mike Todd with Sebastian Todd.
and Tamsin, and Shane Brosche with son Cooper.


32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ballet Vero branches out with talented konverjdans trio

BY MICHELLE GENZ almost a given that the friendship that
Staff Write developed was bound to benefit audi-
ences at some point.
Since its inception, Ballet Vero
Beach founders Adam Schnell and That moment has come. Next
Camilo Rodriguez have relied on Wednesday, the trio of women found-
their friendships with dancers to fill ers of the young New York company
the stages here in Vero. So when New konverjdans will offer a program of
York City Ballet’s legendary ballerina the company’s original choreography
Wendy Whelan visited here for a Bal- in the Vero Beach Museum of Art’s Le-
let Vero Beach benefit last fall, it was onhardt Auditorium.

Audiences are used to seeing differ-

Amy Saunder, Jordan Miller and Tiffany
Mangulabnan Founder/Directors of konverjdans.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 33


ent companies perform in late sum- company, she went from the corps de
mer at Riverside Theatre in conjunc- ballet to a soloist. In 2010, she became a
tion with the Riverside Dance Festival, principal dancer, starting with the dual
a two-week summer intensive which role of Odette/Odile in “Swan Lake.”
Schnell and Rodriguez teach alongside Beyond the great story ballets, she also
the guest company’s dancers. During danced in contemporary works.
Ballet Vero Beach’s winter and spring
performances, they have imported She cites as her mentor a San Fran-
dancers from their sister company, cisco-based Filipino choreographer,
Ballet Nebraska, now called American Enrico Labayen, whom she met as a
Midwest Ballet. teenager almost burned out on ballet.
When he taught a class at her studio,
This is the first time Ballet Vero the spark ignited. As she told a news-
Beach has brought in a different com- letter in the Philippines, “Boom! Ev-
pany. The konverjdans dancers will be erything just made sense to me. He
joined in one dance by Rodriguez, in made us dance with all our souls.”
a work they will choreograph collab-
oratively over the course of their one- CONTINUED ON PAGE 34
week visit to Vero.
“All of this experience, personal and
Like Rodriguez, all three women have professional, is suddenly compound-
strong ballet backgrounds; Rodriguez ing into this burst of inspiration, or
danced internationally with Les Ballets motivation, to create something out
Trocaderos de Monte Carlo, an all-male of this thing I do,” Miller writes on the
company that performs en travesti – in company website. Placing an emphasis
drag. Rodriguez will dance on pointe on “we,” she marvels at the possibilities
with konverjdans’ three dancers. of collaboration. “We make statements,
we can make art, we can use our me-
Those three, who also direct and dium as a voice and have conversations
choreograph, are the company’s only with other artists in this space we’ve
full-time dancers. But since their be- created together.”
ginnings in 2016, they have garnered
a long list of collaborators, including Saunder began dancing at a very
not only dancers – male and female – young age in Harare, Zimbabwe’s
but musicians, artists and even cloth- capital and biggest city. She moved to
ing designers. Hence the name – con- the U.S. in 2001, and was accepted into
verge-dance. the North Carolina School of the Arts.
While training during the school year
Konverjdans came together through in at the highly regarded Wake For-
a three-way best friendship between est academy, she spent her summers
Amy Saunder, born in Zimbabwe and at various ballet intensives including
schooled at the North Carolina School Pacific Northwest Ballet, Chautauqua
of the Arts; Jordan Miller, Indiana-born Institute and Harid Conservatory in
but a New Yorker since the age of 15; Boca Raton. After two years as a train-
and Tiffany Mangulabnan, who grew ee with Richmond Ballet, she became
up in the Philippines. a company member at the Suzanne
Farrell Ballet in Washington, D.C. Like
At 15, Miller began two years of Miller, Saunder also danced with Bal-
training at the School of American letNext, another collaborative com-
Ballet and was eventually asked to pany whose artistic director, Michele
become an apprentice with the New Wiles, was a principal dancer with
York City Ballet, performing at Lincoln American Ballet Theatre.
Center for a year and a half. She is now
a freelancer dancer, having danced Mangulabnan danced for five years
with such company as Pennsylvania with the Philippine Ballet Theatre,
Ballet and BalletNext and soon to per- whose conservatory she trained at as
form with Aspen Santa Fe Ballet. She is a child. In her first five years with the
also a teacher of Pilates.


7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711

34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 ARTS & THEATRE Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 what they did,” he said.
“A lot of people throw around the
Later, in San Francisco, she danced
Labayen, in the contemporary dance term contemporary ballet, but very
company, Lines Ballet. Like her fellow few people use ballet vocabulary in a
konverjdans founders, Mangulabnan truly ‘now’ sort of way. Most people say
too danced with BalletNext. contemporary, and they’ll throw on
a pointe shoe, but they’re really doing
As for the dance being created with modern dance. I’m encouraged to see
Rodriguez, ballet master of Ballet three artists who are exceptionally tal-
Vero Beach, he says they have the ba- ented and have an amazing ballet ped-
sics of a concept, even without meet- igree say, ‘We would like to create our
ing. “We have selected our music and own dance voice in the dance world.’
we have an outline of how the piece is In my opinion, their voice is unique. It’s
going to go. Then we’ll have five stu- important to foster that.”
dio days to put it together when they
arrive on the 30th.” Whelan, who gave her last perfor-
mance with New York City Ballet in
“The new work is only a third of the 2014, has developed a passion for mod-
program,” says Rodriguez. “They’re ern dance and contemporary ballet.
bringing some new work that they’ve Her documentary “Restless Creature”
developed recently. You will learn was screened as part of a benefit for
what the company’s about. That’s al- Ballet Vero Beach.
ways important to us.”
Whelan predicted then it wouldn’t
Adam Schnell has stayed in touch be hard to attract dance talent to Vero.
with Wendy Whelan since her visit. “I “Florida in the winter? They’ll be flock-
won’t put words in her mouth, but she ing here,” she said.
thought it was great that we were try-
ing to develop a dance community. So Konverjdans performs Wednesday,
I asked, would you like to help? You’re Nov. 7, at 7 p.m. at the Leonhardt Au-
up there in New York, you have a big ditorium in the Vero Beach Museum of
name, just throw me an organization Art. General admission seats, $35, are
I should be look at that hasn’t quite available through the Ballet Vero Beach
exploded onto the national scene and website, Sub-
could use the exposure.” scribers to the ballet’s full season get a
discounted price of $30. 
Whelan suggested konverjdans, and
Schnell checked out the company’s vid-
eos. “I was intrigued when I watched

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 35


Coming Up: ‘Holmes’ is where the Theatre Guild’s heart is

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA ing Arts Center. “Many Hearts, One horn player Juan Berrios joins the
Staff Writer Pulse” is a moving work composed orchestra for this work. The second
by Joshua Hobbs as a requiem for the half of the concert will include Dutch
1 “The Game’s Afoot or Holmes victims of the tragic Pulse nightclub composer Johan de Meij’s epic 1st
for the Holidays” is a very fun- mass shooting in Orlando on June Symphony, “The Lord of the Rings.”
12, 2016, when 49 people died and 53 (No, not the movie score.) De Meij
ny, drawing-room mystery (the were wounded. Hobbs will be guest wrote his captivating J.R.R. Tolkien-
conductor. He explains that the title inspired symphony way back in 1988.
playwright Ken Ludwig bills it as “a refers to the “huge, spontaneous up- According to Wikipedia, the work
welling of love for the victims and made de Meij “world-renowned as a
comedy thriller”), and you can (and their families.” Dallas Brass virtuoso
should) catch it at the Vero Beach

Theatre Guild starting Tuesday, 2 Sunday at Vero Beach High
School Performing Arts Center.
Nov. 6. Ludwig, known for his period

farces, also penned “Lend Me A Ten-

or” and “Moon Over Buffalo.” “The

Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Hol-

iday” action takes place during the

Christmas Season, 1936. According

to the Guild’s synopsis, William Gil-

lette, a world-famous Broadway star

known for his starring role in the play

“Sherlock Holmes,” is convalescing

at his home following an attempt on

his life, and decides to cheer him-

self up by inviting his fellow cast

members over for a festive holiday

weekend of good cheer and revelry

as he recovers. As it happened, ac-

cording to,

Gillette, with the blessing of Arthur

Conan Doyle, wrote the Sherlock

Holmes play in which he has starred

for decades, resulting in his amass-

ing quite a fortune, which he used to

build an actual castle on the Con-

necticut River, “complete with se-

cret passages, hidden rooms, and

state-of-the-art gadgets like an in-

tercom and a remote control.” When

one of the guests is inconveniently

stabbed to death, the frivolity turns

to danger. But Gillette is up to the

task. He assumes the persona of his

beloved alter ego, Holmes, and the

game’s afoot in this “isolated house

of tricks and mirrors,” racing to

track down the killer before there’s

another death. The danger and hi-

larity never stop in this stylish who-

dunit. It’s an “hilarious, quirky and

thrilling alternative to your stan-

dard holiday entertainment!” And

couldn’t we all benefit from some

lighthearted laughs about now?

“The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for

the Holidays” runs through Nov. 18.

It’s my guess that this one could sell

quickly, so I’d secure those tickets

sooner rather than later. Curtain:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

and Fridays, 7:30 p.m.; Saturdays

and Sundays, 2 p.m. Tickets: $15 to

$30. 772-562-8300.

2 A pair of powerful pieces: This
Sunday, the Space Coast Sym-

phony Wind Orchestra will present

a dynamic, two-part concert at the

Vero Beach High School Perform-

36 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


top composer for wind orchestra, a and Saturday, Nov. 2- 3. Burning the
rank he retains to this day.” The piece funny this weekend will be Juanita
consists of “Gandolf,” “Lothlorien,” Lolita, (a very rare breed – the Na-
“Gollum,” “Journey in the Dark” and tive Floridian); and comedian/ma-
“Hobbits.” Also on the program are gician/juggler Kevin Lee. According
Frank Ticheli’s “Angels in the Archi- to her bio, Lolita started her comedy
tecture” and Hobbs’ “Into the Blue.” career in 2008 when a co-worker
Time: 3 p.m. Tickets: adults $25 in signed her up for a local comedy
advance at www.SpaceCoastSym- club’s open mic night contest. She or at Marine Bank beach- won, and advanced all the way to
side and mainland; at the door, $30; “Florida’s Funniest Person” finals
18 and under or with student ID, free. where she came in fourth overall,
855-252-7276. and she’s been performing in clubs
across the state. You’ll find her clean
3 It’s Comedy Zone weekend at comedic style refreshing and, with
Riverside Theatre, this Friday her Hispanic-hillbilly background,

you’ll also find her everyday life 3 Juanita Lolita and Kevin Lee.
comedy relatable and very funny.
Lee’s unique performance combo DooWop City will keep the beat
will get you not only laughing but brisk with Oldies Rock ’n’ Roll. On
also wondering how the heck he Saturday, Collins and Company will
does all that stuff. His bio says bring their classic rock stylings to
he’s appeared on “Showtime at the the Loop. Of course, there’s always
Apollo,” HBO’s “Def Comedy Jam” a full outdoor bar and grill, as well.
and Jamie Foxx’s “Uptown Comedy Also, don’t B.Y.O. food or beverages.
Club,” and was voted “Washington’s Comedy Zone times: 7:30 p.m. and
Funniest Comedian” by Washing- 9:30 p.m. Live in the Loop: 6:30 p.m.
tonian Magazine. But, come on … Comedy Zone tickets: $12 to $18.
juggling bowling balls, frying pans, Live in the Loop: free, no ticket re-
machetes? Oh, and then there’s quired. 772-231-6990. 
the fire- and sword-swallowing.
All those crazy skills have landed
Lee on stage with such glitterati as
Gladys Knight, Chris Rock, Whitney
Houston, Chris Tucker and Sinbad,
and he’s performed for the troops in
Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm
and still entertains at military bases
around the world. Before the laughs
begin, and all through the evening,
you can always count on Live in
the Loop, free live music under the
oaks on the outdoor stage. Friday,


Arvind Kumar A pedestrian crosses a road in New Delhi, India

Asia’s largest economy, China, has tional approach that’s helped China put to the test as winter descends on rent size of $2.6 trillion that works out
long had a reputation for smoggy reduce pollution. the dusty plains of north India. Crops to about $221 billion every year.
skies. But these days, neighboring In- are burned during this season and mil-
dia is fighting the far bigger battle with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s lions of fireworks go off during the Di- While India is currently the world’s
pollution: The South Asian country is government is now pushing new ini- wali festival, usually pushing air pollu- fastest growing major economy, Chi-
home to the world’s 10 most polluted tiatives it says are starting to curtail tion to hazardous levels. na’s $12.2 trillion economy is five times
cities. hazardous air. But any gains would larger. The South Asian country is still
have to be enough to override other If strict policies to battle smog were trying desperately to promote basic
Outside India’s capital, New Delhi, facets of India’s rampant growth, from successfully implemented, India’s citi- manufacturing, which could cause
Kusum Malik Tomar knows the per- the dust left by thousands of new con- zens and government would be much pollution to worsen, said Raghbendra
sonal and economic price of breath- struction sites to exhaust from millions richer. By the World Bank’s calcula- Jha, an Australian National University
ing some of the world’s most toxic air. of new cars. tions, health-care fees and productiv- economics professor.
At 29, she learned that pollution was ity losses from pollution cost India as
the likely driver of the cancer grow- In the coming weeks, the Modi gov- much as 8.5 percent of GDP. At its cur- “It’s too simplistic to assume a
ing inside in her lungs. She had never ernment’s policies on pollution will be smooth transition” to clean economic
touched a cigarette. growth in India, he said.

Her husband Vivek sold land to When Arvind Kumar of New Delhi’s
pay for her treatment. They borrowed Sir Ganga Ram Hospital started as a
money from family. Their savings slow- chest surgeon in 1988, 90 percent of
ly disappeared. his lung cancer patients were middle-
aged male smokers. Now, he says, 60
“The government is thinking about percent of his cases are non-smokers,
the economic growth of the coun- while half are women. Tiny airborne
try, but people are dying of diseases particles have been linked to ailments
or suffering from diseases,” Tomar from asthma to heart disease and lung
said. “How can you grow economi- cancer, contributing to the deaths of
cally when, within your country, your more than 1.1 million Indians in 2015,
citizens are facing economic problems according to the nonprofit Health Ef-
because of the air pollution?” fects Institute.

India has long struggled to pull to- Meanwhile, after two decades of ex-
gether the type of coordinated na- pansion that reshaped the global econ-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 39

omy, China is orchestrating a shift to INSIGHT COVER STORY
less-polluting services and consump-
tion. So while its cities still see smoggy mentalists are still waiting for more
days, they’ve also seen improvements. concrete targets from a national clean
air plan that has yet to be officially
The number of “very unhealthy” launched.
days or worse – when levels of dan-
gerous particles called PM2.5 crossed “Any plan at this stage requires re-
200 – rose to 84 in New Delhi in 2017 duction targets,” said Anumita Roy-
from 66 in 2015, according to analy- chowdhury, who’s advocated on air
sis of air quality data from AirVisual, pollution for more than 20 years at
which tracks air quality. In Beijing they New Delhi’s Centre for Science and En-
dropped to 20 days from around 43 vironment. “And there has to be a clear
over the same period. compliance strategy.”

“The major challenge is that people There’s an additional challenge.
are not consistently demanding im- In India’s chaotic democracy, where
provements in air pollution, as hap- poverty and unemployment are of-
pened in China,” Michael Greenstone, ten seen as bigger concerns, different
director of the Energy Policy Institute branches of government run by com-
at the University of Chicago, said via peting political parties sometimes
e-mail. “This is because the extent to have little incentive to collaborate on
which air pollution is causing people pollution.
in India to lead shorter and sicker
lives is not yet fully recognized.” Raghav Chadha, a spokesperson for
the Aam Aadmi Party that runs New
India’s government has said some Delhi’s local government, complains
international studies linking air pollu- his party has limited powers on pollu-
tion to mortality “may not be realistic” tion, and can only take small steps like
and that the “number of deaths due temporarily banning construction.
to air pollution needs to be further “What is required is coordination be-
investigated and supported by indig- tween various states governments un-
enous studies.” der the leadership of the central gov-
ernment,” he said, adding his party
The country’s environment minis- has “serious differences” with Modi’s
try says it’s also making headway in administration.
reducing bad air, citing its own cal-
culations for this September when China, by contrast, had Premier Li
it says levels of PM2.5 came down in Keqiang declare a national war on pol-
Delhi. The ministry has introduced lution. The central government also
an early warning system to help it told local officials they wouldn’t get
take preemptive action before pol- promoted without meeting air quality
lution spikes and it’s planned other targets, and the country has sought to
measures like deploying more road move away from polluting industries.
sweeping machines. Government policies forced millions of
homes and businesses to switch from
The government acknowledges that coal to cleaner-burning natural gas.
more needs to be done, said Harsh
Vardhan, the federal minister respon- STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 42
sible for the environment and climate
change. “We are not claiming that
everything is fine now, we can relax
now. We’re not relaxing even for a mo-

Modi’s government has also pro-
moted solar power, improved emission
standards and handed out millions of
cooking gas canisters to reduce kitchen
fires inside homes.

Officials have also tried to ban farm-
ers from burning crops. But environ-

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42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Concentrations of PM2.5 plunged the U.S. and India,” says Daniel Gard- In some cases, China simply closed plan that extended pollution targets
33 percent in Beijing, Tianjin and 26 ner, a history professor at Smith Col- down polluting industries in key cit- to other cities.
surrounding cities in last year’s fourth lege who has written a book on pollu- ies and shifted them to western re-
quarter from the previous year. tion in China. gions, said Kristin Aunan, a senior In India, businesses are already feel-
researcher at the Center for Interna- ing the effects. Billionaire entrepreneur
“Beijing has the capacity to act China continues to battle a can- tional Climate Research. Still, China Vijay Shekhar Sharma, who founded
speedily and decisively, and certainly cer epidemic, and its efforts on pol- later followed up with an updated the digital payments firm Paytm, wor-
more efficiently than democracies like lution have had their own problems. ries about losing talent.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 43


Former banker Krishna Hegde re- be coming down, and by the end of ing similar projects. Tractor manufac- spends her days resting in the apart-
located from Singapore to Bangalore the second day I’d have a proper head- turer Sonalika Group donated machin- ment between medical tests and che-
to develop new products for Paytm, ache,” Hegde said. ery designed to encourage farmers in motherapy appointments.
but said he quit mainly because he Haryana to stop burning old crop.
couldn’t take trips to the firm’s head- Sharma has teamed up with a ven- “Sometimes I break down that my
quarters near Delhi. “By the end of ture capitalist to invest in local and In New Delhi, Tomar, who was di- family is bearing so much – mentally,
the first day my energy levels would global startups that could help reduce agnosed six years ago with stage four physically, emotionally, but financially
smog. Other companies are attempt- lung cancer, can no longer work. She also,” she said. 

44 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



Like many diligent public servants, earlier. Though federal accident tallies giving its teenage customers Amazon. a good chance in 10 of those states.
Georgia state Representative Ed Setzler have yet to be released, there’s some com gift cards for staying off the phone “We’ve finally got all the kinks out,” she
enjoys crowing about a nice, tidy high- evidence these laws are working. while driving. said. “And the public is finally at the
way project. In a Sept. 8 Facebook video, point where they’re fed up. They know
the Republican appeared to be doing TrueMotion, a Massachusetts-based “The really interesting thing about all this is a massive problem.”
just that from behind the wheel of a car. company that monitors mobile-phone of this – there seems to be a strong cor-
use for insurance companies, said levels relation between the amount of media Meanwhile, Carson, the architect of
This was less than three months after of distraction in Rhode Island and Geor- exposure distraction is getting and the the Georgia bill, has become a paragon
the state overwhelmingly passed a ban gia dropped by 19 percent in the month drop in distraction,” said TrueMotion of political dexterity in a tremendously
on handheld phone use in cars – legis- after each law took effect. Georgia, one marketing director Matt Fiorentino. polarized time. Fellow conservatives
lation that Setzler loudly opposed. of the worst offenders when it comes “Most people don’t recognize the danger, from about six states have reached out
to smartphone use at the wheel, saw a or they don’t recognize their own habits.” to him for tips on addressing distracted
The optics weren’t good. The video 22 percent reduction in texting and app driving – and how to do it without los-
(since removed) triggered a din of out- use during the first month of its law. Lasting progress, however, may be ing support among right-leaning vot-
rage, mostly from parents whose chil- more difficult. Dig a little deeper into ers who tend to be skeptical of govern-
dren were killed by distracted drivers. The results have been clear. Traf- the statistics and the issue appears ment oversight.
Setzler declined to discuss the video. fic fatalities in the state declined by daunting. TrueMotion said the aver-
14 percent this year through Septem- age American driver spends 17 per- “Lawmakers don’t really want to push
As regulators, technology compa- ber. “We’re cautiously optimistic,” said cent of every trip talking, swiping or regulations onto their constituents, pe-
nies and even the most conscientious Captain Derick Durden, a George state texting. Zendrive, another startup that riod,” Carson said. “From the Republi-
road warriors struggle with the univer- trooper. “The law has teeth … and the monitors in-vehicle phone use, said the can side, it looks like big government.
sal urge to tap out a text or tally “likes” compassion period is over; we’re going behavior is rapidly getting worse in al- On the Democrat side, it looks like
in slow-moving traffic, state and local to be aggressively enforcing it now.” most every part of the U.S. more police enforcement.”
policymakers are finally homing in on a
strategy that works: deep and nuanced The prospect of higher insurance Still, Georgia’s numbers are embold- What his fellow lawmakers have been
legislation, robust publicity campaigns rates has also helped buttress such ening lawmakers elsewhere. Stopdis- slow to realize, however, is that most
and steep penalties – topped off with a laws. TrueMotion is now monitoring is pushing hands-free leg- people want a crackdown on distracted
hefty dose of grief for those already lost. drivers for eight of the top 20 U.S. un- islation in 14 states at the moment, from driving. Safety is not a partisan issue,
derwriters, including Nationwide Mu- Florida to Arizona and up to Minnesota. Carson tells them, nor is the irritation
In Georgia, as with much of the U.S., tual Insurance and MetLife. Hanover of waiting while the driver ahead of you
traffic fatalities have spiked in recent Insurance Group, its newest client, is Executive Director Jennifer Smith bangs out a tweet. “The public is way
years. Representative John Carson, estimates that the legislation stands out ahead on this,” he explained. “Every
who sponsored the Georgia legislation, single person I talked to said something
whipped up enough votes with some needs to be done about it.”
simple math. Reducing the state’s traffic
fatalities by 20 percent would save 260 Ironically, the country’s least-dis-
lives a year, the Republican reasoned. tracted drivers are in Alaska, a state
“That’s a high-school class,” Carson that still doesn’t have a law addressing
said before a critical vote in March. hand-held phone use. Perhaps it’s the
majestic scenery that keeps Alaskan
When Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, eyes fixed out the windshield...or may-
also a Republican, finally signed the bill be the $10,000 fine for texting. 
into law July 1, he broke down and took
a moment to gather himself. “This legis- This column by Kyle Stock, which first
lation is Georgia’s way of saying today is appeared on Bloomberg, does not nec-
the day that we say ‘no more.’” essarily reflect the views of Vero Beach
Rhode Island and Oregon passed
similar hands-free mandates months

MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT 2019 outpatient services, home health care, pre- Most people don’t have to pay a monthly © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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nance organization (HMO) or preferred provider patient procedures, rehabilitation therapy,
WHAT IS MEDICARE? organization (PPO) approved by Medicare, oper- laboratory tests, X-rays, mental health ser-
Established 53 years ago, Medicare is a social in- ated by a private insurance company. Currently, vices, ambulance services, blood and out-
surance program administered by the U.S. gov- two-thirds of users are enrolled in Original Medi- patient hospital services.
ernment that provides national health insurance care.
coverage for individuals who are: The standard premium for Part B will be increas-
 Age 65 or older who have worked and paid HOW DOES ORIGINAL MEDICARE WORK? ing in 2019 from today’s $134 to $135.50 per
into the system Almost all hospitals and doctors across the coun- month (or higher depending on your income).
 Of any age who have kidney failure, long-term try accept Original Medicare reimbursement. If After you pay your Part B deductible, you are re-
kidney disease or amyotrophic lateral sclero- you enroll in Original Medicare the government sponsible for paying the remaining 20 percent
sis (Lou Gehrig’s disease) pays Medicare’s share of your medical bills di- of Medicare-approved charges for most doctor
 Permanently disabled and cannot work rectly to participating hospitals and doctors. (outpatient) services, outpatient therapy and
Since inception, Medicare has grown from durable medical equipment.
one-size-fits-all to include multiple models of PART A – HOSPITAL COVERAGE
care. Different types of Medicare plans help Part A covers hospital stays, skilled nursing That’s where Medigap, Original Medicare’s
pay for inpatient hospital care, doctor visits, care after a hospital stay, some home health supplemental plan, comes in. 
services and hospice care. (Doctors are paid Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
through Part B.) ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].

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46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Colm Tóibín’s preoccupation with blood ties is evi- both him and his wife do-not-go-gently poems about
dent in the titles of his fiction (“Mothers and Sons,” aging, such as “The Spur” and “An
“The Empty Family”) and literary criticism (he called and provoked a writ- Acre of Grass.”
a 2012 volume of essays “New Ways to Kill Your Moth-
er”). In his latest work of nonfiction, “Mad, Bad, Dan- ten counterattack from Tóibín judges the relationship
gerous to Know,” the Irish writer turns to paternal of John Stanislaus Joyce (1849-
perplexities – the devotion, rebellion and dependent Jane. Tóibín does a fine 1931) and his son James to be the
estrangement that Oscar Wilde, William Butler Yeats most complicated of his three
and James Joyce experienced with their fathers. “They job showing how ele- pairings. The often-raging elder
created chaos, all three of these fathers,” writes Tóibín, Joyce, dissolute and spendthrift,
“while their sons made work.” However much a hand- ments of the trial – es- plunged his wife and children
ful, each old man was an imaginative necessity to his into misery and fear. Financially
artistically growing boy. pecially Jane’s reckless ruined by his mid-40s, he none-

Tóibín takes a personal approach to biographi- joking in the witness box theless provided his son with
cal discovery, dovetailing reminiscences of his own lavish raw material for fiction.
Dublin days with anecdotes about his subjects. In the – prefigured the spec- He became a half-monstrous
course of a long introduction, he conducts the reader muse, a figure that James Joyce
on a meandering, associative walk through the city. tacle of Oscar Wilde’s liti- alchemized into one book af-
“What is strange, as I move up this street in the scarce ter another, from “Dubliners”
winter light, is how empty Westland Row might seem if gation against the Mar- to “Stephen Hero” (a harsh
you did not look properly, how ordinary and plain.” In
fact it teems with landmarks and apparitions: Wilde’s quess of Queensberry in depiction) to “A Portrait of
birthplace; Joyce’s father’s place of business; the post the Artist as a Young Man” (a
office where Leopold Bloom collects a letter in “Ulyss- 1895. The chief differ- more nuanced one) and fi-
es” – a novel that contains, along with ten thousand nally “Ulysses,” in which we get
other things, brief appearances by Yeats’s sisters, Lily ence, of which he’s also the most “fully socialized” and attractive glimpses of
and Lolly. John Stanislaus. This bonanza of literary capital left
aware, is that the younger the younger Joyce feeling grateful and guilty, in need
For all this interconnectedness, Tóibín manages to of forgiveness, no matter how much the family had
give each literary father a section of his own, begin- Wilde ended up in prison, suffered at the father’s hands.
ning with William Wilde (1815-1876), a polymath of The last stretch of Tóibín’s book is the most straight-
“omnivorous” interests: traveler, naturalist, writer, whereas his parents, who forward, the closest in method to conventional liter-
antiquarian and, foremost, a prominent eye and ear ary criticism. It lacks some of the herky-jerky charms
surgeon. The senior Wilde was also eccentrically lad- lost their case and were and frustrations of the Wilde and Yeats portions, those
en with filth. (Tóibín mentions Yeats’ telling of “an old sometimes awkward parallel parkings of living first-
Dublin riddle: ‘Why are Sir William Wilde’s nails so charged with costs, suf- person author beside long-dead subject. (Tóibín even
black?’ Answer: ‘Because he has scratched himself.’”) goes to Wilde’s old cell in Reading Gaol to read “De
Alternating between depression and hyperactiv- fered barely a whiff of so- Profundis.”) But even in its plain-spoken final section,
ity, William Wilde shared an “unmoored strangeness” this gentle, immersive book holds literary scholarship
with his wife, Jane (pen name “Speranza”), whose writ- cial opprobrium from their to be a heartfelt, heavenly pursuit, a route to “the great,
ings swelled with romantic patriotism and an exalted unsteady archive where our souls will be held.” 
sense of self. Their son Oscar revered both parents as fellow Dubliners.
self-made aristocrats. MAD, BAD, DANGEROUS TO KNOW
Tóibín centers the story
At the heart of their story, in Tóibín’s telling, is the THE FATHERS OF WILDE, YEATS AND JOYCE
1864 libel trial that stemmed from a sexual-assault of John Butler Yeats (1839- 1922) and his
accusation made against William Wilde by one of BY COLM TÓIBÍN | SCRIBNER. 272 PP. $26
his patients, Mary Travers, who vengefully harassed son William on the father’s late-life self-imposed exile REVIEW BY THOMAS MALLON, THE WASHINGTON POST

in New York. John, a lawyer turned painter, famous for

failing to complete most things he started, had been

an “exasperating but also inspirational” parent to his

four hard-working children. During his long stay on

Manhattan’s West 29th Street, he spent much of his

eighth decade not finishing a self-portrait. The hesita-

tions and repaintings no doubt extended his life, turn-

ing him into a variant of Wilde’s Dorian Gray. A won-

derful monologuist and even better letter writer, he

achieved what Tóibín deems “astonishing freshness”

on the page. His liveliest letters home went to a wom-

an his age named Rosa Butt. In them he imagined the

marriage they might have had: “you would think of

asking for a separate room, not that you really meant

it, but just as a demonstration.”

Before emigrating, John had found his son’s com-

pany a “strain.” He borrowed Willie’s money and op-

posed the “magical pursuits” that gave rise to much

of his poetry. Even so, the son envied his father’s lusty

capacity for happiness, and later, after much transat-

lantic tension, allowed that quality to suffuse his own


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 47


The winter and spring of 1968 and 1969 were bit-

ter seasons in black America. The trauma of the Rev.

Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination in Memphis

and the ensuing riots that erupted in cities nation-

wide had barely subsided. The defiant spirit of Black

Power was in the air, symbolized by the black gloved

fists of sprinters John Carlos and Tommie Smith at

the Mexico Olympics that summer. The fall election

of President Richard Nixon on a platform of law and

order boded more conflict with police and the crimi-

nal justice system. Yet against that tense backdrop,

an unlikely, uplifting miracle unfolded in the black

community of Columbus, Ohio. East High, an all-

black school on the city’s East Side, became the first

in that sports-crazed state’s history to win the state-

wide championships in basketball and baseball in the

same year.

Wil Haygood, a Columbus native and former Wash-

ington Post correspondent who wrote the article that

inspired the movie “The Butler,” brings

meticulous reporting East High Baseball Champions 1969.

and vivid writing to

this largely forgotten

story in “Tigerland: To place this rich lo-

1968-1969: A City Di- cal drama in historical

vided, a Nation Torn context, Haygood occa-

Apart, and a Magical sionally digresses into

Season of Healing.” summaries of landmark

(The title comes from stories that in one way

the name of the two Author Wil Haygood. or another set the stage

East High teams, the for it, from the Plessy

Tigers.) In the first half v. Ferguson ruling that

of the book, Haygood sanctioned segregated

re-creates the season schooling to an entire

of the basketball Tigers, chapter on how Jackie

who were bidding to re- Robinson broke the

peat as state champions baseball color barrier.

and were so popular that Unfortunately, some of

their games were played these summaries are

in the coliseum at the long enough to interrupt

Ohio State Fairgrounds. the narrative but not

It’s a good tale, but not as long enough to do jus-

good as the second part tice to important details.

of the book, which is de- Yet that’s a small flaw

voted to the improbable in a book that is both

run of the baseball Tigers. highly readable and a

They wore faded uniforms valuable contribution to

and hand-me-down gloves, the under-appreciated

used folding chairs in lieu history of the African-

of a dugout and played to American North in the

empty bleachers. Yet some- out with the New York Mets that ended when he wake of the Great Migration. Like so many communi-

how, they made it to the state playoffs protested the team’s efforts to move him to third base. ties formed by that exodus, the East Side of Columbus

at Ohio State University, where in the finals they de- The real heroes of this story aren’t the players, how- eventually fell victim to urban renewal that severed

feated a heavily favored, well-funded all-white team ever, but the adults who raised and supported them. it from downtown; to white flight that drained finan-

from suburban Upper Arlington High, a sports pow- Like several of the mothers in the book, Lucy Lamar cial and political support; and to a failed busing ex-

erhouse that counted golf great Jack Nicklaus among had moved from the South in the Great Migration and periment that inflamed racial tensions. But that’s only

its alumni. raised four sons by herself on the unpredictable wag- part of the story. The other part is the sacrifice, ambi-

The star of both teams was Ed “Eddie Rat” Ratleff, a es of a domestic; yet she was willing to rent an apart- tion and perseverance exemplified by Davis’ mother,

lanky, handsome natural athlete who played forward ment in a housing project across town so that Bo- Gardenia, who took that job at East High to support

and was the school’s best pitcher. On the basketball Pete could play for East High. Jack Gibbs, the school’s her children while their father served prison time in

court, he formed an explosive troika with forward black principal, was a disciplinarian who chided stu- South Carolina. Now in his 60s, Garnett Davis contin-

Nick Conner and guard Dwight “Bo-Pete” Lamar, who dents about slovenly appearances and bad grades, ues the tradition by visiting his alma mater to remind

in a sign of the rebellious times had transferred to East but also cajoled local businessmen to pay for buses to students of its past glory, and by running a baseball

High after his previous high school demanded that he away games and created a job at the school for Davis’ camp to keep the fatherless boys of the East Side off

cut his bushy Afro. On the baseball field, Eddie Rat mother when the family faced eviction. Other noble the streets. 

threw to catcher Garnett Davis, the team’s best hitter, figures in this it-takes-a-village tableau include the

who had learned the game from local Negro League Rev. Phale Hale, the pastor of the local Baptist church TIGERLAND
and friend of the King family; Carl Brown, the owner
era coaches who formed a Little League franchise for 1968-1969: A CITY DIVIDED, A NATION TORN APART,

black Columbus youth nicknamed the Peers CLUB. of the only black-run grocery store on the East Side; AND A MAGICAL SEASON OF HEALING
and Hiram Tanner, a sports writer who followed the
After high school, Ratleff and Lamar would both be Tiger teams for the city’s black newspaper, the Co- BY WIL HAYGOOD | KNOPF. 420 PP. $27.95
named college basketball All-Americans and go on

to pro careers; Davis would get a minor league try-

48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Don’t go it alone: Needing others key to emotional survival

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT tween, we need each other even more! the material? What mind conceived many more people are connected to
Columnists What do you think about the old pro- the technology of weaving? Whose you through the food you eat, the home
artistic soul imagined the colors and in which you live, the car you drive, the
Do you remember the book “Tuesdays fessor’s assertion? Do you think we need designs? Someone sewed it. Someone books you read, the internet you surf, the
with Morrie” by Mitch Albom? The book each other to survive? Unfortunately, it folded it. Someone inspected it. Some- cell phone you answer? And on and on
chronicles the conversations between seems that many of us forget our tre- one shipped it. Someone hung it on it goes.
Albom and a favorite elderly professor of mendous dependency upon one anoth- the rack at the store. Someone sold it
his, Morrie Swartz, who is dying of ALS. er. Instead we often slide through life to you. Now contemplate the question We dare not allow ourselves the arro-
with a sense of our own self-sufficiency, again. Is it yours alone? gance to ever believe we do it alone. So
During the last weeks of his life, and only in rare and startling moments surely the old professor was right. Be-
when Morrie is almost entirely immobi- do we finally gain insight into our in- Of course, the thoughtful answer must tween the two hospitals, the one we are
lized and dependent on others for every escapable interconnectedness and our surely be that it is only temporarily or born in and the one we will die in, we
aspect of his care, he offers Albom a re- tremendous need for one another. even tentatively yours, because a whole need each other desperately to survive.
markable insight. He says that when we host of people are connected to it. How
are infants we need people to survive. A thought-provoking piece by writer And of course, it is not only that we
And when we are dying we need people Michael Walton asks us to consider all need each other for physical survival.
to survive. But amazingly enough, in be- our deep human interconnectedness We need each other for emotional and
this way: take something as simple spiritual survival, as well. Perhaps that is
as an article of clothing you are pres- why one of the earliest statements about
ently wearing. Is it yours alone? Where human interconnectedness in the Bib-
did it come from? Try to imagine the lical texts comes to us from the book of
process from raw material, natural or Genesis, where in God’s voice we hear
synthetic. Is it cotton, grown from a the words: “It is not good that the man
seed? Who planted the seed? Is it poly- should be alone; I will make him a helper
ester, made from petroleum products? as his partner.”
What ancient fossils deep within the
earth made the oil? How many differ- Who are your partners in life? Be
ent humans have touched and shaped grateful for all the ways they support
the stuff of your clothing? Field work- you – and for your privilege of sup-
ers? Roughnecks on oil rigs? Who wove porting them. After all, it is not good
to be alone! 

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 49




By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 8 7 5 4

Carmine Gallo, an expert in business communications and leadership skills, said, “Nothing KJ2
is more dramatic than a well-placed pause.”
That pause might also be critical in a comedy. At the bridge table, though, we might need 10 9 8 EAST
one card to be well-placed. In this deal, South was in six hearts. Which one card did he 2
hope East held? How did South play after West led the spade 10? 9653 Q764
10 7 6 4 2
South’s jump to four hearts, a superaccept, promised four-card support and a good hand 93
for hearts. I believe, though, that the hand should have had a doubleton.
Q 10 8
Declarer had 10 top tricks: two spades, six hearts and two diamonds. He could have
established a club winner and had two finesses that he might have tried. AJ85

There was a temptation to take the spade finesse at trick one, but South realized that that SOUTH
could wait. If he could just find East with the club ace, the contract was safe.
Declarer took the first trick with his spade king, drew trumps ending on the board and led
dummy’s club. East defended well by not taking the trick. However, South won with his AKQ6
king, ruffed the club three, played a trump to his hand, led the club queen and, instead of
ruffing it, discarded dummy’s low diamond. A74

East took the trick, but was endplayed. If he led a spade or diamond, it would have been KQ3
away from his queen into dummy’s tenace. So he tried the club jack, but declarer ruffed
in his hand (a seventh trump trick) and discarded the spade jack from the dummy. He Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
claimed two spades, six hearts, two diamonds, one club and the club ruff.
The Bidding:

2 NT Pass 3 Diamonds Pass
4 Hearts Pass 6 Hearts All Pass LEAD:
10 Spades

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50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

7 Dissertation (6) 1 Crowd supervisor (7)
8 Astride (6) 2 Deer meat (7)
10 Hummed; vibrated (7) 3 Scales sign (5)
11 Exercise (5) 4 Training school (7)
12 Castle (4) 5 Redbreast (5)
13 Fortunate; sticky? (5) 6 Religious song (5)
17 Tumbler or flute? (5) 9 Excessively (2,7)
18 Hurry; hyphen (4) 14 Frivolous (7)
22 Ring loud and deep (5) 15 Doctor’s visitor; composed (7)
23 Non-believer (7) 16 Sleep (4-3)
24 Reward on head of criminal (6) 19 Diving equipment (5)
25 Thin (6) 20 Imprecise (5)
21 Military uniform (5)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

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