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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-11-01 12:18:19

11/01/2018 ISSUE 44


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 51


ACROSS in the woods 49 Cole or Wood The Washington Post
1 Put an end to 93 Splendor in the Grass 50 Gradual developer
7 Alley prowlers 52 Alley sessions
14 Keats and colleagues screenwriter 53 Volcano N of Catania
20 King of pop 94 “No sweat” 55 Pierces
21 Ready for action 95 Bible bk. 57 Bouncer?
22 WWII cannon 96 Part of an Irish slogan 59 Minimally
23 Concert-hall key? 97 Horns 63 Fathered
24 Indy entrant 99 Intimidating sound 64 Cinematographer Nykvist
25 She ruined the Soup Nazi 100 Menotti opera, ___ Goes to
and namesakes
on Seinfeld the Ball 67 Tarkington boy
26 One of Ransom’s ideas 102 Former name of a great 69 Apportions (out)
27 Twists 70 Specialized languages
29 Backdrop of some Chinese river 72 Dance lesson
104 And others, in Latin 74 History info
American in Paris scenes 106 Of the number 10 77 Cigarette cemeteries
31 Secret org. 107 Hot fast food 79 Royal Indian, variantly
32 Monty Python member who 108 Pressing 81 Skunk River region
109 Bruckner and others 82 Bad day on Wall Street
tried to sell a dead parrot 110 Efficiency expert’s study 83 Home of the McKenzie
34 Contented sounds 111 Analyzes,
35 Role for Clark brothers
36 Salon focus as a sentence 84 Smarts
37 British gun DOWN 85 Mason’s need
38 Hit the road 1 Cliffs 86 National song
39 Into chunks 2 Rushed 88 Points of view
41 Religion that advocates 3 Jim Palmer, once 89 Of the nostrils
4 Bricks amount? 90 Mast attachments
world unity 5 Comic relief of a sort 93 Fireplace, old-style
43 Roman landmark 6 German title 94 Stars, in Latin
44 Harris character 7 Trattoria dessert 96 Clarinet socket
47 Italian meat, to an Italian 8 Cat ___ Tin Roof 97 Study for a surgeon-to-be:
48 Author of Egg Monsters 9 Clublike weapons
10 Keys, in French abbr.
from Mars 11 NRC’s predecessor 98 Enlist again
51 Snigglers 12 Refuse reducer 101 Seven-faced doctor of film
52 City of New York 13 Pushcart purveyors
54 Ward (off) 14 Trait of summer shoes fame
56 Fighter in training 15 Clinton beat him 103 Weatherman’s org.
58 Canadian prov. 16 “___ girl watcher ...” (lyric 105 Growing field?: abbr.
60 British school from an O’Kaysions hit)
61 Tiny one 17 ___ column WORDINGTON BOULEVARD By Merl Reagle
62 Shoulder warmers 18 Throat thingy
63 Perfumes 19 Marred by wet streaks
65 Pilot’s concern: abbr. 28 Mountaineer’s tool
66 Take ___ (swim) 30 End of an ailment
68 Earthenware jar 33 Natural, in a way
69 Heart part 35 Pass a second time on the
71 French busts? track
73 Boundaries, in Spanish 36 Descendant of Noah’s
75 More macabre second son
76 Actress Berger 38 Register of the renowned
78 Less sloppy 39 Like some panels
79 Texas team 40 Really illogical
80 Spotted anew 42 Some hairdos
82 Singing voice 43 Homes with bars
83 Dins 44 “Great masterpieces do not
86 Start of a Fats Domino give us their ___ the
beginning” (Proust)
classic 45 Finds another secret spot for
87 Car colors 46 Native of Susa
91 Polished off in nothing flat 47 Roomy road
92 Stealth foilers,

The Telegraph

52 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Time to make a clean break by evicting messy daughter?

BY CAROLYN HAX I work a full-time job, as does my roomie. My daugh- If you want cleanliness, then you evict your daughter.
Washington Post ter works, too, but not always full time, so she has PLEN- If you want your daughter there, then you live with
TY of time to clean up. the mess.
Hi, Carolyn: [Side note: Please, outraged readership, conserve
I bought a house about a year Any suggestions short of throwing everyone out of my electrons by not writing to me that the daughter
ago and my daughter and her house? “should” clean up, respect her mother, stop being an
three kids moved in with me. I ungrateful exemplar of everything wrong with kids/
am single and live downstairs – J. society/our country these days, etc. If I could control
in the in-law suite with a room- what other people do, then they’d all be out mailing
mate who is my friend. J.: “Dear Carolyn: Is there anything I can do to solve me checks.]
The children are 13, 10 and 2. My daughter is 30. my problem, except the one thing that will solve my There are degrees in between filth and eviction, of
And to say they are lazy – and will not under any problem?” course, but only the degrees to which your daughter is
circumstances clean anything – is an understate- willing to cooperate, which are apparently 0.
ment of biblical proportions! Possibly the most common phrasing I see. Her kids may be salvageable still, and maybe you
My only request for her living here was to please can task them and teach them to clean, but that’s also
keep the house clean. My daughter does not pay a boundary you need to negotiate with your daughter.
any bills here, just my roommate and I do, and our The operative word in your letter, by the way, is
space downstairs is always clean. It is just a kick “request.” A request can be denied. Rudely, ungrate-
in the teeth when they are so disrespectful. I keep fully, gallingly, call it what you will, but by making your
asking, yelling, demanding, talking, but nothing! terms a request, you’ve made them your daughter’s
My friend suggested we take all the dishes, cups, prerogative.
glasses, silverware, box them up and just give them If you want to fix that – huge “if” – then do the one
disposable everything. thing you’ve refused to do and change the request to
My daughter’s excuse is she has three kids. a condition, with X days’ notice: “You can live in my
What?!! No, she sits on her butt with her face in her house expense-free, but only if you keep it clean.
phone, and her kids are the same. Their rooms are If you do not keep it clean, then you can’t live in my
disgusting, all of them! When I have had enough, I house expense-free.”
clean it. I know, wrong thing to do, but I can’t stand Don’t set any conditions you’re unwilling to en-
it and I have no idea how to get them to just clean force. Or unable to, meaning, run them by a qualified
up! And yes, I do need to go upstairs, to do laundry, local attorney first – though I hope for everyone’s sake
to watch the children and sometimes use the oven. it never comes to that. 


54 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


New dialysis center aims for more patient-centric approach

BY TOM LLOYD in stage three of this five-stage disease
Staff Writer don’t even know they have it.

Medicine isn’t always a numbers Worse, the University of California
game. If it were we’d all probably be San Francisco says each year more
paying a lot more attention to end- than 650,000 people will find them-
stage renal disease or ESRD. selves in the fifth and final stage of
renal disease and some 90,000 Amer-
More than 31 million Americans suf- icans will die from it.
fer from renal (kidney) disease and, ac-
cording to the American Kidney Fund, So what, exactly, is ESRD?
nine out of 10 people who are already In simple terms, it is kidney failure.
Healthy kidneys filter around 120

Dr. Saatiah Jaffry.


to 150 quarts of blood each day but For years two large, nationwide di-
when the kidneys fail, waste builds alysis providers – Fresenius Medical
up in the blood. If that waste is not Care of North America and DaVita
removed it leads to coma and death. Kidney Care – have dominated the
dialysis field here, but early this year,
Patients who have ESRD will need local nephrologist Dr. Saatiah Jaffry
dialysis for the rest of their lives. Or created an alternative at the Sebas-
a kidney transplant. And transplants tian Dialysis Care Center.
are not easy to come by.
Teaming up with American Renal
So, the vast majority of ESRD pa- Associates, Jaffry, along with clinic
tients will require multiple sessions manager and registered nurse Hayley
of dialysis a week to filter their blood Beidleman and a hand-picked local
and, in many cases, those treatments staff, have been busily building what
can often be impersonal and dehu- they feel is a more patient-centric ap-
manizing, or worse.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 55

proach to dialysis. HEALTH
“American Renal,” says Jaffry, “lets
Sebastian Dialysis Center. ness in whatever life they have.”
their physicians run their clinic the That, she concludes, “is priceless.”
way they want to so I have a lot more
latitude. They let me pick everything I Dr. Saatiah Jaffry is board certified
wanted from the machines to the staff- in nephrology. She can be reached
ing. I have a lot of say over everything.” at Sebastian Dialysis Care Center at
1807 U.S. 1 where the phone number
That includes a say about the im- is 772-581-1041 or at Coastal Kidney
portance of caregiver/patient rela- Care and Hypertension at 7965 Bay
tionships. Street where the phone number is
For example, Jaffry points out that
patients at the mega-chain dialysis She is affiliated with the Sebastian
providers may never know which River Medical Center, Health First
staff members will be working with Holmes Regional Medical Center and
them from visit to visit as they come Health First Palm Bay Hospital. 
in three or four times a week for three
or four hours at a time.

At Sebastian Dialysis Care Center,
on the other hand, a concerted effort
is made to be sure each patient sees
the same staff members every visit.
Not only does that help build a rap-
port, it also makes it more likely the
staff will notice any subtle or major
changes in the patients’ condition.

“The staff,” Jaffry states firmly,
“can make a big difference.”

That said, the term “end stage” is
every bit as gloomy as it sounds.

As the Mayo Clinic puts it, “with
ESRD, you need dialysis or a kidney
transplant to stay alive,” and can-
didly, the odds are against getting a

The Kidney Foundation points
out “more than 122,000 Americans
are currently on the waiting list for
a lifesaving kidney transplant,” but
adds that “fewer than 17,000 people
receive one each year.” Worse, get-
ting a kidney transplant takes more
than luck.

A successful match – meaning
blood types and levels of antibodies
in both donor and recipient are com-
patible – requires extensive testing.
The more co-morbidities a patient
has, the more difficult it is to find a
compatible donor.

If that’s not enough of a challenge,
kidney transplants are major surger-
ies which require a lifetime of pricey
immunosuppressant medications to
prevent rejection of the new organ.
Unfortunately, those same immu-
nosuppressants can seriously com-
promise a patient’s ability to fight off
even the mildest of infections.

Dialysis itself, meanwhile, is a
treatment. It is not a cure.

As the University of California puts
it, “after one year of treatment, even
those on dialysis have a 20-25 percent
mortality rate; which means one in
four will still die.”

Jaffry knows the long-term survival
rates for those with ESRD aren’t great.
The Kidney Foundation puts the av-
erage life expectancy for dialysis pa-
tients at 5-10 years, but Jaffry quickly
adds, “we want our patients to have
dignity and comfort and some happi-

56 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Joint Camp’ helps hip/knee patients get up – and out

BY TOM LLOYD says. “I think that’s great, too.”

Staff Writer Participants are provided a check-

The amount of time patients spend list for what to bring with them to
in a hospital after a total hip or total
knee-replacement procedure contin- the hospital – and what not to bring
ues to plummet at hospitals across
the country – including at Indian Riv- – along with some clear and concise
er Medical Center.
tips for making their homes safer dur-
Just ask Colleen King, manager of
the IRMC rehabilitation department, ing their recovery. They receive in-
and Maria Puras, joint program co-
ordinator. They are key players in the formation on pain management and
Vero hospital’s continuously evolv-
ing rehabilitation program known as medications, durable medical equip-
“Joint Camp.”
ment such as walkers and canes, oc-
Back in 1991, according to the Na-
tional Institutes of Health, patients cupational therapy and even sex after
spent an average of 9.1 days hospital-
ized after a hip replacement. By 2008 joint replacement surgery, along with
that was down to 3.7 days, and today
“the typical hospital stay after hip re- exercise tips and advice.
placement is one night,” according to
the University of California. For most patients, post-op pain man-

Some knee-replacement patients agement is a main concern and the
spend less than 24 hours in the hospital.
good news on that front is IRMC, like
King and Puras employ an infec-
tious sense of humor and an undeni- many hospitals, has moved away from
able rapport with each other and their
patients to encourage people to get relying on opioids for pain control.
up from their post-operative beds as
soon as possible after surgery to start As King almost explains, “we’re do-
rehabilitating those hips and knees.
ing what’s known as the ERAS [or en-
As Puras points out, “we do get
them up out of bed within four hanced recovery after surgery] proto-
hours [after surgery],” though she
admits some patients can be a little col right now.” That, she says, reduces
“grumpy” about that – which is where
a sense of humor helps. narcotic intake but still successfully

“We’re making sure that they’re manages patients’ post-operative pain.
mobile, getting the range of motion
and decreasing the edema at the sur- “What we’re doing now is a ‘cocktail’
gical site, regardless of whether if it’s
a hip or a knee,” King adds. [of drugs] where we use less narcotics,”

That said, the Joint Camp’s work be- King says. “It actually improves the
gins long before a patient is wheeled
into or out of the operating room. outcome because patients don’t have

According to King, Joint Camp ac- all the side-effects [of narcotics], yet

their pain is very well under control.”

Puras jumps in to add, “that’s our

main focus. Managing their pain.

Because if they don’t have their pain

managed, they can’t do anything

with their exercises.”

Another element of IRMC’s Joint

Camp is mak-

‘... if they don’t ing use of folks
have their pain who have “been
there and done

managed, they “We have what
we call Joint

can’t do anything Camp ambassa-
dors who are pri-

Colleen King, manager of rehab services, and with their or patients,” King
joint program coordinator Maria Puras. explains. “One is

PHOTO DENISE RITCHIE exercises.’ a knee patient.
One is a hip pa-

tually begins with – Maria Puras tient. Together
a meeting that lasts they can give the

an hour or an hour patient perspec-

and a half. tive on what to

“We do [the expect.”

meeting] once a week,” she explains; Since the Mayo Clinic reports that

it includes a tour of the hospital to “hip and knee-replacement operations

show patients where to park the day are now among the most commonly

of surgery, where to check in and performed operations in the U.S., with

what to expect. around 1 million procedures per-

“Patients and families can come as formed each year,” both Puras and King

many times as they want leading up are looking forward to helping more pa-

to their surgery,” King continues. tients resolve their hip and knee prob-

They also “have patients come lems by “camping out” with them.

in [for the class] who are not even

scheduled for surgery, but they’ve For more information on Indian

heard about the class so they come River Medical Center’s Joint Camp call

just for future knowledge,” Puras 772-794-2556. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 57


Congestive heart failure is serious for seniors, but treatable

BY FRED CICETTI eases or conditions that damage the ure by doing a detailed medical histo- pressure and reduce heart stress;
Columnist heart muscle. It is often caused by cor- ry, an examination, and several tests. beta-blockers to slow your heart rate
onary artery disease, including heart and lower blood pressure; Digoxin to
Q. What exactly is congestive heart attacks. Diabetes and high blood pres- Tests that are given to determine help the heart beat stronger; and an-
failure? sure also contribute to heart failure. heart failure include an electrocar- ticoagulants (such as warfarin) that
diogram (EKG), a chest X-ray and a help prevent blood clots.
If you have congestive heart failure Coronary artery disease is the lead- blood test for BNP, a hormone that
(CHF), your heart can’t pump enough ing cause of death in men and wom- increases in heart failure. People with severe heart failure
blood. This condition develops over en. It happens when the arteries that may also be given a mechanical heart
time. It is the No. 1 reason people supply blood to the heart become Tests that can identify the cause of pump. A heart transplant is an option
over age 65 go into the hospital. hardened and narrowed. People who heart failure include: an echocardio- when all other treatments fail to con-
have had a heart attack are at high gram that uses sound waves; a Holter trol symptoms. 
Heart failure is most common in risk to develop heart failure. monitor, which is a small box that is
older people, and is more common in worn for 24 hours to provide a contin-
African-Americans. Men have a high- There are a number of things that you uous recording of heart rhythm dur-
er rate of heart failure than women. can do to reduce risk of coronary artery ing normal activity; an exercise stress
But, because women usually live lon- disease and heart failure. For starters, test that reads your EKG and blood
ger, the condition affects more wom- you should keep the following levels pressure before, during or after exer-
en in their 70s and 80s. down: body weight, cholesterol, blood cise to see how your heart responds,
pressure, sugar, alcohol and salt. Exer- and a coronary angiography, which is
In normal hearts, veins bring ox- cise regularly. And, if you smoke, quit. an X-ray of the heart’s blood vessels.
ygen-poor blood from the body to
the right side of the heart. It is then The most common symptoms of There is no cure for heart failure,
pumped through the pulmonary ar- heart failure include shortness of but it can be controlled.
tery to the lungs, where it picks up breath, fatigue and swelling, which
oxygen. From there, the blood re- usually occurs in the ankles, feet and People with CHF are usually put on
turns to the left side of the heart. legs. Swelling is caused by fluid build- a low-salt diet to prevent fluid build-
Then it is pumped through a large ar- up in the body and can lead to weight up. Their doctors may also tell them
tery called the aorta that distributes gain, frequent urination and a cough. to lose weight, quit smoking and re-
blood throughout the body. duce alcohol intake.
Because the symptoms are com-
Heart failure is caused by other dis- mon for other conditions, your doctor Medications that are used include:
will determine if you have heart fail- diuretics, “water pills” to reduce
fluid; ACE inhibitors to lower blood

58 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vuitton’s Cruise show: Feline fancies and souped-up sneakers

BY VICTORIA MOSS Chagall and Eduardo Chillida. Exaggerated shoulders and wickedly are cats. On handbags, as handbags
The show starts. Here come the grav- off-kilter heritage-checked tailoring even – devised in collaboration with
The Telegraph give an impression of modern C-suite American Vogue legend and feline fan-
el-crunching sneakers, plus some over- warriors; while whimsical, pretty print- cier Grace Coddington. “We’re friends
When it comes to dress-code re- the-knee-boot hybrids. Ghesquière, ed blouses paired with is-it-a-beanie-or- and it was great to work together to cre-
quests, there’s nothing like a fash- being a sort of whizz at futuristic sar- is-it-a-beret hats provide a refined sense ate these very funny bags,” Ghesquière
ion show to get to the sharp end of torial imagining, has conjured up a of the revolutionary. smiles later. “Grace and I have a cat and
sartorial considerations. Prior to tribe, some marked by a colorful third dog relationship. She’s a cat person and
Louis Vuitton’s Cruise show – and re- eye painted on by make-up maestro The voluminous nature of the collec- I’m a dog person.”
ally, one shouldn’t call it a show; let’s Pat McGrath. “It’s about eccentricity,” tion was taken from “the shapes of the
say Cruise experience – I received Ghesquière comments later. “How an statues [at the Fondation], which influ- Coddington has sharp form with her
these instructions: “Kindly note the individual can have their own style and enced my silhouette.” And, in a grand illustration work. “I’ve been drawing my
show will be held on white-graveled tradition of admirable eccentrics, there cats for a long time: I did a whole book
grounds, therefore please do keep in start a movement.” inspired by them,” she explains (see her
mind with regards to footwear.” Instagram feed for evidence of her ador-
able output). “So I pulled out their char-
Nicolas Ghesquière, the French acters again: Baby was always fat, and
fashion house’s diminutive and en- Henri was always chunky. Coco was
tirely charming creative director, has the fashion cat. They all have their own
been busy assimilating streetwear character, and that’s what I illustrate.”
into his sharp luxury agenda. Which
means one thing: sneakers. Giant, This capsule ‘Catogram’ collection –
sculpted, slightly ridiculous but ul- featuring whimsical drawings of Cod-
timately fabulous souped-up sneak- dington’s cats Pumpkin and Blanket,
ers. On the feet of his front-row influ- and of Léon, Ghesquière’s dog – rather
encers, and on the thankful models, brilliantly includes an umbrella, “in
weaving their way along his catwalk. case it were raining cats and dogs,” as
well as “a blanket printed with Blanket,
No, not catwalk. This isn’t really a my cat.” Coddington adds: “I even made
catwalk as much as this experience a trunk, containing bags filled with
isn’t really a show. It is – bear with me, crayons, pencils and paper … all things
we are in the world of Vuitton – a maze. connected with what I’d like to do if
This is an artful (literally, with an Al- I were to go on a picnic. I have a table-
berto Giacometti here, an Alexander cloth, a few little stools … my pajamas
Calder there), white-graveled expanse to wear so that I would be comfortable.”
with snaking patios imagined by Joan
Miró. Obviously. Because why walk a After the show, through the gallery
catwalk in a tent when you can show (which holds one of the world’s largest
off your new collection in the grounds collections of 20th-century paintings),
of one of the most notable galleries of Ghesquière greets his guests and ru-
the 20th century? minates on the difficult line design-
ers and fashion houses must tread to
I speak, of course, of the Fondation keep an audience interested season
Maeght, against the foothills of the after season. “We all dream of doing
Alps in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, a village timeless things but the thing is, we’re
in the Riviera. The complex, which in fashion; every designer wants to re-
opened in July 1964, was devised by the spond to the new,” he says. “This du-
gallerist and art dealer Aimé Maeght, ality brings a constant balancing act
his wife Marguerite, the noted Catalan – I want to last and be referenced, and
architect Josep Lluis Sert and a few of build a signature, but I also want to be
their friends: Miró, Calder, Fernand Lé- in the moment.” 
ger, Georges Braque, Giacometti, Marc

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 59

Why the slip dress is the key to expert layering this season

BY KRISSY TURNER On the red carpet Luxury brand Max Mara is renowned
Post-Nineties, the queen of the slip for its outerwear, but the Pepto-Bismol
The Telegraph dress on the red carpet was Paris Hil- pink slip gown underneath and coordi-
ton. Often in a garish print or bright hue nating pout were the talking points from
The current hot/cold weather situa- and always with a low neckline. She this look. It’s crying out to be clashed
tion is as confusing as our outfits: we wore this scarlet iteration to the 2004 with a red carpet over awards season. 
dig out a chunky knit at 7 a.m. only MTV Music Awards.
to be on the tube dripping buckets
by nine, then shivering in an over-air On the catwalk
conditioned office come lunchtime.
It’s had us rethinking our layering pro-
cess, and an unlikely source of inspi-
ration has been unearthed.

Back in the Nineties, you couldn’t
move for almost-lifesize front page
shots of a giggling Kate Moss, Naomi
Campbell and Co. pounding the Soho
pavements gone midnight in metallic
slip dresses. The slinky fabric, figure-
skimming fit and mid-thigh length
made for a niche frock only a 20-some-
thing and/or supermodel could pull off,
particularly when paired with a strappy
heel and an inch of black eye kohl.

At the same time, Carolyn Bes-
sette-Kennedy, a publicist for Calvin
Klein (and wife of John F Kennedy
Jr.), was the pinnacle of Nineties
style. Her minimal aesthetic embod-
ied the brand, and she was known to
pair a black satin slip with a bouclé
jacket and patent courts for fund-
raising events.

Slip dresses were once the preserve
of flappers who wore them as petti-
coats under their infamous fringed
dresses in the Twenties. Fast-forward
30 years and they were reimagined in
silky fabrics and bias cuts giving them
a sexy allure. Now, as saucy night-
gowns, they wouldn’t dare be shown
the light of day, and were only worn
by those with deeper pockets.

Nowadays it’s allowed back out of
the house. The trend for underwear
as outerwear has seen slip dresses
get the seal of approval as daywear,
and it’s more than likely a slip is the
missing piece to your autumn dress-
ing puzzle.

By day, layering is key. A bodysuit
(bare with me) underneath will en-
sure you have clean lines and aren’t
left with a bunched-up T-shirt or polo
neck around your waist. Pair with
white sneakers or chunky boots and
a smart double-breasted coat. A little
velvet slip in a jewel hue is ideal for
evening. Invest in a great strapless bra
and pair with heeled mules.

Tracking the trend
In the bedroom
Who else would champion sexy lin-
gerie? Glamorous ’50s icon Marilyn
Monroe poses in a lace slip dress in a
scene from the film Niagara back when
the slip was still relegated to nightwear.

60 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

8 of autumn’s trickiest trends – and how to wear them

BY SHANE WATSON red Would you? These may be the edgy
The Telegraph detail that fast-tracks you to the front
and of the fashion queue. Isabel Marant
The top trends for autumn 2018 are showed stone and tan cropped cow-
in store and ready for us to start wear- boys with silver toecaps on her catwalk
ing. The only question now is which and we thought ooh … interesting.
to approach with caution, which to
avoid, and how to get the best out of Could you? In the flashiest circles
the rest. Here’s a quick guide to save they wear them with bare legs and a
you time and trouble ... dress or skirt, but a flash of cowboy
boot under a wide leg or cropped kick
Corduroy flare is the way to go.
Would you? We love the idea of
cord. More character than suiting, Should you? If you usually live in
more flair than denim, more mileage ankle or biker boots and you want
than velvet. But we are also aware some footwear that will pep you up for
that cord can add pounds faster than winter, yes, give it a whirl.
cake and, like tartan, turns on you
post-40. Lingerie dressing
Could you? Hell yes. Just proceed
with caution. Safe cord is what we be this season’s day-to-night bullseye. green tartan with a yellow plaid
want: start with navy, black, dark then, no, probably not. There’s a lot
brown, or possibly dark red. And our Tartan of it about, but a little goes a long
jumbo cord days are over. Wouldyou? If you’re talking a bold way. Tartan is beautiful when it’s in
Should you? Absolutely. And some heathery shades, in a heathery loca-
of us already have. One of this season’s tion. Otherwise it can look a bit glar-
must-buys is a blazer, and a cord one ey and children’s entertainer.
gets around the hotel manageress vibe.
A needlecord suit in dark blue may well Could you? You might consider
a neat straight-legged pair of Black
Watch tartan trousers.

Should you? Not in a big way. You’d
be better off getting yourself a long
scarf if you really feel the urge to join
in. (It is true we should have worn a
mini kilt when we had the chance …)

Cowboy boots

Would you? Every so often some-
one pops their head over the parapet
to declare an age limit on a certain
fashion item: ex. gypsy frills or crop
tops. To this short list (and it is a short
list), we’d add lingerie dressing. Silk
PJs and all-in-ones; slithery slips;
lace-trimmed camis; satin robes that
are somewhere between a dressing
gown and a wrap dress …The possible
exception is striped pajama pants, if
you have the figure for them.

Could you? Certainly. If you were,
say, having people over and your house
was an airy villa near Marrakech. But
why would you? Even in the 1990s
some of us wore slip dresses with a T-
shirt underneath because otherwise
we looked like we’d got locked out.

Should you? Let’s just say no and
have done with it. (Although fashion
rules are made to be broken, and these
pieces are rather lovely …)

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 61

Leather thing. Unless red doesn’t suit your so maybe take a rain check. If you are chic and up to the minute.
Would you? We’ve moved away skin, there’s nothing stopping you. going to do it: don’t go cheap, fuzzy or Could you? Certainly, if you wear
from shearling back to smooth, un- sheer, and stick to one well-made piece.
lined and polished leather, and it’s Could you? The way to wear it now is skirts. We like it with a cropped sweat-
head to toe: a lean coat with a dress, big: a block of red, a coat over red trou- Pencil skirt er on top and not-too-high-heeled
or a coat and skirt. If you’re bored of sers, or a red column dress. If you keep Would you? This is a pencil skirt knee boots.
your parka, a tailored leather coat it simple, it’s a classic and nothing to with a bit of flutey give around the
could be the answer. be scared of. To ratchet up the style hem (as at Erdem), or a flattering front Should you? Honestly, this one is
Could you? Many of us have a points, a block red plus pink is very au- split. It’s mid-calf length (Balenciaga). very much a matter of personal taste.
leather graveyard in our wardrobes. tumn/winter 2018. It’s got movement. All in all, it’s a no- There are so many skirt styles around,
The skirt that looks sassy – but when? brainer if you want to look smart and from scarf-hemmed and asymetric,
The jacket that’s just a bit too under- Should you? Definitely. Have you ever to bias-cut and floor-grazing. You
cover drug squad. The pants that are worn a lipstick-red evening dress? If you might need to be on the taller side. 
sort of great, but you feel like you’re haven’t, then you should try it once.
trying too hard (and your children
hate them). You could, if you avoid Animal
black and forget any idea of a dress. Would you? Already, leopard in
You will boil. particular is as ubiquitous as denim.
Should you? For a leather coat to But this season is set to be a veritable
look good you have to dress around it print safari. There is a theory (kicked
(no bulky sweaters). All well and good off by Carine Roitfeld, the former
until the cold snap in January. editor-in-chief of French Vogue) that
snakeskin is more grown-up, but we
Red say keep an open mind. All the best
Would you? Yes! What’s not to love prints in the best styles seem to be in
about red? If the color of the moment leopard.
were teal we’d say not necessarily. But Could you? Absolutely. Animal is
red is sexy, striking, life-enhancing; open to all because you can dip in
and the right shade (not too bright with shoes or a bag, or go further with
or too orange) goes with almost any- a skirt or blazer. This trend is ageless.
Should you? Your daughter, sister and
the girls at work are all leaping on board,

62 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


New England Fish Market: Clams and lobstah rolls


You know those big white trucks from New England
the New England Fish Market that you Lobster Roll.
see delivering seafood to many of Vero’s
fine-dining establishments? New England
Clam Chowder.
Well, their home port is about 40 min-
utes south of here in Jensen Beach. And Hours:
there, they also operate a retail fish mar- Monday-Saturday:
ket and their own restaurant.
11 a.m.- 9 p.m.
The New England Fish Market restau- Sunday: 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
rant is hardly fancy. No white table cloths Beverages: Beer & Wine
or linen napkins here. This is a simple,
no-frills eatery very much like the ones Address:
you find up north – dress is casual, peo- 1419 NE Jensen Beach Blvd.,
ple put on lobster bibs, and pig out on
New England clambakes. The service is Jensen Beach
fast and friendly. Phone:

We have had great experiences here 772-334-7324
over the years with the fresh fish (not
just from the North Atlantic; their hog
snapper from the Keys is some of the
best around). But what drew us there
a couple of weeks ago – when we were
shopping in that area – were their New
England offerings.

My Boston-born husband loves fried
whole belly clams, and rates those at
the New England Fish Market the best
around. So we stopped in for an early

For starters, my husband naturally or-
dered a cup of New England clam chow-

der ($5.25) and I decided to start with Fried Whole Belly rendition of this
what they call Gloustah Cay Chowdah Clams. classic dish, big
(this is the half-and-half mix of clam chunks of lobster
chowder and spicy Bahamian conch the whole belly clams. I couldn’t decide with fairly little
chowder that seems to go under a differ- which of their lobster entrées to order mayonnaise – as
ent name in every restaurant). Actually, – over the years, I’ve enjoyed them all – good a lobster roll
even I am compelled to agree the straight and finally decided to simply have a New as we have found any-
New England chowder is better. England lobster roll with French fries. where between Boston’s
North Shore and Bar Harbor.
Then for entrées, my husband ordered The fried clams, I’m happy to report,
more than lived up to my husband’s ex- Depending on which of the many
pectations, and the New England Fish options you choose, dinner for two –
Market’s lobster roll was an excellent with a bottle of decent white wine – will
run you anywhere from $70 to $90 be-
fore tax and tip.

Even for those not well acquainted
with the area, the restaurant is not hard
to find. It is approximately a mile east
of U.S. 1 on the street that serves the old
Treasure Coast Square Mall, where Vero
residents used to shop before our own
mall opened in the mid-1990s.

If you have a hankering for New Eng-
land seafood favorites – or for fresh fish
from southern waters – you should give
this unpretentious restaurant a try.

I welcome your comments, and en-
courage you to send feedback to me at
[email protected].

The reviewer dines anonymously at
restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
32963. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 63


Bordeaux heading for ‘great’ vintage after dry summer


Bordeaux wine-makers are heading ful end to the season.” website shows heavy rain in January, Eric Perrin, whose family owns Cha-
for a “great” vintage this year after an Some growers suffered from mil- March and April, with wet conditions teau Carbonnieux in Pessac-Leognan,
unusually warm growing season and persisting through May, June and into noting that water from the spring
exceptionally dry summer and harvest, dew as a result of the wet spring, but July, while August and particularly rain retained in the soil meant “vines
according to Olivier Bernard, whose most were able to handle it and while September were exceptionally dry, didn’t suffer” during the dry summer.
family owns Domaine de Chevalier in that may reduce yields in some areas, ideal for the harvest. The wines are “exceptional, beautiful,
Pessac-Leognan south of the city. Audoy said the rain in spring “wasn’t very elegant.”
a problem.” Hailstorms did hit some growers in
“2018 was a vintage with two periods,” a localized manner in May, notably in Now that grapes are in the wineries,
he said at a tasting of wines from the Wine consultant Michel Rolland the Cotes de Bourg region on the right more than five months of fermentation,
2016 vintage organized in London by the said that 2018 was overall “a beautiful bank of the Gironde estuary, but this maturation and blending will follow pri-
Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux. vintage” for Bordeaux, but added that year vintners were spared the frost dam- or to the vintage being presented to the
“A very wet period until the end of June, there was a lot of mildew following the age that destroyed many vines in Saint wine trade in early April. Wines will be
and very dry after July. We can already wet spring weather, which sometimes Emilion and Pessac-Leognan in 2017. priced between April and June for deliv-
tell you we have a great vintage.” caused “tricky conditions” for the vines. ery a couple of years after the harvest. 
“The quality is extraordinary,” said
Bordeaux, which remains the ref- Weather data on the
erence point for the fine wine market
due to its combination of high-quality
vineyards and relatively large produc-
tion, is susceptible to swings in the
weather, unlike New World wine-mak-
ing areas such as California, South Af-
rica and Australia that tend to have a
more reliable climate.

Over the past decade Bordeaux has
had exceptionally high quality vintag-
es in 2009, 2010, 2015 and 2016, and a
run of notably more difficult years be-
tween 2011 and 2013, with 2013 being
remembered particularly for being cold
and wet. Wine-makers interviewed at
the London tasting drew comparisons
between the 2018 harvest and recent
standout vintages.

“2016 is better than ’15, and ’18 will be
better than ’16,” according to Bernard
Audoy of Chateau Cos Labory, an estate
in the Saint Estephe region of the north-
ern Medoc. “We’re at the level of ’09 and
’10, more ’10 than ’09.” He described the
vintage as excellent following a “beauti-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 65


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66 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 67

Vero & Casual Dining








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68 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz howls at pooches’ priceless Pawrade duds

Hi Dog Buddies! ing red antlers was hanging out in the PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE lo, Mr. Bonz. I’m Oscar. Can I ask your
shade with a black Standard Poo. I in- opinion about something?”
One of the most Cool Dog Biscuits troduced myself. cidently drooled on my note-
events on my busy social schedule is the book while watching GeeGee the hot “Sure thing, Oscar.” I noticed Oscar
Dogs for Life Howl-O-Ween Pawrade. I “I’m Angel Showberger,” she replied. dog. was dressed as an elephant. Big ears,
look forward to it cuz I get to yap with a “This is my pooch pop, Roger. We’re trunk an all. It was adorable an hilarious.
buncha you poocheroos, and check out named for a coupla human TENus Then there was Rasta Robbie Rossie,
your pawsome costooms. Me, I always players, Anglique Kerber an Roger Fe- a rescue Border Collie from St. Kitts, “Well, since I look like an elephant,”
attend cleverly disguised as a Springer derer. We don’t play tennis ourselves, dressed up like Bob Marley. “Hey, Ras- he said seriously, “I’m afraid I might ac-
Spaniel. though. We just chase TENus balls.” tadog, Live Up!” he called. cidently scare somebody. I don’t want
anybody to think I’m gonna squash ’em
This year, like always, you pooches “Cool Kibbles,” I replied, making a “Keepin’ that pooch culture,” I re- or anything.”
brought your costoom A-game. Dogs mental note to get her number. plied, with a Paws-Up.
for Life is inna shady, leash-free dog “That is very conscientious of you,
park with a special building where hu- “Guess what, Mr. Bonzo,” a teeny Chi- Another Yellow Lab, Good Girl, man- Oscar, but, honestly, I wouldn’t worry,” I
mans train rescue dogs for Very Impor- weenie piped up. (That’s what a Chihua- aged to look totally graceful in a white assured him. “I think your friendly, non-
tant Jobs: helping humans, ’speshly hua-Dachshund’s called. Who knew?) tulle skirt. “I’m a princess,” she told me. threatening doganality definitely shines
sol-jures, with Serious Problems, like if “I’m Isabella Chapman. I’m a PIErat. “I hafta walk real straight an careful to through. Just resist the urge to trumpet
they can’t hear too well or get around See? My Mom, Sunny, made our cos- keep my pretty skirt on.” and you’ll be fine.”
too well, or if they’re duh-pressed or tooms. Aren’t they Crispy Dog Biscuits?”
sad and need a Faithful Companion. “Well you look super nice!” I told her The costume that made me laugh
Stuff like that. “The crispiest!” I said. Isabella was sincerely. most was Woody the dashchund,
head to toe pie-rat, with red headscarf, dressed up like a Tootsie Roll. He was the
Anyway, there were a couple hundred pie-rat hat, gold hoop earring, cutlass at Trained service pooch Fritz, a Jack perfect shape, an he was Totally Workin’
humans, an 45 costoom pawrade en- her side, a peg leg, and her “signature” Russell/Beagle combo, was also dressed It, havin’ a ball, summoning up his Inner
tries. First off was a demonstration by a sunglasses. like a PIErat, an had one of those way Tootsie Roll.
Sheriff’s K-9 team, a big, serious pooch cool, three-corner hats. “I help my
officer an his human partner, which al- I was happy to see several rescue Mom, Judy, with lotsa stuff. I even know A big Woofout goes to the humans
ways impresses the Dog Biscuits out of pooches an service dogs in the bunch. how to push a Special Button to dial 911, who always make the Paw-rade fun:
me. Their Very Important Job is mostly One of ’em, a brindle greyhound rescue if there’s an eeMERgency.” The Human In Charge, Miss Shelly,
to catch Bad Guys. If you’ve ever seen named Lacy Reynolds, was all decked inna witch costoom, zoomed around
’em work, you know what I mean when out in red, white an blue. Golden Re- Babycakes, a bulldog mix, was wearin’ in a liddle cart thingy, makin’ sure ev-
I say I’m glad I’m not a Bad Guy. triever GeeGee was trained as service a Breast Cancer Awareness vest. “I’m a erything was pooch-perfect. Lotsa
dog right there at Paws For Life. She was rescue from the Vero Beach Humane volunteers did Real Important Stuff,
I even had a brief yap with K-9 Offi- wearin’ a hot dog costoom, complete Society,” she told me. “I believe in pay- like keepin’ the water bowls filled; the
cer Falko, a German Shepherd/Malinois with bun, mustard an relish! It ackshully ing it back by supporting an important Sheriff’s K-9 team and Color Guard
mix an, guess what? He says we can made me a liddle hungry. cause.” made everything extra special; Hobo
schedule an INNERview. I’m stoked! Jim played music; and Troop 513 Boy
Another cool kibbles Golden was I was impressed. “Woof, Babycakes, Scouts helped the humans park.
“Yoohoo, Mr. Bonzo, check us out!” JACC, who was dressed as a lifeguard. I that is so socially aware of you!!”
called a liddle Yorkie/terrier mix wearin’ asked about his inner-sting name. Till next time,
a pink cowdog hat. “I’m Riley! a Cowdog! A liddle chihuahua trotted up. “Hal-
An this is Nicolas. He’s 11 in human. “You say it like ‘Jack,’” he explained. The Bonz
He’s Rocket Raccoon, a Guardian of the “I’m named for a big sports center at a
Galaxy, an I’m his Faithful ComPANyun. school in Indiana called No-der Dame. Don’t Be Shy
Whaddya think?” The center’s named for a human called
Mr. Joyce. One of the sports there is We are always looking for pets with
“Pawsome!” I said. swimming.’” interesting stories.
Roxie Fermato, a Golden Retriever,
also wore a cowdog costoom, an also “Woof, JACC, that does sound impor- To set up an interview, email
looked Super Adorable. tant!” [email protected].
A pretty, white Standard Poodle wear-
The Dynamic Duo was there, also:
Batman was Terry Spencer, an his faith-
ful sidekick Robin was service-dog-in-
training Bentley, a Yellow Lab. I think I
wrote the names down right, but I ac-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 69


New and improving: St. Ed’s footballers gain experience

BY RON HOLUB St. Ed’s players pile take down a Lake Mary running back. “We had some big plays, a nice double pass in the
preseason classic, a nice screen pass for about 60
Correspondent have 11 guys each with a specific job, and if one guy yards, a blocked field goal for a touchdown. I think
doesn’t do his job, the play goes bad. They have got we actually led the conference in blocked kicks. So
St. Ed’s football team wrapped up the regular season to learn and understand that. we’ve had moments of greatness for sure.
with a combined Homecoming and Senior Night cel-
ebration on Oct. 19. The Pirates fell, 16-6, to Lake Mary “I don’t think I could honestly look at any play “But our real highlights are that these guys go
Prep under very pleasant conditions when the usual this season where we had all 11 guys do everything into every game usually outnumbered. Most of our
backbreaking heat and humidity took a time out. perfectly. That’s the actual recipe for football suc- opponents not only have more players, but they
cess. That’s where we are at right now – missing have stronger guys with more experience. But our
The night belonged to seniors TJ Kenney, Patrick mental assignments, or an alignment, simple stuff. guys step into the ring every week, without fear.
Quaile, Will Sternberg and Britt Reisman. They We are still making errors we shouldn’t be making,
were honored before the game. The homecoming or not tackling the way we should be tackling.” “In the last few weeks improvement has become
ceremony was featured at halftime. obvious. Everything is progressing just the way you
Under those circumstances, a victory or two would expect from a young, inexperienced team.
This past Thursday head coach Bill Motta and his might seem miraculous. More to the point, Mot- On a team with up to 40 players and levels of expe-
squad boarded a bus and traveled to Fort Myers for ta detected discernible progress in many areas rience, younger guys can gain valuable experience
a rematch with the Canterbury School in the open- throughout the season. in back-up roles. Our guys don’t have that oppor-
ing round of the Sunshine State Athletic Confer- tunity. They are pretty much thrown right into the
ence playoffs. St. Ed’s was defeated, 38-25. S. Ed’s Edward Wei tackles a Lake Mary player. PHOTOS BY ANTHONY INSWASTY fire. It’s baptism by fire, basically.”

It was certainly a rebuilding year for a team that St. Ed’s pulled off a big upset the week before
was 2-8 record with a consolation SSAC postseason Homecoming when QB Michael Mangieri tossed
contest on tap this week. Rebuilding, however, took three TD passes to stun All Saints Academy, 27-24.
on a whole new meaning this time. The typical ref-
erence of year-to-year was replaced by week-to- A week later the visiting Griffins from Lake
week, or even day-to-day. Mary held the ball for most of the first quarter and
grabbed an early advantage with a 28-yard field
“We’ve got a bunch of young players,” Motta ex- goal. A penalty and short kickoff gave the Pirates
plained. “We started out the season with 16 guys on excellent field position, and within short order
the roster. We got it up to 18 at about week five when Mangieri hit a wide-open Ty Redmon for a 35-yard
one player returned from an injury and another from touchdown and a 6-3 lead.
involvement in other things. Then we were able to get
two eighth-graders when the middle school season Unfortunately, that was about all the offense
ended. So we were up in numbers a little bit. could muster. Lake Mary was ahead 9-6 by halftime
and held the ball for the first eight minutes of the
“But of the 16 we originally had, eight had never third period before a TD made it 16-6. The Pirates
played football before. Three were international stu- had a modest drive in the final period, but eventu-
dents, two from Germany and one from China. They ally gave up the ball on downs with five minutes
were not familiar with American football at all. So we left. Lake Mary ran out the clock from there.
are still working hard on fundamentals, but it’s been
really cool to watch the inexperienced players evolve. The defense did its best to keep the Pirates close,
They are learning the game and trying to develop a but that group simply could not get off the field.
football IQ, which they really didn’t have. The offense had good field position a few times, but
turned it into points just once. The running game
“I believe that football has a very steep learning never got untracked, thwarting any chances of a
curve. It’s not something that lends itself to just second-half comeback. 
going out, running around and picking it up. You



ServiceMaster By Glenn’s

70 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING 1 The Life of Ruth Hallstrom, an original play plates by local chefs, themed-cocktails, live mu- Walk Beach Challenge, 11 a.m. keynote speak-
by Pat Kroger hosted by Indian River His- sic and extensive auctions. $100/$175 for two. ers & tactical demos, and 1 p.m. Medal of Honor
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of torical Society, 7 p.m. at The Woman’s Club. 772-429-2225 ceremony followed by music, food trucks & kids
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- zone. 772-595-5845
lection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Con- 1 Samaritan Center Soup Bowl, 11:30 a.m. to 2 Luncheon and Card Party hosted by In-
temporary Art from the Rubell Family Collec- 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 40+ lo- dian River P.E.O., 9 a.m. at First Presby- 2|3 Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone,
tion thru Jan. 6. cations in Indian River County. Requested mini- terian Churc, with sanctioned bridge, party 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on
mum donation of $5 for bowl of soup; $15 for bridge and Mah Jongg followed by lunch to the Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-
Riverside Theatre: Smokey Joe’s Café on the hand-crafted bowls, $1 raffle tickets for hand- fund women’s college scholarships. $40. 772- 231-6990
Stark Stage thru Nov. 11. crafted soup tureens. 772-770-3039 538-2354
2-4 Sebastian Clambake Lagoon Festi-
NOVEMBER 1 Tenth annual Chimps Kitchen, 6 p.m. at 2|3 Navy SEAL Museum Muster: Fri. 5 val at Riverview Park to benefit lo-
Vero Beach Hotel & Spa Cobalt Restaurant to 8 p.m. Happy Hour with music, cal charities supported by Sebastian Clambake
to benefit Save the Chimps, with signature small food & beverages; Sat. 8 a.m. Muster 5K Run/ Foundation, Fri. 2 to 9 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 9
p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with live enter-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN tainment, vendors and seafood galore (food for
in October 25, 2018 Edition 1 SPORTY 2 SIMPLE land-lubbers too). Free admission.
9 MUNDANE 3 TEAM 3 Paddle Dash, paddle board and kayak
10 HENNA 5 ADHESION sprint races to benefit Keep Indian River
11 LATE 6 CONFEDERATION Beautiful Lagoon Friendly Lawns program, 8
12 BOLSTERS 7 LIAISE a.m. from MacWilliam Park boat ramp. 772-444-
14 HOARD 8 LEMON 7871
19 AROMATIC 16 RAMBLE 3 Alzheimer & Parkinson Assoc. of IRC 15th
20 DATA 17 KIOSK annual Walk to Remember, 8:30 a.m.
22 BAIZE 18 CABLES opening program; 9 a.m. walk at Riverside Park,
23 SPANIEL 21 CAGE with every dollar supporting local programs and
24 ESTATE services for residents dealing with memory and/
25 TENNIS or movement disorders. 772-563-0505

Sudoku Page 46 Sudoku Page 47 Crossword Page 46 Crossword Page 47 (WELL-ROUNDED PEOPLE)


Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

Orchid island BarBer shOp This directory gives small business people eager
to provide services to the beachside community an
(772)234-0262 opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at
an affordable cost. This is the only service directory mailed
4893 Hwy. A1A, Vero Beach, FL 32963 each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
Pelican Plaza Next to Village Beach Market Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing
in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
VERO BEACH CANINE COUNTRY CLUB, INC contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
(772) 978-9817

Open 7 Days 6750 73rd Street
Vero Beach, FL 32967


2665 Riverview Court in Orchid Isle Estates: 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 4,400-square-foot, 2-story,
riverfront estate on 1.15 wooded acres, offered for $1,590,000 by Kimberly Keithahn of
Alex MacWilliam Real Estate: 772-321-4656

72 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Orchid Isle home offers the best of riverfront living

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA gate into lovely, private Orchid Isle
Staff Writer Estates, the atmosphere changes:
Here, within this quiet enclave, walk-
Grand and stately, the European- ers and cyclists, not vehicles, set the
designed home at 2665 Riverview pace; birds sing; the sunlight is softer,
Court is ensconced within a forest of dappled through the ancient green
Spanish moss-draped oak, palm and canopy, the streets winding respect-
hibiscus in one of the most naturally fully around the aged oaks.
beautiful and exclusive island loca-
tions on the Treasure Coast. From the street, the entrance lane
leading to the home widens toward a
Upon passing through the main handsome green and gold wrought-

iron gate, and then bisects the deep so delicately wrought it appears lace-
front lawn with its many oaks and like, extends up one staircase, across
palms, and circles back around a the landing, and down the other. Sus-
lovely central fountain. pended from the 2-story foyer ceiling
is a large crystal chandelier.
The home’s exterior is a pale, but-
tery yellow with white trim. The state- So timeless is the presentation
ly front facade features six arched that one imagines a radiant Scarlett
French windows on the ground floor O’Hara descending, her ball gown
and seven across the second floor. swirling around her. Meanwhile, nei-
Wide stairs climb to the brick front ther the lovely banister nor the banks
porch, French front doors and arched of French windows/doors across the
transom. Two chimneys complete the landing and the main level obscure
clean, balanced look, mimicked in the spectacular river view to the west.
the adjacent, 2-story garage and guest
house to the left, the two structures The grand room that extends from
connected by a pergola-style breeze- the foyer, within the curve of the
way to the back yard. staircase, is furnished as a spacious
formal dining room, in keeping with
With the dramatic impact of a the European tradition of food-fo-
Broadway curtain opening to reveal cused hospitality. Guests who share
a dazzling set, a breathtaking scene a meal here will not soon forget the
immediately greets visitors stepping good food, good company, good con-
into the foyer, taking the open-plan versation and glorious views offered
concept to new heights: spectacu- by this house.
lar against the all-white interior and
gleaming marble floor, a double Through wide archways on ei-
grand staircase – white with rich ma- ther side of this space are matching
hogany treads – curves up along op- rooms – each filled with natural light
posite walls to the open second level streaming in through large bay win-
landing. A decorative white banister, dows and a French door to the patio
and pool: To the left (south), it’s a

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 73


sunny breakfast nook/informal din-
ing room, which flows into the kitch-
en and boasts another of the home’s
crystal chandeliers, a lovely combi-
nation of crystal drops and graceful,
green metal leaves. On the right side,
is a comfy family room that shares a
corner fireplace with the formal din-
ing room.

The kitchen is defined by an L-
shaped tan and black granite coun-
tertop. The plentiful cabinetry offers
lots of storage and features a deco-
rative vertical plate display rack and
glass-front dishware display cabinets.

The laundry room is adjacent to the
kitchen and includes a utility sink; a
convenient powder room can be ac-
cessed from kitchen and foyer.

Through French doors, the first-
floor master suite is a cool and spa-
cious haven, white throughout, with
windows to the north and west, walk-
in closet and crystal chandelier above
the bed. The master bath includes a
glass corner shower and linen closet.

The second floor boasts mahogany
floors and the home’s most beautiful
interior view, the soaring, 2-story foy-
er, formal dining hall, grand staircase
and entryway chandelier, seen from
the top of the stairs.

This level also houses two more
master suite options. One has a cozy
fireplace and a full bath with marble
shower and mini dressing room. The

74 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


other has a large master bath with ing the covered veranda. Here there is Wide steps lead from the patio to The airy guest quarters above the
marble shower and inviting tub be- ample room for al fresco dining; and the edge of, and then down into, the two-bay garage provides luxurious
neath a sunny window. a cheerful yellow-and-white-striped multi-sided azure pool, lined with privacy in a spacious apartment.
electric awning can be extended when blue mosaic tile and containing a re- There is a full bath with tub and show-
Each master suite has its own private the afternoon sun gets too warm. laxing spa. er; and a U-shaped counter encloses
screened balcony with plenty of space the kitchenette, with fridge, micro-
for a table and chairs. These cool, tree- wave and sink. A balcony with seating
top retreats are the best places in the provides a pleasant view of the back
house to enjoy the glorious Florida lawn, palms and the sparkling river.
sunsets; relax with a book and an iced
tea; or enjoy morning coffee while Since its construction in 1996, says
watching your marine neighbors – the Realtor Kimberly Keithahn, the home
dolphins – frolicking in the water near has withstood multiple storms and
your private dock. Or have a lazy morn- hurricanes with virtually no damage.
ing lounging in bed: You can watch the The exterior and interior coatings were
dolphins and water birds while still re- developed by the homeowner to pro-
clining on your pillow. tect against mildew and algae. They
also ward off heat – as I discovered
Manatees, otters, blue herons and firsthand by placing a palm on one of
white pelicans also frequent the neigh- the patio columns on a hot mid-morn-
borhood; the property sits just north of ing, and finding it cool to the touch.
118 natural acres owned and protected
by the Indian River Land Trust. This outstanding riverside estate
epitomizes the best island living.
From the main floor, there are no Come experience it for yourself. 
fewer than five French doors access-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 75



Neighborhood: Orchid Isle Estates
Year Built: 1996 • Construction: Concrete block/stucco • Lot size: 1.15 acres

Home size: 4,400 square feet • Bedrooms: 4 • Bathrooms: 4.5
Additional features: Gated community; 175 linear feet of riverfront; 2 fire-
places; 3 master bedrooms; private dock; Intracoastal access; gas-heated
pool/spa; detached garage and guest house; intercom; vaulted/cathedral
ceilings; marble/mahogany flooring; irrigation well/sprinkler; central vac;

heat/mold-resistant exterior surfaces; crown molding; recessed lighting;
ceiling fans; double, thermal windowpanes; furnishings negotiable.
Listing agency: Alex MacWilliam Real Estate
Listing agent: Kimberly Keithahn, Realtor, 772-321-4656
Listing price: $1,590,000

76 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Oct. 19 to Oct. 25

The barrier island real estate market was a bit livelier last week with seven transactions reported,
two for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of a home in John’s Island. The residence at 260 Island Creek Drive
was originally placed on the market Jan. 21 for $3.95 million. The sale closed on Oct. 22 for $3.75

Both the seller of the home and the purchaser were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.


$589,000 $995,000
PELICAN COVE 1540 PELICAN LANE 1/15/2018 $525,000 10/23/2018 $1,340,000

MARBRISA 530 N MONTEREY DRIVE 8/29/2018 $1,100,000 10/19/2018 $575,000
LITTLE HARBOUR 1315 LITTLE HARBOUR LANE 2/8/2016 $2,250,000 $1,495,000 10/19/2018 $340,000


PORPOISE BAY VILLAS 300 HARBOUR DRIVE, #306A 7/26/2018 $575,000 $575,000 10/19/2018
HARBOR INN 10/22/2018
RIVER MEWS CONDO 2140 SPYGLASS LANE, #214 8/27/2018 $379,000 $379,000 10/19/2018

2171 VIA FUENTES, #2171 4/23/2018 $375,000 $359,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 77


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Pelican Cove, Address: 1540 Pelican Lane Subdivision: Porpoise Bay Villas, Address: 300 Harbour Drive, #306A

Listing Date: 1/15/2018 Listing Date: 7/26/2018
Original Price: $589,000 Original Price: $575,000
Recent Price: $525,000 Recent Price: $575,000
Sold: 10/23/2018 Sold: 10/19/2018
Selling Price: $492,500 Selling Price: $575,000
Listing Agent: Larry Seagrist Listing Agent: Connie Cederholm

Selling Agent: Weichert, REALTORS Hallmark-VB Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Larry Seagrist Terri McConnell

Weichert, REALTORS Hallmark-VB The Moorings Realty Sales Co.

Subdivision: Marbrisa, Address: 530 N Monterey Drive Subdivision: Little Harbour, Address: 1315 Little Harbour Lane

Listing Date: 8/29/2018 Listing Date: 2/8/2016
Original Price: $1,100,000 Original Price: $2,250,000
Recent Price: $1,100,000 Recent Price: $1,495,000
Sold: 10/19/2018 Sold: 10/19/2018
Selling Price: $995,000 Selling Price: $1,340,000
Listing Agent: Scott Reynolds Listing Agent: Kay Brown

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties

Not Provided Joseph O’Neill

Not Provided Coldwell Banker Paradise

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Elegant 3BR/3.5BA condo w/lake view, private elevator, East of A1A, 3BR/2.5BA Mediterranean style townhome, Meticulously maintained 3BR/2BA CBS home, Bermuda model,
fireplace, underbuilding 2 car garage, gated community one block to the ocean, 1st floor master, 2 private courtyards screened lanai & pool, gated community with beach access
$879,000 $535,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

78 Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Land cleared for ‘Vero Town Center’ project on Route 60

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA ect encompasses 12.35 acres and
Staff Writer could include a 45,500-square-foot
grocery store, 22,400 of additional re-
Land has been cleared for a sub- tail space, and two 3,500-square-foot
stantial retail and restaurant devel- out-parcel buildings – possibly a bank
opment at the southwest corner of and a restaurant – according to a site
the intersection of Route 60 and 82nd plan pre-application filed with the
Avenue. county.

Called Vero Town Center, the proj- Five Parcels-60 LLC, a subsidiary

of Brock Development Corp. of West County records, but the project was
Palm Beach, is the project applicant. put on hold when the economy and
The company purchased the five real estate market tanked.
parcels that make up the site in 2008
for $3.6 million dollars, according to “We’re a small, family company
... and we are patient,” said Andrew

3948 US-1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 • 772.562.1429
M-F: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM • Nights & Weekends By Appointment

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 1, 2018 79

Brock, a Brock Development principal who is man- REAL ESTATE
aging Five Parcels-60 LLC. “Now [the real estate
market] has come back. There’s some good devel- look forward to the process,” Brock concluded.
opment taking place toward I-95. We’ve done the The property previously was home to a Texaco
demolition phase, the cleaning up. Right now we
are still exploring options... it takes time.” gas station and convenience store, a popular mom-
and-pop diner called Mrs. B’s and several other
Bottom line: “We’re excited. We’re energized. We buildings.

Five Parcels-60 LLC pulled a demolition permit
July and the land has since been cleared. 


Sales Center Open Monday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm and Sunday 12 - 5 pm


Vero Beach • 4333 Baseline Drive Vero Beach • 1605 Baseline Drive
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet Vero Beach • 4335 Baseline Drive
3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 2-Car Garage, 1,950 square feet
$358,900 $328,500

772.257.1100 • GHOHOMES.COM

Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503,
Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.

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