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Published by , 2016-08-15 09:37:12




mirrors, these symptoms of bounce-echo lights

angles in the configurative
contours of laughter’s


their nuanced meanings dancing among a crossing interpretation:

syllables, etched bend-inward

dash, existence

numerical clarities
lining gauge and vibrant

then when

woven vocabularies blend

vacuums entail a bridge toward
accelerated finding


varied vocabularies of
the spiraling leaps from
leafhopper’s momentum

carving faith from familial
unseen occurrences, their
language of conjure cannot
splay eye from focal unclassified

for away from the noticed exploratory
gift and guide aggregate wholly

land, land-now where
function outlines
serial volumes of unheard

from Of isolated limning



solid (silver as direction)


the philosophy of shape s

indenting volume and accordion-smooth
noted valuations soliciting

a finger’s vocal tone of
howl and predicated

sway and tone of the body’s continuous



varied these rhythms these rhythmic devices

donning time and the sheer clothing of a moment’s

slim acclimation

—rain on arid discovery of the memory this honor portends

doubled reinventions
thinking beyond
tonal alphabetic

mirrors, the ref
lectional motives

continue their

isolated moving external

though too, amid
introverted diversions

carving care from the stone-belly cold
of dispositional cool

such then returning equates dual
ignitions to burgeon or halt or
either examines the need’s rendition

to accelerate gist

when engagement isolates the motive

certainty underwhelms, fatigues the
tongued notions of wind’s awkward
patterned concentration, this
figurative variant suspends
as the supposed objective of
judgment amid conversational
playgrounds, serrated freedom
involves needed movement to
incorporate aspectual melodies
soothing and confirming touch as
vocal to the local position of hand onto
mode of subjective connectivity


the graying swirl of a memory contours

the feeling, returns
resembling the architecture of alteration
and the body cannot confine to the
furthering of a realized, closure

mirror this looking

?, stratified—
thus / or having a tried dispositional momentum

whom in the observation tonalities of touch’s

varied isolated theories can or thus/will again

impulse causational

rhythms interrogate? can the age of a moment isolate
the face’s forgetful intuition of last moment’s stagnancy?


in view or dedicatory limpidity

tableaus incorporate distance’s calligraphy
calibrating the eye into role beyond

visible veneration


systemic acclimation slim or whole
regarding tonal timekeeping expositions, the

range of piano slides in / on scaled



lending eye

or the partial of fractioned centimeters’



side note secrecy

or the subjective component of a whisper’s

language of dedication

invention or the subtlety of illusion

rest suspends corporeal fundamentals

desire or
the purposes of endeavor rewind

in contextual meander the mind’s oval flatness

insinuates culture or the ignition to connect (grouped)


or indecent (unknown)
systems of

naturalized connectivity to the self’s purposeful implantation

unrecognized by the physiognomy of

truth’s misrepresented fallacy,



in memory we

percentages of innate occultation this

permanence permeates pulses in the echo of


age and the missing steps

recollection desires, unheard

when breathing escapes into a solid examination

because cities crave a crawling wind and
morning is the busiest aspect of silence
watchers and walkers wander their ideologies

transfixed on the language an isolate moment’s
transfigured example

certain or the impromptu captures it

looking at this meaning


insinuation contemporizes experiment, collides


thickened notions (though, uncaused)

and the trend of mimesis
sickens into gradated prose of dissipating skeletons

voices grayed their
torn from the page of contextual history of ongoing


watching what invents perception

of a specialized essence

in losing
the hand grasps a cold
garment, sifted
through the angling of air’s
oscillating notions
the noon of day’s elongated
rises, still, among a rapid
breath whose whisper
connotes dangling as the neoteric
reflection such missing acclimates


she (in the flowering mention or reflection of now)
in the softened friction of stunning hands
hovering in the hold of warmth’s
how to
promotes learning’s elongated promises
and the premise fits into lined versions
these hands initiates of differentiated meanings
meandering amid a softened step the
mirror of voice outlines into interpretation of
shaping’s deliberate improvisation

hanker to develop an otherness

need, —out of —too of in it
space flushes shape
abstracted, certain renewed
formations collide in the
paradigm of potential
reexamination and

purpose then reveals an opening of
excellent performance with
drum and hand-key tributes
oscillating listening enlisting
interpretive sequences to
articulate function beyond this
moment’s intuitive truncation


reconfigurations the faces
warp amid a moment’s elongated
fashions, freed though finality
cannot examine connotations’
verbal expirations, the
leading virtue death
revolves, plagiarizing
foolery and its primary,
ineffable presentation

why approach, watch

in this blur of woven thinking
un-forgetting objects are concealed
the thinking or walking of movement
alters meaning and fullness of sound, an
essence of truth when the isolated standard
of touch, mustn’t insinuate hold as
the figurative promotion of an experience’s


from Mathematics

oscillating in the fathom of movement

alphabetic dragonflies flare
fidget freed (can the smile appear if the watcher misunderstands?)

expansive heirlooms their motional angles
begin blur as vocal calling:

hear bend in the fulcrum of watching’s
oval waters—

in attempting limning, the finger cannot
find light within the darkened corridor of speed’s
wing-blur fragrancy of
unbroken systems and

DNA of chaotic
aerial: these turquoise slings fling shades of gradated
singing as faith into prose of prayerful synonyms these
vibrating arrows coalesce in

Of cylinders’ fantastic holding|s

circuitries, sizzle-dream-drawn across
forehead of morning’s
embarrassed calculations

round or neon in the rounding toward
balanced mechanical sayings

vertical tunnel opens as does a mirror’s
range and ideology of immanent

ear and thrust of sound marry
among inclines and obtuse
reactionary slanting

the plural of pulses
encourage life in the lifting of writing,
arbitrary ranges, architectural
arithmetic arguing into
phases of understanding’s role
as photogenic premise


verbs portend misestimations strategies

oracles are deadened by
age or /////and the threaded walking of weakened


o u r

treassemble within modified, peripheral pressures: b u r s

necessary stepping into plagiarized
vacuums of obligatory bedlam

applications of absolute curvatures

watching what isolates often
ignites mobile affirmations, within

( say a voluminous STARE swings


into errors of misread analogies
the misinterpretations raise levels
of lauded self-delusions (as art)
and the geometry of sound
crosses braided contours their
body-bending analogies
elongate into erupting rudimentary
echoes with

paper pretending as do children engaged
in July’s external learning— ______________ )

wonder’s linking philosophies, the bass
string unravels into pause of causational

exhibition of fibers fulfills
arc and undulating display, disallowing
cataract of confusing methods of culture’s
reward of static occupations

as the circle dislocates assumption

such aggregations impose structural
remedies, succinct reminders toward
an oral understanding colors engage and
encourage cylindrical hankerings to
push excess through . . .

. . . finding overtures of homemade
honoring of interpreting fathoms

summer-autumn: crossbreed of tonal fluencies

blear bend brea

patina patterns (of yes, rust is the beautified vocation of waiting’s
wading disposition)

centered amid the butterfly’s
expanded clarity, its wait
walks into the mid-level hand
of eyes’ pluralized rejuvenation

33 radial momentums the sun at midday reluctance
heat-crawl feature-configuration

in the mimesis of

leaves’ brown-becoming strategy
etching compaction into
paths of
soon’s stellate-visitation

neighboring proportion

vibratory hexagons, chaos in the ballad
of stare’s initial hanker—
containing proximal modulations and

pivoting splaying modes of fingers across
keyed premises, this

rhythm of softened bounces encircling

outside of calibrated strain of stained
glass symmetry
synonyms:::::clear joined in the apparitional
gray of solitary herding this
nuance cannot negotiate with change or specialized
configurations of intimate, approbative echoes

numeric aptitude
my hand’s created impressions:
bridges of
astute becoming
acclimated blues and soul-blame (nevermore)
renditions of
meandering into
roles of apparent
curating pluralized
devotion s
spoken insinuations of/on
evacuated systems

no torment within the leaving of physical space

deepened dimension, italicized
formulas =

serrated pleasantries of welcome here

the center
(warmth resides and though


create dialectic within the angled warming of another local dimension

saying stays

the looking inward

as with a child’s grown language appears amid a wing’s mailing
viewing inserted designated designs, appreciated)

encircles purpose of plain’s eyeing version of visible

case magician

watching what disappears into
gray and the undulating gradations of



wall phantasmagoric
, graphic

causation shades of whispering


vine of silence draws escalating behavior (anti in the belief
behavior defines inflammatory portend of the human’s
uncontrollable subtractions)

personalizing weight as added dimension, tone, colorful
balance of asymmetrical

, fade of memory’s unhappy
certainties of sound
interact through synesthesia:




blue:piano in the jazz of


clap of echo-laced ingenuity, the performed
stays within staccato of origami learning

longevity in the redolence of pastel’s lending
softened diameter

from Forms, migrating

Eyes’ intervals

When I am listening, my good eye is at attention. To say, placement and palm-full of
theories. The other is walking to choose a flower for my wife, and this listening is
imperative in another formulation. Both, though separated, ejected homonyms. This
morning, both were folded. Interior pleasure. Light hadn’t a body yet, hadn’t a species
to have man misname, misinterpret. When climbing,
light gradates, inspires syncopated crows to open into breath.

Image or mirage concealment

Remaining, as does the quiet. Hunger. What shifts
into vocabulary of hanker. To prove circles create
recreated methods to instill secrets. During many
mornings I softened my feet prior to their breathing,
sang into distance to prelude the body’s subsequent
alteration. Fever. My hands are connected wings
waving rhythms to my prior mistakes. Awoke. Or,
these orphaned interiors cannot speak, cannot
segregate to reform music into hallowed spectrums
of hardcover text.

Main St.
To unfasten the grammar of the cultivated corner. Pigeon, person
clump of nuance. Nobody listens like the ambulance’s yawl.
Follow. Fallow decisions lose direction, purpose cannot flex
against noon’s vertical emblem. Miracles slide positions. Offset
range, onset rage. No one explicates a paradox; half-wing, whole-
loss paradigm, these visitors walk using foreheads as gauge—
their faces, fractioned, pivots of absent intention.

Threaded calm. Holding. Concise, the body neither bends nor believes. Revelation
freedom, the name I’ve given to this moment means dissolve.


My apologies,
within the concealing prosaic creases
of my closed hand. Listen.

Trio of incorporated interpretations


—after Thelonious Monk’s Thelonious

Altered extraordinary focal premises
these plurals arise arrive

dominating left-right hand-hand plurals and pulsing
pushes . . . what/who hears
cannot not become altruistic in subsequent
serenades toward emblems of your rise and open

-hand needs . . . solo which rises thrown

such jubilant architectures of oscillating feet
feeling freed and
forthcoming more so freedom amid the standing

ovation each hand surprises as the wife beyond

14th circulation of the 2nd volume of each year’s orchestrated


—after Robert Glasper’s Thelonious

why (,or, inside the permission of tongues speaking _________,)

the eyewear fits, well, finds, well

and well, this rhythm sits, well, well, aligning
beyond juxtaposed
already in the expectation of

left-aligned memories
pulling what crowds with softened unclosed
fingering selections, the watchers impress their
aptitude inspire their prior silence into
what knowing retains in replayed
motions of what assembles



—after Jason Moran’s Thelonious

as to my father’s waving hand i
‘ve become a somewhat similar he when i
range my talk and arrange my walk with head
or visual tools held toward the right-hand lean
my fedora wears itself, as my

graying ceiling
since youngster style into the middle-portion of

my existence’s mirror and wandering finding

i am interpreting, yes
, what has held in place an examination
prior to my altering infatuation with
musical foundation and language as
advocate of my body’s often-bending
to become what expands within
the generational differences of
same-season reaching


I want to live, experiment with focuses, rearrange fragmentations.
Create alternate apparitions, converse across patterned puddles
attempting silent art into an acclimation of open structure. I’d
live then, if each year didn’t curtail with predetermined fallacies of
bruised resolutions. I listen, then; the perfect option among voices
hitching and holding onto stories delving, if by thrown, and the sequencing
of truth singing and louder, singing into the dark halls of my eyes’ misplaced


“Everything but sleep.”

—Li-Young Lee

And night is the momentum
of halting light’s music. Acrobatic

of the humming
-bird’s relevant vanish

spelling disappearance
as well as noon’s oscillating

hiding. Dusk
recalls a memory of hybrid fascinations

: penultimate hour prior to the weight bearing model of rest’s diligent coming
- loneliness to an incessant desire, to the brokenness tiredness resembles within a
mirror’s relocating accuracy.

When singing silences.
A darkened contour
a small circle under
the eye of distance’s
braiding bodies.


Found burning, synonyms.
Using alternate species
cannot overwhelm
into breathing accentuated
nuances. Always.

thickened, calling smoke into dance, an
alphabetic purpose
delay as joy. In this company

of halos

elegies transform


permeating the body’s

pertinent condition.


Bones falling into hands
lose the prior
priority of angled
assessment, agreeable
articulation of conformation.

Movement. Warmth. Pastel.

Newness bends and becomes
a brand of compressed alteration
of spatial synonyms. The body reveals
an ownership of air’s
reconstruction of portending
guesses, what will arrive
on a timeline of numerical
decency. Ballads

sing a softened nuance
into listening’s momentum
of finding safe to predict this
home’s interpretation of

Experiential cycles of Elwood Oris Splaven

“I consider myself a jazz man in the world of ideas, a blues man in the life of the mind,
because my models are jazz musicians and blues men who have to find their voices
and not just be echoes . . .”

Cornel West

who loves a

more so than

the son
whereabouts shaped
the coat of an inspired intuition
dangling of love and devotion
the shoulder-duo
of who leads and finds, desires and
articulates music’s rhythms through hymns and the shaping hands
of watch, son

chapter I — the prior

Elwood— young contour, warm-bump alphabet (not yet, me:

I’m waiting, calefacient, wandering into a later-time

(see, the hands, —hers (mrs. Sophia Splaven: lover of Coltrane, Monk, Davis, Ellington,
_______), or /my-mom’s woven lovely string

in the mirrored constant glide hand – to – belly)

my mom
whose reflection was a silence among whispering

where where
where?: dad?? : language of a syllabic trio not yet or ever/ never approaching my

understanding, yet—

varied categories curating gossip
amid corners of halved light
hour-hungry rooms

need and the ed tense of what’s passed her at age’s young style and
organic speed and unseen architecture;

she/her waits/waiting

resembles an ensuing pulsation, the bottle-catch smallness of that specialized

scared and the reveal of what’s coming, him/me, right, right?

her head an echo room dialect
trampoline assimilations

then-she begins her leading, awaiting
what sparks into a name and later whisper-walk agility

this need
is warmth
in the palm of a waiting
affirmation, her lyric / prayer

prose in either dissertation
has been predetermined, a forayed
function of gratitude, with hoping
into a later momentum of bond and
interpreting elation . . .

chapter II — these eyes

dr. Norris/ mom, /nurse Kate

trio (see, the language of what’s ensuing (music) is here, here)

me still stilled awaiting p u s h then

a blow from the inward version of the body’s presence and

needed virtue to


doc: “go, Sophia! blow that brass, he’s (doc
didn’t hear-yet Elwood in the fruition of naming names)

near to the entrance of exiting encased physiological process”

mom’s strength




then . . .

cry-scream hybrid drawing
circles in the echoing fathom of many hands

these asymmetrical sounds
around the white-white walls of this environment I first

heard the warmth of mom’s piano


alter my cold into a sustained configuration of bond and son-mom

collaboration of last name system, and hearing her cries match
the tattoo-etch
cries from my own

fluctuating mouth rhythm, pattern, arrival, now

chapter III – first days and what hearing does in the teaching of its language

home is what mom said: we’re here, Elwood—

I recall here
as a synonym or bolded parallel of music, but my making clear from blur
was first
not a transition of ease or wealth of creative affirmation


what I’d learn were warm tones of gold or bronze or

a hybrid of spirits

drew varied shapes from a flowering

hang of what mom said, saxophone

and my mouth followed in flow into clarity of eyes
gaze and association of my mother’s
this saxophone (later/mom/stated

Coltrane—and that was all I needed to know/then)

moved me, used its hands to move my blanket
and the warmth held and continued its often-rejuvenation
into straight-line energy

following the silence of my napping (often, often)

and dexterity from the body
showed in swollen strength —Trane’s (mom said some called him Trane)

blues watered many dry nights of just mom-me paradigms, —not loveless


but those windy

arid nights of waiting for dad’s origami

to shape an arrival

of one solid, kept string of syllables equaling promise and truth

chapter IV — 1st birthday: gifts of others’ invention(s)
someone rolled their monochromatic sleeves into
positional affirmation: celebratory work of/for

of mom’s

back-home recollections, fried, baked, —all the good
goodness, leveling into range of embracing those here
always, home
the language of those syllables never splay into directional discomfort

for, why would they:?:
I’ve my first steps there, near that corner

muscular in depth in holding books with words
mom recites into
my ear of oscillating curiosity . . .
near blonde
twirls of fraying curtains
fractioned in their window-eyes overlay
allowing wind’s longest arm to
reach in

toward touching
skin’s naïve confirmation
during Summer’s elasticized heat, spectral, implied—
song, mom and similar sounds singsing
a rhythm used to
engrain elation above
a single flame
and they’re asking of my inward wind to
examine shapes of various hands to dissolve

flame into twirl of ballerina smoke . . .


lean of a happy momentum
tones of sand


my small hands , portions , remove

until reveal expands my mouth into elongated smiles of

revelation, elation

chapter V – youth’s spectrum of __________

my crawl walk dash —

here — here (dash of representational nuances of occurred

positional happenings)

my crawl
is away from my memory

momentary-or the fullness of a circle’s ongoing direction


—my walk I recall and hold its steam into the lines my hands encompass as


prioritized movement

not yet

to the unconscious ambulation of mirrored steps
onto road or

path’s preaching configurations:

mom’s sayings/leadings:

 devote
 become
 adhere
 proclaim
 admire
 love
 jazz and mean it

in my expansion of understanding

but the final directive proclaimed sustained guidance toward the physiological,

I needed range of voice and tonal discovery,

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