© 2021 Muhammad prints
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English Arabic Stories for
beginner to intermediate
students of the Arabic language.
7 Stories From 1,001 Nights
presented in parallel Arabic and
English, facilitating language
learning in the classroom and via
They are all written in Arabic
(Modern Standard Arabic)
Diacritics (harakats/tashkeels)
are included as well
the vocabulary and grammar
used every day in Arabic-
Arabic reading practice for
absolute beginners...
these stories give readers a
tantalizing introduction to the
wisdom and humor of these
ancient desert-dwelling peoples.
The Story of the
Merchant and the Genie
ّقِ تّة ْل تّا ِجر اوْ ِل ِج نّ ي
qissâto a taajiri wā al jinii
there was once upon a time a merchant
who possessed great wealth
ََِا َْ كُ ََا َُ ََا مِ رَ َّ لِ ََِم كُ ََ لَ َْ ةً ََ مِّ ََ ةً مِي َّ لْ مِ مِ لْ أ لَْ يّا م
kaana honaaka taajiron yamtalik kabiiratan fii
yawmin mina al ayaami
in land and merchandise, as well as in
ready money
ً َْ ََ ََْم َُ مِي أ لَْ لِ َْأ مِ أ لْ َِا مُ ََ م، ِمِي أ لَْ لَ مِ َْأ لْ َِ ََا مِ م
fii al ardhi wa al badhaa'i3i, wa kathaalika fii
al amwaali al jaahizati
He was obliged from time to time to take
journeys to arrange his affairs
ََِا َْ كّ لَ َط رَ مِ لْ َْ لْ مٍ مِ ََ ََ ِا لْ مِ َّا مِ مِ مَ لح ََ مٍ ْم ََ لَ مَّ مِ كُ كُْ مَ م
kaana yodhttaro min waqtin li aakhara bi al
qiyaami bi rahhalaatin li tartiibi sho'oonihi
One day, having to go a long way from
ِ أ لَ كطَ ِم َْى َْ لط مِ طَّق َط مّْ مِ مِ لْ أ لْ َِ لَ مَ م، ِمِي َّ لْ مِ مِ لْ أ لَْ يّا م
fii yawmin mina al ayaami, odhttorâ ila qat3i
ttariiqin ttawiilin mina al manzili
he mounted his horse, taking with him a
small wallet in which he had put a few
biscuits and dates
ْ َََْ ََ ََ َِ ََ كِ َِ لح ََ ََ ةً ََ مِّ ََ ةً ََْ َِ مِّ ََا أ لْ َِِمّ كِ مِ ل، ِأ لِ ََ َطى مح ََا ََ ك
َأ لْ َِ لْ ََ مّْ مٍ َْأْ يَ لِ م
imtattaa hhissanaho, wa akhatha ma3aho
mahhfadhatan ssaghiiratan, wadha3a fiiha al
qaliil mina al baskawiit wā a tâmri
because he had to pass through the
desert where no food was to be got
ِمَْ يَ كِ ََا َْ ََ َِ لّ مِ ََ لْ َّ كِ يَ ََ لِ ََ أْ يَ لح ََأ مِ َح لّ كُ ََ كّ لِ مَ كْ أ لْ كح كَْ ك
ََِ َِى َط ََا م
li ānāho kaana 3alayhi an yamorâ 3abra a
ssahhraa'i hhaytho laa yomkino al hhossoolo
3ala tta3aamin
He arrived without any mishap, and,
having finished his business
ِ َْ َِ لَ ََ ََ لْ ََ لَ ََى ََ َِ َِ ك، ٍَْ ََ َِ كَْ َْ ََ يّ َحا مَ مُ كِ لُ مْ م
wassala doona ayi hhaadithin mo'esifin, wa
ba3da an anhaa 3amalaho
set out on his return
َُِ ََ ََ مَ لَ ََ ََ لْ ََ مَ م
shara3a 3inda 3awdatihi
On the fourth day of his journey
ِمِي أ لْ َّ لْ مِ أْ يَأ مِ مِ مِ لْ مَ لح َِ مَ م
fi al yawmi a raabi3i min rihhlatihi
the heat of the sun being very great
َح ََأ ًََك أْ يُ لِ مِ ََ مَّ َِ رً مِ ةَّأ
hharaarato a shamsi 3adhiimaton jidan
he turned out of his road to rest under
some trees
َََ ََ ََ مِ لْ َط مَّ مِ مِ ْم َّ لْ ََ مَّ ََ ََ لح ٍَ َِ لَ مِ أ لَْ لُ َِا م
kharaja min ttariiqihi li yastariihha tahhta
ba3dhi al ashjaari
He found at the foot of a large walnut-tree
a fountain of clear and running water
ًِْ ََ مَ لَ ََ َْ لَ مَ َُ َِ ََ مً َِ لْ مَ ََ مِّ ََ مً َّ لَ كِْ ةَا مِ َْ أ لْ مِ َّا مِ أْ يَا مِ َّ م
ًَْأ لْ َِا مَ َّ م
wajada 3inda safhhi shajarati jawzin
kabiiratin yanboo3an mina al miyaahi al
ssaafiyati wā al jaariyati
He dismounted
َِ َِ ََ ََ
fastened his horse to a branch of the tree
ًََ َِ ٍَ مح ََا كَ كِ أْي كُ لَ مْ أْ يُ َِ ََ م
thabâta hhissaanaho ila ghossni a shajārati
and sat by the fountain
ًَْ َِ َِ َِ مَ لَ ََ أْ يَاِكْ ََ م
wā jalasa 3inda a nāāfoorati
after having taken from his wallet some of
his dates and biscuits
ٍَِ لَ ََ ََ لْ ََ ََ ََ مِ لْ َِ لح ََ ََ مَ مِ َِ لَ َِ أْ يَ لِ مَ َْأ لْ َِ لْ ََ مّْ م
ba3da an akhatha min mihhfadhatihi ba3dha
a tâmri wa al baskawiiti
When he was thus manner he saw an
enormous Genie
مَ لَ ََ َِا َاْ ََ َِى َُ ََأ أْ يَ لح مْ ََََى ِ يَ ةّا ََ لَ ةِا
3indama kaana 3ala haatha a nâhhwi ra'aa
jiniyan dhakhman
white with rage, coming towards him
ََ لِ َِّ َِ َِ أ لْ َِ ََ مِ َْا مَِا ََ لح َِْك
abyadh ma3a al ghadhabi qaadiman
with a scimitar in his hand
َِِ َِ َْ لّ مٍ مِي َّ مَ م
ma3a sayfin fii yadihi
"Arise," he cried in a terrible voice
ِ ََ ََ ََ مِ ََ لْ مٍ ََ مُّ م: "ِ"ْك ل
ssarakha bi ssawtin rahiibin : qom
"and let me kill you as you have killed my
""! َْ ََ لَ مَي ََ لْ كَِك َُ ََ َِا َْ ََ لٍِ أ لِ مَي
wa da3nii aqtoloka kamaa qatalta ibnii
As he uttered these words he gave a
frightful yell
ً ََ ََ ََ ََ لَ ََ ةً كِ مَّ ََ ة، ٍَْ َِ لّ ََ َِا ََا َْ َّ لَ مط كق مِ ََ مَ مِ أ لْ ََِم َِا م
wā baynama kaana yanttiqo bi haathihi al
kalimaati, ssarakha ssarkhatan mokhiifatan
The merchant, quite as much terrified at
the hideous face of the monster as at his
ِأْ يَا مِ كَ َِ لَ كَْ رِ مِ لْ أ لْ َْ لِ مِ أ لْ َِ مُ مِ ْم لِ َْ لح مِ مِ َِ لَ مَ كَ لَ مِ مِ مِ لْ ََِم َِا مَ م
a taajiro mar3oobon mina al wajhi al bashi3i
lil wqhhshi biqadri ro3bihi min kalimaatihi
answered him tremblingly
ََ َِا َِ كِ كِ لَ ََ مِ ةَا
ajaabaho mortajifan
"Alas, good sir
"َّ َْ يّ م، ٍْم لأَ َْ م
lil asafi sayīdii
what can I have done to you to deserve
َِا ََأ ٍَِِ ْ َُ مْ لْ ََ مح يق أ لْ َِ لْ ٍَ؟
maatha fa3alto laka li astahhiqâ al mawt
"I shall kill you," repeated the Genie
ََ يَ ََ أ لْ مِ يَ ري: "َُ " َََْ لْ كَِك
karârâ al jiniyo thaalik: sa aqtoloka
"as you have killed my son."
"" ََ َِا َْ ََ لٍِ أ لِ مَي.
kama qatalta ibnii
"But," said the merchant
َ َْا َِ أْ يَا مِ ك: "ْ" ? َْ مَ ل
qaala a taajiro:laakin?
"How can I have killed your son?
"ََ لّ ٍَ كّ لِ مَ كَ مَي َْ لَ كِ أ لِ مَ َُ؟
kayfa yomkinoni qatlo ibnika?
I do not know him
ََِ ََا ََ ََ لَ مَِك ك
ana laa a3rifoho
and I have never even seen him"
ِ" ! َََْ ََا َْ لِ ََ ََِك َح يَى مِ لْ َْ لِ ك
wa ana lam araho hhataa min qablo !
"When you arrived here
"مَ لَ ََ َِا َْ ََ ٍَِ ِم َْى كُ ََا
3indama wassalta ila honaa
did you not sit down on the ground?
ِ?أ َْ لِ ََ لِِمِ ََ َِى أ لَ مَ م
alam tajlis 3ala al ardhi ?
asked the Genie
َََْ َِ أ لْ مِ يَي
sa'ala al jinii
"and did you not take some dates from
your wallet؟
"َْ َْ لِ َََل كَ لَ َِ لَِ أْ يََِأٍ مِ لْ َِ لح ََ ََ مَ َُ؟
wa lam ta'ekhoth ba3dha a tamaraati min
and whilst eating them did not you throw
the stones about?
ْ َِِّا ٍََ َََل كَِك ََا ََ َْ لِ ََ لَ مِي مِا لْ مح َِا ََ مً ََ لَ ََا؟
wa baynama konta ta'ekoloha alam tarmi bi
al hhijaarati 3anha?
"Yes," said the merchant
َ َْا َِ أْ يَا مِ ك: "ِ" ََ ََ ل
qaala a taajiro, na3am
"I certainly did so
"ََْ َِ لَ َِ ََ لِ كٍ ََْم َُ مِاْ يََل مَّ م
laqad fa3alto thaalika bi a tâ'ekiid
"Then," said the Genie
" كَ يِ" َْا َِ أ لْ مِ يَ ري
qaala al jinii "thomâ'"
"I tell you you have killed my son
"ََْكْ كِ َْ َُ ِم يَ َُ َْ ََ لِ ٍَ أ لِ ََي
aqoolo laka inâka qatalta ibnii
for whilst you were throwing about the
ًَ ََ َََ َُ َِ لّ ََ َِا كَ لَ ٍَ ََ لِ مَ كٍ أ لْ مح َِا
li anâka baynama konta taqthifo al hhijaarata
my son passed by
َِ يَ أ لِ مَي
marâ ibnii
and one of them struck him in the eye
َِْ ََ ََ ََِ كِ َْأ محًَ مِي ََ لّ مَ م
wa dharabat'ho waahhidaton fii 3aynihi
and killed him!
ِ! َْ َْ ََ ََِ ك
wa qatalatho
So I shall kill you.
َُ ْم ََأ َََْ لْ كَِك.
lithaa sa aqtoloka
"Ah, sir, forgive me!"
" َْا مِ لح مَي، َّ"!آ لِ َّا َْ يّ م
aah yaa sayidii, saamihhnii!
cried the merchant
ََِ ََى أْ يَا مِ ك
bakaa a taajiro
"I will have no mercy on you,"
"َُ َِ َْ لْ ََ لَ َح
lân arhhamaka
answered the Genie
ََ َِا َِ أ لْ مِ يَ ري
ajaaba al jinii
"But I killed your son quite
"ََْ مَ يَ مَي َْ ََ لِ كٍ أ لِ ََ َُ ََ لْ َُ لّ مَ َْ لَ م
laakinânii qatalto ibnaka 3an ghayri qassdin!
so I implore you to spare my life."
ْم ََْم َُ َك ََا مُ كَ لُ ََ لْ َِِي َِي َح َّا مَي
lithaalika onaashidoka an tobqii 3ala
"No," said the Genie
" ََ" َْا َِ أ لْ مِ يَ ري
qaala al jinii "laa"
"I shall kill you as you killed my son"
"" َََْ لْ كَِك َُ ََ َِا َْ ََ لِ ٍَ أ لِ مَي
sa aqtoloka kama qatalta ibnii
and so saying he seized the merchant by
the arm
ََْاَِ َُْ َِِْا مِ مَ ََأ مَ أْ يَا مِ م
qaa'ilan thaalika momsikan bi thiraa3i a
threw him on the ground
ََِ لْ َِاِك ََ َِى أ لَْ لَ م
alqaaho 3ala al ardhi
and lifted his sabre to cut off his head
َِْ ََ َِ َِ َِّْ ْم َّ لِ َط َِ ََ لَ َْ ك
wā rafa3a sayfaho li yaqta3a ra'esaho
The merchant, protesting his innocence
ِأْ يَا مِ كَ أ لح مَ َِا ةِا ََ َِى َِ ََأ َِ مَ م
a taajiro ihhtijaajan 3ala baraa'atihi
bewailed his wife and children
ِأٍْ َِي ََ لْ َِ ََ كِ َََْ لْ ََ مَ م
aasifon 3ala zawjatihi wā awlaadihi
and tried pitifully to avert his fate
َْ َحا َْ َِ مِ َُ ََ َِ مً ََ لْ َّ ََ َِ يَ َِ َِ مَّ ََِك
wā hhaawala bi shafaqatin an yatajanâba
The Genie, with his raised scimitar
ِأ لْ مِ يَ ري َِ َِ َْ لّ مَ مِ أ لْ كِ لَ ََ مَ م
al jiniyo ma sayfihi al mortafi3i
ِِ َْاَ ِْ ار ا
at this point, seeing that it was day
َ َِ َِ كَ لُ َّ مً ََ يَ كِ ََا َْ أْ يَ ََا ك، ًمِي َُ مَ مِ أ لْ َِ لَ َح َِ م
fii haathihi al marhhalati, ma3a ro'eyati
ānāho kaana a nâhaaro
and knowing that the Sultan
َْ ََِْم ٍَِ ََ يْ أْ رْ لِ َطا
wā 3alimat ana a solttaan
rose very early to attend the council
ََِ ََ َِ كِ َِ يَ ةَأ مِ ّةَأ ْم كح كَْ مَ أ لْ َِ لِِم م
naha'dha mobakîran li hhodhoori al majlisi
stopped speaking
ََِ َْ يْ ٍََ ََ مْ أ لْ ََ ََ م
tawaqāfat 3an al kalaam
"Indeed, sister"
"" مِي أ لْ َْأ مْ مِ َك لََي
fi alwaaqi3i okhtii
said Dinarzad, "this is a wonderful story"
َ" َُ مَ مِ مْ يَ رً ََأ مِ ََ رً" َْا ٍَْ مَّ ََا لَ ََأ ل.
qaalat dinarzade, haathihi qissâton
"The rest is still more wonderful," replied
َََ َِا َِ لٍ َُ لَ ََ ََأ ك: "ً"أ لْ َِا مْي ََ َّ ََأ كِ ََ لَ ََ ََ ََ لْ ََ ة
ajaabat sha'hrazaad:al baaqii laa yazaalo
akthara raw3atan
"and you would say so
"َُ َْ َْ ََِكّْْْ ََْم
wā sataqooliina thaalik
if the sultan would allow me to live
another day
ََ ََ َْ لْ َْ َِ ََ ْمي أْ رْ لِ َطا كْ ََ لْ ََ مَّ َِ َّ لْ ةِا آ
law samahha li a soltaano an a3iisha
yawman aakhara
and would give me leave to tell it to you
the next night"
ًَ َّ " َْ َْ َّ لِ ََ كح مَي ِم لَ ةَا مْك لَ مِ ََ َُ مِ مِ أِْي لّ َِ ًَ أْ يَاْم
wa sayamnahhonii ithnan ki okhbiraka bi a
laylata a taaliyata.
Schahriar, who had been listening to
Scheherazade with pleasure
َ أْي مَّ ََا َْ َّ لْ ََ مِ كِ ِم َْى َُ لَ ََ ََأ ََ مِ كَ يِ كْ كَْ م، ََُ لَ ََّا
Schahriar, alâthii kaana yastami3o ila
shahrazaad bi koli soroor
said to himself, "I will wait till to-morrow
ِ َْا َِ مِي ََ لَ مْ م: "ََََْ لَ ََ مَ كَ َح يَى أ لْ َِ م
qaala fii nafsihi,sa antadhiro hhata al ghadī
I can always have her killed when I have
heard the end of her story"
" كّ لِ يَ كَ مَي ََأ مِ ةِا َْ لَ َِ ََا مَ لَ ََ َِا ََ لْ َِ كِ مَ ََا َّ ًَ مْ يَ مَ ََا
yomkinoni daa'iman qatloha 3indama
asma3o nihaayata qissâtiha
All this time the grand-vizir was in a
terrible state of anxiety
َط َْأ َِ َُ ََأ أ لْ َْ لْ مٍ ََا َْ أ لْ َْ مَّ كَ أ لَْ لَ ََ كِ مِي َحا َْ مً ََ مُّ َِ مً مِ لْ أ لْ َِ َِ مق
ttawaala haatha al waqti kaana al waziiro al
a3dhamo fii hhaalatin rahiibatin mina al
But he was much delighted when he saw
the Sultan
َْ َْ مَ يَ كِ ََا َْ َِ لْ كَْ ةَأ مِ ةَأ مَ لَ ََ َِا ََََى أْ رْ لِ َطا
laakinâho kaana masrooran jidan 3indama
ra'aa a solttaan
enter the council-chamber without giving
the terrible command
ََِِّ َْا ََ ًَ أ لْ َِ لِِم مِ كَْ َْ ِم لَ َطا مِ أ لَْ لِ مَ أْ يَ مُّ م
yadkholo qaa3ata al majlisi doona i3tta'i al
amri a râhiibi
that he was expecting
ِأْي مَّ ََا َْ َّ ََ َْ يْ كَ ك
alâthii kaana yatawaqâ3oho
The next morning
أْ يَ َِا كُ أْ يَاْمي
a ssâbaahho a taali
before the day broke
َِْْ لِ َِ َِ لِ مَ أ لْ َّ ل
qabla fajri al yawmi
Dinarzad said to her sister
َْا َْ لٍ مَّ ََاَ ََأ ََ مْك لَ مَ ََا
qaalat dinarzad
"Dear sister, if you are awake I pray you
to go on with your story."
" ََ لَ كَّْ ي َل ََ لْ كَ لَ مِِي، ً ِم ََأ كَ لَ مٍ كِ لْ ََ لّ مِ ََ ة، َك لَ مَي أ لْ ََ مَّ ًََك
َُ َ" مْ يَ ك.
Okhty al 3aziizato,ithaa konti
mostayqidhatan, od3owi alâha an tokmili
The Sultan did not wait for Scheherazade
to ask his leave
َِْ لِ َّ لَ ََ مَ لَ أْ رْ لِ َطا كْ ََ لْ ََ لطِك َِ َُ لَ ََ ََأ كَ ِم َِا ََ ََ ك
Lam yantadhir a ssoltaano an tattloba
shahrazaad ijaazataho
"Finish," said he, "the story of the Genie
and the merchant
َِ َْا: "مْ يَ ًَ أ لْ مِ يَ يي َْأْ يَا مِ مَ "َ لَ مَي
Qaala :anhii qissâta al jinii wa a taajiri
I am curious to hear the end"
ً" َْ ََ يّ ِك كَْ رِ ْم َْ َِا مَ أْ يَ ََا َّ م
Ladayâ fodhoolon li samaa3i a nihaayati
So Scheherazade went on with the story
ًَ ََِ َْأ ََ َِ لٍ َُ لَ ََ ََأ كَ أ لْ مِ ي
Fa waassalat shahrazaad al qissâta
This happened every morning
َُح ََ َُ َُ ََأ كَ رِ ََ َِا م
Hhadatha haatha kolâ ssabaahhin
The Sultana told a story
ًََ لَ َِ ََ لٍ أْ رْ لِ َطا ََ كً مْ يَ ة
Akhbarat a ssolttanato qissâtan
and the Sultan let her live to finish it
َْ ََ ََ ََ ََا أْ رْ لِ َطا كْ ََ مَّ كِ ْم ََ لَ مَ ََّا
Wa tarakaha a sôlttano ta3iisho li tonhiyahaa
When the merchant saw that the Genie
مَ لَ ََ َِا ََََى أْ يَا مِ كَ ََْم َُ أ لْ مِ يَ يي
3indama ra'aa a tââjiro thaalika al jinii
was determined to cut off his head
ََِا َْ كِ ََ يِ ةِا ََ َِى َْ لط مِ ََ لَ مْ م
Kaana mossamîman 3ala qatt3i ra'esihi
I entreat you. Grant me a little delay
َُ ََك ََا مُ ك. َََ لَ مط مَي أ لْ َِِمّ َِ مِ َْ أْ يََل مَّ م
Onaashidoka, a3ttini al qaliila mina a
just a short time to go home
َِِ َِ لط َْ لْ رٍ َْ مَّ رَ ْم لِ ََ لْ ََ مً ِم َْى أ لْ َِ لَ مَ م
Faqat waqt qassir lil 3awdati ila al manzili
and bid my wife and children farewell
َََّْْ ََ لْ َِ مَي َََْ لْ ََ م
Li owadi3a zawjatii wa awlaadi
and to make my will
َْْمَِ مِ ََّْي
Wa li 3amali wassiyâtii
When I have done this I will come back
مَ لَ ََ َِا ََ لِ ََ كِ َُ ََأ َََْ كَْ كَ ِم َْى كُ ََا
3indama af3alo haatha sa a3oodo ila honaa
and you shall kill me."
" َْ َْ لْ ٍَ ََ لِ كَِك مَي
Wa sawfa taqtolonii
"But," said the Genie
َْا َِ أ لْ مِ يَ ري: "ْ" َْ مَ ل
Qaala al jinii:laakin
"if I grant you the delay you ask
"ِِم ََأ ََ لَ َط لّ كَ َُ أْ يََل مَّ ََ أَّْ ََ لََْ ك
Ithaa a3ttaytoka a ta'ekhiir alâthii tas'alo
I am afraid that you will not come back"
ََ َْ" ََ لَ َُى ََ يَ ََ ك
Akhshaa alâ ta3ood
"I give you my word of honour"
"ٍ"َك لَ مطّ َُ ََِم َِ ًَ أْ يُ ََ م
O3ttiika kalimata a shârafi
answered the merchant
َََ َِا َِ أْ يَا مِ ك
Ajaaba a tââjiro
"that I will come back without fail."
"َِ َُ ِ" َََْ كَْ كَ كَْ َْ ََ لْ ََ ل.
Sa a3oodo doona an afshal
"How long do you require?" asked the
"َََْ َِ أ لْ مِ يَي " ََ لِ مِ لْ أ لْ َْ لْ مٍ ََ لح ََا كَ؟
Kam mina al waqti tahhtaajo ? Sa'ala al
"I ask you for a year's grace"
"ِ"ََ لطِك كِ مِ لَ َُ مَ لَ َِ ًَ ََا م
Attlobo minka ni3mata 3aamin
replied the merchant
َََِ يَ أْ يَا م
Radâ a tââjiro
"I promise you that to-morrow
"ََ مَ رَ َُ ََ يْ أ لْ َّ لْ َِ أْ يَا مَ َي ََ َُ ََ َُ ةَأ
A3idoka anâ al yawm a thaani 3ashar
I shall be waiting under these trees to
give myself up to you."
َُ َْ " َََْ لَ ََ مَ كَ ََ لح ٍَ َُ مَ مِ أ لَْ لُ َِا مَ مْك َِْي َِ ََ لَ مْي.
Sa antadhiro tahhta haathihi al ashjaari li
osalîma nafsii ilayka
On this the Genie left him near the
fountain and disappeared
ََ َِى َُ ََأ ََ ََ ََ كِ أ لْ مِ يَ ري مِا لِْك لَ مِ مِ َْ أْ يَاِكْ ََ مً َْأ لَ ََ ََى
3ala haatha tarakaho al jinii bi al qorbi mina
a nââfoorati wa ikhtafa
The merchant, having recovered from his
ِأْ يَا مِ كَ َِ لَ ََ ََ لْ ََ ََا َِى مِ لْ كَ لَ مِ م
A tââjiro ba3da an ta3aafaa min ro3bihi
mounted his horse and went on his road
ِأ لِ ََ َطى مح ََا ََ كِ َْ ََ َُ َِ مِي َط مَّ مِ م
Imtattaa hhissaanaho wa tha'haba fiittariiqihi
When he arrived home
ِمَ لَ ََ َِا َْ ََ َِ ِم َْى أ لْ َِ لَ مَ م
3indama wassala ila al manzili
his wife and children received him with
the greatest joy
ِأ لْ ََ لِ َِ َِ لَ كِ ََ لْ َِ كَ كِ َََْ لْ ََ كَِك مِ ََ ََ مُ ََ مَّ م
Istaqbalatho zawjatoho wa awlaadoho bi
farahhin 3adhiimin
But instead of embracing them
َِْ مَ لْ َِ ََ ةَة مِ لْ أ لح مَ ََا مَ مَ ل
Laakin badalan min ihhtidhaanihim
he began to weep so bitterly
ًَِ ََََ َّ لِ مَي مِ َِ ََأ ََ م
Bada'a yabkii bi maraaratin
that they soon guessed that something
terrible was
َْ ََ يَ كَ لِ كْ لَ ََا َْ َِا ََِ كَْأ ََ يْ َُ لّ ةِا َِ مَّ ةَا ََا
Inâhom sor3aana maa khamânoo anâ
shay'an fadhii3an kaana
"Tell us, I pray you," said his wife
ِ َْا َْ لٍ ََ لْ َِ كَ ك: "ُ َََِا، " ْك لِ َْ ََا
Qaalat zawjatoho: qol lanaa, atarajaak
"what has happened."
"َُ ََ َِا ََأ َح."
Maatha hhadatha
"Alas!" answered her husband
"ََ َِا َِ ََ لْ كِ ََا "! َْأ لح َْ لَ ََاِك
Waa hhasrataah! Ajaaba zawjoha
"I have only a year to live."
"َُِّ" َْ ََ يّ ََا مِ َِ َِ لط مَْ م.
"Ladayâ 3aamon faqat li a3iishaho
Then he told them what had passed
between him and the Genie
كَ يِ َْا َِ َْ كَ لِ َِا َح ََ َُ َِ لّ ََ كِ َْ َِ لّ َْ أ لْ مِ يَ يي
Thomâ qaala lahom maa hhadatha baynaho
wa bayna al jinii
and how he had given his word to return
at the end of a year to be killed
َِ ََِْ ََ لّ ٍَ ََ لَ َطى ََِم َِ ََ كِ مِا لْ ََ لْ ََ مً مَ ََا َّ ًَ أ لْ ََا مِ ْمّ ل
Wa kayfa a3ttaa kalimataho bi al 3awdati
nihaayata al 3aami li yoqtala
When they heard this sad news they were
in despair
ِمَ لَ ََ َِا َْ مِ كَْأ َُ مَ مِ أ لَْ لَ َِا ََ أ لْ كِ لح مَ ََ ًَ ََا كَْأ مِي َحا َْ مً مِ لْ أ لْ ََّل م
3indama sami3oo haathihi al akhbaar al
mohhzinata kaano fii hhaalatin mina al ya'esi
and wept much
َْ َِ ََى ََ مَّ ةَأ
Wa bakaa kathiiran
The next day the merchant began to
settle his affairs
ِمِي أ لْ َّ لْ مِ أْ يَاْمي َِ ََََ أْ يَا مِ كَ مِي ََ لْ مْ َّ مً كُ كُْ مَ م
Fii al yawmi a tââli bada'a a tââjiro fii
taswiyati sho'oonihi
and first of all to pay his debts
َِْ َْ لِ َِ كَ يِ َُ لي مِ ََ َِ َِ كَ كّْ ََ ك
Wa qabla koli shay'en dafa3a doyoonaho
He gave presents to his friends
َِْ يَ َِ أ لْ ََ ََأ َّا مَْ لَ مَ َْا مِ م
Qadâma al hadaaya li assdiqaa'ihi
and large alms to the poor
َِْأْ يَ ََاًك أ لْ ََ مِّ ًََك ْم لَِك َِ ََأ م
Wa a zâkaato al kabiirato lil foqaraa'i
He set his slaves at liberty
ََِِّك لطِ َق ََ م
Attlaqa 3abiidaho
and provided for his wife and children
َِْ يْ َْ ََ لْ َِ ََ كِ َََْ لْ ََ ََِك
Wa mawâna zawjataho wa awlaadaho
The year soon passed away
ِكْ لَ ََا َْ َِا ََ ََ َُى أ لْ ََا ك
Sor3aana maa talaashaa al 3aamo
and he was obliged to depart
ًَْأ لَ كط يَ ْم لِ كِ َِا ََ ََ م
Wa odh'ttorâ lil moghaadarati
When he tried to say good-bye he was
quite overcome with grief
مَ لَ ََ َِا َحا َْ َِ ََ لْ َِّكْ َِ َْ ََأ ةَا ََا َْ َح مَّ ةَا ََ َِا ةِا
3indama hhaawala an yaqoola wadaa3an
kaana hhaziinan tamaaman
and with difficulty tore himself away
َِْ مِ كَ كَْ َِ مً َِ يَ َق ََ لَ َْ ك
Wa bisso'3oobatin mazâqa nafsaho
At length he reached the place
ْكِ َط يْ ةَ َْ ََ َِ ِم َْى أ لْ َِ ََا م
Mottawâlan wassala ila al makaani
where he had first seen the Genie
ًَح لّ كُ ََََى أ لْ مِ يَ يي مَْ يْ مِ َِ يَ م
Hhaytho ra'aa al jinii li awâli marâtin
on the very day that he had appointed
مِي ََ لَ مِ أ لْ َّ لْ مِ أْي مَّ َح يَ ََِك
Fii nafsi al yawmi alâthii hhadâdaho
He dismounted, and sat down at the edge
of the fountain
َََ ََ َِ َْ َِ َِ َِ ََ َِى َحا يِ مً أ لْ َّ لَ كِْ م
Nazala wa jalasa 3ala hhâfâti al yanboo3i
where he awaited the Genie in terrible
ََح لّ كُ ََا َْ َّ لَ ََ مَ ك
Hhaytho kaana yantadhiro
Whilst he was waiting an
َََِ لّ ََ َِا ََا َْ َّ لَ ََ م
Baynama kaana yantadhiro
َََ كِ رِ ََ كِْ ر
old man
Rajolon 3ajoozon
leading a deer came towards him
َِا َِ َِّكْ كَ َُأًْ ََ لح َِْك
Jaa'a yaqoodo ghazaalatan nahhwaho
They greeted one another
ََِح يّا َِ لَ ََ كَ كِ أ لْ َِ ل
Hhayââ ba3dhohom al ba3dh
and then the old man said to him
َكَ يِ َْا َِ َْ كِ أْ يَ كِ كِ أ لْ ََ كِْ ك
Thomâ qaala laho a râjolo al 3ajoozo
"May I ask, brother؟
"َُ لِ ْمي ََ لْ ََ لََْ َِ َّا ََ مَي؟
Hal lii an as'ala yaa akhii?
what brought you to this desert place?
ّ? َِا أْي مَّ ََ ََى مِ َُ ِم َْى َُ ََأ أ لْ َِ ََا مْ أْ يَ لح ََأ مْ ي
Ma alâthii ataa bika ila haatha al makaani
where there are so many evil genii about?
َح لّ كُ كّْ َِ كَ أ لْ ََ مَّ كَ مِ لْ أ لْ مِ يْ أََُ ََأ مَ؟
Hhaytho yoojado al kathiiro mina al jinî al
To see these beautiful trees one would
imagine it was inhabited
ََ يَ ََا ََْ ل ِْم لِ َِ لَ م ًأ لْ َِ مِّ َِ م َأ لَْ لُ َِا م
ٍََا ََ ل َِ َّّ ََ ََ ي ْكّ لِ مَ ك ِمِ كَ لُ َّ مً َُ مَ م
ًََِل كُْ َْ ة
Bi ro'eyati haathihi al ashjaar al jamiilati
yomkino lil mar'i an Yatakhayâla anâha
kaanat ma'ehoolatan
but it is a dangerous place to stop long
ً" َْ مَ يَ كِ َِ ََا رْ ََ مطّ رَ ْمِ يَ َْ رْ مٍ مِّ مِ ْم ََ لَ ََ مً َط مّْ َِ م.
Laakinâho makaanon khattiiron li atâwaqofi
fiihi lifatratin ttawiilatin!
The merchant told the old man
ََْا َِ أْ يَا مِ كَ ْمِ يَ كِ مِ أ لْ ََ كِْ م
Qaala a tââjiro lil lil râjoli al 3ajooz
why he was obliged to come there
َُ ْم َِا ََأ أك لَ كط يَ ِم َْى أ لْ َِ مِي مِ ِم َْى كُ ََا
Limaatha odh'ttorâ ila al majii'e ila honaaka
He listened in astonishment.
ً مأ لْ ََ َِ َِ مِ ََ لُ َُ م.
Istama3a bi dahshatin.
"This is a most marvelous affair
"ًَُ مَ مِ َْ مَ يّ رً كة ََأ مِ ََ رً ْم لِ َِا َّ م
Haathihi qadhiyâton raa'i3aton lil ghaayati
I should like to be a witness of your
interview with the Genie."
" ََ َْ كَ ََ لْ ََ كَْ َْ َُا مُ ةَأة ََ َِى كِ َِا َِ َِ مَ َُ َِ َِ أ لْ مِ يَ يي.
Awadô an akoona shaahidan 3ala
moqaabalatika ma3a al jinii
So saying and he sat down by the
ََْا مََِ َة ََْم َُ ْ َِ َِ َِ مِ َِا مَ مِ أْ يَا مِ م
Qaa'ilan thaalika wa jalasa bijaanibi a tââjiri
While they were talking another old man
came up
ََِ لّ ََ َِا ََا ََا َّ ََ َح يَ ََا مْ َِا َِ ََ كِ رِ كة ََ كِْ كَ رة آ ََ ك
Baynama kaanaa yatahhadâthaani jaa'a
rajolon 3ajoozon aakhar
followed by two black dogs
ََِْ كِْ كَ كة ِ ََ لِ َِّ مْ ََ لْ َْ ََّ م
Matboo'3on bi lalbayni aswadayni
He greeted them
َِح َّا كُ ل
and asked what they were doing in this
َْْ َََََِْك َِا ََأ َّ لَ ََ كِ مِي َُ ََأ أ لْ َِ ََا م
Wa sa'alaaho Maatha yaf3alo fii haatha al
The old man who was leading the deer
ًْأْ يَ كِ كِ أ لْ ََ كِْ كَ أْي مَّ ََا َْ َِّكْ كَ أ لَِْأ
A râjolo al 3ajoozo alâthii kaana yaqoodo al
told him the adventure of the merchant
and the Genie
ََ َْى َْ كِ كِ َِا َِ ََ ًَ أْ يَا مِ مَ َْأ لْ مِ يَيم
Rawaa laho moghaamarata a tââjiri wa al
The second old man had not sooner
heard the story
ًَ ََْ لِ َّ لْ َِ لِ أْ يَ كِ كِ أ لْ ََ كِْ ََ أْ يَا مَي أ لْ مِ ي
Lam yasma3 a râjolo al 3ajoozo a thaani al
than he, too, decided to stay there to see
what would happen
ُكَ يِ َْ يَ ََ كُ َْ ََ لّ ةَا أ لْ َِ َِا َِ كُ ََا َُ ْم َّ ََى َِا َْ َّ لح كَ ك
Thomâ qarâra howa aydhan al baqaa'a
honaaka li yaraa maa sayahhdotho
He sat down by the others
َْ ََِّ َِ َِ مِ مِ َْأ مَ أ لِ ََ م
Jalasa bi jiwaari al aakhariin
and was talking, when a third old man
مَ لَ ََ َِا َْ ََ َِ ََ كِ كِ رة ََ كِْ رَ كة ََاْم كُ رة، ُ َْ ََا َْ َّ ََ َح يَ ك.
Wa kaana yatahhadâtho 3indama wassala
râjolon 3ajoozon thaalith
He asked why the merchant who was with
them looked so sad
َََِْ َِ ََ لْ َْ َِ مِ كح لَ مْ أْ يَا مِ مَ أْي مَّ ََا َْ َِ ََ كَ ل
Sa'ala 3an sababi hhozni a tââjiri alâthii
kaana ma3ahom
They told him the story
ًَ ََْاْكْأ َْ كِ أ لْ مِ ي
Qaaloo laho al qissâta
and he also resolved to see what would
َِ ََْ َْ يَ ََ ََ لّ ةَا ََ لْ َّ ََى َِا كّ لِ مَ كْ ََ لْ َّح ك
Wa qarâra aydhan an yaraa maa yomkino
an yahhssola
between the Genie and the merchant
ََِ لّ َْ أ لْ مِ يَ يي َْأْ يَا مِ م
Bayna al jinii wa a tââjir
so waited with the rest
ًَح يَى أ لَ ََ ََ ََ َِ َِ أ لْ َِ مِ يّ م
Hhatââ antadhira ma3a al baqiyâti
They soon saw in the distance a thick
َكْ لَ ََا َْ َِا ََََ لْأ كَ ََا ةَا ََ مَّ ةَا مِ لْ َِ مَّ م
Sor3aana maa ra'aw dokhaanan kathiifan
min ba3iidin
like a cloud of dust
َمِ لَ َِ َْ َحا َِ مً مِ َْ أ لْ كِ َِا م
Mithla sahhaabatin mina al ghobaar
This smoke came nearer and nearer
َِ ََ َِْا َِ َُ ََأ أْ رَ ََا كْ ََ َة لْ ََ َِ َََْ َة ل
Jaa'a haatha a dôkhaano aqraba wa aqraba
and then, all at once
ًكَ يِ َِ يَ ةً َْأ مح ََ ة
Thomâ marâtan waahhidatan
it vanished, and they saw the Genie
مأَ ََ ََي,ََََْ َةْ أَْ مِ يَ َي
Ikhtafaa, wa ra'aw al jinii
who, without speaking to them
َّ أْي م,ِمِ لْ كَْ مْ أْ يَ َح رَ مُ ِم َْ لّ مَ ل
Alâthii, min dooni a tâhhadôthi ilayhim
approached the merchant
َأ لْ ََ ََ َِ مِ لْ أْ يَا مِ م
Iqtaraba mina a tââjiri
sword in hand, and, taking him by the
arm, said:
مِي َّ مَ مِ َّْ كٍ كة, َِ َْأَ ََ لة ََِ مِ لْ مَ ََأ مَ مِ َْ َْا:
Fii yadihi sayfon, wa akhathaho min
thiraa'3ihi wa qaala:
"Get up and let me kill you as you killed
my son"
"" مأ لَ ََ لِ َْ ََ لَ مَي ََ لْ كَِك َُ ََ َِا َْ ََ لٍِ مأ لِ مَي
Inhadh wa da3nii aqtoloka kamaa qatalta
The merchant and the three old men
began to weep and groan
َِِ ََََ أْ يَا مِ كَ َْأْ يَ َِا كِ أْ يَ ََ ََ كً مِي أ لْ كِ ََا مِ َْأْ يَََ رْ م
Bada'a a tââjiro wa a rijaalo a thâlaathâto fii
al bokaa'i wa a tâ'awôhi
Then the old man leading the deer threw
ِكَ يِ ََ لْ َِى أْ يَ كِ كِ أ لْ ََ كِْ كَ َة أْي مَّ َِّكْ كَ أَِْأًْ مِ ََ لَ مْ م
Thomâ alqaa a râjolo al 3ajoozo alâthii
yaqoodo al ghazaalata bi nafsihi
at the monster's feet and said
َِ مَ لَ ََ َْ ََ َِيم أ لْ َْ لح مِ َْ َْا
3inda qadamay al wahhshi wa qaala
"O Prince of the Genii
"َّْا ََ مِّ ََ أ لْ مِ ي
Yaa amiira al jini
I am going to tell you my story and that of
the deer I have with me
َْ لْ ٍَ َك لَ مِ كَ َُ لة مِ مِ يَ مَي َْ مْ يَ ًَ أَِْأًْ أْي مَي أَِِم كَ ََا َِ مَي
Sawfa okhbiroka bi qissâtii wa qissâti al
ghazaalati alâtii amlikoha ma3ii
and if you find it more marvellous than
that of the merchant whom you are about
to kill
َِِْم ََأ َْ َِ لَ ََ كِ ََ لَ َْ ََ مِ َْ أْ ََا مِ مَ أْي مَّ ََ لَ ٍَ ََ َِى َْ لُ مُ َْ لَِم م
Wa ithaa wajadtaho arwa3a mina alâthii anta
3ala washki qatlihi
I hope that you will do away with a third
part of his punishment?
ََ لَ كِْ ِم لْ َِا َِ كَِك مُ كَِكْ َِ مَ مِ؟
Arjoo ilghaa'a tholothi 3oqoobatihi
The Genie considered some time
ٍَِ يَ ََ أ لْ مِ يَ ري َِ لَ َِ أ لْ َْ لْ م
Fakâra al jiniyo ba3dha al waqti
and then he said, "Very well, I agree to
َِ كَ يِ َْا، " ََ ََا كِ َْأ مِ رق ََ َِى َُ ََأ، َح َْ ةَا."
Thomâ qaala,hasanan ana mowaafiqon 3ala
The Story of the Old Man
and of the deer
ِِ َْقِ تّ جة ْل تر جج ِِ ْ ِل اَ ججو َِ اوْ ِل اَ ا
I am now going to begin my story (said
the old man)
) َْا َِ أْ يَ كِ كِ أ لْ ََ كِْ كَ( َََْ لِ َََك أ لِ َْ مْ يَ مَي
This deer that you see with me is my wife
َُ مَ مِ أْ َِ ََأ ًَْ مِي أ لْ ََ لِ مٍ أْي مَي ََ ََأ َُا َِ مَي مُ َي ََ لْ َِ مَي
We have no children of our own
َِْ لّ َِ َْ ََ لّ ََا ََ لط ََا ر
therefore I adopted the son of a favorite
ِْم ََْم َُ ََ َِ يَ لّ كٍ أ لِ َْ ََ لِ مَ كِ ََ يَ م
and determined to make him my heir
َْ َْ يَ لَ كٍ ََ لْ ََ لِ ََ َِ كِ َْ مَّ ةَا ْمي
My wife, however
َُ َِ َِ ََْم، ََ لْ َِ مَي
took a great dislike to both mother and
ََِ ََ ََ لٍ ََ ََأ مُ َّ ةً ََ مِّ ََ ةً ْم كَ لِ مِ َْ أ لْك يِ َْأْ يط لَ م
which she concealed from me till too late
ْأْي مَي ََ لَ َََ ََا ََ يَي َح يَى َِ َْأ مٍ أ لَْ َْأ م
When my adopted son was about ten
years old
ٍمَ لَ ََ َِا ََا َْ أ لِ مَي مِاْ يَ َِ يَي َّ لِِك كُ مِ لْ أ لْ كَ لِ مَ َح َْأ َْ لي ََ لُ مَ َْ ََ َْأ م
I was obliged to go on a journey
ًأك لَ كط مَ لَ كٍ ْمِ يَ َُا مِ مِي مَ لح َِ م
Before I went I entrusted to my wife's
keeping both the mother and child
َِْ لِ َِ ََ لْ ََ لَ َُ َِ ََ مَ لَ كٍ ِم َْي ََ لْ َِ مَي مِ مح لَ مَ أ لْك يِ َْأْ يط لَ م
and begged her to take care of them
during my absence
َْ ََ َْ يْ لِ كٍ ِم َْ لّ ََا ََ لْ ََ لَ ََ مَ َي مِ مَ َِا ََ لَ ََا َِ مُ َّا مِي
which lasted a whole year
ِأْي مَي أ لْ ََ َِ يَ لٍ ْم كِ يَ مً ََا مِ ََا مِ م
During this time she studied magic
ََ مَ ََ َِ َُ ََأ أ لْ َْ لْ مٍ ََ ََ ٍَْ أْ يْ لح
in order to carry out her wicked scheme
َمِ لْ ََ لِ مِ ََ لَ مَّ مَ كِ ََ يط مط ََا أْ يُ يَّ م
When she had learnt enough
مَ لَ ََ َِا ََ ََِي لِ ٍَ َِا َّ لَ مَي
she took my son into a distant place
َََ ََ لٍَ أ لِ مَي ِم َْى َِ ََا مْ َِ مَّ م
and changed him into a calf
َِْ َُ يّ ََ كَ كِ ِم َْى مَ لِ م
Then she gave him to my servant
كَ يِ ََ لَ َط لَ كِ ْم ََا مَ مِي
and told him to look after a calf she had
َِْ َط َِ لِ كٍ مِ لَ كِ ََ لْ َّ لَ ََ مَ َي مِ مَ لِ مِ ََا ََ لٍ َْ مَ مأ لُ ََ ََ لَ ك
She also changed the mother into a cow
ًََ َِا ََ يَ ََا َُ يّ ََ لٍ أك يِ كِ ِم َْى َِ َِ ََ م
which she sent to my servant too
أْي مَي ََ لَ َْ َِ لَ ََا ِم َْى ََا مَ مِي ََّا
When I returned I inquired after the
mother and the child
ِمَ لَ ََ َِا كَ لَ كٍ َََْ لْ كٍ ََ مْ أ لَ مِ َْأْ يط لَ م
"the mother is dead," she said
ٍ َْا َْ ل: "ٍَ "أ لَ كِ َِا
"and as for your son
َُ ََْأَ ةِّا مأ لِ ك
I have not seen him for two months
َْْ لِ ََ ََِك كِ لَ كَ َُ لَ ََ لّ م
and I do not know where he is"
َْ ُ" َْ ََ أ لَ مَ لٍ أ لّ َْ ك
I was grieved to hear that
َُ َح مَ لَ كٍ ْم َْ َِا مَ ََْم
but as my son had only disappeared
َْ مَ يْ أ لِ مَي َْ لَ أ لَ ََ ََى َِ َِ لط
I thought I should soon find him
أ لَ ََ َِ لَ كٍ ََ يَ مَي َّ مِ كِ ََ لْ ََ مِ ََِك َْ مَّ ةِا
Eight months, however, passed
ٍ َِ يَ ل، َُ َْ َِ َِ ََْم، َََ َِا مَ َّ كً ََ لُ كَ م
and still no tidings of him
َْ ََ كّْ َِ كَ ََ لَ َِا رَ ََ لَ كِ َح يَى
One day i needed to give my yearly
ًّمِي أَ َح مَ أََ ّّا مِ مأح ََِ كٍ أْ أكَ مطي َََ مح َّ مَي أْ َْ ََ مْ ي
To celebrate it I ordered my servant
ْم مَ لح مَ ََا مِ مِ ََا ََ َِ ََ كٍ ََا مَ مِي
to bring me a very fat cow to sacrifice
ًمِِم لح ََا مَ َِ َِ ََ مً َْ مِّ ََ مً ْمِ يَ لَ مح َّ م
He did so
َُ َْ َِ لَ َِ ََ َِ ََْم
The cow that he brought was the
unfortunate mother
ًَ َْ َّأ لْ َِ َِ ًََك أْي مَي ََ لح ََ ََ َُا ََا ََ لٍ أ لْك رِ أْ يَ م
I bound her, but just as I was about to kill
َْ مَ لْ مََ ََ َِا كَ لَ كٍ ََ َِى َْ لُ مُ َْ لَِم ََا، َْ َِ لَ ََ َِ لط كَ ََا
she began to low most piteously
ًَِ ََََ لٍ مِي أ مَ لَ مَ ََا مِ مِ َُ لَ مِ كِ مَّ مَ ْمِ يُ ََ َِ م
and I saw that her eyes were streaming
with tears
ََْ ََََ لّ كٍ ََ لّ ََّ ََا ََ لَ ََ مِ كَ مِاْ رَ كِْ م
It seemed to me most extraordinary
ًَِ ََأ ْمي أ لَْ لِ كَ َُ لّ ََ ََا مَ لّ ْم لِ َِا َّ م
and, feeling a movement of pity
ًَْأْ رُ كَْ كَ مِ َح ََ ََ مً أْ يُ ََ َِ م
I ordered the servant to lead her away
ََ َِ ٍََ أ لْ ََا مَ َِ ََ لْ َِّكْ ََ َُا َِ مَّ ةَأ
and bring another
َََّْ َِ لِ مِ أك ل
My wife, who was present, scoffed at my
َْ مَ ََ لٍ مِ لْ ََ ََا كط مَي، ً أْي مَي ََا ََ لٍ َحا مَ ََ ة، ََ لْ َِ مَي
which made her malice of no avail
مِ يِا َِ ََ َِ مح لِ ََ َُا مِ ََ َِ لَ َْى
"What are you doing?" she cried
"ََ ََ ٍََ " َِا ََأ ََ لَ ََِ؟
"Kill this cow
ًَ ََ َِ َِ ْأك لْ كَ لِ َُ مَ مِ أ ل
It is the best we have to sacrifice."
ً" أ لَ ََا أ لِ لَ كِ َِا َْ ََ لّ ََا ْمِ يَ لَ مح َّ م
To please her
مََ ََا مِ ََا
I tried again
َحا َْ َْ كٍ َِ يَ ةً َك لَ ََى
but again the same thing happened
َِْ مَْ َح ََ َُ َََ كِ أْ َُ م
"Take her away,"
"" كَ لَ َُا َِ مَّ ةَأ
I said to the servant
َِْك لِ كٍ ِْ ََا م
"and kill her; I cannot."
"ِ ََ ََ لْ ََ مطّ ك، " َََْ لْ كَِك ََا.
The servant killed her
َِْ ََ َِ ََا أ لْ ََا مَ ك
but on skinning her
َْ َْ مَ لْ مََ ََ َْ لِ مَ ََا
found that she was nothing but bones
َِْ َِ ََ لٍ ََ يَ ََا َْ لّ َْ لٍ مْ َْى مَ ََا م
although she appeared so fat
ََ َِى أْ يَ لُ مِ مِ لْ ََ يَ ََا َِ ََ لٍ َْ مِّ ََ ةً مِ ّةَأ
I was vexed
كَ لَ كٍ كِ لَ ََ مَ ةِا
"Keep her for yourself"
"َُ ْ"أ لح ََ مَ لَ مِ ََا ْم ََ لَ م
I said to the servant
ِْك لِ كٍ ْم لِ ََا مَ م
"and if you have a fat calf
"َِْْم ََأ ََا َْ َْ ََ لّ َُ مَ لِ رِ كة َْ مِّ ر
bring him in stead of her "
" ََ لح مَ لَِك َِ ََا ََ ََا
In a short time he brought a very fat calf
مِي َْ لْ مٍ َْ مَّ مَ ََ لح ََ ََ مَ لِ ةَة َْ مِّ ةَا مِ ةَأ
which, although I did not know it
ِ ََ َِى أْ يَ لُ مِ مِ لْ ََ يَ مَي َْ لِ ََ كَ لْ ََ لَ مَِك ك، َّأْي م
was my son
ََا َْ أ لِ مَي
It tried hard to break its cord and come to
َحا َْ َِ َِا مُ رَ ََ لْ َّ لَ مْ ََ َح لِ َِ كِ َْ ََّل مَ َي ِم َْ يي
It threw itself at my feet
ََ لْ َِي مِ ََ لَ مْ مِ مَ لَ ََ َْ ََ َِي
with its head on the ground
َِْ ََ لَ كْ كِ ََ َِى أ لَْ لَ م
as if it wished to excite my pity
َْ ََََ يَ كِ كّ مَّ كَ ََ لْ كّ مَّ ََ َُ ََ َِ ََى
and to beg me not to take away its life
َِْ َّ ََ َْ يْ كِ ِم َْ يي ََ ََ آ كَ ََ َح َّا ََ ك
I was even more surprised
ًكَ لَ كٍ ََ لَ ََ ََ ََ لُ َُ ة
"Go," I said to the servant ,
ِ" مأ لَ َطِم لق" ْك لِ كٍ ْم لِ ََا مَ م
"take back this calf
"َِ ِكَ لَ َُ ََأ أ لْ ََ ل
take great care of it
أ لَ مَ مَي مِ مِ َِ يّ ةَأ
and bring me another in its place
ََََْ لح ََ ََ ْمي آ ََ كَ َِ ََا ََ كِ ََ َِى أ لْ ََ لْ م
As soon as my wife heard me speak this
she at once cried out
َ ََ ََ لَ كٍ ََ َِى أ لْ ََ لْ م، مِ كِ َِ يَ مَ ََ لْ َْ مِ لَ ََ مَي ََ لْ َِ مَي ََ ََ َح يَ كُ َُ ََأ
"What are you doing
َِِا ََأ ََ لَ ََ ك
Do not sacrifice any calf but this
ََ كَ ََ يحي مََِ يّ مَِ مِ ِم يَ َُ ََأ
I answered, "I will not sacrifice this calf,"
ََ َِ لِ كَ ََا: ، ِ" َْ لْ َك ََ يح َي مِ ََ ََأ أ لْ مَ لِ م
and in spite of all her remonstrances
َْ ََ َِى أْ يَ لُ مِ مِ لْ كَ يِ أ لح مَ َِا مِ ََا
I remained firm. I had another calf killed
َِ مِ َّ كٍ َحا مَ ةِا. ََ ََ َْ ََ َِ كٍ مَ َََِ َة آ
this one was led away
َُ ََأ ََا َْ َِ مَّ ةَأ
The next day the servant asked to speak
to me in private
َمِي أ لْ َّ لْ مِ أْ يَاْمي َط َِ َِ أ لْ ََا مَ كِ أْ يَ َح رَ َُ َِ مَي ََ َِى أ لَ مَ ََأ م
"I have come," he said
َِ َْا: "ٍ" َْ َِ لَ مِ لِ ك
"to tell you some news which I think you
will like to hear
"َْك لَ مِ ََ َُ مِ َِ لَ مِ أ لَْ لَ َِا مَ أْي مَي ََ لَ ََ مِ كَ ََ يَ َُ َْ ََ لَ َُ كِ مِي َْ َِا مَ ََا
I have a daughter who knows magic
ََ َْ ََ يّ أ لِ ََ رً كة ََ لَ مَ كٍ أْ يْ لح
Yesterday, when I was leading back the
ٍ مَ لَ ََ َِا كَ لَ كٍ ََْكْ كَ أ لْ مَ لِ َِ ْم لِ ََ لِ م، ََِِ ل
which you refused to sacrifice
ِأْي مَّ ََ ََِ لٍ أْ يَ لَ مح َّ ًَ مِ م
I noticed that she smiled
ٍََ َح لَ كٍ ََ يَ ََا أ لِ ََ َْ َِ ل
and then directly afterwards began to cry
َِْ َِ لَ ََ ََْم َُ كِ َِا َُ ََ ةً َِ ََََ لٍ مِي أ لْ كِ ََا م
I asked her why she did so
َُ َََْ لْ كَ ََا ْم َِا ََأ َِ ََ لِ ٍَ ََْم
she answered, "this calf is the son of our
ٍ َِ َِا َْ ل: َُ ََأ أ لْ مَ لِ كِ كُ َْ أ لِ كْ َْ يّ مَ ََا
I smile with joy at seeing him still alive
ََ مة لِ ََ َْ لِ كٍ مِ ََ ََ مُ ْم كَ لُ َّ مَ مِ ََ َّ ََأ كِ َح ّةّا
and I weep to think of his mother
َََِْ ََا ََ لِ مَي مَ لَ ََ َِا َك َِ يَ كَ مِي َك يِ م
who was sacrificed yesterday as a cow
ِأْي مَي كَ يح َي مِ ََا ََ لِ م
These changes have been wrought by our
master's wife
ََ يِ ِم لح ََأ كُ َُ مَ مِ أْ يَ لِ مّّ ََأ مٍ مِ لْ مْ َِ مِ ََ لْ َِ مً َْ يّ مَ ََا
who hated the mother and son."
ْ" أْي مَي ََ لَ ََِك أ لْك يِ َْأ مَ لِ ك.
continued the old man
ََْأ ََ َِ أْ يَ كِ كِ أ لْ ََ كِْ ك
"I leave you to imagine my astonishment
ََ لَ كَ كَ َُ ََ ََ ََ يّ كِ ََ لُ َُ مَي
I went immediately with the servant to
speak with his daughter myself
ََ َُ َِ كٍ ََ َِى أ لْ ََ لْ مَ َِ َِ أ لْ ََا مَ مِ ْمِ يَ َح رَ مُ َِ َِ أ لِ ََ مَ مِ مِ ََ لَ مْي
First of all I went to the stable to see my
ََ َُ لِ كٍ ِم َْى أ ََ لْ َط لِ مِ ْم كَ لُ َّ مً أ لِ مَي،أَ َْ َِ كَ يِ ُ مِ مة
and he replied in his dumb way to all my
َََْ َِا َِ مِ َط مَّ َِ مَ مِ أ لْ َِ مِ يّ مً ََ َِى كَ يِ كِ ََأ ََ َِا مَي
When the servant's daughter came
َِمَ لَ ََ َِا َِا َِ لٍ مأ لِ ََ كً أَْا
I asked her if she could change my son
back to his proper shape
ََََْ لْ كَ ََا ِم ََأ ََا َْ مِِم لِ ََا مَ ََا ِم ََا ًََك أ لِ مَي ِم َْى َُ لَِم مِ أْ يَ محّ م
"Yes, I can," she replied
ٍ َََِ َِا َِ ل: "ِ" ََ ََ لِ ََ لْ ََ مطّ ك
"on two conditions
ْمِ َُ لَ َط لّ م
One is that you will give him to me for a
َأ لَْ يْ كِ كُ َْ ََ لْ كَ لَ مط َّ كِ ْمي ََ ََ لْ م