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Published by chamsowalid, 2021-08-12 03:45:04

parallel sto 2

parallel sto 2

“I really cannot believe it
"‫ََ َك ََ يَ كق ََْم َُ َح ةِا‬

” said the fisherman
َ‫َْا َِ أْ يَ يّا ك‬

“That vase could not contain one of your
feet even

"َُ ّ‫ََ كّ لِ مَ كْ ََ لْ ََ لح مْ َّ َُ مَ مِ أ لْ َِ لَ َُ مَ يّ كً َح يَى ِم لح ََى َْ ََ َِ ل‬

and how could your whole body go in?
‫َْ ََ لّ ٍَ َّ لَ كَ كِ َِ َْ كَ َُ كَِر كِ؟‬

I cannot believe it unless I see you do the

َِ ‫ ََ ََ لْ ََ مطّ كِ ََ لْ َك ََ يَ َق ََْم َُ َِا َْ لِ ََ ََأ َُ ََ لَ ََ كِ أْ يُ لي‬.

”Then the Genie began to change himself
into smoke, which

"ْ‫كَ يِ َِ ََََ أ لْ مِ يَ ري مِي ََ لِ مّّ مَ ََ لَ مْ مِ ِم َْى كَ ََا م‬

as before, spread over the sea and the

ِ‫ كِ لَ ََ مُ ََ َةأ ََ َِى أ لْ َِ لح مَ َْأْ يُا مط م‬، ِ‫ََ َِا ََا َْ مِ لْ َْ لِ ك‬

began to go back into the vase slowly
ِ‫َِ ََََ مِي أ لْ ََ لْ ََ مً ِم َْى أ لْ َِ لَ َُ مَ يّ مً مِ كِ لط م‬

and evenly till there was nothing left

َ‫َْ مِاْ يَ َْا مّْ َح يَى َْ لِ َّ ََ َِ يق َُ لي رِ مِا لْ ََا مَ م‬
Then a voice came from the vase which

said to the fisherman:
َ‫ كَ يِ ََ ََ ََ ََ لْ رٍ مِ لْ أ لإم ََا مِ أَِّْ َْا َِ ْمِ يَ يّا م‬:

“Well, unbelieving fisherman
"ِْ‫ ََ رّ ََا أْ يَ يّا كَ أْ َِ لّ كَ كِ لُ م‬، ‫َح َْ ةَا‬

here I am in the vase
ً‫ََ ََا كُ ََا مِي أ لْ مِ لَ َُ مَ يّ م‬

do you believe me now?”
‫" َُ لِ كَ ََ يَْك مَي أ لِ َْ؟‬

The fisherman instead of answering took
the lid of lead

َ‫َِ ََ ةَ مِ َْ أْ يَ يَ ََ ََ ََ أْ يَ يّا كَ مُ َطا َِ أْ يَ ََا م‬

and shut it down quickly on the vase
ً‫َََْ لُ َِ َِ كِ مِ كْ لَ ََ مً ََ َِى أ لْ مِ لَ َُ مَ يّ م‬

“Now, O Genie,” he cried
ََ ََ ََ "‫ َّا مِ يَ ري‬، َْ ِ‫"أ ل‬

“ask pardon of me, and choose by what

death you will die!
"ٍ‫ َْ مأ لَ َََ مََِ يّ َِ لْ مٍ َْ ََ كِْ ك‬، ّْ‫!أك لطِكِ َََ م‬

But no, it will be better if I throw you into
the sea

َ‫ َْ َّ كَْ كْ مِ لْ أ لَْ لِ ََ مِ ََ لْ َك لْ مِ َي مِ َُ مِي أ لْ َِ لح م‬، ََ ْ‫َْ مَ ل‬

Where I drew you out
َُ َ‫مِ لْ ََ لّ َْ ََ لَ ََ لِ ك‬

and I will build a house on the shore
ِ‫َْ َََْ لِ مَي َِ لّ ةَا ََ َِى أْ يُا مط م‬

to warn fishermen who come to cast their
nets here

ِ‫كُ ََا ْم ََ لح مَّ مَ أْ يَ يّا مَّ َْ أْي مَّ َْ ََّل كَْ َْ ْم ََِيم مُ َِا مَ مَ ل‬

against fishing up such a wicked Genie
as you are,

َُ ‫مَ يَ ََ لّ مَ مِ لَ مِ مِ يَ يي مة مة يُ يَّ مَ مة مِ لَِم‬

who vows to kill the man who frees you.”
َُ َ‫" أْي مَّ َّ ََ ََ يَ كَ مِ َِ لَ مِ أْ يَ كِ مِ أْي مَّ كّ َح يَ ك‬

At these words the Genie did all he could
to get out,

َ‫مَ لَ ََ َُ مَ مِ أ لْ ََِم َِا مٍ َِ ََ َِ أ لْ مِ يَ ري كَ يِ َِا مِي كْ لْ مَ مِ ْم لِ كَ كَْ م‬

but he could not, because of the
enchantment of the lid
ِ‫ َْ مَ يَ كِ َْ لِ َّ لْ ََ مط لِ مِ َْ َِ مِ مْ لح مَ أ لْ مِ َطا م‬.

Then he tried to get out by cunning
َ‫كَ يِ َحا َْ َِ أ لْ كَ كَْ ََ مِ َِ لَ م‬

“If you will take off the cover,” he said
َِ ‫ َْا‬: "ِ‫" ِم ََأ ْك لِ ٍَ مِ ََ لِ مِ أ لْ مِ َطا م‬
“I will repay you
َُ ِ‫ََْك ََا مِ ك‬

”“No,” answered the fisherman
َ‫ََ َِا َِ أْ يَ يّا ك‬: "ََ "

I will not trust a genie anymore
ْ‫َْ لْ ََ مَ َق مِي أ لْ مِ يَ يي َِ لَ ََ أ لِ م‬

And so the Genie spent his life in the
deepest dark of sea captured into a jar
‫َْ َُ ََ ََأ َْ ََي أ لْ مِ يَ ري َِ مِ يّ ًَ َح َّا مَ مِ َِ لْ كِْ ةَا ََأ مَ َِ َِ يَ مً مِي أ لَ َِا مق‬

ِ‫أ لْ َِ لح مَ أ لْ كِ لَِم م‬.

The Tale of the Hunchback

(from the Arabian Nights)

ِِ‫)َِ ْلْْالّ ْلَرَْة( حَاْة ْأح‬

Hhikaayato al ahhdab(mina al lâyaali al 3arabiyati)

Once upon a time in the city of Basrah
ًََِْ‫َأٍ ًَِ ِي ًََِّ أ‬

Thaata marâtin fii madiinati al bassrati

a tailor and his wife went out seeking

ََِِِّْ ‫َََ َّاط ََِِْْ طِِا‬
Kharaja khayââtton wa zawjatoho ttalaban li

a târfiih

They came upon a little man, a

‫ َحَِا‬، ‫َاَِا ََِة ََِّأة‬
Ssaadafa rajolan ssaghiiran, ahhdaban

who proved to be so amusing they invited
him home as their guest for supper

‫أَّْ ٍََِ ََِ َِِِ ِِْاًّ ََّْاِ ِْى أََِِْ ٍََّ َِى‬

Alâthii athbata anâho momti3on lil ghaayati
wa da3ayaaho ila al manzili ka dhayfin 3ala

al 3ashaa'i

The hunchback happily accepted
ًَ‫ِِْ أْحَِ َِْا‬

Qabila al ahhdabo bi sa3aadatin

and once they were home
ََِِْ‫ََِِِْ َْ َاَْأ ِي أ‬

Wa bimojarâdi an kaanoo fi al manzili

the tailor's wife prepared a marvelous

ًَِ‫ٍَََ ًَِْ أَّْاط ًِِْ َأ‬
A3âdât zawjato al khayâtti wajbatan


As the hunchback was eating
ََِّ َِ‫َِِّا َاْ أْح‬

Baynamaa kaana al ahhdabo ya'ekolo

he tried to make the couple laugh by
sticking an enormous piece of fish into

his mouth
ِِِ ‫حاِْ َْ َّحُ أَِّْْْ ََِِاِ ْطًَ ُِْ ًََِ ِي‬
Hhaawala an yodhhika a zawjayni bi idkhaali

qitt'3ati samakin dha'khmatin fii famihi

Alas, in that fish was a huge, sharp

َ‫ َاْ ِي َُِ أًَِْْ ََِ ًَِْ ََِ ْحا‬، ٍْ‫ْأ‬
Lil asafi, kaana fi tilka a sâmakati 3adhmo

samakatin dhakhmin wa hhaad

When the hunchback swallowed
َِ‫َََِا أَِِِ أْح‬

3indama ibtala3a al ahhdabo

the bone stuck in his throat
ِِِ‫َِق أََِْ ِي ح‬

3aliqa al 3adhmo fii hhalqihi

and a moment later he appeared to have
choked to death

ٍِْْ‫ََِْ ْحًَ َِأ ََِ َْ أَََق حَى أ‬
Wa ba3d lahhdhatin badaa anâho qad

ikhtanaqa hhataa al mawt

"Woe is us!" cried the tailor
"‫َََ أَّْاط "!ِّْ َْا‬

"Waylon lanaa"! Ssarakha al khayââto

"What shall we do?"
"‫"ِاَأ َْاَا َََِ؟‬

Maatha 3asaana naf3alo?

His wife said at once
ََْْ‫ْاٍْ ََِِْ َِى أ‬

Qaalat zawjatoho 3ala al fawri
"Come along"

and she wrapped the hunchback in her

‫ٍَْْ أْحَِ ِي ُْاحَا‬
Wa lafât al ahhdab fii wishaa'hhiha

and carried him out of the house
ََِِْ‫َََِِْْ َاََ أ‬

Wa akhrajooho khaarija al manzil

The tailor trundled along behind her
‫ْاَ أَّْاط َََِا‬

Saara al khayââtto khalfahaa

and his wife cried
ََِِْ ٍَِْ

Wa bakat zawjatoho

"Step away! My poor child has smallpox
"َََِ‫طَِي أَِّْْْ َِاِ ِاََِّْ !أ‬

"ibta3id" ttiflii al miskiin mossaabon bi al

We must get to the doctor's house!"
ِِّ‫" !ِِّ َْ ََِ ِْى ٍِّ أْط‬

Yajibo an nassila ila bayti a ttabiibi

Everyone ran away when they heard the

ٍ‫َُِ أِِِّْ َََِا َِْْأ أَََْا‬
Haraba al jamii'3o 3indamaa sami3oo a


for they did not want to become ill
‫ََِْ َ ََّّْْ َْ ََِّْأ‬

Li anâhom laa yoriidoona an yamra'dhoo

When the couple reached the doctor's

ِِّ‫َََِا َِْ أَِْْاْ ِْى ََِِ أْط‬
3indama wassala a zawjaani il manzili a


his servant girl let them inside
ََِْْ‫ِْحٍ َِْ َاََِِ ِا‬

Samahhat lahom khaadimatoho bi a

The wife said, "Give your master this
silver coin

ًَِْْ‫ْاٍْ أ‬: ًََّْ‫ََط َُّْ َُِ أًَِِْ أ‬
Qaalat a zawjato: a3tti sayîdaki haathihi al

3omlata al fidhîyâta

and tell him to come see my child."
‫" ْْْْي ِْ َْ ََّي ًَُّْ طَِي‬.

Wa qooli laho an yaetii li roe'yati marii'dhii

While the girl ran to fetch the doctor
ِِّ‫َِِّا ٍَََ أََْاً إحَاَ أْط‬

Baynamaa rakadhati al fataato li ihhdhaari a

the tailor propped the hunchback's body

َِ‫َََْ أَّْاط َِْ أْح‬
Asnada al khayââtto jasada al ahhdab

at the bottom of the stairs
َََْ‫َِى أَِِْ أَِْْي ِْ أ‬

3ala al joz'i a soflii mina a dâraji

and the tailor and his wife ran away
ََِِْْ ‫َُِْ أَّْاط‬

Wa haraba al khayââtto wa zawjatoho
The doctor, coin in hand!
َّْ‫ ََِْ ِي أ‬، ِِّ‫!أْط‬

A ttabiibo, noqoodon fi al yad!
ran downstairs to care for his new patient

ََِّْ‫ََِ ِْى أْطاِق أَِْْي ََْاًّ ََِِّ أ‬
Rakadha ila a ttaabiqi a soflii li ri3aayati

marii'dhihi al jadiid

Alas, he hurried so fast
ًََِْ َُِْ ، ٍْ‫ْأ‬

Lil asafi, harwala bi sor3atin.

and the stairway was so dark, he tripped
and fell

‫ ََََِ ِْْط‬، ‫َْاْ أَََْ َِِ ةِا ِ ةَأ‬
Wa kaana a dârajo modhliman jidân,

fata3athâr wa saqatta

and at the bottom of the stairs
َََْ‫ِْي ََِْ أ‬

Wa fii asfali al dâraji

he toppled the hunchback. "Oh my"
َِ‫َطاُ ِاْح‬. "‫"ّا َِْي‬

Attaa'hha bi al ahhdab, "yaa ilaahi"

he cried when he discovered that the
hunchback had no pulse

َِِ ِْ ِّْ َِ‫َِى َََِا أٍََُ َْ أْح‬
Bakaa 3indamaa iktashafa anâ al ahhdab

laysa laho nabdhon

"I've killed my patient!"
"‫"!َِْ ٍَِْ ََِّي‬

Qatalto mariidhii!

Then he ran to his wife to tell her the tale
ًّ‫َِ ََِ ِْى ََِِْ ََُِّْا ِاْحَا‬

Thomâ Rakadha ila zawjatihi li yokhbirahaa
bi al Hhikaayati

"We'll toss the body into our neighbor's

"ْ‫َِِْي ِاًَِْ ِي ْاحً أَِّْأ‬
Sanolqii bi jo'thâti fii saa'hhati al jiiraan

and we shall not be blamed"
ََِ ْْْ "

Wa lân nolaama

They carried the body into their
neighbor's garden

َُِ‫حِِْأ أًَِْ ِْى حًَِّ ِا‬
Hhâmaloo al jo'thâta ilaa hhadiiqati jaarihim
This night when that neighbour returned

home and lighted his candle
ََُِِ ِ‫َُِ أًِِّْ َََِا َاَ أِْاَ ِْى أََِِْ ََْا‬
Haathihi a lâylata 3indama 3aada al jaaro
ilaa al manzili wa adhaa'a sham3ataho
he was startled to see a man standing at

his back door
‫َُِ َََِا ََى ََِة ٍِّ َََ ِاِ ََِِْ أََِْي‬
Dohisha 3indama ra'aa rajolan yaqifo 3inda

baabi manzilihi al khalfii

"Aha!" he cried at the sight
"‫َََ َََ ََُِّ "!آُا‬

"ahaa" Ssarakha 3inda ro'eyatihi

"To think that all this time I've blamed the
animals when it was you!

"ٍََ ٍََ ‫!ََََِ َََي طْأِ َُأ أٍْْْ َِْْ أْحّْأَاٍ َِِّا‬
"a3taqido anâni ttiwaala haatha al waqti

aloomo al hhayawaanaati Baynamaa konta

a common thief!"
َّ‫" !َْ َا‬

Lissôn 3aadi!

He lifted the mallet he carried
‫َِِ أِْطًَْ أَْي َاْ ّحَِِا‬

Rafa3a al mittraqata alâtii kaana yahhmiloha

and struck a blow upon the hunchback's

َِ‫ََِْ َََ أْح‬
Wa dharaba ssadra al ahhdabi

The hunchback fell to the ground
َِْ‫ِْط أْحَِ َِى أ‬

Saqatta al ahhdab 3ala al ardhi

and when the neighbour saw that he was

ٍِّ ََِ َ‫ِْْا ََى أِْا‬
Wa lamââ ra'aa al jaaro anâho mâyîton

he cried out in despair
‫َََ ّاِْا‬

Ssarakha yaa'isan

Then he quickly lifted the hunchback and
carried him away

‫َِ ََْاْ ِا َِِ أْحَِ ْحِِِ َِّ ةَأ‬
Thomâ sor3aana maa rafa3a al ahhdaba wa

hhamalaho ba3iidan

through the deserted streets
ًََِِْْ‫ََِ أُْْأََ أ‬

3abra a shâwaari3i al mahjoorati

until he reached the marketplace
‫حَى َِْ ِْى أْْْق‬

Hhataa wassala ila a ssôôqi

In a dark alley
َِِِ ‫ِي َْاق‬

Fii zoqaaqin mo'dhlim

he leaned the hunchback up
َِ‫َََْ أْح‬

Asnada al ahhdab

against a wall and ran away.
َُِْ َ‫َِِأ‬.

Bi jidaarin wa haraba

Soon afterward the king's broker passed

ُِِْ‫ََِ َُْ ِِِِّ َِ ِْْاَ أ‬
Ba3da thaalika bi qaliil, marâ simsaaro al


on his way to the baths
ٍ‫ِي طَِِّ ِْى أْحِاِا‬

Fii ttariiqihi ila al hhamââmaati

Earlier that week
َِْْْ‫ِي ٍْْ ْاِق ِْ َُْ أ‬
Fii waqt saabiq min thaalika al osboo3i

someone had stolen the broker's turban
َ‫َْق َحَُِ َِاًِ أِْْْا‬

Saraqa ahhadohom 3amaamata a simsaar

When he turned the corner and spied a
man leaning against the wall

‫َََِا أَأَ أَْأًّْ َِِْْ َِي َِِ ََِِ َِى أْحاِط‬
3indama adaara a zââwiyata wa tajasâsa

3ala rajolin motâki'in 3ala al hhaa'itti

he thought the man was wearing his

َِِ‫أَََِ َْ أَِِْ َاْ َََّّ َِا‬
I3taqada anâ a râjol kaana yartadii


The broker raised his arm and let out a

ًَََ ‫َِِ أِْْْاَ ََأَِ َْطِق‬
Rafa3a a simsaaro thiraa'3aho wa attlaqa


"You'll not steal my turban again!"
"‫"!ْْ ََْق َِاَِي ًَِ َََى‬

"lan tasriqa 3amaamatii marâtan okhraa"

and struck a blow upon the hunchback's

َِ‫ََِْ َََ أْح‬
Wa dharaba ssadra al ahhdab

Just then the watchman appeared
َِ‫َََُا ِِط َََ أْحا‬

3indaha faqat dha'hara al hhariso

and seeing one man beating another
‫ُِاَُأ ََِ ََِّ آََأ‬

Moshaa'hidan rajolan yadhribo aakharan

he ran to stop the fight
ِ‫ََِ ٍْْْ أَِْا‬

Rakadha li waqfi al qitaali

When he discovered the hunchback was

ٍ‫َََِا أٍََُ َْ أْحَِ َْ ِا‬
3indama iktashafa anâ al ahhdaba qad


he hauled the broker to the governor and
accused him of murder

َِِْ‫َِِ أِْْْاَ ِْى أْحاَِ ْأََِِ ِا‬
Naqala a simsaar ila al hhakim wa

itâhamaho bi al qatli

The governor announced he must hang
for his crime

ََِِِّ ‫ََِْ أْحاَِ ََِ ِِّ َُِِ َِى‬
A3lan al hhaakimo anâho yajibo shanqoho

3ala jariimatihi

The gallows were set up in the heart of
the city

ًََِّْ‫ٍََِ أًَُِِْ ِي ِِْ أ‬
Nossibat al mishnaqato fii qalbi al madiinati

and the executioner prepared to hang the

َ‫ْأَََْ أََِْ َُْق أِْْْا‬
Wa ista3adâ al jalââdo li shanqi a simsaar

But just as the rope was being tied
around the broker's neck

َ‫َْْْ َََِا َاْ أْحِِ َِِْ ةطا حِْ ًَِْ أِْْْا‬
Wa laakin 3indama kaana al hhablo
marboottan hhawla raqabati a simsaar

the neighbour pushed his way through
the crowd

َُ‫أِْاَ ُق طَِِّ ِّْ أْح‬
Al jaar shaqâ ttariiqaho bayna al hhashdi

"Do not hang him
"ََُِِْ َ"

Laa tashnoqooh

I killed the hunchback"
َِ‫" أَا ٍَِْ أْح‬

Ana qatalto al ahhdab

and he told the tale of striking a deadly
blow in his garden

ََِِّ‫َْْى حَاًّ َِِّْ ًََِ ْاًَِ ِي ح‬
Wa rawaa hhikaayata tawjiihi dharbatin

qaatilatin fii hhadiiqatihi

"Hang him !"


the governor said
َِ‫ْاِ أْحا‬

Qaala al hhaakim

But at that moment the doctor ran to the
gallows and cried

‫َْْ ِي َُِ أِْحًَ ََِ أْطِِّ ِْى أًَُِِْ َِْى‬
Laakin fii tilka alâhhdhati Rakadha a ttâbiibo

ila al mishnaqati wa bakaa

"Another innocent must not die on my

"‫" َ ِِّ أْ ٍِّْ َِِّ آََ َِي حْاِي‬
Laa yajibo an yamoota barii'on bisababii
and he told his tale of killing his patient

by accident
ًََِْ‫َْْى حَاَِّ َْ َِِِ ََِِّ ِا‬
Wa rawaa hhikaayataho 3an maqtali mariixhihi

"Hang the doctor!" said the governor
"ِِّ‫ْاِ أْحاَِ "!أَُِْأ أْط‬

Oshnoqoo a tâbiib! Qaala al hhaakimo

But the tailor ran to the gallows and

َََْ ًَُِِْ‫َْْ أَّْاط ََِ َحْ أ‬
Laakinâ al khayâât Rakadha nahhwa al

mishnaqati wa ssarakha

"No! I am to blame!"
"َ! َِِْ‫"!ََا أ‬

Laa! Ana al molaam

And he told his tale of the fishbone
ًَِْْ‫َْْى حَاَِّ َْ ََِ أ‬

Wa rawaa hhikaayataho 3an 3adhmi a

Upon hearing this story
ًَِْ‫َََ ِْاَ َُِ أ‬

3inda samaa'3i al qissâti

a barber who stood in the crowd pushed
his way to the gallows and said:

ِ‫ُق أْحَق أَّْ ٍْْ ِّْ أْحَُ طَِِّ ِْى أًَُِِْ ْْا‬:
Shaqâ al hhalââqo alâthii waqafa bayna al
hhashdi ttariiqaho ila al mishnaqati wa qaala:

"I humbly ask if I may examine the
hunchback's body?"

"‫"ََِْ َِْأَِ َِأ َاْ َِِِاَي ِحَ َِْ أْحَِ؟‬
As'alo bi tawaadho'3in ithaa kaana bi

imkaanii fahhsso jasadi al ahhdab?

The governor commanded that
َُِْ َِ‫ََِ أْحا‬

Amara al hhaakimo bi thaalik

the body be laid before him
ِِ‫َِْ أَِْْ َِا‬

Wadha3a al jasada amaamaho

The barber knelt over the hunchback and
then smiled

َِِْ‫ََِ أْحَق ِْق أْحَِ َِ أ‬
Raka3a al hhâlââqo fawqa al ahhdabi thômâ


He drew some medicines from his pocket
ِِِّ ِْ ًَّْْ‫ْحِ َِِ أ‬

Sahhaba ba3dha al adwiyati min jaybihi

and rubbed the hunchback's neck
َِ‫ْ َُِ ًَِْ َح‬

Wa faraqa raqabata al ahhdabi

Then, using his pincers
ًُ‫ ِاَََْأِ أَِْا‬، َِ

Thomâ bistikhdaami al kamââshati

he drew the fishbone from the man's

َِِْ‫ْحِ ََِ أًَِْْ ِْ حِق أ‬
Sahhaba 3adhma a sâmakati min hhalqi a


and the hunchback sneezed
َِ‫َْطِ أْح‬

Wa 3attasa al ahhdab

stretched, and opened his eyes
ََِّّ ََِْ َََِ

Tamadâdâ wa fatahha 3aynayhi

"You see!" the barber cried
"ََْْ ُِ!" ‫َََ أْحَق‬

Hal tarawn! Ssarakha al hhâlââqo

"he's not dead at all!"
"‫"!َِِ ِْ ٍِّ َِى أإطَق‬

"inâho lam yamot 3ala al ittlaaqi"
Everyone who watched was amazed

‫َِ ِْ ُاَُ َاْ ََُُِا‬
Kolô man shaahada kaana monda'hishan

and filled with admiration for the barber
‫َِِِِْا َِِِاِ أْحَق‬

Wa momtali'an bi i3jaabi al hhâlââqi

When the king heard the whole tale
ًَِْ‫ََِا َََِا ِِْ أُِِْ أ‬

3indama sami3a al maliko al qissâta kolâhaa

he ordered that it be inscribed
‫ََِ ََََِّْا‬

Amara bi tadwiinihaa

on parchment in letters of gold
َُِ ِْ ٍَ‫َِى َق َِح‬

3ala riqîn bi ahhrofa min thahab.

letters ٍَ‫أح‬
parchment ًَّ‫ َح‬،‫َق‬
the whole tale ًِِ‫أًَِْ َا‬

admiration ِ‫أََِا‬
amazed ََََِ ،،ََُِِ
at all ‫ ِطَْا‬،، ‫َِي أَطَق‬

sneezed ِ‫َط‬
pincer ‫ِِِط‬

drew َِ ،،ِ‫ْح‬
pocket ِِّ

medicines ًََّْ
humbly َِ‫َِْأ‬

the crowd ََِِْْ‫أ‬، ،َُ‫أْح‬
innocent ‫َِئ‬
Hang ‫َُق‬
the rope ِِ‫أْح‬

the executioner ََِْ‫أ‬
The gallows

the governor َِ‫أْحا‬
one man َِِ
another. ََ‫آ‬

the watchman َِ‫أْحا‬
let out a ‫أطِق‬
turban ًِ‫َِا‬

spied َِْ ،،َِِْ
the baths ٍ‫أْحِاِا‬

broker َ‫ِْْا‬
the mallet ًَْ‫ِط‬

forever َِْ‫أْي أ‬
the kitchen ُِ‫أِْط‬

the wall َ‫أَِْأ‬
yard ً‫ أِْاح‬،،ً‫أْْاح‬

neighbor َ‫ِا‬
pulse َِِ

patient َِِّ
coin ِ‫ ِا‬،،ََِْ، ،ًَِِ

away ‫ََِّأ‬
the bottom of َِْ‫أ‬.....

body ِِْ
While. ‫َِِّا‬

inside َِ‫َأ‬
servant َِ‫َا‬

ill َِِّ
smallpox ََِّْ‫أ‬
Everyone ََُ َِ ،،َ‫َِ ْأح‬

poor. َِِّ
Step away! َََِِ

shawl ُ‫ُْا‬
"Woe is us!" ‫!!ِّْ َْا‬
to death ٍِْْ‫أْي أ‬.. ٍِِْْ
a moment ًَ‫ْح‬،،ًَِ

throat ‫حِق‬
the bone ََِْ‫أ‬

sharp َ‫حا‬
fishbone ًَِْ ََِ
huge ‫ ََِّ َِأ‬،،ََِ

Alas ٍَْْ
piece ًَ‫ْط‬
to death ٍِِْْ
a moment ًَ‫ ْح‬،،َِْ،،ًَِ
meal ًَِ‫ ط‬،ًََِ ،ًِِْ
marvelous ِِ‫ َأ‬،،َُِِ
happily ًَ‫َِْا‬، ،ََِْْ

for ِ ،،ِِْ،،ِِ‫ِْ أ‬...

guest ََِّ ،ٍَّ
amusing ‫ ِِْي‬،،َِِِ

prove ٍَِّ

who َّْ‫أ‬
Who? ‫ِْ؟‬
hunchback َِ‫َح‬
came ِ‫ِا‬
entertainment ََِِّ،ًَِّْ
seeking َْ ُ‫ِاح‬
wife ًَِْ
Once ًَِ
tailor ‫َّاط‬

city ًََِّ
time َِْ ،ٍْْ

Nights ‫ّْاْي‬
The Tale of ًَْ.... ًّ‫حَا‬

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