“I really cannot believe it
"ََ َك ََ يَ كق ََْم َُ َح ةِا
” said the fisherman
ََْا َِ أْ يَ يّا ك
“That vase could not contain one of your
feet even
"َُ ََّ كّ لِ مَ كْ ََ لْ ََ لح مْ َّ َُ مَ مِ أ لْ َِ لَ َُ مَ يّ كً َح يَى ِم لح ََى َْ ََ َِ ل
and how could your whole body go in?
َْ ََ لّ ٍَ َّ لَ كَ كِ َِ َْ كَ َُ كَِر كِ؟
I cannot believe it unless I see you do the
َِ ََ ََ لْ ََ مطّ كِ ََ لْ َك ََ يَ َق ََْم َُ َِا َْ لِ ََ ََأ َُ ََ لَ ََ كِ أْ يُ لي.
”Then the Genie began to change himself
into smoke, which
"ْكَ يِ َِ ََََ أ لْ مِ يَ ري مِي ََ لِ مّّ مَ ََ لَ مْ مِ ِم َْى كَ ََا م
as before, spread over the sea and the
ِ كِ لَ ََ مُ ََ َةأ ََ َِى أ لْ َِ لح مَ َْأْ يُا مط م، ََِ َِا ََا َْ مِ لْ َْ لِ ك
began to go back into the vase slowly
َِِ ََََ مِي أ لْ ََ لْ ََ مً ِم َْى أ لْ َِ لَ َُ مَ يّ مً مِ كِ لط م
and evenly till there was nothing left
ََْ مِاْ يَ َْا مّْ َح يَى َْ لِ َّ ََ َِ يق َُ لي رِ مِا لْ ََا مَ م
Then a voice came from the vase which
said to the fisherman:
َ كَ يِ ََ ََ ََ ََ لْ رٍ مِ لْ أ لإم ََا مِ أَِّْ َْا َِ ْمِ يَ يّا م:
“Well, unbelieving fisherman
"ِْ ََ رّ ََا أْ يَ يّا كَ أْ َِ لّ كَ كِ لُ م، َح َْ ةَا
here I am in the vase
ًََ ََا كُ ََا مِي أ لْ مِ لَ َُ مَ يّ م
do you believe me now?”
" َُ لِ كَ ََ يَْك مَي أ لِ َْ؟
The fisherman instead of answering took
the lid of lead
ََِ ََ ةَ مِ َْ أْ يَ يَ ََ ََ ََ أْ يَ يّا كَ مُ َطا َِ أْ يَ ََا م
and shut it down quickly on the vase
ًَََْ لُ َِ َِ كِ مِ كْ لَ ََ مً ََ َِى أ لْ مِ لَ َُ مَ يّ م
“Now, O Genie,” he cried
ََ ََ ََ " َّا مِ يَ ري، َْ ِ"أ ل
“ask pardon of me, and choose by what
death you will die!
"ٍ َْ مأ لَ َََ مََِ يّ َِ لْ مٍ َْ ََ كِْ ك، ّْ!أك لطِكِ َََ م
But no, it will be better if I throw you into
the sea
َ َْ َّ كَْ كْ مِ لْ أ لَْ لِ ََ مِ ََ لْ َك لْ مِ َي مِ َُ مِي أ لْ َِ لح م، ََ َْْ مَ ل
Where I drew you out
َُ َمِ لْ ََ لّ َْ ََ لَ ََ لِ ك
and I will build a house on the shore
َِْ َََْ لِ مَي َِ لّ ةَا ََ َِى أْ يُا مط م
to warn fishermen who come to cast their
nets here
ِكُ ََا ْم ََ لح مَّ مَ أْ يَ يّا مَّ َْ أْي مَّ َْ ََّل كَْ َْ ْم ََِيم مُ َِا مَ مَ ل
against fishing up such a wicked Genie
as you are,
َُ مَ يَ ََ لّ مَ مِ لَ مِ مِ يَ يي مة مة يُ يَّ مَ مة مِ لَِم
who vows to kill the man who frees you.”
َُ َ" أْي مَّ َّ ََ ََ يَ كَ مِ َِ لَ مِ أْ يَ كِ مِ أْي مَّ كّ َح يَ ك
At these words the Genie did all he could
to get out,
َمَ لَ ََ َُ مَ مِ أ لْ ََِم َِا مٍ َِ ََ َِ أ لْ مِ يَ ري كَ يِ َِا مِي كْ لْ مَ مِ ْم لِ كَ كَْ م
but he could not, because of the
enchantment of the lid
ِ َْ مَ يَ كِ َْ لِ َّ لْ ََ مط لِ مِ َْ َِ مِ مْ لح مَ أ لْ مِ َطا م.
Then he tried to get out by cunning
َكَ يِ َحا َْ َِ أ لْ كَ كَْ ََ مِ َِ لَ م
“If you will take off the cover,” he said
َِ َْا: "ِ" ِم ََأ ْك لِ ٍَ مِ ََ لِ مِ أ لْ مِ َطا م
“I will repay you
َُ ََِْك ََا مِ ك
”“No,” answered the fisherman
َََ َِا َِ أْ يَ يّا ك: "ََ "
I will not trust a genie anymore
َْْ لْ ََ مَ َق مِي أ لْ مِ يَ يي َِ لَ ََ أ لِ م
And so the Genie spent his life in the
deepest dark of sea captured into a jar
َْ َُ ََ ََأ َْ ََي أ لْ مِ يَ ري َِ مِ يّ ًَ َح َّا مَ مِ َِ لْ كِْ ةَا ََأ مَ َِ َِ يَ مً مِي أ لَ َِا مق
ِأ لْ َِ لح مَ أ لْ كِ لَِم م.
The Tale of the Hunchback
(from the Arabian Nights)
ِِ)َِ ْلْْالّ ْلَرَْة( حَاْة ْأح
Hhikaayato al ahhdab(mina al lâyaali al 3arabiyati)
Once upon a time in the city of Basrah
ًَََِْأٍ ًَِ ِي ًََِّ أ
Thaata marâtin fii madiinati al bassrati
a tailor and his wife went out seeking
ََِِِّْ َََ َّاط ََِِْْ طِِا
Kharaja khayââtton wa zawjatoho ttalaban li
a târfiih
They came upon a little man, a
َحَِا، َاَِا ََِة ََِّأة
Ssaadafa rajolan ssaghiiran, ahhdaban
who proved to be so amusing they invited
him home as their guest for supper
أَّْ ٍََِ ََِ َِِِ ِِْاًّ ََّْاِ ِْى أََِِْ ٍََّ َِى
Alâthii athbata anâho momti3on lil ghaayati
wa da3ayaaho ila al manzili ka dhayfin 3ala
al 3ashaa'i
The hunchback happily accepted
ًَِِْ أْحَِ َِْا
Qabila al ahhdabo bi sa3aadatin
and once they were home
ََََِِِِِْْ َْ َاَْأ ِي أ
Wa bimojarâdi an kaanoo fi al manzili
the tailor's wife prepared a marvelous
ًٍََََِ ًَِْ أَّْاط ًِِْ َأ
A3âdât zawjato al khayâtti wajbatan
As the hunchback was eating
ََِّ ََِِِّا َاْ أْح
Baynamaa kaana al ahhdabo ya'ekolo
he tried to make the couple laugh by
sticking an enormous piece of fish into
his mouth
ِِِ حاِْ َْ َّحُ أَِّْْْ ََِِاِ ْطًَ ُِْ ًََِ ِي
Hhaawala an yodhhika a zawjayni bi idkhaali
qitt'3ati samakin dha'khmatin fii famihi
Alas, in that fish was a huge, sharp
َ َاْ ِي َُِ أًَِْْ ََِ ًَِْ ََِ ْحا، ٍْْأ
Lil asafi, kaana fi tilka a sâmakati 3adhmo
samakatin dhakhmin wa hhaad
When the hunchback swallowed
ََََِِا أَِِِ أْح
3indama ibtala3a al ahhdabo
the bone stuck in his throat
َِِِِق أََِْ ِي ح
3aliqa al 3adhmo fii hhalqihi
and a moment later he appeared to have
choked to death
ٍََِِْْْ ْحًَ َِأ ََِ َْ أَََق حَى أ
Wa ba3d lahhdhatin badaa anâho qad
ikhtanaqa hhataa al mawt
"Woe is us!" cried the tailor
"َََ أَّْاط "!ِّْ َْا
"Waylon lanaa"! Ssarakha al khayââto
"What shall we do?"
""ِاَأ َْاَا َََِ؟
Maatha 3asaana naf3alo?
His wife said at once
ََْْْاٍْ ََِِْ َِى أ
Qaalat zawjatoho 3ala al fawri
"Come along"
and she wrapped the hunchback in her
ٍَْْ أْحَِ ِي ُْاحَا
Wa lafât al ahhdab fii wishaa'hhiha
and carried him out of the house
َََََِِِِْْْ َاََ أ
Wa akhrajooho khaarija al manzil
The tailor trundled along behind her
ْاَ أَّْاط َََِا
Saara al khayââtto khalfahaa
and his wife cried
ََِِْ ٍَِْ
Wa bakat zawjatoho
"Step away! My poor child has smallpox
"َََِطَِي أَِّْْْ َِاِ ِاََِّْ !أ
"ibta3id" ttiflii al miskiin mossaabon bi al
We must get to the doctor's house!"
ِِّ" !ِِّ َْ ََِ ِْى ٍِّ أْط
Yajibo an nassila ila bayti a ttabiibi
Everyone ran away when they heard the
ٍَُِ أِِِّْ َََِا َِْْأ أَََْا
Haraba al jamii'3o 3indamaa sami3oo a
for they did not want to become ill
ََِْ َ ََّّْْ َْ ََِّْأ
Li anâhom laa yoriidoona an yamra'dhoo
When the couple reached the doctor's
َََِِِّا َِْ أَِْْاْ ِْى ََِِ أْط
3indama wassala a zawjaani il manzili a
his servant girl let them inside
ََِِْْْحٍ َِْ َاََِِ ِا
Samahhat lahom khaadimatoho bi a
The wife said, "Give your master this
silver coin
ًَِْْْاٍْ أ: ًََََّْط َُّْ َُِ أًَِِْ أ
Qaalat a zawjato: a3tti sayîdaki haathihi al
3omlata al fidhîyâta
and tell him to come see my child."
" ْْْْي ِْ َْ ََّي ًَُّْ طَِي.
Wa qooli laho an yaetii li roe'yati marii'dhii
While the girl ran to fetch the doctor
َِِِِّّا ٍَََ أََْاً إحَاَ أْط
Baynamaa rakadhati al fataato li ihhdhaari a
the tailor propped the hunchback's body
ََََِْ أَّْاط َِْ أْح
Asnada al khayââtto jasada al ahhdab
at the bottom of the stairs
ََََِْى أَِِْ أَِْْي ِْ أ
3ala al joz'i a soflii mina a dâraji
and the tailor and his wife ran away
ََِِْْ َُِْ أَّْاط
Wa haraba al khayââtto wa zawjatoho
The doctor, coin in hand!
َّْ ََِْ ِي أ، ِِّ!أْط
A ttabiibo, noqoodon fi al yad!
ran downstairs to care for his new patient
ََََِِّْ ِْى أْطاِق أَِْْي ََْاًّ ََِِّ أ
Rakadha ila a ttaabiqi a soflii li ri3aayati
marii'dhihi al jadiid
Alas, he hurried so fast
ًََِْ َُِْ ، ٍْْأ
Lil asafi, harwala bi sor3atin.
and the stairway was so dark, he tripped
and fell
ََََِ ِْْط، َْاْ أَََْ َِِ ةِا ِ ةَأ
Wa kaana a dârajo modhliman jidân,
fata3athâr wa saqatta
and at the bottom of the stairs
َََِْْي ََِْ أ
Wa fii asfali al dâraji
he toppled the hunchback. "Oh my"
ََِطاُ ِاْح. ""ّا َِْي
Attaa'hha bi al ahhdab, "yaa ilaahi"
he cried when he discovered that the
hunchback had no pulse
َِِ ِْ ِّْ ََِِى َََِا أٍََُ َْ أْح
Bakaa 3indamaa iktashafa anâ al ahhdab
laysa laho nabdhon
"I've killed my patient!"
""!َِْ ٍَِْ ََِّي
Qatalto mariidhii!
Then he ran to his wife to tell her the tale
ًَِّ ََِ ِْى ََِِْ ََُِّْا ِاْحَا
Thomâ Rakadha ila zawjatihi li yokhbirahaa
bi al Hhikaayati
"We'll toss the body into our neighbor's
"َِِْْي ِاًَِْ ِي ْاحً أَِّْأ
Sanolqii bi jo'thâti fii saa'hhati al jiiraan
and we shall not be blamed"
ََِ ْْْ "
Wa lân nolaama
They carried the body into their
neighbor's garden
َُِحِِْأ أًَِْ ِْى حًَِّ ِا
Hhâmaloo al jo'thâta ilaa hhadiiqati jaarihim
This night when that neighbour returned
home and lighted his candle
ََُِِ َُِِ أًِِّْ َََِا َاَ أِْاَ ِْى أََِِْ ََْا
Haathihi a lâylata 3indama 3aada al jaaro
ilaa al manzili wa adhaa'a sham3ataho
he was startled to see a man standing at
his back door
َُِ َََِا ََى ََِة ٍِّ َََ ِاِ ََِِْ أََِْي
Dohisha 3indama ra'aa rajolan yaqifo 3inda
baabi manzilihi al khalfii
"Aha!" he cried at the sight
"َََ َََ ََُِّ "!آُا
"ahaa" Ssarakha 3inda ro'eyatihi
"To think that all this time I've blamed the
animals when it was you!
"ٍََ ٍََ !ََََِ َََي طْأِ َُأ أٍْْْ َِْْ أْحّْأَاٍ َِِّا
"a3taqido anâni ttiwaala haatha al waqti
aloomo al hhayawaanaati Baynamaa konta
a common thief!"
َّ" !َْ َا
Lissôn 3aadi!
He lifted the mallet he carried
َِِ أِْطًَْ أَْي َاْ ّحَِِا
Rafa3a al mittraqata alâtii kaana yahhmiloha
and struck a blow upon the hunchback's
َََِِْ َََ أْح
Wa dharaba ssadra al ahhdabi
The hunchback fell to the ground
َِِْْط أْحَِ َِى أ
Saqatta al ahhdab 3ala al ardhi
and when the neighbour saw that he was
ٍِّ ََِ َِْْا ََى أِْا
Wa lamââ ra'aa al jaaro anâho mâyîton
he cried out in despair
َََ ّاِْا
Ssarakha yaa'isan
Then he quickly lifted the hunchback and
carried him away
َِ ََْاْ ِا َِِ أْحَِ ْحِِِ َِّ ةَأ
Thomâ sor3aana maa rafa3a al ahhdaba wa
hhamalaho ba3iidan
through the deserted streets
ًََََِِِْْ أُْْأََ أ
3abra a shâwaari3i al mahjoorati
until he reached the marketplace
حَى َِْ ِْى أْْْق
Hhataa wassala ila a ssôôqi
In a dark alley
َِِِ ِي َْاق
Fii zoqaaqin mo'dhlim
he leaned the hunchback up
ََََِْ أْح
Asnada al ahhdab
against a wall and ran away.
َُِْ ََِِأ.
Bi jidaarin wa haraba
Soon afterward the king's broker passed
ََُِِِْ َُْ ِِِِّ َِ ِْْاَ أ
Ba3da thaalika bi qaliil, marâ simsaaro al
on his way to the baths
ٍِي طَِِّ ِْى أْحِاِا
Fii ttariiqihi ila al hhamââmaati
Earlier that week
َِِْْْي ٍْْ ْاِق ِْ َُْ أ
Fii waqt saabiq min thaalika al osboo3i
someone had stolen the broker's turban
ََْق َحَُِ َِاًِ أِْْْا
Saraqa ahhadohom 3amaamata a simsaar
When he turned the corner and spied a
man leaning against the wall
َََِا أَأَ أَْأًّْ َِِْْ َِي َِِ ََِِ َِى أْحاِط
3indama adaara a zââwiyata wa tajasâsa
3ala rajolin motâki'in 3ala al hhaa'itti
he thought the man was wearing his
َِِأَََِ َْ أَِِْ َاْ َََّّ َِا
I3taqada anâ a râjol kaana yartadii
The broker raised his arm and let out a
ًَََ َِِ أِْْْاَ ََأَِ َْطِق
Rafa3a a simsaaro thiraa'3aho wa attlaqa
"You'll not steal my turban again!"
""!ْْ ََْق َِاَِي ًَِ َََى
"lan tasriqa 3amaamatii marâtan okhraa"
and struck a blow upon the hunchback's
َََِِْ َََ أْح
Wa dharaba ssadra al ahhdab
Just then the watchman appeared
ََََُِا ِِط َََ أْحا
3indaha faqat dha'hara al hhariso
and seeing one man beating another
ُِاَُأ ََِ ََِّ آََأ
Moshaa'hidan rajolan yadhribo aakharan
he ran to stop the fight
ََِِ ٍْْْ أَِْا
Rakadha li waqfi al qitaali
When he discovered the hunchback was
ٍَََِا أٍََُ َْ أْحَِ َْ ِا
3indama iktashafa anâ al ahhdaba qad
he hauled the broker to the governor and
accused him of murder
ََِِِِْ أِْْْاَ ِْى أْحاَِ ْأََِِ ِا
Naqala a simsaar ila al hhakim wa
itâhamaho bi al qatli
The governor announced he must hang
for his crime
ََِِِّ ََِْ أْحاَِ ََِ ِِّ َُِِ َِى
A3lan al hhaakimo anâho yajibo shanqoho
3ala jariimatihi
The gallows were set up in the heart of
the city
ًٍََََِِّْ أًَُِِْ ِي ِِْ أ
Nossibat al mishnaqato fii qalbi al madiinati
and the executioner prepared to hang the
َْأَََْ أََِْ َُْق أِْْْا
Wa ista3adâ al jalââdo li shanqi a simsaar
But just as the rope was being tied
around the broker's neck
ََْْْ َََِا َاْ أْحِِ َِِْ ةطا حِْ ًَِْ أِْْْا
Wa laakin 3indama kaana al hhablo
marboottan hhawla raqabati a simsaar
the neighbour pushed his way through
the crowd
َُأِْاَ ُق طَِِّ ِّْ أْح
Al jaar shaqâ ttariiqaho bayna al hhashdi
"Do not hang him
"ََُِِْ َ"
Laa tashnoqooh
I killed the hunchback"
َِ" أَا ٍَِْ أْح
Ana qatalto al ahhdab
and he told the tale of striking a deadly
blow in his garden
َََِِّْْى حَاًّ َِِّْ ًََِ ْاًَِ ِي ح
Wa rawaa hhikaayata tawjiihi dharbatin
qaatilatin fii hhadiiqatihi
"Hang him !"
the governor said
َِْاِ أْحا
Qaala al hhaakim
But at that moment the doctor ran to the
gallows and cried
َْْ ِي َُِ أِْحًَ ََِ أْطِِّ ِْى أًَُِِْ َِْى
Laakin fii tilka alâhhdhati Rakadha a ttâbiibo
ila al mishnaqati wa bakaa
"Another innocent must not die on my
"" َ ِِّ أْ ٍِّْ َِِّ آََ َِي حْاِي
Laa yajibo an yamoota barii'on bisababii
and he told his tale of killing his patient
by accident
ًَََِْْْى حَاَِّ َْ َِِِ ََِِّ ِا
Wa rawaa hhikaayataho 3an maqtali mariixhihi
"Hang the doctor!" said the governor
"ِِّْاِ أْحاَِ "!أَُِْأ أْط
Oshnoqoo a tâbiib! Qaala al hhaakimo
But the tailor ran to the gallows and
َََْ ًََُِِْْْ أَّْاط ََِ َحْ أ
Laakinâ al khayâât Rakadha nahhwa al
mishnaqati wa ssarakha
"No! I am to blame!"
"َ! َِِْ"!ََا أ
Laa! Ana al molaam
And he told his tale of the fishbone
ًََِْْْْى حَاَِّ َْ ََِ أ
Wa rawaa hhikaayataho 3an 3adhmi a
Upon hearing this story
ًََََِْ ِْاَ َُِ أ
3inda samaa'3i al qissâti
a barber who stood in the crowd pushed
his way to the gallows and said:
ُِق أْحَق أَّْ ٍْْ ِّْ أْحَُ طَِِّ ِْى أًَُِِْ ْْا:
Shaqâ al hhalââqo alâthii waqafa bayna al
hhashdi ttariiqaho ila al mishnaqati wa qaala:
"I humbly ask if I may examine the
hunchback's body?"
""ََِْ َِْأَِ َِأ َاْ َِِِاَي ِحَ َِْ أْحَِ؟
As'alo bi tawaadho'3in ithaa kaana bi
imkaanii fahhsso jasadi al ahhdab?
The governor commanded that
َُِْ َََِِ أْحا
Amara al hhaakimo bi thaalik
the body be laid before him
َِِِْ أَِْْ َِا
Wadha3a al jasada amaamaho
The barber knelt over the hunchback and
then smiled
َََِِِْ أْحَق ِْق أْحَِ َِ أ
Raka3a al hhâlââqo fawqa al ahhdabi thômâ
He drew some medicines from his pocket
ِِِّ ِْ ًَّْْْحِ َِِ أ
Sahhaba ba3dha al adwiyati min jaybihi
and rubbed the hunchback's neck
َِْ َُِ ًَِْ َح
Wa faraqa raqabata al ahhdabi
Then, using his pincers
ًُ ِاَََْأِ أَِْا، َِ
Thomâ bistikhdaami al kamââshati
he drew the fishbone from the man's
َِِْْحِ ََِ أًَِْْ ِْ حِق أ
Sahhaba 3adhma a sâmakati min hhalqi a
and the hunchback sneezed
ََِْطِ أْح
Wa 3attasa al ahhdab
stretched, and opened his eyes
ََِّّ ََِْ َََِ
Tamadâdâ wa fatahha 3aynayhi
"You see!" the barber cried
"ََْْ ُِ!" َََ أْحَق
Hal tarawn! Ssarakha al hhâlââqo
"he's not dead at all!"
""!َِِ ِْ ٍِّ َِى أإطَق
"inâho lam yamot 3ala al ittlaaqi"
Everyone who watched was amazed
َِ ِْ ُاَُ َاْ ََُُِا
Kolô man shaahada kaana monda'hishan
and filled with admiration for the barber
َِِِِْا َِِِاِ أْحَق
Wa momtali'an bi i3jaabi al hhâlââqi
When the king heard the whole tale
ًَََِِْا َََِا ِِْ أُِِْ أ
3indama sami3a al maliko al qissâta kolâhaa
he ordered that it be inscribed
ََِ ََََِّْا
Amara bi tadwiinihaa
on parchment in letters of gold
َُِ ِْ ٍََِى َق َِح
3ala riqîn bi ahhrofa min thahab.
letters ٍَأح
parchment ًَّ َح،َق
the whole tale ًِِأًَِْ َا
admiration ِأََِا
amazed ََََِ ،،ََُِِ
at all ِطَْا،، َِي أَطَق
sneezed َِط
pincer ِِِط
drew َِ ،،ِْح
pocket ِِّ
medicines ًََّْ
humbly ََِِْأ
the crowd ََِِْْأ، ،َُأْح
innocent َِئ
Hang َُق
the rope ِِأْح
the executioner ََِْأ
The gallows
the governor َِأْحا
one man َِِ
another. ََآ
the watchman َِأْحا
let out a أطِق
turban ًَِِا
spied َِْ ،،َِِْ
the baths ٍأْحِاِا
broker َِْْا
the mallet ًَِْط
forever َِْأْي أ
the kitchen ُِأِْط
the wall َأَِْأ
yard ً أِْاح،،ًأْْاح
neighbor َِا
pulse َِِ
patient َِِّ
coin ِ ِا،،ََِْ، ،ًَِِ
away ََِّأ
the bottom of َِْأ.....
body ِِْ
While. َِِّا
inside ََِأ
servant ََِا
ill َِِّ
smallpox ََِّْأ
Everyone ََُ َِ ،،ََِ ْأح
poor. َِِّ
Step away! َََِِ
shawl ُُْا
"Woe is us!" !!ِّْ َْا
to death ٍِْْأْي أ.. ٍِِْْ
a moment ًَْح،،ًَِ
throat حِق
the bone ََِْأ
sharp َحا
fishbone ًَِْ ََِ
huge ََِّ َِأ،،ََِ
Alas ٍَْْ
piece ًَْط
to death ٍِِْْ
a moment ًَ ْح،،َِْ،،ًَِ
meal ًَِ ط،ًََِ ،ًِِْ
marvelous ِِ َأ،،َُِِ
happily ًََِْا، ،ََِْْ
for ِ ،،ِِْ،،ِِِْ أ...
guest ََِّ ،ٍَّ
amusing ِِْي،،َِِِ
prove ٍَِّ
who َّْأ
Who? ِْ؟
hunchback ََِح
came ِِا
entertainment ََِِّ،ًَِّْ
seeking َْ ُِاح
wife ًَِْ
Once ًَِ
tailor َّاط
city ًََِّ
time َِْ ،ٍْْ
Nights ّْاْي
The Tale of ًَْ.... ًّحَا
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Thank you.