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Published by Kasidet Phetmanee, 2020-04-07 02:27:38

English File Pre-Intermediate SB

English File Pre-Intermediate SB

Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden

Paul Seligson


Christina Latham-Koenig
Clive Oxenden
Paul Seligson



the best way to get students talking

English File t hird edition gives you motivating, enjoyable
lessons that work.

• A proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,
and skills.

• Engaging topics, t asks, and act ivit ies that get students
talking on every page.

• A complete teaching and learning package.

Oxford >making . sense

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English Sounds Pronunciation Chart ~ for all your ISBN 978-0-19-459865-1
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Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

4 A Where are you from? word order in questions common verb phrases, vowel sounds, t he
spelling and numbers alphabet

6 B Charlotte's choice present simple describing people: final -s I -es

appearance and personality

c8 Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy present continuous clothes, prepositions of place ;:~ and 1:1:

10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 1 Hotel problems

12 A Right place, wrong person past simple: regular and irregular verbs holidays regular verbs: -ed endings
14 B The story behind the photo sentence st ress
past continuous prepositions of time and
c16 One dark October evening place: at, in, on word stress

18 REVISE AND CHECK 1&2 t ime sequencers and connectors verb phrases

20 A Plans and dreams be going to (plans and predictions) airport s sentence stress and fast

22 B Let's meet again present continuous (future verbs + prepositions e.g. sounding friendly
arrangements) arrive in
c24 What's the word?
defining relative clauses expressions for paraphrasing: pronunciation in a

like, for, example, etc. dictionary

26 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 2 Restaurant problems

28 A Parents and teenagers present perfect +yet, just, housework, make or do? j and d:y
30 B Fashion and shopping shopping cand ch
present perfect or past simple? (1)
c32 Lost weekend adjectives ending -ed and -ing c , ~~~.and 111
something, anything, nothing, etc.

36 A No time for anything comparative adjectives and adverbs, time expressions: spend time, sentence stress etc.

38 B Superlative cities superlatives(+ ever+ present perfect) describing a town or city word and sentence
c40 How much is too much? quantifiers, too, not enough health and t he body
·' , u: , 'al , and c

42 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 3 The wrong shoes

44 A Are you a pessimist? will I won't (predictions) opposite verbs 'II, won't
46 B I'Ll never forget you verb+ back
will I won't (decisions, offers, word stress:
c48 The meaning of dreaming promises) adjectives + prepositions two-syllable verbs

review of verb forms: present, past, the letters ow
and future



Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation

52 A How to... uses of the infinitive with to verbs + infinitive: try to, forget weak form of to, linking
to, etc.
54 B Being happy uses of the gerund (verb + -ing) the letter i
verbs+ gerund mus t, mustn't
56 C Learn a language in a month! have to, don't have to, must,
mustn't modifiers: a bit , really, et c.

58 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 4 At the pharmacy

60 A I don't know what to do! should get 'tW and /u:', sentence stress
confusing verbs linking
62 B If something can go wrong,... if+ present, will + infinitive
adverbs of manner sentence rhythm
(first conditional)

c64 You must be mine possessive pronouns


68 A What would you do? if+ past, would+ infinitive animals word stress
(second conditional]

70 B I've been afraid of it for years present perfect+ for and since phobias and words related to fear sentence stress

c72 Born to sing present perfect or past simple? (2) biographies word stress, /:J:I

74 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 5 Getting around

76 A The mothers of invention passive verbs: invent, discover, etc. If , -ed, sentence stress
78 B Could do better school subjects used t o / didn't use to
used to word building: noun formation diphthongs
c80 Mr Indecisive

84 A Bad losers expressing movement sport s, expressing movement sports
phrasal verbs linking
86 B Are you a morning person? word order of phrasal verbs similarit ies sentence stress, \)/ and /1.)/
so, neither+ auxiliaries
c88 What a coincidence!

90 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 6 Time to go home

92 A Strange but true! past perfect verb phrases contractions: had/ hadn't
94 B Gossip is good for you reported speech say or tell? double consonants
questions without auxiliaries re vision revision
c96 The English File quiz
126 Grammar Bank 164 Ir regular verbs
98 REVISE AND CHECK 11&12 150 Vocabulary Bank 166 Sound Bank

100 Communication
111 Writing
118 List ening


G word order in questions What do
V common verb phrases, spelling and numbers you do?
P vowel sounds, t he alphabet
I'm at

u n i v e r si ty.

1 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING common verb phrases


• Where you from?

• Where you born?

• Where do you ?

• Doyou _ in a house or flat?

• Do you any brothers and sisters?

• Do you any pets?


• What do you ?

• Where do you ? • What school I university do you to?

• Doyou __ your job? • What year you in?

• Can you _ _ any other languages? Which?

• Where did you English before?


• What kind of music do you ___ to?

• Do you _ _ _ a musical instrument? Which?

• What TV programmes do you ?

• Do you any sport or exercise? What?

• What kind of books or magazines do you ?

• How often do you to the cinema?

• What did you Last weekend?

a Complete the quest io ns w ith a verb. c In pair , a k and a n wer the questio ns. Can
yo u fi nd at lea t one t hing fro m each section
b 1 2 l)) Li ten a nd repeat the Free Time que tio n wh ich you have in common?
Co py the ~tbm .
0 e live in the city centre.
p Sentence stress
Remember that we usually st ress the important words in a sentence
(the ones that carry important information), and say the other words
less st rongly, e.g. Where are you from? What do you do?

2 GRAMMAR word order in questions 3 PRONUNCIATION

a Re-order the words to m ake questions . vow el sounds, the alphabet

I born where your parents were ? a 1 S l)) Look at th e sound pictures. What are the words
? and vowel sounds? Listen and check.
2 where fro m teacher o ur is ?
name yo ur how yo u do spell

4 did last you go night o ut ?

b ~ p.l26 Grammar Bank lA. Learn m o re about word
order in questions and practise it.

c Stand up and ask different s tudents the first ques tion >b p.l66 Sound Ban k. Look at the typical spellings of
until o mebody ays yes. Then ask the fo llow-up
questio n. Continue w ith the other questions, ask ing the e sound s.
different students.
c Add these letters to the ci rcles. F
Do you drink a lot of coffee!J 0 es, I do. EGH J M0 RWXY
How many cups of coffee do you drink!l_ 0 ve cups a day. A
Present "o~ B
I drink a lot ofcoffee (or tea)? How many cups... ? K D~ - vc
I go to bed early during the week? W hat time... ? Q
I spend a lo ng time o n Facebook every day? How long... ? 9.T D
p ~- u

Past ~

I have a big breakfa t today? What.. .? ~
I go somewhere nice o n Saturday? Where.. .?
I see a good film last week? What film ... ?

d 6 l)) Li ten and check. Practise
saying the letters in each cireie.

e Ask and answer w ith a pa rtner.

• Do you norma ll y get in touch with yo ur friends by
phone, email, o r Facebook?

• Do you have an iPod o r \rl P3 player? What kind?
• Do you often wa tch D\ "Ds? What kind?
• Do yo u watch the BBC. C. N. o r :VIT \ '?
• Do you have a ny friends fro m the U K or the SA?

4 SPELLING & NUMBERS e Interview your partne r and complete the form.
Student information
a 1 7 l)) Listen a nd wr ite s ix firs t names.
b ~Communication What's his name? How do you first name
spell it? A p.lOO B p.l06. address

c How do you say these numbers? phone number
13 30 76 100 150 375 600 1,500 2,000 10,500

d 1 8 l)) Listen and w rite the numbers.

l Gate 3 Tel : _ _ __ 5 £ _ _ __

2 miles 4 Population: _ _ __

G present simple I like good
V describing people: appearance and personality books.
P final -s I -es
He doesn't
1 VOCABULARY describing people like sport.

a 9>)) Liste n to a man describing his girlfriend a nd
tick (.I ) her picture.

b Listen aga in. What two questio ns doe Luke's frie nd In our weekly experiment, single people who are
ask him? How does Luke answer the second questio n? looking for a partner ask their mother and their best
friend to help.
p What does she look like? What is she like?
What does she look like?= Tell me about her appearance This week's single person is Charlotte Ramirez, a
(Is she tall I short? What colour hair does she have?). 25-year-old web designer. He r father is Spanish
What is she like?= Tell me what kind of person she is a nd her mother is English. She lives in Brighton and
(Is she friendly? Is she shy?). she doesn't have a partner at the moment. Her mother,
Alice, chooses a man she thinks is perfect for her
>-c p.lSO Vocabulary Bank Describing people. daughter and her best friend , Katie, chooses another.
Then Charlotte goes on a date with each man. Which
2 READING one does she prefer?

a Who do you think knows you better, your mother I love going to the cinema, but I often feel like
(or father) o r your best friend? Why? staying at home w ith a good book,' says Charlotte.

b Read the introductio n and the first parag raph of 'I'm quite friendly and sociable and r get on well with
the article.
1 What is the idea o f the experiment? 'most people. I th ink I have a good sense of humour.'
2 W ho i C harl otte?
3 Who are Alice and Katie? 'What kind of men do I like? Well, I like interesting
4 What do Alice and Katie have to do?Then what happens? men who can make me laugh. Physically, I prefer men
with a really nice sm ile who are taller than me. And
c ow read what C harlotte says. With a partner gue I don't usually like men with beards! I like men who
the meaning ofthe highlighted words a nd phrase . a re into literature and art, and classical music.'

d Cover the text. Can you remember? ' I'm not sure who is going to choose better for me.
1 What does Cha rlotte like doing?
2 What's she like? Both my mum and my best friend know me very

3 W hat kind of men does f doesn't she like? well. Perhaps Katie could find me a guy who is
physically more compatible, but my mother has A
4 W ho does she think is going to choose better? Why? 7
known me for longer!

3 GRAMMAR present simple 5 PRONUNCIATION final -s I -es

a From memory, try to complete the sentences a 1 16 >)) Listen and repeat.
using the present simple.
~ snake She like cats .
I She have a partner at the moment. He work<; with his parents.
~ Lebra
2 She on a date with each ma n. He hac; brown eyes.
hzJ She wear<> jeans .
3 Which one she prefer?
She relaxe<> with boxes ofchocolates.
4 W hat kind of men I like? H e usee; gla sses to read.

5 usually like men w ith bea rds.

b In pa irs, a nswer the questio ns.

Which letter do you add to most verbs wi th p Pronunciation of final -s I -es: verbs and nouns
he, she, and it? The fi nal -s is pronounced '<>I or lzJ. The difference is quite s mall.
2 How do the verbs below change with he, she, The final -es is pronounced hzJ after ch, c, g, sh, s, z, and x.
and it?
watch fstu dy f&o f have b 17 >)) How do you say the he I she I it form of these verbs and the
3 W hat aux iliary verbs do you use to make
questions and negatives with ...? plural of these no uns? Listen and check.
a I fyou f we f they b he/ she fi t
verbs: choose cook go live st op teach
nouns: boy class date frie nd language parent

c )'- p.126 Grammar Bank lB. Learn more
abo ut t he present simple a nd prac t ise it .

d Can you reme mbe r the kind of men 6 SPEAKING & WRITING
Charlotte Likes a nd doesn't like ?
a Look at the form below a nd prep are to give this info rmation
about your friend.

e Look at the photos of A lexander a nd O live r. Do you have a friend who is looking for a partner?
Find out about them. )'- Communication Help him I her to find one!
Alexander and Oliver A p.lOO B p.l 06.

Name . Personality + l
Relatio nship l
Single •


Job Likes
A ppearance

f Which ma n do you think is better for Doesn't like
Charlotte? Why?
b Work in pairs. Ask a nd a nswer about yo ur people. Compa re the
a 14>)) Listen to C ha rlotte talking abo ut info rmatio n. D o you th ink the two people are compatible?
what happened when she met A lexander. 0 hat's his (her) name?
What did she th ink of h im? D oes s he wa nt
to see him again? >-c p.lll Writing Describing a person. Write a description of a

b Listen aga in and write down any adjectives pe rson yo u know.
or expressio ns that C ha rlotte uses to
describe his appea ra nce a nd personality. 7 118>)) SONG Ugly J'

c 15 >)) Now repeat fo r O liver.

d What does C harlotte decide in t he end?
Do you agree w ith her?

G present continuous What's the
V clothes, prepositions of place woman doing?

P /of a nd 13:/ She's standing
in front of the


1 VOCABULARY clothes 3 GRAMMAR present continuous

a Look at the pictures. What ar e t he models a Look at the painting o n p.9 by the British a rt ist D avid H ackney
wearing? M atch the wo rds a nd clo thes. (1937-). In pairs, describe the m a n a nd the wom a n.

D boots • What do they look like?
D shirt • What a re theywea ring?
• What a re they doing?
D shoes
b Underline the co rrect form of tbe verb, present continuous or
D skirt present simple.

D top 1 In the painting the man isn't wearing f doesn't wear shoes.
D trousers 2 In the UK women often wear f are wearina big hats at wedd ings.

>b p.l51 Vocabulary Bank Things you wear. 3 In the pa inting a white cat sits f is sittina on the ma n's knee.
4 My son usually sits f is sitting at the back of the class so that the
2 PRONUNCIATION fgf and 13:/
teacher can't see hi m.
a l 2 0 >)) Liste n to these words and sounds.
Practise saying them . >c p.l26 Grammar Bank lC. Learn mo re about the present

¥ Itrousers trainers co ntinuous and practise it.

co mputer sandals sweater d Look at the pictures o n page 4 . What are the people weari ng?
What are they do ing?
ca rdi g a n
2 ~ bird \ shirt skirt T-sh irt
a 1 24 >)) Look at thc pa int ingofMr andMrsC/arka nd Percyon p.9
b Underline the stressed syllable in the words and li sten to the aud io guide. Focus o n th e people and things in
below. Which sound do they have, 1 o r 2? th e pa inting as they are me ntioned .

actor cinema firs t painter third b Liste n aga in. Ma rk the sente nces T (true) o r F (fal se).
arrive fash ion world university
picture working prefer I Percy is the name of the cat.
2 MrandMrsCiark m adeclothes
c 1 21 >)) Liste n a nd check.
fo r famo us people.
>d p.166 Sound Bank. Look at the ty pica l 3 The painting shows their li ving

pellings fo r these sound s. room .
4 The painting is qu ite sma ll.
e Ask and a nswer the questions w ith a partner. 5 Celia is pregna nt in the pa inting.
6 Ozzie is putting his feet into the
What clothes do you usually wea r... ?
• at work / uni versity/ school carpet because he is cold.
• when you go o ut at nig ht 7 The positio n o f the couple in the
• when you want to relax at th e weekend
paintin g is unu ual.
8 The open window is a sym bol of

the love between them.
9 The cat is a symbol of in fide li ty.
10 Celia and Ozzie later got divorced.
11 Celia doesn't li ke the pai nt ing.
12 Ozzie C la rk d ied in 1995.

fl.1r and fl.1rs Clark and Percy (1970-71) by David Hackney in the Tate Gallery, London

5 VOCABULARY prepositions of place 6 SPEAKING

a Look at some sente nces w hich describe the painting. p Describing a picture (a painting or photo)
Complete them with a word or phrase fro m the list. When we describe a picture we normally use:
• There is I There are to say what is in the picture, e.g.
in (x2) on (x2) under in front of behind between There is a table and a vase with flowers in it. There are
next to on the right on the left in the middle two people.
• The present continuous to say what the people are
l There are two people the room. doing, e.g. The woman is standing and the man is sitting.
• Sometimes we combine There is and the present
2 The woma n is sta nding _ _ _ , and the man is continuous, e.g. There is a woman standing near the
sitting _ _ __ window.

3 of the pai nt ing, the ma n and the >-a Communication Describe and draw A p.l OO B p.106.
woman , there's an open window.
Describe your picture for your pa rtner to draw.
4 A white cat is itting the man.
b In s mall groups, ask a nd answer the quest io ns.
5 T here' a carpet the man's chair. the
6 There' a telephone the floor Which of the three painting in this lesson do you
prefer? Why?
man' chai r. 2 What pictures or poster do you have on the wa ll in
your bed room or living room?
7 the telephone there's a lamp. 3 Do you have a favo uri te pa inting? What? Can you
describe it?
8 the woman there's a table, and a vase with 4 Do you have a favourite painter? W ho?
5 Do you (or did you) paint or draw? W hat kind of things?
fl owe rs it.
4imttD -
b 1 25 >)) Listen and check. Then cover the sentences a nd
look at the pa inting. Say w he re the thin gs a nd peo ple

Hotel problems


a Look at the photos. Describe Je nny a nd Ro b.

b 1 26 >)) Watch o r lis te n to Je nny. umber the pictures
1-6 in the o rder she me ntio ns them.

c Watch o r liste n again and answer the que tio ns.
I What doc Jenny do?
2 Where did he go a few months ago?
3 W ho' Ro b Walker?
4 What did they do together?
5 \: hat doe she think of Rob?
6 What's Rob's one negative quality?
7 How lo ng is Rob going to be in
ew York?



a 1 27>)) Cover the dialogue and watch o r listen. Who
does Rob call ? Why?

b Watch or listen again. Complete the You H ear phrases. a 1 29 >)) That evening Jenny goes to the hotel to meet R ob
and they go out for a drink. Watch or listen and mark
0>)) You Hear You Say the senten ces T or F.

Hello, reception. Hello. This is room 613. Rob says he doesn't li ke the hotel.
2 Jenny is going to show him round the city tomorrow.
How can I _ _ _ you? There's a problem with 3 Barbara is Jenny's boss.
the air conditioning. It isn't 4 Rob is hungry.
working, and it's very hot in 5 lt's four in the morning for Rob.
my room. 6 They're going to meet at eleven.
7 Jenny th inks that Rob is going to get lost.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'll somebody up b Watch or liste n again. Say why the F sentences are
fa lse.
to look at it right now. Thank you.
c Look at the Socia l E nglish phrases. Can you
Good _ _ _, reception. Hello. I'm sorry to bother remember any o f the m issing words?
you again. This is room 613.
Social English phrases
How can I help you? I have a problem with the
Wi-fi. I can't get a signal. Jenny Here you at last.

I'm sorry sir. Rob It's to be here.
I'll you through to IT. Thanks.
Jenny Do you have a _ _ _ view?

c 28>)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say Jenny Barbara's forward to meeting you.
ph rases. Copy the~thm .
Jenny You _ _ _ be really tired.

Rob I guess you're _ __

Q I'll Rob By the _ __

A There's a problem with the air conditioning. Jenny It's _ _ _ to see you too.
B I'll send somebody to look at it.
d 30 >)) Watch or listen and com plete the phrases.
I'll = I will. We use I'll+ verb to offer to do something.
e Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases. How do
d Practise the dialogue in 2b with a part ner. you say t hem in you r language?

e - In pa irs, roleplay the d ialogue. • Canyou...?
A (book open) You are the receptionist. B (book closed)
You are a guest. You have two problem s with your room D tell somebody about a problem (e.g. in a hot el)
(think about what they are). A Offer to do something
about B's problems. You begi n with Hello, reception. D offer to do something

f Swap roles. D greet a friend who you haven't seen for a long time

G past simple: regular and irregular verbs Where did
V holidays
P regular verbs: -ed endings

1 VOCABULARY holidays The place is perfect,
the weather is wonderful,
a In o ne minute, w ri te do w n fi ve things you
like doin g when yo u're o n holiday, e.g. but if you're with the wrong person, a holiday can be a disaster...
relaxing,going to rnuseums. T hen com pa re
w ith a pa r tner. Joe 28, a flight attendant

>b p.l52 Vocabulary Bank Holidays. Last Oct ober I went on holiday to Thailand
for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia.
c In pairs. inte rview you r pa rtner w ith the
holiday q ue tio nna ire. As k Wily? The holiday began well. We spent two days
in Bangkok and saw the Floating Market
My perfect summer holiday and the Royal Palace. But things went
wrong when we left Bangkok. I wanted
Which do you prefer...? to stay in hostels, which were basic
going abroad or going on holiday in your country but clean, but Mia said they were too
going by car, bus, plane or train uncomfortable and so we stayed in quite
going t o t he beach or going to a cit y expensive hotels. I wanted to experience
staying in a hotel (or apartment) or going camping the local atmosphere but Mia just wanted to
sunbathing, going sight seeing or going for walks go shoppin g. I thought I knew Mia very well, but you don't know a person
hot, sunny weather or cool, cloudy weather until you travel with t hem. It wa s awful! We argued about everything.
going with f riends or going w ith your family
For our last f our days we went t o Ko Chang, a beautiful island. It was like

being in paradise. The weather was lovely and the beaches were wonderful,

but wejust sunbath ed without speaking. We spent our last night back in

Bangkok and we went f or a drink with some Australians. They we re r eally

2 READING &SPEAKING friendly and Mia st art ed flirting with one of th e boys. That was the end.

a Wo rk in pa irs. A read abo ut Joe's ho liday. c you don't know a Wh en we arrived at Heathrow airport the
Bread abo ut Laura's ho liday. Find the next day we decided t o break up.
a nswers to q uestio n 1- 5. person until you
I t ook hundreds of phot os, bu t w hen I got
1 Where d id he I she go o n holiday? travel with them ' home I didn't show them to anyone.
2 W ho did he I she go with ?
3 W here did he I she stay? Laura 26, a nurse c I'd love to go back

4 What was the weath er Iike? Last spring my best f riend Isabelle and to Venice one day...

5 W hy d id n't he I she enjoy the holiday? I booked a holiday in Venice. We rented but without Linda. '
a small apartment f or a week with a
b 1 ow tell your pa rt ne r a bo ut the ho liday you
read . Use questio n 1-5 to help yo u . fantast ic view of the ca nals. At th e last moment another friend, Linda,

asked if she cou ld come too. We felt sorry for her because she had

problems with her boyfriend, so w e said yes.

c Read yo ur partne r's text. In pairs, gues Venice was magical and the weather was perfect, but t he holiday was a
the mean ing of the high Iightcd wo rd s a nd disaster f or one simple r eason: Linda was so mean! She has a goodj ob so
phrases. W hose holiday do you thin k was she's not poor, but shejust didn't want to pay f or anything. When we went
worse? W hy? sight seeing she didn't want to go to any museums or galleries that cost

- d Have yo u ever money. When we went on a gondola she complained that
had a holiday th at it was very expensive. When we went to have lunch or
yo u d idn't enjoy dinner she always wanted t o go to cheap restaurant s or
ver y much ? W hat she bought pizzas and ate them in the flat. But the night I
happe ned? invited her and Isabelle out on my birt~day she chose t he

most expensive things on the menu! The worst thing was
that although Isabelle and I paid for the apartment , Linda
never once bought us a coffee or a drink.

I'd love to go back t o Venice one day...but without Linda.

3 LISTENING 5 PRONUNCIATION regular verbs: -ed endings

a 1 34>)) You a re going to li ten to Mia and a 1 37 >)) Listen a nd repeat the sentences.
Linda talking a bo ut the ho lidays. Firs t liste n
to Mia. Does sh e agree with Joe about the ~ tie We booked a ho liday.
holiday? We wa lked a ro und th e town.
1t dog
b Listen again. What does Mia say about... ? We sunbathed on tbe beach.
!Jd / We argued abo ut everyth ing.
1 her relationship w ith Joe before they went
2 the places where they stayed We rented a flat.
3 talking to other travellers We decided to brea k up.
4 photos
S goi ng o n holiday with a boyfriend b Say the past simple of these verbs. In which o nes is -ed

c 1 35 >)) ow li te n to Linda. What's her prono u need lid/ ?

o pinion o f t he ho liday? Then listen again. arrive ask end invite like love need park start stay
What does she ay about...?
c 1 38 >)) Liste n and c h eck.
2 w hat they did there p Regular past simple verbs
3 the cost of her holiday
4 her next holiday Remember that we don't normally pronounce the e in -ed.
The -ed ending is usually pronounced it or ld'. The difference between
d Who do you sy mpathi ze w ith most, Joe or these endings is very small.
Mia? Laura or Linda?
We only pronounce the e in -ed when there is a t or a d before it,
e.g. wanted, ended. With these verbs -ed = 1d .

4 GRAMMAR past simple: regular 6 SPEAKING

and irregular verbs a Look at Your last holiday below. What a re the questions?
b Think abo ut your answe rs to the que tions .

a What is the past simple of these verbs? YOUR LAST HOLIDAY
Are they regular or irregu lar? C heck your
answers in Joe's text. 1 Whe-re. I !JO?
'). Whe-~ I !JO?
go _ _ begin __ 3 Who 1 !JO with?
spend _ __ q. Whe-re. I st~y?
wa nt leave 5 WMt I the- food. Like.?
stay _ _ ~ WMt I the- we.~the.r Like.?
know be _ _ f_ _ 7 WMt 1 do d.u.ri113 the. d.~y?
unbathe g WMt I do ~t ~3k.t?
think q 1 MVe. ~ !JOOd. time.?
a rgue _ __ 10 1 M Ve. ~~y probLe-ms?


b ow und erline th e past simple [±] verbs in

Laura's text. What are the infinitives?

c Find and und e rline two past s imple G ve rbs c Work in pairs. Ask yo ur partner about
his f her ho liday. S h ow inte rest in' h at
in the two texts. H ow do you make B and IT!
he f she says, and ask for more information. Then swap roles.
in the past s imple . .. ?
p Useful language for showing interest
• w ith no rm al verbs
[±] Really? Wow! Fantastic! Great! etc.
• with was f were
B Oh no! How awful! etc.
• with could
IT! Was it expensive? Why? What happened? etc.
d )o- p.l28 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn mo r e
about the past simple and practise it.

G past continuous
V prepositions of time and place: at, in, on
P sentence stress

1 READING 0 n 4th November 1arrived in Chicago late in the evening. I wanted
to photograph Barack Obama and his family in the Convention
a Look at a pho to which news phorographer center, but when 1 got there 1discovered that 1didn't have
To m Pilsto n took in 2008. What do you my press pass and 1 couldn't go inside. 1 walked around the park
think is happening?
outside the center. Although it was November. it was a warm night.
b Read Tom's descriptio n ofw h at happened
o n the night he took the phoro. Were you The atmosphere was wonderful. When 1took this photo everybody ~
ri ght?
was looking at the TV screens waiting for the election results. Some
c Read it aga in a nd a nswer the questions. people were quietly holding hands and smiling - others were tense and ~
l Why di d Tom Pilston go ro C hicago?
2 W hy couldn't he ra ke a photograph of nervous. They felt that it was their moment. Suddenly 1realized that this ~
Oba ma? was a better place to be than inside. 1 was watching Obama's victory ~
3 What was the weather like?
4 Where did he take rhis photo? through the faces of all these people, African, Hispanic, Chinese, white. "&i
5 Where could the people see rhe election
results? At about 11 o'clock the results were announced, and everybody went "g'
6 Was he sorry that he couldn't go inside the
center? mad. People started laughing, shouting, and crying. But when Obama ~
7 What happened when Obama won? made his speech they all became quiet and emotional. There was only ~
d W hy do you t hink the phorographer tho ught one place to be on the planet that night - and 1 was there.
hi s photo was bet ter th a n a pho to of O ba ma
himself? Do you agree? 3 VOCABULARY at, in, on

2 GRAMMAR past continuous a Which prepositio n do you use before... ?

a Look at the highlighted verbs in an extract 1 a date (e.g. 4th ovember) _ _
from the text. D o they descri be actions that 2 a time (e.g. II o'clock) _ _
happened . . .? 3 the mo rn ing, the a fternoo n, etc. _ _
4 a room or building (e.g. the Convention Center) _ _
a after he took the photo
b at the sa me time as he took the photo b C heck yo ur a nswers tO a in the text. W hat preposition do you use
w ith...?
When I to ok thi s ph ot o everybody was
looking at the TV screens waiting f or t he I a month (e.g. January) _ _ 3 home, work, school _ _
election re sults. Some people were quietly 2 the weekend
holding hands and smiling - oth ers were
tense and nervous. c >- p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 1.

b >- p.l28 Grammar Ba nk 2B. Learn mo re d >-Communication at , in, on A p.lOO B p. l 06. A n wer t he
about t he past continuo us a nd practise it. questio n s w ith a preposition and a t ime o r place.

c 1 41>)) In pa irs, lis ten to the sounds a nd
make a sentence using the past co ntinuou
a nd the past sim ple.

( .:.~? were playing tennis

~n it started to rain.


a 1 43 l)) Listen a nd repeat the dia logue. Co py the a Talk to a pa r t ne r. G ive mo re info rmatio n if you can .
Do you have a photo you really like? Who took it?
A Where were you at six o'clock in the evening? What was happenin g at the time?
B I was at work.
A What were you doing? 2 Do you upload photos onto Facebook o r o ther intern et
B I was having a meeting with the boss. sites? What ..vas the Ia t photo you uploaded?

b In pairs, take turns to a nswer th e questio n a bo ut 3 Do you have a phoro as the screen saver on your
computer or phone? What i it of?
yesterd ay.
4 Do yo u have a favo ur ite pho to ofyourself as a child?
6.30 a.m. 11.00 a.m. lunchtime 4.00 p.m. W ho took it? What was happe ning when th ey took it?
6.00 p.m. 10.00 p.m. midnight W har were you wearing?

Where were ~.30 ) (1was at home. 5 Do you have any photos in your bed room o r living
room? What are they of ?
'2.------m the mornrng~
6 Do you know any other fa mo us histo ri cal photos?
What were you doing! l Who or what are they of?

>-b p.l12 Writing /V1y favourite photo. Write a

descriptio n o f you r favourite photo.

5 LISTENING Caroline de Bendern was born in 1940. She was the
granddaughter of count Maurice de Bendern, a rich aristocrat
a Look at a famous pho to w hich was o n th e who owned a lot of property in Paris and Monaco. Although he
cover o f many magazine around t he wo rld had other grandchildren, the count decided to leave all his money to
in the 1960s. Where do you think the caroline. 'I never knew why.' says caroline. 'Perhaps because 1was
peo ple a re? W hat do you rh ink is happe ning? pretty.' He paid for her to go to very expensive schools in England,
and he hoped that she would marry well, perhaps a member of a
b Read the beginn ing of a newspaper a rticle. European royal fami ly. But caroline was a rebel. She went to New
Why do yo u think it i called 'The inwBe that York and worked there for a short time as a model. Then, in 1968
cost afortune'? when she was 28 years old she returned to Paris...

c 1 44l)) ow listen to the wo m an in the pho to
talking about it. Were yo u ri ght?

d Listen aga in. C hoose a, b, o r c.

In 1968 she
a was n't interested in politics
b was a communist
c was an anarchist
2 She loved the atmosphere beca use all the
students were fighti ng fo r __ .
a peace b democracy c freedo m
3 She was sittin g o n a friend's shoulders _ _ .
a because she was tired
b to take photos
c so that she coul d see better
4 She was carrying the flag because __ .
a she was a leader in the demo nstration
b somebody gave it to her
c she brought it with her
5 Her grand father died six __ later.
a days b weeks c months

e Do yo u thi nk she is so rry that she was
in that photo?

G time sequencers and connectors
V verb phrases
P word stress

1 GRAMMAR Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2010.
It was Hannah's 21st birthday and she and her
time sequencers and connectors friends went to a club. They wanted to dance,
but they didn't like the music, so Hannah went
a 1 45 >)) Read the srory once. T hen complete it with a to speak to the OJ. 'This music is awful,' she said. 'Could
word or phrase from the box. Listen to the story and you play something else?' The OJ looked at her and said,
check . 'Don't worry, I have the perfect song for you.'

After that Next day One evening in Oct ober 1 Two minutes later he said, 'The next song is by Scouting
Suddenly Two mint1tes-la~r When
For Girls. It's called Blue As Your Eyes and it's for a
b With a partn er. answer the question s.
beautiful girl who's dancing over there.' Hannah knew that
Why did H annah go and peak ro Jamie?
2 Why did Jamie play Blue As Your Eyes? the song was for her. 2_ Hannah and her friends
3 W hat happened when H an nah left the club?
4 What wa the rest aurant like? left the club, the OJ was waiting for her at the door. 'Hi,
5 Wh ere did they go every evening after that?
6 What was the wea th er like that evening? I'm Jamie,' he said to Hannah. 'Can I see you again?' So
7 Why was H an nah driving fast?
8 Why didn't she see the man? Hannah gave him her phone number.

c From m em or y cornplete these sentences f r om the story 3 Jamie phoned Hannah and invited her to
w ith so, beca use, or althou8h. Then check with the srory.
dinner. He took her to a very romantic French restaurant
She was going ver y fast ___ she was in a hurry.
2 ___ the food wasn't very good, they had a and they talked all evening. Although the food wasn't very

wonderfu l time. good, they had a wonderful time. 4 Jamie and
3 H e was wearin g a dark coat, ___ H annah didn't see
Hannah saw each other every day. Every evening when
him at f irst.
Hannah finished work they met at 5.30 in a coffee bar in
>d p.128 Grammar Bank 2C. L ea rn more about time
the high street. They were madly in love.
sequencer s and connector s and practise them.
5 , Hannah was at work. As usual she was going
e Complete the sentences in your own word s. Then to meet Jamie at 5.30. It was dark and it was raining. She
compare with a partner. looked at her watch. It was 5.20! She was going to be
late! She ran to her car and got in. At 5.25 she was driving
I T hey fell in love on their first date. Two months later. .. along the high street.
2 I went to bed early last night because ...
3 The weather was beautiful , so we decided ... She was going very fast because she was in a hurry.
4 It wa s rea lly cold that night, and w hen 6 , a man ran across the road . He was wearing
a dark coat, so Hannah didn't see him at first. Quickly, she
I woke up next morning... put her foot on the brake...
5 A l though we didn 't play wel l in th e

f inal. ..
6 I was driving along the motorway

li reni ng to the radio. Suddenly...


p Stress in two-syllable words a Read the stOry of Hannah and Jamie in 1 aga in.

Approximately 80% of t wo-syllable words are b In pairs, use pictures 1- 5 tO re-tell the story. Try to use
stressed on the f irst syllable. connectors a nd the ve rb phrases in 3 .
Most two-syllable nouns and adjectives are
stressed on the first syllable, e.g. mother,
happy. However, many two-syllable verbs and
prepositions or connectors are stressed on
the second syllable, e.g. arrive, behind, before.

a Underline the tressed sylla ble in these
words from the srory.

a cross af ter a gain a long
al though aw fu l be cause birth day
eve ning in vite per feet se cond

b 1 49 >)) Listen and check.

3 VOCABULARY verb phrases

a Make verb phrases with a verb from box 1
and a phrase from box 2. All the phrases are
from the sto ry.

inv ite somebody to dinner

1 invite 2 along the high street
have somebody your
drive email I phone number
meet a song
give across the road
t ake in a hurry
wait in a coffee bar
be for somebody
play the club very late
leave semeeecly t e-Elinner
run somebody to a rest aurant
a wonderful t ime

b Cover box l . Try to re member the verb for c T he re a re two different endings to the story. Have a class vote. Do
each phrase. you wa nt to listen to the happy ending o r the sad ending?

d 1 50, 5ll)) What do you th ink is goin g tO happen in the ending
yo u have cho en? Li ten once and check .

e Listen again . If you chose the happy e nding, a nswer the questio ns
in > Communication Happy ending p.lOl. Ifyou chose the sad
ending, answer the questions in > Communication Sad ending

5 1 52 >)) SONG Blue As Your Eyes .,n

GRAMMAR 4 A Did you ___ any photos? B o, l didn't.

Q a , b , or c. 5 A Where did you ___? B In a small hotel.

I ___ an y brothers or sisters? 6 Did you ___ your fl ights o nline?
a Have you b Do you c Do you have
7 A Let's ___ yourpa rent tod inner. B Good idea.
2 ___ last night?
a Where you went 8 A A re you goin g to ___ there?
b Where did you go
c Where you did go B o, we're going to get the train.

3 My brother ___ foo tball. 9 A Go o n! Ask the OJ to _ _ o ur song! B OK.
a doesn't like b do n't like c doesn't likes
10 A What time do we need to home tomorrow?
4 H er parents ___ a small business.
a bas b haves c have B About 7.00. Our flight is at 9.00.

5 I ___ to music when I'm working. b Complete with at , in, or OIL
a never listen b don't never listen c listen never
1 The meeting is March 13th.
6 In the picture the woman ___ a blue dress.
a wears b wearing c is wea ring 2 A Where's Mum ? B She's the kitchen.

7 A What ___? B I'm looki ng for my keys. 3 He was born _ __ 1989.
a you are doing b do you do c are you doing
4 A Where's the dictionary?
8 She's at university. S he ___ history.
a 's studing b 's studying c studying B It's ___ the shelf in my room.

9 We ___ to Malta last August. 5 Mark 's no t back yet - he's still ___ school.
a were b went c did go
6 It's a very quiet rown, especia lly ___ ni ght.
10 I saw the film, but I ___ it.
a didn't liked b don't liked c didn't like 7 We went ho lid ay to Malta last yea r.

11 When I got home my parents ___ on the sofa. cQ the wo rd that is different.
a were sitting b was sitting c were siting
I straight lo ng blo nde beard
12 What ___ at 11 p.m.? You didn't answe r my ca ll. 2 clever lazy generous funny
a you were doing b you was doing c were you doing 3 friendly mean stupid unkind
4 dress sk i r t tights tie
13 She couldn't see him because she ___ her glasses. 5 socks gloves trainers sandals
a wasn't wearing b didn't wear c didn't weari ng 6 necklace bracelet ring scarf
7 wi ndy foggy dirty sunny
14 We went to the cinema.___ we decided to go for a wa lk. 8 basic dirty un com fortable luxurious
a After b Then c When
I5 We had a great time, ___ the weather wasn't very good.
a so b because c although aQ the word with a different sound.

VOCABULARY 1 Cit E G wo r k v
sho r ts
a Complete the phrases with a verb from the lis t. ~2 shirt curly

book do drive invite leave 3 IZ. chooses language lives glasses
look play stay take wear
4 ~ weight height kind n igh t
1 A Whatdo you _ __ ? B l'm adoctor. t ro u se rs
2 A Whatdoesshe _ __ like? B She'stall and slim . ~5 painter trainers university
3 She doesn't usua11y ___ jewellery, only her wedding
b Underline the stressed syllable.
1 tal ka rive 3 pre fer 5 comfor ta ble
2 moustache
4 dis gu sting

a Read the news pa per a rticle o nce. D oes the jo urnalist
think that taking pho tos in museums is a good thi ng o r 1 53 >)) In the s treet Watc h o r listen to five people
a bad thing? a nd a n swer t he questions.

b Read t he article aga in . Ma rk the sente nces T (tru e) o r Justin Joanna Sarah Jane David Andy
F (false).
Just in _ _ _.
T he jo urn alist saw tou r ists tak ing photographs o f
works ofa rt in Rome a nd ew York. a looks like his mo the r
2 W hen he first saw people tak ing ph otos in the MOMA b looks like his father
he d idn't unde rstand w ha t they we re really doing.
3 T hen he rea lised t h at the photographe rs were not c does n't look like his father or his mother
look ing at the pa intings.
4 T hey were ta kin g photos because th ey wanted to look 2 Joa nn a's favo urite painting is of _ _ _.
at the paintings la te r.
5 Later a couple asked him to take a photo of the m in a a la ndscape b a person c an animal
front o f a painting.
6 He suggests t wo possible ways of solving the prob le m . 3 Sarah Ja ne's last holid ay was a _ _ _ ho liday.

c Look a t the h ighlighted word s in the text. G uess their a beach b wa lk ing c sightseei ng
mea ning fro m the context. C heck with your teache r o r 4 David
with a dictio n a ry.
a takes a lot of photos
b is in a lot o f photos

c has a lot of photos o n h is phone

5 Andy says _ _ _ .

a he enjoys cry ing at the end of a fi lm
b he th in ks fi lms w ith a sad end ing a re more real istic
c m ost of h is favourite films have a sad e nd ing

The first time I noticed this phenomenon was a few years CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
ago, in St Peter's Basilica in Rome- a crowd of people
standing round Michelangelo's Pietci, taki ng photos with D o the tas ks w it h a partner. T ic k (.1) t h e box if you can
their cameras and mobile phones. Then last week I saw it again
at the Museum of Modern Art (the MOMA) in New York. At do them .
first, I wasn't too worried when I saw people photographing
the paintings. It was a bit irritating, but that was all. It didn't C an you ...?
make me angry. Then the sad truth hit me. Most of the people
were taking photos without looking at the paintings themselves. D1 ask an d a n swer six questio ns a bout work f stud ies,
People were pushing me, not because they were trying to get
a better view of the art, but because they wanted to make sure fa mily, and free t ime activities
that no one blocked their photo. Was it possible that perhaps
they were taking the photos so that they could admire the D2 describe the appearance and personality ofa
paintings better when they got home? This was very improbable.
They were not there to see the paintings, but to take photos to p erson you know well
prove that they had been there.
D3 describe a picture in th is book a nd say w ha t is
Then it got worse. Now people were taking photos of their
partners or friends who were posing next to, or in front of some happening, wha t t he people are wea ring, etc.
of the most famous paintings. Neither the photographers nor
the person they were photographing had looked at the art itself, D4 ask an d answer t hree questio ns about a recent
although I saw that sometimes they read the label, to make sure
that the artist really was famous. At least nobody asked me to ho li d a y
take a picture of them together, smiling in front of a Picasso!
5 _] descr ibe a favo u r ite p hoto and say what was
Ithink that photography in museums should be banned, but I ha ppeni ng w he n you took it
also have a less drastic solution. I think that people who want to
take a photo of an exhibit should be forced to look at it first, for D6 say t h ree true se ntence using t he connectors so,
at least one minute.
because, a nd althouBh
Adapted from Marcel Berlin's art1cle 1n The Guardtan
[) Short films A photographer
Watch and enjoy a fi lm on iTut or.

G be going to (plans and predictions)

V airports
P sentence stress and fast speech


a When was the last time you were a Look at the three tra vellers in the picture. Who do you t hink is ... ?
at an a irpo rt? Was it to travel • going to work abroad for an GO (= non-gove rnmental organiza tion)
somewhere (where?) or to meet • goin g to sec a n ex-partner
someone (who?)? • going to do a photo shoot in a n exotic place

b Look at the a irpor t sig ns and What are their plans?
match them to the words and What are their dreams?
ph rases below.

0 Arrivals We spent a morning in Departures last week
0 Baggage drop-off asking people about t heir travel plans.
0 Baggage reclaim
0 Check-in b 1 55 >)) Listen and check your answers to a. Then liste n again and complete
0 Customs the chart.
0 OeQ.S!.Ctures
0 Gates Where to? Why? Other information
0 Lifts
LJ Passport control
0 Terminal Ma t t h e w

0 Toilets Lily

[ l Trolley

c 1 54>)) Listen and check. Then

cover the word and look at the

symbols. Remember the words

and phrases.

be going to (plans and predictions)

a 1 56 >)) Look at these se ntences fro m t he airpo r t
inter views and complete the gaps with a fo rm of

beBoinBto +verb. Then liste n a nd check.

I English to youn g child ren.

2 How lo ng there fo r?

3 It's winter in Australia now, so _ _ _ _ _ __

qu ite cold.

4 _ _ _ ____ you at the airport? For many people airports are a nightmare - long queues
when you check in and go through security and an even
5 l'm sure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a greattime . longer wait if your flight is delayed. But there are some
airports where you can actually enjoy yourself. All good
b In pairs decide if sentences J- 5 are pia ns o r predict io ns airports have excellent facilit ies for business people and
children, free Wi-fi, restaurants, cafes, and shops. But the
about the futu re. Write PL (pla n) o r PR (predic tio n). best airports have much more...

c )o- p.l30 Grammar Bank 3A. Lea rn m o re abo ut SINGAPORE AIRPORT is paradise for flower lovers, as it has an
indoor orchid garden! It also has a rooftop swimming pool and
beBOinB to a nd practise it. a free sight-seeing tour for people who have at least five hours
to wait for their connecting flight.
If you like computer games, you'll never be bored at HONG
sentence stress and fast speech KONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - there are dozens of free
Playstations all over the terminals! It's also good for people
a 1 58 >)) Listen a nd repeat the sente nces. Copy the with no sense of direction - there are 'Airport Ambassadors' in,thm . red coats , who help you to get f rom one place to another.

I W hat a rc youg_Qing ro do ton.ighP SEOUL AIRPORT is the place to relax. You can go to the
2 Are youg_Qing ro see a film? hairdresser and have beauty treatments or a massage. Sports
3 l'mg_Qing ro cook amealforyou. fa ns can also play golf at their 72-hole golf cours e!
4 1think it 's g_Qi ng ro rain.
5 We aren't g_Qing ro have a holiday this year. MUNICH AIRPORT helps to kee p passengers entertained with
a 60-seat cinema and non-stop films. The re is also free coffee
p Fast speech: gonna and tea near all the seating areas, and lots of free magazines
and newspapers.
When people speak fast t hey often pronounce g oing to
as gonna ·•g:m:J. , e.g. What are you going t o do? sounds like If you worry about your health and like to be near medical
What are you gonna do? services at all times, OSAKA AIRPORT in Japan is the perfect
place to wait, as it has a dentist and doctor's surgery. And for
b 1 59 >)) Listen a nd w ri te s ix sente nce . people with animals, there is even a pet hotel!

c )o- Communication What are your plans? A p.lOl If you have a long wait between flights at ZURICH AIRPORT in
B p.l 07. lnter view each othe r abo ut your plans. Switzerland, you can rent day rooms with their own bathroom
and kitchen and wake-up call service. So you can have a shower
5 READING and then sleep peacefully until you have to board your flight.

a What is your nearest a irport? What's it like? What c Look at the high lighted wo rds and phra es related to
can you do th ere w hile yo u're waiting for a fli ght? a irports a nd gues their mea nin g.

b Read an a rt icle abo ut the to p a irpo rts in the wo rld . d R o le play wi th a pa rt ne r.
W hich is t he best airpo rt(s) ifyo u .. .?
A im agine you are at o ne of these airports and yo ur fl ight
have a medica l pro blem is delayed fo r three hou rs. B calls yo u o n your mobile. Tell
2 would like to see a film B where yo u a re and what you a re going to do. T hen swap
3 want to do some port or exercise ro le . Do the sa me with o ther airpo rts.
4 need to leave yo ur dog for the weekend
5 are worried abo ut getting lost 6 1 6o >)) SONG This is the Life ~
6 wa nt to sleep between flights
7 would like to see the city between fl ights

G present continuous (future arrangements)

V verbs + prepositions, e.g. arrive in

P sounding friendly

1 READING & LISTENING c Read rh e m e age aga in in the ri ght o rder. Why d o es
Lily get in touch w ith Ben? What a re they plannin g
a 6 1>)) H ow d o yo u say these d ates? Li ste n a nd check. ro do?

3rd May 12th August 201 2 31st December d Match t he highlighted words and phrases to their
22/ 6 5/ 2 20th July 1998 mea nin g.
I ____ fo r a lo ng time
b Ben and Lily are o ld frie nds fro m univers ity. R ead their 2 ____ defin ite pla ns fo r rhe furure
3 ____ I continue to be
Facebook messages and number the m in o rd er. 4 maybe
5 rhe two
- Home Profile
6 to decide sth (e.g. a day f date)
lily Varnell
e 1 62 >)) Lily pho nes Ben a nd leaves him a m essage.
D Great. I'm going to book my tickets Lis te n a nd co mplete her flight d eta ils.

tomorrow, and then I can let you know Thank you for booking with easyJet
my flight times.
Ben West
Going out: Flight EZY4587 Date: _ _ __
D OK. Why don't you phone me nearer th e Depart Lo ndon Gatw ick at 11.1 0.
Arrive Budapest at _ _ __
time, at t he end of April? Then we can fix
a day and a time to meet. I know a great Going back: Flight EZY4588 Date: _ __
r e s t a u r a n t ... Depart Budapest at _ _ __
Arrive London Gatwi ck at 18.10.
lily Varnell
Hotel reservations:
[0 Hi Ben! No news from you for ages. How are Six nights at Hotel _ _ __

things? Are you still working at Budapest
University? I have a conference there next
month and I t hought perhaps we could
meet. I'd love to see you again! Lily.

Ben West

D It depends on the day. I'm going to Vienna

one day that week, but it's not very far -
I'm coming back the same day. I'm sure
we can find a time that's good for both of

Lily Varnell

D It's from 3rd to 7th May, but I don't know

my travel arrangements yet. What are you
doing that week? Are you free any time?

Ben West

D Lily! Great to hear from you. Yes , I'm still

at t he university here and it's going very
well - Budapest is a wonderful city to liv e
in. When exactl y is the conference?

lily Varnell

D Fantastic. I can't wait!


(future· arrangements) sounding friendly

a ln pai rs, underline five present continuous a 1 67 >)) Listen to a nother dialogue. Then liste n agai n and repeat it
verbs in the Facebook messages. Which two sentence by sentence. T ry to copy the s peakers' into nation .
are about now? What time perio d do the
other three refer to? A Would you like t o go out for dinner?
B I'd love to.
b 1 63 >)) Look at three extracts from the A Are you free on Thursday?
message Lily leaves Ben . Ca n you remember B Sorry, I'm going to the cinema.
the missing verbs? Listen a nd check. A What about Friday? What are you doing then?
B Nothing. Friday's fine.
L l"m from Gatwick with Easyjet. A OK. Let's go to the new Italian place.
B Great.
2 I'm at Budapest airport at 14.40.
b Practise the dia logue w ith a pa rtner. Try to sound friend ly.
3 I'm at a lovely old hotel. c Comple te your diary w ith different activities fo r three evenings.

>c p.l30 Grammar Bank 3B. Lea rn more d Talk to other students. T ry to find days when you are both free
a nd suggest doing so mething. Write it in your diary. Try to make
about the present continuo us for future a n a rra ngement with a d ifferent person for every night.

arra ngements a nd prac tise it. Are you free on Friday evening_Q 0 es, I am.
Would you like t o go to the cinema?_J 0 es, I'd love to.
d 1 65 >)) Lily phones Ben when she arr ives at
the hote l. Liste n to the conversa tio n. What
day do they ar ra nge to meet?

e Li te n again. Complete Ben' diary for the

seeing Paul

WednesdayS 4 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions

Thursday 6 a Look at things Lily a nd Ben say. What are the missing prepositions?

Fnday 7 It depends __ the day.
2 I'm arriving __ Budapest at 14.40.
f Cover the dia ry. Work with a pa rtner and 3 Paul invited me __ dinner ages ago.
test your memory.
>b p.153 Vocabulary Bank Prepositions. Do part 2 (Verbs+
What's Ben ~~~g ) ( He~s- seeing Paul. What's
on Sunda~ ~doing on fv1onday? prepositions) .

g 1 66 >)) Listen. What happens when Ben and c Complete the questions with a preposition. T hen ask a nd a nswer
w ith a partner.
Lily meet?
1 What do you usually ask __ if you go to a cafe with friends?
2 Who do you think should pay __ the meal on a first date?
3 Who do you normally speak _ _ when you're worried __

4 Do you spend more money __ clothes or __ gadgets?
5 Do you think it's possible to fa ll __ love __ somebody without

meeting them face-to -face?


> p.l13 Writing An informal email. Write an email about travel


G defining relative clauses What's a
V expressions fo r paraphrasing: like, for example, etc. surgery? It's a place
P pronunciation in a dictionary
where you can
What's the word?


a D o you like play ing wo rd ga mes like a W hat do you us ua lly do if you're ta lki ng to sorneone in Englis h
Scra bble o r do ing crosswords? Look at the a nd you do n't know a wo rd that you need?
Scrabble Letters o n the page. H ow many
words of four o r mo re lette rs ca n you ma ke a Look up the translatio n on your phone.
in th ree minutes? b Try to mi me the word.
c Try to ex plai n what you mean u ing ot her words you know.
b 2>)) Liste n to the int roduct io n to a T V
game show, What's the word? H ow do you b 2 6 >)) Com plete the usefu l expressio ns wit h these words. T hen
play the game? listen a nd check.

c 2 3 >)) ow listen to t he show. Write down example kind like opposit e similar
the six word somebody something somewhere

I U seful e x pre ss io n s for e x pla ining a word tha t you

2 - -- -- don't know:
3 _ _ __
I It's I a person who works in a hospital.
4 ----- 2 It's I a thi ng which we use for everything nowadays.
5 _ _ __ 3 It's
6 fa place where people go when they wa nt to

d 4>)) Liste n a nd check your a n swe rs. buy something.

4 It's a of gadget.

5 It's the ofdark.

6 It's ____ light, but you u e it to desc ribe ha ir.

2 GRAMMAR 7 It 's to intelligent.

defining relative clauses 8 For , you do this to the TV.

a Look at th ree entences fro m What 's the c Com plete the definition for the e words.
word? a nd com plete the m w it h who, which,
or where. I a DJ It' omebody...

It's somethi ng peo ple use to speak 2 an art galle r y It's somewhere...
to another person. 3 a came ra It's somethi ng...
4 a lift It's a kind of...
2 It's a place people go when they 5 s unbathe For exa mple, you do th is ... A
6 c urly It's the opposite... I
wa nt to go sho pping.

3 It's somebody works in a hospital.

b Read sentences 1-3 aga in . W hen do we use 4 SPEAKING
who, which, and where?
)o- Communication What's t he word? A p.lOl B p.lOZ Play a ga me
c )o- p.130 Grammar Bank 3C. Learn mo re a nd define wo rds fo r your pa rtne r to guess.
about de fin ing relati ve cl auses a nd
pract ise them .

5 READING 900 new

a Read the ar ticle. Ho w m a ny ways does it m entio n o f Everyone knows the English language is changing.
creating new words? W hat are they? Every three months, the OED (Oxford English
Dictionary) publishes updat es t o it s online dictionary.
b Loo k at the hig hlig hted new words. W hat do you thin k One recent update contained 900 new words, new
they mea n? Match t he m to the def initio ns be lo w. expressions, or new meanings for existing words. But
where do they all come from?
_ _ _ n a young m an who is goi ng o ut with a much
older woman New words are created in many different ways. We can
make a new word by combining two words, like gastropub
2 _ _ _ v to send a message using a mo bile pho ne (gastronomy+ pub) or emoticon (emotion + icon).
3 _ _ __ n a person who works in a coffee bar Sometimes we put two words together in a new way, for
4 _ _ _ n feeli ng a ng ry because of the traffic o r example road rage or toy boy.

a nother perso n's d riving We also find that nouns can change into verbs. Take the
5 n coffee with hot m ilk word text. Text was always a noun (from about 1369,
6 n a pub where yo u can also have ver y good according to the OED), but it is now very common as a
verb, to text somebody. Other new words already existed
food but with a different meaning. For example, tweet was the
noise that a bird makes, but now we use it more often (as a
c Can you ex pla in the mea n in g of these o the r wo rds verb or a noun) for a message that people put on the social
fro m t he text . networking site Twitter.

emoticon to t weet iPod to google Another way in which we make new words is by
Wi-fi ringtone smartphone 'adopting' words from foreign languages, like barista or
latte (imported from Italian when coffee bars became
6 PRONUNCIATION really popular in the UK in the 1990s).

pronunciation in a dictionary A lot of new words come from the names of brands or
companies, for example we play music on an iPod and we
a Loo k at two dict io nar y extracts. W hat do t he google information. We also need more general words to
abbrevia tio ns m ea n? describe new technology or new gadgets: Wi-fi, ringtone,
and smartphone are some recent examples.
search \3:tf v look carefully because
you are trying to find sb or sth The invention of new words is not a new phenomenon.
The word brunch (breakfast + lunch) first appeared in
busy l'b17i adj occupe 1896, newspaper (news+ paper) in 1667, and English
speakers started to use th e word cafe (from French) in
Iv 3 sb the late 19th century. The difference now is how quickly
4 sth new words and expressions enter the language and how
2 ad) quickly we start to use and understand them.

b Look at t he pho netic t ransc r iption s in a . How do you
pro no unce the words?

p Checking pronunciation in a dictionary

This symbol (•) shows stress. The stressed syllable is t he
one after the symbol.
The Sound Bank on p.166 can help you t o check the
pronunciation of new words.

c 2 7>)) Look care fully at the pro nuncia tio n o f the words

below. Practise saying them correctly. Listen a nd
check. Do you know what they mean?

YouTube /'jutj u:b/ 4 gadget 1'gaxl31t/
2 keyboard /'ki:b::>:d/ 5 message /'mes1d;)/
3 zoom /zu:m/ 6 hacker /'hreb/

Restaurant problems


Do the restaura nt quiz with a partner.


What do you call...?
1 t he book or list which tells you what food there is
2 the three parts of a meal
3 the person who serves you
4 the piece of paper with the price of the meal
5 ext ra money you leave if you are happy with your meal or with the


What do you say...?
1 if you want a table for four people
2 when the waiter asks you what you want
3 when you are ready to pay

a 2 8>)) Watch or listen . Mark the sentences T ~ AT THE RESTAURANT
(true) o r F (false).
a ~9 >)) Cover the dia logue a nd watch o r li ten. Answer the
1 The ew York office is smaller than the questions.
London office.
1 What do they order?
2 Barbara is the designer of the magazine. 2 What problems do they have?
3 Rob has never been to ew York before.
4 Barbara is going to have lunch with Ro b

and Jenny.
5 Holly is going to work with Rob.
Holly wants to go to t he
restaurant because she's hungry.

Watch or liste n again . Say w hy
the F sentences are false.

b Watch o r listen again . Complete t he You H ear [) HOLLY AND ROB MAKE FRIENDS
phra e .

0>)) You Hear You Say

Are you ready t o ? Yes, please.

Can Iget you something No, thank you. I'd like the
to with? tuna with a green salad.

And for you, sir? I'll have the steak, please.

Would you like that with

fries or a baked ? Fries, please.

How would you like your

steak? Rare, , or Well done.

well done? Nothing for me.

OK. And to ? Water, please.

_ _ _ or sparkling? Sparkling.

The tuna for you ma'am, and I'm sorry, but I asked for a a 2 11 >)) Watch o r lis ten to Rob, Holly, a nd Je nny. D o
the steak for you, _ __ . green salad, not f ries. they e njoy the lunch ?

No problem. I'll it. Excuse me. b Watch or lis te n again a nd a nswer the questions.

Yes, sir? Sorry, I asked for my steak 1 What's Rob going to write about?
well done and this is rare. 2 How does Holly offer to help hi m with in terviews?
3 W hat does he say they could do one evening?
I'm really sorry. I'll it 4 W hat's the problem with the check?
5 W hy docs Jenny say it's ti me to go?
back to the kitchen. 6 Do you th ink Jenny wanted Holly to come to lunch?

0 British and American English 0 British and American English

(French) fries = American English check = American English
chips = Brit ish English bill = British English

c 10>)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say c Look at the Social E n glish p hrases. Can you
phrases. Copy the rhj:thm. re rne mbe r a ny of the m issing wo rd s?

d Practise the dia logue w ith a partner. Social English phrases

e - In pa irs, ro leplay the dia logue . Holly t ell me, Rob...
A You are in the restaura nt. Order a steak or t una.
B You are the waiterfwa itress. Offer A fries, a baked Rob Well, to w it h ...
potato, or salad w ith the stea k or tuna. You begin with
Areyou ready to order? Rob Do you have any ?
A T here i a problem w ith your order. Ex pl ain it to the
wai ter/ wa i t r ess. Rob That would great.
B Apologize, and try to solve the problem.
Jenny we have the check (bill), please?
f Swap roles.
Jenny Excuse me, I think there's a _ _ _,

Jenny OK, to go.

d 2 12 >)) Watch or listen a nd com plete t he phrases.

e Watch o r listen aga in and re peat t he phrases. How do
you say them in your language?

• Canyou...?

D order food in a restaurant
D explain when there is a problem with your food,

the bill, etc.
[ ' ask what somebody is going to do today

G present perfect + yet, just, already Yes, I've just
V housework, make or do? done it.
P /j/ and /dy


a Look at th e de finition of teetw[Jer. How do you housework, make or do?

pronounce it? Do you have a similar word in your a Look aga in at the highlighted phrases from
the text. Which three are connected w ith
la nguage ro describe a person of that age? housework?

teenager a person who is b ~ p.l54 Vocabulary Bank Housework,

between 13 a nd 19 years old make or do?

b Read the article about sorne annoying habits. 3 GRAMMAR
Write P ifyou think the sentence is a parent
talking about teenage rs, or T if you th ink it present perfect +yet, just, already

i a teenager talking about his f her pare nts . a 2 15>)) Look at the pictures. W hat do you
think the peo ple a re arguing about? Listen
Teenagers have annoying habits - Follow and check.
but so do their parents!
Simon Fry

They come into my room n and then are

surprised to see things they don't really want to know about.

Rachel Black

They when I'm telling them something

really 1mportant and they say "Yeah. yeah I heard you~.

Of course t ey didn't

c C ompare with a partner. Do you agree?

d Look at the highlighted ve rbs and verb phra es. With a partner,
say what you think they mean .

e Do any of the pare nts' o r teenagers' habits annoy you? Which o nes?

b Listen again and com plete the dia logue 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING /j/ and ld3f
with a past participle from the list.
a 2 19 l)) Listen a nd repeat the picture words and sounds.
cleaned done dried
finished looked seeA ·•·

1 A Have you seen my yellow jumper? yacht Jazz
I can't find it.
b 2 20 l)) Put the words in the ri ght column . Li te n a nd check.
B No, I haven't. Have you _ _ _ in your T hen listen a nd repeat t he words.
just yet Jumper yellow change teenager
A Of course I have. What's that under your new uniform year student enjoy
bed? beautiful jacket young bridge argue

B Oh, yes. I remember now. I borrowed it.

2 A Why aren't you doing your homework?

B I've already it.

A Really? When? c Practise say ing these sentences.
I've just bought Jane a jumper and a jacket.
B I did it on the bus this evening. Have you worn your new uniform yet?

3 A Have you - - _ yet? d )>-Communication Has he done it yet? p.lOl.
B Nearly.
e 2 21 l)) Lis ten. Say what's just ha ppe ned.
A I need the bathroom now.

B But I haven't __ my hair yet.

A Well, hurry up then.

4 A Can you get a plate for that sandwich? 5 LISTENING

I've just t he floor. a 2 22 l)) Li ten to the firs t part of a
radio programme about teenage
B OK. Oops- too late. Sorry! carers. Answer the questions.

c Look at the first two questio ns in dia logue 1. I What reputation do teenagers have?
Are they abo ut. .. ? 2 What do thousands o f teenagers

a a specific time in the past have to do?
b a non-specific ti me (i.e. sometime between 3 How many hours do they have to

the past and now) help a week?

d Underline the sentences withjust, yet, and b 2 23 l)) ow Iiste n to the rest of the
already in d ia logues 2- 4. What do you thin k programme. In what way a re the two
tee nage rs unus ua l? Do they feel positive
they mean? o r negative about their Lives?

e )>- p.l32 Grammar Bank 4A. Lea rn mo re c Liste n again a nd answer w ith
about the present perfect and practise it. A (Alice), D (Da niel), or

f 2 18l)) Li te n and ma ke the 1±1 sentences B (both of the m).

negative a nd t he El sentences positive. Who...?
0l)) I've f inished.
haven't finished. 1 looks after their mother
2 looks after their brother and sister
l))It hasn't rained. <;;;!'s rained. 3 does a lot of housework
4 can't cook
r_ _ 5 doesn't live with their father
6 gives their mother a massage
7 is sometimes angry with their friends
8 never goes out without their phone

d Do you know any teenage rs like Alice
and Da niel? What do they do?

G present perfect or past simple? (1)
V shopping
P cand ch

1 READING c Read the inter view. Complete the ga ps with A- F.

a W ith a partner, w ri te down th e names of A Iabsolutely hated dressing as a man.
three fas hio n desig ners. W hat nationality B I really understand how women wa nt to feel.
are they? Do they desig n m o re fo r men o r C My boyfriend at that time was very lucky.
fo r wo me n? What kind o f thi ngs does their D My feet were killing me!
compa ny ma ke? E The only things Ienjoyed there were art and sewing.
F They are so chic, and their sense of colour is so natural to them.
b Read the introductio n to an inter view and
look at t he pho tos. Do you like the clo thes? d Look at the highlig hted wo rds and ph rases related to fas hio n and
sho pping, a nd g uess their m ean ing.

LINDKA CIERACH is a fashion designer. She makes very exclusive

clothes for women. She has made clothes for many celebrities including
members of the British royal family, for example Kate Middleton and Sarah

Ferguson, whose wedding dress she designed, and actresses like Helen Mirren.

. ot at a ll! \\' hen I was at school I had PARTY? WEARING VERY HIGH HEELS?
pro blems reading, and later I was I hate fancy dress pa nics. But I can I've nc\·cr fa llen ove r, but once I had to take
cliag no ed as d y Iex ie. 1__ A fter school remember one, when I was Le n. off my shoes in the middle of a reception a t the
I did a . ccrctaria l cou r c and then I got House or Lorcl ! 5_ _
a job at Vogue magaz ine. I loved it, a nd WHAT DID YOU GO AS?
:\ Iy mot her made me a nd my younger WHAT DID YOU DO?
there I realized that what J wanted to do istcr eire . a s a bride a nd bridegroom I walked out into the street in hare fi:et and
was desig n clothes. l was the br idegroom! 4_ _ j umped into a taxi!

Being a fema le desig ner ha s many . ever, tha nk goodnc s!
a dva ntages. 2_ _ 1\ ly cuswmcTs lca\"C I'm lucky because I WHEN WAS IT?
the studio feeling a m illion dolla rs! ca n choose from a It was when I was studying at the London
la rge selection of our College of Fa hion. I desig ned my fir 1 :\ len·
WHAT NATIONALITY DO YOU THINK HAS Collection each sea. on !
THE BEST FASHION SENSE? 'N ca r collection - shins, trou crs a nd kat her
Probably the Ita lian s. 3 j acket. . 6_ _ He didn't need tO buy any
clo the tha t yea r!

.-- - - - -- - - --,


bride I bridegroom a woman I
rn a n on t he day o f her I his wedd ing

The House of Lords the second
house of the British Parlia ment


present perfect or past simple? a How is c prono unced in these word s? Put them
in the right row.
a Look at t he last four questions
in the inter view. Answer with account auct ion cinema city click
a partner. clothes credit card customer proceed
receipt shopping centre
Which questions are about
ex periences sometime in ' r key
Lindka's life?
2 Which questions a re about a ~ -.nake
pecific moment in Lindka's past?
3 What does ever mean in the b 2 30>)) Listen and check. W hen is c pronounced /~/?
questions that begin Haveyou ever...?
c 2 31>)) How is dt u ua lly pronounced? Liste n
b )o- p.l32 Grammar Bank 4B. Learn and ~ the two words where ch is pronounced
more about the present perfect a nd differently. How is it pronounced in these word ?
past simple a nd prac tise them .
changing rooms cheap checkout
3 LISTENING chemist 's chic choose

a 2 26>)) Listen to four people answering the question Havey ou d Practise saying the wo rds in a and c.

ever botJBhtsomethinBthatyou've neveriVom? What did they

buy? Write 1- 4 in the boxes. (There is one item you don't need.)

D a coat 0 some sports clothes 0 a skirt 6 SPEAKING

D ome trousers 0 a hi rt a Complete the questions with the past pa r tici ple
o f the verb.
b Listen again. What was the problem with the clothes? Write
1-4 in the boxes.

This person... Have you ever _ _ (buy) or (sell)

D bought something online. but d idn't li ke the clothes when anything on eBay? What? Did you pay o r get

they ar rived. a good price?

0 bought the clothes too quick ly and later didn't like them . 2 Have you ever _ _ (buy) something on.l ine
D wanted to look Iike a famo us singer, bur looked Iike and had a problem with it? W hat was it?
What did you do?
3 Have you ever __ (have) an a rgument with
D suddenly didn't need the new clothes any more. a shop assistant? What was it about?

c Have you ever bought something that you've never worn ? 4 Have you ever _ _ (try) to change something
What was it? withom the receipt? Were you successful ?

4 VOCABULARY shopping 5 Have you ever accidenta lly _ _ (take)
someth ing from a shop without paying?
What did you take? W hat happened?

a 2 27>)) Listen to some sentences from the liste nin g. 6 Have you ever _ _ (buy) shoes without
Complete the gaps w ith one word. With a partner, say what trying them on? D id they fit?
the highli ghted phrases mean.
7 Have you ever _ _ (Bet) to the s upermarket
I I remember when I was in the room I thought they checkout and then found you didn't have
enough money? Wh at d id you do?

looked fantastic. 8 Have you ever _ _ (lose) your credit card?
Where did you lose it? Did you get it back?
2 I it on cBay.

3 I hate clothes s hopping and I never things on.

4 I didn't have the receipt, so I couldn't it back. b As k o the r student questio n 1. Try to find
somebody who says Yes, I have. Then ask them
5 Well, I bought it from a website that has cheap the past simple questio ns . D o the same for
ques tions 2-8.

b )o- p.lSS Vocabulary Bank Shopping.

G something, anything, nothing, etc. Did you do
V adjectives e nding -ed a nd -ing anything at t he
P /e/, /'dO/, and /tJ
weekend? No, nothing.
1didn't do

a n y t h ing.

1 LISTENING 3 PRONUNCIATION lei, !'dol, and !tJ

a 2 32>)) Li ten to a news story about Sve n . egg phone up
How did he s pend his wee ke nd?
a W hat sound do the pink letters make? Write a , b , or c .
b Lis te n again a nd a nswer the questions.
DI obody knows whe re he goes.
1 What does Sven do?
2 What fl oor was his office on? 2 [ l Somebody's coming to lunch.
3 What happened when he first
3 ~ I never said anything.
pressed the li ft butto n?
4 How did he try to get help? D4 I've done noth ing since Sunday.
5 W here did Sven's w ife thi nk he D5 Don't tell a nybody about the message.
D6 There's nowhere to go except home.
6 How did Sven get out o f the li ft b 2 35>)) Liste n and check. Practise saying the sente nces.

on Monday mornin g? How d id c 2 36>)) Liste n a nd a nswer t he questio ns.
he feel? >)) What did you buy? 0 othing I didn't buy anything
7 W hat is Sven going to do every
day now? 4 READING

c H ave you (or has anyone you know) ever had a Read the art icle once. Wh at is the best sum ma ry?
a imi lar experience? What happened? a People in the UK have boring weekends.
b People who use Facebook have more exciting weekends.
2 GRAMMAR c People sometimes don't tell the truth about their weekend.
something, any thing, nothing, etc.
b Read the a rticle aga in . W it h a pa rtne r, choose a, b, or c.
a 2 33>)) Look at three sentences fro m the
story. C an you reme m be r the m issing The survey has s hown that 25% o f people...
words? Listen and check. a have very exciting weekends.
b lie about their weekend .
1pressed rhe burton aga in, bur _ __ c go out on a Satu rday night.
happened. 2 30% of the peo ple they interviewed...
2 The police couldn't find him ___. a needed to go to work at the weekend .
3 T hey pho ned the emergency number and b had a very tiring week.
___ came and repa ired the lift. c didn't want to go out at the weekend .
3 Some people don't tell the truth about their weekend because. ..
b Complete t he ru le w it h p eople , places, o r a their real weekend is very boring.
things . b they don't wa nt to make their friends jealous.
c they forget what they have done.
I Use something, anythin[J, and nothing 4 Social netwo rking sites make people...
for ___. a spend more time on the computer.
b try to make their lives seem more exciting.
2 Use somebody, anybody, and nobody c be more truthful about their lives.
for ___.
c Do you think a survey in your country would have similar results?
3 Use somewhere, arly1vltere, and noiV!tere
fo r ___.

c )o-- p.l32 Grammar Bank 4C. Learn more
about som.ethin[J, any thin[J, nothin[J, etc. a nd
practise them .


DO AT THE WEEKEND? a Look at the questions in b . Pla n your answers. Answer
them truthfully, but in vent one answ er tO ma ke your
The next time a friend or colleague tells you about weekend sound more exciting.
their fantastic weekend, wait a moment before you
start feeling jealous - maybe they are inventing it all! b Inter view each other with tbe questions. T ry to guess
wh ich answe r yo ur partner invented.


• Did you go anywhere exciting on Friday night?
• Did you do anything in the house (cleaning, etc.) on

Saturday morning?
• Did you work or study at all?
• What did you do on Saturday night?
• Did you go anywhere nice on Sunday?
• What did you have for lunch?
• Did you do anything relaxing in the afternoon?

Asurvey of 5,000 adults in the UK has shown that one 6 VOCABULARY
person in four invents details about their weekend
because they want to impress their friends. When they adject ives ending -ed and -ing
are asked, 'Did you have a good weekend?' they don't like to
s say that they just stayed at home and watched TV, because it a Look at these two adjectives in the text: tired in line 13
sounds boring. So they invent the details. The most common a nd tirin[J in li ne 19. Which one descr ibes how you
lie that people told was 'I went out on Saturday night', when feel? W hich one describe th in gs and situatio ns?
really they didn't go anywhere. Other common lies were 'I had
a romantic meal', 'I went to a party', and 'I went away for the b 2 37>)) ~ the right adjective in questio ns 1.- 10.
10 weekend'. Listen and check. How do you ay the adjectives?

In fact. in the survey, 30% of people who answered the I Do you thi nk Sundays are usually bored I bori118?
questions said that they spent their weekend sleeping or 2 Are you bored I borirtBwith your job or studies?
resting because they were so tired at the end of the week. 3 W hat kind o f weather makes you feel depressed I

Another 30% said that they needed to work or study at depressinB?
Io the weekend. Psychologist Corinne Sweet says that people
4 W hy do yo u think the news is often depressed I
often don't tell the truth about their weekend 'because we
don't want to feel that everyone else is having a better time depressi11B?
than us, if we have had a boring weekend doing housework,
paperwork, or just resting after a tiring week at work'. She also 5 W hat activity do you find most relaxed I relaxin[J?
lO believes that networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter 6 Do you usually feel relaxed I relaxina at the end of the
may be encouraging us to invent details about our social lives.
'People can create an illusion of who they want to be and the weekend? Why (not)?
life they want to live,' says Corinne, 'and of course they want
that life to seem exciting.' 7 W hat is the most interested I interestinB book you've

read recently?

8 What sports are you i11terested I interestinBin?
9 Are you excited I excitinBabout your next holiday?
10 What's the most excited I excitin[J sports match you've

ever wa tched?

c Ask and an swer t he questio ns with a partner. G ive
more information if you ca n.

7 2.138>)) SONG

If You Love Somebody Set Them Free ~

GRAMMAR b Complete with make or do.

Q a , b,or c. ___ the washing-up
2 amistake
I How lo ng ___ to stay in Italy? 3 an exam
a doyou go b areyou going c you aregoing 4 exercise
5 a noise
2 l rh ink ___ raintonight.
a it's goi ng b it goes to c it's going to c Complete the missing words .

3 T hey _ __ to get married until next year. 1 Dinner's ready. Please co uld you 1___ the table.
a aren't going b don't go c not goi ng 2 I'll cook ifyou do the w___-up.

4 I ___ to the cinema after class this evening.

I a go b am going c going go 3 Where are the cha nging rooms? I wa nt to tr_ __
5 A What titne tomorrow? B At 8.00. o_ __ this sweater.

a you leave b do you leaving c are you leaving 4 1f you want to take something back to a shop, you need

I 6 He's the man lives nex t door to Alice. to have the r___.
5 These shoes do n't f___ me. They're too sma ll .
a who b which c where 6 T he flight to Berlin is now leaving fro m G ___ 12.

7 Is that the shop ___ sells Italian food?

a w ho b wh ich c where 7 If you have a lo t ofluggage, you can find a tr_ __
8 A ___ your bed? B No, I'm going to do it now. over there.

a Have you made 8 First you need to go to the ch___-i___ desk
b H ave you make where you get your boardi ng pass.
c Has you made
9 Intern ati onal fl ights depart fro m T_ __ 2.

9 A HasA nnearrived ? 10 There are I_ _ _ to the first and second floors.

B No, but she's on her way. d Q the righ t adjective.

a yet b just c already I This exercise is really bored I borin[J.
2 I never feel relaxed I relaxiii(J the day before I go o n
10 _ __ already seen this film ! Let's change channels.
a We're b We haven't c We've
3 It was a ve ry excited I excitinB match.
11 A ___ been to Africa? B No, never. 4 Jack is a bit depressed I depressinB. He lost his job.
5 Are you interested I interestinB in an?
a Have you ever b Did you ever c Were you ever

12 A When those shoes? B Last week.

a do you buy b have you bought c d id you buy

13 I've never thi s coat. It's too sm a ll. PRONUNCIATION

a wear b worn c wore

14 There's ___ at the door. Canyou go and o pen it please? a Q the word w ith a different sou nd .
a someth ing b someone c somew here rn1 just
M onday something tro lley
I 5 I do n't want ___ to eat, thanks. I'm not hun gry.

a nothing b anything c something 2~ nowhere clothes wo rry go
search chem ist cheap choose

a Complete w ith a prepositio n . 4~ cusron1er centre cinema nice
e n joy vet
1 We arrived _ _ _ Prague at 7. 15. 5 ·~ jacket chan ge
2 I' m corn ing! Wait ___ m e.
3 What did you ask ___, meat or fish? b U nderline the stressed syllable. 5 a rra ngc menr
4 A Are you going to buy the flat? 1 A rr i vals 3 tee na ger
2 o pposite 4 deli ve ry
B I don't know. lt depends _ _ _ the price.
5 How much did you pay ___ those shoes?

a Read t be a rticle. What were thieves stealing in
a) Sweden b) Denmark? Answer the questio ns below. 2 39 >)) In the s tree t Watch or liste n to five peo ple
a nd a nswer the questio n .
W here did the first robbery take place?
Paul Gu rj ot Ellie Alise Anya
2 W ho were th e thieves and w hat d id they steal?
PauI went to th e air po rt ___.
3 W ho helped the po lice to solve the crime?
a to get a plane to Londo n
4 How lo ng does it take to get fro m Malmo to
Co pe n hagen ? b to ge t a plane to Fran kfurt
c to meet a fr iend from Frankfurt
5 Why were ro bberies taking place in bo th cities?
6 Did the po lice catch the thieves? 2 Tonight Gurjot i ___.

7 Why is it easier to stea l fro m many sto res these days? a seeing a film

8 Why is it not a so lution to a k D an i h hoes sho p to b going to a C hinese res tau rant
display the left shoe? c meeti ng an o ld fr ie nd

b Look at the h ighl ighted words o r phrases in the text. 3 Ellie ___ iro ni ng.

G uess their m eaning from the co ntext . C heck w ith a hates b doe n't mi nd c likes
your teacher o r w ith a dictio na ry.
4 T he hoes A iise bo ught o nli ne ___.
Shoe shops discover
matching crimes a were th e w ro ng size
b never arri ved
Swedish fictional detectives like Wa llander and
Li ·beth Salander a rc famou · wo rldwide. But recently c were a beauti ful colo ur
real-life Swedi h police were completely pu11 lcd by
a mysterio us crime. Somebod y was tcaling ex pensive 5 Last weekend Anya ___.
designer shoes from shoe shops in Sweden- but not pa irs of
shoes, only the left shoes, the o nes which were o n display. a went to a fr iend's birthday party
b had d inner with a friend
The fi rst robber) took place in a shopping ma ll in Malmo, c bo ught so methi ng for a friend's birthday
Sweden's th ird-large t city. Staff at a hoe sho p saw two men
stealing at their bo utique. T hey escaped with e1·en left shoes CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
which- if paired with the right hoes - we re worth £900.
Do the tasks w ith a partne r. T ick (./) t he box if you ca n
In the end it was sho p assista nts who pointed th e po lice do them.
in the right directio n- to Denma rk, where sho p ·
traditio nall y d isplay the right shoe in the ir sho p windo w·. Can you ...?
"We noticed that left shoes we re disappea rin g in the past,
but we neve r caught the thie1es," said a sho p assistant. D ta lk about three plans you have fo r next mo nth
" ince we know that Da nish sto res display the right
shoes, we thought that the match ing shoes we re probably using Boi11g to, and ma ke three pred ictio ns
disappea ri ng as we ll in stores in Denma rk ." Ma lmo, ho me
to 125 shoe sho ps, is o n ly a 30-minute tra in ri de away D2 say th ree arrangements you have fo r tomo rrow
from Copenhagen, wh ich ha sneral hundred ho ps, and
ma ny bra nds a re so ld in bo th cities. using the pre ent co ntinuo us

Yesterday police finally a nno unced that they had arrested D3 ex plain what the fo llowing three wo rds mea n,
the men respo nsible for the ro bberies. But Ms j ohansso n,
i a s,,·edish shoe sho p owner, fears th at hoe sho p ro bberies using expressions fo r paraphrasing:
a a thief b asho ppi ng ma ll c a hoe
"~' will increase this year. "Shoes are attractive to steal- th ey
D4 say three thi ngs you have already do ne o r haven't
~ are easy to move a nd easy to sell a nd they have beco me very
do ne yet today
D5 ask a partner th ree questions abo ut h isfher
~ ex pensive lately. Also many stores have cut the number of
experiences using ever. Answer yo ur partner 's
..~ shop assistants they employ." questio n

g Police in Ma lmo have th ought of asking Da nish hoe sho ps D6 say three sentences using somethinB, anywhere, and

i~ to also display the le ft shoe. But this won't work. All the nobo dy
thieve will have to do is move to Germa ny - where they
~ also display the right shoe... [ ] Short films Shopping in the UK

Watch and enjoy a film on iTutor.

G comparative adjectives and adverbs, Are we living
V time expressions: spend time, etc. faster?
P sentence stress

1 READING &VOCABULARY time expressions

a Read a n article about li ving fas ter a nd m atch the head ings to the b Read t he a rticle aga in. One pa ragraph
paragraph . contains an invented piece of information.
W h ich one i it?
[] No time for Snow White [J More time on the road
c Look at t he hig hl ighted t ime expressions
D No time to write D No time for Van Gogh and g uess their m eaning.

1 D No time to wait D No time to stop d In pairs, cover the text a nd look at tbe
paragraph head ings in a. Ca n you remem ber
iving faster, t he info rmatio n in th e text? H ave you
noticed a ny of t hese t hings happen ing where
re~____,......_,~~ut iving better? you live?

1 e Look at a q ue t io nnai re abo ut living faster.
ln pa irs, ask a nd a nswer the questions.
People in cities around the world walk 10% more quickly than they did Answe r w ith often, sometimes, or never and
twenty years ago. Singapore, a world business centre, is top of the list give mo re info r matio n .
for fast walkers.
How fast is your Life?
In the USA there is a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories for
children. These are shorter versions of traditional stories, especially Do people tell you that you talk too
written for busy parents who need to save time. quickly?
2 Do you get impatient when other people
3 are talking?
3 Are you the first person to finish at
People aren't as patient as they were in the past. If the lift takes more mealtimes?
than 15 seconds to arrive, people get very impatient because they .4 When you are walking along a street, do
think they're wasting time. It's exactly the same when an Internet you feel frustrated when you are behind
page does not open immediately. people who are walking more slowly?
5 Do you get irritable if you sit for an hour
4 without doing anything, e.g. waiting for the
Written communication on the internet is getting shorter and shorter 6 Do you walk out of shops and restaurants
and using more and more abbreviations, like BFN (bye for now) or NP if there is a queue?
(no problem). Twitter only allows you to use 140 characters, and now a
new social networking site has a limit of just ten words. f )lo- Communication How fast is your life?
p.lOl. R ead t he re ults. Do you agree?

Even in our free time we do things in a hurry. Twenty years ago when
people went to art galleries they spent ten seconds looking at each
picture. Today they spend much less time - just three seconds!


Our cars are faster, but the traffic is worse, so we drive more slowly.
The average speed of cars in New York City is 15 km/ h. We spend
more time than ever sitting in our cars, feeling stressed because we
aren't going to arrive on time.

2 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives 4 SPEAKING

and adverbs, a T hink about how your life ha changed over the last 3- 5 years.
Read the questio ns below a nd think about your a nswers.
a Look at the following wo rds from the text. Are
they adjective . adverbs, o r both? Do you spend more or less time on these things? Say why.

quickly fast busy patient working or studying sleeping
bad slowly stressed getting to work / school cooking
sitting in traffic shopping
b ~ the right fo rm . T ick (wf) if both arc tal king to friends eating
meeting friends using your phone
correct. being online using your compu t er

l Life isfa ster l 111orejast than before. 2 Do you have more o r less f ree time? Why?

2 Traffic in citie i 1110re bad I worse tha n it wa 3 What don't you have time for nowadays? What would you
3 Eve rybody is busyer I busiu than they were fi ve Like to have more time for?

years ago. b Answer the questions with a partner. Who e li fe has changed
mo re?
4 We are more stressed I stresseder than our
grandparents were.
5 We do everything more quickly !Jaster. a You're going to listen to a n ex pert talking about how to live
your life mo re slowly. Look at her five ma in t ips(= good ideas).
6 People aren't as patie11t as I as patient tha11 they G ues what the missing wo rd s are.

were before. Whatever you are doing, just try tO _ _ _ _ and enjoy it.
Exa mple: _ _ __
>c p.l34 Grammar Bank SA. Learn more about
2 Make alist o fthree things whichare for you.
compa rati ve a nd and practi e them .
Example: - - - - - - - - -
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 3 Don't try to do _ ____ at the a rne time.

p The /;, sound Example: _ _ __

Remember! -er, and unstressed words like a, as, 4 Sir down a nd do ___ for half a n hour every day.
and than have the sound ::> .
Exa mple: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
a 2 41>)) Li ten a nd repeat the sentences. Copy the 5 Be near
!fu'.thm a nd try to get the ';;, sound right.
Exa mple: _ __ _ _ __
I'm busie r than .! ear ago.
2 M} life i'> more stressful rha n in the ast. b 2 42>)) Listen a nd check. T he n li ten again a nd w rite one
3 1work harder than before. example fo r each ti p.
4 1walk and talk faster.
5 I'm not ,,s relaxed .ts 1was a few years agQ.

b Are any o f the e m ences rrue for you?

c Are there any tips tha t you think you might use? Why (no t)?

G superlatives(+ ever+ present perfect) What did you
V describing a tow n or city think of Rio? It's the most

P word and sentence stress beautiful cit y I've
ever been to.

1 GRAMMAR superlatives (+ ever + present perfect)

a M atch the photos a nd cit ies. W h ich Eu ropean countries a re t he cit ies in?
W hat do you know about them ? Have you been to any of them?

D D D D DBarcelona
Copenhagen Dublin Paris Venice

b R ead the a rticle a nd complete it w ith the citie in a .

Travel survey gives its verdict on European cities

London is the dirtiest city in Europe says a new ' Europe's big cities all
survey by travel website TripAdvisor, but it has have their highs and lows,
the best public parks and the best nightlife . but they offer travellers
According to the survey of almost 2,400 travellers... a huge variety of culture
and sights within very
_ __ _ is the most romantic city.
2 _ _ _ _ is the cleanest city. short distances, '
3 has the best-dressed people. said a Tri pAdvisor
4 _ _ _ _ has the best architecture. spokesman.
5 _ _ _ _ is the friendliest city.

c Look at l- 5 in t he sur vey in b . T h ink about your country or continent.
W hich cities wou ld you c hoose?

d Look at the b o ld superlat ive adject ives in the survey. How do you make the
s uperlative of. . .?

1 a one-syllable adjective 3 a th ree-syllable adjective

2 a two-syllable adjective that end s in -y 4 BOOd and bad

>e p.l34 Grammar Bank 58. Learn more about superlatives and practise them.

2 PRONUNCIATION word and sentence stress

a U nde rl ine the stressed syllable in t he b o ld adjectives.

I W hat's the most b eau t iful city you've ever been to?
2 Wha t's the most expen sive th ing you've ever bought?
3 W ho's the most impa tie nt person you know?
4 Who's the most gen e ro us person in your fam ily?
5 W hat's the most fr igh t ening film you've ever seen ?
6 W hat's t he most exciting sport you've ever done?
7 W hat's the most interest in g book you've read recently?
8 W hat's the most romantic restaura nt you've ever been to?

b 2 44>)) Listen a nd check. Listen agai n and repeat the quest ions. Copy the
~th m . W hich words are stressed?

c Work with a pa rtner. A answer question I wit h a sentence. B ask for more
information. Swap roles fo r questio n 2 , etc.
The most beautiful city I've ever been to is Rio de Janeir~ 0hen did you go there?


a Read the art icle. In pa irs, a nswer the q ues tio ns. a 2 45>)) o w listen to T im M oore ta lking abo ut w hat
I W hat are the three rests? hap pe ned in Lo ndo n. H ow well does Lo nd o n do in
2 Do you th ink they a re good o nes? each test?
3 \! hich city do yo u think will be the friend liest J
mo t unfriendly? b Li ten aga in a nd a n wer tb e q ue ti o ns.

All capital cities The photo test
are unfriendly I W ho d id he a k first?
2 W hat did t he person say?
or are they? 3 W ho did he ask next? What happened?

Big cities often haYe a The shopping test
reputatio n fo r being -t Where wa the tourist sho p?
rude, un fr iend ly 5 How much d id the bu and key r ing cost?
places for tourists. Sunday 6 How much did he give the man?
7 Did he get the r ight change?
Times journalist Tim Moore
went to four cities, London, The accident test
Rome, Paris, and . em 8 W here d id he do the accident test?
rork, to find out if this is 9 Did a nyone help him ?
10 What d id the man say?
true. He went d ressed as
a foreign tourist and d id c T hink abo ut th e n ea rest big city to w he re yo u live.
three (not very scientific!) Imagine yo u did t he t h ree tests there . What do you
tests to see which city thi n k wo uld happen? Is it a fr ie ndly c ity?
had the friendliest and
most polite inhabitants. 5 VOCABULARY describing a town or cit y
The three tests were:
a T hin k about how to a nswer these questio ns about
1 The photo test w here you live. Compar e with a partner.

Tim asked people in the str eet t o take his phot o (not just • Do you live in a village,
one photo, bu t several - wit h his hat, wit hout a town, or a city?
his hat, et c.). Did he f ind someon e t o do it ?
• Where is it?
2 The shopping test • How big is it?
• What's the popu lation?
Tim bo ught so mething in a shop and gave the shop • What's it like?
assistant t oo much money. Did the shop assistant give
back the extra money? b ~ p.l56 Vocabulary Bank Describing a town or city.

3 The accident test 6 WRITING

Ti m pretended t o fa ll over in th e stre et . Did anybody ~ p.l14 Writ ing Describing where you live. Write a
com e and help him? descri ptio n o f the place where yo u Live.

b )o- Communication The friendliest city A p.l 02 7 2 49>)) SONG Nobody Does It Better I'
B p.l07 C p.llO. Read abo ut w hat happe ned in
ew Yo rk, Pa r i , and Ro m e.

G quantifiers, too, not enough I watch too
much TV.
V health and the body
P /AI, /u:!, /a1/, and lei


a With a partner, answer the questions below. a Read the a rt icle once. Does it chan ge w hat you think
about your a nswers to the questionnaire?
b Read the article again. Look at the highlighted words
1 Do you drink coffee? How many cups do you drink a day? related to health a nd the body. Match them to a picture
What kind of coffee? What time do you drink your last cup or definition.
of the day?
[] 2
2 How much time do you spend a day in the sun...?
a in the winter 3
b in the summer
c when you're on holiday 4 noHn it covers the outside ofa person's body
Do you always wear sunscreen? 5 verb to stop sth from happe ning
6 IIOLIII sth which ma kes you unwell
3 Do you play a lot of video or computer games? What are 7 adj feeling worried or ner vous
your favourite games? How much time do you spend a
week playing them? Everything BAD

4 How often do you eat chocolate? What kind of chocolate is M•I•l•l for you
do you prefer- milk, white, or dark?
COFFEE We all know that a cup of coffee helps to wake you
5 How many hours a day do you watch TV...?
a during the week up in the morning, but several studies show that drinking coffee
b at weekends helps to prevent some illnesses like diabetes and Parkinson's
What kind of programmes do you watch regularly? disease. Expert s say that you can safely drink three cups of
espresso during the day, bur if you drink too much coffee it can
b Do you think any ofyour habits are unhea lthy? make you feel anxious or keep you awake at night.

SUNLIGHT Spending a long time in the sun is dangerous

and can give you skm cancer. But on the other hand, not
spending enough time in the sun is also bad for you, as sunlight
helps us to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is important for strong
bones and a healthy immune system, and it also makes people
feel happier. Nowadays many people don't get enough sunlight
because they wear sunscreen all the time, especially on their
faces. However, don't spend too long in the sun- 15 minutes a
day without sunscreen is a healthy amount, and not at midday.

COMPUTER GAMES You probably worry about how

much time you or your children waste playing computer games.
But in fact some studies show that these games can help us learn
important skills. It seems that computer games stimulate the
brain and that people who often play them are probably better

at solving problems and making quick decisions. But don't
spend too many hours in front of the computer- not
more than about two hours a day.

c 2 SOl)) Listen and check. Practise say ing the word s. 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING
IAI, /u:/, /a1/, and /c/
d 1 ow cover the text. Ca n you remember...?
a Cross our the word with a diffe re nt pronunciatio n .
what is good about coffee, s unlight, and computer
ga mes [[)] up enough much none busy
2 what you need to be careful about
s:J boot few cups too food
e 2 Sl l)) With a partner, decide in w hat ways you think
chocolate a nd watchin g TV could be good for you. ~ bike qu ire diet little like
Listen to a radio programme a nd check your a nswers.
Il egg many any hea lthy water
f Listen aga in. Answe r the q uest io ns.
b 2 54l)) Lis te n a nd check. Practi e ay ing th e words .
I What docs chocolate have in commo n with red wine?
2 What kind ofchocolate is a) good for yo u b) no t good c As k and answer th e qu es tio ns w ith a pa rtner. Say why.

fo r yo u? l ( .Do you think_.......,No~ really. I only read school
3 How are TV series different fro m the o nes 20 yea rs
you read enou~ ~books, not for pleasure.
ago? Why is this good for us?
4 W hat can we lea rn fro m reality TV shows? Do you think you...?

g Do the article a nd the rad io prog ra mme make you feel • read enough
• eat enough fruit and vegetables
happier abo ut your Iifestyle? • do enough sport or exercise
• drink enough water
3 GRAMMAR quantifiers, too, not enough • have enough free time
• eat too much fast food
a Ca n you remember how to use 11wch, many, etc? In • spend too much time online
pairs, choo e the correct word or phrase for each • spend too much money on things you don't need
sentence. Say why the other one is w ro ng. • work or study too many hours
• have too many clothes
I How much I many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
2 I don't pend much I many time in the sun . • do too much housework

3 I eat a lot ofl ma11y chocolate. • get

4 Drinking aJew I a little red wine can be good fo r yo u.
5 I on ly have aJew I a little computer ga mes.
6 My parents read a lot I a lot of

b Loo k at some sentences from the reading and listening.
Match th e bold phrases in 1 and 2 to meanings A and B.

I Don't eat too m uch chocolate or too m any sweets if
you don't want tO put o n weight.

Don~ s pendtoo lo ng inthesun .

2 1 owadays many people don 't ger enough sun light.
We are not active e nough .

A less than you need o r than is good fo r you
B mo re than you need o r than is good fo r you

c Look agai n at the sentences with enouBh.
W hat's the positio n of e11ou8h a) with a no u n
b) with an adjecti ve?

d )>- p.l34 Grammar Bank SC. Learn more
about quantifiers, too, and not enouBh
and practise them.

The wrong shoes


Do the qu iz wit h a part ner.

s 'Z

1 What four letters do you often see in clothes which tell
you the size?

2 What do t he letters mean?
3 What 's the name of the room where you can try on

4 What's the name of the piece of paper a shop assistant

gives you when you buy something?
5 How do you say these prices?

£25.99 75p $45 15c €12.50

a 2 55 >)) Watch or listen to Rob a nd Ho lly a nd a nswer [] TAKING SOMETHING BACK TO
the quest ion . A SHOP

I What reason does Rob give for why he isn't in shape? a 2 57 >)) Cover the dialogue a nd watch o r listen. Answer
2 Why does he find it difficult ro eat less? the que t io ns.
3 How does he keep fit in London?
4 Why doesn't he do the same in ew York? What's the problem with Rob's trai ners?
5 How does Jenny keep fit? 2 What does he do in the end?
6 Wbatdoe Hollythink aboutt hi?
7 What does Holly suggest that Rob could do?
8 W hat does Rob need to do first?

0 British and American English

sneakers = American English; t rainers = British English
store= American English; shop= British English

b 2 56 >)) Look at t he box o n making suggestio ns. Liste n
and repeat the phrases.

0 Making suggestions with Why don't you...?

A Why don't you get a bike?
B That's a good idea, but I'm only here for a month.
A Why don't you come and play basketball?
B That's a great idea!

c - Practi e ma kin g uggestio ns with a partne r.
A You have prob lems remernbering Engli sh vocabu lary.
Tell B.
B Make two suggestio ns.
A Respond. lfyou do n't thi n k it's a good idea, say why.

d Swap roles.

B You a re a foreigner in A's country. You have problems
meeting new people.

b Watch o r li ten agai n. Complete the You H ear phra es. ROB DECIDES TO DO
0>)) You Hear You Say

Can I help you, sir? Yes. Do you have these in an

Just a , I'll go and check.

Here you are, these are an eight. No, thanks. I'm sure they'll be

Do you want to them on? fine. How much are they?

They're $83.94. Oh, it says $72.99.

Yes, but there's an added Oh, OK. Do you take MasterCard?
sales tax of _ _%.


Can I help you? Yes, I bought these about half
an hour ago.

Yes, I remember. Is there a ? Yes, I'm afraid they're too small. a 2 59 >)) W atch or li ten and e the right
What are they? They're an eight. But I t ake a UK
eight. I Rob went to Boston I Brooklyn.
2 He shows I doesn't show Jenny hi new
Oh right. Yes, a UK eight is a US nine. Do you have a pair?
trainer .
I'll go and check. Just a minute.
3 Jenny goe running every mominB I eveniHB
I'm , but we don't have these
in C entral Park.

in a nine. But we do have these and 4 She wants to go runnin g w ith h im at

they're the price. Or you can Erm ...l'll take this pair then, 6 .45 1 7.45.

have a refund. please. 5 Rob thi nks it's too ea rly I late.

- - -- 6 They agree to meet at 6.45 17. 15.

No problem. Do you have Yes, here you are. 7 H olly think Rob has I does11't have a lot of

the ?

Brilliant. en er gy.

0 Apair b L ook at the Soci al E nglish phrases. Can

We often use a pair to talk about plural clot hes, e.g. a pair of shoes, you remember any of th e missing word s?
trainers, boots, jeans, trousers, etc.
Social English phrases

Rob Have you a good day?

c 2)58 >)) Watch o r li t en and repeat the You Say phrases. Copy the Jenny Oh, you . Meetings!
Jenny Why _ _ you come with me?
d Practise t he dialogue w ith a partner.
Rob Can we it a bit later?
e • I n pai rs, rolepl ay t he dialogue.
Rob , seven forty-five?
A You're a custOmer. You bought some jean ye terd ay. T hey're too
Jenny make it seven fifteen.
B You're a hop assi tant. You don't have the sa me jea n in A' ize. c 2 60>)) Watch or listen and compl ete the
phra e .
Offer A a di fferent pair or a refund. You begin w ith Can/ help you,
d Watch o r li st en again and repeat the phrases.
sir I madam? H ow do you ay them in you r language?

f Swap role . • Canyou...?

B You're a customer. You bought some boot yesterday. They're too D make suggestions to do something
D take something you have bought back to
A You're a shop assi tant. You don't have the ame boors i n B ' i ze. t he shop

Offer B a different pair or a refund. You begin w ith Ca n / help you, D arrange a t ime t o meet somebody
sir f madam?

G will I won't (predictions) I'm doing
V opposite verbs
P 'II, won't my driving test

You'll fail.

1 VOCABULARY opposite verbs 3 PRONUNCIATION 'II, won't

a W ith a pa rtner, write t he o ppos ites o f these ve rbs. a 3 Sl)) Listen a nd repeat t he co nt rac tio ns. Copy t he
rhy_t h m .

win _ _ _ buy remember _ __

t urn on start --=====~/:...=====:..__---- I'll I'll be late I'll be late for work.
You'll You'll break You'll break your leg.
b )>-- p.157 Vocabulary Bank Opposite verbs. She'll She'll miss She'll miss t he t rain.
It'll It'll rain It'll rain tomorrow.
2 GRAMMAR will I won't (predictions) They'll They'll fail They'll fail the exam.

a Look at the cartoon. b 3 6 l)) Listen. C an you hea r the diffe re nce?

W hich f is h is a n ·f:t·~· clock want I want to pa s.
optimist? W hy?
Are you an o ptimist
or a pessimist?

pho ne won't I won't pass.

c 3 7 l)) Lis te n a nd w ri te six sente nces.

b Look at the phrase bo ok app. Read the You Say '!"e're having the party
phra es, then w rite the A Pessimist Says res po nses.
rn the garden. ==
He won't pay you back. They'll be late. You won't pass.
ft!H--Faitr. They'll lose. You won't underst and a word. 2 I'm doing my driving
You won't find a parking space. You'll break your leg.
test this afternoon. ==
c 3 3 l)) Li sten a nd check. Re peat t he res po nse .
3 I'm having my first
d Practise in pa irs. A (book o pen) read the You Say
phrases. B (book closed) ay the A P essimist Say s skiing lesson today. ==
respon e . T hen swap roles.
4 I've lent James some
e Look at t he A Pessimis t Says phr ases aga in . Do they
refer to t he present o r the future? money. ==

f )>-- p.l36 Grammar Bank 6A. Learn m o re abo ut 5 I'm going to see a film
will f won't a nd practise the m.
tonight in English. ==
g Imagine now that yo u ar e a n o ptimis t. W ith a partner
ma ke positive predictio ns to res po nd to t he You Say 6 ~ur team are playing
entences in the phrase book.
rn the cup tonight. ==
1 It'll be a great eveninf!:]
7 We're meeting Anna

and Daniel at 7.00. ==

8 We're going to drive to

the city centre. ==

••••••••• The PessJ· mist 's Phrase Book


a Read an article about the actor Hugh Laurie. What a 3 8 >)) Lis ten to the introduction to a radio progra mme.
two things do Hugh Laurie and Dr House have in Why is positive thinking good fo r you?
b Try to g uess the missing w o rds in t hese callers' t ips.
r"\R GREGORY HOUSE, the main character in the hit
Caller 1 L ive in t he ____, not in t he _ _ __
LITv series House M.D., is famous for being a
Caller 2 Think th o ughts, not negative o nes.
pessimist. But it is not only Dr House who is a pessimist.
Hugh laurie, the actor who plays him, is a pessimist too. Caller 3 D on't s pend a lo t of time readi ng the _ _ __
laurie never thought that House M.D. was going to be a
success. Even after seven series he still feels pessimistic or watchi ng the o n T V.
about it. He said in a recent interview, "If we do a bad
show next week, they' ll soy, 'That's it. No more.' It'll just Calle r 4 Every week make a list ofa ll the _ _ __
stop. I am of course someone who is constantly expecting
a plane to drop on my head, if not today then tomorrow." __ that happened to you.
Like Dr House, laurie is also a talented musician and is
passionate about the blues. He recently went to New Caller 5 Try to u e when you
Orleans to record an album in which he plays 15 of his
favourite songs. But of course he doesn't think that people peak to other people.
will like it.
When he was asked on a TV show why he was so c 3 9 >)) Lis ten and check.
pessimistic about life, laurie said it was because he is
Scottish. 'I definitely think that's where it comes from .' d Li ste n again. Write d own any extra info rmatio n you
Because o f his reputation as a pessimist, people always hear. Which tips do you th ink are useful? Do you have
talk to him about positive thinking. He says that complete a ny tips ofyour own ?
strangers come up to him in the street and say 'Cheer up,
mate, it'll never happen!' e Ask and answer with a pa rtner. Use a phrase from the
box and say why. Which ofyo u is mo re o ptimi sti c?
b Read t he art icle again. Mark the sentences T (true) o r
F (fa lse). Say why. ARE YOU A POSITIVE THINKER?
I Hugh Laurie always thinks the worst w ill happen.
2 He t hinks they will make many more series o f Do you think...
House M.D.
3 He doesn't th ink hi album w ill be uccessful. + you'll have a nice weekend?
4 He thinks that Scottish people are o ptimistic.
5 People often try to ma ke him feel happier. + you'll pass your next
English exam?
c Have you seen any episodes of House M.D.? Do you
like... ? + you'll get a good (or
a the character b t he acto r better) job in the future?

+ you'll get an interesting email or
message from someone

+ you'll meet some new

friends on your next

+ you'll live to be 100?
+ you'll get to the end

of t his book?

p Responding to predictions

1hope so. I 1hope not.

I think so. I I don't think so.
I doubt it.
Maybe. I Perhaps.
Probably (not).

Definitely (not ).

Do you think you'l~ __,..., ) ( . I ,~~pe so. I think the weather
have a nice week~ ~e good and...

G will I won't (decisions, offers, promises) It's a secret.
V verb+ back OK, I won't tell
P word stress: two-syllable verbs

1 GRAMMAR 1 A That's t wo burgers, a double portion of chips, and two
ice cream sundaes. Anything else?
will I won't (decisions, offers, promises)
B Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _, please.
a Look at the ca rtoons. What do you thin k the m issing
phra ses are?

b 3 lO l)) Listen a nd complete the gaps.

c Look at t he cartoon again . In which o ne does

0 promise to do somethi ng

0 decide ro have somet hing

0 offer to do someth ing
>d p.136 Grammar Bank 68. Learn more about makin g

offers , promises, and decisions and practise t hem.

e >Communication I'll I Shall/? game p.l02. Play the
ga me.


word stress: t wo-syllable verbs

p Stress in two-syllable verbs

Remember that most two-syllable verbs are stressed
on the second syllable.

a Look at the two-syllable verbs below. Which syllable 2 A Do I want to go back to t he previous version?Do I press
are they tressed o n? Put them in the right column . Yes or No?

a gree a rrive bo rrow com plain de!cide deipend B I need to do my homework now. _ _ _ _ __ when
for get happen im press in vent in)vite oiffer I f inish.
practise pre fer prolmise re1ceive repair sunjbathe

1st syllable 2nd syllable

b 3 12l)) Listen and check. 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ ! I promise!
Well, hurry up. I can't wait much longer.

A Just one more kiss...

3 SPEAKING &LISTENING Iwon't tell 4 VOCABULARY verb+ back

a Look at the sentence . Ta lk to a partner. anyone. a Look at t he sente nces . W hat 's t he d ifference
I When do you t hin k people say them? between [JO a nd [JO back?
2 W hat do you t hink t hey a ll have in commo n? ~ I'm going to work. I'm goi ng back to work.

L b Complete t he dia lo g ues w it h a ph rase fro m
th e lis t.
JI'll do it later.
call you back come back give it back
I'll pay you I'll come back I'll t ext / pay me back send it back take it back
back. and finis h t he job
you when I y
t omorrow. ge t there. ~ We'll build new
This won't
schools and
hurt. ~ :__.,.,.


/ 1 A The shirt you bought me is t oo small.

B Don't worry. I'll to the shop

b Look at t he t itle o f a new paper a rticle. Do yo u t hin k it's a nother and cha nge it. I still have the receipt.
pro m ise t hat people o fte n b reak?

I'll never forget you 2 A Hi, Jack. It's me, Karen.
B Ican't talk now, I'm driving - I'll
in 15 minutes.

3 A Could I see the manager?
B She's at lunch now. Could you
in about half an hour?

4 A That's my pen you're using!
B No, it's not. It's mine.

5 A Can you le nd me 50 eu ros, Nick?

B It depends. Whe n can you ?

6 A Ibought t his jacket on the internet, but

it's too big.

B Can't you ?

Steve Smith from Devon in the UK met Carmen Rui z-Perez from c 3 14>)) L is te n a nd chec k. In pai rs, practise
Spain 17 years ago when they were both in their 20s. Carmen was t he d ia logues.
studying English at a language school in Steve's tow n, Torbay.
d As k a nd answer in g ro ups. A k fo r mo re
They fell in love and got engaged. But a yea r later Carmen moved to in fo r m a tio n.

France to work, and the long-distance relationship fi rst cooled a nd Q; When so meone leaves yo u a message o n
then ended. yo u r p ho ne d o yo u usua lly call t hem back
Q. im med iately?
A few yea rs later Steve tried to get in touch with Carmen again, 2 If yo u buy so meth ing o nli ne that is nor
but she had cha nged her address in Paris. So he sent her a letter to ~~ exactly w hat yo u wa nted, do you always
send it b ack?
i 3 Have yo u ever lent somebody mo ney and
t hey d idn 't pay you b ack?
her mother's address in Spain. In t he letter he asked her if she was -~ 4 When you come back after a ho liday do you
usually feel better o r wo rse than befo re?
married and if she ever thought of him . He gave her his telepho ne ~ 5 When yo u bo rrow a book o r a DV0 fro m a
fr iend do yo u usually remember to g ive it
number and asked her to get in touch. But Ca rmen's mother didn't ~ back ? W hat about if you lend so methi ng to
your frie nd ?
lsend the letter to her daughter a nd it fell down behind the fireplace, 6 If yo u b uy som cth ing to wea r fro m a sho p
~ and th en decide yo u do n't like it, do you
where it stayed for ten years... usually t ake it b ack ?

c Read the article a nd a nswe r the qu es tio ns.

I W hat were Car men a nd S teve do ing in To rbay?
2 W hy didn't they get m arried ?
3 Why did n't S teve' lerrer get to Carm en?

d 3 13 >)) ow listen to part o f a news progra mme a nd a nswe r t he
que t io ns.

W hat happen ed ...? 4 when they met in Paris 5 3 1s >)) SONG
I when the bui lders fo u nd t he letter 5 last week
2 when Carmen got the letter Reach Out I'll Be There ~
3 when Carm en called Steve

G review of verb forms: present, past, and future

V adject ives + prepositions
P the letters ow

1 READING & LISTENING c Listen again and complete the ga ps with a verb in the right form .

a Do you often remember your dreams? Do Dr Allen So, tell me, what did you dream about?
you think dreams can tell us anyt hing abou t
the future? Patient I was at a party. There were a lot of people.

b 3 16 >)) Listen to a psychoanalyst talking Dr What were they 1 ?
to a patient about his dreams. Nu mber the
pictures 1-6 in the correct order. P They were drinking and 2_ __

Dr Were you drinking?

P Yes, I was 3 champagne.

Dr And then what happened?

P Then, suddenly I was in a garden. There 4 a lot of flowers...

Dr Flowers, yes... what kind of f lowers?

P I5 really see- it was dark. And I could hear music -

somebody was 6 the violin.

Dr The violin? Go on.

P And then I 7 an owl, a big owl in a tree...

Dr How did you 8 ? Were you frightened of it?

P No, not frightened really, no, bu t I 9 I felt very cold.

Especially my feet- they were freezing. And then 110_ __

Dr Your feet? Mmm, very interesting, very interesting indeed. Were

you 11 _ _ any shoes?

P No, no, I wasn't.

Dr Tell me. Have you ever 12_ _ _ this dream before?

P No, never. So what does it 13_ _ _,, Doct or?

d What do you think the patient's dream means? Match five of the
things in his dream with interpretations 1- 5.

Understanding 1fOur dreams

You dream.. . This means...

0 that you are at a party. you are go ing to be very
0 that you are drinking 2 you're feeling positive
about the future.
champagne .
3 you want some romance in
0 about flowers. your life.

0 that somebody is playing 4 you need to ask an older
person for help.
the violin.
5 you' ll be successful in t he
0 about an owl. future.

e 3 17 >)) Listen to Dr Allen interpreting the patient's dream.
C heck your a nswers to d .

f 3 18 >)) Dr Allen is now goi ng to ex plain what pictu re 6 means.
What do you think the meaning could be? Listen and find out.

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