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Published by Kasidet Phetmanee, 2020-04-07 02:27:38

English File Pre-Intermediate SB

English File Pre-Intermediate SB

a Read the article once. What was the amaz ing
coinc ide n ce? 5 28 l)) In the str eet Watch or Lis ten to five people

b Read the art icle again a nd numbe r the events in the and answer the questio n s.

o rder they happened Nick Ruth Hew Andy Alison

::J Their daughte r was born. 1 The t wi ns that ick knows _ __
::J They both had a heart opera tion in the same hospital.
D Alistair had anothe r hea rt opera tio n . a have very similar personalities
D They got married. b are very similar in appearance
D They discovered that they had been in the same c have the same appearance and personality

hospital t wenty yea rs earlier. 2 Ruth doesn't mind los ing when ___.

D They discovered they had the sa me heart proble m. a th e person who w ins is bette r than she is
0 They met at a swimming pool. b she has really enjoyed the game
D Alistair asked Alison to marry him . c she thinks she hasn't played very well
3 The sport Hew doesn' t me ntio n is _ _ _.
c Look at the high lig hted words or phrases in the text.
a cycling b hockey c rugby
Guess their meaning fro m the context. C heck w ith
your t each e r or with a dic tionary. 4 Andy _ _ .

When Suzanne met Alistair Cotton a t a swimming p oo l a was a n even ing person in the past
in the UK in 1995, they were amazed to discover b was a morning person in the past
that they both suffered from the same extremely c has never been good in the morning
rare hea rt condition. They st arted going out t ogether and 5 Alison thinks that ___.
fell in love, but several months later they d iscovered an
even bigger coincidence. a women gossip more than men
b men gossip mo re tha n women
Almost twenty years ea rli er when t hey were child ren c men and women both gossip
(Suzanne was seven and Alist air was fourt een) they had
both had a life-saving hear t ope rati on in t he same hospital, CAN YOU SAY THIS IN ENGLISH?
on the same day pe rformed by the same hea rt surgeon .
After th eir operations, they had spe nt several days Do the tasks with a partne r. T ic k (.f) the box if yo u ca n
recoveri ng in the same hospi tal ward (although they
have no memories of seeing or spea ki ng to each other.) do them.
They certainly had no idea that twenty years later they
would meet and fall in love with t he child in t he next bed. Can you.•.?
Suzanne, now 43, said, 'We were very sho cked by the
coincidence. We were obviously destined t o be together.' D1 d esc rib e three t hi ngs t hat you h ave to do in certa in
After Alistair and Suzann e moved in together Alistair
co ntinued to have d ifficultie s with his hea rt and he had to spo rts usin g a verb and a preposition of movement
have another major heart operation. As soon as he woke
up after the operat ion, he proposed t o Suzan ne and the D2 m ake true sentences with take off, tum down , and
couple got married in 2002.
The following year, Suzanne became pregnant and baby look after
Hannah was born in 2004 and is now a hap py, heal thy child
who shows no sig ns of having inherited any hear t problems D3 say true things abo ut you - your pa rtner responds
from her parents. Suzan ne sa id, 'Many heart patients can't
have chi ldren or thei r children a re born with heart pro ble ms w ith so (am 1, et c.) and neither (do 1, etc.)
themselves, so for our amazi ng story to have such a happy
ending is just wonde rful .' D4 cont inue these sentences with the past perfect:

Adapted from a British new spaper a I got to the station , but ...

b When I saw him I was surprised because...

D5 repo rt two thin gs that som ebody said to you

yesterday using said o r told me

D6 ask your partne r t hree questio ns w ithout an

aux ilia ry verb beginning with Who , H ow many, a nd


[]I Short films Sports in New Zealand

Watch and enjoy a film on iTutor.


SPELL IT? Student A

a Ask B questions to complete the missing information. a Look at your pa inting for a minute.
c;;_hoto 1 - What's her surname? How do you spell it?
b Descri be you r painting for B to draw.
b An swer B 's questions.
c Listen to B describing his f her painting. Try to draw it.
p Asking for repetition
Don't look at it. Ask B questions to hel p you.
If you don't hear or understand somebody, you can say:
Sorry? Can you say that again? Can you repeat that? d Now compare your drawings w ith the original
paintings. Are they s imilar?

a Ask B questions and complete the c hart for O liver.

Name Alexander Oliver 28 AT, IN, ON Student A
How old I ? 32
Where I from? London a As k B your ques t io n s.
Where I Live? Brighton
What / do? journalist I When were you born?
What / like? modern art, 2 Where do you usually have brea kfast?
classical music 3 Whar time do you usually have lunch?
What I not like? sport 4 What days ofthe week do you usually go out in

b Answer B 's quest ions about Alexa nder. the eveni ng?
5 What time ofday do you usually do your English

hom ewo rk?
6 When do you usua lly have a holiday?
7 Where do you normally listen to music?
8 When's you r birthday?

b Answer B's questio ns using at, 'in , or on. Ask What
aboutyou? for each question.

w 100


Why didn't Hannah see the man who was crossin g Look at the picture for one minute a nd try to remem ber
the road? what's in it. T hen go to p.102.
2 W ho was the man?
3 Why did he cross wi thout look ing? SA HOW FAST IS YOUR LIFE?
4 W here did they go after that?
5 W hatdidtheyorder? Students A+B
6 Why was Jamie in the High Street?
7 W hat and when was the concert? C heck your par tner's score a nd tell bim or he r. Then read
8 What was special about the day? to see what it mean

3A WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS? How t o score:
1 point for never
Student A 2 points for somet imes
3 points for often
a Ask B your questions usin g BOittB to. Ask for mo re Is your score between 6 and 9? You are living life in
the slow lane. Compared to most people you take things
information. easy and don't get stressed by modern-day living. You
are patient, relaxed, and easy-going. Most of the time
• W hat I you I do after class? this is good news, but sometimes it can be a problem. For
• What time Iyou I get up tomorrow? example, are you sometimes late for appointments?
• Where I you I have lunch tomorrow? Is your score between 10 and 14? You have a medium
• W hat I you I do on Saturday night? pace of life. You are probably somebody who can change
• W here I you I go for your next holiday? the speed at which you live depending on the situation.
• I you I study English next yea r? Is your score between 15 and 18? You are living life
in the fast lane, rushing around and trying to do many
b Answer B ' questio ns. G ive mo re in fo rmation . different activities and projects at the same time. You
are impatient and you find it difficult to relax. You are
3C WHAT'S THE WORD? Student A probably very productive, but your relationships and
health could suffer as a result.
a Look at the six word o r phra cs o n your ca rd. Think Adaptedfrom niclwrd \Visema11's Qt~irkoloB.Y website
for a minute how you a re going to de fi ne them .

photo lazy trainers

go sightseeing Arrivals passenger

b You have two minutes to com municate your words
to B . Remember you ca n't use any part o r form o f the
words o n the card.

c ow listen to B's de finitio ns. Try to guess the wo rd s.

101 '


Students A+B a Read about what happened when T im did the th ree test in New
York. Try to remember the informatio n.
a Work individually. Look at the list ofthings
Max always does every mo rning. Has he New York
already done them? Try to remember what
was in the picture. Write sentences. The photo test
I asked an office worker who was eating his sandwiches to t ake
He'salready made the bed. a photo of me. He was really f r iendly and said 'Of cour se I' ll t ake
0 R He hasn't made the bedyet. yo ur pict ure .' Wh en I asked him t o take more photos he said 'Sure!
No pr obl em.' When he gave me ba ck my came ra he sa id ' Have a
• make the bed nice day!'
• wash up his coffee cups
• tidy his desk The shopping test
• pick up his towel I went shopping near Times Square and I bought an 'I love New York'
• take the dog f or a walk T-shirt and some drinks f ro m two different people. I gave t hem too
• turn off his computer much money, but t hey both gave me t he exact change back.
• put his clot hes in t he cupboard
• have a shower The accident test
• have breakfast I went to Centra l Par k and I f ell over. I only had to wait abo ut
thirty seconds before a man came to help me. ' Is this yo ur
b Work in pairs. Compare your sentences with camera?' he said, ' I t hin k it's broken.'
your partner. Are they the same? Then go
back to p.l 0 1 and compare yo ur sentences b In your ow n wo rds tel l B and C what happened in ew York.
with the picture. Were you right?
c;;_rs t he did the photo test...

c Listen to B and C tell you what happened in Paris and Rome.

d Together decide which of the cities is the friendliest so fa r.

68 I'LL I SHALL I? GAME St udents A+B

Play the game.

- 102

6C DREAMS Student A 7A HOW TO... Student A

a Last night you dreamt about these thing . a Read the article How to surv ive at a party. Then -..vithout
Prepare to tell B about your dream. looking at the text tell B the five tips. W hen you finish decide
with B wh ich is the most important tip.

b B is a psychoana ly t. Tell him I her about How to ... Survive at a Party
your dream . He I she w ill te ll you wh at it (when you don't know anybody)

mea n s . Don't stand in the corner. You need to be positive.
Find somebody you think you would Li ke to talk to and
0st night I dreamt about a river... introduce yourself.
Try to ask impersonal questions Like ' Ilove your bag.
c Swap roles. ow you are a psychoanalyst . Where did you get it?' This will help to start a conversation.
Li ten to B 's dream . umber the things Don't dominate the conversation. When you are nervous
it's very easy to talk about yourself all the time . Nobody
below in the order he I she talks about them . wants to Listen to your Life story when they have just met
you for the first time.
D Ice cream - you wi ll get some money Smile! Use your body Language to give a positive, friendly
(from the (orrery or from a relative). If you need to escape from a really boring person, say that
you are going to the bar to get a drink or that you need to
D Long hair - you wa nr to be free. Perhaps go to the bathroom. Don't come back!

you have problems with your family or a b B w ill tell you five tips fo r How to s urv ive a first date. L isten
partner. a nd when he or she finishes decide togethe r which is the most
impo rtant tip.
D A k ey- you have a problem and you are
lookin g for a solution. a Read problem 1 to B . He I she will give you some advice.

D People speaking oth er la n gu ages - you Problems

think your life is borin g a nd you would 1 Idon't know what to get my boyfriend I girlfriend for his I her
birthday. It's tomorrow!
like to have a more exciting life.
2 Ihave problems going to sleep at night.
D T ravelling by bus - you are worried 3 My children wa nt a dog, but my husband I wife is allergic

about a person who is controlling your life. to animals.
4 My neighbour's dog barks all the time and it's driving me crazy!
d ow use the info rmatio n inc to interpret 5 My laptop is n't working well - it 's very slow.
B'sd ream.
b Thank B and say:
p Useful language
First you dreamt about... That's a good idea.
This tells me t hat... OR Thanks, but that's not a very good idea because...
This means you are going to...
This represents... c Now listen to B 's problem l. Give him I her advice. Begin with

o ne of the phrases be low.

[think you should. .. You shouldn't... I don't think you should...

d Continue with pro blems 2-5.




a Work w ith a part ner. First practise saying the names. a Look at the odd n umbered sentences (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, a nd

Hartley 'hu:t •· the Montgomerys mnng.\mcn.z 11 ) and th ink of the missing verb([±] = posit ive verb,
Vivienne 1vien Heloise clu-' ·z
B = negati ve verb). Don't write a nything yet!

b Act out the dialogue. Use the adverbs in brackets to 1 Dia na was very angry because her husband the
help you, and remember to pause at the commas.
dinner. G

2 We went back to see the house where we had lived

H (anxiously) Vivienne, you didn't answer my last letter. It when we were children .
took me a week to find your new address! Why didn't you
answer me? You knew I was waiting to see you and hear 3 He couldn't catch the plane because he ___ his
from you.
passport. [±]
V (slowly) Mr. Hartley, I don't know what to say to you. I
understand all the advantages of your offer, and sometimes 4 The flat was ver y dirty because nobody had clea ned it
I feel sure that I could be happy with you. But then
sometimes I am less sure. I was born a city girl, and I am not for a long time.
sure that Iwould enjoy living a quiet life in the suburbs.
5 We went back to the hotel where we on our
H My dear girl, you will have everything that you want. You
can come to the city for the theatre, for shopping, and to honeymoon. [±]
visit your friends as often as you want. You can trust me,
can't you? 6 T he crocodile was hu ngry because it hadn't eaten

V (seriously) I trust you completely. I know you are the kindest a nythi ng for two days.
of men, and that the girl who you get will be very lucky. I
heard all about you when I was at the Montgomerys'. 7 A fter I left the shop I suddenly remembered that I

H Ah! I remember so well the evening I first saw you at the for the jacket. G
Montgomerys'. I will never forget that dinner. Come on,
Vivienne, promise me. I want you. Nobody else will ever 8 I ran to t he station, but the last train h ad gone.
give you such a happy home.
(suspiciously) Tell me, Vivienne, is there- is there 9 Miriam was sur prised to hea r that she _ __ the
someone else?
exam. [±]
V (defensively) You shouldn't ask that, Mr. Hartley. But I
will tell you. There§ one other person - but I haven't 10 1didn't want to lend Jane the book because I hadn't
promised him anything.
read it.
H (masterfully) Vivienne, you must be mine.
V (calmly) Do you think for one moment that I could come to II Jack was angry because I __ him to my parry. G

your home while Heloise is there? 12 T hey got to the cinema late and the film h ad started.

b R ead sentence 1 to B . Tfit 's not ri ght, try aga in until B
tells you 'T h at's right'. T hen write in the verb.

c Listen to B say senten ce 2.1f it's the same as 2 above, say
'T hat's right'. If no t, say 'Try again' unti I B gets it right.

c C hange roles. d Take it in tu rns w ith sentences 3- 12.

TO DO? Student A
The answer is b. Dogs Like to attack any part of you that is moving.
a Read the answers to In the city. usually hands or arms. It is also dangerous to turn your back on
t he dog. You should n't loo k the dog in its eyes because this will
b Tell B and C the right answers, and ·why the make him angry. Shouting 'dow n' or'go away' at the dog will not
other o nes are w ro ng. w ork because dogs usually only react to their master's voice.

c Listen to B and C tell you about the o ther 2 The answer is a . Bees will usually fly out of an open w indow,
sections (I n the country and I n t h e water). but don 't wave your hands around as bees follow movement and
Check your answers. might try to sting you. And you mustn't hit t he bee as this will
make the bee very angry. Of course, as soon as you can you shou ld
st op the car and ope n the doors.

~ 104


a Complete your sentences with the ve rb in the passive Student A
and the right answer.
a C omplete your questions w ith the ve rb in brackets in
1 Until 1800 New York (ca ll) . . . the pas t simple.

a New Amsterdam Who the battle of Waterloo in 18 1S? (lose)
b New Hampshire
a Duke of Wellington
c New Liberty b Bismarck

2 The S tar Wars film s (direct) by... c Napoleon

a George Lucas 2 Wh ich S pan ish actress _ __ an Oscar in 2006?

b Steven Spielberg (w in)
c Sta nley Kubrick
a Penelope Cru z
3 The noun which _ _ (use) most frequently in b Salma Hayek
c Cameron Diaz
conversation is ...

a money b time c work 3 Who the fil m A vatar? (direct)

4 Penguins __ (find)... a Steven Spielberg

a at the South Pole b James Cameron
c Ridley Scott
b at the North Pole
4 W hich Formula I d river ___ in 20 07, but returned
c in Alaska
to racing in 2010? (retire)
S The Italian fl ag _ (design) by...

a Ga ribaldi b Mussolini c Napoleon a Fernando Alonso
b Micbael Schumacher
6 The first mobile phones (sell) in ... c Sebast ian Vette!

a 1963 b 1973 c 1983 5 Which Roman E mperor ' I came I saw I

7 The politician Winston C hurch ill (born). .. conq uered'? (say)

a on a train b in a toilet c under a bridge a Augustus b ero c Julius Caesar

8 The electric chair (invent) by... 6 Who the world record for the 100 and 200

a a teacher b a dentist c a politicia n metres race at the Beijing Olympics? (break)

b Read your sentences to B. B w ill tell you ifyou are right. a Usain Bolt

c Now Iisten to B 's sentences. Say if he f s he is right . b C arl Lewis
c Michael Johnson
B'san swers
I T he Smartphone was invented by IBM . 7 Which painter o ff part of his ear? (cut)
2 T he Lord ofth e RinBs film s were d irected by Peter
a Picasso b Van Gogh c Matisse
3 The book which is stolen most often from libraries is 8 W ho penicill in ? (d iscover)

The Guin11ess Book ofRecords. a A lexa nder F leming
4 In the world , 16,000 babies are born every hour.
S C hess was invented by the C hinese. b James Watson
6 The first Levi jea ns we re worn by miners. c T homas Ed ison
7 Footba ll was first played by the British .
8 In 1962 the origina l London Bridge was bought by a b A sk B your quest ion s. G ive your partner o ne m a rk for
each correct a nswer.
rich American.
c Answer B 's quest io ns. Who got the mos r right

105 '


SPELL IT? Student B

a A nswer A's quest io ns.

b Ask A quest io ns to complete the m issing info rmation.
~hoto 1 - What's her first name? How do you spell it?

p Asking f or repet it ion

If you don't hear or understand somebody, you can say:
Sorry? Can you say that again? Can you repeat that?

18 ALEXANDER AND OLIVER Student B a Look ar yo ur painting for a minute.

a Answer A's questions about O live r. b Listen to A describing his f he r pa inting. Try ro draw ir.

D on't look at it. Ask A questio ns to help you.

c ow describe your painting for A to d raw.

d Compa re your drawings w ith t he original paintings.
Are they imilar?

Name \ l exand<'r Oliwr 28 AT, IN, ON Student B
How old I ? 25
Where I from? Scotland a Ans wer A's questions using at, in, or on. Ask What
Where I l ive? London aboutyou? for each question.
What I do? doctor
What I like? sport , music, good b Ask A yo ur questio n s.
books and films
What I not like? clubs and discos 1 Where we re you born?
2 W hat time do you usually get up durin g the week?
b Ask A que t ions and com plete t he cha rt for A lexande r. 3 Where do you usua lly have lunch?
4 What rime ofday do you usually meet friend ?
5 W hen do you usually go shopping?
6 W here do you usua lly do your English homework?
7 When do you do housework?
8 Where can you have a nice walk near where you live?



a Answer A' questions. Give more info rmation . a Read about what happened when Tim did t he th ree
tests in Paris. Try to remembe r the information.
b Ask A your questions using BOinB to. Ask for more
i n f o r m a t io n . Paris

• I you I go out this evening? The photo test
• What I you I have for dinner tonight? I was standing in front of the Eiffel Tower and I
• What I you I wear tomorrow? asked some gardeners to take some photos of me.
• I you I go anywhere next weekend ? They couldn't stop laughing when they saw my hat,
• What I you I do next summer? but they took the photos.
• W hen I you Ido you r English homework?
The shopping test
3C WHAT'S THE WORD? Student B I went to a greengrocer's and I bought some f ruit.
I gave the man a lot of euro coins and he carefully
a Look at the six words or phrases on your card. T hink took the exact amount.
for a minute how you are goi ng to define them .
The accident test
a painting generous shor t s I fell over in the Champs Elysees. The street was
Check-in very busy, but after a minute someone stopped and
book a flight HOSPITAL ~ ·• said to me, 'Are you OK?' He was Scottish!
(verb) .. . .. .
b Li ten to A tell you what happe ned in ew York.
a nurse
c ln your ow n words tell A and C what happened
b Listen tO A's definitio ns. Try to g uess the word in Paris.

c You have two minutes to communicate your words 0rst he did the photo test...
to A . Remember you can't use a ny part or form of the
words on the card . d Liste n to C tell you what ha ppened in Ro me.

e Together decide which of the cities is the friendliest
so far.

7A HOW TO... Student B How to ... Survive a First Date (and make a success of it)

a Read the article How to survive a Think carefully about what to wear for the date. If you are a man, try to
first date. dress smartly but casua lly (no sui ts!). If you are a woman, it's important
not to dress too sexily. Don't wear too much perfume or aftershave!
b A will tell you five tips for How Choose a place that isn't too expensive (you don't know who is going to
to survive at a party. Listen pay). Try to go somewhere that isn't very noisy.
and when he or she fi nishes
decide together which is the most 0 Don't be too romantic on a first date. For example, arriving with a red rose
important tip.
on a first date isn't a good idea!
c Look again quickly at How to Remember to listen more than you talk but don't Let the conversa t ion
survive a first date.T hen without die. Sil ence is a killer on a first date! Be natural. Don't pretend to be
looking at the text tell A the five somebody you aren't .
tips. W hen you fini sh decide with If you are a man, be a gentleman and pay the bill at the end of the evening.
A which is the most important tip. If you are a woman, offer to pay your half of the bill (but don't insist!).

107 1


I Communication a Listen to A's problem J. G ive him / he r advice. Begin with o ne of
6C DREAMS Student B the ph rases below.
a Last night you dreamt about these things. I think you should... You should n't... I don'tthink you hould ...
Pre pa re to tell A about your drea m.
b Read your pro blem I ro A . He f she will give you so me advice.
b You a re a psycho a nalyst. Listen to A's
d ream. umber the things below in the Problems
1 I share a flat with a f riend but he I she never does the
o rder he f she ta lks about t hem.
lJ Having a bath - you have a ecrer which 2 I want to take my boyfriend I girlfriend somewhere really special

nobody knows about. on Saturday night.
3 I need some new clothes for a wedding, but I don't know what t o
L Dogs - you are looking for friends.
'------' Losing hair - you are going to lose some 4 I think I'm get t ing a cold - I have a headache and a cough.
money. 5 My sister always borrows my clothes, and when I want t o wear

n Lost luggage - a pro blem you have wi ll them they're dirt y.
oon get better.
A ri ver - you are going to be very lucky. c Tha nk A and say:
c ow use the in fo rmatio n in b to interpret That's a good idea.
A's dream . OR Tha nks, but that's not a very good idea because...

p Useful language d Continue wit h pro blems 2-5.

First you dreamt about... 9A WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO?
This tells me that...
This means you are going t o... Student B
This represents...
a Read the an wers to In the country.
d Swap ro les. Now A is a psychoa nalyst. Tell
In the country
him f her about your drea m. A w ill tell you
3 The answer is c. If you t ie a bandage or a piece of material above
what it mea n . the bite, this will stop the poison from getting to your hearttoo
0 st night I dreamt about ice-cream... quickly. However, be careful not to t ie it too tightly. You shouldn't
put ice or anything cold on the bite, as th is w ill make it more
~ 108 difficult to get the poison out l ater, and never try to suck out the
poison. lf it gets into your mouth. it might go into you r blood.

4 The answer is b . If you are lu cky. the bull will change direction
to follow the hat or bag and give you time to escape. It doesn't
matter what colour the shirt is, bulls don't see colour, they only
see movement. Don 't try to run away, as b ulls can ru n incred ib ly
fast, and you mustn't shout or wave your arms because this will
attract the bull's attention even more.

b Listen to A tell you abo ut In the city. C heck you r a nswers.

c Tell A and C the right a nswers for In the country, and why the
othe r o nes a re w ro ng.

d Liste n to C tell you about In the water. C heck you r answer .


a Complete yo ur sente nces with the verb in the passive Student B
and the rig ht ans wer.
a Look at the eve n number ed sentences (2, 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 ,
The Smartphone _ _ (in vent) by... and 12) and think of them issing verb ([±] = positive
verb, 1-' = negati ve verb). D o n't write anything yet!
a Apple b Nokia c IBM

2 TheLo rd ojthe RiiiBs film s __ (direct) by. .. Diana was very angry because her husba nd hadn't

a Steven Spielberg cooked the d inner.

b James C ameron 2 \Ve went back to see the house where we
when we were children.[±:
c Peter Jackson

3 The book which (steal) most often from 3 He couldn't catch the pla ne because he had forgotten

libraries is... h is passpo rt.

a The Bible 4 T he fl at was very dirty because nobody it for a
b Th e Guinn ess Book ofR ecords
long time. [±]

c Th e Lo rd ofthe RinBs 5 We went back to the hotel where we had stayed on our

4 In the wo rld, 16,000 babies __ (bo rn)... ho ney m oo n .

a every second b every hour c every day 6 The crocodile was hungry because it _ _ anythin g

5 Chess (invent) by... fo r two days. I-I

a the Egyptian s b the Indians c the C hinese 7 After I left the s ho p I suddenly remem bered that I

6 The first Levi jeans _ (wear) by... hadn't paid fo r the jacket.

a miners b farmers c cowboys 8 I ran to the statio n, but the last train ___. +

7 Football _ _ first _ _ (play) by... 9 Miri am was surpr ised to hear that she had passed the

a the Briti sh b the R o ma ns c the Greeks exa m.

8 In 1962 the o riginal Lo ndon Bridge (buy) by. .. 10 I didn't want to lend Jane the book becau e l ___ it.El

a a rich American II Jack was angry because I hadn't invited him to my

b a museum pa r ty.

c the Royal family 12 They got to the cinem a late a nd the film ___.[±]

b Lis ten to A's sentences. Say if he J she is right. b Listen to A say sentence l. Ifit's the same as 1 above, say
'T hat's rig ht'. If no t, say 'Try aga in' unti l A gets it rig ht.
A's answers
I Until 1800 New Yo rk was called ew Amsterd am. c Read sentence 2 to A. ffit 's no t right, try aga in until
2 The Star Wars films were directed by G eorge Lucas. A tells you 'That's rig ht'. Then write in the ve rb.
3 The noun which is used most frequently in
d Take it in turns with sente nces 3- 12.
co nversation is time.
4 Penguins are fo und at the So uth Pole. 2C SAD ENDING
5 The Ita lian flag was designed by Napo leon.
6 The first mo bi le phones were sold in 1983. Why didn't Hannah see the ma n who was crossing
7 The politician Winston C hurchill was born in a the road?
2 W hat happened?
toilet. 3 Where did she go then and what did she do?
8 The electric chair was invented by a dentist. 4 Who ar rived at her ho use two ho ur later?
5 What news did she have fo r Ha nnah?
c Read your sentences to A . A w ill tell you ifyou 6 How was Jamie?
a re right. 7 What did she tell Ha nnah about t he ca r and the dri ver?
8 What happened in the end?

1o9 11


QUIZ Student B
a Read about what happe ned when Tim did the t hree tests in Ro me.
a Complete your q uest io ns w ith th e ve rb in T ry to rem embe r the info rmat io n .
brackets in the pas t imple.
Who President of the U A eight
The photo test
yea rs after h i fat her had been the US I asked a very chic woman who was wearing sunglasses to take
so me photos. She took a photo of me with my hat on, then
president? (become) without my hat. Then another photo with my sung la sses. Then she
asked me to take a photo of her!
a Bi ll C linto n
The shopping test
b Jo h n F Kennedy
c George Bush I bought a copy of The Times newspaper from a newspaper seller

2 W ho ___ the part ofthe mother in the nea r th e railway sta tion. It was t hree euros. I gave the man four
euros and he didn't give me any change.
film M amma Mia? (play)
The accident test
a Meryl Streep I we nt to a busy street near the station. When I fell ove r ab out
eight people im mediately hurried to help me.
b Julia Roberts
c Sa ndra Bullock b Li ten to A and B tell yo u w hat happened in · ew York a nd Paris.

3 Wh ich tenn is player _ __ Wimbledon five c ln your ow n words te ll A a nd B w hat happened in Rome.

yea rs in a row between 2003 and 2007? (win) 0rst he did t he photo test...

a Roger Federer d Together decide w hich of th e cities is the fr iendliest so fa r.
b Ra fael ada l
c ova k Djo kovic 9A WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO? Student c

4 W ho _ __ the S istine C hapel? (paint) a R ead t he a nswers to In the water.

a Leo na rdo da Vinci In the water
b Michaelango
5 The answer is c. If a jellyfish stings you, you should clean the sting
c Raphael with vinegar as this stops the poison. If you don't have any vinegar,
then use sea water. But don 't use fresh water, for example water
5 Wh ich film eleven 0 ca r in 2003? from a tap or mineral water, as this will make the sting hurt more.
(w in ) And you shouldn't rub the sting as this will make it worse too.
After you have washed the sting. you should clean off any bits of
a The Kin[J's Speech tentacles that are on your skin. And take a pain killer!
b The Queen
c The R eturn ofthe Kin[J 6 The answer is a . If you are near the shore and the shark is not too
close, you can probably swim to t he shore without attracting its
6 \· ho a wooden ho r e to enter the attention. For this reason it is important to swim smoothly and
not splash or make sudden move ments. Keeping still is dangerous
city ofTroy? (use) because if th e shark swims in your direction it w ill see you and it
will attack you. Don't shout because sho uting will provoke the
a the G reek s shark and it will attack you.
b The Romans
c T he Persians b Li ste n to A a nd B te ll you the answers in the o ther sectio ns (In
the city and In the country). C heck your answers.
7 Wh ich fa mo u boxer ___ tofightinthe
c Tell A and B the ri ght answers fo r In the water, and w hy t he
Viet nam war in 1967? (refuse) other o nes are wrong.

a Muhammad Ali

b Joe Frazier
c Suga r Ray Ro binson

8 W ho the telepho ne? (in vent)

a Ma rconi b Bell c Stephens

b A nswer A' q uestio n s.

c Ask A your questio ns. G ive you r partner
o ne ma rk fo r each correct a nswer. W ho got
t he mo st right a n wers?



a Read C harlie' e ma il. The computer has found ten mi take . T hey
are~, ~,or ~ mi ta ke .Ca nyoucorrcct

From: Charlie [[email protected])
To: Lucy ([email protected]]
Subject: Hi from Spain

Hi lucy
My name's Charlie. Well, it's really Carlos but everyone calls me Charlie.
I'm from Barcelona and I live at home with my parents and my dog.
~.and I'm at university. I 'm ~ physics. I'm in my last
year and I really like it.
I'm going to tell you about myself. As you can see from the !Q!g, I have black
hair and ~eyes. My father always says I have a big nose, but I don't
think so, I think it's a Roman nose!
I think I'm a positive person. My ~ say I'm funny and it's true, I like
making people laugh. But I ~serious too when I need to be!
I .QQ.Q! have~ free time ~ when I'm not in class I have to do
projects or write reports. But when I can, I like watching TV series, especially
science fiction series and comedies. I watch them in ~with subtitles.
I also like playing computer games like World of Warcraft and Starcraft.
Please write soon and tell me about you and your life.

Best wishes

b Read th e em a il aga in fro m th e beginning. Then cover it and c Write a imila r em a il about yo u o r a person
answer the que tio n fro m m emo ry. you know. Write four paragraph .

I Whcre's C harlie from? Paragraph 1 name, nationality, age, family,
2 \: har' hi s real name? work I study
3 Who docs he li ve w ith ? Paragraph 2
4 What docs he do? Paragraph 3 personality
5 Whatdoc he look likc? Paragraph 4 hobbies and interests
6 \ hat' he like?
7 'V hat arc hi s favour ite free time acti vities ? d C hec k your e mail fo r mistakes(~,

~.a nd ~) .

~ p.7

Writing 111


One of my favourite photos is this one of my
friend Anna.

2 I took the photo _ _ _ the summer of 2011

when I was holiday with some friends _


3 We were at a place called Tara. It's a hill

which is famous because there's a big stone

_ _ _ top of it, and people say that the old

kings of Ireland were crowned there. Anna was

telling us all about the history of the stone,

and she put her arms it. When I took

the photo we thought she was meditating, but

in fact we later realised she was sleeping! She

woke up after a few minutes and she said the

magic of the place made her sleepy!

4 I love this photo because it's mysterious, like
the place, and it reminds me of a lovely holiday.

5 I have the photo my phone and

___ my computer with other photos

___ Ireland.

a Match the quest io ns with paragraphs 1-5. c Write about your favourite photo. Answer
tbe questions in a in t he right order.
0 What was happening when you took the photo?
d C heck your description for m istakes
0 Where do you keep it? (grammar, punctuation, and spelling).
0 Why do you like it? Attach a copy of the photo if you can. Show
your descriptio n to another student. ls the
0 What's your favourite photo? photo simi la r in any way to yours?

0 Who took it ? When? Where? ~ p.lS

b Complete the text with in, of, on, o r mund.

p You can keep a photo...

in an album. on the wall. by your bed.
your wallet. a table.
your bedroom. your phone.
a frame. your computer.


3 AN INFORMAL EMAIL From: Sally Barnes [[email protected]]
To: Goran [[email protected]]
a Goran is a tude nt from C roatia w ho's Subject: Your trip
going to study English in the U K. He's
going to stay w ith a fami ly. Read the ema il T hank you for your email. We're very happy that you're coming
from M r Barne and com plete it w ith to stay with us this summer, and we're sure you're going to enjoy
ex pressio ns from the list . your stay with us.
What time are you arriving at Stansted airport? If you send us your
Best wishes Dear Goran flight number and arrival time, we can all meet you in Arrivals. Can
PS Looking forward to hearing from you you send us your mobile number too?
Could you also give us some other information? What day are you
b Read the ema il again and answer the going back to Croatia? Is there anything you can't eat or dri nk?
qu estio ns. Do you want your own room , or do you prefer to share a room with
another student? Is there anything special you would like to do or
1 When is Gora n coming to the UK? see in the UK?
2 How is he travelling?
3 Who is going to meet him at the a irport? 2- - - -
4 Does Gora n have to sha re a room?
5 Does Lookin[Jjonvard to hearinBfromyou 3

mea n ... ? Sally Barnes
a I hope you write again soon.
b I'm going to write to you again soon. 4 I'm attaching a photo of the family, so you can
6 DoesPS mea n... ? recog nize us at the airport!
a This isn't very important information.
b I forgot to ay th is before.
7 Why does Mrs Barnes send Goran a

c Imagine you are going to stay with M rs
Barnes. Answer her emai l using your ow n
informatio n. Write three paragraphs . End
the email w ith Best IVishes a nd your na me.

Paragraph 1 Thank her for her email.
Paragraph 2 Say when you are arriving, etc.
Paragraph 3 Answer her other quest ions.

d C heck your e ma il for mis takes (g rammar,

punctuatio n, and s pelling).

~ p.23

Writing 113

4 DESCRIBING WHERE YOU LIVE c Write a descriptio n of the place where you
live. Write five paragraph . Answe r the
a Read the text and complete it with t hese wo rds. questio ns in bin the right order. First, ma ke
notes on the questio ns in b.
area eity food historic modern
nature population rivers weather d C heck your email for mistake (grammar,
punctuation , a nd pel ling). S how you r
b Match the que tion s with paragraphs 1- 5. description to other students in you r class.
Wh ich place that you read about would you
0 What's it famous for? mo t like to visit?
0 What's the weather Like?
0 What's the best thing about it? Do you Like Living there? -< p.39
0 What's your home town Like? What is there to see there?
0 Where do you Live? Where is it? How big is it?

I Live in Kayseri, which is an im porta nt 1,.ci.J.Jt.yL..__ 3 The 6 in Kayseri is typical of the Middle Anatolia

in Central Anatolia in Turkey. It has a 2_ _ __ Region. W inters are cold and snowy - great for skiing - and

of over 1,000,000 people. It's near the famous summers are hot and dry. It somet imes rains in the spring and

Cappadocia 3 , so there are a Lot of autumn.

t ourists in the summer. 4 Kayseri is famous for its mountains. Mount Erciyes is the
sy mbol of t he city and it has a well-known ski resort, and on
2 Kayseri is one of the richest cities in Turkey Mount Ali there are national and international paragliding
because it has a Lot of industry. It is a university championships. It's also famous for its 7_ _ _ _ and has many
town, and there are also many 4_ _ __ Local specialities Like postirmo, which is dried beef with spices.
and manti, which is a kind of Turkish ravioli.They're delicious!
buildings, for example Kayseri Castle. Hunat
Hatun Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar around 5 W hat I Like best about Kayseri is that we are so close to
Cumhuriyet Square, wit h its famous statue 8 . W hen I'm tired of city Life, I can easily get out
of Ata turk. But Kayseri also has 5_ _ __ and enjoy the mountains, 9 • waterfalls, and thermal
resident ial areas full of Luxury blocks of flats,
shopping centres, and stylish restaurants. spas, which are only a short distance away.


From: Antonio Ricci [[email protected]]
To: The Priory Language School [enquiries@prioryedinburgh]
Subject : Information about courses

Dear Sir I Madam,
I am writing to ask for information about your language
courses. I am especially interested in an intensive course
of two or three weeks. I am 31 and I work in the library at
Milan University. I can read English quite well, but I need
to improve my listening and speaking. The book I am

Icurrently studying is 'pre-intermediate' (Common European
Framework level A2).

I have looked at your website, but there is no information
about intensive courses next summer. Could you please
send me information about dates and prices? I would also
like some information about accommodation . If possible
I would like to stay with a family. My wife is going to visit me
for a weekend when I am at the school. Could she stay with
me in the same family?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Antonio Ricci

a Read the emaiI to a language school. Tick (.f) the For more information email
us at [email protected]
questions that Anto nio wa nts the school to answer.
c Read the advertisements and choose a cour e. Think o f
D How much do the courses cost? two or three quest io ns you would like to ask.
D When do the courses start and fini sh?
D How many students are there in a class? d Write a fo rma l email aski ng fo r in fo rmatio n.
D Are there Business English classes?
D Where can rstay? Write two parag raphs.
D Where are the teachers from?

b Look at the highlighted ex pressions. How would they be

different in an info rmal email (or letter)?

Formal Informal Paragraph 1 Explain why you are writing
Dear Sir I Madam, Paragraph 2 and give some personal
I am writ ing information.
I would like
I look forwa rd t o hearing Ask your questions, and ask
from you. them to send you information.
Yours faithfully,
e C heck your email fo r mi sta kes (g ramma r, punctuatio n ,
and spelling).

~ p. 57

Writ ing 115

6 A BIOGRAPHY Norah Jones

a Read the biography ofNorah Jones. Then Norah Jones is an American singer-songwriter and
cover the text and t ry to remember t hree actress. She 1was born (be born) in 1979 in New York.
things about her.
Her father is Ravi Shankar, a famous Indian sitar player, and
b Put t he verbs in brackets in the past simple
or present per fect. her mother is the concert producer Sue Jones. In 1986 her

p Writing a biography - use of tenses parents 2 {separate) and Later got divorced, and

If you write a biography of a person who is N orah went to Live in Texas with her mother.
dead, the verbs will all be in the past simple.
N orah 3 (be) interested in music all her Life. When
If the person is alive, all finished actions will
be in the past simple (such as the person's she was young she played the saxophone and she was in
early life, e.g. was born, went t o university,
etc. or specific actions in their life, e.g. got two different choirs. She 4 (go) to the University
married, moved t o anot her town, etc.).
of N orth Texas to study jazz piano, and while she was there
However, you must use the present perfect
for unf inished actions which started in the sh e s (meet) Jesse Harris. She started a band
past and are st ill t rue now (and which might
change), e.g. She has won nine Grammy with him a year Later, and since then they 6 _ _ (work)
awards. She has appeared in several films.
together on many different projects.
Use t he present simple (or present
continuous) to talk about t he present day, In 1999 she 7_ _ _ _ (move) to New York,
e.g. She lives in New York. She's working on a
new album. and in 200 I she signed a contract with

Blue Note records. Since then she

c Write a biography of someone you know, or a (make) five albums, and
ofa famous person , who is still aJ ive. Write
three paragraphs. Make notes before you t hey have all been very successful.
begin .
She 9 (win) nine Gram my

awards and has sold over 37 million

albums worldwid e. She has also

I Paragraph 1 where and when they were appeared in several films, including
born, their early life
Paragraph 2 (past simple) My Blueberry Nights.

1-- their life as a young adult She has been in only one
(mostly past simple) relationship, with Lee
Paragraph 3 A lexander, but th ey 10_
- (break up) in 2007.
their later life and their life now She still Lives in
(past simple, present perfect, N ew York. At the
present simple I present moment sh e is
continuous) worki ng on a
new album.
d Check your biography for mistakes
(grammar, punctuation, and spelling).
Show yo ur biography to other tudents
in the class. W hich ofyou r classmates'
biographies is the most interesting?

~ p.73

.,. ~;~•.·. ; .~.. ~.
... ! -'"t- t
• ~' •• ~ • •

. ~~~~~,,;:~--;~;_,.

7 AN OPINION ESSAY b R ead the article again and cornplete tbe gaps
with a word or phrase from the list. Use capital
a Read the article once. Do you agree with what it says? letters w here necessary.

finally firstly for example thirdly
in my OfliAion instead to conclude

Every time I turn on t he television, I'm sure to find a football c You are going to write an article called 'There
match on one of the channels. If I change channels, there are too many reality shows on TV'. Do you
will probably be footbal l on other channels too, especially agree? With a partner decide if you agree or not,
at the weekend . 1!D....aJY.. apinion there is definitely too much and think of three of four reasons.
footba ll on TV for the following reasons.
d Write the article. Write four or five paragraphs.

____, if you compare football with ot her sports, football Paragraph 1 Write an introduction. You can
adapt the introduct ion in the model
completely dominates. The only place where you can watch Middle article. Say if you agree or not.
other sports is on special sports channels, which you usually Give your reasons. Begin the
Last paragraphs with Firstly, Secondly,
have to pay for. This is not fair for people who like other paragraph (Thirdly,) and Finally.

sports, 3 tennis, basketball, or ath letics. Write a conclusion (this should be a
summary of what you write in the
Secondly, the football matches on TV are not only the middle paragraphs).
importa nt matches. Every week they show boring matches
from the second or t hird divisions.

4 , I also believe that, at weekends, most people e Check your article for mistakes (grammar,
want to relax in front of t he television. Many people, punctuation, and spelling). Show your article to
including me , don 't like football and prefer to see good films other students in the class. H ow many of your
or funny series. classm ates agree with you? H ow m any disagree?

5 , I think that even on news programmes there is ~ p. 85
too much footbal l. It is very annoying when they talk about
footba ll for hours every day, especially when there are more
important t hings happen ing in the world.

6 , I think TV should show fewer football matches
and programmes about foot ball, especially at the weekend.
7 it should show other sports too, and more films.
On news programmes they should talk about important
thi ngs that are happening in the world, not about footbal l.

Writing 117


1 14>)) in fidelity. It seems t har Hackney didn't t hink rhar expen ive. l didn't want 5-srar luxury, but when I
t heir marriage was going ro be very happy, and in go on hoiiday I want to be com fortablc. The places
My first impre sion ofAlexander was rhar he was facr rhe couple gor d ivorced fou r years later. where Joe wanted 10 sray were very basic and had
much older t han me. In fact he was 32, bur I thought very s mall rooms. There's nothing worse t han
he was older. Bur when we s ta rred talk ing I really C elia ofren posed as a model for Hackney. bur being in a very small room wirh someone when
liked him. He was extrovert and fu nny and he had s he says rhat th is painting, his most famous picture you're nor getting on very well. Anorher rhing l
a very good sense ofhumour. He works for a TV of her, is nor her favourite. She said "It's a wonderful didn'tl ike was that Joe gor very jealous. W hen
company a nd be told me a lor ofgood stories about painting, but ir makes me look roo heavy." In 1996, you're t ravelling, parrofrhe fun is talking to
his work. He was also interested in the same t hings rwenty fi ve years after t his picture was pai nted, other travellers, bur he hated it ifl talked to other
as me-a rr and music, and we talked a lor about that. Ozzie C lark d ied. He was murdered by his lover in people, especially other men. And rhen he kepr
Physically he wasn't really my t ype. It's difficult his Kensington flar. raking pha ros! Hundreds ofrhem . Every time we
to say why. He was tall and da rk and qu ite good- saw a monument he said 'Go and srand over there
looki ng and he had a nice smile bur there just wasn't 26 >)) so I can rake a photo.' I hate being in photos.! just
any chemistry between us. Icould imagi ne goi ng ro wanted to enjoy the sightS. The holiday was all a
a concert or theatre with him, bur as a friend. Sorry My name's Jenny Zieli nski. I live and work in New big mistake. ever go on holiday with a boyfriend
Mu m, bur no. York. I'm t he assistant editor ofa magazine called ifyou're not sure about the relationship. lr's sure
NewYork24seven. A few months ago, I visited our to be a disaster!
1 5 >)) office in London to learn more about rhe company.
I mer rhe manager, Daniel O'Connor. I had lots 1 35 >))
W hen I fi rst saw Oliver I thought he looked warm of meetings wirh him , of course. And a working
and friendly, and more anracrive rhan Alexander. dinner o n my birthday... Bur Is pent more rime with Linda Oh , it was a wonderful holiday. I loved
He was quire tall with short blond hair and he had Rob Walker. He's one ofrhe wr iters on the London every momenr! Venice is just a paradise. We did
lovely blue eyes, a bit like rhe acro r Jude Law. He magazine. We had coffees toget her. We went everything- we wcnr on a gondola, we saw all
was a bir s hy a nd quiet at fi rst but when we starred sightseeing. Ieven helped Rob buy a s hirt! He was rhe museums, and we had some fa ntastic meals.
charring he relaxed and we found we had a lor of fun to be wirh. ll iked him a lot. I think he liked me And you know, everyone says t hat Venice is
t hings in common - we both like books, and rhe roo. Rob is n't the most pu nctual person in the world, expensive, bur I didn't th ink ir was - ir wasn't an
cinema. He was generous roo- he wanted ro pay bur he is a great writer. We invited h im tOwork expensive holiday at all. I thought it was quite
fo r everyth ing. I really enjoyed rhe eveni ng. W hen for the New York magazine fo r a mom h... and he reasonable. We all gor o n very well. I think I'm
ir was rime ro go he asked for my phone number agreed! So now Rob's com ing ro New York. ! know going to s uggesr to Isabelle and Laura rhar we go
and said he wanted ro meer again. We walked our he's really excited abo ut ir. lt's going ro be grear ro on holiday toget her again next year...
of the resrauranr and wenr ro look for a taxi. And see him again.
rhen something happened, and I knew rhar ir was 44 >))
impossible for me mgo out with him. He said 'At 1 29 >))
lasr!' and rook out a packer of cigarettes. That was it, In May 1968, 1came back10 Paris. lrwas a very
I'm afraid. Icould never have a boyfriend who was a Jenny So, here you arc in ew York ar lasL exciting rime. There were a lot ofdemonstrat ions,
s moker. ! think perhaps for my next date I'm going Rob Yeah, it's great ro be here. It's really exciting. and figh ting between students and the police. !wasn't
m choose t he man myself. Idon't t hin k another Jenny And bow's your hotel? really interested in polit ics- ! wasn't a communis t
per on can really choose a partner for you. R ob It's fine. My room is really...nice. or an ana rchisr. Bur Iloved theaonosphere. All t he
Je nny Do you have a good view from you r room? s rudenrs were fighting for freedom, for revolurion,
1 24 >)) R ob I ca n see lors ofother build ings. and the French police were everywhere. On May the
Jenny Tomorrow I'm going reshow you around rhe 15th l was with thousands oforher young people.
M rand Mrs Cla rk and Percy is by t he British artist We were walking rewards rhe Place de Ia Bastille. I
David Hackney. and it's considered ro be one of office and introduce you ro the ream. Barbara's was tired,so a friend picked me up and Isar on his
the greatest Britis h paintings of the 20th century. looki ng forward ro meeting you. You remember, shoulders. Another boy who was walking next to us
lr was painted in !97 1 a nd it's a po rrra ir of rwo of Barbara, my boss' was carrying a Vietnamese nag (irwas rhe t ime ofthe
his friends, Ozzie C lark and his wife Celia, and Rob O h...yeah, sorry. Viemam war) and he said to me 'Hey, could you carry
rheir cat Percy. Ozzie C lark and Celia were fashion Jenny And rhen you ca n s rarr thinking about your t he flag for me?' and Isaid OK. There was so much
designers and rhey had a very successfu l clothes blog and rhe column. Have you got any ideas yet, happening rhat Ididn't noricc all rhc photographers.
hop in London. In the 1960s they d ressed a lot o f Rob? ... Rob? The next day rhe photo was on rhe cover of magazines
rhe famous pop stars ofrhe rime, including T he R ob W har? Sorry. Jenny. all over the world. W hen my grandfather saw it, he
Rolling Stones and Eric C lapton. Hackney painted Je nny You musr be really ti red. immediately ordered me rocome ro his bouse. He was
Ozzie and Celia a few mont hs after rhey got married Rob Yes, I am a bit. Whar rime is it now? furious- really really angry. He said 'Thar's ir! You're
in their flat ar Otting Hill in London. He painted Je nny It's nine o'clock. a communisr!I'm nor going to leaveyou anything. ot
rhem in their bedroom, because he liked rhe light Rob Nine o'clock? That's rwo o'clock in rhe a penny!' ! walked our of the room and I never saw him
t here, and on rhe wall on the left of t he window you morning fo r me. again. Six months later he died,and Ididn't ger any
can see o ne of his own paintings. Je nny Let's fini sh o ur drinks. You need ro go to money from him. ot hing.
bed .
Mrand M rs Clark and Percy is a very big painting, Rob l guess you' re righr. 1 50 >))
approximately 3 metres wide and 2 met res h igh . Jenny So, I' ll see you in t he office at eleven in t he
T he couple are wearing typical clothes of rhe late m o r n i ng. Happy ending
1960s. Celia is wearing a long dress, and in fac t she Rob Areleven? Narrator Suddenly, a man ran across the road. He
was expecting a baby at t hat rime. Her husband isn't Jenny Is rhar O K?
wearing any s hoes, and he's purring his feet into Rob It's perfect. T hanks, Jenny. was wearing a dark coat so Hannah didn't see him
rhe carper. T his was because Hackney had a lot of Jenny There's just one thing. ar fi rst. Qu ickly ~he pur her foor on rhe brake. She
problems painting his feet. He jusr couldn't get them Rob W hat's rhar? stopped jusr in time. She gor our ofher car and
right. Jenny Don't be late. sha med ar the man.
Rob By rhe way. lr's great ro see you again. Hannah Don't you us ually look before you cross
Hackney said that his aim wit h t his painring was Jenny Yeah. It's great ro see you. too. rhe road? I nearly hir you. ! didn't see you until rhe
ro paint rhe relationsh ip between rhe two people. last moment.
Traditionally. when a painter paints a married 34 >)) Jamie Sorry! Hey, Hannah it's me. lr's Jamie.
couple rhe woman is sitting down and the man Hannah Jamie! Whar are you doing here? I nearly
is standing up. In t his painting t he man is sitti ng Mia lr was a really terrible holiday. lr was my fault, killed you!
and the woman is s tanding. Usually in a painting I mean I wanted to go to T hailand, bur I knew Jamie I was buying something. Iwas in a hurry and I
the married couple are close rogerher, but in this before I went t hat I didn't really want to have a crossed rhe road without looking.
painting rhey are separated by a big open window serious relations hip w it h Joe. And the holiday just Han nah Come on. Get in!
which symbolizes the d is tance between rhem. showed how d ifferent we are. He irritated me all Narrator Hannah and Jamie drove ro rhe coffee
The white cat, sitting on Mr C lark, is a symbol of the rime. He wanted ro stay in some really cheap bar. They sar down in their us ual seats and
hostels, because he thought the hotels were too ordered t wo cups ofcoffee.

\Vairer Here you are.Two cappuccinos. O livia Yes. I'm rea lly looking fo rward ro it. tlte word? with us. Ifyou're watching the show for
Interviewer Are you feeling nervous at all? the fir ttime. here's how we play rhe game. As you
Hanna h f Jamie Thanks. Olivia A bit. because I don'rspl'ak much panish. can see Marrin bas a TV screen in from of him
and six words are going ro appear on the screen.
Hannah Whar an even ing! I nearly killed you. But they're going to give us a 40-hour language Martin has two minutes to describe the words to
Jamie Well. you didn't kill me, so what's rhe course when we arrive. so I hope t hat's enough ro Lola o rhar she can guess whar rhey are. But he
start with. ca n't use any part of the words on the screen. So, for
probl e m ? Inter viewer Well. good luck and have a great time. e>.ample. ifthe word is taxi driver, he can't use the
Hannah Bur whar were )OUdoing in rhe high srrcer' O livia T hanh. I'm su re ir's going robe a fa ntastic word taxi ordriverordrive.
ex p e ri e nce. P resenter Martin. Lola. are you ready?
I thought you \\ere here. in t he cafe. wait ing for me.
Jamie I wenr ro the rhearre to buy rhesc rickets Matthew 3 l))
I nrerviewcr Excuse me. do you have a mo ment?
forrhe Scouting For Girls concen . l know you Matthew Yea h, O K. Presenter Martin. Lola, a re you ready?
wanrcd tO go. And ir"son rile 15th of October - Interviewer W here are you going? M a rrinf Lo la Yes.
next arurday. Our ann iversary. Matthew To Australia. Presente r OK. Marri n you have two minutes ro
Ha nnah Our anniversary? Inte rviewer That's a long fli ght. Arc you goi ng ro
Jamie Yes.Threemomh; incewc firsr mer. \\'e describe your ix words tarring now!
mer on arurdayrhe ISrh ofJuly. Remember? rop on the way? Martin OK, word number I. It's a person. It's
Hanna h Go h. Jamie. I ca n't believe you remember Matthew o . I'm going di rect to Melbourne.
the e>.act day! What a romantic! It"s lucky Ididn't Interviewer \\' hv Melbourne? somebody who works in a hospital.
hir you in the street. .. Matthew I'm goi;..g rowork there. I'm a model and Lola A doctor.
Ma rrin 1 o, no, no ir' rhe person who helps rhe
l Sll)) we're going ro do a photo hoot for a maga7ine.
Inte r viewer Thar sounds excir·ing. What kind of doctor and looks after rhe patients.
Sad ending Lola Oh. a [bleep].
arraror uddcnly. a man ran across rhe road. He clothes are you going ro model? Ma rtin That's right. Word number 2. 1t's a place.
was wearing a dark coat so Hannah didn't sec Manhew \\'inter clothes. for next season. It's
him at first. Quickly s he pur her foot on the bra ke. It's somewhere where people go when rhey want
Airhough Hannah tried to stop s he couldn't. he winter in Austra)ja now so ir's going to be quite to bu) things.
hit t he man. Hannah pan icked. She drove away a> cold .T hat's why we're going rhere. Lola Ashop.
fa r as she could. When he arrh·ed ar rhe coffee Inter viewer Ofcourse. it's their winter. How cold Martin Nor exactly. It's bigger and you can buy all
do you think it's going to be? kinds ofdifferent things rhere. especially food .
bar Jamie wasn't there. She called him bur his Matrhew I'm nor quite sure. About eight or nine L ola A [bleep]?
mobile phone wa> turned off. he waited for ten degrees during rhl' day and coldl'r at night. I Martin Yes. well done. O K. word number 3. lt's a
s uppose. rhing. lt' omerhing which we usc for everything
minute> and then she went home. Two hours later Interviewer Well, have a good trip, and I hope the nowadays. For the internet. for talking to people.
a car arrived at Hannah' house. A pol icewoman photos are fa bulous! for raking photos... It's a kind ofgadger. Everyone
Marrhew Thanks. has one.
knocked ar rhe door. Lola A [bleep]?
Policewoman Good evening. Madam. Arc you Lily Martin That's it! Word number 4. lt 's an adjective.
Interviewer Excuse me. do you have a mo ment? It's the opposite ofdark.
Hannah Davis? L ily OK. s ure. Lola Light?
Hannah Yes. I am. Inte r viewer W here are you going? Martin It's like light. bur you only use it ro describe
Policewoman I'd likerospcak toyou.Can l come in? Lily To Budapest. hair.
Inter viewer W hy arc you going rhere? Lola [bleep)?
a rrator The policewoma n came in and sat down Lily I'm going ro a conference. Ma r tin Yes! \\'ord number S. lt's an ad jective
on the ofa. Inte r viewer So it's a work trip. again. Er...You use it to describe a person who's
Policewom a n Are you a friend o fl amie O i.xon? Lily Yes. But I'm also going to sec an old friend ... er, who's quick at learning rhings.
Hannah Yes, Lola Intelligent?
rhere. Actually, an old boyfriend . Someone I went Martin No. bur it's similar to intelligent. lr's the
arraror said Hannah. out wirh a long t ime ago. opposite ofstupid.
Policewoma n Well . I'm afraid I ha,·c some bad Interviewer W hen did you decide to meet up Lo la [bleep]!
again? Martin Yes, brilliant. And word number six, the
new for vou. Lily Well. I knew he was working ar Budapest last o ne. OK. It's a verb. For example. you do rhis
University. so when the conference came up about ro rheTV.
Hannah \ \1har? Whar's h<rppened? a month ago Igot in touch with him on Facebook. Lola Watch'
Policewoman Jam ie had an accident this eveni ng. Interviewer Is he going ro meet you at the airport? Ma rtin o ... lr's what you do when you finis h
Hanna h Oh no! \Vhar kind ofaccident ? Lily l don'tth in kso! Bur whoknows? watching TV at night.
Policewoman He was crossi ng rhe road and a car Interviewe r How do you feel about it' Lola Er...go ro bed?
Lily Quire excired. lr's going robe strange meeting Martin 1o! Come on! You do it ro rhe TV before
hit him. again after all rhese years. you go ro bed.
Hannah \Vhen...When did this bappcn? And where? Interviewer Well. good luck. l'm s ure you're goi ng Lola Oh. [bleep]?
Policewoman This evening at 5.25. He was to have a grcatrime. And en joy the conference. Martin Yes!
crossing the road in the high street by t he theatre. Lily T han ks very much. 2 8 l))
Hanna h Oh no! How is he?
Policewoma n He's in hospital. He' got a bad 1 62 l)) Jenny \\'ell. ! think that's everyth ing. W hat do you
think ofthe office?
injury to his head and rwo broken legs. Be n Hi. This is Ben We t. Sorry Ican't take your
Ha nnah But is he going to be OK? call . Please leave a me sage. Rob It's brilliant. And much bigger rhan our place
Policewoma n \ edorft know. He's in inrens h·ecarc. in London.
Hannah Ohno.And rhed rivcrof thecar? Lily Hi Ben. It's me. Lily. Ho pe )Ou're OK . I've
Policewoman he didn't srop. booked my fl ight and hotel. I'm coming on Jenny Oh. here"s Barbara. Rob. this is Barbara. rhe
Han nah he? u nday the 2nd of May - Icouldn't get a fli ght on ediror ofthe magazine.
rhc first. I'm flying from Garwick with Easy jer
PolicC\\'Oman Ye . ir was a woma n in a whire car. and I'm arriving at Budapesr a irport at 14.40. I'm Barbara It's good 10 fina lly meet you. Rob.
going back on arurday the 8th leaving ar 16.35. Ro b It"s grear to be here.
Somebody saw the number ofthe ca r. You have I'm staying ar a lovely old hotel , quire a fa mous Bar bar a Is this your first rime in New York?
one I thin k. It's called the Hotel Gellert o r Jcllert Rob o. l came here when I was eighteen. Bur only
a white car o utside don't \'Ou. Madam ' Is vour - I'm not s ure how you pronounce it. bur it's G-E-
double L-E- R-T. I'm sure you know it. I'll call you for a fe" days.
number plate XYZ 348 '? ' o n Sunday night when I get there. See you soon- Barbara Well. I hope you ger ro know ew York
l'm really looking forwa rd ro eeing you again .
Han nah Yes...yes, it is. much better this rime!
~ 2 l)) Jenny Barbara, I'm going to rake Rob om for lunch.
Policewoma n C an vou tell me where vou were ar
Presente r Good C\'en ing.ladies and gentlemen Would you like ro come with us?
5.25 this e\'ening?. • and welcome to Wlrat 's tire word? And our first Barba r a I'd love to. but un fortu nately I have
contestants tonight arc 'larrin and Lola. Hello to
l SS l)) you both. Are you nervous? a meering at one. So, I' ll seeyou larer. We're
meeting at three, I th ink.
O li v i a Lo la Just a bit. Jenny That's righr.
Inrer viewer Excuse me. do you have a moment? Presenter \\'ell. just rry a nd rebx and play IVIrat 's Barbara Have a nice lunch.
Olivia Ye ,sure. H o lly Hey. are you Rob Walker?
Interv iewer Where are yo u going? Rob Yes.
Olivia To ricaragua.
Inter viewer For a holiday? Listening 119
Olivia o, I'm going to do voluntary work. I'm

going to reach English ro young children.
Interviewer \\' here exactly in Nicaragua are you

goi ng?
Olivia To a town called Esteli. It's about 150

kilometres from Managua.
Interviewer How long are you going robe there for?
Olivia I'm going robe in E>relr for ix weeks and

after that I'm going to tra\ el round icaragua for
a month .
Interviewer That sound amazing.

Ho lly IIi, I'm llolly. llolly Tyler. Dan iel My day's quite similar. I clean rbe house and a reservatio n in a luxury hmcl ar a s kiing resort.
Rob Hello, Holly. iro n but I also do the cooking and the s hopping. so they could spend rhc weeke nd skiing. Bur the
Ho lly We're going to be working rogerher. M) dad left home four )Cars ago so we're on our weekend didn't \\Ork out exactly as they were
Jenny Really? own. I rake my sister to school and make s ure rhar expecti ng. Svcn \\ orked until late o n Friday
Holly Didn't Barbara tell you? I'm goi ng robe my mum is OK. I need ro give her massages every C\'Cning. His office was on the I2rh fl oor. When
evening. he finished. at 8 o'clock. he locked his office and
Rob's photographer! got into the lift ... and he didn't get our agai n until
Jenny Oh. wcii...We're just going for lunch. Presenter I low do )OU feel about the way you Ji,·e? \1o nda) morning!
H olly Cool! I can come with )'Ou. I mean. I had a Alice I don't reaII) mind looking after my mum . Sven I pressed the button for the ground floor and
the lift sta rted going down but then it stopped. I
sandwich earlier. so I don·r need ro car. Bur Rob She's ill and she needs my help. Bur sometimes I pressed the burton again bur nothing happened. I
and I can tall.. Is that OK? feel a bit sad when I ca n't go om because rhere are pressed rhc alarm and shouted bur nobody heard
Jenny ure. things 10 do in the hou,e. A nd I sometimes get me. Most people had already gone home. ! rried
Holly o let 's go. a ngry with my ' chool frie nd ~. They don't rea lly ro phone my wife bur my mobile didn't work in
undcr~rand the problems I have ar home. All they the lifr.l couldn't do anything. I just sat on rhc
2 11 >)) think abour arc clothes. boys. and going out. floor and hoped maybe >Omcbody would realize
Daniel I enjoy what I do becau ~e I'm helping what h;od happened . But on Sat urday and Sunday
Holly So tell me, Rob. What arc you going to write my mum ami I'm helping my s is ter ar the same I knew nobody would be there. Islept most ofrhe
about? rime. Ofcourse it 's true rhat I can·r go out much . t ime to forget how hungry I was.
because I need to s pend most of my rime at home. Presenter Meanwhile vcn's wife. Silvia. was
R o b Well, to st arr with , rny first impressions of I somet imes go out with my friends but I don·r like wairing fo r her husband to come home.
New York . You know, t he nightli fe. the music. leaving my mum o n her own . I always make sure S ilv ia I wa• very worried when he didn't
thing• like that. that I h:rve my mobile. If my mum needs anyt hing. come home on Friday evening and I couldn't
she calls me and I go back ho me. It's nor a proble m understand why his mobile wa n't working. I
Holly Arc you planning ro do any inter views? for me. Ir's jusr parr ofmy life.
Rob I'd like ro. Do you have any suggestions' Presenter You're both doing a great job, thanks phoned rhc police and t hey looked for him bur
Holly Well. I know >Ome great musicians. very much for coming on the programme. thC) couldn't find him anywhere. I thought maybe
Rob Musicians? he wa~ with another woman.
Holly You know, guys in bands. And I also have 2 26 >)) Presente r o \'Cn wa~ in the lift rhe whole
weekend from hiday C\'e ning until Monday
some comacts in the theatre and dance. I Intcrv icwer I Ian• you ever bought something morning. At eight o'clock. wben rhe office
Rob That would be great. that you've ne,er worn? workers arrived. they phoned rhe e mergency
Holly Maybe we could go 10 a >how. and after you number and somebody came and repaired rhe lift.
A Ye~ - ha•n'r c'eryonc? I remember some Sven I was very happy ro get our. I hadn't eaten
could talk to the actor~. trousers I bought rhar I never wore. s ince Friday afternoon a nd I was ' 'cry hungr~. lr 's
Rob I rcaII) lil.c that idea. lucky that! a m not claus trophobic because rhe lift
Waitress Can I bring you anything else? Interviewer \\'hat was rhe proble m with them? wa, ve ry ~mall. The first thing I did was to phone
Jenny Could we ha'c the check. please? A They were very right . black leather tro users my wife to ~:o y t·hatl was OK.
Waitress Yes, ma'am. H ere·~ your check. Presenter Svcn will soon be the fittes t man in his
Jenny Thanks. Excuse me. I think rherc's a mistake. that I bought fro m a ~econd -hand sho p ncar offi ce - from now on he's going to take the stairs
Portobcllo Road. when I was about 2.0 years every da) - even though it ·s 12 floors.
\Ve had two bottles of water. nor three. old. I reme mber when I was in the changing
Waitress You're right. I'm really sorry. It's nOt my room I thought rhcy looked fantas tic. l rhoughr 2 42 l))
!looked like Jim Morri>on from the Doors.
day today! I'll get you a new check. But whe n I got home. in the cold Iighr of day. Interviewer Todav we talk to Laurel Reece, who's
Jenny Thank you. I rc:.Jiscd that I looked rnore like one ofrhc writing a book al;out how 10 live more slowly. She's
H o lly We're going tO have a fun monrh , Rob. women from Abba!T har·s why I never wore gni ng to give us fi,·c useful tips.
Rob Yeah, I think it's going robe fantastic. them .
Jenny OK. time to go. You have your meeting with 2 Interviewer I lave you ever bought something Laurel lyfi rs t tipissomNhingwhichisvery
simple ro say. bur more d ifficult ro do in practice.
Barbara at three. that you've never worn? \Vharcvcr you're doing. jus t try 10 slow down and
R ob O h yeah. right. e njov it. If vou're walk ing >Omewhcrc. tn' ro walk
A Yes. a karate suit. I decided that I wamed ro do
2 22 >)) karate. and I igned up for a course and bought mor~ slowly: ifyou a rc drh,ing. make yo~rself
rhc s uit and the orange belt bur then I changed
Presente r Teenager• 10da) have a bad reputation. my mind and decided not to do the course. drive mo re slowlv. It doesn't matter what vou arc
People >ay that t hC) arcla1y and untidy and rhar
they do very little ro help their parents in the I ntc rv iewer \\' In not? doing. cooking. having a shower. cxercisi~g in the
house. But there arc some teenagers for whom A I wa~ worried tl;at ~omeone would knock my
this description is just nor true ar all. g) m. just slow down and really en jo) the moment.
It is estimated that there are more than 200.000 teeth our. \\'e all try to do too man~ things that we just don't
teen ager~ in the U K who have to look after a Inte r viewer Do you still have rhe suir? have rime for. o Ill} second tip is make a list of
member oftheir family. their mother or father A o. I sold it on eBav. the three things which arc most important for
or brother or sister. In many cases these young J Interviewer Ha,·e y~u ever bought something you. your priorities in li fe. T hen when you\·e
helpers. or ·carers' as t hey are called. have ro do made your l i~r ma~e >ure rhar yo u spend rime
between 25 and 50 houf' work helping in their that you've never worn? doing t ho~e things. Imagine for example that
house, a~ well as doing their school work. A aclly ir happens to me quire often, because I your t hrcc thing• arc your fam ily. reading, and
playing s ports. T hen make sure that you spend
2 23 >)) hare clot he> • hopping. and I never try th ings enough time with your family. that you have s pace
on. For c'ample. l have a sh irt in my wardrobe in your life for reading. and tharyou have time
Presenter I'd like to welcome ro rhe programme to do > port~. And forget about trying to do other
two of these teenagers. Alice and Dan iel. who are now t hat I've never worn. thi ngs rhar you haven't got time for.
17 years old. and who borh look after members of Tip number three is don't try ro do rwo things at
their fam ily. llello, Alice. hello Dan iel. Inte r viewer W hy nor? the same rime. T he worst thing you can do is ro
A Well. I bought it in a hur r) a few months ago mult ira~k . So for exa mple. don't read your emails
Alice/ Daniel H i. while) ou arc talking 10 a friend on the phone.
Presenter Who do you look afte r? and rhen I put it :1way in my wardrobe. A few If you do that. you aren't really focusing on your
A lice !look after my mum. She has ME - it's an week~ la ter I rook irout and looked at it and cmails or )Our frie nd and you arcn·r going ro feel
I thought 'Why d id I buy t his'' lr's horrible - \err reJa,ed either.
illne>S which mean, that she feels tired all rhe pin k and purple stripe>. A nd ofcourse I didn't Tip numhcr four is \ ery s imple: once a day. C\cry
rime a nd ~he can't \\:til. ver v well. And I also look ha'c the rcccipt,>o I couldn't rake it back. day. s it down and do noth ing for halfan hour.
afte r my younger brother a~d sister. He's six and 4 Interv ie wer H:l\'c you ever bought somethi ng For example. go to a cafe and sit outside. or go ro
she's four. that you\·c never worn? a park and ~it on a bench. Turn offyour phone so
D a niel I look after my mum roo. he had a bad car A Lor~ ofrh ing:., I'm afra id. T he last o ne was a that nobod) can cont act you, a nd then just s ir and
accident se,·en years ago and she ca n·r walk. I a lso brown leather coat. watch the" orld go b). T his will really help you ro
look after my little s ister. Interviewer \\' hat was wrong with it? slow down.
Presenter You bmh do a lot ofhousework. What A Well. I bought it onli ne, from a website thar OK. My fift h and final tip. One ofrhe mos t
exactly do you do? has cheap offers. bur when ir arrived it looked relaxing thing> you ca n do is robe near wareror
Alice On a normalday Igetup early and Iclean complNcly different from" hat it looked like even hettcr,to be on water. o ifyou live near a
the house and I do the ironing. After school! on screen and I decided I didn't like it. So it's lake or river. go and sit by rhc river. or go boating.
•omerime' take my mum to the shops in her in Ill) wa rdrobe. l'm ; urc I'm ne,·cr goingto
wheelchair. In the evening my dad makes the wea r it, but perhaps I'll give it to someone as a
dinner - l'm non ·ery good at cooking! Bur I make present.
sure my brother and 'i>ter eat their dinner and
then I pm them to bed. 2 32 >))

120 Listening Presen ter Last Friday Svcn, a lawyer fro m
Stockholm. was looking forward ro a relaxing
rwod<tys in rhc mountain>. I Ie and his wife had

If you live near t he sea. go a nd iron t he beach. 2 55 >)) about mistakes you made in the past . You ca n't
Relax and listen ro the sound o f rhe wind and rhe ch an ge t he past. The important thin g is to th ink
water. You will feel your bod y and mind slowing H o lly Hey. Rob. come on. Keep u p. abo ut how you can do things better no w a nd in
down as rhe m inutes go pasr. Rob orry. l'm a bit tired this morning. the future.
H o lly You aren't exactly in good shape. are you' Presenter T hank you. Andy. And no w we h ave
2 45 >)) Rob I know. I know. I think I'm carin g roo muc h. another caller. \ Vh ar 's your name. please?
Holly Then ear less! Julie H i, My na me's Julie. M y tip is th ink positive
First I did rhc phoro tesr. l was ncar C har ing C ross Rob It isn't easy. I car o ut all the rime. And rhc tho ug hts. no r negative ones. \ e a ll ha,·c ncgatil't·
station. I• topped a man who was walking quire tho ughts sometimes. bur when we rart ha1•ing
' lowly down rhe road and I aid, 'Excuse me. could porrions in A m erican re srauranrs are enonnous. them we need to stop and rry to change them inro
)OU take my photo?' The man said. · 1o. no. no rime H o lly You d o n't d o e nough exercise. pos itive ones. Like. if you have an exa m ro morrow
for that.' a nd jusr continued walking. Then I asked a Rob I walk a lo r. and you s rarrrhinking ' I'm s ure I'll fair. rhcn
businessman in a grey suir who was walking tOwards H o lly Walkin g is n'reno ugh. Rob. Do you d o you' ll fail the exam. So you need ro change that
rhcstation. He tOOk o ne phoro. bur when I asked him negat ive th ought to a positive though t. Just think
to take another one he walked away quickly. a nything to keep fir? ro you rself 'I'll pass'. ! do this and it usually works.
Rob I cycle when I'm in Lo ndo n... Pres enter Thank you, Julie. And o ur nex t caller is
1 ext. ir was th e sho p ping resr.l went to a to uri t Holly o why don't you get a bike here? Marrin. Hi Martin.
shop in Oxford Street and I bou gh t a key ri n g and a Rob I'm o nly here for a nother three weeks. Martin Hi. My rip is d o n't spend a lor o f t im e
red bus. T h e red bus was ver y expensive. The total reading rhc papers o r watchi ng the news o n TV.
price was fo rty pounds. I gave th e man a hundred Anyway. my ho tel's ncar rhe office. ! do n't need lr' a lways bad news and it just makes you feel
pounds. He gave me sixty po unds back. a bike. depressed . Read a book o r listen ro your favo urite
Holly You know. Jen n ifer goes ru nn ing all t he music instead.
Finally. it was time for the accid ent tesr. For time. Before and after work. Bur I jusr thin k rhar Presente r Than ks. Marrin. And our next caller is
thi resr I wenr down into the Tube- rhc London run ning is just so bor ing. I mea n. wherc's the fun?
Underground. As I went d own rhe stairs I fell over Rob Yeah. l'm no r very keen o n run ni ng. l ir ia m . Miria m?
and sar a n the floor. A m an im mediately StOpped and H o lly o why don't you play basketball wirh me Miriam Hi.
looked down ar me. I thought he was going ro help me and my fr iends' Pres enter H i Mir iam.\ hat's yourrip?
bur he didn'r - he jus r said 'Why don·r you look where Rob OK. That 's a grear idea! Bu r I d o n·r have any Miria m M y rip is el'e ry week make a list o f a ll th e
)Ou're going?' t rainers.
H olly Trainers> Sneakers! You can buy som e. good things rhat happened ro you. Then keep rhe
2 51>)) Rob J, rhcre a sports sho p near here? lisr with you. in your bag or in a pocke t, and if
H o lly urc. there's one across t he srrcet . you're feelin g a bit sad or depressed. jusr ra ke ir
Prese nte r t exr in ourlisrofthi ngswh ich you out a nd read it. It'll make you feel bcrrer.
rhough r were bad for you is chocolate . Jane. our 2 59 >)) Pre senter T ha nks. Miriam . And o ur last call is
food exper r. is going to rell u~ why acrually it can from Michael. Hi Michael. We're listen ing.
be good for us. R ob H i Jenny. Michael Hi . My rip is to t ry to use posit ive
Jenny Oh. h i. language when you speak to other people. Yo u
Jane Well. there have been a lo t ofsrudies recently R o b H ave you had a good day? know. ifyour fr iend has a p roblem. don't say ' I'm
about chocolate. Remem ber. chocolate is Jenny O h. you kno w. Meetings! W hat abour you' sorry' o r ·oh. poor you', say something positive
something that we've been eati ng for h und reds R ob It wa~ great. I wem to Brook ly n a nd m et some like ' Don'rworry! Every thing w ill be OK'. That
of years. ir's not a m odern invention. And rhe way you' ll ma ke the orher person thi nk more
studies show that chocolate, like red wine. really interest ing people. positively about thei r problem.
conrains a ntioxidants. In facr chocolate has mo re Je nny And you had rime ro go sho pping. roo. Presenter Thank vou, Michael. Well. rhar's a ll
anrioxid am s rhan wine. T hese an tioxidants can Rob Whar? O h yeah. l'\'c jusr bough t t hese. we've got rime fdr. A big t hank you tOall o ur
pro tecr usagainst illnesse likehean d i ease. Jenny What arc they? callers. Until next week then. goodbye.
R o b f\ pair o f trainers -cr. ~ neakcr~.
Presenter Reallv? J enny t icc. Why did you buy •neaker ,> 3 13>))
Jane Yes. bur. and t his is ''cry impo rranr. all the Rob I think I need ro ger a bit fitter.
Jenny Oh. I'm impressed . You kno w, I go r u n ning Presenter Earlier this year. ten years after S revc
good a ntioxidants are o nly in dark chocolate. So sent the lerrer. some builders were renovating rhe
don't car milk chocolate or whirechocolare - rhcy ever y mo rning in Central Pa rk. living room in Carmen's mother's ho use. When
aren'r healthy at a ll. And o f course you also need to Rob Do you? rhey rook out the fi replace they found Steve's
remem ber th at alt ho ugh dark chocolate is good for Jenny lr's so beautifu l early in rhe mor nin g. Why letter, and gave it to Carmen's <>isrer. and she sent
you. it contains quite a lor ofcalories. so ifyou're rhc letter to Car me n in Pa ris. Car men was now
worried aboutyour we ight . don·r ear roo much. One don't you come with me? 4 2. and she was sri II s ingle.
or rwo pieces a day is enough. Rob Er... ~ure. Why n o t?
Presenter G rear news fo r me because I love Jenny Great! I'll come by your hotel tomorrow Carme n W hen I got rhe letter I didn't call S teve
chocolate! And now to Tony. our TV journalist. srraig hr away because I was so ner vous. I kept
Tony. newspaper articles are always telling us mo rn ing. picking up the phone and purring it down again. I
abour srudics which say rha r we warch roo much Rob OK . \ harrime? nearly d id n'r phone h im at a ll. But I knew rhar I had
TV, rha r we spend roo much time s itting in fro nt Jenny Six forry-five' ro makethe call.
o f t he T V and rhar as a res u lt we don't d o enough R ob Six...?
exercise. They also say rh ar warchi ng TV makes Jenny Forty-five. Prese nter Ca rm en fina lly m ade the call and S teve
us sru pid. ls th is a ll rruc Tony? R ob Can we make it a bir later' Say. seven fo rty- an wered the pho ne. He was also now 4 2 and also
Tony Well. it's almost certainly t rue t hat we watch si ngle.
roo much television, but ir probably isn't rr ue rhar fi ve ?
watching T V makes us srupid. l've jusr finished Jenny T hat's 100 la te. Rob. Let's make it seven Steve I couldn't believe ir when she pho ned. I've
reading a book by a science wr ite r. S rc,·cn just moved house. bur luckily I kept my o ld ph o ne
Johnson. called Et·eryrhiu[J bad is aoodforyou. fifteen. n um ber.
One thing he says in his book is rhar mod ern TV Rob OK.
ser ies like Tire Soprauos o r House or Mad Me11 arc Jenny Excellent. SeC' you la ter. Pres e nte r Steve and Carme n arran ged to meet in
more intellectually srimularing than T V ser ies Rob G reat. Paris a few days late r.
were 20 years ago. He says rhar rhese shows arc H o lly Ba, kerhall and run n ing. Ro b. You mus t have
complicated an d 1·ery cleve r a nd t hat they help ro Steve \\Ihen we mer ir was like a film . \Ve ra n
make us mo re intelligent. a lo t ofene rgy. across t he airport and into each o rher 's arms.
Pres enter Well. I can believe that. but wha t abo ut Rob Er... yeah. Withi n 30 seconds ofseeing each orher again we
rcaliry shows rhat arc so popular o n TV.I can·r were ki,sing. We fel l in love all over aga in.
believe rhat these a rc good for us. 3 8 >))
Tony Well. Srcven Johnson says that we can even Presenter Last week the couple got married. 17
learn something from reality s hows- he says Presenter Today's topic is ·positive thinking·. We all years after they first mer.
rhis kin d ofprogramme can teach us about group know that peo ple who a re posit h·e enjoy life more
psycho logy. about how people behave when rhan people who are negarivc and pessimistic. Bm Carm e n I never gor m arried in a ll rhose years, bur
t hey're in a group. scientific tudies show rhat po~i rive people are now I have ma rr ied the ma n! always loved .
Prese n ter Well , rha n k you. Tony and Jane. o a lso healthier.They get berrer more q uickly when
now you k now what to d o rhis even ing. You can they arc ill. a nd rhey live longer. A rccenrstudy has Presenter o Ste,·e a nd C arme n are together at
sir down in front ofrhe TV wirh a box ofdark shown rhar people who are o ptimistic and rh in k last. But w ill rhcy keep rheir pro m ises?
chocolates ... po irively live. o n average. nine year. lo n ger rh an
pe~si mis ri c people. So, let 's hear what yo u rhe 3 17 >))
lis teners rhink. Do you ha1·e any ideas ro help us be
mo re positive in our lives? Patient o what does ir mean. docror?
Dr Well. firsr rhe parry. A party is a g ro up of
3 9 >))
people. This means that you're going to m eet a lot
Prese nter Our firsrcaller thi cven ingisAndy. Hi of people. I th ink yo u' re goi ng to be very busy.
An dy. \Vhar's your rip fo r being positive? Patient /\t work?
Dr Yes. at work ... you work in an o ffice. ! rhink?
Andy Hello. Well, I think it's very im po rtant ro live
in t he presem and no t in the pas t. Don't th ink Listening 121

Patient Yes. rhat"s right. Nigel Er. whcre's rhc bathroom? Gemma i\bsolutcly. Atrhe end ofthe day we
Dr I think rhe parry means you a re going co have a were singing in almosr perfect harmony. lr was
igel D id you warch rhe match rhis evening, John? amazing. In just one day we really were much
lo r o f me c rin gs. C helsea and Arsenal. It was fantastic! bette r.
Patien t \Vhat about rhe champagne? D a d o. l didn't warch ir. l don't like football at all.
D r Let me look at my nores again. Ah yes. you In fa cr I hare it. I nter viewer Could you rwo give us alirrle
Nigel Oh. demo n srrario n?
were drink ing champagne. C hampagne means a
celebration . lt"s a symbol ofsuccess. So we have Mum o...whar are you going to do when you Martin f Gem ma Oh. OK. ..
a meering or meering and rhen a celebration. finis h university. igel?
Maybe in the fu ture you'll ha\'Ca meeting with igel Er. I don't know. 38 >))
your boss. abour a possible promotion?
Patient Well. ir's possible. I hope so. Whar abour Dad Whar :rre you rudying at univers ity? Journal ist I arrived ar Madrid airport where I met
rhe garden and rhe fl owers? Do rhey mea n Nigel ociology. Paula. Hola Soy Max.
anythi ng? D a d Why did you choose sociology?
D r Yes. yes. Flowers are a positive symbol. o rhe Nigel Because I rhougbr ir wa easy. Encantada. oy l'aula.
flowe rs mean rhar you arc feel ing posirivc about Mum Is it interesting> Jo urnalis t Paula rook me to my hotel and that
rhe future. o perhaps you already kne\\ about Nigel It 's OK. Er ... W hat wa> S uq li ke as a lirtlc
rh is possible promorion? evening we wenr ro rhe cenrre of Madrid and
Patie n t No, I didn't. Bur it's true. I am very happy girl. Marion? Do you have any photos of her? it was rime for my fir r tesr. I had to order a
ar work and I feel very positive abour my furure. M um Phoros ofSuzy? Yes. we have thousa nds of sandwich and a drink in a bar rhe n ask for the bill.
T hat"s nor where my problems a re. My problems Isat down at rhe bar and I tried ro order a beer
arc with my love life. Does my dream rell you photos. She was a lovely lit tle girl. wasn't she and a ham sandwich.l'orJavo r. una cer••e:a y 1111
anyrhing about rhat? John? bocadillo dejam6n.
D r Mm ,yes irdoes. You·re si nglc. arcn'ryou? Dad Yes. she was. A beauriful lirtle girl. Waiter En seBnida.
Patient Yes. well. divorced. Nigel Can I see some> Jou rnalist Fantastic! The waiter understood me
Dr Because rhe violin music rells me you wanr some S uzy Oh no. please. firs t rime. My pronunciation wa n"t perfect bur
romance in your life- )OU're looking for a partner Mum John. can you bring rhe phoro albums? I gor my beer and my sandwich. I really en joyed
p e rh a ps? it. Bur rhen the mo re difficult bir. Asking for rhe
Patient Yes. yes. I am. In facr I met a womanlasr M u m Look. and this is one when she was three bill... .;Cnamo es?
monrh - I really like her... I think I'm in love wirb years old. \ Vaiter Seis no..enta.
her. I'm meering her ronighr. Journa lis t .;Como?
D r In your dream you saw a n 0\\ I in a tree. Dad And rhis is when we wcmto Disneyland. Waite r cis no•·e11ta.
Patien t Yes. an owl... a big owl. T hat ·s uzy wirh Micky and Minnie Mouse. Jo u rnalist ix ninety. I undersrood! Paula gave
Dr T he owl represents an older person. ! t hink me eight points for rhe tesr. l was very happy
you'll need co ask rhis older person for help. Nigel Ah!Shewas sosweer. with rhar. ext we wenr our into the street.Test
:\1a)•be this ·older person· is me? Maybe you need D ad Wo uld you like another beer. igel? number two was asking fo r directions and (very
my help? Nigel Yes. please. John. important!) understanding them. We were in
Patient Well. yes. what I really wanr to know is a na rrow srreet and I had 10 stop someone a nd
does rhis pe rson. rhis woman... love me? 3 32 >)) ask rhem for rhe nearest chemist. Unafarmacia.
I topped a woma n. At fir r I didn't understand
3 18>)) Inter viewer G ood morning and wclcome.ln anything she said!
roday·s progra mme we're going ro ralk about P asser -by SiBa todo rectoy tome Ia seBturda par Ia
Patient Well , yes, what I really wa nr ro know is singi ng. In rhe studio we have Marrin , the de reclw. Hay unaJa rmacia en esa calle.
does rhis person, rhis woman ... love me? direcror ofa si nging school in Londo n. and Journa lis t I asked the woman ro speak more
Gemma, a st udem ar Manin'sschool. Good slowly.
D r You rememberrhe end of your d ream? You were morn ing ro borh ofyou. Passer-by Todo recto y tome Ia se811nda calle par Ia
feeling cold> de reclw DER EC HA .
Martin / Gem ma Good morning. Jou rnalis t I got ir this rime, ! think .The second
Patient Yes, my feet were very cold. I nterviewer Firsr. Man in . can you rell us, why is ir srreet o n rhe right. I followed rhe directions and
Dr Well. l think perhap you already know rhe guess whar? There was a chemist there! even
a good idea for people ro learn ro sing? poinr from Paula.
answer ro your question. Martin Firs t. because singing makes you feel good. Test numbe r rhree. I wasn't looking forwa rd ro
Patient You mean she doesn't love me. rh is one. l had roger a taxi ro a famous place in
Dr o, l don't think so. I rhink you will need 10 find And secondly, because s inging is very good for Madrid. Paula wro te down the name of t he place
vou r health. on a piece ofpaper. lr was rhe name ofrhe football
anorher woman. I'm sorry. Perhaps you can find Interviewer Really? In what way? s tadium where Real lad rid play. We stopped a
someone on rhe internet? I have heard ofa very Martin \Veil , w hen you learn to s ing you need to raxi .
good websire... lea rn 10 breathe cor rectly. Thar's very important. Jou rna lis t £1 Bemabeu. parjal'or.
And you also learn ro srand and sir correcrly. Taxi driver .;Que? ,;Adoude?
3 23 >)) As a result, people who sing are often fitter and Journalis t He didn't understand me. l rried again
healt hier rhan people who don"t. bur he stil l didn't unde rstand. I was desperate so I
Nigel Hi Suze. Sorry I'm a bit Iare. I was watching Intervicwer Are your courses only for said Real Madrid, Stadium,football.
rhe march. professional singers? Taxi d river ;Air! El Sa miaBo Bemabeu.
Mar tin o. nor ar a ll. They're fo r everybody. You Journ alist Finally! Pa ula only gave me five because
S uzy Comeoninthen.Mum.t his isN igcl. igel don't need to have any expe rience ofsinging. And I ended up using EngJjsh. rill, ar lea r I made
rhisis my mum. you don·r need to be able ro read mus ic. the t axi driver understand where I wanted ro go.
igel Oh... hello. Interviewer So how do your s tudents learn ro A nd oro the fi nal resr. l had to leave a me sage
si n g? in panish on somebody's voicemail.l had ro give
Mu m icc ro meer you. igcl. Mar tin T hey lea rn by lisrening a nd repeating. my name, spell ir, and ask rhe person tP call me
Su zy And th is is my Dad . back. Paula gave me rhe number (it was one ofher
Dad Hello, igel. inging" ell is really 95% lis teni ng. friends called Lola) and I dialled. I wa feeling a
Nigel Hello. I nterviewcr OK. G e mma. tell us abour rhe course. bit nervous at this point, because speaking o n the
D a d Come on inro rhe living roo m. phone in a foreign language is never easy.
How lo ng did it lasr? Lola Deje sumerrsaje despues de Ia serial.
Dad Would you like a drink . igeJ>O range juice, Gem ma Only one day. From ten in rhc morning to Journal is t Elr. Buenas rrocltes.Soy Max. Max.M-A·
beer? X. Elr... Porjai'Our. .. llamarmeesta uoc/u:. .. Olr
igel O h thanks. John. I'll have a beer. please. s ix in rhe evening. yes... a las 8.30. elt Gracias. Well. my grammar
Martin Could you al ready sing well before you was n·t right. bur llefr rhe message. Halfan hour
Mum You'rea vegeraria n, arcn·r you, igeJ> Jarer. ar halfpasr eighr Lola phoned me. Success!
Nigel Yes, I am . Personally I think caring a nimals is t a n ed? Paula ga,·e me eight poinrs. That was the end of
Gemma o. nor well. I've always liked singing. my four tests. Paula was pleased wirh me. My
totally wrong. final score was seven. ! was quite happy wirh rha1.
Mum Ahem. well. this is vegetable lasagne. ! hope Bur I can·r read music and I never rhoughr Isang
very well. o ho\\' much ca n you learn in a monrh? Well.
you like it. Suzy's Dad made ir. I nte r viewer So whar happe ned on the course? ofcour e you can't learn Spanish in a monrh.
Gemma Well , first we did a lot oflisrening and but you ca n lea rn enough tO urvive ifyou are
Dad Any more lasagne, igcl? breathing exercises. a nd we lea rnr some orher o n holiday or on a trip. ow I want to go back to
Nigel Oh. cr, no thanks. I'm not ,·ery hungry. inreresring rcch niques. England a nd rry and learn o me more. ;Adios!
G irl The lasagne is delicious, Dad. Interv iewer \Vhat son ofrhings?
Mu m Yes, it is. Gemma Well , fo r example we learnt rhar it' easie r
Dad T hank you. ro sing high norcs ifyou sing with a surprised
look on your fa ce!
S uzy I' ll do rhe washing up. Mum . I n rerviewe r Oh really? Could you show us?
Dad o. l' lldoir. Gemma Well, I' ll rry.
I nterviewer For those ofyou at home. I ca n
122 Listening you rhar Gemma looked very surprised .
Were you happy wirb your progress?

3 39 >)) K evin Ye,, " hen the th ree of us a re rogerher he con necting fl ight ro Thailand because there was
alwa)S sap t hings ro my girlfriend li ke, ·w o"! a terrible blizzard in ourh Germany-the \\Or t
Jenny Are )OU okay? You look fa ntastic today' or ' l lo'c )Our dress. sno" srorm for a hundred )Cars! They had to "ait
Rob 1e? 'ever ben er. uLanna', th ings like rhar. And when we're at a at the airport for 24 hours. Mr~ \an;trom said:
Jenny h 's beautiful here, isn't it? I thi nk t his is my part ) he often asks herro dance. Mrs Svans tro m ·we just thought things" ill get
fa,ouri re place in 1ew York. Prese nter Do )OU t hink he's in lme with your Presenter W hen rhey fin ally got ro Thailand. they
Rob Yeah, it's great. girl friend? had a relaxi ng few week,. Bur rhat was t he last
Jenny o how's it all going? Are you happy you time t hey could really relax. From Thailand they
Kevin Idon't know, bur I'm getting rea lly stressed flew ro the island of Bali in Indonesia. a popular
came? about it. W hat ca n I do? holiday destinat ion. W hen t hey arrh·ed in Bali
Rob To Central Pa rk? At seven fifteen in the the) were expecting blue skies and sun. bur what
3 52 >)) t he) got" ere terrible monsoon rain'> - the"~"'
mor n i n g ' monsoons for manv \Car~. M rs vansrrOm satd:
Jenny To cw York, Rob. Presente r Wcll.ler·s see if our expert can help. Mrs vans tro m · ~'~ "e were t hinking. what will
Rob Yeah. Ofcourse I'm happy. It's fanra ric. C a the rine? happen next?'
Jenny Really? You aren't just sa) ing that. Prese nter T hey decided nor to 'ta) in Bali. bur to
Rob o,l mean ir. Cathe rine Hello, Kevin . Have )OU talked to )OUr go ro Aust ralia. T hey flew ro Penh in Western
Jenny You need to get in shape, Rob. girlfriend about th is? Australia, bur hours a fter they arrived Perth
Rob I know. Iam a birrired ofeat ingout all the suffered terrible forest fires. and t he street were
Kevin o. l haven't. l don't wam SuLanna to t hink full ofsmoke. T hey rra,•ellcd north ro Cairns, and
rime. It isn't good for my figure. l'm jealou,. arrived ju;,r in time fo r Cyclone Ya;i - one of the
Jenny h '• the restaurams you go to! \: hy do n't you \\Orst C)clones e'er ro hit the city. T he) had to
C atherine Well. first I th ink you ' hould ralk to leave t heir horcl and spend 24 hours in a shopping
come over LO my place after worl? Icould make her, ask her how she feels and what >he thinks centre with 2.500 orher people.
you something a little healthier. of Alan's behaviour. Perhaps s he thinks it's fi ne. Could things get any worse? Yes, the) cou ld.
Rob I'd really like rhar. T hanks. and they arc just good friends. T hat it's jus t his The 'anstrom fa mily left Cairns and t ravelled
Jenny o, how do you feel now? Are you ready ro personalit). l fthar's what she th inks. then I thin k ~out h to Brisbane w visit friends, butt he city
go agai n? )OU 'hould accept it and relax. was su fferi ng from rhe worM floods in irs
Rob O h yes! I'm ready for anything. hi>tory. o t hey left Brbbane and booked ro
Jenny Are you sure you're okay? Kevin What should Ido if s he a l~o fi nds it er. fly ro C h ristchurch in ew Zealand. Bur just
Rob Absolutely. d ifficult, er, uncom fortable? before thei r plane left Brisbane some friend~
Jenny O kay. We'll only go around rwo more ti mes. phoned them to say that Christchurch had been
Rob Two? Excellem! Catherine T hen I think \'OUs hould talk ro Alan. hit by an ea rthquake and a large part oft he ciry
Tell him t hat he's a good friend. bur rhar you and wa' destroyed. Their plane landed in another
3 43 >)) u1.anna have problems with the way he behaves. cit\ Auckland. They tra,·elled around 1 ew
I'm sure he'll s top doing ir. He'~ probably never ze'a'land for a wh ile, and t hen t he) fie\\ to Japan.
Rob That was a lovely meal. T hanks, Jenny. thought it was a problem. On Ma rch lit h t hey were having lunch in a
Jenny T l 3t's O K. restaurant in Tokyo when ;uddcnly everything
Rob It 's been great being in 1C\\ York. You know, Kevin T ha nks very much fo r t hat. I'll talk to began ro sha ke. It was an earthquake: n ine on
uzanna tonight. the Richrer sca leandoneoft hewors r rhar e,•er
)OUr offcrro work here came at a' cry good rime hit Japan. And after t he eart hquake came a
for me. 3 53 >)) devastat ing tsunami. Fortunately. ~lr and ~I rs
Jenny Really? Svansrrom and their child" ere nor hurL The)
Rob Yea h, I was looking for something new. Presenter And our next caller is Miranda from rra, elled from Japan ro C hina for the la~r part of
Brighton . l-l i Mira nda. t hei r holiday. Luckil).they didn't ha'e any more
omerhing different. You see, I broke up wit h my natural disasters. and they arrived safely home in
girlfriend a few mom hs before I met you. Mira nda IIi. Srockholm o n 29th l arch. Mr van~trom >aid:
Jenny Oh ... right. Presente r And what's your problem? M r Svans tro m ·we ha'e learnt t hat in life you
Rob What about you? Miranda My problem i> with my husband's ex shou ld always expect the wor". but hope for the
Jenny W hat about me? best. Also. you need robe prepared for anything.'
R o b You know... re lat ionshi p~? w ife. They divorced fi ve yea rs ago, before I met
Jenny Oh. I've been roo busy recently to think hi m. Bur , he sriII phones him arlca't o nce a week 4 10 >))
about relationships. Getting this job at the to char, a nd ifs he has a problem in her flat or with
maga1.ine was a really big thing for me. I guess her car, s he a lways calls him and asks him ro come Part 3
that's taken up all my t ime and energy. and help her. H a rtley ·ttdoisc" ill go."
Rob But that isn·r very good for you. O nly thinking Presenter Does your husband have children with Read e r said Hartle) angril).
about work, I mea n. hbex-wife? H a r t ley · t ha,en'r had one da~ without problems
Jenny Why did n't you tell me you weren't feeling Miranda o, they don't have a ny child ren.That's
well this mo rning? \Ve d id n't have to go for a run. why I t hink she s hould s tay our ofour lives. since I mer her. You are right, Vivienne. Heloise
Rob I wanted to go. It was nice. Presenter Catherine. over to you. What do you must go before I can rake you home. Bur she will
Jenny Well, I'm glad you're feeling ben er. Would th ink Miranda s hould do? go. I have decided .....
you like anorher coffee? Vivie nne "Then."
Rob o, thanL.s. I think I should get bacL. ro the 3 54>)) R eader sa id Vivienne,
hotel now, I've got a reaII) buS) day tomorrow. Do Vivie nne "my answer is yes. l will be yours."
you ha,•e a telephone number for a taxi? C atherine II i Mi randa. Well, r h~ fir>t thing i' have Reade r She looked into his eyes and II artley could
Jenny Yeah ...bur it's much easierro get a cab on )OUspoken ro your husband about this? hardly believe his luck.
the street. H artley "Promise me,"
Rob Oh, OK, then. Mira nda Ye , I ha,·e. He t hinks I'm being d ifficult. R eade r he said.
Jenny I' ll sec you in the morni ng. ifyou're feeling lie feels orr) for his ex - she·, on herO\\ n. she Viv ie nne ·t promise."
doe~ n' t have a part ncr. R eader repeated Vh ienne. softly. At the door he
OK. ru rned and looked ar her happil).
Rob O h, I'm s ure I'Ll be fi ne. Than ks aga in for a Cathe rine O K.Miranda,do}Ouha,ean) male H a rtley · t will come for you romorro\\,"
frie nds, men who arc jusr good friends' R ead er he said.
great evening. Vivienne "Tomorrow:·
Jenny An) rime. Miranda Yes, I have a fr iend called Bill. We've been Read e r s he repeated with a smile. An hour and
Ro b Good night. friends since I was a teenager. forty minutes later Hartley "epped off the train
Jenny ighr, Rob. when it stopped in t he ~u burb;,, and walked ro his
C athe rine T hat's perfect. My adv ice i~ t his: when hou,e. As he walked towards the door a woman
3 51 >)) your hus ba nd's ex-wife pho nes and asks him to ran to him. he had black hair and was wearing
go and see her, phone Bil l and arrange ro meet a long white dress.They kissed. and walked into
Presenter Welcome to this morni ng's edition of and ha' e a dri nk or go to rhc cinema. Every time the house.
\VIrat 's tl•e problem?Today we're talking about )OUr hu,band meers his ex o r has a long phone
fr i e nd ~. so if you have a problem with o ne ofyour call, t hen you meet Bill or ha'c a long phone call. Listening 123 '
friends, and you'd like our psychologist Catherine He'll soon sec what's happen ing. a nd he'll stop
to give you some advice, jus t phone us on 800 seeing his ex.
700 550. O ur first caller today i~ Kevin from
Birmi ngham. HeUo. Kevin. Mira nda I think that's a great idea. T hank you.
C a th e r ine.
Kevin I Ii.
Presente r W hat's the problem? Presente r And the next caller is...
Kevin Yes. My problem is" irh Ill) best fr iend.
6 >))
Alan. Well, rhc thing is, he's always fl irting with
Prese nte r A nd ro fi nis h our progra mme roday, the
my girlfriend. incredible story ofa Swedish couple who wenr on
Presenter Your best friend fl irts with )OUr holiday and un·ived no fewer than seven narural
gi rlfr ie nd ? refan and Erika vansrrom started their
four-month trip last December. T he) were
tra' elling with their young baby daughter. First
they flew from S tockholm to Munich. Bur when
they arrived in Munich they couldn't ger thei r

4 11 >)) Ar first I jusr didn't like the m. bur o'·er the Je nny \\'c ca ll irrhc sub" a) here.
years my feelings ha,·c cha nged ro fear.
Pa rt4 Int e rvi ewer Does your phobia affect your li fe ar R o b Righr. Anyway. the train stopped for about
H a rtley's wife "M) morher is here.· a ll ?
R ead e r rhc \\Oman ~aid. C ot really because luckily I don·r see clowns twcnrv minutes. I rricd ro call bur there was no
H a rtley's w ife "Bur she's leaving in halfan hour. \cry often!
he came ro ha\'e dinne r. burr here's nothing to 4 29 >))
ear.· Je nny 1\c been here since sc\cn forry-fl,·e.
H a rtley "I ha'e ~omcrhing ro rell you: Good evening and welcome ro Top ourrds. our
R eade r ~aid Harrlcy. l le whispered somcrhing weekly music programme, and ronighr the focus R ob I kno\\. 1ran fromrheundcrground ... sub"a)
in her ear. I lis wife screamed. He r morher came is on rhc Larin music srar Enrique Iglesias. As I'm
running imo rhe ha ll. The woman screamed >ure ~ou all kno". Enrique Iglesias is the son ofrhe srarion ... I'm sosorn·.
again. bur il was a happ~ ~c ream - rhe sound ofa
woman "ho'e husband lo,ed her. pan ish s inge r julio Iglesias." ho is one ofrhe mosr Jenny You're ah' a)S ta"re. It's funny. isn't ir?
H a rtley's wife "Oh. mother!" s uccessfu l singing arrisrs ofall rime.
R eade r s he c ried. R o b I said I'm sorr). Look." h) don'r we go back
Hartley's w ife "\Vhar do you th ink? Vivienne is Enrique was born in Madrid, pain in 1975.
coming robe our cook! he is rhc cook rhar wa~ Iii> morher i' Isabel Prcysler. a journalisr and TV inside rhc rc\lauram?
wirh rhe 1oorgomery's. he's going robe ours! ho.r from rhe Philippine,. When he was three years
And now, dear: old hi~ parents gor divorced and larer he moved ro Je nny I \\aired for an hour for you. Idon'rwanr ro
R ead e r she rold her husband. Miami ro li\'e with his farher.l lcsrarrcd studying
H a rtley's wife "you mu'r go ro rhc kitche n and 13usinc>s at Miami University. but he left after a )Car sray here anymore.
rei I Heloise ro lea\ e. he has been drunk again because he wanred to become a musician . He didn't
"ant his fath er to know about his music career and R o b 1a) be \\e could... we could go for a walk. We
all day." he didn'r wanrro usc his fa mous s urname co be
successful. o when he scm some ofhis songs ro could find anorher re,rau ranr.
4 20 >)) 'cveral record companies he u>cd rhc name Enrique
\llartinet.rnd he e'enruall) gor a contract with a Je nny I don'r feel like a walk. lr's been a long day.
I Int e r vie w e r Do)ouha,ean~ phobias?
A Ye~. I'm terrified ofbar\. le>.ican record compan}. R ob OK.
I n ter v iewe r Reali~? Ito" long ha'e ~ou had rhe He made his flrsr album, called Eurique Iglesias
phobia? Je nny Burr he nighr is sriII you ng. Maybe you have
A 1\e had ir for abour forry )Cars! incc I was 12 in 1995. which \\ OOhim a Gramnw. lle rhen made
'ea r ~ old. Ar my school we had a swimmi ng rwo more albums and he had man); hirs in rhe rime to oncer up with I lolly again.
pool. and rhe changing rooms were in an old Larin mu,ic charrs. AI fl r>l Enrique sang mainI) in
building ncar rhe pool. On rhe flrsr day ar Spanish bur larcr he began to sing more and mo re in R ob Holl)?
school our reacher rold '" rhar there were bats English roo.
in rhere and rhar we shouldn't move around too Je nny I'm sorr).f didn't mean rosay rhar.
much as rhey might start nying around and gcr His fourth album, Escape in 200 1. was hi>
into our hair. he also said we mustn'r rurn rhc biggest comme rcia l s uccess and included the R o b I don't care about Holly.
lights on because 1his would wake up rhe bar s. singles Escape and llero. s ung in Englis h. which Jenny Forger ir . Rob. 1 ow if)OUdon't mind. I'd li~e
We had ro change as quickly and quietly as became hirs all O\'Cr the world and made Enrique an
international snrr. ince rhcn he has made five other rogohomc.
po~~ibl c. albums and ha~ also had a few acting parts in film>
and TV programmes. Also in 200 I. he began daring R o b Listen ro me. jcnn). fl oll) is jusr a colleague.
I nrerviewer Did a bar every ny ioro your hair? rhc Russian rcn nis player. Ana Kournikova. bur rhcy
A No. norhinge,cr happened. but I was terrified kept their relationship very private. Today Enrique Je nny Isaid forger's OK.
Iglesias is recognized as o ne of rhe most popular
jusr ar the rhoughr of it. arrisrs in Larin Americ:r. lie ha<sold 100 million R o b o. ir isn't OK. Look. I know I'm always larc.
I nrervie wc r Does ir affect your life at all? album>. which makes him o ne of the best selling
A Yes. Iofrcn feel very nervous or s rarr ro panic arrisrsofall rime. ,\ nd I !" rhc underground is rhe subway. Bur

if I'm oursidc when it's beginning ro get dark. 4 31>)) rhar\ nor rhc poinr! I'm nor interested in Holl~.
"hich i~" hen bars appear. Ifl'm sitting in m~
garden in rhe e'cning. I always ha\'e a tennis H o lly Thar was a good day's work. Rob. You did a I came w C\\ York because of\OU. The onh
racket. so ifa bar nie~ ncar me.l can prorecr grear interview.
Ill} self. And I can't watch aT\' documenrar) person I'm inrcrcsred in iS)Ou! · '
about bars. ore\ en look at rhem in phoros. R ob You took some great phoros. roo. They're
2 Inte r viewer Do )OU ha'e any phobias' rcalh nice. 4 37 >))
B Ye>. I ger 'cry bad claustrophobia.
Inte r v iewer How long ha\c you had rhe phobia? H olly T hanks. Hey.ler's ha,·e anorher coffee. Presente r Good afrernoon. and welcome ro
B h just starred one morning about reo years R o b I dorfr know. I have ro germ Manhattan. anorher edition of, citmce Today. In roday·s
ago. I" a~ going to \\Or!.. on rhe rrain and it was Holly You don't have ro go righr now.
,cry cro,.dcd. l ~ra n ed thinking rhat ifrhere R o b l'mnorsu rc. ldon'rwantrobe lare. programme we arc going to hear abour women
were an accident. I'd never get our. I had a panic H o lly \\'h) do)ouha,·erogoroManharran? imcnrors. \\1hc n we rhink of famous invenrors
anack and I sorr offelt my hcarr bearing very Rob 1\c gor a... e rm ...
quick!). I had roget offrhe rrain . Holly A dare? You have a date? \\ C u>ually rhink ofmen. people like Alexander
Inter viewe r fl ow doc' your phobia affecr your Rob Mm hm. Graham Bell , Guglielmo Marconi. Thomas
life? H o lly Is it wirh anybody I know? Edison. Bur , as Sally will rei I us. many ofthe
B Well. I can'rtravel on crowded trains. l ne,·cr R o b No. ir i~n 't. Anyway. excuse me a mi nute. I
c\·e r tra\cl on rhc underground because my things which make our lives easier roday were
\\Or'r nighrmarc \\Ould be ifrhc train stopped need to go ro 'the rcsr room·.
in rhe lllnncl.l also rn ro avoid lifts. What H o lly Thar \very America n. I'll o rder more inve nrcd by\\omcn.
else? O h yes. if I'm n)'ing.l OlliS! ha,·e an aisle Sally That's absolurcly right. Let's rake rhe
sear. I ca n'r s ir b' rhc" indo" . dishwasher for example. This was invenred b) a
3 Inre rvie wc r Do ;.ou ha'e anv phobias? Rob OK.
Je nny Rob? woman called Josephine Cochrane in 1886. She
C Yes.l ha'e a pr;rry unusualphobia. I'm sca red Holly Is thar you. jennife r?
Jenny Oh. hi I lolly. Erm... is Rob there? was a rich Amcrican who ga,·e a lor ofdinner
ofclo" ns. H o lly Yeah. one second . Rob! or anybody I know.
Inte r vie we r Clow ns. reaII~? Ho\\ long ha\e )Oll parries. Bur she" as annoyed rhar her servanrs
huh? u'ed ro break piares and glasses" hen rhey were
had ir? R o b Iii. Jcnn) . washing up after a parry. So. josephine decided to
C 1\c had it for a long rime. ince I was a child. Je nny Rob? re ~ou s ri II in Brooklyn?
Inrcrview er I low did it sta rr? R ob Yeah. rry and irwcnr a machine which could wash a lor
C \\'ell. I rc.>member I wenr on a school rrip to the Jenny You know the rcscn·arion ar rhc restaurant's ofplates and glasses safely. pparenrl~· she said:
·tf nobod) else i\ going ro imenr a dishwasher,
circus\\ hen I was si' o r se,·en years old and forcighr. righr ?
rhcrc "ere clo\\ ns.l thought they were son of R o b Don·r worr~. I'll be the re ! O h. ho\\ do I get to rhcn I" ill!' he designed rhc machine and rhen
srupid burl wasn't really afraid ofthem. Then I s he found a company ro make ir. At first onI)
\\Cill to a binhda) parry and rhere were clowns G reen" ich Vi llage o nrhc subwa)? hotels and rcsrauranrs bought j osephi ne·~ new
and rhcy were showing u' how 10 paint our
face,, and I found I didn'r likc being near rhem. 4 35 >)) machine bur roda' rhe dish\\ asher is used b,•
millions of pcopl~ all O\Crthe world.
124 listening R o b je nny! I'm here. •
Jenny Hi.
R o b I'm so sorry. r hcrc was a problem o n the The car was iO\entcd bv a man. bur ir was a
woman. lary Anders~n. who in 1903 soh·ed
one ofrhc biggcsr proble m ~ ofdriving. Unril her

invenrion ir was impossible for drh·crs ro sec

where rhey were going when ir was rain ing or
s nowing. They had ro open rhcir window. The

name of Ma ry's invcmion? Windscreen wipers.

An invcnrion rhat dcflnircly improved rhe lives

ofmillion' of people was disposable nappies.
The' \\ere in\'cmed b' a \\Oman called Marion
Do•;o,an.ller far her ;nd uncle were im,enrors.

and" hen s he had young children she sat down

and imcnrcd a nappy rhar you could usc and rhcn
throw away. 1\ n~ body" ho has a small baby" ill" "har a big difference disposable nappics
make ro our Ji,cs.Bur although she invenred it

in 1950. it \\asn'r unril1961 thar an merican
compan) bought !arion's idea. Today millions
ofdi>po~ablc nappic are used c,·er~· day and

Iarion's imenrion has been made more ceo-

friend I) . O\\ you can bu) biodegradable nappies!

nd no\\ roournc't irwcnror. ln 1956. Bene
csm irh Graham was working as a sccrcrary.
Like all ccrcrarics ar that rime she used ro gcr

very fru<>tratcd and angr) when she made typing
misrakc~. In rhose da)S ifyou made a mistake, you

had ro gcr a new sheer of paper and starr again
from the beginning. Then she had a brilliant

idea. which was ro usc a white Liquid ro paint they mer in person. They discovered t hat t hey had On Saturday night Karie Parfitt. a nurse from
mer mistake . Her invention is called Tipp-Ex more in common than jusr their name- they borh Manchester. came home from work . As soon as she
today. Mrs Graham was a divorced mother and love rhe beach, and they bot h really e njoy cooking. opened the door. she realised that her cat, Joey, was
her invention made her a very rich woman. Her Soon they realised that they were in love. At first behaving rather trangely. lnstead of being plea ed
son, Mike esmirh. became a famous pop star they were wor ried that they might be related, but to see her. he starred att acking her. and rhcn. when
- he was a member ofr hc American gro up, The they found our rhar there was no fam ily con nection she sat down ro have something to car. Joey jumped
Monkees. at all. and in October Kelly asked Kelly to mar ry omo t he table and sat on her plate. T hen he jumped
And finally... policemen, soldiers. and politicians him. T he rwo Kelly's ca ll each o ther ' Kel ly girl' down onto the floo r and immediately went to s leep.
all over rhe world arc protected by somet hing and ' Kelly boy', and they say rhar having the same He s lept all night. snoring very loudly. Katie couldn't
which was invented by a woman. In 1966 name often causes con fus ion - once when Kelly underst and what the matter was wit h Joey- he had
tephanie Kwolek inveored kevlar, a special boy booked t ravel rickets for the m t he rraV('I agem never behaved like th is before. However. when she
material which wa• very light but incredibly almost cancelled one ticket because he tho ught mer her neighbour the next morn ing, rhe mystery
strong. much stronger than metal. Th is material t hat booking rwo tickers with the sa me name was a was solved.
is used to make bullet-proof vests. Stephanie's mistake. Bur t here is one thing that rhc rwo Kcllys
inv~mion has probably saved thousands ofli ves. are very clear about - if they have children they 5 20 >))
Prese nte r T han ks very much. Sally. So. ifyou defin itely won't call t hem Kelly!
thought that everythi ng was im•e nted by men, My neighbour told me thar he was having a drink in
think again. 5 12 l)) our local pub on Sat urday. Suddenly he saw my car
joey walk in though the door - it was open because it
4 46 >)) Je nny I can't believe it. Your momh here is nearly was a hor day. And t hen oneofrbe people s pilled hb
over. It"s gone o fast. glass of beer on the floor a nd Joey tarring d rinking
Presenter D id you li ke school? it - he was probably thirsty. So ofcourse when joey
A o.definirclynot. Rob I know. I've had a great ti me, Je nny. gor home he was completely drun k! I rook him ro the
Presen ter Why? Jenny Me roo. lr's been rea lly special. Bur... vet t he next day, bur luckily he's fin e now.
A I didn't like most of the lessons-! was alwavs Rob Bur what?
bored, and I hated exams. And rhe wor r thing'of Je nny It won't be rhe sa me when you're in London 5 21>))
all was PE. W here I went to school we used to play
rugby. Ugh - ir was torture. and I'm here. I ris Hello Rosemary. I low arc you th is mor ning>
2 Presemer Did you like school? R ob But we'll still be in touch. You can visit me in Rosem a r y Hello lr i~. I'm fine t hanks. bur you'll
B I loved primary school, bur I didn't really like
secondan ••chool. London and I can come back here ro sec you. never guess what's happened. jack and Emma
Prescnt~r Why nor? Jen ny ltsrill won'rbethcsame.
B Well t he school was very big and it was sorr of Rob o. o. it won'r. have broken up!
cold and imper took me a very long ri me Je nny Maybe... I could come back ro London w ith Iris 1 o! Jack and Emma from number 36' T hat
before 1felt ar home there. nd I'm nor really
very academic. but the school was. \Ve used ro get vou? can't be rrue. l saw rhcm last week and rhcy looked
loads ofhomework which I hated. R~b You can't do t hat Jenny. You've jus r gor rh is
3 Presen ter Did vou like school? rea lly happy. ·
C Er.yes.l d id. ' job.
Presenter Why? Jenny That's rrue. Rosem a r y No, it 's definitely true. I heard them
C I was very curious about e\'cryrhing whe n R ob Well, we ~rill ha'e ~omc time togerher. \ e're shouting. T hey were having a terrible argument.
I was little. so I liked school because I lea rned
about new t hings. And ofcourse I used to ce my going out for d inner tonight! Iris 1o! When>
friends every day. The orhcr thing I loved was rhe Je nny Yes, and I'm going to ra ke you somewhe re
libr:try- tn)' school had a fa nrasric libra ry- ! e'·e n R osem a r y Last nighr. After be came home from
used to ray on t here after class just ro read. Oh really nice.
dear, I ound very goody-goody, bur ir's true! R o b Look at rhe t ime. I have ro go now; ir's my last work.
4 P resenter Did you like school?
D Not especially interview in ew York. I don't want to be late. Iris What did they say?
Pres e nter Why? Jenny OK. ce you later then. Rosemary Well. I wasn't really listening...
D It was a boys' school and I gor a bit fed up wirh R ob Bye.
just being with boys all the rime. Bar bara Jenny. is Rob here? I ris Ofcourse nor.
5 Presen ter Did you like school> Jenny Oh. you jusr missed h im . Barbara. Rose m a r y Bm I couldn't help hea ring. She was
E It was all right- some bits were better than Barbara I really need to talk to h im. I'll rry him on his
ot hers. ofcour c. The lessons I li ked depended talking so loud ly a nd of course the walls are very
very much on the reacher-so for exa mple physics cell phonc. llcllo, Rob? It 's Barbara. Can you give
and English were great. but chemistry and history me a call?T here's something I'd like to ralk about. thin.
were terrible. I generally liked s porr. cxcepr in the Iris So what did they s ay?
winter. I made some good fr iends ar ,chool, and 5 15>)) Rosemary Well. s he said she that was going ro sray
I' m still in touch with a few oft hem 30 years late r.
so Isuppose that 's po itive! Rob Jenny! with her mum! She rold h im t hat she would n't
6 Presenter Did you li ke school? Jenny Rob! I have somet hing to tell you.
F AcruaUy. l used to really love school. Lessons Rob I ha,·e ~om erhin g ro tell you too. You go first. come back.
were fin e, and I always did well wirhour having ro Jenny Well . I thought again about moving to Iris Ooh, how awful. \Vhar about rhe children?
work too hard. But the real reason I loved school Rosemary he said she'd taken them ro her sister. !
was because I had a very good social life. ! had London ...
lots offricnds and we used ro play foo tball in rhe Rob Bur you don't need to move ro London . suppose she'll rake them with her in the end. And
playground at lunchtime. I was ooe of the gang. I Jenny What?
felt rhar I belonged t here. I've never really felt li ke Rob Barbara ca lled me earlier. a nyway, then five minutes later Isaw her lea,•ing
that since then. Je nny What about ?
Rob She offered me a job. Her<.>. in New York! the house with a s uitcase!
5 11 >)) Jen ny W har?! Oh. rhar's great news. Iris 1o! Why do you think she's leaving him? Is he
R ob You don't seem very pleased.
And our last srory on today's News Hour is about a n Jenny I am , I mean , ir's grear! It's just t hat. seeing another woman?
incred ible coincidence. Have you C\'er put your name Rob W hat> Rosem a r y I do n't know. Ooh, here's my bus.
inro Googlc or Facebook to sec what comes up? Jenny I scm Barbara an email this morning.
One evening last April, an American woman. Kelly Rob And? Iris I mus t go and tell Mrs Jones at number 14.
Hildebrandt. did just that. She was feeling bored. Jenny I told her I was quitting. and moving to London. She always thought the re was someth ing...
~oshe pur her name imo Facebook. She has quire a n Rob Don't worry. Maybe s he hasn't read you r
unusual name, so she was amazed ro discover t hat omerhi ng strange about him...
there was another pe rson on Facebook wirh exacrly email ycr.
the same name and surname as her- but with one Jenny I'll call her. 5 22 >))
big difference. T he orher Kelly H ildebrandt was a Barba ra Hello. Barbara Kearon.
man, and he lived in Texas. Kelly senr h im a message Je nny Barba ra> lr's Jenny. Ja ck H i Emma. I'm back. Where arc you?
and t hey began to emai l each orher. Larer rhcy Barbara O h , hi Jen ny. Em ma I'm upstai rs in the bedroom. I'm packing.
starred to phone each orher every day. and fina lly Jenny Um. have you read your e mail recently? Jack Why? W here are you going?
Emma I'm going rosray with my mum.
T here's one from me. Jack W hat happened to he r?
Barbara Oh yes. Ican see ir. I haven't ope ned it yet. Emma She's had an accident . She fell over in rbe
Je nny Don'r open it! Delere it! Please just delete it.
street yeste rday and he's broken her leg.
I'll explain later. Jack Howawfui.Poor thing. halll goand make
Ba r bara O K. Ir'sgone. lsevcryrhingalrighr. Jen ny?
Je nny Ye , t hanks. Nc,·er better. you a cup ofrea?
Em ma T hat'd be lovely. T hanks darling.
5 19 >)) Jack How long do you think you' ll have to stay?
Emma I won't come back umil rhc weekend I don't
And fin ally o n ews Today here's a fu nny story to
cheer you up on a Monday morn ing. thi nk. I'll have ro ma ke s ure she's OK . I've take n
the childre n to my sis ter's for t he night and she'll
take t hem school tomorrow morni ng. Can you
pick t hem up after school?
Jack Ofcourse I can darling. ow don't worry
about anything. We'll be absolutely fi ne. Drink
your tea and l'll goandger your suirca e.
Emma Thanks. darling. The rax i' ll be here in five

Listening 125


lA word order in questions questions with be

questions with do/ does / did in present s imple and past simple question be s ubject adj ective, 1 4 l))
word noun, etc.
que>t;on wo<d Guxma<y ~ubject_ __.._i_n_finiti ve (=verb) 1 3 l))
Are yo u hu ngry?
~~o you live w ith your pa renrs? Is there a ba nk nca r here?
was thar noise?
Did you h ave a holiday last yea r? What are yo u from?
Where were you bo rn ?
Where does Iyou r !>istcr work?
W hen did you start studying E nglish?

W hat did th ey talk about?

• Use ASI (Au xiliary, Subject, Infi n itive) a nd QUASI (Questio n word, • Make questions w it h the verb be by invertin g the
Au xiliary, Subject, In finitive) to remember word o rder in questions. verb a nd the subject.
S he is a teach er. Is she a teache r?

18 present simple adverbs and e xpressions of frequency

I f you f we f tltey lt e f she f it 12 l)) We often go our on Friday nighr. 13 l))
l u ually work ar ho me. She doesn't usually srudy ar weeke nd
--~- - -- I'm never ill.
He's always late fo r work.
G Holly knows me very well. 2 She gets up ea rly every day.
We have English classes twice a week.
c:J T hey don 't live nca r here. lr does n't ofrcn rain he re.

[1] Do you speak French? Does Alice like jazz?

00 ----------~--------------------------

Yes. I do. f No. I don't. Yes. she does. fJ o. she does n 't .

• Use the present simple for t hi ngs you do every day f week / yea r, o r for We often use the present simple with adverbs o f
frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes,
things which a re generally t rue or always happen. hardly ever, never).
• Ad verbs of frequency go~ the main verb.
• Use don'tfdoesn't ro make negative sentences, and dofdoes to make questions.
• Adverbs offreq uency go after be.
spelling rules for the 3rd person -s (he, she, it) 1 She's never ill. N OT 5-h:mfl-never:
infinitive 3rd person spelling
j • Remembe r to use aGverb with never.
It never rains. NOT ft-doesn!tnetter-rain:
work works add-s
s tudy studies consonant + y > ies 2 Expressio ns of frequency (every day , once a week,
finish finishes add -es after ch, ce, ge, sh, etc.) usually go at the end ofa sentence.
go / do goes/ does
have has add -es

change to -s

lC present continuous: be + verb + -ing spelling rules for the -ingform

infinitive -ingform speiUng I

A \V hat a reyoudoing? 1 22 l)) cook cooking add -ing
study studying
B I'm sending a message ro Sa rah.

2 My brother is doing a rwo- mo nrh course in the UK. live living cut the final e and add -ing

3 In rhi s picture the woman is standing nca r the window. run running double the final consonant and

• Use the present continuous: present simple or present continuous?
I for thin gs rhar are happening now. ar rhis mo ment.
2 for temporary things that are happening now. this week, etc. A What do youdo? B lwork forMicrosofr. 1 23 l))
3 to describe a picture. A W hat a r e you doing? B I 'm checking my cmails.

you I we I they he / she/it • Use the present si mple for th ings t hat are generally t rue
or always happen.
G I'm working You 're working 1He 's working
G I'm not working We aren't working She isn't working • Use the prese nt co ntinuo us for a n action happenin g now
o r at this mo ment.
They It
• We norma lly use verbs which describe states o r feeli ngs
(1]00 Are you working? Yes, Iam. I No, I'm not. (non-action verbs), e.g. want, need, like, in the present
simple, not continuous.
Is he working? Yes, he is. I No, he isn't .


lA b Pur the word s in the right order to make
a Put the word or ph rase in the right place in the questio n.
you Iive whe re do ? Wh ere do you live?
How old a re you? (old) 1 you a do have car ?
1 Where do you from? (come) 2 o lder is brother your you tha n ?
2 W here the train statio n? (i ) 3 often he how to wr ite does you ?
3 How often you read magaz ine ? (do) 4 t his time start does what class ?
4 Where your friends fro m ? (are) 5 Braz il from is friend your ?
5 Why you w rite to me? (didn't) 6 languages how you many do speak ?
6 Do you often to t he cinema? (go) 7 she born where was ?
7 What this word mea n? (docs) 8 last go w here you su mmer d id ?
8 What time did a rri ve? (your friends) 9 father doctor yo ur is a ?
9 Does fin ish at 8.00? (the clas ) I0 come bus to you by school did ?
10 W here were born? (you)
~ p.S

18 b Put the words in the right order.

a Write sentences a nd questions 'vV ith the present s im ple. go cinema we often the to We often [JO to the
he I usually get up late G He usually eets up late. I always before go I before bed 11 .00 ro
2 ever her Kate see family ha rd ly
I Anna / like music [1] 3 Saturdays never shopping on go we
4 a to I dentist's year go tw ice the
2 my ister f have a lot ofhobbies G 5 in they brea kfa st t he omerime ga rden have
3 1/ get on very well with my parents G 6 usua lly morn ing the we the listen in radio to
4 my brother f study at university G 7 in day park every A lan the r uns
5 my neighbours f have any children G 8 after drink I coffee 4.00 never
9 often Jo hn to go doesn't cinema the
6 when / the film start [1] 10 visit I once my mo nth a mum

7 he f go out tw ice a wee k G ~ p.7
8 we f often talk about politics G
9 how often f you ema il you r brother [1]
I0 l f go o n Facebook very often G

lC b Complete th e sentences w it h t he present s imple or present
continuo us.
a W rite sente nces with the present
continuous. The girl in the painting i ~ the g ui tar. (play)

lt f ra in G lt isn 'trainin[J. I My dog's not da ngerous. He . (not bite)
Jo hn f wear a shirt today! G
2 It' hot. W hy f wea r a coat [1] 2 Why you ung lasses? It ! (wear. rain)
3 Anna f sit next to Jane roday G
4 Hey! You f stand on my foo t! G 3 You can turn off th e radio. I to it. (not li ten)
5 what boo k f you read [1] 4 to go to the bank . I any mo ney. (need, no t have)
6 we f think ofyou at the moment G
7 she f wea r make-up [1] 5 Be careful! The baby that pen in her mouth! (put)
8 th ey / make a big mistake G
9 your mother f ho p in town [1] 6 A you usually at weekends? (cook)
I0 she / live with her parents at the moment G B No, we normally o ut. (eat)

7 A What you here? (do)
BI for Emma. S he's late, as usua l. (wait)

8 I us ually drink tea, but I a coffee roday. (wa nt)

9 My sister __ from 9.00 to 5.00. She's a secretary. (work)

10 We in Pa ris, but we in Nice at the moment.

(Iive, stay)

~ p.B


2A past simple: regular and irregular verbs • Use the infinitive after did11 't for negatives and
Did...? for quest ions.
regular irregula r 1 36 l))
-~-- -- -- , ---------------- -- - -- -- -- ---- -------- --------- • Use AS I a nd Q UAS I to remember word order in
ques t ion s.
I Istayed with friends . We ro Brazil o n holiday.
we n t spelling rules for regular verbs -1

c:J I didn' t stay in a hotel. \Ve didn't go ro Sao Paolo . infinitive past spelling

[1] Did yo u stay for the weekend? Did you go to Rio? I

00 I Yes. I did . j No. we didn't. work worked add -ed
stay stayed

Wh [1] Where did you stay? Why did yo u go there? like liked add -d if verb finishes in e

• Use the past simple to talk about fi nished actions in the past. study studied y > ied after a consonant

• The form of the past simple is the same for all persons. stop stopped if verb finishes in
• To ma ke the past simple~ o f regul ar verbs add -ed. See the spell ing rules co ns o n a nt - vowel-
cons onant, double the final
in the cha rt. consonant
• Many common verbs are irregular in the~ past simple, e.g. go >went,

see> saw. See Irregular verbs p.l 64.

28 past continuous: was I were+ verb + -ing • Use the past continuous to describe an act ion
in prog ress at a specific moment in the past.
Ar 8.45 lasr Saturday I was working in my office. 1 39 l))
• We often use the past co ntinuo us to describe rhe
situation at the beginning ofa story or narrative.

I wasn't doing a nything important.

My friends were h aving breakfast. They weren't working. past s imple or past continuous?

A Was it r a ining when you got up? B o, it wasn't.

A What were you doing at II o'clock last night? B Iwas watching TV. I was working in my office when the 1 40 l))

boss walked in.

~ II He I She I It was working You I We I They were working I was having lunch when my sister arrived .

c:J II He I She I It wasn't working You I We I They weren't working • Use the past simple for a completed action in the past.
• Use the past continuous for an action in progress
(1]00 Was he working? Yes, he was. I No, he wasn't .
before or at the time of the past simple actio n.
Were t hey working? Yes, they were . I No, they weren't .

2C t ime sequencers connectors: because, so, but, although

O n o ur first date we went ro rhe cinema. After that we sta rred 1 46 l)) because a n d so
meeting every day.
S he was driving fast because she was in 1 47 l))
O n T hursday I had an argument w irh my boss. Next day I decided to look a hurry. (reason)
for a new job.
S he was in a hurry. so she was driving fasr. (result)
We sar down to ear. Two minutes later rhe pho ne ra ng.
When I came our of rhe club he was waiting for me. • Use because to express a reason.
The acc ide nt happened when I was crossing rhe road. • Use so to express a result.

• We use time sequencers to say when o r in what order th ings happe n. but and although
• We use whetl as a time sequencer and also to join two actions.
She tried to stop the ca r. but she hit the ma n. 1 48 l))
I was watchinB TV when the phone ranB. (two verbs joined by wfren) Althou gh she tried ro stop the car. he hit the man.
She was very tired. but she couldn't sleep.
p then, after that She couldn't sleep, a ltho u gh she wa very tired .

The most common way of linking consecutive actions is with then or • Use but a nd althouBh to show a contrast.
after that, but NOT with after, e .g. I got up and got dressed. Then I • AlthouBh can go at the beginning or in the middle
After that I made a cup of coffee. NOT After Imade-a etJfJ ef coffee.
of a senteDce.


2A b Complete the questio ns in the pas t simple.

a Put the verbs in brackets in the past imple. Where did you 80 on holiday last year?
We went to Va ncouver.
Two summers ago we hilii. (have) a holiday in 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good time?
Yes, we had a great time.
Scotl and . We 1 (drive) there from 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____ with?
I went with my fa mily.
London, but our car 2 (break) down 3 ______________________________ ?
We stayed in a hotel.
on the motorway a nd we 3 (spend) the 4 _ ____ the plane ticket __________?

first ni ght in Birmi ngha m. W hen we 4 (get) to Edi nburgh It cost £500.
5 - - - - -- - - - - the weather like?
we 5 (nor can) find a good hotel - they 6 (be) all fu ll.
It was ho t and sun ny.
We 7 (not know) what to do, but in the end we 8 (find) 6 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ at night?

a Bed and Breakfast and we 9 (stay) there fo r the week. We We went tO bars and restaurants. ~ p.l 3

10 (see) the castle, 11 (go) to the Ares Festival, and

we 12 (buy) a lo t ofsouvenirs. We 13 (wa nt) to go to

Loch ess, but we 14 (not have) much rime and it 15 (be)

quite fa r away. The weather 16 (not be) very good, and it

17 (start) rai ning the day we 18 (leave).

28 b Put the verbs into the past simple or past continuo us.

a Complete the sentences with a ve rb in the past S he~ when we were havinB dinner. (arrive, have)
continuou .
I my arm when I footba ll.
(break, play)

I was eatin&dinner, so I did n't answer the phone. (eat) 2 you fas t when the police
_____ you? (d rive, stop)
I took this photo when my wife in the

ga rden. (work) 3 It when we the pub. (snow, leave)
4 the match because l _____
2 He met his wife when he in Japa n. (li ve)
(not see, wo rk)
3 They for us when we arrived. (not wait) 5 When yo u _ _ ___ me, I _____ to my boss.

4 _____ she _____ a coat when she went out? (call, talk)
6 We _____ in Cambridge when we _ _ _ __
(study, meet)
5 The sun _____ when I left for work. (shine) 7 _____ they _____ in R ome when they

6 What you at 7.30 last night? (do) _ _ _ _ their fi rst baby? (live, have)

7 I when you gave the instructio ns.
(not listen)

8 We _ _ _ _ TV when you phoned. (not watch) ~ p. l4

2C b Complete the sentences with so, because, bu t:, or
a Put the sente nces in the r ight o rder.
We couldn't find a tax i, S.Q we wa lked ho me.
Da He told me he was a policema n and that they were
I it was very cold, she wasn't wearing a coat.
looking for a thief.
2 I woke up in the ni ght there was a noise.
Db Then another man tried to do the same .
3 1called him, his mobile was turned off.
c [JJ One day in 2011 I was standing in the queue fo r a bus.
4 she's very nice, she doesn't have many friends.
Dd ext day I read the story in a news paper.
De When the second man went in fro nt of me, I cold 5 There was noth ing o n TV, Iwent to bed.

him to go and stand in the queue. 6 All the cafes were fu ll it was a publ ic holiday.

Df A few seconds later, the first policeman got off the 7 She wanted tO be a doctOr, ______ she fai led her exams.

bus with a man. 8 The garden looked very beautiful, I took a

Dg Suddenly a man ran in from ofme and got on the bus. photograph.
Dh After that, a police car came and took the men away.
9 ______ the team played well, they didn't win.

~ p. l6


3A be going to

I' m going to \VOrk fo r an NG 0 . 57 >))

He's going to meet me at the airport.

2 I'm sure Engla nd are going to lose tomorrow.

it's going to rain tonight.

you I we I they he / she / it Use be Baing La+ infinitive to talk
about future plans or intentions.
El You He work for an NGO.
We 'regoingto She 'sgoingto 2 We use be goitlB to + infinitive to make
I'm going to They It a prediction when we know or can see
that something is going to happen.
G You He
We aren't going to She isn't going to work for an NGO. It's winter there so it 's BOinB to be cold.
I'm not going to They It Look at that ca r! It's BOinB to crash.


Are you going to work for an NGO? Yes, I am. I No, I'm not.
Is he going to work f or an NGO? Yes, he is. I No, he isn't .

38 present continuous (future arrangements) p be going to or present continuous?

E) I'm seeing a friend tonight. l 64 >)) We can often use either with no difference in meaning,
She's arriving at lunchtime. e.g. I'm going to see Anna on Tuesday. OR I'm seeing
Anna on Tuesday.
G She isn't leaving until Friday.
It's very common to use the present continuous with the
T hey aren't coming to the party. expressions tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, etc. and
with verbs describing t ravel arrangements, e.g. go, come,
l1J What are you doing this even ing? leave, arrive.

Is she meeting us at the restaurant? I'm leaving on Monday is more common t han I'm going to
leave on Monday.
• We often use the present continuous with a future meaning,
especially for future arrangements, i.e. for plan s we have made
at a fi xed time or place in the future. D on't use the present
simple for this. NOT §see somefi iend:s tonight.

3C defining relative clauses with who, which, where • Use defining relative clauses to explain what a
person, thing or place is or does.
A cook is a person who makes food. ~ 5 >))
That's th e wo man who won the lottery last yea r. • Use who for a person, which for a thing a nd where
A clock is some thing which tells the time. for a place.
Is that th e book which everybody's readi ng?
A post office is a place where you can buy stamps. p that
That's the restau rant where l had dinner last week.
You can use that instead of who or which.
She's the girl who I that works with my
It's a thing which I that connects two



3A b Look at the pictures. Make sentences w ith 8oin8 to+ a verb.
be (x2) love FaiFt
a Complete with 8oin8 to+ a verb.

be cook do get not go
learn not listen see stay

What film ~ you going to see to night?
_ ____ your s ister _ _ _ __

C hinese? It's goill(J to ·rai11. 2 Not that one. lt _____ too
2 You _____ in class 3 next year.

3 We camping next summer.
We in a hotel.

4 We a taxi to the airport.

5 I a wonderful meal tonight.

6 You can ta lk, but I to you.

7 What you when 1 We _____ late for work ! 3 You _____ thisbook!

you leave school? ~ p. 21

38 b Complete the dialogue between two flatmates.

a Read the sentences. Write N for now, F for future. A What areyou doing (d o)?

[f] I'm meeting Joe at two o'clock. B I1 (pack) my suitcase.

01 I'm living in a flat w ith two Swedish boys. A Why?
02 We're coming back o n Monday. B Because [ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ (fly) to Vienna at

03 She's moving to Canada soon. 8 o'clock tonight.

04 I'm waiting for the postman. A Oh, I didn't know. Why 3_ _ _ _ _ (go) to Vienna?
05 I'm reading a rea lly good book about science.
B [4 (see) the boss ofVTech
06 We're meeting Sally and James for lunch on
Solutions to mo rrow.
S und ay.
A Why s (meet) him?
07 Karl is arriving at 6 o'clock.
08 I'm studying for my maths exa m . B [6 (work) on a project for

him at the moment and l need to d iscuss it w ith him.

A Oh, well have a good trip!

~ p.23

3C b Write sentences w ith who, which , or where.

a Complete the de finitions with who, which , o r where. She f the woman / catch the same bus as me

A postman is the person ll!M brings yo u your letters. She's the woman who catches the same bus as me.

An octopus is an animal lives in the sea 1 That f the dog f always barks at night
and has eight legs.
2 A law nmower is a machine cuts the g rass. 2 That I the shop I rbought my wedding dress
3 A waiter is the person serves you in a cafe.
4 A changing room is a room 3 That f the actor f was in Glee
clo thes. people try on
4 They f the children / live next door to me
5 A porter is the person helps you with your
luggage. keeps vampires away. 5 This f the restaurant f they make great pizza
6 That f the switch f controls the air conditioning
6 Garlic is a kind of food 7 He f the teacher f teaches my sister
8 That f the room / we have our meetings
7 A ga rage is a place people fi x cars.
9 This/ the light / is broken

~ p. 24

lbffi(,]· -


4A present perfect yet , just, already

I've fini sh ed my homewo rk. B 2 16>)) A Have you done your homework yet ? 2 17>))
She's clea n ed the kitche n. o, sh e hasn 't . B o, nor yet . I haven't fin ished yet.
He hasn't d o ne the washing up. 2 My sister's just started a new job.
A H as sh e turned off he r pho ne? 3 A Do you want to see thi s fi lm?
B No, I've a lready seen it th ree ti me .
• We often use the present perfect to talk about the recent past, not sayi ng
exac tly when things hap pe ned. • We often useyet,just and already w it h the present
pe r fe ct.
• We often use the present perfect to give news. Useyet in[l] and [] sentences to ask if
Mary's had her baby! A parcel has arrivedfo ryou. something has happened or to say if ir has n't
happened. Put yet at t he end of the sentence.
full form contraction negative past participle 2 Usejust in 8 senten ces to say t hat something
happened very recently. Purj ust before t he
1have I've I haven't finished the exercise. mai n verb.
You have You've You haven't 3 Use already in 8 sente nces to say that
He I She I It has He I She I It's He I She I It hasn't someth ing happened before now or earlie r than
We have We've We haven't expected. Put already before the ma in verb.
They have They've They haven't

Have you finished the exercise? Yes, I have. I No, I haven't .
Has he done the homework? Yes, he has. I No, he hasn't .

• For regu lar verbs the past participle is the same as rhe past simple(+ -ed).
For irregul ar verbs the past participle is sometimes t he sa me as the past
simple (e.g. buy, bouBhL, bouBht) and sometimes different (e.g. do , did,
done). See Irregular verbs p. 164.

48 present perfect or past simple? (1) present perf ect or past simple?

A Have you eve r been to Mexico? 2 25 >))
B Yes, I h ave.
Have you ever bee n to a fa ncy dress party? 2 24 >)) A When did you go there?
S h e's s ee n that film twice. B I went last yea r.
I've neve r met ina's husband.
A H a veyou seen h is new film ?
• We ofteLl use the present perfect to ta lk about past experiences B Yes, I h ave.
in our lives when we don't specify a time. A W hat did you think of it?
B I loved it.
p been and gone
• Conversations often begin in the present perfect (with a
Compare the present perfect of be and go. general question) a nd then cha nge to the past sim ple ro ask for
t-1ike has been to Paris. =He went t o Paris and came back. or give specific details, e.g. IVhen, IV!tat, where, IVho IVith, etc.
t-1ike has gone to Paris. = He's in Paris now.

4C something, anything, nothing, etc. places

p eople 2 34 >)) 8 Let's go so mewhere th is weekend.

8 S omebody I Someo ne has taken my pen! G We didn 't go a nywh e re this summer.
G I didn't speak ro a nybo d y I a n yon e.
[1] Did a nybody I anyone phone? [1] Is the re a ny w h e re ro park?
0 o. nobody I no one. Nobo dy I No o ne phoned.
0 o, n owh e r e. There' n o whe r e tO pa rk.
• Use somebody I someone, somethinB, somewhere wi th a 8 verb
8 I bought some thing fo r din ner.
when you don't say exactly who, what, or where.
G Ididn't do anything at the weekend.
• Use anybody I anyone, anythinB, a1lywhere in questions or with
[1] Is there any thing in the fridge?
a [ J v er b.
0 o, nothing. T he re' nothing in rhe fridge. I didn't do anythinB last niBIJt. N OT +-didn't do nothing:

• Use nobody I no one, nothin8, no111here in short a nswers or in

sentences with a 8 verb.


4A b Write sente nces o r questio ns w ith already,just, o r yet.

a Write sentences in the present perfect. He f arrive. (aIready) He's already arrived.

He f clean the car G He's clea ned the car. I f have f breakfast. (j ust)
1 She f buy a new jacket G 2 f you f fi nish f your homework? (yet}
2 He f find a job yet G
3 f you speak to M r Jackson IT1 3 The film f start. (al ready)
4 We f find a fantastic hotel G
5 They f fini sh eatingG 4 1/ not meet f his girlfrie nd . (yet)
6 f you see Peter this morning IT1
7 f you do your homework this week IT1 5 They f get married. (just)
8 We f reply toM r Jo nes's email yet G 6 You're too late. He f go f home . (already)

7 f you speak f to him? (yet)

8 I f not read f his new book. (yet)

~ p.29

48 b Complete the dia logue with the present perfect or past
s i m p l e.

a Complete with the verb in the present p erfect. A Oh no! I~ th is film before! (see)

~you ~ the sho pping today? (do) B Really? When 1 it? (see)

1 you ever clothes from that shop? A 12 t o t h e c in em a i n M a r c h

(buy) and it was on then. (go)

2 I _ _ _ _ always _ _ _ _ a pair of designer B Oh, never mind. I 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the

shoes . (want) cin ema in ages. The last fi lm I 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 I the new paper today. (no t read) was Mamma Mia! (nor be, see)
4 We _ _ _ _ to rh e new sho pping centre yet. A S_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it? (e njoy)

(not be) B Of course! I 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it! (love)
5 your brother _ _ _ _ abroad all his
c Complete with been or Bone.
life? (live)
6 They _ _ __ to live in South America. (go) ' Wh ere's Ro b?' ' H e's~ to the football match.'
7 She _ _ _ _ befo re. (not fly)
8 James _ _ _ _ hi s gi rl friend's fami ly yet. (not meet} 1 T he kids aren't here. They've all out.
9 you in this restaurant before?
2 Have you ever to the swimm ing pool in
10 Jane _ _ _ _ to th e gy m -she'll be back in a n hour. tow n?

(go) 3 I haven't _ _ _ _ to Sue's new flat yet.

4 My sister has to teach in France.
5 Oh good. Dad's to the sho p - the fridge is full.

~ p.31

4C 7 I've bo ught you really nice fo r C hristmas!

8 I rang the doorbell, but a nswered.

a Complete with som et:hinB, anytlrinB, nothinB , etc. 9 We went shopping, but we didn't buy _ _ __

Are you doing anything tonight? 10 There's mo re expensive th an London!

I Did you meet last night? b Answer with Nobody, NoiVhere, o r No thinB.

2 phoned when you were out. T hey're going 1 Whatdid youdolastnight?
2 Where did you go yesterday?
to ca ll back later. 3 Who did you see?

3 I've seen your wallet , but I can't remember

4 There's interesting o n TV tonight. Let's go c Answer the q uest io ns in b with a fu ll sentence.

out. 1 I didn't do - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -
5 Did _ _ _ _ call while I was o ut? 3

6 Did you go exciting at the weekend?

~ p.32 tHrntlll lllll


SA comparatives comparative adjectives: irregular

My brother's o lde r t h a n me. ?) 40 l)) adjective comparative
good better
It's m o r e d a n gero u s to cycle th a n to drive. bad worse
far further
2 People walk m ore qu ickly tha n in t he past.

3 I' m less relaxed th is yea r th a n I was last year.

4 The service in this restaurant isn't as good as it was.

She doesn 't drive as fast as her brother. comparative adverbs: regular irregular

• To compare two people, places, things or actions use: quickly more quickly hard harder
1 comparative adjectives. slowly more slowly well better
2 comparative adverbs (for actions). badly worse
3 less +adjective or adverb.
p Comparatives with pronouns
4 (not) as+ adjective f adverb +as. After comparative+ than or we use an object
pronoun (me, her, etc.) or a subject pronoun + auxiliary
comparative adjectives: regular verb, e.g.

adjective comparative .J My brother's taller than me. My brother's taller than I am.
short shorter He's not as intelligent as her. He's not as intelligent as she is.
big bigger one syllable: add -er

busy busier one vowel + one consonant:
relaxed more relaxed double final consonant

consonant+ y: y+-ier

two or more syllables: more+

58 superlatives adjective comparative superlative
cold colder the coldest
It's the dirtiest city in Eu rope. ?.J 43 l)) hot hotter the hottest
pretty prettier the prettiest
It's the most popula r holiday destinatio n in t he world . beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
good better the best
2 It's the m ost bea utiful ci ty I've ever bee n to. bad worse the worst
far further the furthest
It's the b es t fi Im I've see n this year.

Use the +superlative adjective to say which is the biggest, etc. in a group.
• After superlatives we use in+ names of places or singular words for

groups of people, e.g.
It's the noisiest city in the world.
2 We often use the+ superlative adjective with the present perfect+ ever.

SC quantif iers enough

too much, too many, too Do you eat e no u gh vegetables? ~ 53 l))
1don 't drink e n o u gh water.
I'm stressed . ! have t oo much work. ~ 52 l)) 2 She doesn't sleep e n o u gh .
3 My fridge isn't big e n o u g h .
He ta lks too much. I don't go to bed early enou gh .

2 My diet is unhealthy. I eat too many cakes a nd sweets.

3 I don't want to go out. I'm too tired.

• Use too much, too many, too to say ' more than is good'. Use enough~ a noun to mean 'all that is necessary'.
1 Use too much+ uncountable noun (e.g. coffee, time) or after 2 Use e1wugh after a verb with no o bject.
a verb. 3 Use enough after an adjective or adverb.
2 Use too many +countable noun (e.g. cakes, people).
3 Use too+ adjective NOT I'm too much tired.


SA b Rewrite the sentences so they
mea n the sam e. Use as... as.
a Write entence with a compa rative adjective o r ad verb
+ than. James is stro nger tha n Clive.
C live isn't as strona as james.
ew York i more expensive than M iami . (expensive) 1 Adam is shorter than Jerry.
Jerry is n't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Modern computers a re much the early
2 Your bag is nicer than mine.
o nes. (fast) My bag isn't ______________ __

2 My sister is _ _ _ _ me. (tall) 3 Tokyo is bigger than Lo ndo n.
Londo n isn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
3 I'm this week last week. (busy)
4 Tennis is mo re po pular than cricket.
4 Newcastle is fro m Lo ndo n _ _ _ __ C ricket isn't -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Leeds. (far) 5 C hildren learn languages fa te r than adults.
Adults do n't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _
5 I thought the third Men in Black film was _ _ _ __
6 l work harder than you.
the fir t two. (bad) You do n't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6 Manchester United played _ _ _ _ Arsenal. (good) 7 Engla nd played better tha n France.
France didn't - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 T he French exam was the German. (hard)
~ p. 37
8 My new job is my old o ne. (bo ring)

9 My new apa rtment is my old o ne. (big)

10 I'm notlazy - 1just work you! (slo wly)

58 b Write sentences with a superlative +
ever + the present perfect.
a Complete the sentences with the su per lative.
It/ good fi lm / l /see
Is thi s the bi[J[JW city in the world? (big) It's the bestfilm /"ve ever seen.
1 It / hot country / I be to
l Thai are people I've ever met. (polite) 2 She/ un friendly person / I / meet
3 It / easy exam / he/ do
2 Ye terday was day ofthe yea r. (ho t} 4 They/ expensive tro users I I / buy

3 T his is time to drive to th e city. (bad) 5 It / long fi lm I I I watch
6 He I attractive m an / I / see
4 She's girl at school. (fr iendly)
7 lt J bad meai J I Jeat
5 T his i part of the exam. (impo rtant) 8 He/ interestin g teacher / I / have
9 lt / exciti ng job J we J do
6 time to visit ew E ngland is autumn . (good)
~ p. 38
7 Ulan Bator i o ne of cities in the world. (polluted)

8 I've ever flown is tO Bali. (fa r)

9 T hat's definitely film I've ever seen. (funny)

10 Rob's daughters are a ll pretty, but l think Emi ly is . (pretty)

sc b Comple te the sentences with too, too much, too many, or enou[Jh.

a@ the correct fo rm . You eat too much red meat. It isn't good fo r you.
1 I'm no t very fit. I don't do _ _ _ _ _ exercise.
H ow~ many milk do you drink?
2 I can't walk to school. It's fa r.

1 I eat too/ too II IIICir chocolate. 3 T here are _ __ _ _ cars o n the roads today.

2 I eat too muclr J t.oo many crisps. 4 I spend time on the computer - it gives me headaches.

3 I don't drink enOII[Jh water/ water e/IOII[Jh. 5 I do n't sleep -only five or ix hours, but I really

4 I can't come. I am too busy I too much busy. need eight.

5 You work too muclr / too many. 6 I was _ _ _ _ _ ill to go to wo rk yesterday.

6 I don't have eiiOli[Jh time/ time enou[Jh. 7 There were peo ple at the party, o it was impossible

7 Jdon~[JOOU teii OLIIJh len OU(Jh [JOOll ~ to da nce.

8 She's too lazy/ too much lazy. 8 I always have _ __ _ _ wo rk a nd not _ _ _ _ _ free time.

~ p.41


6A will I won't (predictions) • We ofte n use will f won't +i n finitive for future
predictions, i.e. to say things we think, guess or
A I'm seeing Ja ne at six. B She'll be late. 3 4>)) know about the future.

T he fi lm's in French. We won' t understand anyth ing. • We often use I think Jl don't thir1k + will.

It's a great book. T'm sure you ' ll like it. I think he'llJail the exam. I don't think he'll pass
the exa m. NOT } thi11k he--wcni tpas>.
I don't think it' ll rain tomorrow.
p be going to for predictions
[±] G
We can also use be going to to predict
I1/ You / He / She / I1/ You / He / She / something you know or can see is going to
It/ We I They 'll be late. It I We I They won't be late. happen (see 3A), e.g.
Look at the clouds. It 's going to rain.
Contraction s: 'II = will; won't = will not They're playing very we ll. I'm sure they're
going to win.
rn 0 0

1/ you / 1/ you / 1/ you /

Will he / she / be late? Yes, he / she / w ill. No, he / she / won't .
it/we / it/we / it/we /

they they they

68 will I won't (decisions, offers, promises) • Use will f won't +in finitive fo r mak ing decisions,
o ffering a nd pro mising.
decisio ns 3 11 >)) I' ll help you with those bags. NOT 1-lt:elpycnt:
l won't stay for din ner. I thin k I'll go ho me early.
• W hen a n offer is a question, we use S hall/. ..? or
offers Shall I open the w indow? Shall we.. .?
I' ll help you w it h your homework. S h all I pay? S hall we do the washin{J-IIp?

prom ises I won't tell a nybody.
I' ll always love you.

6C review of tenses: present, past and future

tense example use ·~ 19 >))
present sim ple I live in the city centre. thin gs t ha t happen always o r usually
present continuous She doesn't smoke.
past sim ple He's looking for a new jo b. t hi ngs th at are happe ning now or in t he near future
past continuous I'm leaving tomo rrow. t hin gs th at we have arra nged fo r t he future
be lJO inB to+ in fin itive We saw a good fi lm last night. fi nished actio ns in t he past
will f won't + infi nit ive We didn't do a nyt h ing yesterday.
He was working in Pa ris. actio ns th at were in progress at a past time
present pe rfec t W hat were you doing at 7.00?
I' m going to see Tom tonight. future pla ns
Look! It's goin g to rain. pred ictio ns when we know Jcan see what's going to ha ppen
Yo u'll love ew York. predictions
I' ll phone her later. insta nt decisions
I'll h elp you. ofFe rs
I'll pay you back to morrow. pro mises
I've finished the book. recently fi n ished actio ns (we don't say when)
Have you ever been to Ira n? past ex periences


6A b Complete with will+ a verb fro m the lis t .

a Wri te sentences and questio ns w ith will / won't. Use ee (2) get like pass snow
contractions where you can .
A Do you th ink the traffic ~ bad?
EJ it f be easy to pa s It won't be easy to pass.
B o, because it's a ho iiday today.
L El I think they f lose the march
2 [1] the meeting f be long A Do you like this band?
3 E1 she f get the jo b - she's not qualified
4 [1] you f see him at work later B Yes, I think they famous o ne day.
5 El I don't want to go. it f be impossible to park
6 E1 you / li ke that book 2 A Is th is a good film.

7 EJ I think she / love the present I bought her B Ye , I'm ure you it.
8 E1 there f bea lotof traffic inthe mo rnin g
9 EJ you f find a good job, I'm sure 3 A Do you think it ?
10 El everythin g f be OK , o there's no need to worry
B o, it's not cold enough.

4 A What do you think I for C hristm as?

B I don't know. What d id you ask fo r?

5 A I'm o worr ied about the exa m!

B Do n't worry. I'm su re you _ _ _ __ ~ p.44

68 A I can't do this crossword .

B you?

a Match the sentences. 2 A It's a secret.
B I anyo ne, I promise.
It's hot in here. [Q] A I'll help you to do it.
B Sha ll I m ake you a sa ndw ich? 3 A When wi ll I hear from you aga in?
01 I'm thirsty. C Sha ll I ca rry o ne for you? B I _ _ ____ you tonight.
02 I have a headache. D l' lllend you some mo ney.
E I'll buy some o n my way ho me. 4 A Can I borrow €50?
03 T his exercise is hard. F I' ll send it by em ail now.
04 I'm hungry. G S ha lll open the window? B When you me back?
05 These bag are heavy. H S ha ll I turn off the music?
06 I left my waller at hom e. l I'll get you a glass of water. 5 A It's my birthday next week.
B Don't wo rry. ! _ _ _ __
07 I need that photo urgently.
6 A I feel ill. you ho me?
08 We haven't got any milk. B

7 A This chocolate you bought isn't very nice.

b Complete the sentences with will / won't (or shall)+ a ve rb. B Yes, I know. I it again.

buy call forget get Ra\le help pay t ake tell 8 A These shoes are too sma ll.
B I a bigger pair fo r you, mada m.

A W hat would you like? B I~ the fi sh. ~ p.46

6C b Put the verb in the right form.

a Complete the questions wi th o ne word . A W hat are we doing ronighr?(do)

B We 1 dinner w ith Jack and Mary. (have)

Where d.Qyouusually have lunch? A But we 2 dinner wi th the m last week! (have)

I didn't see you at work last week. ~you ill? B Yes, but they 3 to tell us some good news. (wa nt)

I you often remember your dream s? A O h,OKthen. 4 ! ___ _ __ _

2 you listen to the match o n the radio last ni ght? some champagne? (buy)

3 Who do you thin k win the election next yea r? B It's 8 o'clock! Where 5 you ? (be)

4 _ ___ your bro ther like rock mu sic? A I'm sorry. When I 6 home I

5 What you goi ng to watch o n TV ton ig ht? 7 to buy the cham pagne. And then I

6 it snowing when you left? a Mark in the shop .. . (walk , stop, see)

7 Were you at the pa rty last ni ght? I _ ___ see you. B Well, hurry up. We 9 late! (be)

8 you been to the superm arket? A It's OK. [ 10 a taxi and I'll be

9 _ _ __ the film finished yet? ready in five minutes. (a lready o rder)

~ p.49



7A uses of the infinitive with to • T he in fini tive is the base form of the verb. It is often used w ith to. Tt can
be posit ive (e.g. to be) or negat ive (e.g. not to be).
I need to buy so me new clothes. 3 24 >))
• Use the in finit ive with to:
Try not to talk about politics. I after some verbs, e.g. wallt, need, would like, etc. See Verb forms p.JSB.

2 It'll be nice to meet your parents. 2 after adject ives.

It's important not to be late. 3 after question words, e.g. what, where, when, etc.

3 I don"t know where to go or what to do. 4 to say why you do someth ing.

4 A W hy di d yo u go to the pa rty? 1came to this school to learn E118lish. NOT f01 learrt Englislt.

B To meet new people. p Infinitive without to

I we nt to the pa rty to meet new people. Remember that we use the inf initive without to after auxiliary verbs
(do I does I didn't) and after most modal verbs (can, could, will,
would, etc.), e.g. Do you li ve near here? Can you help me? I won't
f orget Wha t would you do?

78 uses of the gerund (verb + -ing) • T he gerund is the base fo rm of the verb+ can be positive
(e.g. BoinB) or negative (e.g. not BoinB)-
Eating outside in the sum mer makes me feel good. 3 28 >))
My idea of happiness is getting up late a nd • Use t he gerund:
not going to work. l as the subject o r object of a sentence.
2 I love reading in bed. 2 afte r some verbs, e.g. like, love, hate, enjoy, etc. See Verb
I hate not getting to th e airport ea rly. form s p.l 58.
3 l'm t hinkin gof buying a newcar. 3 afte r p repositions.
He left wi tho ut saying goodbye.
• Remember the spelling rules for the -inB fo rm. See l C p.l 26.

7C have to, don't have to, must, mustn't • Use must+ verb (i nfini t ive without to) to talk about
ru les a nd obligation s.
have to, don't have to
• must I mustll't is t he sa me for all persons.
G I have to get up at even every day. 3 4 >))
• Use mustn't+ verb (infin itive w ithout to) to say
She h as to pea k English at work. something is prohibited.

G We don't have to wea r a uniform at th is school. p must and have t o

He doesn't have to work on Saturdays. fvlust and have to are ver_y similar, but there is a
small difference. We normally use have to for a
[1] Do I have to buy a gramma r book? general obligation (a rule at work I school or a law).
We normally use must for a personal obligat ion
What time does she have to get up in t he morning? (one that the speaker imposes), e.g. a teacher t o
student s or a parent t o a child. But often you can
• Use have to + verb (i nfinitive) to talk about rules and obligations. use either must or have to.

• Use do rt't have to+ verb (i nfin itive) to say t hat there is no obligatio n , must n't and don't have to
or that someth ing is not necessa ry. Must n't and don't have to have completely
different meanings. Compare:
• Use do I does to make question s and negatives. Do I have to 80? You mustn't go. = It's prohibit ed. Don't go.
You don't have t o go. =You can go if you want to,
NOT Have-1-to-go? but it's not obligatory I necessary.

• Don't contract have or lras. I have to 80- NOT f!tle-t-o--go: Impersonal you
We often use have to and must with impersonal
must I mustn't 3 35 >)) you (you =people in general), e.g.
You have to wear a seatbelt in a car. You mustn't
G You must do your homework ton ight. take photos in the museum.

She must t idy her room before she goes out.

G You mustn't leave you r bags here.

I mustn't forget to call her ton ight.
(mustn't =must not)
[1] Must I buy a gram mar book?
W he n must we register for the exa m?


7A b Complete the sentences w ith a po iti ve o r negati ve infinitive .

a Match the entence ha lves. do not drive go have learn look for not make meet

Be ready [ID I'm pla nnin g~a party next week.

0I Doweneed A Hi , I'm Do natella .
B I'm Renee. ice _ _ _ _ _ _ you.
D2 In so me countries it's impo rtant
D3 l know you're tired, but try 2 What do you want ___ to ni ght?
04 We were late, so Si mon offered
3 I need ______ to the shop. I do n't have any bread or milk.
05 It's difficu lt
4 Try a noise. Your father's asleep.
A to give u a lift to t he station.
5 I'd rea lly li ke how to d rive.
B to show yoor passport at check·in.
6 Be careful too fa st on the way ho me- the roads
C not to fo rget people's na mes in a big class.
D to dress cor rectly in public. a re icy.
E to buy some do llars at the airpo rt?
F not to fa ll a leep during the film! 7 He's d ecided _______ a new job.

~ p. 53

78 b Put the verbs in the -illB form or in finitive.

a Complete the sentences wit h a verb in the list in the -inB form. I like listenina to the radio in the
mornings. (listen)
be do practise remember study swim teach text travel
_ _ _ __ Pilates i good for your
I really enjoy d!lin& exercise. It makes me feel great! health. (do)
2 We've decided _____ a holiday this
I One t hing th at always makes me happy is in the sea. yea r. (not have)
3 We won't take the ca r. It's impossible
2 Yo u ca n't lea rn to play a musical instr ument well without _ _ _ _. (pa rk)
_ _ _ _ regula rly.

3 My mother's very bad at names. 4 I'm not very good at map . (read)

4 _____ teenagers is very ha rd work. 5 You can borrow the ca r ifyou promise
_ _ _ _ slow ly. (d rive)
5 My sister s pends ho urs on the p hone _____ her friends.

6 I hate __ the first to arrive at parties. 6 H as it stopped ? (rain)

7 _____ by train is usually cheaper than by plane. 7 I don't mind , but I don't like
8 I 'll go o n _ __ for as long as I ca n - I love being a student!
_ _ _ _ the washi ng-up. (cook , do)

8 I hate early in t he mornin g. (get up)

~ p.54

7C b ~ the correct fo rm, have to I must, don't have to, o r

a Complete the sentences with the correct form ofhave to. mustn't. Tick ./ if both forms a re po sible .

I don't have to go to school on Saturdays 0 We~/ mustn't go to work next week. It's

1 Jan ice ____ study very hard- she has exam s soon . a ho liday.

2 You _ _ wear a uniform to be a po licema n. 01 You don't have to f mustn't touch the oven. It's hot.
02 Do you have to f must send a photo w ith your
3 your s ister go to Lo ndo n for her
passport fo rm?
job interview?
03 The concert is free. You don't have to f mustn't pay.
4 You ____ wear a unifo rm ifyou are a policeman.
D4 I'm late for a meeting. I have to I must go now.
5 We get up ea rly to mor row. Our flig ht leaves
05 You don't have to f mustn't leave the door open- the
at 6.30.
dog will get out.
6 Harry ____ work today- his shop is closed.
D6 We have to f must try th at new restaurant in tow n.
7 I go now. It's very late. 07 In Britain you have to f must drive o n t he left.
8 we go to bed? It's only 10 o 'clock!
D8 Do you have to fMust y ou be ta ll to be good at tennis?

~ p.56 IJjm<·'• IIIII


SA should I shouldn't • Use should f shouldn't +verb (in finitive w ithout to) to give

You shou ld wea r a suit to the interview. 3 47 >)) somebody advice or say what you th in k is the right thing to do.

r t hin k you shou ld cha nge your job. • should/ shouldn't is the sa me fo r a ll persons.
rdon't t h ink you should spea k to her.
• We often use I think you should.. . or f don't thinkyou should ...
He's very st ressed. He shou ldn' t work so ha rd . N 0 T +titmk-y<m-sltool:drr!t·:-:-c

You shou ldn' t d rink cofFee in the eveni ng. It'll keep you awake. p oughtto

You can also use ought to I ought not to instead of
should I shouldn't, e.g.
You ought to wear a suit. He ought not to work so hard.

88 first condit ional: if+ present, will I won't Use if+ present to ta lk about a possible situation and will /
won't +verb to talk about t he consequence.
If I miss t he last bus, 1'll get a taxi. 4 2 >))
Ifyou tell her the truth , she won't believe you. 2 The if-clause can come first or second. if t he if-clause comes
W hat will you do ifhe doesn 't call you? first, we usually pu t a comma before the next clause.
2 Ifyou don't go, she won't be ve ry pleased.
She won't be very pleased ifyou don' t go. 3 You can also use t he imperative or can +infinitive instead of
3 Ifyou miss the last bus, get a ta xi. will+ in fi niti ve in the other cla use.
Ifyou miss the last bus, you can get a ta xi.

If I miss the last bus, I'll get a t axi.

BC possess1ve pronouns • D o n't use possessive pro nouns w it h a noun. NOT It's mine book.
• Do n't use the w it h possessive prono uns, e.g. Ts thisyours? NOT ls this theyo urs?
W hose coat is it? It's my coat. 4 12 >))
It's m ine. pronouns and possessive adjectives overview

W hose jacke t is it? It's your jacket. subject object possessive lpossessive
It's your s.
pronouns ..p;r_on-o-un-s. - - - adjectives pronouns
W hose phone is it? It's his phone. It 's mine.
It's his. can come. She loves me. This is my seat.
your yours
Whose bag is it? Tt's her bag. Tt's hers. -----4~--------- his
W hose dog is it? It's our do g. Tt's ours. hers
W hose house is it? It's t heir house. You you its
It's theirs. He him his theirs

• Use possessive pronouns to ta lk about She her her
possession. /s it y ours? Yes, it's mine.
It it its
• Use W hose to ask about possession.
Whose book is it? Whose is that bag? We us our

They them their


SA b Comple te the sentences with should or shouldn't+ a

verb in the list.

a Complete w ith should o r drive have go leave relax spend study walk wear

You sillm.1d sto p smoking. We should lea ve early. It's going to start snow ing soon.

1 You work really Yo u a scarf. It's really cold today.

long hours every day. 2 I ____ th is afternoon. I have a n exam tomorrow.

2 Yo u lose a bit of weight. 3 You alo ne in that part of rhe city. Get a taxi.

3 You eat more fruit a nd vegetables. 4 She more. She's very stressed.

4 You put so much sugarin your coffee. 5 You so fast at n ight - the roads are d a ngerous.

5 You _ ____ start doing some exercise. 6 You to bed . You look tired.

6 You drink less a lco ho l. 7 Parents more time with thei r child ren.

7 You drink mo re wa te r. 8 We a break yet-weonly started work at 10.00.

8 You go to bed so late. -< p.61

88 b Complete with the co rrect form o f the verbs.

a Match the sentence halve . If we S1fJL1 wa lki ng, t he bus will come. (sta rr, come)

If you leave n ow, [Q 1 If you me your secret, I anybody else. (tell, not tell)

DI T he ticket wi ll be cheaper 2 If I it down, I it. (not write, not remember)
D2 lfl do n't see you th is afternoon,
3 you me if you a ny news? (call, get)
D3 You'll learn more quickly
4 She you ifyou her nicely. (help, ask)
D4 If you get that new job,
5 I you if I from A lex. ( phone, hea r)
D5 You won't pass your driving test
D6 If I lend you th is book, 6 Yo u you rfrieod s if yo u to Pa r is . (miss, move)

A if you do n't have e no ugh lesson s. 7 If you carefully, you everything.
B wi II you give it back to me soo n?
C yott4:1-eateh-the-&eB-tra·tn: (listen, understand)
0 ifyou travel a fter 9.00.
E ifyou come to every class. 8 The boss very pleased if you late for work.
F will you earn mo re money?
G I'Ll call you this eveni n g. (not be, be)

9 I you home ifyou me d irections. (drive,give)

-< p.62

ac b Com plete the sentences with a pronoun or possessive adjective.

aQ the correct form. This isn't my coffee, it's yours. Where's~?

Whose car is that? It's her /~ A Is that her car?

I This isn't my f mine pen, it's Susan's. B No, it's he r boyfriend's. is a white Pe ugeot.

2 Maya has a new boyfriend, but I haven't met yet.

2 I t hi nk this book is your / yours. 3 Look. Here's a p hoto of Alex a nd Kim with new baby.

3 This isn't your su itcase, it's ours four. 4 We've fi n ished pay ing for o ur ho use, so it' now.

4 Where's Ma ry? I t hin k these are her f hers gloves. 5 These are our tickets. Can you give Maria and

5 These keys are mine I the rnine. Marta ?

6 T hey showed us all theirs/ their holiday 6 We're very lucky. Our parents bought this dog fo r _ _ __

photographs. 7 We both love gardening. Would you like to see _ _ __

7 These seats are theirs I their, not ours. We're over garden?

there. 8 London is famous for parks.

8 ls thisyourslyou rbag? -< p.65

9 This isn't my jacket. It's her I hen.


9A second conditional: if+ past, would I wouldn't p be in second conditionals

Ifa bu ll attacked me, I'd run away. 4 16>)) Wit h t he verb be you can use were (instead of
was) after I I he I she I it, e.g.
Ifyou didn't go to bed so late, you wouldn't be so tired in the morning. If Jack was I were here, he'd know what to do.

Would you take the manager's job if rhey offered it to yo u? Use were (not was) in the expression If I were
you, ...
2 If ! had more time I'd do more exercise. We often use t his expression for advice,
e.g. if I were you, I wouldn't take that job.
I'd do more exercise ifl had more rime.
first or second conditional?
3 If we went by car, we could stop at places o n rhe way.
Compare the firs t and second conditiona ls.
Use if+ past ro talk about an imagina ry or hypothetical futu re situation • Use the firs t conditio nal for possible future

a nd would f wouldn't +verb to talk ab out t he consequence. s it u a t i o n s .
• would f wouldn't is t he same for all persons. If! don't have to work tomorrow, I'll help you.
• Contractions: 'd = would (l'd,you'd, he'd, etc.); wouldn't = would not. (= It's a possibility. Maybe I w ill help you.)
2 The if-clause ca n come first or second. If t he if-clause comes first, we • Use t he second conditiona l for imaginary or
hy pothetical situations.
usually put a com ma before th e next clause.
3 You ca n also use could+ infi nitive in stead ofwould+ in finitive in the IfI didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd help you.

other clause. (=It's a hypothetical situation. I have to work, so l
can't help you.)

98 present perfect + for or since • Use t he present perfec t +f or or since to talk about actions a nd states which
sta rted in the past a nd are still true now.
A W he re do yo u live now? f4 21 >)) I've lived in Manchesterfor twenty years. =I came to live in Ma nchester twenty
years ago a nd I live in Manchester now.
B In Manchester.
• Don't use the present simple in th is type ofsentence, e.g. NOT ·~
A How long have you lived there?
B I've lived the re for twenty years.
• Use How long ..? to ask questions about the duration of an action or a state.
A W here do you work?
B In a primary school. for or since?
A How long have you worked there? • Usefor + a period of time, e .g.for two weeks,for tenyea rs,for a lon8 time, etc.
B I've worked there si nce 2005.
I've had this carfor three months.
• Use since with the beginning of a period ofti me, e.g. since 1980, since lastJune, etc.

I've been afraid ofspiders si n ce I was a child.

9C present perfect or past simple? (2) Use the past s imple to talk about a fi nished period of time in
the past.
1 A H ow long was Bob Ma rl ey a musicia n? 4 28 >)) 2 Use the present perfe ct to talk about a period of time from
B He was a musician for t wenty yea rs. the past until now.
A How ma ny Grammys did he win ?
B He didn't win a ny. • Compare the past simple and present perfect.
Jack was marriedfor ten years.= Jack is not married now. He's
2 A H ow long has Z iggy Ma rley been a musician? divorced or dead.
B He's been a musicia n since he was ten. Jack has been marriedfo r ten years. =Jack is married now.
A H ow many G rammys has he won ?
B He's won four.


9A b Complete with the correct form of the ve rbs.

a Match the sente nce ha lve . If I.Jrumd a good job, [would nwve to the USA. (find, move)

You'd feel much better C1] 1 We the house if it a garden. (buy, have)

DI I'd enjoy the weekend more 2 lfyou Tndianfood , l'msureyou it. (try, like)

D2 Ifit's sunny tomorrow, 3 You mo re if you harder. (learn , work)
D3 Would you wea r it
D4 If we learned Portuguese, 4 lf we a car, we d r ive up to the mo untains. (rent, can)
D5 I wouldn't work
5 We o ur son mo re often if he nearer. (see, live)
D6 If I went to live in London,
6 to that restaurant if I you - it's very ex pensive.
A if yoo did SOI]Je exer c ise.
B would you come to visit me? (no t go, be)
C if l boughtitfor you?
0 we could go to the beach. 7 I you to the ai rpo rt if my mum ____ the car.
E ifl d idn't have to work on Saturd ay.
F we could go and work in Brazil. (take, not have)
G ifl didn't need the mo ney.
8 [quite like cycling, but 1 to wo rk if I ____ a car.

(not cycle, have)

9 you ____ your country ifyou _ ___ a well-paid job

abroad? (leave, get)

10 Llove living here. [ ____ hap py ifl _ _ _ _ leave. (not be, have to)

-< p.68

98 b Answer the quest io ns in a. Use the present perfect +
for or since.
a Write questio ns w ith How lonfj a nd the present perfect.
I've been married for 20 years.
you f be married How long haveyou been married? 1 ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( was a child.

1 you f be frightened ofclow ns _ _ _ _ _____? 2 She - - - - -- - - - - - - - - three yea rs.
2 your sister f have her car - - - - - - -- - - -? 3 I _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ______ a long time.
4 He _____________________________ 1990.
3 yo u / li ve here _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
5 ! _____ _______________________ May.
4 your dad f be a teacher ___________?
6 It 1973.
5 you f know your boyfriend - - - -- - -----? 7 We about two yea rs.
8 He 2008. <II( p.71
6 Britain / be in the EU ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

7 you f have your cat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _?
8 he f work fo r the same company _ _ _ _____ ?

9C b Complete w ith the present perfect or past simple.

a@ the correct fo rm. 1 A Where does Rob live now?

She is f~ single since last summer. BIn M adrid .

A How lo ng there? (he / live)

I f-Ie lef t f He has left school two years ago. B For th ree months. He there in

2 / lived f l've lived in Cardifffo r two yea rs, but then I September. (move)

moved to Swansea. 2 A When ______ ? (Picasso f die)

3 She lives f She's lived in Florida since 2010. BIn 1977, in Paris I th ink.

4 My sister had f My sister has had her baby yesterday! A How lo ng in France? (he / live).

5 I work in an office. I work / I've worked there for 20 yea rs. B For a lo ng time. He Spain when he

6 The city chanBed fThe city has c!JanBed a lot since I was a was 25. (leave)

child . 3 A My bro ther and his wife get o n ver y well.

7 T hey're divorced now. They were f They have been B How lo ng m arried? (t hey / be)

marr ied fo r ten yea rs. A They marr ied since 1995. They ____

8 I met / I've met Sandra when I was / have been at at university. (be, meet)

uni vers ity. B Really? that in Paris? (be)

-< p.72


lOA passive: be+ past participle • You can often say things in two ways, in the active or in the passive.
Josephine Cochrane in vented the dishwash er. (active)
Present: am I is I are +pa st participle 4 38 >)) The dishwasher was invented by josephine Cochrane. (passive)

[II Kevla r is used ro make bul let-proof vests. • In the active sentence, the foc us is more on Josephine
Coch rane.
G T ippex isn't used very much today.
• In the passive sentence the foc us is more o n the dishwasher.
[1] Are disposable nappies used all over the worl d? • You ca n also use th e passive when it isn't known or isn't

Past: was I were + past p a r t iciple importa nt who does or d id the action.
My ca r was stolen last week.
[II T he d ishwashe r was invented by Jose ph ine Coch ra ne. Volvo cars are m ade in Sweden.
• Use by to say who d id the action.
G Windsc reen wipers were n't in vented unt il 1903. T he Lord of the Rings was written by Tolkien.

[1] When was t he wash ing mach ine inve nted?

lOB used to I didn't use to p used to or usually?

G W he n I wa a child, I used to play in t he st reet. 4 43 >)) used to only exists in the past.

My brothe r used to have very lo ng hair. For habits in the present, use usually+
present simple, NOT use-te
G C hi ld ren didn't use to watch much TV when my fat he r was young.
I usually cook in the evenings.
My daughter didn't use to like vegetables, but now she loves t hem. NOT I use-to-eook in the evefliFJgs.

[1] Did you use to wea r a unifo rm at school? Yes, I d id.

Did you use to like your teache rs? o, I did n't.

• Use used to I didn't use to+ verb to ta lk about thin gs that ha ppe ned

repeatedly or were true fo r a lo ng period o f time in t he past, but are
usually not true now, e.g. th ings th at ha ppened when you were a ch ild.

• used to I did11.'t use to is the sa me for all persons.

• Instead ofused to you ca n use the past simple with a n adverb of freque ncy.

W hen / was a child, I often p layed itt the street.

lOC might I might not (possibility) p may I may not

We might have a picn ic romorrow, but it depe nds o n the weathe r. 4 SO l)) You can also use may instead of might for
She might come with us. but she's not su re yet. possibility, e.g.
I might not go to the pa rry. I haven't decided yet.
You mig ht not sec hi m today. He's comin g ho me late. We may have a picnic tomorrow.

I may not go t o the party.

• Use might I might not+ verb (infinitive without to) to say that perhaps

you wi ll or won't do something.

We m iBht have a picnic tomorrow.= Pe rhaps we w ill have a picnic tomo rrow.

• m iBht I might 110t is the sa me fo r all persons.

• miBht not is no t usually contracted.


lOA b Rew rite the sentences in the passive, beginning

a Complete w ith present o r past passive. w ith the highlighted word s.

The E iffel Tower was comp leted in 1889. (complete) Shakespeare w rote Hamlet in 1603.
Hamlet was written by S hakespeare in 1603.
Many o f the things we use every d ay ____ by Jo natha n lve desig ned the iPod and the iPhone.
2 Most Medi terranea n countries pro duce olive oil.
women . (i nvent) 3 Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.
4 Ba rry Sonnenfeld directed the M en ir1 B1ack
2 In the UK most child ren in state schools. (educate) f i l m s.
5 D av id Hackney pain ted Mr and Mrs Cla rk and
3 Australia by Cap ta in Cook in 1770 . (discover) Percy in 1970-1 97 1.
6 Elvis Presley didn't w rite Blue Suede Shoes.
4 T his morning I u p by the neighbo ur 's dog. (wake) 7 JK Rawling w ro te the Harry Potter boo ks.
8 They m ake Daihatsu car s in Japan.
5 Cricket in the summer in t he UK. (play)
-< p.76
6 T he songs o n this album last year. (record)

7 Nowadays a lot of toys in C hina. (make)

8 Carols a re songs which at C hristmas. (sing)

9 These birds in no rthern Eu rope. (no t usua lly see)

10 ' Ro me in a d ay.' {no t build)

lOB b M a ke sentences with used to, didn't use to, o r

a Look at how Jo hn has changed. Write five sentences abo ut did .. . use to?
how he was IN THE PAST.
Ill you I have lo ng hair
He used to be slim.
1 _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ lo ng hair. Didyou use to have lonB hair?
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ glasses.
3 _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __________ a beard. I G my sister I hate maths, but she loves it now
4 football 2 Ill where I you I work
5 a tie.
3 G I I like vegetables when I was a child

rn4 what 1you 1do in the summer holidays when

you were young

5 G The Brit ish I drink a lot ofcoffee
6 G this b uildin g I be a cinema
7 Ill your bro ther I teach here
8 G I I be a Manchester United fan
9 Ill Jeff I have a m oto rbike
10 G teleg ram s I be a way ofsending important


-< p.79

lOC b Complete the sentences w ith miBht +a verb

a Match the sentences. phrase.

Take some sun cream . [QJ A You might fa ll. be cold be ill be in a meet ing ge-te-t:Ae-eiRema
B lt may not be your size. not have time not like it have fish and chips
0Let's buy a l.o ttery ticket. C We migh t get lost.
02 Phone the restaurant. 0 It 111ight be really suuny. I'm not sure w hat to do to n ight. I might go to
03 Do n't sta nd on the wall. E We may not have eno ugh money. the cinema.
04 Let's take a map. F You might cut yourself. 1 K im wasn't at school tod ay. She _ _ __
G It m ay be closed o n Sundays. 2 His pho ne is t urned off. He _ __ _ __
05 Try the shirt on. H We mi ght win . 3 It's an unusual book. You _ __ __ __
I I may be late. 4 I don't know if l'll finish it. ! _ _ __ _ _
06 Don't wait for me. 5 f'm not sure w hat to o rder. I _ __ _ _ _
6 Take a jacket. It - - - - -- - - - -
07 Be careful w ith that k nife!
<Ill( p.BO
08 Ask how much it costs.


11A expressing movement • To express movement use a verb of move ment, e.g. lJo, come,
run, walk , ere. a nd a preposition (or adverb) of movement
The man went u p the steps and into the church. 4 SB >)) e.g. up, down, away, etc.
He drove out ofthe garage and along the street.
I ran over the bridge and across the park. p in or into? out or out of?

Remember, use into I out of+ noun, and in I out if there
isn't a noun.
Come into the living room. Come in.
He went out of the house. He went out.
See Expressing movement p.l62.

118 word order of phrasal verbs • A phrasal verb= ve rb+ particle (preposition or adverb),
e.g. aet up, tum on, lookfor.
Whattimedo you getup? 53 >)) 1 Some phrasal verbs don't have an object, e.g. lJet up, lJO out.
2 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are separable. With
l don 't usually go out during the week. these phrasal verbs you can put the particle (on, off, etc.)
before QI. afte r the object.
2 Put on your coat. Put your coat on. Put it on.
• When the object is a pronoun (me, it, him, etc.) it always goes
Turn offt he TV. Turn the TV off. Turn it off. between the verb and particle.

3 I'm looking for my glasses. Here'syour coat. Putiton. NOT Pttt-mtit:

Have you found your glasses? No, I'm still looking for the m. 3 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are inseparable,
e.g. look f o r. With these phrasal verbs the verb (e.g. look)
and the particle (e.g.for) are never separa ted.
I'm lookinBfor my Biasses. NOT flm-l:ookittg-m.y-EJimsesfor:

See Phrasal verbs p.163.

11C so, neither+ auxiliaries present simple I don't like classical music. Neither do l.
present continuous I'm having a great time So am i.
A I love classical music. 5 6 >)) c:an/ can't I can swim. So can I.
pest simple I didn't like the film. Neither did I.
B Sodol. I was very tired. So was I.
wouldI wouldn't I wouldn't like to go there. Neit her would I.
A I went ro a classical concert last night. present perfect I've been to Brazil. So have!.

B So did I.

2 A I'm not married.

B Neither am I.

A I don't want to get married. • Be careful with the word order.

B Neither do I. So do l.f Neither do I. NOT So+d0: / Neither I de:

• Use So do I, Neither do I, etc. to say that you have p neither and nor
something in common with somebody.
You can also use nor instead of neither, e.g.
1 Use So+ auxiliary + I ro respond to positive A I didn't like the f ilm.
sentences. B Nor I Neither did I.
Neither is usually pronounced /'naioa/, but can also be pronounced
2 Use Neither+ auxiliary+ Tto respond to negative /' ni:oa /.

• The aux ilia ry you use depends on the tense.


11A b Complete the sente nces w ith the correct

a Q the correct prepos ition. preposition .

!lost my mobile phone signal when we went across ~a He jumped il.ili2. his car and drove away.
t u n n el.
As I cycled under the bridge, a train went
l We ran to I down the sea, and jumped into I out ofthe water. _____ it.

2 If you go over I past the bank , you' ll see the superma rket on the 2 Come . The door's open.
3 This is the 3rd floor. Go t hose
3 He walked alo118 I across the street unti l be got to the park.
4 The plane flew on I over the tow n and then landed. stairs and you' ll come to the 2nd floor.

5 The dog ran towards I to me, but then it stopped . 4 He walked the bar and ordered
a drink.
6 We cycled over I out ofthe bridge and in I into the city centre.
7 The racing cars went round I under the track 12 times. 5 I like going _____ on a Saturday night.
8 T he little boy suddenly ran across I throu[Jh the road.
6 He took his passport his bag.

7 I'm exhausted. I've just cycled ~ p.BS
_ _ ___ a huge hill.

118 b Comple te the sentences w ith it or them and a
word from the list.

aQ tbe correct fo rm. If both are correct, t ick ./ t he box.

Turn offyour mobile I Tumyour mobile offbefore the fi lm starts. [ZJ back in on (x2) up (x3) down

0I Tonight I have to look my sister after I look after my sister. I can't hear the radio. Turn tll!J2·
02 Let's 80 out this eveninEJ I[JO this evenin[J out.
03 Tur11 dow11 the radio I Turn the radio dow11. It's too loud. Your clothes are all over the floor.
04 My brother is lookin[Jfor a newjob l lookin[J a newjobfor. Pick __________
05 You should throwaway thoseoldjea11sI throw those oldj eansaway.
2 Here's your coat. Put _ _ __ _ _ __

6 l don't Iike shopping for clothes online -I prefer to try them on I 3 ' What does this word mean?'
' Look ___________
0try 0 11 them before l buy them.
07 Take offyour shoes I Takeyour shoes offbefore you come in. 4 To get your passport there are three for ms.

Please fill now.

8 That's my sister -1 think you'd really [Jet on. with her I 5 You remember that money I lent you? When

Bet on her with. 0 can you give ?
09 lf it doesn't fit, you should take back it I take it back to the shop.
0I0 W hat time do you [Jet up in the morn in[J I Bel in the mornin[J up? 6 Is there anything on TV? Let's turn
__________ and see.

7 You won't remember my address. Write

11C ~ p.87

a Complete B 's answer w ith an auxilia r y verb. b Respond to A . Say you a re the same. Use So ...I or
Neithel"... f.
A !like chocolate. B So dQ I. A l don't like cabbage. Neither do l.

1 A I'm really th irsty. B So _ _ __ r. 1 A !live near the supermarket.
2 A I'm not afraid ofsnakes.
2 A I did n't go out last n ight. B either l. 3 A I went to bed late last night.
4 A l haven't been to Canada.
3 A I was born in Rome. B So _ _ _ __ r. 5 A 1don't have any pets.
6 A I can s peak three languages.
4 A l don't eat meat. B either ______ I. 7 A I always drink coffee in tbe morning.
8 A I'm waiting fo r the bus to the ai rport.
5 A I've been to Moscow. B So _ _ _ __ I.
~ p.BB
6 A l can't sing. B either _ __ _ _ I.

7 A I'dl iketogo to Bali . B So _____ l.

8 A Isaw a film last week. B So _____ l.

9 A I wouldn't Iike to eat that. B Neither _____ I.

10 A Ica n play chess. B So l.

~ .-

12 . Use the past perfect when you are already talking about the

12A past perfect past and want to ta lk about an ea rl ier past action.

G When I woke up the garden was all white. 5 17 >)) When I woke up the Barden was all white. It had snow ed durinB

It had snowed during the night. the niBht. =It snowed before I woke up.

I suddenly rea lised that I'd left my mobile in the tax i. . Make the past perfect with had I hadn't+ past participle.
. The form ofthe past perfect is the same for all persons.
G We got home just in time - t he march hadn't started. . had is sometimes contracted to 'd.

When she got to class, she reali zed that she hadn't p had or would?

brought her book. Be careful: 'd can be had or would.
I didn't know that you'd found a new job. ('d = had)
[1] A I went to Paris last weekend. I really loved it.
if you went by taxi, you'd get there more quickly.
B Had you been th ere before? ('d = would)

A o, I hadn't.

128 reported (or indirect) speech . Verb tenses change like this:

direct speech reported s peech

direct speech reported sp eech 5 23 >)) 'Ican help you.' He said (that) he could help me.
' I love you.' (present simple) (past simple)
' I've just arrived.' He said (that) he loved me.
' We'll come at eight.'
She said (that) she had just arrived. 'I'm watching TV.' She said (that) she was watching TV.
' I don't want to go to
the parry.' He told me {that) they would (present continuous) (past continuous)

come at eight. 'I'll phone you.' He told me (that) he would phone me.
(will) (would)
Jack told Anna (t hat) he didn't

want to go to the parry. 'Imet a girl.' John told me (that) he had met a girl.
(past simple) (past perfect)

• Use reported speech to report (to tell somebody) what another 'I've broken my leg.' Sara said (that) she had broken her leg.
person said.
(present perfect) (past perfect)
• We often introduce reported speech with said or told(+ person)
• After said or told t h at is optiona l, e.g. He said (that) he loved me. p sayor tell?
• Pronouns often cha nge in reported speech, e.g. I changes to he
You can use said or told in reported speech but they are
or she. used differently.
'I'm tired.' She told me (that) she was tired.
You can't us e said with an object or pronoun.
He said (that) he loved me. NOT He-s-aifi-me-(#ta~

You must use told with an object.

He told me (that) he loved me. NOT He-teld-(that:) he-

12C questions without auxiliaries . When the question word (Who?, What?, Which?, How

subject verb 5 27 >)) many?, etc.) is the subject of the verb in the question, we
W ho painted Mr and Mrs C lark and Percy?
W hich singer made don't use an auxi lia ry verb (do I does I did).
How many peo ple live reggae popular all over t he world ?
W ho wants nea r th e school? W ho painted Mrand Mrs Clark and Percy?
a cup ofcoffee?
. NOT~
In most other questions in the present and past simple we
use the auxiliary verb do I does I did+ the infinitive.

What music do you like? NOT What mttsicyoulike?

See l Ap./26.


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