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Published by Kasidet Phetmanee, 2020-04-07 02:27:38

English File Pre-Intermediate SB

English File Pre-Intermediate SB


12A b Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in the past si mple and past
p e r fe c t .
a Match the sentence halves.
We didn't get a table in the restaurant because we hadn't booked.
l couldn't get into my flat because [Q
(not get, not book)
DWhen our friends ar rived
I Caroline because she _ _ _ _ _ a lot.
D2 I took the jacket back because
D3 Jill didn't come with us because (not recognize, change)

D4 I turned on the TV news 2 My friend to tell me that I _ _ _ _ _ my wallet
D5 Johnny was ner vous because
in his car. (phone, leave)
D6 When l got to the supermarket checkout
3 When I the radio, the news _ _ _ __
A she'd made other plans.
B I realized that I'd left my wallet at home. (turn on, already finish)
C I'd lost 1ny keys.
D I had bought the wrong size. 4 She me the DV D because she _ _ _ _ _ it yet.
E it was the first time he had flown.
F to see what had happened. (not lend, not wa tch)
G we hadn't fi nished cooking the dinner.
5 T he bar _ _ _ _ _ by the time we (close, arrive)

6 W hen we _ _ _ _ _ home we saw that somebody

_ _ _ _ _ the kitchen window. (get, break)

7 Luckily it _ _ _ _ _ snowing when we _ _ _ __

work. (stop, leave)

~ p. 93

128 b W rite the sentences in direct speech .

a Write the sentences in re ported speech. He told her that he was a doctor. He said: 'I'm a doctor.'
She said that she was studying Germa n.
' I love you.' He told her that he loved her. She said : ' - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 ' I'm hungry.' She said that she _ _ __ 2 Tony told me that his car had broken down.
2 ' l don't like sad films.'
Tony said :'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He told her he _ _ __ 3 Paul said that he would send me an email.
3 'I'll call the doctor.' He said he _ _ __
4 ' I've bought a new phone.' Paul said:'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 Wanda and Jack said they were in a hurry.
Paul rold us that he _ _ __
5 ' I live in the city centre.' Wanda and Jack said:'_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

She said that she _ _ __ 5 He said he hadn't fin ished his essay yet.
6 'We can't do it!'
He said:'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
They said that they _ _ __ 6 She told us that she wou ldn't arrive on time.
7 ' Isaw Eclipse at the cinema .'
She said :'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Julie said that she _ _ __ 7 Dav id said he had just arr ived .

Dav id said: ' - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ p. 94

12C b W rite the questions. Do you know
the answers?

a@ the correct questio n form. How many Formula 1 champio nships

Whatyou did I~ last night? did Mi.chael Schumacher win?

1 What happened I did happen to you? (Mich ael Schumacher I w in)
2 What means this word I does this word mean?
3 How many people came I did come to the When _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ president of the USA?

(Barack Obama I become)

meeting? 2 W hich US state _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with the letter' H'? (start)

4 Which bus BOes I does 80 to rown? 3 Which books ? (J.R.R. Tolkien I write)
5 Which film won I did win the Oscar this
4 Who the football World Cup in 2010? (win)

year? 5 Which sport the lightest ball? (use)
6 Where
6 What said the teacher I di.d the teacher say? 7 W hich com pany ? (the 2008 Olympics I take place)
? (Steve Jobs I start)
7 Who made I did make this cake? It's

fantast ic! ~ p. 96

tiMt:ft -

Describing people VOCABULARY BANK


a Match the sentences and pictures. a Match the adject ives with t he de fi nitions.
W h at's h e like? W h at's sh e like?
W h a t d oes h e I sh e look like? clever 'kk\':l friendly 'frcnJii funny "f\ni generous 'J:;cn;)ra~ '
kind kamd lazy 'lc1zi shy Jal t alkative ' t:~:btl\ t
She has curly red hair.
She has long straight hair. Ad jective O pposite
She has big blue eyes. friendly
She has dark wavy hair. A person who is open and warm is
He has a beard and a moustache.
He's ba ld . 2 A person w ho talks a lo t is
He's very tall and thin .
He's quite short and a bit o verweight. 3 A person who likes giving people
He's medium height and quite slim. things is
b 1 10 >)) Listen and check.
4 A person who is friendly and good to
p thin or slim? fat or overweight? other peo ple is
Thin and slim are both t he opposite of fat, but
slim= thin in an attractive way. 5 A person who doesn't want to work is
Fat is not very polite. It is more polite to say
someone is (a bit) overweight. 6 A person who makes peo ple laugh is
Using two adject ives together
We often use two adjectives together 7 A person who is qu ick at learning and
(without and) to describe hair or eyes, understanding things is (sy no nym
e.g. She has long curly hair or He has big
brown eyes. Adjectives go in this order: intelligent)
size>style>colour noun.
8 A person who can't talk easily to

people he I s he doesn't know is

b Complete the O pposite column w ith an adjective from the list.

extrovert ek..,tr;)V3:t ha rd-working hu:d 'w3:ku]/
mean 'mi:n quiet 'k\vat;:,t.' serious ·~t;:,rid~.
stupid t\tju:p1d unfriendly /An'frcndJi. unkind rAn'kamdl

c 1 11 >)) Listen and check.

d In pairs, ask and answer about a member ofyour family or a good

A What does your sister look lik~

~ She's quite tall and she has shor t dark hair.
A What's she /ik~

p nice; funny or fun?
Nice is a very common[±) adjective of personality, e.g. He's a very nice
person. Nice describes a person who is friendly and kind.

Aperson who is funny makes you laugh. Aperson who is fun is a
person who you have a good time with.

<Ill( p.6


fThings you wear VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the words and p icture . /
ca rdiga n 'ko:(hg~n l p wear, carry, or dress? -
coat bot
dress tires Use wear for clothes and jewellery I glasses, etc.
jacket 'd3rek1t She's wearing a hat. He's wearing sunglasses.
jeans tl3i:nz
shirr .f:1:t Use carry for bags, cases, etc.
shorts J;):ts She's carrying a bag.
skirt \k:l:t/
su it -,u:t Use dre~s (with no object) to describe the kind of clothes people wear.
The ttaltans dress very well. Jane always dresses in black.
sweate r (sy no ny m jumper) "' ct;-~
top tnp

tracksuit ''tnt:ksu:t/
tro use rs t ratll::v
T-shirt 'ti:f3:tf

boots bu:t<-.
flip-flo ps fhp flop.,
sa ndals "srendlz
shoes Ju:z
traine rs ''t rcm~z

belt belt
cap ka:p/
bat hret
leggi ngs 'lcgti)Z
gloves gL'\\ z
sca rf 1sko:f/
socks .,nks
tie taJ
tights Hllh

bracelet 'hrctsl~t
ea rrings l~rllJz/
necklace 'nckl~"
ri ng rtf)

b l 19 >)) Listen and ch eck.

c Cover the words and look a t th e pictures.
Test yourself or a partne r.

<II( p.B



a Match the phrases and pictu res. a Complete the verb phrases.

go abroad book buy have hire rent
1 go away for the weekend
spend stay sunbathe take
go by bus f car f plane f trai n
stay in a hotel / at a campsite f with friends
go camping
go for a walk _ __ _ photos
go on holiday _ _ _ _ souvenirs
go out at night _ _ _ _ on the beach
go sightseeing _ _ __ a good time

go skii ng f walki ng / .cycl ing _ _ _ _ money f time
go swimming 1rnling 1surfing
____ an apartment
b 31 l)) Listen and check.
_ _ _ _ a bicycle f skis
Cover the phrases and look at the pictures. Test _ _ _ _ flights f hotels online
yourself or a partner.
b 32 l)) Listen and check.

p rent or hire?

Rent and hire mean the same but we normally use
rent for a longer period of time, e.g. you rent a flat or
apartment, and hire for a short t ime, e.g. you hire skis,
a bike, a boat, etc. With a car you can use hire or rent.

c Test yourself. Cover the verbs. Remember the phrases.


a Match the questio ns a nd answers.
1 What was the weather like? It was...
2 What was the hotel like? It was.. .
3 W hat was the town like? It was .. .
4 What were the people like? They were ...
5 What was the food like? It was ...

8] comfortable, luxurious

EJ basic, dirty, uncomfortable
8] friendly, helpful EJ unfriendly, unhelpful
8] beautiful, lovely EJ noisy, crowded
8] delicious EJ nothing ~cia!, disg.y.sting
8] warm, sunny G ve ry wi ndy, foggy, cloudy

b 33 l)) Listen an d check.

p General positive and negative adjectives
8] .!Qvely, wonderful, fantastic, great
0 /S, not bad, alright
G awful, !Jgrrible, terrible

~ p.l2



a Complete the Prepositions colum n with a word fr o m tbe list.
about at for in of on t o with

1 Countries and cities Months

France, Paris February, June

Rooms Seasons

the kitchen (the) winter

Buildings Years
a shop, a museum
Closed spaces
Times of day
a park, a garden
the morning,
a car the afternoon, the

evening (not Flight:) Pre p ositio n s

2 Transport Dates I arri ved Par is on Fri day n ight.

a bike, a bus, a train, 1st March

a plane, a ship (not ear) Days 2 I was ver y tired when I a rri ved the ho tel.

Tuesday, New Year's

Day, Valentine's Day 3 I hate waiting people who are late.

A surface ;~ 4 A What are you going to do the weekend?
B I do n't know. It depends the weather.
the floor, a table,
a shelf. t he balcony, 5 I'm so rry, but r really do n't agree you.
the roof. the wall
6 I asked a chicken sandw ich, but th is is tu na!

7 Let's invite Debbie and T im t he pa rry.

3 school, home, work, Times
16university 8 Who's going to pay the meal?
o'clock, half past

t he airport , the two, Z45 9 I. need to spea k Ma rti n the meeting.

stat ion, a bus st op Festival periods

a party, the door Christmas, Easter I 0 I don't spend m uch money food .

night II Are you going to write him soon?

t he weekend

(:) 12 Do n't worry the exam. It isn't very hard.

13 She fell love a man she met o n the
i n ter ne t .

I 14 You're not listenin g! What are you th in ki ng ?

b 1 42 >)) Listen a nd ch eck. 15 A What do you th ink Shakir a?
B I really like her. I th ink she's g reat.

c Look at the chart fo r a few minutes. T hen b 1 68 >)) Listen a nd check.
test a partner:
c Cover the Prepositions column. Say t he sentences.
A Say a place o r time word, e.g. Paris, Tuesday.
B Close your books. Say the prepo itio n (at , p arrive in or arrive at?

in, or on). Remember we use arrive in+ cities or count ries
and arrive at+ buildings, stations, etc.
Swap roles.
~ p. 23
~ p.l4 -

Housework, make or do? VOCABULARY BANK


a Match the verb phrases a nd the pictu res. a W rite rnake o r do next to
t he pictu res.
do a course

_ _ _ a mista ke

_ __ an exam / a n exercise
/ homework

___ a noise

_ _ _ a phone ca ll

_ __ housework

_ _ _ fri ends

clean the floor _ _ _ lun ch J di nner
do the ironing
do the shopping ___ sport Jexercise
do the washing
do the washing- up _ _ _ plans
lay the table (opposite clear)
make lunch b 14>)) Lis ten a nd check.
make the beds c Cover the phrases a nd look at the pictures. Say the phrases.
pick up d irty clothes (from the floor) d Talk to a partner.
put away your clothes
take out the rubbish • W hat ho usework do you usually do? What have you done today?
tidy your room • Who does the most housework in your fa mily?
• Do you argue about housework in your fa mi ly? Give examples.
b 2 13>)) Liste n a nd check. • W hat housework do you hate doing? W hat don't you mind doing?

c Cover the phrases a nd look at the pictures. Is there any housework you like doing?
Say the phrases.
~ p. 28



a Match the words and pictures.
changing rooms
che c ko u t
c ustom e r
shop assistant

I take sth back

trolley f basket

try sth o n
b 2 28 >)) Li ten a nd check.

c Cover t he words and look at the pictures. Say the word s.

p fit or suit?

If clothes don't fit you, it means they are the wrong size
(e.g. too big, too small, too tight, too loose}.
If clothes don't suit you, it means they don't look good on


a Read the text about shopping online. Then complete it
with words fro m the li st.

account ,·!.;;wnt auction :d,Jn basket 'hu:-..1.:11
checkout t.fck< ot delivery d1'll\ ,I 1 item a1t;-~mf
payment 1m;-~n size '· 1 website

Shopping online

When you are shopping online, first you go to the 1website.

The first time you use a site you usually have to create an

_ _ _, where you give your personal details. You then

choose what you want to buy, and click on each 3_ _ _

If you are buying clothes, make sure you get the right

4 ! Everything you buy goes into your shopping bag

or 5 , usually at the top right of the page. When you

are ready to pay you click on 'proceed to 6 '.You

then have to give your 7 address where you want

them to send your things, and give your 8 details,

for example your credit card number and expiry date.

Many people today also buy and sell things online at 9_ __

sites like eBay.

b 2 29 >)) Lis ten and check.

~ p.31

Describing a town or city VOCABULARY BANK


a Look at the m ap. T hen read the description
ofR eading a nd S the correct words o r

Reading is a town in the sout h I north of England,
on the River Thames I the Sout h coast. It is
about 40 miles east I west of London. It is a
small I medium sized I large town and it has a
population of about 250,000. It is famous for
its music fest ival, which is one of the biggest in
t he UK.

b 2)46 >)) Listen and ch eck.

2 WHAT'S IT LIKE? adjectives to 3 WHAT IS THERE TO SEE?

describe a town or city a Put th e wo rd s in the r igh t colum n .

a M atch the adjectives a nd sentences 1- 6. east!€ "- ...1 cathedral 1 -,ot:dr church J...:tJ

Opposite department store l I p• ' I 1:1111 ~t _,. market 1 1 mosque '1 hk

boring •n:ruJ exciting museum "' palace shopping centre .I )J "l t;)

statue t lu temple town hall l n

crowded '~ , 1d tdl Religious buildings Places where you can Historic buildings and

d angerous cmd3,1r;:J-, buy things monuments

m od ern 111 castle

noisy ""'"
polluted p.1'lu:t1 I

1 There are a lo t of ba rs and clubs w ith lo ud I
m u sic.

2 T he air is very d irty.
3 T here are too many people.
4 T he build ings were all b uilt quite recently.
5 T here's nothing to do.
6 Yo u have to be ca reful , especially at ni ght.

b Match these ad jectives w ith their o pposites

in a.

clean k h.11 empt y t.
exeffirtg "\atl 1 interesting 1 trc-.tnj/
old -.. 1ld quiet k. q 11 safe "'-' f

c 2 47 >)) Listen a nd check your answers to a b 2 48 >)) Liste n a nd check.
and b.
c W hich of the places in a a re there f a ren't t here in your cit y?
d Cover th e w ords a nd loo k at the sentences.
( !,here's a cathedral and some churches.
R em ember the adjectives and t heir ~e isn't a castle.
o pposites.
<Ill( p.39

Opposite verbs VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the verbs and pictures. View

arrive (early ) ..., lea ve

break (your [Jlasses) '' c1k

buy (a house)

find (your keys) md

forget (a name) ..,

lend (money to somebody) nd

miss (a train)

pass (an exam) •:-;

push (the door) r f,

send (au email) '>L 11d

start (a race) " l,

teach (En[Jlish) ~ f

tu rn on (the TV) ·n 'on

win (a match) '1r

b Find the o ppo ite verb in the list.
Write them in the Opposite column .

borrow (from somebody) )f;xJ
catch 1.. ·
fail \.!1
get I receive l!L 1 n'~m

learn b n

leave li

lose (x2) I t

mend I repair •nd n pcd.

remember 1cmb:'l!


stop I finish >r fm1_f,

turn off

c 3 2 >)) Li ten a nd check.

d Cover the verbs a nd look at the pictures.
Remember the ve rb a nd their o pposites.

~ p.44



a Complete the to+ verb column w ith to+ a verb fro m the list.

be bring buy catch drive find get married
ge (x2) help pay rain see turn off

to+ verb

I decide We've decided to France for our holiday. .tQ.gQ_

2 forget Don't fo rget all the lights.

3 hope We ho pe you agai n soon.

4 learn I'm learning . My test's next month.

5 need I need to the superma rket. We don't have any milk.

6 offer He offered me wi th my CV.

7 plan T hey're planning soon.

8 pretend He pretended ill, but he wasn't really.

9 promise He's promised me back when he gets a job.

10 remember Remember your dictionaries to class tomorrow.

11 start It was ver y cloudy and it sta rted

12 try I'm trying a job, but it's very ha rd.

13 want I want the six o'clock train .

14 would like I'd like a new car next month .

b 3 25 >)) Listen a nd check.

c Cover the to+ verb column. Say the sente nces.

~ p. 53


a Complete the gerund column w ith a ve rb from the list in the gerund.

be cook do have make rain read talk tidy wake up work


I enjoy 1enjoy in bed. r~adizl[J

2 finish Have you finished your room?

3 go on (= continue) I wa nt to go on until I'm 60.

4 hate I bate late when I'm meeting someone.

5 like I li ke breakfast in a cafe.

6 love I love on a sunny morning.

7 (don't) mind I don't mind the ironing. It's quite relaxi ng.

8 spend (time) She spends hours on the phone.

9 start* It starred at 5.30 in the mornin g.

10 stop Please stop such a noise. I can't th ink.

11 feel like I don't feel like today. Let's go out for lunch. c Cover the gerund column. Say
the entences.
• start can be used wit h a gerund or infinitive, e.g. It started raining. It started to rain.
~ p.SS
b 3 29 >)) Listen and check.


pget .

get IS one of the most common verbs in
English: It has several different meanings,
e.g. amve, become, and can also be used with
many prepositions or adverbs with different
meanings, e.g. get up, get on with.

a Match the phrases and the pic tures.

Bet= become (+adjective 1past participle)

get angry
ge t divorced
get fit
get lost
gcr married
ger nervous

Bet= become (+ comparative)
get better
get colder
get worse

Bet= buy I obtain

get a job
get a newspaper
ger a ticket

set+ preposition (phrasal verbs)

get on Ioff a bu

get o n (well) with
get up

set (to)= arrive
get ho me
ger ro chool
get ro wo rk

net= receive
get an email
get a present
get a (text) message

b 3 55 >)) Listen and check.

c C ove r the phrases and look at the pictures.
Test yourself or a partner.

~ p.61

Confusing verbs VOCABULARY BANK

a M atch the verbs and pictu res.

wear wc:l carry ka:ri
jewellery a ba[J
clothes a baby

wi n \\ 1n ear n .n.
a medal a sala~y
a prize mo11 ey
a match

know n1o meet 111 :
somebody well somebodyfor thefirst time
so mething at 11 o'clock

ho pe h;'l(JP wait \I,Cil
that somethinB for a bus
fo r a lon[J time
good will happen
to dosth

watch wot.~ look at lok <ct/
TV a phot o
a match your watch

look luk look like lok huk
happy y our mother
about 25years old a model

miss nH'> lose lu:z
the bus a match
a class your [Jlasses

bring hnn take L'lk

your dictionary an umb1·ella

sth backf rom holiday your childre11 to school

look for dol :>: find ',und
your [Jlasses your glasses
ajob ajob

say -.u te ll t...
son y ajoke
hello a lie
something to sb so111ebody something

le nd 1.. 1d borrow hn "'0
mo11ey to sb moneyfrom sb

b 4 5 >)) Listen a nd check. p hope and expect

c Work w ith a partner. A say a ve rb, B say a hope = t o want st h t o happen and think it will happen, always
possible con t in uat io n . for positive things, e.g. I hope I'll pass the exam.

A Wait~ ~ for a bus expect = to think sth will happen, usually for a reason (not
necessarily a positive t hing), e.g. I expect I'll fail because I
<Ill( p.63 haven't worked very hard.

look and look like
After look we use an adjective or an age.

After look like we use a noun.


a Match th e words and pictures. -

butterfly t,t.t;,flal
mosquitO "1'-.lo:t~
pider .,. ·-~~

bull '
chicke n km
goat ., t
horse "1:-;
pig lJ

heep r p

bat ms
bear ~.-;v
bi rd l
camel ~
crocodile " nbd,ul

dolphin '-' .·m

elephant 1f~nt
giraffe o:l
jellyfish l. ~hf1f,
kanga roo 'IJ9;l'ru:
lion "
mouse (plural 111ice)

nake ~1k
tiger J;:l.
whale 11

b 4 17 l)) Listen and ch eck.

c Cover t he words a nd look a t
the pictu res. Test yourself or
a part ne r.

~ p.68

Expressing movement VOCABULARY BANK

a Match the words and pictures.
under (th e bridBe) \fllb
along (the street) :l lnt.J
round / around (the lake) wund a r.umd
through (the tunnel) lh
into (the shop) ·•· tL
across (the road) .., rn~
over (the bridBe) '~

llp (the steps) r

past (the church) J·u·..,t
towards (the lake) "I\\ .1:d1
dow n (the steps) l Ji
o ut of (the shop) .ot :l\

p in(to) and out (of)

After a verb of movement we use either
in I out or into I out of+ place, e.g.
Come in. Come into my office.
He ran out. He ran out of the room.

b 4 57 >)) Listen and check.

c C ove r the words. Where did S now y go?
~e went down the s teps...

p away, off, and back

We use away to express movement to
another place, e.g. Go away! I don't want to
speak to you. The man ran away when he saw
the policeman.

We use back to express movement to the place
where something or somebody was before,
e.g. After dinner we went back to our hotel.
Their dog ran away and never came back.

We use of(to express movement down or
away, e.g. Get off the bus at the railway
station. The man ran off when he saw the

~ p. 84



a Match the e ntences and the pic tures. p Type 1 = no object
The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated.
The match will be over at about 5.30. I get up at 7.30.
I need to give up smoking.
Don't throw away that letter! Type 2 =+object
Turn down the mu ic! It's very loud . The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) can be separated.
Turn up the T V! I can't hear. Turn the TV on. OR Turn on the TV.
He looked up the words in a dictionary.
Could you fill in this form? Type 3 = + object
I want to find out about hotels in Madrid. The verb and the particle (on, up, etc.) are never separated.
It's bedtime- go and put on your pyjamas. Look for your keys. NOT l::eek-yet:JF-keys-fer.
Could you take offyour boots, please?
My sister's looking after Jimmy for me today.
I'm rea lly looking forward to the holidays.

b 2>)) Listen a nd check.

c Cover the sentences and look at the pictures.
Remember the phrasal verbs.

d Look at these other phrasal verbs from Files
l- 10. Ca n you remembe r what they mean ?
come on
go away (for the weekend)
go out (at night)
stand up
sit down

turn on (the TV)
turn off(the TV)
try on (clothes)
give back (someth ing you've borrowed)
take back (something to a shop)
call back (later)
pay back (money you've borrowed)
switch off (the air conditioning)
write down (the words)
put away (e.g. clothes in a cupboard)
pick up (something on the floor)

carry on (doing something)
look for (something you've lost)

get on f off(a bus)

get on with (a person)

~ p.87

5 29 >)) Present Past simple Past participle

Present Past simple Past participle learn I:J:n learnt b:nt learnt
leave In left left left
be ht was wn7 been hi:n lend knd lent lent lent
were \\J: let let let let
become ht'l.. 'm became bt kcm1 become lose lu:/ lost ln~t/ lost
begin ht'gm began ht'y<cn begun bt'y.,n/
break hrcJt... broke h ~~~-.. broken 'hr~ukan make metkl made mcu..l made
bring hruJ brought hr.1:t brought meet mi:tl met met met
build hlld built hilt built
buy bat bought b;):t bought pay pet / paid pe1d paid
put pot put put
can kren could 1kud caught
catch ka:tf caught b:tl chosen 'tJ~znl read ri:dl read red \ read red
choose tJu:7/ chose tJ~o/ come ring r•o rang r<co rung r....IJ
come !;,m came kctm cost run nn ran ncn run
cost kn'>t cost cut
cut k.\t cut say "e' said · said
done J,n saw <,;): seen \i:nl
do du: did dtd drunk tdnl]kl see \i: sold '"~ld l sold
drink dnokl drank dr:.clJk driven t'dnvn/ sell -.el sent ,.,entl sent
drive dnuv drove 1dr~ov send ...end shut shut
eaten 'i:tn shut J't sang 'sa:o' sung ......,IJ.I
eat i:t ate t.ll sing '>IIJ sat -.<ct sat
fallen 'f:>:bn slept 'slept slept
fall h:l fell kl felt sit "'' spoke "P~k spoken ·.,p:lok:ln
feel fi:l felt fdt found sleep .,IJ:p spent '>pent spent
find famd flown fl~n speak .,pd stood ·\tod st ood
fly fl.ll found r ond forgotten f:1'gntn spend -.rend stole ...t;'I(JII stolen ·-,t~ol;m
forget 1:-~'qct stand ..,ta:nd swam "''a:m swum ..,,, 'm
flew 1'1 1 got steal
forgot h'ynt given 'gt\n swim "" 1111 t ook tok taken 'te1k.:ln
gone ynn taught t'\.'t
get 'ge got gnt grown 1gr:l(JO take tctk told l;'l(lld taught
give ·gl\ gave '<-ICI\ teach thought 0.1:1
go Q;l<l went ''cnt had tell tel threw ~lru: told
grow 'goo grew qru: heard think 011)k thought
hit throw Ar~o understood thrown Or:1on
have ha:v had ha.
kept understa nd \lllb\tud understood
hear ht,, heard I .;:d known n1<m \lllb -.ta:ml
woke '' :10!-.. woken \\;'I(JK~n
hit htt hit wake ''e'k wore '' 1: worn \\'\:n
w ear ,,e~ won ""n won
- - --+--- w in \\111 wrote '"'lit written rnn
write ntt
keep ki.p kept 1-.t. 1t

know 11;1() knew ,· 1:

164 Irregular verbs IbM$


have got

l're got a brother a nd two i ter . 3 45 l)) • Yo u ca nu e havc[Jotin stead of have fo r
po es ion in th e present.
Ihaven't got a ny pet . I've got a bike. =I have a bike.

he' got a beautiful house. H aveyou [JOt a ca r?= Do yo u have a car?

He hasn't go t ma ny friends. • We also usc lwve [JOLto talk about fa mily
and illnes e , a nd to descr ibe people.
Have they got a ny children? o. they haven't.
I've got two sisters. l-Ie's [JOt a cold.
Has the hotel got a wimming pool? Yes, it has. She's [JOt IOII[J brow11 hair.

full form contraction negative • have [JOL is not used in the past. For past
possession usc had.
Ihave got- - - I've got 1haven't got I had a pet cat 111he11 I was a child.
D id you h ave a pet?
You have got You've got ---- You haven't got
He I She I It has got • l'venot. .. f llaveyo" not. ..? is common in
He I She I It's got He I She I It hasn't got the K especially in conver arion. bur
IItave... f Doyou have...? i al o common.
We have go-t - - We've got We haven't got

- - -You have got You've got You haven't got

They have got They've got They haven't got

rn 0 0

Have I got I have. I haven't.
Have you got r- you haven't.

you have.

Has he I he I it got a car? Yes, he I she I it has. No, he I she I it hasn't.
Have we got
we have. we haven't.

Have you got you have. you haven't.

Have they got they have. they haven't.

a Write G. 8 a nd [1] sente nces with t h e correct fo rm o f b Comp le te the se nte nces wi th th e ri gh t fo rm o f have [JOt .

have [JO t. They love a n ima ls. T hey've go t two dogs a nd fi ve cats.

t hey/ big ho use G They've [JOt a big house. I I hope it d oesn't rai n - I my umbrella today.
I she/ any brother G
2 your phone a good camera?
2 you / big fl at [1]
3 a new iPad. Do you wa nt to see it ?
3 we/ a lo r of wo rk today G
4 Sorry kids, l __ e no ugh mo ney ro buy sweet .
4 your ister /a boyfriend [1]
5 Ja ne ___ 50 pa irs of hoe - ca n you believe it?
5 Roger a nd Va l / a beautiful ga rde n G
6 1/ a really good teache r G 6 I can't call him now - I a signa l o n my pho ne.
7 My b rother / a job at the mo me nt G
8 they/ the ame colo ur eye G 7 you your keys? I ca n't fi nd mine.

9 we/ a meeting tod ay [1] 8 Maria's so lucky- he lovely c urly hair.

10 he / ma ny friends at work G 9 One mo re qu e rio n, M r )o ne . you
any qualifications?

I0 We might have problems getting there because we
a tn av in o ur ca r.

~ p.59

Appendix 165

Vowel sounds SOUND BANK

u su al spelling ! butalso u su al spelling -· ! butalso

rn thin slim English wo men u su nny must n't co me docs
history kiss busy decide
if since repeat gym funny ru n someone enough

lucky cut yo ung touch I


9. ee feel sheep people machine a* change wake break stea k
ea teach mean key niece ai tra iners fa il g reat overweight
e she we r ec e ip t ay away pa)
they grc:
[!] • cap hat
back catch o* open hope snow th[()\\ I
carry match won't so a ltho ugh
,----- oa coat goa l bu) eyes
aunt laugh height
ar fa r la rge he a r t i* quiet item
ca r f y Sh) wh)
what wash igh m ight sights
a fast pass wa nt because
car a fter o u tro users ro und
cl oc k acco unt blo use
o to p lost
so cks w rong ow crm\ ded dO\\ n
hot box

or boring north water auctio n oi co in noisy
al wa lk ba ll bought thought po int
aw a\\ ful sa\\ abroad warm
oy toy enjo}
Popull pu h wo ul d sho ul d
hor e football book wo man eer beer enginccr really idea
look good ere here \vc'rc
[! ear bea rd ea r r ings

-------------------+----------------~ air airport stair their there
pair hair wear bear
oo school cho ose do sui t jui ce
are sq uare ca re ful
u * use po lluted shoe lose

ew few knew thro ugh


Ma ny d iffe rent spell ings. A very unu ual sound .
/;)/ is always un stressed. Eu rope fur io us sure plura l
clever nervo us a rri ve po lice
co mputer invento r agree

er person ver b ear n wo r k A sound between /J/ a nd /i:/.

ir d irty shirt wo rld wo rse /i/ Con o nant+ y at the end of words is
pronounced /if.
ur curly tu r n happ) angry thi rsty
l e pcll lend
bird west send

rnegg - --------' An unusual sound.
friend ly weather
swea ter a ny fuf education usually situation

ve ry red sai d

*especially befo re consonant + e I lo ng vowels -

0 short vowels 0 diphthongs

Consonant sounds SOUND BANK

but a lso -~- - - but a lso i

che m isr's stomach thumb usu al spe lling
mo qu ito acco unt mother
th th ing th row
hea lt hy o uth
math both

th neither the
clothes sunbarhe
that with

camping across
l irr l ind
checko ut pick

g row goat enough laugh linlc lc
forget beg in plan inc redible
foggy leggings or wi ll troll ey

fi nd a fraid safe wa Iked d resscd ~ r rca lly rc t "rittcn "rong
elephant nephew loved tired
off di fferent ...cic nce r ight pract ice t ry

v ideo v isit ~ rr borrow ma rried
10\ cly im ent
0\ cr ri\ er " itc h w \\ e b ire t \\ ins o ne o nce
\\ Orried \\ in
t ry te ll .
ta rt la te w h "hy \\ h ic h wh ale
bcn cr itt ing ~
y ) ct ) car
d id dead )- acht )-OUn g ) Oga
hard rold
add ress m idd lc before u u seful u niform

'> tOP'> fa., tcr ~ m mountain modern
mi '>'> me.,.,age mm remember email
place c ircle mo nkey summer wimm ing

~ :. need neckl~ae know knock

none any
fu nny di nn er

s h <,hur -.hoes j -. ugar -. ure --- thin k than k

J1l wa '>h in g fin i~h mach ine ng a ngry ri ng

'>hower t i (+ vowel) mo ustache along thi ng

.o bri ng going

pati c nr in for m ati o n

c i+a pccial mu icia n s in ge r

An unu uaI ound. h hat hare '' ho "ho e
revisio n deci'>io n con fu'>ion u-. ua lly garage ahead perhaps " h o le
ho use h ire helpfu l
telc vi-.i o n

Q voiced Q unvoiced

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