Word of wisdom from North Sumatra Project in Non-Fiction Writing class English Literature Study Program Lecturer of Non fiction Writing Class: Tiara K. Pasaribu, B.A.Hon, M.Hum, Editor : Tiara K. Pasaribu, B.A.Hon, M.Hum, Dra. Donna-ria Pasaribu, M.Pd, Hotnida Irawaty Simanjuntak, S.S., M.Pd. HKBP NOMMENSEN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF LANGUAGE AND ART
Committee of the project: 1. Head of committee : Ester Wilis Simbolon 2. Secretary : Wiwin Lusiana Sianipar 3. Treasurer : Eka Febiola Sinaga 4. Committee members : 1. Rizky Munte 2. Tiara Sari Surbakti 3. Ester Saragih
1 PREFACE It is with great pleasure that this e-book on short stories written by the class of 2021 Non Fiction Writing students of the English Literature Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, in HKBP Nommensen University can be compiled into an e-book after a long hardship and difficult process. As a lecturer of this class, and as one of the editors, I knew that the students of this class had put on extra work especially in thinking and putting words and sentences into the English language. They had to rack their brains to tell and write their experiences regarding wisdom words from their regions in North Sumatra. This e-book was finally completed in time especially due to the hard-work of the committee. Thank you to Esther Willis as the head of the class project committee and all the members for not giving up. Thanks also to my fellow editors, Donna Ria Pasaribu and Hotnida Irawaty Simanjuntak for your contributions in helping to edit the students' writing. Last but not least, thank you too to all the students who had given their contributions in this short stories of wisdom words in North Sumatra. May this be the beginning of your process in the field of writing. Keep on writing of your experiences and in expanding your horizon. Exercise your mind by creating a habit of transfering your thoughts through your fingers, either to write or to type your experiences. Medan, 2 February 2023 Tiara Kristina Pasaribu B. A. Hons, M.Hum Lecturer of Non fiction Writing Class
2 PREFACE Thank God we pray for the presence of God Almighty, because of His blessings, we can finish compiling Words of wisdom from North Sumatra. In compiling Words of wisdom from North Sumatra, the author has made every effort according to the author's abilities for the completion of this book. But as an ordinary human being, writers are not free from mistakes or oversights, both in terms of writing technique and the grammar itself. We realize that without guidance from the supervising teacher as well as input from various parties who have helped, perhaps we could not have completed this project, Words of wisdom from North Sumatra, on time. This book was created in such a way solely to revive students' interest in reading and as motivation in working, especially in writing. So, with humility the authors of the book can only express their gratitude to all parties involved in the process of completing this. So hopefully this paper can be useful and easy to understand for writers in particular and readers in general. Medan, 23 January 2023 Ester Wilis Simbolon Head of committee
3 TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE 1 PREFACE 2 1.The Toba Batak Tribe 8 Tangiang Mardonganton Poda Dohot Holong Ni Dainang Bernas Alonso Lumbangaol 9 Tumagon mangolu pogos ale dihormati, dari pada mamora alai tarhina Hanna Jesica Sirait 12 Marbisuk songon ulok, marroha songon darapati Ike Nurmayanti Sipahutar 15 Jolo nidilat bibir, asa mandok hata Jernih Sigalingging 18 Halak na burju marnatua tua dapotan pasu pasu sian Debata Maya Citra Herawati Butar-butar 20 Dang boe mambahen jolma sonang,unang susahi rohana Monalisa Samosir 22 Bahenma Dirimu Songon Laut Naluas Rianty Dwi Yantris 26 Marnipima Satimbo ni Timbona, Ale Parjoloma Ulahon na Denggan na Jonok Risda Hartati 28 Mata guru roha sisean Rizky Munte 31 Sinuan bulu sibahen na las, sinuan partuturan sibahen na horas Yudithy F Q Siahaan 33
4 Sasittongna , molo dipahabisho jatah gagalmu, olo dang olo ho ikkon hasea Lidya Elisca Siahaan 35 Jolma na burju marroha ima jolma na maila pambahenan dang songon nadidokna Argatha Riandika Sitompul 39 Hatahon ma dohot roha nadenggan , dohot pambahenon na denggan, ala aha nadidokmu ima kacca ni dirim Agustin Praspinsa Napitupulu 40 Unang sinuan padang di omburombur, unang sinuan hata nagabe humondurhondur Elisa A V Rumahorbo 43 Pasomal-somal Ma Dirim Tu Na Denggan Asa Gabe Bakko Ester Saragih 45 Aha pe i molo nga idok berlebihan jelas dang denggan Eunike Aginta Sinaga 47 Dang adong naso tarpatupa ni Debata Hanna Jesica Sirait 50 Mambuat mas sian toru ni rere Ike Nurmayanti Sipahutar 52 Unang patudoshon dirim tu eme nalapungon, na diparmudu mulu ala roha hona balongkon Jernih Sigalingging 54 Risi risi hatani jolma, lamot lamot hata ni begu Maya Citra Herawati Butar-butar 56 Arta na sinari doi, rupa pe satongkin do Monalisa Samosir 58 Maraprap Na So Magulang Ester Saragih 61 Naso matanggak di hata,naso matahut di bohi Rianty Dwi 63
5 Ai Dang Simanuk-Manuk Sibontar Andora, Ai Dang Sitodo Turpuk Siahut Lomo ni Roha Risda Hartati 65 Talu maralohon dongan, monang maralohon musuh Rosyenta Nainggolan 67 Molo di danggur dohot baru, danggur ma dohot pisang Ruth Olga Sibagariang 69 Marpangalangka tu jolo, marpanarian tu pudi Yudithy F Q Siahaan 71 Sabarmaho disasude gulmit ni ngolumu, alai na paling petting ima bersabar dohot emosi na adong didirim Lidya Elisca Siahaan 73 Marsitijur dompak langit sai manabu do tu ampunan Eunike Aginta Sinaga 75 Jolma na burju marroha ima jolma na maila pambahenan dang songon nadidokna Argatha Riandika Sitompul 78 Jempek do pat ni gabus Elisa A V Rumahorbo 80 Sahalak maniop sulu, sude halak marsuluhonsa Rizky Munte 82 Daulat ma das mate Tiara Sari Surbakti 84 Tedek songon indahan di balanga Agustin Praspin Napitupulu 86 Anakhonki Do Hamoraon Diau Argatha Riandika Sitompul 88 Pantun Hangoluan Tois Hamagoan Naomi Suryana Manurung 90 Mangalean dang Mambahen ho pogos Tiara Sari Surbakti 92
6 2. The Simalungun Batak Tribe 95 Tonggohon horjamu, horjahon tonggo mu Eka Risma Febyola Sinaga 96 Hasuksesan roh humbani diri sandiri, lang humbani halak na legan Yohana Insani Saragih 98 Bunga na arum ise musem basirna Eka Risma Febyola Sinaga100 3. Karo Tribe 102 Sikeleng-kelengen, Ersada Arih Ersenina ras Erturang Enina Putri Aurora Tarigan 103 Mela mulih adi la rulih Enina Putri Aurora Tarigan 106 4.Nias Tribe 109 Gowi Göda Gae Ndriwoda Hulö Wakhe Badödöda Nasökhi Wehededa Khönawöda Ardiwan Halawa 110 Hulö shame dahönagö, sambua ihalö isaitagö Hulö shame daföfögö, sambua ihalö iföfögö Keren Febrian Mendrofa 113 Na nago ni gohi mo ba nago mano, he itoro boho ba boii leke Pinta Kesadaran Gea 115 Five Roji Duru Lo Fa Yellow-Yellow Wa'alaw Riskin Faoita Dohona 117 Abὂlὂ zakela-kela alio zanio tugala, alio ndra lakha mbanua ahou nasa ziso donga Mira Kristiyanti Gea 119 Hulö Harita, olifu ia gulinia Leli Arlinawati Hia 122
7 Gofu hezo so mõi lõsu bad igo'õ-go'õ ia uli Keren Febrian Mendrofa 125 Abu'a Geme Balo Abu'a Li Riskin Faoita Dohona 127 Aetu zinali tola latohu, fabali-dõdö zifahuwu, afõkhō wamaogö mangawuli Mira Kristiyanti Gea 129 Amuata nifaigi ba bua-bua nitöngöni Leli Arlinawati Hia 132 Meet our contributors 134
8 1. THE TOBA BATAK TRIBE Folklore is a form of regional cultural expression, numbering hundreds throughout Indonesia. The existence of folklore is a universal cultural phenomenon in people's lives. As a product of people's culture, speech, both in prose and poetry, can be found in almost every place in the world. Its oral, communal, and informal nature has maintained the authenticity of oral literature for a long time. Changes are inevitable depending on the changing times, and their spread is increasing. Changing people's mindsets can also lead to their respect for oral literature. Likewise, in a collection of stories based on advice from the elders and parents of the Batak people, especially the Toba Batak people. In the following, we compiled several stories written by Toba Batak students based on their experiences when they received the advice.
9 Tangiang mardonganton poda dohot holong ni dainang Prayer accompanied by mother's advice and love ne night in 2021, we were hanging out together in the living room eating cake, and in the end, we had a piece of cake left. Feeling that we had eaten a lot, my sister and I offered the cake for Mother to eat, but Mama told us to eat it. And in the end, we both ate the cake. While eating the cake earlier, Mama said, "That's how a mother's love is. She will endure hunger as long as her child is whole and happy. So there is a means that you must remember that a mother's love is very significant for her children. Therefore, you must also love your parents, respect your parents and not only your parents but all people older than us, and be polite in speaking and acting so that people love us. Jadi ingkon sopan do jala pantun tu sude jolma. Don't be selfish, arrogant, naughty, and bold, but be friendly to become a successful person later. Advice like this has also been conveyed to us by our Grandpa, and he said: "Pantun do hangoluan, tois do hamagoan." Even the night before I left to go to Medan to continue my college education, Mama spoke and advised us. "In life, O
10 many challenges must be faced, especially in a social environment, so you have to be smart and wise to sort out what is good and what is not good. Because there are many ways, people can seduce us to fall into the abyss like the Batak people say: Risi-risi hata ni jolma, lamot-lamot hata ni begu (Human speech is harsh, but devil's speech is gentle). So if you are easily tempted by soft but dangerous words, then fall into a dark world. Therefore, you have to be wise and not immediately believe in words that are only pleasant to hear (Unang porsea tu hata ni jolma na tabo di bege ni pinggol). Also when we can't make people happy at least don't hurt them (Dang boi mambahen dongan sonang, unang susahi rohana). Must be careful in speaking and conveying words, must think first and not cause anger just because of the wrong delivery of words (Unang jabir ho, ingkon jolo ni dilat bibir asa ni dok hata)." Apart from that, Mama was also advised to have wise thoughts and a sincere heart. "To understand the situation overseas, you must be wise because you will meet many people with various characters. Shrewd as snakes but faithful as doves (Marbisuk songon ulok, alai marroha songon dara pati). Have good character and meritorious deeds so that success will open up and be achieved. It would help if you also remembered when conquest has been completed, stay humble and don't be arrogant because of it. Like rice, the more it contains, the more it bends
11 (Songon eme lam marisi lam manunduk). When rice begins to grow, many challenges must be faced, such as bad seasons, pests, and diseases, but it persists until it bears fruit. When he bears fruit, he gradually looks down, indicating that he has succeeded and gives joy to people. Likewise, you face every challenge and keep holding on and actively trying to achieve success. But remember, when success has been obtained, stay humble and be a blessing to everyone. Since my mother taught me many things earlier, I started learning and trying to follow them. I can never forget that advice and keep it in my heart. My mind always reminds me to stay humble and robust in all situations because I know that advice and prayers from my parents can pave the way for me to succeed. ~Bernas Alonso Lumban Gaol~
12 Tumagon mangolu pogos ale dihormati, dari pada mamora alai tarhina It is better being poor but honourable than being rich but humiliated have a best friend named Sofia. We've been friends since we were little girls.. She is also my biological cousin because my grandmother and her grandfather were siblings. Sofia came from a wealthy family. Her father and mother were quite successful businessmen. However, even though Sofia came from a wealthy family, she was never arrogant. We often play together, even every day. She's been very kind to me. She also often treats me with snacks. But behind it all, even though our families are related by blood, they are not as close as Sofia and me. That's because Sofia's parents didn't like her to be friends with me. On the other hand, my parents were thrilled when Sofia and I became friends. I was unsure why Sofia's parents didn't like their daughter playing with me. But it might be because I came from a low-income family but our life has always been decent and sufficient. We've never had a problem with anyone. I
13 One day, Sofia came to my house with tears in her eyes. We were curious about why Sofia was crying. When we asked, it turned out that her parents had fought. They had not only fought, but they also had also scolded and beaten Sofia. We didn't know what caused Sofia's parents to fight. So, my mom let Sofia sleep at our house until their fight subsided. The next day, we heard a siren from a police car. And it turned out that the police car stopped in front of Sofia's house. We wondered , did Sofia's parents commit a crime? And sure enough, Sofia's father was involved in a drug trafficking case. We were so shocked. We have known Sofia's family for a long time. And what we had known, Sofia's parents' work were very good. There was no way his father was involved in drug-trafficking cases. Sofia's father had wanted to run away, but the police quickly chased and arrested him. Sofia and her mother cried watching Sofia's father being arrested by the police. After the incident, Sofia's mother told us why they fought. It turned out that they had fought because her mother knew that Sofia's father was involved in a drug trafficking case. Her mother was furious and was worried about the situation. She feared Sofia's father's ridiculous actions would ruin her name and reputation. And sure enough, many people cursed and insulted Sofia's family.
14 Many people said that they were not grateful for their life. They had a very decent life and was wealthy. Their efforts were also successful, but greed consumed them. ~Hanna Jesica Sirait~
15 Marbisuk songon ulok, marroha songon darapati Wise like a snake, think good like a dove y parents have always taught me to do good and positive things. The advice they gave me sounded lilke this "marbisuk songon ulok, marroha songon darapati" . My parents have taught this advice from the beginning to their children. This advice is not just an advice. They meant that the advice is like an asset to his children. His means are considerable for someone, and this can be someone's capital wherever he is. My brothers and I have always been taught to live a little more wisely. Don't do things that are useless in your life. This advice means that we must be "marbisuk" (smart) about what we are going to do and "marroha songon darapati" (thinking, acting like a dove). The Bible also mentions, "Behold, I am sending you like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and sincere as doves." Matthew 10:16. The word "ulok" (snake) is not categorized as a clever animal. Often it is associated with a cunning animal. Its deadly venom and lightning-fast bite when ambushing M
16 unprepared prey indicate the snake's "cunning" attitude. Then "darapati" (dove) is a bird that can fly many kilometres away back to its original place. Therefore, the dove is used as a symbol of "PT Pos" (the post office company), which delivers the letter to its destination, regardless the distance. My parents have often taught this parable advice in the Toba Batak tribe. Because even though it's only consist of six words, the meaning is tremendous. "Marbisuk songon ulok" means that we must be wise like snakes. Wisdom means that in dealing with any situation, we must be able to take appropriate action to solve the situation at hand. Often this context teaches us to be wise. While "marroha songon darapati" means we must be gentle, firm and have feelings like doves. The dove is known as a bird that symbolizes goodness. From this, we will become someone who is like a dove, which is soft-hearted but robust. In the past, pigeons were used to as message carriers. No matter how far the pigeon flies, it will return to its origin. That's how we are taught to think well and be gentle. One day, our family came home. My grandmother's neighbor greeted me. Since I didn't know the person, I kept quiet. He asked me to help buy things at the junction shop. I thought for a long time and then complied. I bought it and gave it to him, but he didn't say anything or even thank me.
17 I told my mother about it. She immediately reminded me to be gentle and kind to everyone, because kindness will be rewarded one day.~Ike Nurmayanti Sipahutar~
18 Jolo nidilat bibir, asa nidok hata Lick your lips, before you speak rom childhood, my mother always advised me with her words of wisdom. But of all her advice I remember the most was "Jolo nidilat bibir, Asa nidok hata" (lick your lips, before you speak). These words have a very deep meaning. Maybe we also hear it a lot. What it means is to think first before speaking, least our words can make others hurt and hate us. As I experienced with my comrades. When I was in junior high school I had a friend, who is quite close to me. It all starts at the time for the announcement of the exam results. We are classmates and sit on one stool. It was time when her name was called she came forward to take her test paper. With a smile, she showed her fairly high score of 8.5. I saw her then also smiled and said congratulations to her, because it was not in vain that she studied hard. Finally came the moment when my name was called. I also came forward to get my test paper. I thought for sure I would get a high score. Because during the exam, we had exchanged answers. And in fact, I got a lower score than she did. I got a 7.5. I was embarrassed to show the result I F
19 got. She just smiled and said nothing. After the exam results were all distributed, the bell rang signaling the time for the school to be over. We went home together. After arriving at our respective homes, as usual after lunch we went out to play. With Smugness, she said to me, 'I'm sorry I don't want to play with fools, I don't want to be friends to someone as stupid as you. Wow, what hurtful words! She didn't think first before she said the words. Sure she got a higher test score than me, but she shouldn't have said such a thing. After all, we only work together in one subject. The following day, Other Exam results were announced and I arrogantly showed my test score which was higher than hers. Since that day I stayed away from her. We're still friends now but not as close as we used to be. That's the consequence for someone who didn't think first before saying something. ~Jernih Sigalingging~
20 Halak na burju marnatua tua dapotan pasu pasu sian debata people who are good to parents will be blessed by god y family has always advised me to instil this advice "Halak na burju marnatua tua dapotan pasu pasu sian Debata" which means that people who are kind to their parents will receive blessings from God. These words are often said so that we always remember that parents are God's right hand to guide us, and is devoted to parents will also bring heaven to you. My parents warned me that I wouldn't be respected if they weren't there. They said that these are parents who should love more than anything else, and I could live up to now because of them. Because of my parents, I don't live in misery. Respecting your parents too will have a good impact because if we respect our parents, other people will also respect us. My parents always remind me to respect older people because good treatment will return to me. In the ten commandments of God, there is also this message, in the fifth commandment, God mentions, "Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the M
21 land that the Lord your God is giving you." God has promised longevity and blessings for anyone who fulfils the fifth commandment. God sent both parents to care for their children. They fulfilled what God commanded him. Therefore, we must respect our parents seriously. The Lord explains what is included in "respect", including giving high esteem- upholding, nurturing, showing love to them, and showing respect or fear, respecting them. Always remember your parents wherever you are and respect them throughout your age. Because what you do to your parents will affect your future. God will give abundant blessings to anyone who appreciates his parents in the land that God has given. ~Maya Citra Herawati Butar Butar~
22 Dang boe mambahen jolma sonang,unang susahi rohana Can't make people happy, at least don't hurt them n a village close to the interior. A family was living in a simple house. They have a son named Rian. He was tall and thin, and his head had no hair. The boy's head becomes shiny and looks funny when exposed to the scorching sun. Because his head had no hair, he was called bald. Bald in the village has no friends. His friends always shunned and ridiculed him because of his bald head. This causes the bald man to become lowly and marginalized Every day after school, he walks to see his friends, who are having fun playing together. When the bald man approached them and wanted to play, his friends chased him away. One day, because of his strong desire to play, his friend became violent, and he was pushed to the ground. Since that incident, the bald man never wanted to play with them again. He spends most of his time alone in the living room. But, the activity of being silent is a very dull thing. It was from here that the bald man got the idea. I
23 Because he felt bored, the bald man thought of doing something to fill his time and relieve his boredom. Besides the bald man's house, there is a tall bamboo tree. A gifted child has advantages or can be said to be talented. With the help of his mother, he cut down the big bamboo tree. Then split with a smaller size. After that, he made the bamboo pieces into a giant kite. And such a kite had never existed before in the village. One day after coming home from school, the bald man went to a large vacant lot. He began to swing his hands and play with the kite he made himself. When the kite has flown high and close to the sky, One of Bald's friends, who was playing with the others in a different place, accidentally saw Bald's kite. "Wow, the kite is really big; whose is it?" Lisa asked a friend of the bald man who had made fun of him. "I don't know; I've never seen it before," said one of them. Out of curiosity, they walked together toward the source of the kite being flown. And the result was never expected by any of them. Their netra caught the figure of a bald man playing the kite. The man they have been avoiding. The bald man, still playing with it, replied that he had made it himself. They laughed
24 as if they couldn't believe that the bald man had made the kite. The next day, he proved it by inviting all his friends to his house. The bald man who made the kite believed him after confirmation. They apologized to the bald man at that point because he had been away from him and had never wanted to play with him. The bald man generously forgives all his friends. His friends also asked the bald man to make the kites one by one, and the bald man happily agreed. At that time, Lisa always did not believe in her talent that Singul had. Lisa's mother then cautioned her daughter not to continue to underestimate people; they don't feel perfect; everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Lisa also felt sad because her mother scolded her. Her mother asked Lisa "What made you dislike him?" Mom asked Lisa Lisa answered, "No, mom, I just hate him because he looks ugly." The mother answered Lisa. "Lisa, if she doesn't have a problem with you or makes you dislike her, at least you don't bully her or make fun of her; she also has feelings like you.
25 “You can't make people happy; at least don't hurt her or make people difficult or Dang boi mambahen jolma sonang,unang susahi rohana” Lisa awoke and told her friends what they had done to the bald man was wrong. Long after, they also helped the bald man make the kite so that what he made was done quickly. After everyone held their kites, they rushed to the same place where the bald man had first played with the kites. Now they play together with a happy heart and without any disputes. The bald man's friends couldn't stop thinking; they still approached him and asked him where he got the kite. ~Monalisa Br Samosir~
26 Bahen ma dirimu songon laut na luas Make yourself like a vast sea hen I was seventeen, my mother once gave me words of wisdom or sayings in the Batak language that have a profound meaning. This wisdom is precious and will be very influential for my present and future life, namely, "Bahenma dirimu songon laut na luas." When I was down and had many problems, I could barely solve them with a clean heart and a cool head. My parents, especially my mother, gave me those words of wisdom. My mother saw me and called me when I was contemplating alone in the room. She then told me to sit down and gave me a significant piece of advice or words of wisdom about how to overcome the many problems that occurred to me at the time. The words of wisdom, namely "Bahenma Yourself Songon Laut Na Luas," mean "make yourself like a wide ocean," which in a broad sense means to make myself like a vast ocean and, in facing any problem in this life, accept it with a patient heart and strong faith. Because life cannot be separated into two things, namely happiness or pleasure and problems, we must be able to be grateful when we are happy because it is a gift W
27 from God the Almighty. Be patient and have faith that everything will get better in the future. Problems are like salt, while the heart is water. If a spoonful of salt is placed in a glass of water, it will taste salty, but if a spoonful of salt is placed in a large lake, the salt will not be tasted. My heart in the future will be better and happier because the severity of a problem depends on my heart. ~Rianty Dwi Yantris~
28 Marnipima satimbo ni timbona , ale parjoloma ulahon na denggan na jonok. Dream high, but do well what you can for now e should hear and get a lot of advice from our parents and the people around us. That advice will always be helpful in our lives. When I was ten years old, my parents advised me that I could see the world well and not act carelessly. Of course, everyone has a dream; I do as well. When we were doing regular worship together, my father asked about my dreams for the future. I replied that I wanted to be someone my parents could be proud of. I know that my parents were proud of me. I wanted to be a famous and successful businesswoman, even to the point that no one in this world know who I was. When I told my parents about my dreams, they gave me valuable advice: "Marnipima Satimbo ni timbona, Ale parjoloma ulahon na denggan na jonok," which means "Dream high, but do well what you can fornow." They gave that advice so that I remember the good things close to me for the sake of my dream. They told me they would be very proud of me if I had big dreams for W
29 myself. However, there are many people out there who forget the little things that could affect their lives. Therefore, my parents don't want me to be indifferent to small things because even small things must be considered. After all, how will we care about the small things close to us later if we don't care about the big things? Being in college is a challenging thing. There are many trials to go through and many difficult things to come. As a good student, I was asked by my parents to care about everything, both big and small things. It's okay if you don't do these little things; most importantly, we are sensitive to them. If we can do that, all the better, and if we can't, it's not a problem. For that, we are all reminded to focus first on the small good things close to us, and then we can see the big things that may be far from us. ~Risda Hartati~
30 Mata guru roha sisean Teacher's eyes, student's heart itting in the third grade of elementary school, I assumed my teacher was my knowledge. I used to dream of being a teacher like him. He would always take the time to teach and educate his students. Even in whatever condition the weather was, he would come to teach us. Once, he told me about his past. He told that he had a father who would always give him great advice. His father was not a teacher, but he had insight like a teacher. Every advice and message that he conveyed, he would always relate it to life daily problems. Until now, my teacher told his father's advice to us, students. Most students, including me, liked to hear his stories. We got a lot of knowledge from those stories. The message that popped up in my brain that I could forget was when he said, "Mata Guru Roha Sisean." Once, he told us his tale when he went to cut a tree in the forest with his father. They wanted to build a pig stable, so they needed more wood. When cutting the tree, he saw my teacher and said, "Mata guru roha sisean". Directly, my teacher stopped talking and asked me what his story meant. I just remained silent. I had no idea. Then, he continued the story and explained it. "If you want to cut the tree in a S
31 better manner, you should observe it well. Pay your attention and learn", my teacher said. The message has a profound meaning and is very suitable for students today. "Eyes" must be used as a teacher and guide us for witnessing something. What is seen and witnessed must be observed carefully for students because "sisean" means a pupil or student. ~Rizky Munte~
32 Sinuan bulu sibahen na las, sinuan partuturan sibahen na horas Kinship should be planted among community or the first time in years, we finally had neighbors again. When I was little, they decided to move to their new house, not far from their old home. But unlike the previous years, ‘this time the owner's son was occupying the place. We still have blood ties. His parents and my grandmother were relatives, but they were often rude to my grandmother. They always put my grandmother in a situation where she couldn't do anything, but she was always patient and didn't pay any attention despite of their treatments. Every time my grandmother wants to plant coffee or lemongrass leaves in our backyard, the coffee or lemongrass leaves would die for some reason. Bule is my dog, and he always has several head injuries. Because Bule often gets harsh treatment from him, every day, if he sees the man, he will bark at him as if the man was a thief who was trespassing. The man was getting more emotional and threw stones at him, hoping my dog would leave his yard. I decided to tie up my dog and keep him from seeing the man to avoid a fight. F
33 Every night when he returned from selling, he would sing with his guitar until midnight in a loud voice. Even the other residents felt disturbed and wondered who was singing so loudly. Even if he's not singing, he'll be watching tv at totally high volume until the next morning. I wondered whether he was watching TV or the TV was watching him. My family and I were constantly distracted at night, but my grandmother said to let her have her sleep. My grandmother no longer wanted to greet that man after what he did to my grandmother. The longer he was ignored, the more he enjoyed making noise and fuss. Unable to bear those treatments any longer, my grandmother finally reported him to the head of the village, and he was thenkicked out of the village. If only he could be polite to his parents and surroundings, many people would respect him too. ~Yudithy F Q Siahaan~
34 Sasittongna , molo dipahabisho jatah gagalmu, olo dang olo ho ikkon hasea In fact, if you have spent all your failure quota, like it or not, you will ne fine day, I rushed to prepare my things for school. As usual, I walked to school quite a distance that was far from home. I enjoyed the morning breeze accompanying my journey to school. As usual, the lesson started, and I followed it well. When the bell rang, indicating school time is over, I rushed home and prepare things for practice. On that day, I planned to participate in swimming practice in preparation for the National Student Sports Olympiade Selection. When I arrived at the training pool, I practiced alone enthusiastically without feeling the fatigue. I stepped on my feet and jumped into the pool. I practiced until the sun went down. After the practice was over, I headed back home to study and rest. I did this activity routinely every day because the match schedule was around the corner. I have always tried to be the winner and wanted to make my family and the people in my regional district proud of me. O
35 The "D" day had arrived, and I was getting ready to participate in the race. The race started. I jumped in the pool and kept on swimming. The beat of my heart and my every breath accompanied my every move making me want to go even faster. When it was time to announce the results of the competition, I was declared a loser and was ranked 4th place. I was disappointed because I didn't bring a medal home. When I got home, my parents were waiting for the results of my match. I knew they would still accept whatever my results were but in a slightly disappointing situation. Year after year, I practiced and continually improved the skills I had. I learned from every failure I had gone through. I spent my time practicing and practicing. I practiced well, and I signed up again when the competition opened once again to the public. Until it was game time, I failed to return. My father felt quite disappointed with my results. I received unpleasant remarks from some friends who said I deserved to lose and did not deserve to win. But that didn't stop me from continuing to train myself. I wanted to prove more and more that I was worthy and would succeed. There had been many competitions that I have followed and ended again in failure. Year after year, every race I entered had failed repeatedly. Again and again, I needed to remind myself when I wanted to take a break from everything.
36 One year later, I participated in a swimming competition between students. Again I practiced and registered myself to participate. At the end of the game, this time I managed to win the game. I enthusiastically brought home the trophy. When I arrived home, my father thought it was normal. He was proud but didn't acknowledge my efforts, and he even said I won by chance. Those words made an impression on my heart. After all this time I had practiced and struggled to achieve this victory, I didn't expect to get this victory. Finally I was selected as the best athlete for the next match and I managed to bring the district's name back. I practiced relentlessly and always learned from my mistakes and shortcomings. The day of my departure for the competition finally arrived. This was the day I had been waiting for, the pinnacle of my hopes. I felt slightly nervous about bringing hope to my family and my hometown. I was proud of my achievements in getting to this point. Even so, my father had been my coach. He had always taught me and gave me tips for the competitions. During my practice he gave me instructions and trained me endlessly. I wanted to win that competition and make my parents proud. I was very nervous about the competition, which was larger and with so many more participants. I decided to surrender to faith and tried my very best to my family, friends, and regional district.
37 It was time for the match to begin. I stepped out and tried wholeheartedly give my very best. The game ended, and the announcement was made. My heart was beating irratically fast, waiting for the results to be announced. The results shocked me tremendously. I was declared the winner when my name was called out loudly and clearly through the microphone. My friends screamed and patted me on the shoulder, congratulating me. I had finally become a winner after going through so many failures. My relentlessly practice and training to make myself better had finally paid off. I didn't expect the outcome of my hard work. I am proud of all the achievements up to this day. From then on, my father and mother were proud of me. They acknowledge my results and all the effort I've gone through. ~Lidya Elisca Siahaan~
38 Jolma na burju marroha ima jolma na maila pambahenan dang songon nadidokna A kind-hearted person is a person who will feel ashamed if his actions don't match his words eople will judge you if your attitude doesn't reflect the words you are saying. That was my mother's advice. I should have a good attitude and should also spread positive vibes to everyone. "Jolma na burju marroha ima jolma na maila pambahenan dang songon nadidokna" means that a kind person is a person who will feel ashamed if what he does is not in his words. My mother keeps on saying these words because people would often say that I have arrogant eyes. They made people think that I was vain. This advice was given to me when I was still very young. People keep telling me that I have arrogant eyes which alarmed my mother., "Why do people keep on telling me that?" Usually, it's genetic. When somebody has a proud appearance, it doesn't mean that he or she can be considered as haughty. Due to that reason,, my mother kept reciting to me those words and asking me to apply the P
39 words in real life. Hopefully people can see that my actions will match with my words so people wont identify me as an arrogant person. I will try to hold on to those words in my life. ~Argatha Sitompul~
40 Hatahon ma dohot roha nadenggan, dohot pambahenon na denggan, ala aha nadidokmu ima kacca ni dirim peak with a truthful heart and do good deeds because what you say will reflect on you iving advice is considered to be a good teaching method, where parents often give to their children. Advice was given not only by parents but also by family members.. My parents like to obey the rules, and when their children make mistakes, they would call them to reprimand them. A lot of advice was given to me because of the mistakes that I made. Through this advice, I try to be a better person by always introspecting myself. I received an advice when my were spoken rudely to my brother. This incident happened when I was 13 years old. Those words were the worst thing I had ever said to my brother it wasn't a big deal. The fight was over food but inappropriate words came out of my mouth I said harshly to my brother; he was very surprised to hear my rudeness. He couldntt believe that I would say that. Likewise with my mother. Mmother's feelings were horrified , shocked and felt sad. G
41 My parents would advise us to introspect and correct our mistakes. The advice they often give was "Hatahon ma dohot roha nadenggan, dohot pambahenon na denggan, ala aha nadidokmu ima kacca ni dirim". At first, I didn't understand what this wisdom words meant, but after my parents told me what it meant, "Speak with a truthful heart and do good deeds because what you say will reflect on you." At first, I didn't understand why I had to get advice like that. My mother explained that if I speak truthfully and do good what comes from my mouth will reflect on me. If I speak well, do good, this will reflect on myself, that is being a good person. Sometimes we ignore how we speak, act, and the contents of our hearts, and the bad things we often do to each other and hurt those around us with our attitudes and words. And this will keep people avoid us. Therefore this advice reminds me that I must think about what I say and what I am going to do beforehand, whether this will hurt the people around me. From this advice, I understand that my parents want me to radiate kindness to everyone so that people see a good reflection of themselves. Therefore I appreciate the advice from my parents, not only parents but people out there, family, and my brothers. ~Agustin Praspinsa Napitupulu~
42 Unang sinuan padang di omburombur, unang sinuan hata nagabe humondurhondur. Don't make promises if you cannot keep them have a cousin named Qrry, and he is five years old. Last month I promised to buy her a hair clip with a picture of a rabbit because Qrry likes rabbits, but I forgot to buy that hair clip; my cousin kept coming to the house, but she was too shy to remind me of the promise I made to her. One week later she had a high fever. My mother told me her fever did not go down even though she had been to the hospital. My mother asked me if I had bought the hairpin that I had promised my cousin, and suddenly, I was shocked and said that I had forgotten what I had promised to give her. Instantly my mother got angry at me and said “Unang sinuan Padang in omburombur, unang sinuan hata nagabe humundurhondur” which means, not to make promises if you cannot keep them. Next day, I immediately gave her the hairpin she wanted. After three days, she was healthier and was able to play with her friends. After that incident, I decided not to make empty promises to anyone unless I was sure I could I
43 fulfill those promises. Mother also said that not everyone would understand if you don’t keep your promises. Consequently, I will not be trusted anymore if I don’t keep my promises. ~Elisa A V Rumahorbo~
44 Pasomal-somal ma dirim tu na denggan asa gabe bakko Always be Kind So That It will Become your Habit am the second child of four siblings. I have one older sister and two younger brothers. Our parents raised us with good values. I was a child who did not talk much and liked to be alone. I preferred to spend my time with my family and in nature. In addition, I am a good listener. Let me tell you more about myself. When I was eight years old, in elementary school, I had a friend named Tari. Tari is a good girl but she is prone to jealousy. One day, we agreed to play at my house after school. After finishing lunch, she came to my house. I immediately took my new toy and asked her to play with it. However, seeing that I had a new toy, she grabbed it from my hand. I did not want my toy taken away, so I snatched it back from her hand, and we fought and cried. In the end, I reluctantly gave my toy to her; my mother saw what I had done at that time. My mother came up to us and asked, "What happened?" And I also told my mother that Tari had taken my toy and wanted to have it. My mother took my hand and I
45 took me into the house. When I got home, my mother advised me, "always be kind so it will be your habit" If you give in to others, it must be with a sincere heart. Hearing the advice from my mother, I was silent and felt guilty about what I did. I gave up my toy to Tari but I was still angry at her. The next day, Tari and I met at school. I approached her and apologized to her for yesterday's incident; we forgave each other and became friends again. Starting from there, that value continues to be my principle: I must always be kind and I should do everything with a sincere heart. I want kindness to be my habit. ~Ester Saragih~
46 Aha pe I molo nga idok berlebihan jelas dang denggan Anything in excess is not good hen I was a teenager, my mom bought me a cell phone. Getting the android phone as a gift, thrilled me. But before my mother gave it to me, my mother advised me to play with my cell phone in moderation so that I would not forget to study and do my homework. At first, I didn't care about what my parents had said to me. I considered it trivial because, at the time, I was still relatively young. I didn't have a significant burden in my life. Almost every day, I play cellular phone until I forget the time. My mother comes to advise me to reduce the use of a mobile phones. As time passed, I started to reduce my cellphone activity, and I chose to help my mother at home. I realized that the impact of playing on my cell phone all day could make me lazier and stupider. A small example I said, when I was a teenager, I got a smartphone as a gift from my parents. At first, everything looked fine, but after a while, I became lazy and lived in my world. I chose to be alone instead of playing with friends. The worst thing is that I need to be more active in studying, even to help my mother do the homework. As a W