47 result, my grades dropped dramatically to the last rank in class. I was very disappointed with myself, and my mother was also disappointed in me. After that, I realized that playing on my cell phone was only damaging my health and slowing down my brain. But besides that, the role of my parents was very influential on me. I was again advised and guided patiently. My mother also always controlled my smartphone use. She gave me a schedule for when I could play cell phone and when to study. With my mother's guidance, I can now manage my life for some people. He not only taught me everything, but he also taught all of this to my young siblings. He taught me little things. Mother is the financial holder in my house. Even though the finances are wholly given to the mother, she will not waste money on her interest. Mother always put the needs of our children first and taught us not to waste money on things that weren't too important. Maybe there were times when we fought over trivial things, but my mother would never defend one of us because my mother never discriminated against her affection for us. There was no favoritism in my mother's heart. With a balanced mother's love for us, my sister and I can take the good things that my mother set for us. My mother also taught us that in making friends, we have to joke well, not cross the line, let alone bully friends, for
48 joking too much can make us unpopular with many people. With my mother's teaching my younger siblings and me, we get along more quickly and far from fights. Your mother's advice is the best for my life and my younger siblings. Therefore, until now, I have always remembered my parent's advice and instilled it in myself. ~Eunike Aginta Sinaga~
49 Dang adong naso tarpatupa ni Debata Nothing is impossible to God eing poor is not fun. No one wants to be with a poor person. But my destiny said otherwise. I grew up in a poor and very deprived family. My parents worked as farmers. Our income depended only on the field that we worked on. Our food was minimal. We often eat salted fish and cassava leaves. But through all the difficulties, we were motivated to achieve our goals. The time came when I graduated high school. I received good grades. Even though I'm just a farmer's daughter, I want to continue my studies at the college level. So, I took the college entrance test or SBMPTN. I took the test for free without paying a penny because I have a KIP card. And I passed and was accepted at Manado State University. I thought that this would be good news to my parent. However, they said that Manado was too far. They didn't allow me to go there. I couldn’t understand the way my parents think. I was annoyed with their decision. Even though they said it was for my own good, I was still furious. Because my parents didn't allow me to go too far, I decided to study in Medan, B
50 namely HKBP Nommensen University. My parents said it was costly to study at Nommensen because it was a private university. At the same time, my parents did not have the money for me to study there. I prayed hard to God to help me so that I can go on with my study. Hearing what my parents said, I searched for information on Google about scholarships at Nommensen, and there it was. I finally decided to apply for the Beasiswa Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (a scholarship programme for attending college by the Ministry of Education in Indonesia). I followed all the processes and took the exams and came for interviews. I have followed all the steps and was just waiting for the announcement. After checking the announcement, it turned out that I have been chosen to receive the Beasiswa Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah. I decided to major in English Literature. I was so thrilled and so were my parents. They were happy because I could go to college not too far away. Finally, I can go to college without burdening my parents. ~Hanna Jesica Sirait~
51 Mambuat mas sian toru ni rere Don't cheat to gain profit y grandmother once gave me a good advice that I should always be honest. The advice "mambuat mas sian toru ni rere" was given by my grandmother. This advice can be related to human greed for wealth. There are still many people who are financially successful but are never satisfied with their condition. Finally, they do anything that can increase their wealth, including committing wrong actions such as corruption. The Batak people adhere to this advice to avoid greed, which means not taking the wrong path. Of course, this advice teaches anyone not to take something that is not our right. Many people want to get as much wealth as possible improperly, for example, through corruption, deception, and slander. That's why the Batak people adhere to this philosophy or advice. They don't want to use the wrong methods to get abundant wealth (they don't want to be greedy). If only all officials in Indonesia adhered to the philosophy of "mambuat mas sian toru ni rere", I'm sure this country would be prosperous and peaceful. No corruption, collusion, or bribery. M
52 This advice brings a perfect effect on everyone who applies it. We find so many people who take advantage of the situation to get an advantage. That person forgot everything and was dishonest and greedy. At the same time, everyone is taught to act honestly in any situation. This advice teaches people to be kind and remain honest even under any circumstances. Because it's a matter of sustenance or profit, everyone will feel it. We need to wait because God has arranged it so well. What we plant is also what we will reap later, so stay honest and don't be greedy so that you get good things from what you do. If you haven't found an honest person, then be one. The advice "mambuat mas sian toru ni rere" is advice that I can never forget. It is this advice that motivates me always to be honest and never dare to take advantage of what is not our right. Taking advantage of a situation that is not my right is a big mistake. So always try to stay honest in life and to help others sincerely. ~Ike Nurmayanti Sipahutar~
53 Unang patudoshon dirim tu eme nalapungon, nadi parmudu-mudu alai hona bolongkon Don’t make yourself like empty rice, which is nurtured and will eventually be wasted y parents are farmers living in the village. My father and mother go to the rice fields every day because only from there can we all eat and go to school. Praise be to God that I have now finished senior high school. After graduating high school, I told my parents that I wanted to continue my schooling at a higher level. But because of unfavourable circumstances, my mother said that they could only send me until high school level only. She told me that if I wanted to go to college, they couldn't afford to pay for my education. My desire to continue studying vanished I finally found a job, which I will use to pay for college. After three years of working hard, I finally quit and signed up for college. In my opinion, just graduating from high school will not be enough for me to get a decent job. And thank God, I was finally accepted into HKBP M
54 Nommensen University Medan. Eventually, I could continue my studies. "Don’t make yourself like empty rice, which is nurtured and will eventually be wasted", this is a Batak proverb that my father had always said to me when I graduated high school. The meaning of this Batak saying is ‘Don’t make yourself useless, you have been in high school but there is no point. These words are what I always remember and use as motivation in my life. I don't want to be empty rice, I have to be stuffed rice. Who is able to give satisfactory results to people who have given good care of me so far. Maybe this sounds very difficult but keeping this saying in mind will definitely make me stronger to face any problems that exist in life. Empty rice must turn into filled rice. I have to be a useful human being for my parents. I will take good care of them in their old age. So that my parents are also not ashamed to tell about their children to their friends. One day my father will be able to say proudly, 'My children are all filled rice. It has not been in vain all the things that I have done for them so far." ~Jernih Sigalingging~
55 Risi risi hata ni jolma , lamot lamot hata nibegu Humans speak harshly, but demons whisper softly want to tell you one of the words that my parents once said, "risi risi hatani jolma, lamot lamot hatani begu". This sentence means that humans speak harshly, but demons speak softly. This sentence was said to me so that I am aware of the people around me, it does not mean that I was advised to avoid everyone, but I was told to stay in line and not be swayed by what other people said. My mother also said that I should be smart in choosing myb friends, especially in my college or where I lived then. This sentence can also be interpreted that not all people that we perceive as good are good people. Some are good in the the surface but some are bad inside. . And not all people who speak rudely to us or whose words hurt us are evil because there are also people who talk spontaneously to make us aware of the truth. My parents also advised that if someone invites us or persuades us to do something, do not immediately do what he says, but think for a moment and think carefully. Will it hurt us, or is it good for us? Also we should be aware of our surroundings. That is the advice that until now I have I
56 instilled and applied in my life. Because it's beneficial, and I've also had friends who are very good in front of me and talked gently to me, but it turned out thar they were terrible and had badmouthed me in front of other people. One such example is Eve. She was persuaded by a demon resembling a snake to eat the forbidden fruit. The snake gently coaxed Eve so that Eve was tempted to eat the fruit, and Eve also persuaded Adam gently so that Adam ate the fruit God had forbidden. Now that's one example that not all who speak softly are good people. They could whisper to us to persuade or poison our minds with evil things. Therefore, be careful of what people say because not all of them are sincere. ~Maya Citra Herawati Butar Butar~
57 Arta na sinari doi, rupa pe satongkin doi Wealth can be searched for, and appearance is also only temporary. ne day at a beauty school, a student named Helenna was very arrogant, selfish, and angry. One day, the beauty school had a new Batam student named Lisa. Lisa is brilliant, kind, and friendly. One day Helenna spoke to Lisa: "Hey Lisa, don't pretend to be intelligent and friendly."Lisa just replied, "I don't want to be smart and friendly, Helenna, but I mean well. "I'm too lazy to talk to you, you arrogant child who doesn't know himself," said Helena furiously. Lisa's heartfelt hot, and sad. In her heart, she said, "No wonder the children don't want to play with Helenna and feel they are more powerful." During recess, Lisa secretly gathered all the female students except Helenna to go to the school's backyard. Lisa had an idea to wake Helena up. The bell rang, all the children entered the class, and Miss Nova entered the room and said there would be a makeup texture test. Everyone agrees except Helena because she doesn't study but plays O
58 games. When the exam questions were distributed, all the children who got them immediately worked on them while Helenna secretly opened the notebook. When Selly noticed this, she immediately informed Miss Nova, who called Helenna. "Helena, did you open the notebook earlier?" asked Miss Nova. "Don't miss Nova," Helenna said with a panicked and tense face. "Answer honestly, Helenna," said Miss Nova firmly. "Yes, Miss Nova." Helenns answered. "Then Helena comes to the front of the class." "Ba...fine...miss. Nova." Then Miss Nova also reminded Helenna not to be arrogant. Miss Nova also told Helena. "Helenna, I know you have children, you have everything. "You are also beautiful and look perfect, but remember that wealth can be found in the way that you can only have it temporarily, so try to be friends with others, even if they are not your equal. "Miss Nova said to Helenna just cried, bowed her head, and went to the boat to go home.
59 When she came home from school, Lisa waited for Selly to come home. She met Helenna with a sad face and asked, "Helenna, why are you?". "I'm sorry, Lisa," said Helenna. "I always forgive you," answered Lisa. ~Monalisa Br Samosir~
60 Maraprap na so magulang People Who Don't Fall, Even Get Hurt y parents always taught me to behave well toward everyone. I had an experience in high school with a friend who liked to meddle in other people's business. My relationship with my mother is very close; I always tell her about anything. At that time, in the evening, my mother and I were sitting together on the couch, and my mother started asking, "How are your friends at school?" I replied that everything was fine. I told her about one friend of mine who liked to interfere in other people's business. She even wanted to know about other people's family matters. Then, my mother advised me that interfering in other people's business is not a good thing. She said that it would help if I remembered to focus on my own business and not other people's. What my mother said was true. There is no need to interfere in other people's businesses because there are still many things in our personal lives that we have to fix or improve. Everyone has his own business. Among these various matters, some matters are allowed to be handled by other people, but some are private. Personal matters must M
61 only be known and taken care of by oneself. This relates to personal secrets, disgrace, and so on. Interfering in other people's personal affairs is a toxic act that is very detrimental to others. Either by finding out too much, giving comments to their problems, or so on. These rights can make us be disliked by others. Interfering too much can have a negative impact, namely, being untrustworthy. This is especially true if we too often convey things concerning other parties that turn out to be untrue. This will put us in a situation where it is hard to be trusted by those around us. ~Ester Saragih~
62 Naso mata nggak Di Hata, Naso mata hut Di Bohi Dare To Say Right And Wrong once heard a proverb from my father. He gave me pearls or words of wisdom that I still remember to this day and is still very attached to me, namely "Nasomatantak in Hata, nasomatatut in Bohi." These pearls or words of wisdom in the Batak language have a profound meaning and are priceless. Until now, thank God, I can still apply and practice the words my father gave me for living with my family and friends. Two years ago, in high school, I broke my brother's treasured possession because it was a memory from his best friend who had wandered far away. At that time, I was terrified and didn't have the mental strength to say that I had damaged this precious item. I told my father that I had damaged my brother's valuables. "Nasomatanggak in Hata, Nasomatahut in Bohi," my father utterred in the Batak language. One of the keys to success in life is telling the truth. Because of this philosophy, the Batak people often uphold honesty. The outspoken speech of the Batak people is evidence to that saying. While many people may not like raw honesty, they can't change because of what others think I
63 of you. In everyday life, you have to be honest and open about everything. In the future, I can take lessons from the meaning of this philosophy and apply it in everyday life. I then have the courage to say what is right and what is wrong. Don't be afraid of what others think of you by being truthful. Stand firm in your beliefs. Because honesty is the primary key to success, and honesty is very expensive. ~Rianty Dwi Yantris~
64 Ai dang simanuk-manuk sibontar andora, ai dang sitodo turpuk siahut lomo ni roha We cannot determine our destiny y family and I often gather in the yard to talk. One day, when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, and I was gathering with my family to talk about life, I said that life is tough and I don't want to have a terrible destiny; I want to live with a good destiny. I said, "How can people have a bad destiny?" I thought that those with an evil destiny would feel disappointed every day. Hence, I don't want to have an evil destiny. Then, my father said that we humans could not determine our destiny. He said that there was a proverb that said, "Ai dang simanuk-manuk sibontar andora, ai dang sitodo turpuk siahut lomo ni roha." It means that there are times when things happen beyond our will, and we have to accept them as they are. Humans can only plan, but it is only God who determines the plan. We need to surrender and believe in God's will. Sometimes it's hard for us to accept the destiny that befalls us, especially if that destiny takes the form of M
65 difficulties or failures—something we don't expect to happen to us. At that time, we often forget that God must know better what is best for His creation. We forget that God has promised not to put His people through trials beyond their ability. So, learn to accept our destiny. He also said that we could change our destiny as long as we want to and are committed to doing so, and of course, everything lies in the hands of God, the creator. He doesn't want me to be someone who gives up quickly on life, and he wants me to rise from failure. If you fall seven times, you have to get up eight times. For that, I make his words a guideline for my life. ~Risda Hartati~
66 Talu maralohon dongan, monang maralohon musuh Lose among friends as long as you win against enemies y parents always taught me that I could be a perfect child. I was told to always give in to friends. Suggestion "Talu maralohon dongan, monang maralohon musuh" Is my parents' advice. Parents have taught this advice from the beginning to their children. This advice is not just advice that has an enormous capacity for someone, and this can be an asset for someone wherever he is. My brothers and I have always been taught to live wiser in choosing friends wherever I am, both within the school and community environments. You think friends can be people who are genuinely friends for you. Not all your friends want to accompany you when you fall, dawn, when you are down, and when you feel that you are at the lowest point in your life". Say multiply your relationships, wherever you are making more friends, everyone is a friend if we want to, but we must choose and choose to be closer friends with someone. Because sometimes, there are humans who are just as less, and sometimes someone we consider a good friend is M
67 our worst enemy. So, if we have met someone or people we think are friends, be a good friend willing to give in and help others, but if someone has become your enemy, you must win against your enemy. My father said again, "if the enemy has to be adjusted in a manly manner, even though you are a woman, you must have a male soul in you so that you are not taken for granted by people and looked down on wherever you are." So remember the advice from our parents, because it's not just advice, but it's a provision for us to set foot in other people's cities or even in foreign countries. Remember our hometown and remember your culture, even if we are in other people's cities. This advice has a good meaning so that we can apply it in everyday life. ~Rosyenta Naingolan~
68 Molo di danggur dohot baru, danggur ma dohot pisang If thrown with a stone, then throw it with a banana y parents once said do not repay evil with evil but repay with kindness. The meaning of the saying " Molo di danggur dohot baru, danggur ma dohot pisang" is that when someone does evil to us, we do not repay that evil with another evil deed , but we must repay him with goodness to be human beings who have patience as vast as the ocean. However, if your opponent has thrown an enormous rock, then throw a banana leaf along with the machete, which means if your opponent has gone too far, then respond to him by going even further. Humans also have limits on patience, so for example, " if thrown with a stone, then throw it with a banana" is applied if there is still a lot of patience. If we have a patient heart, God will give us many blessings. When your friend, family, or enemy say something that hurt you, please don't reply to them with the exact words. It breaks the other person's heart because it shows that you are not much different from him. If you know what M
69 you say hurt his feeling, then don't throw hurtful words at your opponent. That's the same as being vengeful. If you think what your friends, family, or enemies have done or said are outrageous or cannot be tolerated, you can resist because you are only an ordinary human who can feel pain. So it is okay if you want to hit back. Before you want to hit back of your enemy's actions, first think accordingly the mistakes and activities you will have for him. Do not give retribution that is not accordingly with his actions because that will show you are no better person than he is. ~Ruth Olga Sibagariang~
70 Mangalangka tu jolo, marpanarian tu pudi Do something with full consideration so that tomorrow can be fulfilled fter two years of online learning, students finally received an announcement that the education system would be carried out offline or face-toface. Hearing the news, I chose to stay in a boarding house near my campus. Since I went to college, I no longer live with my parents, making it hard for me to organize myself especially in managing my finances. I have to carefully plan my daily needs. Unlike what I faced back in high school, I don't have to think about what I will eat tomorrow. My allowance is also sufficient if I don't snack alot. I preferred to buy things rather than food. My mother only gives me pocket money every month amounted to 1.5 million rupiahs. If estimated, that figure is more than enough to live for one month. But in the first months, it felt like there was very little for me. There were lots of equipment that I use in my room, such as study tables, cloth cupboards, bookcases, hangers, and much more. That's why I decided to shop online because I need help understanding shopping places in my new area of residence. A
71 Entering October, my second month at my new place of residence, the more I want to know, the more I want to buy new things. Finally, without realizing it, I have run out of my monthly allowance in the second week of October. I kept ordering goods online constantly. Another consequence is the fear of missing out, or what young people now call FOMO (Fear of missing out). FOMO (Fear of missing out) can be found in young people who don't want to be left behind by trends. They are afraid of being ignored by their friends, or feel left behind by the achievements of their friends. In my case, this is the fear of being ignored. Because making friends when you first meet is quite draining the bag. At that time, I still thought chilling out with friends would strengthen friendships. After using up all my pocket money, I realized that maintaining friendships is about something other than spending money. I borrowed my friend's money to live out my life for the next two weeks in October. From this incident, I can learn that we need to consider what we will do now to fulfill our tomorrow. ~Yudithy F Q Siahaan~
72 Sabarmaho disasude gulmit ni ngolumu, alai na paling petting ima bersabar dohot emosi na adong didirim. Be patient with the pain in your life, but most importantly be patient with your own emotions ne afternoon, I sat under a shady tree and enjoyed the evening twilight until the sunset. I want my days as usual. I'm currently in junior high school. I am known for the joy I have, the enthusiasm, and the positive aura that radiates from me. One day, when I arrived home, I accidentally witnessed my parents fighting because my mother treated me differently from the others. I walked into the room with a slightly puffy face. I cried and felt devastated. I'm sad about the situation I'm in. I also experience problems with myself where I always feel guilty about everything that's happened, and the feeling of unworthiness haunts me every day. Days passed, I went back to school, and while walking, my friends left me without any reason. I approached him and asked what was wrong, but he only answered silently without language. My friends stay away from me for no reason. Again, I got terrible treatment. I was made fun of and physically insulted. O
73 My insecurities are excessive, and I don't love myself. I have no friends and feel very lonely. Many of the dreams I was chasing stopped because we didn't have enough money. I had the accumulated emotions, low self-esteem, and insecurity back again. The pain that I had endured long ago now I can no longer accept. I want to end my life with everything that happened to me. I want to go home and end it all. While crying, she couldn't say anything else. Then the man invited Dina to sit in the shade. He tried to calm Lidya and encourage her. Finally, he told everyone about his grief. Finally, the man and I are now good friends. For me, Lidya's fifty filters are her light. Lidya no longer feels lonely because she is kind and hot to me. He taught me many things. Now Lidya is no longer hurting him, and she is back to being a cheerful person. I always play with him and don't feel lonely anymore. Lidya is also familiar with the family. Man," s family welcomed me well. ~Lidya Elisca Siahaan~
74 Marsitijur dompak langit sai manabu do tu ampunan Insulting your own brother is the same as insulting yourself ne day, I went with my friends to the beach. Before I left, I asked my sister to come with me. We talked and joked with my friends and sister when we got to the beach. On the sidelines of the conversation, I mocked my sister. At that time, she accidentally ordered the wrong food while we were at the beach. My sister immediately started crying, and she was very embarrassed. I scolded and told her to be quiet, but she didn't shut up either. In the end, because I was already emotional, I said goodbye to my friends and immediately took my sister home. Upon our arrival at home, mother came from the kitchen and approached us. She asked what had happened, since my sister was crying. Then my sister complained to her mother that I had scolded and insulted her in front of my friends. Mother immediately hugged my sister and stroked her hair to calm her down. After, my mother advised me not to do things like that again because it would be the same as if I had insulted my own family. O
75 My mother has always given us good advice, but I often forgot her advice to me. My mother would be so patiently facing my stubborness. Mother often said if I exposed my own family's disgrace, then it would be the same as I disgraced my parents and my family. She reminded me to always maintain our good family name. Wherever you I must honour my familu and this will signifanctlay have an impact on me. As the most significant child in the family, I have to be an excellent example for them, especially my younger siblings. I have to protect them and maintain the good name of the family. My burden and responsibility as an older sister are hefty, but my mother always supports me to set a good example. Indeed I admit that being the first woman in the family is very heavy, but I must remember of my responsibilities. The answer is that I also have to be smart in carrying myself wherever I go. Wherever I am, all positive or negative actions will be looked upon me by others. Therefore I must be able to be a more caring person and elevate the degree of my family in front of many people so that others don't judge my family with one eye. We can see incidents like that, and even worse than that, many people are unaware that they have put disgrace on their own family.
76 On the one hand, I am proud of my mother, who is not tired of always teaching me and giving me good advice so that bad things don't happen. A mother's role is critical in my life because a mother is a person who is more robust than steel, and she has always looked after and protects us, her children. ~Eunike Aginta Sinaga~
77 Jolma na burju marroha ima jolma na maila pambahenan dang songon nadidokna A kind-hearted person is a person who will feel ashamed if his actions don't match his words eople will judge you if your attitude doesn't reflect the words you are saying. That was my mother's advice. I should have a good attitude and should also spread positive vibes to everyone. "Jolma na burju marroha ima jolma na maila pambahenan dang songon nadidokna" means that a kind person is a person who will feel ashamed if what he does is not in his words. My mother keeps on saying these words because people would often say that I have arrogant eyes. They made people think that I was vain. This advice was given to me when I was still very young. People keep telling me that I have arrogant eyes which alarmed my mother., "Why do people keep on telling me that?" Usually, it's genetic. When somebody has a proud appearance, it doesn't mean that he or she can be considered as haughty. Due to that reason,, my mother kept reciting to me those words and asking me to apply the words in real life. Hopefully people can see that my actions P
78 will match with my words so people wont identify me as an arrogant person. I will try to hold on to those words in my life. ~Argatha Samuel Riandika Sitompul~
79 Jempek do pat ni gabus No matter how great a person is to cover up his crime or honor, one day, it will be exposed too. aybe I'll never forget the advice mom gave me, so when I was in high school, I lied to my mother, saying that my classmate and I were going to do group work at the house of a classmate named Devi. But we weren't working in a group; instead, we went on vacation to Samosir. As a result of the lie, the trip could have gone better. Because when her mother was shopping at the market, she met Devi, who was also accompanying her mother. Mother asked Devi if I had finished the group work. Devi replied that we don't have jobs or group work and told my mother that my classmates and I were going on vacation to Samosir. After returning from Samosir, my mother asked again where I had been, and my answer was still the same, saying that we worked in groups. Mother said, "jempek do pat ni gabus” which means no matter how great a person is at covering up his bad behavior, one day it will be exposed. And mother explained the meaning of the mother's proverb that was conveyed to me. Mom said no matter how clever I lie, there will be time to tell. Her mother also said that when M
80 someone lied, she would feel haunted by guilt and vice versa.Those we lied to will no longer believe what we will say next. And mom also explained that when we are lied to by someone, it feels terrible and feels like we are being played. Now, I remember the saying my mother told me to try to do everything honestly because honesty will make us feel better than lying. ~Elisa A V Rumahorbo~
81 Sahalak maniop sulu, sude halak marsuluhonsa One holds a torch, and everyone lights it ne day, my father took me to the fields. The goal is only to check the development of rice and, simultaneously, drive away birds that damage the rice paddy. At that time, my father told me about the philosophy of a rice field. He asked me, "Why does each paddy get fuller, the more it sinks?". With confidence, I, who seemed to know the answer already, said, "Elleh.. this is an easy question. Because the thicker and denser the lumps are, the heavier the lumps will be and even then the lumps will bend down because of the weight of the lumps." My father just smiled and shook his head as if mocking me. Then he said, "Sahalak maniop sulu, sude halak marsuluhonsa". I was speechless. It was the first time I heard those words. My father glanced at me again and posed as if asking for my answer mockingly. Because it was too long silent, my father interpreted the advice earlier. He said that advice was the kind of advice parents leave to their children to keep doing good. If he continues to do good, all his family will feel happy because they feel the results of his good deeds. O
82 This advice is uttered to appreciate someone's good deeds while at the same time hoping that more people will become "blessings" to other people and family. This advice also has an understanding not far from the direction "Torang ma ho (Be Light)." Which means to be a light in the middle of darkness. The more we are filled (bright), don't immediately get arrogant. Keep doing good. ~Rizky Munte~
83 Daulat ma das mate Be faithful until you die umans will die in time. All through, their life, human can be good or evil. Especially in the matter of religion, they will usually be loyal in embracing their religion and beliefs. My parents taught me that being faithful is essential in life. "Daulat Ma Das Mate" are the words of wisdom I received from my mother. "Daulat ma" is faithful, "Das" is until and "Mate" is dead in this Batak phrase. The meaning of these words of wisdom is that no matter what we should remain faithful with our choices until we die. Loyalty in our religious belief is valuable in the eyes of God and in the eyes of those who see your sincerity. The origin of this beautiful story begins with my birth. I was baptized as Christian of Batak descent. Even though I was born into the union of two religions, my mother insisted that I should follow her religion. Due to a minor dispute over my custody right, my father actually wanted me to convert to his religion. However, my mother refused. Maybe that's what made them incompatible in their marriage. My mother struggled as a single parent to care for H
84 me as a child. To maintain loyalty to her religion, she will not relent. Finally, my mother gave up on her most significant person to choose her own path in life. My mother allowed me to make friends from any tribe or religion. Because of my mother's experience, loyalty is a valuable thing. My mother always said, among other things, to be faithful to what you do. Fight for your rights. I will follow her advice and an will try to be wise . ~Tiara Sari Surbakti~
85 Tedek songon indahan di balanga Take it like rice in a cauldron very evening after eating, we as a family will talk about what happened one day and what activities they did you do, so from there, parents want to know what their children are doing. My parents educated me hard to always be open and tell things that happened. My parents are also eager to hear stories from their children, and they will not scold or blame them if their children are wrong. They will give good advice. For children, parents always give their best. Parents want Children to want to be open and transparent like rice in a pot, which means there is nothing to cover up. My parents do not like covering things up; therefore, they provide opportunities for their children to speak or say this so that it doesn't burden the child's mind. My parents also want to give me direction for every decision I will make and be responsible for the decisions I make. The task of parents is to provide, protect and remind parents that they will always protect their children when they are away from all directions. Caring parents make their relationship with their children always awake and robust so that children E
86 do not feel they have a family that always listens to their children's complaints. When talking about honesty, children do not need to be half-hearted about talking to their parents or siblings; they will listen and help. They will be pleased when we will talk about our lives, and they will always give good suggestions. Therefore, we don't need to feel worried or afraid. Indeed, at first, we were fearful that we would be reprimanded for lying, but if we explain as well as possible, they will want to understand that our parents are not in the right place to tell stories. We can tell relatives or friends or go to a psychiatrist. Make it a habit of being open to your parents, people you think you can trust. Hearing this advice is the same thing as me, who is confused about the meaning of it, as my parents will always correct their children if they make mistakes. ~Agustin Praspinsa Napitupulu~
87 Anakhonki do hamoraon diau My son is my wealth s the youngest child and also the only male in my family make makes me feel that everyone loves me more. My mom always says I must be able to influence everyone because I am my family's last hope. My parents want me to be as successful as my sister. I felt pressured at first but I know it was true. I had to do this; there was no time to waste and no excuse. I had to face it, but behind that, I knew that there was always a reason why my mom did that to me. It was because I was the only son in our family. If it wasn't me, then who would? I knew my mom had high hopes for me, and that's why she said I was the wealth she had. Those words meant a lot to me because, for me, those words were not just words but had a deep meaning. I felt loved by her, and vice versa. I love her very much. The most profound sense of "Anakhonki Doha moraon Diau" is profound. It means that the son in the family is the family successor. As I said before, I am my parents’ only hope that I will do everything in my power to make my parents proud of my A
88 achievements. I have to work on it to take my family to the top. ~Argatha Riandika Sitompul~
89 Pantun Hangoluan Tois Hamagoan he parent who most often gave me advice was my father. Because I started my early education until now, in my hometown, namely the city of Medan, most of the advice my parents gave me was that I could act in a positive direction and what God wanted. My father's advice is if you cannot make it happy, at least do not make it difficult. That sentence is a demand that I do what is reasonable and do what I can (Dang boi mambahen jolma sonang, unang susahi rohana). The second thing is ora et labora (pray and work). In this case, my parents said that I became a successful person not only because of my efforts but because of God's intervention, and every effort must be accompanied by prayer so that God can bless and grant it. The third is, wherever I am, if I meet and chat with anyone I do not know, I must call them brother or sister, even though I don't know who the oldest is. It is a way of respecting someone, known or unknown. The fourth is advice about a life partner. Before starting a relationship, I must have sound principles in choosing a partner. A mate made lawful by Allah, and according to belief, we can fight for it into a more serious T
90 relationship. But the non-negotiable thing is that I must be one of faith and flow. Because we are of the same religion and ethnicity, we have many differences, one of which is our way of thinking. So, if my partner and I differ in those two respects, there will surely be more differences which can lead to disharmony. And the last piece of advice is, (marbisuk songon ulok marroha songon darapati). The meaning of this advice is as intelligent as a snake and sincere (honest or use feelings) like a dove. Living overseas does have to be capable (brilliant) to survive, but that doesn't mean we can justify any means. We must ensure that our actions do not harm others. Survival also applies when we are in other people's places or not in our hometown. We have to mingle with everyone, but that doesn't mean we have to associate. Challenges must be faced when we are studying or socializing, etc. So I will remember this advice to do something or socialize smartly, like a snake and have a soft heart like a dove. ~Naomi Suryana Manurung~
92 Mangalean dang mambahen ho pogos Giving doesn't make you poor very child must follow in the footsteps of their parents, even in the way they treat their children or their hereditary traits. My parents taught me important things that I remembered from the past, and I used them as my motivation to live my life in the future. My father’s words of wisdom was "Mangalean dang mambahen ho pogos", the words of wisdom were aken from the Batak language, which the word "mangalean" is giving. Then "dang”: is no, "mambahen ho" is it makes you, and "pogos" is being poor,. These words of wisdom if you don't give a little to others, it means that you are poor in humility and love. These words of wisdom were uttered to me when I was ten years old. At that time, I asked if I can have my dream cake, it was in the shape of my favorite Cinderella character. However, my mother's face changed, it seemed she did not have enough money. She said next year as we were in a financial difficulty at the time. . I didn't understand her words and insisted on buying the cake. My mother was silent. When the event started, she bought me a black forest mocha cake, which I didn't like. I wanted to wait until I have the cake so that I could then eat the E
93 Cinderella cake. My sister scolded me and revealed to me how my mother bought the cake going to the store on foot to save money. Mom purchased the cake with just enough money.. It was raining heavily, and mom had to run home quickly so the cake wouldn't be damaged. I felt sad hearing my sister’s explanation. I cried and hugged my sister. I ate it secretly out of embarrassment so my mother wouldn't know.The next day, on Sunday, our family and I went to church. That day was my mother’s turn to give tithes (the one-tenth offering to the church). I noticed that she gave a lot of money. I was outraged, and when I got home, I confronted her. I was feeling jealous that my mother has money for the church rather than for her own daughter. My mother was really sad to hear my anger, and she said, "That's for God.. You are also important because you are a gift from God, however we need God’s blessing for us” At that time, Mom didn't have much money, so she couldn't afford the cake I desired. However, she gave exactly onetenth of what she earned to God because she knew that by giving to God would be a blessing. He would take care me and my family. Considering my mother's gentle nature, I was sure that was her apology to me. My mother would help and would give to others in need. For example, a family that had been mean to her or even someone who reciprocated her kindness. She believe these acts would reap the benefits
94 multiplied. After I grew up, I tried to follow her ways. She is much more than a generous person. She is my only angel on earth that I look up to. ~Tiara Sari Surbakti~
95 2. THE SIMALUNGUN BATAK TRIBE Folklore is a form of regional cultural expression, numbering hundreds throughout Indonesia. The existence of folklore is a universal cultural phenomenon in people's lives. As a product of people's culture, speech, both in prose and poetry, can be found in almost every place in the world. Its oral, communal, and informal nature has maintained the authenticity of oral literature for a long time. Changes are inevitable depending on the changing times, and their spread is increasing. Changing people's mindsets can also lead to their respect for oral literature. Likewise, in a collection of stories based on advice from the elders and parents of the Batak people, especially the Simalungun Batak people. In the following, we compiled several stories written by Simalungun Batak students based on their experiences when they received the advice.
96 Tonggohon horjamu, horjahon tonggomu Pray For what you do, do what your pray for his words of wisdom came from North Sumatra in the Simalungun region, and is often heard by me who lives in the area. Moreover, my parents always advise me with these figurative words.. When I went to school, my parents would tell me to pray before I did any work. My parents told me that if I pray diligently, then I will always be blessed, I should never complain about myr work and not to easily give up. Also to do my work with sincerity and enthusiasm My mother also said that this figure of speech from the Simalungun language had been passed down from generation to generation by the Simalungun people. and this trope must continue to be passed on to the next generation, so they don't give up easily and are always enthusiasti. The words of wisdom will help those who go to school or work far away from their village and family so as not to be easily influenced by the worl, Troubles and problems might make them to do things wisely and they might turn to the wrong crowd for advice. T