97 There were also many people who have just entered the world of work and became immediately bored and wanted to change jobs, therefore we must instill in our hearts the words "Pray For what you do, do what your pray for” When I was in junior high school, I asked my parents to buy a necklace for me, but my parents said that there was not enough money . I wanted to buy the necklace so badly and in the end I worked at my sister's place which was located on the beach. However, I was ridiculed by my friend who called me name, the word maid, but I ignored the ridicule and I worked even harder and I would pray each night to have enough money. . After a few months, I counted my money from my sister and discovered I had more money than what was needed. I bought my dream necklace and the rest of the money I bought a cell phone. So whatever we do we pray for it, and we do whatever we need to as in our prayer. Believe me everything will not be in vain ~Eka Risma Febyola Sinaga~
98 Hasuksesan roh humbani diri sandiri, lang humbani halak na legan Success comes from yourself, not from others y parents always emphasized to me, especially my father, that the person himself determines a person's success. My father said this was not without reason. Like successful people there, they would do things that look trivial in other people's eyes—for example, getting up early regularly. Getting up early regularly sounds simple, but not everyone can do it One small behavior that makes us consistent in doing a job certainly makes it easier for us to be consistent in other things. And the thing that can push it to happen is only ourselves. Everything we do reflects on ourselves. My father always said that if the chicken wakes up earlier than us, the chicken will determine our fortune. My father also once said if we are lazy, how can we be successful? Start changing yourself. Slowly over time, you will get used to it. Life will be easy if we want to do it. No success comes suddenly, and the effort obtains everything we make for ourselves. If you are not a lucky person, then create luck for yourself. No one can give you great motivation except M
99 yourself. You may be motivated by what other people say. But how long will it last? It may be only for a moment, but if it's a push from yourself, it will stay until you achieve what you want. Life is too hard for us to face without solid encouragement from ourselves. Success is a choice for ourselves. If we want to be successful people, then we achieve that success with effort and hard work from ourselves. Nothing is impossible if we want to change to be a better person. Turn on the spirit that is in you. Remember, your choice is the end you will get later. ~Yohana Insani Saragih~
100 Bunga na arum ise musem basirna Fragrant flower also has thorns esika, hearing this proverb, confused her and asked, what does it mean? She listened to this proverb when Jesika wanted to go abroad. Jesika's parents were willing to let their children go to other cities to continue their education. Jesika's parents often said that the flower na arum contained in the basirna musem or a fragrant flower also has thorns. Where is the older man's advice; wherever we are, we must be firm and not be easily influenced by people we see as good in front of us, even though they want to bring us down. So, we must be careful in choosing friends and not be easily influenced by people's villages later, because children have to be away from their parents and live independently. Being kind to yourself is loving and caring for others. If done gradually and periodically, our loved ones can experience various benefits. Those who are starting something good for the first time can feel the benefits, namely the comfort of body and soul to be calm and no longer worrying about the welfare of others because we can overcome our selfishness. The meaning of enjoyment here J
101 has a deep sense: we need to contemplate and hope for something good. Therefore this universal nature of life has a different character and behavior concerning aging. Various models are born; of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. As the old proverb says, no one is perfect: "There are thorns in a fragrant flower." Therefore, as a human with an advantage over other creatures, common sense and logic will grow to deal with this problem. ~Eka Risma Febyola Sinaga~
102 3. KARO TRIBE Folklore is a form of regional cultural expression, numbering hundreds throughout indonesia. The existence of folklore is a universal cultural phenomenon in people's lives. As a product of people's culture, speech, both in prose and poetry, can be found in almost every place in the world. Its oral, communal, and informal nature has maintained the authenticity of oral literature for a long time. Changes are inevitable depending on the changing times, and their spread is increasing. Changing people's mindsets can also lead to their respect for oral literature. Likewise, in a collection of stories based on advice from the elders and parents of the Batak people, especially the Karo Batak people. In the following, we compiled several stories written by Karo Batak students based on their experiences when they received the advice
103 Sikeleng-kelengen, ersada arih ersenina ras erturang Mutual love between brother and sister y father and mother are farmers. I come from a simple family. I often get advice from my parents, namely "sikeleng-kelengen ras ersada arih ersenina ras erturang" which means to love, respect, and appreciate our brothers and sisters. The first time I got this message from my parents, they said that we are brother and sister and should love and respect each other. In siblings, there is no feeling of jealousy, anger, or hatred towards each other in the family. Because by creating a sense of comfort that I have to unite to support one another, I get this advice. It has a big responsibility; maybe I feel annoyed with my siblings, but remembering the advice my parents gave me, I have to love each other and respect them. This advice is very much the advantage that I get, such as good communication, comfortable life, and harmony in the family. Why did my parents suggest this today? Because many broken-up brothers and sisters don't get along with each other. M
104 In the Karo tribe, it's widespread that many things have a background in sisterhoods that don't get along well, for example, the distribution of inheritance. Therefore, my parents always advise "sikeleng-kelengen ras ersada arih erturang tas ersenin" so that this doesn't happen in our family. Why did my parents suggest this today? Because many broken-up brothers and sisters don't get along with each other, what I do with my brother is respect my brother's weaknesses since my parents taught me to accept my own brother's opinion and vice versa. My sister also takes my opinion, so we often express our views. For example, we can celebrate father's birthday, so before we were brothers, we had to discuss what we would give to you and how the event would take place. From here, I found your weaknesses, so this is not a benchmark for me not loving and respecting my siblings. So my parents once said that respect does not mean defeat or weakness, but my parents said that I have a mature mind. And my siblings and I often tell stories quietly about what we are experiencing openly, so our brotherhood is intact. We often tell stories and talk about activities or work even though now we don't live together anymore due to college and career, and this doesn't become an obstacle for us not to tell what we do. And our parents often said we shouldn't get angry quickly, let alone hold grudges. What I do is I always try not to be jealous of my siblings because, with jealousy, revenge arises. My sister and I often talk
105 privately about what we are going through openly so that our brotherhood remains intact. We often tell and understand, and feel the feelings that my younger siblings experience. Even though we don't live together now, that doesn't stop us from sharing about what activities. Making a video call is our way to open each other. Distance problems can't separate us from talking to each other. Our parents often said we should not be quick to anger, let alone hold grudges. I always try not to be jealous of my sister because jealousy will lead to revenge. I always write messages on my cell phone to my siblings. That's okay, so we can stay together and love and respect each other, so my parents' advice can come true. I also often help my siblings with difficulties. For example, if my sister need help to understand her lessons, I'm always willing to help her. If my sister is busy with her assignments, I often help her with her homework, so at least I ease her difficulties. So, with this, my parents' advice is still intact. ~Enina Putri Aurora Tarigan~
106 Mela mulih adi la rulih Ashamed to go home if you do not get results he words of wisdom mean that if we do an activity or effort, it must have good results. In April 2020, I graduated from junior high school. After I have just finished school, a pandemic hit the world, namely Covid 19. I couldn’t do anything because he Covid 19 virus made all activities stood still and movements were limited, I had no choice but to be unemployed. My plan was that in March of 2021, I planned to go to Lampung, where I wished to open a new business. I felt that the business would be successful. I thought that I would make a lot of money, and I thought of not continuing my studies in college. My thoughts were that there was no use going to college if I could earn money myself. I thought that it was better to earn money rather than continuing my education. I went to Lampung accompanied by my father. He had faithfully accompanied us children wherever we went.This time it was my turn. When I got there, my father immediately looked for a stall where I could sell my wares, and he rented the stall for one year. And he planned to buy another stall if I was successful. In the beginning, my T
107 father accompanied me for two weeks,however after two weeks I stayed on in Lampung, and my father returned to Berastagi, my hometown. I spent my days selling in my stall. I was so exhausted working in my stall from 5 am. My hard work should have given me a reasonable profit. However some things confused me; my money was constantly decreasing. I wondered why my money was decreasing daily although all my groceries were sold out , and nothing was wasted. Each day, it was like that, and in the end, I felt helpless and decided to tell my mother that I dare not continue doing my business. Because I had spent a lot of money to start my business. And if I were to continue, it is also impossible because the money will decrease daily. I spoke to my mother on the phone and told her what had happened to me. When I told this to mom, she got a little angry. I told her that I should say this now than continue facing this dillema. After saying that, my mother told me to come home to Berastagi immediately. I went back to Berastagi in the beginning of September, to be precise, on the 2nd. When I got home, I immediately asked my parents to send me back to school. I asked for it by mentally preparing because I had spent a lot of money in Lampung when I asked for the request. They did not refuse but supported me instead.
108 Finally, I enrolled at HKBP Nomensen University in Medan. There was a message from my parents before I entered college, "Mela mulih adi la rulih" this word is ethnic Karo which means that everyone must be responsible for his or her work. When deciding to do something, the person must follow through his or her work to get a good result. I need to learn of the two characteristics, namely caring and responsibility in order to succeed this time. This character is essential for children, seen from the values/motto owned by the Karo community and associated with new environmental conditions. Seeing this condition, children are deemed to need to get character learning related to the current conditions. And my parents said that wisdom words so that I wouldn't make a second mistake in vain. And now I'm obliged to prove to my parents that I would change. Likewise, to all my brothers and sisters, my parents always say "memulih adi la rulih" whenever they want to fight. And also applies to other Karo people. The word "mela mulih adi la rulih" is very attached to the Karo community and that words of wisdom were also appropriate to me. Right now, I'm trying hard to succeed and made my parents proud. Don’t go home until you achieve your goals ~Enina Putri Aurora Tarigan~
109 4. NIAS TRIBE Folklore is a form of regional cultural expression, numbering hundreds throughout Indonesia. The existence of folklore is a universal cultural phenomenon in people's lives. As a product of people's culture, speech, both in prose and poetry, can be found in almost every place in the world. Its oral, communal, and informal nature has maintained the authenticity of oral literature for a long time. Changes are inevitable depending on the changing times, and their spread is increasing. Changing people's mindsets can also lead to their respect for oral literature. Likewise, in a collection of stories based on advice from the elders and parents of the Batak people, especially the Nias people. In the following, we compiled several stories written by Nias students based on their experiences when they received the advice.
110 Gowi Göda Gae Ndriwoda Hulö Wakhe Badödöda Nasökhi Wehededa Khönawöda Even though sweet potatoes are our food and bananas are our vegetables, they taste like rice if we speak well to one another have always remembered my mother's advice, which is, "Gowi Göda Gae Ndriwoda Hulö Wakhe Badödöda Nasökhi Wehededa Khönawöda." I got this advice when I was in sixth grade of elementary school when I was 12 years old. One night when we were having dinner, we ate boiled bananas. Our family's economic condition at that time was terrible, so we could only eat boiled bananas. While eating, we talked to each other, and I asked my mother, "Mom, why do these boiled bananas taste so good? Even though they're not rice, I can be full, and it feels like I'm eating rice?" My sister also asked the same thing "Yes, Mama, these bananas taste good, better than rice, how come?" said my sister. Instantly my mother cried with a smile, and we were shocked. After calming down, mom explained, "Look, son, even though we only eat bananas it tastes perfect because, we are grateful that we don't compare our food to other people's. We also don't grumble and respect each other. We don't offend other people and we have to respect toward I
111 each other which will be peaceful." Instantly we fell silent, and our mother immediately kissed and hugged us. This event is a true story of my life, and I can never forget the look on my mother's face when she gave this advice many years ago. This advice has always fostered a sense of gratitude in my life as well as a sense of appreciation. This advice has a deep meaning and is relevant to our current situation. Sometimes we have good food like chicken, meat, or other things, but when we eat that food with other people, relatives, and friends, sometimes we don't give it sincerely, and we often throw harsh words or insinuations that hurt the other person's heart. Then what happens? Of course, the food doesn't taste good anymore regardless all the fancy food we have. Conversely, if we only have simple food like boiled bananas, sweet potatoes, and other food which are relatively inexpensive. If we share the food with others with a sincere heart and enjoy it with gratitude, then the food will be more delicious than other expensive food. This advice teaches us two things, namely gratitude and appreciation. In life, it is essential to have gratitude. Even though we are lacking, if we are grateful, everything will be enough. Conversely, even though we have everything, it will still be lacking if we are not thankful. Respect each other, watch your words, and guard your attitude. This world will be beautiful if you respect each
112 other. If you can't respect, don't insult, and if you want to be respected, then respect others. ~Ardiwan Halawa~
113 Hulö shame dahönagö, sambua ihalö isaitagö, Hulö shame daföfögö, sambua ihalö iföfögö Good at saving money from his job hen I was in high school, I really liked making friends with lots of people, and I had lots of friends. So, if something happened or my friends needed something, I would always buy it for my friends. Regardless how cheap or expensive it is, I would still buy it if it were needed by my friends. When I was in high school, I didn't feel like I was wasting money in spending money given to me by my parents because my house and school were only 20 meters from the back of the house. I didn't feel it was wasteful because they didn't ride motorbikes to school. Besides, my parents gave me extra money, so I didn't feel like I had used that much money. Even though it's not that important I still bought it. Long story short, I graduated from high school and I continued my studies at the University of HKBP Nommensen Medan. My parents and I had to live apart because of the distance between Nias Island and Medan W
114 where we had to cross the ocean. My parents knew that I was wasteful and could not control my finances. So, I am often given advice and commemorated Hulö malu dahönagö, sambua ihalö isaitagö, Hulö shame daföfögö, sambua ihalö iföfögö (Good at saving the money he works for) which means is brilliant at saving so it doesn't fall into poverty. When I can save, I can also eat well later. If I don't save, I can owe other people, and achieving success is hard. Life always feels lacking, and it can even be stressful. Because of that, my parents always te me to save money so I will not be lacking in the future. ~Keren Febrian Mendrofa~
115 Na nago ni gohi mo ba nago mano, he itoro boho ba boii leke If it's just a deer you're chasing, then chase it. Even if an antelope passes by, don't mind it (Focus only on your goal) hen you have one goal, despite many other temptations in your struggle for that goal, stay focused, avoid being distracted, tempted, and don’t forget of your original plan. When I was a child, during the time of starting school, my parents gave me advice or sayings, which until now has become a reminder when I want to do or decide on something. The message was like this, when I was little, my grandmother told me of a proverb, "Na nago ni gohi mo ba nago Mano, he itoro boho ba boi leke." So, remember that when you choose and start going to school. Remember your goal is to achieve an education. The goal is ultimately to be successful in that field and to make a living in the future. Therefore achieve it. When I went to school, I faced many challenges, being born in an underprivileged family that faced economic problems. However, this advice is what I remember from going through the process at school. I didn’t quit for any reasons during my education. Although I encountered W
116 many challenges around the school environment, from friends or teachers, and having difficulties in every subject and school assignment. So from the process that I have gone through, many changes have occurred within me, things have gotten better and developed, and gradually I have continued to learn, and thank God I have become one of the outstanding students. Whenever I achieve an achievement and complete a challenge during my education, I am constantly reminded of the sayings or messages my grandmother gave since I first chose to study at school. If you have a goal that you have decided on, then go after it. Don't you ever quit just because of other difficulties. I felt proud of myself, who has struggled a lot but remembered the advice and sayings from my grandmother. ~ Kesadaran Gea~
117 Five Roji Duru Lo Fa Yellow-Yellow Wa'alawa The five fingers in each hand do not have the same length e have often heard a lot about someone's struggle to pursue education. I want to share the struggle of my studies.There were many challenges I faced in entering the university in Medan. My parent didn't support me going to college because of our economic condition. It is with my zeal and effort to seek scholarship information about KIP College and Graduate scholarships,that I received a scholarship to continue my education. I believe God has granted my prayers. My family was not complete anymore, as my father died four years ago, sometimes I felt sad to see my family’s situation as we no longer gets love from my deares dad. And I would compare my situation with other families. My mother said, "Your five fingers on your right hand are not the same length and shape." (Lima Roji Duru Lo Fa Gele- Gele Wa'alaw), so people’s situations are not always the same. We are still determining what the next five years will be like (simane gaolog- gaolo niokaoro so mei yawa ba sao W
118 mei tou). We need to study hard and use time wisely, and we can get through all difficulties. When I was to leave for the university, my mother advised me never to get married before I graduated, I was to wait for the time given to me by God, She told me if I want my parents to be happy, I should listen to her advice ”Only you are my hope”, she said , and she started to cry because she was worried about me. She said, "mofane loniohe ba mangawuli sambua orea”, which means to go empty handed and to come home with success in hand. I will never forget this advice as my desire to live and fight for the future. Nothing is impossible to GOD! ~Riskin Faoita Dohona~
119 Abὂlὂ zakela-kela alio zanio tugala, alio ndra lakha mbanua ahou nasa ziso donga If the goals are positive and good, then all problems can be adequately overcome y father and mother are farmers. I come from a simple family. When I graduated from high school, I needed clarification about which university I wanted to attend because, from a financial point of view, my parents could not afford it. If not continue, then I will work with my parents in the fields. However, I don't want that. I'm trying to continue my education at a higher level. I am trying to get a scholarship. I always pray to God to show a way out. Then I told my mother that I wanted to continue my studies. My mother said that if I didn't have a positive goal, I could overcome all obstacles. Even though my parents didn't have the money, I could find a way. Hearing this, I became even more confident and enthusiastic that I could go to college. I was secretly searching for universities that offered scholarships. In April, I took part in SNMPTN and SBMPTN. Long before the implementation, I had prepared myself as best I M
120 could. Finally, I took the SNMPTN test, but the results were not satisfactory. I did not qualify at Sam Ratulangi University. However, I didn't give up. There was still one more state university entrance selection that I could follow. After that, I went to Medan to take the SBMPTN test. Then, I stayed at my aunt's house for a few days. It was time for the selection test, and I followed it. The announcement of the result would be in two months time. When the result was announced, they were deplorable. The result was also the same as before. But I still didn't give up so easily. My mother had always encouraged me so that I was motivated to retake the test. Then I enrolled at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan, through the KIP (Kartu Indonesia r) Lecture Path. And at that time, the selection took place online. This is a scholarship given by the government of Indonesia to students to attend schools or universities. Finally, I was fighting for my future. I followed the test to completion. And finally, the long-awaited announcement arrived. Praise God, and I finally passed the entrance test for the university. My parents and I were very happy. My parents were also proud to hear that. I was so grateful to God for His grace. And I hugged my mother, who had always cheered me along in my struggle.
121 Then I prepared all the files needed for the college. Before I started college, I got with my family and was given some advice because I was going across the sea and live far away from my family. From this, we can face all obstacles if we have reasonable goals. And if we want to fight and try, believe God will bless all our efforts and give us the best results. ~Mira Kristiyanti Gea~
122 Hulö Harita, olifu ia gulinia It's like a peanut that forgets its skin t's like a peanut forgetting its skin. This proverb has a meaning about people who are suddenly arrogant or ignore the people around them. This is when he has something that makes him different from other people. It can be when these people have acquired wealth, or get a better position etc. Not only that, he will even forget those who have helped him . He forgets the good deed he gets. This is the case called a peanut that overlooks its shell. No thanks, same Like I used to be in middle school. This story begins when I came home from school. I was riding a motorbike, and suddenly in front of me, there was someone who fell off the motorbike. I hurriedly got off the motorbike and helped the person. I helped him up and cleaned his wound. Then after seeing that he was alright but had not fully recovered. I really helped him wholeheartedly. One year passed after the incident happened, there was an incident that upset me. When I finished worshipping at church, I then returned home. But in the middle of the trip, my motorbike tire went flat. I needed clarification about whom to ask for help because no one was there. Shortly after my motorbike got a flat tire, a motorbike passed, and I I
123 met this person. That person was the person I helped when he fell from the motorbike a year ago. I waved at him, indicating I wanted to ask for his help. He saw me but took no initiative to help. He just left. At that time, my feelings were distraught. I even said that this person was ungrateful. Even though one year ago, it was clear that I helped him when he fell off the motorbike. How quickly did he forget the people who helped him? I then contacted my family via cell phone, and not long after that, they came. They fixed my bike, and then I went back home with them. When I arrived home, my annoyance still had not gone away. I then told everything to my grandmother. My grandmother saw how upset I was at that time. My grandmother then calmed me down and told me "It doesn't matter. No need to be sad, the point is you did your best to help him that time. Don't be like a peanut that forgets its skin. The person you help is like a peanut, he forgets the deeds of those who are kind to him. So with that, avoid doing that. Keep on doing good and don't be like a nut".I heard this proverb from my grandmother. The point is, no matter how small someone's help was to us, significantly if someone who does good things saves our life, then we shouldn't be like peanuts who forget its skin. Don't be a human who fails to acknowledge people's good
124 deeds to us. Even though we don't help in the same way, we can do it in the form of gratitude and apply mutual help. Because whatever we do will come back to us. Like the saying of the proverb "Sow Reap" . ~Leli Arlinawati Hia~
125 Gofu hezo so mõi lõsu bad igo'õ-go'õ ia uli We are judged by our behavior dvice and proverbs (Amaedola) are figurative expressions to convey advice, rebuke, and satire. The ancestors of the Nias tribe in various Fondrako have different sayings, but sometimes they have the same meaning and purpose. My parents like to give me advice, and when I am down or in trouble, my parents will encourage and give advice to me to strengthen and keep me moving forward and to feel enthusiastic in life. The advice "Gofu hezoso mõi lõsu ba igo'õ-go'õ ia uliho" Which in English means "Having good traits and behaviors will be a part of our character" (We are judged by our characters) was an advice given by my parents. My parents have recited this advice early on to their children. This advice is significant to me and has guided me in my life. As a child, I was taught to get along with many people, regardless of ethnicity, custom and religion. When I entered junior high school, I would often misbehaved and fought, made mistakes, was stubborn, and disruptive in class during A
126 lessons, so I always got reprimanded and teachers would summoned my parents to come to school because of my naughtiness. . My parents were embarrassed because they had a daughter who was stubborn and very naughty. That made them felt sad and made them discouraged. In the past, I was often scolded and was often given advice after advice. "Gofu hezoso mõi lõsu ba igo'õ-go'õ ia uliho" which when translated loosely in English, " traits and behaviours will always be carried within us wherever we go" was my mother's advice to me because I was very stubborn at school. I have just begun to realize and understood how meaningful and true the advice my mother gave me. It was all for my own good, By remembering my mother’s advice, I was able to change and have realized that my actions would reflect on my behavior. ~Keren Febrian Mendrofa~
127 Abu'a Geme Balo Abu'a Li Gold debts can be repaid, but spoken words cannot be unsaid. ebt is something borrowed in the form of money or things. Many people give money/objects to the needy to help them. However, sometimes the agreement to return the the debts was forgotten. The debtors will often get emotional and harsh words that are inappropriate were then exchanged. My parents gave me some advice, and I remembered the wisdom of the words. . Since I was in grade 1 high school and until now, it has been embedded in my mind, “Well, if you borrow money, don't ever returned what you owe with emotion. ". Mother gave me an illustration, Mother took a piece of paper and crumpled it in her hand, she then try to smoother the paper again it again, but the paper was torn and cannot turn into its previously state. My parents also taught me to worship God every week. They told me to go to church, and I couldn't refuse it even if I had no intention. If I refused, then my parents would be upset! My parents also taught me to worship God every week. If I refuse, then my parents would be angry! Once when asked for the congregation to come forward to purify. Mom looked for me and asked me to come forward, but I D
128 didn't dare to come up to the front as I was ashamed to be seen by my friends. I didn't want to, and mama scolded me in public, forcing me to follow her. My parents told me that my future was promising if I became close to God. They told me to try follow my cousins’ footsteps. Their lives are thriving because they are close to God. That's what my parents wanted from me, to speak sincerely and not hurt other people, also not to feel intimidated by other people and most of all to be close to God so that I can receive His blessings and thrive. ~Riskin Faoita Dohona~
129 Aetu zinali tola latohu, fabali-dõdö zifahuwu, afõkhō wamaogö mangawuli If the rope is broken, the rope can be reconnected. If the friendship rope is damaged, it isn't easy to restore friendship hen I was in middle school, I had a close friend. Her name was Sri, and she was two years older than I am. I had always trusted her because she was the only friend who was always with me. We would always do our assignments together, and wherever we go, we would always be together. When she was late for work, I would help her to prepare all her assignments. However, she would always ask me to go to the cafeteria with her. I refused because I didn't have money for snacks. I preferred to save my money if my parents gave me cash at that time. One day, Sry had no money, she complained to me. She wants to buy clothes and accessories. That day I took pity on her and lent her my savings. She promised to pay it back one week later. However, after one week, I asked her for the W
130 money she reasoned that the money had disappeared in her hands. She said that she had not used it at all. I trust her because she was my best friend. After that incident, she again wanted to borrow money from me with a more significant amount than before. I helped hers again, but there was no reason not to pay it off this time. I have been saving for rainy weather. A week later, Sri returned, arguing that she had also lent the money to a male friend. In the end, I got annoyed and didn't want to lend her money anymore. She kept apologizing for various reasons, and I had always forgiven her. One day, she took me to the beach after school to hang out with my classmates. But I refused because I was afraid of being scolded by my parents. She had always forced me to come along. And finally, I did what she said and we went to the beach by bicycle. After arriving there, she met a man or her boyfriend. I was annoyed with her and told her to go home, especially when we were wearing school uniforms. But she didn't want to. Suddenly a gentleman who was fishing around there came and approached us. He was concerned as we were still school kids. When the man asked, Sri lied and said that I was the one who took her to the beach to meet men. Then the man called my father and told him everything.
131 Finally, my father got angry with me and told me to go home. That day, I was very annoyed since she had lied to save herself. Even though I had trusted her all this time and considered her my best friend. Finally, I made a decision not to be friends with her anymore and stay away from her. Our friendship had come to an end, and I didn't want to be friends with her anymore because of her hypocrisy. When we trust someone very close to us and have always done good to her, she throws the trust away. It will be challenging to repair that friendship. ~Mira Kristiyanti Gea~
132 Amuata nifaigi ba bua-bua nitöngöni Humans are judged by their behavior and character ello all! I'm a beautiful girl. My friends often call me a sweet woman, and my name is Leli. I was born into a well-to-do family. My mother is a civil servant teacher at a school, and my father is also a civil servant in an office. I was always taught to do good and behave well by my parents. My parents taught me good characters since I was little. I am grateful to have parents who have taught me about good conduct and character because now I know how vital good behaviour and personality are in a person. When I was little, I once lied to my parents. I want to buy something but I was afraid to ask them. I trie to get what I want, even if I had to lie. I lied by saying that I hadn't taken their money. But they were curious, where where I got it, and where the money came from to buy the item? They realized that I had lied to them. At that time, my parents gently reprimanded me. They also told me about the effects of lying. Then my parents emphasized the value of honesty in our family. They had made rules and boundaries about what was and was not H
133 appropriate behaviour. At that time, too, my parents set an excellent example of good behaviour that I should follow. In addition, there were still many behaviours that they had taught me, like staying humble, be responsible for what I do, be optimistic, and getting along with others. So my character was now good. My parents said that humans are judged by their behaviours and characters. This meant that people judged us through the surface behaviour. People can see whether we are the type of person who is honest, responsible or not, and so on. People can also judge someone through good behaviour, generosity, and ease in getting along with others. Through good demeanour and character, others like us and enjoy our company. Since my parents taught me that, I learned to keep doing good deeds. The behaviour they led has always been an inspiration to me. I began to realize that this character is advantageous to me. Nature makes one think well, have a good heart, and behave well. The character which has been taught since childhood has permanently been embedded in my personality. ~Leli Arlinawati Hia~
134 Meet our contributors Tiara Sari Surbakti is an English literature student at the Faculty of Languages and Arts at a private campus in Medan, HKBP Nommensen University. She aspires to write romantic and motivational book. Tribe is karo by holding boru surbakti. Her parent's taught good actions through beautiful figurative words, namely the local language so that it is more symbolic and she can remember them until the end of her life. Risda Hartati is the name given to her by her parents, her name means that she is a treasure to them. She was born in Batam on October 21, 2003. She studied at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan, majoring in English Literature, class of 2021. Liya Elisca Siahaan is a student at HKBP Nommensen Medan University. She is of the Toba Batak Tribe, Sombadebata or often called Siahaan is the name of her clan. A woman in the siahaan clan is often nicknamed "boru tiras" which means fussy, fierce. However, not all women with the surname Sihaan match that personality. Every tribe in Sumatra has a lot of diversity and uniqueness. Leli Arlinawati Hia is an English Literature student at the Faculty of Languages and Art, HKBP Nommensen
135 University. North Sumatra Province has a variety of tribes, cultures, arts, and languages. Every tribe in North Sumatra has its diversity and uniqueness. Her tribe is the Nias tribe. The Nias tribe is synonymous with the name Ono Niha. Her tribe respects customs and culture and preserves every proverb her parents convey. Eunike Aginta Sinaga, she come from the Toba Batak tribe. On the island of Samosir, this is one of the most extraordinary tribes with friendly people and beautiful places. She is a person who likes to mingle with the environment and mingle with the tribes. Her hobby is singing. She has enjoyed art since childhood, not only singing but also art in painting, fashion, and others. Agustin Praspinsa is the name given by her mother which is mean I was born in August, and my mom put the name of the doctor who helped during the birth process, namely 'Pinda,' and 'sa' is shortened to make 'sanggau' the city of her birth. She was born in Sanggau on August 20, 2002. She studied at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan, majoring in English Literature, class of 2021. Elisa Apprilia Vinayaka Rumahorbo. She lives in Parapat, North Sumatra. She is a girl with the surname Rumahorbo from the Batak Toba tribe. She is a student majoring in English Literature at HKBP Nommensen University Medan. She has a hobby of traveling.
136 Yudithy Siahaan is a student at HKBP Nommensen University. She lives in the Tiga Balata, Simalungun Regency. She is a Batak Toba Tribal, Sombadebata or often called Siahaan, which is the name of her clan. If, in ancient times, the Batak Toba spread of the spread is still minimal. Still in around Lake Toba. But in the present, Batak Toba has spread all over the world. Argatha Samuel Riandika Sitompul is the name his parents gave him, and his grandmother Argatha is short of Arga Do Di Hita, which means he is a wealthy son to them. He was born in Jakarta on May 24, 2003. Now he study at HKBP Nomemensen University, Medan, majoring in English Literature on my campus. Now I'm in my 3rd- semester which means in class 2021 Ruth Olga Sibagariang is a new student at Nommensen Medan University. She was born on January 25, 2005, and she is the last of three children. Rude is her personality trait, but if she makes friends, family, and even romance, she will be frank. Trying to be brave has been her dream since middle school. She aspires to become a translator. It often feels like a second choice when someone is unfair to her. She has motivational words she relates to, namely, "motivation without action is just a hallucination."
137 Monalisa was born in Pangkatan. She is 19 years old. Her best friend is named Gemini, who comes from Pangkatan too. She lives with her parents named, Gebi and Kiel. They come from descendants with the surname "SAMOSIR" starting from thei grandparents. She is pensive, loves traveling to win minds, and reading books. She is also easy to make friends with anyone but is good at choosing friends. Now she is studying at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan. Maya Citra Herawati is the name given by her parents and her grandmother, which is where the first name is probably taken from her birth month, May. She was born in Kuala Tungkal on May 11, 2004. Now she is studying at HKBP Nommensen University Medan. English Literature Study the program, 2021. Ester Saragih was raised in Siantar after being born in Pekanbaru. She is studying at HKBP Nommensen Medan at the moment. She loves to spend time alone in nature and especially enjoys listening to music. Enina Putri Aurora BrTarigan. Twenty years old, Karo tribe. She lives in the Berastagi area and is currently studying at HKBP. Nommensen University, Medan. Riskin Faoita Dohona Is a person who received a scholarship at HKBP Nomensen university, and he is
138 required to achieve a GPA of 3.5 and discipline. He is not allowed to participate in campus demonstrations or has no problems if the regulation is violated. The scholarship will be revoked (Indonesian bright cartoon scholarship for college) Ike Nurmayanti Sipahutar lives in Parapat, North Sumatra. She is a girl surnamed 'Sipahutar' from the Toba Batak tribe. Her email is [email protected], and she is a student majoring In English Literature at HKBP Nommensen University Medan. Jernih Sigalingging is the name her mother gave her, the same name as her mother best friend. She live in a village with lush trees with green nuances and now continuing her education at the HKBP Nomensen University in Medan. Upon graduation, will hold the title of S.s. Mira Kristiyanti Gea was born in Nias. She is 19 years old. Her best friend is named Pisces, who comes from Nias Tribe too. She lives with her parents called, Eli and Eni. They come from descendants with the surname "GEA" starting from their grandparents. She is pensive, loves traveling to win minds, and reading books. She also easy to makes friends with anyone but is good at choosing friends. Now she is studying at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan.
139 Eka Risma Febiola Sinaga is a girl who lives in Haranggaol and goes to Medan to continue her education at HKBP NOMENNSEN university. She chose to major in English literature because she likes reading and is the first child of 4 siblings. Rizky Munte, the first child of six siblings, dreams of being proud of and making his family name proud. Simplicity does not make him complain because complaining will not produce anything. "Be a light even if it's only a candle" is one of his pride quotes. Kesadaran Gea is a student at a private university in North Sumatra, namely HKBP Nommensen University. He was born from the NIAS tribe, a small North Sumatra island with the surname GEA. Aspires to become a Secretarial Company Employee. He has a hobby of singing and likes to talk. Pinta has six siblings, five boys, and one girl. He also has a character that likes to entertain, laugh, and mischief other people's side. The bad thing is that they want to save and solve their problems and don't like to bother other people. Looks calm but in jail. So, if we accidentally meet, don't hesitate to greet and smile. Thank you! Rianty Dwi Yantris, She was born in Medan on July 17, 2003. She am the third child of three siblings. She has one brother and one sister. She studied at HKBP Nommensen
140 University in Medan, where she majored in English Literature in the class of 2021. Hanna Jesica Sirait, was born in Pematang Siantar on June 14, 2003. She lives in Marihat Raja, Tiga Dolok. She was born and grew up in the middle of a family that adheres to the Toba Batak tribe. Her surname is "Sirait." Sirait is a Toba Batak clan originating from Sibisa, Toba regency. Please email her at [email protected]. Keren Febrian Mendrofa is a name taken from the Bible, which means beautiful and means the youngest child. She has an extrovert attitude and like to make friends with other people, she is very open with others, and her hobby is traveling. She live in Hilizia on Nias Island with her family and study at HKBP Nommensen University, Medan. Naomi Suryana Manurung is a student at the HKBP Nomensen University English Literature study program class of 2022. She is a graduate of SMA Negeri 14 Medan. Naomi is the fifth of five children and the only one still in college because the other siblings are already working. With a different character from his older siblings, he has a personality that people rarely have. Her hobbies and talents are also not much other than her character, namely joining church organizations and clan organizations on campus and singing, dancing, and swimming. Until now, he has tried to
141 maintain his life motto: if you can't give happiness, at least don't make tears of sadness or distress.