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Published by DILG Bohol, 2023-03-16 00:53:11

DILG Bohol Annual Report 2014

DILG Bohol Annual Report 2014

CONTENTS Message of the Provincial Director – i Message of the Governor – ii Executive Summary – 1 DILG-Bohol Profile – 7 Cluster I - D’ONE – 10 Cluster II - M & M – 11 OUTCOME I: BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUS Skills Training for Accelerated Growth in Local Governance (STAG-LG) – 12 Enabling Environment for Building Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs – 13 Enhancing Capacities of LGUs on Local Economic Development and Investment Promotion – 14 Streamlining Business Permits and Licensing System – 18 Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF) – 19 Special Local Road Fund (SLRF) – 21 Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED) – 22 Policy Audit and Compliance Tracking System (PACTS) – 22 Conduct of Barangay Assembly – 23 CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES Bohol’s eTRACS on TRACK – 25 Building Competitive LGUs through Workforce Development – 25 Training for Tourism Skills Enhancement and Employment – 26 Online Bohol Skills Registry System (BSRS) – 27 Market-Supply Linkage through Cultural Tourism – 27 Abot-Alam Initiative – 28 Coordinating Road Investments for Development (CRID) – 29 OUTCOME II: ENVIRONMENT PROTECTIVE, CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTIVE AND DISASTER RESILIENT LGUs Enhancing LGU Capacity on Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Adaptation and Mitigation – 30 Seal of Disaster Preparedness (SDP) – 30 Disaster Preparedness Audit (DPA) – 30 Environmental Compliance Audit – 30 Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) – 31 Mainstreaming DRR/CCA in Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) – 31 Organization of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) – 31 Guide to Family Action IEC Materials Disseminated – 32 DRRM Preparedness Audit for Barangays – 32 Geographic Information System (GIS) Training – 32 Roadshow on Iba na ang Panahon-Science for Safer Communities – 33 Solid Waste Reduction – 33

Contents 94 CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES Bohol Earthquake Assistance – 34 DILG Building Back Better Program- Bohol Earthquake Assistance (BEA) Fund – 34 Enhancement of the Draft BEA Guidelines – 34 BEA Provincial Project and Management Team (PPMT) – 34 Orientations and Coordination Meetings on Approved BEA Guidelines – 35 Hiring and Deployment of Engineers – 36 Presidential Visit: Earthquake Rehabilitation and EDSA Celebration – 38 SILG Visits for the 2.389 Billion BEA Project – 38 DRRM/CCA Related Activities – 40 Skills Training of Barangay Rescue Teams – 40 LGU Capacity Building on DRRM with the Assistance of DILG/NGO/Humanitarian Groups – 40 Post Evaluation of Recent Calamities (Learning Experience in Bohol Earthquake) – 41 Provincial DRRM Summit – 41 Environmental Protection Activities International Coastal Clean-up – 42 Load Forecasting Seminar/Workshops – 42 Tree Planting Activity “Puno-an Lakas Kalikasan” – 43 OUTCOME III: SOCIALLY PROTECTIVE AND SAFE LGUs Salintubig – 44 Organization and Strengthening of WATSAN Council – 44 Human Rights Based-Local Water Governance (HRB-LWG) – 44 Operations and Maintenance for LGU-Run Water Supply Systems – 45 Support to Grassroots Participatory Budget Process (GPBP) – 45 GPBP on Local Access Roads – 46 Support to GPP Other Projects – 46 Millennium Development Goals-Family Based Actions for Children in the Slums (MDG-FACES) – 48 MDG Tracking System in LGUs – 48 Strengthening Local Councils for the Protection of Children (LCPC) – 48 Comprehensive Program for Child Protection – 49 Localization of the Magna Carta of Women – 50 Provincial/City/Municipal Anti-Trafficking and Violence against Women and Their Children (P/C/MCAT-VAWC) – 51 Establishment of VAWC Desk – 52 Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) – 53

Contents 95 Strengthening of Peace and Order Councils (POCs) – 53 Assessment of the Provincial Peace Situationer and POPSP Formulation – 54 Strengthening the Provincial Management Coordinating Committee (PMCC) – 54 National Crime Prevention – 54 Persons with Disabilities – 55 Nutrition Program – 56 Strict Compliance of Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 – 56 Functionality of Local AIDS Council (LAC) – 57 Local Committee for Similar Body against Squatting Syndicates and Professional Squatters (LCASSPS) – 57 CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES HEAT-IT Caravan – 58 Joint RPOC and PPOC Meeting – 58 Countryside Development Program-Purok Power Movement – 59 Provincial Day of Peace: Launching of Nonkilling Boholano Society – 59 Barkada Kontra Droga – 60 PNP Investigators and Prosecutors Seminar – 60 Youth Development Planning – 60 Creation of Nutrition Cluster under MDRRMC – 61 OUTCOME IV: ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT, PARTICIPATIVE AND EFFECTIVE LOCAL GOVERNANCE Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) – 62 Full Disclosure Policy (FDP) – 64 Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) – 65 Volunteer and Citizenship Program under the Vigilance to Volunteerism – 66 Ugnayan ng Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS) – 68 CSO Consultative Meeting on GPBP with SILG Mar Roxas – 69 Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) – 69 Barangay Governance Performance Management System (BGPMS) – 70 Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives and Awards (LTIA) – 71 Compliance to the Katarungang Pambarangay (KP) Law – 71 Barangay Newly Elected Officials (BNEO) Program – 72 Demand Driven Activities – 73 Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) – 74 Database of List of Officials – 74 Lakbay Aral – 75 Processing of Death Claims of Barangay Officials – 76 CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES Bohol Bayani Challenge 2014: Managing and Organizing Volunteers for Rehabilitation and Recovery – 77 DILG-Bohol Volunteers – 77

Contents 96 WEmboree to Launch in Bohol – 78 Province-wide Community-Based Monitoring System – 78 Special Celebrations – 80 OUTCOME V: STRENGTHENED INTERNAL ORGANIZATION CAPACITY League Assistance – 81 Inter-agency Coordination – 81 Ten Outstanding Barangay Officials of the Year (TOBOY) – 82 Institutionalization of HRM-Related Activities/Projects – 83 Strategic Performance Management System – 83 Integrity Circle – 83 Financial and Administrative Management Enhancement – 84 Communication and Regular Inventory – 84 Field Operations Enhancement Project – 85 Field Officers Conferences and Cluster Meetings – 85 General Administrative and Support Services – 85 49th Batch LGOO II Training – 85 Programs and Projects Monitoring System (PPMS) – 85 CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITY Local Legislation Seminar – 87 PROGRAM INNOVATIONS Contract Management Guidelines Orientation – 88 Reorganization of Project Development Management Unit (PDMU) – 88 Barangay Assembly Speaker’s Bureau – 89 Translation of SILG Message and UBAS – 92 OTHER INNOVATIONS Offline Database System – 93 Facebook Account – 94 Creation of Pool of Speakers – 94 Customized Templates and Conduct of Simulation Exercise – 95 Inventory of DILG Projects to be monitored per Field Officers (POs) – 95 Incentives for First to Comply – 95 Incentives to TOBOY/LTIA Entries – 96 Unannounced Supervisory Visit – 96 Radio Programs/Guesting – 96 Maintenance of Administrative Affairs – 96

Contents 97 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1: Skills Trainings for Workforce Development in PaDAYon LGUs – 12 TABLE 2: Business Competitiveness Overall Ranking for Bohol LGUs – 14 TABLE 3: Inventory of LEIPOs 2014 – 15 TABLE 4: Dates of LIIC Seminar-Workshop and Status of Formulation – 17 TABLE 5: List of Assisted LGUs and Codified Ordinances – 18 TABLE 6: Status of LGU’s Compliance and Initiative in Support of BPLS Streamlining – 19 TABLE 7: Status of PRMF Projects in Bohol – 20 TABLE 8: Activities Participated by LGOO AsPERS – 21 TABLE 9: Status of PACTS Reports Submitted for CY 2014 – 23 TABLE 10: eTRACS Roll Out Year of Target Municipalities – 25 TABLE 11: BEA-Related Activities Conducted – 35 TABLE 12: Ancillary Technical Workforces of DILG-Bohol – 37 TABLE 13: Comparative Status of POW Submission – 39 TABLE 14: Capability Building on DRRM/CCA with DILG, OCD and Humanitarian Groups – 40 TABLE 15: Workshops/Seminars Attended – 43 TABLE 16: GPP Deliverables, Target vs. Accomplishment – 47 TABLE 17: Significant GPP Activities in CY 2014 – 47 TABLE 18: Technical Assistance Extended to PWDs – 55 TABLE 19: Bohol Compliance to Republic Act 9482 (Anti-Rabies Act) – 56 TABLE 20: Functionality of Local AIDS Council – 57 TABLE 21: Status of PCF Implementation – 62 TABLE 22: Monitoring of Full Disclosure Policy Documents – 64 TABLE 23: Certification of FDP Compliance Issued as of November, 2014 – 64 TABLE 24: SGLG Related Activities – 65 TABLE 25: Designation of Volunteers and Citizenship Desk Officers – 67 TABLE 26: Actions Taken by the Lupong Tagapamayapa for CY 2014 – 72 TABLE 27: 2014 LGU Benchmarking Activities – 75 TABLE 28: Coordinated Benchmarking Activities in Bohol – 75 TABLE 29: Schedule of Trainers Training for Module 1 – 79 TABLE 30: Status of CBMS Implementation as of October 31, 2014 – 79 TABLE 31: League Activities Supported by DILG-Bohol – 81 TABLE 32: Provincial TOBOY Winners – 82 Table 33: Barangay Assembly Speaker’s Bureau – 90 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: eTRACS Version – 25 Figure 2: Types of Wastes Collected – 42 Figure 3: LCPC Functionality CY 2013 – 49 Figure 4: LGUs Compliance to JMC 3013-01 Localizing the Magna Carta of Women – 50 Figure 5: VAWC Cases Reported and the Action Taken – 52 Figure 6: Financial Support for KP Program – 71

Contents 98 Figure 7: BNEO Outputs – 73 Figure 8: Trainings Conducted – 74 Figure 9: Distribution of Death Benefit – 76 Figure 10: Uploaded Images in PPMS – 85 Figure 11: Expanded PDMU Organizational Structure – 89

Message of the Provincial Director Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Greetings of solidarity! Another year has ended. Year 2014 has been an event-filled and fruitful year for DILG Bohol. I say fruitful because it was marked with many events, accomplishments and milestones which would not have been possible without the perseverance, dedication and team spirit of the men and women of DILG Bohol. Mindful that DILG is not merely output producer but more importantly contributor to the societal outcome, DILG Bohol continuously do its mandates and strengthened its personnel in order to influence and transform LGUs, making them development-oriented and good governance practitioners. I am honoured to present this 2014 Annual Report which accounts the extent with which we deliver the programs, projects and activities of the department. These PPAs are in accordance with the four outcome areas which the LGUs need to be strengthened in order to contribute to the achievement of inclusive growth for the country and poverty reduction. This Annual Report also accounts the “Bohol Earthquake Assistance” (BEA) which is intended for Bohol’s Building Back Better after the onslaught of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake. It involves the rehabilitation, repair and reconstruction of government buildings and infrastructure with a fund allocation of P2.389 Billion. The journey in 2014 was never an easy one. It was characterized with challenges, new tasks which seem to be different from the usual ones, but thanks to the support of all stakeholders, the journey was manageable. For what DILG Bohol reaped in 2014, we will be forever grateful to the DILG Central and Regional Management, the local government units through the officials and functionaries, and also the other stakeholders especially the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for their unceasing support. As we move to another year of significant engagement with the LGUs, may we be continuously inspired and strengthened with the blessings from the Almighty Father, and the support from the different stakeholders. Onwards for good governance! MA LOISELLA E. LUCINO Provincial Director i

Message of the Provincial Governor Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Special greetings and felicitations to the dedicated men and women of the Bohol Provincial Office of the Department of the Interior and Local Government under the able leadership of Director Ma. Loisella E. Lucino. For and on behalf of the officials and staff of this Provincial Government, I wish to extend my most sincere congratulations to DILG-Bohol for coming out with its Annual Report 2014 outlining its humble accomplishments and development direction. I wish to acknowledge and recognize with great appreciation the accomplishments for the past months of our local DILG as an agency considered as close to the hearts of the local government units and the people by the nature of its mandates and by their innovative efforts and initiatives. Our local DILG office deserves the commendations and accolades for its tasks and achievements through its meaningful programs and projects of promoting business friendly and competitive LGUs; environment protective, climate change adoptive and disaster resilient communities; socially protective and safe LGUs, and accountable, transparent, participative and effective local governance. Once again, congratulations as I look forward to our sustained partnership as we continue to strive for public service excellence come year 2015 for the benefit and welfare of the Boholano people. ATTY. EDGAR M. CHATTO Governor Chairman, RDC-7 ii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 1 In line with the DILG’s mandate of general supervision over local governments, DILG Bohol continuously undertake programs, projects and activities to make LGUs business friendly and competitive, environment protective, climate change adaptive, disaster resilient, socially protective and safe, as well as making LGUs accountable, transparent, participative and effective. These are the key elements for LGUs to contribute to the attainment of national goals, leading to sustainable development. To facilitate Local Economic Development, all the 48 LGUs sustained the Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS) implementation which started in 2010. The BPLS paves the way for streamlined processes and steps in accessing permits and licenses. The Enhanced Tax Revenue Assessment and Collection System (eTRACS), an automated system for revenue assessment and collection was also implemented in 45 LGUs to hasten processes and services. The DILG was one of the agencies behind these accomplishments. Moreover, all the 49 LGUs designated a Local Economic Investment Promotion Officer (LEIPO) who played an active role in attracting more investments through promotion and marketing of the LGU as an investment location. DILG conducted trainings in partnership with Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Bohol Investment and Promotion Center (BIPC) for the LEIPOs’ acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills. DILG was instrumental in the drafting of the Local Investment and Incentives Code (LIIC) of the five (5) municipalities namely, San Isidro, Clarin, Batuan, Loboc, and Dauis. LGUs had planning workshops facilitated by DILG and DTI to come up with the draft code. While, the Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development (LGSP-LED), which assists LGUs for local economic development is now on its last year of implementation since it commenced in 2011. LGSP-LED projects in Bohol are the “strengthening of organic rice production” in the Bohol Integrated Area Development Cluster (BIAD V) LGUs and the “Workforce Development Project and Market-Supply Linkages” in Panglao-Dauis-Baclayon Bohol Marine Triangle (PaDaYon BMT). The latter established the Bohol Skills Registry System (BSRS), an online job-skills matching system. The Skills Training for Accelerated Growth in Local Governments (STAG-LG) is another key program of DILG would provide the necessary intervention in workforce development. The comprehensive database of Outof-Scholl Youth (OSY) devised Under the Abot-Alam project, would be used in determining beneficiaries for the upcoming Skills Training for STAG-LG of DILG in the 11 target LGSP project sites by 2015. For the provision of support infrastructure for economic activities, DILG continued to play a significant role in implementation of the Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF), which is in its fourth year of implementation. In 2014, Bohol implemented 12 contracts with a total road length of 124.62 kms. With DILG at the helm in the procurement and contract management, the DILG Provincial Director is the Procurement Entity Representative (PER) in all 12 sub-projects. This led to the designation of eight LGOOs as Assistant Procurement Entity Representatives (Assistant PERs) for monitoring and evaluation. Moreover, the Provincial Project Development Management Unit (PDMU) was also reorganized. DILG continued to play an active role in the implementation of the Special Local Road Fund (SLRF). In

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 2 2014, the city of Tagbilaran received a Statement of Allotment Release Order (SARO) amounting to P2.6M from the Special Local Road Fund under the Motor Vehicle Users Charge (MVUC) for CY 2012 to rehabilitate roads. While, the Province of Bohol’s P11M share from the 5% MUVC is yet to be implemented subject to the release of check from the DPWH. DILG Bohol also actively involved in implementing the Coordinating Road Investments for local economic development and poverty reduction in Bohol province. This is in partnership with the Bohol Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI). A Coordinated Road Investments Plan (CRIP) was crafted containing the prioritized roads of the LGUs. For transparency and effective promotion & communication of LGU undertakings, all the 1,109 barangays of Bohol conducted their respective barangay assemblies for the first and second semester of CY 2014. DILG Prov’l. Director Lucino created a Speakers’ Bureau for the dissemination of relevant programs to select LGUs during the assembly. In line with its performance oversight function, monitoring of compliance to national laws and policies including the programs just mentioned, was done under the Policy Audit and Compliance Tracking System (PACTS) through the submission of periodic reports by the field officers. DILG’s interventions geared towards business friendly and competitive LGUs paid off with the accolades recently received by LGUs. The National Competitiveness Council (NCC) disclosed the top three most business competitive municipalities in Region 7. Talibon landed 1st place in the whole of Central Visayas and ranked 24th all over the Philippines from among the 399 municipalities covered this year. The Municipality of Tubigon ranked 2nd in the region and 26th nationwide, followed by Ubay in the 3rd spot and 39th in the country. While Tagbilaran City ranked 28th as the most competitive city from among the 136 cities assessed in 2014, and ranked 2nd at the regional level. The Philippines is constantly besieged with disasters and the harmful effects of climate change. The DILG has a tall order of making Local Government Units environment protective, climate change adaptive and disaster resilient. DILG builds up the capacities of local government units in order to mainstream environmental protection, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in local government processes. DILG’s advocacy and technical assistance led to the organization and functionality of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (LDRRMC) in the provincial, city and all the 47 municipal governments. Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO) was established as well. However, some LDRRM Office continued to be manned with limited personnel owing to the LGU’s budgetary limitation. Similar structures in all the 1,109 barangays were also organized and strengthened. DILG in collaboration with other agencies, conducted trainings/seminars on Environmental Protection, DRR/CCA. It also partnered with Civil Society Organizations and humanitarian groups for capability building activities. It is noteworthy to mention that not only the Councils, Boards and personnel in offices were trained but also the different emergency responders and the local residents. To guide residents during the occurrence of hazards, A Family Guide to Action was formulated by DILG and distributed in all the 1,109 barangays. Different fora were also organized like the DRRM Summit and the Roadshow on “Iba na Ang Panahon” for the sharing of best practices on environmental protection and DRR/CCA, as well as updates of pertinent legisla-

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 3 tive measures and executive issuances. These were attended by LGU officials and functionaries. DILG and other agencies’ capability building and technical assistance led to the formulation and enhancement of the Comprehensive Development Plan with mainstreamed DRR/CCA in 25 LGUs. While all 49 LGUs have Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Plan and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Plan. The need for monitoring and evaluation is indispensable. Thus, the conduct of the Post Evaluation of Recent Calamities with DILG Bohol as one of the participants since it was hit by the 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Yolanda affected LGUs also participated in the said activity on February 17, 2014 in Cebu City with Undersecretary for Local Government Austere Panadero. Other monitoring and evaluation program of DILG which formed part of its Performance Oversight and Awards and Incentives framework are the Seal of Disaster Preparedness (SDP), the Disaster Preparedness Audit and the Environmental Compliance Audit which assess LGU’s institutionalization of disaster preparedness as well its compliance to environmental laws. For 2014, these assessments were incorporated in the Seal of Good Local Governance. Meanwhile, the DILG actively participated in the provincial government-initiated Assessment on Ecological Solid Waste Management implementation in the 48 LGUs of Bohol. Highlighting 2014’s programs under the outcome, Environment Protective, Climate Change Adaptive and Disaster Resilient LGUs is the “Bohol Earthquake Assistance” (BEA) Bohol’s Building Back Better. The program which has a P2.389 Billion allocation, intends to rehabilitate, repair and reconstruct government buildings and infrastructure destructed during the 7.2 magnitude earthquake. With 1,065 BEA sub-projects in the 44 city and municipalities including the provincial government, DILG hired engineers, financial analysts and administrative assistants. A Provincial Project and Management Team (PPMT) was also constituted to ensure the smooth implementation and monitoring of BEA subprojects. This is composed of the Provincial Government of Bohol, DILG and DPWH. Different capability-building activities were conducted for LGU officials, functionaries and especially to DILG Bohol field personnel who play a significant role in the BEA implementation. For the maintenance of a normal peace and order condition in 2014, all the Peace and Order Councils (POCs) from the provinces down to the barangays are functional. Functionality of POCs could be attributed to the efforts of DILG and its assistance in all POC undertakings especially in the POPSP formulation. Prior to POPSP Formulation of the PPOC, Assessment of the Provincial Peace Situationer was conducted on February 4-5, 2014 to identify issues and necessary interventions. Another institutional structure which was constituted and functional is the Management Coordinating Committee (MCC) from the province down to the municipal level. The provincial, municipal and city MCC members had its Sportsfest which highlighted the month-long observance of Crime Prevention Week. To ensure child protection, all the 48 Local Councils for the Protection of Children (LCPCs) were organized and functional. Aside from the technical assistance for LCPCs, DILG monitors the status of LGU compliance to Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 (RA 9344) specifically provisions on the 1% IRA Allocation for LCPC, appointment of Licensed LSWDO, and establishment of Youth Homes. For the promotion of Persons with Disabilities (PWD)-responsive LGUs, DILG advocated the compliance

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 4 of the LGUs with the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons. In 2014, LGUs have established Persons with Disability Affairs Office and designated corresponding officers. To localize the Magna Carta of Women, DILG advocated and provided technical assistance for the compliance of DILG, DBM, NEDA and PCW Joint Circular 2013-01. Thus all the 49 LGUs have constituted their GAD Focal Point System (GFPS, formulated their GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) & GAD Accomplishment Report (AR), and established their GAD Database. 34 have enacted GAD Code. The same is true to the barangays except for the enactment of GAD Codes. The constituted and functional Local Committees on Anti Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) from the province down to the municipal level, is one of the ways in addressing concerns of trafficking and VAWC. Technical assistance and capability building activities were conducted by DILG in partnership with the humanitarian groups and CSOs. Meanwhile at the barangay level, all VAWC desk officers were organized and functional. To assist LGUs in the provision of basic need on water to their constituents, DILG implemented the SaLiNTubig Program. For 2014, three LGUs are still implementing their 2012 SaLinTubig regular project costing P2M each under the waterless barangays. In the 2013 SaLinTubig regular program, Batuan, Bohol was listed as recipient but it is still to receive its funding allocation. Bilar was also listed as recipient in the 2014 regular SalinTubig program and it is still to receive its allocation. However, these two municipalities already attended capability building activities. While, under the Grassroots Participatory Process (GPP) in 2014, Bohol Province has a total of 30 LGUs with approved Waterworks Projects. It all amounted to Php 185,074,461.00. With the guidance of DILG, the province of Bohol in 2014 started the implementation of the Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) with the organization of the CLIP Committee on January 15, 2014. An Orientation was also conducted during the PPOC Meeting on September 23, 2014. Other noteworthy undertakings for the maintenance of a stable peace and order condition with DILG’s active involvement were the observance of the Crime Prevention Week in September, the Seminar for LCEs, Chiefs of Police and PLEB members on October 7, 2014, the Provincial Day of Peace and the Launching of Non-Killing Boholano Society on February 11, 2014, the Launching of “Barkada Kontra Droga” on September 30, 2014 with the Covenant-signing on the War Against Illegal Drugs and the Criminal Investigation and Prosecution Seminar for Police Investigators and Prosecutors of Bohol held last April 10; 24; 28, 2014. On the otherhand, DILG Bohol actively involved in the HEAT IT Caravan, a flagship program of the Provincial Government which brings services closer to the people, DILG’s participation was on the provision of free legal opinions relating to governance and the provision of inputs on the participation of CSOs in governance. LGUs which are promoting and practicing good governance are accountable, transparent, participative effective and responsive. These are gauged in the DILG’s flagship program, the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG), which scaled up the Seal of Good Housekeeping (SGH) into the SGLG. The SGLG looked into the three core and three essential areas. To be conferred with the SGLG, LGUs need to pass the three core areas and one essential area. The provincial, city, and municipal governments were assessed by the Regional Assessment Teams (RATs) from May to June, 2014. To date, DILG Central Office has not yet released the result of the assessment.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 5 In 2014, the Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS), a self-assessment and webbased management system is still implemented but it is made as an operational platform for the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG). The LGPMS is made as a central collection and storage of data and an information platform for performance in thematic areas, financial profile and LGU profile. While, the LGU Scorecard on Health which is a subsystem of the LGPMs was implemented in the months of February and March, 2013 with DILG, Department of Health (DOH) and the Provincial Health Office (PHO). In line with the Full Disclosure Policy (FDP) program of the DILG, Bohol Field Officers continuously provided technical assistance to facilitate LGUs’ posting of financial and bidding documents in conspicuous places and in the FDP portal. Based on the monitoring conducted 100% of LGUs fully complied with the posting in conspicuous places however, turn-out of posting at the FDP portal revealed that most LGUs are highly compliant. The Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) which is an incentive for LGUs which passed the SGH to finance priority local development projects, was granted to 26 municipalities which were SGH 2013 silver recipients-with P1M each. As of this writing, only the municipalities of Alburquerque, Antequera, Balilihan, Clarin, Maribojoc and Sagbayan completed their PCF funded projects. Under the Volunteer and Citizenship Program of the DILG, all LGUs have established their Volunteer and Citizenship Desk (VCD) and designated a Volunteer and Citizenship Desk Officer (VCDO) through an Executive Order. Serving as the designated VCDO’s major coordination activity was the Bayani Challenge 2014, wherein LGUs have volunteerism activities in five days that mobilized local volunteers. DILG Bohol extended technical assistance for the Bayani Challenge and even conducted its own activities - Mangrove Planting in Dauis, Bohol with 1,000 propagules planted and the Brigada Eskwela Help-a-School program at Cortes Central Elementary School. Under the program Ugnayan ng Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS) DILG-Bohol urged the public, through the Synchronized Barangay Assembly, to check on the projects and services of the city and municipalities, and also, to monitor compliance with anti-corruption measures in the implementation of projects and delivery of basic services. In line with the Grassroots Participatory Planning, DILG Bohol conducted a consultative forum with partner CSOs and other stakeholders on February 13, 2014 for the presentation and feedbacking of its priority Programs, Projects and Activities for FY 2015. The activity is geared towards coming up with a more realistic and needsbased Poverty Reduction Action Plan. DILG-Bohol field officers, provided technical assistance in the implementation of the Barangay Governance Performance Management System (BGPMS) as well as in the formulation of the SBGR through various orientations and on-site coaching. Presentatiom of BGPMS results was made during the Synchronized Barangay Assembly. Technical assistance is continuously provided as well as monitoring and evaluation for the Katarungang Pambarangay (KP) implementation. In recognition of Lupong Tagapamayapa who are effective and efficient in doing their functions, the Lupons of Barangay Talenceras, Talibon and Barangay Oy, Loboc were adjudged as winners for the 1st-3rd and 4th-6th class category, respectively in the Lupong Tagapamaya Incentive Awards (LTIA). They are also regional finalists to the LTIA. Under the Barangay Newly Elected Officials (BNEO) program, all the officials of the 1109 barangay attended the BNEO Orientation Seminar spearheaded by DILG. All the 1,109 barangays formulated their Barangay Ag-

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 6 enda for Governance and Development (BAGAD), Capacity Development Agenda and the BDP. In 2014, a total of 310 demand-driven trainings were conduct¬ed by all the LGUs of Bohol. These demand driven activities were responded by DILG Bohol field and office personnel. Requests for Lakbay-Aral were also being responded to. While, the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) was finally implemented in Tagbilaran City and the 47 municipalities of Bohol in 2014 due to the partnership of the DILG, League of Local Planning and Development Coordinators of the Philippines, Inc. (LLPDCI-Bohol Chapter) and the Provincial Government. Training of Trainers for Module 1 was already conducted and currently 39 LGUs are on the data-gathering stage. Meanwhile, DILG-Bohol assisted a total of 42 families for the availment of death benefits. And as of this writing, plans are underway for the holding of WEmboree, a disaster resilience youth camp which will be piloted by Local Government Academy (LGA) in Bohol. A strengthened internal governance is necessary for DILG to carry out its role and mandates. Thus, bi-monthly field officers conferences are done every 15th and 25th of the month for the giving of updates and firsthand mandates from the regional and central office as well as the conveying of issues and concerns from the ground. Issues raised by field officers were provided with solutions and advice from the Provincial Management. Meetings were also regularly conducted in the M & M and D’One clusters to facilitate compliance of reports and other administrative requirements as well as the sharing of strategies employed by field officers in the implementation of PPAs. An out of the province Integrity Circle was held on April 10-11, 2014 at the Crown Regency Hotel, Cebu City to foster camaraderie and strong relationship among DILG personnel. To promote efficient and effective operation, incoming and outgoing communications of the office are recorded and filed by the administrative services section of the office. DILG Bohol also fostered interagency coordination to improve the effectiveness of coordination and partnership between and among National Government Agencies and Local Government Units. For LGU strengthening, DILG Bohol provided assistance to the different leagues in their capability building activities. Central office as well as Executive issuances were also timely disseminated to LGUs. Legal opinions as well were issued by DILG Provincial Office.

DILG-Bohol Profile Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 7 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE DILG-Bohol is serving all LGUs within the province with a seventy one (71) personnel-workforce. PD Ma. Loisella E. Lucino is assisted by 14 OPD Personnel. Regina Gina G. Bastes heads the Administrative Unit with LGOO II Emmylou Fuertes acting as Admin Aide, Uldarick C. Ladores at the communication section and Leonor N. Salaguste and Ma. Leizl C. Redita at the fiscal section. Redemcion C. Cag-ong acts as the D’ One Cluster Head, Ma. Reina A. Quilas as the M n M Cluster Head, Joc¬elyn B. Bandala as the Planning Officer, Josie M. Montes as the Chief of the Capacity Development Section and LGA Co¬ordinator, Mary Ann A. Verga, Mylove W. Cardinoza, Jacillo D. Orongan, Nicanor Bungabong and Jessie Mary L. Buctolan as Program Coordinators. Heading the city operations is CLGOO Mardonio T. Roxas with 1 organic personnel. For CY 2014, forty eight (48) C/MLGOOs/LGOO II OICs are serv¬ing the 47 municipalities and one city of the province. While, six LGOO IIs are undergoing the LGOO training.

DILG-Bohol Profile Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 8 OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL DIRECTOR PD Ma. Loisella E. Lucino is ably backed-up by fourteen (14) personnel at the DILG-Bohol Provincial Office. LGOO VI Gina G. Bastes is the Program Manager and also the Chief of the Administrative Services Section. She handles legal matters, travel of local government officials, codifica¬tion, 5Ps, Leagues coordination and represents the office in the Pro¬vincial Land Use Committee. LGOO VI Redemcion G. Cag-ong is the Cluster Head of D’One Cluster, concurrently the PDMU Chairperson and is the program coordinator on the PRMF, Salintubig and SLRF. LGOO VI Ma. Reina A. Quilas heads Cluster M and M and handles LGPMS/ SLGR, SGLG, GPL, GAD/ LCAT-VAWC/VAW Desk, CLUP/CDP. LGOO V Josie M. Montes is the Local Government Academy Coordinator of the office, as such she facilitates all local government capability building concerns, lakbay aral, scholarships and LGRC matters. She also handles program such as GO-FAR, LTIA/TOBOY, ELA, BNEO. LGOO V Jocelyn B. Bandala is the Planning Officer that administers TACT Matters/Awards, BUB, functionality of local special bodies, millennium development goals, MDG Faces and PACTS. LGOO V Mary Ann A. Verga is the program coordinator on matters relative to the local council for the protection of children, civil society organizations, youth, business permit and licensing system, health concerns, and LGSP-LED/PETT. LGOO V Mylove W. Cardinoza concerns herself with environmental matters, solid waste management, special celebrations, Billion Trees, barangay officials information system, Kasambahay Law, CBMS and full disclosure policy. While Jessie Mary L. Buctolan handles Provincial Peace and Order Council, Provincial Management Coordinating Committee, DRRM/CCA/BEA and is concurrently the Information Officer. While Jacillo D. Orongan holds ugnayan ng barangay at simbahan, KP, LCASSPs, barangay assembly, BGPMS/SBGR, database profiling, death benefits of barangay officials, and ARTA. LGOO V Nicanor Bungabong on the other hand handles PCF, PWD, Senior Citizen, 4Ps, BMBE and BBIs. On the other hand, the Administrative Unit is composed of Leonor N. Salaguste and Ma. Leizl C. Redita who handle fiscal matters at the fiscal section. While LGOO II Emmylou Fuertes serves as Admin Aide and Uldarick C. Ladores at the communication section. PERSONNEL STRENGTH DILG-Bohol is manned by a total of seventy one (71) organic personnel. Fourteen (14) of whom are the officers and staff of the Office of the Provin¬cial Director while the forty-eight (48) are field officers handling the for¬ty-eight (48) LGUs of the province. With the efficient and effective field officers, DILG-Bohol has managed to satisfactorily carry-out the mandates of the Department.

DILG-Bohol Profile Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 9 Provincial Director - 1 LGOOs VI - 3 LGOOs V - 7 LGOO II - 1 LGOO II Trainees - 6 Admin. Asst. II - 2 Admin. Aide VI - 1 Admin Aide IV - 0 Sub-total - 21 DILG Bohol Personnel Strength Office of the Provicial Director CLGOO - 1 Admin. Aide IV - 1 Sub-total - 2 Office of the CLGOO LGOOs V - 32 LGOO III/OIC - 1 LGOOs II/OIC - 15 Sub-total - 48 GRAND TOTAL - 71 Field Officers

DILG-Bohol Profile Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 10 BOHOL PROFILE For easy supervision and monitoring by the Cluster Heads and speedy coordination among the field officers, the two clusters are subdivided into five TACT (Team Approach on Coordinated Tasks) Teams led by the TACT Coordinators. Twenty-three towns and the City of Tagbilaran made up the D’ ONE Cluster. The municipalities are: Albur, Antequera, Baclayon, Balilihan, Buenavista, Calape, Catigbian, Clarin, Corella, Cortes, Danao, Dauis, Getafe, Inabanga, Loon, Maribojoc, Panglao, Sagbayan, San Isidro, Sikatuna, Talibon, Trinidad, Tubigon, and Tagbilaran City. The cluster M & M, is comprised of twenty-four municipalities, namely: Alicia, Anda, Batuan, Bilar, Can-dijay, Carmen, Dagohoy, Dimiao, Duero, Garcia Hernandez, Guindulman, Jagna, Lila, Loay, Loboc, Mabini, Pilar, Pres. CP Garcia, Sevilla, Sierra Bullones, Valencia, Bien Unido, Ubay, and San Miguel. D’ ONE CLUSTER D’ONE Cluster stands for Dynamic, One, Nurturing, Empowering Cluster. Dynamism is manifested in the vigor of the team to implement the programs, activities and projects of the Department. Being One or united is shown in their chemistry. Nurturing each other’s friendship and potentials is their creed. LGOO VI Redemcion Cag-ong - Cluster Head CLGOO Mardonio T. Roxas - Tagbilaran City MLGOO Corazon C. Evangelista – Antequera MLGOO Nenito V. Sanchez – Baclayon MLGOO Evelia C. Sarmiento – Alburquerque

DILG-Bohol Profile Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 11 MLGOO Franklin R. Medequiso - Balilihan MLGOO Dyosa Marie P. Cosare - Calape MLGOO Ted N. Mascarinas - Catigbian MLGOO Glenda Laude - Buenavista MLGOO Maria Dulce D. Alforque - Corella MLGOO Jekeri Taningco- Cortes LGOO II/OIC Ana Theresa Gotardo - Danao MLGOO Ma. Sharon Halasan - Dauis LGOO II/OIC Jennifer Amihan - Getafe MLGOO Angelo S. Mahinay - Inabanga MLGOO Juliet C. Olalo - Loon MLGOO Florencio V. Halasan - Maribojoc MLGOO Victor S. Lapiz - Panglao MLGOO Suzette E. Quadalquiver - Sagbayan LGOO II/OIC Ruben Racho - San Isidro MLGOO Cecilio S. Nisnisan - Sikatuna MLGOO Maura M.Justol – Talibon MLGOO Jose Roel A. Tumarao - Trinidad MLGOO Jogepons A. Ruloma – Tubigon MLGOO Angelo Mahinay - Inabanga M&M CLUSTER Cluster M & M names their cluster with the words closely associated with the late Sec. Jesse M. Robredo, Matino & Mahusay. Choosing Matino & Mahusay (M & M) for the group simply means providing service in the department with the M & M as their guide and work norm. Further, the members also opted to define how their work norms & values could be translated into action. LGOO VI Ma. Reina A. Quilas - Cluster Head LGOO II/OIC Clyde Ebojo - Anda LGOO II/OIC Nina Christine Ipong - San Miguel LGOO II/OIC Cindy Garrote - Sierra-Bullones MLGOO Vissia O. Bunado - Guindulman LGOO II/OIC Christine Fabio - Carmen MLGOO Judy Grace R. Dominguez - Jagna LGOO II/OIC Luz Aranzado - Candijay MLGOO Lady Lennoire P. Abad – Duero MLGOO Michael B. Cabanag - Ubay LGOO II/OIC Wilfrans Bangalao- Dagohoy MLGOO Mona Lissa V. Torralba - Batuan MLGOO Jun Ian A. Suric - Bien Unido LGOO II/OIC Norman L. Ali - Dimiao LGOO II/OIC Rhea Joy Orioque – Alicia MLGOO Fidel M. Narisma - Loay LGOO II/OIC Drib Ingles - Mabini MLGOO Adonis Damalerio - Lila MLGOO Anthony Dei V. Dalida - Valencia MLGOO Nilda P. Unajan - Bilar MLGOO Sofronio N. Abing, Jr. - Loboc LGOO II/OIC Jason Tamale- Pilar LGOO II/OIC John Michael Monillas -CPG MLGOO Ismael Vincent T. Igcalinos - Garcia-Hernandez

It has since been an advocacy of government and industry to institute reforms in education and training to ensure that local workforce competencies will be responsive to the needs of present and future enterprises. To date, the DILG is developing a workforce development in LGSP-LED areas, specifically in enabling LGUs plan and implement support on manpower needs of local sectors. Hence, the PaDaYon Tourism Workforce Development Project completed 12 skills trainings and enhancement activities implemented through the BAHRR as agreed with LGSP-LED and DILG through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Upon the completion of the last training program in March 2014, BAHRR had trained a total of 479 workers and small business owners on a range of tourism and hospitality skill areas. These included 176 unemployed residents endorsed by the Public Employment Service Offices (PESO) of the three LGUs. With each completed training activity, BAHRR submitted the profiles of graduates, i.e., skilled workers, to the PESO coordinators of PaDaYon LGUs, to its member establishments, other employment agencies such as AR Skills, Inc., and DTI-Bohol who likewise facilitate the sharing of information with new hotels coming online. The Skills Training for Accelerated Growth in Local Governments (STAG-LG) is a key component of the Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs (BFCL) Outcome Area of DILG, in collaboration with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). It aims to help LGUs prepare their communities by providing the necessary intervention in workforce development to meet the demands of investments in local tourism and agribusiness industries. The implementation of the STAG-LG in the Province of Bohol commenced with the administration of the STAG-LG Workforce Inventory Form through the MLGOOs of the 11 LGSP-LED projects sites in order to identify the skills need requirements of the target LGUs. Moreover, the Provincial LED Focal, LGOO V Mary Ann L. Aparece-Verga efficiently acted the request for inventory of designated LEIPO within the target areas of AIM-BIZ for the BLGD to update their database for possible capacity building. OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 12 SKILLS TRAININGS FOR ACCELERATED GROWTH IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT (STAG-LG) Table 1. SKILLS TRAININGS FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT IN PaDaYon LGUs Workforce development in PaDaYon included trainings on accounting and bookeeping TITLE OF SKILLS TRAINING DATE CONDUCTED VENUE NO. OF PAX Food Safety Training (two batches) June 11-12, 2013 June 13-14, 2013 Panda Tea Garden Suites, Tagb. City Panda Tea Garden Suites, Tagb. City 30 19 Waiting Service Training (two batches) July 3-5, 2013 July 17-19, 2013 JJ’s Seafood Restaurant, Tagb. City Villa Alzhun Tourist Inn and Restaurant, Tagbilaran City 36 32 Commercial Cooking July 9-12, 2013 Asian Divine Light College 15 Skills Enhancement on Housekeeping and Customer Service (two batches) August 9-10, 2013 August 11-12, 2013 Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City 25 25

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 13 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE By way of strengthening the country’s local government units, the National Competiveness Council conducted a research on business competitiveness to all cities and first class municipalities using a template of standard indicators to strategically map out how to make cities and municipalities more competitive vis-à-vis selected ASEAN cities. The City of Tagbilaran and the towns of Talibon, Tubigon and Ubay conducted the Profiling on LGU Business Competitiveness in CY 2014. Through the facilitation of the active and dynamic field officers, the four LGUs have issued a resolution to participate in the survey and have appointed a person in charge of data collectible at the LGU. Leading the roster of the top three most competitive municipalities in Region 7 are from the Province of Bohol. NCC ranked Talibon in 1st place in the whole of Central Visayas and ranked 24th all over the Philippines from among the 399 municipalities covered this year. The Municipality of Tubigon ranked 2nd in the region and 26th nationwide, followed by Ubay in the 3rd spot and 39th in the country. One the other hand, NCC named Tagbilaran City the 28th most competitive city from among the 136 cities assessed in 2014, which ranked 2nd in Region 7 next to Cebu City. Its score in the pillar of Government Efficiency ranked 6th all over the country and 1st in the region. Tagbilaran was the first among the cities in Central Visayas to receive such distinction. ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR BUILDING BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs • PROFILING OF LGU COMPETITIVENESS Skills Enhancement on Front Office Operations and Customer Service (two batches) August 9-10, 2013 August 11-12, 2013 Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City 25 26 Managing Hospitality Business forMaximum Efficiency and Profitability September 16-19, 2013 MetroCentre Hotel, Tagbilaran City 50 Cost and Materials Management Training November 11, 2013 Wregent Plaza Hotel, Tagbilaran City 29 Effective Customer Services and Personal Empowerment Training November 21-22, 2013 Heritage Crab House Seafood Restaurant, Tagbilaran City 43 Professional Food and Beverage Service, Bartending and Customer Relations Program January 15-17, 2014 Bohol Plaza Resort, Dauis, Bohol 28 Basic Flower Arrangement Workshop January 20-21, 2014 JJ’s Seafood Restaurant, Tagb. City 34 Massage Therapy Training January 23-25, 2014 Villa Alzhun Tourist Inn and Restaurant, Tagbilaran City 30 Sales and Marketing Strategies for Hospitality Services February 20-21, 2014 Bohol La Roca Hotel, Tagbilaran City 28

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 14 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Bohol province has set purposive directions to ensure conducive and favorable business environment pursued by different business and investment assisting entities in the national and local levels operating in the province. To undertake a big push on the purposive directions, the Bohol Investment and Promotion Center (BIPC) partnered with DILG and DTI in conducting a one-day Capability Enhancement Seminar on Local Investment Promotion for City/Municipal Treasurers and Local Economic and Investment Promotion Officers (LEIPO) on November 13, 2014 at JJ’s Seafood Village, Tagbilaran City aimed to boost their knowledge and gain appreciation of what constitutes a favorable business climate and requisites for setting up of investments to help answer the overriding issues of jobs provision and income generations in the LGUs. DILG-Bohol program coordinator on LED, LGOO V Mary Ann L. Aparece-Verga discussed the Roles and Responsibilities of LEIPO and status updates of Bohol compliance to BPLS standards. Other topics presented were Investment Priorities Framework and updates of the Bohol One-Stop-Shop (BOSS) given by the head of BIPC, Ms. Ma. Fe Dominise and updates of eTRACS implementation by the Provincial Treasurer, Mr. Eustaquio Socorin. Highlighting the activity were the lined up topics on Investment and Trade Laws and Policies presented by the head of Board of Investment, Cebu, Mr. Philip Torres. By virtue of DILG MC No. 2010-113 dated October 13, 2010 all the 48 LGUs, this province designated a LEIPO who are expected to play active role in attracting more investments through promotion and marketing of the LGU as investment location. 14 ENHANCING CAPACITIES OF LGUs ON LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION Table 2. BUSINESS COMPETITIVENESS OVER-ALL RANKING FOR BOHOL LGUs DILG, DTI, BIPC joint efforts in realizing investment promotions seminar or LEIPO and Municipal Treasurers.

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 15 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Table 3. INVENTORY OF LEIPOs 2014 LGU NAME OF LEIPO POSITION/DESIGNATION OF LEIPO LEGAL INSTRUMENT ISSUED LGSP-LED BATCH 1: BIAD V LGUs Batuan Eufracio Salces Municipal Treasurer EO No. 5, Series 2014 Bilar Casimero A. Loy-A Senior Revenue Collection Clerk III EO No. 1, series 2012 Carmen Susan Racoma Municipal Treasurer EO No. 11, series 2012 Dagohoy Engr. Ranulfo D. Sepe MPDC EO No. 10, series 2014 Danao Iiluminado M. Añora Staff, Mayor’s Office EO No. 2014-17 Pilar Joseph Anania MPDC EO No. 1, series 2014 Sagbayan Felito Pon DRRM Officer (contractual) EO No. 001, series 2014 Sierra Bullones Leo F. Bongato, Sr. Executive Secretary EO No. 1, series 2014 LGSP-LED BATCH 2: PaDaYon LGUs Baclayon Denis Misael Paman Municipal Budget Officer EO No. 2, series 2011 Dauis Ma. Mercedes E. Salinas MPDC EO No. 7, series 2014 Panglao Apolinar B. Fudalan PESO Designate EO No. 16, series 2013 Other LGUs Alburquerque Nome R. Ricalde Alicia Paul B. Villas Budgeting Assistant EO No. 4, series 2014 Anda Aida J. Visaya MPDC EO No. 3, series 2014 Antequera Engr. Irma B. Sanchez ME/MPDC-Designate Office Order 2014-009 Balilihan Ma. Elena Maniwang Disbursing Officer EO No. 05, series 2014 Bien Unido Rocerto Rosales CRM Coordinator EO No. 7, series 2014 Buenavista Efren Logroňo MPDC Unnumbered Office Order dated Jan. 2, 2013 Calape Hon. Manolita L. Sia Sangguniang Bayan Member EO No. 01, series 2011 Candijay Anecito C. Calulo Market Officer EO No. 01, series 2014 Catigbian Cresilda C. Rulida Municipal Treasurer EO No. 09-02 series 2014 Clarin Victorieta Loquere Municipal Treasurer EO No. 27, series 2013 Corella Benito M. Ricalde, Jr. MPDC EO No. 03, series 2014 Cortes Jorna S. Tabigue Municipal Accountant EO No. 07, series 2014 Dimiao Bernardito Mario Reyes MPDC EO No. 04, series 2014 Duero Engr. Cesar Salazar, Jr. MPDC EO No. 15, series 2014

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 16 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE SEMINAR-WORKSHOP ON INVESTMENTS AND INCENTIVES CODE In line with the Department’s continued advocacy on LGUs’ reforms in local investment climate through formulation or updating of their Local Investments and Incentives Code (LIIC) and implementation of investment promotion programs pursuant to DILG-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01, DILG-Bohol targeted the formulation of draft LIIC in four LGUs by the end of December, 2014. The codification team of this office headed by LGOO VI Regina Gina G. Bastes, with the assistance of DTI-Bohol Senior Trade Industry Development Specialist Mr. Blair Panong, took the lead in facilitating the formulation of LIICs of the municipalities of San Isidro, Clarin, Batuan, Loboc, and Dauis. STIDS Blair Panong explained the Investment Promotion Areas and the incentives that an LGU can provide to potential investors Garcia-Hernandez Maura C. Bacangoy Business Licensing Officer EO No. 15-A, series 2013 Getafe Eduardo G. Socias, Jr. Municipal Treasurer EO No. 18, series 2013 Guindulman Aida Tan Mahilum Admin Clerk II/ Mun. Bookkeeper EO No. 03, series 2012 Inabanga Engr. Rosavilla C. Villamor MPDC EO No. 5, series 2014 Jagna Engr. Gerry V. Araneta MPDC EO No. 5, series 2014 Lila Diosdado D. Dahiroc Municipal Budget Officer EO No. 7, series 2011 Loay Paulino M. Inting, Jr. Food Production Consultant EO No. 19, series 2013 Loboc Engr. Domingo Villamo MPDC EO No. 5, series 2012 Loon Apolinaria R. Guballa Admin-Aid EO No. 9, series 2014 Mabini Milagrosa P. Galorio EO No. 07, series 2014 Maribojoc Jaime L. Mabilin MACLED Officer AO No. 1 - 2010 Pres. C.P.G. Glen Allan Boyles HRMO EO No. 09, series 2012 San Isidro Atty. Diosdado N. Gementiza, Jr. Municipal Accountant EO No. 6, series 2013 San Miguel Hedeliza R. Carcueva Municipal Accountant EO No. 94, series 2012 Sevilla Artemio D. Perin MPDC Sikatuna Dexter Chan Acting Municipal Treasurer EO No. 01, series 2014 Talibon Apolinario E. Artiaga Mun. Poverty Reduction Action Officer Office Order No. 12-10 Trinidad Marcelo A. Empleo Market Administrator Office Order No. 8, series 2011 Tubigon Engr. Noel C. Mendaňa MPDC EO No. 11, aeries 2013 Ubay Engr. Carlota Dela Cruz MPDC Staff/LAOO EO No. 12, series 2012 Valencia Engr. Lilio Palac MPDC/DRRMO EO No. 8, series 2014 Tagbilaran City Engr. Estella B. Margate CPDC EO No. 03, series 2012

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 17 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Participants to the LIIC seminars were the Vice-Mayors, Sanggunian Members, Municipal Planning and Development Coordinators, Municipal Treasurers and Municipal Local Government Operations Officers. Since the seminars were conducted only for a day, the workshops focused on the identification of Investment Priority Areas (IPAs) and Local Incentives. Mr. Blair Panong and LGOO VI Regina Gina Bastes critiqued the outputs for consolidation in the final draft of the document. Accomplishment of the code was warranted by the participants’ confirmation with the next steps. On the other hand, MLGOO Victor Lapiz of LGU Panglao assisted the local Sangunian in the conceptualization its Investment Code particularly in explaining the features and determination of Investment Priority Areas. On June 7, 2014, the Sangguniang Bayan of Panglao had enacted the LGU’s Local Investment Incentive Code, which was subsequently declared valid and operational by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan on October 4, 2014. Table 4. DATES OF LIIC SEMINAR-WORKSHOP AND STATUS OF FORMULATION LEGISLATIVE CODES In response to the requests from LGUs, the codification team composed of LGOOs Ma. Reina A. Quilas, Regina Gina Bastes, Jocelyn Bandala, Mylove Cardinoza and Josie Montes facilitated the conduct of seminar-workshops on the codification of various ordinances. The team presented and discussed inputs on codification, its definition, process and legal bases of codifying administrative, general, environment, investments and incentives and revenue ordinances. Workshops on the classification of ordinances, writing manuscript and supplementation of the sections and articles of the draft codes were also facilitated by the team. LGOO V Josie Montes facilitated the functionaries of San Isidro, Bohol on the codification of General Ordinances LGU DATE OF LIIC WORKSHOP STATUS Batuan November 6, 2014 Metrocentre Hotel, Tagbilaran City For consolidation of corrections and finalization of the first draft Clarin August 23, 2014 Bohol Divers Resort, Panglao, Bohol On Second Reading Dauis November 6, 2014 Metrocentre Hotel, Tagbilaran City For consolidation of corrections and finalization of the first draft Loboc November 6, 2014 Metrocentre Hotel, Tagbilaran City For consolidation of corrections and finalization of the first draft Panglao June 7, 2014 SB Session Hall, Panglao, Bohol Enacted October 4, 2014 San Isidro July 9, 2014 East Coast Resort, Anda, Bohol Committee Study. Set for Public Hearing

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 18 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE To ensure the enactment of the different codes facilitated by this office, commitments from the sanggunian and functionaries were done through the next steps. Monitoring the updates of the accomplishments of the formulation of the codes was done during the supervisory visits to the MLGOOs. Table 5. LIST OF ASSISTED LGUs AND CODIFIED ORDINANCES STREAMLINING BUSINESS PERMITS AND LICENSING SYSTEM The national project on the Streamlining of Business Permits and Licensing System (BPLS) continues to be one of the foremost undertakings of DILG-Bohol in partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Bohol Investment and Promotion Office (BIPC) and the Bohol Information and Communication Unit (BICTU) with the optimism to attract more investors and foster local economic growth. Based on the quarterly monitoring reports of the City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers (C/MLGOOs), 100% of the LGUs have completed streamlining their BPLS processes and are compliant with the BPLS standards pursuant to DILG-DTI JMC No. 01, series of 2010 that set standards for processing applications for new businesses and business renewals. LGOO V Mary Ann L. Aparece-Verga presented Bohol BPLS Updates to the Municipal Treasurers/BPLOs during the Enhancement Seminar on Investment Promotion. LGU DATE CODES Clarin August 22-23, 2014 • Administrative Code • Code of General Ordinances • Environment Code • Health and Sanitation Code • Local Investments and Incentives Code • Revenue Code Loboc November 10-11, 2014 December 1-2, 2014 • Administrative Code • Code of General Ordinances • Environment Code • Local Investments and Incentives Code • Revenue Code San Isidro July 7-9, 2014 • Code of General Ordinances • Environment Code • Local Investments and Incentives Code • Revenue Code

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 19 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE As shown in Table 1, all LGUs in Bohol have simplified and standardized the BPLS process using the ARTA framework: unified form, reduced signatories, reduced steps, and fast processing time, and have institutionalized the process through issuance of legal instrument to ensure sustainability. In answering the need to continuously capacitate LGUs on BPLS, several training workshops have been undertaken and are being lined up to assist prioritized LGUs advance their permits and licensing system. DILG-Bohol LED Program Coordinator, LGOO V Mary Ann L. Aparece-Verga, together with DTI-Bohol Provincial Director Maria Elena C. Arbon and two Trade and Industry Development Specialists, Mr. Blair L. Panong and Mr. Jude Bernard T. Quieb, attended the National Competitiveness Council (NCC) Roadshow of Best Practices on BPLS Standards on October 28-29 at the Crown and Regency Hotels and Towers, Cebu City. Table 6. STATUS OF LGU’s COMPLIANCE AND INITIATIVE IN SUPPORT OF BPLS STREAMLINING PROVINCIAL ROAD MANAGEMENT FACILITY Bohol Province is among the 10 beneficiary provinces of the Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF) Program in the country. The Amended Memorandum of Subsidiary Arrangement (MSA) entered into by the Government of Australia and the Government of the Philippines represented through the Australian Embassy and the Department of the Interior and Local Government on December 23, 2013 made the DILG at the helm in the procurement and contract management with the Regional Director being the Head of Procuring Entity (HOPE) and one of the main contracting party. DILG-Bohol Provincial Director, Ma. Loisella E. Lucino automatically assumed as the Procurement Entity Representative (PER) in accordance to Sec. 3.4(a) of the Contract Management Guidelines. With the number of projects in Bohol, PD Lucino took the initiative of issuing a Provincial Order designating eight LGOOs as her Assistant Procurement Entity Representatives (AsPERs), which leads to the reorganization of the Provincial Project Development Management Unit (PDMU) whose members were oriented on PRMF and Bohol Emergency Road Repair and On-site validation of PRMF Project in Catigbian, Bohol with LGOOs V Ted Mascarinas and Franklin Mediquiso PRMF, DILG Region and Provincial Engineers with PDMU Chair during the Local Road Incentive Targets Assessment in Garcia-Hernandez, Bohol and DLP Assessment of PRMF project.

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 20 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Rehabilitation (BERRR) Project on June 25, 2014 at the DILG Provincial Office. In its fourth year of implementation, Bohol has implemented 12 contracts under the BERRR Project with a total road length of 124.62 kms. in the badly affected communities of Antequera, Balilihan, Catigbian, Calape, Inabanga, Loon, Maribojoc, San Isidro, Tubigon, Bilar, Dimiao, Loay, Loboc, Sevilla and Sikatuna brought by the 7.2M quake that hit the province. The eight LGOO AsPERs together with the Engineering Teams of the Provincial Engineering Office (PEO) played important roles in overseeing and monitoring the implementation of these projects specifically on the onsite inspection and validation to check if the project accomplishments are within the time schedule. Table 7. STATUS OF PRMF PROJECTS IN BOHOL REFERENCE CONTRACT NO. PROJECT NAME AMOUNT OF PROJECT STATUS ASSIGNED ASSISTANT PER PW-BHL-13-01 Cahayag, Tubigon Causwagan Sur, San Isidro Provincial Road Php17,504,643.211 PW-BHL-13-02 Alegria-Baang, Catigbian-Hagbuaya-Hanopol Norte, Balilihan Provincial Road 13,897,971.75 PW-BHL-13-03& PW-BHL-13-04 Poblacion-Lawis, Inabanga Road & Inabanga-Sagbayan via Lapacan-Magtangtang Road 6,894,215.91 15,015,653.10 PW-BHL-13-05 Hinawanan, Loay-Concepcion-Jct. Loboc-Sikatuna Road 16,485,421.67 PW-BHL-13-06 Sikatuna-Sevilla via Cambuac Road 23,337,236.96 PW-BHL-13-07 Rizal, Catigbian-Causwagan Sur, San Isidro Road 13,011,101.50 PW-BHL-13-08 Candumayao, Catigbian-Cabanugan, San Isidro Road 8,889,302.19 PW-BHL-13-09 Dimiao-Oac-Bilar Road 18,013,934.83 39% MLGOO Jose Ruben Racho 28% LGOO V Nicanor Bungabong 23% MLGOO Maura M. Justol 32% LGOO V Jocelyn B. Bandala 20% MLGOO Judy Grace R. Dominguez 69% MLGOO Ted N. Mascarinas 68% MLGOO Ted N. Mascarinas 30% MLGOO Judy Grace R. Dominguez

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 21 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE In 2014, assigned MLGOOs of these municipalities likewise took the lead in conducting community assemblies with PRMF and PEO personnel, administer data gathering and submission for the Environmental Assessment Report (EAR), attendance to meetings with contractors for any project variation, attendance to the Environment Compliance Monitoring (ECM) Orientation on July 10, 2014, and on-site inspection together with the Validation Team composed of the LGOO AsPERs, PRMF engineers and PEO Project Engineers. Table 8. 2014 ACTIVITIES PARTICIPATED BY LGOO AsPERs SPECIAL LOCAL ROAD FUND The City of Tagbilaran received a Statement of Allotment Release Order (SARO) amounting to P2.6M from the Special Local Road Fund under the Motor Vehicle Users Charge for CY 2012 to rehabilitate the identified road section in M. Torralba Street, back of St. Joseph’s Cathedral. The required Memorandum of Agreement and corresponding program of work have been completed and submitted to DPWH 7. PW-BHL-13-10 Antequera-Ballihan via Dorol Road 20,745,099.94 PW-BHL-13-11 Abatan-AgahayBusao-Toril-Aghao Road 21,877,296.48 PW-BHL-13-12 PW-BHL-13-13 Calape-Pangangan Road & Sandingan-Tajang Road 10,297,851.17 6,124,202.36 PW-BHL-13-14 Quinoguitan, Loboc-Sevilla-Hanopol Road 31,902,305.51 33% LGOO VI Redemcion G. Cagong 20% LGOO VI Redemcion G Cagong 24% MLGOO Glenda A. Laude 20% LGOO V Jocelyn B. Bandala

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 22 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE For the Province of Bohol, the P11M worth share from the 2012 5% MUVC is yet to be implemented subject to the release of checks from the DPWH. CLGOO Mardonio Roxas and D’One Cluster head, LGOO VI Redemcion G. Cag-ong closely coordinated with the concerned heads of offices during the Local Road Management Performance Assessment (LRMPA) conducted by the Regional LRMPA Team of DILG 7 on September 18, 2014. The consolidation of the assessment was conducted on September 25, 2014 at DILG Provincial Office. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (LGSP-LED) The Local Government Support Program for Local Economic Development serves as one of the DILG’s key program that builds business-friendly and competitive LGUs as the Program helps select LGU/Alliances not only develop and implement LED approaches but also improve the governance environment to support economic development. With the support provided by LGSP-LED, DILG-Bohol has contributed the province’s inclusive growth by enabling target LGUs to become more business-friendly and competitive through technical advice and trainings in creating tourism circuits in partnership with the local private sectors that are attractive to investments and conducive to job creation. The Program has 11 project sites in the Province of Bohol. To date, the Bohol Integrated Area Development Cluster (BIAD V) under Batch 1 continuously seeks to promote LED by strengthening organic rice production and marketing while Panglao-Dauis-Baclayon Bohol Marine Triangle (PaDaYon BMT) under Batch 2 is currently implementing the Workforce Development Project and Market-Supply Linkages. Currently, the project focused in rendering technical and financial assistance in the development of Baclayon Heritage Tourism which was launched last November 8, 2014 at the Municipal Tourism Office. LGSP-LED SUPPORTS DILG-BOHOL BUILD BUSINESS FRIENDLY LGUs POLICY AUDIT AND COMPLIANCE TRACKING SYSTEM (PACTS) Under the Policy Audit and Compliance Tracking System (PACTS), the DILG monitors LGU compliance to national laws and policies issued through various memorandum circulars and directives covering the four outcome areas of the Department.

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 23 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE DILG-Bohol Field Officers (FOs) have continually monitored LGU compliance to laws, policies, and directives through the timely submission of quarterly PACTs monitoring and evaluation report as reflected in the Table below. Table 9. STATUS OF PACTS REPORTS SUBMITTED FOR CY 2014 CONDUCT OF BARANGAY ASSEMBLY Pursuant to Section 397 of the Local Government Code of 1991, Presidential Proclamation No. 260, series of 2011 and DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2014-100, all the 1,109 barangays of Bohol successfully conducted their respective barangay assemblies for the first and second semester of CY 2014. Common highlights of the first semester assembly include the introduction of new set of elected and appointive barangay officials; presentation of the barangay annual budget; and proposed programs, projects and activities for the current year. In the second semester, FOs read the message of SILG Mar Roxas, IEC on Ugnayan

OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 24 OUTCOME I. BUSINESS FRIENDLY AND COMPETITIVE LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE ng Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS), and dissemination of DILG MC No. 2014-81. The Provincial Management Coordinating Council (PMCC), headed by PD Loisella Lucino initiated the creation of a Provincial Speakers Bureau composed DILG, PNP, BFP, PA and representatives from the Provincial Government tasked to disseminate relevant programs to selected LGUs during assemblies. LGOO V Jocelyn B. Bandala presented the UBAS and other DILG programs to the barangay constituents of Poblacion Sur, Carmen, Bohol.

OUTCOME I. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 25 BOHOL’S eTRACS ON TRACK With the Department’s continuous advocacy on BPLS automation, the Provincial Government of Bohol through the Bohol ICT Unit has successfully implemented the Enhanced Tax Revenue Assessment and Collection System (eTRACS) in 45 LGUs geared towards the efficient collection of real property tax resulting in better LGU revenues which in turn facilitates better service delivery. Realizing its potential for revenue generation and the positive outcome it brings to the communities, BICTU in tandem with the Provincial Treasurer’s Office and Assessor’s Office with the support of the Provincial Roads Management Facility (PRMF) conducted several System Server Administration Trainings for Information Technology (IT) personnel to selected municipalities per target year. Provincial and Municipal eTRACS Teams identified issues encountered during eTRACS installation Ms. Linda Paredes, Prov’l Manager of PRMF-Bohol discussed issues encountered during eTRACS implementation with Mr. Jessie Zamora, Programmer, RAMESES System, Inc. Figure 1. eTRACS VERSION Table 10. ROLL OUT YEAR OF TARGET MUNICIPALITIES The municipalities of Buenavista, Carmen and Inabanga are scheduled for deployment end of November, 2014. BUILDING COMPETITIVE LGUs THROUGH WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Under LED Project, PaDaYon BMT is implementing a Tourism Workforce Development initiative to create

Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 26 OUTCOME I. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE opportunities for more residents of Panglao, Dauis and Baclayon to gain employment in local hotels and other tourism establishments by obtaining the necessary skills for employment and matching the skilled workers with available jobs in the marketplace. Given this, alliance have engaged the assistance of a private sector partner, the Bohol Association of Hotels and Restaurants (BAHRR), inking a Memorandum of Agreement to train local residents of these three municipalities on tourism skills that are tailor-fit to the requirements of the tourism establishments in the area to ensure them of gainful employment. Under the partnership agreement, BAHRR committed to plan, organize and implement a package of training program dubbed Training for Tourism Skills Enhancement and Employment from June, 2013 to March, 2014 with 12 skills trainings identified thru a prioritization workshop process in partnership with DTI and DILG. TRAINING FOR TOURISM SKILLS ENHANCEMENT AND EMPLOYMENT LGSP-LED, in partnership with DILG and the Bohol Provincial Economic Transformation Team (PETT), is supporting the implementation of the workforce development program of PaDaYon BMT in line with the overall objective of improving local human resources skills and awareness for job placement, and seeks to develop pilot programs for matching the immediate skills requirements of tourism establishments in PaDaYon areas with qualified employment candidates from the three municipalities. Recognizing the importance of workforce development program to benefit the tourism industry, LGSP-LED in coordination with the BAHRR has implemented and completed 12 skills trainings on tourism-related courses and hard trades for skills enhancement with 479 unemployed individuals, enterprise workers and entrepreneurs as beneficiaries. This initiative of empowering partners through skills trainings on workforce development has resulted to the realization of the Bohol Skills Registry System (BSRS), an online job-skills matching system for efficient sourcing of information by the private sector on the available supply of skilled workers from PaDaYon and for skilled workers seeking employment to have access to information on available jobs. In gathering data of skilled workers, the National Skills Registry System (NSRS) was used by the Public Employment Service Officers (PESO) of the pilot LGUs who took the lead in data gathering and encoding. Basic Flower Arrangement Workshop conducted on January 20-21, 2014 at JJ’s Seafood Village, Tagbilaran City with 36 participants

Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 27 OUTCOME I. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE In response to Local Economic Development, DILG-Bohol has assisted the PaDaYon LED Project in collaborating with the Provincial Government through the Bohol Employment and Placement Office (BEPO) and Bohol Information and Communication Technology Unit (BICTU); DTI; and private sector partners represented by the BAHRR and the Bohol Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) in creating the Bohol Skills Registry System, to facilitate the efficient sourcing of information on the available supply of skilled workers from the PaDaYon area by prospective employers. The BSRS portal, which is hosted at official website of the provincial government ( was launched on July 25, 2014 at the MetroCentre Hotel, Tagbilaran City with a ceremonial unveiling led by Gov. Edgar M. Chatto and First Secretary Genevieve Asselin of Canadian Embassy in the presence of all Local Chief Executives (LCEs) and PESO coordinators. The database of workers is based on the Department of Labor and Employment’s (DOLE) National Skills Registry System (NSRS). The profiles of graduates from the training programs completed by BAHRR are among the first uploaded to the system. This innovation supports the program of the Province towards e-governance. DILG-Bohol and the provincial government envision the system to eventually cover all LGUs. ONLINE BOHOL SKILLS REGISTRY SYSTEM (BSRS) More Jobs for Boholanos as Skills Registry Goes Online The BSRS launching was attended by representatives from BCCI, BAHRR, Bohol Tourism Council, DTI, PESO coordinators and Local Chief Executives (LCEs). Distinguished guests in the event were DILG 7 Regional Director Ananias Villacorta and BLGD OIC Director Anna Lisa Bonagua Also present in the activity were LGSP-LED Project Manager Ramon B. Alampay; BEPO Head Mr. Romulo Tagaan; BICTU Head Mr. Senen Bojos; DILG 7 LED focal person LGOO V Ammie Marie Generale; DILG-Bohol LED focal person LGOO V Mary Ann Aparece-Verga and guests from LGSP-LED Manila. MARKET-SUPPLY LINKAGE THROUGH CULTURAL TOURISM Responding to the recommendations of the rapid assessment conducted shortly after the earthquake and typhoon Yolanda, which decline Bohol’s tourism industry by 20% in terms of tourist arrivals, the Baclayon Heritage Tourism Project was developed under the LGSP-LED project of the DILG in collaboration with two private sector partners, the Baclayon Entrepreneurs Association (BEA) and the Baclayon Ancestral Home Owners Association (BAHANDI) through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The Baclayon Heritage Café is strategically located at the Municipal Tourism Office to serve as visitor center from which the Heritage Walk will originate.

Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 28 OUTCOME I. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Highlighting the Baclayon Heritage Tourism Project is the development of the Heritage Café of BEA and the Heritage Walk of BAHANDI. The Heritage Café serves as a hub of the different tourism products including local delicacies and crafts distinct of Baclayon and as booking agent for the heritage tour and Pamilacan Island excursion. The Baclayon Heritage Café was successfully launched on November 15, 2014 at the Municipal Tourism Office with guests from LGSP Manila represented by Program Mananger Dr. Ramon Alampay, LGOO V Mary Ann L. Aparece-Verga of DILG Provincial Office, Ms. Josephine Cemine of the academe, local officials and functionaries, and private sector partners. BOHOL TAKES LEAD IN ABOT-ALAM INITIATIVE With the assistance of The Asia Foundation, Bohol is one of the early implementors of Abot-Alam, a national strategy of the National Youth Commission (NYC), Department of Education (DepEd) together with the Department of the Interior and Local Government with the goal to come up with a comprehensive database of Out-of-Scholl Youth (OSY) to be given relevant interventions whether it is in education, entrepreneurship, or employment. Local chief executives and coordinating principals convened with national and provincial agencies in the Abot-Alam Convergence Summit held on August 29, 2014 at the MetroCentre Hotel, Tagbilaran City. Agencies who presented interventions for OSY included the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and DILG with the offices of the Provincial Social Welfare and Development, Provincial Veterinarian, and the Bohol Island State University. Bohol jumpstarts the national program through data gathered by the Alternative Learning System (ALS) coordinators of DepEd and validated through the purok system in the province. In 2014, more than 25,000 OSY have been mapped and will be enrolled to different program interventions available in different agencies. LGOO V Mary Ann L. Aparece-Verga talked about DILG’s LED programs available for OSY in the panel of discussion with different NGAs ABOT-ALAM National Launching on Nov. attended by Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Bill Tweddell and NYC Commissioner Jose Sixto “Dingdong” Dantes III

Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 29 OUTCOME I. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE Data from Abot-Alam is set to be used in determining beneficiaries for the upcoming Skills Training for Accelerated Growth in Local Governments (STAG-LG) of DILG in the 11 target LGSP project sites by 2015. Governor Edgar M. Chatto likewise committed to implement skills trainings in other LGUs with OSY who identified entrepreneurship and employment an utmost priority. OSY graduates of hard trade courses shall be enrolled in the Bohol Skills Registry System for speed matching on available jobs inside and outside the province. COORDINATING ROAD INVESTMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT (CRID) The Bohol Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the auspices of The Asia Foundation (TAF) and financial support from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) under the Coalition for Change Program, is implementing a project dubbed Coordinating Road Investments for local economic development and poverty reduction in Bohol province, which hopes to institutionalize a system that shall sustainably ensure the rationalized planning and coordination of road investments. Towards this end, BCCI partnered with DILG-Bohol in organizing a Coordinated Road Investment Planning System (CRIPS) that employs a mechanism of enhancing how local roads shall be selected and prioritized to optimize the socioeconomic benefits it can offer to the community and create a long-term impact on development. By virtue of an invitation letter signed by PD Loisella E. Lucino, all C/ MLGOOs and C/MPDCs attended the CRIPS Workshop conducted on April 15 and April 28, 2014 intended to come up with a Coordinated Road Investments Plan (CRIP) that contains the prioritized roads of the LGUs.

OUTCOME II. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTIVE, CLIMATE CHANGE ADOPTIVE AND DISASTER RESILIENT LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 30 ENHANCING LGU CAPACITY ON DISASTER RISK REDUCTION/ CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION • SEAL OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS (SDP) The Seal of Disaster Preparedness (SDP) is designed in order to recognize and incentivize local government performance in institutionalizing disaster preparedness by way of assessing LGUs using indicators that manifest their capability and preparedness for disaster. In CY 2014, the SDP assessment indicators were incorporated in the Seal of Good Local Governance (SGLG) under Disaster Preparedness core area, which was conducted from May to June, 2014 in all the 49 LGUs of Bohol Province. The SGLG criteria for Disaster Preparedness include having structures, plans and systems in place for disaster preparedness or whether the LGU was conferred with the National Gawad KALASAG Award for Best Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. • DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AUDIT (DPA) Similarly, the indicators of the Disaster Preparedness Audit are incorporated in the SGLG under the core area of Disaster Preparedness. To date, Bohol Province is still waiting for the results of the SGLS assessment, which was conducted in the second quarter of this year. Disaster preparedness paraphernalia of Maribojoc, Bohol Disaster Preparedness documents of Corella, Bohol • ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AUDIT The Environmental Compliance Audit is incorporated in the SGLG assessment under the essential area Environmental Management intended to assess LGU’s compliance to environmental laws and policies, specifically on the formulation of Solid Waste Management (SWM) Plan, enactment of SWM related Ordinances, establishment of Material Recovery Facility (MRF), and access to sanitary landfill or alternative technology for final waste disposal as mandated in Republic Act No. 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. For the Provincial Government, it only ass-

OUTCOME II. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTIVE, CLIMATE CHANGE ADOPTIVE AND DISASTER RESILIENT LGUs Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 31 essed the presence of a ten-year SWM Plan. The SGLG assessment was administered from May 6 to June 16, 2014 and June 23-24 for the Provincial Government by the Regional Assessment Team (RAT). The on-going establishment of sanitary landfill in Alburquerque, Bohol • LOCAL CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN (LCCAP) The DILG is mandated to capacitate LGUs on the formulation of the Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP). This is in response to the challenge brought about by Climate Change which greatly affected local economic development and local governance as a whole. All the 49 LGUs in Bohol have already formulated their LCCAP. Some LCCAP are separate documents or integrated in the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Plan. However, LGUs are also looking forward to a capability building activity to enhance their LCCAP. • MAINSTREAMING DRR/CCA IN COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CDP) Sec. 2 of Republic Act 10121 provides for the mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction and climate change in development processes. This underscores the need to mainstream DRR/CCA in the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). Among the 31 LGUs with updated CDPs, only 25 have mainstreamed DRR/CCA in their CDPs. The rest of the 17 LGUs have CDPs which are due for updating and have no DRR/CCA mainstreamed in it. Technical assistance on CDP formulation was extended by the men and women specialist of the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) and DILG-Bohol Province. • ORGANIZATION OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT (DRRM) An institutionalized structure for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) is indispensable thus, the need to establish a permanent DRRM Office.

OUTCOME II. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTIVE, CLIMATE CHANGE ADOPTIVE AND DISASTER RESILIENT LGUs Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 32 In the 2nd quarter of 2014, JMC No. 2014-01 re: establishment of LDRRMOs was disseminated and advocated to the LGUs. This issuance provided guidance to the LGUs for the establishment of the DRRM Office in adherence to Republic Act 10121 or the DRRM Act. With the monitoring of the compliance of LGUs to the establishment of the DRRM office, it was learned that two LGUs already enacted an Ordinance creating the DRRM Office complete with the DRRM Officer and staff. While three LGUs through an Ordinance only created the position of DRRM Officer owing to LGUs’ budgetary limitation. Other LGUs are in the process of creating such positions while others are in the planning stage. All the 49 LGUs were conducted with policy advocacy on the Organization of LDRRM Office, Utilization of LDRRM Fund and other policy issuances. • GUIDE TO FAMILY ACTION IEC MATERIALS DISSEMINATED IEC materials developed and produced by DILG Central Office on disaster preparedness were disseminated to all 1,109 barangays in the first quarter of 2014. The materials which were disseminated and distributed through the MLGOOs served as Guide to Families or Guide to Action as it provides details on what to do for certain type of hazard. Meanwhile, the LGU Disaster Preparedness Journals were also distributed to all 49 LGUs on the third quarter of 2014. • DRRM PREPAREDNESS AUDIT FOR BARANGAYS Barangays were audited on disaster-preparedness through the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management (BDRRM) Profiling. This was accomplished and submitted in the first Semester of 2014. • GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) TRAINING Under the Department’s Program on Enhancing LGU Capacity on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) and Climate Change Act (CCA), the 17 hardest hit LGUs of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake were capacitated on Geographic Information System (GIS) for Climate Change and Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Reduction thru the Geoplan Cebu Foundation, Incorporated on September 16-19, 2014 at Cebu Northwinds Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City.

OUTCOME II. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTIVE, CLIMATE CHANGE ADOPTIVE AND DISASTER RESILIENT LGUs Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 33 Participants of the activity were the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers (LDRRMOs) and LGU staff expert on Information Technology. They were trained on the use of Quantum GIS for them to easily prepare their own maps in their respective LGUs. • ROADSHOW ON IBA NA ANG PANAHON-SCIENCE FOR SAFER COMMUNITIES The Roadshow on Iba na ang Panahon, Science for Safer Communities was conducted on March 31, 2014 to April 1, 2014 at Crown Regency Hotel, Guadalupe, Cebu City to provide science and technology based weather information tools and technologies that will help LGUs formulate their disaster risk reduction and management plans. Participants of the roadshow were the Municipal Mayors and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers (LDRRMO) in Region 7. PD Lucino facilitated the Bohol participants during the workshop PHIVOLCS Director Renato U. Solidum discussed with PD Lucino the worst case scenario in Bohol • SOLID WASTE INSPECTION In keeping with the National Government’s effort to protect the environment in adherence to RA 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, DILG-Bohol Focal Person on SWM, LGOO V Mylove Cardinoza, with the 10 TACT Cluster Leaders joined the Provincial Government, through the Bohol Environmental Management Office (BEMO) in conducting the yearly ESWM Monitoring and Evaluation from April to November, 2014 in all 48 LGUs, this Province. Indicators that were looked into are Functional SWM Organization, SWM 10-Year Plan, Ordinance and Enforcement System, Cost Recovery System, Waste Diversion to Effective Management at Source and to Effectively Manage Collected Garbage, Efficiency of Waste Collection and Transport, and Waste Disposal – Activities being implemented in the city/municipality related to the establishment of RA 9003. Provincial SWM M&E Team doing inspection in Candijay, Bohol with DILG-Bohol Program Coordinator, LGOO V Mylove Cardinoza

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 |  BOHOL PROVINCE 34 BOHOL EARTHQUAKE ASSISTANCE • DILG BUILDING BACK BETTER PROGRAM-BOHOL EARTHQUAKE ASSISTANCE (BEA) FUND The aftermath of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake has brought many changes to the operations of DILG Bohol this year. Despite the fact that some field officers are occupying a temporary office spaces due to their damaged municipal buildings, the work continues not only to deliver the PPAs of the department but also to help LGUs bring back the normalcy of their operations thru the DILG Building Back Better Program, Bohol Earthquake Assistance (BEA) Fund. The Provincial Government is the Fund Administrator of BEA worth P2.389 Billion for the rehabilitation, repair and reconstruction of key government buildings and infrastructures for 1,065 subprojects. A total of 44 LGUs including Bohol province were recipients of BEA in which field officers facilitated the submission of Program of Work (POW) and other supporting documents to fast track their implementation. • ENHANCEMENT OF THE DRAFT BEA GUIDELINES Since BEA will be implemented thru a Tripartite MOA with DILG, Provincial Government of Bohol and MLGU, the enhancement of the draft BEA guidelines was discussed on June 13, 2014 at Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City. Director Rolyn Zambales of OPDS and her staff, RD Ananias Villacorta, PD Loisella Lucino, Governor Edgar Chatto, the Provincial Local Finance Committee and representatives from the DPWH were sharing ideas to further enhance the guidelines. Meanwhile, Governor Edgar Chatto also called a separate meeting on June 24, 2014 to all Mayors and Municipal Engineers at JJ’s Seafood Village, Tagbilaran City. Usec Muya of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) also attended the activity to fully discuss the Draft BEA Guidelines. • BEA PROVINCIAL PROJECT AND MANAGEMENT TEAM (PPMT) The Provincial Government of Bohol being the Fund Administrator of BEA created the Provincial Project and Management Team (PPMT) based on DILG MC No. 2014-68 to ensure the smooth implementation and monitoring of BEA subprojects. The members of the team were composed of the Provincial Government of Bohol, DILG and DPWH.

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 35 DILG Bohol successfully conducted orientations and coordination meetings to ensure that BEA Guidelines will be properly communicated and interpreted to the recipient LGUs especially on the implementation arrangement and fund management. • ORIENTATIONS AND COORDINATION MEETINGS ON APPROVED BEA GUIDELINES Table 11. BEA–RELATED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 36 • HIRING AND DEPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERS In view of the urgent need to fast track the implementation and completion of projects under the Bohol Earthquake Assistance (BEA) fund, DILG-Bohol entered into contract of services with 30 engineers, four architects, three financial analysts, one administrative officer and three project evaluation officers. Three of these engineers are assigned in the provincial office to review the Program of Work of the 1,064 BEA projects of 43 recipient LGUs while the other 34 are tasked to assist the LGUs in the preparation of the POWs. The office also engaged the services of three financial analysts to check on the fiscal complement of projects submitted and one admin officer. The deployment of these newly-hired engineers are prioritized to LGUs with projects more than P5M and limited manpower at the Municipal Engineer’s Office based on the inventory conducted. Aside from the DILG-Bohol hired engineers, DILG Central Office likewise deployed engineers from the Office of the Project Management Development Services (OPDS) to also provide technical assistance for POW preparation.

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 37 Name Position Duration of Contract Salvacion Q. Quirol Engineer III 6 months Ruel D. Go Engineer III 6 months Glenda B. Campecino Engineer III 6 months Gregorio B. Viodor Engineer II 3 months Rosemarie P. Villamil Engineer II 3 months Pearl Marivic R. Villarojo Engineer II 3 months Creus D. Camilotes Engineer II 3 months Alnel T. Sescon Engineer II 3 months Ruel T. Lomod Engineer II 3 months Eutemio C. Mascarinas Engineer II 3 months Lucino T. Cagaanan Engineer II 3 months Marissa P. Caballo Engineer II 3 months Melvin A. Abajon Engineer II 3 months Argelou Jaum Engineer II 3 months Nolan S. Castrojo Architect II 3 months Jeffrey Borja Architect II 3 months Javeson Gamayot Engineer II 2 months Cherry Ann P. Bag-Ao Engineer II 2 months Korina Licong Engineer II 2 months Angelie Pama Engineer II 2 months Edzel T. Gudelosao Engineer II 2 months Paul L. Lanoy Engineer II 2 months Neneth O. Melencion Engineer II 2 months Eufronia T. Pacaňa Engineer II 2 months Vincent Aaron A. Malariodo Engineer II 2 months Jayson P. Uy Engineer II 2 months Rinimar T. Boligao Engineer II 2 months Allan Vincent B. Dag-um Engineer II 2 months Reil R. Lesula Engineer II 2 months Ma. Leizl H. Dolorican Engineer II 2 months Jose Raylito C. Boco Engineer II 2 months Ariel N. Apatay Architect II 2 months Paul D. Cagoco Architect II 2 months Mae O. Albero Engineer II 2 months Mayflor R. Samputon Financial Analyst II 6 months Geron Josephus L. Manaiz Financial Analyst II 6 months Mitchel P. Flood Financial Analyst II 6 months Reynaldo P. Tampos Admin Officer III 6 months Ma. Charito C. Culpa Project Evaluation Officer II 3 months Fortunato Joseph C. Culpa Project Evaluation Officer II 3 months Jomin Klynn H. Balistoy Project Evaluation Officer II 3 months Table 12. Ancillary Technical Workforces of DILG-Bohol

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 38 • PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: EARTHQUAKE REHABILITATION AND EDSA CELEBRATION After the devastated 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Bohol last year, President “Noynoy” Aquino, SILG Mar Roxas and other cabinet secretaries, DPWH officials and local officials visited Loon on February 24, 2014 for the inspection of the DPWH-built 10 Bunkhouses for 100 beneficiaries in Barangay Cogon Norte in the said LGU. This was also in part of the EDSA celebration which is a significant national event that has been engraved in the hearts and minds of Filipinos. The local officials and functionaries headed by Governor Edgar Chatto extended their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the President for all the support and cooperation extended by the national Government for the fast recovery of Bohol. • SILG MAR ROXAS TURN-OVER BEA CHECK WORTH 2.389 BILLION SILG Mar Roxas personally turned over the DILG Building Back Better Program, Bohol Earthquake Assistance Fund worth 2.389 Billion to Governor Edgar M. Chatto during the Radio Program “Kita ug ang Gobernador“ on June 6, 2014 at the Governor’s Mansion, Tagbilaran City. SILG Roxas also attended the Formal Kick-off of the Bohol Emergency Road Repair and Rehabilitation (BERRR) Project (switching on of Project Map) and the Inauguration and Blessing of the completed Biking-Tinago-Bingag Road in Dauis, Bohol.The activity was participated in by the Provincial Officials, Local Officials of Dauis and the teachers and pupils of Bingag Elementary School. Aside from BEA-related activities, SILG Roxas was the Guest of Honor during the Liga ng mga Barangay–Bohol Chapter Congress on Disaster Preparedness held on the same day at the Cultural Center, Tagbilaran City. He awarded a total of P26 Million pesos to the 26 PCF recipient LGUs, P1 Million per LGU. He also handed the SGH Plaque to the Provincial Government. • SILG MAR ROXAS UNENDING SUPPORT FOR THE BOHOLANOS In commemoration of the first anniversary of Great Bohol Earthquake, SILG Roxas once again visited the province to celebrate with the Boholano people and to assess the status of rehabilitation of Bohol under the DILG Building Back Better Program, BEA Fund on October 15, 2014. He encouraged the mayors to speed up their submission of Program of Work and emphasized to give priority to government facilities and infrastructures with inevitable uses to the LGU’s daily operations.

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 39 The Secretary also witnessed the celebration of Oktubre Kinse: The Bohol Earthquake Memorial at the CPG Sports Complex, Tagbilaran City. The program highlighted Boholano’s faith that despite all trials, Boholanos are optimistic to rise again. Governor Chatto also gave SILG Roxas a book entitled “Pagsulay”, which highlighted Boholano’s faith based on the earthquake experience. • ROXAS AND HIS COMMITMENT More than a month after the commemoration of the earthquake anniversary, Sec. Mar Roxas meet Bohol Mayors once again on November 20, 2014 at Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City to express his sincere commitment of helping LGUs through the speedy implementation of the Bohol Earthquake Assistance. His promise during the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (PDRRMC) Assessment on October 15, 2014 to hire additional engineers under the supervision of the DPWH was realized which helped the speedy submission of Program of Work of LGUs. He introduced the BEA hired engineers during the meeting. Below is the Comparative Status of submission of POWs during his visit on October 15, 2014 and on November 20, 2014. Table 13. COMPARATIVE STATUS OF POW SUBMISSION

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 40 DRRM/ CCA RELATED ACTIVITIES • SKILLS TRAINING OF BARANGAY RESCUE TEAMS Field Officers facilitated the advocacy of the skills training on Barangay Rescue Teams. The Municipalities of Candijay, Getafe, Talibon, Sierra Bullones, Ubay and Valencia also conducted trainings related to search and Barangay Rescue Training of LGU Sierra Bullones, Bohol • LGU CAPABILITY BUILDING ON DRRM WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF DILG, NGO & HUMANITARIAN GROUPS After a year since the occurrence of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake, different opportunities continued to come in, for the building of capacities of Local Government Units of Bohol on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). These capability building activities were focused on the 17 hardest hit LGUs and the Provincial Government of Bohol. These were jointly spearheaded by the DILG, Office of the Civil Defense (OCD) and the humanitarian groups such as the United Nations-Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs (UN-OCHA), United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Action against Hunger ACF International. The conduct of the activities made possible the finalization and firming up of DRRM-related documents in the LGU such as the DRRM Plan and the Contingency Plan. Table 14. CAPABILITY BUILDING ON DRRM/CCA WITH DILG, OCD & HUMANITARIAN GROUPS TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY DATE VENUE SPONSORING GROUP PDRRMC Planning Workshop May 12-14, 2014 Panda Tea Garden, Tagbilaran City UNDP BEA After Action Review May 21,2014 Dao Diamond Hotel, Tagbilaran City UNOCHA Contingency Planning Workshop, Building the Resilience of Bohol July 9-11, 2014 Bohol Plaza, Dauis, Bohol UNDP Contingency Planning Workshop October 8-10, 2014 UN-OCHA Emergency Wash Assistance to Populations affected by Earthquake in Bohol ( RAPID) February 19-21, 2014 Mondsee Land Resort, Panglao, Bohol ACF International

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 41 On the other hand, Bohol is a recipient of the program on Capacity Strengthening of five Provincial Governments and state universities in integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCA/ DRR) in the Philippines. The program is funded by Australian Aid (AUSAID) with the involvement of Australia National University (ANU) and the Climate Change Academy (CCA-CIRCA). The program involved capacitating municipal officials and functionaries on DRRM/CCA for their subsequent capacity building in their respective barangays which will be spearheaded by Bohol Provincial Government and the state universities. For the effective conduct of the activity, modules were translated in the dialect. The DILG was one of the agencies involved in the capacity building activity on February 6-7, 2014 which involved the hardest hit LGUs’ officials and functionaries. Aside from building capacities of LGUs, DILG responded to request for capacity building of educational institutions on DRRM/CCA. These were the University of Bohol (UB) College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and the Bohol Island State University (BISU) Balilihan Campus conducted on February 5 and July 31, 2014, respectively. BEA after action review and planning • POST EVALUATION OF RECENT CALAMITIES (LEARNING EXPERIENCE IN BOHOL EARTHQUAKE) Provincial Director, Ma. Loisella E. Lucino presented the learning experience in Bohol Earthquake during the Workshop on Enhancing Disaster Preparedness on February 17, 2014 at Cebu North winds Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City. The activity focused on improving the preparedness of the Department and the LGUs based on the learning experience in Earthquake and Yolanda affected areas. There were also interfacing and sharing among the selected regional directors, provincial directors and field officers in Regions IV-B, VI, VII and VIII. • PROVINCIAL DRRM SUMMIT DILG Field Officers and Provincial Staff facilitated the attendance of the Mayors, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers (LDRRMOs) and the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinators (MPDCs) during the Provincial DRRM Summit on July 3-4, 2014 at Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City. The summit aimed at refreshing the level of understanding of the local officials and functionaries on RA 10121 and the New JMC on Establishing the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office and BDRRM Committee.

OUTCOME II. CUSTOMIZED ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 |    |  BOHOL PROVINCE BOHOL PROVINCE 42 Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 470, series of 2003 and as reinforced by EO No. 4 series of 2004, every 3rd Saturday of September is declared as the International Coastal Clean-up Day. This activity is the largest volunteer effort dedicated for the protection of the beaches, coastal regions and surrounding areas. Now on its 29th year of implementation, DILG – Bohol Provincial Personnel and the Bohol Earthquake Assistance (BEA) Personnel joined the world once again in this endeavor on September 20, 2014 at Laya, Baclayon, Bohol. Collected wastes were recorded on the ICC Data Form provided by the DENR through the Bohol Environment Management Office (BEMO). • INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEAN-UP ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACTIVITIES • LOAD FORECASTING SEMINAR/WORKSHOPS The Super Typhoon Yolanda that devastated Eastern Visayas on November 8, 2013, caused heavy damage to the Unified Leyte Geothermal Power Source. The province of Bohol that is relying generally to it, suffered a monthlong province-wide power outage that greatly affected not just its masses but as well as the business sectors. Bohol has thought of coming up with a Power Development Plan that will clearly spell-out the phases of energy development (restorative, medium-term and long-term) in normal and emergency situations, and ensure a continuous, adequate and reliably disaster-resilient supply of environment-friendly energy at affordable prices to all consumers of the province, to avoid repeating that bitter experience. In collaboration with the USAID-COMPETE Project, Gov. Edgar M. Chatto issued E.O. No. 1 series of 2014 creating the Bohol Island Power Development Plan Technical Working Group (BIPDP-TWG), where DILG sit as one of its member agencies. Following the issuance of the said E.O., series of seminars/workshops were conducted and actively participated by LGOO V Mylove W. Cardinoza representing PD Loisella E. Lucino. On October 10, 2014, during the PDC-Execom Meeting, the Bohol Island Power Supply Plan draft was presented. Working out with the comments, the TWG is continuously meeting up for the finalization of the plan. Final output shall be one of the bases for redrafting/revising the Philippine Energy Plan (PEP). LGOO V Cardinoza with Ms. Emilia Roslinda (CSO Rep) and Mr. Leandro Tomas David Tan (M&E Specialist, USAID COMPETE Project) formulating load forecasting models Members of the BIPDP-TWG with DOE Undersecretary Raul B. Aguilos Figure 2. Types of Wastes Collected

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