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Published by l33tgringo, 2022-09-03 10:24:00

GURPS - 4th Edition - Magic

GURPS - 4th Edition - Magic

Prerequisites: Wizard Eye, Far- caster can only “animate” one body at possessed subject. Energy cost to
Hearing, Voices, and Simple Illusion. a time, and must concentrate to con- create: 300.
trol the subject’s body. When he con-
Item centrates, his own body falls limp; Permanent Possession
when he stops concentrating, the sub- (VH)
Headgear, bowl, mirror, or crystal ject regains control of his own body.
ball. Usable only by mages. Energy The caster can move between the Regular; Resisted by Will
cost to create: 800. bodies freely while the spell lasts.
Like Possession – but the caster
Message Duration: 1 minute. or remains in the body of the subject until
Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. he chooses to leave, or is expelled by
Regular; Resisted by spells that Time to cast: 10 seconds. Dispel Possession or Remove Curse.
block sound Prerequisite: Soul Rider The caster’s own body is in Suspended
Telepathy. Animation (p. 94) while the spell con-
As listed under Sound Spells, p. 174. tinues. If the caster’s body dies, the spell
Item is broken. Whenever the subject body
Machine Speech/TL takes damage, the caster must roll vs.
Crown, helmet, or other headgear. his own body’s HT, or take the same
Regular Usable only by mages. Energy cost to damage. If the subject body dies, the
create: 1,500. caster must roll vs. HT or die himself!
As listed under Technological Spells,
p. 176. Possession (VH) Duration: Indefinite (could be per-
Soul Rider Regular; Resisted by Will
Cost: 30.
Regular; Resisted by Will Like Control Person – except the Time to cast: 5 minutes.
victim is unconscious throughout the Prerequisites: Magery 3 and
The caster can see through the sub- “possession,” and the caster has full Possession.
ject’s eyes, hear through his ears, etc., access to the subject’s memories,
whenever he concentrates. (The caster skills, and spells. While in the subject’s Item
also remains aware of his own body body, the caster has his own skills and
and may act normally). The caster spells, and may use all the subject’s Cap, crown, helmet, or other head-
exerts no control whatsoever over the skills, spells, and memories as though gear. Usable only by mages. Energy
subject, and does not know the sub- they were his own (the subject’s phys- cost to create: 3,000.
ject’s thoughts. The subject must be ical skills are at -1). The caster’s own
sapient (IQ 6 or better). Skill is at -2 if body lies unconscious during the Exchange Bodies (VH)
the subject is of a different race; if the spell, and must be safeguarded.
subject is totally alien, -4 or more! Regular; Resisted by Will
Duration: 1 minute.
Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 10 to cast. 4 to maintain. The caster permanently exchanges
Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. bodies with the subject. The subject
Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Magery 1 and either may be any living creature. The only
Prerequisite: Mind-Reading. Control Person or Beast Possession. way this spell can be reversed, once it
has been cast, is to cast it again; Dispel
Item Item Possession or other anti-magic will
not work. The attributes of ST, DX,
A pair of identical pieces of jewelry Cap, crown, helmet, or other head- and HT, as well as all physical advan-
– one gold, one silver. The gold one gear. Usable only by mages. Energy tages and disadvantages, go with the
must be worn by the caster, the silver cost to create: 2,500. body; IQ, memory, personality, and all
one by the subject. The spell can then skills and spells go with the mind.
be cast at any time, regardless of dis- Dispel Possession
tance. Usable only by mages. If a Note: Exchange Bodies may result
Powerstone is included in the item, it Regular; Resisted by spell on in the caster increasing his point
is in the gold one. If either item is bro- subject value. The GM may wish to charge the
ken, the other loses its enchantment. old wizard for the difference in char-
Cost to create: 1,000 energy (for the Ends any Soul Rider, Control, or acter point value. See Mind Transfer
pair), and a $100 opal for each piece. Possession spell (or their animal (p. B296) for more on this. To help
equivalents) affecting the subject. keep body-hopping wizards under
Control Person control, the GM may wish to require
Cost: 10. some rare spell materials for this spell
Regular; Resisted by Will Time to cast: 10 seconds. (p. 8).
Prerequisite: Soul Rider, Posses-
Use all the victim’s senses and con- sion, or (GM’s option) “holy” religious Duration: Permanent.
trol all the victim’s physical actions status. Cost: 120.
(the caster has no access to the sub- Time to cast: 1 hour.
ject’s memories, skills, spells, etc.). The Item Prerequisites: Permanent Posses-
subject retains his memory and wits sion and Soul Jar.
and is aware of what is happening – Staff or wand. Usable only by
though not of the caster’s identity. The mages. The item must touch the




Bayard grinned and
skipped back into the man-
sion. Lady Ann turned her eye
to the garden maze; she’d had
some novel ideas about

These spells deal with the
traditional magical “element”
of earth. Except as noted,
none of these spells affect
stone or metal. More spells for
affecting metal appear under
Technological Spells (p. 182).

The College of Earth is not
for dabblers. Very few spells
are available to wizards who
have not mastered all the
basic spells of the college, and
few spells of any kind are
accessible to nonmages.

Lady Ann glared at a small hillock blocking the view of the path to the Seek Earth
at the southeast corner of the garden. creek. What did you do with the pond
that used to be on the left there?” Information
“Bayard!” she called to her cousin.
Reclining on a couch inside, “I didn’t like it there in the shade. Tells the caster the direc-
Bayard sighed heavily, handed his Here, let me try something.” tion and approximate distance
book to a faceless servitor, and glided of the nearest significant
over to join her on the balcony. Her fingers flicked carefully and amount of any one type of
“Ann, darling, I’m sure that what- precisely, and a depression formed in earth, metal, or stone. Use the
ever you’re doing is a credit to the the lawn in front of the hillock. As they long-distance modifiers
Goulding name, but I’d really rather watched, water turned the depression (p. 14). Any known sources of
not be bothered.” into a small pond, sparkling in the that material may be excluded
“Be useful for a change, dear. That afternoon sun. if the caster specifically men-
rise out there: too low?” tions them before beginning.
Bayard sniffed. “At the moment, “Oh, that is nice. It balances well,
yes. I’m not sure what you can do, and now you don’t need to raise that Cost: 3.
though; if it gets any higher you’ll be mound. Brilliant as always.” Time to cast: 10 seconds.

“Thank you, Bayard. You can go Item
back to whatever it was now.”
A forked stick with an ounce of the
desired earth/stone/metal set in the tip;
each stick will find only that one kind
of earth. Cost to create: 50 energy, and
cash to buy an ounce of the material

Shape Earth


Move earth about and shape it into
any form. If the form is stable (e.g., a
hill), it will permanently remain after


shaping. An unstable form (e.g., a col- uncut stone (up to 50 yards deep) are Flesh to Stone
umn or wall) lasts only while the spell transparent to the subject, wherever
continues – no special concentration he looks. Metal is not transparent; nei- Regular; Resisted by HT
is required – and then collapses. An ther are cut stone, bricks, etc. Thus,
Architecture roll may be required to this spell won’t let you look through “Petrifies” a living subject (and all
create a stable form. castle walls. his gear!), turning him to stone. Must
affect the entire subject.
Earth moved with this spell travels This is also a Knowledge spell.
at only Move 2; stone travels at Move Duration: Instantaneous, unless
1. It can harm no one except by flow- Duration: 30 seconds. reversed by Stone to Flesh.
ing over an immobile person and Cost: 2 per 10 yards of depth to
burying him. If earth is moved onto a cast. Same cost to maintain. Cost: 10. For double cost, a subject
person to bury him – or from beneath Prerequisite: Shape Earth. may be turned into a metallic statue.
him, to create a hole – he may move
normally on his next turn, to escape. Item Time to cast: 2 seconds.
He is trapped only if he fails to do so. Prerequisite: Earth to Stone.
Any. Energy cost to create: 400.
Anyone buried in loose earth by Item
this spell may try to claw his way out. Earth to Stone
One roll, at ST-4, is allowed per sec- Staff or wand. Usable only by
ond. GMs may make this roll harder if Regular mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.
the victim is buried under more than 2 The item must touch the victim for the
cubic yards of earth! The victim can Turns an item of earth or clay into spell to work.
hold his breath (see Holding Your hard stone (but not gemstone), or
Breath, p. B351), but he eventually turns an item of stone into a simple Stone to Earth
risks suffocation (see Suffocation, metal like bronze or iron. For double
p. B436). A victim buried in stone may energy cost, turns an item of earth or Regular
hold his breath, but unless he has clay into metal.
some means of digging through solid Turns any kind of stone (including
stone, escape is unlikely. Duration: Permanent. gemstone) into simple earth. Must be
Cost: 3 per cubic yard (minimum cast on a whole stone or block, rather
Duration: 1 minute. 3). than a part of it. This spell also trans-
Cost: 1 per cubic yard of earth Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Shape mutes metal into stone, or transmutes
shaped (minimum 2). Half that to Earth. metal into earth for double cost.
maintain (round up). Double cost to
shape stone; sextuple cost to shape cut Item Duration: Permanent.
or worked stone, like a wall. It’s not Cost: 6 per cubic yard (minimum
easy to make your own door into the Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost 6).
castle. to create: 300. Prerequisites: Earth to Stone or any
Prerequisite: Seek Earth. four Earth spells.
Create Earth
Item Item
Staff, wand, piece of jewelry, or dig- Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost
ging tool. Energy cost to create: 200 Create good, solid earth where to create: 400.
(500 for an item that will shape stone). none existed before. This earth must
be created in contact with the ground Predict Earth Movement
Seek Pass – not hanging in the air or floating in
the sea! Information
Duration: Permanent. Accurately predicts any landslides,
Tells the caster the direction and Cost: 2 per cubic yard to create earthquakes, or volcanic activity likely
approximate distance of the nearest earth from nothingness (minimum 2); to occur within a given area over a
pass through a mountain range. Use 1 per cubic yard to solidify mud into given period. It gives approximate
the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). good earth (minimum 1). information regarding the nature,
Prerequisite: Earth to Stone. location, and severity of the impend-
Cost: 3. ing disaster. This spell cannot forecast
Time to cast: 10 seconds. Item magically created earthquakes or
Prerequisite: Seek Earth. volcanoes.
Staff or wand. Energy cost to create:
Earth Vision 500. Cost: 2 times the length of the fore-
cast in days. Double the cost for a
Regular Earth to Air place outside the local area (beyond
the horizon). Quadruple the cost for a
See through the earth – to find Regular place on another continent.
caves, bodies of ore, buried treasure,
entombed victims, etc. Earth and As listed under Air Spells p. 25. Time to cast: 5 seconds per day of

Prerequisite: Four Earth spells.


Sand Jet Duration: 1 second. Earth to Water
Cost: 1 to 3. Does 1d of knockback
Regular for every point used. Range is equal to Regular
the number of dice. Cost to maintain
Shoot a thin jet of sand particles is the same. Turns earth to mud (or water).
from one hand. Each turn, the caster Prerequisites: Water Jet and Create Various uses of this spell include bog-
rolls versus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill Earth, or Create Water and Sand Jet. ging down enemies or pursuers, mak-
to hit. This attack may be dodged or ing mud packs to treat insect stings,
blocked, but not parried. If the spell Item softening earth to use for clay
strikes the face, it causes no injury, but dummies or decoys, etc.
temporarily blinds the target unless he Staff or wand. Usable only by
makes a HT roll. mages. The jet issues from the item’s This is also a Water spell.
tip. Energy cost to create: 600.
If he fails the HT roll, he is blinded Duration: Permanent.
(see Visibility, p. B394) for one second Stone Missile Cost: 1 per cubic yard of earth
per energy point put into the spell. turned into mud. Double to turn earth
After the target can see again, blurry Missile into water.
vision gives him a -3 penalty to all Prerequisites: Magery 1, Create
combat skills for a further 1d seconds. Create a ball of stone and fire it Water, and Shape Earth.
On a critically failed HT roll, the target from one hand, injuring anything it
is blinded for 1d seconds per point put hits. This spell has 1⁄2D 40, Max 80, Item
into the spell. On a successful HT roll, Acc 2.
the victim closes his eyes for the dura- Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
tion of the spell, and is thus unable to Cost: Any amount up to your by mages; the item must touch the
see for one second. On a critical Magery level per second, for 3 sec- subject. Energy cost to create: 500.
success, the victim is unaffected. onds. The missile does 1d + 1 crushing
damage per energy point. Partial Petrifaction
Duration: 1 second. (VH)
Cost: 1 to 3. The jet’s range in yards Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.
is equal to the energy put into it. Cost Prerequisite: Create Earth. Melee; Resisted by HT
to maintain is the same.
Prerequisite: Create Earth. Item Turns part of a living subject to
stone, usually leaving him immobile
Item Staff or wand – the missile is fired but still able to talk or be tortured. The
from the end of the item. Usable only caster must touch the subject. The
Jewelry, staff, or wand; usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400. body parts changed are at the discre-
by mages. Energy cost to create: 600. tion of the caster; the spell can petrify
Walk Through Earth anything from a single finger to the
Mud Jet entire body from the neck down, but
Regular the head can never be affected. The
Regular subject’s metabolism is magically
Pass through earth as if it were air. altered to survive the experience, but
Shoot a thin jet of mud from one With this spell, the subject could walk he understandably finds the experi-
finger. Each turn, the caster rolls ver- through the stone wall of a dungeon ence intensely uncomfortable, what-
sus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. or the earthen wall of a hut. This spell ever else is done to him.
This attack may be dodged or blocked, does not open a passage so that others
but not parried. It does knockback on can follow. It also doesn’t reveal what Petrified body parts are immobile,
all targets; it can kill or knock down is on the other side. If the caster also numb, and have DR 10. Victims of this
flying swarm creatures. It will knows Earth to Air, he will automati- spell suffer a DX penalty on any phys-
extinguish a one-yard-radius area of cally have breathing air during his ical action they attempt: -1 or more,
normal fire. journey, at no energy cost. Otherwise, depending on details of the casting
he must hold his breath! and the action.
If the spell strikes the face, it tem-
porarily blinds the target (see Should the spell end before the sub- Clothes, jewelry, etc., may be
Visibility, p. B394) unless he makes a ject regains the open air, he is buried in “caught up” in the spell and included
HT roll. If he fails the HT roll, each earth or stone, as the case may be. He in the petrifaction, but magic items or
energy point in the spell blinds him for is not automatically harmed, but will anything carried in the hand or a
one second. After the target can see suffocate (see Suffocation, p. B436) if backpack remain unchanged.
again, blurry vision gives him a -3 he cannot escape.
penalty to all combat skills for a fur- Either Stone to Flesh or Remove
ther 1d seconds. On a critical failure of Duration: 10 seconds. Curse is required to negate this spell.
the HT roll, the target is blinded for 1d Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain.
seconds per point in the spell. On a Double cost to pass through stone. Duration: Permanent (until negat-
successful HT roll, the victim covers Triple cost to pass through metal. ed).
his eyes and is therefore unable to see Prerequisites: Four Earth spells.
for one second. On a critical success, Cost: 12. It costs more to petrify
the victim is unaffected. Item larger subjects, just as if it were a
Regular spell (i.e., 24 energy for SM
This is also a Water spell. Gray cloak or silver jewelry; only +1, 36 energy for SM +2, etc.)
affects the wearer. Energy cost to
create: 1,200. Time to cast: 3 seconds.


Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Flesh Cost: 10 (but only 6 to reverse an If Essential Earth is transformed
to Stone. entombment). into metal via Earth to Stone, that
Essential Metal will also have triple
Item Time to cast: 3 seconds. the strength (HP, DR, and carrying
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and five capacity) of normal metal; this is sim-
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only Earth spells. ilar to the legendary alloy orichalcum,
by mages; the item must touch the discussed in more detail in GURPS
subject. Energy cost to create: 1,300. Item Fantasy.

Rain of Stones Wand or staff – must be colored jet Duration: Permanent.
black. Usable only by mages. Energy Cost: 8.
Area cost to create: 1,200. The item must Time to cast: 30 seconds.
touch the victim for the spell to work. Prerequisites: Six Earth spells.
Stones rain from the sky onto the
area, causing 1d-1 crushing damage Essential Earth Item
per second to all within it. Characters
and creatures under the rain of stones Regular Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy
take damage on their own turns; if less cost to create: 500.
than an entire second is spent in the Creates the magical essence of
affected area, damage is halved Earth. Essential Earth is three times Stone to Flesh
(round down). as fertile: plants germinate three times
faster and grow three times taller or Regular
The spell can only be cast outdoors. bigger than normal. In addition, if
Armor protects in the usual fashion. A Essential Earth is transformed into Reverses the effects of Flesh to
shield with a DB of 2 or better can be stone via the Earth to Stone spell, it Stone and brings the victim back to
held overhead to block the stones, but will be three times as strong (DR and life (stunned). Cannot be used to
it may take damage (p. B484). This HP); columns or blocks cut from such animate a statue that was never alive.
requires two hands and a Ready stone would support three times as
action, and succeeds automatically in much weight. This Essential Stone is Duration: Instantaneous.
protecting the character once the similar to the legendary material Cost: 10. Double cost to restore a
shield is readied upward, but this adamant, discussed in more detail in person turned to metal.
unreadies the shield from its normal GURPS Fantasy. Time to cast: 5 seconds.
protective functions! Prerequisites: Magery 2, Flesh to
Stone, and Stone to Earth.
Inanimate objects, such as build-
ings, protect with their DR.

Duration: 1 minute.
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 2).
Same cost to maintain. For double
base cost, the Rain of Stones does 2d-
2 per second!
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Create


Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy
cost to create: 500.


Regular; Resisted by HT

The earth instantly swallows the
subject. He remains in Suspended
Animation (as per p. 94), in a tiny
spherical chamber 50 feet under-
ground, until rescued by tunneling or
the reverse of this spell. A mage who
casts Entombment on himself may
elect to stay awake, but this is unwise
unless he has some means of breathing
while entombed!

Duration: Permanent, unless
reversed by this spell.


Item create: 250 per pound of weight (mini- occupants, but won’t wreck the build-
mum 1 pound). ing. Cost depends on strength of the
Staff or wand. Usable only by quake:
mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Purify Earth
The item must touch the victim for the Tiny: Just a demonstration – a
spell to work. Area slight swaying. Pay base cost.

Body of Stone (VH) Removes foreign objects, poisons, Mild: Slight damage to buildings.
and harmful elements from soil, ren- Multiply base cost by 2. DX roll
Regular; Resisted by HT dering it fit to support growing plants. required, every second, for those in
This spell also remedies any deficien- affected area to keep their feet.
Subject becomes an animated cies in the soil’s composition. Small
stone statue; he temporarily acquires foreign objects (coins, nails) under- Severe: Stone walls crack; towers
the Body of Stone meta-trait ground are destroyed; medium ones may fall. Multiply base cost by 4. DX-
(p. B262). Clothes also become stone, (swords, artillery shells, chests, stat- 3 roll required, every second, for those
but carried equipment does not. uettes) “float” to the surface. Large in affected area to keep their feet.
objects (coffins, walls, large statues)
Duration: 1 minute. will cause the spell to fail, but the cast- Duration: One minute.
Cost: 10 to cast. 5 to maintain. er gets a general idea of the reason. Base cost: 2 to cast. Same cost to
Time to cast: 5 seconds. maintain.
Prerequisites: Stone to Flesh. This is also a Plant spell. Time to cast: 30 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least
Item Duration: Permanent. six Earth spells, including Earth
Base cost: 2. Double cost in poor Vision.
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects soil such as rocky flats or sandy desert.
the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Volcano
Prerequisites: Create Earth and
Steelwraith Plant Growth. Regular

Regular; Resisted by HT Item Causes vapor and lava to spew
from a chosen spot of ground. This is
Renders the subject intangible to Staff. Energy cost to create: 400. not a quick spell, but it is very serious!
the touch of metal. Swords pass The volcano starts out small – a small
through him, he cannot hold metal Sandstorm hole spitting stones and vapors – and
keys or to wear metal armor, he passes increase its diameter by a couple of
through bars and metal floors . . . Area yards per day. This spell can also reac-
tivate a dormant volcano. When the
Duration: 1 minute. As listed under Air Spells, p. 27. spell is allowed to lapse, the volcano
Cost: 7 to cast. 4 to maintain. ceases to grow and will soon die (a for-
Time to cast: 2 seconds. Earthquake merly dormant volcano may stay
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Walk active at the GM’s discretion).
Through Earth. Area
Duration: One day.
Item Shakes the affected area. The cast- Cost: 15 to cast. 10 to maintain.
er probably won’t want the area to Time to cast: One hour until the first
(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable include him. Divide the actual dis- effects are visible. Continued
only by mages. Energy cost to create: tance from caster to edge of affected concentration for 8 hours each day is
1,200. (b) A metallic weapon may be area by 20 before figuring the skill necessary to keep the volcano growing.
enchanted to counter the spell (so that penalty. Prerequisites: Earthquake and at
it may be wielded by or against a least six Fire spells.
Steelwraithed being). Energy cost to The spell must be cast over a fairly
large area to be useful. Shaking one
54 corner of a building will upset the


Alter Terrain (VH) Detect Magic or something similar). it or at its edge. The subject area
Beings caught in the affected area have “expands” back to normal size at the
Area a resistance roll based on the best Will same rate it shrank. If there is no suit-
among them, modified by -1 for every able space available, anything in the
Can be used to completely trans- additional yard of radius of the subject way is moved aside as if by Shape
form vast amounts of terrain. If cast area (thus, Move Terrain with a 2-yard Earth.
over a large enough area, this spell can radius is resisted by Will-1). Successful
turn a city into a lake or sea, or an off- resistance negates the spell. The caster may not use this spell
shore island into a mountain range. again for one full day. The subject area
Once the casting is successfully or any part of it cannot be moved
The profile of the ground (includ- completed, the subject area “shrinks” again by this spell (from any caster or
ing sea, lake, or river beds) within the in radius at the rate of 1 yard per sec- magic item) for the same period.
affected area can be raised, lowered, ond, moving toward the caster at the
or reshaped as the caster chooses, or same rate. Victims quick enough on Cast over a large enough area, this
changed in texture to anything their feet should be able to jump out of spell can place mountains in the mid-
between soft earth and sand to hard the area as it shrinks (this has good dle of plains, open water (as deep as
granite. Stone or brick buildings and dramatic potential) – make DX and IQ half the radius of effect, transported
vegetable matter can all be trans- rolls! GMs may decide this warrants a from lake or ocean) in the midst of a
formed into “natural” stone or earth, Fright Check. desert – or shift islands miles inland to
but not vice-versa. Submerged areas form hills!
raised above their natural level Beings caught by the spell are
become dry land; any area lowered aware of a wild, swirling sky above Duration: 1 hour. (The effects, once
below the local water table may be their heads and a physically impene- the area is “placed,” are permanent.)
flooded. The GM should require trable barrier all around them. The
Architecture, Artist, or Engineer rolls atmosphere inside remains breathable Base cost: 10 to cast. 8 to maintain.
if the caster tries to alter the area into and comfortable (so this spell cannot Time to cast: 1 minute.
something specific. be used to suffocate someone!). Spells Prerequisites: Alter Terrain and
cast out of the area automatically hit Hide Object.
Beings and loose items on the sur- the Move Terrain’s holder – thus, a
face at the time the spell is cast are trapped mage could walk up to the Item
simply raised or lowered, with no per- affected area’s edge, lay his hand
sonal injury. If they are inside build- against the barrier, and cast Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy
ings, they are gently expelled rather Deathtouch at the holder! Captive cost to create: 3,000.
than entombed. Of course, if they find mages could also cast Dispel Magic or
themselves under water, they may Counterspell on the affected area, Summon Earth
have problems . . . forcing the spell to end abruptly if they Elemental, Control
are successful. Earth Elemental,
If the spell is countered or dis- Create Earth Elemental
pelled, the whole area returns to its When the caster stops maintaining
former condition; even transformed the spell, the terrain reappears. The see pp. 27-28
buildings and trees are restored. caster’s location falls anywhere within

Duration: 2d days. Small Earth Elemental
Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum cost
15). Cannot be maintained. Volumes This is the basic earth elemental summoned by casting Summon
taller than 4 yards may be affected by Earth Elemental at the minimum energy cost of 4. More energy put into
multiplying the base cost accordingly. the spell summons a more powerful elemental. Usually, this simply
Time to cast: 10 seconds. means a larger elemental; 1 point of energy is equal to 1 additional point
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and all four of ST, 5 HP, or 2 points of DR. However, the GM may choose to build a
elemental “Shape” spells. more exotic elemental, adding unusual traits to the following template, or
working one up from scratch.
Small Earth Elemental
An area may be permanently
altered for 100 times casting cost. 40 points

Move Terrain (VH) Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]; DX-2 [-40]; IQ-4 [-80].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -1.
Area; Special Resistance Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t

Enables an entire area of terrain, Sleep [20]; DR 2 [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury
with all buildings, animals, plants, and Tolerance (Homogenous) [40]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Vacuum
people on or in it, to be moved over Support [5].
large distances. Once the spell is cast,
the area to be transported vanishes
(see below), replaced by bare earth or
open water. The caster is now “carry-
ing” that area in invisible, intangible
form (this fact can be determined by




Hawthorne reverently picked the Enchant (VH) at a substantial savings in energy cost
last needle out of a shallow dish of (and therefore time).
salamander oil. He passed it a few Enchantment
times over the onyx, the opal, and the An item can be temporarily
bar of platinum, spoke a few palate- A prerequisite for all other enchanted at an energy cost of 15%
twisting words, and carefully dipped Enchantment spells except Scroll. To the normal cost for an item of that
the tip into the special ink he’d import- enchant an item, the caster must also type per use. An item with only a sin-
ed from across the Bight. Then, slow- know this spell. The caster rolls gle use can be created for 15% of the
ly, he inserted the needle into the skin against the lower of his skill with this normal energy, two uses would cost
of his client’s chest. He released the spell and the specific spell he wishes to 30%, four would cost 60% (very cost-
needle; it stayed in place. He spoke the place on the item. If he has assistants, ineffective under most circumstances)
final word of the incantation, and the they must have skill 15 or higher with and the cost for an item limited to 7 or
needle flashed blue for a moment. The both spells, but the roll is based on the more uses actually exceeds the cost of
client grimaced. caster’s skill. a permanent item.

“We’re done,” Hawthorne said as Duration: Magic items are The temporarily enchanted item
he retrieved the needles and stepped permanent until destroyed. acts, in all respects, as a normal item
back to take a final look at the intri- of that type until all of its uses are con-
cate pattern he’d traced out across the Cost and Time: See Enchanting sumed. Once all the uses of the tem-
client’s body over the better part of a (p. 16). porary item are gone, the item is no
year. “Your amulet is finished, and will longer magical.
protect you indefinitely, as long as the Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least
pattern remains intact. one spell from each of 10 other col- The Temporary Enchantment spell
leges. is used in place of the Enchant spell. A
“Thank you again for the opportu- single item may not be enchanted with
nity to work on this. My partner and I Temporary both temporary and permanent spells
have been mostly making Power- Enchantment simultaneously.
stones since we set up shop, and to
work on a project like this is . . . well, Enchantment Temporary Enchantment can only
really quite wonderful. be used to give items a one-time abili-
This lets the enchanter create ty to cast a certain spell – not to cast
“If it’s not an intrusion, though . . . magic items that only function a few the spell on the object. For example, a
why did you choose to have this times before losing their enchantment,
amulet done this way?”

The client grinned wolfishly,
pulling on a shirt to cover the
elaborate tattoo.

“I’m off to see an old acquaintance
who’s very particular about people
carrying magic items in his house.
And, well . . . blast me with lightning
once, shame on you. Blast me with
lightning twice, shame on me.”

These spells allow mages to make
and unmake permanently magical
items. They can only be cast with cer-
emonial magic (p. 12). A PC may only
learn these spells with the GM’s per-
mission; nearly all of them are only
available to quite advanced mages.


mage couldn’t make a one-shot set of energy cost required to cast the spell Energy cost to create: 200.
invisible armor – it would never wear originally (base cost for area spells), Prerequisite: Enchant.
off. He could give the armor the abili- not counting any bonuses for skill.
ty to cast the Invisibility spell on itself Multiply this by $33 (or the setting’s Power
at normal energy and duration costs. usual per-point enchantment rate; see
pp. 21-22) to get the normal market Enchantment
Temporary Enchantment cannot value of the scroll.
be used in conjunction with any Makes a magic item partially or
Enchantment college or Meta-Spell Example: The Rear Vision spell completely “self-powered.” Each point
college spells except the following: normally costs 3 energy to cast. A Rear of Power reduces the energy cost to
Hex, Limit, Link, Name, Power, and Vision scroll would take 3 full days to cast or to maintain any spell on the
Speed. Temporary Enchantment write, and would normally cost $100. item by one. Halve this bonus in a low-
absolutely cannot be used to further At the end of the writing time, the GM mana area (round down); double it in
reduce the cost of enchantments that rolls against the writer’s skill with a high- or very-high-mana area. Power
already have limited uses (e.g., Skull- Scroll or the spell being written – has no effect on the energy cost of the
Spirit). whichever is lower. A successful roll user’s spells!
means the spell is good. A failure
Duration: Until all of the item’s means the scroll will not work. A crit- If Power reduces the cost to main-
uses have been expended. ical failure means it will cast a flawed tain a spell to zero, treat the item as
spell! “always on” after the cost to cast is
Cost and time: See Enchanting, paid – but the wearer must stay awake
p. 16. Duration: As long as the spell to maintain the spell. If Power reduces
would normally last. The mage who the cost to cast to zero, the item is
Prerequisite: Enchant. reads the scroll can maintain the spell, “always on” for all purposes, although
if it could normally be maintained. the owner may turn it off if he wishes.
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and must Energy Cost: See table below.
Enchantment have at least Accented written compre-
hension in the language the scroll is to Power Cost
Write a magical scroll charged with be written in. A mage may not write a 1 point 500
a spell from one of the other colleges. scroll for a spell he does not know. 2 points 1,000
If a mage who understands the scroll’s 3 points 2,000
language at Accented comprehension Hex 4 points 4,000
or better reads it aloud, the scroll casts
its spell, after which its power dissi- Enchantment Double the cost for each additional
pates and the writing on the scroll point. May be recast at a higher level,
vanishes. Reading a scroll requires Makes the item impossible to put as per Accuracy (p. 65).
twice the normal casting time for the down/take off/get out of/etc. In itself,
spell; the mage reading the scroll pays this effect is merely inconvenient, and Prerequisites: Enchant and Recover
the normal energy cost. No skill roll is can even be useful – for instance, you Energy.
required when the spell is read unless will never drop a hexed weapon, and a
it is Resisted. In that case, roll using hexed pair of glasses will never fall off. Speed
the skill level of the mage who wrote However, if the hexed object has
the scroll. another malign spell on it, it becomes Enchantment
much more dangerous. The hex effect
Pronunciation is important when is “always on.” Decreases the casting time of any
reading a scroll aloud! If the mage other enchantments on an item
reading the scroll has Accented spoken To escape from a hexed object, you enchanted with Speed. Each point of
comprehension of the scroll’s lan- must remove or suppress the enchant- Speed cuts the casting time in half,
guage, the scroll casts its spell at a -1 ment, find someone to cast a Remove just as high skill does for a mage. If the
penalty; if he has Broken spoken com- Curse spell, or amputate the body part casting time is reduced below 1 sec-
prehension, the scroll casts at -3. If he involved. Attempts to break or cut off ond, the item can be used to cast the
has None, he cannot articulate the the hexed item will fail (or result in spell without concentration.
words properly and cannot cast the amputation). GMs should permit this
spell. rule to have illogical results, if neces- Energy Cost: See table below.
sary, to keep the hexed object on the
A scroll can be read silently, to see victim. Hexes aren’t logical! Speed Cost 500
what it says. Any mage who under- 1 point 1,000
stands the language will know what A hex may be limited by a Link or 2 points 2,000
spell it is supposed to be. This does not Password spell. For instance, a ring 3 points 4,000
cast the spell! could be made with a Hex, the Strike 4 points
Blind spell, and the password
Spells may be written on any mate- “Gesundheit.” Anyone wearing the Double the cost for each additional
rial, but parchment is traditional. ring would go blind – but should they point. May be recast at a higher level,
Damage to a scroll does not affect its say the magic word, the ring would as per Accuracy (p. 65).
power as long as the scroll is legible. fall off!
Prerequisites: Enchant and Haste.
Time to cast: The number of days
needed to write a scroll is equal to the


Remove Enchantment spells or be present for the entire his skills with Talisman and the spell
casting. being opposed.
Energy Cost: See table below. Each protection is a different spell,
Takes one enchantment spell off to be learned separately. Talismans
the subject item. This does not affect Penalty Cost also work against variants of the base
other enchantments on that same -1 50 spell: a talisman against Fireball also
item. Exception: A failed attempt to -2 100 works against Explosive Fireball.
remove a Limiting Enchantment -3 200
removes all enchantments from the -4 500 Alchemists can create magical
item. -5 objects called talismans (p. 220); they
1,000 are, however, not the same as the
Skill modifiers: -3 if the caster does items produced by this spell.
not know how to cast the enchant- Prerequisite: Any Limiting
ment he is trying to remove. -3 if he Enchantment (see p. 68). Energy Cost: See table below.
does not know exactly what that spell
is. -3 for each other spell on the item. Lesser Wish (VH) Protection Cost
These are cumulative. 1 point 15
Enchantment 2 points 45
Duration: Removal is permanent. 3 points 90
Cost: 100 or 1/10 of the cost to This spell, like the more powerful 4 points 150
place the enchantment originally, Wish spells (below), must be cast on a
whichever is more. ring, amulet, or jewel. The wearer of Prerequisites: Enchant and the spell
Time to cast: see Enchanting (p. 16). that item may then specify the result to be opposed by the talisman (if any).
Prerequisite: Enchant. of any one die roll made in his pres-
ence, just before that roll is made – Amulet
Suspend Enchantment except a die roll involving magic. This
is not an “action.” It takes no time, and Enchantment
Enchantment may be done at any time. Once used, a
wish is lost. An amulet is an item that grants
As Remove Enchantment, but the the wearer magic resistance against a
enchantment is merely suppressed. It Only one roll or action can be specific spell. Amulets are often
seems to vanish, but reappears when affected by one wish; you could use a enchanted with several Amulet spells,
the Suspend Enchantment spell ends. wish on your attack roll or on the to cover a wide spectrum of effects.
If anyone attempts to study or detect a damage, but not both. GMs should Although most amulets are pieces of
suspended enchantment, it resists the feel free to disallow any wish use that jewelry, any item may be so enchant-
information spell at -5. they consider abusive or imbalancing. ed. It is even possible to tattoo an
amulet onto its wearer!
Skill modifiers: -3 if the caster does Cost: 180.
not know how to cast the enchant- Prerequisite: Enchant. The enchanter uses the lower of his
ment he is trying to suspend. -3 if he skills with Amulet and the spell being
does not know exactly what that spell Talisman opposed. Amulets also work against
is. -3 for each other spell on the item. variants of the base spell: an amulet
These are cumulative. Enchantment against Fireball also works against
Explosive Fireball.
Duration: One hour. A talisman is an item that grants
Cost: 25 or 1/100 of the cost to the wearer a one-time boon when Alchemists can create magical
place the enchantment originally, attacked by a specific spell or nonmag- objects called amulets (p. 220);
whichever is more. Half this amount ical attack or affliction. The talisman’s although they have a similar function,
to maintain. enchantment adds to the resistance they are not the same as the items
Prerequisite: Enchant. roll, attribute check, or defense roll produced by this spell.
against its specific attack or affliction.
Resist Enchantment The talisman is always “on” while Energy cost to cast: 50 per point of
worn by or in physical contact with its magic resistance the amulet grants
Enchantment owner; otherwise it is inactive. It lasts (maximum of 5).
until the thing it protects against hap-
An item enchanted with this spell pens; then it loses its enchantment. Prerequisite: The appropriate
resists attempts to enchant it further, Talismans may protect against disease, Talisman spell (that is, to learn the
imposing a penalty on the enchant- arrows, curses, lightning, and other Amulet spell to protect from Panic, the
ment skill roll. Further, this enchant- calamities. caster must know the Talisman spell
ment itself resists any attempt to for Panic).
remove or suspend it, imposing twice Although most talismans are creat-
the regular penalty. ed using pieces of jewelry, any item Adjustable Clothing
may be so enchanted. It is even possi-
It is possible for the enchanter to ble to tattoo a talisman onto its wear- Enchantment
set Resist Enchantment to not resist er! When creating a talisman against a
specific further enchantments, but the spell, the enchanter uses the lower of Causes an item of clothing to
enchanter himself must cast those adjust to fit whoever wears it, within
limits. The adjustment occurs as the
wearer begins to put it on, so the


enchantment won’t be discovered if Clay Golem
someone picks up the item and imme-
diately discards it as “obviously” the Clay is the default material for golems; it is easily molded, both phys-
wrong size. When removed, the item ically and supernaturally. Golem enchanters often go on to work with
returns to its original size. The change more difficult materials – stone, plastic, flesh – but if a golem is needed
in size does change weight as well; an in a hurry, most enchanters return to clay.
object that doubled in size would
increase in weight eightfold. Clay Golem

This enchantment is rare; few 0 points
enchanters need to make “any size fits
all” enchanted clothing. It is some- Attribute Modifiers: ST+5 [50]; DX+1 [20]; IQ-2 [-40]; HT+4 [40].
times found in extremely expensive Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t
theatrical costumes. It is also used
when the item is intended to outlive its Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards
original wearer, and often commis- [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood) [45]; Single-Minded
sioned for intended heirlooms. [5]; Unaging [15]; Unfazeable [15]; Vacuum Support [5].
Disadvantages: Automaton [-85]; Cannot Learn [-30]; Disturbing Voice
Energy cost to cast: The cost to [-10]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Reprogrammable [-10]; Social
enchant a cloth shirt or pair of pants Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; Unhealing (Total) [-30]; Unnatural
that can increase or decrease in every [-50]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].
dimension by 10% is 50. This cost Features: Neither has nor spends Fatigue Points.
varies widely depending on size, mate- Skills: 10 points of skills appropriate to the golem’s intended function
rials, and adaptability; round fractions [10].
Golems make excellent warriors; they never
For gloves, boots, shoes, a belt, a grow tired, and are immune to stunning, pain,
hat, or similar small items, halve the and the like.
cost. For something ring or earring-
sized, use one-third cost. For overalls, It understands only one language of abilities added to the golem. In
or a full-length gown, double cost. For (which must be spoken by the caster). most cases, additional abilities should
a pressure suit or other item that liter- It takes no initiative, and ignores any be restricted to extra ST, HP, and DR
ally covers the whole body, triple the situation for which it has been given (a rule of thumb: 20 points of energy
cost. no orders. However, it never forgets buys 1 ST, 5 HP, or 2 DR); however,
anything it sees or is told. GMs may allow more sweeping
An item with a few incidental changes to the basic golem if they feel
metal parts (zippers, buttons, etc.) Golems do not heal on their own, comfortable doing so. More powerful
counts as “cloth,” as does thin leather. and are destroyed if reduced to -HP. golems may require more durable
Leather thick enough to have DR dou- They may be repaired with Healing (and more costly) materials, adding to
bles cost. Scale armor, chainmail, or spells (except Resurrection) if cast by the cost and time required to create
similar items triple the cost. Plate the golem’s creator. There is no other the golem’s body. (Optionally, the GM
armor and other solid metal clothing way to repair a golem. To create a may allow less powerful golems;
multiply cost by five. For exceptional- golem, the creator must make its body golems worth less than 0 points cost 2
ly light clothing (a veil or lingerie), – doing all the work himself – then less energy for every character point
halve cost. animate it with this spell. Once ani- below zero, to a minimum of 130
mated, a golem lasts until reduced to 0 energy.)
If the item can adjust in size by HP or until its creator commands it to
25%, double cost. If it can halve or cease functioning. No concentration Energy cost to cast: 250 or more.
double in size, triple cost. If it can or maintenance is required to control Prerequisites: Enchant, Shape
decrease to 1/5 size, or grow to five a golem. Earth, and Animation. Other spells
times size, quadruple cost. may be necessary to work with unusu-
A basic clay golem (see box) costs al materials, such as Shape Plant for a
Prerequisites: Enchant and Reshape. 250 energy to enchant. A more pow- wood golem or Restoration for a flesh
erful golem costs an additional 2 golem.
Golem (VH) energy for every extra character point


Create and animate a permanent
servant or warrior. Golems make
excellent warriors; they never grow
tired, and are immune to stunning,
pain, and the like. Likewise, there is
no known spell to “steal” a golem from
its maker. The spell is permanent; the
golem is “always on.” A golem follows
verbal orders from its maker; the
maker may instruct it to obey others.


Impression Blocker from a fresh footprint might be worth the subject. If the caster has assistants,
-6. their skills with both spells must be 15
Enchantment or greater, but the roll is based on the
Malefice is a lasting spell (p. 10) caster’s skill.
Seeker (p. 105) and related spells that continues until its Endurance is
require an object associated with the reduced to 0. It starts with an Possible ensorcelments include
item or person sought in order to Endurance equal to its caster’s quite a few Body or Mind Control
work. The Impression Blocker effective skill. spells and others such as Shapeshift
Enchantment creates a container that Other, Flesh to Stone, the various
allows people to carry items without The doll can be used by its maker “Body of” spells, Walk on Air, the vari-
them becoming “associated” with the (and no one else) to cast harmful ous “Resist” spells, Hide, Invisibility,
carrier. spells (such as Pain) on the target, at the various “Vision” spells and Plant
normal energy cost, while ignoring dis- Form Other. In all cases, it must be a
An object in a closed blocker con- tance penalties. The caster uses the maintainable Regular spell.
tainer retains the impressions it had lower of the Malefice’s Endurance and
when the container was shut. If his skill with the channeled spell. The When the spell is cast, the subject
removed, handled briefly, and target resists all such attacks, even if gets a resistance roll if the object spell
replaced, the object will acquire a very the spell is normally not Resisted allows one; distance is not a factor.
faint impression of the handler, but it (spells without normal resistance Remove Curse is effective against any
won’t be enough for a Seeker spell rules are Resisted by HT when cast ensorcelment.
unless the handler does so once a day through a Malefice doll).
for decades. It is possible for an object The cost of the enchantment can
in a blocker container still to be useful; If the victim resists the very first be reduced if the caster includes an
for example, a book open to an impor- spell cast upon him through the doll, “escape clause” – a particular action or
tant page, and stored in a glass con- the enchantment is immediately bro- condition that will break the spell.
tainer, can still be read! At sufficiently ken. Otherwise, every successful Examples include speaking a magic
advanced tech levels, a “waldo” or resistance simply weakens the word, being kissed as a gesture of true
remote-manipulation box can be Malefice, reducing its Endurance by 1. love, abstaining from speech for three
enchanted, allowing handling of the Upon reaching Endurance 0, the years, and so on. The value of the
object without opening the box. Malefice dissipates (though the doll is energy reduction depends on just how
still a viable item for re-enchantment, difficult the condition will be to meet
In some settings, these containers and its magical association with the – and the “escape clause” must be at
can also be used to preserve evidence. target offsets one point of casting least possible to be worth any reduc-
If an object is owned for one person penalty). A critical failure by the chan- tion. The “discount” can be anything
for a long time, and then transferred neled spell or a critical success by the from 10% (for truly difficult or unlike-
to a new owner, the original owner’s subject also breaks the enchantment, ly conditions) to 90% (for something
impressions may wear off. A blocker reducing the doll’s Endurance to zero. that the subject could easily and
container preserves the original automatically do, and easily discover).
owner’s impressions. (In other set- Destroying the doll breaks the
tings, impressions never wear off; they spell, but it also inflicts on the target a Energy cost to cast: 200 times the
just accumulate, so an item can be Deathtouch (p. 41) of as many dice as casting cost of the spell being placed
used to cast Seeker on any previous the Malefice’s current Endurance on the subject.
owner.) divided by 5 (round down, maximum
of 3d). This damage occurs as long as Prerequisite: Malefice.
Energy cost to cast: 20 per pound of the Malefice has any Endurance
capacity, minimum 20. remaining. Remove Curse frees the Spell Stone
target from the Malefice without harm
Prerequisites: Enchant, Seeker, and to him. Enchantment
Energy cost to cast: 250. The wax A spell stone stores a spell until
Malefice (VH) and special ingredients cost $500. someone (even a nonmage) uses it.
The stone’s user concentrates for a
Enchantment Prerequisites: Enchant and Seeker. second while crushing the spell stone
in his hand, thus casting the spell. At
Through this foul enchantment, Ensorcel (VH) the beginning of his next turn, roll
the caster can put a victim under his against the spell stone’s Power. If the
thrall. He must fashion a doll (usually Enchantment; roll is successful, the spell is cast. If it
out of wax, but clay, straw, and other Special Resistance is failed, the stone is simply wasted. If
materials may be appropriate with the the stone is crushed without the requi-
GM’s permission) with something per- An ensorcelment is a durable spell, site second of concentration, it is like-
sonally relevant to the target imbed- usually malign but sometimes benefi- wise wasted.
ded in it. Parts of the body (nail clip- cial, cast on a single being. The
pings, hair, blood, spittle, etc.) allow a process requires something that is The spell’s energy is included in the
casting at base skill. Other items allow personally relevant to the subject; use enchantment; none is required of the
a casting at a varying penalty; for the modifiers listed under Malefice. user, who also may not opt to supply
example, threads from a shirt worn any power to maintain the spell.
for years might be worth -2, while dirt The caster’s spell roll is determined Likewise, he may not cancel the spell
by the lower of his skills with this spell once cast, although the creator of the
and the specific spell being placed on


stone may specify a shorter duration Cost: 250. purse would lose a coin or two a day,
than ordinary and may also invest Prerequisites: Lesser Wish and at a Leaky quiver would lose an arrow or
extra energy into the enchantment so least one spell in each of 15 different two a day, a Leaky back-pack would
that the spell will maintain itself. A colleges. lose a piece of equipment once in a
person may use only one spell stone while . . . The lost items may “drop”
per second. Hideaway out of the container, be whisked away
by thieving magpies, or magically
A spell stone must be made from a Enchantment vanish into thin air (as the GM’s fancy
jewel worth $10¥P2 + $40¥P, where P takes him). Living beings are
is the maximum energy of the spell When cast on an object, Hideaway unaffected.
that may be contained. makes it larger inside than it is out-
side. Can be used on a pocket, pouch, Energy cost to cast: 100.
Any spell except a Blocking or drawer, pitcher – anything that can Prerequisite: Hideaway.
Enchantment spell may be stored in a normally hold other things. The caster
spell stone. Limiting Enchantments may add any amount of pound-capac- Simulacrum (VH)
may be put on the stone. If the spell ity he can afford, while increasing the
stored in the stone requires that the size of the “inside” by 2 cubic feet for Enchantment
caster know another spell (Counter- each pound; the extra space may be
spell, for instance), that other spell hidden by a false bottom, etc. Create a golem in the exact image
must be specified at creation time. It is Depending on the energy used to cast of a particular victim. The golem must
thus possible to create a spell stone the spell, objects within the Hideaway be prepared for a specific target; this
that will counter one specific spell, but may or may not count as encum- requires the incorporation of some-
it is impossible to create a generic brance. The contents vanish forever if thing from the original’s body (hair,
Counterspell spell stone. the object is destroyed. The time blood, etc.) into the creation.
required to find an object in a Otherwise, any materials appropriate
It is also possible to create spell Hideaway depends on how deep it is! for golems (clay, stone, flesh, etc.) may
stones which, when crushed, do not be used, along with any other materi-
cast the spell for the user, but on him! A large enough Hideaway could als that the GM approves. An appro-
hold a person. There is no problem priate Shape spell or Artist (Sculpting)
Analyze Magic reveals which spell with air unless the Hideaway is sealed skill roll at -10 is necessary to achieve
a spell stone contains, whether the off. a good likeness – the caster need not
spell will be cast for or on the caster, do this himself. The simulacrum, once
how much energy was invested, etc. enchanted, appears identical to the
(one question per casting). target (including such details as eye
color and skin tone) through a sort of
Be careful what you wish for. always-on Perfect Illusion Disguise.
You might get it.
The simulacrum has the same
Energy cost to cast: 20 times the Energy cost to cast: 50 per pound of attributes as the underlying golem.
spell’s casting cost, including extra capacity if the objects count as Golems intended as simulacra are
maintenance cost if so desired. encumbrance; 100 if they do not. often designed with higher IQ than
ordinary golems, to improve the
Prerequisites: Enchant and Delay. Prerequisite: Enchant, Create deception.
Object, and Lighten.
Wish (VH) Once the simulacrum is activated,
Leak it takes on the persona and knowledge
Enchantment of the target, as the caster perceives
Enchantment them. That is, the Simulacrum cannot
Allows the wisher to change the know something that the target does if
very recent past. It erases any just- A perversion of the Cornucopia the caster didn’t. IQ rolls may be
made die roll – except a die roll for spell (p. 64). The bag, purse, quiver, required of the caster as challenges
spell casting – and replaces it with the backpack, or other container come up (what was the name of his
wisher’s desired roll. The restrictions enchanted will have an uncanny ten- great-uncle, anyway?). Like any
on use for Lesser Wish also apply to dency to “lose” whatever is put in it golem, the simulacrum is under the
Wish. (coins, arrows, clothes, etc.). A Leaky direct control of the caster.

Time to build body: As for the
underlying golem, adding a week of

Energy cost to activate: Double that
of the underlying golem.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Golem,
Perfect Illusion, and Illusion Disguise.


Doppelgänger (VH) Great Wish (VH) one disadvantage worth 20 points or
less. An enemy can likewise be cursed
Enchantment Enchantment by losing an advantage or gaining a
disadvantage, but only if that enemy is
A Doppelgänger is a duplicate of a This spell can do just about any- present when the wish is made. The
person, fabricated through powerful thing. In particular: enemy does not get a chance to resist!
magic. The Doppelgänger must be
prepared for a specific target; both a (1) It can be used to cast any one (4) It can do absolutely anything
sample of the target’s body (hair, spell, at no energy cost, with automat- else that the GM feels will not ridicu-
blood, etc.) and a cherished personal ic success and no chance of resistance lously unbalance the adventure or the
possession of the target are required. (for spells with variable cost, the max- campaign!
A statue of the original must be sculpt- imum energy available is 1,000). The
ed, using some pure elemental “mate- caster does not have to know the spell, Though incredibly powerful, this
rial” – pure ice or snow from a moun- or even have it in a book – he just has spell is not used often. It can never be
taintop, stone or fire from the bowels to know the spell exists. If the spell is learned at a level better than 15.
of a volcano, and so on are all appro- a “continuing” one, it is up to the GM Furthermore, any failed roll when cre-
priate materials. The likeness is to determine how long it should last. ating a Great Wish costs the caster,
achieved with an appropriate Shape and each helper, 1 point of IQ and 6d
spell or Artist (Sculpting) skill roll at (2) It can permanently improve a damage! Critical failures have toppled
-10. character’s scores. It will increase any civilizations. Great Wishes are not
one attribute by 1 level, or any one normally found for sale. If they are,
The Doppelgänger has all the skill or spell by 3 levels. It can also the price should be at least $100,000.
attributes, skills, and knowledge of the reduce an enemy’s scores, but only if
original, with the exception of magic; that enemy is present when the wish is Cost: 2,000.
it has no Magery and cannot cast any made. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Wish, and
spells. It gets its knowledge from the a combined DX and IQ of 30+.
embedded object; anything that the (3) It will grant any one advantage
History spell could divine, it will worth 20 points or less, or remove any
know. It acts as the original would,
had the Doppelgänger’s creator
enslaved him. Suspend Curse para-
lyzes it, and Remove Curse destroys it.
When destroyed, all that is left is a
mass of the original material (a puddle
of water, a mound of earth, a sudden
rush of flames) and the personal

It is very difficult to detect the
trickery. Whenever the GM judges an
Information spell does not altogether
fail to tell the copy from the original,
he should let the Doppelgänger spell
resist. The Aura spell and the
Empathy advantage would be
Resisted, for example.

Time to build body: 6 weeks of

Energy cost to activate: 1,000.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Golem,
History, and Enslave.


Unless specified otherwise, the Bane Successfully cast before any offensive
subject of any of these spells must be weapon enchantment, it reduces the
a weapon, and the last person to pick Enchantment energy cost of those spells, but they
the item up is its “owner.” All these will work only against the named foe.
spells are permanent and require no This is also considered a Limiting For instance, a sword could be made
energy expenditure on the user’s part. Enchantment (p. 68). It is used to that did +3 damage, but only against
make a magical weapon with powers orcs – and this would be easier to
that work only against one type of foe.


enchant than a weapon that did +3 returns to the body – but after that, it Penetrating Weapon
against everything. Note that a Bane becomes loyal to the next person to
spell cannot be removed unless the pick it up. Enchantment
enchantments it controls are also
removed. A loyal weapon can be trapped, Cutting, impaling, or piercing
captured out of the air, etc., while weapons with this enchantment pass
The same caster who placed the returning, but it requires a DX-4 roll through armor as if it were butter.
Bane on the sword must cast the to catch it, and its constant attempts Specifically, the spell grants the
enchantments limited by the Bane. to return to its owner give anyone else weapon an armor divisor (p. B268).
The more specific the bane (GM’s a -4 to fight with it. Such a weapon does not do extra dam-
decision) the greater the reduction in age to unarmored foes. Hardened DR
the other spells’ cost(s). Banes like “All A loyal weapon can be sold or given defends against the armor divisor
my foes” are not allowed! Examples of away at any time, but the transaction conferred by this spell as normal.
legal Banes: must be wholly voluntary; it is then
loyal to the new owner. It may have Energy cost to cast: Depends on the
Against a specific nation, religion, or only one owner at a time. Limiting armor divisor conferred on the
race: Divide costs by 2. spells may be used to limit the class of weapon.
people who can use it.
Against a specific type of creature, or Armor Divisor Cost
folk of a certain city: Divide costs by 3. Note that if this spell is placed on a 2 250
Dancing Weapon (below) it makes the 3 750
Against all members of one specific Dancing Weapon spell almost worth- 5 2,500
family: Divide costs by 4. less. The effect will be a Loyal weapon 10 7,500
that strikes at foes on its way back to Ignores DR 25,000
Against one specific foe: Divide its owner (but at no other time).
costs by 10. Double the cost if the subject is a
Energy cost to cast: 750 per pound missile weapon (e.g., a bow). Divide
Energy cost to cast: 100. The caster of the weapon (minimum 1 pound). the cost by 10 if subject is a missile
must also possess some item or relic (e.g., an arrow). If the item falls in
pertaining to the person, creature, Prerequisites: Enchant and more than one class (weapon, missile
race, etc. involved. Apportation. weapon, missile), use the higher
enchantment cost. In addition to
Prerequisite: Enchant. Item weapons, any sort of cutting tool may
be enchanted. Note that this spell may
Graceful Weapon May be cast on any sort of tool – be recast at a higher level as per
not just a weapon. Accuracy.
Quick-Draw Prerequisites: Enchant and Find
This enchantment is a toned-down Weakness.
version of Quick-Draw (below). The Enchantment
item does not become unready after Dancing Weapon
attacking or parrying, even on a criti- The weapon will leap to the
cal miss. If Graceful Weapon encoun- owner’s hand when he wants it, Enchantment
ters Turn Blade or Bladeturning, it becoming ready instantly (no Ready
resists those spells with its Power. maneuver required!). Only the owner’s A weapon enchanted with this spell
mental command is required; no die fights on its own at the owner’s com-
Energy cost to cast: 150 per pound roll is needed. mand, hanging in the air as though
of weight (minimum 1 pound). wielded by an invisible warrior. It has
The enchantment does not work if a skill of 15, a Basic Speed of 5, and a
Prerequisites: Enchant and the weapon is more than a yard away, ST (for damage purposes) equal to its
Apportation. or if it is tied down, peacebonded (tied Power. It uses intelligent strategy and
into the scabbard with rope or wire), follows its owner’s spoken or mental
Item within a pack, etc. A weapon with this commands about which enemy to
spell does not become unready after attack. It continues fighting until it is
May be cast on any sort of tool – attacking or parrying (p. B382). dealt with (see below) or its owner
not just a weapon. dies or tells it to stop. This spell does
Energy cost to cast: 300 per pound not work on a missile weapon!
Loyal Sword of weight (minimum 1 pound); 2,000
for a quiver, bag, etc., from which Any attack on a dancing weapon is
Enchantment ordinary missiles will leap into the at a penalty: from -4 (for a polearm) to
wearer’s hand at need. -5 (a sword or axe) to -6 (a dagger or
The subject weapon seeks to return pistol). If the weapon gets a critical
to the wearer’s hand if it is dropped or Prerequisites: Enchant and miss, or is struck by a critical hit, it is
thrown – even if the wearer becomes Apportation. “stunned” and out of the fight (unless
unable to fight. When dropped, it it breaks, in which case it is
returns on the next turn, as though Item destroyed). If its owner is killed, it falls
Quick-Drawn (below). When thrown,
it flies until it hits something or falls to May be cast on any sort of tool –
the ground, and then returns in as not just a weapon.
straight a line as possible, with a Move
of 12. It avoids enemies and obstacles
when returning! If its owner dies, it


to the floor – but if he is merely The spell may be recast at a higher The weapon’s skills cannot be
knocked unconscious, it continues to level as per Accuracy. improved, although skills such as
attack the closest foe. A dancing History or Area Knowledge may be
weapon can also be trapped in a net or Prerequisites: Enchant and kept current through the absorption
bag (same basic roll as to hit it, but the Dancing Object. of new knowledge.
GM can give bonuses or penalties
depending on the cleverness of the Weapon Spirit (VH) Energy cost to cast: 100 per point of
method used). IQ transferred, plus 25 times the CP
Enchantment cost of each skill, plus 50 times the
The weapon can also be left with total CP cost of all the advantages and
orders to attack anyone who Transfers the personality and some disadvantages (minimum of zero).
approaches within a certain distance; of the intelligence of a recently Add 300 for Voices.
a Link can be used to activate it only if deceased being (humanoid or not –
a certain event takes place. Once acti- dogs are popular subjects) to a Prerequisites: Enchant and
vated, if its owner is not around, it weapon, usually a sword. The Summon Spirit.
attacks anyone in range – closest first, enchantment is at -1 for each full day
unless the Link had other instructions. that elapsed between the donor’s Cornucopia
death and the beginning of the
A dancing weapon cannot change enchantment. Most of the body must Enchantment
owners while animated; grasping the be present at the beginning of the
handle of a dancing weapon is not enchantment, but may disposed of Gives a quiver, bag of pellets, or
enough to make it change sides. after it commences. other container of ammunition an
“infinite” supply of one type of ammu-
Energy cost to cast: 1,000 per The enchanter can pass on as little nition – but items must be taken out
pound of the weapon’s weight (mini- or as much of the donor’s IQ as he by hand, one at a time. Each missile
mum 1 pound). Double the cost to get wishes to the weapon, as well as some exists for one minute after being
a weapon with a Basic Speed of 6, or of the donor’s skills, advantages, and removed from the container; then it
with skill of 18. Multiply cost by 4 to disadvantages. The weapon has no vanishes (or, if picked up by anyone
get a weapon with both advantages. memory of its former existence. but the Cornucopia’s owner, it vanish-
Although it has no sensory organs, it es immediately). Therefore, this spell
Prerequisites: Enchant and possesses sight and hearing (Per 10). cannot be used to make a single
Dancing Object. Quirks (or disadvantages reduced to quiver supply enough arrows for an
quirk level) are sometimes transferred army! It cannot be cast on a weapon.
Defending Weapon from the donor to the weapon, A high-tech wizard could create a
whether the enchanter wants them or pouch that always contained one
Enchantment not (this is why dogs are popular; their armor-piercing tracer shell; he could
personalities tend to make biddable not enchant a .50-caliber machine-
The subject weapon permits its but effective weapons). gun to fire forever.
wielder to parry more skillfully; each
level of enchantment will give the The weapon can communicate Energy cost to cast: This is tricky,
wielder a +1 to Parry, up to a maxi- with its wielder through an extremely because skillful players will find many
mum of +3. The spell does not protect basic empathy. When the wielder creative ways to pervert this item. GMs
the weapon from being broken takes a course of action the weapon who find Cornucopia a nuisance may
(p. B401). approves of, he gets a “good feeling,” ban it entirely. In general: Energy cost
and if he takes one the weapon disap- is equal to 50 times the $ value, in the
If this enchantment is combined proves of, he gets an equivalent “bad current game world, of the missile pro-
with Dancing Weapon, the weapon feeling.” The weapon may be enchant- vided by the Cornucopia quiver. Thus,
attacks opponents engaged with the ed with the Voices spell to give it a a quiver that provided ordinary arrows
owner and wards off blows from voice. Various Communication and ($2 each) would cost 100 energy to cre-
attackers when possible. It uses the Empathy enchantments may be ate.
weapon’s skill as per Dancing Weapon, added to the weapon to enhance the
plus this spell’s bonus. The owner can communication. This means that a mage in a
command it to defend a given side of medieval world could not make a
him (much like Dancing Shield) and Each time it gets a new wielder, the “quiver” for high-tech ammo; that
to either defend (in which case it gets weapon must make a single reaction ammo is priceless in his world. A
two parries per turn) or attack (in roll, which sets the tone for its rela- Cornucopia quiver can be made to
which case it gets a single attack and a tionship with the wielder from that produce magic arrows, but only if the
single parry each turn). If a dancing, point on. On a very good reaction, the creating mage is capable of making
defending weapon does not parry a weapon will do literally anything for such an arrow – and the energy cost
blow, the owner may still use any of its wielder; on a very bad one, it refus- will be tremendous.
his own applicable defenses. es to communicate or cooperate in
any way. The GM should record the Prerequisites: Enchant and two
This spell can only be cast on a bal- result; the weapon cannot be forced to other Weapon Enchantment spells.
anced weapon that can normally roll a new reaction by being passed
parry. back and forth between wielders!

Energy cost to cast: 500 for +1 to
parry, 1,000 for +2, and 2,000 for +3.


Quick-Aim Ghost Weapon the arrow may be recoverable, but is
now nonmagical.)
Enchantment Enchantment
Any spell that can be enchanted
The subject missile weapon (bow, A weapon enchanted with this spell into a magic item can be placed in a
sling, etc) gains uncanny responsive- affects ghosts (and other insubstantial spell arrow, except for Blocking spells,
ness; in game terms, an Aim action beings and spirits) as if they were tan- Enchantment spells, Melee spells, or
taken with the subject weapon has the gible. If the weapon itself is made spells whose magic item description
effect of two turns of aiming. intangible (through whatever means specifies “must touch.” Note that
the GM deems feasible), the weapon some permissible spells are pointless
Energy cost to cast: 100. For 200 still affects the physical world at the (e.g., Beast-Soother), since the archer
energy, one Aim action may count for whim of its wielder. must hit the target with an arrow any-
three turns of aiming. Halve the cost if way. Enchantments may be placed on
subject is a missile (e.g., a javelin or Energy cost to cast: 250 per pound the arrow itself normally, including
throwing axe). The enchantment of weight (minimum 1 pound). limiting enchantments.
doesn’t work on ammunition (like
arrows). Note that this spell may be Prerequisites: Enchant and Solidify.
recast at a higher level as per Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Grace.

Accuracy On a very good reaction, the weapon will do
literally anything for its wielder; on a very bad
Enchantment one, it refuses to communicate or cooperate
in any way.
Makes a weapon more likely to hit
by adding to the user’s effective skill.

Cost: See table below. Divide cost Spell Arrow The only decision the archer can
by 10 if the subject is a missile (e.g., an make is what he’s aiming at. If the
arrow or a bullet). Enchantment spell requires a subject, whatever the
arrow hits is the subject. (If it is not a
Bonus Cost Similar to a Spell Stone, a spell legal subject – e.g., a wooden wall for
+1 250 arrow stores a spell until it is fired. Strike Blind – the spell is wasted.)
+2 1,000 The archer need not be a mage. The What constitutes a “solid object” may
+3 5,000 arrow’s user must concentrate for the require the GM’s judgment (for exam-
appropriate time to cast to “arm” the ple, drops of rain are not enough to
Prerequisites: Enchant and at least spell. This cannot be simultaneous trigger the spell). If it is an Area spell,
five Air spells. with aiming the bow, and isn’t reduced the point of impact is the center of the
by high skill (but see Speed Skill area. If it is a Missile spell, the effect is
Note: If a weapon already has this Arrow, below). An unused spell arrow as if the missile hit the target, in addi-
spell at a low level, a caster may recast disarms after 1 minute. The spell acti- tion to the arrow (the missile does not
the spell at a higher level (making the vates when the arrow hits a solid launch itself from the point of
weapon more accurate). The cost for object; roll against the effective skill of impact). If the spell creates an object,
the new spell is the difference between the arrow’s enchanter. If the roll is suc- the object appears as close as possible
the levels; the “old” spell does not add to cessful, the spell is cast. If it is a nor- to the point of impact. If the spell
the item’s resistance to the “new” one. mal failure, the spell is simply wasted. would normally affect both a subject
Critical failures go to the Critical Spell and the caster (e.g., (Animal) Control)
Puissance Failure Table (p. 7). If the arrow is fired the archer is treated as the caster. If
without the required concentration, the spell requires a human target, the
Enchantment the spell is wasted, but the arrow still spell still works even if the arrow hits
does normal damage. clothing instead of skin. The
Adds to the basic damage a enchanter specifies everything else:
weapon does when it hits. The spell’s energy is included in the duration, area, precise effect, etc.
enchantment. The archer need not
Cost: See table below. Divide cost (and cannot) provide any to cast the Analyze Magic can reveal what
by 10 if the subject is a missile (e.g., an spell or maintain it. Similarly, the spell a spell arrow contains, how
arrow or a bullet). Double cost if the archer may not cancel the spell once much energy was invested, and so on
subject is a missile weapon (e.g., a cast, though the enchanter may speci- (one question per casting). Arrows
bow or a gun). fy a shorter duration than normal, and intended for the consumer market are
may also invest extra energy so the usually color-coded.
Damage Bonus Cost spell will maintain itself.
+1 250 Energy cost to cast: 30 times the
+2 1,000 The head of a spell arrow must contained spell’s casting cost, includ-
+3 5,000 contain a jewel worth $10¥P2 + $40¥P, ing maintenance cost if desired, so
where P is the maximum energy of the long as the item is an arrow or cross-
May be recast at a higher level, as contained spell. The gem is destroyed bow bolt.
per Accuracy (p. 65). when the spell activates. (The rest of

Prerequisites: Enchant and at least
five Earth spells.


The GM may decide this spell can Blank spell arrows have a capacity, Speed Spell Arrow
work on other kinds of missiles (e.g., representing the energy cost of the
bullets). If so, for those missiles, mul- largest spell they can hold. When a Enchantment
tiply the contained spell’s casting cost spellcaster wishes to use the arrow, he
by 1/10 the missile’s Max range, casts the spell normally, but directs it This spell can only be cast on
instead of 30. If the missile should into the arrow. If the spell is too big for missiles enchanted with Spell Arrow.
pass beyond the Max range (for exam- the arrow, it is wasted. After the arrow Like the Speed enchantment, it
ple, if fired from a more powerful gun) has been filled, it must be used within reduces the time the archer must con-
the spell is wasted. (This last rules one day (by the spellcaster or someone centrate to activate the contained
does not apply to actual arrows and else), or the spell dissipates harmlessly, spell. Each level of Speed Spell Arrow
bolts.) Note that the need for a jewel making the arrow blank again. halves the concentration time. If time
still applies to bullets! is reduced below 1 second, no
All other rules for spell arrows also concentration is required.
Prerequisite: Spell Stone. apply to blank spell arrows, with one
exception. If the caster of the spell is Cost: See table below.
Blank Spell Arrow (VH) also the archer, he can determine its
effect at firing time, and maintain it Speed Cost
Enchantment normally. (He cannot put more or less 1 50
casting energy into the spell at firing; 2 100
This enchantment creates a spell casting energy must be in the arrow.) 3 200
arrow with no spell stored. Instead,
any spellcaster may, at a later date, Energy cost to cast: 30 times the Double the cost for each additional
place a spell in the blank spell arrow, desired capacity. The Spell Arrow point. May be recast at a higher level,
and then use it as if it were a normal rules for non-arrow missiles apply to as per Accuracy (p. 65).
spell arrow. Blank Spell Arrow as well.
Prerequisites: Speed, Spell Arrow.
Prerequisite: Spell Arrow.


These spells work only on clothing, times the item is penetrated by enemy ed into armor – it loses its power after
armor, and shields. They are “always blows. When it has been penetrated the fifth penetration.
on” and are excellent protection. The (DR¥5) times, using natural DR, it is
drawback is that when the item is damaged enough that the enchant- Ordinary repairs may fix the item
badly enough damaged, the spell also ment leaves. If the clothing has no nat- but do not count against the number
vanishes. Keep track of the number of ural DR – e.g., a cotton shirt enchant- of penetrations for purposes of decid-
ing when the enchantment wears off.
Piece-By-Piece However, the Repair spell restores the
item to its original state.
Armor Prices
The energy costs listed are for a full
suit of armor; individual pieces of
armor cost a fraction of the full-suit
price (see box).

Armor Pieces Percentage of Listed Cost Fortify
Full Suit 100%
Torso and Vitals 50% Enchantment
Groin 10%
Neck 2.5% Increases the DR of clothing or a
Arms 15% suit of armor.
Legs 30%
Hands 5% Cost: See table below.
Feet 7.5%
Head (skull and face) 10% DR Bonus Cost
Skull 5% +1 50
Face 5% +2 200
+3 800
+5 3,000

The spell can be recast to strength-
en it, as per Accuracy (p. 65).

Prerequisite: Enchant.


Deflect defense will be either a Block (using Prerequisites: Enchant and
Shield/2) or a Dodge (using Speed); it Dancing Object.
Enchantment does not get any DB bonus from itself.
The shield could also be netted or Defending Shield
Adds a Defense Bonus to armor, bagged (standard to-hit roll). If the
clothing, a shield, or a weapon. This shield gets a critical miss or is struck Enchantment
adds to all active defense rolls made by a critical hit, it is stunned and out
by the user. of the fight until its owner grasps it The enchanted shield allows its
and “wakes it up” (a Ready maneu- wielder to block more skillfully; each
Cost: See table below. ver). The shield loses its magic if level of enchantment gives the wielder
destroyed; if penetrated by an impal- a +1 to Block, up to a maximum of +3.
DB Cost ing or piercing weapon, it loses one The spell may not be combined with
+1 100 point each of Power, Shield skill, and Dancing Shield.
+2 500 Basic Speed. As always, if Power
+3 2,000 drops below 15, the item ceases to Energy cost to cast: 500 for +1 to
+4 8,000 function. Block, 1,000 for +2, and 2,000 for +3.
+5 20,000
Energy cost to cast: 250 per pound Cost: See table below.
This spell can be recast to of the shield’s weight (minimum 1
strengthen it, as per Accuracy (p. 65). pound). Double the cost to enchant a Block Bonus Cost
shield with Speed 6 or Skill 18. +1 500
Prerequisite: Enchant. Quadruple the cost to get both. This +2 1000
spell may be recast at a higher level as +3 2,000
Lighten with Accuracy (p. 65), either to
improve or repair the Shield. The spell may be recast at a higher
Enchantment level as with Accuracy (p. 65).

Makes armor or shields lighter and Prerequisites: Enchant and Grace.
easier to carry. The subject becomes
lighter only when it is actually being
worn. Armor in a backpack would still
have its full weight.

Energy cost to cast: 100 to cut the
item’s weight by 25%. 500 to cut its
weight in half.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Dancing Shield


A shield enchanted with this spell
protects its owner as if wielded by an
invisible shield-bearer. The shield has
Shield-16, Basic Speed 5, and ST
equal to the Power of the enchant-
ment (for bashing purposes). It fol-
lows its owner’s mental or spoken
instructions as to which side to guard.
If the owner is knocked out, the shield
continues protecting him to the best of
its abilities. If the owner dies, the
shield falls to the ground.

The shield can Block two different
attacks per turn, regardless of its
owner’s actions (so the owner could
parry any blow that got by the shield,
for instance). The shield can be
instructed to bash (p. B406), in which
case its owner forfeits the shield’s pro-
tection until the beginning of his next
turn (the shield will travel no more
than two yards from the owner to

The shield can be attacked at a
penalty of its DB-4. The shield’s



All these enchantments
limit the way that enchanted
items work. The GM should
make sure that he gets the
details in writing, to avoid
arguments about when or
how an item can work.
Since these spells merely
limit the way other spells
work, they never add an
energy cost for the user.

These spells are hard to
remove. Name, Password,
and Bane cannot be
removed unless the spells
they limit are also removed.
Limit and Link resist
removal at +5, and any fail-
ure may be treated as “criti-
cal.” This can remove all
spells on the item, strength-
en the limit, or have any
other result the GM feels is
inconvenient for the clumsy

If an item has multiple
spells on it, including one or
more limiting spells, the
mage casting each new spell
determines whether it gov-
erns (or is governed by) pre-
vious spells. For instance, a
named sword might have +3
against orcs for any user, but
act as a Dancing Sword only
for one who knew its name.

Limit who knows its name. The user must Password
speak the item’s name the first time he
Enchantment tries to use it, to show he knows the Enchantment
The enchanted item works only for The reverse of the Name enchant-
the user, or class of users, specified by Energy cost to cast: 400, or 200 if ment. A magical item with a Password
the caster when the Limit is cast. This the name is written on the item. It functions unless the Password is spo-
class of users may be as simple or must be readable (GM’s decision). It ken. If the Password is spoken, the
complex as the caster wishes. A Limit may be small, hidden, or even dis- item will be inert until the next time
spell may affect all the spells on the guised, but a person examining the its powers would normally be invoked
item, or just some of them. item must be able to see it. This – or for one minute (choice of person
provision is a major reason for the making the item). An item may have
Energy cost to cast: 200. popularity of dead and obscure lan- some spells that are passworded and
Prerequisite: Enchant. guages among wizards – writing your others that are not. The details, of
item’s name on it in an extinct lan- course, depend on the spell.
Name guage is almost as safe as not writing
it at all, and much cheaper. Examples: (a) a magic ring that
Enchantment gave the power of flight – but puts the
Prerequisite: Enchant. wearer in Suspended Animation
Gives a magical name to an unless the password was used; (b) a
enchanted object. The magic of the
subject functions only for someone


Pentagram that can be “turned off” works on any Resisted spell, providing worried he might run amok in the
with a word; (c) a Dancing Sword that
stops swinging for one minute if the a penalty to the target’s resistance roll. future).
password is said.
If enchanted into a magic item before The downside of this enchantment
Energy cost to cast: 400. Halve this
cost if the password is written on the the spell to be affected, the cost to is that, when the item is used against
item (must be readable).
enchant the affected spell is halved. other targets, they get a +5 to
Prerequisite: Enchant.
The enchanter must possess some- their resistance roll. An Attune
thing connected to the target. The Enchantment cannot be removed
accuracy of the symbolic representa- from an item unless the enchantment
Same as the “Item” description
under Meta-Spells, pp. 131-132. tion determines the penalty to the or enchantments it controls are

Attune resistance roll. removed first.

Enchantment In every case but the last, the rep- Energy Cost to Cast: 100.
resentation must be incorporated into Prerequisite: Bane.
This limiting enchantment, a deriv- the magic item, though it need not
ative of Bane, makes a magic item
work better against a specific target. It remain intact (e.g., a video-

tape may be crushed to pow- Symbolic Representation Penalty

der). If the target is present, Minimal (drawing) -2

presumably he has either Small belonging/piece of clothing -4

been misled as to the purpose Hair or fingernail clippings -5

of the enchantment, or has Photographs or blood samples -6

agreed to it for more complex DNA sample or video -7

reasons (for instance, he’s Target is present during enchantment -8


Items enchanted with these spells Local Mana Recharge Rate on Wednesdays . . . This makes big
can be used only by mages. All these None None stones without serious flaws more
spells are always on. Low valuable than others of the same
Normal 1 point/week strength. The quirks of a Powerstone
Powerstone High 1 point/day are set by the GM, and can be used as
Very High a tool for campaign balance. Most of
Enchantment 1 point/12 hours them will be peculiar, arbitrary limita-
1 point/6 hours tions on how the stone can recharge
Infuses mana into an object for (e.g., only while bathed in bat blood)
later use by a wizard. Traditionally, a A Powerstone does not recharge if or how it can be used (e.g., only on
gemstone serves as the subject of this it is within six feet of a larger Fire spells; only by a green-eyed vir-
spell (for this reason, “Powerstone” is Powerstone. Stones of the same size gin; not by anyone wearing a hat). A
the generic word for an object con- split the available mana and recharge severe quirk affects the user of the
taining stored mana), but any object at slower speed. This unfortunate fact stone (e.g., renders him mute for an
can potentially be used. Any wizard means that the owner of several hour).
touching a Powerstone may take any Powerstones must let some of them
or all of the energy it contains, using it out of his sight to get them recharged! The caster knows if his spell has
instead of his body’s own energy to failed, but not what quirk his
cast a spell. A Powerstone is enchanted one step Powerstone now has. The Analyze
at a time. The first time Powerstone is Magic spell can determine what
Each Powerstone is said to have a cast on an object, it becomes an quirks a Powerstone has. Two failures
“capacity.” This is the maximum uncharged Powerstone with capacity in a row indicate that no further
amount of energy it can hold. Since a 1. Each additional casting increases its growth is possible for that stone.
wizard can only use one Powerstone capacity by 1. Thus, 15 castings would
at a time, a large Powerstone is more create a Powerstone with a capacity of Any object may be used to produce
useful than a handful of small ones. A 15. But note that with this many cast- a Powerstone. However, it is easier to
large Powerstone can be used to cast a ings, there would be a cumulative enchant a Powerstone using an item
large spell; a group of small ones can chance of nearly 1 in 4 that a critical with intrinsic value. The cost to cast
be used one at a time to help maintain failure would be rolled at some point, Powerstone is quadrupled if the item
a spell, but cannot be used all at once. destroying the stone. For 60 successive being enchanted has a value of less
castings, the cumulative chance of than $10¥P2 + $40¥P, where P is the
A Powerstone “recharges” itself critical failure is 2 in 3! target capacity of the Powerstone.
after use, by absorbing mana from the This is one reason gemstones are pop-
surrounding area. The rate of Further, each ordinary failure ular; a valuable stone is compact and
recharge varies with the area’s mana while casting puts some sort of magi- durable.
level. cal “quirk” on the stone. Thus, it is
possible for work for months and end
up with a 20-energy Powerstone that
smells like fish and can only be used


A Powerstone is uncharged when (but still recharges in one day in a item may be re-enchanted with multi-
created (though if it already contained normal-mana area). ple applications of the spell. If a
energy, that energy is unaffected by a Manastone “quirks” in enchanting, the
casting to increase its capacity). The “Exclusive” Powerstones quirks (naturally) must be appropriate
energy from a Powerstone cannot be to a nonrecharging object (no quirks
used for further enchantments on that An item can also be made with a about recharging limitations!).
stone – a Powerstone cannot be used built-in Powerstone, in such a way that Manastones have no effect on the
to help enchant itself! only its integral Powerstone(s) can recharge rate of nearby Powerstones.
power it. This is done exactly as for
Energy cost for each casting: 20. dedicated Powerstones, but the energy Energy cost to cast: 5. Each casting
Prerequisite: Enchant. of an exclusive Powerstone is three charges the stone with a single point
times as efficient – i.e., a one-point of energy.
“Dedicated” Powerstones exclusive Powerstone delivers three
points of energy, but then the item is Prerequisite: Enchant.
If a Powerstone is attached to an useless until the stone recharges.
item before that item is enchanted, the Staff
Powerstone becomes a part of the One-College Powerstones
magical item. It is then a “dedicated” Enchantment
Powerstone. The item’s user may tap This is a variation that follows all
its energy – but only to power the normal Powerstone rules. A One- Enchants a magic staff – see Magic
spells cast by or through that item. College Powerstone is enchanted in Staffs (p. 13) for details. Though many
such a way that it can provide energy magic items must be in the form of a
If a dedicated Powerstone is only for spells of a particular college. wand or staff, they do not have to have
removed from a magical item, the One-College Powerstones may not be this spell on them. Many mages use
magical item is automatically broken Dedicated or Exclusive. various Limiting enchantments so
and loses its enchantment, but the that others can’t use their staffs – but
Powerstone is intact, and becomes a The advantage of a One-College this is not automatic.
“normal” Powerstone again. (Of Powerstone is that each casting only
course, if the Powerstone is built into requires 12 energy, not 20. Energy Cost: 30.
the item in some way – e.g., set in a Prerequisite: Enchant.
magic ring – a successful skill roll may Manastone (VH)
be required to remove it without Item
breaking it.) Enchantment
Any rod-shaped piece of organic
The advantage of a dedicated A Manastone is an unrechargeable material (wood, bone, ivory, etc.) up to
Powerstone is that its energy, being Powerstone. Use all normal 6 feet long. May be decorated with
specifically channeled, is used twice Powerstone rules (limits by value, other materials, like gems and pre-
as efficiently. A one-point dedicated etc.), except that a Manastone does cious metals. A small staff is often
Powerstone gives two points of energy not recharge its power – although the called a “rod,” and a very short and
slender one, a “wand.”



Grow a miniature image from your
flesh. This image, called a homunculus,
has ST 1, DX 0, and no IQ or HT. It
must be kept inside a glass bottle and
fed at least 1 HP worth of human blood
each day to remain alive. If the bottle is
broken or submitted to intense heat or
light, the homunculus dies.

Whenever he wishes, the caster can
move his spirit into the homunculus,
no matter how far away it is (as per
Possession, p. 49), at an energy cost of
4 for the first minute and 2 for every
minute thereafter. He may then
observe and communicate with any-
one in the homunculus’ presence.
Although the caster can cast spells
from the homunculus (using his own
energy), he cannot perform any physi-
cal action, since the homunculus is
trapped inside the bottle. The caster
may return to his original body at will.


If a hostile wizard gains possession be hurt (burned, cut, crushed . . .), he Crystal Ball
of a live homunculus, he can cast may not be killed as long as the soul
Communication and Empathy spells stone is safe. The caster becomes Enchantment
at the homunculus’ creator at no immune to disease, poison, and aging.
range penalty! The creator also resists He automatically makes all HT “death Used in the Crystal-Gazing variant
any such spells at -5 when cast checks” caused by injury. He may still of Divination. Requires a ball of flaw-
through the homunculus. A homuncu- fall unconscious. less crystal at least 2” in diameter
lus is thus a great vulnerability and is (value $1,000). A 3” ball (value $5,000)
only entrusted to the most faithful of If the soul stone is destroyed, the gives +1 to divinations. A 4” ball (value
servants. caster dies, so it is usually hidden in a $20,000) gives +2.
very hard-to-reach place. Death may
The caster may own several also come from some magical causes, Energy cost to create: 1,000.
homunculi; he can move his spirit to such as a Planar Visit failure. Note Prerequisite: Divination (Crystal-
only one at a time. While thus “away,” that the stone need not literally be a Gazing).
the caster’s body is very vulnerable piece of rock; examples from folklore
and should be safeguarded. and fiction include the caster’s own Lich (VH)
heart (removed once the spell is cast,
Energy cost to cast: 800. presumably!), eggs, and more. Enchantment
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Mind-
Sending. Soul Stone and Soul Jar are As listed under Necromantic Spells,
mutually exclusive. p. 159.
Effigy (VH)
Cost: 500. One try; if the enchant- Wraith (VH)
Enchantment ment fails, the caster dies!
A mage can enchant an effigy, a life- Prerequisites: Magery 3, Enchant,
size statue of himself, which attracts and Soul Jar. As listed under Necromantic Spells,
hostile magic directed at him to itself. p. 160.
Like Malefice, Effigy is a lasting spell,
which continues until its Endurance is Devotional Enchantment
reduced to zero. Every time a spell
attacks the effigy’s maker, the effigy In some settings, enchantment is not the province of magical craftsmen,
resists with its current Endurance, but an almost meditative outgrowth of the studies of holy men. Magic
modified for the distance separating it items are created as part and parcel of a life devoted to a higher principle.
from him (use the long-distance modi-
fiers, p. 14). If the effigy succeeds, the A practitioner of devotional enchantment must be Very Blessed
spell affects it rather than its maker, (p. B40), and a corresponding Discipline of Faith for his chosen faith,
worth at least -10 points. Not every faith has devotional enchanters.
The GM must decide what consti-
tutes a “hostile” spell; for instance, Devotional enchanters are not mages, and they use neither mana nor
Deathtouch is, but Mind-Reading their own personal energies in their enchantments. Instead, they power
isn’t. Redirected spells that have no their creations with character points acquired through study.
effect on inanimate statues (such as
Paralyze Limb or Death Vision) Every 200 hours of prayer generates 1 character point that may be
instead “attack” the enchantment. The spent to create magic items, at a rate of 1 character point per every 25
effigy then resists with its current points of energy (note that this makes devotional enchantment about as
Endurance. Every such successful efficient a use of time as Slow and Sure Enchantment). Hours spent in
attack reduces the effigy’s Endurance religious study accrue usable character points at half speed, and the
by one; when the effigy’s Endurance strict conduct of a virtuous life accrues points at quarter speed. An
drops below 0, it ceases functioning. A important meritorious act – pilgrimages, entering a cloister, etc. – grants
critical failure by the effigy or a criti- one character point that may be used for enchantments.
cal success by the attacking spell also
breaks the enchantment, as does phys- The actual enchantment uses a system essentially similar to symbol
ical destruction. An enchanter may enchantment (p. 205); devotional enchanters must learn Symbol Drawing
only have one effigy at any one time. or an equivalent Very Hard skill and the symbols necessary to enchant the
desired item. The process of enchanting an item by this method is quite
Energy cost to cast: 1,000. fast, usually a day or less; mage enchanters are often astounded by the
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Enchant, seeming effortlessness with which devotional enchanters produce items,
Scryguard, and Ward. not realizing that decades of rigorous practice go into the preparations for
such an enchantment. If the rolls for all the symbols are made, the char-
Soul Stone (VH) acter points are invested in the item and the item is enchanted. On a fail-
ure, the points are not spent, but the enchanter may not attempt that
Enchantment enchantment again until he has raised his skill in all the symbols for which
he failed the rolls; his knowledge was inadequate to the task. On a critical
By transferring his life force to a failure, he may never try that enchantment again; divine displeasure
Soul Stone, a sorcerer becomes attended the attempt.
immortal. Although his body may still




“Don’t give me any trouble, and no 3 – As though a blowtorch had Prerequisite: Ignite Fire or Seek
one gets hurt, OK?” Jack’s stiletto hov- been held to the subject. Ignites dry Fire.
ered an inch from the young woman’s firewood or clothes being worn in one
left eye. “Keep your hands where I can second, leather in two seconds, and Item
see them. Tell me where you keep your heavy wood in six seconds.
wallet.” Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost
4 – As though burning magnesium to create: 300; item must include a
Her lips quivered, and she stam- or phosphorus had been held to the ruby worth $200.
mered something incomprehensible. subject. Ignites coal in one second,
Maybe she didn’t even speak English. heavy wood in two seconds. Extinguish Fire

Jack pulled his knife back a bit as Cost to maintain is the same as the Area
he leaned closer. “What? Speak up.” original cost to cast.
Puts out all ordinary and magical
The girl got herself under control, Item fires in its area of effect. Has no effect
took a deep breath, and exhaled a jet on materials that are intrinsically
of flame into Jack’s face. Jack was Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost superheated – molten steel, lava,
dimly aware of his own voice scream- to create: 100; item must include a plasma, etc.
ing as the pain overwhelmed him and small ruby worth $50.
he fell into blackness. Duration: Once out, a fire stays out.
Seek Fire Base cost: 3.
The pyromancer pulled the collar Prerequisite: Ignite Fire.
of her sweater over her nose against Information
the charred-bacon smell in the alley. Item
“Nothing.” Tells the caster the direction and
approximate distance of the nearest Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost
These spells deal with the tradi- significant fire or source of intense to create: 400; item must include a
tional magical “element” of fire. heat. Use the long-distance modifiers ruby worth $300 and a black onyx
Should the volume of a particular fire (p. 14). Any known fires or sources of worth $100.
matter in play, assume that the flames heat may be excluded if the caster
created or controlled by Fire spells specifically mentions them before Shape Fire
shoot six feet high. See Flame beginning. The caster may also speci-
(p. B433) for rules for setting things fy that he is seeking a specific type of Area
on fire. fire, based on the fire’s fuel (natural
gas flame, alcohol fire, wood fire, etc.). Control the shape of any flame.
Ignite Fire Each shape change requires a second of
Cost: 1. concentration. Once shaped, the flame
Regular keeps that shape until the spell expires,
Item without concentration. Moving a flame
Produces a single spot of heat, and is requires constant concentration (the
used to set fire to a readily flammable A forked stick. Cost to create: 50 flame moves at Move 5, on the caster’s
object. It works best on paper and cloth, energy and a small ruby worth $100. turn). A natural fire cannot move to a
and will not affect any item that would place that it can’t burn, but flame made
not burn in an ordinary fire. In particu- Create Fire
lar, it will not set fire to a living being!
Once ignited, the fire burns normally. Area

Duration: One second. Fills the area of effect with fire that
Cost: Depends on the amount of requires no fuel (if cast in midair, it
heat desired: produces a sphere of flame, which
falls to the ground). This is real fire,
1 – As though a match had been and will eventually ignite any flamma-
held to the subject. Lights a candle, ble objects it touches. Cannot be cast
pipe, or tinder in one second. within rock, foes, etc.

2 – As though a torch had been Duration: 1 minute.
held to the subject. Ignites paper or Base cost: 2. Half that to maintain.
loose cloth in one second, ordinary Ordinary fires set by this spell do not
clothes being worn in four seconds. require maintenance.


with the Create Fire spell needs no fuel and resists all heat less than star-heat. weapon attack or a Fireball or
and can move almost anywhere. Same cost to maintain. Lightning spell. Counts as a parry for
combat purposes. If the caster is not the
Flame shaped with this spell nor- Time to cast: 5 minutes. subject, apply distance modifiers as for
mally retains its volume. If the fire is Prerequisite: Extinguish Fire. a Regular spell. Deflected attacks may
“spread out” across twice its original still hit a target beyond the subject.
area, it only does half damage; if Item
spread across three times its original Cost: 1.
area, it does 1/3 damage; and so on. An area may be permanently Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Shape
Fireproofed; multiply the base cost by Fire.
Duration: 1 minute. 100. A small quantity of powdered
Base cost: 2. Half that to maintain. ruby must be used (about $10 per Flame Jet
Prerequisite: Ignite Fire. energy point’s worth).
Item Slow Fire
Shoot a jet of flame from one fist.
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost Area Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX-
to create: 400; item must include a 4 or Innate Attack skill to hit, and rolls
ruby worth $300. Causes flames to cool down, con- for damage if he hits. This attack may
suming their surroundings (and burn- be dodged or blocked, but not parried.
Phantom Flame ing people) at a slower rate. The dam- Treat it as a hand weapon – a flaming
age that the flames do is reduced pro- sword without the sword – but it can-
Area portionately. This spell acts as a Slow not parry! This is a wonderfully flashy
spell on fire elementals and beings spell, good for magic shows, melee
Creates an area of imaginary flame. with the Body of Fire meta-trait combat, burning through ropes, etc.
Those nearby feel heat (and pain, if they (p. B262). Slow Fire resists Fast Fire. The caster may cast the spell as many
touch it); items inside appear to burn. times as he has hands and have a
However, the flame does not spread, Duration: 1 minute. Flame Jet in each hand; a Flame Jet
and does no real damage. Even the pain Base cost: 2 for a fire that burns at held in the caster’s “off” hand suffers
it creates subsides to a tingling after the half the usual rate, 3 for a fire that the usual -4 penalty to hit.
first shock. Shape Fire and Extinguish burns at 1/3 the usual rate, and so on.
Fire both affect this phantom flame; Same cost to maintain. For cinematic mage-dueling
water will not affect it. Prerequisite: Extinguish Fire. action, the GM may allow a Flame Jet
to parry another Flame Jet. This
This is also an Illusion and Item allows fire wizards to duel mano a
Creation spell. mano, which some groups may prefer
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to cre- to the casting and dodging of a more
Duration: 1 minute. ate: 350 energy, a $500 ruby, and a typical duel of magic.
Base cost: 1. Same cost to main- $500 black onyx.
tain. Duration: 1 second.
Prerequisite: Shape Fire or Simple Fast Fire Cost: 1 to 3 points. Does 1d damage
Illusion. for each point put into the spell. The
Regular jet’s range in yards is equal to the
Item number of dice. Same cost to main-
Makes flames hotter, consuming tain.
Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost their surroundings (and burning peo- Prerequisites: Create Fire and
to create: 200; must include a $100 ruby. ple) at a faster rate. The damage that Shape Fire.
the flames do is proportionately
Fireproof increased. This spell acts as a Great Item
Haste spell on fire elementals and
Area beings with the Body of Fire meta-trait. Jewelry. Energy cost to create: 800;
must include $500 worth of gold and a
Prevents ignition of fires within the Duration: 1 minute. $300 ruby. Usable only by mages.
affected area: matches won’t light, flint Cost: 2 for a double-rate fire, 3 for
won’t make sparks, and so on. Does a triple-rate fire, and so on. Same cost Smoke
not extinguish a fire brought in from to maintain.
outside the spell’s area, although such Prerequisite: Slow Fire. Area
a fire would fail to ignite anything else.
Useful anywhere that fire is a hazard Item Creates an area of dense smoke.
(as in a gunpowder factory, for exam- Even one yard’s thickness of such
ple). Any magical attempt to light a fire Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to cre- smoke will block vision. Until it dissi-
is at -5 to skill. This spell doesn’t resist ate: 375 energy and a $500 ruby. pates, it has the effect of tear gas (any-
really intense heat (as from lava or bat- one failing a HT roll is unable to do
tle lasers), but it does stop guns from Deflect Energy anything but cough and weep). The
working! smoke is somewhat hot and rises
Blocking slowly (about one foot per second).
Duration: 1 day.
Base cost: 3. Doubled cost gives a Deflects one energy attack about to
-10 to magical attempts to light fires, hit the subject – including a beam


The rate of dissipation depends on the Duration, Cost, and Time to cast: subject must resist the heat of a star,
area and the presence of wind; Exactly as for Heat, except that each nuclear bomb, etc. Only the first level
indoors, it usually lasts until the spell minute lowers the target’s temperature of protection is necessary against
expires, but outdoors on a windy day by 20°. combat-type Fire spells.
it may last only 10 seconds or so.
Prerequisite: Heat. Prerequisite: Fireproof.
Duration: 5 minutes, except in
windy areas. Item Item

Base cost: 1. Half that to maintain. Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects
Prerequisites: Shape Fire and to create: 400; items must include a the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800;
Extinguish Fire. $300 ruby and a $300 sapphire. must include a ruby worth $500 and a
black onyx worth $200.
Item Rain of Fire
Resist Cold
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost Area
to create: 50. Regular
Fiery droplets rain from the sky onto
Heat the area of effect, causing 1d-1 fire The subject (person, creature, or
damage per second to all within it. object) and anything he carries
Regular Creatures under the Rain of Fire take become immune to the effects of cold
damage on their own turns; if less than and frostbite (but not falling ice,
Raises the temperature of an an entire second is spent in the affected magical ice spears, etc.).
object. It does not necessarily produce area, damage is halved (round down).
fire, though most things will burn if Duration: 1 minute.
heated enough. Heat will be radiated The spell can only be cast out- Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Cost
away normally. (Use this as a guideline doors. Armor protects in the usual doubles if subject must resist cold of
for playable effects – don’t try to turn fashion. A shield with a DB of 2 or bet- -40° or more; cost triples if subject
the spell into a physics exercise!) ter can be held overhead to block the must resist the cold of absolute zero.
flames, but it may take damage Prerequisite: Heat.
Any wizard planning to make (p. B484). This requires two hands
extensive use of this spell should arm and a Ready action, and succeeds Item
himself with a list of the melting automatically in protecting the char-
points of various materials. The spell acter once the shield is readied Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects
can have drawbacks. If you were in upwards, but this unreadies the shield the wearer. Cost to create: 800 energy, a
jail, you might melt your way through from its normal protective functions! $500 emerald and a $200 black onyx.
the bars . . . but the radiated heat
would probably broil you first. Inanimate objects such as build- Warmth
ings protect with their DR, but some
Duration: 1 minute. Each minute structures (see HP and DR of Regular
raises the target’s temperature by 20°. Structures, p. B558) may be damaged
Maximum temperature possible with or catch fire. The subject remains comfortably
this spell is 2,800°. warm in cold weather, avoiding the
Duration: 1 minute. risk of frostbite or hypothermia. This
Cost: 1 for an object up to the size Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 2). effectively increases the subject’s “local
of a fist, 2 for an object up to one cubic Same cost to maintain. For double temperature” by 30˚F towards his opti-
yard, and 2 per cubic yard for a larger base cost, the Rain of Fire does 2d-2 mum comfort level (p. B93). The spell
object. Temperature change can be per second! offers no protection against magical
doubled to 40° per minute for double Time to cast: One minute. cold attacks such as Frostbite. This is
cost, tripled to 60° per minute for Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Create also a Protection and Warning spell.
triple cost, and so on. Slower heating Fire.
costs no less. Same cost to maintain. Duration: 1 hour.
Item Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.
Time to cast: 1 minute. Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Create Fire and Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy Prerequisite: Heat.
Shape Fire. cost to create: 600.
Item Resist Fire
Clothing, staff, jewelry, or blanket;
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost Regular only affects the wearer (holder in the
to create: 400; item must include a case of the staff). Energy cost to create:
ruby worth $300. The subject (person, creature, or 200.
object) and anything he carries
Cold become immune to the effects of heat Fireball
and fire (but not electricity).
Regular Missile
Duration: 1 minute.
The reverse of Heat (above). It can Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Cost Throw a ball of fire from one hand.
reduce the temperature of any object doubles if subject must resist a blast This has 1/2D 25, Max 50, Acc 1. When
to absolute zero, if maintained for furnace or volcano; cost triples if it strikes something, it vanishes in a
long enough.


puff of flame. This spell is likely to materials that were ignited continue Flaming Armor
ignite flammable targets. to burn with ordinary flame.
Cost: Any amount up to your Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Magery level per second, for three sec- Prerequisites: At least six other Fire The subject is sheathed in flames
onds. The fireball does 1d burning spells. without feeling any discomfort – he,
damage per energy point. and anything he carries, is under a
Item basic Resist Fire spell. The flames pro-
Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds. vide the usual illumination and heat to
Prerequisites: Magery 1, Create Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only their surroundings. The subject’s
Fire, and Shape Fire. by mages. Energy cost to create: 800; melee attacks do an extra point of fire
must include a $400 ruby. damage.
Flaming Weapon Any melee attack that hits the sub-
Staff or wand – the bolt is fired ject triggers a 1d Flame Jet backlash
from the end of the item. Energy cost Regular along the weapon at the foe. This
to create: 800; must include a ruby attack automatically hits the hand
worth $400. Usable only by mages. Causes any weapon to burst into holding the weapon if the weapon’s
flame, which does not harm the user Reach was 1 or less. Should the sub-
Explosive Fireball but lets the weapon do +2 damage to ject grapple or be grappled, the foe
foes or flammable objects (after pene- takes 3d burning damage, but the spell
Missile trating armor and figuring other will be broken.
bonuses). Metal weapons are not dam-
Creates a fireball that affects both aged; wooden ones turn to ashes as Duration: 1 minute.
its target and things nearby. This has soon as the spell ends. The weapon Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.
1/2D 25, Max 50, Acc 1. Can be thrown also gives off light as a torch. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Resist Fire,
at a wall, floor, etc. (at +4 to hit) to and Flame Jet.
catch foes in the blast. The target and Duration: 1 minute.
anyone closer to the target than one Cost: 4 to cast. 1 to maintain. Item
yard takes full damage. Those further Time to cast: 2 seconds.
away divide damage by three times Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Heat. (a) Staff or jewelry. Usable only by
their distance in yards (round down). mages. Energy cost to create: 600; must
Item include $300 worth of rubies. (b) Cape
Cost: Any amount up to twice your or armor. Only affects the wearer.
Magery level per second, for three sec- A weapon that flames whenever When activated, the cape seems liter-
onds. The fireball does 1d burning used, at no energy cost to the user. ally woven of flames; it will protect
damage per full 2 points of energy. Energy cost to create: 750; a $400 ruby against attacks from the back and
must be set in the weapon. sides, but not from the front, unless it
Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds. is wielded as a light cloak (see Cloak,
Prerequisite: Fireball. Flaming Missiles p. B184). Energy cost to create: 700 for
the cape, 1,000 for armor.
Item Regular
Fire Cloud
Staff or wand – the bolt is fired Like Flaming Weapon, but cast on a
from the end of the item. Energy cost missile weapon. The weapon itself Area
to create: 1,200; must include a ruby acquires a shimmering, fiery appear-
worth $500. Usable only by mages. ance. Any missile it fires bursts into Creates a swirling cloud of flames
flame, doing +2 damage as per and fiery embers. It does not block
Essential Flame Flaming Weapon; it burns to ashes vision, but inflicts burning damage to
after it hits a target or after 10 seconds, all within it. Creatures in the cloud
Area whichever comes first. take damage on their own turns. If less
than an entire second is spent in the
As for Create Fire, except that the Duration: 1 minute. affected area, damage is halved (round
fire created is the magical essence of Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Cost down). Armor protects normally. Only
fire. Any mage can tell the difference doubles if the missiles to be fired are highly flammable materials may catch
by looking. It cannot be extinguished stone or metal. fire.
by ordinary water or ordinary magic, Time to cast: 3 seconds.
but only by a similar quantity of Prerequisite: Flaming Weapon. Duration: 10 seconds.
Essential Water or by a Dispel Magic Base cost: 1 to 5; the cloud inflicts 1
spell. Essential Flame does +1 dam- Item point of damage per second for every
age to anyone it burns (+2 to watery energy point put into the base cost.
creatures). A missile weapon that fires flaming Same cost to maintain.
missiles whenever used, at no energy Time to cast: 1 to 5 seconds,
Duration: 1 minute. cost to the user. Energy cost to create: depending on base cost.
Base cost: 3. 2 to maintain. This 1,000; a $500 ruby must be set in the Prerequisites: Shape Air and
flame ignites all flammable materials, weapon. Fireball.
and the entire blaze remains Essential
as long as the spell is maintained. If
the spell is not maintained, any


Item Small Fire Elemental

Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only This is the basic fire elemental summoned by casting Summon Fire
by mages. Cost to create: 175 energy Elemental at the minimum energy cost of 4. More energy put into the
and a $500 ruby. spell summons a more powerful elemental. Usually, this simply means a
larger elemental; 1 point of energy is equal to 1 additional point of ST, 5
Breathe Fire (VH) HP, or 2 points of DR. However, the GM may choose to build a more exot-
ic elemental, adding unusual traits to the following template, or working
Regular one up from scratch.

Similar to Flame Jet, except that Small Fire Elemental
the flame issues from the caster’s
mouth, Breathe Fire cannot be main- 40 points
tained, and each energy point buys
1d+1 damage instead of 1d. Caster Attribute Modifiers: ST-2 [-20]; DX-1 [-20]; IQ-2 [-40]; HT-3 [-30].
rolls to hit against DX-2 or Innate Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -1; HP+2 [4].
Attack skill. This counts as an action; Advantages: Burning Attack 2d (Always On, -40%; Aura, +80%; Melee
the caster must be facing the target.
No hand gestures are required to cast Attack, Range C, -30%) [11]; Charisma 1 [5]; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen
this spell; certain lip and tongue Combustion, -50%) [10]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20];
motions are made instead. Thus, DR 10 (Limited: Heat/Fire, -40%) [30]; Immunity to Metabolic
Breathe Fire can be cast “no hands” at Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100].
any level of skill. Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Weakness (Water, 1d/min.)
Duration: 1 second.
Cost: 1 to 4. Cannot be maintained. Duration: 1 minute. The spell protects against this injury! For the
Time to cast: 2 seconds. expires if the subject loses conscious- duration of the spell, the victim expe-
Prerequisites: Magery 1, Flame Jet, ness. riences almost unbearable discomfort,
and Resist Fire. equivalent to the effects of a Sickness
Cost: 12 to cast. 4 to maintain. spell (p. 138).
Item Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Breathe Fire. If the spell is maintained long
Jewelry. Usable only by mages. enough, the victim’s skin and clothes
Energy cost to create: 1,000; must Item start to char and little flames dart out
include $500 worth of gold and a $500 here and there. Once the victim dies,
ruby. (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only his body bursts into flame and burns
affects the wearer. A severe drawback until only a little pile of ashes remains.
Burning Touch is that, as soon as it is activated, the
item falls through the user’s hand. Undead beings are not affected.
Melee Thus, a spell cast with this item lasts The caster must concentrate while
only a minute. Energy cost to create: maintaining this spell, but need not
Wreathes the caster’s hand in 3,000. (b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only remain in physical contact.
flames. The first target struck after the affects the wearer. Unlike the previous
spell is cast suffers 1d of fire damage item, this item turns to fire along with This is also a Necromantic spell.
for every point of energy that the cast- the wearer, allowing him to maintain
er puts into the spell. Armor does not the spell longer than 1 minute. While Duration: 1 second.
protect, but natural DR does. in flame form, the item loses any mag- Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
ical powers it might ordinarily have. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Heat, and
Cost: 1 to 3. Energy cost to create: 6,000. Sickness.
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least
six Fire spells including Heat. Burning Death (VH) Item

Item Melee; Resisted by HT Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
by mages; the item must touch the
Staff, wand, or glove. The item Causes the victim to burn from subject. Cost to create: 700 energy and
must touch the subject. Energy cost to within. The caster must strike the sub- a $500 ruby.
create: 300. ject to trigger this spell; hit location is
irrelevant. Every turn, the victim must Summon Fire
Body of Flames (VH) roll against HT; on a failure (critical or Elemental,
not), he takes 1d-1 fire damage. On a Control Fire Elemental,
Regular; Resisted by HT success, he takes no damage that turn; Create Fire Elemental
on a critical success, the spell is
Subject gains the Body of Fire broken. Neither DR nor Resist Fire see pp. 27-28
meta-trait (p. B262) for the duration
of the spell. Clothes (up to 6 pounds)
also become fire, but lose any magic
powers they might have had. He can
carry nothing while in this form.




Christophe’s cleaver bit into bone Seek Food Season
and stuck. He swore volubly at the
enchanter who’d sold him the knife Information Regular
and waved an assistant over to finish
the carving. Turning away, he dipped a Determines the direction, distance, Spices and seasons a single con-
spoon into a soup pot, tasted, and general nature of the nearest sig- tainer of food to the caster’s prefer-
frowned, and muttered an incantation nificant source of food. Use the long- ence. The caster’s cooking skill deter-
to correct the seasoning. A dash of distance modifiers (p. 14). The food mines whether the food tastes any bet-
salt, a sprinkling of turbinado sugar, found will be wholesome, but not nec- ter for it – the spell simply adds the fla-
and on a whim he spoke the Old essarily appetizing – e.g., edible vors that the caster demands.
Draconic word for tarragon. insects. Any known sources of food
(such as those delicious insects) may Duration: Permanent.
Across the kitchen, the main be excluded if the caster specifically Cost: 2 per meal.
course was emerging from the ovens mentions them before beginning. Time to cast: 10 seconds.
. . . a roast boar stuffed with winter Prerequisite: Test Food.
vegetables. Beaming, Christophe Cost: 2.
made his way over to his masterpiece, Item
pausing along the way to reduce a pan Item
sauce with a flick of three fingers and A spoon which, when stirred
ripen a bowl of hard plums with a A forked stick. Energy cost to create: through food, will spice it to the
magic couplet. Watching the scullions 300. owner’s taste. Energy cost to create:
lever the mighty roast onto a tremen- 150.
dous silver platter, he peered with sat- Test Food
isfaction at the deep brown skin glis- Far-Tasting
tening with drippings. That dwarven Information
oven had been well worth the price – Regular
not like that useless cleaver. He Identifies whether a substance is
watched his sous-chef like a hawk as good to eat. The spell tells nothing The subject can taste and smell any
the garnishes went on the platter, about taste or nutrition; it detects poi- object that he can see (even at a great
watching for the slightest imperfec- sons, dangerous decay, or foreign distance) or taste/smell through solid
tion. Today, however, all went well. objects (razor blades in fruit). It does objects totaling no more than two
not check for magic on food. yards of thickness. He automatically
Satisfied, Christophe worked an makes all Taste/Smell rolls, though
incantation against scrying over the Cost: 1 to test a single meal or a sin- any substance that would ordinarily
roast, lest some prying mage at the gle bottle of wine; 3 to check all the be impossible to taste or smell (an
table try to steal his recipes. He food and drink within a 1-yard radius. odorless, tasteless gas such as carbon
clapped his hands, and the kitchen monoxide, for example) will remain
stopped to look. Item undetected. This can be especially use-
ful for sniffing out poisons, since the
“Sound the fanfare!” he bellowed. Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost effects of a poison do not transfer via
“Dinner is served!” to create: 100. their odors.

These spells are concerned with Decay This is also a Knowledge spell.
food and drink. None of these spells
can turn living beings (or the undead) Regular Duration: 1 minute.
directly into food; they can’t be used in Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.
combat. For the purposes of these Makes food rot away immediately Time to cast: 3 seconds.
spells, a “meal” is about a pound of and become worthless (it can be saved Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either
normal food, or half a pound of dried if a Counterspell is cast, or Purify Seek Food or Seek Air; cannot have
travelers’ rations. Food is cast, within a minute). No Sense of Taste/Smell disadvantage.

The College of Food is often one of Cost: 1 per meal destroyed. Item
the least respected, but many great Prerequisite: Test Food.
healers got their start as food-mages. Clothing or jewelry; only affects the
Item wearer. Energy cost to create: 200.

Staff or wand. The item must
touch the subject. Energy cost to
create: 100.


Mature fare (stews, etc.), which is only as At the GM’s discretion, this spell
wholesome as the ingredients. No may be usable to analyze chemicals or
Regular cooking-fire is necessary; the spell drugs.
provides the heat.
Causes any foodstuff that must age This is also a Knowledge spell.
and mature as part of its production to Cost: 1 per meal.
do so more quickly. This is most often Time to cast: 5 seconds. Duration: The memory remains
used with beer and wine, but it can Prerequisites: Test Food and Create crystal clear in the mind of the caster
also be used to accelerate cheese, Fire. for 1 day. After that, it fades per the
yogurt, bread dough, or even meat. Memorize spell (p. 105). Altered
Item recipes may lead to anything from
Aging processes that normally take embarrassment (replacing sugar with
days or weeks (beer, wine, aged A pot that cooks any food placed salt in a dessert) to serious trouble
cheese, pickles, dry-aged meats) take within it, at no energy cost to the user. (replacing sugar with salt in a dessert
only an hour with this spell. Processes Requires about a minute to cook. The for the King).
that normally take hours (bread size of the pot does not matter, but
dough, yogurt, fresh cheese) take only each pot can be used only a limited Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
a minute. Processes which take years number of times daily. Energy cost to Time to cast: 15 seconds.
(vintage wines, thousand-year eggs) create: 30 per meal per day (e.g., a pot Prerequisites: Far-Tasting and
accelerate a year for every casting of which would cook three meals per Season.
the spell . . . this is a wonderful way to
discover whether a particular vintage day would Item
will age well. have an
energy Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost
Duration: The process takes an cost of 90 to create: 450.
hour (or a minute, as above), but the to create).
food remains mature permanently. Poison Food
Prepare Game
Cost: 1 per pound of food. Cannot Regular
be maintained. Regular
Introduces a physical poison into
Time to cast: 10 seconds. “Dresses out” a slain animal. If cast food. This poison remains indefinitely,
Prerequisite: Decay or Season. on a deer, for instance, the hide is but can be detected by Test Food.
removed, along with all extraneous Anyone eating the poisoned food must
Item body parts and innards. If cast on a make a HT roll. On a successful roll,
fish, it is gutted and scaled. Nothing is they merely feel sick and lose 2 HP. On
A small keg that works at no ener- destroyed by the spell; all of the parts a failed roll, they will be seized by
gy cost to the user, but only works a are simply appropriately separated painful stomach cramps and lose
limited number of times per day. and cleaned in such a way as to best 1d+1 HP immediately; they will be at
Energy cost to create: 50 per gallon of prepare the animal for cooking. -3 for all skills or spells until the lost
size, per each time/day the item is HP is restored.
usable. For example, a 10-gallon keg Duration: Permanent.
that works twice per day costs Cost: 2. Cost: 3 per meal.
50¥10¥2=1,000 energy to create. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Purify Food.
Prerequisite: Purify Food.
Purify Food Item
Regular Staff or wand. The item must
(a) Wand, staff, jewelry, or knife. touch the subject. Energy cost to
Removes foreign objects, poisons, Energy cost to create: 300. (b) Skinning create: 600.
and decay, and renders food fit to eat. knife, scaling knife, vegetable peeler,
Works only on an edible or formerly etc. Usable only on the appropriate Hunger
edible item – and if the whole item is food type. Energy cost to create: 150.
unwholesome, the spell removes all the Regular; Resisted by HT
unwholesomeness and leave nothing. Know Recipe
As listed under Body Control Spells,
Cost: 1 per pound of material to be Information; p. 38.
purified. Special Resistance
Prerequisite: Decay. When cast on an item of food, this
spell places complete knowledge of Regular; Resisted by HT
Item the components of the food (and the
method of preparation used by the As listed under Body Control Spells,
Staff, wand, or jewelry. The item cook) into the mind of the caster. p. 38.
must touch the subject. Energy cost to
create: 400. This spell may even be used on Foul Water
alchemical creations. However, such
Cook elixirs resist this spell with the skill of Area
the alchemist that made them.
Regular As listed under Water Spells, p. 185.

Turns raw ingredients into a
finished meal. Produces only simple


Preserve Food Prerequisites: Six Food spells, almost pure alcohol. Distill does not
including Create Food. work on living subjects.
Wizard Nose This is also a Water spell.
Keeps any organic material from
spoiling, drying out, etc. Very useful Regular Duration: Permanent.
for travelers! Cost: 1 per original quart of liquid.
As listed under Knowledge Spells, Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Duration: 1 week. p. 104. Prerequisites: Mature and Destroy
Cost: 2 per pound of food. 1 per Water.
pound to maintain. Wizard Mouth
Prerequisite: Decay. Item
Item A large closed kettle holding up to
As listed under Knowledge Spells, 5 gallons. Energy cost to create: 400.
(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy p. 104. Illegal anywhere that a mundane
cost to create: 200. (b) Chest or sack; “still” is illegal!
always on; the contents of the chest Water to Wine
are preserved indefinitely. Energy cost Fool’s Banquet
to create: 20 for every pound of food to Regular
be held (round up). Regular
Turns water or other drinkable liq-
Create Food uid into a mildly alcoholic beverage. Makes any item seem like attrac-
The nature of the resulting drink tive, tasty food. The underlying nature
Regular depends on the starting material. of the matter does not change, but
Water or grape juice becomes wine; those who eat it will find it delicious –
Produces edible food. This spell is fruit juices become “coolers.” The not necessarily nutritious, but deli-
easier when used to convert already quality of the result depends on the cious. Can only be cast on things that
existing material into food; the closer caster’s roll and the quality of the can be eaten; it would work on mud,
the starting material is to food, the starting liquid. but not on stones. A classic comple-
tastier the end result will be. ment to the often dull provender
Duration: Permanent. created with Create Food.
Duration: Permanent. Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Cost: 2 per meal to change organic Cost: 4 per gallon (half cost for Duration: 1 day.
material into food; 3 to change inor- beer, double cost for spirits). Cost: 2 per meal. Cannot be main-
ganic material into food; 4 to conjure Prerequisites: Purify Water and tained.
food from thin air. Mature. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Cook, and
Time to cast: 30 seconds. Foolishness.
Prerequisites: Cook and Seek Food. Item
Item A bottle or drinking vessel that can,
once per day, change the contents into Wand, staff, or jewelry; usable only
(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry; usable an alcoholic beverage. The quality of by mages. The item must touch the
only by mages. The item must touch the result depends on the starting mate- material to be affected. Energy cost to
material to be turned into food. Energy rial; seawater would make pretty bad create: 600.
cost to create: 600. (b) A pot, as beer, while newly melted mountain
described for Cook, which will turn snow would give excellent wine. Energy Monk’s Banquet
anything placed inside into a cooked cost to create: 500 per gallon capacity of
meal. Energy cost to create: 200 per the container. Note that critical failures Regular
meal per day. (c) A vessel that will cre- with this spell have been known to cre-
ate food from nothing. Energy cost to ate dangerous items, such as goblets Go without food or water for about
create: 400 per meal per day. that poison the wine they create – but a day with no ill effects.
no one has yet found an enchantment
Essential Food to do this deliberately! Duration: 24 hours.
Cost: 6. Cannot be maintained.
Regular Distill Prerequisites: Fool’s Banquet and
Resist Pain.
Transforms food, or any other Regular
material, into unbelievably good, fill- Item
ing, and nutritious food. Essential Concentrates a liquid by removing
Food does not spoil, and six meals of water from it. This spell is mostly used Clothing or jewelry; usable only by
it weigh only a pound to make strong alcoholic beverages, mages, or (at GM’s option) a “pure” or
but alchemists also employ it for other “holy” person. Energy cost to create:
Duration: Indefinite. purposes. Each use of the spell halves 1,000.
Cost: 3 per meal if the starting sub- the volume of the liquid, doubling its
stance is organic material of some concentration. One casting turns wine Scents of the Past
kind; 5 per meal if the original sub- into fortified wine, two turns it into
stance is totally inedible. brandy, and three leaves a distillate of Regular
Time to cast: 30 seconds.
As listed under Knowledge Spells,
p. 107.




It stood, untroubled, on top of the A gate can take nearly any shape or to most magic. They are also opaque
hill, a perfect black rectangle neatly color, but the “default” gate is a rec- to light and nonparticulate radiation
bisecting a red-and-white gingham tangle of softly shimmering energy, in general. Spells other than
picnic blanket. A few feet away, two roughly the size of an ordinary mod- Information spells may be cast
people crouched among the weeds. ern doorway, and without any thick- through a gate, at the usual penalty for
ness or back side. Gates can be either casting blindly (unless Scry Gate is
“What is that thing? It’s on our pic- free-standing or set against a wall, into used). Area spells do not “spill
nic,” Jenny hissed. a floor, into a mirror, and so on. They through” an open gate, but matter cre-
are not physical in any sense – they are ated by such a spell may. Objects,
“I can see that,” whispered Sam. holes in reality. spells, and beings can step through a
Carefully, he got to his feet and gin- gate from its “back” as if it wasn’t
gerly approached the thing that had As long as the gate is large enough, there . . . because it isn’t!
popped into existence on top of the an object or willing being need only
potato salad. It didn’t move. It didn’t step into it to be transported. If an Closed gates can only be detected
speak. It simply stood, a flat lozenge of unwilling (or unwitting) person sticks by the Seek Gate spell. Optionally, the
swirling matte black. a hand into a gate, removing it can be GM may permit Mage Sight to detect
“What is it?” Jenny asked behind difficult; 1d seconds of effort, the them, or even a Magery roll.
him. same amount of FP, and a Will roll is
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” required. Only one try is permissible; To tell where a gate leads without
Sam said wonderingly. He touched the if the Will roll fails, the victim has no stepping through it is difficult; a suc-
thing’s surface to check its texture, and choice but to either stay stuck in the cessful Analyze Magic only reveals the
his hand sank through it. He jerked gateway, or to pass through. nature of the gate: across distance,
back; his hand didn’t follow. through time, or between universes/
“Jenny, I’m stuck,” he said, If the gate isn’t large enough, it planes (or some combination of the
alarmed. feels like an impenetrable wall. Gates three). A critical success reveals the
His hand was cold inside the thing. are impervious to physical attacks and gate’s destination, its opening or
He wiggled his fingers; he couldn’t feel
anything in there, but he couldn’t pull
his hand back out.
Suddenly, something grabbed his
hand and pulled hard. There was no
time to brace himself; he squawked,
once, and then he was Somewhere

These spells manipulate time,
space, and dimensions. As such, the
Gate college has a strong affinity with
the Movement college; most Gate
mages begin as Movement mages.
Gate magic is difficult, often danger-
ous, and always rare. It may not even
exist in some settings.

Magical Gates and

Gates (or portals; the terms are
used interchangeably) are magical
shortcuts between points in time and
space. If the campaign setting
includes multiple universes or “planes
of existence,” then gates can also
provide passage among these.


closing clauses, whether several gates returns to his starting time might spell is successfully Resisted, the
share the same spot, etc. The Scry return to an alternate timeline. The subject does not timeport away!
Gate spell can also be used to gain amount of variation between the cast-
clues as to a portal’s “connecting er’s “home” timeline and the new one Cost: As Timeport; also uses the
point.” will depend on the GMs view of how Teleport Other weight multipliers.
“tamper-resistant” the timestream is
Gates may be the subject of many in his game world(s). Prerequisite: Timeport.
spells, but the GM should keep in
mind that they are in no way physical This spell is dangerous – the penal- Item
objects. A free-standing illusion spell ties for a failed roll are the same as for
could disguise one, but Illusion Shell Teleport, substituting time for space. Staff or wand. Usable only by
could not be used. Gates can be the Also as in Teleport, the caster can carry mages. Energy cost to create: 4,000.
subject of Invisibility. no more than Heavy encumbrance
(objects and beings). Roll vs. Body Timeslip
Teleport Sense skill upon arrival, modifying the
roll for changes in velocity, facing, and Blocking
Special orientation.
Avoid an attack by timeporting out
As listed under Movement Spells, If the caster wishes to travel simul- of its way. The caster slips a few sec-
p. 147. taneously in both time and space, use onds ahead into the future, reappear-
the caster’s Teleport or Timeport skill ing in his original location – unless
Teleport Other (whichever is lowest), and combine that spot is now obstructed or occu-
the penalties and costs for distance pied! A location is not clear if someone
Regular; Resisted by Will+1 and time. is standing in it. Any lesser obstruction
is ignored by the spell.
As listed under Movement Spells, Cost: see box.
p. 147. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and The caster must roll his Body
Teleport. Sense skill to act on the turn he reap-
Blink pears. If his original location remains
Item obstructed or occupied, the caster
Blocking stays in limbo, reappearing as soon as
Staff, wand, or timepiece. Usable the spot becomes clear . . . even if it
As listed under Movement Spells, only by mages. Energy cost to create: takes years! Critical failures have been
p. 148. 4,000. An item that will take its user to known to produce similar disastrous
one, predetermined time costs 2,000 effects.
Blink Other to create; the item’s creator must be
very familiar with that time. If the caster had any spells requir-
Blocking ing concentration “on” when he cast
Time Modifiers Timeslip, they automatically lapse
As listed under Movement Spells, (unless they had the caster as their
p. 148. Cost Penalty subject). Likewise, any spell whose
0 maintenance comes due during the
Timeport (VH) Within 1 minute 4 -1 timeslip also lapses (but see Maintain
-2 Spell, p. 128).
Special 1 to 10 minutes 6 -3
-4 Cost: 1 per second of intended dis-
This spell is similar to Teleport, 10 minutes to 1 hour 8 -5 placement. The spell skill roll is at a -1
except that it moves the caster to -6 penalty for every second of intended
another time instead of another 1 to 10 hours 10 -7 displacement beyond the first one.
place. Subjective “movement” is -8
instantaneous. 10 hours to 4 days 12 -1 Prerequisite: Timeport.

The more “distant” the target time 4 to 40 days 14 Item
is, the greater the energy cost and skill
penalty (see Time modifiers, box). 40 days to 1 year 16 Clothing, jewelry, or timepiece.
Unlike Teleport, there is no penalty to Energy cost to create: 500.
timeport to an “unfamiliar” time; the 1 to 10 years 18
GM may, however, decree that any Timeslip Other
timeport to the future bears an extra 10 to 100 years 20
penalty (-2, perhaps). Blocking
each further 10¥ +2
If this spell takes the caster to the As Timeslip, but usable on others.
future, it is the most likely of many Timeport Other (VH)
possible futures. If he returns from Cost: 1 per second of intended dis-
that future and acts on the information Special; Resisted by Will+1 placement. The spell skill roll is at a -1
gained, there is no guarantee that the penalty for every second of intended
future he visited will actually occur. Same as Teleport Other (p. 147), displacement beyond the first one.
except that the subject is Timeported
Similarly, a caster who returns to away from (or to) the caster. Prerequisite: Timeport.
the past, changes something, and then
Apply the usual penalty for Regular Item
spells for the distance between caster
and subject; the Timeport penalties Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only
apply for the time span over which the by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.
caster wants to timeport the subject.

One important difference between
Timeport and Timeport Other is that if
the caster fails the spell roll or if the


Rapid Journey (VH) potent entities might require their own minds or spirits (which the caster is,
spells! If the version of Planar until he returns to his body). The cast-
Special Summons used does not specify an er is imperceptible to ordinary senses;
individual entity, the caster has no con- only magic (Astral Vision, Sense
Similar to Teleport and Timeport, trol over whom the spell summons. Spirit, Sense Observation and similar
except that it allows an immediate Planar Summons cannot be used on spells) will detect his presence.
return journey. It works only on the the plane for which it is intended.
caster. It does not work with Plane There is a different spell for travel
Shift. Anything carried on the caster’s When the creature appears, the to each plane or dimension. Which
person, up to Heavy encumbrance, caster must immediately try to control spells exist, and the precise details of
goes with him on the trip. it. Treat this as a Quick Contest the dimensions they lead to, is up to
between the caster’s Planar Summons the GM. The subject’s senses are
If the skill roll fails, the caster goes skill and the entity’s Will. The caster is altered to correspond to the average
nowhere but otherwise suffers the nor- at +4 if he knows the creature’s “true plane dweller’s; on a plane of perpetu-
mal penalties for a failed teleport or name.” al gloom he would have Dark Vision,
timeport (possible damage, disorienta- on the astral plane he would have his
tion, and stunning). Teleport Shield If the caster wins, he can give the senses augmented as per Astral Vision,
gets to resist twice; once when the cast- creature a single command, which it and on a dimension where all life
er leaves, and once when he returns. must carry out. On completing this forms sense only via sound he would
task – or after one hour in any event – have Scanning Sense (Sonar). Visiting
Once the caster arrives at his desti- the entity usually vanishes. However, very strange alternate planes can be
nation, he must expend FP to remain some powerful entities can stay for as hazardous to the mental health of an
there. As soon as he stops maintaining long as they wish . . . unsuspecting traveler . . .
his presence (this includes failing a
distraction roll), he snaps back to his If the caster ties or loses, the crea- The most common plane visited in
starting place or time. ture will react badly. An “evil” being most worlds is the astral, which co-
commits violence or vandalism, while exists with the mundane universe and
The return trip normally cannot a “good” one is more likely to depart in allows visitors to observe real-world
fail. However, if the caster succeeded a huff and put in a bad word with the places unseen (at least, unseen except
in the spellcasting by a small margin caster’s gods. Wild or chaotic creatures by natives of the astral realm, if there
(3 or less), the caster must make an IQ are liable to engage in theft and mis- are any). While traveling astrally, the
roll (at the distance/time penalty), chief. Extremely alien entities might caster moves at twice his full unen-
while maintaining the spell, to return react in disturbing and unpredictable cumbered Speed and may walk
to his starting point. One roll may be ways. through walls, mountains, creatures
attempted per minute. If he then stops . . . He may also walk down into the
maintaining the spell, he remains Duration: Until the task is done or bowels of the earth or up into the high-
stranded where or when he went. He one hour, whichever is less. Usually. er atmosphere. Astral Block (p. 159),
may also be stranded if he is knocked Pentagram (p. 124) and the “Utter”
out or if he teleports to a no-mana Cost: 1 point per 10 character spells (p. 170) stop him, while Repel
zone. points used to build the summoned Spirits (p. 158) will resist his intrusion.
entity. Minimum energy cost is 20
This is also a Movement spell. (although this will not always sum- If the spell ends before his spirit
mon a 200-point being). The GM rejoins his body or if his body is harmed
Duration: 1 minute. secretly determines the capabilities of while his spirit is away, he must roll vs.
Cost: As Teleport or Timeport, plus all summoned creatures. Cannot be HT, using the long-distance modifiers
one-fourth the trip’s cost to remain, maintained. (p. 14), to stay alive! Needless to say, his
per minute. body is totally defenseless for the dura-
Time to cast: 5 seconds. Time to cast: 5 minutes. tion of the spell, though a casual med-
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and either Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least ical examination will reveal it to be
Teleport (for a Rapid Journey in one spell from each of 10 different (barely) alive.
space) or Timeport (for a Rapid colleges.
Journey in time, or in both time and Duration: 1 minute.
space). Planar Visit (VH) Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Some
planes may cost more, carry a skill
Item Special penalty, or both.
Time to cast: 30 seconds.
Staff or wand. Usable only by The caster leaves his body behind Prerequisites: Magery 2 and either
mages. Energy cost to create: 5,000. and wanders freely as a spirit on Projection or Planar Summons.
another plane of existence. He is total-
Planar Summons ly insubstantial and cannot affect any- Item
thing or interact with his surround-
Special ings in any way (a blessing in dis- (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable
guise, since this also confers total only by mages; only affects the wearer.
Summons a creature, such as a physical immunity to whatever envi- Energy cost to create: 1,000. Although
demon or a Thing Man Was Not Meant ronment he is traversing). He cannot the item stays with the body while the
To Know, from another plane of exis- even cast spells, although he can spirit walks about, it may still be used
tence. The GM determines the predis- maintain existing ones. He is likewise
position and abilities of this being. immune to magic that does not affect
Each plane requires a different Planar
Summons spell. Some exceptionally


to maintain the spell. (b) Weapon. The caster actually becomes ethereal teleport a subject from its vicinity
Usable only by mages. A spiritual ana- just long enough for the attack to pass toward the caster.
logue of this item accompanies the through him. He neither disappears
spirit of its user! Energy cost to create: nor loses track of his surroundings; no A beacon is not private; any caster
2,000 per pound (minimum of 1 Body Sense roll is required. magically transporting himself (or
pound). someone else) to the area will benefit
Cost: 3. from the spell (however, permanently
Plane Shift (VH) Prerequisites: Magery 3 and either enchanted areas may be Limited or
Plane Shift or Ethereal Body. Named; see p. 68).
Item The caster must, at casting, specify
Bodily transports the caster – along which travel spells his beacon assists.
with anything he is carrying (up to Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to There is no extra cost to create a
Heavy encumbrance) – to a particular create: 1,000. multi-purpose beacon.
plane of existence. Each plane
requires its own Plane Shift spell. This Phase Other (VH) This is also a Movement spell.
is a one-way trip. To get back, the cast-
er must know Plane Shift for his home Blocking Duration: 24 hours.
plane or get a wizard in the other Base cost: 10 to cast. Half that to
plane to cast Banish (p. 156) on him. As Phase, but usable on others. maintain.
Time to cast: 30 seconds.
This spell gives the caster no special Cost: 3. Prerequisite: Teleport, Timeport, or
immunity to his surroundings. To safe- Prerequisite: Phase. Plane Shift. The enchanter must know
ly visit a plane where the natural condi- Teleport to create a teleport beacon,
tions are vacuum, flame, etc., you must Item Timeport to create a timeport beacon
learn the necessary protective spells. and Plane Shift to create a plane-shift
Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only beacon.
Duration: Permanent. by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,000.
Cost: 20. Some planes may cost Item
more, carry a skill penalty, or both. Beacon
Time to cast: 5 seconds. (a) Any area may be permanently
Prerequisite: Planar Summons for Area enchanted as a teleport beacon for 100
the same plane. times the normal energy cost. (b) Any
“Softens up” local space-time, mak- object can be enchanted as a portable
Item ing the area of effect easy to teleport, beacon; any attempt to magically
timeport, or plane-shift to. The energy transport into the vicinity of the object
Any item; can be used to travel to a cost and skill penalties to travel to a receives the bonus. Energy cost to
single plane only. Energy cost to create: beacon are halved (round down). A create: 1,500.
100 times the casting cost for the beacon may also be used to help

Plane Shift Other (VH)

Regular; Resisted by Will+1

As Plane Shift, but usable on any
being or object. A subject who doesn’t
expect to be plane-shifted must make
his Body Sense skill or be disoriented
for one second.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 20. Some planes may cost
more and/or carry a skill penalty.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Plane Shift.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only
by mages; sends the subject to a single
plane only. Energy cost to create: 100
times the casting cost for the plane.



Avoid an attack by phasing out of
this plane of existence for a moment.


Trace Teleport The cost to cast the spell is equal to Teleport Shield
the difference in cost between the tele-
Information; porter’s intended destination and his Area
Resisted by subject spell new destination. If a mage attempts to
teleport 40 miles (9 energy), and As listed under Protection Spells,
When cast soon after someone or another mage forces him to another p. 170.
something teleports, timeports or location only 10 yards away (3 ener-
plane-shifts in or out, this spell gives gy), the diverting mage will have to Create Door
the caster a vision of the destination of pay 6 energy. The same cost would
the teleported subject. The caster also apply if the destinations were Regular
gets a good idea of the magnitude of reversed. The minimum cost to cast is
the skill penalty involved to cast the 3, in any case (high skill will reduce When cast at the near side of a
spell. On a critical success, the actual this normally), and the caster pays the solid obstruction (wall, hedge, cliff,
destination will be known, but any full energy cost whether or not the etc.), this spell creates a short-term,
success gives the caster enough of a spell succeeds. short-range gate leading to the other
sense of the destination to follow, if he side. The intervening distance is not
does so within a minute of casting Example: Suppose Severin knows actually traversed by the door’s users –
Trace Teleport. Teleport at 16 and attempts to teleport they are simultaneously teleported
100 yards away to his waiting carriage from the near side to the far one.
This is also a Movement spell. (skill penalty -2, cost 4). Two yards
away stands Elsdon, who knows This spell has the advantage over
Modifiers: The spell operates at a Divert Teleport at 18 and Teleport at Teleport of allowing access to places
cumulative -1 for each minute that 20, and who would prefer that Severin unknown to the caster, as well as
elapses between the teleport and the end up just above a lake which hap- allowing him to transport more than
casting. There is a further -5 penalty if pens to be a mile away (skill penalty Heavy encumbrance.
the caster didn’t witness the teleport. -4, cost 7).
Modifiers: The spell is at a -1 penal-
Cost: 3. First, Severin makes his attempt, ty per yard of obstruction thickness;
Prerequisite: Teleport, Timeport, or spending 4 energy and rolling a 10. there is no penalty if the obstruction is
Plane Shift. Since he needed a 14 or less, this is half a yard thick or less. The GM
success by 4. should not tell the player what the
Item penalty is; he should simply tell him
Elsdon, using a base skill of 18 (the whether the spell failed or not.
Any. Energy cost to create: 100. lowest of his appropriate spells), takes
a -2 for being two yards away from Duration: 10 seconds.
Divert Teleport (VH) Severin, and a further -4 for his intend- Cost: 2 per 10 square feet of door
ed diversion – his effective skill is 12. size. 2 to maintain. For reference, a
Blocking; Resisted by He must roll a 7 (succeeding by 5), to modern door is usually about seven
subject spell win the contest and divert Severin. feet high and three feet wide. A door
Whether he does so or not, the calcu- created for 2 energy would have to be
When cast on the turn someone or lated cost is 3 energy, so Elsdon must significantly smaller.
something teleports, timeports, or pay the minimum cost of 3. Time to cast: 5 seconds.
plane-shifts out, this spell allows the Prerequisites: Teleport and any one
caster to dictate where or when the This is also a Movement spell. “Walk Through” spell.
subject goes.
Gates are not physical in any sense – they
The caster must know the spell he are holes in reality.
is diverting; he uses the lower of his
skill with Divert Teleport and the sub- Cost: As described above; minimum Item
ject spell. If the caster wants to divert cost 3.
a Teleport into a plane shift (for exam- (a) Staff, wand, jewelry, or writing
ple), he must know both spells and Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Trace implement (the latter is used to
uses the lowest of his three skills. Teleport. “draw” the door on the obstacle).
Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Portable
The resistance is resolved by com- Item door. It is activated (if its Power is
paring the margins of success of both above 15 after deducting the penalty
spells – if the mage who is teleporting Any. Usable only by mages. Energy for obstruction thickness) after lean-
makes his roll by 5, then the mage cost to create: 700. ing it against the obstruction. Energy
attempting to divert him must make cost to create: 500 per 10 square feet of
his roll by 6 or more to succeed. size.

The Divert Teleport takes normal
range penalties between the caster of
Divert Teleport and the caster of
Teleport (or Timeport, etc.), and the
standard skill penalty for the destina-
tion that the caster wishes to send the
teleporter to.


Seek Gate displaces the subject gate as the caster specify if it will be always open,
wishes. Closing a permanent gate does always closed, or open and closed
Information not destroy it; closing a temporary one when certain conditions are fulfilled
does (to destroy a permanent gate, (opens only on the hour of the full
Tells the caster the direction and use Remove Enchantment).
approximate distance of the nearest moon, opens only when some-
gate. Any known gates may be exclud- This spell moves gates one utters a password,
ed if the caster specifically mentions at up to 3 yards per sec- etc).
them before beginning. ond. Control Gate can Several gates may
also be used to share a single loca-
Modifiers: Long-distance modifiers “choose” a particular tion. Only one of
(p. 14), -2 if the gate is currently destination of a mul- them may be open at
closed, -5 if seeking a gate’s arrival tiple-destination Gate any time, so it is com-
point, -10 if seeking a gate leading to a (see Create Gate). mon to have them
specific destination. Note that the gate cycle in time, giving the
itself may be Scryguarded or under a Once control is net effect of a single gate
Conceal Magic spell. relinquished, the Gate leading to a choice of desti-
reverts to its “pro-
Cost: 3. grammed” state, moving back nations. They must be created
Time to cast: 10 seconds. to its original place at top speed and separately, but otherwise behave as a
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Seek by the shortest path. single gate. Permanent gates can be
Magic, and one spell from each of 10 “anchored” to a physical gateway; they
colleges. If several Control Gate spells are then resist displacement or destruc-
active at once on a single Gate, the lat- tion at a bonus given by the gateway’s
Item ter resists them with a single roll, con- DR.
trol going to the spell with the largest
A forked stick. Energy cost to create: margin of success. When a gate has a Timeport com-
100. ponent, the creator must specify if the
Duration: 1 minute. gate merely displaces its users in time
Scry Gate Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. by a fixed amount (1 year into the past,
Time to cast: 10 seconds. for example) or if it sends its users to a
Regular Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Seek specific, unchanging point in time
Gate. (December 25, 1066, say). In the latter
When cast on an open gate, this case, since subjects that step into the
spell allows images, sounds and smells Item gate at various departure times can’t
to come through it from the other all arrive at the same time, the gate
side, just as if one were peering Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only either “drifts” slowly in time so as to
through an open window. No corre- by mages. Energy cost to create: 300. space the arrivals at least a second
sponding “window” opens at the gate’s apart, or the various subjects arrive in
other end. Create Gate (VH) different “pasts” (GM’s decision).

If the gate leads into an area pro- Regular Duration: 1 minute.
tected by Scrywall, the Scrywall gets Cost: 10 times the total energy cost
to resist the Scry Gate. Sense Creates a temporary magical portal for the Teleport, Timeport, and Plane
Observation may pick up the Scry leading to another place, time, or Shift spells involved (more for larger
Gate. Scryfool cannot fool Scry Gate, dimension – effectively, a hole in time gates). Same cost to maintain. Making
however. and space from which those who enter the gate permanent instead costs 100
will teleport, timeport, and/or plane- times as much.
Duration: 1 minute. shift to a predetermined destination. Time to cast: 1 second per energy
Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain. The more “distance” between the gate point.
Time to cast: 10 seconds. and its destination, the greater the Prerequisites: Control Gate. The
Prerequisite: Seek Gate. energy cost and skill penalty. caster must also know Teleport to cre-
ate a gate leading to another place,
Item To determine the skill penalty, Timeport to create a gate leading to
combine the penalties for the equiva- another time, or Plane Shift to create
(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy lent Teleport, Timeport, or Plane Shift a gate leading to another plane of
cost to create: 200. (b) A gate may also spell(s). To determine the energy cost, existence.
be made to display its destination per- combine the energy costs from the
manently; this is determined when the same spell(s), and multiply the cost by Item
gate is created, and adds 100 energy to 10. This cost will permit the caster to
the creation cost. The gate’s creator create a gate of any size up to a 3’ ¥ 6’ (a) Staff or wand. Usable only by
must know Scry Gate at a level equal doorway (or equivalent surface area). mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b)
to or greater than Create Gate. Larger gates are no more difficult, but A stylus or paintbrush. Usable only by
cost proportionately more energy. a mage, who must draw an outline of
Control Gate a doorway on a solid surface. Energy
This spell may also be used to cost to create: 900.
Regular; Resisted by the Gate enchant a permanent gate, in which
case a few more considerations
Forces an open gate to close, a become important. The caster(s) must
closed gate to open, or tilts and


Slow Time (VH) dimensional space from which it can Long-term visits to the pocket
be recalled at will. Failure to maintain dimension will require the creation of
Area; Special Resistance the spell causes the object to reappear air, food, and water (and decent
in mid-air next to the caster. If the lighting, for comfort’s sake), as well as
Time in the area slows down. Any subject is being held by a living being, the disposal of wastes. This is slightly
unwilling beings within the area the holder can resist the spell with complicated by the fact that the pock-
when the spell is cast resist with the his IQ. et dimension is low-mana; all spell-
highest of their ST and IQ; they must casting is at -5, and the Recover
all fail for the spell to take effect. Seeker won’t find objects hidden Energy spell doesn’t work.
Objects and spells may cross the by this method; Trace loses touch for
area’s edge without being hampered. the duration of the Hide Object, Should the spell expire or the cast-
Beings crossing into or out of the area regaining it when the object reap- er lose consciousness, all the room’s
must roll vs. IQ or be mentally pears in this world. Teleport Shield contents reappear as if teleported; its
stunned. will oppose this spell (the original occupants each take 1d of damage
margin of success of the Hide Object and are physically stunned if they fail
Duration: 1 minute (outside time). spell would need to be 5 or better for a Body Sense roll. This also happens
Base cost: One-half normal tempo- the object to reappear within an area to anyone who is foolish enough not
ral “speed” costs 2, one-third costs 3, affected by a base casting of Teleport to exit before the caster!
one-fourth costs 4, and so on (no Shield, for example). The object reap-
limit, but see the Suspend Time spell, pears in the caster’s grasp or in his If the caster wishes to return to the
below). Same costs to maintain. immediate vicinity (caster’s choice). real world, but not to his point of
Time to cast: 2 seconds. departure, he may cast an appropriate
Prerequisites: Magery 2, IQ 13+, Duration: 1 hour. magical transport spell from the
and at least two spells from each of 10 Cost: 1 per pound of object weight pocket dimension as if he were cast-
different colleges. to cast. Same cost to maintain. ing it from the departure point (if he
Time to cast: 10 seconds. is willing to take the risk of a low-
Item Prerequisites: Hideaway and mana casting).
Staff or timepiece. Usable only by Note: This “default” description of
mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Item the pocket universe created by this
spell should by no means be taken as
Accelerate Time (VH) (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable gospel. A less bare-bones version
only by mages. Energy cost to create: might include opulent (but magical
Area; Special Resistance 500. (b) Any object may be enchanted and temporary) furnishings and fea-
to “disappear” and “reappear” at its tures, illusionary windows, and so on.
The opposite of Slow Time. Time in owner’s command. Energy cost to In some worlds, this will be deter-
the affected area speeds up. enchant: 100 per pound of item mined by the GM’s views on alternate
Otherwise, all of the rules for crossing weight. This is a popular enchantment dimensions. In others, the details of
the area’s edge, resistance, and so on, on illegal objects . . . sanctuary dimensions might be con-
are as per Slow Time. scious, or unconscious, reflections of
Sanctuary (VH) the mage’s personality.
Powerstones recharge at outside
rates, so Accelerate Time does not Special Duration: 1 hour.
speed up Powerstone recharge. Of Cost: 5 to cast. 5 to maintain.
course, relative rest-time can be Opens a door-sized portal to a Time to cast: 10 seconds.
increased, permitting mages to regain pocket dimension. The portal closes Prerequisites: Hideaway and
lost FP more rapidly. immediately after the caster passes Teleport.
through it (others may pass through it
Duration: 1 minute (outside time). first, of course). The portal leads to a Item
Base cost: 2 for double, 3 for triple, small dimly lit room with blank walls
4 for quadruple, and so on (no limit, and no visible exits. When the caster Staff, wand, jewelry, or door.
but see the Time Out spell, below). wishes to leave, he simply concen- Usable only by mages. Energy cost to
Same costs to maintain. trates and a portal appears on one of create: 2,000.
Time to cast: 2 seconds. the walls, leading back to his original
Prerequisites: Magery 2, IQ 13+, point of departure. The space can have Suspend Time (VH)
and at least two spells from each of 10 a size up to that of a cube equal to the
different colleges. caster’s skill, in yards, on a side. Area; Resisted by IQ

Item The real world completely loses Time is suspended in the area; rela-
touch with the occupants of the pock- tive to the outside world, the occu-
Staff or timepiece. Usable only by et dimension; Seeker won’t find them, pants of a time-suspended area will
mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Trace will lose them for the duration not move, breathe, age, or even think.
(but will pick them up as soon as they As far as the affected beings are
Hide Object step back out) and so on. Of course, concerned, no time elapses for the
the reverse is also true. spell’s duration. One moment they
Regular were having tea in a pleasant spring

The subject (which must be
nonliving) disappears into an other-


meadow, and the next moment winter the party while their wizard cast a The “flow” of mana into the Timed
has come outside the circle of grass spell, and the next moment the ogres Out area is effectively nil.
they are sitting in . . . were dead, the party magically Powerstones won’t recharge,
healed, and everybody was in a dif- enchantment is impossible, etc.
Any unwilling beings within the ferent position and drinking rum to Mages still recover lost energy (the
area when the spell is cast resist with celebrate. physical consequences of manipulat-
IQ. They must all fail for the spell to ing mana go away regardless of the
take effect. From the inside, the area is local mana supply), but GMs may
bounded by a wall (and covered by a decree that spells cost much more, or
From the outside, the area appears ceiling) of utter blackness. Anyone or are impossible, within the time-
to be surrounded by a perfectly reflec- anything touching the edge of the stopped area (since the power must
tive surface, which nothing (including area is immediately expelled from the be drawn entirely from the caster’s
magic and magical beings) can cross. area, back into normal time. This personal life-force). This is entirely
Objects thrown at it bounce off. Any causes an automatic mental stun to dependent on the GM’s view of mana
spell requiring concentration and anyone other than the caster. Missiles in his setting.
lying outside the area immediately of any sort can be thrown blindly out
lapses if its caster is caught inside. of the area (see Shooting Blind, Duration: An instant (outside
Likewise, any outside spell whose p. B389) but not into it. Note that, time). Within the area, the caster and
maintenance comes due during the since all missiles fired out of the area any other occupants have as much
suspended time also lapses (but see will emerge at the same outside time, time as they need.
Maintain Spell, p. 128). an archer could create an impressive
burst of arrows by simply firing casu- Base cost: 5.
Duration: 1 day (outside time). ally for a few subjective hours . . . Time to cast: 5 minutes.
Base cost: 5 to cast. 5 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and
Time to cast: 5 minutes. Spells involving the outside simply Accelerate Time.
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Slow fail. Any spell requiring concentra-
Time. tion and lying inside the area lapses Item
immediately if its caster is left out-
Item side. Likewise, any inside spell whose Staff or timepiece. Usable only by
maintenance comes due during the mages. Energy cost to create: 2,500.
Staff or timepiece. Usable only by Time Out lapses unless its caster is
mages. Energy cost to create: 2,500. also inside.

Time Out (VH)


The area and all
within it are temporar-
ily removed from the
time stream; the effect
is equivalent to having
the area’s time acceler-
ated infinitely. Unlike
Suspend Time, this
spell can only be cast
from the inside, cen-
tered on the caster (the
spell ends as soon as he
touches its edge).
Should the caster die
alone in the area, the
spell will never end!
The caster and any
objects caught in the
area would simply
seem to vanish from
the time stream.

As far as outside
observers are con-
cerned, the area “ages”
(which may or may
not be perceptible).
One moment five
ogres were attacking




care, and the mages, who have the
power to heal plagues and mortal
wounds, but may have the bedside
manner of a stump.

Almost every mage at least dabbles
in healing; the Recover Energy spell,
which can be vital to a practicing
mage, belongs to the College of

Anyone who tries to heal himself
has a skill penalty equal to the amount
of injury he has. For example, a wiz-
ard who is missing 4 HP rolls at -4 to
heal himself.

A critical failure with a Healing
spell will always have some appropri-
ate bad effect on the patient, aggravat-
ing the injury, creating a new wound,
or the like.

Ghalhan had thought his leg had Proper vision was a shock after Body-Reading
seen an end to pain, but this withered years of one eye. Ghalhan choked.
old torturer had put an end to that Information; Resisted by Will
notion with his probing. His bony fin- “It won’t last, I’m afraid. It takes
gers were like hot knives. some preparation to fix a wound that Creates in the mind of the caster a
old so that it stays fixed. But I can visual and tactile “image” of the interi-
“Enough!” he roared. “Enough bring your eye back for good, given or of the subject’s body. Useful for
poking at me! Can you make me a some time. And your leg, if you can diagnosing pain or illness of uncertain
false leg that I can run with, or must I hold back that impatience of yours. origins, this spell reveals organ rup-
relieve the donkey’s son who sent me Are you interested, or will you be off to tures and internal bleeding, bone frac-
here of his nose?” relieve that gentleman of his nose?” tures – even the sex of an unborn
child. Use Regular range modifiers.
The old man straightened. “I can These spells are the whitest of Essentially, this is the magical equiva-
do you one better, my good man. I can white magic. Yet ironically, the healing lent of a detailed series of X-rays; what
give you back your true leg.” spells are precursors of the dark spells the caster can do with the information
of necromancy. Some healers even gained depends on his medical skills.
Ghalhan’s brow lowered. “Don’t refuse to learn Resurrection, because
taunt me, old man. It’s bad for your of the necromantic knowledge The spell does not reveal the exact
health.” required to make the spell function. nature of any poisons or diseases that
may be affecting the subject, but it
“You don’t believe me, hey?” He Most healers are mages; Magery 1 gives a +2 to any subsequent Poisons
spoke a tongue-twisting phrase in an is a prerequisite for even the first few or Diagnosis roll. The caster must
unfamiliar tongue and thrust a long spells of the college, and higher levels touch the subject.
finger toward Ghalhan’s face. The fin- quickly become necessary. Some non-
ger stopped just short of the patch mage healers, however, make up for Modifiers: -2 if the subject is of a dif-
over Ghalhan’s right eye; Ghalhan’s their magical deficit with an abun- ferent species than the caster (an Elven
knife stopped just short of the old dance of compassion. In many magi- wizard reading a human subject, for
man’s throat. cal hospitals, this leads to a division of instance), -4 or worse if totally alien!
labor between the sympathetic non-
The old man looked down at the mages, who handle minor injuries and Cost: 2.
knife, smirked slightly, and flipped Time to cast: 30 seconds.
Ghalhan’s eyepatch up with the tip of Prerequisite: Sense Life or Awaken.
his finger.


Item Lend Energy caster one FP. The wizard casting the
other spell does not have to be aware
Headgear or jewelry. Works only Regular of the Share spell’s existence. As he
on wearer. Energy cost to create: 200. casts his spell, he will feel an outside
Restores the subject’s lost Fatigue energy attempting to aid him – he may
Detect Poison Points, at an energy cost to the caster. yield to that or deny it, paying the cost
Cannot increase the subject’s FP score himself.
Area; Information above its normal maximum.
A spell can draw power from only
As listed under Protection and Cost: Any amount; the energy spent one Share spell. If more than one
Warning Spells, p. 166. by the caster goes to the subject as Share spell is cast, use the closest one;
restored FP (e.g., if the caster spends 5 roll randomly if two are equally close.
Final Rest energy, the subject regains 5 lost FP).
Casting cost is not reduced by high Duration: The FP must be used in a
Regular skill. spell that turn. Cannot be maintained.

When cast on a dead body, this Prerequisite: Magery 1 or Empathy Cost: Twice the amount actually
spell renders the subject immune to all (p. B51). used by the wizard who draws the FP.
Necromantic magic. The spirit of the The energy spent by the caster goes to
deceased cannot be summoned, nor Item power another wizard’s spell. FP
can the body be animated (or beyond that needed by the spell is not
Resurrected). It has no physical effect Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost transferred to the other wizard – use
on the body. The spell may be cast at to create: 100. Lend Energy to do that. The cost to
any time after the subject dies, but cast this spell is never reduced by high
there is a cumulative -1 penalty for Lend Vitality skill. A minimum of 1 FP is always
each month that the subject has been spent when casting this spell.
dead, to a maximum of -10. Any given Regular
caster may attempt the spell only once Prerequisite: Lend Energy.
per subject. Temporarily restores the subject’s
lost Hit Points, at an energy cost to the Recover Energy
This spell has no effect on a living caster. Cannot increase the subject’s
person, and will not affect the undead HP score above its normal maximum. Special
who have already risen. Since restored HP vanish after one
hour and the spell cannot be main- Rest and recover Fatigue Points
In many settings, this spell is an tained, this spell is only a stopgap more quickly than normal by drawing
intrinsic part of funeral rites, and may measure. energy from the mana around him. A
be restricted to the clergy. GMs may normal person recovers 1 FP every 10
wish to change the prerequisite from Duration: 1 hour. minutes. A mage who knows this spell
Magery to Power Investiture or Cost: Any amount; the energy spent at skill 15 or higher recovers 1 FP
Blessed. In other settings, this spell is by the caster goes to the subject as every 5 minutes. A mage who knows
unnecessary; ordinary nonmagical restored HP (e.g., if the caster spends this spell at skill 20 or higher recovers
funeral rites are sufficient to safe- 5 energy, the subject regains 5 lost 1 FP every 2 minutes. No further
guard the dead from necromancy. HP). Casting cost is not reduced by improvement is possible. Note that
high skill. Cannot be maintained; this spell works on the caster himself;
It is usually assumed that this spell must be recast. it cannot restore FP to others.
functions by sending the soul of the Prerequisite: Lend Energy.
deceased from the mortal plane into The mage must rest quietly, but no
the presence of their deity. Some, how- Item ritual or die roll is required. While
ever (usually members of one death- resting, he can maintain ordinary
cult or another), believe that this spell Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost spells, but not those that require
works by destroying the disembodied to create: 250. concentration.
spirits of the dead!
Share Energy This spell does not function in low-
This is also a Necromantic spell. or no-mana areas.
Duration: Permanent. Cost: None.
Cost: 20. The caster makes his FP available Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Lend
Time to cast: Minimum 10 minutes. to another wizard’s spell casting. The Energy.
This spell is always cast ceremonially. caster may only cast this spell on him-
Prerequisite: Magery 1 or Spirit self. He must specify who can draw FP Item
Empathy. “Holy” persons may be able from him in the next second – nobody
to cast this spell without either pre- else may do so. More than one wizard Jewelry. Permits wearer to recover
requisite. may be specified, and a limit of 5 FP as though he had this spell at level
may be drawn in a single second. The equal to item’s Power; always on. A
Item caster may specify a lower limit! HP very rare item! Energy cost to create:
may not be used to cast this spell. 1,000; must be made of alloyed gold
This spell may be consecrated into and platinum (minimum value of a
funerary regalia. Energy cost: 1,200. If a specified wizard does not draw small ring $500).
FP before the caster’s next turn, the
Share Energy spell expires, costing the


Relieve Sickness

Regular; Resisted by
subject spell

Temporarily relieves a subject of
any sickness symptoms he may have
been displaying (fever, dizziness, rash,
cough, etc.). The spells Sickness and
Drunkenness get to resist. Note that
only the symptoms are cured. Relieve
Sickness will sober a drunk for the
duration – but for a permanent cure,
use Neutralize Poison.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained;
must be recast.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost
to create: 250.

Remove Contagion Stop Spasm Share Vitality

Area Regular Regular

Purifies the subject area of conta- As listed under Body Control Spells, The caster heals another’s injuries
gious disease-causing agents – p. 35. by transferring them to himself, losing
microbes, disease spirits, foul air, etc. – as many HP as the subject heals. If the
rendering it sterile and free from infec- Awaken subject had a crippled limb, it will
tion. This spell can be used to cleanse remain so – only the HP loss is healed.
and sterilize anything from a disease- Area Likewise, the injury applied to the
cult temple to an operating theatre. It caster will not cripple him (although it
will not cure or relieve disease in living Renders the subject(s) awake and could certainly put him into uncon-
creatures; it serves only to cleanse and alert. It instantly counters the effects of sciousness or even kill him; the spell
purify objects and surfaces. stunning. If the subject is very fatigued includes no “safety net” for overly kind
(less than 1/3 basic FP), this spell ren- wizards). The caster does not suffer
Infectious areas or objects treated ders him alert for an hour but costs the normal skill penalty for spending
with Remove Contagion cannot serve him 1 FP at the end of that time. It has HP to cast spells, nor is he penalized
as a source of contagion (see no effect on those with 0 or fewer FP. for recasting on the same subject.
Contagion, p. B443) until reinfected. Sleeping or unconscious subjects get a
HT roll to awaken, at a bonus equal to Duration: Permanent; the caster
Duration: Until disease-causing the caster’s margin of success. A sub- can be healed of his new injuries
agents return to the affected area. ject rolls at -3 if unconscious due to through normal or magical means.
injury, at -6 if drugged.
Base cost: 3. Cost: No energy need be expended;
Time to cast: 2 seconds. Base cost: 1. high skill only affects casting time.
Prerequisite: Decay, Clean, or Cure Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.
Disease. Time to cast: 1 second per HP trans-
Item ferred.
Wand or staff. The item must touch Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.
Wand or staff, decorated in a snake the subject. Energy cost to create: 300.
pattern. Subject must be touched by Resist Disease
item. Energy cost to create: 400.

The subject is immune to diseases
for the duration of the spell, as per the
Immunity to Disease advantage
(p. B80). This is also a Protection and
Warning spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.


Prerequisite: Remove Contagion or Item Item
Any item. The item must bear a Wand or staff decorated in a snake
Item picture of a pelican. It prevents its pattern. The item must touch the
wearer from bleeding and from suffer- subject. Usable only by mages, or by
(a) Jewelry. Always on; the wearer ing mortal wounds. Energy cost to nonmages with Physician skill 20 or
is immune to diseases. A rare and create: 500. higher. Energy cost to create: 1,500.
prized item! Energy cost to create:
1,000 for an item that resists one spe- Minor Healing Great Healing (VH)
cific disease, 2,500 for one that resists
all diseases. (b) Jewelry. Always on; Regular Regular
prevents the wearer from spreading
any disease he may have. “Lepers’ Restores up to 3 HP to the subject. Restores all of the subject’s missing
Cords” are an example of this item. Does not eliminate disease or poison, HP. Does not eliminate disease or poi-
Energy cost to create: 250. but will cure damage caused by these son, nor does it restore crippled or
things. missing body parts, but it can heal HP
Resist Poison lost to any of these things.
This spell is risky if used more than
Regular once per day by the same caster on the A given subject can only benefit
same subject. If you try, roll at -3 for from this spell once per day, whether
The subject becomes immune to the first repetition, -6 for the second, cast by the same caster or by a
poisons for the duration of the spell. and so on. different caster each time.
For some very persistent poisons, this
is only a delay of the inevitable, since If you have the Physician skill at If you have the Physician skill at
traces of the poison may still be in the level 15 or higher, a critical failure level 15 or higher, a critical failure with
subject’s system when the spell ends! with this spell counts only as an ordi- this spell counts only as an ordinary
nary failure – unless you are trying the failure.
This is also a Protection and spell more than once per day on the
Warning spell. same subject. Cost: 20. One try per day per sub-
Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 to 3. The same amount is
Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain. restored to the subject. Time to cast: 1 minute.
Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Major
Prerequisite: Vigor. Prerequisite: Lend Vitality. Healing.

Item Item Item

Jewelry. The item must bear a pic- Wand or staff, decorated in a snake Wand or staff decorated in a snake
ture of a unicorn. Always on; wearer is pattern. The item must touch the pattern. The item must touch the sub-
immune to poison. A rare and prized subject. Usable only by mages, or by ject. Usable only by mages, or by non-
item! Energy cost to create: 500 for an nonmages with Physician skill 15 or mages with Physician skill 25 or
item that resists one specific poison, higher. Energy cost to create: 600. higher. Energy cost to create: 4,000.
4,000 for one that resists all poisons.
Major Healing (VH) Cure Disease
Stop Bleeding
Regular Regular
Restores up to 8 HP to the subject. Eliminates one type of disease or
The subject stops bleeding immedi- Does not eliminate disease or poison, infection from the body of the subject.
ately, as if bandaged by someone with but will cure damage caused by these A successful Diagnosis roll (by the
the First Aid skill (p. B195). This things. caster or another) should precede the
restores 1 HP, and prevents further HP casting; if not, spell use is at -5! Does
loss from bleeding if the optional Otherwise, this spell functions just not cure any damage the illness has
bleeding rules (p. B420) are in effect. like Minor Healing: it is at -3 per cast- done to the subject; the spell just
The subject of this spell may not ing on the same subject in one day, eliminates the underlying sickness.
subsequently benefit from further and Physician skill at level 15 or high-
bandaging of the same wounds. er will mitigate the effects of a critical Duration: The illness is gone, but
failure. the subject isn’t immune forever . . .
This spell may also be used to sta-
bilize a mortal wound (p. B423), at a The penalties for repeated casting Cost: 4.
substantially higher cost. accrue separately for Minor Healing Time to cast: 10 minutes. One try.
and Major Healing. For instance, a Prerequisites: Relieve Sickness and
Duration: Permanent, although caster could cast both spells on the Major Healing.
later injuries will bleed normally. same subject in the same day at no
penalty. Item
Cost: 1 to stop bleeding on a nor-
mal wound; 10 to stabilize a mortal Cost: 1 to 4. Twice the amount Wand or staff, decorated in a snake
wound. spent is restored to the subject. pattern. The item must touch the sub-
ject. Usable only by mages. Energy cost
Prerequisite: Lend Vitality. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Minor to create: 800 to cure one specific dis-
Healing. ease, or 1,500 for an item that cures
any disease.


Neutralize Poison shaking off the addiction), but will not Restore Hearing
suffer any physical damage from
Regular withdrawal. Regular

Eliminates all traces of one chosen Modifiers: This spell is at a -4 penal- Similar to Restore Sight, but for
poison from the body of the subject. A ty if the caster casts it on himself, and Hearing. The eardrums or other
successful Poisons roll (by the caster at a cumulative -4 per consecutive organs of hearing must not be
or another character) should precede daily casting on the same subject completely missing.
the casting in order to identify the poi- (thus, it gets harder and harder for the
son being treated; if not, spell use is at spell to replace the drug). In addition, Duration: 1 hour.
-5! This spell is of no use against the withdrawal penalty inherent to the Cost: Equal to half of the restored
alchemical elixirs other than those drug is applied to any casting! Hearing score (Per + Acute Hearing);
that do direct damage. Does not cure half to maintain.
existing damage – the spell just Duration: 1 day. Time to cast: 5 seconds.
removes the remaining poison, Cost: 6. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisites: Minor Healing and
avoiding any further damage. Time to cast: 10 seconds. either Keen Hearing or Strike Deaf.
Prerequisite: Neutralize Poison.
Duration: Permanent. Item
Cost: 5. Relieve Madness
Time to cast: 30 seconds (beware Jewelry (earrings are especially
fast-acting poisons!). One try. Regular appropriate) or clothing. Always on.
Prerequisites: Either Magery 3 and Energy cost to create: 1,000.
Test Food or Cure Disease. Temporarily restores a subject’s
sanity, relieving him from a single Restore Memory
Item Delusion, Phobia, Compulsion, or
spell-induced Madness (caster’s Regular
Staff or wand decorated in a snake choice). The Madness and Permanent
pattern. Usable only by a mage or a Madness spells get to resist. Used to cure the victims of memo-
nonmage with Physician-20 or higher. ry loss, either mundane or magical.
The item must touch the subject. Cost This is also a Mind Control spell. The spell restores one forgotten fact or
to create: 400 for an item that cures skill at a time. The Forgetfulness spell
one specific poison, 1,500 for an item Duration: 10 minutes. resists; Permanent Forgetfulness
that cures any poison. Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained. resists at +5. This spell will not permit
Time to cast: 10 seconds. the subject to recall something that he
Instant Neutralize Prerequisites: Lend Vitality and never actually memorized in the first
Poison (VH) Wisdom. place (but see the Recall spell, p. 106).

Regular Item The spell is risky if used more than
once per day on the same subject:
As Neutralize Poison, but works Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost each repeat casting is at a cumulative
instantly. A Poisons roll is not required to create: 850. -3 penalty. A critical failure is very haz-
for successful use of this spell! ardous – the memory being sought is
Restore Sight destroyed forever, and the subject is
Cost: 8. One try per day. plunged into a frightening sequence of
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Regular buried memories lasting 2d minutes.
Neutralize Poison. This causes a Fright Check at a -6
Temporarily restores the subject’s penalty.
Item sight, regardless of what caused the
loss (if the loss of sight is magical in If the caster has Psychology skill at
Wand or staff, decorated in a snake nature, however, the responsible spell 15 or higher, a “critical failure” on this
pattern. The item must touch the sub- gets to resist). The eyes must not be spell counts as an ordinary failure –
ject. Usable only by a mage or a non- completely missing (that requires unless he has already tried the spell
mage with Physician-20 or higher. Regeneration). For a permanent cure, more than once that day on the same
Energy cost to create: 800 for an item use Restoration. subject.
that neutralizes one specific poison,
3,000 for an item that will neutralize Duration: 1 hour. Duration: The memory is recov-
any poison. Cost: Equal to half of the restored ered permanently.
Vision score (Per + Acute Vision); half
Relieve Addiction to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Time to cast: 5 seconds. Cost: 3.
Regular Prerequisites: Minor Healing and Prerequisites: Awaken and IQ 11 or
either Keen Vision or Strike Blind. higher.
Partially replaces a “daily dose” of
some drug required by the subject. Item Item
The subject will still feel the psycho-
logical effects of missing a dose (that Jewelry or clothing. Always on. Wand or staff; the item must bear a
is, a Will-modified HT roll is still Energy cost to create: 1,000. picture of an elephant. The item must
required to count the day toward touch the subject. Energy cost to
create: 600.


Restore Speech Prerequisite: Stop Paralysis. Item

Regular Item Wand or staff, decorated in a snake
pattern. Usable only by mages. The
Similar to Restore Sight, but for Jewelry or clothing. Always on. item must touch the subject. Energy
Speech. The tongue and vocal cords Energy cost to create: 200 per point of cost to create: 2,500.
cannot be completely missing. crippling threshold effectively
restored (should the wearer’s crippling Regeneration (VH)
Duration: 1 hour. threshold be higher than the capacity
Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. of the item, assess the difference as a Regular
Time to cast: 5 seconds. penalty to DX and ST for that limb).
Prerequisites: Minor Healing and Regrow one lost limb or eye.
either Great Voice or Strike Dumb. Restoration (VH)
Duration: Permanent.
Item Regular Cost: 20. One try.
Time to cast: 1 minute to cast the
Jewelry or clothing. Always on. Regain the use of one crippled limb spell; 1 month before the process of
Energy cost to create: 1,000. or damaged eye – also restores lost regeneration is complete. The regener-
hearing, smell, etc. Will not work on a ating part may not be used at all until
Stop Paralysis lost limb or eye – that requires the month has passed.
Regeneration. (If a limb has been Prerequisites: Magery 2 and
Regular amputated and is intact, you may try Restoration.
Restoration within the hour, at -5 to
Counters temporary paralysis (due skill, to put it back on!) Item
to spell, paralysis gun, etc.). An ongo-
ing spell (such as Paralyze Limb or Duration: Permanent. Wand or staff, decorated in a snake
Total Paralysis) gets a resistance roll. Cost: 15. One try. pattern. Usable only by mages. The
Time to cast: 1 minute to cast the item must touch the subject. Energy
Cost: 1 for a single limb. 2 for the spell; 1 month before the process of cost to create: 3,000.
whole body. restoration is complete. The part may
not be used at all until the month has Instant Regeneration
Prerequisites: Either Minor Healing passed; it simply won’t work, even (VH)
and Paralyze Limb or Major Healing. though it may appear to be healthy.
Prerequisites: Either Major Healing Regular
Item or any two of Relieve Paralysis and the
various “Restore” spells. As Regeneration, but works
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost instantly.
to create: 200. Item
Cost: 80. One try.
Relieve Paralysis Wand or staff, decorated in a snake Prerequisites: Magery 3 and
pattern. Usable only by mages. Regeneration.
Regular Subject must be touched by item.
Energy cost to create: 2,000. Item
Temporarily restores a subject’s use
of his paralyzed or crippled limbs. The Instant Restoration Wand or staff, decorated in a snake
limbs must not, of course, be com- (VH) pattern. Usable only by mages. The
pletely missing (that requires item must touch the subject. Energy
Regeneration). Since limbs wither with Regular cost to create: 4,000.
disuse, the GM should use his judg-
ment and assess DX and ST penalties As Restoration, but works instantly. Cure Radiation
to the use of such restored limbs.
Cost: 50. One try. Regular
Duration: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and
Cost: Equal to the crippling thresh- Restoration. As listed under Technological Spells,
old for the limbs affected. Same to p. 182.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.


Cleansing Healing Slumber Item

Regular; Special Resistance Regular; Jewelry. Always on; the item pre-
Automatic Resistance vents aging while it is worn.
Cleanses the subject of any foreign Kingdoms have been toppled for pos-
matter in his tissues, including cactus Subject falls into a deep restorative session of such things . . . Energy cost
or porcupine spines, arrowheads, sleep, and heals 1 HP for every hour of to create: 10,000.
barbs, bullets, splinters, etc. Also elim- rest. Fatigue is recovered at double the
inates external (but not internal) bac- normal rate. Youth (VH)
teria and parasites. Has no effect
against diseases, poisons or drugs. The subject wakes once completely Regular
The subject must be willing or totally healed, or after 8 hours have passed;
helpless (e.g., bound or unconscious) any fatigue from lost sleep is also com- Removes one year from the sub-
and the caster must touch him. pletely recovered after that time. ject’s age. Any attribute levels lost in
Otherwise, he can only be awakened that period are automatically
“Foreign matter” that is somehow by a word from the caster, an injury or regained. Does not affect memories,
integral to the subject (gold teeth, steel the Awaken spell (or Remove Curse, skills, injuries, etc., gained during the
plates or rods, glass eyes, cyberware, Counterspell, etc.). An unwilling “lost” months.
and so on) must be excluded by the subject resists automatically.
caster or it may be destroyed as well! Duration: Subject starts aging
If the caster is careless (or malicious), Duration: Up to 8 hours (maximum again immediately.
each item resists separately with recovery of 8 HP per day).
HT+5 of the subject. Cost: 100. One try per month.
Cost: 6. For a cost of 10, the speed Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Halt
Cost: 2 to cleanse a hand or foot, 4 of recovery is doubled. Maximum Aging.
for a torso or limb, 6 for an entire body. recovery is unchanged.

Time to cast: 3 seconds. Those wounds heal ill that men do give
Prerequisites: Minor Healing and themselves.
Purify Earth.
– William Shakespeare,
Item Troilus and Cressida

Wand or staff, decorated in a snake Time to cast: 30 seconds. Resurrection (VH)
pattern. The item must touch the Prerequisites: Magery 2, Sleep, and
subject. Usable only by a mage or a Minor Healing. Regular
nonmage with Surgery-15 or higher.
Energy cost to create: 250. Item Brings the subject back to life, pro-
vided that the body, or most of it, is
Suspended Animation (a) Wand or staff, decorated in a available. This is the GM’s decision;
snake pattern. The item must touch note that a body that has reached
Regular; Resisted by HT the subject. Usable only by a mage or -10¥HP is by definition too damaged
a nonmage with Physician-15 or high- for resurrection. The resurrected sub-
Holds the subject in apparent er. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Any ject has FP and HP 0, and must regain
sleep, indefinitely. The effects of severe item. If the wearer is willing to sleep FP and HP in the normal fashion. All
bleeding, disease, age, etc. are all halt- (or faints from fatigue or injury), the his limbs will be intact, regardless of
ed while the spell is in effect. The sub- item activates. The wearer wakes if the the injuries that killed him. The cast-
ject requires neither food nor air, but item is removed or once the spell laps- er’s skill is at a -1 penalty for each full
can still be harmed by fire, weapons, es (if the wearer’s HP is still negative, day between the subject’s death and
and other natural hazards. see Recovering From Unconsciousness, the beginning of the spell.
p. B423). Energy cost to create: 900.
Duration: Remains in effect until This is also a Necromantic spell.
broken (the Awaken spell works well). Halt Aging (VH)
Duration: Permanent, until you’re
Cost: 6. Regular killed again . . .
Time to cast: 30 seconds.
Prerequisites: Sleep and at least Stops the subject from aging for Cost: 300. One try.
four Healing spells. one month. Cannot be cast again until Time to cast: 2 hours.
the first spell wears off. Prerequisites: Instant Regeneration
Item and Summon Spirit.
Duration: One month.
(a) Jewelry, arrow, or clothing. Cost: 20. One try per week. Item
Always on; the item puts its wearer in Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least
suspended animation instantly. The eight Healing spells. There are persistent rumors of a
spell lifts immediately when the item is magic item that will bring the dead to
removed. Energy cost to create: 2,000. life, but nothing specific is known.
(b) Crypt, coffin, etc. Always on; puts
the occupant in suspended animation.
Energy cost to create: 2,000 per human-
sized space.




Eric unlocked and opened his door, area it occupies. It may be a single automatically dispelled by any attack,
tossed his keys onto the counter, and object or an entire scene. It may move any other spell except Control Illusion,
dropped his bag by the door. With a to a different area, or change size or or the touch of any sapient creature.
miserable groan, he flopped back onto shape up to its maximum area, if the
his decrepit couch. caster concentrates. Any sapient crea- Duration: 1 minute.
ture can dispel it by “disbelieving” – Base cost: 1 to cast. Half that to
Worst. Birthday. Ever. taking a Concentrate action and mak- maintain.
His alarm clock hadn’t gone off, ing a successful Will roll. The illusion is Prerequisites: Caster must be able
work had been the usual parade of to see and have IQ 11 or better.
jerks, and someone stole the front
wheel off his bike. Now he couldn’t Scary Illusions
even find anyone to take his mind off
the lousy day. Sheila wasn’t answering Illusions are often used to terrify. If you know your foe has a phobia
her phone. Jim had vaguely alluded to of reptiles, a well-timed Simple Illusion of a snake can be more effective
something he had to do and hung up. than a Fireball! However, knowledge of illusion magic permits a wizard
All the usual suspects were nowhere to to produce images that seem real, but not necessarily images that are
be found. scary. A real-looking dragon, with smoke curling from its nostrils and
“Well,” he said to the TV, “looks like talons gleaming in the sunlight, will likely make anybody nervous – but a
just you and me tonight.” creative illusionist will contort the dragon’s expression into a nasty leer,
The room shimmered. place a few scraps of bloody meat between the talons, and have the beast’s
“SURPRISE!” people shouted from muscles flexing menacingly beneath the scales.
every corner of the room, and burst
into laughter. The GM may want to assess an illusion’s Fright Check penalty (if any)
Sheila, sitting next to him on the based on the player’s description. However, to link an illusion’s impact to
couch, kissed him on the cheek. character skill rather than player skill, the GM may permit an Artist
“Happy birthday! You should see the (Illusion) roll; the higher the margin of success, the more frightening (or
expression on your face.” beautiful, or moving) the illusion is.
“Dude,” Jim said from underneath
him, “happy birthday and all, but
could you get off me now?”

These spells let the wizard create
what is not. An “illusion” has no real
substance. A “creation” does have sub-
stance, while it exists. Each illusion or
creation counts as a spell “on,” giving
-1 to the caster’s other spell rolls.

The College of Illusion and
Creation is challenging; not everyone
has the wit and imagination to master
the art of illusion. Nonetheless, the
principles within the college are nec-
essary to many potent spells in other

Simple Illusion


Creates a purely visual image that
can be seen by anyone in view of the


Phantom Flame sense of touch will be fooled, though Illusion Disguise
you cannot “really” warm yourself
Area from an illusionary fire. Regular

As listed under Fire Spells, p. 73. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and This illusion disguises a living
Complex Illusion. being. The caster must first create the
Complex Illusion illusion (using any basic Illusion
Illusion Shell spell). The Illusion Disguise spell then
Area superimposes the illusion over the
Regular subject, so it covers him and moves
As Simple Illusion, but affects with him. The better the Illusion spell
hearing as well as sight. It is not auto- This illusion makes a chosen object used, the better and more permanent
matically dispelled by a spell or touch; look, sound, and feel different. The the disguise; a Perfect Illusion
however, any amount of actual base object must be of the appropriate Disguise even fools the sense of touch.
damage will dispel the illusion. size and shape. The illusion may be Concentration is not required to main-
disbelieved, but is otherwise stable. tain the disguise. The illusion disguise
Duration: 1 minute. However, it will not move about unless counts as only a single spell “on.”
Base cost: 2 to cast. Half that to the underlying object moves. Damage
maintain. done by the underlying object is unaf- Duration: Until the illusion ends.
Prerequisites: Sound and Simple fected. For example, an illusion shell Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
Illusion. of a horse could be cast over a wood- Prerequisite: Simple Illusion.
en horse. It would stamp, nicker, and
Perfect Illusion smell like a horse, but could not be Item
ridden! Concentration is not required
Area to maintain the illusion. Jewelry or clothing; the item casts
an Illusion Disguise (specified when
As Complex Illusion, but affects all Duration: 1 minute. the item is enchanted) over the wear-
the senses except touch; your hand Cost: 1 for an object small enough er. Energy cost to create: 150 Simple,
will go through it. It cannot be dis- to be hand-held, or 2 for larger 300 Complex, 500 Perfect Illusion.
pelled except by Dispel Magic or objects. Half that cost to maintain. There is no energy cost to the wearer!
Dispel Illusion. Any damage at all will Prerequisite: Simple Illusion.
temporarily disturb the illusion, Independence
revealing it for what it is without Item
dispelling it. Area
For 200 times the base cost, the
Duration: 1 minute. spell can be made permanent; it will This spell can be used with any
Base cost: 3 to cast. Half that to not be disbelieved! controlled creation or illusion. It lets
maintain. For double cost, even the the caster “program” the creation or


illusion to move about, speak (if it can Dispel Illusion grapple, shove, and so on as if it were
make sounds), and even react in pre- real. A phantom may have any ST and
determined ways. All this is done with Regular; Resisted by DX up to the mage’s skill with the spell
no further concentration on the cast- subject spell for the purposes of contests, damage
er’s part; it does not count as a sepa- inflicted, and so on.
rate spell “on.” If faced with some- Dispels any Illusion or Illusion
thing for which it is not “pro- Disguise. Does not affect creations. When the spell is first cast, the GM
grammed,” it may do nothing or (if an should note the margin of success. If
illusion) simply vanish, at the GM’s Cost: 1. a single attack on the phantom inflicts
whim. Prerequisite: Control Illusion. this amount (or more) of basic dam-
age, the phantom is immediately dis-
Duration: As long as the creation or Item pelled. Any spells that work on illu-
illusion lasts. sions (Dispel Illusion, Control
Wand or staff; the item must touch Illusion, Independence, etc.) work on
Base cost: 2. Does not require the subject illusion. Energy cost to phantoms.
maintenance. create: 400.
Duration: 1 minute.
Time to cast: As long as it takes the Inscribe Base cost: 5. Half that to maintain.
casting player to describe the instruc- For a base cost of 9, the phantom can
tions to the GM, or to read them aloud Area; Resisted by Will have twice the normal ST (DX is
if they are in writing (writing them unchanged).
down will save arguments!). Complex Creates an inscription (either writ- Prerequisites: Magery 2, Perfect
instructions take a long time to cast. ing or images) on any surface. Illusion, Hinder, and Apportation.
Minimum 5 seconds. Appropriate specializations of Artist
(Calligraphy, Illumination, etc.) should Item
Prerequisite: Simple Illusion. be used to assess the aesthetics of the
result. The image can be as stylish as Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
Know Illusion the caster desires: letters of silver by mages. Energy cost to create: 300;
flame, simple block-lettering, reflected half cost for an item that will create a
Information light on the surface of water, and so on. single, creator-determined phantom.
The inscription is integral to the sub-
Tells whether the subject is either ject’s surface, fading only when the Initiative
an illusion or creation, and if so, just spell is canceled or expires. Any living
what kind it is. The caster must be things to be inscribed get to resist. Area
able to see the subject.
This is also a Making and Breaking This spell can be cast on any cre-
Cost: 2. spell. ation or illusion the caster controls,
Prerequisite: Simple Illusion. giving it a semblance of intelligence in
Duration: 1 minute. order to act on its own initiative. The
Control Illusion Base cost: 1 to cast. Same cost to subject is totally loyal to the caster,
maintain. Minimum 2. and obeys him (or anyone else the
Regular; Resisted by Prerequisites: Simple Illusion and caster orders it to heed) to the best of
subject spell Copy. its ability.

Take control of an illusion that Item The base cost of the spell is based
someone else has cast. If your spell on what knowledge the caster grants
succeeds, you must pay any further (a) Any inscription can be made the subject. Creations start with their
energy costs to maintain the illusion. permanent for 20 times the cost to own DX and IQ as listed in the spell
If you fail, the illusion still belongs to cast the spell. (b) A stylus, brush, etc. description. For the purposes of this
the original caster. This spell does not that can leave inscriptions on any- spell, Illusions and Phantoms start
affect an Illusion Disguise. If the spell thing, without ever needing ink or with IQ 0 and DX 8. The subject’s DX
is cast over something that is not an paint. Energy cost to create: 30. and IQ may be raised as high as the
illusion, the energy cost is still spent caster’s. The subject may also be given
but the spell has no effect. Phantom (VH) the caster’s skills – every skill granted
is known at the same relative level as
Duration: Once established, con- Area the caster. Illusions and creations with
trol is permanent unless someone else Initiative may use defaults on any
takes control. Like Perfect Illusion, but a phan- skill.
tom can impede movement and inflict
Cost: 1. real damage. The first time any living Once the spell is cast, the subject
Time to cast: 2 seconds. creature physically contacts a phan- acts on its own until the spell expires.
Prerequisite: Perfect Illusion. tom, roll a Quick Contest between the If the subject comes across a situation
caster’s effective skill and the being’s that confuses it, it attempts to return
Item IQ. If the caster loses, then the phan- to the caster for clarification. Like
tom is treated as a Perfect Illusion for Independence (p. 96), this spell does
Wand or staff. Energy cost to create: all purposes with regards to that not count as a spell “on,” and does not
300. The item must touch the illusion character. require separate maintenance.
to be controlled.
If the caster wins, the phantom has
substance and may proceed to strike,


Example: Lady Ann Goulding has Duration: The created object lasts 650. (b) A duplicate may be made
created a magical servant to amuse indefinitely – as long as it is touching permanent for 100 times casting cost.
her noble and decadent guests. She a living, thinking being. Thus, a wiz-
wishes it to circulate throughout the ard can create a sword, and use it him- Create Servant
party, serving food, dancing with the self or give it to a friend – but if he cre-
noblewomen, and showing appropri- ates a coin to cheat a merchant, it will Regular
ate respect – without requiring con- vanish if the merchant drops it on the
stant supervision, so that she can counter or tosses it in the air! A creat- Creates a stupid but obedient servi-
enjoy herself. It begins with 9 in every ed item does not actually have to tor (all attributes equal to 9) to do the
attribute, but no skills (Lady Ann touch flesh, but it must be very close caster’s bidding. The caster deter-
could have created a skilled servitor, to someone. It could be held in a mines the servant’s appearance. This
but she has Create Servant-15 and can gloved hand, carried in a pocket, etc., same spell can also create a Brute – a
maintain an unskilled one indefinite- but not stored in a backpack. servant with ST of 16, and all other
ly). To this base she adds 2 points of attributes at 9. Or it can create a ser-
DX (bringing it up to her own DX of Cost: 2 for every 5 pounds the cre- vant with attributes at 9 and one non-
11), and 2 points of IQ (well below her ated item weighs. combat non-IQ-based skill at level 16.
own IQ of 14) to make it wittier. This Any created servant follows simple
is a total attribute increase of 4, for a Time to cast: Equal to cost, in sec- spoken commands, delivers verbal
base cost of 2. onds. messages, etc. It is under the GM’s
control. It cannot fight or handle con-
Lady Ann then gives it two skills – Prerequisites: Magery 2, Create fusing situations; it has no skills.
Dancing and Savoir-Faire. She has Earth, and Perfect Illusion. Faced with danger, it whimpers, flees,
Dancing-14 (DX+3), and since the ser- or simply vanishes. If questioned, it
vant has the same DX as she does, the Duplicate (VH) knows only who its master is and what
servant will, too. The lady’s knowledge its orders are.
of Savoir-Faire is considerable (skill Regular
15, or IQ+1), but the servant is not as Duration: 1 minute.
smart as she, and will only have it at Like Create Object, but instead of Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. For a
its own IQ+1, for a net Savoir-Faire- creating an object from the caster’s skilled servitor, 4 to cast; 2 to
13. These two skills add 2 more to the mind, the Duplicate spell duplicates maintain. For a Brute, 6 to cast; 2 to
base cost, for a total of 4. Since the an actual item, which must be held or maintain.
servant is less than 1 yard in radius, a touched by the caster while the spell is Time to cast: 3 seconds.
casting at base cost will suffice. cast. This permits a mage with no Prerequisites: Magery 3, IQ 12 or
knowledge of Armoury to create a gun higher, and Create Object.
Duration: As long as the subject – if he has another one handy to copy.
lasts. It also permits perfect forgeries of Create Warrior
works of art, money, documents, and
Base cost: 1/3 per point of DX or IQ so on. The magical duplicate follows Regular
increase (round up), plus 1 per skill; all normal rules for items made with
minimum base cost of 3. Create Object – it must remain in con- Creates a warrior to fight as the
tact with a living thing, for instance, or caster commands. He has IQ 10; ST,
Time to cast: 10 seconds. it will disappear. DX, and HT 12; and skill 16 with any
Prerequisites: Independence and single weapon (or unarmed combat
Wisdom. The mage may also attempt to alter ability) the caster desires. He has no
the creation. For instance, he could weapons or armor when created, but
Create Object (VH) copy a sword and add inscribed runes, uses what he is given.
or forge a passport with a different
Regular name or picture, etc. In this case, nor- Duration: 1 minute.
mal rules for the caster’s abilities Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain. Cost
Create any sort of simple artifact apply; Forgery skill rolls may be to create a Brute Warrior (ST of 16) is
with which the caster is familiar – e.g., required. A mage with no knowledge 6 to cast; 6 to maintain.
a robe, a sword, a cup. It cannot create of guns could gold-plate a duplicate, Time to cast: 4 seconds.
a magical item or a living creature. but he couldn’t modify the firing Prerequisite: Create Servant.
mechanism or ammunition capacity.
Limitations: Food created this way Create Animal
will seem nourishing, but in fact is not. Duration: As per Create Object
Information cannot be created; a book (above) Regular
could not be created unless the caster
knew all its contents by heart. A work Cost: 3 for every 5 pounds that the Create an animal (IQ 5 or less) that
of art will be only as good as the caster created object weighs. does your mental bidding while it
could make it by hand. A mechanical exists. A created living being continues
device cannot be created unless the Time to cast: Equal to the cost, in to exist until the caster stops main-
caster could build it himself. (GMs – seconds. taining the spell, or until it is killed, at
the intent of this rule is to make it which point it vanishes.
almost impossible for mages to create Prerequisites: Create Object and
cars, transistor radios, etc. Be strict.) Copy.


a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable
only by mages. Energy cost to create:


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