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Published by l33tgringo, 2022-09-03 10:24:00

GURPS - 4th Edition - Magic

GURPS - 4th Edition - Magic



Tubbs didn’t know what kind In folklore and fic-
of magic the burglar was trying to tion, magic takes many
do, but whatever it was, he didn’t forms. In some set-
like the look of the glowing runes tings, the logic of magic
forming in the air. Quickly, he may be difficult to sim-
spat out a dispelling incantation. ulate using the stan-
dard magic system; in
Nothing happened. others, there may be
“You Academy mages,” the multiple coexisting
intruder sneered. “You think you types of magic. This
know everything there is to know chapter introduces a
about magic. Understand this: variety of ways to
there’s magic outside your books, tweak and extend the
and powers in the world you GURPS Magic system
don’t begin to comprehend.” to encompass a variety
Some crucial act completed, of possibilities.
the floating glyphs coalesced into
a shimmering ball of light If further magical
between the intruder’s hands. He possibilities are of inter-
hurled the thing at Tubbs. Tubbs est, GURPS Fantasy
flung up a ward, despite a sinking discusses many more
feeling that it wouldn’t do any exotic theories of magic
good. and how to use them in
He was right. GURPS.


Perhaps the simplest way to simply by praying for it; teachers and required to take a Discipline of Faith
expand the range of magical possibili- study are unnecessary (though GMs (p. B132) to maintain their powers.
ties is to adjust the parameters of the might permit a priest to put a point in
standard system, changing how spells a new spell after 200 hours of devout See Devotional Enchantment, p. 71,
are used or acquired. By changing the contemplation). However, each god’s for a related form of magical practice.
way people learn spells, or the circum- priesthood is restricted to an abbrevi-
stances under which they can use ated list of spells that the god will Sanctity
them, a GM can achieve a different fla- grant, usually closely tied to the god’s
vor of magic while retaining the utility portfolio; fire gods don’t grant Clerical magic does not depend
of the standard spell list. Essential Water. Also, the patron god upon mana, but upon a mechanically
may decide to alter the effects of the similar property called “sanctity,”
CLERICAL MAGIC magic he grants – or suspend a priest’s which represents the level of influence
magical abilities altogether – for rea- a deity possesses in an area. Sanctity
In some worlds, holy men and sons as ineffable as one comes to levels range from “no sanctity” to
women receive magical abilities from expect from a deity. “very high sanctity,” much as mana
the powers they serve. Such powers does; however, sanctity levels are spe-
can be handled using the standard Clerical spellcasters often possess cific to a particular god, and more
magic system, with a few minor Clerical Investment (p. B43) and responsive to human alteration. Most
alterations. Religious Rank (p. B30); indeed, some areas are normal sanctity; duly conse-
religions require such traits before a crated places, however, are high-sanc-
Clerical Spells priest may learn clerical spells. tity zones for the appropriate god’s
However, other faiths include individ- worshippers, and low sanctity for wor-
Clerical spells have no prerequi- uals who wield divine powers without shippers of an enemy god.
sites. A priest may acquire a new spell belonging to the formal church hierar-
any time he has points to spend, chy. Clerical spellcasters are often A fuller treatment of sanctity and
holy places can be found in GURPS


Power Investiture point in the college skill, but he can Perhaps the group prefers wizards with
ignore the spell’s prerequisites under a handful of powerful spells instead of a
Magery is irrelevant to clerical the standard system. Spells cannot long list of spells of varying power.
magic. Instead, Magery’s role is filled by exceed the associated college skill.
the Power Investiture (p. B77) advan- Changing the prerequisites of a
tage. Spells that normally require some Magery adds to core skill, college spell can be difficult to do without
level of Magery require Power skills, and spells. If standard and unbalancing the spell; if anyone off
Investiture when granted by a god. ritual magic coexist, normal Magery the street can learn Great Wish, a lot
and Ritual Magery are separate of folks with big dreams and great cos-
advantages. mic powers will start turning up.
However, if the GM is willing to take a
“Holy” Spells bit of time, it’s possible to tweak a
spell’s prerequisites without wreaking
The regular spell system offers another alternative for priestly magic. havoc on the game world.
Individuals who are good and pure of heart may buy certain spells with-
out prerequisites. The relevant spells are ones that permit the caster to The Spell Table (pp. 223-237)
perform supernatural acts traditionally associated with the clergy. These includes a column marked
spells include Bless, Dispel Possession, Final Rest, Monk’s Banquet, Turn “Prerequisite Count.” This column
Zombie, and Vigil. represents the shortest chain of pre-
requisites required to learn the spell in
Since sanctity is mechanically All other rules are the same. question. A prerequisite count of five
equivalent to mana, clerical spellcast- means that there are five other spells
ers without Power Investiture cannot ALTERNATE which a wizard must learn before he
cast clerical spells when outside an PREREQUISITES can learn that spell. The GM may wish
area with high sanctity. Priests with to consider non-spell prerequisites
Power Investiture, however, can carry In most situations, the prerequisites (Magery, IQ, etc.) when calculating
their patron deity’s work into the given for spells in this book make sense. prerequisite count; if so, add one point
larger normal-sanctity world. However, the cosmologies of some set- to a spell’s prerequisite count for every
tings might be better supported by a dif- 10 full character points of required
Much as mages can detect changes ferent structure. Perhaps the GM wants traits. The Spell Table does not con-
in mana level (p. 6), clerical spellcast- the Technological spells to depend upon sider non-spell prerequisites.
ers with Power Investiture can detect a background in Making and Breaking,
changes in sanctity level by rolling or would like to remove the To alter a spell’s prerequisite chain,
against IQ + Power Investiture. Necromantic taint associated with come up with some plausible set of
Resurrection in the normal spell list. requirements that adds up to roughly
RITUAL MAGIC the same prerequisite count. This isn’t
an exact science; changing the prereq-
uisite count of Utter Dome from 16 to
5 might be problematic, but if the new
prerequisite chain adds up to 14, the
campaign is hardly going to be ruined.

In some worlds, magic is not divid- Other Ritual Idioms
ed into hundreds of individual proce-
dures by which a wizard can bring the The core skill for ritual magic must be a Very Hard skill for the sake of
dead to life but know nothing of game balance, but fascinating opportunities emerge when you look for
speaking to birds. Instead, magic is a alternative candidates. Some Very Hard skills are obvious choices, as they
single practice, dizzying in its many already verge in the mystic – Alchemy or Herb Lore, for example. Musical
applications but essentially one. Influence, similarly, is a clear choice for bardic magic. Almost any Very
Hard skill, however, can be a potential core skill for ritual magic.
In such settings, magic use
depends on a single “core skill,” typi- In a setting where magic is the final mystery of martial arts or monas-
cally Ritual Magic (p. B218) or tic discipline, skills like Body Control, Blind Fighting, Invisibility Art, or
Thaumatology (p. B225). Each college Zen Archery can be become the first step in ritual magic.
of magic is an IQ/Very Hard “college
skill” or “path” that defaults to core In a more technologically advanced setting, Computer Hacking or
skill at -6. College skills have the core Weird Science become core skills. This is excellent for cyberpunk cam-
skill as a prerequisite and may never paigns, “the world is an illusion” settings, or over-the-top technomagic
exceed the core skill. shenanigans.

Ritual wizards can cast spells at Ritual magic can even be based on mundane sciences. Ritual physi-
default! Each spell is a Hard technique cists exploit subtle and counterintuitive principles of natural law to
with a default to the associated college accomplish their magic. Paradigms based on Biology or Surgery are left
skill. The default is at a penalty equal as an exercise for the reader.
to the spell’s prerequisite count (p. 6).
To raise a spell past its default level,
the wizard must have at least one


Shortening Renaming Spells
Prerequisite Chains
The names given in this book are generally descriptive and functional,
Some worlds have fewer low-pow- for ease of use. There’s no reason that they also have to be the names that
ered spells than others, and a wizard wizards use for them in the game world. There are dozens of ways to
can learn powerful magic without rename spells to help them conform to your game world’s flavor.
having mastering dozens of less
potent incantations. One possible way Different Phrasing: Something as simple as changing a spell’s part of
to simulate this situation is to cut all speech can make an important difference in flavor. Fireball becomes Ball
prerequisite counts in half and simul- of Fire, Seek Earth becomes Search for Earth, etc.
taneously double the points required
for a spell to serve as a prerequisite. Named for its Creator: In worlds
So, a wizard trying to learn Steam Jet where spell research is an ongoing
might need to spend two points each concern, wizards concerned with self-
on five different spells rather than one promotion will want their spells to
point each on 10 different spells. enhance their reputations directly. Why
develop Weather Dome when you can
Advantage-Based Magic develop Malathrax’s Weather Dome?

In other worlds, magic reflects Technical Nomenclature: Sometimes
more strongly the sort of person a wizards just like to keep the untrained
spellcaster is, and less what he’s stud- guessing. The Seventeenth Chant of Air
ied. One way to make a prerequisite sounds very impressive, even if it’s just
chain reflect this sort of world is to Odor.
lean heavily on advantages as prereq-
uisites. Demand that Plant wizards Florid Prose: Create Fire pales before
have Plant Empathy for certain spells, the Most Excellent Pyrogenitive
or that Communication wizards have Incantation. In an appropriately
some Charisma. Any number of baroque setting, every spell can be
Talents make good prerequisites – improved with the indiscreet use of
Artificer for Making and Breaking, Latin and a few superfluous adjectives.
Smooth Operator for Mind, and so on.


Improvisation is the heart of role- Some GMs don’t enjoy being put on In combination with the Retention
playing. Players improvise to react to the spot, and some players prefer to enhancement, Wild Talent becomes a
unexpected situations that the GM know exactly what their characters means by which wizards learn new
throws to them, and the GM improvis- are capable of doing. If that describes spells; at the GM’s option, it may not
es to accommodate the . . . innovative you, skip these systems. even be possible to learn spells
. . . solutions the players devise. This
sort of freewheeling improvisation Magery and Improvised Magic
can be the basis of a game’s magic sys-
tem as well. Any system described in this section may or may not require Magery,
depending on the world in which they exist. They may, as with spell
Not every setting features wizards magic, require Magery to use in a region with normal or lower mana.
who spend long hours to learn and They may require Magery to use at all.
master individual spells with clearly
defined effects. The systems presented WILD TALENTS through study. Without Retention, a
in this section offer the opportunity for wizard’s level of Wild Talent becomes
wizards to cast spells without years of The simplest way to handle impro- the limiting factor for his spellcasting.
study and memorization; in some vising wizards is the Wild Talent
cases, they allow wizards to invent new advantage (p. B99). A paradigm of Adding the Emergencies Only limi-
spells at their whim. These systems magic in which wizards devise new tation can be a great incentive for wiz-
may exist alongside the regular spell spells extemporaneously is easily sim- ards to go adventuring; with
system, or replace it, as appropriate for ulated by some level of Wild Talent Emergencies Only and Retention, a
a given setting. with the Focused limitation. wizard can only learn new spells by
putting himself in new and dangerous
A word of warning: improvisation- situations.
al systems are only appropriate for
groups where the GM enjoys thinking
on his feet, and the players are happy
to accept GM judgments on the fly.


WILDCARD SPELL DEFAULTS Example: Patrick wants to cast
MAGIC Lend Language on his friend Aidan to
Another way to allow wizards to help him pass the Old Draconic
Magic can also be treated as a wild- attempt spells outside their comfort midterm, but his only
card skill (p. B175) to emulate settings zone is to allow spells to default to Communication and Empathy spells
where wizards master the full spec- other spells (p. B173). In this system, are Sense Foes-15 and Sense
trum of magical endeavor instead of each spell defaults to every other spell Emotion-15. He can cast Lend
learning one spell at a time. Instead of in the same college. An unknown spell Language at a base penalty of -4, with
buying spells, a wizard simply buys defaults to any known spell at -4, with an additional penalty of -3 for Lend
levels of Magic! With that single wild- an additional penalty equal to its own Language’s prerequisite count. Since
card skill, he can cast any spell he prerequisite count. However, if the Sense Emotion is a possible prerequi-
wants, at a penalty equal to the spell’s known spell is in the prerequisite site for Lend Language, he can add
prerequisite count. chain of the unknown spell, add a Sense Emotion’s prerequisite count
bonus equal to the prerequisite count for a +1 bonus. He could also have
This is a cinematic option. Wizards of the known spell. A wizard cannot defaulted from Sense Foes, but since
using Magic! are extremely flexible cast a spell at default if it requires an Sense Foes has no prerequisites, he
and powerful. If the scope of Magic! advantage (usually Magery) that he would not have gotten any bonus. His
seems too broad, it may be wise to does not possess. When defaulting to a final effective skill for Lend Language
treat each college as a separate wild- spell at skill 20 or higher, treat the will be 9, and it will cost him 6 energy
card skill. The GM may also want to spell level as 20 for default purposes. to cast and 2 to maintain. Aidan is def-
retain Magery prerequisites for spells initely going to owe him one.
that usually require some level of Spells cast at default cost twice as
Magery. much energy and take twice as long to Allowing wizards to cast spells at
cast. default, while not as cinematic as
wildcard magic, substantially increas-
Improvisation is too good to leave to chance. es their flexibility. If the GM is not pre-
– Paul Simon pared for a wizard to attempt any spell
in his college of choice, he should not
allow casting at default.


Some wizardly traditions don’t even There are 14 nouns: Air, Animal, feel free to assess parameters similar
use discrete spells. To them, rote and Body, Death, Earth, Fire, Food, Image, to the memorized spell. If the pro-
formula are anathema; magic is a cre- Light, Magic, Mind, Plant, Sound, and posed spell has no counterpart, how-
ative art that responds to the needs of Water. ever, or if the players and GM prefer
the moment. These wizards turn their not to crack a book in the middle of
efforts toward mastering fundamental The GM may remove, add, or play, use the following guidelines. The
principles of existence instead of learn- change Words as he sees fit. guidelines listed under Inventing New
ing individual recipes. These funda- Spells (p. 14) may also be helpful.
ments are called Words in the vernacu- SPELL
lar of wizards. To work magic, wizards PARAMETERS Appropriate Words
bring together these potent principles
in much the same way that words are Before casting a syntactic spell, the The Words for some spells will be
strung together into sentences. player describes what he wants the obvious; a flight spell, for instance, is
spell to do, and selects the verb and clearly Move Body. Some spells, how-
Every spell has two elements: what noun that he wants to use. The possi- ever, could be achieved with multiple
is done, and what is done to. ble effects are limited only by the play- different combinations – a spell to fire-
Correspondingly, there are two types er’s imagination. The GM then decides proof a wooden cart could be Weaken
of Words. Some are described as whether the intended effect is possi- Fire, or it could be Protect Plant. GMs
verbs: Create, Move, Heal, and so on. ble, whether the Words chosen by the should be flexible in allowing players
Others are described as nouns: what is player are appropriate, what type of to utilize their wizards’ strengths, but
being created, moved, etc. spell the proposed spell is, how much try not to let the game get bogged
energy the improvised spell should down in arguments about the
Each Word is a separate IQ/Very cost, and what skill penalty (if any) optimum configuration of Words.
Hard skill; mages add their Magery to should apply.
IQ when learning Words. As a rule, any attack spell directly
If an improvisational wizard assaulting the target uses Body – a
There are 10 verbs: Communicate, attempts to improvise a spell equiva- spell to break bones would require
Heal, Sense, Weaken, Strengthen, lent to an existing memorized spell, Weaken Body, but a spell triggering a
Move, Protect, Create, Control, and


lethal avalanche could be simply Move Scaling
Earth. Spells that affect the caster
directly use either Body or Mind. Syntactic magic can take different roles in the campaign depending on
just how much power its practitioners can bring to bear. The default power
Multiple Words level in this section is calibrated to be roughly equivalent to regular spell
magic in scope, but different scales are possible.
Some spells may require more
than one verb or one noun. A laxative Cantrips
spell, for instance, seems to be Move
Food on the face of it, but since it Perhaps syntactic magic creates inconsequential spells of little power.
affects the body directly, should per- In such a scheme, syntactic spells should be substantially less powerful,
haps be Move Food through Body. on par with low-end spells like Ignite Fire and Seek Food, but should cost
Alternately, the player might suggest half as much energy as usual, rounding down. Word skills should also
that it be Heal by Moving Food. become IQ/Hard in such a scheme.

When using more than two Words, Words of Power
the player must roll against the lowest
verb and noun skills used, with a -1 Alternately, syntactic magic may derive from mastery of the great
penalty for every additional Word. things of the world: each Word is a numinous mystery not to be employed
However, he may choose which verb lightly. These Words may – indeed, must – have titanic effects, twisting
and which noun will determine the reality to their speaker’s whim. Under such circumstances, however, mul-
energy cost and time to cast. Some tiply energy cost by 10 and buy Word skills as wildcard skills (p. B175).
casters may wind up introducing their
specialties into spells where they are At the GM’s discretion, Words of Power may generate syntactic spells
not otherwise necessary in order to with lasting or permanent duration (see Duration Types, p. 10).
benefit from their specialties’ cost or
time to cast. A Fire wizard, for exam- Time to Cast a mountain like a fried egg, and some-
ple, might want to cast attack spells times more obstacles than prohibitive
using Weaken Body with Fire in order As with energy cost, each Word has energy cost are called for. GMs should
to take advantage of Fire’s faster time an associated time to cast; a syntactic feel free to assess penalties to skill
to cast. spell’s time to cast is equal to the com- whenever appropriate.
bined time to cast for each of its con-
Spell Class stituent Words. Time to cast for WORD
Control and Transform spells is fig- PARAMETERS
Most syntactic spells are Regular ured in the same manner as energy
or Area spells, but some Sense-type cost. Time to cast and Duration are
spells qualify as Information spells. given in seconds.
Melee and Missile spells are possible if Duration
the GM chooses to allow them. CASTING THE
Syntactic magic is too slow for Syntactic spells are typically SPELL
Blocking, and too transient for instantaneous or temporary (see
enchantment. For enchantment using Duration Types, p. 10). Temporary syn- Once the parameters of the spell
the Words, see Symbol Magic (p. 205). tactic spells take a standard duration have been agreed upon, the caster
of one minute, one hour, or one day, makes two rolls: one for the verb, and
Energy Cost depending on the nature of the spell. A one for the noun. He makes each roll
protective combat spell rarely needs to against his skill in the Word used,
Each Word has an associated ener- last longer than a minute, while a spell minus any penalties assessed by the
gy cost; a syntactic spell’s cost is equal to go without sleep is pretty useless if GM. All usual modifiers for range,
to the cost of its verb plus the cost of it won’t even get you through the touching, concentration, and so on
its noun. Control spells cost an night. The GM may increase the ener- apply to syntactic spells. Use the
amount equal to the cost for Control gy cost or assess skill penalties for Alternate Magic Rituals rule on p. 9.
plus double the cost of the noun; spells that take a longer duration than
Transform spells cost an amount usual. Spell Results
equal to the cost for Transform plus
the cost for both nouns. Temporary spells can usually be The result of a syntactic spell
maintained at half the cost to cast. attempt depends on what rolls were
The resulting cost is appropriate made or failed. If both skill rolls (verb
for a Regular spell cast on a SM 0 tar- Skill Penalties and noun) were made, the spell
get or for the base cost of an Area
spell. Syntactic spells do not get a cost Not all syntactic spells are created
reduction for high skill. equal. Move Earth can be used to
move a rock out of the road or to flip


works. Energy cost is paid normally. against Plant. Transform spells do not Verbs Energy Time to
If there was a critical success, halve suffer the -1 penalty for using a third Cost Cast
energy cost; if both rolls were critical Word. Word 1 0
successes there is no energy cost. Communicate 2 1
As long as a transformed object Control 2 2
If one word is successful but the remains undamaged, it can (with a Create 1 2
other is not, there is a magical result, new spell or Remove Curse) be Heal 0 0
but it is not the result the caster has in restored to its original form, Move 1 1
mind. The GM should not be mali- unharmed. If it is damaged, an appro- Protect 2 0
cious in this — an attempt at a spell to priate amount of damage manifests if Sense 1 1
make someone sneeze might flare its original form is recovered. Strengthen 3 2
their nostrils, for example, but proba- Transform 1 1
bly shouldn’t make them expel Dealing with transformed objects Weaken
Concussions from their sinuses. requires many judgment calls on the
Energy cost is paid as for the spell part of the GM. In general, a trans- Nouns Energy Time to
that was attempted. formed object behaves in all ways like Cost Cast
a natural one, except that transforma- Word 3 1
If both rolls are ordinary failures, tions cannot be used to gain any sig- Air 2 3
nothing happens, and the caster must nificant increase in intelligence or Animal 3 2
spend one point of energy. knowledge. (A servant made from a Body 2 3
dog will be faithful, but not much Earth 4 1
A critical failure on either spell roll smarter than he was before.) Fire 1 3
has disastrous effects, of course. And Food 2 2
critical failure on both should be LINKING Image 2 1
spectacular! SYNTACTIC Light 2 4
SPELLS Magic 3 2
The wizard always knows if his Mind 1 5
spell has succeeded or failed. If it has Syntactic spells may be linked, as Plant 2 2
failed, he may not know exactly what with any of the linking Meta-Spells Sound 2 4
the result is, but he knows it’s not (pp. 130-132). If syntactic spells and Spirit 2 3
going to be the result he was hoping memorized spells are two means of Water
for. manipulating the same forces, any of
the three linking spells may be Keep in mind that if the linking
Resistance to attached to a syntactic spell. If syntac- spell works, but the syntactic spell to
Syntactic Spells tic magic stands alone in your game which it is attached fails partially,
world, then linking spells must be something strange will happen when
A syntactic Resisted spell uses the syntactic as well. Such links require the triggering event occurs.
worse of the two rolls to determine the Magic Word and one or more
if the subject resists. The GM Words related to the triggering event. GMING
determines whether a spell should be The more Words are used for the trig- SYNTACTIC
Resisted; almost any Body or Mind ger, the more accurate – but the hard- MAGIC
spell should be, while spells that do er to cast – it is.
direct physical damage generally Syntactic magic can be hard to
aren’t Resisted. GM. Its open-ended nature makes it
possible for a syntactic wizard to
TRANSFORM wreak havoc on the campaign; it’s
hard for a GM to anticipate what the
The verb Transform is a special players may do when they have the
case, somewhat more complicated complete gamut of magical knowl-
than the other verbs. Unlike every edge at their disposal.
other syntactic spell, Transform spells
require three rolls: one for Transform, Therefore, it’s essential to set lim-
one for the noun governing the begin- its. Just because a player can imagine
ning material, and one for the noun it doesn’t mean that their character
governing the final material. If the ought to be able to do it. On the other
same Word governs both forms, the hand, it’s no fun to play a wizard if
spell still requires separate rolls for your spells never work – or worse, if
each. Thus, shapeshifting from they never work right.
human to animal can be considered a
Transform Body to Animal spell, and
the caster would roll against
Transform, Body, and Animal; chang-
ing a fig to a thistle, however, would
be Transform Plant to Plant, requiring
one roll against Transform and two


A Syntactic Spell: Waterproofing

Morris the Mage and his friends are preparing to where Morris claims this spell will keep him from
swim across a river. Morris himself knows how to cross drowning.
without getting wet, but it’s too fatiguing to cast spells
on the whole party to get them across dry-shod. Morris’ skill in Protect is 14 and his skill in Plant is
However, they are carrying some valuable books that 15. He first rolls against 14 for the verb, Protect. He
Morris doesn’t want to get wet. So he puts all of the makes his roll, and then rolls against 15 for the noun,
books in a large pile and tries to improvise a Plant. He will pay the whole energy cost unless both
Waterproofing spell that will protect the whole heap of rolls fail entirely, or one or both are critical successes.
If the spell succeeds, Morris will know, and the books
The GM and Morris’s player talk it over and decide are waterproofed for the next minute, at least. If one roll
that there are a number of ways to construct this spell. succeeds but the other one fails, something else will
Protect Plant is one possibility, since books are made happen. Morris might not know exactly what, but he
from trees. Weaken Water is another, as is Control Water. will know that it didn’t go exactly as planned – he can
Morris decides his best chance is with Protect Plant. The choose to try his luck with the river or not, as he sees fit.
pile of books, about a yard across, has a SM of -2, so
Morris opts for a Regular spell. The standard guidelines The GM must rule what happens if one of the rolls
suggest that a Protect Plant spell should cost 2 energy should fail, but only in the case of a critical failure
and take 6 seconds to cast. The GM notes that this is should he be malicious. If the second roll is failed, for
about twice the cost of Umbrella, which seems appro- example, the spell might only work against oil, not
priate. If he had tried to use Weaken Water, it would have water (which wouldn’t do Morris any good), or only for
been quicker to cast, but significantly more expensive. one second, not one minute, or will protect from dust
The GM also rules that this spell will only work on inan- instead of water, etc. On a critical failure, the ink might
imate objects, in case a situation arises in the future start running before the books even get to the water. On
a double critical failure, the books might be entirely
dehydrated and fall to dust!

Striking an appropriate balance spent a similar number of character than totally destroying the castle, I
usually means accepting the principle points on his magic? think we can work something out.”
of what a player wants to do while set-
ting reasonable limits. The regular It is almost always more satisfying It may take a while for players and
spell system can be a good touchstone for a player to be told “Yes, but . . .” GMs to come to a mutual under-
for making these sorts of decisions. Is than to be told “No.” Rather than flat- standing of what sorts of spells are
the proposed effect similar in scope to ly refusing a proposed spell, try some- appropriate – patience on all sides is
things that can be done with regular thing like, “Sure, you can do that. critical. Try to encourage players’
spells? What do similar spells cost? Let’s see, about 15 minutes to cast and creativity without ruining the game –
Could a wizard using memorized 200 energy should be about right for that’s what it’s all about. And remem-
spells achieve a similar effect, having that result. Now if you’d settle for less ber to enjoy it when they come up
with a particularly clever idea!


Symbol magic is one of the most A properly trained person can use symbolic “language.” In addition, he
ancient forms of magic; many cultures these systems to work magic. This most must master each individual symbol
have a magical tradition that relies commonly takes the form of scrolls and before he can use it. Each symbol is a
upon a set of signs representing mysti- items enchanted with powerful glyphs, separate IQ-based skill with Symbol
cally potent words, sounds, or con- but the power of magical symbols can Drawing as a prerequisite and no
cepts. The Vikings had their Futhark be used to create magical effects direct- default. Magery does not add to IQ for
runes; Celtic druids had Ogham; the ly. A symbol-caster is free to learn other the purpose of learning symbols.
Hebrew Qabala places great impor- forms of magic, if they are available.
tance on the association of the twenty- A wizard experienced in multiple
two letters of the Hebrew alphabet SYMBOLS traditions of Symbol Drawing must
with mystic concepts. Chinese, learn the symbols separately for each
Sanskrit, hieroglyphics . . . all have To perform any symbol magic, a symbolic language! Deep knowledge
been used as symbolic languages of wizard must learn the Symbol Drawing of the Futhark Body-rune avails not a
magic. skill, specializing in a particular bit when dealing with an Atlantean


Alternatives rolls are failed, the full purpose of the
inscription will remain hidden, but
Whole-Language Symbol Magic: Under the normal symbol magic rules, a the symbols deciphered may hint at
symbol-caster must learn Symbol Drawing to represent his general famil- some part of the inscription’s intent.
iarity with that symbolic tradition, and then learn each symbol separately to
represent his deeper study of each individual mystery. An alternate approach CASTING THE
to symbol-casting is to treat each symbol as a Hard technique that defaults SPELL
to Symbol Drawing. Easy symbols default to skill-4, Average symbols to skill-
6, and Hard symbols to skill-8. This makes symbol-casters substantially A symbol spell usually consists of
more flexible; GMs running this version of symbol magic should consider two symbols: a verb and a noun. The
being conservative with the effects possible with symbols. energy cost of a symbol spell depends
on the symbols used and the discre-
Ideogram Symbols: Not all symbolic languages are short and sweet. One tion of the GM, as described for syn-
could run a setting in which symbol magic is not improvisational; instead, tactic magic. The duration of a symbol
every spell in the standard spell list has its own symbol. Such a system is spell depends on the nature of the
essentially equivalent to using the regular spell system with the particular spell, as with syntactic magic; symbol
constraints of symbol magic; spells would take much longer to cast, but spells, however, may be lasting in
enchantments would become trivial.

In most symbolic systems, the Example of
most common interpretations of the Symbol Casting
symbols correspond to the Words of
the syntactic magic system (see Thorfinn, a Futhark runemaster, wants to make a sword that will
Syntactic Magic, p. 202). In any given destroy fire elementals. Discussing the question, he and his mentor
inscription, however, a related concept (i.e., the player and the GM) determine that the appropriate runes are
may be a more appropriate transla- Hagalaz (Weaken), Kenaz (Fire), and Perthro (Magic).
tion; the symbol for the verb Weaken
might also represent concepts like Thorfinn is a skilled smith, so he plans to work the runes directly
Reduce, Damage, Harm, Undo, Rot, into the sword. Some runemasters might prefer to inscribe the runes
or Break. onto a finished sword using Artist (Calligraphy), but Thorfinn feels
that a runemaster who wants to enchant an item ought to make the
Some symbols are more difficult item himself. Besides, he’s not that good a calligrapher.
than others.
His Smith skill is 15. His rune skills are Hagalaz-14, Kenaz-15, and
IQ/Easy: Food, Sound. Perthro-16. For each rune, he must roll against his skill for the partic-
IQ/Average: Communicate, Weaken, ular rune to formulate it correctly, and then roll against his Smith skill
Strengthen, Move, Protect, Air, Fire, to inscribe it successfully.
Image, Light, Plant, Water.
IQ/Hard: Heal, Sense, Create, All these attempts are successful, and Thorfinn now possesses a
Control, Transform, Animal, Body, runic sword. The time required is determined by the nature of the
Earth, Magic, Mind, Spirit. desired enchantment. In this case, the sword does +2 damage (+2
Puissance — energy cost 1,000), and has +2 to hit (+2 Accuracy —
In most settings, the basic mean- energy cost 1,000). The latter two enchantments are both limited by a
ings of symbols are common knowl- Bane spell (fire elementals only). This divides their cost by 3, but it
edge, and anyone can study them costs 100. The total energy cost is 966, so it would usually take 966
freely. The GM may, however, decide days to complete. This is halved because the item will require Symbol
to make certain symbols secret or for- Drawing to activate, so Thorfinn will need about 16 months to finish.
bidden, requiring quests or extensive
research to uncover. Anyone with This does not consider the time required to make the sword!
Symbol Drawing skill may make a However, item manufacturing time and rune-scribing time is concur-
skill roll to recognize an unfamiliar rent, and it will take Thorfinn less than 16 months to forge a sword, so
symbol within his symbolic language, no time is added.
even if he has never seen it before.
Once he has recognized it, he still has When Thorfinn wishes to use the sword Flame-Cleaver, he must use
no skill in that symbol, but can study Symbol Drawing. This, in itself, requires no energy. His skill at Symbol
it normally. Drawing is 16. However, one of the runes on Flame-Cleaver is Weaken,
which he knows only at level 14, so his effective skill to activate the
Interpreting a symbolic inscription runes is a 14.
to determine exactly what spell it is
designed to cast requires a separate There is no energy cost to use the sword because none of the spells
Symbol Drawing roll at -3 for each in it require energy. Many magical items require the user to spend
symbol in the inscription. If any of the energy. This is treated normally. Self-powered items can be made with
symbol-magic; the Magic rune must be added to let them draw mana.


duration. Typically, the duration of a An Emergency
lasting symbol spell is until the sym- Symbol-Casting
bols are destroyed. The casting time
for the spell depends on the chosen Fergus, an Irish bard, possesses seven true symbol tokens – short
casting method (see below). wands carved with Straif (Weaken), Ailm (Create), Getal (Move), Eadha
(Mind), Onn (Animal), Fearn (Fire), Ur (Earth), and Saille (Water). While
It is possible to make more com- exploring a deserted holding, he is suddenly confronted by a party of hos-
plex or detailed spells by using more tile Fomorians (giants). As his companions begin to fight, Fergus draws a
than two symbols. This always takes wand at random from his belt pouch; this takes his first turn. The GM
longer and is more difficult, if only rules that he gets the Move-wand.
because the wizard is rolling against
more skills. If players want a very For his second turn, he draws another wand. The GM assigns each of
powerful effect, the GM may require the remaining stones a number from 1 to 6, and lets the player roll. He
them to use more than two symbols. If draws the Fire-wand.
players voluntarily use a multi-symbol
spell and succeed, the GM should Fergus then concentrates on a spell to move the fire from a comrade’s
make it more effective. torch into the chief Fomorian’s face. The GM decides this is essentially the
same thing as the spell Shape Fire, and uses the parameters of that spell.
Symbols from different languages Because Fergus is working with true symbol tokens, the time to cast is
cannot be used together. only one second per symbol, or two seconds.

Symbols can be used to cast spells Fergus rolls once against the lowest of his Symbol Drawing, Move-
in several ways, including writing on wand and Fire-wand skill. The roll is a success, and flame jumps from a
parchment, tracing in the air, torch into the chief’s face, burning and terrifying him. It clings to his face
inscribing on an object, or using indi- until he flees (Fergus continues to concentrate) and then moves toward
vidual symbol tokens. For each sym- another Fomorian. At this point, the GM makes a reaction roll for the
bol used, the caster rolls against the Fomorians, and they flee.
lower of his Symbol Drawing skill and
his skill with the particular symbol to Fergus’s energy cost is calculated as per syntactic magic (p. 202). The
see if it is drawn or placed successful- spell costs 4 energy (the battle did not last long enough for Fergus to
ly. Doubling the drawing time gives a maintain the spell) – a relatively low price to pay for deciding a battle!
+1 bonus to skill. Or time may be
halved, at a -2 to skill. Using materials against the lower of the creator’s Artist Symbolic Inscriptions
that are not traditional to the symbol- (Calligraphy) skill level (default if nec-
ic alphabet in use may entail a penalty essary) or the desired symbol’s skill When two or more symbols are
of -1 or worse. level is needed. The time needed to inscribed in a permanent fashion, a
draw each symbol depends on its magical item is created. It can be acti-
Once symbols have been success- complexity: Easy symbols take 1 hour, vated with Symbol Drawing as many
fully created or placed, they must be Average symbols take 3 hours, and times as necessary. This method is
activated with a successful Symbol Hard symbols take 6 hours. good for swords, staves, doors, etc.
Drawing roll. Activating a set of sym- Two successful rolls are needed to
bols takes 1 second for every symbol The person who draws the inscribe each symbol. One is against
in the inscription. The caster’s effec- parchment chooses the desired effect. the caster’s skill level with the symbol
tive skill for this roll is equal to the to be used. The other is against his
lowest of his skill in Symbol Drawing A symbol-parchment can be car- skill in working the material – usually
and any of the symbols being activat- ried and used later. Any damage to the Smith or a specialty of Artist.
ed. A critical failure on this roll has the paper will make the symbols useless.
usual critical spell failure results. A To cast the spell, the user looks at the The time required depends on the
symbol-caster cannot activate an paper and activates the symbols with desired effect. The wizard is essentially
inscription if it includes a symbol he Symbol Drawing. He then pays the improvising a magic item. The GM
does not know. Also note that if the energy cost. The parchment turns to decides exactly what effect the item will
symbols themselves are flawed due to ashes when used. A symbol-caster is at have, by reference to the item descrip-
failures in the creation process, a suc- -4 to his Symbol Drawing skill if trying tions in Chapters 3 through 26. Carving
cessful activation roll will activate the to activate a parchment that he did the symbols will take as much time as it
symbols, flaws and all. not draw himself. would normally take to enchant the
item. If the item must be activated with
Parchment Symbol A symbol-caster can also trace Symbol Drawing, that time is cut in
Casting symbols in earth or sand, at -2 to skill. half. The wizard’s exact intent for the
Times are as for parchment. The sym- item, and his understanding of the sym-
Symbols can be written on parch- bols can be activated repeatedly while bols, guides the way he carves,
ment or paper to create a temporary they last (GM’s decision), but of course decorates, and interlaces them.
magic item. These are faster to make are not portable!
than scrolls (p. 57), but harder to use.
Drawing the symbols correctly is
important, so a successful skill roll


Using a syntactic magic (see Syntactic Magic, The Futhark Runes
Symbol-Enchanted Item p. 202). A successful skill roll for each
symbol used is needed, at a -3 penal- Note that the rune used here for
To use most items, the user activates ty. The wizard needs two seconds to Magic (Futhark 25, called “Un-
the symbols by rolling against the trace an Easy symbol, six seconds for knowable,” or “Destiny,”) is always
lower of Symbol Drawing and his low- an Average symbol, and 12 seconds represented as an empty space!
est skill in any of the symbols inscribed for a Hard symbol. When the tracing However, tracing or carving it takes
on the item, and pays the appropriate is complete, the wizard must activate as long as for any other Hard rune.
energy cost for the desired effect. If the the symbols with Symbol Drawing.
item works, the effect is that chosen by Communication/Separation

the original maker; the user cannot Symbol Tokens Healing/Fertility
alter it. If the user does not know exact-
ly what the item does, he must accept Permanently enchanted symbol
that risk! Any symbol-caster may acti- tokens can be made as magic items.
vate a symbol-enchanted item, but only Each symbol is inscribed on a small
if the symbols are in a symbolic object; this is usually a small stone or
language with which he is familiar. gem, but may be anything appropri-
When a permanently inscribed item ate to the symbolic tradition – chips
is used, a critical failure on an activa- of wood, shards of bone, clam shells,
tion roll does 5d damage to the item. etc. A symbol-caster can cast spells
This may or may not destroy it. with them by laying out the required
Some symbol-carved items can be combination of symbols and activat-
used by anyone. These are governed ing them with Symbol Drawing. This
by the rules for normal enchanted is much faster than drawing the sym-
items, and take as long to make as bols on paper, more reliable than fin-
normal enchanted items. ger tracing, and more flexible than
inscriptions. Treat each symbol token
Finger Tracing as a magic item with a creation cost
of 100 for an Easy rune, 300 for Light (& Darkness)
In an emergency, a symbol-caster Average, 600 for Hard.
can trace the symbols in the air with a Mind
finger. This does not create a magic When making symbol tokens, it is
item; it simply casts the desired spell. advantageous to use gemstones or Sound/Signals
Results are figured exactly as for other valuable materials. A symbol
token with an intrinsic value of $1,000 Necromancy/Soul

The Futhark Runes gives the user a +1 Plant
to effective skill. A
Name Letter Associated Word Other Meanings symbol token with
Fehu F Animal Property an intrinsic value
Source: The Book of Runes, by
Uruz U Strengthen Repair, Make of $5,000 gives Ralph Blum.

Thurisaz TH Transform Gateway, Tension an effective +2. casting time depends on what method
the wizard uses to find them. GMs may
Ansuz A Communicate Insight The drawback is impose a reality check on this! Few
wizards have a complete set, but the
Raidho R Sense Knowledge, Name that the token more tokens in the bag, the harder it is
to find the right one. Wizards in a
Kenaz K Fire shatters if the

Gebo G Food Offering, Gift enchantment roll

Wunjo W Air fails.

Hagalaz H Weaken Break, Harm, End Properly made

Nauthiz N Control Bind symbol tokens

Isa I Image Deceit will work for any-

Jera J Plant one who knows

Eihwaz EI Earth Symbol Drawing

Perthro P Magic Mystery, Secrets for the symbolic

Algiz Z Protect Guard alphabet used and

Sowilo S Spirit the appropriate

Tiwaz T Mind Rulership symbols.

Berkano B Create Growth When casting a

Ehwaz E Move Travel, Progress spell by symbol

Mannaz M Body Human, Self tokens, figure

Laguz L Water energy costs as for

Ingwaz NG Heal Fertility syntactic magic. If

Dagaz D Light the stones must be

Othala O Sound Story readied quickly,

– – Destiny Magic, Unknowable


hurry may grab randomly. In this case, The Futhark is a secular alphabet

the GM chooses the symbols in any as well as a magical one; each rune The Ogham Alphabet

manner desired. Many unusual and corresponds to a sound, and ordinary

humorous spells might be tried in an language can be written in runic Beth B

extreme situation. script. Indeed, the name “futhark”

A wizard can also use “common” derives from the word spelled by the Luis L
Fearn F
symbol tokens (as opposed to true first six letters of the alphabet.

stones). Common symbol tokens are

marked with symbols but have no THE OGHAM Saille S
enchantment except the symbol’s ALPHABET
intrinsic power. Time to make these is Nion N
two hours for an Easy symbol, six for Ogham is a symbol system devel- Uath H
an Average one, 12 for a Hard one. If oped in Ireland around the 4th or 5th Duir D
any common stones are used, triple the centuries, and used throughout the Tinne T
time required to activate the symbols British Isles. The 20 letters of Ogham Coll C
with Symbol Drawing. There is also a are formed with a number of horizontal
-2 penalty to the Symbol Drawing roll or diagonal strokes across a center line.
for each common stone used. All surviving inscriptions are in stone,
but some have suggested that the alpha-
Symbol tokens can also be used as bet was designed originally for wooden
a method of divination (see Symbol- rods. Others believe the alphabet is
Casting, p. 109).

THE FUTHARK shorthand for sign language, each letter
indicating the number and orientation

RUNES of the fingers held up. Muin M
The historical uses of Ogham are Gort G

Perhaps the most famous system of murky; pagan Irish culture did not

magical symbols is the Futhark runic weather the introduction of

alphabet, used in one form or another Christianity as well as the Norse cul-

by most of the Germanic peoples of tures did, and most of the surviving

northern Europe. According to the Ogham inscriptions are short and

legend, the god Odin discovered the functional – funeral monuments or Pethboc P

runes when he sacrificed himself to border markers. Allusions in ancient

himself, hanging from the branches of texts suggest variously that Ogham

Yggdrasill the World-Tree. He learned may have been, in addition to its uses

to use the potent symbols for divina- as a secular alphabet, a secret code Ruis R

tion and magic, passing on their language for bards and druids, a tool Ailm A
Onn O
power to his priests. for divination and other magic prac- Ur U
Eadha E
tices, and even a sys-
Idho I
The Ogham Alphabet tem of musical nota-
tion for the harp.
Name Letter Associated Word Associated Tree
Regardless of its
Beth B Image Birch historical purpose,
however, Ogham is
Luis L Air, Light Rowan, Elm rich with mystical
flavor that makes
Fearn F/V Fire Alder it excellent fodder
for gaming. Each
Saille S Water Willow Ogham letter is asso-
ciated with a tree
Nuin N Transform Ash, Nettle (though the exact
trees vary between
Uath H Body Hawthorn sources), and these
connections link the
Duir D Plant Oak alphabet to a larger
corpus of druidic
Tinne T Protect Holly tree-lore.

Coll C Sense Hazel An Ogham sym-
bol-token carved of
Ceirt Q Communicate Apple [Holly, Aspen] the wood associated
with the symbol
Muin M Control, Food Vine, Bramble

Gort G Strengthen Ivy being carved grants a +1 bonus to
casting that symbol.
Getal NG Move Reed
Because there are only 20 Ogham
Straif STR, Z Weaken Blackthorn symbols, some symbols represent
more than one Word. Even so, a single
Ruis R Heal Elder inscribed symbol cannot function as
two Words. If an inscription needs
Ailm A Create, Sound Fir, Pine both meanings of a symbol, the
symbol must be inscribed twice.
Onn O Magic, Animal Gorse

Ur U, W Earth Heather

Eadha E Mind Aspen

Idho I Spirit Yew




Max flipped forward in his formu- He stopped and stared at it can be studied and used by those
lary a few pages, jar in hand. He the jar looking down at without Magery – indeed, Magery con-
always had trouble remembering him from the shelf, then fers no benefit on those studying
whether you add the adder’s tongue looked slowly down at the alchemy! Alchemy is a science like any
before or after the syrup boiled. jar still in his hand. Dried other – it just happens that its subject
Apparently, it was after, which was mandrake flakes. is magical.
good, as the brew had already start-
ed boiling. He shook in half a penny- Oh, bother, Max The chief effort of most alchemists
weight of adder’s tongue and moved thought as his lab is the manufacture of substances hav-
over to the other retort, where a exploded around him. ing magical effects. The general name
handful of orichalcum shavings for such substances is “elixirs.”
melted into a pan of alchemi- Alchemy is the
cal mercury. A lump of science of magical Alchemy works normally in areas
beeswax helped that transformations of normal and high mana. In low-
process sometimes, so mana areas, elixirs take twice as long
he rummaged in a and transmuta- to make and work for only half as
shelf for his jar tions. It is a long, though those with permanent
of beeswax. There’s mechanical effect work normally. In areas of very
the antimony, the pow- process, high mana, elixirs take only half as
dered alicorn, pickled eye using the long to make, but any failure is criti-
of newt, adder’s tongue . . . mana inher- cal. In no-mana areas, elixirs cannot
ent in certain be made or used.

things. Therefore,


Alchemy is an IQ/Very Hard skill; Alchemical techniques may never materials by the number of doses pro-
there is no default. Like spells, alche- exceed base skill. duced. In this case, the final roll is at
my can be learned at only half-speed -1 for every extra dose of elixir
without a teacher. It cannot be learned To create an elixir, an alchemist produced.
in a no-mana area! Much of the skill must expend a certain amount of
has to do with experience in watching, money for materials and a certain At the end of the required time, the
hearing, and feeling the magical reac- amount of time. The elixir will be alchemist rolls against the technique
tions proceed. A lone student can do brewing 24 hours a day during that for the elixir in development. There
this by experimentation – but only in time, and must be attended by an are no critical successes in alchemy;
an area where alchemy works! alchemist at least eight hours daily. either the process works or it doesn’t.
This need not be the same alchemist A failure ruins the ingredients, wast-
MAKING throughout the process, but the low- ing the money spent on them. On a
ALCHEMICAL est-skill alchemist who worked on the critical failure, make a second tech-
ITEMS elixir makes the final Alchemy roll. An nique roll at -1 for each dose of elixir
alchemist cannot pay attention to two in the batch. If that second roll is suc-
An alchemist can make any elixir different processes at one time, but he cessful, disaster has been averted; if he
from the list on pp. 213-219 with may manufacture a multiple batch of fails that second roll, roll 3d to see
access to adequate formularies and an elixir, multiplying the cost for what happens:
other alchemical texts. Over time, an
alchemist may become sufficiently Roll Result
practiced with certain elixirs that ref- 3-5 Everyone within 100 yards suffers the effect of the elixir or its reverse;
erence books are no longer necessary.
In game terms, every elixir is a Hard 6-9 50% chance of each.
technique; most default to Alchemy-1. Everyone within 10 yards suffers the effect of the elixir or its reverse,
13-15 as above.
16-18 Explosion destroys lab; alchemist has time to flee.
Explosion destroys lab; alchemist takes 3d damage.
Explosion destroys lab; alchemist takes 6d damage!


The Herb Lore Skill Wizard Alchemists

Herb Lore, like Alchemy, is an IQ/Very Hard skill without default. It Wizards and mages make excellent
represents the folk approach to concocting magical preparations – an alchemists; their abilities offer many
herbalist can’t tell you why grinding blue mallow with kingscrown makes useful shortcuts for the working
a good healing elixir, but he knows darn well that it does. alchemist. Identifying magically
potent materials is a snap for a mage;
Thus, while Herb Lore allows herbalists to compound “alchemical” spells like Distill and Mature can
elixirs, it does not allow them to use any other alchemist abilities, like accelerate many alchemical processes;
analyzing elixirs or magic items. Further, herbalists cannot use alchemi- spells like Essential Acid or Essential
cal formularies. Books of herbs and their uses – called herbals – exist, but Earth provide high-grade reagents at a
they lack the depth and detail of a proper formulary. A good herbal may fraction of the cost. GMs may want to
give a bonus to Naturalist or Herb Lore, but it isn’t rigorous enough to off- offer a discount on preparation time
set the penalty for working without a formulary. As a result, herbalists or cost to alchemists with appropriate
mostly learn new elixirs by instruction, not study. spells at their disposal.

The advantage to working with Herb Lore is that herbalists work with Gadgeteer Alchemists
. . . well, herbs. Alchemy uses exotic ingredients like dragon’s blood and
fossilized beetles from Far Cathay, which are expensive and rare, while An alchemist may have either ver-
herbalists can do their work with the gleanings of a day in the woods and sion of the Gadgeteer advantage.
a few Naturalist rolls. Thus, herbal preparations cost 50% less than Standard Gadgeteering allows the
alchemical elixirs in materials (with a maximum discount of $100). In Gadgeteer alchemist to research
worlds where Alchemy and Herb Lore coexist, herbalists dominate the elixirs using the rules on p. 212. The
market for cheap potions with their brews made from local foliage. Also, skill penalty is the Alchemy skill mod-
herbs are not as volatile as alchemical reagents; a critical Herb Lore ifier for the elixir, not multiplied by 2.
failure may produce poison, but it won’t blow up the herbalist’s house! As with non-Gadgeteer elixir research,
TL modifiers do not apply.
Alchemical Laboratories skill, he needs no book or other
instructions to brew it. Otherwise, he Quick Gadgeteering lets an
An alchemist relies upon his equip- must use a reference book, called a for- alchemist produce any preparation he
ment to achieve good results. At the mulary, or work under a teacher who knows how to make, taking 1 minute
very least, successful alchemy has mastered the elixir. Any attempt to for every two days that would normally
demands some method for making brew an unmastered elixir with neither be needed. The Alchemy skill roll is
fire and an ample supply of clean con- formulary nor supervision is at -6. made at a penalty equal to the full
tainers; under such circumstances, an default penalty for the elixir in question,
alchemist suffers a -1 penalty (or The availability and price of formu- in addition to any penalty remaining for
worse) to his effective skill. To avoid laries depends on the setting. In some an unmastered elixir, with an extra -1
this penalty, a sturdy table and $1,000 worlds, alchemy is simply another for using improvised equipment. The
worth of equipment – athanors, trade, and formularies are priced like cost of ingredients doesn’t change, but
retorts, and so forth – is required. A other books or scrolls. In others, alche- assume that whatever the alchemist has
professional-grade lab, with at least my is an esoteric discipline and formu- on hand or can find in a quick search
100 square feet of space and $5,000 laries are jealously guarded. Most set- will serve. An alchemist can improve
worth of alchemical equipment, con- tings will probably fall somewhere in his ability with quick techniques in the
fers a +1 bonus to effective skill on the between, with a select few formulas usual way, but the quick techniques are
alchemist so blessed. A truly cutting- kept secret. different from the conventional tech-
edge lab, sporting the best equipment niques and must be learned separately.
the age has to offer, with at least 200 Assume that any elixir with a retail The improvised equipment penalty can
square feet of space and $20,000 cost of more than $1,000 per dose is a never be removed.
worth of equipment, gives an secret formula, restricted to fully initi-
alchemist working there a +TL/2 ated Masters of the Alchemist’s Guild Finally, an alchemist can apply the
bonus to effective skill. This highest (Merchant Rank 2). Only Grand Gizmo advantage to alchemical prepa-
level of sophistication isn’t really Masters know formulas with a retail rations, whipping out a dose of any
worth it until TL4, as the rise of gun- cost over $10,000 per dose (Merchant elixir that he knows at a moment’s
powder brings mundane chemistry to Rank 3). notice.
a point that it can help alchemy.
Naturally, these restrictions need OTHER
Alchemical Formulas not prevent a PC alchemist from creat- ALCHEMIST
and Secrets ing these elixirs, if he can find a copy of ABILITIES
the formulary. Such disregard for
If an alchemist has raised his skill Guild policy, however, may have reper- There’s more to alchemy than sim-
with a given elixir to equal his Alchemy cussions. ply churning out elixirs. In many set-
tings, alchemy is the closest thing to
physical science there is, and


alchemists have a few more tricks up Inventing New Elixirs
their sleeve that come from that spirit
of inquisitiveness.

Detection and Analysis When an alchemist runs out of formularies to study, he must head for
the laboratory. Usually an alchemist’s experimentation is aimed at repli-
An alchemist gets a roll against his cating an elixir for which he lacks the formulary, but some alchemists are
Alchemy skill, based on Per, to recog- bold enough to develop all-new elixirs.
nize an elixir as an alchemical prepa-
ration when he sees it, or smells food Alchemists invent new elixirs using the standard rules for inventing
or drink containing it. Acute Senses (see New Inventions, p. B473), with a few adjustments. The required skill
assist this roll as appropriate. for designing new elixirs is Alchemy. Elixirs have neither TL modifiers nor
Similarly, a mage gets an automatic Complexity ratings.
roll of (Per + Magery) to recognize an
elixir as magical when he first sees it. For the Concept roll, use a base penalty of -6 instead of the standard
Being magical in nature, elixirs can be modifiers, plus an additional modifier of twice the default penalty for the
detected by any spell that detects elixir. Thus, an alchemist trying to develop an Invulnerability elixir would
magic. However, spells to analyze suffer a penalty of -6 + (2 ¥ -4), or -14. Apply an additional -5 penalty if the
magic do not work on elixirs. Only an research takes place in a low-mana zone. All other modifiers are standard.
alchemist can analyze them.
Making the first dose of a newly conceived elixir follows the Prototype
An alchemist must roll against rules. Equipment modifiers are -10 for the lowest grade of laboratory, -5
Alchemy to analyze an elixir. Analysis for a home laboratory, 0 for a professional-grade laboratory, and +TL/2
takes 4 hours; a critical failure causes for a cutting-edge lab. Time and cost are as for the complexity level with
effects as per the table on p. 210. He the next greater penalty; for example, the Invulnerability elixir takes a -14
can reduce this time to 10 seconds if penalty, equivalent to a Complex invention, so the time required is 1d
he tastes the elixir – but if he does, any man-months and the cost is $250,000. A critical failure on the Prototype
failed roll means it affects him as roll has the same effects as any other Alchemy critical failure.
though he had taken it all, if the effect
is a bad one. On the other hand, a crit- A successful Prototype roll produces a single dose of the new elixir and
ical failure while tasting an elixir does a sheaf of notes that serves as a formulary for the elixir. It may now be
not require a roll on the critical failure manufactured, studied, and raised like any other elixir. If the alchemist
table; it’s hard to blow up your lab by loses his notes before mastering the elixir, however, he must repeat the
simply tasting something. research process to replace the formulary.

If the elixir analyzed appears in the Identifying Magic Items Simple Chemistry
alchemist’s formularies, any success
pinpoints the nature of the elixir; if it An alchemist cannot identify magic Chemistry skill defaults to
is an unfamiliar elixir, a normal suc- as precisely as a mage. However, an Alchemy-3; an alchemist is a chemist,
cess merely gives a vague indication of alchemist can determine whether an of a very specialized variety! This
the elixir’s purpose, while a critical object is enchanted by spending an default should be used only for gener-
success reveals the precise effects of hour on analysis and $50 on materials, al knowledge; an alchemist could not
the elixir, though not its name. The and making a roll against Alchemy-2. perform a complex chemical analysis,
going rate for analysis is $20 for a slow On a critical success, he gets some but would be able to recognize acids
analysis, $200 for a fast one. inkling of the enchantment’s purpose. and alkali, perform distillations, pre-
On a critical failure, the item has been pare dyes and scents, and recognize
splashed with acid or knocked into a chemical reagents by their appear-
flame. Whether this is disastrous ance, smell, etc. Medieval alchemists
depends on the item. did much of their analysis by taste, a
practice now recognized as unwise . . .


All elixirs should be kept in sealed but multiple doses of the same elixir When an elixir lasts for a variable
containers. They lose their power after will be wasted except on very large amount of time, the subject doesn’t
varying times when mixed with other creatures, which may require extra know in advance how long it will last
substances or exposed to air. doses at the GM’s discretion. A new – the GM rolls secretly. The subject
Containers can be opened briefly and dose can be taken after the previous knows it is wearing off 5 minutes
then closed again with no harm to the one wears off. GMs wishing to dis- before it ends. The exception is the
contents. courage heavy use of potions may Elixir of Invisibility, which wears off
want to make it dangerous to take without warning.
The method of use of an elixir more than one potion at a time, or the
depends on its form (see below). same potion more than once per day.
Multiple elixirs may be used at once,


FORMS OF The creation of elixirs in pastille Each description includes a sug-
ELIXIR form requires double the usual time gested cost for “common magic” cam-
and cost. paigns, and a second, higher cost for
There are four physical forms of “rare” magic campaigns. This is retail
elixir, each with different properties: Ointment: A cream or jelly. If cost, assuming PCs are buying.
touched, it sinks into the skin, taking Pastilles take twice as long to make
Potion: Liquid form, taken by immediate effect – a dose of ointment and therefore cost twice as much. PC
drinking. One dose of potion affects on a weapon or doorknob only
one man-sized creature instantly. affects the first person to alchemists (or PCs who come into
Potions lose their power in a day if left touch it. Lasts a week if possession of potions) may not
open or mixed with other things. exposed to air; neutral- always be able to sell their
ized by water. goods for as much as they
Powder: Solid form. A powder would like. Very rare potions
must be eaten in food, or dissolved in MAGIC like Youth and Resurrection, of
drink, to be effective; it takes effect in RESISTANCE course, are always salable, but
2d minutes. Powders can last a long
time; there is only a 50% chance per Anyone with the Magic Resistance may attract unwelcome attention
year that a given powder loses its advantage gets a resistance roll of from those who would rather take
power while exposed to air. Powders HT+MR when dosed with any elixir – them without paying!
mixed with food or drink last a month. even a beneficial one. If he rolls
HT+MR exactly, the potion takes half Elixirs are not always easy to find,
Pastille: A thumbnail-sized tablet, effect (the GM determines the details). especially in small towns. The GM may
kept in a sealed vial. When lit, it If he rolls less than HT+MR, the determine exactly what elixirs, in which
instantly flashes into flame and begins potion has no effect! forms, are available as he sees fit.
to fill an area 3 yards across and 8 feet
high with smoke. Indoors, this smoke COST AND Certain alchemical elixirs might be
lingers about a minute; outdoors, it AVAILABILITY illegal, or allowed only to the ruling
disperses within about 10 seconds. class. These include all poisons, other
Anyone within the affected area suf- Like magic items, elixirs generally “hostile” elixirs, and all elixirs (especial-
fers the elixir’s effects in 2d seconds. cost about $33 for each day they took ly elixirs of invisibility) that would be of
To avoid the smoke’s effects, hold your to make, plus the cost of the materials. use mainly to thieves and assassins.
breath (see Holding Your Breath, (Of course, this varies by setting; for a
p. B351). An unburnt pastille lasts a “rare” magic campaign, double the A good alchemist is hard to find in
month if exposed to air, but is cost for time.) Some very common most settings. The Alchemist’s Guild is
destroyed instantly upon contact with types are cheaper because they are selective, the pursuit of alchemy is gru-
water. made in batches. eling, and the work is on the dangerous
side. Many cities prohibit the practice
of alchemy within 100 yards of a public
place, lest a critical failure wipe out a
bustling marketplace . . . or worse.


The elixirs are divided here into The subject can speak to animals, Recipe: $200; 2 weeks; defaults to
rough categories based on the effects as per the Beast Speech spell. Alchemy-1.
they have.
Duration: 2d minutes. Dragonslaying
Each elixir description begins with Form: Any but pastille.
the generic name for the elixir and any Cost: $850/$1350. Alternative Names: Balsam of St.
alternate names by which it may be Recipe: $300; 3 weeks; defaults to George, Cadmus, Fafnir.
known in some locales. Next, it gives Alchemy-1.
the details of the elixir’s effect. Finally, The smoke from this elixir does 5d
it gives the elixir’s duration, its retail Bird Control damage to any reptile. It can also
price in common-magic and rare- affect dragons – but only if it is ignited
magic settings, and the time, cost of Alternative Name: Ibycus. by a dragon’s breath.
materials, and default penalty
required to make the elixir. The subject may control birds, as Duration: See Pastille above.
per the appropriate Animal Control Form: Pastille.
ANIMAL CONTROL spell (p. 30), with no energy cost or Cost: $1,300/$2,000.
skill roll required. Recipe: $100, plus one drop of
Beast-Speech blood from a dragon’s heart, which
Duration: 3d¥5 minutes. costs at least $500 if it is available at
Alternative Names: Melampus, Form: Any but pastille. all; 4 weeks; defaults to Alchemy-1.
Vociferous Beast. Cost: $550/$900.


Horsemanship Endurance Duration: 1d+1 hours.
Form: Any but pastille.
Alternative Names: Bronco Buster, Alternative Name: Antaeus. Cost: $2,100/$3,100.
Castor. Recipe: $1,000; 6 weeks; defaults to
The subject feels no fatigue for the Alchemy-4.
Grants the subject a +4 to any duration of the elixir except for fatigue
Animal Handling roll specific to hors- caused by his own spellcasting. When Speed
es and their relatives (mules and don- the elixir expires, his FP is reduced to
keys). In addition, it grants a +4 to any 0 and he falls unconscious. Alternative Name: Atalanta.
Riding, Teamster or Freight Handling
skill roll made concerning horses in a Duration: 1d hours. Increases Basic Speed and Move
noncombat situation. Form: Any. by 1. Up to three doses of this elixir
Cost: $1,400/$2,400. may be taken at once, for increased
Duration: 2d hours. Recipe: $300; 6 weeks; defaults to effect, but roll separately for the time
Form: Ointment. Alchemy-1. each dose lasts.
Cost: $250/$500.
Recipe: $50; 2 weeks; defaults to Fetching and Carrying Duration: 3d¥4 minutes.
Alchemy-1. Form: Any but pastille.
Alternative Name: Orion. Cost: $550/$850.
COMBAT Recipe: $200; 3 weeks; defaults to
ABILITIES The subject’s encumbrance levels Alchemy-1.
are multiplied by 4 – so, if his extra-
Battle heavy encumbrance is normally 200, Stealth
it becomes 800! Encumbrance effects
Alternative Names: Ares, Battle- having to do with spells (e.g., Teleport) Alternative Names: Assassin’s Brew,
mead. are not affected. It works on animals, Hermes.
and can be used to let a load-beast
Adds 1d to DX. The subject also carry more. The subject’s Stealth and Climbing
becomes Brave, as per Bravery spell skills are each raised by 1d points (roll
(p. 134), for the duration. Duration: 1d+1 hours. separately). Illegal in many cities!
Form: Any.
Duration: 1 hour. Cost: $300/$400. Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Any but pastille. Recipe: $200; 1 week; defaults to Form: Any.
Cost: $350/$700. Alchemy-1. Cost: $500/$2,000.
Recipe: $150; 2 weeks; defaults to Recipe: $300; 3 weeks; defaults to
Alchemy-2. Leadership Alchemy-2.

Alternative Names: King’s Draught, Strength
Alternative Names: Heracles,
Adds 4 to Leadership Porthos.
skill, and 2 to Strategy
and Tactics skills. Adds 1d to ST. This increases
encumbrance, weapon damage, etc.,
Duration: 1d hours. appropriately, but does not give extra
Form: Any. HP.
Cost: $1,650/$2,850.
Recipe: $400; 7 weeks; Duration: 1 hour.
defaults to Alchemy-1. Form: Any but pastille.
Cost: $250/$500.
Invulnerability Recipe: $100; 2 weeks; defaults to
Alternative Names:
Achilles, Infusion of HOSTILE ELIXIRS
Impervious Integument,
Ironskin. Aging

Hardens the skin into Alternative Names: Death’s Icy
DR 3 armor. This protec- Finger, Tithonus.
tion is cumulative with
other forms of protec- The subject becomes a year older.
tion. Does not protect Appropriate aging rolls must be made
eyes. Note that this elixir
is quite illegal in gladiato-
rial contests, legal duels
and so on!


immediately. Antidote must be given Duration: One day. Cost: $200/$400.
within 6 hours to be effective! Form: Any. Recipe: $100; 1 week; defaults to
Cost: $650/$1,150. Alchemy-1.
Duration: Permanent. Recipe: $100; 3 weeks; defaults to
Form: Any. Alchemy-1. Odium
Cost: $825/$1,350.
Recipe: $300; 3 weeks; defaults to Hatred Alternative Name: Bellerophon.
Alternative Names: Antipathy, The subject is perceived as untrust-
Death Nemesis. worthy and unattractive; everyone
reacts to him at -4.
Alternative Names: Reaper’s Broth, The subject hates all that he
Thanatos. normally loves. Duration: 1d+2 hours.
Form: Any.
A poison, doing 4d damage; a suc- Duration: 1 hour. Cost: $1,000/$1,700.
cessful HT roll reduces this to 2d dam- Form: Any. Recipe: $300; 4 weeks; defaults to
age. Symptoms include numbness and Cost: $300/$500. Alchemy-1.
paralysis. A second dose will not be Recipe: $125; 1 week; defaults to
effective until an hour after the first. Alchemy-1. Self-Love
Illegal almost everywhere!
Jealousy Alternative Name: Narcissus.
Duration: Instant.
Form: Any. Alternative Names: Green-Eyed The subject cares nothing for the
Cost: $500/$800. Monster, Juno. opinions or well-being of any but him-
Recipe: $100; 2 weeks; defaults to self. He is very happy and self-satisfied
Alchemy-1. Makes the subject violently jealous during this time. The chief legitimate
of anyone of equal or superior intelli- use of this elixir is to treat depression.
Fear gence, wealth, beauty, and so on –
whatever attainments the subject Duration: 1d+1 hours.
Alternative Name: Phobos. most prizes. Form: Any.
Cost: $750/$1,450.
The subject is affected as per the Duration: 1d hours. Recipe: $20; 4 weeks; defaults to
Fear spell (p. 139), including a resist- Form: Any. Alchemy-1.
ance roll against the alchemist’s skill. Cost: $400/$750.
Recipe: $50; 2 weeks; defaults to Unluckiness
Duration: As Fear. Alchemy-1.
Form: Any; subject resists at -4 Alternative Name: Hecate.
against all forms but pastille. Lecherousness
Cost: $225/$400. The subject has the Unluckiness
Recipe: $50; 1 week; defaults to Alternative Name: Priapus. disadvantage (p. B160), which comes
Alchemy-1. to pass once within 24 hours and then
The subject suffers the disadvan- expires.
Foolishness tage of Lecherousness (p. B142).
Duration: 1 day (see above).
Alternative Names: Stupefaction, Duration: 1d hours. Form: Any but pastille.
Tantalus. Form: Any. Cost: $1,600/$3,000.
Cost: $500/$700. Recipe: $400; 6 weeks; defaults to
Each dose taken (up to 4) reduces Recipe: $200; 10 days; defaults to Alchemy-1.
IQ by 3. Alchemy-1.
Duration: 1d hours. Madness
Form: Any, but pastille effect only Alternative Names: Enervation,
lasts 1d minutes. Alternative Name: Eris. Philoctetes.
Cost: $500/$850.
Recipe: $150; 2 weeks; defaults to The subject suffers the effects of Each dose taken (up to 4) reduces
Alchemy-1. the Madness spell (p. 136). The maker ST by 3.
may attempt to specify the precise
Frustration Murphy, form of madness the elixir will cause, Duration: 1d hours.
but must make his Alchemy roll by 2 Form: Any, but pastille effect only
Alternative Names: or better to produce the results he lasts 1d minutes.
Sisyphus. wants; on a success by less than 2, the Cost: $400/$700.
madness is determined randomly. Recipe: $50; 2 weeks; defaults to
The subject has -2 to all die rolls. Alchemy-1.
Any number of doses can affect a Duration: 1d hours.
person simultaneously! Form: Any.


MAGICAL win a horse race or wrestling match Transformation
ABILITIES just because there is a bet placed on it!
Alternative Name: Circe.
Attractiveness Duration: 1 hour.
Form: Potion or powder. The subject turns into an animal, as
Alternative Name: Aphrodite. Cost: $900+ (whatever the market per the Shapeshifting spell (p. 32). It is
will bear). possible to become trapped in beast-
Grants one level of Appearance Recipe: $200; 4 weeks; defaults to form; if this happens, either an alchem-
(p. B21). The subject’s looks will Alchemy-2. ical antidote or a Remove Curse spell
improve one level – from Average to will restore his natural shape. If the
Attractive, from Beautiful to Very Invisibility subject takes the elixir knowingly, he
Beautiful, or from Hideous to Ugly, for may transform into any creature
example. Subjects who are already Alternative Name: Odysseus. between twice his body weight and 1⁄10
Transcendent gain Terror (p. B93) – his body weight. If the subject takes it
sometimes too much is too much. Turns the subject invisible. This unknowingly, he is transformed into
elixir wears off without warning. It is the creature most appropriate to his
Duration: 2d+1 hours. illegal in many places! personality, at the GM’s discretion.
Form: Any but pastille.
Cost: $600/$1,000. Duration: 1d¥10 minutes. Duration: 2d hours.
Recipe: $100; 3 weeks; defaults to Form: Potion or ointment. Form: Any but pastille.
Alchemy-1. Cost: $3,000/$6,000. Cost: $3,000/$5,000.
Recipe: $1,000; 16 weeks; defaults Recipe: $800; 12 weeks; defaults to
to Alchemy-4. Alchemy-1.

Fire Resistance Luck True Sight

Alternative Names: Agni, Sala- Alternative Name: Tyche. Alternative Names: Delphi, Faerie
mander Unguent. Ointment.
The subject has the Luck advan-
The subject is fireproof, as per the tage (p. B66). Gives subject the power to see
lowest level of the Resist Fire spell auras, as per the Aura spell (p. 101).
(p. 74). Duration: 2d game-hours.
Form: Any form. Duration: 1d minutes.
Duration: 1d hours. Cost: $1,300/$2,300. Form: Any but pastille.
Form: Any but pastille. Recipe: $200; 6 weeks; defaults to Cost: $550/$1,300.
Cost: $500/$700. Alchemy-3. Recipe: $200; 4 weeks; defaults to
Recipe: $300; 1 week; defaults to Alchemy-2.
Alchemy-1. Magic Resistance
Water Breathing
Flight Alternative Name: Moly.
Alternative Name: Poseidon.
Alternative Name: Daedalus. Grants five levels of Magic
Resistance (p. B67) to the subject. If Grants the ability to breathe water.
Gives the power of flight, as per taken by a wizard, all of his spell rolls
Flight spell (p. 145). are at -5! Duration: 1d hours.
Form: Potion only.
Duration: 1 hour. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: $600/$1,100.
Form: Any but pastille. Form: Any. Recipe: $50; 5 weeks; defaults to
Cost: $3,000/$4,700. Cost: $1,600/$3,200. Alchemy-2.
Recipe: $500; 10 weeks; defaults to Recipe: $500; 5 weeks; defaults to
Alchemy-3. Alchemy-3. Water-Walking

Gambling Pain Resistance Alternative Name: Ephialtes.

Alternative Names: Baby’s New Alternative Name: Hector. Gives subject the ability to walk on
Shoes, Kouon. water as though it were dry land. If the
Grants the High Pain Threshold subject falls, he will not get wet.
Gives subject a +3 on all Gambling advantage (p. B59) Subject may not dive or swim while
rolls. Use of this elixir is considered under this potion’s influence, any more
cheating, and it is only available on the Duration: 1 hour. than he could dive into the earth!
black market. Penalties if caught using Form: Any but pastille.
it vary from a fine to a knife in the Cost: $600/$1,000. Duration: 3d¥4 minutes.
back, depending on the clientele of the Recipe: $200; 2 weeks; defaults to Form: Any but pastille.
game! This potion only affects games Alchemy-1. Cost: $700/$1,200.
of chance – it will not confer a +3 to Recipe: $150; 3 weeks; defaults to


MEDICAL ELIXIRS Duration: Permanent. vs. Will to resist the impulse to
Form: Potion or ointment. unnatural mating that results.
Alchemical Antidote Cost: $4,100/$6,200.
Recipe: $2,000; 4 weeks; defaults to Duration: 1 mating.
Alternative Name: Janus. Alchemy-2. Form: Powder or potion.
Cost: $2,250/$4,000.
Counteracts the effect of any other Fertility Recipe: $500; 10 weeks; defaults to
alchemical products. A dose of antidote Alchemy-4.
instantly undoes the effect of any or all Alternative Name: Ceres.
other elixirs, except healing elixirs. It Lichdom
also gives “immunity” to further doses The subject becomes fertile and/or
of elixir of any type, but only for 1d potent. Except for Sexless characters, Transforms a subject under the
minutes after the antidote is taken! offspring will result from any natural influence of the Lich spell into a lich.
union made during the elixir’s dura- Details are available on pp. 159-160.
Duration: Instant. tion. Unusual combinations (e.g., elf
Form: Any but pastille. and dwarf) will not necessarily result Long Slumber
Cost: $400/$1,000. in offspring, even with the potion, but
Recipe: $250; 2 weeks; defaults to the possibility is there . . . Alternative Names: Epimenides,
Alchemy-3. Van Winkle.
Duration: 1 hour.
Awakening Aurora, Form: Any but pastille. The subject falls into a deep sleep
Cost: $6,000/$11,000. . . . lasting indefinitely. Roll vs. HT
Alternative Names: Recipe: $1,500; 20 weeks; defaults yearly; on a critical success, subject
Vigilance. to Alchemy-5. wakens. Otherwise, an alchemical
antidote can only revive him. He
Acts on the subject as the Awaken Healing requires no food, and is unaffected by
spell (p. 90). age or disease, though physical attacks
Alternative Name: Chiron. do normal damage. Wounds neither
Duration: Instant. heal nor worsen, though bleeding
Form: Any. Heals 1d hits of injury – or, if HP is must be stanched or he will bleed to
Cost: $500/$900. normal, restores 1d lost FP. Repeated death. In essence, this is “suspended
Recipe: $150; 3 weeks; defaults to doses have full effect. animation.”
Duration: Instant. Duration: Indefinite.
Eternal Rest Form: Any but pastille. Form: Any.
Cost: $120/$250. Cost: $9,000/$14,000.
Alternative Name: None. Recipe: $50; 1 week; defaults to Recipe: $4,500; 25 weeks; defaults
Alchemy-1. to Alchemy-1.
This pale green formula smells
faintly of pine and cherry blossoms. It Health Reanimation Forensic
is much favored by royal embalmers,
who must take steps to assure the Alternative Name: Aesculapius. Alternative Names:
ruler rests in peace. If introduced into Ointment, Pluto.
a dead body (the most common Cures the subject of any and all dis-
method is to pour a potion into the eases, and heals 2 hits. Only one dose When this elixir is brushed onto
corpse’s mouth, but some rub the per day will be effective. the lips of a corpse, it will answer the
body with an ointment or inject the next question put to it, to the limit of
elixir into the central cavity), this elixir Duration: Instant. the knowledge it had in life. The brain
prevents the body from rising as an Form: Potion only. must be intact; if the person has been
undead creature, as per the Final Rest Cost: $750/$1,200. dead for more than 2 days, roll vs. (16
spell (p. 89). Further, the body’s blood Recipe: $200; 4 weeks; defaults to – days since death). A frozen or other-
and flesh becomes poisonous to Alchemy-2. wise preserved corpse might be
ghouls or any carrion-eating creature. responsive longer.
The smell of the fluid is very obvious Hybridization
to such beings, who avoid treated bod- Should this ointment touch a living
ies. It does not prevent the deceased’s Alternative Name: None. person, he immediately suffers the
spirit from being summoned, nor does effect of the Death Vision spell
it prevent Resurrection. Enables two living creatures of dif- (p. 149), and the ointment is lost.
ferent species to produce offspring
This elixir is a contact poison to that are exotic or monstrous hybrids. Duration: One question.
corporeal undead, doing 2d points of Two doses must be made at the same Form: Ointment only.
injury and reducing the undead’s DX time; one is given to each parent. If the Cost: $4,100/$6,200.
by 4 for four days. parents are of different sizes, the off- Recipe: $2,000; 12 weeks; defaults
spring’s size will be based on the to Alchemy-3.
mother’s. Intelligent beings may roll


Popular Elixirs Duration: Permanent.
Form: Potion only.
Some elixirs naturally lend themselves to being made into a charm. Cost: $25,000/$60,000+.
The most popular elixirs for amulets include Health, Magic Resistance, Recipe: $6,000; 50 weeks; defaults
Calm, Hardheartedness, and Antidotes. The most popular elixirs for talis- to Alchemy-9.
mans include Attractiveness, Charisma, Fertility, Gambling, Leadership,
Luck, and Wisdom. MENTAL

Regeneration Recipe: $50; 1 week; defaults to Charisma
Alternative Names: Hydra, Re- Alternative Name: Orpheus
growth. Tranquility
The subject becomes charismatic.
The subject must rub the elixir into Alternative Name: Athena. Roll 1 extra die on any reaction roll.
his own skin at the site of an injury.
Will restore a single arm or leg (com- Nullifies any extreme emotion the Duration: 1d hours.
pletely) or a single hand, foot, finger, subject is feeling and allows rational Form: Any but pastille.
etc., or a single eye or ear. thought. Specifically, this elixir grants Cost: $350/$550.
a +3 to resist any spell or skill that Recipe: $100; 3 weeks; defaults to
Duration: Permanent. works on the emotions, enabling the Alchemy-2.
Form: Ointment only. subject to reason something through
Cost: $5,000/$11,000. rather than be swayed by passions or Foresight
Recipe: $300; 20 weeks; defaults to sentiment. In addition, it will calm
Alchemy-4. any hysterical or enraged person, and Alternative Name: Prometheus.
grant a +3 to the IQ roll to overcome
Resurrection the Berserk or Bad Temper The subject sees a vision about the
disadvantages. It has no effect on next important crisis or turning point
Alternative Name: Persephone. other disadvantages, however. in his life. This is entirely up to the
GM; however, if there is danger ahead
If administered to a subject killed Duration: 2d hours. or an important choice about to be
within the preceding hour, restores the Form: Any. made, it is reasonable for the vision to
corpse to life and heals 2d HP; further Cost: $500/$900. help with it.
healing proceeds normally. When the Recipe: $100; 2 weeks; defaults to
subject reaches positive hit points, he Alchemy-1. Duration: Instant.
will be able to function normally. The Form: Any.
subject returns to life with 0 FP. Universal Antidote Cost: $2,000/$3,700.
Cannot restore life to a decapitated Recipe: $200; 10 weeks; defaults to
corpse or one that has taken enough Alternative Name: None Alchemy-1.
damage to destroy it.
This elixir counteracts the effects Hardheartedness
Duration: Permanent. of any non-alchemical poison. If taken
Form: Potion only. in advance, it grants +8 to HT to resist Alternative Name: Artemis.
Cost: $25,000/$40,000. any poison; reduce this bonus by 1 per
Recipe: $12,000; 50 weeks; defaults hour. If taken after swallowing a sus- Protects against and cancels the
to Alchemy-6. pected poison, it grants an immediate effect of the Love elixir. This elixir will
HT roll at +8 to throw off the effects, also give the subject a +5 to resist any
Sleep but does not undo any harm that has Sex Appeal attempt, and will nullify
already been suffered. any infatuation the subject has.
Alternative Name: Morpheus. Duration is 2d hours for protection
Duration: 8 hours (see above). purposes; the effects of a Love elixir
The subject must roll vs. HT-4 or Form: Potion or powder. taken within that time or earlier are
fall instantly asleep. He sleeps for 16- Cost: $750/$1,150. canceled permanently. A natural infat-
HT hours, and may not be awakened Recipe: $350; 2 weeks; defaults to uation is nullified for 2d hours, and
by nonmagical means during that Alchemy-2. remains nullified until the subject next
time. After that, he sleeps eight more sees the object of his infatuation.
hours, but this sleep is natural and he Youth
may be awakened normally. Duration: As above.
Alternative Name: Hebe. Form: Potion only.
Duration: As above. Cost: $500/$1,000.
Form: Any. The subject becomes a year Recipe: $100; 3 weeks; defaults to
Cost: $120/$250. younger. Alchemy-1.


Memory Produces amnesia in the subject. SKILLS AND
The subject’s IQ is treated as normal PHYSICAL
Alternative Name: Epimetheus. for intelligence purposes, but the sub- ABILITIES
ject cannot remember his name or
The subject gains Eidetic Memory what he was doing at the time he took Craftsmanship
(p. B51). the elixir. Any quest or geas will be for-
gotten. The subject will not remember Alternative Name: Vulcan.
Duration: 1 hour. his skills, though if he is persuaded he
Form: Any. can accomplish a task, he will perform Gives the subject 1d+1 levels of the
Cost: $1,500/$2,500. at -2. Spellcasting is impossible while Artificer and Gifted Artist talents
Recipe: $400; 6 weeks; defaults to under the influence of this potion. (p. B90).
Duration: 1 hour. Duration: 1d hours.
Wisdom Form: Potion only. Form: Any.
Cost: $700/$1,200. Cost: $1,100/$1,800.
Alternative Name: Apollo. Recipe: $100; 3 weeks; defaults to Recipe: $400; 4 weeks defaults to
Alchemy-4. Alchemy-2.
Adds 1 to IQ. The increased IQ
benefits skill use, but not spellcasting. Gullibility Hearing

Duration: 1 hour. Alternative Names: Fool’s Broth, Alternative Name: Syrinx.
Form: Potion or powder. Polyphemus.
Cost: $1,500/$2,400. Gives +6 to Hearing rolls.
Recipe: $600; 5 weeks; defaults to The subject acquires the Gullibility
Alchemy-2. disadvantage (p. B137). Duration: 3d¥5 minutes.
Form: Ointment only; must be
MENTAL Duration: 1d hours. applied directly to the ears.
CONTROL Form: Any but pastille. Cost: $300/$500.
Cost: $500/$900. Recipe: $125; 1 week; defaults to
Drunkenness Recipe: $150; 2 weeks; defaults to Alchemy-1.
Alternative Names: Bacchus, Pan, Keen Sight
Private Reserve. Love
Alternative Name: Argus.
Subject becomes drunk, as per the Alternative Names: Eros, Love
Drunkenness spell (p. 136); -3 each to Potion. Gives +6 to Vision rolls. If two
DX and IQ. He is a happy, charismat- doses are given, the subject’s vision
ic drunk (others react at +1) and The subject falls in love with the becomes no keener but he can also see
recovers without a hangover. next person of the appropriate sex he invisible objects as per the See
sees. This effect is permanent unless Invisible spell (p. 113).
Duration: 1d hours. counteracted by a dose of alchemical
Form: Powder only; must be taken antidote, another dose of love elixir Duration: 3d¥5 minutes.
in wine. (which will cause the subject to love Form: Ointment only; must be
Cost: $130/$300. someone else), or the Remove Curse applied directly to the eyes.
Recipe: $100; 3 days; defaults to spell. Cost: $400/$700.
Alchemy-1. Recipe: $250; 10 days; defaults to
Duration: Permanent. Alchemy-1.
Friendship Form: Any.
Cost: $900/$2,000. Music
Alternative Name: Philemon. Recipe: $600; 3 weeks; defaults to
Alchemy-1. Alternative Name: Marsyas.
The subject has +3 reaction to all
others. Truth The subject gains 4 levels of
Musical Ability (p. B91). Most bards
Duration: 1d hours. Alternative Name: Phoebus. consider this to be a cheat!
Form: Any, but pastille effect lasts
only 3d minutes. The subject cannot tell a lie, exact- Duration: 1d hours.
Cost: $550/$1,000. ly as per the Compel Truth spell Form: Any, but pastille effect lasts
Recipe: $300; 2 weeks; defaults to (p. 47). only 2d minutes.
Alchemy-1. Cost: $300/$400.
Duration: 1 hour. Recipe: $150; 4 days; defaults to
Forgetfulness Form: Any. Alchemy-1.
Cost: $1,100/$2,000.
Alternative Name: Pirithous. Recipe: $200; 4 weeks; defaults to



In some settings, alchemists may roll, applying any penalties as per the cast,” and they cost the user no energy.
turn their abilities to the manufacture equivalent elixir. A critical failure has They protect the wearer at all times,
of alchemical charms – minor magical the usual explosive results, while a whether the person knows what the
items that confer the effects of an normal failure merely wastes the time amulet does or not.
alchemical elixir on a more lasting and materials.
basis. Most charms either protect or Alchemical talismans – empower-
enhance the wearer in some fashion. The knowledge of how to make ing devices – work for only a limited
For game purposes, a charm with pro- charms is a potent and difficult skill – time. When a talisman is used, its
tective powers is called an amulet, each charm is a separate Hard tech- effects last as long as the correspon-
while a charm with empowering abili- nique, with its own formulary, which ding elixir would. The talisman then
ties is called a talisman (not to be con- defaults to the corresponding elixir becomes dormant and must
fused with the Amulet and Talisman technique-2. “recharge” for a number of days equal
meta-spells). to the number of weeks it would take
In many settings, the secrets of to brew the appropriate elixir. Thus, a
Alchemical charms are not appro- making charms may be restricted to talisman of Charisma would last 1d
priate to every campaign. If the GM is Masters or Grand Masters of the hours, and take three days to recharge
concerned about treading on Alchemists’ Guild. The GM may also before it can be used again. A talisman
enchanters’ toes, or about alchemists want to employ any or all of the sug- of Luck lasts 2d hours, then needs six
becoming overpowered, he should not gested methods for limiting regular days to recharge, and so on. Talismans
allow alchemists to create the items enchantment (p. 17). only recharge while worn; a talisman
that follow. However, charms can add stashed in a chest or backpack will lie
scope and interest to alchemy, and DETECTION AND dormant indefinitely.
bring more depth to a setting. ANALYSIS
There is no “cost to cast” for a tal-
TIME AND COST Treat an alchemical charm as if it isman – no energy is spent activating
TO MAKE were an elixir for detection purposes one. The wearer must will the talis-
– see p. 212. In general, if an alchemist man to have its particular effect – sim-
The cost in materials to manufac- knows the formula for the elixir in ply willing it to “Do something!” won’t
ture an alchemical charm is the same question, he can recognize it with five work.
as for an elixir with the same effects. minutes’ examination and a successful
The time to make such an amulet or Alchemy skill roll. If it has powers that In a normal-mana area, most talis-
talisman is 10 times that listed to he does not know the formula for, the mans work automatically when willed
make the elixir; making a charm is GM may assign a penalty to the to. In a low-mana area, the user must
hard work, requiring long hours and Alchemy roll, ranging from -1 to -10. roll against the effective skill of the
correct timing of the planetary influ- As usual, the GM rolls for the player, alchemist who originally created the
ences to capture the essences desired. and lies on any critical failures. talisman. If a roll is required, apply
The GM may vary time or cost to any penalties to skill that the
make charms more or less available USING CHARMS alchemist needed to roll to create the
in his world. At the end of the time charm, but do not apply the -5 penalty
period, the alchemist makes his skill Amulets are treated as always-on that enchanted items suffer in a low-
magic items. There is no “time to mana area.


Especially brilliant alchemists Fortunately, it can only consume 3¥ its components in succession, they cause
push the discipline to the very limits of own volume in solid matter. After this, 9d damage at the rate of 1 HP per 5
possibility, creating strange and won- it has been neutralized. A single dose minutes as they mix internally. An
derful things. All these preparations weighs 0.5 pounds and takes up 1/120 alchemist can attempt to treat this
are very rare – their formularies are of a cubic foot. with a roll against Alchemy-5; a physi-
almost never seen, and they may even cian can’t help. Treatment uses $50
be regarded as mere myths. A dose takes 1d minutes to eat worth of alchemical supplies.
through the mechanism of a lock or
ALKAHEST other device. Used to attack a living If alkahest is splashed on some-
creature, it inflicts 1d damage if one’s face, a HT roll is required to
The “universal solvent” of medieval splashed onto the skin, or 2d-1 per avoid eye damage. On a failed roll, if
alchemy really can eat through any- second if the victim is immersed in it. the eyes are specifically targeted, or
thing: laboratory glassware, pure gold, It’s not normally possible to swallow the face is immersed in alkahest,
or magical materials such as adamant. alkahest. If an alchemist manages to check for crippling injury to the eyes
trick a victim into swallowing the two


(pp. B420-422). Blindness caused by function through injury, the outcome affects the creature’s charac-
alkahest is automatically permanent. homunculus still has it.) Homunculi ter point value in any case.
are Reprogrammable by their cre-
Alkahest can’t be stored for later ators, but do not have Slave Mentality Though cosmetically similar, this
use, for obvious reasons. The penulti- (unless the original did!). They also preparation is not the same as the
mate ingredients for a single dose are have a special variant of Reawakened Homunculus spell (p. 70), and their
carried in two vials; making them that potentially grants them all their functions are very different.
requires a roll against Alchemy-5. The
final step does not need a skill roll, but creator’s skills. The creator chooses PHILOSOPHERS’
must be performed by an alchemist. which latent skills to activate at cre- STONE
Once combined, the ingredients ation. Other skills will emerge as the
become active extremely quickly. Roll Ally’s point value increases to keep In legend, the philosophers’ stone
vs. DX to throw the container at a tar- pace with its original. or lapis philosopharum has many
get. On a failure, it dissolves and remarkable properties. It turns base
splashes in a random direction. On a A homunculus may have any SM metal into gold, makes human beings
critical failure, it hits the user. the creator is prepared to invest in. immortal, and accomplishes other
Creating a homunculus takes 12 wonders. However, it doesn’t necessar-
The materials to make alkahest cost months, plus or minus SM, down to a ily work for just anybody; special
$250 per dose, and takes four weeks to minimum of 3 months. The starting training may be needed to use it. In
brew; the recipe defaults to Alchemy-5. cost is $1,000. There is also a continu- some accounts, it’s an actual physical
When it is available, it costs $1,650 in ing outlay for nutrients, which object. In others, it’s a symbol of the
a common-magic setting, and $3,000 increases as the homunculus grows spiritual transformation of the
in a rare-magic setting. larger – $1 the first month, $2 the sec- alchemist by the practice of his art.
ond, and on to $5, $10, $20, $50, $100,
The use of alkahest in combat can etc. ST should be appropriate to the In GURPS Magic, the lapis
be made more effective with an alkah- body size of the homunculus. philosopharum is an actual stone that
est siphon. The container has two acts as an alchemical catalyst. It gives
compartments for the two penulti- It takes two weeks for the +6 to any Alchemy roll in which it is
mate ingredients and a double pump homunculus to “remember” how to used. Contact with it confers small
arrangement to squirt them both speak. After that, activating latent benefits on the unskilled. A person
simultaneously at a foe. The siphon skills takes one week per skill point. who wears it as an amulet or piece of
has Acc 0, Max equal to ST-6, and RoF This is effectively intensive training jewelry is at +2 to HT to resist disease
3~. It holds four shots with a raw (p. B293), but doesn’t require actual and poison, and wearing it continu-
materials cost of $1,000. 12 pounds; teaching. ously grants the benefits of Longevity.
$300. Of this, $50 pays for the nozzle, If left in contact with a metal object
which becomes increasingly pitted The process to create a homuncu- for 1d days, it turns the outer surface
with each use and must be replaced lus requires a roll against Alchemy-10. to gold, to a depth of 1/16”. Such
after 12 shots. Making either the This is not a technique and cannot be objects gave rise to the belief that
siphon or the nozzle requires an bought up. On an ordinary success, alchemists are simply plating objects
Alchemy skill roll at no penalty. the result is a fully formed creature. with gold as a deliberate fraud.
On an ordinary failure, the effort and
HOMUNCULUS materials are wasted. On a critical suc- The materials to manufacture a
cess, the homunculus has Passive philosopher’s stone cost $9,000, and
The homunculus is among the Racial Memory (Original Only, -60%). the process takes 52 weeks; the recipe
rarest alchemical achievements: a On a critical failure, the homunculus defaults to Alchemy-8. On the very
duplicate of the alchemist or another is twisted during development, acquir- unusual occasion that one comes up
person, shaped by nurturing some of ing a physical deformity, a metabolic for sale, they cost at least $15,000.
his bodily fluids in an alchemical ves- weakness, or a character flaw. The
sel. The result is a second being with
the same essence, able to serve its cre-
ator’s goals. Most homunculi are tiny,
but they don’t have to be; the big ones
just cost more.

A homunculus is an Ally with the
Minion enhancement. The character
sheet for the homunculus is based on
that of its original, but does not
include his social traits. Instead the
homunculus has Social Stigma
(Valuable Property) and is probably
Dead Broke. If the homunculus devel-
ops properly, it will be a perfect like-
ness of the original’s true form. (If the
original has lost a body part or



Alchemy relies upon objects intrin- red, and rubies are red; hence, rubies alchemists often compete over viable
sically charged with occult power for have a magical affinity for fire. sources of these ingredients.
its raw ingredients. The sort of objects
that become impregnated with magi- More powerful elixirs may also In general, magically useful materi-
cal energy varies between worlds. In demand more exotic forms of an als fall into three categories.
some settings, herbs have mystic ingredient. A simple Healing elixir Consumable materials, such as herbs
potency; others rely on mana organs might be brewed from regular apples and other organic materials, are con-
taken from the carcasses of exotic and ginseng, but a Resurrection elixir sumed in any arcane application,
beasts; still others attach magical might demand the Apples of the whether magical or alchemical.
significance to various minerals. Hesperides. Reusable materials, like metals and
gemstones, are usually not consumed
In most worlds, the magic poten- Magically charged objects have when used as spell ingredients, but are
tial of an object derives from a direct applications beyond alchemy; they used up in the manufacture of
or symbolic relationship to the desired may be used as ingredients for spells, alchemical goods. Objects are manu-
subject or effect. For example: fire is or as components of enchanted items. factured items whose magical power
For this reason, wizards and lies in their intended use rather than
their material. These are usually used
A simple Healing elixir might be brewed in spells and enchantments rather
from regular apples and ginseng, but a than in alchemy, and are not usually
Resurrection elixir might demand the consumed in their use.
Apples of the Hesperides.
Some ingredients and their possi-
ble purposes follow. The purposes list-
ed include most of the colleges and
several common “verb” activities, like
seeking, controlling, and transform-
ing. Magical and alchemical processes
may demand several types of ingredi-
ent, depending on the nature of the

Purpose Consumable Material Reusable Material Objects
Air Aspen branches, eagle feathers, Chalcedony, onyx, sailcloth Fans, horns

Animal white orchids Bloodstone, pelts Collars, reins
Body Control Blood, musk Elm, ivory Dolls, clothes
Communication and Empathy Blood, bone ivory, coral
Controlling/Shaping Bay leaves, vervain opal, platinum, gold, silver None
None Knots, loops
(usually associated
Destruction/Resistance None with the subject of control) None
Earth Dirt, oak Emerald, onyx Anvils
Enchantment Roses, walnut Granite, quartz, silver None
Fire Chile peppers, mustard, sulfur Opal None
Food Bread, grapes, salt Carnelian, gold, ruby Cauldrons, kegs
Gate Chalk, juniper, tobacco None Keys, mirrors
Healing Apples, garlic, ginseng, lavender Alexandrite, amber Bandages, splints
Illusion and Creation Bryony, eggs, pomegranate seeds Jasper, jet Masks
Knowledge Fennel, honey, rue Pyrites, zircons Books, lamps
Light and Darkness Cinnamon, marigold, owl feathers (darkness) Agate, diamond
Making and Breaking Clay, gunpowder, sage Gold, heliotrope, sunstone Hammers
Meta-Spells Barley, mandrake Flint Pyramids
Mind Control Mugwort, poppy Green moonstone, opal
Movement Comfrey, henbane, ibis feathers Amethyst, garnet Hats
Necromancy Acacia, cypress, yew Fulgurites, poplar Arrows, shoes
Plant Cedar, holly Bone, ebony, onyx
Protection and Warning Asafoetida, raven feathers, tiger lily Copper, green jade Knives
Alicorn (unicorn horn), None
Seeking/Sensing Mistletoe bronze, oxhide
Sound None Lodestone Chains, shields
Technology Plastic Seashells, onyx
Transformation Bats, chrysalises, yucca Brass, steel Forked sticks
Water Fish, lotus, whiskey Antimony, mercury Musical instruments
Weather Bladderwrack, mahogany, saffron Emerald, pearl, sapphire (ice)
Platinum (lightning) Gears
Cups and jugs
Flags, lightning rods




This section can be copied and immediately. “Indef.” means that the ”Special”, in any column, means
used for reference, especially when effect expires when some condition that the description is too complex to
creating characters. The grimoire described in the spell description fit on a table – see the appropriate
form on p. 240 may also be photo- occurs. page (also shown on the table).
copied for your own use; it is especial-
ly handy to copy it onto the back of a Under prerequisites, Magery 1 is A # sign means that there are excep-
wizard’s character sheet. abbreviated “M1”, Magery 2 is “M2”, tions or special cases for the informa-
and so on. tion given – see the appropriate page
Notes: for full details.

An asterisk (*) after a spell name
indicates that it is IQ/Very Hard. All
other spells are IQ/Hard.

A “–” indicates that that column
does not apply.

Under class, an R indicates that
the spell can be resisted. Then entry
after the dash shows what resists the

Under energy, if two numbers are
separated by a slash, the first is the
cost to cast and the second is the cost
to maintain. A “/H” means cost to
maintain is half the cost to cast. A “/S”
means cost to maintain is the same as
cost to cast.

Under time to cast, “Instant” means
that the effect occurs as soon as the
spell is finished, and is completed

Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
86 Accelerate Time* Area/R-Spec. Gate
1 min. Varies 2 sec. M2, IQ 13+, 2 spells each 20
65 Accuracy Enchantment Enchantment
191 Acid Ball Missile Water from 10 colleges
192 Acid Jet Regular Water
58 Adjustable Clothing Enchantment Enchantment Perm. Varies – Enchant and 5 Air spells 15
151 Affect Spirits Regular Necro.
154 Age* Regular/R-HT Necro. Instant 1 to Magery# 1 to 3 sec. M2, Create Acid 8
40 Agonize Regular/R-HT Body
24 Air Jet Regular Air 1 sec. 1 to 3 1 sec. M2, Water Jet, Create Acid 10
24 Air Vision Regular Air/Knowledge
26 Air Vortex Area/R-HT or DX Air/Movement Perm. Varies – Enchant, Reshape 14
100 Alarm Regular Knowledge
133 Alertness* Regular Mind 1 min. 4/2 2 sec. Solidify 4
41 Alter Body Regular/R-HT Body
55 Alter Terrain* Area Earth Perm. 10 to 50 1 min. Youth or 6 Necromantic spells 6

41 Alter Visage Regular/R-HT Body 1 min. 8/6 1 sec. M2, Sensitize 5

41 Alter Voice Regular/R-HT Body/Sound 1 sec. 1 to 3/S 1 sec. Shape Air 3
39 Ambidexterity Regular Body
58 Amulet Enchantment Enchantment 1 min. 1 per mi./H 1 sec. Shape Air 3
102 Analyze Magic Inform./R-spell Knowledge
106 Ancient History Information Knowledge 10 sec. 8/3 2 sec. M2, Body of Air, Windstorm 5

1 week 1 1 sec. Tell Time 1

10 min. 2 to 10/H 1 sec. Any two Keen spells 2

1 hr. 8/6 2 min. Alter Visage 10

2d days 1# 10 sec. M3, all four elemental 11

Shape spells

1 hr. 4/3 1 min. Shapeshifting or Perfect Illusion, 9

and 8 Body spells

1 hr. 2/2 1 min. 4 Body spells, 4 Sound spells 8

1 min. 3/2 1 sec. Grace 4

Perm. 50/pt. MR – Talisman for appropriate spell Varies

Instant 8 1 hr. Identify Spell 3

Instant Varies min.=cost History 5


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
177 Animal Control Regular/R-Will Animal 1 min. Varies 1 sec. Beast-Soother 1

117 Animate Machine/TL Regular/R-Will Tech 1 min. Varies Varies Machine Control, 15
154 Animation or Animate Object
142 Animate Object* Regular/R-Spec Mk-Brk 1 min. Varies 3 sec. M2, 3 Shape spells 6
167 Animate Plant Regular Plant 1 min. Varies 5 sec. 7 Plant spells 7
105 Animate Shadow Regular/R-HT Necro. 10 sec. 4/4 2 sec. Skull-Spirit, Shape Darkness 9
69 Animation* Regular Necro. 1 min. Varies 5 sec. Summon Spirit 2
140 Apportation Reg./R-Will Movement 1 min. Varies 1 sec. M1 0
178 Arboreal Immurement Regular/R-HT Plant Indef.# 8# 3 sec. M2, Walk Through Wood 7
39 Armor Regular Protection 1 min. Varies 1 sec. Shield 1
62 Astral Block Area Necro. 10 min. 4/2# 2 sec. Summon Spirit, Repel Spirits 16
83 Astral Vision* Regular Knowledge/Necro. 1 min. 4/2 1 sec. Sense Spirit, See Invisible 6
32 Atmosphere Dome Area Protection/Air 6 hrs. 4/H 1 sec. Purify Air, Weather Dome 9
32 Attune Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 100 - Bane 12

29 Aura Information Knowledge Instant 3 1 sec. Detect Magic 1

31 Avoid Area Mind 1 hr. 3/3 1 min. Hide, Fear, Forgetfulness 4
134 Awaken Area Healing Instant 1 1 sec. Lend Vitality 2
112 Awaken Computer/TL Regular Tech 1 hr. Varies 10 sec. Animation, Wisdom 10
66 Awaken Craft Spirit Regular Mk-Brk/Necro. 1 min. 3/1 5 sec. Inspired Creation, Sense Spirit 3
161 Balance Regular Body 1 min. 5/3 1 sec. Grace 4
148 Ball of Lightning Regular Weather/Air 1 min. 2 to 6/H 1 to 3 sec. Apportation, Lightning 8
166 Bane Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 100 – Enchant 11
113 Banish Spec./R-Will Necro. Instant Varies 5 sec. M1, 1 spell each from 10 colleges 10
76 Beacon Area Gate/Movement 24 hrs. 10/H 30 sec. Teleport, Timeport, or Plane Shift 5
198 Beast Link Regular Animal Special 3 5 sec. Beast Summoning 2
183 Beast Possession Regular/R-Will Animal 1 min. 6/2 5 sec. Rider Within or Possession 4
165 Beast-Rouser Regular Animal 1 hour# 1 to 3 1 sec. Vexation or Animal Empathy 0
185 Beast Seeker Information Animal Instant 3# 1 sec. Seeker or Beast Summoning 3
and 2 Seek spells
88 Beast-Soother Regular Animal Perm.# 1 to 3 1 sec. Persuasion or 0
37 Animal Empathy advantage
47 Beast Speech Regular Animal 1 min. 4/2 1 sec. Beast Summoning 2
26 Beast Summoning Regular Animal 1 min. 3/2# 1 sec. Beast-Soother 1

Berserker Regular/R-Will Mind 10 min.# 3/2 4 sec. Bravery 2

Bind Spirit* Regular/R-Will Necro. Perm. Varies 5 min. Command Spirit, Soul Jar 12

Blackout Area Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Darkness 3

Bladeturning Regular/R-Spec Protection 1 min. 2/2 1 sec. Shield or Turn Blade 1

Blank Spell Arrow* Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 30¥capacity# - Spell Arrow 18

Bless Regular Meta-Spell Special Varies min.=cost M2, 2 spells ea. from 10 colleges# 20

Bless Plants Area Plant 1 crop/season 1 5 min. Heal Plant 3

Blight Area Plant 1 crop/season 1 5 min. Plant Growth 4

Blink Blocking Movement/Gate Instant 2 1 sec. Teleport 5

Blink Other* Blocking Movement/Gate Instant 2 1 sec. Blink 6

Block Blocking Protection Instant 1/DB+# 1 sec. M1 0

Blossom Area Plant 1 hour 2 5 min. Plant Growth 4

Blur Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 1 to 5/S 2 sec. Darkness or Gloom 3

Body of Air Regular/R-HT Air 1 min. 4/1 5 sec. Shape Air 3

Body of Flames* Regular/R-HT Fire 1 min. 12/4 5 sec. Breathe Fire 8

Body of Ice* Regular/R-HT Water 1 min. 7/3 5 sec. M2, Body of Water, Freeze 6

Body of Lightning* Regular/R-HT Weather/Air 1 min. 12/4 5 sec. M2, Lightning 7

Body of Metal* Regular/R-HT Tech 1 min. 12/6 5 sec. M2, Shape Metal 3

Body of Plastic Regular/R-HT Tech 1 min. 10/5 5 sec. M2, Shape Plastic 4

Body of Shadow Regular/R-HT Lt-Dk 1 min. 6/3 5 sec. M2, Shape Darkness 4

Body of Slime Regular/R-HT Plant 1 min. 6/2 5 sec. M2, Plant Form, Shape Water 11

Body of Stone* Regular/R-HT Earth 1 min. 10/5 5 sec. Stone to Flesh 6

Body of Water Regular/R-HT Water 1 min. 5/2 5 sec. Shape Water 4

Body of Wind Regular/R-HT Air 1 min. 8/4 2 sec. M3, Body of Air, Windstorm, 10

1 spell each from 5 colleges#

Body of Wood Regular/R-HT Plant 1 min. 7/3 5 sec. M2, Plant Form 7

Body-Reading Information/R-Will Healing Instant 2 30 sec. Sense Life or Awaken 1

Boil Water Regular Water Perm. Varies 10 sec. Shape Water, Heat 8

Boost Attribute Regular or Blocking Body/Mind Instant 1 to 5 none Varies Varies

Borrow Language Regular Comm. 1 min. 3/1 3 sec. Lend Language 4

Borrow Skill Regular Comm. 1 min. 4/3 3 sec. Lend Skill 6

Bravery Area/R-Will-1 Mind 1 hr. 2 1 sec. Fear 1

Breathe Air Regular Air/Water 1 min. 4/2 1 sec. Create Water, Destroy Air 6


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
76 Breathe Fire* Regular
182 Breathe Radiation* Regular Fire 1 sec. 1 to 4 2 sec. M1, Flame Jet, Resist Fire 7
192 Breathe Steam* Regular
189 Breathe Water Regular Tech 1 sec. 1 to 4 2 sec. M2, Radiation Jet 9
111 Bright Vision Regular
Water 1 sec. 1 to 4 2 sec. M1, Steam Jet, Resist Fire 14

Water/Air 1 min. 4/2 1 sec. Create Air, Destroy Water 6

Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Keen Vision or 5 Light spells; 1

no Blindness

76 Burning Death* Regular/R-HT Fire/Necro. 1 sec. 3/2 3 sec. M2, Heat, Sickness 10

79 Burning Touch Melee Fire Instant 1 to 3 1 sec. M2, 6 Fire spells inc. Heat 6

39 Cadence Regular Body 1 hr. 5/3 10 sec. Haste, Grace 5

168 Catch Missile Blocking Protection Instant 2 1 sec. Deflect Missile 2

123 Catch Spell* Blocking Meta-Spell Instant 3 1 sec. M2, DX 12+, Return Missile 4

126 Charge Powerstone* Regular Meta-Spell Perm. 3/pt 10 min. M3, Powerstone, Lend Energy 12

139 Charm Regular/R-Will Mind 1 min. 6/3 3 sec. M1, Loyalty, 7 other 8

Mind Control spells

40 Choke Regular/R-HT Body 30 sec. 4 1 sec. M1, 5 Body spells inc. Spasm 5
116 Clean Area
94 Cleansing Regular/R-Spec Mk-Brk Perm. 2 1 sec. Restore 2
35 Climbing Regular
148 Cloud-Vaulting* Regular Healing Perm. Varies 3 sec. Minor Healing, Purify Earth 12

Body 1 min. 1 to 3/S 1 sec. - 0

Movement/ 1 sec./100 mi.# 7 1 sec. M2, Jump, Cloud-Walking 12


148 Cloud-Walking Regular Movement/ 1 hr. 3/2 1 sec. Walk on Air, Walk on Water 9


194 Clouds Area Weather/Air 10 min. 1/20/S 10 sec. 2 Water spells, 2 Air spells 4
36 Clumsiness Regular/R-HT
74 Cold Regular Body 1 min. 1 to 5/H 1 sec. Spasm 2
110 Colors Regular
136 Command Blocking/R-Will Fire 1 min. Varies 1 min. Heat 4
153 Command Spirit Regular/R-Will
48 Communication* Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Light 1

Mind Instant 2 1 sec. M2, Forgetfulness 2

Necro. 1 min. Varies 2 sec. Summon Spirit, Turn Spirit 5

Comm. 1 min. 4/4 4 sec. Wizard Eye, Far-Hearing, 9

Voices, Simple Illusion

137 Compel Lie Regular/R-Will Mind/Comm. 5 min. 4/2 1 sec. Emotion Control 4

47 Compel Truth Inform./R-Will Comm. 5 min. 4/2 1 sec. M2, Truthsayer 3

96 Complex Illusion Area Illusion 1 min. 2/H 1 sec. Sound, Simple Illusion 2

162 Conceal Area Plant 1 min. varies# 4 sec. Plant Growth 4

122 Conceal Magic Regular Meta-Spell 10 hrs. 1 to 5/S# 3 sec. Detect Magic 1

26 Concussion Missile Air/Sound Instant 2 to 2¥Magery# 1 to 3 sec. Shape Air, Thunderclap 5

189 Condense Steam Area Water Perm. 2# 10 sec. Cold or Boil Water 5

180 Conduct Power/TL* Special Tech 1 min. 0/1# 1 sec. M1, Seek Power 1

110 Continual Light Regular Lt-Dk Varies Varies 1 sec. Light 1

113 Continual Mage Light Regular Lt-Dk Varies Varies 1 sec. Mage Light, Continual Light 5

114 Continual Sunlight Area Lt-Dk Varies 3 1 sec. Sunlight 5

120 Contract Object* Regular Mk-Brk 1 hour Varies 3 sec. M3, Transform Object 14

99 Control Creation Regular/R-spell Illusion Instant 1 2 sec. Create Animal or Create Servant 10

28 Control Elemental Special 4 Diff. 1 min. Special 2 sec. Summon Elemental# 9

85 Control Gate Regular/R-Gate Gate 1 min. 6/3 10 sec. M3, Seek Gate 11

97 Control Illusion Regular/R-spell Illusion Perm. 1 2 sec. Perfect Illusion 4

40 Control Limb Regular/R-Will Body 5 sec. 3/3# 1 sec. M1, 5 Body spells inc. Spasm 5

49 Control Person Regular/R-Will Comm. 1 min. 6/3 10 sec. Soul Rider or Telepathy 5

152 Control Zombie Regular/R-spell Necro. Perm. 3 1 sec. Zombie 5

173 Converse Regular/R-spell Sound Indef.# 2 1 sec. M1, Garble, Silence 4

78 Cook Regular Food Instant 1 per meal 5 sec. Test Food, Create Fire 3

195 Cool Area Weather/Air 1 hour 1/10/S 1 min.# Cold, 4 Air spells 9

187 Coolness Regular Water/Protection 1 hr. 2/1 10 sec. Cold 5

116 Copy Regular Mk-Brk Perm. 2 plus 1/copy 5 sec. Dye, 1 Accented language 5

64 Cornucopia Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 50¥$ value# – Enchant, 13

2 Weapon Enchantment spells

43 Corpulence* Regular/R-HT Body 10 min. 6/6 3 sec. M2, Create Earth, Create Water, 16

4 Body spells inc. Alter Body

121 Counterspell Regular/R-spell Meta-Spell Instant Varies 5 sec. M1 0
190 Create Acid Regular
23 Create Air Area Water Perm. 4/gal. 2 sec. Create Water, Create Earth 7
98 Create Animal Regular
Air 5 sec.# 1 1 sec. Purify Air or Seek Air 1

Illusion 1 min. Varies sec.=cost Create Water, 12

Create Object, IQ 12+

84 Create Door Regular Gate 10 sec. 2/10 sq. ft.# 5 sec. Teleport, any one 10

Walk Through spell

51 Create Earth Regular Earth Perm. 2/25 cu. ft. 1 sec. Earth to Stone 3


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
28 Create Elemental Special
72 Create Fire Area 4 Diff. Perm. Special Special M2, Control Elemental# 10
79 Create Food Regular
179 Create Fuel/TL Regular Fire 1 min. 2/H 1 sec. Ignite Fire or Seek Fire 1
85 Create Gate* Regular
Food Perm. Varies 30 sec. Cook, Seek Food 5
Regular Tech Perm. 1/lb. 30 sec. Seek Fuel, 2 transmutation spells 5
Area Gate 1 min. Varies Varies Control Gate and Teleport, 16
Regular Timeport, or Plane Shift
188 Create Ice Regular Water Perm. 2/gal. 1 sec. Freeze 5
99 Create Mount Regular
98 Create Object* Enchantment Illusion 1 hr. Varies 3 sec. M3, Create Animal 13
163 Create Plant
98 Create Servant Regular Illusion Indef.# 2/5 lbs. sec.=cost M2, Create Earth, Perfect Illusion 8
190 Create Spring Regular
190 Create Steam Special; Area Plant Perm. Varies sec.=cost M1, Plant Growth 4
98 Create Warrior Regular
184 Create Water Regular Illusion 1 min. Varies 3 sec. M3, IQ 12+, Create Object 9
71 Crystal Ball Enchantment
Enchantment Water Perm. Varies 1 min. Dry Spring, Shape Water 8
Area Water 5 min.# 2 1 sec. Boil Water 9
Regular Illusion 1 min. Varies 4 sec. Create Servant 10
Regular/R-HT Water Perm. 2/gal. 1 sec. Purify Water 2
Regular Enchantment Perm. 1,000 – Enchant, Divination 13
Enchantment (Crystal-Gazing)
91 Cure Disease Blocking Healing Instant 4 10 min. Major Healing, Relieve Sickness 5
182 Cure Radiation* Blocking
194 Current Tech/Healing Perm. 1/10 rads# 30 sec. Resist Radiation, Major Healing 12
129 Curse Regular/R-HT
144 Dancing Object Regular Weather/Water 1 hr. 1/50 1 min. 6 Water spells 6
67 Dancing Shield Area
63 Dancing Weapon Area Meta-Spell Special Varies Varies M2, 2 spells each from 10 colleges# 20
111 Dark Vision Area
111 Darkness Regular Movement 1 hr. 4/2 10 sec. M2, Apportation 1
134 Daze Area/Information
149 Death Vision Enchantment Perm. 250/lb.# - Enchant, Dancing Object 12
41 Deathtouch Area
36 Debility Regular Enchantment Perm. 1,000/lb.# – Enchant, Dancing Object 12
42 Decapitation* Area/R-Will
77 Decay Regular/R-spell Lt-Dk 1 min. 5/2 1 sec. Night Vision or Infravision 2
67 Defending Shield Regular/R-spell
64 Defending Weapon Area/R-spell Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Continual Light 2
67 Deflect Regular/R-spell
73 Deflect Energy Regular/R-spell Mind 1 min. 3/2 2 sec. Foolishness 1
143 Deflect Missile Regular
Regular Necro. 1 sec. 2 3 sec. M1 0
Information Body Instant 1 to 3 1 sec. Wither Limb 7
Regular/R-Will+M Body 1 min. 1 per ST-/H 1 sec. - 0
Special Body Indef. 4 2 sec. M2, Alter Body 11

Regular Food Perm. 1/meal 1 sec. Test Food 1
Regular/R-Will Enchantment Perm. Varies - Enchant, Grace 14

Enchantment Perm. Varies - Enchant, Dancing Object 12

Enchantment Perm. Varies – Enchant 11

Fire Instant 1 1 sec. M1, Shape Fire 2

Movement/ Instant 1 1 sec. Apportation 1


188 Dehydrate Water Perm. 1 to 3 2 sec. 5 Water spells inc. Destroy Water 5
130 Delay
173 Delayed Message Meta-Spell 2 hrs. 3/3 10 sec. M3, 15 spells 15
24 Destroy Air
185 Destroy Water Sound Indef.# 3# 4 sec. M1, Voices, Sense Life 3
101 Detect Magic
166 Detect Poison Air Instant 2 1 sec. Create Air 2

Water Perm. 3/S 1 sec. Create Water 3

Knowledge Instant 2 5 sec. M1 0

Protection/ Instant 2 2 sec. Sense Danger or Test Food 1


25 Devitalize Air Air varies 2 1 sec. Destroy Air 3
120 Disintegrate*
135 Disorient Mk-Brk Perm. 1 to 4 1 sec. M2, Shatter, Ruin# 10
99 Dispel Creation
97 Dispel Illusion Mind Indef.# 1 10 sec. Foolishness 1
126 Dispel Magic
49 Dispel Possession Illusion Instant 1 or 3# 1 sec. Control Creation 11
124 Displace Spell
144 Distant Blow Illusion Instant 1 1 sec. Control Illusion 5
46 Distill
84 Divert Teleport* Meta-Spell Perm. 3 sec.=cost Counterspell and 12 other spells 13
108 Divination
62 Doppelgänger* Comm. Instant 10 10 sec. Soul Rider or Possession# 5
130 Drain Magery*
127 Drain Mana* Meta-Spell Varies Varies 5 sec. Suspend Magic 10
180 Draw Power/TL*
Movement 5 sec. 3/3 3 sec. M2, Apportation 1

Food/Water Perm. 1/quart 10 sec. Mature, Destroy Water 7

Gate/Movement Instant Varies 1 sec. M3, Trace Teleport 6

Knowledge Instant 10 1 hr.# History, other spells# Varies

Enchantment Perm.# 1,000 - M3, Golem, History, Enslave 29

Meta-Spell Perm. 30 10 min. M3, Suspend Magery 21

Meta-Spell Perm. 10 1 hr. Dispel Magic, Suspend Mana 14

Tech 1 min. 0/1# 1 sec. Steal Power, 2 spells each 22

from 10 colleges

46 Dream Projection Comm./Mind 1 min. 3/3 1 min. Dream Sending 4
45 Dream Sending
45 Dream Viewing Comm./Mind 1 hr. 3 1 min. Dream Viewing or Sleep 3

Comm. 1 hr. 2/1 10 sec. Truthsayer or Sleep 3


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
188 Drunkenness Regular/R-Will Mind 1 min. Varies 2 sec. Foolishness, Clumsiness 4
134 Dry Spring Regular Water Perm. varies# 1 min. Destroy Water, Shape Earth 6
116 Dull Sense Regular/R-HT Mind 30 min. 1 to 3/H 1 sec. - 0
51 Dullness* Regular/R-HT Mind 10 min. 2 to 10/H 1 sec. Any two Dull spells 2
51 Duplicate* Regular Illusion Indef.# 3/5 lbs. sec.=cost Create Object, Copy 15
107 Dye Regular Mk-Brk 2d days Varies 3 sec. Restore, Colors 4

139 Earth to Air Regular Air/Earth Perm. 5/25 cu. ft.# 2 sec. Create Air, Shape Earth 4
137 Earth to Stone Regular Earth Perm. 3/25 cu. ft.# 1 sec. M1, Shape Earth 2
135 Earth to Water Regular Earth/Water Perm. 1/25 cu. ft.# 1 sec. M1, Create Water, Shape Earth 5
120 Earth Vision Regular Earth/Know. 30 sec. 2/10 yds.# 1 sec. Shape Earth 2
141 Earthquake Area Earth 1 min. 2/S 30 sec. M2, 6 Earth spells inc. Earth Vision 6
Echoes of the Past Regular Knowledge/ 1 min. 2/2# 10 sec. M2, History, Voices 7
53 Sound
192 Ecstasy* Regular/R-Will Mind 10 sec. 6 3 sec. M2, Emotion Control 4
53 Effigy* Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 1,000 - Enchant, Scryfool, Ward 13
79 Emotion Control Area/R-Will Mind 1 hr. 2 1 sec. Loyalty or Mental Stun 3
189 Enchant* Enchantment Enchantment Perm. Varies Varies M2, 1 spell each from 10 colleges 10
146 Encrypt Regular/R-Spec. Mind 1 week Varies 1 sec. Daze 2

154 Enlarge* Regular Body 1 hr. 2/+1 SM/S 5 sec. M2, Alter Body 11
118 Enlarge Object* Regular Mk-Brk 1 hour Varies 3 sec. Extend Object 17
196 Enlarge Other* Regular/R-HT Body 1 hr. 2/+1 SM/S 10 sec. M3, Enlarge 12
72 Enslave* Regular/R-Will Mind Perm. 30 1 sec. Charm, Telepathy 14
Ensorcel* Enchantment/ Enchantment Perm.# 200¥spell cost - Malefice 12
139 R-Spec.

163 Enthrall Special/R-Will Mind 1 hr. 3/3 1 sec. Forgetfulness, Daze, Slow 6
173 Entombment Regular/R-HT Earth Perm. 10# 3 sec. M2, 5 Earth spells 5

77 Entrap Spirit Special Necro. 5 min. Varies 1 sec. M1, Soul Jar, Turn Spirit 11

135 Essential Acid* Regular Water Perm. 8/gal. 1 sec. 6 Acid spells 13

73 Essential Air Area Air Perm. 2 3 sec. 6 Air spells 6
139 Essential Earth Regular Earth Perm. 8 30 sec. 6 Earth spells 6
101 Essential Flame Area Fire 1 min. 3/2# 3 sec. 6 Fire spells 6
75 Essential Food* Regular Food Perm. 3/meal# 30 sec. 6 Food spells inc. Create Food 8
73 Essential Fuel/TL Regular Tech Perm. 8/gal. 1 sec. 6 Energy spells 6

Essential Water Regular Water Perm. 3/gal. 1 sec. 6 Water spells 6

Essential Wood Regular Plant Perm. 8 30 sec. 6 Plant spells 6

Ethereal Body* Regular Movement 10 sec. 8/4 30 sec. 6 Movement spells or 4

M3 and Body of Air

Evisceration* Regular/R-HT or IQ Necro. Instant 10 5 sec. M3, Apportation, Steal Vitality 6

Exchange Bodies* Regular/R-Will Comm. Perm. 120 1 hr. Permanent Possession, Soul Jar 17

Explode* Regular Mk-Brk Instant 2 to 6 1 sec. M2, Shatter, Apportation 8

Explosive Fireball Missile Fire Instant 2 to 2¥Magery# 1 to 3 sec. Fireball 4

Explosive Lightning Missile Weather/Air Instant 2 to 2¥Magery# 1 to 3 sec. Lightning 7

Extend Object* Regular Mk-Brk 1 hour Varies 3 sec. M3, Transform Object 16

Extinguish Fire Regular Fire Perm. 3 1 sec. Ignite Fire 1

Extinguish Radiation* Regular Tech Perm. 1/10 rads/hr. 1 sec. M2, Extinguish Fire, 7

Earth to Air, Irradiate

False Aura Regular/Area/R-IQ# Meta-Spell 10 hrs. 4/H 10 sec. Conceal Magic, Aura 3

False Memory Regular/R-Will Mind Varies Varies 5 sec. Forgetfulness, 6 other 7

Mind Control spells

False Tracks Regular/R-Will Plant 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Shape Plant, Shape Earth 5

Far-Feeling Regular Knowledge 1 min. 3/1 3 sec. M1 0

Far-Hearing Information Sound/Know. 1 min. 4/2 3 sec. M1, 4 Sound spells, no Deafness 4

or Hard of Hearing

Far-Tasting Regular Food/Knowledge 1 min. 3/1 3 sec. M1, no anosmia, 1

Seek Food or Seek Air

Fascinate Regular Mind Indef.# 4 1 sec. Daze 2

or Blocking/R-IQ

Fast Fire Regular Fire 1 min. Varies 1 sec. Slow Fire 3

Fasten Regular/R-DX Mk-Brk Perm. 3# 1 sec. Knot 11

Fear Area/R-Will Mind 10 min. 1 1 sec. Sense Emotion or Empathy 0

Final Rest Regular Healing/Necro. Perm. 20 10 min.# M1 or Spirit Empathy 0

Find Direction Information Knowledge Instant 2 1 sec. M1 0

Find Weakness Information Mk-Brk Instant 1# 2 sec. 1 spell of each four elements 4

Fire Cloud Area Fire 10 sec. 1 to 5/S 1 to 5 sec. Shape Air, Fireball 7

Fireball Missile Fire Instant 1 to Magery# 1 to 3 sec. M1, Create Fire, Shape Fire 3

Fireproof Area Fire 1 day 3# 5 min. Extinguish Fire 2


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
73 Flame Jet Regular Fire
75 Flaming Armor Regular Fire 1 sec. 1 to 3/S 1 sec. Create Fire, Shape Fire 3
75 Flaming Missiles Regular Fire
75 Flaming Weapon Regular Fire 1 min. 6/3 1 sec. M1, Resist Fire, Flame Jet 7
112 Flash Regular Lt-Dk
190 Flesh to Ice* Regular/R-HT Water 1 min. 4/2# 3 sec. Flaming Weapon 5
31 Flesh to Stone Regular/R-HT Earth
145 Flight* Regular Movement 1 min. 4/1 2 sec. M2, Heat 4
146 Flying Carpet* Regular Movement
193 Fog Area Weather/Water Instant 4 2 sec. Continual Light 2
79 Fool’s Banquet Regular Food
134 Foolishness Regular/R-Will Mind Perm. 12 2 sec. M1, Frostbite, Body of Water 8
170 Force Dome Area Protection
170 Force Wall Regular Protection Instant 10# 2 sec. Earth to Stone 3
162 Forest Warning Area Plant
135 Forgetfulness Regular/ Mind 1 min. 5/3 2 sec. M2, Levitation 2
R-Will or skill
Enchantment 10 min. 1/sq. ft./H 5 sec. Flight, or M2 and Walk on Air 3
Regular/R-HT 1 min. 2/H 1 sec. Shape Water 4
1 day 2 per meal 1 sec. M1, Cook, Foolishness 5

1 min. 1 per IQ-/H 1 sec. IQ 12+ 0

10 min. 3/2 1 sec. Weather Dome, Apportation 10

10 min. 2/yd./S 1 sec. Force Dome 11

10 hrs. 2#/S 1 sec. 4 Plant spells 4

1 hr. 3/3 10 sec. M1, Foolishness 1

66 Fortify Enchantment Perm. Varies – Enchant 11
185 Foul Water 1 sec.
37 Frailty Water/Food Perm. 3 1 sec. Purify Water, Decay 4
148 Freedom 1 sec.
Body 1 min. 2 per HT-/S# Lend Energy 1

Movement/Protection1 min. 2/pt/S 3 Body spells, 3 Movement spells, 9

3 Protection spells

185 Freeze Regular Water Perm. Varies 10 sec. Shape Water 4
193 Frost Area Weather/Water Indef. 1 1 sec.
189 Frostbite Regular/R-HT Water Perm. 3 sec. Create Water or Cold 3
38 Fumble Blocking/R-DX Body Instant 1 to 3 none
172 Garble Regular/R-Will Sound 1 min. 3 1 sec. Frost, Freeze 5
43 Gauntness* Regular/R-HT Body 10 min. 4/2 3 sec.
6/6 Clumsiness 3

Voices 2

M2, Earth to Air, Destroy Water, 15

4 Body spells inc. Hunger

190 Geyser* Area Water 1 sec. 5/2 5 sec. 6 Water spells inc. Create Spring 9

and either 4 Earth or 4 Fire spells

65 Ghost Weapon Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 250/lb.# - Enchant, Solidify 14
46 Gift of Letters* Regular Comm. 1 min. Varies 1 sec.
Borrow Language, 5

3 languages at Accented

46 Gift of Tongues* Regular Comm. 1 min. Varies 1 sec. Borrow Language,

3 languages at Accented 5

103 Glass Wall Regular Knowledge 1 min. 4/2 1 sec. 5 Knowledge spells or Earth Vision 3
141 Glib Tongue Regular/R-Will Mind 5 min. 2/1 1 sec.
176 Glitch/TL Regular/R-HT Tech Instant 3 1 sec. Suggestion 6
112 Gloom Area Lt-Dk Varies Varies Varies
112 Glow Area Lt-Dk Varies Varies Varies Machine Control 12
142 Glue Area Movement 10 min. 3/S 1 sec.
59 Golem* Enchantment Enchantment Perm. Varies Varies Continual Light 2

Continual Light 2

Haste 1

Enchant, Shape Earth, 14


37 Grace Regular Body 1 min. 4 per DX+/S 1 sec. Clumsiness 3
Enchantment -
63 Graceful Weapon Enchantment Movement Perm. 150/lb. Enchant, Apportation 11
Mind 1 sec.
142 Grease Area 10 min. 3/S 1 min. Haste 1

141 Great Geas* Regular/R-Will Perm. 30 M3, 15 Mind Control spells 15

inc. Lesser Geas

141 Great Hallucination* Regular/R-Will Mind 1 min. 6/3 4 sec. M2, Hallucination 8
Movement 10 sec. 5# 3 sec.
146 Great Haste* Regular Healing Perm. 20 1 min. M1, Haste, IQ 12+ 1
Animal 1 min. 20/H# 5 sec.
91 Great Healing* Regular M3, Major Healing 4

34 Great Shapeshift* Special M3, Alter Body, 4 Shapeshifting, 15

10 other spells

173 Great Voice Regular Sound 1 min. 3/1 2 sec. Voices, Thunderclap 3
122 Great Ward Block/R-spell Meta-Spell none
62 Great Wish* Enchantment Enchantment Instant 1 per subject# M2, Ward 1
195 Hail Area Weather/Water –
39 Hair Growth Regular/R-HT Body Special 2,000 1 sec. M3, Wish, (DX + IQ):30+ 18
39 Haircut Regular/R-HT Body 1 sec.
140 Hallucination Regular/R-Will Mind 1 min. 1/5/S# 2 sec. Snow 7
94 Halt Aging* Regular Healing 3 sec.
128 Hang Spell* Special Meta-Spell 5 sec. 1/1 1 sec. 5 Body spells 5
167 Hardiness Blocking Protection 10 sec.
142 Haste Regular Movement Instant 2 1 sec. Weaken, 2 Body spells 8
146 Hawk Flight* Regular Movement 2 sec.
1 min. 4/2 3 sec. Madness, Suggestion 7

1 month 20 M2, 8 Healing spells 8

1 hr. Varies Delay 16

Instant 1/DR+# Block 1

1 min. 2/pt./H -0

1 min. 8/4 Flight 3


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
Hawk Vision Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/lvl./H# 2 sec. Keen Vision or 5 Light spells; 1
94 no Blindness or Bad Sight
57 Heal Plant Area Plant Perm. 3 1 min. Identify Plant 2
45 Healing Slumber Regular/R-# Healing 8 hrs.# 6 or 10 30 sec. M2, Sleep, Minor Healing 6
162 Heat Regular Fire 1 min. Varies 1 min. Create Fire, Shape Fire 3
61 Hex Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 200 – Enchant 11
106 Hide Regular Lt-Dk 1 hr. 1 to 5/S 5 sec. Blur or Forgetfulness 2
143 Hide Emotion Regular Comm. 1 hour 2/2 1 sec. Sense Emotion 2
38 Hide Object Regular Gate 1 hr. 1/lb./S 10 sec. Hideaway, Teleport 20
30 Hide Path Regular Plant 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Heal Plant 3
186 Hide Thoughts Regular Comm. 10 min. 3/1 1 sec. Truthsayer or Hide Emotion 3
192 Hideaway Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 50# – Enchant, Create Object, Lighten 15
188 Hinder Regular Body/Movement 1 min. 1 to 4/S 1 sec. Haste or Clumsiness 1
182 History Information Knowledge Instant Varies sec.=cost Trace 4
182 Hold Breath Regular Body 1 min. 4/2 1 sec. M1, Vigor 3
72 Hold Fast Blocking Movement Instant 1/yd.# 1 sec. Apportation 1
96 Homunculus Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 800 - Enchant, Mind-Sending 15
172 Hunger Regular/R-HT Body/Food Instant 2 5 sec. M1, Debility, Decay 3
143 Hush Regular/R-Will Sound 10 sec.# 2/1 2 sec. Silence 2
111 Hybrid Control* Regular/R-Will Animal 1 min. 6/3 1 sec. 2 Control spells# 3
97 Ice Dagger Missile Water Instant 1 to Magery# 1 to 3 sec. Ice Sphere or Water Jet 5
115 Ice Slick Area Water Perm. 3 Varies Frost 4
Ice Sphere Missile Water Instant 1 to Magery# 1 to 3 sec. Shape Water 4
93 Icy Breath* Regular Water 1 sec. 1 to 4 2 sec. M1, Snow Jet, Resist Cold 12
174 Icy Missiles Regular Water 1 min. 4/2 3 sec. Icy Weapon 4
169 Icy Touch Melee Water Perm. 2# 1 sec.# M1, 4 Water spells 4
35 Icy Weapon Regular Water 1 min. 3/1 3 sec. Create Water 3
133 Identify Metal Information Tech Instant 1 1 sec. Seek Earth 0
97 Identify Plant Information Plant Instant 2 1 sec. Seek Plant 1
78 Identify Plastic Information Tech Instant 1 1 sec. Seek Plastic 0
Identify Spell Information Knowledge Instant 2 1 sec. Detect Magic 1
89 Ignite Fire Regular Fire 1 sec. 1 to 4/S 1 sec. none 0
Illusion Disguise Regular Illusion Varies 3 1 sec. Simple Illusion 1

Illusion Shell Regular Illusion 1 min. 1 or 2/H 1 sec. Simple Illusion 1

Images of the Past Regular Knowledge/Lt-Dk 1 min. 3/3# 10 sec. M2, History, Simple Illusion 6

Imitate Voice Regular/R-HT Sound 1 min. 3/1 1 sec. Voices 2

Impression Blocker Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 20/lb. - Enchant, Seeker, Scrywall 12

Increase Burden Regular/R-Spec Movement 10 min. 1/25 lbs.# 3 sec. Apportation 1

Independence Area Illusion Varies 2 Varies Simple Illusion 1

Infravision Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 3/1 1 sec. Keen Vision or 5 Light spells 1

Initiative Area Illusion Indef.# Varies 10 sec. Independence, Wisdom 9

Inscribe Area/R-Will Illusion/Mk-Brk 1 min. 2/S 1 sec. Simple Illusion, Copy 7

Insignificance Regular/R-Spec. Comm. 1 hour 4/4 10 sec. Persuasion, Avoid 8

Inspired Creation* Regular Mk-Brk Perm. 5/day Varies - 0

Instant Neutralize Regular Healing Instant 8 1 sec. M2, Neutralize Poison 2


Instant Regeneration* Regular Healing Perm. 80 Special M3, Regeneration 6

Instant Restoration* Regular Healing Perm. 50 Special M2, Restoration 5

Invisibility Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 5/3 3 sec. 6 Light spells inc. Blur 6

Invisible Wizard Ear Regular Sound 1 min. 5/3 4 sec. Wizard Ear, Invisibility 12

Invisible Wizard Eye Regular Knowledge 1 min. 5/3 4 sec. Wizard Eye, Invisibility 8

Iron Arm Blocking Protection Instant 1 1 sec. Resist Pain, DX 11+ 4

Irradiate Area Tech 1 hr. 1/10 rads/hr./h 1 sec. 2 Earth spells, 2 Fire spells 4

Itch Regular/R-HT Body Scratch# 2 1 sec. - 0

Jump Regular Movement 1 min. 1 to 3 1 sec. Apportation 1

Keen Sense Regular Mind 30 min. 1 per +/H# 1 sec. - 0

Knot Regular Mk-Brk Indef.# 2 3 sec. Stiffen 10

Know Illusion Information Illusion Instant 2 1 sec. Simple Illusion 1

Know Location Information Knowledge Instant 2 10 sec. M1, Tell Position 2

Know Recipe Information/R-Spec. Food/Knowledge 1 day# 3 15 sec. Far-Tasting, Season 4

Know True Shape Information Knowledge Instant 2 1 sec. M1, any one shifting spell, 9

either Aura or Know Illusion

Leak Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 100 – Hideaway 16

Lend Energy Regular Healing Perm. Varies 1 sec. M1 or Empathy advantage 0

Lend Language Regular Comm. 1 min. 3/1 3 sec. 3 Communication spells, 3

or Beast Speech


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
180 Lend Power/TL Regular Tech
47 Lend Skill Regular Comm. Indef. Varies 1 sec. M2, Seek Power 1
126 Lend Spell Regular Meta-Spell
1 min. 3/2 3 sec. Mind-Sending, IQ 11+ 5
89 Lend Vitality Regular Healing
41 Lengthen Limb Regular Body Perm. Varies 3 sec. M1, Lend Skill, 1 spell each 11
140 Lesser Geas* Regular/R-Will Mind
58 Lesser Wish* Enchantment Enchantment from 6 colleges
143 Levitation Regular/ Movement
1 hr. 1 per HP loaned 1 sec. Lend Energy 1
159 Lich* R-ST or Will
Enchantment 1 min. 2/2 5 sec. M3, Shapeshifting 7
110 Light
112 Light Jet Regular Perm. 12 30 sec. M2, 10 Mind Control spells 10
145 Light Tread Regular
67 Lighten Regular Special 180 – Enchant 11
143 Lighten Burden Enchantment
196 Lightning Regular 1 min. 1 per 80 lbs./H# 2 sec. Apportation 1
198 Lightning Armor Missile
Regular Necro./Ench. Perm. Varies Varies M3, IQ 13+, Enchant, 19
198 Lightning Missiles
198 Lightning Stare* Regular Lt-Dk Soul Jar, Zombie
198 Lightning Weapon Regular Lt-Dk
196 Lightning Whip Regular Movement 1 min. 1/1 1 sec. -0
68 Limit Regular Enchantment
131 Link Enchantment Movement 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Continual Light or Shape Light 2
144 Lockmaster Area Weather/Air
Regular/ Weather/Air 10 min. 4/1# 1 sec. Apportation, Shape Earth 3
143 Locksmith
143 Long March R-Magelock Weather/Air Perm. Varies – Enchant 11
63 Loyal Sword Regular Weather/Air
136 Loyalty Regular/R-ST Weather/Air 10 min. 3 or 5/H# 3 sec. Apportation 1
Enchantment Weather/Air
137 Lure Regular/R-Will Enchantment Instant 1 to Magery# 1 to 3 sec. M1, 6 Air spells 6
176 Machine Control/TL Meta-Spell
Area/R-Will Movement 1 min. 7/4 1 sec. 6 Lightning spells 12
178 Machine Regular
Possession/TL inc. Resist Lightning
176 Regular/R-Will
176 Machine Speech/TL 1 min. 4/2# 3 sec. Lightning Weapon 8
Machine Regular 2 sec.
136 Regular 1 sec. 1 to 4 2 sec. Lightning, Resist Lightning 8
113 Summoning/TL 2 sec.
102 Madness Regular/R-Will-2 1 min. 4/1 M2, Lightning 7
102 Mage Light Regular –
172 Mage Sense Information 10 sec. 1 per 2 yards# 4 hrs. Lightning 7
166 Mage Sight Regular 10 sec.
123 Mage-Stealth Regular Perm. 200 Enchant 11
181 Magelock Regular
128 Magic Resistance Regular/R-Will+M Indef.# 8 Delay 16
91 Magnetic Vision Regular
60 Maintain Spell* Special Perm. 3 Locksmith or Apportation and M2 1
177 Major Healing* Regular
70 Malefice* Enchantment Movement 1 min. 2/2 1 sec. Apportation 1
145 Malfunction/TL Melee/R-HT 1 min. M1, Clumsiness or Debility 1
118 Manastone* Enchantment Movement 1 day’s march 3 Enchant, Apportation 11
137 Manipulate Regular – Bravery, 2 other 3
137 Mapmaker Special Enchantment Perm. 750/lb.# 2 sec.
141 Mass Daze Area/R-HT Mind Control spells 4
153 Mass Sleep Area/R-HT Mind 1 hr. 2/2# 10 sec. Emotion Control 11
30 Mass Suggestion Area/R-Will 1 sec. Reveal Function, Locksmith,
150 Mass Zombie* Area Mind 1 hr. 1/S 16
78 Master Reg./Block./R-IQ Tech 1 min. 6/3 30 sec. Lightning
100 Materialize Special Machine Control, Rider Within 13
186 Mature Regular Tech 1 min. 6/2 1 sec. or Soul Rider 12
105 Measurement Area/Inform. 4 sec. Machine Summoning
Melt Ice Area Tech/Comm. 1 min. 5/3 Machine Control
Memorize Regular Tech 1 min. 4/2

Mind 1 min. 4/2 2 sec. Forgetfulness or Drunkenness 2
1 sec. Mage Sight, Light 3
Lt-Dk 1 min. Varies 1 sec. Detect Magic 1
1 sec. Detect Magic 1
Knowledge 1 min. 3/2 3 sec. Hush 3
4 sec. M1 0
Knowledge 1 min. 3/2 3 sec. M1, 1 spell each from 7 colleges 7
1 sec. Keen Vision 1
Sound 1 min. 3/2 2 sec.# Link 17
1 sec. M1, Minor Healing 3
Protection 6 hrs. 3/2 Enchant, Seeker 11
- M2, Glitch 13
Meta-Spell 1 min. 1 to 5/S# 1 sec. Enchant 11
Locksmith 2
Tech 1 min. 2/1 - Inscribe, Measurement 9
3 sec. Daze, IQ 13+ 2
Meta-Spell Indef.# Varies 10 sec. Sleep, IQ 13+ 3
sec.=cost Suggestion 6
Healing Perm. 1 to 4 sec.=cost Zombie, Charisma 2+ 5
sec.=cost Beast-Soother 1
Enchantment Indef.# 250 varies# Summon Spirit 2
1 sec. Decay or Season 2
Tech 1 min. 5 1 sec. - 0
10 sec. Heat or Freeze 4
Enchantment Indef. 5 1 sec. Wisdom or 6 Knowledge spells 6
10 sec.
Movement 1 min. 4/3# 2 sec.

Mk-Brk 1 hr. 4/2

Mind Instant 2/1#

Mind Instant 3#

Mind 10 min. 4/2#

Necro. Perm. 7

Animal Indef. 2

Necro. 1 min. 5/5

Food Perm. 1 per pound

Knowledge Instant 1

Water Perm.# 2#

Knowledge/Mind 1 day# 3


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
174 Mental Stun Regular/R-Will Mind Instant 2 1 sec. Daze or Stun 2
37 Message Regular/R-spell Sound/Comm. Varies 1/15 sec. Varies Great Voice, Seeker 7
46 Metal Vision Regular Tech/Knowledge 30 sec. 2/5 yds./S 1 sec. Shape Metal 3
137 Might Regular Body 1 min. 2 per ST+/S 1 sec. Lend Energy 1
112 Mind-Reading Regular/R-Will Comm. 1 min. 4/2 10 sec. Truthsayer or Borrow Language 3
79 Mind-Search* Regular/R-Will Comm. 1 min. 6/3 1 min. Mind-Reading 4
52 Mind-Sending Regular Comm. 1 min. 4/4 4 sec. Mind-Reading 4
119 Mindlessness* Regular/R-Will Mind 1 min. 8/4 5 sec. M2, Forgetfulness 2
68 Minor Healing Regular Healing Perm. 1 to 3 1 sec. Lend Vitality 2
92 Mirror Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/2 1 sec. Colors 2
137 Missile Shield Regular Protection 1 min. 5/2 1 sec. Apportation or Shield 1
24 Monk’s Banquet Regular Food 24 hrs. 6 1 sec. Fool’s Banquet, Resist Pain 10
138 Move Terrain* Area/R-Spec. Earth 1 hour 10/8 1 min. Alter Terrain, Hide Object 29
70 Mud Jet Regular Earth/Water 1 sec. 1 to 3 1 sec. Sand Jet, Create Water 8

36 Musical Scribe Regular Sound 1 min. 3/1# 1 sec. Scribe 5
40 Mystic Mark Regular/R-Spec Mk-Brk Indef.# 3 10 sec. Dye, Trace 9
34 Mystic Mist Area Protection 10 hrs. 1/S 5 min. M1 and Watchdog or Shield 1
105 Name Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 200 or 400# – Enchant 11
123 Nauseate Regular/R-HT Body 10 sec. 2/S 1 sec. 2 Body spells inc. Perfume 5
124 Neutralize Poison Regular Healing Perm. 5 30 sec. Cure Disease or M3 and Test Food 1
35 Night Vision Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 3/1 1 sec. Keen Vision or 5 Light spells 1
Nightingale Area Protection 10 hrs. 2/2 1 sec. Sense Danger 1
Nightmare Regular/R-Will Mind 1 hr. 6 1 min. M2, Death Vision, Fear, Sleep 5
No-Smell Regular Air 1 hr. 2/2 1 sec. Purify Air 1
49 Noise Area Sound 5 sec. 4/2 1 sec. Wall of Silence 3

33 Oath Regular/R-Spec Mind Perm. 4 1 min. M1, Emotion Control 4

45 Odor Area Air 1 hr. 1 1 sec. No-Smell 2
97 One-College Enchantment Enchantment Indef. 12 - Enchant 11


Pain Regular/R-HT Body 1 sec. 2 2 sec. Spasm 2
Mind 1 min. 4/2 1 sec.
Panic Area/R-Will Body 1 min. 3 1 sec. Fear 1
Earth Perm. 12 3 sec.
Paralyze Limb Melee/R-HT Animal 1 hour Varies 10 sec. M1, 5 Body spells inc. Clumsiness 5
Enchantment Perm. 400#
Partial Petrifaction* Regular/R-HT Knowledge Instant 4 – M2, Flesh to Stone 4
Mind 8 hrs. 4 10 sec.
Partial Shapeshifting* Regular/R-Will Meta-Spell Varies Varies 30 sec. M3, Shapeshift Others, Alter Body 12
Enchantment Perm. Varies 3 sec.
Password Enchantment Meta-Spell Perm. 1/sq. ft.# Enchant 11
Illusion 1 min. 3/H# -
Pathfinder Information Body 10 min. 2/1 1/sq. ft.# M1, IQ 12+, 2 Seek spells 2
Animal Indef. 20
Peaceful Sleep Regular/R-Spec. 1 sec. Sleep, Silence 5
1 sec.
Penetrating Spell Regular 1 min. Delay, Find Weakness 16

Penetrating Weapon Enchantment Enchant, Find Weakness 11

Pentagram Special Spell Shield 9

Perfect Illusion Area M1, Complex Illusion 3

Perfume Regular/R-HT Odor 3

Permanent Regular/R-Will M2, Beast Possession 7

Beast Possession*

Permanent Regular/ Mind Perm. 15 1 hr. M2, Forgetfulness, IQ 13+ 2

Forgetfulness* R-Will or skill

Permanent Machine Regular/R-Will Tech Indef.# 30 5 min. M3, Machine Possession 17


Permanent Madness* Regular/R-Will-2 Mind Perm. 20 10 min. M2, Madness, IQ 13+ 3
Comm. Indef. 30 5 min. M3, Possession 6
Permanent Regular/R-Will


Permanent Regular Animal Indef. Varies 1 min. M3, Shapeshifting 7


Persuasion Regular/R-Will Comm. 1 min. 2¥bonus# 1 sec. Sense Emotion 2
Necro. Perm. 6 30 sec.
Pestilence Regular Illusion 1 min. 1 sec. M1, Steal Vitality, Decay 7
Phantom* Area Fire/Illusion 1 sec. M2, Perfect Illusion, 7
Gate 1 sec.
Gate 1 sec. Hinder, Apportation
Gate 5 min.
73 Phantom Flame Area Gate 1 min. 1/S 30 sec. Shape Fire or Simple Illusion 1
Gate Instant 3 5 sec.
83 Phase Blocking Gate Instant 3 5 sec. M3, Plane Shift or Ethereal Body 5
Plant 20# 1 sec.
83 Phase Other* Blocking Plant 1 hr. 4/2 1 sec. Phase 5
1 min. 20
82 Planar Summons Special Instant 20 M1, 1 spell each from 10 colleges 10
Instant 3/H
82 Planar Visit* Special 1 min. 5/2 M2, Projection or Planar Summons 7
1 hr.
83 Plane Shift* Special Planar Summons 11

83 Plane Shift Other* Regular/R-Will+1 M3, Plane Shift 12

164 Plant Control Regular/R-Will Plant Sense 6

164 Plant Form Special M1, 6 Plant spells 6


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
165 Plant Form Other Special/R-Will Plant 1 hr. 5/2
162 Plant Growth Area Plant 1 min. 3/2 30 sec. M2, Plant Form 7
163 Plant Sense Regular/ Plant 1 min. 3/2
R-Hide Path 10 sec. Heal Plant 3
Regular 1 sec. Forest Warning, Hide Path 5
164 Plant Speech Regular Plant 1 min. 3/2 1 sec. M1, Plant Sense 6
162 Plant Vision Area/R-HT 1/10 yds. 1 sec. Shape Plant 3
183 Plastic Vision Missile/R-HT Plant/Knowledge 30 sec. 2/5 yds./S 1 sec. Shape Plastic 4
78 Poison Food Regular/R-Will 3 per meal 1 sec. Purify Food, Decay 3
162 Pollen Cloud Tech/Knowledge 30 sec. 1 sec. Shape Plant 3
144 Poltergeist 1 1 sec. Apportation 1
49 Possession* Food Perm. 1 or 2# 1 min. M1, and Control Person 5

Plant 5 min.# 10/4 – or Beast Possession 12
– Enchant, Recover Energy 11
Movement Instant Varies Enchant 4
4 Earth spells
Comm. 1 min.

57 Power Enchantment Enchantment Perm. Varies
69 Powerstone Enchantment Enchantment
51 Predict Earth Information Earth Perm. 20

Movement Information Instant 2 per day#
193 Predict Weather Information
106 Prehistory Regular Weather/Air Instant Varies 5 sec.# 4 Air spells 4
78 Prepare Game Regular/R-Spec.
48 Presence Regular Knowledge Instant Varies hr.=cost Ancient History 6
79 Preserve Food Regular
179 Preserve Fuel/TL Regular Food Perm. 2 10 sec. Purify Food 3
105 Projection Regular
180 Propel/TL Area Comm. 1 hour 4/4 10 sec. Persuasion, Lure 8
32 Protect Animal Enchantment
65 Puissance Regular Food 1 week Special 1 sec. Decay 2
146 Pull
Tech 1 week 4/lb./H 1 sec. Test Fuel 1

Knowledge 1 min. 4/2 3 sec. Sense Spirit, 4 Knowledge spells 6

Tech 10 min. Varies 1 sec. Create Fuel, Dancing Object 8

Animal/Protection 1 min. 1/S 1 min. Armor, Watchdog, 3 Animal spells 7

Enchantment Perm. Varies – Enchant, 5 Earth spells 15

Movement 1 min. 1/2 ST/S 5 sec. M2, 4 Movement spells inc. 4


23 Purify Air Area Air Instant 1 1 sec. - 0

54 Purify Earth Area Earth/Plant Perm. 2# 30 sec. Create Earth, Plant Growth 8

78 Purify Food Regular Food Perm. 1 per lb. 1 sec. Decay 2

179 Purify Fuel/TL Regular Tech Instant 1# 1 sec. Purify Water or Decay 2

184 Purify Water Special Water Perm. 1/gal. 5-10 sec./gal.# Seek Water 1

65 Quick-Aim Enchantment Enchantment Perm. Varies - Enchant, Grace 14

63 Quick-Draw Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 300/lb.# – Enchant, Apportation 11

144 Quick March Regular Movement 1 day’s march 4# 1 min. M1, Haste 1

182 Radiation Jet Regular Tech 1 sec. 1 to 3/S 1 sec. Irradiate, Resist Radiation 8

181 Radio Hearing Regular Tech 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Keen Hearing 1

195 Rain Area Weather/Air/Water 1 hr. 1/10/S# 1 min. Clouds 5

191 Rain of Acid Area Water 1 min. 3/3 1 sec. M2, Create Water, Create Earth 7

74 Rain of Fire Area Fire 1 min. 1/S# 1 sec. M2, Create Fire 2

192 Rain of Ice Daggers Area Water 1 min. 2/2# 1 sec. M2, Hail, Ice Dagger 12

165 Rain of Nuts Area Plant 1 min. 1/10/S 1 sec. M1, 6 Plant spells inc. Shape Plant 6

53 Rain of Stones Area Earth 1 min. 1/S# 1 sec. M2, Create Earth 4

82 Rapid Journey* Special Gate/Movement 1 min. Varies 5 sec. M3, Teleport or Timeport 5

134 Rear Vision Regular Mind 1 min. 3/1 1 sec. Alertness 3

177 Rebuild/TL Regular Tech/Mk-Brk Perm. Varies Varies M3, Repair, Create Object, 22

3 spells of each element#

106 Recall Regular Knowledge/Mind 1 day# 4 10 sec. M2, Memorize, Wisdom 8

106 Reconstruct Spell Information Knowledge Instant 3# 10 sec. M2, History, Identify Spell 7

89 Recover Energy Special Healing Special none Special M1, Lend Energy 1

122 Reflect Block/R-spell Meta-Spell Instant 4 or 6# none Ward 1

168 Reflect Gaze* Blocking/R-Spec Protection Instant 2 1 sec. Mirror 3

132 Reflex Special Meta-Spell 1 hr. Varies 10 sec. Delay, Ward 16

39 Reflexes Regular Body 1 min. 5/3 1 sec. Grace, Haste 5

93 Regeneration* Regular Healing Perm. 20 Special# M2, Restoration 5

116 Rejoin Regular Mk-Brk 10 min. 1 per 10 lbs./H 4 sec./10 lbs. Weaken, Restore 8

163 Rejuvenate Plant Regular Plant Perm. 3 1 sec. M1, Plant Growth 4

92 Relieve Addiction Regular Healing 1 day 6 10 sec. Neutralize Poison 2

92 Relieve Madness Regular/R-spell Healing/Mind 10 min. 2 10 sec. Lend Vitality, Wisdom 9

93 Relieve Paralysis Regular Healing 1 min. Varies 10 sec. Stop Paralysis 5

90 Relieve Sickness Regular/R-spell Healing 10 min. 2 10 sec. Lend Vitality 2

107 Remember Path Regular Knowledge 1 hr. 3/1 10 sec. Find Direction, Memorize 8

127 Remove Aura Regular/R-Will# Meta-Spell Perm. 5 10 sec. Dispel Magic, Aura 14

90 Remove Contagion Area Healing Instant 3 2 sec. Decay, Clean, or Cure Disease 2


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
126 Remove Curse Regular/R-spell Meta-Spell Instant 20
1 hr. M2, Suspend Curse or 13
58 Remove Enchantment Enchantment Perm. 100#
Enchantment 1 spell each from 15 colleges
110 Remove Reflection varies Enchant 11
118 Remove Shadow
147 Repair Regular/R-Will Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Remove Shadow 2
Repel Regular/R-Will Lt-Dk 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Light 1
31 Regular Mk-Brk Perm. 2/5 lbs.# 1 sec./lb. M2, Rejoin 9
31 Repel Animal Regular Movement 1 min. 1/2 ST/S 5 sec. M2, 4 Movement spells inc. 4
158 Repel Hybrids*
117 Repel Spirits Area/R-HT Animal 1 hour Varies 10 sec. Levitation 2
Reshape Area/R-HT Animal 1 hour 6/3 10 sec. 1 Control spell# 4
190 Area/R-Will Necro. 1 hr. 4/H 10 sec. Hybrid Control 14
74 Resist Acid Regular Mk-Brk 1 min. 6/3 10 sec. Banish, Turn Spirit 8
90 Resist Cold M1, Weaken, Shape Earth or
Resist Disease Regular Water/Protection 1 min. 2/H# 1 sec. 8
58 Regular 2/1 1 sec. Shape Plant 4
74 Resist Enchantment Regular Fire 1 min. 4/3 10 sec. Create Acid 3
196 Resist Fire Heat
Resist Lightning Enchantment Healing/ 1 hour Varies Remove Contagion or Vigor
38 Regular 2/1#
91 Resist Pain Regular Protection 2/1
Resist Poison
169 Regular Enchantment Perm. 4/2 - any Limiting Enchantment 12
182 Resist Pressure Regular 4/3 1 sec. Fireproof 3
173 Resist Radiation Fire 1 min. 1 sec. 6 Air spells 6
Resist Sound Regular Varies
186 Regular Weather/ 1 min. Varies#
Resist Water Regular
93 Air/Protection 2/1
Restoration* Regular
116 Body 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. M2, Pain 3
92 Restore Regular 10 sec. Vigor 3
Restore Hearing Healing/ 1 hr.
92 Restore Mana* Protection
92 Restore Memory
Restore Sight Protection 1 min. 1 sec. Weather Dome 9
93 1 sec. 3 Radiation spells 7
Restore Speech Tech/Protection 1 min. 1 sec. 4 Sound spells 4
Resurrection* Sound/ 1 min.
47 Retch Protection
168 Retrogression
176 Return Missile Water/Protection 1 min. 1 sec. Umbrella, or 2
168 Reveal Function/TL
31 Reverse Missiles 1 min.# Shape Water and Destroy Water
31 Rider
117 Rider Within Healing Perm. 15 3 sec. Major Healing, or any 2 of 4
36 Rive* 5 sec.
154 Rooted Feet Relieve Paralysis and the
36 Rotting Death* 1 hr.
118 Roundabout 10 sec. Restore spells
86 Ruin 5 sec.
52 Sanctuary* Regular Mk-Brk 10 min. 2/1 Find Weakness or Simple Illusion 1
27 Sand Jet Regular Healing 1 hr. Varies 5 sec.
107 Sandstorm Minor Healing, Keen Hearing or 4
177 Scents of the Past 2 hrs.
174 Schematic/TL Strike Deaf
Scribe 4 sec.
57 Area Meta-Spell Perm. 10 10 sec. Dispel Magic, Suspend Mana 14
85 Scroll Regular Healing Perm. 3 1 sec.
Scry Gate Regular Healing 1 hr. Varies 10 min. Awaken, IQ 11+ 3
1 sec.
1 sec. Minor Healing, Keen Vision or 4
3 sec.
1 sec. Strike Blind
1 sec.
Regular Healing 1 hr. 5/3 3 sec. Minor Healing, Great Voice or 6
1 sec.
5 sec./lb. Strike Dumb
10 sec.
Regular Heal./Necro. Perm. 300 1 sec. Instant Regeneration, 9
10 sec. Summon Spirit
5 sec.
Regular/R-HT Body Instant 3 1 sec. Nauseate, Spasm 7

Regular/R-Will Comm. 1 sec. 5 days=cost Mind-Search, Mind-Sending 6
10 sec.
Blocking Protection Instant 2 Catch Missile 3

Information/R-spell Tech Instant 8 Seek Machine 1

Regular Protection 1 min. 7/3 Missile Shield or Force Dome 2

Regular Animal 5 min. 2/1 1 Control spell# 2

Regular Animal 1 min. 4/1 2 Control spells# 3

Regular Mk-Brk Instant 1 per die M2, Shatter 7

Regular/R-ST Body 1 min.# 3 Hinder 2

Regular/R-HT Necro. 1 sec. 3/2 M2, Sickness, Pestilence 9

Regular/R-HT Body Instant 3 Tanglefoot 4

Regular Mk-Brk 1 min.# 2 per lb./S M1, Weaken, Decay 8

Special Gate 1 hr. 5/S Hide Object 21

Regular Earth 1 sec. 1 to 3/S Create Earth 4

Area Air/Earth 1 minute# 3/H Windstorm, Create Earth 8

Regular Knowledge/Food 1 min. 1/1# M2, History, Odor 8

Information Tech/Knowledge 1 min. 5/H# Reveal Function, History 7

Regular Sound 1 min. 3/1 Voices, Dancing Object, 4

1 Accented language

Enchantment Enchantment Varies Special M1, 1 Accented language 0
Regular Gate
1 min. 4/4 Seek Gate 11


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
123 Scryfool Regular/R-Spec Meta-Spell 10 hrs. 4/2
10 sec. M2, Sense Observation, 3
Meta-Spell 10 hrs. 3/1
Meta-Spell 10 hrs. 3/2 Simple Illusion
Food Perm. 2/meal
121 Scryguard Regular Lt-Dk 1 min. 4/2 5 sec. M1 0
122 Scrywall Area
77 Season Regular Tech 1 min. 3/2 sec.=cost Scryguard 1
113 See Invisible Regular Knowledge 1 min. 5/2
Air Instant 1 10 sec. Test Food 1
Water Instant 3
Earth Instant 3 1 sec. Invisibility, or Dark Vision and 3
Fire Instant 1
Food Instant 2 Infravision
Tech Instant 3
181 See Radiation Regular Gate Instant 3 1 sec. - 0
107 See Secrets Regular
23 Seek Air Information Tech Instant 3 5 sec. Seeker, Aura 4
184 Seek Coastline Information Knowledge/ Instant 6
50 Seek Earth Information 1 sec. - 0
72 Seek Fire Information Meta-Spell
77 Seek Food Information Earth 10 sec. Seek Water 1
179 Seek Fuel/TL Information Plant
85 Seek Gate Information Tech 10 sec. - 0
Tech 1 sec. - 0
Knowledge 1 sec. - 0
Comm. 10 sec. - 0
Comm. 10 sec. M2, Seek Magic, 10
Protection 1 spell each from 10 colleges
175 Seek Machine/TL Information Body 10 sec. - 0
102 Seek Magic Information Air 10 sec. Detect Magic 1
51 Seek Pass Information Earth Instant 3 10 sec. Seek Earth 1
Fire 1 sec.
161 Seek Plant Information Lt-Dk Instant 2 10 sec. -0
Tech 10 sec.
182 Seek Plastic Information Plant Instant 3 10 sec. -0
Tech 1 sec.
179 Seek Power/TL Information Water Instant 3 1 sec. -0
Animal 1 sec.
181 Seek Radiation Regular Animal Instant 3 1 sec. See Radiation 1
Healing 1 sec.
184 Seek Water Information Healing Instant 2 1 sec. -0
Mk-Brk 5 sec.
105 Seeker Information Mk-Brk Instant 3 5 sec. M1, IQ 12+, 2 Seek spells 2
Mk-Brk 1 sec.
166 Sense Danger Information Protection Instant 3 1 sec. Sense Foes or Danger Sense 0
Weather/Air 10 sec.
45 Sense Emotion Regular Body Instant 2 1 sec. Sense Foes 1
Mk-Brk 1 sec.
44 Sense Foes Inform./Area Body Instant 2# 1 sec. -0
Mind/Body 1 sec.
45 Sense Life Inform./Area Sound Instant 1# 1 sec. -0
Sound 1 sec.
101 Sense Mana Information Illusion Instant 3 10 sec. Detect Magic 1
Enchantment 1 sec.
167 Sense Observation Area 1 hr. 1/H# 2 sec. Sense Danger or Scryguard 1
Necro. 30 sec.
149 Sense Spirit Inform./Area Mind Instant 1# 3 sec. Death Vision, or Sense Life and M1 1
Movement 1 sec.
39 Sensitize Regular/R-HT 1 min. 3/2 1 sec./HP M1, Stun 4
4 sec.
169 Shade Regular 1 hr. 1/H 1 sec. Continual Light or Shield 1
1 sec.
24 Shape Air Regular 1 min. 1 to 10# 1 sec. Create Air 2
1 sec.
113 Shape Darkness Area 1 min. 2/S# 5 sec. Darkness 3
3 sec.
50 Shape Earth Regular 1 min. 1/25 cu. ft./h 10 sec. Seek Earth 1
4 sec.
72 Shape Fire Area 1 min. 2/H 1 sec. Ignite Fire 1
1 sec.
111 Shape Light Regular 1 min. 2/2 1 sec. Light 1

182 Shape Metal Regular 1 min. 6/H# - M1, Shape Earth or 6 Tech spells 2

161 Shape Plant Regular 1 min. 3/1# 1 sec. Identify Plant 2
3 sec.
183 Shape Plastic Regular 1 min. 6/3 1 sec. M1, Shape Plant or 6 Tech spells 3

185 Shape Water Regular 1 min. 1/1# Create Water 3

33 Shapeshift Others* Special/R-Will 1 hour Varies M2, Shapeshifting for that form 7

32 Shapeshifting* Special 1 hour Varies M1, 6 other spells 6

89 Share Energy Regular Special Varies Lend Energy 1

90 Share Vitality Regular Perm. 0# Lend Vitality 2

118 Sharpen Regular 1 min. Varies Repair 10

116 Shatter* Regular Instant 1 to 3 M1, Weaken 6

118 Shatterproof Regular 1 hr. 3/3 Repair, Shatter 10

167 Shield Regular 1 min. Varies M2 0

196 Shocking Touch Melee Instant 1 to 3 Lightning 7

42 Shrink* Regular 1 hr. 2/-1 SM/S M2, Alter Body 11

120 Shrink Object* Regular 1 hour Varies Contract Object 15

42 Shrink Other* Regular/R-HT 1 hr. 2/-1 SM/S M3, Shrink 12

138 Sickness Regular/R-HT 1 min. 3/3 Drunkenness or Pestilence 5

171 Silence Area 1 min. 2/1 Sound 1

174 Silver Tongue Regular 1 min. 3/2 Voices, Emotion Control 6

95 Simple Illusion Area 1 min. 1/H not blind, IQ 11+ 0

61 Simulacrum* Enchantment Perm.# 2¥golem M3, Golem, Perfect Illusion, 18

Illusion Disguise

151 Skull-Spirit Regular 24 hrs. 20 4 other Necromantic spells 4
135 Sleep Regular/R-HT Instant 4
145 Slide Regular/R-Will 1 min. 2/2 Daze 2

Apportation, Grease 3


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
145 Slow Regular/R-HT
144 Slow Fall Regular Movement 10 sec. 5/4 3 sec. M1, Haste, Hinder 2
73 Slow Fire Regular
153 Slow Healing Regular/R-HT Movement 1 min. 1 per 50 lbs./H 1 sec. Apportation 1
86 Slow Time* Area/R-Spec.
Fire 1 min. Varies 1 sec. Extinguish Fire 2
Necro. 1 day 1 to 5/S 10 sec. M1, Frailty, Steal Vitality 6
Area Gate 1 min. Varies 2 sec. M2, IQ 13+, 20
Regular 2 spells each from 10 colleges
111 Small Vision Special Lt-Dk/ 1 min. 4/2# 2 sec. Keen Vision or 5 Light spells; 1
Knowledge no Blindness or Bad Sight
73 Smoke Enchantment Fire 5 min.# 1/H 1 sec. Shape Fire, Extinguish Fire 3
195 Snow Regular
189 Snow Jet Regular Weather/Air/Water 1 hr. 1/15# 1 sec. Clouds, Frost 6
186 Snow Shoes Regular
116 Soilproof Area Water 1 sec. 1 to 3 1 sec. Water Jet, Freeze 6
151 Solidify Area
154 Soul Jar* Regular/R-HT Water 1 min. 2/1 2 sec. Shape Water 4
Enchantment Mk-Brk 10 min. 2/1 2 sec. Clean 3
Enchantment Necro. 1 min. 50/10 1 sec. Materialize 3
Enchantment Necro. Perm. 8 1 min. M1, 6 Necro. spells inc. 9
Regular/R-Spec Steal Vitality
49 Soul Rider Regular Comm. 1 min. 5/2 3 sec. Mind-Reading 4
71 Soul Stone* Enchantment
171 Sound Regular/R-Spec Enchantment Perm. 500 - M3, Enchant, Soul Jar 19
173 Sound Jet Regular
171 Sound Vision Regular Sound Varies Varies 1 sec. - 0
196 Spark Cloud Regular
197 Spark Storm Sound 1 sec. 1 to 4/S 1 sec. Great Voice 4
35 Spasm Regular/R-Will
181 Spectrum Vision* Regular/R-spec Sound 1 min. 5/2 1 sec. Keen Hearing or Acute Hearing 0
57 Speed Regular
66 Speed Spell Arrow Regular/R-HT Weather/Air 10 sec. 1 to 5/S 1 to 5 sec. Shape Air, Lightning 7
65 Spell Arrow Regular
124 Spell Shield Regular/R-HT Weather/Air 1 min.# 2, 4, or 6/H Instant# Windstorm, Lightning 7
60 Spell Stone Area
124 Spell Wall Regular/R-Spec. Body Instant 2 1 sec. Itch 1
127 Spellguard* Missile
32 Spider Silk Regular Tech 1 min. 4/4 1 sec. Infravision 2
192 Spit Acid*
70 Staff Regular Enchantment Perm. Varies – Enchant, Haste 11
158 Steal Attribute* Regular
159 Steal Beauty* Regular Enchantment Perm. Varies - Speed, Spell Arrow 18
150 Steal Energy Regular
180 Steal Power/TL* Enchantment Perm. 30¥spell cost - Spell Stone 17
Regular Meta-Spell 1 min. 3/2 1 sec. M2, Scryguard, Magic Resistance 8
Enchantment Varies 20¥spell cost – Enchant, Delay 16
Regular/R-HT Meta-Spell 1 min. 2/2# 1 sec. Spell Shield 9
Regular/R-HT Meta-Spell 10 hrs. 1 to 3/S# Varies Dispel Magic 14
Regular/R-HT Animal 1 min. 1/5 yds.# 1 sec. M1, 2 Animal spells 2

Water 1 sec. 1 to 4 2 sec. M3, Acid Jet, Resist Acid 12

Enchantment Perm. 30 – Enchant 11

Necro. 1 day Varies 1 min. Varies Varies

Necro. 24 hrs. Varies 30 sec. M3, Alter Visage, Steal Vitality 15

Necro. Perm. none# 1 min/3 FP-# Minor Healing 3

Tech 1 min. 0# 1 sec. M2, Minor Healing, 5

Conduct Power

158 Steal Skill* Necro. 24 hrs. Varies 1 min. M3, Borrow Skill, Daze 9
127 Steal Spell*
150 Steal Vitality Meta-Spell Perm. Varies 5 sec. Lend Spell, Great Ward 13
158 Steal Youth*
191 Steam Jet Necro. Perm. none# 1 min./3 HP-# Steal Energy 4
54 Steelwraith
24 Stench Necro. Perm. 10 to 30 1 hr. Youth, Age, Steal Vitality 13
117 Stiffen
52 Stone Missile Water 1 sec. 1 to 3 1 sec. Water Jet, Boil Water 10
51 Stone to Earth
Earth 1 min. 7/4 2 sec. M2, Walk Through Earth 5

Air 5 min. 1 1 sec. Purify Air 1

Mk-Brk 10 min. 1 per lb./H# 2 sec./lb. Rejoin 9

Earth Instant 1 to Magery 1 to 3 sec. Create Earth 4

Earth Perm. 6/25 cu. ft. 1 sec. Earth to Stone or 3

any 4 Earth spells

53 Stone to Flesh Earth Instant 10 5 sec. M2, Stone to Earth, Flesh to Stone 5
91 Stop Bleeding
153 Stop Healing Healing Perm. 1 or 10 1 sec. Lend Vitality 2
93 Stop Paralysis
Necro. Indef.# 10 10 sec. Slow Healing 7

Healing Perm. 1 or 2 1 sec. Major Healing, or Minor Healing 4

and Paralyze Limb

179 Stop Power Tech 1 min. 3/H 3 sec. M1, Seek Power 1
35 Stop Spasm
195 Storm Body/Healing Instant 1 1 sec. Spasm or Lend Vitality 2

Weather/1 hour 1/50/S 1 min. Rain, Hail 10


136 Strengthen Will Mind 1 min. 1/pt/H 1 sec. M1, 6 Mind spells 6
41 Strike Barren
38 Strike Blind Body/Necro. Perm. 5 30 sec. M1, Steal Vitality, Decay 7
38 Strike Deaf
38 Strike Dumb Body 10 sec. 4/2 1 sec. 2 Light spells, Spasm 4
40 Strike Numb
Body 10 sec. 3/1 1 sec. 2 Sound spells, Spasm 4

Body 10 sec. 3/1 1 sec. Spasm 2

Body 10 sec. 3/1 1 sec. Resist Pain 4


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
37 Stun Regular/R-HT Body
140 Suggestion Regular/R-Will Mind Instant 2 1 sec. Pain 3
155 Summon Demon Special Necro.
27 Summon Elemental Special 4 Diff. 10 min. 4/3 10 sec. Emotion Control, Forgetfulness 5
102 Summon Shade* Inform./R-Will Knowledge
150 Summon Spirit Inform./R-Will Necro. 1 hr.# 20# 5 min. M1, 1 spell each from 10 colleges 10
114 Sunbolt Missile Lt-Dk
114 Sunlight Area Lt-Dk 1 hr. 4# 30 sec. M1, # 8
125 Suspend Curse Regular/R-spell Meta-Spell
58 Suspend Enchantment Enchantment 1 min. 50/20 10 min. Summon Spirit or Divination 2
130 Suspend Magery* Regular/R-Will+M 1 min. 20/10# 5 min. Death Vision, M2 1

123 Instant 1 to Magery# 1 to 3 sec. 6 Light spells inc. Sunlight 6
1 min. 2/1 1 sec. M1, Glow, Colors 4
86 10 min. 10/10 1 min. M1, 1 spell each from 12 colleges 12
147 1 hr. 25# 1 sec. Enchant 11
162 Meta-Spell 1 hr. 12/12# 10 sec. M2, 2 spells each 20
128 sec.=cost from 10 colleges#
10 min.
47 Suspend Magic Area/R-spell Meta-Spell 1 min. 3/2 Suspend Spell, 8 other spells 9
147 Suspend Mana* Area Meta-Spell Varies 5 1 sec.
5 min. Suspend Magic, 11
147 30 sec.
170 3 sec. 1 spell each from 10 colleges

101 Suspend Spell Regular/R-spell Meta-Spell 1 min. Varies – M1 0
100 Gate 1 day 5/5 2 sec.
56 Suspend Time* Area/R-Spec. Healing Indef.# 6 1 sec. M3, Slow Time 21
Water/Move 1 min. 6/3 1 min.
134 Suspended Animation Regular/R-HT Enchantment Perm. Sleep, 4 Healing spells 7
77 Plant 1 min. Varies 4 sec.
179 Swim Regular Body Instant 1 or 2#/H 1 sec. Shape Water, Levitation 6
101 Meta-Spell 1 min.
38 Talisman Enchantment 2 1 sec. Enchant, spell to be opposed Varies
128 Varies 10 sec.
171 Tangle Growth Area Plant Growth 4
36 1 sec.
194 Tanglefoot Regular/R-DX 1 sec. Clumsiness 3
81 Telecast* Special - M3, Teleport, Wizard Eye, 14
81 1 spell each from 10 colleges
40 Telepathy* Regular Comm. 1 min. 4/4# Mind-Sending 5
35 Teleport* Special Varies
119 Movement/Gate Instant Hawk Flight or IQ 13+ and 4
84 1 spell each from 10 colleges

43 Teleport Other* Regular/R-Will+1 Movement/Gate Instant Varies M3, Teleport 5
Teleport Shield Area Protection/Gate 1 hr. 1/S#
120 Watchdog, either Spell Shield or 7

Tell Position Information Knowledge Instant 1 Measurement 1
Tell Time Information Knowledge Instant 1
Temporary Enchantment Enchantment Indef.# Varies -0

Enchantment Area/R-Will Enchant 11
Terror Information
Test Food Information Mind Instant 4 1 sec. Fear 1
Test Fuel/TL Area/Inform. Food Instant 1 to 3# 1 sec.
Test Load Regular/R-HT Tech Instant Varies 1 sec. -0
Thirst Missile/Special Knowledge Instant 1 sec.
Throw Spell* Regular Body/Food Instant 2# 10 sec. -0
Thunderclap Regular/R-Will Meta-Spell Indef.# 5 1 sec.
Tickle Special; Area Sound Instant 3 1 sec. Measurement 1
Tide Area Body 1 min. 2 1 sec.
Time Out* Special Weather/Water 5/5 1 min. M1, Debility, Destroy Water 5
Timeport* Regular/R-Will+1 Gate 1 hr. 1/30 5 min.
Timeport Other* Blocking Gate Instant# 5 1 sec. Delay, Catch Spell 16
Timeslip Blocking Gate Instant Varies 1 sec.
Timeslip Other* Melee/R-HT Gate Instant Varies 1 sec. Sound 1
Total Paralysis Regular Gate Instant 1/sec.# 1 sec.
Touch Regular Body Instant 1/sec.# 1 sec. Spasm 2
Toughen Regular Body 1 min. 5 1 sec.
Trace Information/ Mk-Brk Instant 1 5 sec. 8 Water spells 8
Trace Teleport Knowledge Varies 1 min.
R-spell Gate/Movement 1 hr. 3/1 1 sec. M3, Accelerate Time 21
Transform Body Special 1 hr. 3
Instant M3, Teleport 5

Timeport 6

Timeport 6

Timeslip 7

Paralyze Limb 6


Shatterproof 11

Seeker 3

Teleport, Timeport, or Plane Shift 5

Transform Object* Regular/R-Spec Body 1 hr. Varies 1 min. 3 forms of Shapeshifting, 13
Transform Other Special/R-Will Alter Body
Mk-Brk 1 hour Varies Varies 13
Body 1 hr. Varies 2 min. M2, Reshape, 4 Create spells 15
Shapeshift Others,

Transform Body#


Page Spell Name Class College Duration Energy Time to cast Prerequisites Prerequisite Count
Transmogrification Regular/R-Will Body 1 hr. 20/20 2 min. M3, Transform Other, 30
45 Transform Object, Flesh to Stone
151 Transparency Regular Mk-Brk 1 min. 4/2 10 sec. Dye, Stone to Earth 9
185 Truthsayer Inform./R-Will Comm. Instant 2 1 sec. Sense Emotion 2
170 Turn Blade Blocking/R-DX Protection Instant 1 1 sec. Apportation or Spasm 1
45 Turn Spirit Regular/R-Will Necro. 10 sec. 4/2# 1 sec. Fear, Sense Spirit 3
37 Turn Zombie Area Necro. 1 day 2 4 sec. Zombie# 5
54 Umbrella Regular Water 10 min. 1/1 2 sec. Shape Water or Shield 1
186 Undo Regular/R-Spec. Movement Instant 3 or 6# 1 sec. Locksmith 2
163 Utter Dome Area Protection 1 min. 6/4 1 sec. M2, Force Dome, Spell Shield 14
164 Utter Wall Regular Protection 1 min. 4/yd./S 1 sec. Utter Dome, Spell Wall 16
197 Vexation Regular/R-Will Comm. 1 min. 2¥penalty# 1 sec. Sense Emotion 2
25 Vigil* Regular Mind 1 night 8 1 sec. M2, Sleep, Lend Energy 4
122 Vigor Regular Body 1 min. 2 per HT+/S# 1 sec. Lend Vitality or Frailty 2
74 Voices Regular Sound 1 min. 3/2 1 sec. Sound 1
187 Volcano Regular Earth 1 day 15/10 1 hr.# Earthquake, 6 Fire spells 13
187 Walk on Air Regular Air 1 min. 3/2 1 sec. Shape Air 3
116 Walk on Water Regular Water 1 min. 3/2 4 sec. Shape Water 4
136 Walk Through Earth Regular Earth 10 sec. 3/3# 1 sec. 4 Earth spells 4
\ Walk Through Plants Regular Plant 1 min. 3/1 1 sec. Hide Path, Shape Plant 5
169 Walk Through Water Regular Water 1 sec. 4/3 3 sec. M1, Shape Water 4

187 Walk Through Wood Regular Plant 1 sec. 3/2 1 sec. Walk Through Plants 6
195 Wall of Light Area Lt-Dk 1 min. 1 to 3/S 1 sec. Continual Light 2
145 Wall of Lightning Regular Weather/Air 1 min. 2 to 6/S 1 sec. Lightning 7
61 Wall of Silence Area Sound 1 min. 2/1 1 sec. Silence 2

40 Wall of Wind Area Air 1 min. 2/H Instant# Shape Air 3
174 Wallwalker Regular Movement 1 min. 1 per 50 lbs./H# 1 sec. Apportation 1

104 Ward Block/R-spell Meta-Spell Instant 2 or 3# none M1 0
Warm Area Weather/Air 1 hour 1/10/S 1 min.# Heat, 4 Air spells 8
Warmth Regular Fire/Protection 1 hour 2/1 10 sec. Heat 4
160 Watchdog Area Protection 10 hrs. 1/1 10 sec. Sense Danger 1

94 Water Jet Regular Water 1 sec. 1 to 3 1 sec. Shape Water 4
153 Water to Wine Regular Food Perm. 4 per gal.# 10 sec. Purify Water, Mature 5

Water Vision Information Water 30 sec. 1/1# 1 sec. Shape Water 4

Waves Special; Area Weather/Water 1 hr. 1/60 1 min. Shape Water 4

Weaken Regular Mk-Brk Perm. 2 to 6 5 sec. Find Weakness 5

Weaken Blood Regular/R-HT Body/Necro. 1 day 9/5 1 sec. Sickness or Steal Vitality 5

Weaken Will Regular/R-Will Mind 1 min. 2/pt/H 1 sec. M1, Foolishness 1

Weapon Self* Regular/R-HT# Mk-Brk 1 min. 8/4 5 sec. M2, Apportation, 12

6 Mk-Brk spells inc. Reshape

Weapon Spirit* Enchantment Enchantment Perm. Varies - Enchant, Summon Spirit 12
Weather Dome Area
Protection/ 6 hrs. 3/2 1 sec. 2 spells each from 4 elements 8


Whirlpool Area Water 1 min.# 2/H Varies Shape Water 4
Will Lock Area/R-(ST+Will)/2
Wind Special; Area Mind 1 day 3 Varies Emotion Control 4
Windstorm Area
Winged Knife Missile Weather/Air 1 hour 1/50/S 1 min. Windstorm 4
Wisdom Regular
Wish* Enchantment Air 1 min.# 2/H Instant# Shape Air 3

Movement Instant 1 per lb.# 1 sec. Poltergeist 2

Mind 1 min. 4 per IQ+/S 1 sec. 6 other Mind Control spells 6

Enchantment Special 250 – Lesser Wish, 1 spell each 17

from 15 colleges

Wither Limb Melee/R-HT Body Perm. 5 1 sec. M2, Paralyze Limb 6
Wither Plant Area/R-HT
Wizard Ear Regular Plant Perm. 2 10 sec. Blight 5

Sound 1 min. 4/3 2 sec. Apportation, Far-Hearing, 6

Sound Vision

Wizard Eye Regular Knowledge 1 min. 4/2 2 sec. Apportation, Keen Vision 2
Wizard Hand Regular
Knowledge/ 1 min. Varies 3 sec. Manipulate, Far-Feeling 4


Wizard Mouth Regular Knowledge/ 1 min. 4/2 2 sec. Apportation, Far-Tasting, 6

Food/Sound Great Voice

Wizard Nose Regular Knowledge/Food 1 min. 3/2 2 sec. Apportation, Far-Tasting 3
Wraith* Enchantment/
Necro./Ench. Perm. 250 or 500# Varies M3, IQ 13+, Enchant, 24
Youth* R-HT
Zombie Regular Halt Aging, Soul Jar
Zombie Summoning Regular
Special Healing Special 100 1 sec. M3, Halt Aging 9

Necro. Perm. 8 1 min. Summon Spirit, Lend Vitality 4

Necro. 1 min. 5/2# 4 sec. Zombie 5




Advantage-based magic, 201. Alternative magic systems, 199. Awakening elixir, 217. Casting spells, 7;
Aging elixir, 214. “Always on” items, 19. Bane spell, 18. symbol magic, 206;
Air spells, 23. Amulets, 220. Battle elixir, 214. syntactic spells, 203.
Alchemical Antidote elixir, 217. Analysis of alchemical Beast-Speech elixir, 213.
Alchemical charms, 220; Bird Control elixir, 213. Ceremonial magic, 12, 16.
charms, 220. Bless spell, 200. Changing maintained spells, 10.
items, 210; items, using, 212; Analysis of elixirs, 212. Blocking spells, 8, 12. Charisma elixir, 218.
laboratories, 211; talismans, 220. Animal Control elixirs, 213. Body control spells, 35. Charms, alchemical, 220.
Alchemists, 18. Animal spells, 29. Brokers, 21. Chemistry, 212.
Alchemy skill, 210. Area spells, 11; Buying magic items, 20. Classes, spell, 11.
Alchemy, 210. Canceling spells, 10. Clerical Investment
Alkahest, 220. on a battle map, 13. Cantrips, 203.
Alternate magic rituals, 9. Artist (Calligraphy) skill, 207. Caster, 7. advantage, 199.
Alternate prerequisites, 200. Attractiveness elixir, 216. Clerical magic, 199.
Availability, of elixirs, 213. Colleges of magic, 11.
Combat Abilities elixirs, 214.


Communication and Gambling elixir, 216. Making and Breaking spells, 115. Sleep elixir, 218.
Empathy spells, 44. Gate spells, 80. Mana, 5, 6. Slow and sure enchantment, 18,
Gizmo advantage, 211. Master enchanters, 21.
Concentration and Glossary, 5. Mature spell, 211. 20, 22.
maintenance, 10. GMing syntactic magic, 204. Medical elixirs, 217. Solvent, universal, 220.
Grimoire, 6. Melee spells, 11. Sound spells, 171.
Controlling magic items, 19. Gullibility elixir, 219. Memory elixir, 219. Speed elixir, 214.
Controlling PC enchantment, 17. Hardheartedness elixir, 218. Mental Abilities elixirs, 218. Spell classes, 11.
Cost, of elixirs, 213. Hatred elixir, 215. Mental Control elixirs, 219. Spell defaults, 202.
Craftsmanship elixir, 219. Healing elixir, 217. Meta-spells, 121. Spell descriptions, 22.
Critical failure, 7. Healing spells, 88. Mind Control spells, 133. Spell results of
Critical spell failure table, 7. Health elixir, 217. Minerals, magically potent, 222.
Death elixir, 215. Hearing elixir, 219. Missile spells, 12. syntactic spells, 204.
Designing wizard characters, 15. Herb Lore skill, 211. Monk’s Banquet spell, 200. Spell table, 223.
Detecting elixirs, 212. High skill and Movement spells, 142. Spells, 5; area, 11; blocking, 8, 12;
Detection of alchemical Multiple words, 203.
cost to maintain, 10. Multiply enchanted items, 18. canceling, 10; casting, 7; clerical,
charms, 220. “Holy” spells, 200. Music elixir, 219. 199; dissipating, 14; duration of,
Devotional Enchantment Homunculus, 221. Necromantic spells, 149. 9; enchantment, 10, 14;
Horsemanship elixir, 214. Nouns, 202, 206. information, 13; instantaneous,
spell, 199. Hostile elixirs, 214. Odium elixir, 215. 10; inventing, 14; lasting, 10;
Discipline of Faith Hybridization elixir, 217. Ogham alphabet, 209. maintaining, 9; melee, 11;
Identifying magic items, 19, 212. Ointment, 213. missile, 12; one try, 10;
disadvantage, 199. Ideogram symbols, 206. One try spells, 10. permanent, 10; player-created, 15;
Dispel Possession spell, 200. Illusion and Creation spells, 95. Other ritual idioms, 200. regular, 11; resisted, 13; secret, 9;
Dissipating spells, 14. Improvisational magic, 201. Pain Resistance elixir, 216. temporary, 10.
Distill spell, 211. Information spells, 13. Parchment symbol casting, 207. Staffs, magic, 13.
Distraction, 7. Ingredients, magic, 8. Pastille, 213. Stealth elixir, 214.
Dragonslaying elixir, 213. Injury, 7, Perception, 212. Strength elixir, 214.
Drunkenness elixir, 219. Innate Attack skill, 12. Permanent spells, 10. Subject, 7.
Duration of spells, 9; Instantaneous spells, 10. Philosopher’s Stone, 221. Success rolls for enchanting, 17.
Interruptions, 18. Plant spells, 161. Success, 7.
of syntactic spells, 203. Inventing new elixirs, 212. Player-created spells, 15. Symbol Drawing skill, 205, 208.
Duration types, 10. Inventing new spells, 14, 202. Potion, 213. Symbol magic, 205.
Earth spells, 50. Invisibility elixir, 216. Powder, 213. Symbol tokens, 208.
Economics and enchantment, 21. Invulnerability elixir, 214. Power Investiture advantage, 200. Symbolic inscriptions, 207.
Elixirs, 212. Items, alchemical, 210; magic, 16; Power of a magic item, 17. Syntactic magic, 202; GMing,
Emergencies Only limitation, 201. Powerstone costs, 20. 204; linking, 204.
Enchanters, 21. multiply enchanted, 18. Prerequisite chains, Teacher, 6.
Enchanting, 16; success rolls, 17. Jealousy elixir, 215. Technological spells, 175.
Enchantment spells, 10, 14, 56. Journeyman enchanters, 21. shortening, 201. Temporary spells, 10.
Enchantment, economics and, 21; Keen Sight elixir, 219. Prerequisite count, 200. Thaumatology skill, 15, 200.
Knowledge spells, 100. Prerequisites, 6. Time and cost to make alchemical
quick and dirty, 17, 22; Laboratories, alchemical, 211. Principles of magic, 5. charms, 220.
slow and sure, 18, 22; Lasting spells, 10. Protection and Time to cast spells, 7;
without items, 18; Leadership elixir, 214. syntactic spells, 203.
without spells, 18; Learning magic, 6. Warning spells, 166. Tranquility elixir, 218.
second-hand, 21. Lecherousness elixir, 215. Quick and dirty Transform, 204.
Endurance elixir, 214. Lichdom elixir, 217. Transformation elixir, 216.
Energy cost, 8; Light and Darkness spells, 110. enchantment, 17, 20, 22. True Sight elixir, 216.
of syntactic spells, 203. Lightning spell, 12. Reanimation elixir, 217. Truth elixir, 219.
Essential Acid spell, 211. Limits on effect, 9. Regeneration elixir, 218. Turn Zombie spell, 200.
Essential Earth spell, 211. Linking syntactic spells, 204. Regular spells, 11. Universal Antidote elixir, 218.
Eternal Rest elixir, 217. Long Slumber elixir, 217. Religious Rank advantage, 199. Universal solvent, 220.
Exotic preparations, 220. Long-distance modifiers, 14. Renaming spells, 201. Unluckiness elixir, 215.
Failure, 7. Love elixir, 219. Resisting spells, 13; Used enchantments, 21.
Fear elixir, 215. Luck elixir, 216. Using a symbol-enchanted
Fertility elixir, 217. Madness elixir, 215. of syntactic spells, 204. item, 208.
Fetching and Carrying elixir, 214. Magery, 5. Resurrection elixir, 218. Using alchemical charms, 220.
Final Rest spell, 200. Magic ingredients, 8. Retention enhancement, 201. Using alchemical items, 212.
Finding a teacher, 6. Magic items, 16; buying, 20; Ritual idioms, 200. Using magic items, 19.
Finger tracing, 208. Ritual magic, 200. Variations, 199.
Fire Resistance elixir, 216. identifying, 19, 212; selling, 21; Rituals, magic, 8. Verbs, 202, 206.
Fire spells, 72. using, 19. Sanctity, 199, 200. Vigil spell, 200.
Fireball spell, 12. Magic Resistance elixir, 216. Scrolls, 207. Water Breathing elixir, 216.
Magic resistance, to elixirs, 213. Second-hand enchantments, 21. Water spells, 184.
Flight elixir, 216. Magic rituals, 8. Secret spells, 9. Water-Walking elixir, 216.
Food spells, 77. Magic staffs, 13. Secrets, alchemical, 211. Weakness elixir, 215.
Foolishness elixir, 215. Magic, advantage-based, 201; Self-Love elixir, 215. Weather spells, 193.
Foresight elixir, 218. ceremonial, 12, 16; clerical, 199; Whole-language symbol
Forgetfulness elixir, 219. colleges of, 11; improvisational, Selling magic items, 21. magic, 206.
Formulary, 211. 201; learning, 6; principles of, 5; Sensing mana, 6. Wild talents, 201.
Formulas, alchemical, 211. ritual, 200; symbol, 205; Shortening prerequisite Wildcard magic, 202.
Friendship elixir, 219. syntactic, 202; wildcard, 202. Wisdom elixir, 219.
Frustration elixir, 215. Magical Abilities elixirs, 216. chains, 201. Wizard alchemists, 211.
Futhark runes, 208, 209. Magically potent minerals, 222. Skills and Physical Abilities Wizard characters, 15.
Gadgeteer advantage, 211. Maintaining spells, 9. Elixirs, 219. Words of power, 203.
Gadgeteer alchemists, 211. Making alchemical items, 210. Words, 202.
Youth elixir, 218,


GRIMOIRE OF ____________

Spell Name and Class Skill Time to Cost to Cost to Notes Page
Level Cast Duration Cast Maintain No.


Finally, the secrets of the sorcerers are collected in a
single volume. Magic – The Great Art – brings great
power to its practitioners, and offers the opportunity
to do great good or great evil. This book is the
complete guide to magic for GURPS Fourth Edition.

GURPS Magic presents an expansive, colorful
magic system. Players can create any sort of
wizard they can imagine. GMs can adapt the
system to fit their own campaign or set
adventures in the world of their favorite fantasy
author. The rules can be modified to fit almost
any world or wizard.

This book is completely compatible with
the magic rules in the GURPS Basic Set,
with hundreds of new spells and several
alternate magic systems, including
improvisational magic, symbol magic,
clerical magic, ritual magic, and

Open, and learn strange new wonders . . .

GURPS Magic requires the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition.
The spell ideas in this book can be used with any fantasy game.

Based on GURPS MAGIC by Steve Jackson
and GURPS GRIMOIRE by S. John Ross and Daniel U. Thibault
Compiled by Michael Suileabhain-Wilson Edited by Andrew Hackard and Jeff Rose
Cover Art by Abrar Ajmal, Roberto Campus, Kirk Reinert, Romas, Douglas Shuler,

Rogério Vilela, and John Zeleznik
Illustrated by Abrar Ajmal, Douglas Shuler, Bob Stevlic, and Eric Wilkerson


ISBN 1-55634-733-2


SJG03495 01-0101 Printed in
the USA

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