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Published by l33tgringo, 2022-09-03 10:24:00

GURPS - 4th Edition - Magic

GURPS - 4th Edition - Magic

A living creation must be identical Item Cost: 1.
to a “real” living being with which the Time to cast: 2 seconds.
caster is familiar. You cannot create an (a) A mage may create a perma- Prerequisite: Create Animal or
imaginary being, or even a real crea- nent mount for 100 times the casting Create Servant.
ture of which you have only heard sto- cost. (b) Horn or whistle. Usable only
ries. Neither can you create a bear with by mages. Sounding the horn or whis- Item
poison fangs . . . but some wizards tle causes the mount to appear as if
occasionally research private varia- summoned. Energy cost to create: 200 Wand or staff; the item must touch
tions on the spell to make unusual times the casting cost for the intended the subject creation. Energy cost to
creatures. type of mount. create: 400.

Create Animal may also be used to
create a swarm of small creatures
(p. B461). A “swarm” costs 2 energy to

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2, multiplied by 1 + SM for
animals larger than SM 0. Half that to
Time to cast: Equal to cost, in sec-
Prerequisites: Create Water, Create
Object, and IQ 12 or higher.

Create Mount Control Creation Dispel Creation

Regular Regular; Resisted by Regular; Resisted by
subject spell subject spell
Create a stupid but obedient
mount on which to ride while it exists. Takes control of a living Creation Destroys any sort of Creation. Does
It can also be used as a draft animal. cast by someone else. On a success, not affect illusions.
further energy costs are necessary to
The mount’s traits are equivalent to maintain the creation. On a failure, Cost: 1 to dispel a nonliving sub-
a pony (p. B460), but the caster sets its the creation remains the original cast- ject, or 3 to dispel a living creation.
appearance at casting time; it can be a er’s. This spell cannot affect an
horse, camel, dolphin, dwarf elephant, Illusion. Prerequisite: Control Creation.
huge ostrich, or anything else the GM
agrees to (use the Create Animal Item
guidelines). The mount can only
understand very simple spoken com- Wand or staff. Energy cost to
mands, such as stop, go, left, right, create: 500.
about face, etc. It is under the GM’s
control and cannot fight or handle
confusing situations; it has no skills.
Faced with danger, it will whimper,
bolt, or simply vanish.

The caster may also choose to cre-
ate a Brute mount with ST 35, a
Winged mount with Move 7/14, a
Racing mount with Move 18, or a War-
Trained mount that remains calm in
dangerous situations and can be
ordered to trample or attack.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 8 to cast. 3 to maintain.
Double the cost for a Brute mount, a
Winged mount, a War-Trained mount,
or a Racing mount. Triple the cost for
a Winged Racing mount, etc.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Create




The diviner placed the oblong “I urge you to destroy it, if you can. weight, a lens for color, or an onyx
device on the table in front of him. If it were within my power, I would cube for volume. The item must touch
Even in the dim candlelight, Gulden already have done so. Now get out.” the subject. Energy cost to create: 50.
could see that he seemed worried.
These spells provide information. Tell Time
“Where did you acquire this Duration is “instantaneous” unless
object?” noted otherwise – that is, the caster Information
gets one flash of knowledge, but not a
“That is my own business. What continuing picture. Tells the caster what time it is – as
can you tell me of it?” well as the day and year, should that
Measurement be in doubt.
The diviner scowled. “You’ve been
rooting in the Ruined City with the Area; Information Cost: 1.
rest of the fools, then, and like them
you have found only trouble. This Tells the caster any one of Item
object is old . . . perhaps three the following things about
centuries, perhaps four. I Jewelry that lets the wearer know
can tell you nothing of its the subject: (a) its weight; the exact time whenever he wants.
creator, save that he was (b) its measurements in all Energy cost to create: 250.
a mage of great power. I dimensions; (c) its area;
cannot tell you its full (d) its volume. This spell Alarm
capacities. They are will provide infor-
too complex for me to mation in the native Regular
determine magically system of the caster, be
– spells layered upon that pounds, grams, Alerts the subject at a specified
spells, enchant- or stones about the time in the future, awakening him if
ments on enchant- size of your head. necessary. It will also remind him of
ments – and I dare The measurement is one thing (in effect, delivering a mes-
experiment with it as precise as the cast- sage), provided he specified that thing
no further. er can comprehend. at the time the Alarm spell was cast.
In some settings, Can be set to “go off” up to a week
“As you told me, where other quanti- from time of casting.
it can detect ties are commonly
whether an item is measured, other meas- Duration: 1 week.
magical. But it urements may be Cost: 1. Cannot be maintained.
can also determine possible. At high TLs, Prerequisite: Tell Time.
whether an item is for example, the wave-
magical by spell or length of a color may be Item
enchantment, and ana- determined, or the fre-
lyze the nature of that Jewelry. It will buzz or vibrate at
magic accordingly. It can quency of a sound. The exactly the same time every day, as set
reveal the history of an speed of a moving object or by the original creator. Energy cost to
item – or of its holder. It can the local gravity are also quan- create: 60.
remove the enchantment from tities that could be measured
a magical item, and it can do so of in some settings. Far-Feeling
its own volition.
Base cost: 1. Regular
“This abomination thinks, some-
how. It perceives, it decides, and it Item The subject can feel by touch any
acts. Yet it does not live. I have tested object that he can see (even at a great
it with every method I know, and I A different item exists for each of distance) or through solid objects
cannot say how such a thing can be. It the above functions: an enchanted totaling no more than 6 feet in thick-
is an inert thing, and yet it thinks. ruler for measurement, scales for ness. The sensations are one-way (to
pinch a wench, use the Manipulate


spell); in particular, a mage cannot Base cost: 1 (minimum 2). alert the wearer only to certain kinds
deliver spells by Far-Feeling! Prerequisite: Measurement. of magic. Energy cost to create: 300.

Duration: 1 minute. Item Sense Mana
Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.
Time to cast: 3 seconds. Staff or wand; the item must touch Information
Prerequisite: Magery 1. the subject. Energy cost to create: 80.
Tells the caster the mana level at
Item Small Vision the point where he is standing, and
whether the local mana is aspected
Gloves or jewelry. Affects only the Regular (see GURPS Fantasy) or otherwise
wearer. Energy cost to create: 200. unusual. If the spell is successful, a
As listed under Light and Darkness second casting will reveal the precise
Find Direction Spells, p. 111. nature and level of any aspect or other
Information Earth Vision
Cost: 3.
Tells the caster which direction is Regular Time to cast: 5 seconds.
North. Alternately, it can tell which Prerequisite: Detect Magic.
way his home is. Note that no one can As listed under Earth Spells, p. 51.
have more than one true home, and a Item
wanderer may have none! Air Vision
(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable
Cost: 2. Regular only by mages. Energy cost to create:
Prerequisite: Magery 1. 200. (b) Ring or necklace. Always on.
As listed under Air Spells, p. 24. It vibrates whenever the wearer passes
over a boundary between areas of dif-
Of making many books there is no end; ferent mana. Energy cost to create: 500.
and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
– Ecclesiastes 12:12
Item Detect Magic
Creates a glowing halo, or “aura,”
Enchanted compass needle that Regular around the subject. This aura gives the
points north, or to the user’s home, on caster a general insight into the sub-
command. Energy cost to create: 250. Determines whether any one object ject’s personality – the better the skill
is magical. If the spell is successful, a roll, the better the insight. The aura
Tell Position second casting tells whether the magic also shows whether the subject has
is temporary or permanent. A critical Magery, Magic Resistance, or Magic
Information success on either roll fully identifies Susceptibility (and what level);
the spell, as for Analyze Magic. whether the subject is possessed or
Tells the caster the subject’s exact controlled in any way; and whether
distance, azimuth, and altitude rela- This is not the same as the ability the subject is in the grip of any violent
tive to the caster. The caster must be to detect magic items that comes with emotion. A critical success will detect
able to see the subject. Magery 0; that ability only detects “secret” traits, such as lycanthropy,
permanent magic items, while Detect vampirism, and unnatural longevity.
Cost: 1. Magic detects items, spells, magical
Prerequisite: Measurement. creatures, and any other ongoing All living beings have auras; inani-
magical effect. mate things do not. A zombie is
Item detectable by his faint, death-haunted
Cost: 2. aura, while a vampire retains the aura
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost Time to cast: 5 seconds. he had in life. Illusions and created
to create: 150. Prerequisite: Magery 1. beings have no aura, so a successful
casting of this spell distinguishes them
Test Load Item from real persons.

Area; Information (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable Cost: 3 (for any size subject).
only by mages. Energy cost to create: Prerequisite: Detect Magic.
Tells the caster how much weight 100. (b) Ring or necklace. Always on.
the subject can support before warping It vibrates, alerting the wearer, when Item
or breaking. This can reveal the any magical item is within 5 yards. A
capacity of bridges, baskets, ropes, etc. Limit spell is often used to make it Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
by mages. Energy cost to create: 100.


Identify Spell Mage Sense It can then be cast again to determine
the next spell, and so on. Name and
Information Information Password enchantments (p. 68) count
as separate spells that resist at +5; any
Identifies what spell or spells have Tells the caster whether some individual wizard may only attempt to
just been cast (within the last five sec- unseen magical item or creature is Analyze a Name or Password once. Like
onds), or are being cast at the nearby. The caster may specify that he Identify Spell, above, it will give limited
moment, on or by the subject. It does is looking for any unseen item, or he results when the caster is faced with an
not identify the spells on a perma- may specify a certain object. unknown spell.
nently enchanted item. One casting
identifies all spells cast on or by the Skill modifier: the distance in yards Cost: 8.
subject. However, if any of these spells to the object sought. Use the closest Time to cast: 1 hour.
are totally unknown to the caster – not distance if the caster moves around Prerequisite: Identify Spell.
just spells he doesn’t know, but spells during the spell’s duration, and roll at
he has never heard of – the GM should the end of that time. At the GM’s Item
provide only a vague description; e.g., option, some very powerful magic
“Some kind of physical protection.” items may be easier to sense. Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost
Wizards have heard of every spell in to create: 1,200.
this book (unless the GM rules that Duration: 1 minute.
some are secret) but not new spells Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Summon Shade (VH)
created by the GM or players. Prerequisite: Detect Magic.
Information; Resisted by Will
Cost: 2. Item
Prerequisite: Detect Magic. Summons a “shade” of the subject
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost from a possible future, to answer the
Item to create: 1,200. caster’s questions. The shade will not
lie (except on a critical failure) but it
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost Seek Magic will be disoriented; therefore its
to create: 1,100. answers may be unclear and impre-
Information cise. One question may be asked per
Mage Sight minute the spell is maintained. Since
Determines the direction and the shade only comes from the most
Regular approximate distance of the nearest likely future, this spell may be an
significant magical item, active spell, unsatisfactory augury.
Detect all magical items in your or magical being (magical beings
field of vision. Each such item will include demons, elementals, spirits, Example: Felix Magister might sum-
have a glow or “aura,” similar to the etc., but not races or individuals with mon a shade of his friend Rudolph
aura of a living being. This glow is vis- Magery). Regular range penalties from two months ahead, and ask if his
ible through clothes, armor, or up to apply. Any known examples of magic attack on the dragon succeeded – and
1/2” of solid material. may be excluded if the caster specifi- then, if the answer was “no,” persuade
cally mentions them before casting. the real Rudolph not to try. The shade
The aura of a permanently enchant- simply came from a different future. Of
ed item will be stronger than that of This is also a Meta-Spell. course, the shade might also reply “no –
something under a temporary spell. it was called off.”
Enchanted (or magical) beings also Cost: 6.
glow, though mages themselves do not Time to cast: 10 seconds. At the time from which the shade is
unless they actually have spells on them Prerequisite: Detect Magic. drawn, the subject will have a vivid
at the moment. The aura may also give dream in which he will see his ques-
a clue to an item’s nature. On a good Item tioner(s) and remember all that is said
roll, for instance, fire spells will have a – if the predicted event came true.
distinctive red glow, and evil items will Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost
somehow seem to have a “black glow” to create: 1,200. Skill modifiers: -1 for each year in
in their auras. A critical success with the future that the shade is drawn; -5 if
this spell lets the caster fully identify Analyze Magic the subject is not present or -10 if noth-
every magic item he sees. Note that this ing pertaining to the subject (clothing,
ability is essentially a more reliable ver- Information; Resisted by spells hair clippings, etc.) is present. -10 if the
sion of the magical sense that comes that conceal magic subjects full name is not known.
with Magery 0 (p. B66).
Identifies exactly what spells are on This spell may not be attempted
Duration: 1 minute. the subject. If the subject has more than more than once per year on the same
Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. one spell on it, Analyze Magic identifies person. This is a very powerful spell,
Prerequisite: Detect Magic. the one that took the least energy, and and GMs may wish to restrict access
tells the caster “there are more spells.” to this spell, or require expensive
Item materials.

Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost
to create: 800.


Duration: 1 minute. are in the Sahara Desert, roughly 30 Item
Cost: 50 to cast. 20 to maintain. miles north of Timbuktu.”
Time to cast: 10 minutes. One try Any map, globe, etc., can be
per year. Cost: 2. enchanted to show the user’s location
Prerequisite: Summon Spirit or Time to cast: 10 seconds. On suc- whenever the spell is cast. A mark
Divination. cessive castings, the spell repeats its (chosen by the item’s creator) appears
last answer (right or wrong) until the at the appropriate spot if successful.
Item caster moves a mile or so from the No mark appears if the user is outside
location. the map’s boundaries. If the casting
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Tell fails, either no mark appears or an
by a mage. The item does not give abil- Position. erroneous one does. Energy cost to
ity to cast the spell, but gives +2 skill to create: 225.
one who knows the spell. Energy cost
to create: 800.

Glass Wall


See through a single wall, floor,
ceiling, or other similar barrier up to 4
feet thick (material doesn’t matter).

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Either five other
Knowledge spells or Earth Vision.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost
to create: 600.



As listed under Food Spells, p. 77.



As listed under Sound Spells,
p. 173.

Water Vision


As listed under Water Spells, p. 187.

Plant Vision


As listed under Plant Spells, p. 162.

Know Location


Gives the caster a reasonable idea
of his geographical location (to within
a couple of miles). This will be
expressed in terms of the nearest
named features that the caster has
heard of (if in doubt as to whether or
not the caster has heard of the feature,
the GM should roll against the caster’s
Area Knowledge). For example, “You


Know Recipe Wizard Mouth with a Move of 10, on the caster’s turn,
though it may not do so without
Information; Regular bumping into things unless accompa-
Special Resistance nied by a Wizard Ear or Eye!
Creates a replica – about 4” across Concentration is necessary to move
As listed under Food Spells, p. 78. – of the caster’s physical mouth and the Nose, but not to smell through it.
lips, through which he can speak as Any smell-enhancing spells affecting
Wizard Eye well as taste. The Mouth flies through the caster will also be usable through
the air with a Move of 10, on the cast- the Nose. While smelling through the
Regular er’s turn, though it may not do so with- Nose, the wizard’s own nose is insen-
out bumping into things unless sitive. Every turn, he must specify
Creates a physical eye – a 2” ball – accompanied by a Wizard Eye or Ear! whether he is smelling through the
through which the caster can see. The Concentration is necessary to move Nose or through his own nose.
Eye can fly through the air, vertically the Mouth, but not to speak or taste
and/or horizontally, with a Move of through it. Any voice or taste-enhanc- The Nose is small, with a SM of -7,
10; it moves on the caster’s turn. ing spells affecting the caster will also but if it is hit by a physical attack or
Concentration is necessary to move be usable through the Mouth. The any spell that could reasonably
the eye, but not to see through it. Any Mouth may not cast spells! While tast- incapacitate it, it is destroyed.
vision-enhancing spells affecting the ing through the Mouth, the wizard’s
caster will also be usable through the own mouth is insensitive. Every turn, This is also a Food spell.
Eye. The Eye is small, with a SM of -7, he must specify whether he is tasting
so it is hard to hit – but if it is hit by a through the Mouth or through his Duration: 1 minute.
physical attack, or any spell that own mouth. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
would reasonably incapacitate it, it is Time to cast: 2 seconds.
destroyed. The Mouth is small, with a SM of Prerequisites: Apportation and Far-
-6, so it is hard to hit – but if it is hit by Tasting.
Duration: 1 minute. a physical attack, or any spell that
Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. could reasonably incapacitate it, it is Item
Time to cast: 2 seconds. destroyed. The Mouth itself cannot
Prerequisites: Apportation and inflict any biting damage. (a) Any item depicting a human
Keen Vision. nose may be turned into an immobile
This is also a Food spell and a Wizard Nose, through which the hold-
Item Sound spell. er of a flower-shaped amulet, enchant-
ed at the same time, may smell regard-
An eyeball carved of ivory and inset Duration: 1 minute. less of distance. Each such Nose links
with jewels. Usable only by mages. At Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. to one amulet and vice versa. Energy
its holder’s command, it will turn into Time to cast: 2 seconds. cost to create: 475. (b) A Nose carved of
a Wizard Eye; on returning to his Prerequisites: Apportation, Far- precious stone. Usable only by mages.
hand it will revert to the jeweled form. Tasting, and Great Voice. At its holder’s command, it will turn
Cost to create: 1,100 energy; $1,000 for into a Wizard Nose; on returning to
skilled ivory carving, and $600 for Item his hand it will revert to the object
emeralds. form. Cost to create: 500 energy and
(a) Any item depicting a human $500 in materials and workmanship.
Invisible Wizard Eye mouth may be turned into an immo-
bile Wizard Mouth, through which the Wizard Hand
Regular holder of a mouth-shaped amulet,
enchanted at the same time, may Regular
Creates a Wizard Eye that cannot speak regardless of distance. Each
be seen without the See Invisible such Mouth links to one amulet and Creates a replica of the caster’s
spell. Anyone who guesses where it is vice versa. Energy cost to create: 325. physical hand, through which he can
may still attack, but the -7 penalty for (b) A mouth carved of red coral and grasp as well as feel. The hand flies
SM combined with the -6 penalty for inset with ivory teeth. Usable only by through the air with a Move of 10, on
invisibility makes it very hard to hit. mages. At its holder’s command, it the caster’s turn, though it may not do
turns into a Wizard Mouth; on return- so without bumping into things unless
Duration: 1 minute. ing to his hand it reverts to the object accompanied by a Wizard Ear or Eye!
Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. form. Cost to create: 650 energy, $1,000
Time to cast: 4 seconds. for skilled coral carving and $400 in Alternatively, it may grope its way
Prerequisites: Wizard Eye and ivory. along walls, floors, and ceilings at a
Invisibility. Move of 3. Concentration is necessary
Wizard Nose to move the hand, but not to hold or
Item feel through it. The hand may not cast
Regular or deliver spells! Any touch-enhancing
As Wizard Eye, but more costly. spells affecting the caster will also be
Cost to create: 1,600 energy; $1,000 for Creates a disembodied replica – usable through the hand. While feel-
skilled ivory carving, and $900 for about 2” to 3” long – of the caster’s ing through the hand, the wizard’s
emeralds and opals. physical nose, through which he can own hands are insensitive. Every turn,
smell. The Nose flies through the air he must specify whether he is feeling


through the Hand or through his own Spectacles or jewelry. Affects only the Prerequisites: Magery 1, IQ 12 or
hands. wearer; always on. Energy cost to higher, and at least two “Seek” spells.
create: 1,400.
The Hand is small, with a SM of -5, Item
but any hit with a physical attack or Memorize
any spell that could reasonably inca- A forked stick or compass needle
pacitate it will destroy it. The Hand Regular that will point, once per day, toward
itself cannot inflict any punching the goal the user names. It will contin-
damage; it has ST 2 and the caster’s All that the caster perceives at the ue pointing for 10 minutes for each
DX. time of casting (and for 10 seconds point by which the spell roll is made,
thereafter) is implanted perfectly in his based on the item’s Power. Energy cost
This is also a Movement spell. memory, as if he had Photographic to create: 1,000.
Memory (p. B51). The spell can be used
Duration: 1 minute. to memorize maps, faces, an event, etc. Projection
Cost: 4 to cast and 3 to maintain for It cannot be used to learn a skill or to
one Hand; 6 to cast and 4 to maintain retain a magically borrowed one. Regular
for two Hands.
Time to cast: 3 seconds. This is also a Mind Control spell. The caster briefly projects his mind
Prerequisites: Manipulate and Far- away from his body, to any spot with-
Feeling. Duration: 1 day. After that, check in line of sight (use long-distance
IQ every day, at a cumulative -1 per modifiers, p. 14), to peruse his sur-
Item day. On a critical success, the memory roundings from a different viewpoint.
becomes permanent; on an ordinary His projected self is totally insubstan-
(a) Any item depicting a human success, the memory is still there. On tial and can only see, hear, feel, smell,
hand may be turned into a stationary an ordinary failure, the memory fades and taste. Its presence can be detected
Wizard Hand, through which the to the level that the caster would nor- by Astral Vision, Sense Spirit, Sense
wearer of a glove, enchanted at the mally have of the event; on a critical Observation, or the like; it is otherwise
same time, may feel regardless of dis- failure, a false memory is created (still imperceptible.
tance. Each such hand links to one susceptible to eventual fading).
glove and vice versa. Energy cost to cre- The Projection cannot cross an
ate: 300. (b) A hand carved of precious Cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be main- Astral Block, Pentagram, or an Utter
wood. Usable only by mages. At its tained. spell. Repel Spirits will resist its
holder’s command, it will turn into a intrusion.
Wizard Hand; on returning to his Time to cast: 2 seconds.
hand it will revert to the object form. Prerequisites: Wisdom or at least six The Projection cannot move; it can
Cost to create: 400 energy and $500 in Knowledge spells. only turn to look in different direc-
materials and workmanship. tions. The body is catatonic for the
Item duration of the spell; it cannot act. If
Plastic Vision someone attacks the body, the spell is
(a) Jewelry or headgear. Energy cost broken automatically.
Regular to create: 1,000. (b) Any. Always on; the
wearer can recall one thing specified by Duration: 1 minute.
As listed under Technological Spells, the creator. The memory fades com- Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
p. 183. pletely one hour after the item is Time to cast: 3 seconds.
removed. Energy cost to create: 400. (c) Prerequisites: Sense Spirit and at
Metal Vision A memory can be made permanent for least four Knowledge spells.
an energy cost of 50, but it must remain
Regular intact while the enchantment occurs. Item

As listed under Technological Spells, Pathfinder Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
p. 183. by mages; only affects the wearer.
Information Energy cost to create: 500.
Astral Vision (VH)
Tells the caster the direction to a cer- Seeker
Regular tain place, or the proper way to go to
get to that place – his choice. Use long- Information
See insubstantial entities. distance modifiers (p. 14). The GM
Examples include ghosts and subjects should apply penalties if the caster has Attunes the caster to one individual
of Ethereal Body, Projection, or Astral never been to the place, and severe or manmade object he is looking for. A
Trip spells. penalties if the caster isn’t sure that the success gives the caster a vision of the
place really exists or what it is like. This item’s whereabouts – or leads him to
This is also a Necromantic spell. spell does not find people or things. A it, if it is within a mile.
city, mountain pass, or public building
Duration: 1 minute. can be a place. A certain person’s home To seek a person, the caster must
Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. or office isn’t a “place” for this spell either know his name or know him
Prerequisites: Sense Spirit and See unless the caster has been there. well enough to visualize him. For
Invisible. instance, you cannot use this spell to
Cost: 4. One try per day. solve a murder by seeking “the mur-
Item Time to cast: 10 seconds. derer” if you don’t know who that is –
but if you do, Seeker will find him.
(a) Wand or staff. Usable only by KNOWLEDGE SPELLS
mages. Energy cost to create: 900. (b) 105

Modifiers: Long-distance modifiers Ancient History minute,” but would cost 8 (3 + 5) for
(p. 14). Something associated with the “4 to 40 days.”
item sought (e.g., part of a lost person’s Information
clothing) should be available at the time Time to cast: 10 seconds.
of casting; if not, roll at -5. The roll is at As History, but gives a general Prerequisites: Magery 2, History,
+1 if the caster has held or is otherwise impression of an item’s history over a and Identify Spell.
familiar with the item sought. much greater time.
Cost: 3. One try per week. Cost: 3 for one year’s history; 5 for
Prerequisites: Magery 1, IQ 12 or 10 years’ history; 8 for 100 years; 10 Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
higher, and at least two “Seek” spells. for 1,000 years. by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,400.

Item Time to cast: 1 minute for each Know True Shape
energy point spent.
A forked stick (wood, bone, or Information
ivory) or compass needle (carved out Prerequisite: History.
of ivory) that will always point to one Tells if the subject is under any
particular subject, chosen when the Prehistory kind of Shapeshifting spell or similar
item is created. Something pertaining magical effect, including Alter Visage,
to the subject must be used in making Information Alter Body, and illusions. The caster
the item, and incorporated into it. must be able to see the subject. The
Energy cost to create: 500. This spell is similar to Ancient spell also gives a general idea of the
History, but it gives even less specific subject’s true shape; on a critical suc-
Trace information over a period of millennia. cess, it identifies the subject’s true
The age and function of an item can nature (including a common name or
Regular always be determined, but unless the description) and the magic used to
item took part in an important event, disguise it. It does not reveal the
May be cast on any object or living age and function may be the only infor- nature of Hallucinations.
being. As long as the spell is main- mation available. Fortunately, that’s
tained, the caster will know where the often enough for the archaeological Cost: 2.
subject is if he concentrates for a sec- scholars who most often use Prehistory. Prerequisites: Magery 1, any one
ond. Either the subject must be with shifting spell (Shapeshifting, Alter
the caster when the spell is first cast, Cost: 3 for 1,000 years’ history; 5 Visage or Body, Plant Form, Shrink,
or the caster must first cast Seeker for 10,000 years; 8 for 100,000 years; etc.), and either Aura or Know Illusion.
successfully. 10 for longer periods.
Long-distance modifiers (p. 14) Time to cast: 1 hour for each ener-
apply if the subject is not in the gy point spent. Wand, staff, or jewelry (a favorite is
caster’s presence. a medallion or coin with an “Aperture
Prerequisite: Ancient History. of True Vision” in it). Usable only by
Duration: 1 hour. mages. Energy cost to create: 250.
Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. One Reconstruct Spell
try per day. Recall
Time to cast: 1 minute. Information
Prerequisite: Seeker. Regular
Tells the caster what spells were
History cast on, at, or by the subject at a spe- The subject recalls a single forgot-
cific point in the past selected by the ten or obscured fact or event as if he
Information caster. If there were multiple spells on had Photographic Memory (p. B51).
the subject at the selected point, The penalties given under Time modi-
When cast on any inanimate object Reconstruct Spell will identify the spell fiers (p. 81) apply, based on the time
(or a 1-yard-radius section of a large that cost the least energy and tell the since the forgotten event occurred.
object), History lets the caster deter- caster “there are more spells.” The Eidetic Memory gives a +5 bonus;
mine the recent past of that object, Time modifiers (p. 81) apply. Spells are Photographic Memory gives a +10
user’s personality, and so on – but no identified as per Identify Spell (p. 102). bonus (though individuals with
names! Photographic Memory will only need
Cost: 3. The magnitude of the Time
Cost: 3 for one modifier is added to the cost, so the
day’s history; 5 spell costs 3 (3 + 0) for “within a
for a week; 8 for
a month; 10 for a

Time to cast:
1 second for
each energy point

Prerequisite: Trace.


this spell to restore unnaturally walking speed. Yet another form of whatever images it may have “seen” in
removed memories). Only a critical this item is footwear that, while worn, the past. The caster specifies the
success allows a magically blocked guides the wearer along the path to moment from which to start viewing
memory to be recalled. A critical fail- follow. Energy cost to create: 400. (“Let us see what happened in this
ure could cause a false or distorted room a year ago . . . ”). The Time mod-
memory, or eradicate the memory See Secrets ifiers (p. 81) apply. Each time this spell
beyond hope of future recovery! is cast for the same time period, there
Regular is a further -1 penalty to skill. A criti-
This is also a Mind Control spell. cal failure will wipe away the object’s
Causes hidden items, doors, traps, “memory” of that time period.
Duration: 1 day. Afterwards, the etc., to stand out clearly in the subject’s
memory fades as per the Memorize vision. This spell works only on things GMs may also allow the spell to be
spell. that were deliberately hidden – not lost. cast on any floor, wall or object, the
“playback” manifesting itself as a
Cost: 4. Cannot be maintained. Duration: 1 minute. Simple Illusion.
Time to cast: 10 seconds. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Memorize, Time to cast: 5 seconds. This is also a Light and Darkness
and History. Prerequisites: Seeker and Aura. spell.

Item Item Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. The
(a) Headgear, wand, or jewelry. Staff, wand, or jewelry. The item magnitude of the Time modifier is
Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to must be carved with a picture of an added to the cost, so the spell costs 3
create: 2,500. (b) A memory can be eye. Energy cost to create: 400. (3 + 0) for “within a minute,” but
made permanent for an energy cost of would cost 8 (3 + 5) for “4 to 40 days.”
50, but the memory must remain Schematic/TL Time to cast: 10 seconds.
intact while the enchantment occurs. Prerequisites: Magery 2, History,
Information and Simple Illusion.
Remember Path
As listed under Technological Spells, Item
Regular p. 177.
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
While this spell is active, its subject Scents of the Past by mages. Energy cost to create: 700.
will perfectly remember any path he
treads on. The memory would allow Regular Echoes of the Past
the subject to draw an accurate map of
his travels or to retrace his steps with- When cast on a wall or some Regular
out error, even in pitch darkness or object, this spell releases whatever
through distractions such as combat. scents it may have been exposed to in When cast on a wall, floor or some
the past. The caster specifies the object, this spell “plays back” whatev-
Of course, later alterations of previ- moment from which to start the “play- er sounds it may have “heard” in the
ously traveled terrain will be unknown back.” The Time modifiers (p. 81) past. The caster specifies the moment
to the subject (a mine cave-in after the apply. Each time this spell is cast for from which to start listening (“Let us
subject has left it, for example). the same time period, there is a fur- listen to what was said in this room a
ther -1 penalty to skill. A critical fail- year ago . . .”). Time modifiers (p. 81)
Duration: 1 hour. Once the spell ure wipes away the object’s “memory” apply. Each time this spell is cast for
lapses, the memory begins to fade as of that time period. the same time period, there is a fur-
per the Memorize spell, with IQ checks ther -1 penalty to skill. A critical fail-
being made hourly, not daily. Once This is also a Food spell. ure will wipe away the object’s
recalled, a memory can be made per- “memory” of that time period.
manent for an energy cost of 50 (via Duration: 1 minute.
enchantment), but the memory must Cost: 1 to cast. Same cost to main- This is also a Sound spell.
remain intact while the enchantment tain. The magnitude of the Time modi-
occurs. fier is added to the cost, so the spell Duration: 1 minute.
costs 1 (1 + 0) for “within a minute,” but Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. The
Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. would cost 6 (1 + 5) for “4 to 40 days.” magnitude of the Time modifier is
Time to cast: 10 seconds. Time to cast: 10 seconds. added to the cost, so the spell costs 2
Prerequisites: Find Direction and Prerequisites: Magery 2, History, (2 + 0) for “within a minute,” but
Memorize. and Odor. would cost 7 (2 + 5) for “4 to 40 days.”
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Item Item Prerequisites: Magery 2, History,
and Voices.
(a) Jewelry or staff. Energy cost to Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
create: 600. (b) A forked stick or com- by mages. Energy cost to create: 350. Item
pass needle that will point the way
along one path specified by the creator. Images of the Past Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
If activated from off the path, it will by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
point to the nearest point along the Regular
path. An alternate form of this item is 107
a small magical ball that will roll along When cast on a mirror or reflective
the path just ahead of the traveler, at surface, this spell “plays back”



Unlike more flashy sorts of magic, Divination is dependent on the culture of the
which have direct and quantifiable diviner; ancient Roman priests stud-
effects on the game environment Information ied the flight and behavior of birds,
(blasting dragons, healing heroes, call- for instance. Fantasy cultures might
ing stone bridges into existence, and Gives the caster a vision relevant to find portents in anything from a feed-
so on), divinations and other his question, or the answer to one yes- ing bear beside a stream to the move-
Information spells deal only with PC or-no question. There are many sorts ment of a breeze through a willow
knowledge, and thus require special of divination; each is a separate spell, tree; the common factor is the obser-
consideration. and requires the appropriate materials vation of some natural event. When
(see below). Each has its own this divination is cast, the GM must
When PCs have access to informa- strengths and weaknesses. Those roll against the caster’s Vision in
tion on such a wide scope, many methods that are linked to a particular secret. On a failed roll, the roll to cast
problems can result. Sometimes, the element or elements will give more the divination is made at -5. Augury is
GM doesn’t have an answer to the detailed answers if the answer has not ideal for divining the past; time
players’ questions; perhaps he didn’t something to do with that element – modifiers are doubled when using
anticipate that the continent on the e.g., lecanomancy would work better augury to ask questions about past
other side of the ocean would be rele- than extispicy for a question about the events. Prerequisites: One spell from
vant this session. At the same time, a sea. each of the four elements.
particularly insightful question at just
the right moment can bring the GM’s Skill modifiers: Standard long-dis- Cartomancy is divination using the
plans for the adventure crashing tance modifiers (p. 14). If repeated tarot or other fortune-telling cards.
down. Mystery adventures, in particu- questions are asked on the same sub- The cards, symbolic as they are, rarely
lar, are subject to devastation at the ject within a day, the “vibes” are mud- give a straightforward yes-or-no
hands of divinations. dled; -4 skill for the second question, answer. The only equipment required
-8 for the third, and so on. Questions is a tarot deck (hand-painted and
It’s hardly fair, however, to be delib- about the past or future are also worth $1,000 at TL3 and below, but
erately evasive or untruthful to players harder; use the Time modifiers (p. 81). mass-produced inexpensively at high-
who spent valuable character points to er tech levels). Cartomancy is highly
play diviners. Fortunately, there are Cost: 10. personal; any attempt to ask questions
alternatives. Symbolic visions are Time to cast: 1 hour unless speci- about people other than the subject is
viable answers for anything but a yes- fied otherwise. at -5. Prerequisites: One spell from
or-no question, and may often be more Prerequisites: History, and other each of the four elements.
interesting than a straightforward spells as specified for the particular
answer. Penalties for continued ques- method of divination. Crystal-Gazing is the use of a crys-
tioning on a single subject may at least tal ball (p. 71) or mirror to facilitate a
buy the GM some time to prepare for STANDARD divinatory vision. If it works, the GM
the PCs’ line of inquiry. DIVINATIONS describes a scene; it is up to the player
to interpret it! The caster may use
The GM should always roll for the Astrology is divination through clear, still water for this divination, but
success of the divination, and should examination of the heavens, including at a -10 to skill. Prerequisite: Earth
feel free to be delphic when appropri- weather. Observation of the sky is nec- Vision or Water Vision.
ate; diviners should never be entirely essary; the caster must be outside, and
sure that their visions are complete is at a -5 penalty unless it is a clear Dactylomancy is divination by
and reliable. night, away from city lights. Without a movement of a pointer around a
reference library (cost $2,000; weight board with all the letters of the alpha-
The existence of divinations can 200 pounds), all rolls are at -5. bet, plus Yes and No. Dactylomantic
also have radical effects on a game Because astrology relies on the pre- divinations are usually straightfor-
world. Most people would want to dictable movements of the stars, it ward, but extremely unsubtle; a com-
consult a diviner before embarking on excels at divinations into the far past plex question (indeed, almost any
major decisions – marriages, crimes, or future; no time modifiers apply to question that cannot be answered in
wars, and the like. Court procedures astrological divination. If the divina- five words or less) is likely to produce
would be changed radically. Indeed, tion involves an individual, however, cryptic gibberish. Prerequisites: One
the law may strictly regulate the use of his birthplace and birthdate must be spell from each of the four elements.
divination. known, or all rolls are at -5. All penal-
ties do stack! Prerequisites: Predict Extispicy is divination by examin-
Not every form of divination will Weather and Astronomy-15+. ing the entrails of a slaughtered ani-
exist in every game world. The GM mal (must be at least 20 pounds – no
should select those methods that Augury is the study of portents or pigeons!). It is illegal in many areas.
match the feel and flavor of his setting. omens. The exact nature of the omens Only one question can be asked per
animal. Extispicy is most useful in
divining matters of life and death:


sickness and health, war and peace, Physiognomy is divination by in which they fall. The I Ching is a
victory and defeat – all are good can- examining and measuring parts of a form of sortilege; other cultures have
didates for extispicy. Other matters are subject’s body. Different traditions used sortilege by throwing a handful of
more likely to receive vague and usually focus on a particular body part arrows in the ground to interpret
unhelpful answers. Prerequisites: Four – hands, feet, head, etc. Physiognomy where they fall. Prerequisites: One spell
Animal spells. is only really suited to answering ques- from each of the four elements.
tions about the subject or his fortune;
Gastromancy requires a willing attempts to divine information about Symbol-Casting is divination by
subject. The subject is placed in a absent persons are at -5. Prerequisites: means of symbol tokens (p. 205). The
trance, during which he utters things Four Body Control spells. caster must have a complete set of
of a prophetic and cryptic nature. tokens for his symbolic language, and
When the spell is cast, the subject Pyromancy is divination by staring is at -1 to skill for each stone missing.
loses 5 FP in addition to the energy into fire or smoke. It may produce a Mock symbol tokens work perfectly
spent by the caster, whether or not the vision, or the caster may hear a voice well, but a full set of true tokens gives
spell was successful. Prerequisites: in the flames. Small amounts of cer- +2 to skill. A detailed divination takes
Hypnotism at 15 or higher and three tain rare herbs (value $100 per 30 minutes, or the caster may simply
Mind Control spells. attempt) must be burned. Questions reach into a bag and pull out one or
are at -4 unless something pertaining more stones. In the latter case, energy
Geomancy is divination by examin- to the question (e.g., hair of the sub- cost is only 1. The GM tells the caster
ing the earth. Geomancy must be ject of the divination) is also burned. which symbol(s) he drew; it is up to
practiced outdoors, where the geo- Prerequisites: Four Fire spells. the caster to interpret this, and the
mancer can examine the lay of the symbols drawn on a failed roll will
land. Geomancy is very location-spe- Sortilege is divination through the be misleading. Prerequisite: Symbol
cific; any questions that do not pertain casting of lots or other objects that Drawing-15 or higher.
to the area where the divination is reveal information through the pattern
being performed are at -10.
Prerequisites: Four Earth spells.

Lecanomancy is divination by
observing the results of casting objects
into water. Like augury, lecanomancy
takes different forms in different cul-
tures. Some diviners pour molten
metal into water to observe the shapes
the metal takes, while others examine
tea leaves or simply throw stones into
a pool and observe the ripples.
Lecanomancy is invariably vague, and
is always subject to a -5 penalty; on the
other hand, all time modifiers are
halved. Prerequisites: Four Water

Numerology, or arithmancy, is div-
ination by the various numbers that
define an individual, including those
derived from name, birthday and, in
contemporary settings, even such
things as social security numbers. If
the birthday of the subject is unknown,
the caster is at a -10 to effective skill.
Prerequisite: Mathematical Ability.

Oneiromancy is the interpretation
of the caster’s own dreams. It requires
no equipment, but only one question
can be asked per night, and there is
only a 50% chance that the caster
dreams at all! The use of Dreaming
skill, or any dream spell, disrupts any
attempt at oneiromancy. The GM tells
the caster what he dreamed; the play-
er must interpret it. Energy cost is
paid on awakening. Prerequisites: Four
Communication and Empathy spells.




The night filled with the howling of Intensity Vision Modifier Continual Light
wolves and other, less savory things. A
dozen men cowered in a knot around Starlight -7 Regular
the two torches.
Candlelight or moonlight -5 When cast on a small object (up to
“Stay together!” one shouted. fist-sized or 1 pound) or a small part
“They can’t come into the light! We’ll Torchlight -3 of a larger object, makes that object
head for the river and the toll-gate glow with white light.
– if we stay in the light, we’ll Daylight 0
live!” Duration: Variable. Roll 2d
Light for number of days. Does not
Their weak torchlight count as a spell “on.”
reflected in dozens of pairs of Regular
eyes, yellow and red and fish- Cost: 2 for a dim glow like
belly white. But the eyes Produces a small light like a can- moonlight, 4 for the bright-
receded as the group moved dleflame. It stays still unless the caster ness of a torch, 6 for a glare as
slowly toward the river, every concentrates on moving it; then it can bright as day.
man staying in the feeble cir- travel at Move 5.
cle of safety afforded by a pair Prerequisite: Light.
of torches. The screeches and Duration: 1 minute.
yowls ascended as the hosts Cost: 1 to cast. 1 to maintain. Item
of darkness realized that their
prey might escape them. Item Any item can be made to
glow permanently, for 100
Then, all at once, the noise Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost times the above energy cost
faded away. The men to create: 100. (e.g., 200 for a dim glow, etc.).
“What . . . what’s that?”
The eyes disappeared on Regular
one side, and the blackness
seemed even deeper. Then, as Changes the color of any
the men looked on in horror, light. The spell must be cast
the edge of the light seemed on the source of the light. If
to bulge inward, and the dark the caster concentrates, multi-
of night surged toward them ple color-changes are possible
like a wave of pitch. with the same spell.
The night filled with howling and
gibbering and other, more human Duration: 1 minute.
noises. But not for long. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain
(but the change is permanent on a
These spells affect not just visible Continual Light spell).
light, but also infrared and ultraviolet Prerequisite: Light.
light. Spells that provide illumination
will allow those with Infravision and Remove Shadow
Ultravision to see, while spells that
block ordinary vision will also block Regular; Resisted by Will
those senses.
The subject’s shadow seems to dis-
Many Light spells can produce appear. Unwilling subjects resist with
varying levels of light. If a Light spell is Will. (If there is more than one light
used as the sole source of illumina- source, all shadows vanish!)
tion, the following Vision modifiers
are appropriate. Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Light.


Item Infravision advantage (p. B60). This Small Vision
spell does not let invisible objects be
Jewelry. Always on; only affects the seen. Regular
wearer. Energy cost to create: 100; must
include a $100 black onyx. Duration: 1 minute. The subject can examine objects
Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. within his reach as if they were under
Shape Light Prerequisite: Keen Vision or 5 Light ¥100 magnification, as per Microscopic
spells. Vision 2 (p. B68). While the spell is on,
Regular the subject is extremely nearsighted
Item (see Bad Sight. p. B123): he is incapable
With this spell, the caster may of seeing objects further than a yard
transform a uniform light source into Staff, wand, or jewelry; affects only away clearly – they appear blurred and
a directional one. The caster may spec- the wearer. Energy cost to create: 100. all melee attacks are made at -2 to skill.
ify any number of “baffles” or restrict
the illumination to specific beams. Night Vision This is also a Knowledge spell.
Thus, the spell can change a torch
into a hooded lantern of sorts. Regular Duration: 1 minute.
Concentration is required to change Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Each
the light’s shape, but not to maintain it. See clearly as long as there is any doubling of casting cost increases the
light at all, as with Night Vision 9. In magnification ten-fold.
The spell can also be used to bend utter darkness, the subject is still blind. Time to cast: 2 seconds.
and twist light beams. The GM should Prerequisites: Keen Vision or at
allow any effect that isn’t already cov- Duration: 1 minute. least five Light and Darkness spells.
ered by such spells as Simple Illusion, Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Subject must not suffer from
Small Vision, Invisibility, and so on. Prerequisite: Keen Vision or 5 Light Blindness or Bad Sight.
Duration: 1 minute. Item
Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain. Item
Prerequisite: Light. (a) Clothing or jewelry. The item
Staff, wand, or jewelry; affects only must bear a life-size picture of a flea.
Item the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to
create: 400. (b) A gem that works as a
(a) The effects may be made perma- Hawk Vision magnifying glass. Cost to create: 400
nent for 100 times casting cost (creat- energy, plus the cost of the gem.
ing a permanent light-sculpture), Regular
although the light itself must also Dark Vision
somehow be preserved. (b) Staff, wand, Grants the subject extraordinary
or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. clarity of vision and the ability to Regular
“zoom in” on distant objects, provid-
Bright Vision ing the equivalent of Telescopic Vision The subject can see even in pitch
(p. B92). Each level lets the subject darkness, as if he had the Dark Vision
Regular ignore -1 in range penalties to Vision advantage. He can also ignore the
rolls at all times, or -2 in range penal- effects of the Darkness spell.
Peer safely into intense sources of ties if you take an Aim maneuver to
light (like a roaring fire or the sun) zoom in on a particular target. This Duration: 1 minute. or
and protect against blinding from the ability can also function as a telescop- Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Flash spell, Vision-based attacks, or ic sight, giving up to +1 Accuracy per Prerequisite: Night Vision
similar occurrences. level with ranged attacks provided you Infravision.
take an Aim maneuver for seconds
Duration: 1 minute. equal to the bonus. These benefits of Item
Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. this spell are not cumulative with
Prerequisites: Keen Vision or at those of technological aids such as Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects
least five Light and Darkness spells. binoculars or scopes. If you use both, the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400.
Subject must not suffer from you must opt for one or the other.
Blindness. Darkness
Duration: 1 minute.
Item Base cost: 2 per level of Telescopic Area
Vision. Half that to maintain.
Staff, wand, or jewelry (sunglasses Time to cast: 2 seconds. Cloaks the area of effect in pitch
or welding visors are certainly appro- Prerequisites: Keen Vision or 5 darkness. A person inside the area can
priate in more modern settings). Only Light spells. Subject must not suffer see out normally, but can see nothing
affects the wearer. Energy cost to from Blindness or Bad Sight disadvan- else within the area. Those outside the
create: 200. tages. area can see only darkness within.
Thus, attacks out of darkness suffer no
Infravision Item penalty, but attacks into darkness are
at a penalty; see p. B394 for combat
Regular Clothing or jewelry, including a rules.
picture of a hawk. Affects only the
See “infrared” or heat rays in addi- wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. The Dark Vision advantage lets you
tion to normal light, as with the see through a Darkness spell, but
Night Vision and Infravision do not.


Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 1/2 for starlight; 1 for moon- 10 yards in the direction it is pointed,
Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. light; 3/2 for torchlight; 2 for daylight and some vision will be possible up to
Prerequisite: Continual Light. (bright, no Vision penalty). Minimum 30 yards away. It can be used as a signal
radius is 2 yards. for up to a mile if visibility is good.
Time to cast: 1 second per half- Can be used in combat to blind foes
Floor, ground, or a rug can be point of base cost within 10 yards, but only in relative
enchanted so that the area above darkness (e.g., when the combat penal-
(about 6 feet) is in permanent dark- Prerequisite: Continual Light. ty is at least -5). Each turn, the caster
ness. Energy cost to create: 12 per rolls against Innate Attack skill or DX-
square foot. Item 4, with a -5 penalty to hit the face. This
attack can be dodged or blocked, but
Blackout (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy not parried. If the target is hit, he will
cost to create: 250. (b) An area can be be at a -4 penalty to combat skills on
Area permanently illuminated for 100 his next turn, and at a -1 penalty for
times casting cost. the remainder of the combat. This
Shrouds the affected area in effect is not cumulative. Foes with
impenetrable blackness. No one can Gloom Night Vision double these penalties.
see into the affected area, and no one
within the affected area can see any- Area Duration: 1 minute.
thing; see p. B394 for combat rules. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.
Plunges an area into gloom. The Prerequisite: Continual Light or
The Dark Vision advantage lets you more energy is put into the base cost, Shape Light.
see through a Blackout spell, but the gloomier the ambient light
Night Vision and Infravision do not. becomes. Unlike the Darkness spell, Item
sources of light still work normally
Duration: 1 minute. within the area. Glove or ring; the item lets the
Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. wearer cast the spell. Energy cost to
Prerequisite: Darkness. Duration: Variable. The GM should create: 200.
roll 2d for the number of days.
Item Mirror
Base cost: 1/2 for torchlight; 1 for
Floor, ground, or a rug can be moonlight; 3/2 for starlight; 2 for total Regular
enchanted so that the area above darkness. Minimum radius is 2 yards.
(about 6 feet) is in permanent black- Creates a reflective surface. It can
out. Energy cost to create: 15 per Time to cast: 1 second per half- be cast on an object or can be free-
square foot. point of base cost. standing (in which case it is two-
sided). The mirror surface is not nec-
Glow Prerequisite: Continual Light. essarily flat; the caster could create
fun-house mirrors, for example.
Area Item
In a scientific-paradigm universe,
Suffuses an area with a uniform (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy casters with knowledge of physics can
glow. Objects and beings standing in cost to create: 250. (b) An area can be use this spell to create parabolic
the area won’t project any shadows permanently darkened for 100 times reflectors. A simple curve can be suffi-
unless a source of light stronger than casting cost. cient to cook meat; a large and precise
the ambient glow is brought in. one could be used to melt lead, given
Light Jet sufficient sunlight at appropriate
Duration: Variable. The GM should angles. Against living targets, the GM
roll 2d for the number of days. Regular can assume that such a mirror would
do 1 point of burning damage per yard
Emit a beam of bright light from radius of mirror every 10 seconds. To
one finger. This beam can be used like a ignite things, use the Ignite Fire guide-
flashlight. It gives good illumination for lines (p. 72), substituting the Mirror
size for the listed energy cost. An 8-
Flash yard-radius Mirror ignites heavy wood
in about 10 seconds. Other, similar
Regular uses are subject to GM approval.

Creates a brilliant flash of light. This will totally blind some that see it, and Duration: 1 minute.
reduce the DX of others by 3 (which reduces all DX-based skills). It may affect Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain.
anyone who is facing the flash and has his eyes open (GM’s decision, if miniatures Prerequisite: Colors.
are not being used). The caster himself is not affected if he closes his eyes as he
casts the spell. Each other creature in range must make a HT roll to avoid the Item
worst effects:
Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost
Distance If HT roll is made If HT roll is not made to create: 350; the item must include a
Within 10 yards 1 minute at -3 DX 3 sec. blind, 1 min. at -3 DX tiny mirror.
11 to 25 yards 10 sec. at -3 DX
26 or more yards no effect 1 minute at -3 DX
3 seconds at -3 DX

Cost: 4.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisite: Continual Light.


Remove Reflection Time to cast: 2 seconds. See Invisible
Prerequisite: Darkness or Gloom.
Regular; Resisted by Will Regular
The subject’s reflection(s) seem to Subject can see anything concealed
disappear from mirrors, pools, etc. At Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects by the Invisibility spell or by “natural”
higher TLs, this may make the subject the wearer/holder. Energy cost to invisibility. These things will be slight-
invisible to sensors that use mirrors as create: 100 per point of penalty. ly translucent; thus, you can see
part of their optical pathways, at the through them and tell that they appear
GM’s discretion. Shape Darkness invisible to others.

Duration: 1 minute. Area Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Remove Shadow. Shape and move three-dimension- Prerequisites: Either Dark Vision
al darkness created with the Darkness and Infravision or Invisibility.
Item or Blackout spells at a Move of 5. It
also allows the caster to shape existing Item
Jewelry. Always on. Only affects the two-dimensional shadows into other
wearer. Energy cost to create: 200; must two-dimensional shadowy shapes. Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects
include a $100 black onyx. Shadows can be reduced in size easily, the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400.
but enlarging the shadows makes
Wall of Light them slightly transparent. The average Mage Light
casual observer won’t notice, but any-
Area one looking intently at the shadow Regular
gets an IQ roll to notice that it doesn’t
Creates a curtain of light around an have the “substance” it should. Creates a small light. However, the
area. The wall is four yards high, but Shadows do not have to remain illumination that it provides is only
may be made higher; simply scale the attached to the objects that cast them. perceptible to mages, magical crea-
cost as the height (double for 8 yards tures, and those under the influence of
high, triple for 12 yards high and so on). Duration: 1 minute. Mage Sight. It moves just like Light
Base cost: 2. Same cost to main- does. An IQ+Magery roll is not required
The only thing it blocks is vision, tain. For two-dimensional shadows, to see or use the light provided.
both ways. It has no effect on spells, the base cost is 1.
beings, sounds, etc. Bright Vision Prerequisite: Darkness. Duration: 1 minute.
allows one to see through the wall. Cost: 1 for a dim glow like candle-
Item light, 2 for the brightness of a torch, 3
Duration: 1 minute. for a glare as bright as day. Same cost
Base cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Same cost Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to maintain.
to maintain. The Wall’s glow depends to create: 200. Prerequisites: Mage Sight and
on the energy put into its base cost, as Light.
per Continual Light. Hide
Prerequisite: Continual Light. Item
Item Wand, staff, jewelry, or lantern.
Makes the subject harder to find. A Usable only by mages. Energy cost to
(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy Vision roll is necessary to see a subject create: 100.
cost to create: 200. (b) A Wall of Light in plain sight; Sense rolls to detect a
may be made permanent at an energy subject already hidden are at -1 per Continual Mage Light
cost of 100 times normal. point of energy spent, to a maximum
of -5. These effects only apply while Regular
Shade the subject remains still, but if he
moves and then stops moving before When cast on a small object (up to
Regular the spell expires, the effects resume. fist-sized, or 1 pound), or a small part of
a large object, this spell makes that
As listed under Protection and Duration: 1 hour. object glow with Mage Light
Warning Spells, p. 169. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Same cost to
maintain. Duration: Variable. The GM should
Blur Time to cast: 5 seconds. roll 2d for the number of days.
Prerequisite: Blur or Forgetfulness.
Regular Cost: 2 for a dim glow like candle-
Item light, 4 for the brightness of a torch, 6
Makes the subject harder to see for a glare as bright as day. Same cost
and therefore harder to hit with (a) Jewelry, wand, or staff; only to maintain.
attacks. Each point of energy gives -1 affects the wearer. Energy cost to cre-
to the effective skill of any attack on ate: 1,000. (b) Any item can be Prerequisites: Mage Light and
the subject, to a maximum of -5. enchanted to make it permanently Continual Light.
“hidden,” at an energy cost of 200 per
Duration: 1 minute. point of “hiddenness.” Item
Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Same cost to
maintain. Any item may be made to radiate
mage light permanently, for 100 times
the above energy cost (e.g., 200 for a
dim glow, etc.)


Sunlight Duration: 1 minute. Whether or not damage gets
Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. through armor, a hit to the face blinds
Area Time to cast: 3 seconds. the victim unless he makes a HT roll.
Prerequisites: Six Light spells, A hit to the eyes does double damage
The area is illuminated in full day- including Blur. and blinds the victim unless he makes
light – even underground! The area a HT roll at a penalty equal to the
extends skyward, stopping only when Item damage suffered. Treat Sunbolt-
it hits some sort of ceiling. If cast in a induced blindness as a crippling
cave, the area is a huge shaft of light (a) Jewelry, wand, or staff; only injury for recovery purposes (p. B420).
extending upward to the rock. If cast affects the wearer. Energy cost to
on a cloudy day outdoors, the light create: 1,200. (b) An item can be made Any mirror will reflect a Sunbolt; if
appears to break through the clouds permanently invisible at an energy the GM is uncertain of the exact angle
above. If cast at night, the light cost of 500 per hex of size or 50 of incidence/reflection (if the Sunbolt
appears to come from an overhead pounds of weight, whichever is hits a hand-held mirror, for instance),
star which brightens to sun level for greater. determine its new direction randomly.
those inside the area. Use the rules for hitting the wrong tar-
Body of Shadow (VH) get (p. B389) to determine if anything
Treat the light as natural sunlight along the new path is hit.
for all purposes – it can be used to Regular; Resisted by HT
grow plants, get a tan, etc. Creatures Deliberately reflected shots are a
who are susceptible to the effects of The subject’s body fades away, leav- much trickier matter; range penalties
sunlight (such as vampires) are fully ing only his shadow. The subject is will be for the total range to the tar-
affected. now a two-dimensional shadow on the get, with an additional -2 for each
wall or floor, gaining the Shadow “bounce.” And unless the mirrors are
Duration: 1 minute. Form advantage (p. B83) for the dura- very large and/or stable and/or delib-
Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. tion of the spell. His clothing (up to 6 erately placed for the purpose, the
Prerequisites: Magery 1, Glow, and pounds) also becomes shadow, but GM may simply declare the shot
Colors. while in shadow form it loses any impossible.
magic powers it might have had. The
Item rest of his equipment tumbles to the Defending characters holding mir-
ground; he can carry nothing while in rors may attempt to reflect the bolt
Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only this form. back at the caster – treat this as a
by mages. Energy cost to create: 150. Block defense at a -2 penalty; also
Note that this spell does not aug- apply the normal range penalties from
Continual Sunlight ment the subject’s senses to allow him the defender to the caster. The DB of
to see in pitch darkness! the mirror (if it is large enough to offer
Area any; GM call) adds to this roll normal-
Duration: 1 minute. The spell ly. The caster may defend normally,
Illuminates an area as per the expires if the subject loses conscious- unless totally surprised.
Sunlight spell, but lasts longer and ness.
cannot be maintained. Sunbolt is not affected by Missile
Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Shield or Reverse Missiles. Force
Duration: Variable. Roll 2d for Time to cast: 5 seconds. Dome and Deflect Energy do offer
number of days. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Shape protection. Areas of magical Darkness
Darkness, and at least three or Blackout resist Sunbolt.
Base cost: 3. Movement spells.
Prerequisite: Sunlight. Cost: Any amount up to your
Item Magery level per second, for three sec-
Item onds. The bolt does 1d-1 impaling
Staff, wand, jewelry, or cape. Only damage per energy point.
The area may be permanently illu- affects the wearer. A severe drawback
minated for 100 times the cost to cast of each of these items except the cape Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.
the spell. is that it falls through the subject as Prerequisites: At least six other
soon as the spell is cast! Energy cost to Light and Darkness spells, including
Invisibility create: 2,500 (6,000 for the cape). Sunlight.

Regular Sunbolt Item

The subject cannot be seen and Missile Staff or wand; the bolt is fired from
does not appear in reflections or pho- the tip of the item. Usable only by
tographs. He still makes sounds and Shoot a bolt of concentrated sun- mages. Cost to create: 800 energy and
can be tracked by scent or footprints. light from one fingertip. It has 1/2D a sunstone worth at least $1,000.
Anything he picks up becomes invisi- 75, Max 150, Acc 2; use the Innate
ble, unless he wills it to stay visible. Attack skill. The light burns like laser Images of the Past
Infravision cannot detect him, but See light and does burning damage.
Invisible can. Invisible characters Increase a shield’s DB against this Regular
have a great advantage in combat: see spell by 50%, rounding down, if it is
p. B394. highly polished. As listed under Knowledge Spells,
p. 107.




Hargaz, Overlord-General of the the massive basalt weapon created under the effects of
Inexorable Legion of the All- keystone of the mile- this spell is automatically of very fine
Consuming Empire, sneered at the lit- long bridge. quality. Such items are not technically
tle balding man the Alliance of the magic items, but can be (and often
West had sent him. He glared across In an instant, are) enchanted further.
the Ancient bridge, as if he could Hargaz realized his
make the Western commanders feel error, and knew that At the GM’s option, this spell may be
his ire. it was fatal. Around used on works of art other than crafts –
the little mage’s fist, books, performances, songs, etc.
“I agree to a duel of magicks, and cracks began to
they send you? This is an insult.” spread through the Duration: Permanent.
keystone. A chorus of Cost: 5 per day spent creating the
“Are you ready, General?” the man cracks and groans object.
replied evenly. rose from the bridge, Time to cast: The usual time to
as the Ancient magic make the object.
Hargaz laughed. The mouse had a holding it together
backbone. “Why not?” faltered. Awaken Craft Spirit

The small man wasted no time He glanced over Regular
before launching into his first spell, his shoulder at the
something Hargaz didn’t recognize. bank from where Every well-crafted object, whether
For his own part, Hargaz snapped his he’d come, knowing a tool, a weapon, or a work of art, may
fingers, a spark rapidly growing into he could never make it contain a spirit slumbering within it.
an expanding globe of flame. before the bridge collapsed into the This spell allows the caster to awaken
abyss. When he turned back, his the spirit of any item created by an
“Westerners. I agree to meet a opponent had risen to his feet. artisan with a margin of success by 5
mage of war, and they send me a quar- “They sent you an engineer, or more (the GM can assume this was
termaster. A clerk! An orderly!” General.” the case for an artisan with skill of at
With a mighty boom, the main least 15, or for any fine or very fine
Without comment, his opponent buttresses failed, and they fell. item). Any item created with Inspired
finished his spell and dropped to one Creation has a craft spirit. The spirit
knee, driving a faintly glowing fist into The College of Making and can answer one question per minute
Breaking is most popular among wiz- regarding its maker or any of its own-
ards whose primary vocation is non- ers. The spirit remains awake for the
magical; smiths with a touch of duration of the spell; it may remain
Magery often learn Making and awake or return to sleep when the
Breaking. spell expires, according to its own
Inspired Creation (VH)
Not every setting has craft spirits; if
Regular the GM does not feel that they are
appropriate to the setting, this spell
Helps a subject create one craft does not exist.
work – a weapon, suit of armor, paint-
ing, etc. – of a quality far beyond his This is also a Necromantic spell.
usual ability. The process is grueling,
costing the subject 5 HP and 10 FP. Duration: 1 minute.
The work is as good as if it were made Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.
with a critical success by an artisan of Time to cast: 5 seconds.
skill 5 levels higher than the subject’s Prerequisites: Inspired Creation
actual skill; no roll is required. A and Sense Spirit.


Find Weakness Clean Duration: 2d days.
Cost: 1 for a small (up to palm-
Information Area sized) object, 2 to change a person’s
hair color or an object about a square
Sense the weakest part of the sub- Cleans the subject area or being foot in size, 5 for a person-sized (SM
ject. Can be cast on any part of a large (i.e., removes dirt and stains, and 0) object.
object; you would not have to cast it polishes surfaces which can hold a Time to cast: 3 seconds.
on a whole city wall, for instance, but polish). Does not remove lingering Prerequisites: Restore and Colors.
could check one yard of wall at a time. odors (use Purify Air for that).
Of course, many subjects will have no Copy
special weakness. Duration: Permanent.
Base cost: 2. Regular
This spell can be used to trou- Prerequisite: Restore.
bleshoot complex objects; a defect Makes one or more copies of a sin-
that prevents a machine from working Item gle page of writing. Paper or parch-
usually qualifies as its weakest part. ment must be supplied for the copies
Staff, wand, or cleaning instru- to be made on. Copies of magical
Cost: 1, or 1 per yard radius for a ment (broom, feather duster, etc.). The scrolls, rune parchments, and so on do
large object. Double this cost if the item must touch the affected area. not have magic power.
subject is alive. Energy cost to create: 100.
At higher TLs, this spell may be
Time to cast: 2 seconds. Soilproof used on digital media; a single casting
Prerequisites: One spell from each of this spell will copy about one kilo-
of the four elements. Regular byte of information.

Item The subject (person, creature, or Duration: Permanent.
object) and anything he carries Cost: 2 plus 1 for each copy made.
Jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. become soilproof. Clothes neither The document copied may be 10 times
stain nor become dusty, hands won’t longer if the caster doubles the energy
Weaken collect grime, and so on. The spell cost; thus, 4 energy would produce
doesn’t affect stains already on the one copy of a ten-page document,
Regular subject at the time of casting. while 8 energy would copy a 100-page
Does 1d damage to the weakest Duration: 10 minutes. Time to cast: 5 seconds.
part of the subject (works only on Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Dye and at least
inanimate items) for every two points Time to cast: 2 seconds. Accented written proficiency in some
of energy put into the spell. See Prerequisite: Clean. language.
p. B557, for DR and HP of various
items. No caster may use this spell on Item Rejoin
the same subject more than once per
hour. Subject’s DR does not protect it. (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy Regular
cost to create: 400. (b) For 100 times
Duration: Permanent. casting cost, any item may be perma- Temporarily fixes a broken inani-
Cost: 2 to 6. nently soilproofed. The item can be mate object. If some small parts are
Time to cast: 5 seconds. made to also resist Ruin (with the missing, skill is at -3, but if the spell
Prerequisite: Find Weakness. Endurance of the enchantment) at succeeds the object holds together
double cost. On an ordinary failure, without the missing parts.
Item the enchantment loses one point of
Endurance. Upon dropping to Duration: 10 minutes.
Wand, staff, or glove. The item Endurance 0, the enchantment ceases Cost: 1 per 10 pound of subject’s
must be used to strike the subject. to function. A critical failure by the weight (minimum 2) to cast. Half that
Energy cost to create: 200. Soilproof or a critical success by the (rounded up) to maintain.
Ruin also breaks the enchantment. Time to cast: 4 seconds per 10
Restore pounds of subject’s weight.
Dye Prerequisites: Weaken and Restore.
Regular Shatter (VH)
Temporarily makes a broken inani-
mate object look as good as new. Changes the color of any unliving Regular
Other senses will not be fooled, nor material, as desired by the caster (note
will Mage Sight. that hair is unliving, as is a thin outer Similar to Weaken, but quicker – it
layer of skin!). The color fades in 2d can be cast in a single second, and may
Duration: 10 minutes. days, but is unaffected by ordinary be cast repeatedly. If the spell does not
Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. washing or application of solvents. do enough damage to actually break
Time to cast: 3 seconds. Only a single, uniform, color can be the subject, the subject takes no harm.
Prerequisite: Find Weakness or produced – patterns are not possible,
Simple Illusion. but only part of the subject may be
affected if the caster desires.


This spell only affects inanimate by mages; the item must touch the The Undo spell also unties a Knot
objects. subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000. spell, but the Knot spell gets a
resistance roll.
Cost: 1 to 3; does 1d damage for Inscribe
each point of energy put into it. Duration: Until the password is
Area; Resisted by Will spoken, or the rope is cut or broken!
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and
Weaken. As listed under Illusion and Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained –
Creation Spells, p. 97. must be recast if the rope is untied.
Stiffen Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Wand, staff, or glove. The item Prerequisite: Stiffen.
must be used to strike the subject. Regular; Special Resistance
Energy cost to create: 500. Item
Temporarily stiffens a limp object;
Animate Object (VH) turns a rope into a pole, for example, Rope. Any knot tied with this rope
or a thread into a lockpick. Does not cannot be untied without magic. A
Regular; Special Resistance work on living beings. This spell can password is set when the rope is
be used to make improvised weapons; enchanted. The enchantment is bro-
Animates an existing object (statue, the GM judges their effectiveness. ken if the rope is cut. Energy cost to
sword, chair . . .). Its abilities and cast: 20 per foot of rope.
attributes depend on its body – this is This spell may also be used to stiff-
entirely up to the GM. en a foe’s clothes. In this case, the foe Reshape
resists the spell with his ST+2. If it
Examples: a chair could move works, he is at -1 DX for each pound Regular
about and kick people in the shins or of clothing that was stiffened, and this
a sword could snake around its wield- DX change does affect his Move. Mold any inanimate substance as
er’s arm, but a teapot could do little though it were clay. Does not convey
more than scuttle amusingly across a Duration: 10 minutes. any additional artistic ability to the
table . . . Cost: 1 per pound of subject’s subject, however! Any inanimate
weight – minimum 2. Half that to object the subject picks up while
Concentration is required; the ani- maintain. under this spell will soften slightly –
mated object has no IQ score and is Time to cast: 2 seconds per pound this can be troublesome. For instance,
little more than a puppet. of weight. if he tries to wield a sword or staff, it
Independence and Initiative will not Prerequisite: Rejoin. does only half damage! A gun fired
work on an animated object. while “soft” will be ruined. Any mate-
rial molded will become hard again, in
A man should have a farm or a mechanical its new form, as soon as the subject
craft for his culture. We must have a basis for removes his hands from it.
our higher accomplishments, our delicate
entertainments of poetry and philosophy, Inconvenient doors and walls can
in the work of our hands. be removed, at a double-handful of
material per second. This spell can
– Ralph Waldo Emerson even be used to tunnel through rock,
but since in effect the subject is dig-
A being holding such an object Knot ging through soft earth with his
resists with Will. hands, it is slow and tiring.
Duration: 1 minute. Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 to cast for every 5 pounds Ties a knot that cannot be untied Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.
the object weighs. Double cost to ani- without magic (though the rope can Time to cast: 10 seconds.
mate stone, triple for metal. Same cost be cut, of course). The knot unties Prerequisites: Magery 1, Weaken,
to maintain. when someone says the password and either Shape Earth or Shape
Time to cast: 3 seconds. (specified at casting) while touching Plant.
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least the rope at any point along its length.
three “Shape” spells. Thus, a rope tied at the top of a cliff Item
will come loose when someone at the
Item bottom of the cliff says the password, Gloves. Energy cost to create: 500.
if he can touch the rope. Knot also
(a) Any object may be permanently works for string, chastity belts, etc. Rive (VH)
animated for 100 times casting cost.
(b) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only Regular

Pokes holes in inanimate objects,
walls, etc. See p. B557, for the DR and
HP of common objects. This spell
works like a huge piercing attack,
punching a 2-foot-diameter hole (the
affected area may be smaller at the
caster’s discretion).


Cost: 1 per die of damage to be bind prisoners, and so on. An actively Repair
inflicted to the object. resisting subject resists using DX. The
bond is a normal knot (though it may Regular
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and be turned into a magical Knot by
Shatter. increasing the energy expenditure). Permanently repairs a broken
inanimate object. If some small parts
Item Duration: Permanent. are missing, skill is at -5, and the
Cost: 3 to cast (1 extra to have a appropriate materials to make the
Wand, staff, or glove. Must strike Knot in it). missing parts must be provided – e.g.,
the object. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Prerequisite: Knot. a lump of gold to make gold filigree-
work. If the spell succeeds, the miss-
Ruin Item ing parts reappear. Formerly magical
items do not regain their magic when
Regular A rope or chain which will wrap repaired (although this spell will
itself around the subject (which it restore a weakened magic item to full
Accelerates the natural process of must touch) when a command word is durability).
decay on unliving materials. It rusts spoken; the enchantment is lost if it is
iron and steel, but has little effect on cut or broken. Energy cost to create: 90 Duration: Permanent.
other metals unless maintained for a per yard of length. Cost: 2 per 5 pounds of subject’s
very long time. It causes organic mate- weight. Minimum cost 6 for objects
rial – leather, fur, wood, plastics, etc. – Mapmaker with moving parts.
to decay to uselessness. Ceramics are Time to cast: 1 second per pound
unaffected by Ruin. Special (minimum 10).
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Rejoin.
Duration: 1 minute. Each 1-minute When cast on a scroll or any other
casting has the general effect of aging writing surface (including a previously Shatterproof
the subject 5 years. It will remove 1 unfinished map), this spell creates a
DR and 1 HP from most subjects. map of what the scroll’s holder Regular
Weapons simply lose one grade of perceives.
quality per casting, except for Very Makes a small object (like a
Fine weapons, which are unaffected! The caster must declare the scale weapon, or anything else that a nor-
used for the map, which way is north, mal human could hold in one hand)
Cost: 2 per pound of material the spot on the scroll where mapping resistant to breakage. A cheap or regu-
ruined. Same cost to maintain. begins and which features are to lar metal weapon is treated as a “fine”
appear on the map. The map thus cre- quality weapon while the spell lasts,
Time to cast: 5 seconds per pound ated is of the same quality as if it had and a “fine” weapon as “very fine.”
of material ruined. been drawn by someone with a Other items have their hit points dou-
Cartography skill equal to the lower of bled, and will never break due to acci-
Prerequisites: Magery 1, Weaken, the caster’s effective skill with this dental dropping, etc. It doubles the
and Decay. spell and his Cartography skill. It is no DR and HP of a shield if the shield-
better in content than if the holder breaking rules are used (p. B484). This
Explode (VH) had taken the time to write it himself spell does not increase resistance to
– the spell is nothing more than a “penetration,” so it’s no good for walls,
Regular time-saver. armor, etc.

As Shatter, but the subject, if it Duration: 1 hour. The spell does Duration: 1 hour.
shatters, explodes violently, doing not expire if the scroll’s user moves off Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain.
fragmentation damage (p. B414). the edge of the map; it just fails to Prerequisites: Repair and Shatter.
inscribe anything until he moves back
Cost: 2 to 6; does 1d damage for on. The inscriptions themselves are Item
every two points of energy put into it. permanent.
Double cost to increase damage to Any item can be made permanent-
1d+2. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. ly shatterproof; if the item does break,
Time to cast: 10 seconds. the pieces are no longer enchanted.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Shatter, Prerequisites: Inscribe and Energy cost to create: 400.
and Apportation. Measurement.
Item Item
Wand, staff, or glove. The item (a) A scroll can be made self-map-
must strike the subject. Energy cost to ping, updating itself whenever its Temporarily produces an extraor-
create: 1,000. holder enters a new area (and spends dinary sharpness on cutting and
energy to activate it). Energy cost to impaling weapons. +1 or more to
Fasten create: 100. (b) Wand or staff. Energy basic damage.
cost to create: 300.

Ties up the subject with a length of
rope or chain (which is not created by
the spell, only animated). Useful
to wrap packages, moor boats,


Duration: 1 minute. Mystic Mark Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Cost: The formula is 1 energy for Prerequisites: Dye and Trace.
every 6” of edge. Typical costs (use these Regular
unless the circumstances are very spe- Item
cial): 1 to cast on an arrow; 2 for a knife, Places an invisible mark on the
spear or axe; 3 for a one-handed sword; subject. The mark is visible to the (a) The mark may be made perma-
5 for a two-handed sword. Double these caster at will (simple concentration) nent (no need for the monthly “fading”
for +2 bonus, or triple for +3. Half that and to others using Aura, See Secrets, roll) for 30 energy. (b) Staff, wand or
(round up) to maintain. Mage Sight, Detect Magic, or similar writing instrument (including a brand-
Time to cast: 4 seconds. spells. It may be a rune, sigil, mono- ing iron). Energy cost to create: 300.
Prerequisite: Repair. gram, etc. (A Heraldry specialty may
be learned to recognize the Mystic Weapon Self (VH)
Item Marks in use in the campaign world.)
Unwilling subjects resist with IQ. Regular; Resisted by HT
See Puissance (p. 65). If a weapon (or by effective skill
already has the Puissance spell on it, Should Seeker be cast regarding a for magic weapons)
the spells don’t add; only the stronger subject bearing the caster’s Mystic
one works. Mark, there will be no need for “some- The caster’s body magically melds
thing associated with the subject with the melee weapon he is wielding.
Toughen sought.” Clothes (up to 6 pounds) disappear
along with him, but the rest of his
Regular The mark can be erased with equipment falls to the ground. The
Remove Curse. weapon now dances through the air,
Makes an inanimate object more as if wielded by an invisible opponent.
difficult to penetrate by increasing its Duration: Mystic Mark is a lasting The subject keeps his weapon skill and
DR. Has no effect on the protective spell that fades with time. Every attributes while assuming a minimum
value of armor. If the object takes basic month, roll against the Mystic Mark’s Speed of 5. Attacks on the weapon are
damage equal to or greater than its Endurance (p. 10). On an ordinary at a normal penalty for size (p. B400).
(toughened) DR, the spell is broken, failure, the Mark’s Endurance is The weapon may only dodge or parry,
and must be recast. reduced by the margin of failure. On a but has natural DR appropriate to its
critical failure or when the Mark’s material (p. B483). If the weapon is
Duration: 1 hour. Endurance reaches 0, the spell broken, the spell ends and the subject
Cost: 1 to cast per point of DR expires. Marks placed on durable reappears, unharmed but physically
(maximum of 8) for an object the size objects are themselves more durable; stunned, holding the useless weapon
of a fist, double for an object up to a apply the DR of the surface as a bonus in his hand(s).
cubic foot, triple for an SM 0 object. to the “fading” roll.
Same cost to maintain.
Time to cast: 5 seconds. Cost: 3.
Prerequisite: Shatterproof.


See Fortify (p. 66).



Makes an object transparent. The
object’s outlines remain visible and its
physical characteristics remain
unchanged (hardness, weight, etc.).
The caster can choose to tint the
object as he desires instead of making
it colorless.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Dye and Stone to


(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy
cost to create: 850. (b) For 400 points
(multiplied by 1+SM), any items can
be made permanently transparent.


The subject may not speak, so he Item Duration: 1 hour.
can only cast spells he knows at skill Cost: 1 per pound of original
20 or better. The subject’s HT resists Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only weight (minimum one pound) for
Making and Breaking spells such as by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. every point of SM reduction. Same
Weaken and Shatter. cost to maintain.
Contract Object (VH) Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Magic weapons resist the melding Prerequisite: Contract Object.
with their Power. If the subject wishes Regular
to activate any of the enchantments on Item
the magic weapon, he must win a Scales an object down in one
Regular Contest of his Will against the dimension. A rope or blade can be Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only
weapon’s Power. made shorter, for instance. This spell by mages; the item must touch the
could easily render most clothing subject. Energy cost to create: 800.
Duration: 1 minute. unwearable. This reduces the object’s
Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain. Size modifier unless the object is not Enlarge Object (VH)
Time to cast: 5 seconds. being contracted in its longest dimen-
Prerequisites: Magery 2, sion. The object’s DR is unchanged, Regular
Apportation, and at least six Making but its HP usually decreases in direct
and Breaking spells including proportion to the rescaling. Scales an object up in size while
Reshape. maintaining its proportions, increas-
Duration: 1 hour. ing its Size modifier. Multiply weight
Item Cost: 1 per pound of original by 3.5, and HP by 1.5, for every added
weight (minimum of 1 pound) for point of Size modifier; add 1 DR for
(a) Jewelry. The item disappears every halving of the chosen dimen- every 2 added points of Size modifier.
along with its wearer when the spell is sion. Same cost to maintain.
cast, so the caster can maintain it. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Duration: 1 hour.
Energy cost to create: 2,000. (b) Any Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Cost: 1 per pound of original
weapon. Energy cost to create: 500 per Transform Object. weight (minimum of 1 pound) for
pound of weapon weight (minimum 1 every additional point of SM. Same
pound). (c) A magical weapon may be Item cost to maintain.
enchanted not to resist the melding Time to cast: 3 seconds.
for an energy cost of 500 per pound of Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only Prerequisite: Extend Object.
weapon weight (minimum 1 pound). by mages; the item must touch the
subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Item
Transform Object (VH)
Extend Object (VH) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only
Regular; Special Resistance by mages; the item must touch the
Regular subject. Energy cost to create: 800.
Changes an object into another
object of the same weight. The change Scales an object up in one dimen- Disintegrate (VH)
can be anything – a gun could be sion; the opposite of Contract Object
turned into a rag doll, for instance. As (above). Regular
with Create Object (p. 98), anything
the mage brings into existence must Duration: 1 hour. Similar to Shatter, but leaves only
be something he is familiar with. To Cost: 1 per pound of original dust (cannot be repaired!). If damage
turn something into a functional weight (minimum of 1 pound), per rolled doesn’t destroy the subject, it is
object, the caster must have the appro- doubling of the chosen dimension. unaffected. This spell affects inani-
priate skill for making a similar object; Same cost to maintain. mate objects only and cannot affect
the rag doll mentioned above will be a Time to cast: 3 seconds. parts of objects.
pretty poor rag doll unless the caster Prerequisites: Magery 3 and
has Sewing skill, and if he wants to Transform Object. Duration: Permanent.
turn a rag doll into a gun, he’d better Cost: 1 to 4; does 1d damage for
have Armoury skill. Item each point of energy put into it.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Shatter,
An object held or worn by someone Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only Ruin, Earth to Air, Destroy Air, and
resists with its owner’s Will. by mages; the item must touch the Destroy Water.
subject. Energy cost to create: 800.
Duration: 1 hour. Item
Cost: 1 to cast for every pound the Shrink Object (VH)
object weighs (minimum of 1 pound). As for Shatter. Energy cost to create:
Double cost to change to (or from) Regular 1,500.
stone, triple for metal. Same cost to
maintain. Scales an object down in size Rebuild/TL
Time to cast: Equal to cost, in sec- while maintaining its proportions,
onds. decreasing its Size modifier. Multiply Regular
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Reshape, weight by 1/3, and HP by 2/3, for every
and at least four “Create” spells. subtracted point of Size modifier; sub- As listed under Technological Spells,
tract 1 DR for every 2 subtracted p. 177.
points of Size modifier.




“Fascinating. Simply fascinating.” Counterspell Item
Lady Ann smiled. “Was it worth the
trip, then, Doctor?” Regular; Resisted by This spell may be cast permanently
“And more, my dear lady. How did subject spell on any item to make it resist any
your family came into possession of attempt to sense it with magic. Energy
such a singular device?” Doctor Nullify any one ongoing spell. It cost to cast: 500, multiplied by 1+SM
Bernard asked. cannot “counter” spells that make a for items larger than SM 0.
“I honestly don’t know. It’s been a permanent change in the world (e.g.,
Goulding heirloom for centuries, and Extinguish Fire, Flesh to Stone, or Suspend Spell
there are all sorts of rumors and leg- Zombie), and it cannot affect perma-
ends about it, but its origins are a mys- nently enchanted items, but it can Regular; Resisted by
tery. No one really even knows what it counter spells cast using magic items. subject spell
does. When I was little, my nurse told The “subject” of Counterspell may be
me it was alive and I should never either the subject of the spell to be Temporarily nullify any one ongo-
touch it.” countered or the person who cast that ing spell. The caster must know the
“Well, that’s an understandable spell. spell he suspends. Suspend Spell does
conclusion for a layman. Judging not affect magic items, but can affect
from its age and design, I suspect that Counterspell is a single spell – but spells cast through one. Spells that can
this hails from the Archigulonian city- to counter a given spell, you must also only be removed by Remove Curse
states, created for handling magical know that spell. Roll against the lower cannot be suspended; use Suspend
plunder. It’s a masterful piece of work: of your Counterspell skill or your skill Curse for those.
it identifies enchantments and spells, with the spell being countered. You
removes magical traps, and destroys must win a Quick Contest with the tar- Suspend Spell is cast at the lower of
items of infernal origin entirely. get spell to cancel it. You can cast mul- the user’s Suspend Spell skill and his
“Most interestingly, however, it tiple Counterspells to negate an Area skill with the spell being suspended.
operates itself. There must be several spell piece by piece. When the suspension expires, the sus-
hundred enchanted pieces inside that pended spell “picks up where it left off”
oblong case, supporting hundreds of Cost: Half that of the spell coun- and resumes operation. If the subject
interlocking conditional spells. tered, not counting bonuses the other spell is maintained, its caster will auto-
Whoever enchanted this created an caster got for high skill. matically know it is being suspended.
item that can respond intelligently to Otherwise, roll against Perception +
events, after a fashion. I stand in awe Time to cast: 5 seconds. Magery - 3 – distance is not a factor.
of him.” Prerequisite: Magery 1.
“Intriguing. It’s not alive, then?”
“Oh, no. Simply bogglingly com- We are all apprentices in a craft where no
plex.” one ever becomes a master.
“Well, that is a comfort, Doctor. I
can’t thank you enough for coming. – Ernest Hemingway
Won’t you stay to dinner?”
Scryguard Duration: 1 minute.
These spells have to do with the Cost: 1/10 that of the spell suspend-
structure of magic itself. They are Regular; Resists any ed to cast, not counting bonuses the
spells about spells, or spells that affect Information spells other caster may have received for
other spells. Only mages can learn high skill (round up). Same cost to
meta-spells; even the most basic meta- Any information spell cast on the maintain.
spell requires Magery 1. subject must win a Quick Contest of Prerequisites: Magery 1 and
Spells with the Scryguard to “see” Counterspell.
him. Identify Spell still detects that the
Scryguard is present. Item

Duration: 10 hours. Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 1.


Ward Until the spell expires, any Detect Scrywall
Magic spell will be at -8 to work on
Blocking; Resisted by that ring; Identify Magic will be at -8 Area; Resists any
subject spell to find any spells on the ring; Mage Information spells
Sight will not see the ring unless the
When cast immediately after a mage made his roll by at least 8 As Scryguard, but to protect a
spell is thrown at its subject, this spell (though he may still see other things) whole area and everything in it.
can prevent the opposed spell from – and so on.
working. It works against only a single Duration: 10 hours.
magical attack. If an attacking spell Note that this spell has similar Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
affects several people, each Ward can effects in some ways to Scryguard Time to cast: Seconds equal to ener-
only save one subject. It does not (p. 121), but they’re not the same! gy cost.
protect against missile spells. Prerequisite: Scryguard.
Duration: 10 hours.
The caster may only Ward against Cost: 1 through 5 to cast. Same cost Item
a spell that he knows at skill 12 or to maintain.
higher; a caster who knows (for Time to cast: 3 seconds. (a) Any container. It, and every-
instance) Sleep may also ward a single Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Detect thing inside, is protected by the
subject against Mass Sleep. The caster Magic. Scrywall spell. Energy cost to cast: 200
rolls at the lower of his Ward skill or per cubic foot (minimum cost 500).
his skill in the spell being warded. The Item (b) Any rug or area of floor; protects
caster must announce he is using people and things standing atop it.
Ward before the opposed spell’s sub- This spell may be cast permanently Energy cost to cast: 300 per yard
ject tries a resistance roll. If it turns on any item to make it harder to sense radius.
out the spell being cast is not one the or identify with magic. Energy cost to
defending mage can ward against, the cast: 100 times the cost above – e.g., Great Ward
ward is wasted. 200 to give a -4 on all attempts to
detect or identify. Blocking; Resisted by
Cost: 2 to cast it on yourself, or 3 to subject spell
cast on anyone you can see. You can- Reflect
not Ward someone you cannot see. As Ward, but – if it works – protects
Blocking; Resisted by any number of those who would have
Prerequisite: Magery 1. subject spell been affected by the attacking spell.

Seek Magic This spell is an improved version Cost: 1 per subject protected (mini-
of Ward, and works like it. The differ- mum cost 4).
Information ence is that it will reflect the opposed
spell instead of negating it. Thus, if Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Ward.
As listed under Knowledge Spells, the Reflect succeeds, the opposed
p. 102. spell now attacks its original caster as False Aura
if it had been cast on him to begin
Conceal Magic with. If the attacking spell is an area Regular, Area; Special
spell, a successful Reflect protects its Resistance; Resists Information
Regular subject and affects the caster as
though he were in the area being spells
Cast on a single person or item, attacked, but otherwise the area is
this spell interferes with any informa- still attacked normally. Replaces the magical emanations
tional spell cast on the subject. Twice of a being, area, or object with false
the energy put into the spell (up to 5 Cost: 4 to cast it on yourself, 6 to cast ones; the term “aura” is only literal for
points) is subtracted from any skill it on someone you can see; you cannot living things. For instance, a human
roll made to learn about the item, find protect someone you cannot see. could be made to have the aura of a
it, etc. Zombie, a sword could appear to be
Prerequisite: Ward. enchanted with Dancing Weapon, an
Example: 4 points of energy are put area could appear to be under linked
into a Conceal Magic spell on a ring. Create Fire and Glue spells, etc. Roll a
Quick Contest between the False Aura
and any spell (Information or
Regular) that can see or detect the
emanations (such as Aura, Mage
Sight, or Analyze Magic). If the False
Aura wins, the other spell is fooled.
False Aura also works against
equivalent senses some creatures may

Unwilling subjects resist with IQ.
The chosen False Aura must be famil-
iar to the caster – a mage could not put
a False Aura of Golem on a statue


unless he knew the Golem spell, for present at casting time; add the range cast it, to be thrown later (back at its
instance. penalties, if any. Unwilling subjects original caster, perhaps . . . ). The
resist with Will. caster need not know the spell he is
Duration: 10 hours. catching.
Cost: 4 to cast. Half that to main- From then on, any Information
tain. When cast on an area, the base spell attempting to scry the first sub- If the Catch Spell roll succeeds, its
cost is 4. ject must win a Quick Contest of caster physically catches the missile
Time to cast: 10 seconds. Spells with the Scryfool to scry the when it comes close enough to grab. If
Prerequisites: Conceal Magic and correct subject. Otherwise, it scries the Catch Spell roll fails, its caster gets
Aura. the decoy instead. hit dead-on by the spell (on a critical
failure, he takes maximum damage
Item Duration: 10 hours. from the spell!).
Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
(a) Any. Only affects the holder. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Cost: 3.
Energy cost to create: 300. (b) Any object Prerequisites: Magery 2, Sense Prerequisites: Magery 2, DX 12 or
or area may be given a permanent False Observation, and Simple Illusion. higher, and Return Missile.
Aura for 100 times casting cost.
Item Item
Magic Resistance
Wand, staff, or jewelry. This item Glove. Usable only by mages. Such
Regular; Resisted by can only be used to divert Information a glove can catch only one specific
Will+Magery spells from the wearer. Energy cost to Missile spell. Treat variations (such as
create: 300. Fireball/Explosive Fireball) as a single
For each point of energy put into spell for this purpose. Energy cost to
the spell (up to 5), the subject’s magic Penetrating Spell create: 300. A glove that could catch
resistance goes up by 2 if he is willing, any Missile spell would require 1,200
or by 1 if he tried to resist. This MR Regular energy.
works like normal Magic Resistance
(p. B67) when spells are cast on the This spell is cast on another dam- Suspend Magic
subject. The subject can still cast age-dealing spell, granting it an armor
spells, but at a penalty equal to the divisor (p. B378). The spells are cast Area; Resisted by
MR. Spells already affecting the sub- one after the other, with no delays subject spells
ject (or already cast by him) continue between castings. Penetrating Spell is
unchanged. He can use potions and cast first, and counts as a spell “on” for Temporarily nullify all other spells
magical items normally. determining the effective skill for the within the area. It has no effect on
second spell. enchanted items. Certain powerful
Duration: 1 minute. spells are also unaffected – specifical-
Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Same cost to A spell fortified with Penetrating ly, those which can only be removed
maintain. Spell does not do extra damage to by Remove Curse. Each spell resists
Time to cast: 3 seconds. unarmored foes. Hardened DR separately.
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and one or defends against the armor divisor
more spells from each of seven conferred by this spell as normal. Suspend Magic is not selective; the
different colleges. caster can choose the shape of the
Duration: Until the second spell area within the boundaries he pays
Item expires. energy for (as with all Area spells), but
may not exclude objects within the
(a) Wand, staff, weapon, or jewelry; Cost: See table below. affected area. The caster need not
only affects the wearer. Usable by any- know the spell(s) being suspended. To
one, but energy cost is doubled for Armor Divisor Cost suspend a specific spell without
nonmages. Energy cost to create: 300 2 2 affecting others, use Suspend Spell.
per maximum point of magic resist- 3 4
ance it can offer. (b) Any item. The 5 6 Duration: 1 minute.
item’s own magic resistance is 10 8 Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
increased by 1 through 10; the user’s Ignores DR 10 Time to cast: 1 second per energy
magic resistance is unaffected. Energy point spent.
cost to create: 200 per point of added Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Suspend Spell and at
magic resistance. Does not affect spell- Prerequisites: Delay and Find least eight other spells of any type.
casting ability of its user. Weakness.
Scryfool Catch Spell (VH)
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
Regular; Special Resistance Blocking; Special by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Redirect Information spells targeted When cast immediately after a
at a first subject onto a second subject, Missile spell is thrown (not when it is
the “decoy.” Both subjects must be cast), this spell allows its caster to catch
the missile as it comes within reach of
him. Once caught, the spell can be held
by the caster just as if he himself had


Displace Spell Spell Shield wall from the “safe” direction (usually
the side that the caster stands on!) are
Regular; Resisted by Area; Resists all spells not resisted or affected in any way.
subject spell cast through it
The wall is cast in one-yard incre-
Changes the location of an Area Resist any spell cast through it at ments, either all at once or piece by
spell, permanently. Certain powerful the Spell Shield’s Endurance (p. 10). It piece. When adding new segments to a
spells are unaffected – specifically, those also acts as a Scrywall (above). weakened Spell Wall, the new seg-
which can only be removed by Remove Exception: It does not affect missile ments assume the Endurance of the
Curse. Each Area spell must be dis- spells at all, including Thrown spells. “weakest link.” The only way to
placed separately, except linked spells, Note that if the attacking spell wins “repair” a weakened Wall is to cast it
which move together. The caster need the contest, it gets through, but the anew.
not know the spell being displaced. Spell Shield is not destroyed – instead,
The Spell Wall is four yards high,
Magical creatures (demons, golems, so it is possible to cast across it from a
creations, zombies, elementals, and the like) high enough elevation. Higher walls
cannot cross the border of a pentagram; can be created by spending propor-
neither may they cast spells, or move any tionately more energy (double energy
physical object, across the border. for double height, and so on).

Once the casting is complete, the its Endurance is reduced by 1. When a Duration: 1 minute.
area moves with Move equal to the Spell Shield’s Endurance is reduced to Cost: 2 per one-yard piece of Wall
caster’s Magery. Each turn, the dis- 0, the spell dissipates and cannot be to cast. Same cost to maintain. The
placed spell gets a new resistance roll; maintained. Spell Wall may also be cast horizon-
once it successfully resists, it stops tally, as a “ceiling” or “floor”; each
moving and the Displace Spell is bro- Duration: 1 minute. point of energy will then cover two
ken – though it may be cast anew. The Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. hexes on a battle map.
subject spell always rolls to resist, Prerequisites: Magery 2, Scryguard, Prerequisite: Spell Shield.
even if its caster doesn’t wish it to (the and Magic Resistance.
caster’s own spells resist at -5). Item
While being Displaced, the subject A Spell Wall may be made perma-
spell remains active (thus, the caster (a) Any container. It, and every- nent for 100 times casting cost. Mages
could trigger a Link by moving it over thing inside, is protected by the Spell often cover windows or skylights in
its intended target). If the subject spell Shield. Energy cost to cast: 250 per this fashion. “Permanent” Spell Walls
is being maintained, its caster will auto- cubic foot (minimum cost 500). (b) do not weaken when penetrated.
matically know it is being displaced. Any rug or area of floor; protects peo-
Otherwise, roll against Perception + ple and things standing atop it. Energy Pentagram
Magery - 3 – distance is not a factor. cost to create: 400 per yard radius.
Special; Resists attempts
Duration: Until the caster stops Spell Wall to cross it
concentrating or the subject spell
resists successfully. Regular; Resists spells Produces a magical barrier, which
cast through it blocks hostile spells and magical crea-
Cost: 1/4 that of the spell being tures from passing in either direction.
moved, not counting bonuses the Creates a wall of anti-magic. The The barrier is a star-shaped figure
other caster may have gotten for high wall resists any spell cast through it drawn on the floor or ground. Magical
skill (round up). from one side, specified by the caster creatures (demons, golems, creations,
upon casting Spell Wall. It also acts as zombies, elementals, and the like) can-
Time to cast: 5 seconds. a Scrywall. Exception: It does not not cross the border of a pentagram;
Prerequisite: Suspend Magic. affect Missile spells at all, including neither may they cast spells, or move
Thrown spells. any physical object, across the border.
Item Nonmagical creatures – including
If the Spell Wall fails to resist a mages – can freely cross a pentagram,
Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only spell cast through it, the spell breaks though they cannot cast spells across
by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. through, but the wall still stands, its its border. Spells of transport (e.g.,
Endurance (p. 10) weakened by 1. Flight, Teleport) cannot be used to
Upon reaching Endurance 0, the wall enter a pentagram for hostile purposes.
dissipates. Spells passing through the
Certain very hostile creatures may
be summoned within a pentagram; the
caster stands outside and summons
the creature to a spot inside the penta-
gram. The caster will open the
pentagram only when he is sure he can
control the summoned creature.


If part of the pentagram is cut or Suspend Curse Suspend Mana (VH)
erased, its power will be lost until the
caster can rejoin the pentagram – all Regular; Resisted by Area
this requires is a piece of chalk and subject spell
time (usually just a second) to draw The subject area is (temporarily) a
the line. No magic spell can injure the Temporarily nullifies any one of the no-mana zone, dead to the flow of
pentagram, but physical attacks – like following spells, among others: Alter magic. A critical failure costs the
walking up and scuffing out a line (any type), Curse, Enlarge Other, caster a level of Magery for 2d days. At
with your shoe – can succeed if they Ensorcelment (any type), Flesh to Ice, the end of that time, the caster should
are made by nonmagical beings. A Geas (either type), Healing Slumber, roll vs. IQ+Magery; any roll except a
demon or creation could not do it; an Hex, Malefice, Mystic Mark, Oath, critical failure means that the lost
ordinary person could. Likewise, an Partial Petrification, Plant Form (any Magery is regained – a critical failure
ordinary person could throw a rock type), Possession (any type), Shapeshift means the loss is permanent!
into a pentagram, but a demon or (any type), Shrink Other, Stone to
golem could not. Flesh, Stop Healing, Strike Barren, Duration: The mana is restored at a
Suspend Magery, Suspend Time. It will rate depending on the surrounding
A magical creature may try to force also suspend any physical or mental mana level. In a low-mana zone, the
its way through a pentagram. Roll a impairment caused by an hostile Wish area affected by the spell shrinks by
contest between the creature’s of any kind. If for any reason the skill one yard in radius every three days; in
(ST+Will)/2 and the skill with which level of the subject spell is unknown, normal mana, by one yard every hour;
the pentagram was cast. If the crea- the GM’s assessment is final. in high mana or very high mana, by
ture wins, it destroys the pentagram! one yard every minute!
No one creature can thus “test” a Duration: 10 minutes.
pentagram more than once per day. Cost: 10. Same cost to maintain. Base cost: 5. Cannot be maintained.
Time to cast: 1 minute. Time to cast: 10 minutes.
Duration: Permanent unless Prerequisites: Magery 1 and spells Prerequisites: Suspend Magic and
broken. from at least 12 different colleges. spells from at least 10 different
Cost: 1 per square foot protected
(minimum 10). When the spell is cast Mages’ Guilds may have permanent
ceremonially, the casters can spend pentagrams, inlaid with tile or jewels to avoid
extra energy to increase the effective accidental scuffing, and cast at a very high
skill of the Pentagram. A mage can level of skill.
also use the Slow and Sure
Enchantment method (though
Pentagram is not technically an

Enchantment spell) to create a large
pentagram by himself.

Time to cast: One second per
square foot. This time is spent in trac-
ing the line, and is necessary no mat-
ter how well the spell is known or how
much power is available.

Prerequisite: Spell Shield.


Mages’ Guilds may have perma-
nent pentagrams, inlaid with tile or
jewels to avoid accidental scuffing,
and cast at a very high level of skill.
Such a design can be ritually “cut,”
when necessary, by a chalk-mark. But
there is no intrinsic difference
between these and a regular penta-
gram – any pentagram is “permanent”
until erased or broken. (If a hostile
creature breaks through a Pentagram
spell, it destroys the enchantment but
does not affect the physical design,
which can be re-enchanted later . . . if
its owner survives.)


Dispel Magic as if he had cast it himself; he can Cost: Equal to the maintenance
maintain it or manipulate it at will, cost of the spell to be lent.
Area; Resisted by within the limits of the spell itself.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
subject spells The recipient must meet all of the Prerequisites: Magery 1, Lend Skill,
advantage and attribute qualifications and spells from at least six different
Negates other spells within the of the loaned spell, but need not know colleges.
area if successful. It has no effect on its spell prerequisites. Thus, a spell
enchantments, but dispels any tempo- requiring Magery 2 could only be Item
rary, lasting, or permanent spell loaned to a character with Magery 2,
(p. 10), unless the spell specifies other- but a spell requiring no Magery and Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
wise. Each spell resists separately. no special advantages or attributes by mages. The mage loans the subject
Dispel Magic is not selective! The cast- could be loaned to anybody. If the spell by activating the item and physi-
er need not know the spell(s) being recipient has Magic Resistance, Lend cally passing the item to the recipient;
dispelled. To nullify a specific spell Spell must overcome it. the item must be held at all times for
without affecting others, use the magic to work – it may not be
Counterspell, above. thrown. The recipient “owns” the spell
for as long as he holds the item, and
may pass it along to yet another recip-
ient, whether or not either is a mage.
Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Remove Curse

Regular; Resisted by
subject spell

Nullifies any one of the following
spells: Alter (any type), Curse, Enlarge
Other, Ensorcelment (any type), Flesh
to Ice, Geas (either type), Healing
Slumber, Hex, Malefice, Mystic Mark,
Oath, Partial Petrification, Plant Form
(any type), Possession (any type),
Shapeshift (any type), Shrink Other,
Stone to Flesh, Stop Healing, Strike
Barren, Suspend Magery, Suspend
Time. It also negates any physical or
mental impairment caused by a hostile
Wish of any kind. If for any reason the
skill level of the subject spell is
unknown, the GM’s assessment is final.

Cost: 20.
Time to cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least
one spell from each of 15 different

Duration: Dispelled magic is Lend Spell is cast at the lower of Charge Powerstone (VH)
permanently gone. the caster’s skill with Lend Spell and
the subject spell. The caster must Regular
Base cost: 3. touch the recipient.
Time to cast: 1 second for each Recharges a Powerstone at a high-
energy point spent. Modifiers: If the recipient does not er rate than the stone recharges itself.
Prerequisites: Counterspell and at know all the prerequisites of the spell Every 3 energy spent by the caster
least 12 other spells of any type. to be loaned, the caster gets a -2 to restores 1 point of energy to the stone,
skill. If the recipient knows all the pre- but every point restored is counted as
Lend Spell requisites, the spell is cast at par. If the an “advance” against future “natural”
recipient actually knows the spell, the recharging. Thus, if a 10-point
Regular caster gets a +2. Powerstone is recharged with this
spell in a normal-mana area, it will
“Lend” an already-cast maintain- Duration: Permanent; once not begin to recharge for 10 days after
able spell to someone else. The recipi- “loaned,” the spell no longer belongs it is used. If it is used, and then
ent acquires full control over and to its original caster. recharged again using this spell, it
responsibility for the loaned spell, just will be 20 days until the stone begins


to recharge normally, and so on. The Remove Aura a box mana-dead, when you move the
presence of multiple Powerstones box, the dead space will stay where it
does not inhibit the casting of this Regular; Special Resistance; was, rather than moving with the box.
spell. Resists Information spells
A critical failure with this spell
On any ordinary failure with this Like False Aura, but removes the costs the caster one level of Magery!
spell, the Powerstone gains a new magical emanations of the subject
quirk (p. 69). On a critical failure, the entirely. When cast on an inanimate Duration: Permanent.
Powerstone cracks and is destroyed. object, this spell turns it into a blank Base cost: 10.
slate for spells such as Ancient Time to cast: 1 hour.
This spell can safely recharge History, History, See Secrets, or Prerequisites: Dispel Magic and
Powerstones with quirks that limit Seeker (in the latter case, the Remove Suspend Mana.
recharging only if the conditions Aura breaks the “association,” so the
imposed by the quirk have been met. Seeker is cast at -5). To resolve this, Restore Mana (VH)
Attempts to ignore those conditions any future casting of the aforemen-
may cause the Powerstone to shatter. tioned spells is resisted by the Remove Area
Aura – whenever the other spell fails,
This spell does not work on the information it tried to access was The reverse of Drain Mana;
Manastones. successfully removed. Whatever hap- restores mana to a dead zone. The
pens to the object after its aura is area gains a mana equal to the “aver-
Duration: The energy remains in removed can still be freely accessed by age” mana level of the surrounding
the Powerstone until needed. those spells, of course. area, regardless of what it might have
been before. Cost, time, and prerequi-
Cost: 3 per point of energy When cast on a living or magical sites are the same as for Drain Mana,
recharged. subject, the Remove Aura only lasts but there is no risk of losing Magery.
one day and cannot be maintained. It
Time to cast: 10 minutes. interferes with such spells as Aura, Steal Spell (VH)
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Power- Detect Magic, Seek Magic, or Mage
stone, and Lend Energy. Sight. Unwilling subject beings resist Regular; Resisted by
with Will. subject spell
Spellguard (VH)
Duration: Permanent (but see Steal control of an already-cast
Regular; Resists attempts to above). maintainable spell from its original
tamper with its subject spell caster. Note that it is cast at the other
Cost: 5. spell’s caster and is therefore subject to
This spell is cast on another spell to Time to cast: 10 seconds. range modifiers. The caster must
protect it from tampering attempts. Prerequisites: Dispel Magic and know precisely what he is stealing –
Twice the energy put into the spell (up Aura. Identify Spell is very useful for this
to 3 points) is subtracted from the skill purpose. Spells operating under
of any casting of the following Meta- Item Maintain Spell can also be stolen; the
spells against the subject spell: “caster,” for range purposes, is then
Counterspell, Displace Spell, False (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable the maintained spell’s area or subject.
Aura, Remove Aura, Remove Curse, only by mages; the item must touch
Steal Spell, Suspend Curse, and the subject. Energy cost to create: 250. You cannot steal a spell if you do
Suspend Spell. Twice the energy put (b) Jewelry or clothing. Always on; not have the required Magery, advan-
into the Spellguard is added to the only affects the wearer. Energy cost to tage, attribute level, or lack of disad-
effective skill of the subject spell’s cast- create: 750. vantage (see conditions under Lend
er when resisting Dispel Magic or Spell, above). A held Missile cannot be
Suspend Magic. When the spell it pro- Drain Mana (VH) stolen.
tects lapses or is dispelled, the
Spellguard also lapses. Area Modifiers: -3 if the caster does not
know the spell he is stealing; a further
Duration: 10 hours. Remove all mana from an area, -2 if the caster doesn’t know its pre-
Cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Same cost to leaving it permanently “dead” to requisites either.
maintain. Cost is not reduced for high magic. Spells do not work there, and
skill. magic cannot sense anyone or any- Duration: Permanent; once stolen,
Time to cast: 1 second for each thing in a no-mana zone; magical the spell no longer belongs to its
energy point spent. spells end, and magical items do not original caster.
Prerequisite: Dispel Magic. function until they are removed from
the area. Cost: Equal to the maintenance
Item cost of the spell to be stolen.
This spell is used to create areas in
(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable which mages, magical creatures, and Time to cast: 1 second per energy
only by mages. Energy cost to create: magical objects can safely be confined point spent.
500. (b) May be cast permanently on or hidden. A no-mana zone stays stable
an enchanted item or area to make it with respect to the earth, but not to Prerequisites: Lend Spell and Great
harder to tamper with; it then hampers objects. Thus, if you make the inside of Ward.
Suspend Enchantment and Remove
Enchantment as well. Energy cost to
cast: 100 times normal cost.


Telecast (VH) Hang Spell is cast immediately Control of a spell operating under
before its subject spell, with no delays Maintain Spell can be stolen using
Special between castings. The caster rolls for Steal Spell.
the Hang Spell when it is cast; the roll
Create and teleport a Wizard Eye for the subject spell is not made until it Duration: Until the energy pool is
to a distant location. The caster may is activated. Range penalties, spells drained or the underlying spell lapses.
then cast spells through the Wizard “on,” magic resistance, mana level
Eye as if he was present. Missiles may changes and the like are applied at the Cost: Equal to the normal mainte-
not be telecast, but Jet spells may. subject spell’s activation time. nance of the subject spell for as long
Spells requiring touch may also be as the caster wants it to last (including
telecast, but the Wizard Eye must The caster must pay full energy the caster’s cost reductions for high
score a hit and the defender must fail and time costs for the Hang Spell and skill). Thus, a spell that costs 1 per
his defense. its subject must be paid at the time of minute to maintain could be set to
casting. If the caster hangs a spell tai- maintain itself for 10 minutes at a cost
Use the cost and casting penalties lored to a human-sized subject and of 10 energy.
from the Teleport spell (p. 147). Spells then activates it on a larger subject,
cast from the Telecast’s “other end” there is either no effect or a reduced If the caster can maintain the spell
measure range from that spot. The effect, as the GM sees fit. indefinitely for no energy cost (due to
Telecast counts as a spell “on” and high skill), the cost is 1 energy for
requires concentration. GMs who A hung spell counts as one spell every five full duration periods. Thus,
wish to further limit this powerful “on” (p. 10) for casting purposes; it a mage with Earthquake at skill 20
spell may apply the penalties for no does not, however, count against itself could set the spell to last 30 minutes
speech, foot, or hand motions (p. 9). when it is activated. Thus, if a mage for 6 energy. High skill with this spell
has four hung spells, he casts other likewise reduces cost normally!
If the Telecast roll is failed by 1, the spells at -4, but casts any one of the
Wizard Eye reaches its intended desti- hung spells at -3. A hung spell takes a Time to cast: 2 seconds, plus
nation but the caster is mentally Concentrate action to activate. “programming time” if necessary.
stunned. If the roll is failed by more
than 1, the Wizard Eye winds up Hung spells are susceptible to Prerequisite: Link.
somewhere else (GM’s choice!) and Dispel Magic and Counterspell (which
the caster is still mentally stunned. In destroys them), as well as to Suspend Throw Spell
all cases, a Body Sense roll at a -2 Magic and Suspend Spell (which pre-
penalty is required before the caster vents them from activating for the Missile; Special
can get his bearings and start casting duration). They cannot be stolen or
another spell; on a critical failure, he is lent because they have not yet been This spell is cast on another spell,
mentally stunned. cast. transforming it into a Missile spell.
The spells are cast one after the other,
There are persistent rumors of Duration: 1 hour. with no delays between castings. The
variants of this spell which Timeport Cost: Same as the underlying spell’s Throw Spell is cast first and counts as
or Plane Shift the Wizard Eye instead. cost to cast (minimum of 2); same cost a spell “on” when determining the skill
to maintain. The hung spell may be level of the subject spell (p. 10).
Duration: 5 seconds. maintained normally once it has taken
Cost: As Teleport to cast; same cost effect. The caster must pay full energy
to maintain. High skill does not Time to cast: 10 seconds. and time costs for Throw Spell and its
reduce the cost. The energy is spent Prerequisite: Delay. subject at the time of casting; if the
whether the spell is successful or not. caster throws a spell powered for a
Time to cast: 1 minute. Maintain Spell (VH) human-sized subject at a larger sub-
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Teleport, ject, there is either no effect or a
Wizard Eye, and spells from at least 10 Special reduced effect, as the GM sees fit.
different colleges.
This spell is cast on one of the cast- The caster rolls for the Throw Spell
Item er’s ongoing spells, providing it a pool when it is cast; the roll for the subject
of energy to maintain itself. Once spell is not made until it is thrown.
An eyeball carved of ivory and inset Maintain Spell has been cast, the sub- Thrown spells have 1/2D n/a, Max 80,
with jewels. Usable only by mages. At ject spell draws its maintenance ener- Acc 1; roll against DX-4 or Innate
its holder’s command, it teleports itself gy from Maintain Spell. It no longer Attack skill to hit.
away; when the spell lapses, it reap- belongs to its original caster; it no
pears in the holder’s hand (unless it longer counts as a spell “on,” may not All thrown spells take effect at the
has been physically destroyed). Cost to be cancelled, etc. Maintain Spell may moment they hit something. Thrown
create: 1,900 energy, $1,000 for skilled be cast any time the subject spell is Area spells center on their point of
ivory carving, $600 for jewels. active. Some maintained spells impact. Jet spells take effect at the
may be “programmed” as per point of impact, in the direction they
Hang Spell (VH) Independence (p. 96) or perhaps even were going (treat them as Wild Swings,
Initiative (p. 97) (GM’s discretion). p. B388). Most other spells simply
Special allow the caster to use spells at longer
ranges than normally possible – a
This spell is cast on another spell to thrown Sense Emotion, for instance,
delay its activation until the caster wills or Minor Healing. This spell allows
it. Blocking spells may not be hung. spells that normally require touch to
be applied at a distance (Deathtouch,


for instance). Missile spells and Bless at your heart, a 1-point blessing might
Blocking spells may not be thrown. move it to your arm, while a 2-point
Regular one would send it through your hat,
Thrown spells may be blocked or and a 3-point one would let it slay a foe
dodged, but not parried. However, A general spell of aid and protec- behind you.
they can be caught using Catch Spell – tion. It must be cast on another; you
by anyone, including enemies! cannot bless yourself. In some game Duration: As above.
worlds, only holy men or “good” wiz- Cost: 10 for a 1-point blessing, 50
Duration: Until thrown. ards can cast this spell; this decision is for a 2-point blessing, 500 for a 3-point
Cost: 3. The thrown spell may be the GM’s to make. blessing. Blessings may not be
maintained normally once it has taken “stacked” – a stronger blessing dispels
effect. a weaker one.
Time to cast: 1 minute for every
point of energy in the spell.
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least
two spells from each of 10 different
colleges. Magery 3 is required to cast a
3-point blessing. A GM may require
“holy” or “good” status if he wishes.


Any. The blessing is cast on the
item rather than a person, and affects
the wearer of the item. When the
blessing finally averts some great dan-
ger, the item loses its enchantment.
Energy cost to cast: 10 times the cost to
cast on a person.

Prerequisites: Delay and Catch The effect of a blessing is as follows: Curse
Spell. All the subject’s die rolls are modified
favorably by one point (or more, for a Regular
Item more powerful blessing). The modifi-
cation will not affect critical successes Exactly the opposite of Bless. All
Any missile weapon may be and failures. This lasts indefinitely . . . the subject’s die rolls are modified
enchanted to throw one specific spell, until the subject fails some die roll (or unfavorably, lasting until he scores
which flies just as if the weapon had a foe makes a good die roll) and the some notable success despite the bad
fired its ordinary ammunition. Energy subject is in some serious danger. Then rolls – GM’s decision as to exactly
cost to create: 2,500 times the casting the blessing miraculously averts or what this is. Then the success turns
cost of the subject spell. There are reduces the danger – and ends. It is up somehow to ashes, and the curse is
rumors of enchanted missile weapons to the GM to decide when the blessing ended.
that can throw any spell known to has its final effect, and what form the
their wielder, but nothing more protection takes. If an arrow is aimed Cost: 3 for a 1-point Curse, 10 for a
specific is known about them. 2-point Curse, 20 for a 3-point Curse.
Like Blessings, Curses cannot be

Time to cast: 2 seconds for a 1-point
Curse, 4 for a 2-point Curse, 6 for a 3-
point Curse.

Prerequisites: As for Bless, except
that both very good and very evil
characters can curse.


Any. The curse is cast on the item
rather than a person, and affects the
wearer of the item. GMs should make
rolls in secret, and otherwise do what-
ever they can, to keep players from
realizing they have encountered a
cursed item! When the Curse delivers
its final “zap,” the enchantment van-
ishes. Energy cost to cast: 10 times the
cost to cast on a person.


Suspend Magery (VH) Duration: 1 hour. must touch the subject throughout the
Cost: 12 to cast. Same cost to main- casting.
Regular; Resisted by tain. However, the subject gets to
resist every time the spell is The subject retains his knowledge
Will+Magery maintained. of spells (albeit at a lower skill level),
Time to cast: 10 seconds. but cannot cast those that require a
Temporarily nullifies the subject’s Prerequisites: Magery 2 and two higher degree of Magery than his new
Magery. The caster must touch the spells from at least 10 different one.
subject throughout the casting. The colleges.
subject retains his knowledge of A critical failure with this spell
spells, but cannot cast them – unless Item costs the caster a degree of Magery
he is in a high-mana area, of course, in and a point of IQ!
which case he simply loses the bonus. Clothing or jewelry (shackles are a
Even in a high-mana area, the subject favorite). Always on; only affects the Duration: Permanent. 3 and
cannot cast spells that require Magery wearer. Energy cost to create: 2,200. Cost: 30.
of any level. Suspend Magery can only Time to cast: 10 minutes.
be removed by Remove Curse. Drain Magery (VH) Prerequisites: Magery
Suspend Magery.
A critical failure with this spell Regular; Resisted by
costs the caster a level of Magery for Will+Magery Item
2d days. At the end of that time, the
caster should roll vs. IQ+Magery; any Permanently drains one level of the There are persistent rumors of
roll except a critical failure means that subject’s Magery advantage. The caster malevolent items that drain Magery
the lost Magery is regained – a critical from their victims, but nothing
failure means the loss is permanent! specific is known.


These three spells are related. Delay reduced effect, depending on the spell.
Delay, a Regular spell, is used for The GM’s ruling on this is final.
quick coupling of spells, while Link, Regular
an Area spell, is more useful for long- Delay may be cast two ways: to acti-
term linkings. Reflex is a Special spell This spell is cast on another spell to vate the linked spell on a specific sub-
cast on another spell to convert it to a delay its activation until a certain ject, or as a trap, to activate the linked
one-shot Blocking spell – see pp. 12-13 thing happens in the linked spell’s spell against any subject that meets the
for rules governing Blocking spells. presence – that is, in the presence of triggering conditions. In the latter case,
the item or area on which the linked the Delay and the linked spell are both
With any of these spells, the “link- spell was cast. This triggering event cast on a “trap item,” and range is fig-
ing spell” is Delay, Link, or Reflex. A may be as simple or complex as the ured from the trap item at the moment
“linked spell” is another spell con- caster desires; if complex, it should be the spell is triggered. Magic Resistance
trolled by the linking spell. Linked put in writing. The triggering event penalties also apply to the linked spell
spells must be cast by the same person must be something that could reason- at the time of triggering.
who cast the linking spell, and must be ably be determined by a normal per-
cast within one minute after the son at the Delay site; the GM’s decision The caster rolls for Delay when it is
linking spell is cast. is final. If the Delay is to be triggered first cast; the roll for the linked spell is
by a more esoteric event, an appropri- not made until the triggering event
If any questions arise on the inter- ate spell such as Mage Sight may be occurs. If the intended subject of a
pretation of a spell’s ability to detect a cast on the Delay. The Delay may also linked spell is not present at the time of
particular event, or whether a particu- be triggered by the activation of casting, there is an additional -5 penal-
lar spell may be linked, the GM’s word another spell, such as Watchdog or ty for the linked spell (but not for the
is final. GMs wishing to restrict any of another linked spell. A Delay can Link) for not being able to touch or see
these spells may allow only a small list activate only one other spell. the subject – see p. 11. So, for instance,
of spells to be linked, or exclude the dreaded “deathtouch doorknob,” set
certain spells. The spells are cast one after the to “attack” the first person to touch it,
other, with no delays between spells. would activate at a -5 penalty.
Any item with a spell linked to it is The Delay must be cast first, and
visible as such to Mage Sight but not counts as a spell “on” when determin- When a Delay is triggered, the
to a mage’s IQ+Magery roll. Only ing the skill level of the linked spell – linked spell begins to activate, taking
Analyze Magic can tell the nature of see p. 10. Full cost for the linked spell effect the next turn. Thus, a Delay can-
the linked spell. and for the Delay must be paid at the not be used as a Blocking spell. It can
time of casting. If the caster specifies a be used as a trap; the victim may be
spell to affect a human-sized subject, taken by surprise. An unsuspecting
and a larger victim (requiring more victim must make an IQ roll to
energy – see p. 11) actually triggers the respond before the linked spell is fully
Delay, there is either no effect or activated – Combat Reflexes gives +6
to this roll.


Both the Delay and the linked spell the first intruder to enter the Link’s area clap will happen once, when activated;
count as “on” for spellcasting purpos- would find himself in a zone of flaming then the spell will be gone. A continu-
es; if an Information spell has been glue, but subsequent intruders would ing spell like Voices will start when
added, it is also on. The linked spell be safe (from that Link, anyway). The activated, and then operate until it
does not need to be maintained, size of the linked spells must be set at expires.
though the Delay or its Information the time of casting. If the subject is larg-
spell may need to be. Once the Delay is er than the estimated target, the spell A single Link can be made to acti-
triggered, it vanishes, and no longer either has no effect, or a weaker effect, vate a spell when the area is entered,
counts as on. The linked spell contin- depending on the spell. The GM’s ruling and deactivate the spell when the area
ues to count as on as long as it is on this is final. is left. This may continue until the
active. It may be maintained normally. linked spell expires. As an example, a
Only subjects within the Linked area mage may cast Link on Continual
A Delay may also be set to “turn are affected, unless the spell results in Light. If he then rolls seven days for
off” an ongoing spell when a triggering an effect that would not be bound to the duration of the Continual Light
event occurs. In that case, the linked that area – summoning a demon, for spell (168 hours), he can have the Link
spell lasts only while the caster main- example! The triggering event may set up to turn the Light on when he
tains it, but the Delay itself requires no occur outside of the area, however. enters the room, and turn it off when
maintenance. he leaves. When 168 hours of light
The time to cast the linked spells is have been used, both spells expire. For
Blocking and Missile spells cannot spent when initially set up. There is no instantaneous spells, the Link vanishes
be Delayed – all other spells can. An delay when the Link is triggered – all after activating the other spells.
“instantaneous” spell like Thunderclap linked spells are activated instantly.
will happen once, when activated; then No maintenance of a Link is
the spell will be gone. A continuing The linked spells do not count as a required, either for the Link itself, the
spell like Voices will start when acti- spell “on” for any purpose. Every three linked spells, or any information spells
vated, and then operate until it expires. Link spells on count as one spell on, cast on the Link to tell it when to
rounding down. A mage cannot detect trigger.
Duration: 2 hours. a Link simply by looking at it. The
Time to cast: 10 seconds. Mage Sight spell or the Detect Magic Link may also be set in reverse, to
Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. spell will reveal the Link, however. stop one or more spells when a trig-
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and any 15

Link I’ll break my staff
Bury it certain fathoms in the earth
Area And deeper than did ever plummet sound
I’ll drown my book.
Postpones the activation of one or
more linked spells cast in its area of – William Shakespeare,
effect, until a certain thing happens in The Tempest
the Link’s presence. This triggering
event may be as simple or complex as If the mage knows the Conceal gering event occurs. In that case, the
the caster desires, and is governed like Magic spell, the Link may be made linked spell will last only while the
Delay (above). The Link may also be harder to detect by magical means. caster maintains it, but the Link itself
triggered by the activation of a spell Simply adding the Conceal Magic costs requires no maintenance.
placed on the area after the Link, such to the base cost of the Link spell accom-
as Watchdog, Delay or another Link. plishes this effect. The mage must know Link can also be used for Limiting
Conceal Magic to use this option. Enchantments (see pp. 68-69).
The caster pays the energy costs
and makes the skill rolls for the Link If the subject of a linked spell is not Duration: Until triggered, and its
spell and all linked spells at the time present at the casting, and has Magic linked spells expire.
of casting. Linked spells may not ben- Resistance, refer to the original die roll
efit from cost reductions for high to determine the results. If the original Base cost: 8; linked spells cannot be
skill. If the intended subject of a die roll of the linked spell is not record- maintained.
linked spell is not present at the time ed, reroll the spell for this purpose only.
of casting, there is an additional -5 Time to cast: 4 hours – there is no
penalty for the linked spell (but not Blocking and missile spells cannot reduction in time to cast, no matter
for the Link) for not being able to be Linked – other spells can. An how well Link is learned.
touch or see the subject – see p. 11. “instantaneous” spell like Thunder-
Prerequisite: Delay.
The size of the area of the Link spell
is determined at the time of casting.
Any linked spells may go off anywhere
within the Linked area; for instance, if a
one-yard-radius Create Fire and one-
yard-radius Glue spell were linked to a
20-yard-radius Link to catch intruders,


Item A Reflexed spell counts as one spell Note that a mage may cast a Reflex
“on” for spellcasting purposes – see on another person. The caster (not the
This spell may be cast permanently p. 10. A Reflexed spell does not count subject) may activate it at any time,
on any enchanted item, to determine as “on” when making the roll to cast using long-distance modifiers. If the
the circumstances under which it itself. Thus, if a mage has four linked spell is cast on a subject other
works. The Limit spell would be used Reflexed spells on, any other spell he than the subject of the Reflex itself,
to determine the class of users that casts is at -4, but when he casts one of the regular modifier for the distance
could use the item, but Link might be the Reflexed spells, it is only at -3 for to that subject is added to the long-
used, for instance, to make it work the other three Reflexed spells on. distance modifier for the caster.
only at night. Energy cost to cast: 200.
Any Information spells required to tell It is extravagant or even useless to cast
it when to trigger (e.g., Detect Magic) certain spells as Reflexed!
must be cast as separate enchant-
ments on the item. For instance, a A Reflexed spell may be cast only Example: Felix gives Beast-Soother
sword might be Linked with a Light once. It then disappears, and no as a Reflexed spell to Rudolph. Felix
spell and a Sense Life spell, so that it longer counts as a spell on. The effects then activates a Wizard Eye to keep
would glow in the presence of orcs. are immediate, and the duration is tabs on Rudolph as he goes hunting.
instantaneous, not the duration listed Rudolph meets a short-tempered wild
A reversed Link may be cast per- for the original spell. This means that boar, which Felix observes through
manently on any enchanted item, to it is extravagant or even useless to cast the Wizard Eye. Rudolph cannot acti-
deactivate it under set circumstances. certain spells as Reflexed! A Force vate the spell. Fortunately, he does not
This is often used to keep magic items Dome, for example, would stop one have to! Felix activates Beast-Soother
from falling into the wrong hands. physical attack, then disappear – a as Rudolph tries an Animal Handling
Energy cost to cast: 200. fatiguing, but effective, defense! A roll to calm the boar. Rudolph has
Created Animal will appear, then dis- gone about two miles into the woods,
Reflex appear before it can make any action. so Felix is at -3 for long distance. The
(It might stop a missile during its brief boar is 3 yards away from Rudolph,
Special existence, however. The GM may rule so Felix is at another -3 for the range
such an animal must be nearly equal to the subject of the Reflexed spell. He
This spell is cast on another spell. It in size to the target it is shielding.) is also at -1 for having Wizard Eye on.
converts that spell to function as a Exceptions to this instantaneous- Thus, Felix casts Beast-Soother at -7,
Blocking spell for one time only, then result rule are spells with permanent and pays the energy for the spell at
disappear. Unlike Delay or Link, a results, such as Major Healing – their that time. Fortunately he has it at
Reflexed spell is triggered by the will effects are indeed permanent. level 21, so he casts it for the maxi-
of the caster, not by an external event. mum effect. The boar is indeed
This means that while Reverse Any person may carry any number calmed, and Rudolph goes on his way
Missiles may be Reflexed to activate if of Reflexes. However, only one spell while Felix rests. The Reflexed Beast-
the caster sees someone shoot at him, may be cast in any one turn. Soother spell no longer exists. If
it will not be triggered by a shot in the Remember also, that if a Reflexed Rudolph meets another animal, he’s
back. It is treated as an active defense, spell is used as an active defense, no on his own, though Felix may still be
similar to Parry or Block for all practi- other active defense may be used observing any action with his Wizard
cal purposes (except retreating does against that attack, unless All-Out Eye.
not add 3 to the roll). Casting a Defense is chosen. See p. B366.
Reflexed spell will interrupt any spell Blocking spells and Missile spells
the caster is concentrating on, and is A Reflexed spell may be cast as a cannot be Reflexed; other spells can
handled like any other Blocking spell – regular action – it does not have to be be.
see pp. 12-13. cast as a defense. It takes one second
to cast, regardless of the time it would Duration: 1 hour.
When Reflex is cast, the linked normally require to cast. Time to cast: 10 seconds.
spell must be cast immediately after Cost: Equal to the cost to cast the
Reflex, by the same caster. Each cast- All normal modifiers for distance subject spell – minimum of 1. Cost to
ing of Reflex will only work on one and Magic Resistance are used when maintain is the same. Note that skill
spell – it is not possible to have multi- casting the Reflexed spell, if the sub- with the Reflex spell does not affect
ple spells operate as one Blocking ject of the Reflexed spell is distant cost to cast it.
spell. The skill roll for Reflex is rolled from the person or object the Reflex Prerequisites: Delay and Ward.
at the time of casting, but the roll for itself is cast on.
the linked spell is not made until it is
cast as a Blocking spell. The energy
cost for Reflex is paid at the time of
casting Reflex, but the energy for the
Reflexed spell is not paid until it is
cast, whether as an active defense or
otherwise. The time to cast a Reflexed
spell is spent immediately after the
Reflex is cast, but the success roll and
energy cost are handled later.




The mayor’s body sagged into his The spells of the College of Mind the subject’s Sense rolls for the appro-
chair, the rictus grin of unspeakable Control all require either an unusual- priate sense.
pleasure fading from his face as he ly sharp intellect or a good grounding
came back to himself. in the College of Communication and Duration: 30 minutes.
Empathy. They also have important Cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Half that to
“Did you enjoy yourself, then?” cross-relationships with Body Control maintain. The affected sense drops by
Rolfe said from his seat across the spells; sapient beings cannot be 2 for each point of energy put into the
table. cleanly split into body and mind. spell.

The mayor nodded dumbly. Keen (Sense) Item
“Would you . . . I’d like more, please.”
Regular (a) Clothing or jewelry. The wearer’s
“Of course, in due time. Have Sense score is reduced. Energy cost to
patience. Now, I believe we were dis- This spell is actually several differ- create: 50 per point of Sense decrease.
cussing the possibility of taking one of ent spells, as with (Animal) Control or (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by
your daughters as an apprentice.” Boost (Attribute). The most common mages. Energy cost to create: 500.
variants are Keen Vision, Keen
“Yes, yes, and I believe you’re Hearing, and Keen Taste and Smell, Alertness (VH)
entirely correct, entirely. Thauma- but variants are possible for unusual
turgy would be an excellent career for methods of perception as Detect, Regular
Annaliese.” Scanning Sense, or Vibration Sense.
Increases all the subject’s Sense
“Annaliese? How convenient. Why Keen (Sense) gives a +1 bonus per rolls.
don’t you go fetch the dear girl, your point of energy spent to Sense rolls of
Excellency? We can get her settled the appropriate type. Duration: 10 minutes.
here, and then perhaps you and I Cost: 2 per point of increase
could discuss that spell you seem to Kenn Hearing is also a Sound spell. (maximum 5). Half that to maintain.
enjoy so much.”
Duration: 30 minutes.
“I’ll do that, Master Rolfe. I’ll be Cost: 1 for each
back in no time at all.” point of increase
(maximum 5).
Rolfe looked at his aging hands as Half that amount
the mayor bustled out, turning them (round up) to
over. maintain.

“I could do better for fathers, I sup- Item
pose, but it’ll be worth it to get out of
this body.” Clothing or
jewelry. Energy
Mind Control spells work only on cost to create: 150
subjects with sapience (racial IQ 6+) per point of
and free will (free will is hard to define, improvement.
but any being with the Automaton
meta-trait (p. B263) doesn’t qualify). Dull
Thus, they will not work on most ani- (Sense)
mals, golems, robots, zombies, etc. As
a rule, if there’s a specific spell for the Regular;
purpose of controlling a creature Resisted by HT
(Control Zombie, Control Elemental,
etc.) it cannot be affected by Mind The inverse of
Control spells. Keen (Sense), this
spell reduces all
Note that none of these spells can
improve a faculty that does not exist.
For instance, none of the sight-related
spells can restore sight to the blind,
even temporarily.


Prerequisites: Any two variants of Item Duration: 10 minutes, or less if the
Keen (Sense). fight ends and the subject comes out
Staff or wand. Usable only by of the berserk rage as per p. B124.
Item mages; the item must touch the
subject. Energy cost to create: 500. Time to cast: 4 seconds.
Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
create: 300 per point of improvement. Terror Prerequisite: Bravery.

Dullness (VH) Area; Resisted by Will Item

Regular; Resisted by HT Anyone in the area who fails to (a) Staff or wand; usable only by
resist must make an immediate Fright mages. The item must include a rep-
Reduces all of the subject’s Sense Check at -3. resentation of a bear, or a bear’s tooth.
rolls. Energy cost to create: 750. (b) Bearskin
Base cost: 4. cloak which casts the spell on its
Duration: 10 minutes. Prerequisite: Fear. wearer at no energy cost (normal
Cost: 2 to 10 to cast. Half that to resistance roll is possible). It serves as
maintain. Senses are reduced by 1 for Item a Heavy Cloak with DB 2, DR 2, and
each two points of energy put into the 20 HP. If the cloak loses all its HP, the
spell. Staff or wand. Usable only by enchantment is destroyed. Energy cost
Prerequisites: Any two variants of mages; the item must touch the to create: 500.
Dull (Sense). subject. Energy cost to create: 600.
Item Bravery
Regular; Resisted by Will
Clothing or jewelry. The wearer’s Area; Resisted by Will-1
Sense scores are reduced. Energy cost The subject suffers -1 to his IQ and
to create: 200 per point of decrease. Makes the subject(s) fearless. IQ-based skills (including spells) for
Anyone under this spell must make an every point of energy put into the
Fear IQ roll to avoid being brave, should spell. The GM may also require an IQ
caution be called for. roll to remember complex things
Area; Resisted by Will while under the influence of this spell.
Duration: 1 hour unless countered
The subject(s) feel fright. The caster by Fear. Duration: 1 minute.
receives a +3 bonus to reaction rolls in Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Half that to
potential combat situations and other Base cost: 2. Cannot be maintained. maintain (round up).
situations where threats are effective, Prerequisite: Fear. Prerequisite: IQ 12 or higher.
but suffers a -3 penalty on loyalty rolls
and situations where terrorizing NPCs Item Item
is counterproductive.
(a) Any item. Always on; the item (a) Any item. Always on; the item
Duration: 10 minutes unless coun- maintains a Bravery spell on its wear- reduces wearer’s IQ. Energy cost to cre-
tered by Bravery. er. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Staff ate: 100 for each point of IQ reduction.
or wand. Usable only by mages; the (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by
Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained. item must touch the subject. Energy mages; the item must touch the
Prerequisite: Sense Emotion or the cost to create: 500. subject. Energy cost to create: 800.
Empathy advantage.
Rear Vision Daze
Regular Regular; Resisted by HT
(a) Any item. Always on; the item
causes wearer to feel fear. Energy cost The subject can see all around The subject looks and acts normal,
to create: 200. (b) Staff or wand. Usable himself, as if he had the 360˚ Vision but does not notice what is going on
only by mages; the item must touch advantage (p. B34). around him, or remember it later. A
the subject. Energy cost to create: 300. dazed guard stands quietly while a
Duration: 1 minute. thief walks past! Any injury, or suc-
Panic Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. cessful resistance to a spell, causes the
Prerequisite: Alertness. subject to snap out of the daze and
Area; Resisted by Will return to full alert status.
Those in the affected area flee in Duration: 1 minute.
mindless fear, away from the caster, Weapon, clothing, or jewelry. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
for the duration of the spell. A subject Energy cost to create: 1,000. Time to cast: 2 seconds.
who cannot escape can turn and take Prerequisite: Foolishness.
the All-Out Defense maneuver, if Berserker
attacked. Item
Regular; Resisted by Will
Duration: 1 minute. (a) Any item. Always on; the item
Base cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Causes the subject to fight as a causes effects of Daze spell. Energy
Prerequisite: Fear. berserker (see Berserk disadvantage, cost to create: 400. (b) Staff or wand.
p. B124). If known foes are in sight (or
even in earshot), they will be attacked


Usable only by mages; the item must plaintext; 3 for up to 100,000 words of Item
touch the subject. Energy cost to plaintext; +1 for each additional
create: 1,000. 100,000 words. Thus, a stack of six typ- Any item. Always on; the item
ical GURPS Fourth Edition source- causes the wearer to forget one thing
Mental Stun books, at about 175,000 words per specified when the item is created.
book, would cost 12 energy to encrypt. The wearer will remember again an
Regular; Resisted by Will hour after the item is removed. Energy
Prerequisite: Daze. cost to create: 500.
The subject is mentally stunned
until he can make an IQ roll to recover. Item Sleep

Cost: 2. (a) Any writing may be perma- Regular; Resisted by HT
Prerequisite: Daze or Stun. nently encrypted for 100 times the
cost to cast the spell. (b) Staff, wand, The subject falls asleep. If standing,
Item or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. he falls – but this does not wake him.
He can be awakened by a blow, loud
(a) Any item. Always on; the wear- Fascinate noise, etc., but will be mentally
er is mentally stunned until the item is stunned (see Effects of Stun, p. B420).
removed. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Regular or Blocking; The Awaken spell (p. 90) will arouse
Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; Resisted by Will him instantly. If not awakened, he will
the item must touch the subject. sleep for around eight hours and
Energy cost to create: 1,100. Holds the subject (a sapient being) awaken normally.
motionless and unaware of the pas-
Disorient sage of time as long as the caster Cost: 4.
maintains eye contact and concentra- Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Area; Resisted by Will tion. Darkness breaks eye contact! Prerequisite: Daze.
May be cast as a Blocking spell if the
All within the area lose their bear- subject is entering Close Combat Item
ings. They will not immediately feel range. The caster may move slowly
lost, but as soon as it becomes neces- (Move 1) while maintaining eye con- (a) Any item. Always on; the item
sary to remember the path they’ve tact if he knows the spell at level 15 or puts wearer to sleep until it is
taken, or remember their position rel- better; each yard he moves away from removed. When the item is created,
ative to a landmark, they will draw a the subject allows it another resist- the caster can specify whether its
blank. Those with Absolute Direction ance roll to break the spell. The spell is effects are gradual or immediate.
resist at +5. also broken by any attack (physical or Energy cost to create: 600. (b) Staff or
magical) on the subject. wand. Usable only by mages; the item
Duration: The subjects can regain must touch the subject. Energy cost to
their bearings in the usual fashion Duration: Indefinite. create: 1,200.
(Navigation roll, back-tracking, com- Cost: 4.
paring notes, etc.). Prerequisite: Daze. Wisdom

Time to cast: 10 seconds. Item Regular
Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained.
Prerequisite: Foolishness. Mirror, painting, or statuette. Raises the subject’s IQ temporarily.
Always on. Energy cost to create: 1,000. This raises his ability with skills, but
Item This item is used as a guardian in some not with spells! The subject’s IQ can-
places (the spell is broken when the not become higher than the
Staff or wand. Usable only by victim falls unconscious through caster’s.
mages. Energy cost to create: 200. starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion).
Duration: 1 minute.
Encrypt Forgetfulness Cost: 4 for every point of IQ
increase (maximum of 5). Same cost
Regular Regular; Resisted by to maintain.
Will or skill Prerequisites: At least six other
When cast on any writing or other Mind Control spells.
visual information medium, this spell Causes the subject to forget one
makes it unreadable to any but the fact, skill, or spell temporarily. The Item
caster. Anyone can see the writing, but skill or spell cannot be used while
they will be convinced that it is hope- Forgetfulness is in effect. If (for (a) Any item. Always on; the wear-
lessly arcane, complex, or foreign. instance) a forgotten spell is a prereq- er’s IQ is raised while the item is worn!
Other media dependent on the senses uisite for other spells, the other spells This is a very rare and prized item.
(including any arcane taste- or smell- can still be used, at -2 to skill. Energy cost to create: 2,000 per point of
based “writing” that might be used by increase (maximum 5). (b) Staff or
nonhuman races, as well as Braille in Duration: 1 hour. wand. Usable only by mages; the item
modern settings) may be encrypted if Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. must touch the subject. Energy cost to
the GM permits it. Time to cast: 10 seconds. create: 2,000.
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and
Duration: 1 week. Foolishness.
Cost: 1 for up to 1000 words of
plaintext; 2 for up to 10,000 words of


Boost (Attribute) spell is immediately broken if the cast- encouraged to roleplay it! When the
er attacks the subject. If the subject is spell ends, it does so instantly (no
Regular or Blocking told to do something very hazardous hangover).
or against his normal code of behavior
As listed under Body Control Spells, (GM’s decision), he gets an IQ roll to Duration: 1 minute.
p. 37. break the spell. Cost: 1 for each point of IQ and DX
lost (maximum 5). Half that to main-
Weaken Will Duration: 1 hour. tain.
Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Regular; Resisted by Will Double this cost if the subject does not Prerequisites: Foolishness and
know the caster, or triple if the subject Clumsiness.
Temporarily reduces the subject’s is a foe of the caster.
Will. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Item
Prerequisites: Bravery and two
Duration: 1 minute. other Mind Control spells. (a) Any item. Always on; the item
Cost: 2 per point of Will reduction causes the effects of the Drunkenness
(maximum Will reduction of 5). Half Item spell. Energy cost to create: 200 per point
that to maintain. of reduction. (b) Staff or wand. Usable
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and (a) Any item. Always on; the wear- only by mages; the item must touch the
Foolishness. er becomes loyal to the original cre- subject. Energy cost to create: 800.
ator of the item (when that person
Item dies, the item loses its power). Energy Madness
cost to create: 500. Double this cost for
(a) Any item. Always on; the wear- an item that makes the wearer loyal to Regular; Resisted by Will-2
er has his Will weakened. Energy cost some specific third person. (b) Staff or
to create: 100 for each point of Weak wand. Usable only by mages; the item The subject is driven temporarily
Will. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by must touch the subject. Energy cost to insane; this should be roleplayed. The
mages; the item must touch the create: 2,000. caster selects the severity of madness
subject. Energy cost to create: 700. he wishes to inflict, and the GM
Command decides which madness at that severi-
Strengthen Will ty is appropriate to the situation
Blocking; Resisted by Will (rolling a die is a perfectly acceptable
Regular way to make this decision). On a criti-
Give a subject one immediate com- cal success, the caster may select the
Temporarily increases the subject’s mand – a word and a gesture, or at most madness to be inflicted.
Will. two words – which the subject must
obey. If the subject is unable to fulfill Unless noted otherwise, each mad-
Duration: 1 minute. the command immediately or on his ness is identical to the disadvantage of
Cost: 1 for every +1 to Will (maxi- next turn, the spell has no effect. the same name. Some madnesses are
mum Will increase of 5). Half that to equivalent to disadvantages that
maintain. Examples: require self-control rolls. The subject
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least “Drop it!” – the subject drops what- always fails his self-control rolls
six Mind Control spells. ever he was holding. against the magical madness.
“Look!” – the subject looks in the
Item direction the caster indicates. Mild: Delusion [-5], Flashbacks
“Wait!” – the subject takes the Wait [-5], Phantom Voices [-5], Phobia [-5].
(a) Any item. Always on; the wear- maneuver on his next turn.
er gains up to 5 points of Will. This is Moderate: Bestial [-10], Confused,
a rare item. Energy cost to create: 1,000 Cost: 2. Delusion [-10], Flashbacks [-10],
per point of Will (maximum of 5). (b) Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Paranoia [-10], Phantom Voices [-10].
Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; Forgetfulness.
the item must touch the subject. Severe: Berserk, Bestial [-15],
Energy cost to create: 1,500. Item Chronic Depression, Delusion [-15],
Hallucinations (as the Hallucinating
Memorize Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost incapacitating condition, p. B429),
to create: 500. Phantom Voices [-15].
Drunkenness Extreme: Catatonia (as the Daze
As listed under Knowledge Spells, incapacitating condition (p. B428),
p. 105. Regular; Resisted by Will but the subject cannot snap out of it
until the spell ends), Flashbacks [-20].
Loyalty Makes the victim temporarily
intoxicated: he is loud, cheerful, and Duration: 1 minute.
Regular; Resisted by Will badly coordinated. Both IQ and DX Cost: 2 for a Mild madness; 3 for
are reduced by the amount of energy Moderate; 4 for Severe; 6 for Extreme.
Makes the subject loyal to the cast- put into the spell. If the victim is a PC, Half that to maintain.
er. The subject follows any direct order he should be told he feels drunk, and Time to cast: 2 seconds.
the caster gives; in the absence of Prerequisite: Forgetfulness or
direct orders, he acts in the caster’s Drunkenness.
best interest as he understands it. The


Item Duration: 1 minute. in fact feels compelled to tell lies,
Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. although he may (if he realizes that he
(a) Any item. Always on; the item Minimum radius 2 yards. is under a spell) choose to remain
causes the effects of the Madness Time to cast: 1 second for each silent.
spell. When the item is created, the energy point spent.
caster can specify whether its effects Prerequisites: Daze and IQ 13 or Compel Lie and Compel Truth
are gradual or immediate, and (if higher. resist each other. Aura may be required
desired) a specific type of madness. to find out which spell has won out!
Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Staff or
wand. Usable only by mages. Energy This is also a Communication and
cost to create: 1,000. Empathy spell.

Duration: 5 minutes.
Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Emotion Control.


Torc or heavy necklace; the wearer
cannot tell the truth. Energy cost to
create: 600.

Emotion Control Mindlessness (VH) Lure

Area; Resisted by Will Regular; Resisted by Will Area; Resisted by Will

Instills the subject(s) with any one Reduces the subject’s IQ to 1 tem- Each being who steps within this
emotion the caster chooses. There is no porarily, reducing him to babbling spell’s area of effect feels compelled to
“game system” effect unless the GM idiocy. The subject cannot cast or approach the center of the affected
feels it necessary, but subjects should maintain spells, use skills, talk, or region. The GM should roll the crea-
roleplay it! Some sample emotions: other actions determined by the GM. ture’s resistance in secret and then tell
love, hate, lust, anger, greed, jealousy, The subject can walk, laugh, cry, the unlucky victim that he “feels curi-
hunger, fear, sadness, joy, peace, unrest, drool, eat with his hands, react to heat ous about the chest” or some such
depression, patriotism, boredom. and cold, etc. He has a very short subtle hint. Once the victim has
attention span and notices only col- reached the center, he is immune to
Duration: 1 hour. ors, pretty things, movement, and the spell until he leaves the affected
Base cost: 2. Cannot be maintained; other things that a baby would be area (if he returns, he will once again
spell must be recast. curious about. If the subject is a PC, be “attacked” by the spell).
Prerequisite: Loyalty or Mental the player should roleplay this state.
Stun. Lure and Avoid are antagonistic
Duration: 1 minute. spells and thus resist each other.
Item Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain.
Time to cast: 5 seconds. Duration: 1 hour.
(a) Any item. Always on; the wear- Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Base cost: 1 to cast. Same cost to
er is affected by the emotion instilled Forgetfulness. maintain.
in the item when it was created. Time to cast: 10 seconds.
Energy cost to create: 300. (b) Staff or Item Prerequisite: Emotion Control.
wand. Usable only by mages; the item
must touch the subject. Energy cost to Any item. The item casts Item
create: 1,000 for an item that can instill Mindlessness on its wearer. Energy
only one emotion, or 2,200 for one cost to create: 800. An area may be made permanently
that instills any desired emotion. attractive for 100 times normal energy
Compel Lie cost.
Mass Daze
Regular; Resisted by Will Mass Sleep
Area; Resisted by HT
The subject becomes unable to tell Area; Resisted by HT
As Daze, but can be cast over an the truth: he cannot make any
area. statement he believes to be true, and As Sleep, but can be cast over an

Base cost: 3. Minimum radius 2

Time to cast: 1 second for each
energy point spent.

Prerequisites: Sleep and IQ 13 or


Peaceful Sleep Item The spell may otherwise be broken
only by Remove Curse.
Regular; Special Resistance (a) Any item. Always on; the item
causes effects of Sickness spell. Energy Unknowing attempts, such as when
The subject gets an undisturbed cost to create: 300. (b) Staff or wand. the subject is tricked into breaking his
night’s sleep. This spell cures insom- Usable only by mages; the item must oath, are not Resisted by the spell.
nia, allows sleep in noisy, disruptive touch the subject. Energy cost to create:
environments, and protects against 1,500. Duration: Permanent.
nightmares and the Nightmare spell. Cost: 4
This period counts double in terms of Will Lock Time to cast: 1 minute.
HP and FP recovery. The caster can Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Emotion
awaken the subject with a word. Area; Resisted by (ST+Will)/2 Control.
Otherwise, subject cannot be awak-
ened, except by injury or with the Creates a circular zone that traps Item
Awaken spell. anyone inside at the moment of its
creation. The barrier is purely mental, Jewelry. Always on; only affects the
This spell works only on a willing working on the wills of the people wearer. Energy cost to create: 550.
subject; otherwise, resistance is trapped. For this reason, the subjects
automatic. must be aware they are being circled – Permanent
if they are not, the Will Lock has no Forgetfulness (VH)
Duration: 8 hours. effect on them.
Cost: 4. Regular; Resisted by
Time to cast: 30 seconds. Each being trapped inside has one Will or skill
Prerequisites: Sleep and Silence. chance to escape each day; roll a
Regular Contest between the being’s As Forgetfulness, but permanent.
Item (ST+Will)/2 and the Will Lock’s The subject also forgets he ever knew
Endurance (p. 10). Each being that that thing or that he was enchanted.
(a) Wand or staff that gives the escapes weakens the Will Lock’s Another mage with this spell can
power to cast this spell. Energy cost to Endurance by 1. Upon reaching restore forgotten things by recasting
create: 900. (b) Any item. If the wearer Endurance 0 or on a critical failure on the spell and winning a Quick Contest
is willing to sleep, the item puts him to its part, the Will Lock dissipates. A of Spells with the original Permanent
sleep as per the spell; he awakens in critical success by an escaping being Forgetfulness spell.
eight hours, or if the item is removed. does not break the Will Lock. The spell
Energy cost to create: 800. can also be broken if an outside party Duration: Permanent.
scuffs the circles away. Cost: 15.
Sickness Time to cast: 1 hour.
The beings trapped can freely cast Prerequisites: Magery 2, Forget-
Regular; Resisted by HT spells or throw missiles across the Will fulness, and IQ 13 or higher.
Lock’s boundary. An interesting
Makes the subject feel sick and method of escape is to be knocked Item
nauseated (dizzy, vomiting, etc.). He unconscious and then thrown bodily
may run if necessary (at half his nor- outside the Will Lock! Any item. Same effect as for
mal Move) but may do nothing else Forgetfulness item, but if it is worn for
except maintain existing spells and Duration: One day. a full day, the thing is forgotten forev-
give very simple answers. When the Base cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be er unless the spell is removed by
spell wears off, the sickness vanishes maintained; must be recast. Remove Curse or an opposed
instantly. Time to cast: As long as it takes the Permanent Forgetfulness spell. Energy
caster to circle the area three times cost to create: 1,000.
This is also a Body Control spell. widdershins (counter-clockwise).
Prerequisite: Emotion Control. Recall
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Oath Regular
Time to cast: 4 seconds.
Prerequisite: Drunkenness or Pes- Regular; Special Resistance As listed under Knowledge Spells,
tilence. p. 106.
Similar to Great Geas, but works
on a willing subject only. Although the Vigil (VH)
caster casts the spell, the subject must
speak the oath. Regular

The subject may knowingly Skip a night’s sleep with no ill
attempt to break his oath (rolling vs. effects. Each successive night’s casting
Will) no more than once per day. The on the same subject is at a cumulative
spell resists the attempt; if the subject -3 to skill.
overcomes the resistance, he manages
to break the oath just this once. A crit- Duration: 1 night.
ical success by the subject or a critical Cost: 8. Cannot be maintained, but
failure by the spell breaks the spell. may be recast.


Prerequisites: Magery 2, Sleep, and Repeated exposure can be danger- Permanent Madness
Lend Energy. At the GM’s option, ous to the subject. If any character has (VH)
“holy” status may be sufficient. been the subject of an Ecstasy spell
three times within 10 days, he must Regular; Resisted by Will-2
Item make a Will+2 roll after the third time,
and after each subsequent time until As for Madness, but permanent.
Headgear or jewelry. Usable only five days pass without exposure to the
by a mage or (at the GM’s option) by spell. If any of these rolls are failed, Duration: Permanent.
“holy” beings. Energy cost to create: the subject gains an Addiction (see Cost: 20.
1,000. Rumors persist of an “always- p. B122) to the spell, and will beg the Time to cast: 10 minutes.
on” version. caster (or anyone else who is known to Prerequisites: Magery 2, Madness,
have the spell) for more! Withdrawal and IQ 13 or higher.
Relieve Madness from the Ecstasy spell follows the nor-
mal rules for a psychological depend- Dream Sending
Regular; Resisted by Madness ency (see Drug Withdrawal, p. B440).
and Permanent Madness Regular; Resisted by Will
Duration: 10 seconds.
As listed under Healing Spells, Cost: 6 to cast. Cannot be main- As listed under Communication
p. 92. tained. and Empathy Spells, p. 45.
Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Charm Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Dream Projection
Emotion Control.
Regular; Resisted by Will Regular
The subject becomes caster’s faith- As listed under Communication
ful slave until the spell expires, follow- (a) Staff or wand. Usable only by and Empathy Spells, p. 46.
ing any orders, no matter how danger- mages; the item must touch the sub-
ous. There is no mental link – the cast- ject. Energy cost to create: 800. (b) False Memory
er must give his orders to the subject Headgear. Always on. The wearer may
verbally or in writing. However, the not voluntarily remove the item, and Regular; Resisted by Will
subject will protect the caster without addiction occurs within 15 minutes.
orders. In all other respects the subject Energy cost to create: 1,300. Insert a single, simple false memo-
will be mentally normal and alert. He ry into a subject’s mind. This spell is
will be unable to explain (and unwill- Enthrall often used to avoid paying bills, and is
ing to discuss or even think about) his considered highly illegal in many
loyalty to the caster. Special; Resisted by Will areas.

Duration: 1 minute. The caster tells an enthralling tale. If the implanted memory conflicts
Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Anyone within earshot who knows the with a real memory, the subject’s brain
Time to cast: 3 seconds. language and pays attention falls under will usually fit the new one in anyway,
Prerequisites: Magery 1, Loyalty, the spell, resisting with Will. An hour of leaving him slightly confused but con-
and seven other Mind Control spells. real time passes, but the victims notice vinced. In case of extreme direct con-
only a minute slipping by. Anyone who flict – “You remember killing the
Item resists will perceive the caster and his duke” (when the subject saw the cast-
victims as paralyzed, although pro- er kill the duke!) – the subject should
(a) Any item. Always on; the wear- longed examination will reveal they are be allowed a bonus on his resistance
er becomes loyal to the original cre- moving, very slowly. Any subject that is roll; the example above would be a +5
ator of the item (when that person attacked or shaken breaks free of the for a loyal subject, but probably only
dies, the item loses its power). Energy spell (in the latter case, the victim gets +1 for somebody who wanted to kill
cost to create: 1,000. Double this cost an extra resistance roll for every second the duke.
for an item that makes the wearer that he’s disturbed).
loyal to some specific third person. (b) Duration: Variable (see below).
Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; This spell may never be higher When the spell ends, the subject gets a
the item must touch the subject. than the caster’s Public Speaking skill, second resistance roll, at -1 for each
Energy cost to create: 3,000. or Performance if the story is mimed day the spell lasted. If this roll is failed,
or acted out. the subject will believe the false mem-
Ecstasy (VH) ory indefinitely, but is likely to remem-
Duration: 1 hour (real time). ber the truth at some unpredictable
Regular; Resisted by Will Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. time, perhaps as a result of a shock.
Prerequisites: Forgetfulness, Daze,
The subject feels an incapacitating and Slow. Cost: 3 for a duration of an hour, or
rush of pleasure; he can take no action 8 for a whole day. Cost to maintain is
for the duration, not even to move out Item 3 per hour if cast for an hour, or 4 per
of harm’s way! High/Low Pain day if cast for a day.
Threshold is irrelevant. Staff, comedian’s mask, or musical
instrument. Energy cost to create: 500. Time to cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Forgetfulness and six
other Mind Control spells.


Item FP loss. This spell is also countered by Item
the Peaceful Sleep spell.
Any item. Always on; the item (a) Any item. Always on; the item
causes the wearer to remember one If the spell is recast the next night, causes the effects of Hallucination
false memory specified when the item the effects are cumulative. If the sub- spell. When the item is created, the
is created. The wearer will forget the ject’s FP falls to zero due to this spell, caster must specify the nature of the
memory one hour after the item is he falls into a coma and will lose 1d hallucination. Energy cost to create:
removed. Energy cost to create: 500. HP each day until he dies, unless 1,000. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only
Dispel Magic is cast. by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,200.
Duration: 1 hour. Lesser Geas (VH)
Area Cost: 6.
Time to cast: 1 minute. Regular; Resisted by Will
Makes the subject area unattractive Prerequisites: Magery 2, Death
to all creatures except the caster. Gazes Vision, Fear, and Sleep. Give a subject one command, which
will be averted, and approaching char- the subject must obey. This must be a
acters will feel an intense unease, an Item command to do one specific thing. It
urge to be somewhere else. The spell must be reasonably possible, in the
resists attempts to look at it or to (a) Wand or staff that gives the GM’s opinion. “Destroy every tree on
approach it (roll caster’s skill vs. power to cast this spell. Energy cost to this continent” is not a legal geas (at
searcher’s Will). Victims won’t be aware create: 800. (b) Any item. If the item is least in a low-tech world). Until the geas
of the repulsion if it can act in a subtle worn for more than eight hours a day, is fulfilled or removed (only Remove
way (e.g., you just felt like sitting in it causes a nightmare as per the spell, Curse will do this), the subject must
front rather than in the middle . . .). even if taken off at night! Energy cost make it his first priority.
This is a subtle spell, and GMs should to create: 500.
roll in secret to see if it works. If it does, Duration: Permanent until fulfilled.
the victims should not be told “You Hallucination Cost: 12.
can’t look in that closet,” but just “you Time to cast: 30 seconds.
see nothing.” The spell made them Regular; Resisted by Will Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least
think they had checked the closet, or 10 Mind Control spells, including
made each searcher think that another The subject’s perceptions are Command.
one had checked it . . . and so on. addled. He is completely convinced
that one thing that is not present is (or Item
If a single caster uses both Hide vice versa); he can see it, hear it, feel it,
and Avoid, the GM should not check and so on. This is similar to an illusion Any item. Always on; the item
for the results of the Hide spell unless in some ways, but it exists entirely in places a Lesser Geas (specified at the
a searcher penetrates the Avoid spell the mind of the subject. time of its creation) on the wearer. The
and looks in the caster’s direction. wearer may not voluntarily remove
The hallucination must concern the item; if it is removed anyway, the
Duration: 1 hour. the presence or absence of a single geas will persist for a month unless
Base cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. “thing”: one person the subject knows removed by Remove Curse. Energy
Time to cast: 1 minute. or knew, one crowd of revelers, one cost to create: 2,000.
Prerequisites: Hide, Fear, and pair of shackles on the subject’s wrists,
Forgetfulness. one pride of lions . . . If it can be Suggestion
described as a single entity in English
Item (without amazing gymnastics), then it Regular; Resisted by Will
should pass. The GM’s judgment is
An area can be made permanently final, as usual. Instills a suggestion in the subject’s
“avoided” at an energy cost of 100 mind. It must be one simple idea; lan-
times normal. The hallucination does not require guage is no barrier unless the subject’s
concentration: the subject supplies, language cannot encompass the idea.
Nightmare unconsciously, all the “realism” neces- If the suggestion goes against the sub-
sary. By concentrating, the caster can ject’s personal safety, it is Resisted at
Regular; Resisted by Will “direct” the hallucination – put words +5; if it goes against his beliefs, con-
in the mouth of the absent person, victions or knowledge, it is Resisted at
When cast on a sleeping subject, have the revelers head off in a certain +3. The subject will try to accomplish
this spell causes a nightmare of the direction or start singing a particular the suggestion or otherwise act as if
caster’s choice. Knowledge of the sub- song, etc. the idea was his own.
ject’s fears and phobias gives a +2 to
effective skill. The subject gets an IQ-4 Impossible or obviously false hallu- Duration: 10 minutes.
roll to realize the nightmare was cinations (a long-dead uncle, for Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain.
caused by hostile magic. If the spell example) are Resisted at a bonus of up Time to cast: 10 seconds.
succeeds, the subject gets no rest from to +5. Prerequisites: Emotion Control and
the night’s sleep, and instead loses 2 Forgetfulness.
FP. Dispel Magic will stop the night- Duration: 1 minute.
mare while it is occurring, preventing Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Time to cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Madness and Sug-



Any. Always on; the item causes
wearer to have one idea, specified when
the object was created. The suggestion
dissipates an hour after the object is
removed. Cost to create: 400 energy. (b)
Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by
mages; the item must touch the subject.
Cost to create: 500 energy.

Mass Suggestion Cost: 30. Duration: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Charm and Telepathy. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.
Area; Resisted by Will Time to cast: 4 seconds.
Great Hallucination Prerequisites: Magery 2 and
As Suggestion, but affects an area (VH) Hallucination.
and all those within it with a single
suggestion. Regular; Resisted by Will Item

Duration: 10 minutes. Like Hallucination, but the subject’s (a) Any item. Always on; only
Base cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain entire environment can be falsified. He affects the wearer. When the item is
(minimum radius is 2 yards). might see himself stranded on a cliff created, the caster must specify the
Time to cast: 1 second per energy side, in a crowded city street, in the nature of the hallucination. Energy
point. middle of a lake, etc. The only limits are cost to create: 2,500. (b) Staff or wand.
Prerequisite: Suggestion. the fiendishness of the caster’s imagina- Usable only by mages. Energy cost to
tion and the judgment of the GM. create: 900.
For any significant changes to Great Geas (VH)
Musical instrument. The user must occur in the subject’s new surround-
be skilled in it (use the lower of spell ings, concentration on the part of the Regular; Resisted by Will
and musical skills). Energy cost to caster is required, as per
create: 1,500 energy. Hallucination. If the caster dramati- Give a subject one continuing com-
cally changes the subject’s percep- mand, such as “Never touch weapons”
Glib Tongue tions, the subject may be given a new or “Slay all orcs.” A Great Geas does not
resistance roll, at the GMs option. have to be reasonably possible; it can
Regular; Resisted by Will occupy the subject for the rest of his life
Example: the subject is “placed” on unless removed. Only Remove Curse
The caster can mystically make top of a giant pillar of stone over a lake will negate a geas. A critical failure on a
anything he says be what the subject of molten lava. By concentrating, the Great Geas costs the caster an IQ point.
wants to hear. Whatever the caster caster could cause the pillar to begin
says, even total gibberish, will find sinking or bucking beneath the sub- Duration: Permanent.
hearty agreement. However, the caster ject’s feet, or cause a flying monster to Cost: 30.
won’t have a clue what the target appear. If the caster suddenly decided Time to cast: 1 minute.
thinks he’s saying . . . GMs may give up that the lava turned into a green Prerequisites: Magery 3 and at least
to +3 on reaction rolls, depending on meadow, however, the subject would 15 Mind Control spells, including
how cleverly the PC roleplays this. get a new Resistance roll. Lesser Geas.

Duration: 5 minutes. This spell can be used for positive Item
Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. effect; if the subject is required to walk
Prerequisite: Suggestion. a narrow log across a thousand-foot- Any item. Always on; the item places
deep chasm, he might find it easier if a Great Geas (specified at time of its
Item the log spans only a shallow creation) on its wearer. The wearer may
streambed . . . not voluntarily remove the item; if it is
Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost removed, the geas will persist for a year
to create: 650. unless removed by Remove Curse.
Energy cost to create: 4,000.
Enslave (VH)

Regular; Resisted by Will

Like the Charm spell, but perma-
nent. The subject will follow the cast-
er’s orders until the spell ends or is
removed. At any time the caster con-
centrates, he can form a mental link
with the subject to see through the
subject’s eyes, hear through his ears,
and give orders.




sandwich from it. He sat back up and Duration: 1 minute.
handed it to the mage sitting naked on Cost: Varies with the weight of the
the front edge of the flying robe. object. Cost to maintain is the same.

Elsdon took a big bite. Weight Energy Cost
“Mm-mm. Liver paste! That’ll
put hair on your chest. Want less than 1 pound 1
“No thanks,” said Rudolph. up to 10 pounds 2

These spells physically up to 50 pounds 3
manipulate the subject or
affect his movement abilities. up to 200 pounds 4

Unless stated other- every additional 100 pounds +4
wise, Movement spells
Prerequisite: Magery 1.
have a built-in accel-
eration of just under Item
1 G; Movement
spells can change a Staff or wand. Usable only by
subject’s speed by up mages; the item must touch or point at
to 10 yards per second. the subject. Energy cost to create: 900.
Movement spells under-
Rudolph could think of better ways lie many other spells and Glue
to leave a city. This was precarious, enchantments, including the entire
unstable, and worst of all undignified. Gate college. Area

An arrow sped by to the left. Haste Makes a surface extremely sticky,
Fortunately, the city guard seemed too trapping anyone stepping onto the
bemused by the means of their depar- Regular surface as if by a Rooted Feet spell
ture to do much about stopping them. (p. 36). If a victim successfully resists,
Increases the subject’s Move and he is free to act until he moves more
“Elsdon, are you sure this was the Dodge scores by up to 3. than a yard from his original position,
only way?” he asked. at which point he becomes stuck
Duration: 1 minute. again if he is still in the Glue area.
“Assuming that you wanted to Cost: 2 to cast per point added to
come, yes,” the mage replied. “I could the subject’s Move and Dodge. Half Duration: 10 minutes.
have flown off by myself; I still can, if that to maintain. Base cost: 3 to cast. Same cost to
you’d prefer.” Time to cast: 2 seconds. maintain.
Prerequisite: Haste.
“No, no, that’s fine,” Rudolph Item
replied hastily. They sailed over the Item
city walls, heading south. Shoes or jewelry. Only affects the
wearer. Energy cost to create: 250 for (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy
“Hey, Rudolph, would you mind every point added to Move score. cost to create: 900 energy. (b) An area
pulling a sandwich out of my pocket? may be made permanently sticky for
I’m going to need a snack if I’m going Apportation 100 times the normal casting cost.
to be flying this thing over the river.”
Regular; Resisted by Will Grease
Rudolph inched over to the edge of
the fabric and reached around to feel Move physical objects without Area
around the bottom of their makeshift touching them. This spell levitates its
magic carpet. Eventually, he found the subject at Move 1 – not fast enough to Makes a surface extremely slippery.
lumpy mass of Elsdon’s pocket and do damage with it. Living subjects get Anyone stepping onto the surface
managed to extract a slightly squashed to resist with Will. must roll against DX-2 for every yard
he moves within the affected area. If
he fails the roll, he falls down. Another
DX-2 roll is necessary to stand up (but
not to sit or kneel). All close combat,


melee attacks, and active defenses are Increase Burden Lighten Burden
at -3; other physical skills, including
missile and thrown weapon attacks, Regular; Special Resistance Regular
are at -2 for bad footing. This spell can
also be cast on vertical surfaces to Increases the weight of an object; Reduces the weight of any
make climbing impossible. The GM the object’s wearer (if such is the case) equipment the subject is carrying.
will have to use his judgment with sur- resists using Will. Useful to slow down
faces of intermediate tilt. a charging knight or to keep things Duration: 10 minutes.
from being blown away by the wind. Cost: 3 for 25% reduction; 5 for
Unlike Ice Slick, whose effects are 50% reduction. Half that (round up) to
nearly identical, Grease cannot be seen Duration: 10 minutes. maintain.
by normal means. Also, crampon boots Cost: 1 per 25 pounds original Time to cast: 3 seconds.
are ineffectual against a Greased sur- weight (or fraction) to double, twice Prerequisite: Apportation.
face. Grease and Glue resist each other. that to triple it and twice again to
quadruple it. Half that to maintain. Item
Duration: 10 minutes. Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Base cost: 3 to cast. Same cost to Prerequisite: Apportation. A backpack that reduces the weight
maintain. of equipment held in it. Energy cost to
Prerequisite: Haste. Jump create: 300 for 25% reduction; 600 for
50% reduction.
Item Regular
(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy Improves the subject’s ability to
cost to create: 700. (b) An area may be jump, increasing his Basic Move for Regular
made permanently slippery for 100 jumping purposes only.
times the normal casting cost. Allows fine manipulation of small
Duration: 1 minute. parts – e.g., the inside of a lock. Adds 5
Hinder Cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Cannot be to the subject’s Lockpicking skill by
maintained. The increase in the sub- letting him move tumblers, etc., with-
Regular; Resisted by HT ject’s Basic Move is equal to twice the out touching them, if he has normal
energy put into the spell. tools available. Lets a wizard with no
As listed under Body Control Spells, Prerequisite: Apportation. tools at all attempt to open a lock at
p. 36. his normal Lockpicking skill. Gives a
Item similar bonus for Mechanic and other
Deflect Missile skills where a “third hand” is useful.
Staff, jewelry, or footwear. The item
Blocking must bear a picture of a grasshopper, Duration: 1 minute. (One minute
rabbit, or deer. Energy cost to create: allows one attempt at the average
Deflects one missile about to hit the 250 per point of Jumping bonus the lock.) Once open, a lock stays open
subject – including any Missile spell. item can give (maximum 6). until closed.
Counts as a parry for combat purpos-
es. If the caster is not the subject, Levitation Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain.
apply distance modifiers as for a Prerequisite: Apportation.
Regular spell. Deflected attacks may Regular; Resisted by
still hit a target beyond the subject. ST or Will Item

This is also a Protection and Subject must be a living being. The A golden key, or a golden amulet in
Warning spell. subject floats through the air, moving the shape of a key. Its intrinsic value
as the caster wills. Moving a levitating must be at least $300. Energy cost to
Cost: 1. subject requires Concentration unless create: 1,000.
Prerequisite: Apportation. the caster is the subject. Leaving a sub-
ject suspended in midair requires no Long March
Hold Fast concentration. Maximum Move for a
levitated being is 3, horizontally or ver- Regular; Resisted by ST
Blocking tically. A caster who levitates uses DX-
based skills normally; other subjects Halves the subject’s long-distance
This spell negates knockback from use them at -3. travel rate (p. B351). It does not affect
any source. the combat Move rate or Basic Speed.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 for every yard of knockback Cost: 1 per 80 pounds (minimum 2) Duration: 1 day.
nullified. to cast. Half (round up) to maintain. Cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be main-
Time to cast: 2 seconds. tained.
Prerequisite: Apportation. Prerequisite: Apportation. Time to cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either
Item Item Clumsiness or Debility.

Footwear or jewelry. The item must (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry; only
bear a picture of an ox or an oak tree. affects the wearer. Energy cost to
Always on. Energy cost to create: 300. create: 800.


Item before the subject becomes airborne. object must be “walked through” its
If the subject is already falling, he/it program once per day while the
(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable will fall another 10 feet (assuming enchantment is going on.
only by mages. Energy cost to create: standard gravity of 1G) in the second
400. (b) Footwear. The item must bear normally required to cast this spell. Distant Blow
a picture of a snail. Always on; only
affects the wearer. Energy cost to Duration: 1 minute. Regular
create: 300. Cost: 1 per 50 pounds of weight.
Half that to maintain. Attacks a subject at a distance. The
Poltergeist Prerequisite: Apportation. caster chooses a single melee weapon
that, for the duration of the spell,
Missile; Resisted by HT Item gains infinite reach with regard to the
subject only. The weapon must be one
Hurls the subject at caster’s chosen Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to that delivers blows – brass knuckles
target. The effect is as if a man with ST create: 1,000. are all right, but a garrote is not! As
15 threw the subject (see Throwing, long as the subject is within the cast-
p. B355). When it strikes something, it Wallwalker er’s line of sight, the caster’s weapon
does crushing damage. A DX-4 or can strike him. The subject defends
Throwing skill roll is necessary to hit Regular normally (dodge, block, parry), as if
the target, who may dodge or block an invisible double of the caster was
normally. Note that only the subject of Walk on walls or ceilings as if they engaging him.
the spell – not the target – can resist! were level ground. The subject must
1⁄2D 20, Max 60, Acc 1. Figure dis- keep at least one hand or foot in con- The caster’s own body (for punch-
tance to the target from either the tact with the surface; otherwise, the ing, biting, and kicking) counts as one
caster or the thing being thrown, spell is broken. Combat is at -2 for weapon for purposes of this spell. If
whichever starts out farther away. both the wallwalker and his foe the subject gets inside the weapon’s
because of weird angles. real Reach, normal rules apply.
Cost: 1 point for an item up to 10
pounds (1d damage); 2 points for Duration: 1 minute. The weapon does not actually
something up to 25 pounds (1d+1 Cost: 1 per 50 pounds minimum of stretch or leap from the caster’s hand;
damage). 2 points. Half that to maintain. the force of the blow is transmitted
Prerequisite: Apportation. magically. Apply standard ranged
Prerequisite: Apportation. attack modifiers (p. B548) to the
Item caster’s attacks.
Jewelry or shoes. The item must Note that magical properties of the
Staff or wand. Usable only by bear a picture of a spider, fly, or lizard. weapon (e.g., Flaming Weapon) or the
mages; the item must point at the sub- Only affects the wearer. Cost to create: caster (e.g., Melee spells) cannot be
ject and then at the target. Energy cost 1,000 energy. used through this spell!
to create: 1,000.
Dancing Object Duration: 5 seconds.
Quick March Cost: 3. Same cost to maintain.
Regular Time to cast: 3 seconds.
Regular Prerequisites: Magery 2 and
Animates a single object to do Apportation.
Doubles the subject’s long-distance repetitive work. It can accomplish
travel speed. At the end of the day’s roughly the same sorts of tasks as a ST Item
travel, the subject loses 10 FP and 15 man: a bucket could carry water
must sleep. This spell has no effect on from a stream to a barrel, a broom Staff or other weapon. Energy cost
Move in combat or on Basic Speed. could sweep a building over and over to create: 1,000 per pound of the
again, a crossbow could cock itself, weapon’s weight (minimum 1 pound).
Duration: 1 day’s march. etc. The object’s program cannot be
Cost: 4. Cannot be maintained. changed or respond to events . . . it just Lockmaster
Time to cast: 1 minute. does its work, mindlessly. The clever
Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Haste. use of Link can make Dancing Objects Regular; Resisted by Magelock
effectively respond to situations, but
Item this requires some careful thought. Opens locks magically. A Magelock
spell gets a roll to resist Lockmaster.
Footwear or jewelry. Only affects Duration: 1 hour. Any modifiers for the difficulty of the
the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. lock that would apply to Lockpicking
Time to cast: 10 seconds. skill also affect this spell.
Slow Fall Prerequisites: Magery 2 and
Apportation. Duration: Once opened, a lock
Regular stays open until closed.
Slows the velocity of a falling sub- Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.
ject to 1 yard per second. No damage This spell can be made permanent Time to cast: 10 seconds.
will be suffered upon landing on a on any object. Cost to create: 400 Prerequisites: Either Magery 2 and
normal surface (spikes, etc. would still energy, $500 magical ingredients. The Apportation or Locksmith.
do half damage). This spell can be cast


Item yard; 6 will undo everything in a one- Item
yard radius, but a person in that area
A platinum key, or a platinum resists with their Will. Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only
amulet in the shape of a key. Its intrin- by mages; only affects the wearer.
sic value must be at least $800. Energy Heavier items may be undone at a Energy cost to create: 2,500.
cost to create: 2,000. proportional cost. For instance, if a
mage is chained, he might want to Light Tread
Manipulate Undo a link of the chain, bending it
open. The GM rules that it would take Regular
Regular ST 20 (twice normal strength) to open
a link by hand. So the cost to Undo Walk on any surface (which must
Allows manipulation of items larger that link is twice normal, or 6. be able to bear his weight) without
than allowed by the Locksmith spell. leaving any trace, making tracking
Ropes may be untied, doorknobs Prerequisite: Locksmith. impossible. If vegetation is present on
turned, knives sharpened, handmill the surface, some traces of the subject
cranks turned, etc. The caster need not Item will remain, making tracking possible
touch the subject. Any activity complex at a -8 penalty. This spell will also
enough to require a DX penalty gives (a) Wand, staff, or glove. Only affects prevent the subject from triggering
the same penalty to this spell. the wearer; the item must touch the pressure-plate traps and the like.
subject. Energy cost to create: 400. (b)
Duration: 1 minute. (This allows Amulet granting immunity from the Duration: 10 minutes.
untying the average knot.) Undo spell. Energy cost to create: 40. Cost: 4 to cast. 1 to maintain. If the
caster also knows Hide Path, an extra
Cost: 4 to cast and 3 to maintain for Winged Knife point of energy to cast and maintain
each 10 pounds manipulated. will ensure that even vegetation won’t
Missile bear any trace of the subject’s passage.
Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Apportation and
Prerequisite: Locksmith. Magically throw any weapon. The Shape Earth.
weapon is the “subject” for distance
Item purposes when determining whether Item
the spell succeeds. 1⁄2D 20, Max 40,
Wand, staff, or glove. Energy cost to Acc 1. If it hits, it does the damage it Footwear; the item must bear a
create: 600. would do if hurled by a man of ST 15. picture of a doe. Only affects the
Basic thrusting damage for that ST is wearer. Energy cost to create: 400.
Slow 1d+1; basic swing damage is 2d+1.
Regular; Resisted by HT Cost: 1 per pound of weapon’s
weight. Double cost for a weapon that Regular; Resisted by Will
Slows down the subject a great is not normally thrown (such as a
deal; in effect, the subject has one broadsword). Slide down a slope as if skiing. The
level of Decreased Time Rate for the subject uses the Skiing skill, at default
duration of the spell. Prerequisite: Poltergeist. if necessary; assess a -2 penalty for not
having poles to guide oneself with.
Duration: 10 seconds. Item The spell works equally well on all
Cost: 5 to cast. 4 to maintain. types of surfaces (sand, grass, stone
Time to cast: 3 seconds. Any weapon. At holder’s command, . . . ), but the subject still has to avoid
Prerequisites: Magery 1, Haste, and the weapon will leap from his hand, or any obstacles!
Hinder. from its scabbard, to fly at a target.
This is considered an attack maneu- Down a good slope, the subject can
Item ver, carried out with DX equal to the sustain a Move equal to the subject’s
item’s power. Energy cost to create: 300 Skiing skill can be sustained relatively
(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by per pound of weapon’s weight – safely. Peak Move, in extremely good
mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) minimum cost 300. conditions, equals twice his Skiing skill.
Footwear or jewelry. Always on.
Energy cost to create: 500. Flight (VH) On level ground, the spell is a nui-
sance; the subject is constantly affect-
Undo Regular ed as if he has just entered a Greased
Regular; Special Resistance Fly through the air under your own
control, without wings, at Move 10. Duration: 1 minute.
Unties knots and fastenings of any Flight speed is reduced normally by Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain.
kind that could normally be undone encumbrance. A flying character can Prerequisites: Apportation and
by hand (but not locks). A critical suc- move and fight normally, and has a Grease.
cess would even undo chain mail into combat advantage if above his foes
its component links! Useful to surrep- (p. B402). Item
titiously rob someone of earrings,
necklaces, etc. Will unstring bows, Duration: 1 minute. Jewelry or footwear. The item must
unbutton shirts, unlace bodices, Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. bear a picture of an otter. Only affects
unbuckle belts . . . Time to cast: 2 seconds. the wearer. Energy cost to create: 350.
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Levi-
Cost: 3 for a single fastening, one tation. 145
more for each extra target within one

Flying Carpet (VH) Prerequisites: Either Magery 2 and and cannot harm each other except
Walk on Air or Flight. with spells, as above.
Item Duration: 10 seconds.
Transforms a carpet (or any other Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain.
object one could reasonably stand on A carpet may be permanently Time to cast: 30 seconds.
or in – cauldron, chair, towel, broom, enchanted for 200 times casting cost. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and either
etc.) into a flying vehicle. It is under Body of Air or six Movement spells.
the command of the first person to Hawk Flight (VH)
step aboard it. If there are several Item
beings already aboard when the spell is Regular
cast, roll a Quick Contest of Will to see (a) Staff, wand, jewelry, or cape;
who gets control; the caster (if aboard) A very fast Flight spell. The sub- only affects the wearer. A severe draw-
gets a +5 bonus to this roll. If the pilot ject has a Move of 40 (80 mph) with- back is that, with the exception of the
leaves the carpet, roll another quick out encumbrance; encumbrance cape, the item falls through the caster
contest of Will between the remaining reduces Move normally. The subject as soon as the spell is cast! Energy cost
passengers to see who gets control. can move and fight normally, and has to create: 3,000 (8,000 for the cape). (b)
a combat advantage if above his foes Gem that glows and vibrates when
The carpet’s maximum Move is (p. B402). any ethereal being is within 50 yards.
equal to the caster’s effective skill, and Cost to create: A gem worth $500, and
it can handle 1 G turns without skill Duration: 1 minute. 100 energy.
rolls being necessary (p. B466). Use Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain.
the Piloting (Contragravity) skill Time to cast: 3 seconds. Great Haste (VH)
(p. B214) to control the carpet. Prerequisite: Flight.
In general, a rider cannot fall from Item
a flying carpet unless he jumps off Speeds the subject up a lot. In
deliberately or is knocked off by an Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only effect, the subject has one level of
obstacle (such as a tree branch) or by mages; only affects the wearer. Altered Time Rate (p. B38) for the
attack; the carpet keeps its riders safe- Energy cost to create: 3,000. duration of the spell.
ly on board through a combination of
magic and deft maneuvering. A flying Wizard Hand Duration: 10 seconds.
carpet does not bank sharply, fold, or Cost: 5. Cannot be maintained;
bend; the spell specifically provides a Regular must be recast. At the spell’s end, the
stable, level platform (which makes subject also loses 5 FP (unless the cast-
flying through narrow gaps rather As listed under Knowledge Spells, er was the subject).
hard). Any rider engaged in strenuous p. 104. Time to cast: 3 seconds.
activity such as fighting must make a Prerequisites: Magery 1, IQ 12 or
DX roll every turn to avoid falling off Ethereal Body (VH) higher, and Haste.
(the GM may modify this roll depend-
ing on the activity). In all other Regular Item
respects, treat anyone fighting from a
flying carpet as being on the ground The subject becomes ethereal and Shoes or jewelry; only affects the
(ignore the special rules for flying can move through solid objects and wearer. Energy cost to create: 2,000.
combatants on p. B548). Characters creatures as if they were not there. The item costs the wearer 5 FP for
aiming a missile weapon from a mov- His clothes become ethereal, but not each 10 seconds of effect.
ing carpet can only take the Acc his equipment. He cannot wield
bonus; aiming for extra turns gives no weapons or move things about, and Pull
further bonus. Of course, someone does not need to breathe, eat, or drink
fighting from a flying broom or chair while ethereal. He has, in most Regular
would be subject to the usual penalties respects, become a ghost. He can be
for being seated (p. B547) seen, though he has a translucent When cast on a single point, this
appearance, and can be heard if he creates a zone of “attraction.” Objects
Generous GMs may stipulate that, speaks. (including living beings) are pulled to
after the caster cancels the spell, the the center point at Move 1 by a force
conveyance remains airborne for 2d+2 Physical attacks and most magic that increases as one gets closer to it.
seconds, wobbling more with every cannot affect someone who is ethere- Living beings can “resist” with a Quick
passing moment. This sometimes al. However, any spell of the Colleges Contest of ST every second. The pull
allows a safe, if bumpy, landing. of Communication and Empathy or has a ST equal to twice the energy put
Mind Control has normal effect on an into the spell at the center, reduced by
Duration: 10 minutes. ethereal person, and is Resisted at -2! 1 for every yard of distance. The spell
Cost: 1 per square foot of surface. Likewise, Necromantic spells affecting does not have any effect on objects
Each square foot will carry about 25 the mind or soul will have normal heavier than 20 times its ST. Note that,
pounds (or less, of made of flimsy effect and be Resisted at -2. to drag an ordinary human being
material). Half that to maintain. (weight 150 pounds) along an ordi-
Time to cast: 5 seconds. Ethereal individuals can use nary floor, the spell would have to
magic, but at a -5 to skill; the ethereal have a ST of at least 8.
plane appears to be a low-mana area.
Ethereal bodies can interpenetrate,


This spell can only be cast on a Item disoriented on arrival: -2 to change
point in space or on the ground, not on facing, -5 to go from vertical to
objects or creatures. A small pile of Staff, wand, jewelry, or cape. The horizontal or vice versa!
loose objects, dust, dead leaves, small item must bear a picture of a sleek
insects, etc, usually forms at the center. fish. Only affects the wearer. Cost to Anything carried on your person,
create: 1,000 energy. up to “heavy” encumbrance, goes with
Duration: 1 minute. you. You can also take one person with
Cost: 1 for every 2 ST of “pull.” Teleport (VH) you by holding hands, if the added
Time to cast: 5 seconds. weight does not exceed your “heavy”
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least Special encumbrance limit. On a failed roll,
four Movement spells including they suffer the same effects you do.
Levitation. Instantly moves the caster to
another location. However, the farther This is also a Gate spell.
Item away the target spot is, the more ener-
gy is required, and the greater is the Prerequisites: Either IQ 13 or better
(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable skill penalty, as follows: and at least one spell from 10 different
only by mages. Energy cost to create: colleges, or Hawk Flight.
250. (b) An area may be made perma- Normally, you may only teleport to
nently attracting for 100 times casting a place you are looking at or one you Item
cost. are familiar with. Penalties: -2 for a
place you have “seen” only through Staff or wand; usable only by
Repel the mind or memories of another, or mages. Energy cost to create: 3,000. An
via television; -2 for a place you have item that will only take the user to
Regular not seen within a month (except, per- one, predetermined place costs 2,000
haps, your own home!); and -1 to -3 to create; the caster must be very
Like Pull, except that the force now for a place seen only briefly. familiar with that place.
repels objects instead of attracting
them. This spell is dangerous, too. If you Teleport Other (VH)
fail your roll by 1, you take 1d damage
Duration: 1 minute. and arrive at your destination physi- Regular; Resisted by Will+1
Cost: 1 per 2 ST worth of “repul- cally stunned (HT roll to recover). If
sion” at the center point. you miss your roll by more than 1, you Same as Teleport, except that the
Time to cast: 5 seconds. suffer no physical injury – but you go caster does not move, and the subject
Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least somewhere else. The location is up to can be anything or anyone. A part of
four Movement spells including the GM! A critical failure with this an object may not be teleported
Levitation. spell can send the caster anywhere the away; neither may a solid object be
GM likes – make it interesting! – and teleported into another solid object.
Item cause physical injury, as long as it Separating two connected objects car-
doesn’t kill the caster outright. ries a penalty set by the GM; taking
(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable the stopper from a jar might be at -1,
only by mages. Energy cost to create: Even a successful teleport can be while teleporting a locked door from
250. (b) An area may be made perma- confusing. A wizard must roll vs. his its frame might be a -5. Jewelry or
nently repelling for 100 times casting Body Sense skill (p. B181) in order to clothing being worn, or an object held
cost. act on the same turn in which he tele- tightly by another person, is at -5 to
ports. A failed roll means disorienta- teleport away, and the holder may
Swim tion – no actions except defense are attempt a resistance roll.
possible on that turn. A critical failure
Regular means he falls down, physically This is also a Gate spell.
stunned. A teleporter arrives in the
Move through water at normal same position he started in. He may Cost: Costs and skill penalties are
Move (reduced normally for encum- be facing a different direction, but this as for Teleport, with the following
brance). The subject is in full control makes it more likely that he will be multipliers:
of his own movement, and can act and
fight without the normal penalties for Weight Multiplier
underwater combat. This spell does
not provide for the subject’s breathing less than 10 pounds ¥1/2
needs! However, the subject automati-
cally makes all Swimming rolls, 10-49 pounds ¥1
regardless of fatigue or encumbrance,
unless he is actually dragged totally Distance Cost Skill 50-99 pounds ¥2
under the water. Penalty
100-200 pounds ¥3
This is also a Water spell. 0
Within 10 yards 3 -1 One additional multiple for
Duration: 1 minute. 11-20 yards 4 -2
Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. 20-100 yards 5 -3 each 100 pounds thereafter.
Time to cast: 3 seconds. 101-500 yards 6
Prerequisites: Shape Water and 501 yards to -4 The consequences of a missed roll
Levitation. 7 -5 are similar, but inanimate objects are
1.99 miles 8 -6 less likely to suffer physical damage. If
2 to 9.99 miles 9 -7 a sapient subject resists the roll, the
10 to 99.99 miles 10 -1 caster suffers no ill effects other than
100 to 999.99 miles +1 the expenditure of energy.
¥10 distance
Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Teleport.


Item Rapid Journey (VH) immediately, the subject will fall for
only one second (about 5 yards); if he is
Staff or wand; usable only by Special still in the midst of the cloud, he’ll have
mages. The user must point it first at to “dig” his way out, which will take
the subject and then towards the As listed under Gate Spells, p. 82. about 5 seconds. If he is already
desired destination; this takes a sec- through the cloud deck, too bad!
ond and cannot be hurried. Energy Divert Teleport (VH)
cost to create: 3,000. This is also a Weather spell.
Blocking; Resisted by
Blink subject spell Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.
Blocking As listed under Gate Spells, p. 84. Prerequisites: Walk on Air and Walk
on Water.
Avoid an attack by teleporting Air Vortex
instantly out of its way and into an Item
open spot nearby. A spot is not open if Area; Resisted by HT
someone is standing in it; any lesser Staff, wand, jewelry, or shoes. The
obstruction is “open” for the purpose As listed under Air Spells, p. 26. jewelry and shoes only affect their
of this spell. wearers. Energy cost to create: 500.
The caster may Blink to any unoc- Cloud-Vaulting (VH)
cupied spot within 3 yards, in any direc- Regular
tion. The caster’s facing remains Regular
unchanged. The caster must roll against Bestows a bonus on the subject’s use
his Body Sense skill to act on his next of skills or attributes to maintain or Travel great distances with a few
turn (p. B181). If there are no open regain his freedom of movement. movements. The subject flips into the
spots within 3 yards, the spell will fail. Typical cases include: Contests of DX or sky and bounces to his destination
ST to avoid being grappled, to break using clouds like trampolines. Cloud-
For combat purposes, the “blink” free, or to evade; using Escape or Vaulting can only be cast in open air.
is treated as a dodge that succeeds Lockpicking; jumping or climbing
automatically if the spell roll is made. restraining walls; bending bars apart or Each casting of this spell carries
forcing doors; resisting Glue, the subject up to 100 miles, plus 100
A critical failure on this spell is Levitation, or Paralysis spells, and so miles per skill level above DX in
treated like a Teleport critical failure, on. Acrobatics. If there are no clouds at all
except that the caster rarely goes more in the sky (a frequent occurrence over
than a mile. The spell does not help with deserts), the subject cannot go farther
Camouflage, Disguise, or Stealth; than 100 miles. Storms will likewise
This is also a Gate spell. Mind Control spells; dodging missiles; block the subject’s path. An Acrobatics
using Lockpicking, Climbing, or roll is required every 100 miles, at a
Cost: 2. Jumping to get inside some place, and penalty equal to the subject’s encum-
Prerequisite: Teleport. so on. The GM’s judgment is final. brance level. On a failure, the subject
falls 3d¥3 yards (p. B431) and lands at
Item This is also a Protection and a random location along the intended
Warning spell. path – Slow Fall will save the subject
Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to from damage, but the Cloud-Vaulting
create: 800. Duration: 1 minute. spell is still broken.
Cost: 2 per point of bonus
Blink Other (VH) (maximum bonus +5). Same cost to This is a dizzying spell; upon arriv-
maintain. ing at his destination (or failing his
Blocking Prerequisites: At least three spells Acrobatics roll), the subject will be
from each of the Body Control, physically stunned unless he can roll
As Blink, but usable on others. Movement, and Protection and his Body Sense (p. B181) skill at -1 per
This is also a Gate spell. Warning colleges. 100 miles covered.

Cost: 2. Item This is also a Weather spell.
Prerequisite: Blink.
Jewelry or clothing. Always on. The Duration: 1 second per 100 miles.
Item wearer becomes very hard to hold, Cost: 7 to cast. Cannot be main-
keep in chains, or behind bars . . . A tained.
Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only rare item! Energy cost to create: 500 Prerequisites: Magery 2, Jump, and
by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,600. per point of bonus. Walk on Air.

Beacon Cloud-Walking Item

Area Regular (a) Footwear. The item must bear a
cloud design. Energy cost to create:
As listed under Gate Spells, p. 83. Walk on clouds (including fog 4,000. (b) Jewelry, wand, or staff.
banks) as though they were solid. If the Usable only by mages. Energy cost to
Trace Teleport subject falls for any reason (e.g., injury), create: 3,000.
the spell is broken! If the spell is recast
Resisted by subject spell

As listed under Gate Spells, p. 84.


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