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Published by panchan, 2019-12-27 02:44:10

คู่มือครู Upload ม.5 (1)

คู่มือครู Upload ม.5 (1)

นำ� สอน สรปุ ประเมนิ

Module 4
Base form Past form Past participle Base form Past form Past participle
Dialogue 3 let let let sit sat sat
A: Next, please. lie lay lain sleep slept slept
B: Yes. I’d like a cheeseburger and a light lit lit speak spoke spoken
lose lost lost speed sped sped
chicken burger, please. make made made spend spent spent
A: Would you like some chips with mean meant meant split split split
meet met met spread spread spread
that? pay paid paid spring sprang sprung
B: Yes, please. Just one order, though. put put put stand stood stood
A: Anything to drink? read read read steal stole stolen
B: No, thank you. That’s everything. ride rode ridden stick stuck stuck
A: That’ll be ££6.90, please. ring rang rung sting stung stung
B: Here you go. rise rose risen stink stank (stunk) stunk
A: Thank you. Have a nice day. run ran run strike struck struck
Dialogue 4 say said said swear swore sworn
A: What can I get you? see saw seen sweep swept swept
B: Can I have some apples and a seek sought sought swim swam swum
sell sold sold take took taken
few oranges, please? send sent sent teach taught taught
A: Certainly. How many apples do set set set tear tore torn
sew sewed sewn (sewed) tell told told
you want? shake shook shaken think thought thought
B: About a pound, please. shine shone shone throw threw thrown
A: OK. And how many oranges? shoot shot shot understand understood understood
B: Just four. show showed shown wake woke woken
A: Here you are. shut shut shut wear wore worn
B: How much is that? sing sang sung win won won
A: £3.20. sank sunk write wrote written

Unit 4.10 Ads sink

Exercise 7 (p. 93) (CD 4/Track 25)
Interviewer: She has been setting
trends as editor of 128

Teen Magazine for
the past 20 years. Today we meet Anna
Jameson and ask her about some of the สื่อ Digital
different marketing techniques magazines
use to attract teens. Ms Jameson how did ครูเปด เพลง 7 years ของ Lukas Graham จาก www.
you become a magazine editor? แลว ใหนักเรยี นทาํ กจิ กรรมเตมิ คาํ ลงในชองวาง
Anna Jameson: I was always fascinated with journalism, so ในใบงานทคี่ รแู จก เพือ่ ทบทวนรูปของกริยาใน tenses ตา ง ๆ

I decided at an early age to work in that
industry. I studied journalism and English at
university then found a job as an editorial
Interviewer: What does an editor do?
Anna Jameson: My job is to make sure that everything we
put into the magazine is of a high quality
and is right for teens. I also make sure that
we meet our deadlines.

นำ� สอน สรปุ ประเมนิ

TSatupdesecnrti’pstsBook TSatupdesecnrti’pstsBook

Module 4 Module 4

Interviewer: You are known as a trendsetter. there is no advertising but actually
What does that title mean to you? everything in the picture has been
placed there for a reason.
Anna Jameson: To me, being called a trendsetter Interviewer: What other techniques do you use?
just means I’m doing my job well. Anna Jameson: While most teens like to follow
trends, there are others who don’t
Interviewer: How does your magazine stay so follow them and like to be unique.
popular with teens and why is it so We target both groups by showing
influential? ads with teens fitting in and ads with
teens being individuals. This way all
Anna Jameson: The difference with our magazine teens can relate to the magazine.
and others on the market is that Interviewer: I see. So how do you create trends?
we specifically aim it at teens. That Anna Jameson: Well, in the magazine we like to
is the most important thing. Teens have a trend test where the reader
are very different from adults, so answers some questions about the
they don’t respond to the same latest trends. Also, we put in a
type of marketing. We use various what’s hot and what’s not section,
techniques to make sure we appeal showing which trends are in and
to teens. which trends are out. By doing this
we are suggesting to teens what
Interviewer: What do you mean? styles they should buy. If we are
Anna Jameson: Well, teens today are constantly on successful a new trend starts.
Interviewer: Wow! I had no idea there was so
the move and are exposed to huge much thought put into every article.
amounts of information every day. Anna Jameson: We put a lot of work into the
They can handle listening to an MP3 magazine, that’s why it is so
player, writing a text message and successful. But, at the end of the
browsing the Internet at the same day, it is up to teens to decide
time. So, you have to keep up with what they like and what they don’t
them. They get bored of things really like. We try to make suggestions
easily, so you have to find ways about what’s hot or not, but teens
to excite them and draw them in. are very smart and can decide for
At the same time, you can’t push themselves.
products on them because they Interviewer: Thank you for your time.
know when someone is advertising Anna Jameson: It was my pleasure.
to them and might be driven away. Self-Check 4
It’s a very fine line! Exercise 3 (p. 94) (CD 4/Track 26)
Interviewer: So how do you advertise? 1 May I borrow your pen?
Anna Jameson: There are some techniques that we 2 Can I leave early today?
use to market to teens. Using 3 Is it OK if I use your bike?
celebrities in our magazine or in ad 4 Is this your car?
campaigns has been very popular. 5 Can you help me with the dishes?
Teens look up to their idols and want
what they have. Whenever we shoot T129
a celebrity, we are careful about
what clothes they are wearing, what
products are placed around them
and how the celebrity looks. The
aim is to make the photo seem like

นำ� สอน สรปุ ประเมนิ

TWaopreksbcoriopkts TWaopreksbcoriopkts

Module 1 Module 3

Exercise 21 (p. 9) (CD 4/Track 29) Exercise 20 (p. 20) (CD 4/Track 31)
1 Did you know that more than 50 plant and Grant: What are you laughing about, Trudy?
Trudy: Oh, just this bank robbery story in
animal species become extinct every day?
2 You look tired. Why don’t you go to bed? today’s paper.
3 I can’t stand noisy neighbours. Grant: What’s so funny about a bank robbery?
4 I have a dreadful toothache. Trudy: The bank robbers were special.
5 Will you study engineering at university? Grant: What do you mean?
Trudy: Well, it says here that on Tuesday afternoon,
Module 2
they arrived at the bank and the police
Exercise 18 (p. 14) (CD 4/Track 30) were waiting for them.
1 We’re leaving for Canada tomorrow. Grant: Wait. The police arrived first?
2 What do you think of these jeans? Trudy: Yes.
3 Do you want to go camping with us at the Grant: No way! I don’t believe it! How did the
police know?
weekend? Trudy: The robbers wanted to grab the money
4 I’d like a round-trip ticket to London, please. and escape immediately so they decided
5 Will you come shopping for a new jumper with to call the bank. The robbers told the bank
employee to put the money in a bag or
me? they would hurt everyone in the bank.
Grant: Now I’m beginning to understand.
Trudy: The story finishes by saying that this
employee called the police. The police
arrived in minutes to arrest the bank
Grant: You see. This is what happens when
somebody thinks they are clever.
Trudy: The police weren’t surprised. This wasn’t the
first time they arrested one of the robbers.
Grant: Some people never learn.

Module 4

Exercise 23 (p. 27) (CD 4/Track 32)
1 Hello. What can I do for you?
2 Could you show me your boarding pass, please?
3 Can I borrow your car tonight?
4 Do I have to clean out the car today?
5 Would you mind picking up the kids from school?


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