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Published by MACKENZIE MANUK Moe, 2020-04-25 06:51:08


Year 5 English KSSR

Keywords: TEXTBOOK

Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan
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Yoong Yut Lon

Lee I num hng

K. Kanogomani

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Editor I

Goh Chieh Jou,,,

Sarimoh bt Mohomed Top

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No. SiriBuku:0002

ISBN q7 B-q 67 -5332-34-0

First Printing 2014 The Writers ond the Publisher would
like to express their oppreciotion
@ Percetokon Rino Sdn. Bhd' (3rq64'x) to the Ponels of the Ministrg of
Educotion for their voluoble odvice
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this book mog be reProduced or
tronsmitted in ong form or bg ong .this book:
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retrievol sgstem without the prior Atmospheric Administrotion
permission of the Publisher.
. World Wildlife Orgonisotion
Published bg: . Steve Winter/ Notionol
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The English Yeor 5 SJK Textbook is wrillen in occordonce with the Stondord-bosed English

Longuoge Curriculum for Mologsion Notionol Tgpe Primorg Schools (SJK) Yeor 5. This book is
intended to help pupils ocquire the longuoge so thot lheg e{n occess informolion ond communicole
effectivelg. Morol volues ore incorporoled in the book to develop chorocter building so os to produce
responsible Mologsion cilizens.

This Texlbook is divided into l5 Units. The topics for lhese unils ore bosed on lhree lhemes:

World of Self, Fomilg ond Friends, World of Stories ond World of Knowledge. Eoch unil is mode up
of five modules: Listening ond Speoking, Reoding, Wriling, Grommor ond Longuoge Arls. Built into
eoch module ore:

. lhe inlegrolion of the four longuoge skills ond
. the principle of 3Ps (Presentotion, Proclice ond Production)

The Lislening ond Speoking module is designed to enoble pupils lo interocl
confidenllg ond oppropriolelg in formol ond informol siluolions.

f.q The Reoding module develops the pupils' reoding slrolegies so thol pupils become
efficienl reoders. Pupils ore exposed to o vorielg of interesling lineor ond
, non-lineor lexts.

ffi The Wriling module oims lo enoble pupils to use oppropriote longuoge slule ond
form to wrile differenl lext lgpes using o vorielg of medio. Proclice in prinl ond cursive

-ffiH wriling is olso included in this module.

" The Grommor module is designed to help pupils to be proficient

ffir in lhe longuoge structures ond grommor of Slondord British
English. Thus enobling lhem 1o communicole efficienllg.

ffi The Longuoge Arls module includes octivities thot ore designed to
stimulote lhe pupils' imoginotion ond interesl. This will enhonce
lheir oppreciolion of lilerorg lexts ond olso encouroge lhem lo use
the longuoge meoningfullg. This module olso leoches
pupils the Children's Conlempororg Literolure provided
bg the Minislrg of Educotion.

The oclivilies in the Textbook ore in line wiih lhe Educolionol ,,4 ** &# #
Emphoses sloted in the Slondord-bosed English Longuoge w
Curriculum. As such, lheg ore pupil-cenlered ond theg exploit lhe ,
use of the different mulliple inlelligences. Due importonce is giyen.i-+, w#
developing the pupils' higher order lhinking skills. To enoble mot
leorning, these octivities ore contextuolized, purposeful ond,grad@i-H#a-" rr* &* '
* **w#
The vorielg of oclivilies mokes leorning interesting ond
Moleriols ore olso loken from subjects ocross ihe curriculum,i+ ee

promote knowledge ocquisilion. The use of informolion ond - , #ffi ffi

communicolion lechnologg is olso included in lhe ociivities:,.,1:
Morol volues, good citizenship ond toleronce in o
mulliculturol societg ore olso imported lo the pupils.


& $ **

The following icons ore found in lhe lextbook:

rfefiffi fWfi ,ureHlffi

&IE#eFr , AsessnenkAauitg ffiffi;

ffiffiH*r &fSJ

Grommor Tips provide o simplified ,, The prasenl conlinuous tense lells
us lhot on oction is hoppening now.
explonoiion of lhe rules in English grommor. Remember:
e.g. I dn flUng.
Leorning stondords reference
He/She/lt is flging.
You/We/Theg ore flgtng

,a \_(# Senlences: I Ebin's teocher is proising him. 2 Ebin is not plouing the piono
,,P, well. 3 Ebin is flinishing tlossstt in tihe t100o0--meilrres roscoee.,*4-EEbbilnl 'ts tokino oooa
r*\Vv**E r4#
A ccre of his:oisler. S Ebin ir not plnglng,well,ln lhe
$r.t.3 $ a, triends ore inviting him to eot with them.

f ',i:"0"-"$ t


The slor icon offers notes for teochers bosed
on lhe listening ond speoking octivities.


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Listening ond Speoking

Let's lislen ond sog.

Is Ebin hoppu or sod?

?e #



Tell lhe closs whg Ebin is hoppg. Does he feel good obout himself?

iEbin feels hoppu becquse his teocher is *

proising him. He feels good oboul himself.

Tolk obout olher situotions which moke gou feel l1'
hoppu ond good oboul gourself.

Sentences: I Ebin's teocher is proising him. 2 Ebin is not ploging the piono

well. 3 Ebin is finishing lost in the 1oo-melre roce. 4 Ebin is toking good
core of his sisler. 5 Ebin is not ploging well in the footboll gome. 6 Ebin's
friends ore inviting him to eot *itfr inem.

Let's [isten and *ag"




Discuss with gour friend whot gou think Nisho did in the end'

FJffi{q dff} Give the storg on ending ond tell the storg to the closs.

}'##\ rF\gl;q3

\,l.-,,. ,.r' Storg: Nisho olwogs dreomt obout going to on omusement..pork' One dog, her
pore-nts took her ond f,er brother to on omusement pork. Nisho wos omozed
io see the biggest roller cooster in the world. She ond Kishen decided to trg
the new roller cooster. As Nisho wos obout 10 get onto the roller cooster, she
become frightened. Kishen colled out to her, 'Hurrg up, Nisho!' Nisho wos
trembling *itt'l teor. Just then, she remembered whot her grondfother soid,
I r.e. t1o;
=*iaf..it6,I*.-r. 2 'Nisho, be brove. You con do il.' r t. t.4
'r-..-.. _ I


Lel's reod.

A bose word is the bosic word. When other lelters
ore odded to o bose word, new words ore formed.

omused \
odmires g
omusement odmired


odmiring *


Reod the sentences below. Underline the bose words of the words
in red. Then, use o dictionorg lo find lhe meonings of the words.

I Guno odmires his fother veru much.
2 Self-esleem is oboul feeling good obout gourself.
3 Self-esleem is oboul seeing gourself in o positive wog.
4 Zhen Li's porenls encouroged him to be proud of himself .

Reod lhe porogroph below ond find the meonings of lhe words
in red. Use o dictionorg lo help gou. Then, use the words to
wrile senlences of ubur own.

i .r+{ iaq!t;-!nqqr--


iii,,iil:ji:' 'l

I[-E^*!t^ s {-^E*-itIu"

Work in poirs. Look ot the book cover ond lell Uour friend

{. whot gou think the storg is obout;

* whot hoppened lo lhe little bird.

R*sd the storg to find ou? if Uour onswers ore correci.

One dou, on old owl sow o little bird. He wos looking verg sod.
'Whot's wrong, liltle bird?' the owl osked.

The little bird replied, 'l'm not strong like
the elephonl. I'm not prettg like the peocock.
I'm smoll ond weok. I'm useless.'

Do gou lhink the little bird hos
high self-esteem? Whg?

The owl whispered something to the little bird. Afler thot,
the little bird stopped crging. He smiled ond then he flew owou,

Whot did I tell the little bird?
Reod on to find out.

=#-- 4_€ -_l ! 2.2.3(b,c)

Two weeks loter, the owl sow
the little bird ogoin. He wos smiling.

t'Thheoonwkl.U'ol ulisvteernuedmtuochw,h' ohtegsoouidstooid

ond did whot gou told me to do.
I flew to the tollest tree ond
wotched for lions. I colled out
loudlg when I sow them coming.
The other onimols heord me ond
theg ron owou. Theg ore oll mg
friends now. I feel verU importonl
ond needed.'

Does the little bird hove high
self-esteem in the end? Whg?

the old owl helped gou to improve Uour self-esleem.

l,!_rr"r"r !_{r-!ir-1r_*_--i:n l Evergone is speciol.

l.+iz.z.s1o,cy i 5 , ' :.5+'"

iIFt. l'


rIHff.iK_\ I'm feeling hoppu.

,|H lrt)/ Let's wnlie. :,..
="Tlttr '

{'We con use speech morks '} lo write whot Jio Ming soid.

S&.. 1. ... i .!.!. . .. .".. ,. . . @'*

Jio Ming soid, 'l'm feeling hoppg.


'i'm feeling hoppg,' soid Jio Ming..E

,tt., .. ; * 1: - . -,^ffi-\- l"' ". ';"".'.E"]


ffi Stort the senlence inside the speech morks with o copitol letter. {
ffi Use o commo to seporote ihe spoken words from the rest of !

i the sentence. i


\l,lrite whot these children ore ssuing. Use speech morks.

Theg're encouroging the little girl.

;* 1,.
She's helping,:hsr. clossmote,
,.r3t &

He's toking core of his brother.

., ,lVe,lreljogging. with,our friends, $

You're hurting gour friend. :'.

Bi.kt ;3.2.3(o) .

Write five sentences using speech morks. '2.2.2(o) i;
i 9- !119-il

L**-* wsr*fe.

isSue : to her friend.

The bogs ore I t.:,:::, rrt GUnO.

Spelling rule when odding -ing:

> For one-sglloble words hoving one vowelond ending with o consonont,

double the lsst consonont before odding -ing.

vowel consononl double lhe consonont
g\rab//+ ing -*---> * sit + ing ------ sitting
+ ing ______> swiffiming
grobbing swim

> For words ending in -e ofter o cCIRsonfint, drop the -e before odding

the -ing.

e.g. loke + ing ---*> loking ignor* + ing ---> ignoring
moke + ing ------- making

, consonont - ' ' Vowels ond ,,i *

Add -ing to these u/ords. Slrlts. consononts ore

i clop hide step live hit_s_K';-r, p 1Eonuq1liosgh in the
. shoke hop ride poke longuoge.

Whot ore the children doing? Write sentences.


K,r/** lt /"/,[ff?f, rfr"ff7


3.1.2(o) l

,2.2.2(o) i;

=L:, ^.,i,

Lefs practlse. I om flging.

I *m lighting

the connon.

Rewrite the sen?ences correc?lg" ,,-",@,6ramm0G'Gip -"' -'*" - ---''".,.,i

I Hoziqs friends ore ignore him. , The preseni conlinuous tense lells I

2 The girls shoring their food. us thoi on oclion is hoppening now. .;
3 Mg brother winning the roce.
4 I om hug mg molher. e.g. / om flgtng.
He/She/lt is fl$ng.
5 Theg moking fun of me. You/We/TheA ara tl$ng
6 She is boke me o coke.

Write os monu sentences os Uou con obout whot the people in
the picture ore doing. Use the presenl continuous lense.


l*engu*ge Aits

Lefs f'rsr:? and *lmp tc the rftgthm"

X L*w* ffi*3ng fo4*

I con't kick o boll,
or even climb o lree,
I con'l roll in the gross,
but I love being me.

So next time I'm obout, 6P
rolling down the streel,
don't think of me os disobled,
bul someone cool to meet.

I hove lots I con teoch gou,

I hove loods I con shore,

gou will never goin mg wisdom,
if gou just poinl ond store.

So mogbe I con't run the fostesl, *-*-----*"1
mogbe I con'l kick o boll,
To leorn obout o person with i
but I wouldn't chonge being me,
€ h'h''1iin,g'.hh "os"a'e' l{l,fa-oelsaatememl l,, gn\,vno onnnlilninae I
ond lgpe: Nick Vujici.
I 6:*#not for ongthing, not ot oll. l


(Adopled from / Love Being Me bg Gemmo Hogton)

Answer ti'ne qr.lestions"

I Does the writer hove high self-esleem or low self-esteem?

Which lines in lhe chonl tell gou this?
2 Whoi con't the writer do? Whol con he do?

,3 Whol lesson do gou leorn from the chont?
69ffi Recile ond ocl out the chont.
fromRefer lo lhe poem Wotching o Bumbte Bee ;li;"*l
obout {.1":l1l.'i#.E
Anthotogg of Poems for Yeor 4, 5 ond 6. Tolk
the lesson
lhot the poem leoches.


i. lsfu*nir;1; +r";d lSp:rr,.l*:kinPr

Let's listen ond so!J.

ffi&mmh*q**sffi? ffiffir"?


Arronge lhe pictures in the correct order ond tell the storg to lhe closs.

Tolk obout whot Don did lhot wos wrong. Suggesl olher lhings

thol one should not do ot the dinner toble.
ffi, *-__1
f*ffi"ffiiohfi p :// u m n. ed u/- go I e0025/M o n ne

" 1t 3|H-L..--.-,,.-. -.,,-,,-
leorn more obout toble monners, go online ond tgpe: i



i:i.:.+ Storg: Don ond his fomilg were in o restouront" While woiting for his fother
\ ./." to order the food, Don whistled ond rocked his choir" His mother told him
quicklgnot to do so. He did not obeg his mother" Suddenlg, Don fell bockwords
:''.:" ' -- -
ond knocked inlo o woiter corrging o ploie of noodles. The plote of noodles

londed on his heod. His mother helped to cleon him up. Don i I .3. I(C) I
opologised lo the woiter.
*&;-=.,,10 .. !l:1 -- *l

l*Esfening urnti fl g:***,"ilr*

Let's lislen ond sou=

Listen. Nome lhe person who is speoking.

Sholl we tolk to Yes. tetls, do,thgt,:,:'li:
Sherrg oulside? 1

, .{*" .1

I don't fhink it's o good ideo,
It's noisg there.

Who is behoving bodlg? Whot is he/she doing? All, righf; Let's sit here.
Vt/hg is his/her behoviour wrong?
No, thonk gou. I prefer { ,1..

to sit here.

Work in o group. Alwogs be polite.
Role-plog the siluotions obove.

Work wilh lwo of gour friends. Moke o suggeslion lo do
something. One of gour friends responds positivelg ond
the other negotivelg. Present Uour situotion lo the closs.

;i+.u;:-_!-r-r:!r,q-i+ . t:* . SoU oloud the utteronces in the speech bubbles ond pupils nome

ttl.2.l(o,b)ffi \. I the children who mode lhe utteronces.
. Then, pupils repeot the ulteronces ofter lhe leocher.
a2 2 2(b) tr ss.

+F6@q@6"-4dd€" I 1.", i#ffi*


Let's reod.

We should be well-behoved evergwhere. Reod the sentences below
lo leorn obout good behoviour when Uou ore of home or oulside.

sofilg when'gou ore using gour mobi
Mog I borrow gour book, pleose?

Ask for permidsion when'gou wont io borrow something.

Th-ornk the person who up on the seot.

serves gou the food,


Excuse me, pleose Cleon up ofter gourself. Do not
let me through. leove the ploce in o mess ofter
gou hove used it.

w'SoU'Excuse me'when gou hove Do not push or shove.
to moke Uour wou through people.

Now, refld the serrtences Ggain ond use them fc complefe
fhe chart helou;.

,\c1q;f*'1Jr\'tl1 A t4lr{;l1{_iii1r!i'/.xi t Y:-J'J1 !r


At home j , In the ..i" )

. Ask for permission when gou . Use'Pleose'when

wont to borrow something, gou order gour food.

.[: '.lL--.--_-:-_.-f_.--J1

r\ Tell the closs three things Uou cqn do to improve Uour behoviour.

2.3. t(b) l3 -,"':ii'
t. t.4 !:::)r ).:!!
3.2. r(b)


Lei's write.

Noro ond her brothers wonted to go oul Remember to use:
to plog. Suddenlg, lhe weother chonged.
'It's roining,' soid Noro. * speech morks
* copitol letters
Horis shouted, 'We con't plog outside. * full stops
We hove lo stog ol home.' The children * commos

were sod.
'Lel's plog Scrobble,' suggested Azim.
'Thol's o good ideo,'soid Horis.

There ore some punctuotion mistqkes in the possoge below. Con gou
find them?

i.,l'- l'", ,] The children were in the living room. Jin Hoo osked 'Whot sholl we do
.t:i+,::i during the semester holidogs?

ill;irr,,+ 'Let's go somewhere'onswered Pei li.
Mei Li suggested 'Let's go to the zoo. I heord thot there will be speciol
,tttj :;; onimol shows during the holidogs.
'we've been there' soid Jin hoo.
$*iE+ pei Li stood up ond suggested 'Let's go to the Kuolo lumpur butterflg

shouled jin Hoo hoppilg.

Rewrite whol lhe children ore souing correcllu.

premo wolked into her brother's room ond looked

oround gou should tidg Uour room she odvised
mU room is cleon her brother cried
gour togs ore everuwhere soid premo
her brother whispered i'm sorrg i'll put them

#r --! r-1:



3.2.3(o) 6


3. t. r(b)

o l#,,"i?ingl

Let's wriie.

Li wrote o thonk-gou nole fo his grondfother.

5rh February


Thunk your,,for the wonderful birthday xi :aSotouteohroew i
lpresent tove it ver.y,6u.1'r. I will ride going to use
my new bicycle to school every day. I will E
take,good care of it Thonk you again for

Ithe present love you, Grandpo.

Your grandson,

Voni wonts to thonk Uncle Rom for his gift. Help Vcni
thonk-gou nole.

p- p Fe Fs 16 8* F* F* F" $e ;is ffi lrt sry i4ry ffry p s& 6fi F $p ffi ffi ye $re sry p @ ffi ffi ffi

,;' ;r

;! the beoutiful wotch. ,jffi verg much. I will ,gg-
whenever I go out. I will i"ffi iffi for the gift. You ore

mg fovourite uncle.
Your niece,


You received o present from Uour ount who lives in Kuching.
Il wos o robol. Write o thonk-gou nole to gour ount.


J/*,/ W-/*,0frr/"*-,/

n!n!' 15'r#e"

13.2.2(c) s
l3. r.z(o) $

d&2*.*2*.*2=(o:E) E

Grommor Did gou look
for lhem there?
Let's proctise.

I con't find mg glosses" I've seorched evergwhere.
I've looked upsloirs. I've checked downstoirs.
I don't see them ongwhere.

Underline the odverbs of Ploce. > The words evergwhere,
d', The polite bog stood up.
u pstoi rs, downstoi rs, on gwhero,
$,, The heodmosler is owou. there, hare, nowhere,
somewhere, up, down, outside,
,& After school, Jomil wolks home. inside, out, in, nedr, owog, elc.
ore odverbs of ploce.
MU molher is woiting downstoirs.
> Adverbs of ploce tell us where
..-. Puon Aini took the noughlg
something hoppens.
bog outside.
> Theg ore usuollg ploced

otler the moin verb.

Reorronge the words to form correct sentences.





Lcngu*ge Arfs

Let's recile the poern.

&ood Mmmners

Woit Uour turn - don't Interrupt,

If gou use it, pick it up,
When gou need some help, sog 'Pleose.'

-Be kind ond loving never teose.

Sog 'Hi' when meeting someone new,
Be o friend whose words ore lrue,
If gou win o gome, don't gloot,
To thonk someone, wrile o note.

Don't be greedg when gou eot,
ond cleon Uour ploce so it looks neot,
These monners ore the perfecl slorl,
to showing friends Uou hove o heorl!



interrupt = to stop (someone speoking) bg soging or doing something
gloot = to boost

Answer lhe questions.

I Whol does the poem teoch gou?

2 Which line in the poem tells gou nol to moke fun of olhers?
3 Which verse is obout toble monners?

Use the informotion given in lhe poem to moke o poster titled

Good Monners

Refer to the shorl storg provided bg lhe Ministrg of '1,i
Educotion. Choose o chorocter who is well-monnered ,+.s.1 k
ond give reosons for gour choice.



Trw, rE E *ao, ffi6,ffi*1ffi t."', g'l ;'*

I,-ef m

Find the mistokes. Then, rewrite the porogroph correctlg.

Mr Nothon ond his fomilg ore in

o restouronl. TheU ore celebroteing
Mrs Nothon's birlhdou. Mrs Nothon
is siting beside Mr Nothon. He is
giving her some flowers. Hemo ond
her brother ore huging her. A woiter
is stonding ot lhe loble. He is putting
some plotes on the toble. Anolher
woiler is wolkking to them. He is
corrging o birthdog coke. Mrs Nolhon
is looking veru surprised. Mr Nothon

is smileing ot her.

Complete the senlences with the odverbs of ploce given below.

upsloirs owou

Bl isr Li ."** . He is ol work in his officd.

fuffi Mrs Li is of .:- . She is looking ofter her

children. Her bobg, Ai Mei, is sleeping

soundlg ,'s' . Her doughter, Ai Ling, *
.is reoding some mogozines "
bul .
;faier son, Wei Li, is ploging . "{tr _&

; ; :!;rr_:!!i :1.f "-i-!:{

i3.2.4 .



3. r. r(b)


Pick 5 letters io moke o word
thot meons 'boost'"

\.JA Pick 3 letters to moke a bird.

Pick 5 letters to moke
o fomilg member.

Pick 4 letters to moke q word
thol is the opposite of 'polite'.

Pick 5 letters to moke o word
thot meons'stond in o line'.

GLJ Pick 4 letters to moke o ploce.


* fI

a. \
( &;/lHry \B
?, 1 ,: I ri . t.\ r\\-r-'--E\,'I{i \ 4r/Er
11115i:::.::-::rrY:a,Ii:r :ri=:t


#,,.g, : r,i,:
* . ,"t'+1i]f'f,if:fi#',1 l

tisteming mnd $peoktmg HelpfuN Nishs

Let's listen ond sou" , Thonk gou,
#, ruisfro.
Let me help gou to serve
lhe soup, Grondmo.

Sholl I finish pointing Sure, thonks. Thot's
the gote for gou, Dod? verg thoughtful of gou.

Sholl I show gou # Thonk Uou so much,
how to sew it?
Mum. I reollg oppreciole
You've b,een such o helpful girl. Let me
mend Uour torn dress for gou. gour help.

Acl oul lhe situotions obove.


kq€X for eoch other ond to show Uour oppreciotion.

J'"- . Divide the closs into lwo groups. I"'(.c'-d'..)"1,
Pupils repeot ofter lhe teocher the utleronces in the speech bubbles.
f :i"--
The groups toke turns to volunteer 1o complete tosks ond io
show\-:' i I -2.

@B"' ,20 oppreciotion. ffi

L8.2*-.*2*-.2-:(-;b.J) E


Let's reod.

List five things thot gou ore thonkful for.
Reod the poem.

I om thonkful for not hoving evergthing I wont,
For I con leorn to treosure lhe things I hove,

Although sometimes I feel sod,
I om thonkful for lhe sodness,
For it helps me to understond,
How olhers feel when theg ore sod.

I om lhonkful for the chollenges in mg life,
For I will grow to be strong ond brove,
Although sometimes I feel veru tired,
I om lhonkful for lhe tiredness,

How hord mU porenls hove to work.

Being thonkful mokes me o positive person,
Although sometimes it is not eosu,
I will trg mg best lo be thonkful,
Everg dog of mg life.

rchollenges now ond dif{icult lhings thot Uou meef in life
o positive person - person who looks ot the good side of things

Tolk obout the lhings thot lhe poet is lhonkful for.
Give lhe poem o suitoble title.

a'--* --*--'"
For onother poem on being thonkful, go online ond tgpe: !

*jtdtI I


t*t'* *"*{t#"

Being thonkful helps gou to be o positive person. People who ore

posilive ore hoppg ond theg ore fun lo be with. Do gou know how to

moke 'being thonkful' o regulor hobit? Reod ond find out.

a/'-.-->*,.rffi Ia-.=+*dryfir K_eep u Gre?ifudm -I**.,urr*mtr. Before gou go to

$]<i?! o-""eo o".i ,n.i.gv.h.t., t.,hink of whot hoppened to gou Supporting
+" in the dog. Then, write down three things

t thot Uou ore groleful for. This will help gou

ffi to oppreciote the good things ihol Uou hove"

H*re ore E?t*re tips. M*tch the rrrfilr'l iderus wlth their supporting detoils.

{ 4, 'B ** thenkful f' o*'r t!5hite(z *e+p!e wvYrh5eu tlusYvFe *urn!du ueuclwre fsouir ugou.

, t-rrd 'Iffi'\r*nr€

:Y''-,..,i,"', nriee"$heuu i.6c,u*r grmritur.$e hg dormg smemefhrEng ll .n
{ "*#t'..-- i;,i,'

-ii porents t....,^,^H,,e^,l,p.^^ggoaunr*aiarCrc{h\/^.....^^.^..^...^..l-L^.-l . Your porents work hord lj
ii #- ffi) ffi h;;witr n"or."noti"

1. ctroreswhennuo'
ro moke sure uou :i

)1ffiiit receive prese ["jJ;,,"$L:l?":'fl:?:
,, *3remember ro wrire i' i;
H-T#FHF&f{lJl1.1 reoch gou ro be smorr.
notes i:
yow fJmitg mernbers
itrorotlhr<e-spoeuople who ,,, ' .l I .,,I, i\ Wiir ,,, with gou. fSnoo, ,;
ri gove Uou the gifts. : j frienOs plog ::

i. ...-. .. .... .....---..,,--, . ...-. ...,... -..,.. :j-,1

' 'Reod the porogrqph,',below,: Identifg the:moirl ideo ond

the supporting detOils.:

Be thonkful for chollenges. When gou hove to do i
something difficult, trg io find one thing gou con goin from
doing it. For exomple, ollhough gou find Mothemotics ;2.2.3(c)
o chollenge, doing the exercises will moke gou better ot
the subject. 2.3. r(b)

::! 1. l': :it l, .r

L*?'s wrlte"

Use the questions given to tolk obout the children ond their mother.

* Do lhe children help to keep their house cleon? Whot do lheg do?

.,,.', Whol does the children's mother do everg dog,?
.+ How do the children feel when their mother is ill?

The children wrote o letter of opolcgg to their molher. Recrrcnge
the words to find out whot fheu wrote.

Deor Mum,

We ore Sorru thot we clothes togs leove our ond ,. everuwhere
We olso i.y_hgn._rS1, the , eot ,.1g!lg_ 9-'llg 1vs . You olwogs up , us

lG-ottei . lg1eo1 tond keep ..tiOU,, house We reolise thot we hove token

gou for gronted. St.- W; sorru . We promise to *itt', from help
todog the @.t"l5ygfr

Pleose soon ,get :. We love gou.

Your children,

LL,l'4W €t A0l'4oi/

Like the children, gou olso leove Uour things evergwhere qnd
do nol help wilh the housework. Wrile o letter of opologg to
Uour mother.

i3.3. r(b)

is. t.l(n)

Let's tspwa &hemd ffil*ei*,

Look ol the pictures ond tolk oboul whot lhe men ore doing.

{t,hcs flo,fpuil ffi

Be thonkful thot the tree gives
gou shode from the hot sun.

,=i 'q ]G" r lJl*!l-l#l&&#?9t*&

You're right. We should
cppreciote the tree.

Use ?he quesiions below to help gou tell the storg.

Where ore Rom ond Abu wolking to? Are lheg feeling
hot or cold? Whot do theg see in the distonce?
Whot do theg do?

porcgroph 2 Whot do theg do when theu reoch the tree?
Whot does Rom wont? Whot does he sog?

Who oppeors from behind the tree? Whot does he sog?

forogroph 4 Do Rom ond Abu feel oshomed or proud
of lhemselves? Whol do theg sog?

Write the storg in porogrophs. Use speech morks. f'1fti.;t:i.;+i"E
Give the storg o title. E

#*r;4 *i ? 3lil $

Grcmrngr Here's some woter.

Lel's proclise.

There ore mong chillies
in the soup.

Complete the diogroms with lhe words in lhe box.

I is/much I I ore/mong I

"-T-t "-T-r
Correct the sentences.

, J', The woler ore dirtg. 2s.+ff

I2, There is o few sugor in the jor.
There ore mud on the floor.
4 Be thonkful becouse Uou hove monu food.

Wolermelon juice ore sweel ond nutritious.



is.l- l(o,b)k


c&3#.l.l(o) ffi

1."{J il ill il ri i;i ll,ri.i :: ::;

Lel's refid * shor$ stsrg.

ffinmmmg'm ffimmdw

'Todog, I'm giving Uou some unusuol SEr'r'.!ffi
homework,' the teocher soid. 'Tomorrow

Uou must gel up eorlg ond write down '["- \--,.\)u<\,,,\,/,
devoedrgulrhininggththeodt oUgo.uTr hgeronn,ddmroowlheor'ps ihcotundrse
-.r .\ I

of them.'

Nickg lhoughl to herself, 'There's nothing

beoutiful obout Gronng's honds. WhU didn'i

our teocher osk us lo drow on ortist's honds or even ' ''|: ' :':::

our own?'

On Mondog, the leocher soid, 'Well done, Nickg. You wrote more

thon onuone else. Reod us whot Uour grondmolher did of the weekend.'
'Mg grondmolher prepored breokfosl, ironed mg dress ond ploited

some blue hoir ribbons. Then, she mode me o mug of hot chocolote
ond some poncokes. She woshed the dishes ond put new covers on

mg texlbooks.'

The teocher soid, 'Hmm... Uour grondmolher musl be verg busg
if she does oll gour chores os well os her own.' Nickg wenl red.

Loter, Nickg went home. As she wolked into the house, she

chores mgself.'

Nickg put down her school bog ond
decided to sew on the butlon which hod
come off her coot. She pricked her finger
ond got lhe threod oll longled in the needle
but she did not monoge io sew on
lhe button. Feeling upset, Nickg lried to cook
dinner but she burnl her fish fingers. Then,

she broke her fovourite Plote.
For the first time in her life, Nickg

went lo bed withoul doing her homework.

She wos veru, veru tired.

Nickg woke up on hour eorlier thon usuol^

She jumped up ond discovered with horror

thot she hod Gronng's wrinkled honds,

She wos oboul to burst into teors but

lhen she reolised she hod no time to crg.

She hod lo wosh, prepore breokfost

for everuone, cleon Doddg's coot, finish

her homework ond lhen do o million more

lhings. Before Nickg even hod lime to lhink

oboul whot she hod to do, her honds quicklg

begon to complete one tosk ofler onolher. \

'Time to get up, Deor,' soid"tGfodng's nd

voice. Nickg woke with o stort.

A delicious breokfost wos woiting for her on

lhe toble ond her books were pocked in her bog.

Nickg went red. Then, she look hold of Gronng's

honds ond squeezed them tight.

'Gronng, Uou hove lhe besl honds in
lhe whole wide world. I wont mine to be just like

Uours. From now on, I'm going to help gou in
everglhing gou do'.

(Adopted lrom Granng's Honds bg Lilio Porker)

IAnswer the questions.
Whot homework did the leocher give Nickg's closs?

2 WhU did Nickg wont her honds to be like her grondmother's


Drow o bubble mop obout Nickg's grondmother. Use il to lolk

obout her.

Refer to the short slorg provided bg the Minislrg of
Educolion. Drow o bubble mop obout o chorocter
ond tolk obout him/her.

27 rEy6\#- '

.! ';! :. ,{Tl:'

Bd@@edry ]j: Itt,:-.

PRESSUREPEER *.J.1.,{:*1t,t

*M!!M-+:= rrilI:-ri!:irrfr

t"rst*n*iri* r*r'rrj .**r* ;xl*rr*

Lefs listen ond ssu"

Tolk obout whot is hoppening in the picture. Use the questions below
to help gou.

I Where ore the bogs?

2 Whot do gou think Rog wonts Adeeb to do?
3 Does Adeeb do whol Rog tells him?
4 Whot do gou think hoppens in the end?

t f olk obout peer pressure ond soging 'no' lo negotive peer pressure 1. t.4
".-:S'-- z^^o

Listen ond orronge lhe pictures in the correct order.

'"#..:ll li-l'irr i



ffi Tett the storg to the ctoss.

Tolk oboul how friends con influence us to do the righl thing or
lhe wrong thing.

li! E !_f! +,!! a!_; Storg: Losl Sundog, Rog wos polishing his bicgcle when Adeeb come to his
house. The bogs decided io plog footboll. So, theg cgcled to o field neorbg.
i{ r.s. r(c) Afler ploging footboll, theg wolked towords their bicgcles. Rog sow o bird on
the seot of his bicgcle. When he got 1o his bicgcle, he wos shocked to see
thot the bird hod dirtied the seot. He wos veru ongrg. The bogs hod to push 2q. rw
their bicgcles home. On the wog, Rog sow the some bird ogoin. He osked
Adeeb to get him o slone but Adeeb refused. Adeeb told him thot it wos
wrong to be cruel to onimols. Rog felt oshomed ond left lhe bird olone.


Lel's reod.

If gou ore bullied, how would gou feel? Whol would gou do?
Reod obout whol hoppened lo Emilg.

Mondoy, 21't March 20--

Dear Diory,

I am so proud of myself todoy. Some girls tried to bully me. They wanted
me to give them some money but I refused to do so. They got ongry and
scolded me loudly. Although I wos 6ngry, I did not yell bock. I just wolked
owoy. I am going to tetl my parents about the bullies later this evening.


Tuesday, 22^d Morch 2O--

Deor Diory,

I am very hoppy todoy. My closs monitor ond some of my clossmates

helped me when the bullies were teasing me. One of the bullies pulled
at my crutches. The other two girls ieered and loughed at me.

'Stop itl Stop bultying her or we will tell our teachet,' my friends

shouted. Although the girts stared f iercely at us, we wete not ofroid.
After o few minutes, they wolked owoy.

I thonked my friends ond we walked to

the canteen together.

I om glod the day ended well.


Identifg lhe bose words of the words in red. Then, use o
lo find the meonings of the words.


Reorronge the pictures below in the correct order to tell whot hoppened

to Emilg on Mondog.




Reod whot hoppened to Emilg on Tuesdog" Do gou think the gong
will bullg Emilg ogoin? Whg?

Work in groups of eight. Role-plog whot Atwag',-,
hoppened lo Emilg on Tuesdog.

fwf1if#fEiM#{sfisbutellined.loGtoheonsltionregoonbdoutgtpweh: ohtttRpo:m//mongdgioduwnhgecnhhiled.worogs/

{ffii;,;ii L---:t9is:1'"1'9ry!l9:/:T9r:1el:-l:tsy-e-H-------i
tr.r.4 lE
3 l,i


Let's write.

Foroh wrole on emoil lo Pei Li. Reod whol Foroh wrole.

To ' [email protected]

Subject I Mg new friends

Deor Pei Li,

I hove mode some friends in mg new school. Theg enjog ploging
hockeg ond theg ore olwogs osking me to join them. You know I do
not plog outdoor gomes. Although I refused to join them, theg kept
encouroging me to trg the gome. At first, I wos ofroid but in the end
I ogreed to give it o trg. Now, I enjog ploging hockeg ond I plog
the gome everu week.

I om reollg hoppu to hove such good friends. Hope to heor from gou
soon. Goodbge.

Your friend,

Pei Li wriles o replu to Foroh. Use the notes given to complete
Pei Li's emoil on poge 33.

refused lo plog ong outdoor gome hove friends like them

help gou to do well in school loo Uou ore ploging hockeg now

encouroged gou lo plog hockeg ..:ra9r,t 1! L,ii*_s-qT

@+#2 i 3.3.1(b)

ir ? ?otl*

To [email protected]

Subjecl IH.ppU f"i uou

I om glod to know thot .#ffi&. You lj**ffi in the post. I om hoppg thot gour

ffifriends You ore luckg to #ffi. I om sure theg will ,if$l##.

Pleose write soon. BUe.

Your friend,

You get on emoil from Uour cousin, Kumor. Reod the emoil
ond write o replu to him.

Subject iswimnxng Ctun Member

Deor Anil,

Mg friends in mg new school ore oll members of the Swimming Club. I did

not wont to join the club becouse I wos ofroid of woter. Mg friends persuoded
me to join the club. We hove o good cooch ond now I con swim well,

I hove o lot of fun with mg friends ot the pool.

Your cousin,

n:tU_!-i_L'!-L!rL""r_I!.:,t ss,&#k

:.3.1. r(b)

i3. I .2(o) P
le.s. r1o1




Lefs proctise.

two sentences.

Join the sentences using otthough.

lhe lruth t> We use the conjunction dfirwgh
2 her.TI hI lVe cVrhrrirlvdl revr n moke fun of
: l:jointwocontrostingsentences'
upset.she does not get
3 I om veru tired. I connot sleep.

4 Hoziq went to school. He wos ofroid of the bullies.
5 Nodio did not crg. She wos veru frightened.
6 He lold his porents. His friends told him nol to lell ongone.

Find the pairs of senfences cnd join them using dtfiougfi.


She wonted tol'o- i-n*h-e-r- f-ri*e-*n-d"1s-';

It wos roining. He went to school.

j,Tjhlge:xw:rors**n"o:st o*;n-gru with them.

Jio Ming wos still ill.

lSIJ::srg hunsrg l"lt9 OoUs coiled her, nomes.


L*ngr:cgm Arts

Let's sing ond snop our fingers.

Welk &weg

You're o kite, gou're o bird, gou're o gellow bolloon,

You've gol evergthing going on,
You con flg, gou con soor, Uou con glide to the rnoOn!
No one con bring gou down.

Chorus: ,

Just don't lislen to the meon :r'

cru, :Don't lel them moke Uou
Don't listen to the meon PeoPle,
Just turn gour bock ond sog goodbge,
If gou let them pul gou down, ,

Now I once knew o girl who wos teosed qll the geor,

Other kids mode her crg,

So she song her own song till thot's oll she could heor,
And she turned out jusl fine.
Repear ahorus. ffiry*,
For the song' go online.gid
questions. ffi(Music ond Lgrics bg Judg Poncoost) lgpe: http://freesongsforkids. i
i_--gq11/9y1i:Yyg[--y-og--- j!
Answer the

l, Do gou like the song? Whg?
ffi2 Whot is lhe song moinlg obout?
Work in groups ond lhink of octions Uou con use wilh the song.
wqff Perform the oction song lo the closs.

ffi Refer to the poem The Dork from Anthologg of Poems :i44..1t..12 B

it? E

for Yeor 4, 5 ond 6. Whot is the poem moinlg obout? {:.""?*#



lLef's Try ngsim ffi**

Reod ond reorronge the sentences to form o storg.

* Her friends were olwogs lolking obout the fun theg were ##
hoving in lhe club.

* In the end, Sue joined the Noture Club. She hod o lot of

fun with her friends.

t' Her friends joined the Noture Club. Theg inviled her lo join

the club but she refused.

& She olso monoged her time well ond scored high morks in

her tests.

{. Afler some time, Sue begon to feel left out becouse her

friends were lolking obout things lhot lheg did wilhoul her.

* Sue wonted to do well in school. She did not wont to toke

port in oclivities thot would toke her owog from her studies.

Join lhe poirs of sentences using olthougtt-

I His friends bullied him. He did not crg.

2 She wos poor. She wos groleful she hod food to eot.
3 She sow us. She did not greet us.
4 Nito wos hoppu. She did not hove everglhing she wonled.
5 Joe did nol give up. Leorning to plog lhe violin wos difficull.
6 Arul refused to join the club. He did not hove monu friends.


Reorronge the letters in lhe clues to form words thot will fit
lhe definitions.

ffi m+ F = A Ploce where vegelobles ore


ru +R=ffi To feel poin.

I'r"i' Used for corrging owog dirtg

Used for sitling on. #:Ht='
.94i -i


ffi Used for messoges.

@ *iB'=iffiffi An onimol.

ffi ffi+ B = r Used for serving soup.




iffieL*f#i._Y Let's listen ond sog.

Reod the questions. Listen to the storg for lhe onswers.
4" Where did the storg toke ploce?
4e How monu men wenl inlo the jungle?

* Whot did lheg find in the cove?

S Who fell osleep?
'8+ Who come to the cove?


q- 38

Now, give the onswers lo the questions on poge 38.

Listen to the storg ogoin.

I Whot do gou lhink hoppened in lhe end? Drow o picture to show

lhe ending of lhe storg.

2 Give the slorg o title ond write it os the litle of Uour picture.

In groups of seven, tell the storg ond role-plog it to the closs.

I f 4.' r:, _., j.f. ..f :.j I Storg: One dog, Apoi Seumong-umong osked Apoi Solol io go into the jungle
wilh him. Theg went up the Rojong River in o boot. For two weeks, theg
irt.lS..ll.1loi,tO; U wolked through thick jungle until theg come to o cove. Theg found o lot of
treosure in the cove. Apoi Seumong-umong lold Apoi Soloi to stog in lhe cove.
!Q#*+z+=.z-+.+zez1do1 E He went to moke o rotton bosket to corru the treosure. After o while, Apoi 39,,,.,.,#
Soloi fell osleep. Suddenlg, he wos owokened bg some worriors. He told
them lhot he wos looking ofter the king's treosure. The worriors look him ond
the treosure bock to the poloce.


Let's reod.

When we reod, we hove to know who or whot lhe writer is lolking


Somelimes o word in lhe text refers to onother word eorlier. You hove
Io look bockword to understond its meoning.

Pok Pondir wos looking for o bool becouse he

wonted lo cross o river.

vr@t r

He sow o boot. trt belonged lo Pok Abu.

Pok Pondir osked Pok Abu to lend him the bool.

6 *#

t-n#M4Tft {$ 'he' refers to 'Pok Pondir'. I
A 'it' refers to the 'boot'. I
S ;
'him' refers to 'Pok Pondir'. $

*o* *&

Somelimes o word refers lo onolher word loler in the text ond gou
hove lo look forward for its meoning.

While he wos crossing the river, Fck Fcndir sow some crocodiles.

When theg sow Pok Pondir, the crocodlles wonted to eol him.

Look ot lhe words in red below. Who or whol is the wriler referring lo?

When the crocodiles were neor the bool,
theg opened their mouths hungrilg. Pok Pondir
quicklg pointed to o tree. He soid, 'There is
o juicg monkeg over there. I will cotch [$' for Uou.'

When theu heord lhot, the crocodiles were
hoppu. Theg lel Pok Pondir go.

Reod lhe storg on poge 4l . Who or whol do the words in red
kgqfl refer to?
/ q llr L- L ! r !rr-_i,!_:,_r


%,,,.,40 ;2.2.2(o)


Let's reod.

A Fcl*q Tetre {n*m Schch

Long ogo, on old Murut chief told his people
to grow rice so thol lheg would olwogs hove

food to eot. The villogers obeged him. Theg oll

worked veru hord. At horvest time, there wos
enough rice for everuone for o veru long time.

'We hove nowhere to store the rice
groins,'some Uoung men cried.

The chief soid, 'l will use mU mogic
ond store the rice groins inside these
trees. When gou need food, I will toke
lhe rice groins from lhe trees ond give
thern to gou.'

Some months loter, some villogers went
to lhe chief. Theg shouled, 'You ore keeping
evergthing for gourself. We wont oll the rice
groins now!' The chief wos veru ongrg ond

he lhrew his speor ol the trees. It went into
one of lhe trees. Rice groins come pouring
out of oll lhe trees. Theg were evergwhere
on lhe ground.

The chief soid, 'l wonled to moke sure

gou hove rice for o veru long time. Now, gou
must work hord to plont rice oll Uour life or gou will hove no food.'

How do gou think the villogers felt in lhe end? WhU did theg feel thot
wog? Whot do gou think theg did ofter thot?

r(a-zif"fffiiu Which port of the storg do gou like besl? Tell it to lhe closs.
wMci1l:\--lr W ,--/-\,

Appreciate those who help gou.


4l ..-.@.*4"*

Let's write.

Look ol the piclures ond reorronge the senlences to form o storg.

The mousedeer pulled hord but he could not gel
his leg out.
His leg wos cought in o trop.
A mousedeer wos wolking towords o vegetoble form
when he heord o'snop'.

He log on the ground ond mode his bodg stiff.

Suddenlg, the mousedeer heord the former coming.

He hod to think fost.

He pushed the mousedeer with o stick but
the mousedeer did not move.
He thought thot the mousedeer wos deod.

The former sow the mousedeer on the ground.

The mousedeer londed on his feel ond ron owou
The former did not wont lo eot o deod mousedeer.
So, he took the mousedeer's leg out of the trop ond
threw the mousedeer into the forest.

storg in four porogrophs.


13.1.1(b) g
,2.2.3(o) $

Use the piclures ond words given lo write o storg. Give Uour

storg o title.

Song Koncil - kicked - scorecrow when - wos trging - pull - former
- foot - stuck - scorecrow's bodg oppeored - coughl - put - coop -
- covered - stickg sop plonned - cook

I'm just resting here.
The former's cooking
o meol for me.

-former's cot loughed cot - ongrU - former hod never

Song Koncil soid --cooked her o meol mousedeer

told - exchonge ploces - ogreed
- escoped - punished


Ar,ry Ka,nr,,ilru a, /,h//%rr.,'rr/.


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