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Published by MACKENZIE MANUK Moe, 2020-04-25 06:51:08


Year 5 English KSSR

Keywords: TEXTBOOK

Grsrnmcr Whot were gou doing ot

Let's proclise. l0 o'clock lost night?

I,wus plaging drotrghls
ot I0 o'clock lost night,

While Uou were ploging droughts,
the thief entered the house.

We use the post e,onlinuous tense to:

> tolk obout on oction thot wos hoppening ot o certoin time in the post.

e.g./ wos ploging droughts ot l0 o'clock losl night.

> lolk obout on oction thot wos hoppening when onother oction took ploce.
Aou were^ptoging droughfs, the thief entered lhe house.


We use when, vvhile ond os to join the two octions.

To form the post continuous tense: UShe/He/ll WOS verb + ing

You/We/Theg were verb + ing

Complele the porogroph below. Use the post continuous lense.

{ffiMot Jenin wos sleeping in o boot. u"
#ffi(dreom). In his dreom, f'e
(wolk) to the

#ffimorket with his wife' Theg (toke) their cow

there. Mot Jenin ond his wite!i# (go) ocross

o bridge when suddenlg, the cow pushed them
inlo,.,,the rivOr. Mot Jenln woke up. It lroin,iJ,

ffi Moke eight sentences using the post continuous lense of

hsqJr lhe verbs below. sing cook wosh eot',iiil"U

plou sleep reod moke


@#u {i i l(:P$

Lenguoge Affis

Let's ocl.

The Clever Moltsedeer

Norrolor :One dog, Mousedeer went to lhe river to drink some

woter. He wonted to moke sure thot Crocodile wos nol
woiting underwoter to eol him. Mousedeer hod on ideo.
Mousedeer (speoks loudlg so Crocodile heors) I wonder if the woter's
worm. I'll pul mg leg in ond find out.

Norrqtor : Mousedeer didn'l put in his leg. Insteod, he picked up o

stick with his mouth ond pul one end of il into lhe woler.
Crocodile : (grobs the stick ond pulls it underwoler) Chomp!
Mousedeer: Ho! Ho! Ho! Sillg Crocodile! Don'l gou know o stick from

o leg? Bge!

Norrolor :The nexl dog, Mousedeer wenl bock to the river. He sow

o log flooting in lhe woter. He knew Crocodile looked like
o log when he flooted in the woter.
. (to himself , but loud ond cleor) If thot log is reollg
Crocodile,, il won'f tolk. But if itt''s reollg just o log, il will

rocodile : (loudlg) I'm reollg jusl o
A log con't lolkl,.'


,1.,. the queslions.
l, Where were Mousedeer ond Crocodile?
2 Do gou lhink Crocodile will be tricked bg Mousedeer ogoin? Whg?
O Whol odvice would gou give Crocodile so thol he does nol gel

ffi tricked bg Mousedeer ogoin?
Moke foce mosks of the chorocters. Then, oct out the storg.
ffi ii;;;"'"'-"r
scene.Refer lo the grophic novel provided bg the Ministrg '::1i:L
of Educolion ond dromolise o E


L.R -#*

. .]t Lt\#\.-ir.";l


Listening ond Speoking

Let's listen ond sou.

I'il; 30.00 lFir.lleai S!lr::i{ ild
60.00 500.00 2 925.55
t 0; 02.02.20'15 2 895.55 Cash
8t 25.02.2015 100.00 Cash
sr 16.03.2015 3 055.55 Cash
120.00 3 066.05 Cash
+4 18.03.2015 10.50 Cash
fi 22.03 2015
*i 30.06 2015

BANK #_ *'..*'."**, s&i3

::::,::,:r- Five H!]-nq!9d PrylY

Farqt't's fdi*i Susioess

l'3.2-ol9 l4aneg dunog go5 pqs. Bdil${,i 80. oo I,gl,8g'f 11
{Ylonzg eqroed *vovn doo3 di$fe rer,f ,1'ctx t )o.00
t oqCi I..0lo8
lq'3,2.o\B lv?oog sP.r+ hu Vug \ngvocligol-s {ae
Sqodwit\res + {

1o.3,Lc>\9 |thn{ e*oed srlliq sqod*i,},u-: 177 ,)o



Foroh used her moneu lo moke more moneu. She sold

sondwiches. Tolk obout other woUS Uou con use Uour moneu
to moke moneu.

si;f . Nome the ilems in the picture: qn ATM cord, a poge of o sovings accounl
book, a poge of on occount book, o RM20.00 nole, coins, o cheque, ond
%ffi+*46 on ATM (outomated teller mochine).
. Pupils point to lhe corresponding pictures.
. Drow pupils' oltenlion lo the inlerest theg con moke from keeping their

moneu in o bonk ond the profil theg con gel from doing business.

l-lstcning ond Speoking

Lef's listen ond scu.

The girls do different things to eorn exlro moneu. Listen ond guess
who lhe person is.

Pointing lhe gole 20.00 Woshing lhe oquorium
Woshing the cor 6.00 Woshing lhe porch
Moking ond selling keg rings
Moking ond selling bookmorks + 15.00
Totol 4lOO

Woshing the cor Woshing the porch
Woshing the oquorium Poinling the gote
Moking ond selling bookmorks Moking ond selling keg rings

Totol Tolol

In two feoms, toke turns lo moke senlences ond guess who
the person is. Eoch correct onswer wins o point. The group with
the most points wins.

Losl week, gou eorned some moneu from doing different jobs.
List the jobs ond the omount Uou eorned for eoch job. Use
lhe exomples given obove to help Uou. Then, use whot gou
hove written to lell lhe closs how gou eorned lhe moneg.

il;+ Moke two senlences obout ong one of the girls in the picture:

e.g. She gels RMS.00 for washing lhe aquarium. She gets RM6.00

for woshing lhe cor. Who is she? 47r-.'


Let's reod.

es not hove

ffi ':,.i'irjli;:lilll:ri 'r .!.i:

iit ],it4ii:

not whol we wont.

Jio Ming : I reollg like it. I wish I hod plostic moneu to pog for it.

Adeeb : Ploslic moneg? Whot's thot?

Jio Ming : A credit cord. It's o speciol plostic cord thot gou con use
lo pog for things. Mg uncle colls it his 'plostic moneg'.

Foroh : Do gou know thot when Uou use o credil cord, Uou ore
using moneu thol is not gours? It's like borrowing moneu
from o bonk. When gou borrow moneu,Uou hove lo pog

it bock. The more times Uou use the cord, lhe more
moneu Uou owe the bonk. Some people might hove to
sell their possessions just lo repog the bonk.

Jio Ming : Onlg odulls con hove credit cords. We ore not odults.

Adeeb : Mg porents sog lhot olthough we ore not odults, we hove
lo leorn lo use moneu corefullg ond responsiblg. So we

should nol bug whot we connot offord ond we should not

borrow moneu lo bug things.

Jio Ming : I ogree with the both of gou,

Whot do the words in red meon? Use o diclionorg lo help Uou.

Do gou think Jio lVling will bug o new mobile phone in the end?
Whol mokes gou think so?

From the diologue, tell lhe closs whot gou hove
leornl obout using moneu responsiblg.



Let's reqd,

Jio Ming finds the odvertisement below in his postbox. He is veru
excited ond he shows it lo his porents. Reod the odverlisemenl below
ond sog which port in it mode him so excited.

fi-www. moneUsmo

Do gou wont to b-ecome rich one dog?
If someone gove Uou o hundred thousond ringgit,
whot would gou do wilh the moneg? Come ond
listen to interesting.tolks. Leorn how to:

. use moneu wiselg
. plqn gour budget.
. use moneu to moke moneu

There will olso be exciting gomes. Plog, hove fun
ond moke new friends. Win ottroctive prizes!
Our moin speoker this semester is Encik Zoin
Yusof, o fqmous millionoire.
Hurrg! Hurrgl Ask gour porents to go online to
register gou for our KNOW YOUR MONEY
progromme todog.

The Moneg Smort Teom

Some importont detoils ore missing in the odverlisement, for exomple,
ihe place (where the event will be held). Do gou know whot the other
mlssing detoils are?
Complete the loble below.

ffi.... : {" how lo use moneu wiselg ir* r+

-.*"&-#L ,1" ottend tolks -dd&*- *@@e*- i#d ,,#"he- fl&u*

-r#% ,+*,'m

Do gou think the progromme will be useful for gou ond gour
friends? Give lhree reosons to support gour onswer.

iiaLLrlE!Lil,l Be,responsjhle with gour mofieg,
4q r+"
I 2.3.1(b) G#F*

,i I'l.+


3.2. r(b)

-,{h nl
@ D@ Let's Move Ahead€ SW
^J.u@lgReod whot the pupils in Yeor 5 .lode did in Morch ond

# @% to ,/\TThhe. pupils of Yeosr 5 Jode listened to o tolk on how to use monegg ^r\,--

Wmoke moneu. After thol, theg used whot theU hod leornt to roise funds for
theirthe poor. Theg corried out the project in Morch ond Julg. Miss Hu,
groups.teocher, helped them. She divided the closs into three

&VtrThe Cool Kids Group sold drinks ond theg mode o profit of RM20.00

in Morch. In Julg, iheir profit wa$ RM35.00. The Super Kids Group sold
in ffi."ro*rcr,"r ,riineir piofit *os nui6.00. Theg sold sondwiches ogoin
X#Julg ond this time, their profit wos RM35.00. The pupils from the Wonder
wos, : !K\r,i\drri) G\irrro-,Lu{rpJ ss\o.fludirvcuuHpwcr\ovke,e,:s:,1i:n,;^M;;;^o;rivc,h ond Julg. I.,n. rMilvorvrcr,h, , t,h,,!eir profit
W@,,;,* sfr'%&s


i" used to run the stoll ;

Complete lhe toble below.

Answer the questions.
,,[, Which group mode the most profit in Morch?

2, Which group mode the mosl profil in Julg?
,8. Which group mode lhe most improvement in ils profils?

* At the end of the projecl, which group gove the mosl moneu

to lhe poor?

There will be onother fund-roising projecl in Seplember.
Bosed on the informotion obove, which group would
gou like to join? Whg?

@:, ,go


Let's wrile.

Ebin, Nisho ond Adeeb ollended the Know Your Moneg progromme.

Emilg wonts to know whol theg leornl from the progromme. Whot

does Ebin sog?

Llln-o_bt-uw*U_htoh-ti.n-Ig*ws_Iol nneetd,

Emilg : Whol did gou leorn from lhe progromme?

Ebin : I leornl thot I must use mU moneu wiselg.
I should bug lhings I need, not whot I wont.
I should bug whol I con offord. I should not

borrow moneu to bug things.

Use the chort to complete whot Nisho told Emilg.

coO, ffi- plon mg budgel

,-*.--_i__ _-_ I moneu-I

i- prr oside ,on"g
lfor mg doilg needs not spend oll
t - ----.-------:i I

lmg I

inji rr.*.!{;.*.1}"rir-;.*l Emilg : Whot oboul gou, Nisho? Whol did gou leorn?

1s.2. t1o1 ; #ffi.Nisho : I leornl thol I musl itk,ffi#. I should

jz z z1o1 I should ffiiffi. I should not #ffiw.
&d 3-.#r. r(b) E

Write whot Emilg ond Adeeb sog. Use the chorl to help Uou.

Emilg hos leornt to be 'moneg smort' from her three friends.
She writes o letter lo her cousin to odvise him on how to use

his moneg wiselg. Complele her letter.

10, Ross Rood,
I I 600 Penong.
81h August 20_ _

Deor Peter,
You osked me obout how gou con use Uour

moneu wiselg. Some of mg friends told me whot
theg leornt from lhe Know Your Moneg progromme.
Let me shore some of the tips with gou.

You should use Uour moneg wiselg.

You should plon gour budget. i,ffiffi

You should

I hope gou find whot I hove told gou useful.

Your cousin,


fur/** 3.3. r(b)
@,.*Q2 3.1.2(o)


Look of how lhe words o, on ond fhe ore used.

Foroh's foiher gives her o
moneu box. Everg dog, she
puts some coins into the
moneu box. Then, she keeps
it in on old cupboord. The
cupboord is in her bedroom.

Vowels ond

The words o ond on ore indefinile orticles. We use them consononts ore
when we speok of something for the first time. sounds in the
English longuoge
> We use o before words thot begin with o consonont.

e.g. o bonk, o coin, o wollel, o gifl, o dress, o uniform, elc.

> We use on before words thot begin with o vowel.

e.g. on occottnt, on eogle, on ideo, on oronge, on uncle, on hour, elc.

The word fhe is o definile orticle.

> We use fhe when we refer to something for the second time.

e.g. / boughl o composs. The composs wos cheop.

Complete the possoge wilh correct orticles.

When lhe box is full of moneg, Foroh lokes oul

[.Th" I moneu ond counts it. Then, her fother

tokes her lo t"{_g!] bonk ond helps her to open

EIheI occounl. Foroh puls her moneg into
tE@ sovings occount ot [-o Frrel bonk.


Foroh reods the inleresting book on how to eorn moneu. So, she

bugs on roll of nglon string ond some coloured beods. She lhreods
o beods through on nglon string ond mokes prettg brocelets. She
sells o brocelels to her friends. She mokes fiftg ringgit!



Let's read the storg.

W ffirsmdfsthofe Ssino

rfu Julio ond her sislers often visited their grondfother during the
school holidogs, On eoch visil, he would give them some coins.
One dou, Julio's grondfather gothered the children together.
He soid,'Let1s,,,hove o competition to see who con monoge her
ffi moneu wisel,U,. At the end of this geor, tell me how gou've used

W, uour moneu.'

@, The children were veru excited. Joon used her moneg lo bug
ond sell things. She mode o lot of moneg. However, she begon
to spend her moneu on expensive things for herself. She boughl
wholever she wonled. Soon, she used up oll her moneg.

Julio put oll the coins her grondfother gove her into o moneu
box with o red border. She hid the box under her bed to keep
it sofe. At the end of the geor, she dusled the box ond showed
the coins to her grondfother.

Jeon used the moneg to bug lhreod, needles, colourful butlons
ond cloth. She mode prettg dolls ond sold them to her friends. She
pul the moneu she eorned into the bonk.

At lhe end of lhe geor, their grondfother soid, 'The winner is...'

(Adopted from o storg bg Pedro Poblo Socriston)

Answer the questions.

:1,, Who did Julio's grondfother choose os the winner? .2.1(o,c)

2 Do gou ogree with Julio's grondfother's choice? Whg?

ffi3,which chorocter would gou like to be? Whg?
Work in groups. Acl out lhe storg.


ffi Refer lo lhe short storg provided bg the Ministrg
of Educotion. Use Queslion 3 obove lo tolk obout

o chorocter in lhe slorg.


# # "'%Yk to? #who or whol do the words in red refer
lfue*i,m TrY &remrlrs 'niwr xir@r ,':wr t


One dog, Romon ond his wife bought o lot of coconuls of the morket.

He looded them into his cort ond set off for home. On the wog, theg

L.qt met o bog ond his sister. Romon's wife osked lhe bog how long it @*W
*orld tokL them to reoch the moin rood. He soid, 'lf g6u go slor,itg, @d*,
A\{UA-=_. Jlgh,oeu'bW'lHlorhogeew'osnceshvhiseeittle,ihrnifeolUoedrgndydmwgeohiodfnot .suslh,teegossuo'.lild' t,oRkeommoonrelotuhgohnehdo. lf'Doonnh'l olisutern,'to
.g' her, We musl hurrg home. Il's lole.'
-f i rockffi# i-. .?
t}| 6$h
He drove th€ cort down lhe rood os fosl os he could. It hit o r,

ond oll lhe :Roosrohonnulosnfdelhl .isouwt i.foef twheerecovret.ruWuhpesnellh. gTyhesgowtoowkhoot.lhoondg E-

W' time to put lhe coconuts bock into the corl. When he got bock onto
the cqrt, Romon reolised thot whot the children hod soid wos true.

Gornplete lhe sentencos using lhe posl continuous tense.

lill, Morio (counl) her moneg when the lelephone rong.

2,. While lhe formers .#,, (sleep), the monkegs stole their hots.
I It
(roin) heovilg ot o quorter to seven this morning.

*,4, As we (wolk) inlo the bonk, I sow o wollel on the floor.

.5 When lhe snoke slithered inlo the kitchen, Mok Andok #ffi (cook).
ffi6, While Song Horimou (chose) o deer, he fell into o pit.

,7,, Iso ond I *"#". (plon) our budget when Ani come into the room.

I The fishermen ."*r" lmend) lheir nels ot 3 o'clock in the ofternoon.

E:aTG:iliiiij ss,, @

ls. r.s1o; H
i2.2.2(o) ffi

iLtri"Jsr $

tisienlng omd Speoking

Let's lislen ond sqg.

Listen ond point lo lhe picture.

3\ ** r,.c. Sog the senlences ol rondom. Pupils point to the correcl pictures.

Senlences: I Bob olwogs pogs ottenlion in closs when the teqcher is

teoching. 2 Tom usuollg revises his work ot the lost minute. 3 Tom often

studies neor the television. 4 Tom sometimes listens to his fovourite music

when he siudies. 5 Bob oflen uses lhinking mops io hetp him sludg.

In groups of five, lolk obout the studg hobits of Tom ond Bob. Who
hos good studg hobits ond who hos poor sludg hobits? WhU do gou
sog so? Tell lhe closs whot gou hove discussed.

In lhe some group, find oul the sludg hobits of gour clossmotes.

Choose ong five studg hobits ond find oul how monu of gour
friends proctise eoch of lhe hobits. Then, report whot gou find

to the closs.

!ia' . Sentences: 6 Bob olwogs studies in o cool, quiet ond well-lit ploce. 57i7@
7 Tom usuollg lies on his bed when he studies. 8 Bob olwogs goes
to bed eorlg. 9 Bob often osks his teocher for help when he does
not underslond somelhing. l0 Tom oflen tolks to his friend when his

teocher is teoching.


Lel's reod.

Do gou hove good studg hobils? Trg the quiz below to find out.
Answer 'Alwogs', 'Sometimes' or 'Never'.

Whot is gour score?
Give gourself 2 points for eoch 'Alwogs' onswer, I poinr for'sometimes'
ond 0 point for 'Never'. Then, odd up Uour score.

ffi Mg studg hobits ore excellent.


ffi I must improve mg studg hqbits.

Whot new things oboul improving studg hobits did gou leorn
from the quiz? List them.

To leorn more obout how to improve gour studg :lir"u"{x5!-u}l!!Ar-{

5* hobits, go online ond tgpe: lz.s. r1oy I
i2.2.2(o) ffi
! eWhow_4823352_studg-better.html
iks*. -r-. -r(#o) B


Lel's reod.

Ebin osked Foroh

Whol do gou think Ebin wonted odvice on?
The detoils below supporl the moin ideos fhot Foroh gove Ebin.
Motch lhe deloils with lhe moin ideos.

When gou follow o timefoble, Uou will olwogs finish oll gour work on time.
Using q timetoble will olso help gou to do well in gour tests.

When gou do not understond o lesson, osk gour teocher for help. If gou gel
o poor mork for o test, osk gour teocher whot gou did wrong ond how gou
con do better in the nexl test.

Alwogs switch off gour mobile phone so thot gour friends connot coll to chot
with gou. Do not studg in froni of o television thot is switched on becouse
gou will be distrocled bg the noise ond the television progrommes.

-,complele lhe chort belo*, - ... ::...:. . -@l

How lo improve'studg skills '

e. .r

When gou do not t,

understond o lesson, osk $

gour teocher for help.


Ebin qnd Kuhon ore tolking obout o notice Ebin reod on the school
bulletin boord. Reod the nolice ond complete the diologue.

, Gmme snd atiend o tsik titled .H- Heoding - whot

Improve Your Sfudg Skt?/s the notice is obout


The English Longuoge Societg of SJK Tomon Selosih Bodg - gives

informotion oboul:
is orgonising o tolk for oll Yeor 5 ond Yeor 6 pupils. > whot is going to

Dote : l9th Seplember > hoppen - the event
when it going
-Time : 9:00 0"m. l0:00 q.m, is

Venue : Ton Cheng Lock Holl to hoppen

Fee : RM30.00 > where it is going

Those interested, pleose see Puon Loilo to register for to hoppen
the course.
Hurrg! Onlg fifig ploces ovoiloble! > who con loke pofi

Tzu Wei in it

> whom lo see if one

is interested

Secretorg prepored the notice
English Longuoge Societg

Ebin :l:',',.' i ir,'rliiiii:i

Kuhon : No, I didnt. When',




Kuhon : Who con oltend the course?

mEbin : Il's open to oll

Kuhon : Do we hove to pog to ottend the course?

[HEbin : Yes, we hove to pog eoch.

Kuhon : I see. Whom do I see to register for the course?

[H.Ebin : You hove to

Kuhon : Let's gel our porents' permission to ottend the course.

Ebin : Yes, lel's do thot. 3.-."2...1-(o) i

*%''.,r60 ',?2?\o:b)L
1r3*.*1 _.,,...JF

Use lhe informotion given in the diologue below to write
o notice for lhe Coring Club.

Thot's good. We're olwogs so stressed

When is the tolk?

Where will the tolk be given?

How much do we hove to pou?

Do we hove lo register for the lolk? ',."",.

Thonk gou for telling me obout the tolk. I'll definitelg ottend rt. .;,.'-'

P p,ff r,@rfrrfrr/"

i;;6.k 61r..,r,,


I never mlss cng
footbsll mqtch,

Do gou usuollg I

revise gour lessons? $

The words olwogs, never, usuollg, seldom ond ever ore odverbs of frequencg.

Theg tell us how often on oction tokes ploce.

These odverbs ore ploced before the verbs, e.g. I olwoge wqtch footboll motches.

Oot f'riavem'"i i;;;t;\

\.".._--- ,._ - ._...'

. l00o/.

Ploce the odverb correctlg in eoch of the sentences.

I olwous Fohmi studies ol his own loble.
2 seldom Mg sister wotches lelevision.
3 never Adom listens to music when he studies.
4 usuollu The girls do their homework ofter lunch.
5 sometimes I revise mg lessons ot the librorg.
6 ever Hove gou follen osleep while studging?

Use the form below to interview Uour friend. Then, use
lhe informotion to write obout her/his sludg hobits.

.:t; lie on Uour bed when gou studg? | * olwogs
2 * often
.8r studU with gour friends?
'4. use thinking mops to help gou studg? i3-sometimes I
.5, revise gour lessons? iII\-+*t5_---ns-e_ev_lde_ro__m)

%".+ 62

Longumge Ad's

Let's chont.

Adventures rrdEth Books

Books ore ships thol soil the seos,
To londs of snow or jungle trees,
And I'm the coptoin bold ond free,
Who will decide which ploce we'll see.

Books ore lroins in mong londs,
Crossing hills or desert sonds,
And I'm the engineer who guides,
The troin on its exciting rides.

Books ore zoos thot moke o home,

For birds ond beosts not free lo roqm,

And I'm the keeper of lhe zoo,
I choose lhe things to show lo gou.

Books ore gordens, foiries, elves,
Cowbogs ond people like ourselves,
And I con find with one good look,

Jusl whot I wont inside o book.

(Adopted from Adventures with Books bg Yeldo Blumhogen)

Answer the questions.

,.,I,, We con trovel to forowog ploces when we reod. Which lines in
the chont lell gou this?

,8', Which verse tells gou thot reoding helps gou lo leorn obout onimols?

:8 Which lines lell gou thot lhe reoder con choose whot he/she wonls

lo reod?

ffihsqr Do gou lhink reoding is fun? Give reosons for gour onswer.

ffi Refer to the poems Cots ond Serenode from Anthologg I4.r.2
of Poems for Year 4,5 ond 6. Stote whot eoch poem r*iH

is obout. {_Ll


Listening cnd Speuking

l-el's listen ond squ.

*N ^ rrQ \-Jo' OO \

(o(. ",^o$ . ^c\ o:ezgo



{ F r" %h;:s

#!i;iii:e:;r l-,,



Whol do gou lhink hoppened next? WhU do gou sog so?

Give lhe slorg o tille ond on ending. LOvel ;g0ur :pOrents.
Then, tell the slorg lo gour closs.

Storg: Jock wos upsel becouse his mother told him lo do some chores.
He sot down ond wrote out o list of things thot he did. He wroie... (refer
to Picture 2). Then, he went into the kitchen ond gove the list to his mother.
His mother reod whot he hod written. She sot down ot the toble ond wrote
on the other side of the poper. She wrote... (refer to Picture 4).

}-.isfenir:g r:nel $p*crking

Let's lislen ond sog.



Listen to the sloru ogoin ond orronge the pictures in the correct order.
In groups of four, tell the storg os Uour friends oct it out. End
the slorg bg telling lhe closs how the Uoung mon felt in the end.

r\";r";r. Storg: Once, o goung Koreon mon osked his fother for o cor. On his
groduotion dog, his folher gove him o book. He wos veru ongru. He threw

";*-:t* the book down ond left lhe house. Mong geors possed. One dog, he

received news thot his fother hod possed owog. Feeling sod, he wenl home.

When he wos in his fother's studg, he sow the book thot his folher hod

given him. He opened it ond found o cor keg ond o nole from his fother. 65 -#


Lel's reod.

Idioms ore groups of words thol meon something different thon whot
the words sou. We use idioms to moke our senlences more inleresting.

It is roining cols ond dogs.
'roining cots ond dogs' is on idiom. Il does nol meon

It meons'il is roining heovilg'

Rewrite the sentences using the idioms given below.

o piece of coke veru eosu

oll eors lislen corefullg

nineon cloud feeling veru hoppu

bluefeeling feeling sod

give me o hond help

,;:#l Anno wos sod becouse her killen wos losl.

:,::&; EOin wos listening corefullg when his leocher wos teoching.
This box is too heovg for me to corru. Pleose help me.
I studied hord so the lest wos veru eosu.
Arun is verg hoppu becouse he is the winner of the compeiilion.



Let's reod.

You find the books The Emperor ond The Nightingole ond The
Emperor and The Kite in the librorg. Whol do gou think the slories ore
obout? Reod the blurbs on the bock covers of eoch book to find out.

The Emperor ond The Nightingala Empror ond The Kite

is o storg bg Hons Christion Andersen. is written bg Jone Yolen. The storg
It is obout on emperor in Chino qnd tokes ploce in Chino. Princess Djeow
o nightingole. The emperor is on cloud Seow odores her fother, the Emperor.
nine when he heors the bird singing. However, her folher ollen lurns o deof
One dog, he gets o mechonicol eor to her. So, she often feels blue.
nighiingole ond he forgets the reol One dog, enemies qttock the poloce.
nightingole. The reol nightingole is Theg ore ornned lo the leeth. Theg
broken heqrted ond il flies owog.
Loter, the mechqnicql bird is broken. copture the emperor ond lock him in
The emperor... o tower. The princess wonts lo

her folher. She...

Answer the questions.

I Nome the moin chorocters in eoch slorg.
I2 Where do lhe stories toke ploce?

Whol do the idioms in red meon?

l+ In Storg l, whot do gou think the emperor will do in lhe end?

5 In Storg 2, how do gou lhink the princess will sove her fother?

Rog's sisler likes folk toles from Chino ond stories obout broverg.
Which book do gou think he will bug for his sister? Whg?

, lt"ti"i1;.;,1i$.ri;j"1' ffi-!!l. ond tgpe
f@fi#,iW.f-t-lr---Tth-oe reod the two stories, go online
i2.2. r(b) i titles -------r !
of the stories. AL, !
1ii2..r2..3+(b) I

2.2.2(o) 67rn,+e&

E-"*-t=* w,yrEg*"

-lre pictunes below tel! o slsrg frorn In.di<t. I'r4olclr f hc, cr:-r,-:"-.,-:.v = 1.,-rtc
v!; i".-
l! I'v l-lvl iJ

fc'[orm senlences. Then, reorronEe the sentences to write tire storg.

Rom covered the donkeg's eues but theg were octuollg block.

Aru insisted thot riding on his lost donkeg,

Aru wos cought ond ihe donkeg belonged to him.

One dog, Rom sow Aru the donkeg lo him.

He soid thot theg were brown Rom got his donkeg bock.

Rom told Aru to return ; i ond osked Aru the colour of its eges._,


;,Write this storg from Jopon. Use the ----s
pictures ond noles given lo help gou.

- -wPreinocriensgs*Adikioom-owndomboroncelet


covered - wrist - osked - colour ffiAI A

- diomonds - white - gellow tt-{
-womon - cought Princess Aiko
- brocelet -F

',",lr.rrt"it* {\__}
A/t"rrr" -ozo r/r/rr^jr/,q 3.3.1(b) i.
,3.1.2(o) r.


Let's proctise.

Who wos hurt? Scm wos hurl. To whom did gou
tell the news?

,.\)-./rt?"2iah-" rl:

> The words whd, who, whorn ond vrhich ore inlerrogolive pronouns.
> We use on interrogotive pronoun to osk o question. The interrogotive

pronoun represents the thing thot we do not know.

> We use who, whom ond sometimes u,rhich to refer to people.
> We use whd ond which to refer to things ond onimols.

Complete the senlences with the correct interrogotive pronoun"

,1,, To i who : which ; whom ; should the former give lhe mochine?
iWfrsm ) Whot i, Who j did gou find?? I found on old composs.

3 i''W..-,,h.-.i;-c.-h.1;,*i-.-,,-Wr,--h"--o,,it;:*-i-W:-. hom. .. l did gou bug, o light bulb or o plug?

4l. iiWWho :r Whom :i:Which :' won the king's prize? The lqilor.

5 Whoii.*WV_hV_icl]*h-9_il_1_Who_=Wj_Whhoomm 'Iddiid Ido use, the crutches or the uwheelchoir?

6 i Who i Whot !i Whichh I: is guour cot's goender? It is o femole.

Plog lhis gome with Uour friend. Toke turns to throw o dice ond
moke questions using interrogolive pronouns.


imIPk* If gou lhrow o ''1,, moke o question using who.

l. who . whot C, whom 4 which

5:f !.u-J,L.9".-tr-L.!-r-ar -'5,,, & 6 onu interrogotive pronoun

ls. t.z1oy I 6q "
12.22(b) ;l:.r



Luragu*g* Ari*

Let's reod o Joponese folk fole"

A Srokem Pnonvliee

S t-ong ogo, Akiro sow some children

ill-treoting o turtle.

."@ ... . .:'i.ii.r-, iii,,,:i:r@

Whot o beoutiful plocel


I promise. I'll:open onlg one.

,,his:, hoir turned wfiItE
"'H,e'hod turned into on oldi

Complete lhe chort below.

Moin Choroclers

A Broken Promise Settienl o r Ploce i*
-]I ,i,**,,,,,11

Time d -...*@***"-"*t

.r-Lesson ..*,,,j

Act out lhe storg in lhe closs.

srorsRefer lo lhe grophic novel provided bg lhe Ministrg fi:ilffi} H

inof Educotion. Tolk obout the moin chorocters 14-3-2

the t33;?lflJ


Moke o sentence

Hit bg o nneteor The women bought A kind olien helps Uou.
Go bock 4 spoces. some mongoes. Theg Move oheod 3 spoces. =Ery
were sweet.
'Theg' refers to

To (who/w$>m) did Whot does:o1l 37
gogwrite- , lt"t ok ,g

The lion woits ot the entronce
of the cove. (sometimes,

Go bock
3 spoces.

Ride the spoceship.

: i:i ; i"-i1:!r;a l:.i

, .j ,J ! i::i;f i
theFind mistoke:

t4 #The girl is skiping


_I (wotch) television 2g,==4a1.:ta.-.

when the dog borked. ,: ,.24,i ,,
nD_A, -/

Alien ottock
Go bo,c_[<"4

{e is _ now(w.olkf)ftio

he exit


Llslening cnd Specking

Let's listen ond squ.

Lislen ond poinl to the pictures on lhe mind mop.

-.r l.:, -

\&yL'.E'/t... SoU the stotements. Pupils identifg the corresponding sofetg issue on the mind mop.

Sentences: I Hold ihe hqndroil ond step on ond off corefullg. 2 Do not go ongwhere

with o stronger. 3 Check the expirg dole lo moke sure thot the food is sofe to eot.

@:Jo 4lf gou see piciures thot moke gou uncomforloble, lell Uour porents.

In groups of four, choose one of the lopics obove ond tolk obout other
woUS Uou con keep sofe.

Write four rules for the topic Uour group hos chosen. Give o
speech using whot gou hove written. Begin with 'Good morning.
Todog, I would like to tolk obout...sofetg. When Uou...'.

ii]:r.i--ili--riu,--;.-!' dgy . Senlences: 5 Do not turn on gour loptop ond leqve it on Uour bed. 6 Do
nol jump off when it stops in between floors. 7 Do not run up when it is
]t1E1t..22..45 t coming down. 8 Moke sure it is sofe before gou wolk ocross il. g Do not
js. r rloy run. Lie on the ground ond roll over ond over. l0 Never give Uour nome,
L***J E home oddress, nome of school or telephone number in dchoiroom.

$ 75,11.,,#H


Let's reod.

Jio Ming is in o bookshop. He is reoding the toble of contents of
o book. Reod the toble of contents below. Whot do gou lhink
the tille of the book is?

The L)ses of Fire An Escolotor Ride Sofetg Firsl

Toble of Conlents ,,,.,,,.,..'.1,

Introduclion ' " :, :. :-.r-:rr::!-;i

'. ,' ,'1'.'1,,';:..,:iffi

n1+- Fir'ee uSooIfeeItUg


How to prevent o fire........',;,;:"::I ...:::.i

Usi n g o f i re exlingu ish€f ...,.....;r.iqi'!;i;1ffi


q#ct;ue -"1

How to reod food lobels ....,..'.-.,i*iii;,1iffi

Tips for using the Internet so{elg..:,,;.,;,,

I How monu choplers ore lhere in the book?
2 The titles ior the second ond lhird choplers :fY] - .
ffiil:il5:.q,HH m:J' "?:"T",,*' J.dl:ff:::-

3 How monu poges in the book ore obout fire sofetg?
4 'strongers might osk gou for personol informotion.' In which

chopter would gou find this sentence?

Tell the closs whg gou will or will not bug lhe book'

To find out more obout fire sofetg, go online ond

f* tgpe, r/f i resofetu/ ${ &5;pj

@1J0 r.r.4, 2.3. r(b) E

E; **"***=EE


Let's read.

Con gou give Emilg some tips on how to use the Internet sofelg? Then,
reod the tips given below. Did gou give Emilg the some or different tips?


ry, B ,o not open links in emoils from slrongers os uou mou

F= B ,o nol grve oul personor rnlormoTron opoul Uour Tomru,
friends or gourself.

S ru"o.r mee? onuone whom gou hove chotted with'online,'i
without Uour porent's permissisn.

B minr before uou po$tlongihing online,

$ On." gou posl something online,lrnung peopb coh"reod'it;

ffisB Oo not lell onuone Uour possword. If other people hove
Uour possword, theg can pretend to be Uouronline:,i

Check the informotion gou reod on websites becouse
the informotion mog not olwogs be corect.

Reod whot the children ore soging. Identifg which sofelg tip theg hove

not followed. I gove rnu posswsrd to

gffffiiR\ e.' I opened o link in on emoil o friend I met online.
Ebinr I received gesterdog. Now, Lcter, someone pr6lended
mU computer tokes o veru fo be me ond sent emoils
long time to stort. from mg emoil,o:ddress.

ffi I received on emoil from o stronger.
The emoil soid I hod won o prize
ffi-=-'*- ond osked me to emoil him mg home
Rq.rom, oddress. So, I did lhot.

77 rr,:


l-et's wrile.
A lobel on o iin of food gives us informotion obout the food.
Reod the lobel below ond sou whol informotion is given.



Complete the lobel below. Use the informotion given to help Uou.


Moke o lobel for o pockel of roosted peonuts.

Use the informotion given to help gou. Remember to drow
o picture of lhe product.

E {B# ffi e* w#& ea&s @ e# *irs## d*@ e s&

I Expirg dote: Morch 20 lq *
&wee*ee@*@@s@&waeeqa a*

&$Fsre*u&@*tt%;;,t;ia;lsr*#*;*J*g*g****$* fl?Ty**
g_*::"J:*lg{:_j inS_ *******
#sffi #ffi w@ffi wffi #wffi @ffi *eweeffi #ws

$ Once opened, keep
on oirlighl conloiner. E
SBms**& # # @ effi #*&*&s* * @ ffi ffi e i4s-ft $ g

H* m soe*@&#@a@e*m*oes*#

fi rurtritionol Informotion $ 6ss! @e&8 @ @ @& 8#@@ @@@ @@s*eB
Protein g$ 20 bg:$
g$ $
Corbohgdrote E Monufoctured f
Fot g$ Tolol t
* Crunchies Industries,
50 Melur,f No. 32, Jolon
tr Cemerlong,3 Oeso g
Bohru.# 81 100 Johor
S*wmssw**ffi *w#ffiffi mwwm***S

******Y*3 f
&*ww*mwffi *ffi &&ffi eawry*w*** $

L******#s@#ry* Ingredients:66@6 eee #@&e@@#ffie@@&eee64

$ Peonul, vegetoble oil, solt. $
&***wmw w*ffiffiffi&@&ffimw w wwwm **


zri #"C /rfr"/". J/* rr"/w,r/ dalo

lrfr l/*#od/;"Arr///"y-/*//&



Lel's proctise.

Gorg Giont is looking for Ting Tom.
Where is he?
He is beside/next to the tog beor.
He is between the gionl's shoe ond
the flower pot.

> The words beside, next to ond
> between ore prepositions of locotion.

Theg tell us where things ore.

Bosed on the picture, choose the correct preposilions.

Gorg Gionl is in the kitchen. He is stonding beSide Ibetween
wife. His wife is ol the stove. The stove is next to I between the sink
ond lhe refrigerotor. The refrigerotor is between l nexl to the door.
There is o fire exlinguisher beside,l between the door. Mrs Giont's
cobinel is belween:'l next,,fo' the sink. She puts her new pol
beside l.b,etWeen lhe kettle ond lhe microwove oven.

Wriie six more sentences lo describe where things ore in
the piclure obove. Use cursive wriling.

Longuoge Arts

Let's recile the poem.

Fire Sofetg

Answer the questions. i,4-1.2
,,1,. WhU does lhe poet wrile lhis poem? j 4.1.1

8 Which line lells us lhot we musl keep colm? 8l,r,o-#

3. Tell the closs whol gou should do if gour

clothes colch fire.

ffi Moke o firefighter finger puppel. Recite

\q€x the poem ogoin using the puppel.

ffi Refer lo lhe poem This Tooth trom Anthologg of
Poems for Yeor 4,5 ond 6. Use Queslion I to
lolk oboul the poem.

Lfsfeni*"rg mnrd $pe*kinp

Let's listen ond sou.

Pleose, pleose protect me,

o I'm scored ond oll olone,

r\ The hunters killed mg dod,
For his skin ond his bones.

n fheA liked Mum's striPed cool,

Mg sister wos token in o boot,
And coged in o zoo.

'' Mg friends, the elephont,

-: fh6 gorillo ond the pondo,

',Are losing their homes ond,
r/-r Gl^^+e+ti^t^ing ^sffmi^llo^vller iinn nn.rummhabr er.

:The dugongs, the turtles,
The wholes ond monotees,
Are killed bg mon's pollution,
Of the rivers o.od,,lh€,,se,cs,

And' :iweife: willing 11to forgive.

Give the poem o litle. Sog how Uou feel ofter reodinE the poem.

Nome some endongered onimols. Whot con Uou do to help them?
fWfWi Recite the poem in groups.
Be kind to onimols.
Sove them ond help

,endongered = in donger of dging them to live.

nr?# ond not being found onumore -;;)-'-;*-at

w,l$", **ex*,e jr.r.1

Reod the poem oloud. :
Exploin the imporlonce of onimols ond whg we should help to sove
ir. r.3



endongered onimols. 2.2.2(b)

il-lstenimg mnd $peuking

Let's listen ond sog.

Lislen ond point lo the picture.

Lislen ogoin.
Whot is the moin ideo? Whot ore the supporting detoils?
Tolk oboui whbt people do which con horm these onimols.

Moke o posler. Lisl four things extinct = hot found t.$n;

we con do to sove endongered lhe world onumore &
onimols from becoming e*inct.
Tolk obout the poster lo the closs. *

To leorn more oboul endongered onimols ond how we con

E# f'"tp them, go online ond tgpe: ;
t ft%dindex.html?lood=plonts-onimol"

,*LJ-*-!- "--:*a l\!'::' //,.,fSroomg ore o few things we to stop endongered onimols
extinct. We con slop turlle eggs ond shork's fins" r.g. r(o,o) i lhis: There con do
becoming eoting

I1lI.1.4 i "r\, We must olso stop polluiing the seos ond the rivers. We should stop
hunting onimols for lheir skins ond tusks. We musl olso stop cutting
83 "grii"a
3.3.1(o) down trees in the jungles. t. -.-'


Reod the focts obout the onimols ond onswer the questions below.

* Tigers hunt for food in lhe forest. Theg con see, smell ond heor verg well. tg
con.At night, tigers con see six times better thon humons
* eorth.The elephont is the lorgest lond onimol on fl

* dog.A rhinoceros f
.t Leotherbock
con eot up to 50 kilogrommes of leoves o on jellgfish. $
turtles do not hove ong teeth. Theg feed moinlg
* time.A tiger con eot up to 40 kilogrommes of meot ot one ii


..'. An odult Borneo Pggmg elephont con eot up to 150 kilogrommes of gross

ond bononos o dog.
* The stripe pottern on the top of the tiger's heod looks like the Chinese ,
'king').chorocter 'wong'(meoning
well.* Rhinoceroses con heor ond smell verg well but theg connot see +
t The leolherbock turtle is the world's lorgesl seo turtle.

I Group lhe focts occording to the onimols theg refer to.
2 Which onimols will suffer if foresls ore cul down? Whot will hoppen"'t

to these onimols?

3 Tell lhe closs which of the four onimols is lhe most interesling

to gou ond whg Uou sou so.

Whot will hoppen if one dog qll lhe obove onimols become

'- \'

, .,,.ttf+.]; ,

::"1j"--.# '
-i *"' "


Let's reod.

Do gou know whg some onimols ore in donger of becoming extincl?
Reod the chort.

Animols Threots

50-60 Orong-utons lose their homes when
forests ore cut down. Bobg orong-ufons
ore cought ond sold os pets.

*d l5-20 Woier pollution such qs oil spills poison
monU penguins.

When forests ore cleored for forming ond

for buildings, pondos lose their homes.

Theg olso hove difficultg finding food.

About 80 Woter pollution destrogs the oreos
where the wholes live ond feed. Theg
ore olso killed for their meot.

Sog whether eoch stotement given below is lrue or folse.
I The blue whole con live for eightg Ueors. .*""
2 The penguin ond the giont pondo live longer thon the orong-uton.tih;ffi
3 Orong-utons ond gionl pondo lose their homes when forests ore
cut down ^*" is o threol to the penguins ond lhe orong-utons.ilffi
Woter pollution
5 Blue wholes ,lllou become extinct becouse monu ore killed for
lheir meot. i#.

Choose on endongered'onimol from lhe chort. Tolk obout how
long it lives ond whg il hos become endongered.

i;: i6i"[ S5*+:.",#

' 2.2.2(b) x

Use the toble obove to help gou write
obouf orong-utons. Write in cursive.

Orong-utons hove rusl-coloured
shoggg fur on lheir bodies. Theg ore
omnivores. Theg feed on fruits, seeds,

-, ""IF-&--.oJ--w....;-;write:sbou| penguins ond dugongs. Use lhe toble on poge 86.
;"-'.' .:. ; .:.dF.ffil5*:-.-=:
r. -i,"ni,!r*

omnivores = onimols lhat eot meot ond plonts t
herbivores = snimols thst feed on plonts
cornivores -'snimols lhot eot meot B


Use lhe words given in the chort below lo write oboul giont

pondos. Write in cursive.

- bomboo forests
t lTroufltoins of Chino



-- omnivores
-bomboo shoots

smoll onimols


Let's proclise.

The woollg mommoth is
lorger lhon the velociroptor.

' I think the velociroptor is more

frighlening thon the woollg mommoth

> The words bigger ond more fightening ore the comporotive forms of


>We use the comporolive form when we compore two things.
>To get the comporotive form:

. odd -er lo one-sglloble odjectives, e.g. foll-toller, long-longer, elc.
. odd -er lo two-sglloble odjeclives ending in -er, -9, -ow or -le,

e.g. cl eve r-cl eve rer, eo s A-ed si er, n o rrow-n d rrower, si m pl e-si m pl er, eIc.
. odd more to three or more sglloble odjectives, e.g. more beoutiful,

more interesting, more exciling, more intelligent, elc.

Rewrite the sentences below using the comporotive forms of

the odjectives.

l An odull elephont is theorul thon on odull rhinoceros.

2 The skin of the tiger i.(n*'it,ll lhon the skin of lhe lion.

3 The dolphin is inlelli lhon the dugong.

4 A cheeloh con run Itosfl thon o leopord.
5 which ir @, o whole or o dolphin?
6 Is the tiger
ressive thon the leopord?

Use the comporolive forms of the odjeclives below to wrile six
sentences oboul onimols.

,-?I-glg-". .-.ilo*. ."?-glL=. 911'"9911y9.,

interestino colourful

@ rBB

Longuoge Arts

Lel's sing ond move to the rhgthm.

The Roinfsrest $ong ."-.."..- ,!

Here's our song obout o ploce, For the song ond video, I
Thot's threotened bg the humon roce, go online ond tgpe: http:// !
Wont to let gou know, wont to let gou know, f
Tropicol roin folls on lropicol trees,
Tropicol roinforest won'l gou pleose, !
Help us sove it now, help us sove it now.
Chorus: Oooh, it gives us oir to breothe, .'....,*J !
Oooh, the onimols coll it home,
Oooh, its medicines help gou ond me,
Oooh, help us sove it before it's gone.

Theg burn ond cut it down to form,
But we oll know it's doing horm,
To lhe onimols, there's no ploce to go,
Monkegs rush from tree to tree,
Colling out for their fomilg,
Fire's coming now, must escope somehow. (chorus,

All the birds in oll the trees,
Everg insect ond everg leof,
Is importont, too, here's whot we must do,
Tell evergbodg thot it's not okog,
To let the forests just burn owou,
Got lo sog it loud, got to sog it proud! (chorus)

Music ond Lgrics bg J. P. Toglor)

Answer lhe questions.

I Whot is the messoge of the song?

.2 According to the song, whot ore humons doing to lhe roinforests?

ffi Tolk obout the importonce of roinforesls.

ffi Refer to the poem Seoside from Anlhotogg of Poems
for Yeor 4,5 ond 6. Tolk obout the messoge in
the poem.

.8q ,#eF" *

Le'kk:q"ry,&gmfim ffi*n*

Look ot lhe piclure below. Moke five sentences using next to, beside

ond befween.

write o porogroph oboul the sumolron liger. Use cursive writing.

i,".-.. w@ffiw-----=

ffi hl.,..t a*rinno \

- cornivorous - smoller

- tropicoljungles of Sumotro


- loss of hobilot - hunling

3_3. r(b)

, .,. r,whenwe I\/g brother is eorlg.

ore hoving fun. '', ,. i-l! 'r',,... ), '" i

l .:;:.:li::;-.aii!+=iii:!i:-::j:i;': I

I oflen aitiiri:i:: ::::.1l''J::!l:::::.rr.' I

F.::r:l.i:.:.i':; : ::'


o-J\_1 J" gar- .14

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She hos Ming Li is

Soro is Mg cousin feels Mrs Li

-iffi feeiing sick * someone who likes reoding b
to feel verg hoppU ;
joking with rne j to be qfroid time posses quicklg *.

r@r _
soid the wrong thing *

' gl .-"i,:


iffiffi L.isreninq cmci sprecking
Listen ond sou-
Lislen, point ond nome lhe device.

GPS receiver (Globol
Positioning Sgslem receiver)



(Medict,Ploger 4)



Work with gour friend, Toke turns to suggest whot Uou should bug
ond re$pond to lhe suggestion.

How obout bugins o GPS?

@ * [ t G]fft,',: fl::Ui"#J.

ffi [mry!,y1,*:'--=1"i
Your mother wonts to bug o digitol device for gour folher.
Which device would Uou suggest Uour molher lo bug?
Give reosons for gour choice.

u'"+ . Sog these stolements: I I con use it lo show me the direction to ong

destinotion. 2 I con use it lo toke o lot of photogrophs. 3 I con use it
to speok to mg fomilg ond friends. 4 I con use it to surf ihe Internet
ond to do mg work. 5 I con use il to surf the Internet, reod emoils ond
toke photogrophs. Ii hos no mouse. 6 I con use it to listen to music

ond wotch films.
Also, gel pupils to tolk obout olher uses of eoch device.


Listen ond troce the route with gour finger.

Work with o friend. Give directions for Uour friend to troce the route.

From the school, turn right ond wolk down Jolon Jombu,
Go post the troffic lights ond wolk stroight on. You will
come to o roundobout. Toke the third turning on Uour
left. Wolk olong Jolon Durion until gou reoch o bonk.
The librorg is next to the bonk.

You ore of the school. Choose o ploce Uou wont to go lo
ond give direclions lo the ploce. Ask the closs to nome

Uour destinotion.

\'-"oi *..,,.' Choose ong ploce on the mop ond give directions to the ploce.
Ask pupils to troce the roule'
;iii_j q3, ,,.:'iF'"

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