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Published by MACKENZIE MANUK Moe, 2020-04-25 06:51:08


Year 5 English KSSR

Keywords: TEXTBOOK


l Let's recd.

Imogine o world without mobile phones ond computers. Whot would
gou not be oble to do?
Reod the stotements snd complele the toble below.

.i. We con send ond receive lext messoges. Be responsible.

.t We mog hove heolth problems becouse we sit ot

the computer for monu hours ond do not exercise.

* If we spend too much time on sociol networking,

we will hove little time to inleroct with our fomilg.

* The people we meet on o sociol networking

websile mog not be who theg sog theg ore.

* We con listen to songs on lhe mobile phone.

t We con use o sociol networking website to shore

* ideos with people who hove the some hobbg.

Using the mobile phone con distroct us when

we ore studging.

If we text while we ore wolking on the rood, we

mog meet with an occident.

* A sociol networking website is o good ploce to

moke new friends. We con hove friends from oll

over the world.

* We con speok to our friends ongwhere ond ol

ong time.

Mobile We con send ond receive
phone text messoges.
We con...

{Digito 1,, deViees.s1e :horrnf,uJ,', Debote,this top ie in c loss.

,2.2.3(b) ,


3 2. r(b) ,

. , t,1,,, 1.,-.;, .,t ,.1,



Let's wrile"

Wen Li is reoding o messoge from his mother. Reod the lelephone

conversotion ond complele the messoge.

Anil : Hello. Mog I speok lo Wen Li, pleose? I'm his clossmote,


Mrs Wu : I'm sorrg, he's not of home. Mog I toke o messoge?

Anil :Yes, Auntg. I'm colling to remind him obout lhe school trip.

Pleose tell him lhot he hos to be in school bg 7:45 o.m.

Mrs Wu : I'm going out now. I'll leove him o messoge.

Anil : Thonk gou, Aunlg.

i.irt"]--_3'd Mog 2O-- -ffi.I ' "'ll.1r1t 5:00 P.n';;

lheWho rvfvtvar n .+ i Bodu, l
+lor -
., {_-, 1 't, , . who colled i
messo-.-o.- e t:-s /-.- '
Your clossmole, Anil colled to I
remind Uou -,,*.,.,,. You hove
=,*=*. ]',,.. *nA he/she i

1"*---*_*-":- =-- colled
Who wrole
lhe messoge --{ "

Reod lhe telephone conversotion between Foroh ond Emilg's
brother, Poul. Write Poul's messoge. Use cursive writing.

Foroh : Hello. Mog I speok to Emilg, pleose?

Poul : I'm sorrg, Emilg's nol in. Mog I know who's speoking, pleose?

Foroh : I'm her clossmote, Foroh. MoU I leove o messoge?

Poul : Yes, of course.

Foroh : Pleose lell her to bring her Science scropbook lo school

lomorrow. Our Science leocher wonts to check our

scropbooks ofler recess.

Poul :l'm going for footboll proclice soon. I mog nol see her when

she comes home so I'll write her o messoge.

: j.i*rl,!.i j.jj;!.,.1,'.a

ie. r.z(o) i.

is.z. r1oy $

fi q5,. -w"



Lel's proctise.

Go olong Jones Rood.
Tum left into Peel Avenue,

> The sentences below ore impercfiive senlences.

e.g.Go olong Jones Rood.
Tum left into Peel Avenue.

> Imperotive sentences begin with the bose form of the verb, e.g. Go,

Tum, Wolk, Toke, CAde, etc. These verbs ore colled imperotives.

> We use imperotive sentences to give directions.
> We con odd Pleose to moke the imperotive senlences polile.

Complete lhe diologue below with the words given.

turn toke wolk tell

MoU : Pleose #ffi me the wog lo the bookshop.

Kuno : CerloinlU.i#ffi down this rood unlil gou reoch the roundobout.

ffiffi the second lurning on Uour lefl. fixffi olong lhe rood unlil
ffiUou reoch the troffic lights. At lhe troffic lights, right into

Orchid Rood. The bookshop is next lo o petrol stotion.

Give direclions from lhe bus stotion to the cinemo.
Wrile in cursive.

€ ,ou

LonguoEe Arls

Lel's oct.

Norrolor : It is Sundog evening. The children ore of home. Don is ot

the computer. Rilo is listening to music on her Mp4 ond

Rilo Mork is sending messoges on his mobile phone.
Mork : I've to chorge lhe botterg of mg MP4.
Don : The botterg of mg mobile phone is low too.
: Heg, who turned off the lighls!
:There's no electricitg. Oh deorl I con't plog mg gome.

Norrolor : Grondmo comes into the room with o condle.

DonGrondmo : Are gou oll right, Children?
: We're fine, Grondmo. Whol sholl we do now?

Grondmo : Let's plog o gome.

Norrotor : Grondmo osks some riddles ond the children guess the

onswers exciledlg. After o while, the lights come bock on.

Grondmo : Let's slop now. I hove some work in the kitchen.

Mork : Pleose don't stop now, Grondmo.
Rito : Yes. Let's plog o liltle longer. We'll give gou o hond loter.

Grondmo : We'll continue lhe gome ofter the work is done.

All righl, Grondmo.

Answer these questions.

,rrL,. How did the children feel when the lights
went oul? WhU did theg feel thol wog?

.€ Do gou lhink the children enjoged their

Grondmo's riddles? Which lines tell gou so?

$ Complete the chorl obout lhe children.

could not use

You ore Mork. Tell the closs whot hoppened to gou on Sundog.

Refer to o short storg provided bg the Ministrg of '14.3.2
Educotion. Choose o scene from the slorg ond
dromotise it. 11



Llsteming mnd Smemkir:E

Let's listen cnd scg"
Look ot the pictures ond listen to the storu.


'i\i.;:+ ...l' Storg: One dog, on old mon took some big mongoes to o rich mon's to
house. He showed the securitu guord the mongoes ond soid, 'l wont

+"\ sell the mongoes lo the rich mon.' The greedg guord replied, 'l will lel gou

go into the house but gou hove to give me holf of whot mg boss gives

gou.' Since the old mon ogreed, the guord ollowed him into the house.

.%l+t The old mon showed the mongoes to the rich mon. The rich mon tosted

o mongo ond he liked it.

f)IN \ \

Q.) ,' (


Lislen lo the storu ogoin. Arronge the pictures in the correct order.

In groups of five, decide on o litle for the storg. Then, lell
the storg while Uour friends dromotise it. Sog whot the slorg
teoches us.

:\*F i". He gove the old mon some moneu but the old mon osked for 100 strokes
of the cone insteod. The rich mon wos puzzled. The old mon lold the rich

1.3.1(c) mon whot the guord hod osked from him. The rich mon ordered the Euord
lo be given 50 strokes of the cone since the guord hod osked for holf of
lhe old mon's poument. The rich mon lhen gove the old mon some moneu
t. t.4
ond thonked him. qq,rr1l.ff


Let's reod.

If gou find o wollet in o shopping moll, whot will gou
do with it?

Reod oboul Mo Yuon's experience.

One dog, Mo Yuon found o bog of moneg in lhe morket. He hurried
home ond showed it to his mother. fheg opened lhe bog ond found
fifleen gold coins inside.

'We must go bock to the ploce where gou found lhis bog.
The person who losl it will be worried. He will come bock to look for
it,' soid his molher.

Theg went quicklg bock lo lhe morket ond woited ot the ploce
where Mo Yuon hod found the bog. He sow o mon there.

Mong villogers come lo wolch whot wos hoppening. 'Go ond
see lhe judge,' lheg odvised the bog ond the mon. So, theg went
to see lhe judge.

The judge osked Mo Yuon, 'How monu coins were in lhe bog?'
'Fifteen, Sir.'
'Were gou olone when Uou counted them?'
'No, Sir. Mg molher wos with me. We counled the moneu
together. You con osk her. She's righl here.'

There were onlg fifteen

I hod lhirtg coins in the bog. coins inside. I counfed

The bog is o thief! Moke him the coins with him.
give me bock the fifteen coins

thot he hos stolen. I will shore

some of the moneu with gou.

The judge thought for o while. Then, he turned to the mon ond
soid, 'You sog thol lhere were thirtg coins in gour bog but this bog

hos onlg fifleen coins. So, it connot be gours.'
He looked of Mo Yuon ond his mother. He soid, 'Since I connot

find the owner, Uou mou keep lhe moneg.'

Answer the questions.

.' Who or whot do the words in red refer lo?

Nome one honesl person in the storg.SoU whg gou think he/she

is honest.

;,-:,s; Oo gou think lhe judge wos o wise mon? WhU do gou think so?

;.#, If Uou were the judge, whot would Uour decision be? Whg?

;! s - --r :.t.-.aL.&-e.1

Did gou like the ending of the slorg? Con gou think f,.3.3:.[l-lil''k
of onother ending to lhe slorg? Use lhe new ending
\:z.e.ti"l H
closs. ffigLEond retell the slorg to lhe


Le*Ps Moys Ahpad ffi:t*%*

Reod the storg obout Aroon ond onswer the questions.

Aroon wos o poor mon who worked on Mr Sumrong's

form. Everg dog, he milked the cows, fed them, cleoned
the shed ohO slocked socks of groin in o lorge born.

One dog, Mr Sumrong's neighbour osked for five
socks of groin. Aroon corried the socks one ot o time
ond wolked in the hot sun to Mr Niron's form. After he
hod delivered oll the socks, Mr Niron put some moneu
in Aroon's hond qnd soid, 'This is for gou.'

Aroon soid, 'Sir, I con't loke this moneu. I wos
just doing mg job.' He returned the moneu to Mr Niron
ond wolked bock to Mr Sumrong's form.

When Aroon went home thot evening, he sow
Mr Niron ond Mr Sumrong ot his house. Mr Niron wos
holding o lorge bosket of food. He gove the bosket
to Aroon. 'This is o gift from me. You must occept it.'
Aroon smiled ond thonked Mr Niron.

After Mr Niron left, Mr Sumrong soid to Aroon,'...'

Wos Aroon hordworking? Support gour onswer with informolion
from the storg.
2 WhU did Mr Niron give Aroon moneu?
3 Whot do gou think Mr Sumrong soid ot lhe end of the storg?

Reod the storg ogqin ond complete the chort.

Retell the storg lo the closs. Use lhe chorf to help gou. 3.2. r(b)

=#-a5q"" ':l ,102


1E P..Yl Lel's write-


Tell o storg oboul how il does nol pog to be dishonest.
Use the piclures to help uou.

Reorronge the words to moke sentences oboul the storg.

nomed dishonest o Once, milkmon there Romu. lived

odded woter to thot he sold. Everg dou, the milk he

quicklg Romu rich. veru become

monU things. lown boughl to he One dog, went ond


on9 * S-udd91lg:. |g_r-l-_"_relUlhing: ov-e,llped, Romu lhe boot


EEs-EE.>Wr*y1\|L+-.t8r Write the storgv ond gv ive it o title. Use cursive writing.

3. r.2(b) to3f4


Let's wrile.
,..1r,,, Whot is hoppening in the picture below?
&, Whot do gou lhink hoppened before lhis piclure?

a Whot do gou lhink hoppened ofter this picture?

Motch the sentence porls in pink to the senlence porls in blue to find
oul whol octuollg hoppened.

Rewrite the slorg. Give Uour slorg o title.
Use cursive writing.


Grumrnor Since Uou're not hungrg, I'll finish
the whole chicken.
Let's proctise.

I'm not giving Uou qnu ice creom
sincs gou're not hungrg.

> The word slnce is used os o conjunclion in the sentences obove.
> It joins two ideos together.
> It meons becouse or os.
> Note the use of the commo:

lfe.g. Sinee Aou're nol hungrg n ll finish the whole chicken.

I'tt finish lhe whole chicken since Aou're not hungrg.

Slnce he was honestil ne aia not toke fhe moneg.

He did not toke ne moneg since he was honest.

Use lhe conjunclion since to join the sentences correctlu.

[, Evergone wos looking ot him. Bing hod to behove well.

,2, No one wos oround. The dishonesl bog stole lhe moneg.

3 The chief did nol trusl her. The womon told lies.
4 He gove one lo the poor woodculler. The former hod monu cows.
5 She did not report him lo the police. Ken returned the ring to Mrs Li.

.reau&.ri*EE'iiEi#+ il-r"#.rrq.!-LF1ri'i-JJ"1 ;

f;ilW Comolete the sentences. Wrile in cursive. i5. r.4(b) t

k#q.$ ' #1#; z.z.z1o,n1$

l. Since il wos o hot dou, ...
2 Since theg hod o Iot of food, ...
3 Since Ano told the lruth, ...

4 Pok Jomil wos reworded since...
5 Kisho wos punished since,..


i-".;:ngu*g'ri Afi*

Lef's recd the grophic novel.

ffih$*ker"x Wwwd* The chicken seller sow whot
hoppened ond wos veru ongru.
(p uong centuries ogo, o poor mon
You must pou me 100 coins
worked for o chicken seller. CaI for killing mg chicken!

One dog, ... G ,/


Whot? It's o smoll chicken.
It's onlg worth five coins!

The price of the chicken is 100
coins. I odvise Uou to pou up.

sh6ck6dl"Theg hod thought thot the
fomous judge wos o foir ond just mon.

=-ffi. - tOO

@ ffre chicken seller wos verg hsppu @ fne judge beEon to question

You're o veru foir \ The lcw is the chicken seller.
olwogs foir.
mon, mU Lord. * How much groin does
'''1' * o chicken eot in o geor?

So, in two geors the chicken thot Holf o sock.
died would hove eqten o sock
of groin. Give the sock of groin 0 n sock of groin would cost
gou've soved to him.
more thon 100 coins! So,

I won't lcke ! f

onu moneu ;

from him.

)/ N

@:rq!o=!:Efiiq-:r.j:Ej.i-._r'i 4s 1. The poor mon wos overjoged ond
Chicken seller wos cought! he thonked the clever judge.

Answer the questions.

I In which counlru did the people in the storg live?

2 When did the storu toke ploce?
3 How mcnu choroclers ore thene in the storg? Nqme them.
4 Whot rnorfil volue did the judge frg to teoch the chicken seller?

t-#ffi= Dromotise lhe storu.
@5q #HfrfiFW
d@ Refer lo the grophic novel provided bg the Minislrg tt+-z-t(o-c)L
h'ffffiirhe srorg obout #Agjof Educofion. Use Questions I - 3 tololk
i11?, , E

rLet* Try Ag,a,i:m {ffi.,*,*

Motch the sentence ports. Use lhe sentences gou hwe formed ond

the words given to write o messoge.

ffiffi;i" n" ot the school rield

Use the toble below io moke six sentences. ru.;;i;k

since 1s. r.+101 g

=L,. .{%ER =-'r 108 d"1?:,'J3i

'ffimm wgfffu ffi,mrcr$$m ,*.]"*

Reod ond solve the puzzle.
Nits lives in the block of flsts shown in the pieture below. Reod whqt
Itlito sogs to find oul which flol belongs to Nito.

There ore no curtoins on mU window.
There ore no plonts on the windows obove ond
below mg window.
I don't hove ong plonts on mU windowsill.
The window obove mg window hos no curloins.
I olwogs leove mg window open.

1=rgwr!e il,r1r-Gj. 5+ri,: ittir,l rE:], j.r,G,;a-d'"ij. v.

I :,1j:



',U N lT,.i|.3' I POUUUI l O N

fl.,istenrnE r"rmd $p*mkimg

Let's Iislen ond sou.


In groups of four, discuss the onswers to the following questions:

,.[, Whol ore the four tgpes of pollution?

2. Whot couses lhese tgpes of pollution?

I Whot ore lhe effects of pollution on the people ond lhe environment?

Look of the pictures below.

deofness skin rosh hoze stomochoche

Look ol ihe chort ond the pictures. Give o lolk to the closs
obout the different tgpes of pollution ond their effects.

**b Sog these stolemenls: There ore four moin tgpes of pollulion. When we

@,.1.r,1 lo throw rubbish ond poisonous chemicols on the lond, we gel lond pollulion.
rubbishWoler pollulion hoppens when we dirtg our rivers ond seos wilh
-ond wosle. Loud sounds from mochines ond vehicles couse noise pollution.

We suffer from oir pollution when lhe oir is dirtied bg smoke from faciories

41.2.4ond open burning.
fiI":IT--3T:-'"-I'(';o-,'b*- ').'j,f$fi
E_:J- H

To find out how polluted our oir is, we con corru out on experiment.
Listen ond look ot the pictures to follow the instructions.

/*c.& {*


l-isten lo gour teocher ogoin ond sog the instruclions ofter Uour teocher.

Work with gour friend. Toke turns lo give lhe inslruclions ond
corru out the experiment in school.

' tt..zt..3z i! Give these instructions: I Lobel eoch slide occording lo ils locotion: lll, gfl"
r clossroom, toilet, conteen ond librorg. 2 Spreod o thin loger of petroleum

jellg on eoch slide. 3 Ploce the slide in its locolion. 4 Woit for I - 2 dogs

ond collect gour slides. 5 Use o microscope to exomine the porticles thot
were tropped bg lhe petroleum jellg. 6 Compore the slides. Which ploce is

the most polluted?


Lefs reod"

'People ore responsible for polluting the environment.' Do gou ogree?

Give two reosons for Uour onswer.

Reod the stolements. eo

Gos fumes from cors ond smoke from
ollute the oir.

Foctories should recgcle woler ond stop
releosing chemicols into our lokes ond rivers.

H'shd'Uid'"'u'sO wo5h

nol horm Jhe enyiropment.

Foctories pollute the woler ond the ground with loxic woste.
Fish ond onimols ore killed when theg drink the woter.

We'Should use Our corS less ohd wolk, cgcle or use public

lronsport more. We should olso use unleoded petrol. There should,r

foclories from pollutino the, oir.

ooWe olso pollute the environment when we use detergent

thql contoins ch ls thot con horm the environment.

Whol do the words in red meon? Use o dictionorg to help Uou.

Identifg the slotemenls thot lell gou the problems thot

mon creotes for the environment. For eoch problem, find

the suggested solution.
#, ;;; il;ffiffiE#l;l;;; ;;ffi;,;";; - -
wrHF ond tgpe: I *.+r_*_u,s-*_s,*-d-*jJ-+ i
L- r"J':ti?:-l:T:lI|&W-- ---i 2.3. r(b)

t2 2.2.3(c)

Ls?'s r#*=;*

When ihe lraze is bcd. d" gcu know

'. whg gou should stou indoors?

: whol Uou should do to protect gourself when Uou ore outside?
whu Uou should drink more woter?

An officer from the Heolth Deportmenl is giving o tqlk to the pupils in

Ebin's school. Reqd whot she soUS ond find the onswers to lhe obove

questions. Good morning everuone. I'm sure oll of gou know thot the hoze

is verg bod these dogs. It con moke gou sick if gou do not

know how to toke core of gourself. I'm here to give gou some

odvice on whot to do.

Stog indoors os much os possible so thot gou breothe

in less hormful porticles. Keep oll windows ond doors shut to

prevent the hoze from entering gour home. Do this until lhe oir

quolitg improves.
oWhen Uou go outside, do weor
os the hoze is quite

.n. bod. The mosk will prolect gou from breothing in the hormful
porticles. Chonge the mosk when it becomes dirtg.
{c e}--
Wosh gour honds regulorlg especiollg when gou ore ot
.__"1#f@, public ploces. After going out, gou should shower immediotelg

,, , when gou get home.

--s- ftn It is importont thot gou eol to keep gour

!;S#r{;hf"rf}ip.:r f.{a';SF,s-a bodg strong ond heolthg. Drink o lot of woter to help gour bodg

}i . s
.-!-f s&*
l6gft.s\;*' gel rid of the hormful substonces thot gou hove breothed in.
t{.i 6'W
ffi*p If gou suddenlg find gou hove difficultg breothing, osk gour
"'tsf;me$s+"if i! t: tr'i
porents to toke gou to o doctor immediotelg.
,-,o I hope gou hove found the tolk useful. If gou've ong
questions, I'll be hoppu to onswer them.

After lisiening te the tclk, whct so Uot-l fhink
Ebiir iryili eia',r*hen ite *oes hoine'l

Do gou think the lolk wos useful? Whot new
informotion hove Uou leornt?

2.2.3(b) I r3, . ,.,,
2.3. r(b)


Let's write.

Ebin ond Foroh sre tolking obout the couses ond effects of oir
pollution. Reod whol lheg ore soging ond complete lhe chort
given below.

Foroh, I found out thot open burning of
rubbish couses oir pollution. When we do
this, poisonous goses will be releosed into
the oir. When we breothe in this polluted
oir, we mog find il difficult to breothe.

Yes, Ebin. Another couse of oir pollution i
is the fumes from vehicles. People con foll
sick when theg breothe in this polluted oir.

OPen burning jffi rz-r,lFi@i\ @
-"" - *.,1
fiffi?7f \*r,:',

Now, reod whot Foroh soUS obout lhe couses ond effects of
woler pollution. Drow o mulli-flow mop obout woler pollution.

Woter pollution hoppens when foctories dump
chemicols ond toxic wosles into rivers. Animols
thot live in these polluted rivers will die.

People pollute rirrers ond seos bg throwing

rubbish into ihem. Mong seo creotures get
killed when theg eot the rubbish.

@*,tt+ i;; ;F)i

lz z z1o1



Lel's wrile,

Lel's work together to reduce oir, lond ond woter pollution. Look ot
the chort ond find out whot we con do.

cut down on the do not throw oil, point
rG'.{ !S+S+t,r$,i i or medicine into droins
we prdduce
do not throw rubbish
do not burn rubbish recgcle old botteries, into rivers qnd seos
n 16ij6fiji tffe iri li:' 1 ri,'1-.ri;:i::l :i:i I oliim
reuse olsss boltles do not use too much
pesticides ond
- lo ke,.pu blie lr,onsP.or} ferlilisers on our plonts

Use the chsrt obove lo write how we csn reduce oir pollution.

To reduce oir pollulion, we should plont
more trees in our gordens. We should

*&.. We should -**".

Now, write obout how we con reduce lond pollution ond woler
pollution. Use cursive writing.

!lFs-t!:i!!,;"\r.;\ -1'_:
is. t.e1oy 6
I t5f .,#ry
#jsxls.s. r(b) fl

Lef.b 'Move*hsad M ew

Reod the ocrostic poenn below.

Wrile the word ove the eqrlh,
nd keep it cleon,
down verlicollg.
ro more littering,
,umping of woste.

[orn6":[ete the ocr"cstie F]cerTl giverr befow,^ Ct"leose thrce suitoble
senf*nc*s frorn ttrosc eiven befCIw fc oornplete the cerosfic po*ftl.

ecgcle old newspopers. ''hink obout lhe wog Uou use woler,
here is oir p?_lylrr, _gy"luyn_"f?,=. .=:.f:.=1=1- u l:useful ro us,

veru little drop .ornl?:,,.,r ,. ,'e1.3mb3r to do u--9u1!o11. ,.

e should oll work logelher,
nd use woter wiselg,

r*. "t3. Write on ocrostic poem using the word POLLUTION.

fw*%ru'*Ftr i3.1.2(q)
i3.3. r(b)
."; .. ll6 t2.2.2(o) i


Lel's prcctise.

Loke Greg is the dirtiest loke in this town.
It is the rnost polluled of oll the lokes.

> The words dirtiest ond mosf @ldd ore the superlotive forms of odjectives.

> We use the superlotive form when we compore more thon two things.
> To get the superlotive form:

. odd -est to one-sglloble odjectives, e.g. toll-tollest, long-longest, elc.
. odd -est to two-sglloble odjectives ending in -er, -A, -ow or -le,

e.g. clever-cleverest, eosg-eosiest, norrow-norrowesf, simple-simplest, elc.

. odd most to three or more sglloble odjectives, e.g, most beoufiful, most

interesting, mosl exciling, most intelligenl, elc.

. odd ffie before the superlotive odjectives, e.g. the tollest, the most

beoutiful, the most inferesfing, etc.

Rewrite the sentences below. Use the superlotive forms of
the odjectives given.

,Tmf6isl heop
r,f ptoce she hod visited. She soid to her\iiVfr

t 'IE-l1{aGgu9lj-L ploce I've been to' Il-lt/lllk
rve [6oiiiuiJ

ond toke me home!' m-epefl

€*ffi Write six sentences with the words given. Use the superlotive
Wfttr forms of the odjectives.
I dirtg - river 2 cleon - rood 3
5 6 uglu - foclorg
4 beouliful - building polluted - town
-interesling pork

t ri:.r.i{i_a.!-3-!ii,niri!

ls. r.o(o) k

iz.z.z@) ff 17 : 4-^^
*j 3*.*I-.-l#(o) I T,ff

N-onguoge Arts

Let's sing ond clop to the rhgthm.

Ws'vs &ml tfie Whole World in Our Hsnds


We've got lhe whole world in our hands. (4 times)

We should recgcle now oll thot we con,
Reduce, reuse, recgcle oll thot we con, (2 times)
We've got the whole world in our honds.

Be kind to plonls ond onimols in our lond, (3 times)
We've got the whole world in our honds.


Join honds with sislers ond brothers throughoul lhe lond, (s times)
We've got the whole world in our honds.

Dreom Uour bright dreom, then do oll Uou con, (3 times)
We've gol lhe whole world in our honds.

ffi*,i ;,s-;*;;;;-r(Lgrics bu D' A' ml"rMroormrmoroukru-Hko-jHiooonjniooou,nn l;;,[-il;;;;
?i go onrine ond tgpe:
Answer lhe questions. http://freesongsforkids.

i ffiiJffiiJ:il;ffi.i,',1[,,,
whot dcrooeess 'we've goootilthhee whorte wwoorrrlcdr :T/,Yi9:::]i:Y";9?l^

in our honds' meon? L-*-.---* ----.---ji

, Whot lesson does the song teoch?

Sing the song ogoin. End the song with this verse:

Cleon up pollution - evergwhere we con (3 times)

We've gol the whole world in our honds.

Refer lo lhe poem Miss Antrobus from Anthologg :{iqfi.:l.i;r""'j
wholof Poems for Yeor 4, 5 ond 6. Tell the ctoss
lhe poem teoches? L=gJi+.2.1(c) $

@,,r ra

ffi € mmir:Eiiili:iiii,iitlirr %7

!-Estening mnd Spec$<ing

Let's lislen ond sou.

Rop the rhgme.

Yho Gcod #lflzen Rop

A good citizen I'll trg to be,
Do mg port for mU communitg,
I'll pick up rubbish ond keep it cleon,
I'll help to moke it betler for gou ond me.

A good citizen I'll oim lo be,

Treot mg neighbours with dignitg,
Love ond help them with sincerilg,
No motter whol religion or roce theg be.

A good citizen I wont to be,
Follow oll the rules of societg,
Obeging troffic rules is one, Uou see,
Obeging the lows for gou ond me.

A good citizen is eosg to be,
Helping the poor I will olwogs ogree,
Soving lhe onimols ond plonting o lree,
Be logol ond polriotic to mU own countrg.

In groups of four, suggesl other lhings we con do to be good citizens.
mntt. --In gour some group,
ffiffiperform the rop to

the closs.
*m* For lhe rop music, tupe http://www. I
li- ond click

Eosl Coasl Drums One 90bpm

+,' . RoP lhe rhgme to lhe closs.
\ / . Teoch the pupils to sog the rhgme with correct pronunciotion,

"/^\ slress ond intonotion.
. Then, ieoch them to rop lhe rhgme. ll9,;,ff

l-i*tenini*l *nd Spemking

Let's liste* und scu.

n to how some historicol figures hove contributed lo our countrg", .,

i.i,+:::Ji:jil:lil! "us+rry.'Y#' l*gf\lLk-}n-4l,,^)t i Be o or ood citizen.

Fffi;,,'. t"frf--i^fMlEHetrD,€IUUr#H\*i; fuf!#::"".-?,Y'I.:":_y*3;,'g$i

i- ond motch the hisloricol figures to their contributions. ,'-,,,i'ii!
the Brilish who mode people pog heovg
ffii*Ltel"n ogoin . r" .r _..f ii
toxes.ffi,.@: foughl
&t communists.M" defended Sorowok from the .:ii


.*#.,, fought for women, roilwog workers ond plontotion workers.

:r' donoted generouslg to educotion ond chorilg. ,

Give o speech to the closs. Tolk obout how three historicol
figures hove conlributed to our countrg.

"=t+P* Sog to lhe closs: I Temenggong Dotuk Konong onok Longkou wos o brove r. t.3
soldier who defended Scrowok from the communists. 2 Mot Kilou foughl
t20'g ogoinst the British who mode lhe people pog heovg toxes to them. 3 Ton Sri 1.2.5
Kuek Ho Yoo donoted generouslg lo educolion ond chorilg. 4 Sgbil Kothigosu 2.2.2(o)

hod o free clinic ond gove medicine to locols ond onti-Joponese ormu fighters.
5 Ton Sri P. G. Lim wos o lowger who fought for lhe rights of plonlotion

workers, roilwog workers ond women.


Lefs nlcd-

Renlop is o hero of Sorowok. Do gou know whot he did lo be colled
ottocked 'w,$ rR\gerrnrvtHop outtvtov^cskved trhrrse frovrrrt irrn lrBuv5g3 ournlud vdsersfuerosuted tilhtge i. A
','o'hero'? Reod ond reorronge the porogrophs to find out.
\i\ /:,: -.,:, r..
o. r1* / /r

i$ lBJllrlliDtillsh tlIhlEelEr.e. TI hllEe nllEe/Axl t UggelJlo, r, LBrlrlJoL,ongkDe's lmllEeII n \lllt Ur\EIJf ii\\,
BukitRentop's fort ot Long River. Rentop escoped to
there. t ijSodok ond built o fort
tY i::,j
@ -'-'-^'-",'"--"":";;'";-''":'"';'"'t'"'-1.'"",-"r
In 1857, Jomes Brooke sent Chorles Brooke to ottock i
$[Rentop's fort ot Bukit Sodok but theg were defeoted. +l ,l

Chorles Brooke qttocked the fort ogoin the next Ueor. Ue $.&
foiled ogoin.

Rentop wos o fomous Ibon worrior in Sorowok. He wos

the leoder of the Ibons in Skrong ond Soribos. He fought

-ogoinst the British led bg Jomes Brooke between 1840

I 860.

On 27th Julg 1993, the Sorowok government declored
Rentop o hero of Sorowok. He hod fought brovelg io
defend his lond ond his people.

In I86l , Jomes Brooke's men otlocked Rentop ot

Bukit Sodok ogoin. Rentop wos defeoted. He escoped to

Entoboi. He died of old oge in the 1870s.

In eorlg 1850, Brooke built o fort ot Nongo Skrong.
Rentop wos ongru becouse the fort prevented the Ibons
from getting to the seo eosilg.

I Reod lhe storg oloud in lhe correct order to the closs.
2 Wos Renlop o good cilizen? Give detoils from the storg to

support uour onswer.

r; -,-r- j;.54L\^


egff of Rentop to the closs.

Ju.q.J,r,il---$-*-.;}ia!-!r I t2t, :#i


ilm_il.1.4,j2.3. r(b)

i tr

,i.-.^<r- U

Re*deng ffi'G aoffi

Let's reod" ,+si s. \- OO o c

As port of her 'Be o Good Citizen' project, Nisho wonts to help the
blind bg reoding to them. Her clossmotes sou thot il is loo difficult
qnd thut stre should Eive up the ideu. Wttot shculd she do?

Nisho tolks lo her fother obout her problem. Will he tell her lo give
up lhe ideq loa? Reod whot he sogs to find out.

One dog, mg grondfother ond I sow o Uoung bog throwing

things into the seo. We thought he wos throwing pebbles.

However, os we wolked closer, we sow thqt he wos picking up

slqrfish ond throwing them into the seo.

'WhU ore Uou doing this?' mg grondfother osked.
The bog replied, 'The sun is verg hot ond the tide is going

out. Soon, lhis oreo will be drg. The storfish will die if I don't

throw them into the seo.'

I soid, 'l think there must be hundreds of them on

the beoch. You con't sove oll of them.'
The people oround soid. 'There ore too mong of ihem for

gou to help. You ore just one person. You connot do it.'

The bog looked ot us. Then, he beni down, picked up
onother storfish ond threw it os for os he could into the seo.
After thot, he soid, 'Well, I monoged to sove thot one!'

'And the other storfish gou threw in before thot one,' soid
mg grondfother. Then, mg grondfother ond I joined the bog in
throwing storfish into the seo. Soon, the people oround olso
joined in. I leornt o voluoble lesson lhot dog.

(Storg adopted tram The Stofish Thrower bg Loren C. Eiseleg)

I Wfisi do goi.r think Nishs will do ofter listening to the storg?
, ImoEine Uou are the bog in the storu. Tell gour pqrent whot

hoppened to gou thot dog.
Whot does the storg teoch us?

Work in groups of eight ond
of lhe storfish.



Lel's write.

Emilg wonts to write oboul o few good citizens. She looks for
informotion in lhe librorg ond mokes some noles on lhree people.
Reod her noles below.

Use the inforrnolion obove to complete whot Emilg
writes obout Dolu Mot Solleh. Write in cursive.

Dotu Mot Solleh wos o brove worrior. He wos
ogoinst the British becouse theg mode his

people pog heovg toxes. He #*fu. He ".#&.

Now, write oboul Ton Sri Dr B. C. Sekhor ond Chung Keng
Quee. Use cursive writing.

I '';;?i-a-l!;-,!-'. '- -1 t23tr- ry

i3. r.2(b) |
1s.z. r(o) $

ffirujie.s. r1o1 $


Lel's write.

Jio Ming wonts lo be o good cilizen of Mologsio. Look ot lhe pictures
ond sog whot he should do.

- -., i: i11:-:;:"e_

,( .,





Complete Jiq Ming's personol declorotion
lo be o good cilizen.

Mg Personol Declorolion

To be o good citizen of Mologsio,
qt7 I will obeg troffic rules.

@twill +i
(! I will |ii *

Lu Jio Ming
l'r November 20

Write Uour own personol declorotion to be o good cilizen of
Mologsio. Write eighl promises. You mou use the informolion

given on poge I I 9. Wrile in cursive. l;:i;di

I 3.3. t(o) ffi

@,*-rr24 d.11r_gIB

Grsrnmsr Treot other people Pailicipole,in ,.,.,
with respect.
Let's proclise.

Dod, how con I be
o good citizen?

The sentences below ore imperolive senlences.
e.g. Treat other people with respect.

Porlicifie in communilg seruice.

Imperotive sentences begin with lhe bose form of the verb,
e.g. Treol, Porticiryta etc, These verbs ore colled imperotives.
We use imperotive sentences to give instructions.

We con odd Pleose to moke the imperotive sentences polite.

We con moke the sentences negotive bg odding Do not...

Chonge the sentences to the imperotive,

I l must be o good neighbour.
2 He should nol domoge public focilities.

3 We need to follow lhe rules of our societu.
4 You must not breok lhe lows of the counlru.
5 You should toke responsibililg for whot gou do.
6 A good citizen cores obout the communitg ond the world.

Prelend thol gou ore o king. Write ten rules for the cilizens of
Uour counlru. Use cursive writing.

rli-I-!l&ssi".*r'ii1' 25 .w


rl l 31ll $

i": f: ::._..,.,r. .: ' ; .

Let's reod ihe grophic novel.

{EJf{mlii&lL*jn eg*#" f#fitq{qr*faImg."#q$d$;l'ti

No, woit! Pleose Thonk gou,
help mg friends first. mg friend.

Answer the questions.

I Which picture shows thol the doves cooperoted wilh Donng?
2 Whol do gou think could hove hoppened if the doves hod not

worked logether?

3Wos Donng o good cifizen of Dove Kingdom? Whg?

ffi#s Do gou think lhe title of the storg is suitoble? Whg?

ffi vRefer to lhe short storg provided bg the Ministrg of j4t.t2t.,lto,") ffi
Educotion. Tolk obout ihe moin chorocter. ffi*LJ.


l-istening ond Speoking

Let's listen ond sog.
Listen ond poinl to the pictures.


Proclise with o friend. Toke turns to be Foroh
ond Adeeb. Ask ond onswer obout children
from other countries.

Foroh : Where ore Sokuro ond Hirolo from?
Adeeb : Theg ore from Jopon.
Foroh : Do lheg speok Molog?
Adeeb : No, theg don't. Theg speok Joponese.
Foroh : Whol food do theg eot?
Adeeb : Theg eot sushi ond romen.

@,,*l28 .\:'"$-,4I\.'r.. SoU these senlerices: Sokuro ond Hirolo ore from Jopon. Theg speok
. Joponese. Theg eot sushi ond romen. (substitute the words in red lo
describe other children in the picture)
Pupils point lo the pictures.


Choirot ffis ffi Somsri

Surf the Internet ond find out obout people from three olher
countries in lhe world. Complete the toble below obout them.

Girl's nome 's nome



Lef'* read"

Look of the world mop on poge_,,128 ond lZq, point lo Jopon ond
Indio. Write lhree questions s$*=-obout eoch countrg.

Reod the possoges ond..!-o-ok for the onswers lo gour questions.

Jopon is in Asio. The ngtionol cnthem of Jopan ig Kinliga,gg;,.-.,:,,,,,,:;,,,
ond its notionol flog is known os Hinomaru The people in Japon

, ispeok Joponese. Some of them olso speok English., : :::...:

The Joponese use chopsticks to eot. At olmosl everu meol,
there is rice ond fish. Sushiis o populor dish,

Fomilg is verg imporlont to fhe Joponese. Jopcnese pcrent$
spend time wilh their children. The children respect their elders.

During festivols ond speciol celebrotions, monu Joponese

weor lhe kimono.

isIndio is o countrg in Asio. The notionol onthem of Indio ',,,.
Jono Gono Mono ond its notionol flog is colled t

Indions speok moinlg Hindi ond English. 1

Mong Indions ore vegetorions. Mosl meols include

rice, vegetobles, breod, ond gogurt. The women weor

the soriond the men weor Ihe dhoti.

Indions greet eoch other bg holding their polms

togeiher ond bowing their heods. Theg do not weor shoes

in their homes. Visitors toke off their shoes ot the entronce.

To the Indions, the fomilg is verg importont. Children

ore tought from verg Uoung to respect their porents.

I Whot new things hove gou leornt obout Jopon ond Indio?
2 Drow o double bubble mop to show lhe similorities ond

differences belween .Iopon ond Indio.

Bosed on whot gou know obout Mologsio, list lhe similorities

thot ore found in oll three countries. 2.3. r(b)


, I .1.4

-=u , t30 ;3.1.1(o)


Let's reqd.

.Sopnie's fqther thought for o moment. Then, he smiled ond

'Toke o look oround gou. Do it slowlg.'

Sophie looked quietlg oround her. The ploce wos beouliful. There'

Were trees ond plonis of Oitterent shodes of green. On Sophie's lefl,.','r

there were rose bushes full of red, gellow, oronge ond pink flowers, i
A few prettg butterflies were flultering neorbg. On.her.righl,

were purple, white, red, oronge ond gellow bougoinvilless. Behind :
her, there WoS o pond. Two swons were on il; one wos block ond , 1,

the other wos while.

'This is omozing!' she excloimed. 'l've never reollg noticed hoW

',F lovelg this pork is.'

Z_> 'Whot if evergthing oround us wos onlg of one colour?' her fqthef,',,
,-, osked.
r ,. Sophie closed her eges. When she opened them, she whisperedi;r

fl^'Oh no! The world would be dull ond uninteresting.'Turning to heg+
:{.,'.$tomer, She soid, 'l'm glod God mode our world so colourful.' , .,,.,,,

Her fother looked pleosed. 'So, now, do gou hove the on
r euestion?' he qsked.

$ophie hugged her fother ond soid, 'You're

I WhU did Sophie's fother tell her to look oround her slowlg?
2 Whol is the moin ideo of Porogroph 2? List the supporling detoils.
3 WhU did Sophie close her eges?
4 Did Sophie get on onswer lo her question? Whol wos lhe onswer?

Imogine Uou ore Sophie. Tell the closs whol hoppened to gou
ond whot gou leornt thot dog.



Let's wrile.

Use the chort below lo lolk obout Koreo ond the Philippines.

Write in cursive.

Use the chorl below to write obout the similorities ond differences
belween Soudi Arobio ond Pokiston. Write in cursive.

@ffi M@
Soudis Pokistonis
. rupee

,1i!E' -*-!E - --L---a'!

: s.l.z1U)6


L2 l?{P),H

Let's write.
Reod the informotion below oboul Nisho's pen pol, Hong Honh.

Nome : Hong Honh
Lives in : Ho Chi Minh Citg, Vietnom
Longuoge : Vielnomese

Moneg : dong
Religion : Buddhist
Celebrotes : Tet (Vietnomese New Yeor)

\tVeors : ao doi

-Fovourite food : pho o soup with rice noodles

Complete Nisho's emoil lo Molo. Use cursive writing.

To molo@friends"n;]

SSuubbjejcetc]tt MUg new pen pol

Deor Molo,

I wont to tell gou obout mU new pen pol. Her nome is Hong Honh ond she

ltis from Vietnom. She lives .

Mg pen pol speoks ^A, ond uses the dong to bug things. Her fovourite food

1S ",;r#n.

Hong Honh is o Buddhisi. She celebrotes "-*." On thot dog, she weors [ "ffi

ond visits her fomilg ond friends.

I will tell Uou more when Uou come to mg house next week. Till then, bge.



Write on emoil to gour friend ond tell him obout uour pen pol.
Use the notes given below. Write in cursive.

Nome : Sukrit Tonowot
Cornes from : Chiongmoi, Thoilond

Religion : Buddhist
Moneg : boht
Longuoge : Thoi

Fovourite food : pod thoi

l+"r"e-d"Lrts"*"*"ir:q-!-5"{i Celebrotes : Songkron (Thoi New Yeor)

I e. r.z1oy k Weors : cttut thai
I s.s. t1o1 ffi

Gnonnrnur Hold the bucket up
over Uour heod!
Lefs pructise.

Slond neor me!


> The words neor ond over orc preposilions of locolion. )
> Theg tell us where things ore.

e.g. Corlo pul o blonkef over the bobg.
Kimo is stonding neor her sister.

Join the sentence ports using the prepositions neor or over.

.,,t,' Isobello puts o showl ffiffi her shoulders.

.,& Aiko sits ,ffiffi$i her friend, Morio.

#&,Sr Doe-Hgun held on umbrello mg heod to keep me drg.

r& Olivio put o nopkin ffiffi lhe roost lomb lo keep the flies off.

,$. Choirot's house is ffiffi the Choo Phrogo River.

,# There is o bridge ffiffi the river ffiffi Kimo's house.

,1f," Loglo's house is ffiffiithe Kingdom Cenlre in Rigodh.

Wrile four sentences obout lhe pictures using neor ond over.
Wrile in cursive.


!-onguoge Arls

Let's recite the poern.

'The Crogon Box Thol-Tolked ,

While wolking into o tog slore the dog before todou

I overheord o crogon box with mong things to sog,

'l don't like Red!' soid Yellow, ond Green soid, 'Nor do I.'

*' 'And no one here likes Oronge but no one knows just whg.'

, 'We ore o box of crouons thot doesn't get olong.'

;"':-' Soid Blue to oll the others, 'Something here is wrong.'

Well, I bought thoi box of crogons ond took il home wilh me,

And loid out oll the colours so the crouons oll could see.

Theg wotched me os I coloured with Red ond Blue ond Green,
And Block ond White ond Oronge ond everu colour in between,
Theg wotched os Green become the gross ond Blue become the skg,
The Yellow sun wos shining bright on White clouds drifting bg.

'l do like Red!'soid Yellow, ond Green soid,' So do I.' FE
'And Blue, Uou were terrific so high up in the skg.' '
'We ore o box of crogons eoch one of us uniciue,
but when we get together, the picture is complete.' %

& tOdopted from The Crogon Box Thal Tolked bg Shone DeRolf)

Answer the questions.

.h Do Uou lhink the crogons were hoppu in the store? Whg?

.& Were lhe crogons hoppu or sod in the end? Whg?
,E Whot lesson hove gou leornt from the poem?

Pretend to be the red crouon. Tell the closs whot hoppened
lo gou ond whol gou leornl.

Refer to the poem The Meol from Anthologg of
Poems for Yeor 4, 5 ond 6. Pretend to be o chorocter
in the poem. Tolk obout whot hoppened to gou ond
whol Uou leornt.


To plog this gome, Uou need

ffi.:-, ,r! jt

h[gke o,
serrtepge with
'hit the sock'.


KICKED OUT bg the guord.
Go bock 4 spoces.

Longuexge A.r*u

Lel's sing the song.

Yhe ffirs?dtude Song li'.s1?s -ii
- E#\\</"il-:.\\d$Hki1i/}n\iv>/.itl
We hove reoched the end,
Of lhe Ueor, mg friends, J\
We hove leornl lo core,
And lo give o hond, -@p #
To be honest ond just,
To be one others con trust, #@ *
To stond up for whol is right.

We hove leornt to core,
For the world out lhere,
Sove the onimols,
And cleon up lhe oir,
Be logol cilizens,

WOfhloheorceolurnulergotnhdotfoweirs,ho".rr"#.i'r. ,


Thonk gou, Teochers, for gour love,

Thonk Uou, Teochers,-for Uour cctre,
wog.Thonk Uou, Teachrefs,r,for,'beiRg there,
Guiding us oll lhe -,\

For lhe tune //'s A Smoll World, go online ond tgpe:

r *,wmo





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, ilu! [|lLrilrlrlurlrliltl

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