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Published by MACKENZIE MANUK Moe, 2020-04-15 03:15:05



Keywords: ENGLISH YEAR 6


ffiffiffiffih ffiffiffi


Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan



Bahawasanya Negara Kita Malaysia
mendukung cita-cita hendak;

Mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat dalam kalangan
selu ru h masyarakatnya ;

Memelihara satu cara hidup demokrasi;

Mencipta satu masyarakat yang adil di mana kemakmuran negara
akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama;

Menjamin satu cara yang liberal terhadap
tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan pelbagai corak;

Membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan
sains dan teknologi moden;

MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia,
berikrar akan menumpukan

seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut
berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:



(Sumber: Jabatan Penerangan, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia)

Yoong Yut Lon
Lee Thum Eng
K. Konogqmoni

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+lt;t,.a: ::i :' 4,, : :, : $orimqh binti Mohomed Top

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u't ; UNIT 4 64

UNIT 6 HELLO! qqq? ,94,''


.-.'.';-1. -
. i':.


f'The English Yeor 6 SJK Texfbook is bosed on the Stondord-bosed Eriglish Longuoge
Curriculum for Mologsion Nolionol Tgpe Primorg Schools (SJK) Yeor 6.

tl The book oims to enoble pupils to moster the longuoge in order lo communicole
effectivelg ond to occess informotion. It olso oims to focilitote chorocter building ond to
develop responsible Mologsion cilizens; therefore, morol volues hove been infused into

'* .. The book comprises l3 Units which ore bosed on three theryrqs: World of Self, Fomilg
" ond Friends; World of Slories; World of Knowledge. Eoch unit consists of tivg modules:

.Ustening ond Speoking; Reoding, Writing, Grommor ond Longuoge Arts. Eoch modulg""..*:,..:,..;
emplogs lhe integrolion of lhe four lon$Uoge skills ond the principle of 3Ps (Presenlotion, "
Proctice ond Production).

The Listening ond Speoking module seeks lo prepore pupils to speok
confidentlg ond lo communicole effeclivelg in ong given conlexl.

The Reoding module troins ond shorpens the pupils' reoding slrotegies lo
enoble them to become ovid ond independent reoders. Thus, lhe reoding
moleriols ore voried, inleresting ond chollenging.

The Writing module oims to enoble pupils to express.themselves cleorlg in the

@ written form. It sirives to equip pupils wilh lhe obilitg lo write using oppropriole
longuoge, fsrm ond stgle for o ion$e of purpo-ges.

MM The Grommor module includes oclivities for the leorning of the grommoticol
rules of Stondord Brilish English, therebg enobling pupils to use grommolicollg
correct slructures in speech ond writing.

The Longuoge Arls module opens the world of literoture to lhe pupils ond

% "'\endeovours lo enoble them to oppreciote ond enjog literorg lexts. This module

H works. .,3olso engoges lhem in preporing, performing ond producing creotive

In line with lhe Educolionol Emphoses stoted in the Stondord-bosed English

'r, Longuoge Curriculum, the octivities in ihe Textbook ore pupil-cenlered; exploil lhe use ,11',,t',i,
of the different multiple intelligences; develop the pupils' higher order thinking skills ond
'iil,r'i li.
ore contextuolised, purposeful ond groded (io enoble mosterg leorning). To [romote

knowledge ocquisition, moleriols ore olso drown from subjects ocross the curriculum.

Pupils ore olso exposed lo the use of informotion ond communicolion iechnologg. In

oddition, leorning how to leorn skills ore introduced. The fostering of on entrepreneuriol lillrl r "
,, - 1,'r iiti
mindset omong pupils is olso cotered for. Morol volues, respect ond toleronce in o ,.,tri,r i l


multiculturol societg ore imported to lhe pupils. Elemenls of polriotism ond cilizenship ,, ' I ,,1
ore olso emphosised.

i.!::it,,1,,:, n;i;
':=::::i+ it .'.:,=.-t::.:

This icon indicoles noles for

Leorning Slondord poir thol he wonts costs RM200 ond he onlg hos RM I 00,
fr- \ Foriz con osk his porents for some moneu. sove unlil
.\-::ji:-:-./ he hqs enough moneu or buu o cheoper poir of bools.


M.RAL; dmorolvoluethollheUnitseeks%.W,tholfocxus*ol;n::h:iigxh"e:frf;'"'

to inculcole in the pupils. order thinking skills


USE IT RIGHT * An *x*lorne$or* ssilteri** SIGNPOST
indicotes on provides oddilionol
**,,***,*"9*g*PIo noti on of lhe is o lupe ol sentence informotion or
which expresses strong "genbfol knowledge.
rommor, !:uJ.g._g*. emolions or leelings such os
onger, surprise, hoppiness,
of lhe English excilemenl, etc.
e.g. Go owog, Uou thief!
I'll leoch lhot monkeu
o lessonl

t It ends wilh on exclomotion

mork (!).

LirerorureThiS iCon fefgrS tO Childfgn'S du#$.d;'ffRiefrelrXlo3the1pfoelfmfsfr.oIeis-ofnfoil,si"rlodcfhfgJtro:m: ,1,

Thinking Mops j

(0 Circle Mop ;[ Tree Mop

for broinstorming ideos ond for for clossifging ond grouping
showing prior knowledge obout
o topic

"jv9jle-"yeP-j ooQf.o"4op{ Double Bubble Mop .l

for describing quolities using for comporing ond controsting


ffiH , "sIhrgoYwiYnggtghe"3sequence ond E .fr Multi-Flow Moo I
for showing couse ond effecl
order in o process

_) _n_ PLq9"*WP J

i for understonding the for seeing onologies/
l relolionship between o whole
identifging similorities between
object ond its porls

Source: Thinking Mops bg Dovid Hgerle, 1995


Wei Min



r.i-,r-:i:.>:jit: tI ,:


/ \5{





H Listening ond Specking

Whol is the rop lrging lo sog to gou?
Lislen lo the rop ond repeot il oloud-

Tolk to Moma

Whenever I'm ongrg, I counl oul loud, ffi
Count to o hundred ond let mg onger out,
And I remember Momo soging oloud,

'Tell me, deor, whot Uou're ongru obout.'

Whenever I'm hurt, I just wont to crg,
To moon, to whimper, to sob ond sigh,

Then I remember Momo osking me lo trg,

To pour out mg feelings ond tell her whg.

Whenever I'm lonelg, I've no friends to meet,

Tostg food I'll munch ond eot,
Then I remember Momo soging to me,
'Be nice to others ond friends gou'll meet.'

Whenever mg feelings get too strong,
To shout, to moon, lo comploin is wrong,

I know deor Momo wos right oll olong,
Tolk to Momo ond mg problems will be gone.

In groups of four, discuss:

Liffi whot people should not do when theg ore ongru, hurl or lonelg.
rl the moin ideo of eoch verse of the rop.
lfi,-t, r ,:,:r,a,
whot lesson gou hove leornt from the


d& FX:i.3i", music, so ontine ond rspe: hilltpp:/://o/ouduidoi.otb'eiboer.aolr'so/r?g</?ccm=/ m L.rj
#files/enoe/694 ''ffi,


p Lisiening and Soeeking

The children ore expressing ditferent feelings. To sog the expressions
Listen ond repeot. correctlg, roise gour voice
Thot's woitderlui! fwhere lhe orrow points up

rle ond lower gour voice where
lhe orrow poinls down |.
I'm re^o*llg pNeosed!
The underlined ports show
sglloble/word stress.


Whol fonlsstic news!

Are gou A" o&, ,

I'm n*c{lg denrqs*ed.


Is there ungthing I

;,. coo do to helP?

+ l*

F!*cse be cureful.

Work wiih o friend- One person picks o feeling, for exomple, 'hoppiness'

ond the other eryresses the feeling. Toke tums to proctise soging the

eryre$sions with oorrecl stress ond intonotion. ,w" '.:';-,1


When Uou come ocross o word lhot gou do These words ore known
os **ntex?umN *lus*.
*not understond, Uou con use ' fhe|vwrds.

## Wffi9;$ to help gou figure oul or

guess ils meoning.

Reod lhe sentences below. Use the conlextuol clues (underlined words)
lo help gou lo guess the meonings of the words in red.

4hi,li,l#,,f$l Rito felt lonelg os she hod no friends in her new school.
l'i;iffii+ Kotie excloimed, 'This dress is beoutifuMl's gorgeous!'

1ffi1+ Tim wos onnoged with me gesterdog but he is pleosed with me lodog.
tiffi' 'Whot dreodful weother! It hos been roining oll week.'

Guess the meonings of the words in red using contexluol clues.
Then, look up the words in o dictionorg to check gour onswers.

irffi 'ron'i give up! You con do it,' Mrs Li encouroged Nodio.

Foriz soid, 'l'm perplexed! I don't understond whot's hoppening.'
+,iffiiir Jimbou wos miseroble when he heord the sod news.
ri#iri At first, the bogs were not interested in doing the project bul now

lheg ore verg exciled obout it.

-e :fhH procrice on using contextuolctues, go online ond rgpe: *W,,,$ ', '

http://englishlinx.comlcontext-cluesi#ES w

!.3 i
'1 I

Reod lhe conversoiion betow_
Who monoges his/her onger well? Whg?

Reod the porogroph below. The moin ideo
is underlined. Find the supporting detoils.

You should think before Uou speok. When
Uou ore veru ongru, Uou mou sou things
thot ore hurtful. Loter, Uou mou regret I wos furious with Mei
soging those things. So, before Uou Huo. I counted to ten

gnd colmed down.

speok, slop ond think obout whot Uou ore
going to sog.

Reod ond identifg the moin ideo ond the The moin ideo tells
supporling detoils in the porogrophs betow. gou whot the possoge
is moinlg obout. The
Tolk to sboemecoonuesegdoubgtruostht.eSr opmroebtilmemess.USoou,r supporting detoils tell gou
onger mog more obout lhe moin ideo.

when gou tolk obout Uour problems, Uour onger
will usuollu go owou.

ongrDuofeseolminegtsh.inLgistlehnoitnhgetlopsmguosuict,oproeinlotixn.gRoerlowxriintigngheinlpgsotuorcjooulmrnuool uorre
some of the things gou con do.


i ;'



When we wrile, we must punctuote our sentences correctlu.

fence. digging{e$l ,' rs-h@e shouted.q\ O Use o *cpi?<xi !*fi'en

'^Dev, stop to slort o sentence ond for
proper nouns.

@ Use on sxclsm*ti*n rn*rk
ot lhe end of o sentence

thol shows slrong feelings.
@ Use *pe**h rrswrk* to show

thot someone is speoking.

@ Use o quex?i*n rnsrk ot
lhe end of o question.

@ Use o full x?*p ol lhe end
of o senlence.

Rewrile lhe senlences below using correcl punctuotion. y

rffi whu is she crging. osked the little bog

iiiffiii i feel greot lodog. I did verg well in mg test. excloimed biki!

{ffi I know he's verg upset? he lost his new bicgcle gesterdog.
,ffi vvsvv, thol's o beoutiful pointing? who pointed il!

honif.tillffi,ift No, it's not gour colculotor, it's mine. gelled

oh deor, I con't find mg science book

ongwhere excloimed mimi

stog colm I will help gou to look for it
now, soid sonio she went inlo the studg

ond found lhe book under mimi's loplop
sonio held up lhe book ond soid, mimi,

here it is


Sonio wrote two senten@s on the whileboord' *When o word hos o
Did she moke ong sPelling mistokes? long e sound, wrile ie:

The cNef spoke to the chitdren ca[mLg. e.g, chief, fhief, believe,
She jurnp ed and jornped but she cotlld
*When lhe letter'c' comes
not touch the ceiting. before lhe long e sound,
wrile ei:

e.g. regeive, deqeive,
repeipl, ceiling

tXffi We were releived to see our porents.
41iff+ The concieted girl thinks she is the best pupil in the closs'
l+l,l#r+ Stre told me tnot tne police coughl the theif lost week.
+{ffi We were ongru becouse he decieved us'
cleon',irl,ffi,,irl Don't litter tl're feild! You should keep il '*



Reod the comic strip below. i; Go owog, gou lhief!


I'll teoch thol monkeg
o lesson!

0 An ex*l*rx***ry ss*?***s Reorronge lhe words below to fonn

is o tgpe of senlence exclomotorg senlences.
which expresses slrong
emolions or feelings such os ffit won firsl I the prize 'hurrog,
onger, surprise, hoppiness, ,''&'',, it Uou congrotulotions, deserve
excilemenl, etc. '{iW ,to prize collect tomorrow I'm

e.g,'Go owcru, gou thief! ihe going
I'll teoch thof monkeg +'i 0 won television I huge
o lesson! 5 lo we're Ligolond going
6 o ideo whot morvellous
* Il ends with on exclomotion ttWiil going greot, in I'm on oeroplone
,$tffh veru Ues, hoppu ond I'm excited
mork (!).

, 3. I .1,(g), 3.3. I \z;,1]. ;



ffi Languase Arrs

Do gou know whot Uou should do when Uou ore ongrg?
Sing the song.

If gou're ongru ond gou know it, stop ond think!
If gou're ongru ond gou know it, stop ond think!

If gou're ongru ond gou know it,
Moke peoce when gou show it,
If gou're ongru ond gou know it, stop ond lhink!

If gou're ongru ond gou know it, wolk owog! Keep gour cool.
If gou're ongru ond gou know it, wolk owog! Keep uour coor.

If gou're ongru ond gou know it,
Moke peoce when gou show it,
If gou're ongru ond gou know it, wolk owog! Keep gour cool.

If gou're ongru ond gou know ii, tell someone, 'l feel ongrg!'
If gou're ongru ond gou know it, tell someone, 'l feel ongrg!'

If gou're ongrU ond gou know it,
Moke peoce when gou show it,

If gou're ongru ond gou know it, l;ll someone, 'l feel ongrg!'

Tune: If Youtre Happu and You Know,lf

Adopted from o song bg Jock Hqrtmonn: http://www.
sonEsf orteochi n g.comijockhortmonniif goureongrgond gouknowit. htm

I Whol does the song tell gou to do when Uou ore ongrg?
E Exploin the line 'Moke peoce when gou show it'.

gi, e Stote two other positive woUS to hondle feelings of onger.

",4 Give the song o title.

In groups,l disouss,oppronriQler- :, Refer to the poems T'oes ond
odJions: UoU cqn:uSe'for,the' -. , '.,i' the poem.
song: Sing tho;song to,lhe,closs,

:ri &gi

: 4.1. I , 4.1.2, 4-2.1(c), 4.3.2



p..t1 6
complete eoch onologg-
'yl.,k, Pleosed is to hoPPg os miseroble is to

>kBicgcle is to ride os oeroplone is to
ft.Dictionorg is to words os colculotor is to

fu >kTeocher is to pupil os police is to

,# Gorden is to plonls os librorg is to;q''
Boker is to poslru os toilor is to;\".

.,1#. Plolform is to troin os lerminol is lo =:k

l# \

Moss is to plont os drogonflg is to 7q-.


}d Liofaning aad Speckins

Listen ond motch the picture with whot gou heor.
Goll out the number of the picture.


Foriz reollg wonls o poir of footboll bools. Unfortunotelg, lhe poir thot he wonls costs
RM200 ond he onlg hos RMl00. Fqriz con osk his porenls for some moneu, sove unlil he
hos enough moneu or bug o cheoper poir of bools.

Listen to how Foriz's friends express their opinions.

In mg opinion, Foriz should,,osk
his porenls for some moneu.

You're right, Jimbou. Foriz will be
qble to get the bools righl owog

Wei Min

I'm ofrqid I hove lo disqgree loo,

Jimbou. I thinkthol he should sove
his moneg until he hos enough.

I ogree With gou, Li Hui. Then,
he con feel proud of himself for

using his own moneu.


. r*, Ih groups of five, proctise lhe children's conversotion. Then, oome to o
rf:f-ir[e*ons"olunssiofnorogsotuor whose opinion should occept if gou were
choice. Uou Foriz. Give

Vinod reollg wonts lo ollend his closs portg becouse he will be in o differenl

school nexl geor. However, his sister's birthdog portg is on the some dog.

Vinod con go lo his closs portg, slog ot home for his sister's birthdog i

present.celebrolion or ottend his closs portg bul bug his sister o

\1.!i.l.l, . i


When gou hwe the choice of doing either

the right thing or the wrong thing,
whot influences gour decision?

Doing the Right Thing

'lt's olmost ten. I hove to hurrg,'Alex
thought os he wolked over to his

mother to bid her goodbge.
'Poor thing! You looked ofter me

oll night. You must be exhousled.
WhU don't gou stog home todog?'
she whispered.

Alex hugged her ond soid, 'l hove to go, Mum. It's mg job. If I om not

there todog, mg friends will hove to do the extro work. Don't worru, I'll be
fine. I've put gour food ond medicines on the toble. Here's Uour mobile
phone. Coll me if gou need me.'

Alex got to work in fime. Af noon, the restouront wos crowded.
Although he wos tired, Alex greeted evergone cheerfullg ond look their
orders potientlg. He olso removed dirtg crockerg from the tobles quicklg.
Mong of the customers left tips for Alex becouse theg opprecioted his

service. 'l need moneu to pog for Mum's medicol bills. The tips I get

Wow! Mg customer hos
lefl me o generous tip!

lip = 1plqn"g lhol cuslomers give to
someone who serves them in o restouront

The lost customer left ond the restouront
closed for the dog. Alex wonled lo hurrg home
to his mother. As he wos obout to go out of the

door, he noticed his friend seoted ot one of the
emptg tobles. He wolked over to speok to him.

Mg fother's in hospilol. I need lo pog

his hospilol bill but I don'f hove enough

moneu to do lhot. I don't know whot to do.


Alex thoughl for q moment. Then, he soid, 'l know whot it's like to need
moneu. Here's some moneu. It's not much but I hope it helps.'

Some of the workers in the restouronl overheord the conversotion.
Toking out their wollets, theg soid, 'We'd like to help too.'

rlrlffi Whot do the words in red in lhe possoge meon? Use conlextuol

clues to help Uou guess the meonings. Then, refer to o dictionorg to
find out if gou guessed correctlg.

^ff[,,W Whot do porogrophs l, 2 ond 3 tell gou obout Alex's relolionship with

his mother? Give reosons for gour onswer.

ffi ,1ru In porogroph 6, Alex'thought for o moment'before he mode his decision.

Whol do gou think helped him to decide?

Do gou ogree with his oction? Whg? Be responsible ond kind
when gou moke decisions.
f,f.i 4 Whot effect did Alex's good deed hove
on the people oround nimZ How did
gou reoch thot conclusion?

-*# li!,. l3l
wg "a ;

, 2.2.4(b\, 2.2.2(o), 3.3. | (o) ry

You ore ?{:,

20-WednesdoU, zq'h Jonuorg '{,€#

Deor Diorg, '.a:t:1ri,

During foolboll proclice todog, I sow Rovi ogoin. I think he wonts lo be o port of our

footboll teom. The problem is, he limps.
If he is mode o member of lhe teom, we mou lose the foolboll gome. If we do not

ollow him to plog in lhe teom, he mog never gel to plog footboll. I will lolk lo the other
leom members ond suggest lhot we ollow Rovi to plog in lhe first holf of the gome. I'm
sure he will be verg hoppg.

I hope thot we will moke o wise decision tomorrow.

Just me,


"6ffi Vo, decide to use o multi-flow mop to help gou solve the probtem.
SComplete the mop below with informotion from Uour diorg entru.

Source: Authors

Fridog, 3l"t Jonuor1 20-

Deor Diorg,

I recentlg took port in o compelition ond won o bicgcle. I hove o new

bicgcle so I do not need onolher one.
If I sell lhe bicgcle, I con use the moneu to bug something I need. If I

donole it to the orphonoge, lhe children will enjog riding it. MU cousin will

be verg hoppu if I give him lhe bicgcle.
I sholl lhink oboul il lhis weekend. I hope I con moke o decision

bg Mondog.

Confused, @,Imogine Uou ore Foriz. \ /hot will gou odvise
ffi,;Arie,lo:ffi?..Ciu'e.fl sdii.$,tor:r$our.rodyice.

t tt+ ) .,2.2.2

i ,r-


the phroses given lo sog whot !i '\"

hoppened to'gou.

- invited rnl:m Plog {ootboll

verg excited - goolkeeper

-- dived ond cought the boll ,
-cfreered - woh ther:gome conied

rne o* their shoulders

Now complete Rovi's diorg entrg.

Thursdog, 2nd Februorg 20-.

Deor Diorg,

@ @The members of lhe footboll-teom lhot I could plog wilh the
with them. |

@footboll teom. I wos n" for the teom.

@.When o ploger from the opposing teom kicked the boll towords lhe gool, |

- look me lo the orphonoge

-- Solurdog - veru hoppu

orphons - veru excited - see us

l. ts l


Noor ond Nodio ore hwing o @nversotion.
Look ot the picture ond sog whol theg ore tolking obout.

ooo Noor Nodio

Use the picture to help Uou oomplele the diologue below.

There's ,
Noor @. @Hi, Nodio. Let's go ,o there todog.
Noor @If I go shopping, I won't be oble to sludg tomorrow.
Noor @.Mg friend told me thot the things lhere ore verg cheop. There is o
Nodio @ @Wow! This meons thol
Noor thol I wont to bug will cost Thot's o borgoin!
Noor @Yes, il is. So, if gou do not go shopping with me, Uou will noi be oble to bug

@Lel's go now. We con go lhere ond be bock in on hour. You con

I don'l lhink thot's o good ideo, Noor. If I do lhol, I will nol hove enough lime

Pleose come wilh me, Nodio.

tr@I'm song, I con'l. I wont ond studg.



Source: Authors




Let's leorn how we con join sentences,

O The poir of words either...or is o conjunclion.
O It is used lo join two senlences.
O If gou join two subjecls wilh eilher...or, the verb musl ogree

Join the poirs of sentences using either...or.

ffi Arie should gel his mother o present. He should cook o meol for her.
ffi Sonio con wosh the utensils. She con drg lhem.
W tne monoger hos ioken lhe porcels. The clerks hove token the porcels.
W tne scouts mou go comping. Theg mou go jungle-trekking.
W ti Ming will live with his ounl. He will stog ol lhe hoslel.
W Everu dou, lhe dogs woke him up. Everg dog, the olorm wokes him up.


w@ f-f@o i rryweK

the girls Mrs Roj Nothon his cousins


tr Lansuage Arrs everg dog- Sometimes we hove to choose lo
ore good for us- To know whol theg ore, sog
We hove to moke decisions
do things we do not like, but

the chont below.

Adopted lrom choices to Moke,by. Tim Pocific: hltp://www'songsforleoching'

ri..o t''' o rocre red ucoii o n so n g s/c h Jce sto m o ke' htm

I Lisl the things the writer sous uou mou not wont to do. do'
,2, three more things Uou mou not like to do but should
"*[ A, Nome is o messoge in the chont. Whot is the messoge?

t.. 4ry_' Refer to the Poem Don't trom I
** t''&'s,. Yeor t
Anthotogg of Poems for
E: l*;
4,5 ond 6. Tolk obout the I

messoge in lhe Poem. a

t8'I qu,I.1 , 4., -2


PRAGilGgilAKgS Pffiffir fu


@wrrot con uou conclude from lhe siluotions below?

Lilg enjogs school, but she finds Mothemotics o liltle
difficult. Sne froO o test on Thursdog ond she hod been
proctising hord for it. Lilg ond her fomilg went out to
dinner on Fridog. Her porents told her thot theg were
veru proud of her. Whoi con Uou conclude?

;} r-irg is o good student.

1,*f, t-itg did well in her Mothemotics tesi'

;$ t-ilg needs more proclice in Mothemotics.

1,| t-itg ond her fomilg enjog going out to dinner.

Gorg wos excited thot he wos going comping with Bobbg'
He wos obout to leove his house when the phone rong'
The coll wos from Bobbg. When Gorg put down
the phone, he sighed ond kept quiet. Whot con Uou
conclude obout the situotion?

:k aoOOU could not go on the comping trip.
;k AoOOU reminded Gorg to bring olong his fishing rod.
;| Gorg's fother told him he wos going to toke him
. comPing.
;,{ Gorg's mother told him to be coreful when he went


Mum drove me to the netboll motch gesterdog, She slopped
the cor severol iimes to look of the mop. She even stopped
ot o petrol stotion to osk for help. When we finollg got to
lhe venue, the gome wos obout to stort. Which of these
conclusions con gou drow bosed on the possoge?

The girl wos not good ot ploging netboll'

fhe girt wos nol looking forword to the netboll motch'

The girl ond her mum got lost on the wog to the gome.
The girl ond her mum hod cor trouble on the wog to
the gome.

\ le t

-, -


M tistening and Speaking

Lislen to lhe storg for the onswersi
lo the questions.

The Mouse, the Frog ond the Howk

t 1 Listen to the story ogoin. -.|

ffi Whot is the morcl of the storg?

"r#d Whot conclusion con gou moke obout the frog's chorocter? Tell the closs

*ffi@ Uort opinion ond whcrt mode Uou come to thot conclusion.

Ctick it! i;:.,


For more proctice in drowing conclusions, go online ond tgpe: hflp://www.outhorslreom. .q1

Tille-Lels-Review-Steps-conclus- Educotion-ppt-powerpoint/

Teacher's Notes

A frog ond o mouse were friends. One dog, lhe frog plogfullg tied the foot of the mouse to his
own. Then, he led the mouse to o pond ond dived into lhe woter, drogging the mouse with
him. The frog enjoged himself in the woler. The poor mouse soon drowned. His deod bodg
flooted on lhe woler. A howk sow the bodg. It swooped Oown onO;rilJit;;iJ.
{' 2^0^l; f-;:T\
UflD}} As the frog wos ried ro rhe mouse, rhe howk ore him too.



Listen to the story corefullg. Identifg the piclure lhot corresponds with the
word thot gou heor.

/l--a---55--\ I :l
t il
I il I
I 1r

i,l*----X:*,| I

{ffii I



Proctise soging oloud the poirs of words correctlg-

rql & cot *shell bell
*neck deck
shook * took *singing ringing
*sleeping slipping

feacher's Noles 'kd
\ zt 1
Gel pupils to relell the storg using ond pronouncing lhe tollowing words correctlg: ut, bell,
took, ne*, sleeping, inging

Slorg: One dou, o cot found o bell. He wos reollg brove. He took il ond ploced it oround the
neck"of his en6mg. He did this when his enemg wos sleeping. When his enemu woke up

ond moved obout, lhere wos o ringing sound. This wos o signol to worn his

,l friends lo run for sofetg"


The Four Oxen and the Lion A foble is o short storg
lhol teoches o lesson or o morol.
Whot do gou think the storg is obout? Somelimes the choroclers ore
onimols thot oct ond tolk like people.

There were four oxen on o form. Theg ', Those oxen ore such good frlends.
used to go lo the field neorbg to groze.
Leo, the lion, wotched them from ofor. 1 Theg ore olwogs together. If I con ':.i

\seporote lhem, I will hove o feost.

The .sxen orgqed,:ond quorrelled. Theg "'6:i !il-
were exJremelg an$rg'with one onofher,



\ 4tr'l


?M Whg were the oxen orguing?

,ry&*il Wnot do gou think hoppened to the four oxen in the end?

,22i ?2 ,,.2.2.3(b), 2.3. l(o)



Reod the foble below. As gou ore
obout whol is similor or ditferenl obout this
ond lhe foble gou reod on poge 22.

The Bundle of Sticks

There wos once on old mon who hod four sons. The bogs were olwogs w

quorrelling ond fighting. This mode the mon terriblg sod. :p€
One dog, lhe mon fell'verg ill. He told his sons to look ofter the fqrm
since he could not do thot ongmore. The bogs listened to their fother
ond worked reollg hord on the form. 'Mg sons hove done evergthing I

wont them to do without comploining. However, how I wish thot theg

con get olong,'the old mon soid.

ine neri dog, he colled his sons to his bedside. 'Go outside ond

gother some sticks. Then, bring lhem to me,' he ordered. Although the

bogs were puzzled, rheg did os theg were told.
The mon told them to tie lhe slicks into o bundle ond theg did lhol.

Then, he turned to his eldest son ond soid, 'Now, breok the sticks.'The
bog used oll his strength but he could not do il. The mon ordered his
other sons to breok the bundle of sticks. Eoch one tried in turn but none

hod ong success.

Finollg, the mon told them to untie the bundle of sticks. He gove
eoch son-o stick ond told him to breok it. The bogs broke the sticks

eosilg. The old mon looked qt his sons ond soid, 'You musl be like the

bundle of sticks. Do gou know whg?'
The bogs nodded os theu hugged one onolher. Theg soid, 'Yes,

Fother, we do.'

ffi Wnot do the words in red refer to?
&[ W The mon uses the onologg of lhe bundle
onologg = comporison
of slicks' to help his sons underslond whg of one lhing to onother to

,. ffi theg should not quorrel. How does the Mexploin or lo clorifg

ffi onologghelphimtodothis?

Complete the bridge mop obout the chorocters in the lwo fobles.

cunning footish # #

Source: Authors

g t&),1)

&. A proverb is o short soging thot expresses
o generol trulh or gives good odvice. Insteod of
giving o long explonotion, we con use o proverb lo
emphosise whol we wont to sog.

Do noi worru or
comploin obout
something thot gou
connol chonge.

If gou come ocross unfomilior proverbs, lrg to imogine lhe picture thot
the proverb mokes gou lhink of.

Here ore some proverbs thot ore used quite otten. Molch lhe proverbs
with their meonings.

Q Oeoling with o problem immediotelg
will sove gou extro work loter.

@ If is whol we do thot molters, not

whot we sog.

@ ArU things thot gou con offord.
@ It is better to occept something smoll

thon to rejecl il ond hope to get
something more loler.

@ It we work logether we con succeed.

If we fighl eoch other we will foil.

@ ntwogs think corefullg before gou oct.

A proverb con olso be used os o title of o siorg. Which of the obove
23?proverbs would gou choose for the fobles on poges 22 ond 7, ,

Click it!

Moke o colleclion of proverbs. To leorn more proverbs, go online ond tgpe:
hltp ://wvlw. idiomcon htm I

t. t.3


Jimbou reod o storgbook in the librorg.
He used lhe pictures to tell the storg to
his friend. Whot did he sog?

Then, he wrote o review of the book. Join
ihe sentence ports to find out whot he wrote.

Title of book : The Clever Howk

Author : Jomes Wolters

Chorocters :ohowk,onightingole

@Whot the storg is obout: The slorg is obout how once, o howk

# Once, o howk cought x the howk to let her go.
&*# The nightingole osked.9 lhon lo woit for something I
mog not get.'
# She toid the howk(} e,
#** refusedThe howk
&*to :'er' The howk soid, 'lt is beller to releose the nightingole.

E @"F o nighlingole.
lo look for o bigger bird.

,ffi. -.>-:..t :;.

,i "*


#'r4:;: :il-J

dF&i d@ '-p

- -fl4ilG@

fish begged let her
- -I 99 told - fishermon
However Smoll goU -u biooer fish seo
ore, Uou ure befrer e"..":,-* & @-!r""'w#

thon nothing ql cll.


- seo - soid

@ wririns

Let's reod ond leorn the ditferenl ports of
o slorg.

and the Lion

* "@. .ah

'5!F #q *'@*


A storg hos o beginning, o middle ond on

Beginning {s Who ore the chorocters? .,,

.i* Where does the storg toke plSft?

.dj+r;#cEsftf€effi#@a; ;** Whot hoppens to the chorocter?
I uioare $
o[+{ Is there4,,,--- *, * *-, 3? problem?
- *.,., " ".-.. ", ;,F

'hl:' How is the problem solved?

.-s. Whot hoppens in the end?



r: i::;;iiiil+1.::1-i : :j : gou think the storg is
Mong Ueurs
tdll o stOru.

' I'm verg hungrg. ,@:,:,
f&t:.---:. -.:' ' '|ir@,',

Reorronge the sentences below lo tell the slorg obove.

He wenl down lo lhe river to fish but he rorelg cought onglhing.
He returned lo the villoge to look for lhe kind womon.
She gove him some rice everg dog. Hon Shin wos verg groleful.
He repoid her kindness with o bowl of gold.
One dog, on old womon sow Hon Shin.
Hon Shin remembered the womon who hod fed him.
Hon Shin wos veru poor ond did not hove enough food to eot.
After o few geors, Hon Shin left the villoge ond went to o town.
Long ogo, there wos o Uoung orphon nomed Hon Shin.
He worked verg hord ond become rich. He wos verg hoppg.
He lived in o smoll villoge in Chino.

Be groleful to lhose who
help gou.

IBeginning Porogroph Who wos lhe moin chorocler? did he feel?
Where did the slorg toke ploce?

Whot wos lhe moin chorocler's problem?

@lPorosroph2 How did he trg to solve his problem?

Porogroph 3 Who helped him? How did she help him?

Porogroph 4 Whot hoppened ofter o few geors?
Whot did he do?

Porogroph 5 Whol




He wqs indeed hoppu when
he found o reollg big fish.

Rewrite the storg below using the
odverbs given in boxes.
King Midos wos o greedg mon veru .

He loved gold reollg . One dou, o

kind foirg gronted him o wish trulg .

Everglhing he louched would turn into

gold completelg ! Midos could believe
his eors scorcelg . It wos good to be
true 16e ! He wos hoppg indeed

tza j J.t

si .'


Look ol lhe pictures ond guess the storg from
the poem. Reod the poem.

The Roven ond the Fox

Mr Roven wos perched upon o limb,
And Regnord the fox looked up ot him,
For the roven held in his greot big beok,
A morsel the fox would go for to seek.

Soid the fox, in odmiring tone, 'Mg word!
Sir Roven, Uou ore o prettg bird,
Such feothers! If gou would onlg sing,
The birds of lhese woods would coll gou King.'

The roven, who did not see the joke,
Forgot lhol his voice wos just o crook,
He opened his beok, in his foolish pride,
And down fell the morsel the fox hod spied.

'Ho-Ho!' soid the fox. 'And now Uou see,
You should not lislen lo flotterg,
Vonilg, Sir is o horrid vice,
I'm sure lhe lesson is worth the price.'

Adopted trom The Roven ond the Fox trom * limb = o lorge or
http ://mocom i. com/fobles-i n-rh g me-for-l itlle-f olks-volZ
moin bronch of o tree
$W$ \Nhere did the storg toke ploce?
$ morsel = o sffioll piece
ffi Wfrg did the roven drop the piece of food?
*'4"m *ffi 'The fox wos clever ond cunning but the or omounl of food

roven wos foolish.' Do Uou ogree? Whg? *S spied = noliced, sow
&[,ry"mge Whot lesson did the roven leorn thol dog? flotierg - proise

* vice = foull, weokness



Molch the proverbs with their meonings.

New brooms sweep cleon. @ wr,en the col is

owou, lhe mice will plog.

@ roo monu cooks spoil fsol,snd:his in need is o

lhon one. $ rnowtedge is power. @ te proof of iii

pudding is in the eoting.

# New emplogees usuollg do iheir work well.

,;# Two people con ochieve more thon one person working olone.

# A true friend is one who helps gou when Uou ore in lrouble.
t# fne more knowledge o person hos, the more power he possesses.
# If too monu people ore involved in doing something, it will not be done well.

db A person who comes eorlg hos more odvontoge thon someone who is lote.
i,rffi You con onlg judge if something is good or bod when gou hove tried it.

i# Wtren the boss is owog, the workers do not do lheir work properlg.

'?# A foolish person spends his moneg corelesslg ond soon becomes poor.

30 I

'1,, Jeon is stonding nexl to Li Yong.
',2. Armon is just toller thon Kishen, who is stonding nexl to Seho, who is

shorter thon Ronjil.
iffi Li Yong is the tollest person.
,,4i1 Indit is loller thon Seho, ond theg ore both toller thon Gito.
.$, No one is stonding between Indit ond Hui Yi. Indit is loller thon Hui Yi.
,.,fi,, No one is stonding between Ronjit ond Jeon.
1,..7'l Hui Yi is shorter thon Peler, who is just shorler thon Ronjit.

,, Peter is toller thon Indit, who is toller thon Armon. Theg ore oll toller
thon Kishen.

1., :3l j

Yes. But, we hove to be coreful
nol lo end up chotting insleod

When I use the Inlernet, I

con leorn more thon whot
the textbook leoches me.

Yes. Thot's o good
wog to increqse
our knowledge.

We con qlso leorn from reoding
the books in the librorg.

' 32.t i2o4,,r,1,,.-2.,,.'1,.(g)



. Listen to how Sonio enoouroges him.

DonT worrg, I'll To express encourogement,
leoch gou how lo
remember better. uou mou sou:

O Don't give up. Trg ogoin.

*S Believe in gourself. You con do it.

Don'l worru. I'll help gou.

S Don'l be discouroged.

0 Don't worru. You'll do better

nexl lime.

Whot do gou sog to encourqge gour friend when he or she sous:

In poirs, loke lums to epress the feelings below ond lo give the

oppropriote responses.



Here ore some common obbreviotions found in mosl dictionories.

An obbreviolion
is the shortened form
of o word.



downLook ol the diclionorg enlrg given. Complete the toble bg wriling I
the obbreviotions ond the full word of eoch obbreviotion.



ffi Irsrudg v. give time ond ottention v. I verb I I

buegsin oeneo's sotudgiess. 2b- ro.omror-insonyp--ffi1@l@ll


berlong v. l. - to, be lhe propertg

of; be o member of. 2. hove os o

i".[Jjirvvvu.i.ssebudroinringqo,d(iseitehci.on)ngoc.esrMnoesppoiuciclo*ulrlu,ei,srieeil,fW,t: fin'*wg::lo:inldi,':b:"u"s^in'e"s{s"'.e"lc't)""-t ffi ;H:::"fil1fi,f; llT;?;lXlJii
in relotion lo

: before lhe mind.

ceflificote n. wrillen or printed

- $ ;;;; il;.;;,#,'ofrend v. t. sive thoushr,ond , _ W I slotement which mog be used os
\(tlou)).. z2- ubEe prEesoeEn,rl uort. 3e. \(-vboeentr1e-"co"od"rcue ffffi., m'^no,r,riinangoe -_. -_dd oadrjt.i hlraor"vrriinn,ngn",rthihiuea,rright
lo) serve (sb.). -once n.
', to oo sJn. (e.g. teoch) os ihe result

n. $.:
servonl; componion

t &r. r r r J -


We hove ditferenl slgles of leorning. Reod ond find oul how people leorn.

, .:-t ': i'".'t:t ii 1, ., ' . 1,1.1 '. There ore lhree wogs lo
stop oir pollution. Firsl, ...
Are gou on ouditorg leorner?

Audilorg leorners like listening to their Theg oflen reod oloud or squ oloud the
teochers' explonolions. focls lheg ore leorning.

Are gou q visuol leorner?

Visuol leorners use mops ond chorts Theg write qnd moke lists of whot theg
when theg studg. hove leornt.

Are gou o kinoesihetic leorner?

'Kinoesthetic leqrners like role'ploging' ' .Theg enjog 'd6o6iin1g9 experimentls oqnfidd '
dromos.ond octing in

Molch ond complete the sentence€" t l, * bg lislening

@Visuol leorners find it eosier lo remember ihings .ti i"' u thot theg hove seen
@Kinoesthetic leorners leorn besl
€Audilorg leorners leorn betler +1 bg experiencing

Use the informotion given,,in the ehcrl ond tell i35
the ctoss obout the different leornin$ stgles,
2.2.2(b\, t.1.3

ftpi(iliug:. t

Wei Min, Sonio ond Foriz tolk obout their studg
hobits ond whot theg do in their free time.
Reod whol theg sog.

I leorn best when I om doing or mcking things. I don't like to sit qt
o desk for o long time to studg becouse I lose concentroiion. In mg
free time, I go jogging ot the pork or plog footboll with mg friends.

I enjog discussing things with mg friends. I remember
things better if I sog them oloud. I enjog listening to music.
Sometimes I like to hove soft music when I worli.

I leorn things more eosilg if I con see them.
I con imogine lhings well. I prefer looking ot
o mop thon to lislen to someone giving me

direclions to o ploce. I like to wotch television

when I om nol sludging.

trt ir|Iirr yy6ot conclusions con gou drow obout the children's leorning stgles?

".lr &' You mog reod poge 35 ogoin to help gou.

Hfl, Nlr zhen gove the children some odvice to help them to be better

leorners. Reod whot he soid ond nome the person thol he spoke to.

Whot mode gou reoch thot conclusion?

Moke noles. Use :Wolk oboul ond reod the Studg with o friend. Reod
mops ond chorts to oloud the focls gou wont lo
help gou to remember informotion out loud. Toke remember. When leorning
whot gou leorn. o new word, sog ond spell
-5 l0 minute breoks it oloud severol times.

when Uou ore sludging.



i go,J




Foizol hos to moke on onnouncemenl to his closs. This is whot he sogs.


Jimbou is the secretorg of the Science Societg. He hos to moke on
onnounoement of the school ossemblg tomorow. He wriles oul whot he
is going to sog. Complete whot he sogs.

Nofice Jimbou

Leoming How to Leom seminor \17,,

Dole : lOrh Morch (Mondog) w
Time : l0:00 o.m. - I l:00 o.m.

Venue : Peoce Holl

Fee : RM 15.00

Open to oll pupils in Yeor 4, Yeor 5 ond Yeor 6.
Those inlerested, pleose give gour nomes to
Mrs Noidu.

Lu Jio Yi
Molhemolics Societg

Sorogo writes to De Ming to tell him obout o seminor she ottended. Use
the shorl notes to complete her letter.

q* Q---13, Jolon Pinong,

Deor De Ming, 5q 100 Kuolo Lumpur.

€)---*3g* Morch 2o

@,l',hope,Uou ore fine. I'm writing I afiended

in'school lost week.

I,heord thot gou olso qllended such o seminqr.

@.l,gou find it useful? Pleqse agr.


i 381 *;ffi i.ia":*;,o+*lLi,


Do gou remember how to use the words o, on
ond the conectlg? Reod the senten@s below.

Wei Min hod on old loptop but it broke down. So, his
fslher bought him o compuler. He uses the compuler

{o,fie-h him lo leorn,on his own. When he does nol

Use the correcl orticle lo complete the possoge.

@,n woll in her room. She looks ol
@uery Oog to leorn it. She olso surfs

E#rguqga* word cqn be used.

\sq j


Whg do gou like going to school?
Reod the poem below to find out
whg the poet enjogs going to schoo!.


School is fun,
It's o speciol ploce,
Knowledge we need,
To seek out ond chose.

Our fovourite teochers,
Are friendlg ond kind,
Their possion ond job,
To enrich everu mind.

Sports, clubs, ond octivities,
At everg single lurn,

So much lo do,

To studg ond leorn.

To gel ihe most from school,

We should olwogs be present,

And in closs pog ottention, FT Yt'
To eoch ond everg lesson.
w #' 1$
noup t $

,rffi Whot is verse I obout?

"l lir'!y5s1 kind of teochers does the poet hove? euote the lines lhot

tell gou this.

l whot should we do to get the most benefit from going to school?

ffiiiffi Whol odvice do gou think the poet is giving us?

Reler to the'poem$ Iodpoles ,,

ond A Goden trom Anthologg of

Poems for Yeor 4, S oN 6.

Sog whot the poems ore obout.



?arerrc,trrs wsJ fu

Gomplete the storg using ihe phroses given.

The Owl ond the Grasshopper

Once, there wos on old owl thot lived in o forest. She slept in the dog ond

hunted for food ot night.

One sunng dog, o grosshopper come olong ond@. The owl could nol

@sleep becouse
'Go owogl I om lrging io sleep,'she soid.

'l won'|. The forest @,'the grosshopper onswered.
@ @The old owl reolised thot ne
verg fosl. She olso knew thol in lhe

dogtime. So, she would not be oble lo cotch lhe grosshopper.

@.''You she soid. 'Before Uou continue singing, pleose come up here
@. @ond The nightingole gove it to me ond soid thol beoutifullg.'
@ @ @the thot the owl liked his singing. He olso wonted
So, rc

@the owl. As soon os he wos neor enough, tn" ond ote him up.

Complete eoch sentence with the correcl orticle.
r @Todo g is
sunng dog.

ffi @trtodio soid to Sonio, 'Thol's good ideo.'

@,'ffip .limOou mode onnouncemenl obout lhe seminor.

W @Foriz is reoding foble oboul o former ond his son.

ffi Morio wrole in her journol. She kept @journol in her drower.

@,ffiffi Long ogo, intelligent fox lricked some monkegs.

@'ffi+ t spoke to Presidenl of the Historg Societg on Fridog.

ffi e)MU friends ond I did difficult experimeni in school lost week.

t-istening and Sps4king &

t*ffirrmf, fipsten mn*$ pmBnt fhs {3% @

*#ffip#s.* dlre*ti*mm" & kir
T"hem. Fi.sfmm mne# ?nmce fFi* @m Ef
drn*cffrmnl mm thm rntrp. co
666-,i- xo*n1.s-8,{if -E)
iiii di3l="-.'f=c--J.F.-T{31I



i; Norlh ri North Deso Rio
1i West
i: Eosl

*""1 ._.::.,.,:: .1, ' ,,::,,.- EoSt ffi@?%

. .. ii Souih
South jii,:





Soulh @ ll$o


,.li --l'l I'l1rel:lltlBondo
bBo 66
1Murni ].:.:: :''):l:' --.:..-.. :t,, |:.:' :::.:::'. a:':.,::.-'

Prmctime wfr??: g*axn frler:r$. &sk rynr$ ffir!. w*r

Li Hui reoch Bondor Seno ofler o few kilomelres.

@ Jimbou

ffi feacher's Notes
From Mohomoju, go north. Trovel olong Jolon Bukit ond gou will see q lunnel ot Bukit Kogu. Go
through the tunnel ond continue on until gou reoch o junction. Toke Jolon Tosik ond go west
unlil gou reoch Pulrriujooguoo.. TI hnen, TtookKee Jolon MlMerDbokK onod go nornthn-wweesstt.. You witll see o obfrliodge.

42i t.2.3,2.2.2(b) Go ocross the bridge ond move slroight on. You will reoch Bqndor Seno ofter
o few kilometres.


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