mode o torch ond Hurrog! We've
found o wog outl
@ lewls gove Lorrg his heortfelt thonks,
Hruqffi;i Hor Hn
He opologised to Lorrg becouse he
regretted hoving colled him nomes,
especiollg seeing thot il wos his
glosses thot hod soved them bolh.
S) finottg, lheg mel up with lhe seorch porlg
Whot o stroke of luck I hod!
I could not hove been wilh o
better fellow odventurer lhon
Lorrg here.
Lewis told evergone whot hod hoppened. From thot dog onwords,
Lewis ond Lorrg become good friends.
.k ."f . \,ry'hg did Lewis coll his friend Loser Light Larrg?
'ffi l,fl,,, If Uou hod to choose o friend, would Uou choose Lorru or Lewis?
Give reosons for gour choice.
ffi Whot lesson did gou leorn from this storg?
', r' lmsgine gou ore Lewis. Tell the reporter whot
hoppened to
gou ond Lorrg.
ar lrg3 r
:l{a;c},,4.&?, .2.3..1 (o), I . I .3 f
]d Usted,ing osd sp€efckls
Listen ond motch whot gou heor to the heodlines-
ffi In groups of four, discuss urhot the newspoper heodlines ore proboblg
obout. Whot conclusions oon gou drow from these news reports?
& g#iitll;x:#ffiff,lirff;,'"ff:ffi;;$Hir, n*p :"M
faacher's l,rofes
I He motivoled his sloff to work hord ond theg mode huge profits for lheir compong. 2 The
mon opened lhe bog left in his vehicle ond found jewellerg inside il. 3 The mon sow the
thief while he wos delivering lelters so he chosed the thief. 4 The oword is given lo o chitd
who hos bolh lhe quolities of honeslg ond inlegrilg. 5 The nurse donoled one of her
'q4) ,l:iil:{tr::rl kidnegs to sove the 6-geor-old orphon.
a, ."
@**lffi A
Listen ond reod the poem otter Uour teocher.
Once there wos o little bog,
With curlg hoir ond pleosont eues,
A bog who olwogs told the trulh,
And never, never told lies.
And when he trotted off to school,
The children oll obout would crg,
'There goes the curlg-heoded bog,
The bog thot never tells o lie.'
And evergbodg loved him so,
Becouse he olwogs told lhe truth,
Thot everu dog, os he grew up,
Il wos soid, 'There goes the honest gouth.'
And when the people lhot stood neor,
Would turn to osk lhe reoson whu,
The onswer would be olwogs lhis,
'Becouse he never tells o lie.'
'6ffi Give the poem o title. Whol lesson did gou leorn from the poem? Give
@ reosons whg gou think the little bog never told o lie.
Be honesl. Honeslg is the
best policg.
.2(q) \95 j
Hx,@taa: *eadins'
Let's leorn how gou con use o diclionorg lo help gou find the meonings of
phrosol verbs.
First, identifg the keg word in lhe phrosol verb.
Then, look for the keg word in the dictionorg. You should find the phrosol
verb ond its meoning there.
rr-r,@[rmoke. for sth I to move lowords sth
2lo help to moke slh possible: Constont orguing
doesn't moke for o happg marrioge.-see olso
moke sb/slh into sb/slh lo chonge sb/sth into
sb/slh: We're moking our oltic into on extro
rmoke slh of sb/sih lo understond lhe meoning
or chorocter of sb/sth: Whot do gou moke of il
all? * I con'f moke angthing of lhis nole. * I
don't know whot to moke of (= think of) the new
rmokeroff lo hurrg owog, especiollg in order lo
escope ,moke roff with sih to steol sth ond hurrg
owog with it
For eoch sentence below, identifg the phrosol verb ond guess its meoning.
Then, use o dictionorg to find lhe meonings of the phrosolverbs. Complete
the toble below.
qitlffi The heodmoster promised to look into lhe problem.
,41ffi11ft Adi cried out, 'l will not do thol! Il's ogoinst lhe low!'
qiiffi The children look up lo Zhong Wei becouse he is o good leoder.
tlt. # The villogers ore counting on their heodmon to help them to solve
the problem.
g@ , q ffi?X.J"ij: some usins phrosor verbs, so onrine ond rgpe: hnps://www.
- l.htm ffi\s/
$'i,. qo,. j
Newspoper reports inform us obout whol is hoppening oround us. Reod
the newspoper report below ond trg to imogine whot hoppened.
i The Doilg Times, FRIDAY, l5 OCTOBER 20-
ii' .,,1,";:i,ql!j
speciol qword bg the police gesterdog of the lpoh,,:;'1,,,1
Police Heodquorters. Aisho, 37, helped the police lo
copture two criminols.
Lost week, lwo men wenl into lhe bonk ond spoke
lo Aisho. Theg wonled her to tqke out oll lhe moneg
from one occ6unt ond to put il into onolher o..orni
Aisho went lhrough lhe documents theg honded in.
She found out lhot,the men were loking moneg oul
from on occounl thot did not belong lo them.
Although'she wos token obock, she pretended lo go olong with the men's plons.
She lold lhem to woil while she went to gel o speciol form for lhem to fill out. However,
whoi she octuollg did wos to rush to the bonk monoger to tell him obout the men. The
monoger telephoned the police. Aisho went bock lo the counter ond chotted with the
men to keep them from leoving. When the police orrived, lhe men were orrested.
In on interview ofter lhe oword ceremonu, Aisho soid lhot the men hod offered to
give her RM5O,00O if she ogreed to help them. 'Theg told me lhot lheir ount wos verg
sick ond thot theg were helping her to tske core of her moneg,' she soid. 'Of course, I
didn't believe them,' she odded.
According to lhe police, the lwo men were ihe relolives of on 8O-geor-old lodg ond
theg were trging to cheol her.
.,1r, 51ot" the dote ond venue of the oword ceremonu.
[S ,q 'The men were dishonest.' Give detoils from the newspoper report to
support this slotement.
ffi S,,, Drow o flow mop obout Aisho's experience.
u l[, If gou were Aisho's boss, whot would Uou sou to her?
:bJ,,.?.3, 1 (b), 3.3. I (o) A role model
is someone olhers
respect ond think of
os o good exomple.
\, q7',
Two people were in lhe news gesterdog. Reod whot the newsreoders
ore soging obout them.
The certificoles of oppreciotion below ore to be given to lhe
news. Complete the certificotes.
Certificole of Appreciotion Certificole of Appreciotion
presented lo presenled to
The Communitu Service Club L"#H]ns@we@on
of Alpho Universilu
Asmoh bte Ali
@.for orgonising We compliment gou
Director of Educolion 2619120
@on uour
Abu bin Kossim 2llqlzl
Chief Minisler
98J 22,Ztd,
The newspoper report below is obout Puon Yoti" Find out whot she dld"
rhe Notionor stqr'' o- ?3L ll::l?lffi .'t*ro*'s LIFE
SENTUL: Puon Yoti Lemon, who hos been s volunteer with the Red Crescent Societg
tar 22 Ueors, wos commended for soving o life lost week. Puon Yoli, used Cordio
Pulmonorg Resuscilolion (CPR) to sove the life of Modom Zhoo Huo Li. The Red
Cross Societg gove her on oword for her courogeous oct.
According to the police, Modom Zhoo hod o heorl ottock when she wos in o public
ioilel lost Soturdog. When Puon Yoti went into the toilet, she found Modom Zhoo
holding her chest in poin. Since sle hod lo.ken o course. in CPR with lhe Red Crescenl
Societg, Puon Yoti performed CPR on Modom Zhoo. After thol, she colled for help.
Modom Zhoo's fomilg wos veru groteful lo Puon
Wei Min interviews Puon Yoti for his school mogozine. Oompiete the
intenriew. tJse the informotion in the newspoper report to help pou"
Wei Min : How long hove gou been o volunleer with lhe Red Crescenl Socielg?
Puon Yoti : I've been t:':*
Wei Min : Con gou tell me how gou soved Modom Zhoo?
ffi.Puon Yoti : I went i"Wond sow on old lodg I knew she wos hoving
ffi{ffi so t on her.
Wei Min : Whot did gou do ofter thot?
m.Puon Yoti ,l
Wei Min : How did gou leorn CPR?
PuonYoti :ltookom
Wei Min : Thonk gou for shoring Uour experience with me.
Puon Yoti , {ry.
snReod the newspoper reporl below ond write ,"_)-:-::--
interview between Sonio ond the senior firefighter"l f
The Mologsion Posl, SUNDAY, 22 OCTOBER 20-
MANTIN: Swift oction bg senior firefighter Hu Ming Yu, 47, soved lhe lives of two
people lost Solurdog.
Firefighter Azli Amin, 23, wos corrging o Uoung bog ond wos coming down from
the upper floor of o burning buitding when o beom fell on him. Senior firefighter Hu,
who hos been in the serviCe for 25 geors, rushed in ond rescued them. tfr-e fire
Service gove senior firefighter Hu o speciol oword for his couroge ond leodership.
3-3- l(b), 2.2.2(s) qg
Reod obout Devon.
Devon is leoning ogoinst lhe door.
* The words ogoinst ond omong ore prepositions.
$ We often use ogoinsl to lolk obout phgsicol conloct belween two or more things.
e.g. Devun is leoning ogoinst the door.
S We often use omong when something is in lhe middle of or surrounded bg
olher lhings.
e.g. Devon is sitting omong the girls.
Complele the senlences below using ogoinsl or omong.
@rffi Mr Ling took lhe lodder ond ploced il lhe woll.
@llrir#rp We sow the monoger sitting his workers.
@'ffi'The bog sow the lhief leoning the lomp posl.
@,ffi Jomil found o gold ring the dirtg plotes in the bosin.
@",'i She found her molher stonding o group of nurses.
'iiiffii'! wos resting@the side of the von when ils driver drove off.
/-' ,..
sijrooJ .3.,,1,r?{g)
Do gou remember how to use the prepositions
ocross, lhrough, olong, omong ond ogoinst?
PIog this gome with gour fri,end, You need o dice ond 6 tokens eoch.
#'&,tffifott, rq4i,rhe,'d!ce.,I-f,lhe.ploger,.1!irowo,, l3'r,moke.o s.eltencd,oboui''l
:,r,-':1,',:,Pietulgr,$',gn,lh6..ecrd':usin'o,.ond,of, e..obsve,preBoiiitiono..,.eoVer !hQ,prqtg1g,ry.[15
:,.',., ;rojolien if gou'mcike, s.colr,eet sen.fe-qce.'Mi$$,o lryjf.,Uour ieffienee'is,.wrong.
3 The first ploger to cover oll the piclures on his or her cord is the winner.
Cord A
tuCord B t, tot
WM, &
5-,1,5{qre_}-, 3, I .e1o
&@ Lansuase Arrs
Whot would gou give Uour mother os o gitt? Reod the storg below to find
oul Morg Miller's gitt to her mother.
'ir:e ,ffiESe ffi On" windg dog in Morch, ...
herffi N4org Miller took good core of
sick mother. Her folher hod died ond
theg were veru poor.
I wish I could offord to ffi Wf,en school wos dismissed, Morg
ffi Sh" wos usuollg o good student bul storted home. She hod gone onlg o
short distonce when she sow...
lhot dog, Morg wos not poging oltention
ffi Running quicklg forword, she picked ffik
However, she knew whot she
How I wish I could keep ".; thought would not be righl. So, ...
lhis. Then, I could bug 4 Excuse me, Sir, gou
dropped gour wollel.
Here, toke this so'thof
Uou con hug orred opple.
f) rtia.s bwner,,rero-gr-li ,Morg,.
He quicklg picked oul lhe besl opple he
The store owner then gove Morg onother
for herself.
" ,i,liffi When do gou think the storg look ploce?
"ffit,u, Nome two quolities found in lhe moin chorocter. Anolgse ond point
oul the moin chorocter's octions thot show lhese quolities.
+!ir#'iit Give the siorg onother litle ond Uour reoson for choosing thot tille.
storg.rtffiil, Retell the
|- -
l#*S .{gli&3r b) {'##
e* # @%
6 dt
Identifg the phrosol verbs. Use the meonings of lhe 3
tI phrosol verbs given lo help gou.
I It wos roining so Omor put on his roincoot. : wor€
2k The children got up veru eorlu in lhe morning. , woke
L The king found out thot he hod been tricked. discovered
4,r Tim wos verg sod when his grondmofher possed owou. died '
5,\ The villogers helped the police lo look for lhe lost child. find
* 6 The tolk wos colled off becouse the speoker wos ill. concetted
7& Jin Hou took off his shoes before entering the house. removed
Choose the correcl reflexive pronouns.
It t Mei Huo did the project himself herself '.
I 2 The cot hurt gourself itself I when it fell into the droin.
3 Puon Rohmon told the bogs, 'lf gou ore hungrg, moke
Uourselves themselves Somedinner.'
4$ Did gou moke lhis beoutiful brocelel i,gourse]f , mgself l?
x 5 coke ' goursetv.. ortt"fr". '
6 We boked lhis it
"! Johon wrote o poem obout Mologsio ond recited
i7 ii to the closs ,gse i rrqmielt :
The children built themselves Uourselves o tree house.
a$ or : ,
tWeohecnheUro. u:soregouuprspeot,regnotus.should speok to .,:4 Uour
2 ffi#SA
Mrs Velu soid,.'9iyo, Uou con hove o wotch o bockpock for
gour birthdog. Moke o choice.'
3 .1 *, Soros F,Mog Ling con help gou with the poster. Theg ore both
good ot ort. Just osk one of them.
4 41
Lost week, I went L comping ,',;*4 jungle-trekking. I stoged ot home.
5 "'." RUon .- $' Komol were in closs on Fridog. Theg were ill.
, 6 When he goes to o restouront, Gopol orders *.H fish . ,E prowns. He
. does nol fke seofood.
r04 2.2-t{b'),5. 1.2{o), 5. I .4 d GG+ hit
# h. '_ k* d'*
s#{ffi..Wg@H -Ys$ry gwsrg1ry,s 4
before crossing lhe finishing line : .2d How much difi is lhere in o hole \
gou overtoke the person in lhird tf,or meosures two metres bg three
ploce! Whot ploce did gou finish \%-** #i k
i $
metres bg four melresZ
*3f, .\
i A worker ot o butcher shop stonds b
81.8 metres loll ond weors size f
shoes. Whot does he weigh? i
%k \ *-/
,5*/; I Ao nol hove ong speciol powers,
Which is correct lo sog, 'The golk
I of lhe egg is white' or 'The golk of bul I con predicl lhe score of ong
lhe egg ore while?' boskelboll gome before it begins.
6) How con I do this?
John's mother hos four
children. She nomed the first
1.'i ,' April, the second Mog ond lhe
third, June. Whot is the nome
\ .b. of lhe fourlh child?
,'' 7.'; on lhe border of \ k r"ror"Mt. Everest wos discovered,
\ '# A plone croshes Where do theg
i ! whol wos lhe highest mountoin in
\ Chino ond Indio.
burg the survivors? ri o mouth bul never speoks, hos o
heod bul never thinks, ond hos o
%*- 4/ bed but never sleeps?
#9; n mon is looking ol o photogroph
of someone. His friend osks who
it is. The mon replies, 'Brothers
ond sislers, I hove none. But thot
mon's folher is mg folher's son.'
Who wos in the phologroph?
',!o^u V Ol 'uos stH 611eh patenocslp uaoq l,upoq lsnlI - puo/v\ or.ll ul tseqoltl otll lllls sDM
ll 'lsola13 ll4 g 'sloltruns er.ll filnq l,uop no1 Z ur.lof 9 ioJoz ol oraz sholrlo sr euo6 lloq+olsoq ftuo erolaq
I teJocs eq1 lcrpeld uoc 1 ivrol1efi eto s11ofi 663 'leq1te5 loey\ g oloq i ''
oiocs oq-L sulOaq ll sroloq puo prlw 'bllq u1 uoired ssod 'eco;d prl,ll o ul urp ou
sr o.ror.11 z 'qunoi soruocaq eq 'aco1d alo+ nofi erlt noh | ,s.,. suv 1 t OS
Listen ond motch whot gou heor to the pictures
ry."; '
::. ;''-'t { +i
, .. ,,1 .:
ry..- e**w+;#" "*,i+
Listen ogoin cnd onswer tlre quesfions.
l. Whot is the moin ideo?
2 Whol ore the supporting detoils?
Teacher's Nofes
Plonts ore verg imporlont to humon beings. Most of the food we eol come from plonts. A lot
of medicines ore olso mode from plonts. Plonts provide shelter ond food io onimols. Plonts
olso help lo move woler from the soil inlo the olmosphere durlng lronspiroiion. Plonts produce
oxugen which is importont lo humon life. Theg olso help to cleon the oir bg toking in corbon
106.,j 1,. IrE,' ['3.f dioxide from lhe olmosphere.
Look ol ihe pictures. Stote lhe messoge the pictures ore giving us.
,'Srff{ Itr groups of four, discuss the imporlonce of onimols to humon beings
os shown in lhe pictures. Think oboul other wogs in which onimols con
'"S 6s.t1it humon beings.
ffi af(b),,3.3,.t(o) r":1r;..\
Where ore theg found? Are lheg imporlont io Molher Eorlt?
There ore mongrove Mongrove trees ore found in coostol oreos
forests in Pulou Kukup, neor the equotor. Below ore some interesting
Pulou Longkowi, olong focls obout these trees.
the Kinobolongon River,
Soboh ond in lhe Boko Mongrove trees con grow in solt woter
Notionol Pork, Sorowok. but other plonts connot. The thin 'skin' on
the surfoce of the rools of the mongrove
trees prevents the solt from entering the
plont. The leoves olso remove solt from
the plont.
Mongrove trees hove oeriol roots. These ore
roots thot grow obove the ground. These roots
loke in oxugen from the otmosphere even when
the soil is flooded.
Speciol oeriol roots, colled prop roots, support the
trees in the wet muddg ground. Theg keep the trees
'fixed' to lhe ground. Theg grow from the trunk ond
downwords into the soil.
Mongrove foresis ore breeding
grounds for fish, prowns ond crobs. Theg *l coostol oreos = lond
ore olso the hobitot of wildlife such os
olong or neor the seo or oceon
monkegs, lizords ond snokes. Mongrove {h breeding grounds = ploces
foresls olso protecl coostlines from' thot help things to grow ond
erosion ond floods. So, we must toke
increose in number
good core of these forests.
. Exploin how mongrove trees con grow olong the coostline.
fi' Identifg the moin ideo of the lost porogroph. Stote the detoils thot
ffi"r'fl,' Whot will hoppen if mongrove forests ore cut down?
-d.ffi ;3(g&)i,2.q.,I (b),' L l,3
Mohon wrote to his cousin obout on interesting lrip he mode in Soboh.
Where did he go? Whot did he do ond see ihere?
ro [email protected] 4" ** &**
subi.c-t Mg trip to Kinobotongon River
@- Tr E B .t U & A i==€E ===B@E'+- <q
Deor Sonio,
How ore gou? I hope gou ond gour fomilg ore well. I hove jusl returned from o
lrip up lhe Kinobotongon River. Il wos on extroordinorg experience!
I sow reol mongrove lrees for ihe firsl time. Theg were omozing! Theg hod
rools lhol grew downwords from lhe lree lrunks into the ground. Theg looked
like stilts supporting the lrees in the wet muddg ground. There were olso rools
thot sluck oul like sticks from the woter. The guide told us thot these roots were
like snorkels, loking in oir from the otmosphere for lhe trees.
Along lhe wog, we spotted o lorge bird on o lree bronch. It hod o huge bill thot
curved downwords. 'Thot's o hornbill,'I soid excitedlg. The guide nodded. Loter,
we sow two crocodiles ol lhe river bonk. Theg swom towords us but our bool sped
off before theg could reoch us.
Soon we orrived ot o quiet ploce in lhe forest. A troop of proboscis monkegs
oppeored on lhe lree bronches. Theg hod enormous noses ond big round
slomochs. We morvelled ot their looks ond wotched in wonder os lheg swung
from bronch to bronch.
'The plonts ond onimols here ore foscinoling. Theg ore lhe lreosures of Mologsio.
So, we musl olwogs toke good core of lhem,' soid Mum. Dod ond I ogreed wilh
her. I om sure Uou will ogree loo when Uou see the lovelg phologrophs I hove
token. I will show lhem to Uou soon. Bge for now.
Your cousin,
The Kinobotongon
River is lhe longest river
in Soboh ond lhe second
longesl river in Mologsio.
- J!, SUIJPUI lll 19 UtilurlD lL.,l ll lti I I l\,lll I ll.lE\r :
'e 3 Mohon's mother soid, 'Theg ore the treosures of Mologsio.' Lisl the-things she wos
. 4'eL referring to qs 'lreosures'. Do Uou ogree with her view? Give reosons for Uour onswer.
Mohon soid lhe trip wos 'on exlroordinorg experience'. Select the
informotion in his emoil lhot supports lhis. w,tn-c= ..- -
;3..,3;,,1{b), '@:Fa
i'.ros*s; :
turtle? Reod the text below to find out.
Theg ore bolh repliles. Theg ore cold-blooded. Theg log eggs in the
ground. Both the lortoise ond the turtle do not hove ong teeth.
The tortoise lives on lond but the lurtle lives in woter. The lortoise
hos round stumpg feet which help it to move on lond. The turtle hos
webbed feet. These feet help it to move in lhe woter. The tortoise's shell
is lorge ond dome-shoped to prolecl it from ils enemies. However, the
turtle's shell is flot ond slreomlined to help it swim well in the seo.
These onimols ore importont to us becouse theg ore port of the food
choin. However, theg ore decreosing in numbers. We must protecl lhem
i so thot theg do not disoppeor from the eorth.
ffi. Use the texl obove to complete the double bubble mop below.
,. a a
a a
t Itt a
a ,a
aa ta
)ffi, turtle t.l
Source: Authors
: ."''
:,: :: i.l
'-'riln - rnoi.t t'' frog ,' - long stickg - hop obout
: Sffiooth *.ui'" .^, * *:, -* _. 0.,",01*Lre'' longues 4i'* skin * drg ,
Source: Authors
- similorities - differences - frog - lood?
Write obout the similorilies.
Wrile obout lhe differences.
- importont - port of food choin - decreosing
in numbers - protect - nol disoppeor
Treosure the floro ond founo in our countrg ond toke good core of them.
B ffi,Look up informction on the similorities ond differences belween the crocodile
%iE qnd the olligotor. How ore lhese onimols importont lo the environment? 1fof;
0.2J:(s), [, Lrrrj
* white 1[ --cousoekd --etoroldilionol medicine
-tfo*ers smoll, woxg
-{ five petols
lorge, green ji-- cook-eol popogo teo
--teoves { slor-shoped processed -
-[ lreol dengue fever
fruir ovol-shoped
{ _ soft, gellow {t- pro.".sed - beoutg products
smoll block seeds sorrJ"' Authors
A popogo plont is verg useful. We con use its flowers, leoves ond
fruit in monu woUS.
A popogo plont hos white flowers which ore smoll ond woxu.
@. @Eoch flower hos popouo flowers. The
Some people
@flowers ore olso used in
@. A.The leoves of the popouo plont ore
Theg ore
@. @lo Theg ore olso used (71.
Some people popouo leoves. The leoves con be processed
@ 6. @The fruil of the popouo plont It is There
@ @inside the fruit. The fruit con be
to moke
The popogo tree is indeed o speciol tree. 'i
r - while J[ --comookke-e- onteem flower oil
I r-cook-eot
-flowers ] prettu, frogronl ] - pro."rsed - neem teo
-[ five pelols -l. treot skin problems
-[ long, green -(
-Ieoves ] mode up of
I smoll leoflels { processed - skincore products
-[ egg-shoped
Nesmlree fruil ][-s-moonell,sgeeedllow Source: Authors
Look ot how we refer to groups of onimols, people or things.
There is o nest of robbits . A troop of soldiersl This set of tools belongs
in lhe field. ; morched in the porode. lo Foiruz.
ffi$ffi f;? RI
S The words nest, lroop ond set ore collective nouns.
* We use collective nouns to refer lo o group of people, onimols or things.
e.g. nest of robbits = collective noun + of + noun
S We usuollg use singulor verbs wilh collective nouns.
e.g. There is o nest of robbits in the field. This sel of tools belongs io Foiruz.
* &#*re **{***9iv* {?*{*ffisl
o herd of buffoloes/coltle/deer/elephonts o pride of lions
o flock of birds/sheep
o brood of chicks o troop of monkegs/lions
o sworm/hive of bees o crew of soilors
o litter of kittens/pups o sloff of teochers/servonts
o clump of trees
o bunch of kegsigropes/flowers
Gomplete lhis crossword puzzle with collective nouns.
I - of birds 2 _ ot kitlens
of of trees
5 _ robbits 3 - of chicks
- of fish
[,980;--,,oootff bees 4 -: oJ,tools d
lions 6
rnonkegs '7
ffifffirlf, rlfiLffilfffi.- f]fiffi,,fll @
,,3,,1'2(o tl}[*n
Ht>LE_r5)*1".' Language Arts
Once, o king hod o poloce with o wonderlul gorden. In it lived lhousonds of
different creolures of greol vorietu ond colCIur. He loved his gorden. However, .."
-*-\. M -[ [:nf okl free is on
e-:rlcsrirel t'll rJe{ rict
n[ it
'XriJri # \.,I$V.
The king CIrd-ered the uglg olel tree o wise noble visiled
to be remove{,,Q_._
Yr:ur l\4cijestg, *verglone tolks
nboLil ihr-' tieoutg r:f got-r'getrtien
,But I'rig oi'illJ t:ir?en er few snloli
birrls ond fhese fr:untr:ins.
II tirL't,.
r_."''..'1,],..1.1 old lree wos home to mong moths. '''g
,"il.r p"" rrlrp"o rore plonts to gro*.
lt"The q5.i
i Th" $
i Worms ote those plonls. Birds then ote lhefu*;
!-worms ond big onimols fed on the birds. ,i"'"
Excellent! Con
gou recreoie
mg gorden?
Your Mojeslg, I'm ofroid il'll toke
o veru long lime for the onimols
lo come bock.
Adopted from The Noturol Garden bg Pedro Poblo Socriston: http://freestoriesforkids.
com/chi ldrenlstories-ond-loles/nolu rol-gorden
I Whot lesson does this grophic novel teoch us?
2 Who leornt this lesson? Whot did he sou to show this?
3 Drow o flow mop to show the relotionship between the moth poo ond
the big onimols in the gorden.
Your closs wonts lo Put uP . . ,L.{!:J# Refer to the grophic novel
o plog bssed on lhe slorg. provided bg the Minislrg of
Educolion. Nome the moin i'
Design o poster to tell
choroclers ond tolk oboul
other pupils oboul il.
th3i1 Rersonolitu troill,
&2.1(o,c), 4.3. l, 2.3. I (o), 3.3. I (o) t il5
H Lisiening and Speaking
Invenlors ore creotive people who think outside lhe box.
Lislen lo port of o tolk obout inventors for onswers to the
questions below.
Whot did Alexonder Grohom Bell invent?
Whot did John Logie Boird invent?
Work in groups of five. Discuss whot
problems users found with lhe invenlions
below ond how innovotive people
thought outside the box ond improved
on lhe inventions.
E*F= -+
feacher's Notes
Invenlors were creoiive ond thought outside the box. Alexonder Grohom Bell sow thof ond
people hod o problem communicoting with others for owog. He thought oulside the box
ttt t ),llYgffine telephone' John Logie Boird wonted to moke it possibljfor people to wotch
l;1..2, 1.1I ,S3 I moving imoges ot home. So, he invented the felevision.
I l6"r
@ listening and Sproltipg
To invent somelhing, o person hos to follow cerloin steps. Studg the comic
strip below. Listen to the steps ond motch them to the pictures.
You will need
something to
cool lhe noodles.
We need to lower It tokes such o Let's slofi on
the speed of the fon" long lime lo eot our project.
lhese hot noodles.
In groups of three, mime the storg obove. Toke turns lo give the sleps
involved while ihe other two members of ihe group mime lhe sleps.
foce..,,.,tr',' Identifg o problem thot the people oround gou sk
,r:r'fi;i'gTshqinrkchoffodriffinefroernmt othtiionngsobUoouut con moke to solve lhe problem. tried
the problem ond how people hove
to solve this problem.
,:;'fl,',, Decide on whol to invent to solve the problem.
,, i' Moke the invention.
lffi, Jssf gour invention lo see if it works.
rrff' Moke chonges to gour invention if necessorg.
I:T|3ltt H:eriling, uou need ro foltow certoin sreps. First, idenrifg rhe problem. rhen,
lhink creotivelg obout how lo solve it. Nexl, seorch for informotion. After thot, corrg out lhe
gour chonges io the
project. Then,tesl
lo. iif gou need
invention. Finollg, moke t,l ,4,,
?.2.Z(a:b\ 17,
' ", wos shipwrecked on o a\ \
Alex deserted
islond- How did he suruive until he wos 1
rescued? Resd the story below I
\r ----**-* '**---*-l"
One dog, while Alex wos soiling in lhe seo,
terrible slorrmm.. Tlhhe wilnd wwoos s
there wos o 'f'l *.A
veru strong. The woves overturned his bool.
- -
He monoged to swim to on islond. However,
he wos not oble to bring ong tools, food
or clothing oshore. He wos exhousled on-d."
exlremelg hungrg. He looked oround but"."+
he could not find onuone to help him.
Whot do gou lhink were Alex's feelings when he found lhol he wos shipwrecked
on o deserted islond? If gou were Alex, how would gou feel?
Alex hod to fiEure out how to stog olive until he wos rescued. He wrote
the two lists below to help him think of whot to do.
fLf.i How did Alex do thot when he hod no pen ond poper?
Work in poirs.
d3. Discuss how Alex used the things oround him to help him to survive.
2d3. If gou ore shipwrecked on on islond ond gou discover fierce onimols
there, whot will gou do to keep Uourself sofe?
* Whol did Alex do thot showed thol he thought outside the box? -'.&*e.rl+*'
Imogine Uou ore Alex. Tell lhe closs whot hoppened lo gou ond 's-.
whot gou did lo survive on lhe islond.
)hP Click it!
ffi Thotlpfin:/d/wouwl hwo.wwtiokishuorvwive.coonmo/dLeisveed-eodnis-loo-nDd,egsoeorntleinde-olsnldotngdpe-:\*Q"'
i,,ai 2-2.3(b,, 2.3. I (o), Ll .3, I .2.4
The orticle below is from o mogozine.
Before reoding, lske o quick look ot the nifl11rys qnd predict whot lhe
orlicle is oboul.
In 2012, Pelmie Noel, Notosho Sunoqu ond Chqn Sing Teck from SJK
Chung Hus Bolu 15, Jslon Puncok Borneo,,Kuclring, Sorowok, invented
on extroordinorg kitchen sink.
," 1
fhe sink hod three outlets or holes with csvers, Eoch outlet woi
joined to o plostic pipe. Cleon wqter for s'toroge went throu'gh,one o1
the oullels into q sloroge contoiner. Woler, that could bg,reused went
through onolher oullet inlo o contoinei for recgcling, The lqsl outJet gol
rid of dirtg woter bg sending it to lhe moin drsin.
When Uou use the sink' onlg one oullet is opened. For exomple, when
vegetobles ore'wsshed, the used woter con be recgcled. So, the outlet for
recgcling woter is opened while the olher two outlels ore closed. The used
woter goes through the open ouflet into o poil. Woter collected in this poil con
then be reused for wqtering plonts, woshing droins or other cleoning jobs.
' The childr:en submified lheir invention for the Mologsion Young Inventors
Cornpetition (MYIC). Theg won nol one but three owords! The owords were the Gold
nwqid (Molagsio), ihe World Intellectuql Propertg Orgonisolion (WIPO) Aword ond the
Asiqn ond Mologsion,Best Young Inventor Aword (Kitchenwore cotegorg for primorg
schools). Their heqdmosfer, who wos olso their odviser, wos extremelg proud o{ them"
{i1*lfl To help lhem think of whot to invent, the children identified o problem
thot needed to be solved. Whoi wos the problem?
wT*:[,tfl'Whot speciol quolilies ond tolents do gou lhink the children hod thot
helped them be successful Uoung inventors?
}ff*"ffi. Will gou use the invenlion in gour home? Whg?
_-ff@i"r=..&a"*a- \t tq!
Yru i
& '@@ #
)SZ ctick ir!
6ffi ond qil'U"r'i"rro invent onuthing, whot would il be? Whot would il do? Go online
tgpe 'Young Inventorsilo leorn more oboul whot goung people hove invented. #
:3l?,.9{b),,,?"3. I (b), I .2.5
'::.::4+ ' ';:4, -:-
.=-:':-a.=-. .':L'.3:a, :,-.a:;:'ir1=,;-t.4.:'!.jial-:.-':.'.
'+.. ..r ::,t ::,, ' '
You ore ollending o Thindng Otrtside The Box Workshop in school. You
hove to write obout creotive woUS to use clolhes hongers, plostic spoons
ond compoct discs.
plostic spoon mirror
i tzo,i Jr;r8ir4.'H
! .."
'1 11! "t -"1 or '1
Il will moke mU room look verg oltroctive.
I con put mU plotes lhere ofier woshing them.
It will look beoutiful on the dining toble.
I con hong it obove lhe dining loble.
However, I will use them to moke o dish rock.
We use plostic spoons for eoting, stirring ond serving food.
I will pul some fruil ond flowers in it.
I will hong it on lhe woll beside mg bed.
It will be verg useful in lhe kitchen.
I con olso use plostic spoons lo moke o lomp.
I con olso moke o fruit boskel with lhe clolhes hongers.
We use clothes hongers for honging clothes.
However, I will moke o ploslic spoon mirror with these spoons.
It will look belter thon lhe old lomp.
Two Creotive Wogs to Use Clothes Hongers
@We use clothes hongers to hong clothes. However, I
@I con olso . @."i Two Creotive Wogs to Use Plostic Spoons
w" ,t"
' lconffi.
- I'm sure Rovi will work on
his new invention lomsrrow.
u$E ffi
t We use lhe Simple Fulure Tense for octions thol will hoppen in lhe future.
/ t \e.g. I'nr sure Rovi will wod< on his new invention tomorrow,
subject + will + bose verb
* To form negotive sentences, odd not belween will ond the verb.
e.g. I'm sure Rovi will not work on his new inveniion lomorrow.
O To form queslions, exchonge lhe subjecl ond will.
e.g. Will Rqvi work on his new inveniion iomorrow?
ffirp?*: l,. , When we speok, we often controcl the subject ond will.
e.g. I will -* I'll, gou will= gou'll, he will - he'll, she will - she'Il,
it will il'll, we
will * we'll, theg will- lheg'll
. e. We olso conlroct will not inlo won't.
Complete whot Foriz sogs with the simple future lense of the verbs given.
Wriie in cursive.
I think Rovi snd I lhe Tfilnldng Oulelde'the tsox:Sarnlnar in Ipoh,nent
Fridog. Don'lworru, we @there" Ilm sure,Rovi's'Iqther us, there,
Aftsr the,sominur, I think we
Rovi's uncle ctr,hls,,durion orrchord. I'm
@sure we to toste sorne d[rioils, I hope he f;6f6]ue to o'shop fo hug
G@onwhite cottEe.i think we
our journeg bock to Kuols,liut-xtpur sfter
@lhot. I promise I o pocket of white coffee sfomregllosuoOf dut uI 6rioot lntr-inO oocr
up if the cor
ong durions. RovG[s n" @
&# @ @ *@ 4%
# "z& 'b/*
Lms$< cst tBtq+ pE*tt"*r*s *r:d n*tes gEvmm sh*ut R*beet Yong anrd ?:is imvention.
u' w%@f:. Al-.: a'! :
,x1:#a ffi:Wr,, l . .@'wi ',
tii i
-.ionbvmeopnrnoten-dut*"-ioT,il*'"0r13,0-"fi1linbeoexring t -;;"i"nl";o-eti;c:de:-do-s* tsctoemiosetttehoeilreirntshso-ndresm*ovweodletr-h,e-^**, N
*ffi, '.* '&,r
Vr;c'**T6#ff "'r*5',& ,.*ttiIl:-itl,
=#; i *ri;,= l:. ' t fr$,. #sit
,i# X
- in loilets - hod woshbosins - wosted i: *won*oword-Mologsio-internotionolj
- worer- woshed - honds - lgB0 - * 3
cover CIword tgqa
Flush 'N' wosh woter cistern ,,:.g#, 3
M 4il A}'
"w:',@ j
below.Bc*ed on tfte mhr*vs in#*rmcfdmrr, *ompiete the ptrssogc *
Robest Yong ' ;ylf,. He worked '1.'. fi6 :.,' ond l;ss; j
Robest ' did not hove ong woshbosin. Users -" of the cisterns I,
ond I lhere. This
theg So, helletpeople -'sthot.,l:'*,,He olso sow g
when.....'.....)|---,t-'-..,.'.,.'...*i,.,..'--'-"'.'.'..'--l| ,:f .
, t23
m.*.**- theLook ot the pictur:e. Where do gou think li,
people ore? Whot ore theg doing? How do the I
people feel obout being in this ploce?
The slorg Uou ore obout to reod is entitled The,"I,$s66,,'61,
Whot do gou think the storg is going to be qbout?
The Islond of Inventions
The first iime Luco heord people speok of the Islond of Inventions, he
wos still veru Uoung. The stories he heord oboul the ploce filled him with
curiositg ond wonder.
Luco seorched for clues ond reod hundreds of books to find out more
obout the islond. Finollg, he concluded lhot it wos o secret ploce where
oll the greot wise men of lhe world would meet to leorn ond invenl things.
A person hod to creote on omozing invention thol mode life beller for the
world. Onlg lhen, could he or she receive on invitotion to the islond ond
instructions on how to get lhere.
In order to gel thot speciol invitolion,
Luco spent monu Ueors studging ond
inventing. Everg new ideo he got, he mode
il into on invention. If there wos ongthing
he did not understond, he would look for
someone who could help him.
Soon, he met other Uoung ond intelligent
invenlors. He told them obout the Islond of
Inventions. The Uoung inventors would lhen
dreom of being senl'the letler', which wos
how the invitotion wos referred to.
Time possed. The goung invenlors were disoppoinled thot theg did
not get on invitolion. Theg decided to work horder ond olso lo work
logelher. Theg met in Luco's house ond creoted exlroordinorg devices.
Luco's house ended up looking like o huge worehouse for mochines.
The invenlions theg creoted mode life beller for people. However,
even ofter oll lhot, none of the invenlors received ong invilotion. Still, theg
did not give up. Theg continued leorning ond inventing everu dou.
Time possed. Luco grew old bul he did not give up his dreom of
getling to the Islond of Inventions.
One dog, Luco told o Uoung mon who hod joined Luco's group of
inventors oboul the Islond of Invenlions. Lucq olso soid he wos sure thot
some dog lheg would receive on invitotion. 'Whot? You meon lhis isn't
the Islond of Inventions? Wosn't the leller gou sent me thot invitotion?'
osked lhe goung mon in surprise.
Luco looked oround ond sow thot his
dreom hod become lrue in his veru own
house. He reolised thot there wos no ploce
better thon lhe ploce he ond his friends
hod creoted. Luco felt hoppg thot his life of
invenlion hod been o trulg hoppg one.
ffi Whot is the storg moinlg obout?
ffi Whol did Luco lell the Uoung inventors obout the Islond of Inventions?
."X$[W A chorocter who chonges in o storg is colled o round chorocter.
Luco is o round chorocler. In whol wog does he chonge in the storg?
H Listening and Speaking
Listen ond sou whether lhe slotements ore true or folse.
A mongrove swomp is o wetlond.
Mong onimols live in wellonds.
Wetlonds couse flooding.
Compore Pictures A ond B. Which do gou prefer our world to be?
Give reosons for gour onswer.
Tolk obout whot hos hoppened to the wetlonds in Picture A ond whg it
hos become thot wou.
Teacher's l,lotes
Wetlonds ore veru importont to humon beings. Some exomples of wellonds ore mqngrove
swomps, lokes, rivers, rice fields, elc. Theg ore homes to monu tgpes of onimols ond
plonts. These onimols ond plonls provide us with food ond medicines. Wellonds olso filter
ond cleon the woter thot we use. Theg prevent flooding bg obsorbing woler. Some
i tzaj mongrove swomps olong lhe coosls help lo reduce the impocl of lsunomis
tr 1.1..,1,,1..1.3 ond slorms.
Piclure B
@-'f(,mB( ^
Be responsible. Toke core
of Molher Eorlh.
:'l:"& Whg it is impofiont lo protect wetlonds
: : ,:1) I ;.,,,{ff;
, ,,::;q;Whol we should do to protecl wellonds ,f.&i o@ge' ""e.*gy? ,^,""*d '
-@*^,*ffi %
**ew ""..,Mtr"-".*..-*3
l.l.l, 1.1.3, 3. l. l(o). 127
Whot is 'globol worming'? Reod the possoge to
find out.
The rogs of the sun enter lhe eorth's olmosphere.
Some of ttre roUS ore reflected bock into spoce. Some
of them reoch lhe eorth's surfoce ond worm il' The
wormed surfoce of the eorth gives off heol' This heol
trovels bock into lhe olmosPhere.
Greenhouse goses (e.9.
corbon dioxide ond methone) in
lhe otmosphere troP some of this
heol. This prevents the heot from
escoping into sPoce.
The heot thot is troPPed
lrovels bock to eorth ond keePs
lhe eorth worm. This is colled
the 'greenhouse effect'. Withoul
it, lhe eorth would be loo cold for
onimols ond plonls lo survive.
Todog, people ore odding more greenhouse goses
to the otmosphere. Theg drive motor vehicles ond
operote foctories thot burn fossil fuels for energg. The
burning of these fuels releoses corbon dioxide inlo the
oir. When forests ore burnt down, corbon dioxide is olso
releosed into lhe otmosphere. Trees help to remove
corbon dioxide through photosgnlhesis' However,
foresls ore cut down so there ore fewer trees left to
do this.
t olmosph€r€ = o loger of goses surrounding
plonel Eorth
* fossil fuels = oil, gos ond coql
(d#ffil}!ea){""^t ffi
, @When the omount of greenhouse goses increoses
the heot tropped in the otmosphere increoses loo. This
couses the eorth to get wormer ond wormer. We coll this
'globol worming'.
Globol worming is hormful to the eorth.
Il couses the melting of glociers, rising seo
levels, floods, hurricones ond droughls.
Plonts ond onimols thot connot odopt to the
chonge in climote will die. Some of lhem
could become extinct. So, we must do our
besl to slow down globol worming. We con
do il if we work together!
liffi Whot do the words in red meon?
,,ffi Stote the moin ideo of porogroph four ond lhe supporting detoils.
'g 4tffi Which porogroph tells gou how globol worming occurs?
Complete the tree mop.
Source: Authors
Ctick if ! 'ffi
To leorn oboul whol con be done lo reduce greenhouse goses lo lhe environmenl
climotechonge/kidslsolutions/i ndex. hlml
;fiffi#y;::w;:1r,, roqdof
pieces or .roinls
- switch off electricol opplionce, _ no, Wogs To
Reduce Globol
using them
In school
::i.t:- Ih."*":;&r1'ffi -- inlorm - porents - lurn
-off - cor engines - woil
f ', ure a391}
- things - do -, * plonl more trees - neighbourhood
- communitg Public tronsPort
r"Out. - usl
- use solor energg * provide electricilg
- homes
You hwe writlen the firsl porugruph of gour composition. Use lhe piclures
ond the notes given on poge 130 to complete the second porogroph.
4 {t 4 tt { { { i { { t 4 t i t * { { { ,€*
Oog h;s etiects on globol *or*ing. If we work logelher, we con
Wnoiws do e;
' reduce globo"l rw.rogrming. We con do it of home, in _school qnd in the communitg.
@we @. @Ar home, there or-e o We should-@ r.
con oo to We con
, ,L
@ @ @ @, when qt q time.
we should wosn in the we should nor t
*"*"f **^ ",/- *8 *"f -..*r'' .? *a ** *".1 ,ou .f ..-"-# ", "'-' .t^ **" -*f .rre'-,f ,*..3,
Use lhe pictures snd notas given on poges 130 ond I3l
to help gou write the third qnd fourth porogrophs of gour
composition, Then, fgpe out lhe completed composilion.
Bosed on whol gou hove leqrnl, mqke
q PowerPoint presenlqtion enlilled
Wogs to Reduce Globol Worming.
)f&Wfi.*'^ :*i *f.l
click ir!
ffi - ftClinton Hill colled himself Defender ol the Planet ond founded Kids lor Saving
Earlh. To leorn more obout him ond whol he did, go online ond tgpe: hltp://u -T
\ ond hltp://www.kidsforsovingeorth.
3.3.1(b), 2.2.2(b\ irsr
* Al+
/ffiM\ \\=:
ll Yl tl ,''\"
I'l *ill be doing -, a"-"-".
ff* We use the Fufure Conlinuous Tense to lolk obout octions thol will be going
-on ot o ooint of time in the fulure.
bere,g. *e will ing mongrove trees ot ten p'clock tomorrow.
/ 1rf*\==.-I will be doing mu homework when mU mother comes home.
subject + will + be + bose verb + ing
e.g. She will be...,,il will be..., You will be..., W€ wlll be..., Theg will be...
S Remembor;
, ,[,,, To form negotive sentences, odd not belween will ond be.
2; To form questions, exchonge lhe subject ond will.
I When we speok, we often use controclions e.g. I'll, he'll, gou!ll,:elc,
We olso conlrocl will not inlo won't.
Write the sentences using the future continuous tense of the verbs given.
Write in cursive.
@dlii,f;iiin The speoker obout globol worming ot 9 o.m. tomorrow.
@irllffir Foroh when I telephone her?
tiffi MU sisler @ when the documentorg film storts.
@'f'l,ffifi Somg lhe essog on wetlonds of ten o'clock tonighl?
@,4i#* The minister the wetlonds in Puirojogo ot this time next Sundou-
Sonio is speoking to the committee members of the Noture Club obout the
octivities theg hove decided to corrg out for the Reduce Glabsl Warming
Compign Below is whot she soid.
During the compoign, the pupils will be porticipoting in o number
of octivities. Theg will be ottending o tolk entitled GlobalWarming ,
."...,,'",t on 26rh October of B:30 s.m. The nexi dog, lheg will be wolching o ': .i 3
film enliNled Rescuing Eorth ot 9:00 o.m. At I l:00 o.m. theg will be ,,
toking port in on Eco Qrriz. On 28th ectober ol 8:00 c.rn., lheg will i
be porticipoling in o workshop on how tr: reuse beveroge contoiners. ':
Puon Zuroini will be conducting the workshop. At I0:00 o.m., theg will it
be visiting o ploslic recgcling foctorg. We need io inform the pupils I
obout lhese octivilies. ,,.. , ,1
Progromme for Reduce GlobalWorming Cornpoign
Dote Time Activitg
A tolk entitted Global Warming.
26th Cclober 8;30 o.rn.
rli.:,.:;,;1'ta'i'"U,-t*:l ti:{+ lryr::l"tllil, l!'lu:l i-rrr':.ih"$'i?il:' .'v,-l'uF, r33
I in sow o sku flock he birds the of s@
2 o birth the litter gsve to of cot kittens "N:
3 ottocked the sworm bogs bees of o $.tu
4 of found she o kegs on rood bunch the
5 think this it I not roin will evening
6 will I help I gou promise
7 be geors Ajog nine old month will next
I gome will the next win time we
q when begins Gopol will be dinner his eoting the film
l0 be not working will ten theg tomorrow oi
I I tonight gou Oe whot doing i"r"n will o'clock ot
l2 when orronging the rings will the be choirs pupils the
@.,* f,
List some of the treosures of Mother Eorth. Are
humons toking good core of lhese lreosures?
Whot con Uou do to protecl these treosures?
Autumn: An Ecological Children's Story
Aulumn loved to listen. She listened lo the ecologicol = relotionship
woter, the wind ond the songs of the forest between living things ond
birds close to her home. Even the trees
would leon down to lell her their stories. their environmenl
One night, she hod o dreom. A mognificent
womon oppeored before her. 'Autumn,'she soid
gentlg, 'come with me.' Autumn climbed out of lhe
bed ond took the womon's hond.
Autumn looked down ond sow o sprou of woter
in lhe oceon. The woter drops looked like peorls
in lhe moonlight. It wos o whole, breothing of the
surfoce. 'Autumn,' he soid. 'Pleose help us. I speok
for mg fomilg ond oll of mg friends in lhe seo.
The woters hove become so polluled thot we ore
becoming sick. Humons ore olso colching too monu
fish from the seo. We ore disoppeoring. Pleose tell
our storg.'
Aulumn nodded in silence, ond os she did, the oceon begon to
slowlg disoppeor.
On o bronch of o tree, sot o mojeslic eogle
cleoning the soft feothers of on eoglel. The
eogle soid proudlg, 'Autumn, this is mg first
Autumn nodded ond the eogles begon to
slowlg disoppeor.
Autumn sow o lond of ice ond melting
glociers in the distonce. Stonding before her
wos o greot polor beor. He soid, 'Autumn, this
is the Arctic. Humons fill the oir wilh pollulion
cousing the world to become loo worm. The
ice is melling. Animols like me con no longer
find food. Our homes ore olso disoppeoring.
Pleose tell our storg.'
Autumn nodded ond the world of ice begon to slowlg disoppeor.
Aulumn wos surrounded bg the tollest lrees
she hod ever seen. Autumn ond the womon wolked
through the lrees until theg come to o cleoring.
Autumn sow hundreds of stumps where mighlg trees
once stood. She declored, 'l must tell their storg.' As
she spoke, the forest slowlg disoppeored.
'Autumn, mU nome is Eorth. You con listen to lhe
stories of the Eorth which other humons ore unoble lo
heor. Now gou must tell these stories to gour fellow
humons. Con gou do thol?' soid the womon.
ffBX? 'Yes, I con ond I will,' Autumn onswered. As
@fuE. she soid those words, she woke up to o new dog.
Ad@rro AMi:An E'orrrg s#d n+ *
"W,.',lfiio Where ond when did the storg toke ploce? How do gou know this?
Who wos the womon? Wos she o reol person?
ffi ,,{,ffiti+ How con Uou tell thot Aulumn oppreciotes noture?
'ffi t{mF,Whot is lhe most importont lesson of the storg? Which events from
the storg support Uour onswer?
3..1,6) \ts,wsl
Moke Uour own boord gome to help gou leorn English. Use the questions
ond the pictures below for the gome.
,;,, I rr,, - ,, I I I , ,r, ,. ,I \4
i C--ut o piece of cordboord into o 40 cm x 40 cm i i Drow lhe oulline of the design gou wonl on
i the cordboord.
Slick lhe little squores one ofter onother i
in j
Get red, gellow, blue ond green coloured poper olong the outline on the boord. Poste them
cut them inlo 4 cm x 4 cm little squores. i l lhis order: red, gellow, blue, )
on1 poge 136. Write the speciol instruclions Cul out piclures from mogozines ond
i decorole lhe boord wilh lhem.
How to plog the gome
o This gome is for 2 lo 4 plogers. You need o dice ond some tokens.
e Toke lurns lo throw the dice ond move gour loken occording to lhe
e number shown on the dice.
If gou lond on o question, gou must onswer il correcllg. You miss o
turn if Uour onswer is wrong.
@ The first ploger lo reoch the end is the winner.
We co
We:ve lo
We:ve'to tknbw
And gou,
You con toke lhe leod.
OhEr,gs This is our world, we ore her children,
We oie the ones to moke o better world,
So let's slort working,
We've no choice in oll lhis,
We're soving our own world,
We've got to moke o better world,
For gou ond me.
Give them o hond so Uour neighbours know Uou core,
Doesn't motter whol roce or colour theg be,
We're oll God's children living in this world,
So we oll must never forget thot.
When we guorrel ond fight, there'll be no peoce of oll,
But if we just moke peoce none con moke us foll,
We must reolise thot peoce con onlg come,
When we ore united os one.
i t38j Click itl ffiE3r,il#El
s' For the lune We Are The Wortd, go online ond tgpe: http://www.4shored.
com/mp3/UKF3p5Lk/WE-nn f-ril E-wOn lo-vtiiv uS-Oru r. ntrzlocote=en
lsBN 978-967 -5332-35-7
g irlri7l8ligl]6]7il5ilritl3il3i2lt3il5]7ilttt