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Published by MACKENZIE MANUK Moe, 2020-04-15 03:15:05



Keywords: ENGLISH YEAR 6

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, Plog lhis gome. Divide gour closs inlo two leoms.
l A member from Teom A gives lhe direction.

Members from Teom B guess the destinotion.
The lesms toke turns to guess the onswer. The

'. teom wifh more correcl onswers wins.

Click it! 43

To ioke o quiz ond plog o gome on directions, go online ond tgpe:
hltp://mopzone.ordnoncesu rve uklmopzone/Po0esHomeworkFlelp/
rnoptivitg/compossesonddi rections/

|.!-3-,P", ? ?,?ig:\-i"


When do people need to use mops?
Whot informolion con we find on mops?

During the holidogs, Jimbou ond his fomilg visited on islond. Below is lhe
mop showing the ploces he visited.

Work with o friend. Toke turns to be Jimbou. Use the mop to lolk oboul
Uour visit lo the islond.

Jimbou wrote obout his visit to the islond. Arronge the porogrophs in the

correct order. Use the mop on poge 44lo help gou.

'# Bosed on the mop on poge 44 ond whot Jimbou wrote, whot con Uou

fg& conclude obout:

the4it.l[i,/,il moin occupotions of lhe residenls of the islond?

.k ';ilffiI the hobbies ond interests of the visitors to lhe islond?
ffflWY@ Whot informotion did Uou use to reoch gour conclusion?

mb}&ailb), ,.1 ,2.5 \45 1

During lhe holidogs, Amir ond his brother spent three dogs
of on odvenlure comp in Green Pork- Reod whot Amir wrote
in his joumol.

Mg fother drove Azhor ond me lo Green Pork. After we hod pul
our bogs in the dormilorg, we ossembled in the holl. Mg group
members ond I leornt how lo give first oid. Azhor ond his group
leornl how to tie knots. Loter, Mr Rom tought oll of us how lo use

ffio composs.

In lhe morning, I took port in on obstocle course. Mg brother spent
the morning jungletrekking. In the ofternoon, I leornl how to lie
knots while mg brother leornl how to use drg twigs to storl o fire.
Before we wenl lo bed, our inslructors tought us how lo reod mops.

Atter breokfosl, mg group corried our bockpocks ond wolked it

lo the jungle neor lhe pork. We trekked lhrough the jungle until'i

'-'we reoched o wolerfoll. Azhor ond his group porticipoted in lhe

obstocle course which mU group went through the previous dog.



All of us trovelled bg bus lo o river obout ten kilomelres from
ourthe pork. We put on life jockets ond went conoeing with
instruclors. Mg brolher ond I hod o wonderful lime conoeing.

Thol evening, we went home.

Amir mokes short notes to helP him
lell the closs oboul the comP.
He uses the informotion in his
joumol to do this. ComPlete the

short noles.

Choose to be Amir or Azhor. Tell

lhe closs oboul Uour experience

rdOst:lhelCIdve"ntu,re p-r,l:.:,: i,..:,1...,.,:.1,.r.1,




Soro went for o comp losl week. After lhe comp, Soro used her notes
ond photogrophs to tell lhe closs oboul her erperience. Discuss wilh gour
friend whot Soro soid.

- -reached campsite IO:OO a.m. - - -hiking too hot-rrs vil"Lage
- put up - tents - -mel children
- plaged garnes - - -read played them
-- learnt read a map

- -- -- tntigs-- branches - fire cooked goitar songs enjoyed

Soro wrote oboul her elperience in her joumol. Gomplete whot she wrole

for Dog I ond Dog 2.

<F\' /

J9J\^ar/ J M

J.n.ulo ///e/t/erw e @, @tue,ruDnilLnr i,//za,oc .'u/o .rnfr
@ uA@





Reod obout where Mr Porcupine went.

t The words olong, ocross ond lhrough ore prepositions.

* Use olong when we tolk oboul movement in o lineor

direction (length).

e.g. olong the polh, rood, river, roilwog trock, corridor,
highwog, line, streel woll, etc.

* Use ocross when we lolk obout movement over o surfoce

(on oreo which hos length ond width).
e.g. ocroe.E the river, rood, toble, field, room, court, etc,

S Use through when we tolk obout movement in on oreo

which hos length, width ond height.
e.g. thfourgfi the-tUnnel, holer,crowd, flower bed, jungle,



Use CI dice emd tokens to plcg this gcme" Mcke sentences obout the
pictunes gou lmnd on. fvtrlss m turn lf gou rncrke mn incorrect sentence"


LqJ"9g:q- --A?-9)" t;dro;;Eolt{urqf.,u,qt*$**, ts,.*., tilr"\ \L,rs q,$w rtt sr !lu $s'
J',,1\ \'t',lll"i,i*',,.i,'1,'l;
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@.* Do gou like trovelling? If gou
Reod whot the poet soUS oboul hod o choice of trovelling
his trovels. to ong ploce gou choose,
where would gou like to go?
No Matter Where I Trovel Will gou miss home?

I've trovelled in mg dreoms to everg ploce,

To distonl plonets off in spoce,
But eoch ond everg lime I iroce,
Mg hoppg journeg home.

I've journeged lo lhe Golden Isles,

Where o cot nomed Mercer wrole with slgle,

But nothing of mg trips brought o smile,
Like mg hoppu journeg home.

In Europe, to lhe Eiffel Tower in Fronce,

To Ukroine where the Cossocks donce,

Though wonderful, theg hod no chonce,
Agoinsl mg hoppg journeg home.

And blue seos with coconul lrees,
Pure pink beoches ond worm night breeze,
But nolhing ongwhere would Pleose,
Like mg hoppu journeg home.

+ffi#+ Where did lhe poet see o col performing tricks?

4ffi,e Whot did the poet see in Europe?
+ffi,Does the poel miss home when he trovels? Which lines tell gou this?

"$['ffi Do gou like the poem? Whg?
,r.,ffie Work wilh o portner, One pupil recites verses I ond 2 ond the other

pupil mimes. Exchonge roles for verses 3 ond 4.




Where ore gou? Reod the directions ond sog where gou ore.
ri@ i "':- .-
"i,ir ' fIT-TITIT
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j busslolion
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bokerg t.;liiriii:i',l;il


ffi ffiffiffi Mlemple 1:,:';r,].,::1 i:i j

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f[:-*lrI.',', holel restor rronl

tf-iif:li ffffii' ffffiii ffiffifffifffii M"1 i,i,';j;lri'l'',1,', ,l tf,', .; rl

J,' r.t,r,,.,
,'i';'1,';:lI ,i'', i r , " i r r . I , i
irrrr.lLrir ,, l;' ]::

iirtri.ij.,i;r. ,,.t
museum r, , ;3 . ' I i , 'j ; ' , ..1

,illl,t;,]{fii From the slort, go north 4 squores. Where ore Uou now?

Go 3 squores lo the eost. Where CIre Uou now?

'#ffifd'Go 3 squores to the soulh. Where ore Uou now?
+Xfl#;ri Go 4 squores to the west. Where ore Uou now?

.{fffi,H,Go I squore north-west. Where ore Uou now?
rlffi,Go I squore north-eost ond then 2 Squores north. Where ore gou?

'l,ffi# Go 3 squores eost. Where ore gou?

,tolffii Go 2 squores south ond then I sguore south-eosl. Where ore gou?

Go I squore soulh-west ond then 2 Sguores west. Where ore gou?
Go+;f,,,.ffir 2 squores north, I squore wesl ond then I squore north-west'

Where ore gou?

\51 i



!C &ist*h.a+$4i{frd'94666;n*

When do gou coll 999?
Whot kind of siluotion do gou consider on emergencg?
Look ot the pictures. which situotion do gou need to cofl qqq?

In groups of four, discuss whot gou should do in eoch of the
situotions obove.


@ 999 Emergencg Ma$ i'tlelp,gorr?

tr tisfening and speaking

Listen lo the conversotion-

Yes, I need on ombulonce.

Mg grondfolher fell down the
stoircose. He is unconscious!

i--1.-:"i2,---L+t--t*t-n-#'--.._-i'-".,-.:"=..1...r'-.-4',t '--21:-->!...;----.'.'.s''t.--:-'-*n-Erne

: Whol's gour oddress?

i EMD 25, Jqlsn Mos, Tomon Inton.
Whst's Uour nqme ond telephone number?
aj Som I'm Sqm. Mg number is 23568785.
Alt right. Turn on ihe lights inside ond oulside
of gour house. Moke sure the front door is
:Sqm open ond unlocked. Toke oul ong medicines
gour grondfother tokes. Keep gour pets locked
: rruo
up. We'll be there os soon os possible.
i Thonk gou. Pleose hurrgt


I Som

Role-plog lhe telephone conversotion with Uour friend. Then, oct oul whot
lhe emergencu medicol dispotcher lells Uou lo do. You mou use gour
own personol detoils ond chonge the emergencg situotion.

Do not trg to move her. :j \ssl
Put o blonkel over her to :
keep her worm. 3

Moke sure lhe fronl door

is open ond unlocked. "i"'

Ctick it!

To leorn more obout whot lo do in emergencies, go online ond tgpe:

#ffihttp;//kids.triplezero. gov.ou/gome. php?long=en



You see on odvertisement with the litle Be Prepred! Be sofel in o
mogozine- Whqt do gou lhink it is obout?

, r. rl,lli,.,,.,i:,,. :it::'t',1:lt,: i::ir-:ii:'rr::i':i : i::
,. . A,eoulte;or.l.12.91!i! d$.,,

DO .Netf;FB{R ;,HELF IS,HEREI ',:i lt::i::
ry'. f,O.u.r
' ',,',. .'..Hastr."to
el'ts willleoch Uou lhe vving,,.and,'much'more!
.treof rninor culs, wounds :
qndrbufns,: : We will provide:

. : '' ,ir.i:i:.iiu|;r,hd+ to do'whgnthere, {s oJire,otlfiomg,,.',-.'.:,..:: , l . Loplops
. Internel occess
. Whot to do if someone breoks inlo gour house. . Stolioneru
. Lunch
...How lo stcg so.fe,when Uou sre,t{oo-p€d.[n,q..lift.

+{lffijt Whot is the moin oim of the course?

'&tl#ffi* To benefit fullg from lhe course, whot skills should lhe children who

-S[,fr;' ottend it hove? in the course. He colls up Encik Azhor to osk for
Foriz is interesled
osk?more informolion. Whot questions will he most likelg

t54j ,',,tls l,

!, .-/


The senlences below tell gou whot to do if gou ore tropped in o litf.
Group them into three porog!'ophs. Eoch porogroph should follow the

potfern: Moin ideo + supporting detoils

Do not jump up ond down to lrg to get the lifl to move.
Nexl, coll for help. Look for the olorm button ond

press it.

If gou ponic, gou will not be oble to think cleorlg.
While woiting to be rescued, do not trg lo open
the door.
It is impor,tont to tellthe person cleorlg where Uou ore.
Sit on the floor so thqt gou do not foll if the lifl

moves suddenlg.
a First, slog colm ond do not ponic.

a You con qlso use o mobile phone lo coll for help.
a So, toke deep breolhs ond lell gourself to relox.
a Affer cqlling for help, woit colmlg ond potientlg for

help lo come.


Work in poirs. Give o tolk lo the closs '55'
on whot to do if someone is troPPed
in a lift. One person speoks qnd the *
olher mimes.


Let's look of punctuotion.

Priyo Is Hurt

Scene : Al o bodminton court.

Norrotor: Prigo, Sue ond Jun Jie ore ol lhe
bodminton court. Theg ore woiling for their
friend lo join them.

Jun Jie : Where's Mork?
Prigo : There he is. Hi, Mork!
Mork Hi, evergone! I'm sorrg I'm lote. I hqd to

help mg brolher with his project.

Jun Jie : It's oll right, Mork. Let's plog bodminton now.

Norrotor: The children begin their gome. suddenlg prigo slips In this section,
ond folls. she scropes her knee ond il is bleeding some ports
ore incorrecllg
Prigo : Help! i'm bleeding. Coll 999! punctuoted.
Puncluole them
Jun Jie : i don'f lhink we need to do lhot correcllg.

prigo : whg nol? look ol mg knee it's bleeding @
mork : prigo, we should coll 999 onlg when someone is bodlg
hurt. it's jusi o smoll wound You con slill move oround

jiejun : prigo, if we coll 999 everg lime we foll, we willjom up

the lines ond prevent emergencg services from getting

lo those who reollg need them

sue gou don'l need emergencu lreolment but gou do need
to lreot lhot wound come to mg house i know how to
sue cleon ond dress gour wound
jun jie lhonks sue bul i'd rqlher go home
let me wolk gou home
jun jie
prigo mork let's go with lhem loo
thot's o good ideo let me gel our shuttlecocks gnd nel

before we leove.

: i'll gel prigo's lhings from the bench
: thonks for being such good

Use the compuier to tgpe the

complete scripl. Remember to

pu,nctuole ll correctlg, Act out

the plog With'gour friends,' '


Whot did Foriz ond Wei Min sog?

,ffiUse the sentences below lo complete the speech bubbles obove.

ffia' a, .. :?




trN crffi',ssh Whofs lhe registration
number of the cor?

Reod lhe sforg. Look ot how lhe people use
different tgpes of sentences lo communicote.

Lei me go! Helpl stop the- 0or{,,,

S Senlences con be divided into four lupes, depending on their purpose.

l-; A dwl*re?*ve **n?ax** is used when we wonl to give informotion or express
ideos. We end o declorotive sentence with o full stop (.).

e.g. He hss o big scor on his foce.
You've been verg helpful.

? An int*rr*g*fiv* ser*Yert** is used when we wonl to osk queslions. We end on
interrogolive senlence with o queslion mork (?).

e.g. Whot's the number of the cqr?
Did gou see the foce of the kidnopper?

3,,, An inryerettv* seft***#e is used when we wont lo give o commond or moke o
request. We usuollg end on imperotive senlence with o full stop (.).

fgle.s. lqbog home. (order)
[i!Pleose down. (request)

In on imperotive senlence, the moin verb is in lhe bose form, e.g. toke, sit, etc.

$, An *x***r**tt>rg ***9*r:*e is used when we wont to express strong emotion.

We end on exclomoloru sentence with on exclomolion mork (t).

e.g. Lel me go!

Stop the cor!

i sg,l



'ilffi Thonk gou. You've
been verg helpful.
rlr::l , ii,rrltlllt,,

Did gou see
the foce of the

Yes. He hos o big Toke ihis bog home.
scor on his foce.

Sog whether the sentences below ore declorotive
interrogotive, imperotive or exclomotorg.

l, The house is on fire!

',2,, The little bog dronk something thot wos poisonous.

'.,3' Wos the telephone line engoged when gou colled?

,'* Put the injured mon into the ombulonce.

:5' Whot wos the condition of the fire victim?
, Hurrog, I've found mg wolletl

7 Do not run when gour clothes cotch fire.
8 MU brother dived in ond hit his heod on the bottom of the pool.
q I don't think it is wise to plog with home-mode fireworks.

l'O Pleose stog with the injured mon until the poromedics orrive.

To plog o gome on senlence lupes, go online ond tgpe: hitp://www. isq,
horcou rtschool. com/octivitg/clubhousei
5,2.1" 3.!. l(o), 3.3, I (o)


The Hoax Coll

Il wos o dog thot I'll olwogs remember,
At the lime though, il wos just like ong other,
But it wos the dog when I lost evergthing thot I loved,

Mg porents, mg sisters ond brother.

The group thot I olwogs hong oround with,
Theg're just some kids from mg school thot I know,
We were bored ond generollg fed up,
We hod no moneu ond nowhere to go.

I con't remember who first hod the ideo,
But it seemed thot it might be o boll,
To ring lhrough on o 999 number,
And get the fire engines oul to o hoox coll.

Whoever it wos first decided,
Theg olso thought thot the coller should be me,
I wos olwogs good ot imitoling voices,
So I wos the noturol choice, Uou see.

used the phone box right neqr the stotion,
we hod o good view oll the lime,

lerir'woving for silence to the rest of mU group,

I picked up the phone ond diolled 'gqg'.

,/ 60\' r--l



Less thon one minute loter, lhe doors opened,

Lights floshing, sirens bloring ond oll,

P We wolched the fire engines screom out of lhe stotion,

p Going lo our emergencg hoox coll.


Soon ofter the group seporoted,

We oll went our different wogs,

Bul when I got to the end of the streel where I live,

Mg house wos olreodg well ond trulg obloze.

Just then o fire engine come oround the corner,
But too lote for ongthing to be done,
Mg fomilg ond oll our possessions,
Even mg beloved puppg hod gone.

The firemon come up beside me,

And gothered me in close with his orm,
'l'm sorrg, Son, we'd hove been here much sooner,
Bul we were colled out io o folse olorm.'

So I ruined mU post os well os mg future,

And mg life is now for from o boll,
I still crg for mg fomilg, theg'd oll still be here,
If onlg I'd not mode thol stupid hoox coll.

Reqd the poem ogoin. This time, reod it atter gour treocher.

$b,r Do gou think the poet ond his friends did the right thing? Whg?
"€wrw Did lhe poet leorn his lesson? Which verse tells gou this?
"W#Wr Retell the storg in gour own words.

Rgter,.to'rngl poems,HerB'is the

Noee ond 7he Mud-pie Mokers

. Rhgme lrom Anthotogg of Poems

for, Year lt,,16 arlrC, 6, Inr groups

perfonn u. chorrvorlrseHpvevrorrkrrivng ovrf

thepoems, I


]&& ctick ir!

#S ;ffiil qo chorolspeoking performonce. go online ond tgpe:
z7p7ho \r*http:1/
{'.61 :
I,(c},,, 1,. [.3, 2.3. I (o)


Let's moke some flosh cords to plog lhe gome Chorodes. Use the pictures
ond lhe words given to help gou.


should meosurelt-crn x 9 cfi:---l @ cut out


eoch cord. @ fro, the word list given, choose o molching

word ond wrile il below the piclure.

How lo plog the gome

Q OiviOe lhe closs inlo two groups, Group A ond Group B.

@ eut the 30 cords foce down in o stock.
@ UemOer I from Group A tokes the cord on lop of the

stock ond shows il lo the members in Group B. The
members in Group A musl nol know whot is on the cord.

@ VlemOer I then uses onlg octions to ocl oul the word

on the cord. The members in Group A guess whot the
word is.

@ fne turn then goes to Member I from Group B. Repeot

Steps 3 ond 4.

@ fofe turns to guess the words on lhe cords until oll the

cords ore used up.

@ focfr correct guess scores o point. The group with lhe

most points wins the gome.



@E M
Lislen to ihe storg to find out if the stolements below ore
lrue or folse.

;.rrfiL' J[s drogon lived on Mount Kinobolu.
,rE' 16" emperor of Chino wonted to kill the drogon.

"4,,$, Song Ping took the jewel from the drogon's cove.
fl. Wong Kong morried the


64' Teacher's Notes
According to o legend, o big ferocious drogon once lived on top of Mount Kinobolu. It hod
tr o precioui shining jewel. One dog, the empero, of Chino senl his lwo sons to get lhe jewel.
The gounger son, Song Ping, went up to the mounloin on o big kite. He look the jewel ond
reploced it wilh o lontern. Then, he returned to his junk. When the drogon reolised lhol its

jewel wos missing, it wos furious. Il wenl ofter Song Ping. Song Ping fired o red hot connon

boll into the drogon's moulh ond killed il.

!: t: )l:l

Y( '-.-'*-*,. _-,-:::::::_:-:;*

Listen to lhe slorg ogoin to check if gour onswers to the questions on
poge 64 ore correct. Then, relell the storg lo the closs.

In groups of four, onswer lhe following questions:

ffirfi Whot kind of o person wos Wong
Konq? Give detoils from the storg to
Do not lie. Alwogs be
# * 21'J_=-'ffi support whot Uou sou obout him. trulhful.
Did Wong Kong do the right lhing when
theg returned to Chino? WhU do gou sog SO?

Teacher's Notes s.H
When the princes reoched Chino, Wong Kong, the elder son, gove lhe jewel to the emperor
ond iold him how he hod defeoled lhe drogon. Song Ping wos veru sod becouse he knew i65
thot it wos nol irue. So, he decided to leove Chino. He went lo Brunei ond met the sulton of *
Brunei. Soon, lheg become good friends. Loter, he morried lhe sulton's doughter ond lived
in Brunei.

,,l.rl,-3i .1;2.4, 1.3. I (q-b)

The firsl picture shows o turtle on o beoch. The second picture is o lorge
stone thol looks like o turtle. It is found in o villoge colled Bukit Che Howo
in Rontou Abong, Dungun, Terenggonu. Do gou know how it got there?

According to some villogers from Rontou Abong, there once lived two
giont turtles; one wos o mole ond the other wos o femole. One dog, when
theg were swimming in the seo,

wolers = ofl oleo
of woter thol belongs
to o porticulor ploce,
stole, counlrg, elc.

The two turtles decided lo find thot ploce. Theg swom for some time
ond soon reoched lhe shore. Theg mel o crob ond osked him oboul the
ploce. 'lt's dongerous there! Don'l go onu further,' the crob worned them.

The femole turtle wonted to leove the oreo immediotelg but the mole
turtle refused to do so. 'Stog here ond woit for me. I will find this secret
ploce ond then return,' he soid.

{- "t
i,66 )


"'lTh'e mole turfle then went off:to,explore
the,€. Affer some time, he come to'o
p.ond..'H6'wos thirstg so he''went to the pond
,to diink. As'he'wos d'rin,king, he felt,his'bodU

becoming heovier. 'lt must be, becouse I om
'iexhougted;' he thought to himseffi 'l'll go

over toi thot-shodg,tree' ond,'rest 169;s.',,

He tried lo wolk to the tree bul he Help! Help! I con't move.

could not move. He looked down ond
found thol his legs hod turned to stone.
Before he could crg louder for help, he
hod turned completelg to stone.

/, ,4i

N woiting ot the beoch for him. Suddenlg, o
seogull flew to her ond told her whot hod
hoppened to the mole turtle. The femole
turtle wept sodlg os the swom owou.

l**l'+ '; *;

The slorg goes thot no motter where she went, the femole turtle
olwogs returned to lhe some beoch to log eggs ond to visit her husbond
who hod turned lo stone. As time possed, monu other turtles storfed
coming to thot beoch to log eggs loo.

Todog, Rontou Abong is o populor tourist deslinotion. Mong people
visit the ploce to wotch the turtles log eggs. Mong ore olso foscinoted bg
lhe storg of the stone turlle.

![[6tr'1i1,,,' do the words in red meon?

'ffi,',, ,',, Who do gou odmire in the storg? Whg?

}ffi *" Whot morol volue do gou leorn from the storg?

2-3,1(o) \at]


&* ,ry,i:ll":iit;

Mg honds feel like ice. \witrar,/-:\ \u,:f :





* The words like ice ond os cold os ice ore similes.
* A simile compores two things using like or os. For exomple, Amir wonts

to sou lhot his honds ore veru cold, he sogs theg feel like ice or thol
theg ore os cold os ice.

* We use similes to help us express ideos more cleorlg ond olso to moke

our speech ond writing more inleresting.

Identifg the simile in eoch senience. SoU vvhot ore being compored.
bqcloin whot eoch senlence meons.

,ffi The sond under mg feet felt like silk.

liffi The woter in the pond wos os cleor os crgstol.

,ill,,1,ffilli Jim jumped into the river ond swom like o fish.
41ffi The generol wos veru tired thot night. He slept like o I
+iffi Ming Huo lifled the box eosilg. It wos os light os o feotherl
litl{ffi, The room wos os dork os night so I could not see ongthing.

1 68.1 Ctick it!

,# #ffiTo leorn more similes, go online ond tgpe: htlp://www.enchontedleorning.




The secretoru of the Red Crescent Societg hos put up o notice obout the
screening of o film.
Some importont detoils ore missing in the notice. Sog whot theg ore
ond where theg should be written in the notice. Then, rewrile the
nolice correctlg.

Wolch Putei Gunung Ledang ond help flood viclims!

The Red Crescenl Societg of SJKC Bondor Mego is screening o film lo
roise funds for the flood victims in our town.

-Time: 9:00 o.m. l0:30 o.m.
-I l:00 o.m. l2:30 p.m.

Those inleresled, pleose give gour nomes to gour closs monitors.

Chu Ming Yu

{t A nolice hos o heoding.
{! Il gives informolion obout the evenl:
> whol it is ; when it will toke ploce
;> where it will loke ploce is there o fee to be poid
y who con toke port in it

> who to see if one wonls to porticipole in it

* It olso tells gou who wrote lhe notice.

,al.'{c),,1.1,.3 ,@





You ore writing obout some interesting choroclers found
in Mologsion mgths ond legends. Use the words given to
complete the description ol Puteri Gunung Ledong.


ollroctive Puleri Gunung Ledong wos o beoutiful
slender A Aprincess. She hod on
lorge brown foce ond
ovol @ ff.eues. Her skin *os Sne
long block onO

@ @nod hoir. She hod o bodg ond

@long legs. She wos o veru person.

Now, wriie o description of Nenek Kebogon Use Uour own words ond the
words given to complete the description.

ffiNenek Kebagon wos on womon. brood
@ AShe hod o horrible-looking
foce ond o hunched
ffi.foreheod. Her eges *ere She hod long
smoll qnd block
A @o nose ond eors. Her bodg uglg old
@ @.*r" ond her legs were

wos o verg@ person.

Ugaiqaca{ip,qleli,,,:l.g:,t$pe;.lha,descripJ:ions,,of F..u.Qr1,G.s:nun$.LodAfi ;,,Nenek, ,,:,,

Kebogon ond Monsopiod for on orticle in lhe school mogozine. Give the orticle

the lille Chomcters in Motogsion mdhs oN tegeds. Downlood piclures of the

chorocters from lhe Internei. Print o copg of gour work ond displog it in closs.



ffi& srdn&:f

Albert is describing whot he sow.

1i1rgg,q green snqke,

-*Fqffi.d{,4;dq;{ffi. Il wss o big green snuke, ? mK- I'ut iwJ ogst"o"nfesroncoikoeu!s

IX$E [T RIG r:r!1fi,;:f:!:e:eri;:;,;,4!4.;r;.,i3J:!..ieri';,ria.'f,*-r.:,.re:::-,.-.-F.;:...i:l .; ,,1!:ot:t;"'t":;';t:;'i


EffiSO The words ferocious, big ond green ore odjeclives.
normollg go before nouns.

e.g. Il's o ferocious big green snqke!

(sdjectives) (noun)

* When lhere ore two or more odjeclives, we use them in this order:

0pinion Size Ago Shope Colour Origin Mctedol Purpose

prellg ting old squore greu Mologsion leother lennis
horrible huge round while Chinese silver hunting
delicious little uoung blue poper fishing
expensive lorge new flot gellow Molog ploslic cleoning
ovol Americon

Reorronge the odjectives in the correct order. onocondo.
iffi we heord o tegend obout o i#f#i+, iilfl.#lr

,jffi,Jefri used the {iiffi,Eiffi$#iii +lffiffi generotor to supplg eleclricitg.
$ffiiffi vorlo gothered {ffiffi +H.ffi
rhe,tlffi,#i|I mushrooms in the woods.

ti.*iffi students explored the whole

continenl of Austrolio.

Olick it! #ffi l\i 7t i

To get more proclice in using the order of odjectives conecllu, go .,s,

online ond tgpe: hltp://

odjective*order t .php3

Reod the plog below to find out
whot Yuuki did.

Yuuki on d the Tsunami


Norrotor It is o beoutiful morning. The villogers ore preporing to

celebrote the horvest festivol.

Yuuki's mother : Yuuki, pleose toke these fruits to the seo ond wosh them.
: All right, Mother.
Norrotor : Yuuki wolks to the beoch. Some villogers ore there. He

feels the eorlh shoke under his feet but no one else

Yuuki seems to notice.

: Whot's thot? The eorth moved! I think it's on eorthquoke!

First villoger : We've not hod on eorthquoke in o long time. Whot mokes

Yuuki gou think we're going to hove one now?
: Look! The houses below hove moved! The seo hos

turned block. Now it looks like lhe seo is running

bockword, owou from our villoge! Thot's whot mg
grondfother soid would hoppen just before o tsunomi!

Second villoger: Look ot how for the oceon hos pulled bock! We con see

ports of lhe beoch thot we've never seen before!

First villoger : Yes! Lel's go lo the beoch right owog. Imogine oll of the

Yuuki shells we will be oble to find!
: Come bock! It's dongerousl

Second villoger: Whot ore Uou tolking obout, Yuuki? Are gou trging to
keep us owou so Uou con get oll the shells for gou

ffir but:lheg

ii',rl rrriiifthOWS hg. hOS,

the villogBr$
mountoin gu



bogVilloge : Yuuki is crozg! He set fire to the,rico tieldr

Yuuki's mother : I don't believe o word of it. Not mg Yuuki.

Yuuki's fother : Son, lell them lhot il is nol true!
: Look! Lookl A tsunomi!

Yuuki : Evergthing grondfother soid hos come true.
: Our villoge is gone. The tsunomi hos token it owog.

Yuuki : I om so sorru thol I burned the fields. I hod to find o wou
to get everuone to go to the top of the mountoin.

Yuuki's fother : Yuuki, Uou soved us oll!
First villoger . You were right ofter oll, Yuuki. It wos on eorthquoke.

Yuuki's fother : Tonight, we were oll going to celebrote our rice horvesl.
Now we will celebrote thot oll of us ore still olive!

Adopted from o plogscript Yuuki ond the Tsunomibg P. J. Rittiger.

',tri Fill in the detoils.

{f,}:,.'ehoioctsrs' @Setting:,,(o) Plocesr

Morof volues:{S

ffi',',2,, Which is gour fovourite chorocter? Whg?

.$3., !*, 4.8. 2,, 2,3, I {o) '#ry




ix.iliii6liiiri#:i.i&iii R,# Gm & mXlH &W&&&&A &;.Gke *&&& *
There ore monu things lo see ond do in Comeron Highlonds.
You con go for jungle wolks. You con visil lhe Boh Teo
plontotion to see how teo is grown. The weolher there is cool
ond the oir is fresh. You con olso visit lhe Bullerflg Form ond
leorn obout the differenl kinds of butlerflies there.

Miss Wu Mei Lin's lessons were never boring. She wos polient
ond kind. She tought our closs Science ond Mr Liu Yuon Jun
loughl us Mothemotics. She did not get ongrg when I did not
understond o lesson. She encouroged me lo do mg best. She
olso toughl me to be honest ond hordworking. Miss Wu wos
lhe best teocher I ever hod.

,i: Hong Tuoh is o legendorg Molog hero. He lived in the lSth cenlurg

,l: during the reign of Sulton Monsur Shoh. He wos the best of oll the !

sullon's worriors. He wos olso verg good ol silot,lhe Molog ort of

self-defence. He loved the sulton ond wos verg logol to him. Hong

Jebol is olso o legendorg Molog hero.

;iliit:.,ty *, *, *,, " ",


Ajog looked oul of the window ond sow smoke coming out from
lhe emptg house ocross the rood. He colled 999 ond lold the
operotor thol lhere wos o fire. Fire con be useful bul it con olso
destrog. He gove the operotor his nome, his oddress ond the
oddress of the house thol wos on fire. The fire brigode orrived
verg quicklg ond pul out the fire. Ajog's octions soved the
house from being burnt down.




H Listen"irrg ond Spea*ing

Reod the questions. Then, listen to port of o tolk for lhe onswers.
Whot ore producls? Whot ore seruices?
Look ot our Uoung entrepreneurs. Are theg selling services or products?

feacher's Notes
C"r-U", L" on-"ntr"preneur? Yes, gou con. An enlrepreneur is o person who slorls o
businlss becouse he wqnts to moke moneu. Do gou know how Uou con moke moneg?
Firsl, gou con moke or golher something lhol olhers ore willing lo bug. The thing thot Uou
moke or golher is colled o producl. You con olso do work for olhers ond get poid for doing

il. This work is colled service. Selling producls or seruices con eorn Uou moneu.

Foriz ond Sonio ore tolking in lhe conleen. Whot ore lheg tolking obout?
Listen to the conversiotion reod bg gour teocher.

Sonio : Foriz, how did gou stort gour business?
Foriz : I noticed lhot evergone weors T-shirts. So I hod on ideo. I decided lo drow

designs on T-shirls ond sell them mgself.
Sonio : Yes, gou're good ol ot1. So, gou've put gour tolent to good use.

Foriz : Thonk gou.
Sonio :Whol did ofler lhot?
Foriz : I lolked to people lo find out lhe designs theg liked. I olso osked lhem if theg

would bug mg producl.
Sonio : Thol wos o clever wog to do things. Whot else did gou hove io do?

Whol do gou think wos Foriz's replg? Work with o friend. Proctise reoding
the conversotion below oloud.

Foriz I hod to moke o plon. I hqd 1o find out how

Sonio much the T-shirts, dges, brushes ond plostic
1.Qltz bogs would cosl. I olso hod lo decide on lhe
Sonio price so lhot I would moke o profil.
Did gou odverlise gour producl?
Yes. I mode flgers ond distributed lhem to mg friends
Sonio Are gou moking o lot of moneg?

loilz I've mode o few hundred ringgit.
Thot's greot! Will gou be on entrepreneur when gou grow up?
Ho! Ho! Mg folher sogs I'm olreodg on enlrepreneur. I wont to moke o million
ringgil before I'm thirtg Ueqrs old- So, I must work verg hord.


Whg does Foriz's fother sog thot Foriz is olreodg on entrepreneur? w

{#,;i) -*'. : tE



An enlrepreneur is o person who storts o new business in order to moke moneu. Although
we often lhink of entrepreneurs os odults, Uoung people con olso be enlrepreneurs.

If gou wont to be on enlrepreneur, Uou hove to do some colculotions before Uou storl
gour business. You need to know the omount of revenue or income gou will get from
lhe business. You olso need io know lhe expecled expenses or cost so thol Uou con
determine gour profit or loss.

Whot do lhe wolds in red meon? -evenue Expenses = Profit or Loss
Use o dictionorg to help gou.

Li Jing, Luke ond Ronee tolk obout their ideos to moke moneu.

Reod whot lheg plon to do. Li Jing

ffi;.. t *itl moke t'"rn rngJ;ffi,ot"

twentg wristbqnds in q month. I plon to sell them ot RM6 eoch.

I will need RM2O lo bug the cord ond RM50 to bug the beods.

,U br"""r ."a , *ll collect tins for recgcling. We will colleci

most of the emptg tins ourselves. We will olso qsk our fomilg ond
friends to help us. We need to spend RM3 on plostic bogs lo

keep the tins in. One full bog of emptg tins usuollg weighs sbout

I kilogromme. We con gel RM4 for eoch kilogromme. In s month

we con fill five bogs.


t!,]/d#fir'Whose ideo brings in the mosl revenue? How do gou know this?

'Wllu Whose ideo hos the most expenses? How much ore the expenses?

,tlfiWtu Who will get the mosl profit? How much is the profit?

+,,ilffi,t,Whose plon will foce o problem? Whot mokes Uou sou this?

sr'W^rW,, Whot tolents do the children hove? How do theg put their tolents
to good use?


\i Iw


{ 1\}e##'

Mong entrepreneurs use Six Thinking Hots to help lhem think of solutions
or to moke decisions. Using these hofs will help gou to think more cleorlg

-JMTond not oct or moke decisions bosed onlg on gour feelings.

Six Thinking Hots

When gou use lhe...

'think,of focts. , ' lhink posilive - think of the

rlllr,l benefils, lhe good poinls.

i,,, , ,,1, I ,it think of new ideos,
't r, chonges ond solutions lo
I block hot problems.

lll l, l l lhink obout whot hos been
done ond whol lo do nexl.
think of feelings.


ttilnk st uitticuhies,
dongers, problems.

When gou put on o 'hol', gou hove to think lhe wog lhqt thot' is used. For exornple,

when Uou weor lhe While Hot, gou hove to think onlg of focts. In o group discussion,
oll the pupils usuollg weor ihe some coloured hot in the following order:

- * tWhite Hot Red Hot Block F{ot + Yellow Hot + Green Hot Blue Hst ,:

Group the stotements ond queslions occording lo the ditferent coloured
hots. Then, orronge them in lhe following order:

* * ++ +" White Hol Red Hot Block Hot Yeltow Hot Green Hot BIue Hot #

#,:l suggest we mqke ot leost two lgpes of sondwiches,
* ideo!I nrL-tne
' ffi'Lefs consider the Boints we,hove discussed ond'come to o decision.f i

# We mog not.have the time ls moke lhe'sandwiches:our$elves.

#. Ssndwiches,sre:good,for our heolth. Our priee is also offordoble. ':

* How monu to moke? Expenses? Revenue? Expected profit?
# We con moke o few first qnd lrg selling them lo our clqssmoles.
wYvevlill HpeEovpPlles lprnreEfreErt rnruoro".dulreEs9.i
t *;ffi
.4i O\.ru(rrt FsuornltdrvwYtivcthrgeDs rmrlrigvhrilt nrlvort -sEeIll ubgevcwouugsEe
ryffi @l;*##ffir@*"4***#**r*tu.*ury

Work in groups of four. Discuss whether moking ond selling sqndwiches
is o good moneu-moking project. Use the qbove stofements ond

questions in gour discussion. Tell the closs gour group's decision.

Support gour decision wilh points from the discussion.


Ctick it! -h

To find oul more obout the six thinking hols, go online ond igpe 'six lhinking hots'. %i/!.'

in] ,2.3-,1 (b), I .1.3, 2.2.2(o-b\



Rigu wonts to stort o smoll business. She osks

her uncle, o successful entrepreneur, for some

odvice. Complete their @nversolion. Use lhe pretlg little pouches
notes given lo help gou. obout gour

Rigu :Uncle, how do I stort o business? moke flgers to

Mr Jugoh :Well, Uou con sell o producl or

o servrce. help gou to determine
Rigu :How do I do thol?

@Mr Jugoh :First, tell me whot gour tolents ore

Rigu :l con sew well. I @too.
Mr Jugoh :Do gou hove ong ideo whol gou wonl lo sell?

@Rigu but I usuollg give them owou. Con I sell them?
: I sew

Mr Jugoh :Do gou think people will bug lhem?

Rigu :l think lheg will. Mg friends lell me thot the pouches

ore beoutiful ond thot lheg would moke good gifls.

@Mr Jugoh :Thol's good. Next, gou hove to of moking eoch pouch.

Rigu This will @the price of the pouch.

:ls lhere onglhing else I hove to do?

@.Mr Jugoh :You olso hove lo moke sure people You con @Uour
product. Work hord ond I'm sure gou'll be successful.
Rigu :Thonks, Uncle.

Mr Jugoh : You're welcome, Rigu.

Now, write out lhe diologue.



Li Hui hos to wrile obout,on::
mode some notes obout,,

* PilohTon Sri SM Nosimuddin-SM"Aiiiiil" :""'''j!='..P.#J*

1955 - born - Kuolo
x studied - Sekoloh Rendoh Tunku Munowir - Sekoloh-;*:
Menengoh Tuonku Muhommod in Kuolo Piloh
x worked - folher - compleling - secondorg educotion
* 1974 - storled his own motorcor business
-imported used Joponese cors sold them
x loter - olso ossembled cors - buill houses for sole
x storled - five emplogees - now - more - 4,000 emplogees
x donoled - orphons - nolurol disoster victims
-i. took core - people -
- sporting octivities
helped orgonisotions - serious illnesses

sponsored locol orts

The sentences below ore oboul Ton Sri SM Nosimuddin SM Amin.
Reorronge them lo find oul whot Li Hui hoe wriflen in lhe first two

porogrophs. Use lhe shorl notes given obove lo help gou.

i* He worked with his folher ofler completing his secondorg educotion.

r* Loter, he olso ossembled cors ond built houses for sole.

Ton Sri SM Nosimuddin SM Amin wos born in Kuolo Piloh in 1955.

ln 1974, he slorted his own molorcor business.

,4 He slorted with onlg five emplogees bul now there ore more lhon

4,000 emplogees who work for his componu.

* He studied in Sekoloh Rendoh Tunku Munowir ond Sekoloh

Menengoh Tuonku Muhommod in Kuolo Piloh.

* He impoffed used Joponese cors ond sold lhem.


& enirepreneurs, so onrine ond tgpe'successrur uouno

it\ 801 o#i"rfr:1":r:Xly;,T"r"y:1:rsion

iry ez(b\,,f.,



I'm',selling lhe ice creum mgself. Mg brothers ore
not helping me,,Theg ore enjoging themselves
ploging footboll.


* The words in bold ore reflexive pronouns. himself
I - Uou - gourself (singulor) he - ourselves she - herself
il - ilself Uou - gourselves (plurol) we -
theg - themselves
* We use reflexive pronouns:
> when we do something for ourselves.

e.g. She mode hercelf o sondwich,
Jon ond I enjoged oureelves qt the porlu.

I bought mgself o new wotch.

> when we wont to emphosise lhol onolher person did not do the oction.

e.g. He sold lhe cokes himseff.

The ehildren mode the leofle'ts themselves.
'You musl sew lhe hqndkerchiefs gourcelves,' $qid Mrs Lu lo the girls.

Complete lhe diologue using reflexive pronouns.

Jim : Whol hoppened?
ffi ffiAno r: I cut
while slicing onions. Pleose help to o pie, Jim. Ai Li
themond I mode
We wont to sell them of the foir tomorrow.

ffiJim : Yummg! lt'e delicious. Con I bug some tor now?

WAno : Sure. Jogiit bought two pie_s just now.

ffi.Ai Li : Morie olso took two pies tor She soid she loves pies.

WJim : It looks like theg've token core of Now, I must ioke core of

MoUrl hove ten pies insteod, pleose?

W *?Ano : Whsl? You're going lo eot oll the ten pies
Jim : Ho! Hol No. I'm going to shore them with mg siblings.

". I



Reod the plog below obout how on
enlrepreneur helps to solve his friends' problems.

The Juice

(Woiter is cleoning some g/osses ond looking upset. Reporter wolks in

looking upset too.)

Woiter : Heg, whg the long foce?
: I need to write o greol slorg for mg newspoper bg lomorrow
or I'll lose mg job. Give me o gloss of corrol juice. Mogbe

thol'll moke me feel better.

Woiter : You think gou hove problems? I hove lhe biggesl, cuddliest
cot in the world excepl everuone thinks he looks terrible.

His fur is so longled up ond dirtg. Toke o look ot this picture

of Cuddles.

(Woiter shows picture of Cuddles on his mobile phone.)

Repoiler : Yikes! I see whot gou meon!

(Cot Groomer wolks in, sits ot the counter and sighs.)

Reporter : Heg, whg lhe long foce?

Cot Groomer: Mg cot grooming business is moking me veru tired. I
con'f keep up with oll the cot fur. Il's piled up to the roof. I
con't even see mU cuslomers! Do gou think I con hove o

bonono shoke? Mogbe thot'll moke me feel better.

(Gardener wolks in, sits ot the counter and sighs.)

Cot Groomer: Heg, whg lhe long foce?

Gordener : I'm hoving problems being o gordener. Evergone lells me

thol I don't hove the right gordening tools to work in lheir

gordens! No one will hire me!




Woiter . How obout o strowberru smoolhie?
Thot'll moke gou feel better.

(Entrepreneur wolks in.)

Entrepreneur : Look of this new device I've just
creoted! I coll il The Super Suction Cot
Hair hos reollg wonderful
scissors thot will clip nol onlg col fur,
bul il con trim bushes os well. And
il instontlg cleons uP lhe mess in
seconds! It's verg useful so I'm
sure I con sell it to mong PeoPle.

Cot Groomer:

Gordener :
Reporter :

ruo$!Woiler :

Gordener : Thot's perfect! I'll bug it! I'm reollg in need of o greot

gordening tool!

Cot Groomer : And I desperoielg need something like thot to cleon up mU
cot grooming shop! Mogbe I con hire gou to help me!

Woiter : And I con bring Cuddles to gour shop lo hove him groomed!

Reporter : Heg! Now, I hove o storg lo wrile for mg newspoper! 'The

Super Suction Col Hoir Mochine Soves The Dog'.

,ilffi How monu chorocters ore there in the plog?

rr1},ffi,Fr, Nome the people who hove problems? Whot ore their problems?
"s[ u.#i,+- Wos lhe enlrepreneur creotive? Give reosons for gour onswer.

'st 'iffi If Uou ore dromolising lhe plou, which chorocler would gou like lo ocl

os? Whg?

Before gour performonce, ''

& discuss ond decide on who will plog the different choroclers'
# decide on ond prepore lhe props ond costumes lo be used.


1,,8..3. i




H Ustcning.or*d Speaking

Lisien ond motch the pictures wilh whot Mologsions ore

Thonks, for, being mg :friend.



' ,J*:u

. ,.4 !

Lisien to,whot lhe people sog ogoin. to'"rolr."ffi
Sog which volue eoch stqtement shows.

"6@ Tolk obout other wogs Mologsions con show toleronce, respecl

lEp ond polriotism.

sfl6sTeaI cI hweonrt'sto Notes so thol I con defend mg countrg. 2 The trotfic jom here is onlg for
be o soldier

todou os il is Notionol Dog. 3 I sludied medicine in lhe Uniled Kingdom but I wont io work in

'.g4 \i Mologsio so thot I con help our people. 4 We cleqn up lhe beoch ofter hoving o picnic lhere.

_ We musl leove lhe ploce cleon for olhers. 5 Neither Uou nor I enjog woiiing for o long time.

(Ii3}}, So, don't jumP queue'


Teocher's Notes
i;;;lt *itnif i6" noirg fireworks. I understond lhol oeople celebrole this festivol onl,g once
o Uesr.lT We should olwogs speok kind words becouse unkind words hurt people. 8 I'm s
vegelorion but gou mqg eot meol ol
the some loble wiih me. I don'l mind. 9l olwogs tell mg

friends trom olher courtlrles how beoutiful Mologsio is ond io come for o visil' 1,85'

CI ",&


A phrosol verb is usuollg mode up of o verb ond o preposition.

Identifg the phrosol verbs in lhe senlences. To gel the
Then, motch them with the meonings given below. meoning of o phrosol
verb, use lhe words
,isr.tft+I,ft AIio looks ofter her little sister verg well. in lhe sentence lo
d.fffii,'Don't slop. Pleose corru on telling the storg,' help gou or refer lo
o diclionorg.
lhe bog soid.

{ffi}l Li Ming put up neither o poster nor o phologroph in his room.

orrive toke core of fix somelhing to o woll conlinue woit

Rewrite the possoge bU replocing the words in red with
the phrcsol verbs given.

iiiffiKirin wos sitting oll olone in the conteen. He wos JOrn rn

Nosir wolked towords him ond spoke to him. 'l'm new here. feeling down
cheered up
I do nol ,' Kirin soid. Nosir replied, 'l'm going to doing up
fit in
rthe holl. Mg friends ond I ore the holl for lhe

{i.i..ffiftschool concert. You con if gou tike.' Kirin

He smiled ond soid, 'l'd love to do thot.'

ffitr&-f:;f.-fi-f' 'i-&.::;!-


Kirin helped Nosir lo pul up o lorge bonner
in the holl. The other bogs orronged the

furniture. When Mr Rovi turned up ol the holl,
he wos pleosed. 'l'm glod lhot gou bogs ore
gelting olong. Corrg on,' he soid. The bogs
smiled ond corried on with lhe job of doing

up the holl. Kirin wos no longer feeling down.

i86J :

i-' or


fl.,,*nr.# .-r: . KEPERCA

Belief in God

Logoltg lo l(ng ond Countrg
Supremocg of lhe Constitution
Sovereigntg of Low

Good Behoviour ond Morolitg

The obove stotements ore lhe five principles of lhe

The volues found in these principles help Molousions to be good ciiizens.!'i:
Whot ore these volues?

Reod the progromme thot the Rukun Negoro Club of SJK Tomon Mumi

hos plonned for the pupils. Then, onswer the questions below.

@ Progromme
€r. AcfiVilu,,
# .4':tI Sing lhe Negoroku ond recile lhe Rukun Negoro everu morning.
Poster Competition: The Jolur Gemilong
. A tolk bg Inspector Monu on respecting the lows of our countrg.
. A visit to lhe locol police slotion. Interview o police officer.

w .da Dromo Competition. Theme: Potriolism
.dil. A lolk on the cultures ond beliefs of mullirociol Mologsio.
Film show entitled The Colours of Mologsio.

**tnr . Visit the Porliomenl House. Leqrn oboul how lows ore mode.

#*i a Fundroising for choritg.
w a Visil on old folks' home or on orphonoge.


w . Exhibition on the vorious festivols celebroted bg Mologsions.
ffi e.g. Hori Rogo Aidil Fitri, Deepovoli, Chrislmos, Wesok, Hori Gowoi
.e*rr EssoU Compelition. Topic Whot the Rukun Negaro meons lo me.
Leorn ond sing polriotic songs.

Bosed on the progKrmme, stote the months in which the pupils will leorn

obout g, potriotism
h respect for lhe lows of lhe countrg, ond

2| c j respect ond toleronce for people who ore different.

ffi Foreochvorue':Y:'i:,"::i::":::y:'.::*",,i:,':::::.::i-i:

, [,,1,.3 \sz;


l Nodio ond Hoshim wrote short orticles for the school mogozine. .:.

Whot did theg write oboul? Reod the sentences below to find out.

There ore lwo moin ideos. Identifg these senlenoes. Then, find the
sentences lhot supporl eoch moin ideo.

Now, complete whol Nodio wrole. Write in cursive.

{:r# Qo





d& ig,oIoiinllliinl.eorhnidntsgspreh:ohrttgpo:o//dwcwitwiz.esnosndcoh.eFzocrlomsso.rceoinmfo/grmooordiocnitirzoehne.htptmuou,Vrt,h' ffiEf,ffiIEI

88 I ,:2,2.2{o)


writes on emoil lo Wd Min. Use lhe notes given to complete


r. , Welmin@friends,net *# BC*

subjeer A Visil to the Porlioment House

& - ri t B r U F. A :=i=+E€ = = =qO g'9- ((

Deor Wei Min,

I hod o fonloslic experience lost week. I visiled the Porlioment House in
Kuolo Lumpur with lhe school prefects. We were omozed bg whot we sow.

We orrived ol the Porlioment House ot l0 o.m. The entronce wos verg grond.

When we entered, we sow piclures of our prime minislers on the wolls. We took

monu phologrophs lhere.

After lhol, fiili.Frtift+,- iri+,-ti+i.1;'f. :r

F+Fs#ii1#,q$jiii;tgii5i We felt so proud to be Mologsions!

eo e w te #TfP l sri1ti"+1. 1,4:i,+Ir.i+i.1ii,#{

Your friend, ; ---exvscipsiteietnedld-lw-sohmohoooiknur-hsostlhlpseor-keele--olretneotlvl-i-nglowwhsosl-o-wcdo:iu.dPn-ltrgihI:o-,lidwMoeignrseisimerode

Porogroph 1

- glod - enjoged - visit - tell - visit - Seri Perdqno - porents
-- Seri Perdqno - officiol home Prime Minister

Porogroph 2

-- reoched - otlernoon - enlronce - omozing - beoutiful gorden

fountoin - front - fother - photogrophs

Porogroph 3

- wenl - lorge room - Prime Minister meels - guests - onolher room
-- oll the Prime Ministers' souvenirs - gifts - on displog - impressed
Mologsio - friends - over the world

Porogroph 4

- replg - woiiing - heor - Uou

*,j-iiii:Eliilitir/hil;r\ \,se;



Reod the conversolion between Mrs Chen,

the odviser of the Historg Societg, ond Asho Kumor, the secretorg of

the societg.

Asho : Good morning, Mrs Chen.

Mrs Chen : Good morning, Tino. I'd like to lolk lo gou obout the course

lhot the Hislorg Socielg is going lo orgonise next month.

Asho : Whot's the nome of the course, Teocher?

Mrs Chen : It's colled Living Together in o Mullirucial Countrg.

Asho : Thol sounds inleresting. Who con porticipole in the course?

Mrs Chen : Pupils in Yeors 5 ond 6. However, there ore onlg ploces for

60 pupils.

Asho Do the pupils hove to pog to ottend this course?

Mrs Chen No, it's free.

Asho Oh, thot's good!

Mrs Chen The course will be held on Thursdog, 28th of Augusl.

Asho At whot time will it slort?

Mrs Chen It'll stort ot 2:30 p.m. ond will go on until 4:00 p.m.

Asho Will lhe course be held in the school holl?

Mrs Chen No. It'll be in the Art Room.

Mrs Chen Pupils who ore interesled should give their !_lomes to their

closs teochers.

Asho Sholl I put up o nolice obout lhe course?

Mrs Chen Yes, pleose do thot.




Write out the deloils lhot Asho hos to include in the notice obout
the course. yP

ffi) ii]*l{'ii1L;"l"!Ii. .,:*y'rrrr\.

Reod the sentences. Notice how lhe senlences ore joined logelher-

nomes.We should not coll people We should nol be rude lo them.

.,,.:.,' ':;,',Wn.*56o16.'peffiei'CAtt peopib nornes nor',be,r ds lo them

,,:Mf.,Zhoo does.,nOt {ike.duricins, ,l?re:, ilren''; 1*ioi'.llke,"dur.i0ns.;;

\:r:::,i. .. ,r.ti:.:.


lhe children dutigns;

S The poir of words neither..-nor is o conjunclion.
S It is used to join iwo negotive sentences.
If gou join two subjects wilh neither,..nor, the verb must ogree with the second

su bj ecl, e. g. the,,childr,en',tike;',Mr, Zhoo I ikes

Join the poirs of sentences using neither---nor-

He.:should, not dirtg'the,Pork.

',,,iffiir*,, 5;ro ond I ore not ollending the ceremong.
+Xffii,Tino musl not weor o short skirt. She must nol weor

o sleeveless blouse.
+ffiht The teocher ond the pupils do nol go home eorlg.
@#i+,The women did not sing folk songs. Theg did nol sing pop songs.

''ffi tne Hon brolhers ond Azli were not ol the proctice.

,ffi Mike ond his brothers do not weor slippers in the house.



fu****urxwt **n

Who do gou lhink is the hero; Lorrg, the shg bog or Lewis, the populor
one? Reod the storg lo find oul.

The Outing ,?r:, 9r, 1't;r"iiffi , oi',i

Hi, Professor Lorrg!

Theg fell through lhe hole ond Helpl Help us,



one,come. Theg sPdnt o
the cold cove.

It wos obout noontime. Lorrg noliced thol the rog of light wos coming down from

Moking q fire.

Whot ore Uou
doing, Lorrg?

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