not dictate what I do.
I am a free Sovereign "Man" (or woman) and I am a political power holder as lawfully decreed in
the State Constitution at article I (or II) and that Constitution is controlling over you.
You must NEVER retain or hire an attorney, a state officer of the court, to speak or file written
documents for you. Use an attorney (if you must) only for counsel and advice about their "legal"
system. If you retain an attorney to represent you and speak in your place, you become "NON
COMPOS MENTIS " , not mentally competent, and you are then considered a ward of the court.
You LOSE all your Rights, and you will not be permitted to do anything herein.
The judge knows that as long as he remains in his office, he is backed by the awesome power of
the state, its lawyers, police and prisons. The judge will try to force you to abandon your
Sovereign sanctuary by threatening you with jail. No matter what happens, if you remain faithful
to your Sovereignty, the judge and the state may not lawfully move against you.
The state did not create the office of Sovereign political power holder. Therefore, they do not
regulate and control those in the office of Sovereign. They cannot ascribe penalties for breach of
that particular office. The reason they have no authority over the office of the Sovereign is
because they did not create it and the Sovereign people did not delegate to them any such power.
When challenged, simply remind them that they do not regulate any office of the Sovereign and
that their statutes only apply to those state employees in legislative created offices. This
Sovereign individual paradigm is explained by the following U. S . Supreme Court case HALE V
"The individual may stand upon his Constitutional Rights as a citizen. He is entitled to
carry on his private business in his own way. IDs power to contract is unlimited. He owes
no such duty [to submit his books and papers for an examination] to the State, since he
receives nothing there from, beyond the protection of his life and property. His Rights are
such as existed by the law of the land [Common Law] long antecedent to the organization
of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with
the Constitution. Among his Rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity
of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law. He
owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their Rights." Hale v.
Henkel, 201 U.S . 43 at 47 ( 1 905).
Let us analyze this case. It says, "The individual may stand upon his Constitutional Rights . " It
does not say, "the sovereign. " There is a principle here is: " You ' re not signatory to the
Constitution and not a party to the social compact. "
However, the sovereign . . . "is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. " It says
"private business" - you have a Right to operate a private business. Then it says "in his own
way. " It doesn't say "in the government's way. "
Then it says, "His power to contract is unlimited. " As a Sovereign individual, your power to
contract is unlimited. In common law there are certain criteria that determine the validity of
contracts . They are not important here, except that any contract that would harm others or violate
their Rights would be invalid. For example, a "contract" to kill someone is not a valid contract.
Apart from this obvious qualification, your power to contract is unlimited.
Next it says, "He owes no such duty [to submit his books and papers for an examination] to the
State, since he receives nothing there from, beyond the protection of his life and property. " The
court case contrasted the duty of the corporation (an entity created by government permission -
feudal paradigm) to the duty of the Sovereign 'man' . The Sovereign 'man' doesn't need and
didn't receive permission from the government, hence has no duty to the government.
Then it says, "His Rights are such as existed by the law of the land [Common Law] long
antecedent to the organization of the State. " This is very important. The Supreme Court
recognized that humans have inherent Rights . The U.S. Constitution (including the Bill of
Rights) does not grant Rights. We have fundamental Rights, irrespective of what the Constitution
says. The Constitution acknowledges some rights and via the Bill of rights, but only as they
operate upon the agents of government by their oath of office not to violate them in respect to the
people. And Amendment IX states, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain Rights,
shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. " The important point is
that our Rights antecede (come before, are senior to) the organization of the state.
Next the Supreme Court says, "And [his Rights] can only be taken from him by due process of
law, and in accordance with the Constitution. " Does it say the government can take away your
Rights? No ! Your Rights can only be taken away "by due process of law, and in accordance with
the Constitution. " "Due process of law" involves procedures and safeguards such as trial by jury.
"Trial by jury" means, inter alia, the jury judges both law and fact.
Then the case says, "Among his Rights are a refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of
himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of the law . " These are
some of the supposed Rights of a Sovereign man. Sovereign men need not report anything about
themselves or their businesses to anyone.
Finally, the Supreme Court says, "He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass
upon their Rights . " Therefore, does the Sovereign man owe taxes ?
If you should discuss Hale v. Henkel with a run-of-the-mill attorney, he or she will tell you that
the case is "old" and that it has been "overturned. " If you ask that attorney for a citation of the
case or cases that overturned Hale v. Henkel, there will not be a meaningful response. The
OUTLAWS have researched Hale v. Henkel and here is what we found:
As stated above, we know that Hale v. Henkel was decided in 1 905 in the U . S . Supreme Court.
Since it was the Supreme Court, the case is binding on all courts of the land, until another
Supreme Court case says it isn't. Has another Supreme Court case overturned Hale v. Henkel?
The answer is NO. None of the various issues of this case has ever been overruled.
So, if the state through the office of the judge continues to threaten or does imprison you, they
the question is, then, how does the Motor Vehicle Code operate upon you if you are not a party
nor signatory to their private compact? [The 'ACD PACKET' deals with Tort at both the state
level and federal level, with instructions and is available from The American' s Bulletin for
$ 3 0 . 00]
1 They tell you their mission is to protect and serve, but this is just a smoke screen. The system from the District Attorney down
is designed to look good to all the class one ostriches that elected the 'officials' in charge of the system. These are the same
people that form the pancake juries that are responsible for the unusually high conviction rates across America. They have been
conditioned to please authority first and ask responsible questions later.
2 Regarding the issue of copyright infringement, there is really no problem with people using copyrighted property-unless they
use it for commercial gain.
3 Before the bankruptcy in 1933, United States Notes could be redeemed in "lawful money of the United States". This practice
ended in 1933 when the United States went into Bankruptcy. Since then, we have been on the "promise to pay" standard and all
demands for payment constitute an issue of public currency. A promise to pay creates "money", and is what funds your
mortgage, auto loan, credit card purchases, and every other kind of 'loan' you take out (including traffic tickets).
This page does not have to go into any lengthy detail. Remember, if you are taken to jail via a
'fresh arrest, ' try to get the names of the officers involved in your arrest who cause the most
injury, threats or pain. Try to keep the details of your 'fresh arrest' in your head, as most likely,
they won ' t give you paper & pencil. DO NOT SIGN IN, DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS,
WHEN YOU' RE GETTING OUT. As soon as you are out, you need to do up an affidavit of all
the facts of that unlawful arrest ! It is best if you have someone that has your power of attorney to
assist you in these matters until you are out.
But, when you find yourself in a j ail cell . . . for whatever reason you ' ve heard the story, seen it in
the movies . . . that you have a right to ONE phone call. So the question is "who do you call?"
Well, it' s not to call your lawyer (God forbid !), your girlfriend, your pastor, the bondsman, your
Seek the name of the judge and try to get the phone number from the j ailers. Be businesslike and
polite, but firm ! It is part of your 'Due Process ' , as they say . . . you have the right to one phone
call ! Merely state that you need the number so that you can request an appearance bond
without fees or cost. This must be requested preferably before your arraignment.
Note; The Appearance Bond is the Bond that the Prosecutor puts up to bond the action brought
forward by the traffic officer/cop or he himself. They created the ' action, ' they have to bond the
action in the event that they injure you in their misapplication of statutes or other injuries that
may occur!
If you are denied the phone call, then make the request at the next available opportunity, either
with any 'agent' to comes to you and or when you are taken into court for arraignment.
Remember, you want the 'Appearance Bond' as part of your due process, and if the judge
produces the bond, you can state that you "accept the bond for value, I do not intend to challenge
the facts of the case" (or it can be stated;) "I plead guilty to charges in behalf of the
defendant/debtor, but that' s not me . . . and I request the court to discharge the charges via the
Bond and I request that the Bond be released to me."
If the judge denies the 'bond,' he then has denied you remedy (due process), committed
commercial fraud, (as the charges are not laid on you, but on the corporate fiction
Defendant/debtor), and since you cannot pay the fine or pay off the commercial charge, and can
only be 'discharged, ' and being the 'insurance policy' via the bond is created by the prosecutor
or some other agent via the 'case,' is to be brought forward to indemnify the
man/creditor/sovereign, in light of the bankruptcy, as everything is insured ! But the system most
always get ' s the ' arrestee' (you) to bond the case yourself or get you to plead guilty . . . and or
consent to the charges !
If the bond is denied, at your next available opportunity, and or with someone you have given
power of attorney to if you are still incarcerated, you can exercise your exclusive remedy . . . and
that is a Tort Claim !
When an individual is detained, without warrant and without having
committed a crime (traffic infractions are not crimes), the detention is a
false arrest and unlawful imprisonment:
TREZEVANT v. CITY OF TAMPA,741 F2d 336 (11th Cir. 1984) Motorist
illegally held for 23 minutes on a traffic charge was awarded $25,000 in
damages. (Sets foundation for $75,OOO/hr., l,600,OOO/day)
SANDERS v. EN GLISH, 950 F2d 1036 (6th Cir. 1992) False arrest, illegal
detention (false imprisonment), and malicious prosecution are recognized
as causes of action under Title 42 Section 1983. (•.•and TORT!)
JAMES v. KENTUCKY, 466 US 341, 80 LED 2d 346, 104 S Ct. 1830 (1984)
The supreme court held that State statutes did not take precedent over
Constitutional law.
MOYA v. US, 761 F2d 322 (7th Cir. 1985) People are entitled to refuse to
provide information to police. Moya went to the supreme court and back.
(held to be valid)
Padelford, Fay a. Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah,
14 Ga. 438 (1854) "But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain,
by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The
Constitution, it is true, is a compact [contract], but he is not a party to it.
The States are a party to it. • • "
emphasis added.