Patterns Advanced4 ▌SETTING PARAMETER LOCK TRIGS IN LIVE RECORDING MODE 1. Select LIVE RECORDING mode [REC] + [PLAY]. 2. To assign a parameter lock, make an adjustment to a parameter on the parameter pages or play chromatic notes. Example: [SRC] Page, bit reduction BR, Data Entry (C). 3. When showing in grid recording mode for each trig the parameter will show inverse bold yellow on the display. 4. The trig key will be yellow with a lock trig and flash with a parameter lock assigned and will adjust to the parameter as the step triggers. ▌REMOVING A SINGLE LOCK TRIG PARAMETER 1. Press and hold the selected step [TRIG]. 2. While holding the trig key, press (DATA ENTRY) control of the parameter to remove. 3. The lock trig will stop flashing unless other parameter locks exist on the same step. ▌REMOVING LOCK TRIGS 1. While holding [FUNC], Press Trig [1] … [16] of the trig to remove. ▌SETTING SOUND LOCK TRIGS IN GRID RECORDING MODE Sounds to use for sound locks MUST be located in the sound pool 1. Select GRID RECORDING mode [REC]. 2. To assign a sound, press and hold the trig [1] … [16] + Turn (LEVEL/ DATA) control. 3. The sound pool list will appear and scroll to the desired selection using the (LEVEL/DATA) control. 4. Release the trig key on the selected new sound. 5. The Trig key will flash indicating it has a Sound lock attached. NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 47
48 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide ▌CHECKING SOUND LOCK TRIGS IN GRID RECORDING MODE 1. Select GRID RECORDING mode [REC]. 2. Hold the sound locked trig key [1] … [16]. 3. The display indicates the attached sound in the title area of the display. ▌REMOVING SOUND LOCK TRIGS IN GRID RECORDING MODE 1. Select GRID RECORDING mode [REC]. 2. Hold the sound locked trig key [1] … [16]. 3. The sound pool list will appear and scroll to TRACK SOUND and release. NOTES 4 Patterns Advanced
4.2 Trig Page The trig page shows the fundamental settings applied to trig steps. Unlike other pages, trig parameters are saved with the pattern (not with the sound) and may not indicate flashing parameter locks on trigs. All parameters with the exception of COND can be set to defaults allowing trigs to be set with the default parameters. COND can only be set as a parameter lock by holding a trig + (D). AUDIO TRACKS 1-8 The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting can be displayed by holding [TRIG] key within the TRIG pages. Press (DATA ENTRY) + [NO] to reset parameter to default. Press [TRIG] + [PLAY] to reset all TRIG page parameters to defaults. Copy [TRIG] + [REC] and Paste [TRIG] + [STOP] also operate within and across the TRIG pages The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 49 Patterns Advanced4 (A) NOTE Data Entry (B) VEL Data Entry (C) LEN Data Entry (D) PROB Data Entry Pitch Tuning Velocity Trigger Length Probability Sets the pitch of the selected trig note. Overridden by live recording - chromatic notes Sets the velocity of the trig note. Trig keys are not velocity sensitive. Sets the length of the selected trig in snapped values. Live Recording overrides LEN parameter. Sets the probability of whether the trigger step activates or not. -24/+24 semitones default C3 0-127 - Default 100 0.125 -127,INF - Default 1/16 0-100%, Default 100% (E) FLT.T Data Entry (F) LFO.T Data Entry (G) & (H) Data Entry Filter Trigger Low Freq Oscillator Trigger Not Used Filter Trigger. Sets whether the filter env is triggered or not. LFO Trigger. Sets whether the LFO env is triggered or not. ON, OFF - Default On ON, OFF - Default On COND Conditional trigs are available in record mode when holding a trig step. Sets logical rules for determining the step operation. This is accessed with the Data Entry D parameter knob and will show when holding the trig step.
50 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide MIDI TRACKS 9-16 The Trig page for midi trig is available for tracks 8-19 - MIDI A - H. A maximum of 4 Notes allowed to make up a Chord. All parameters with the exception of COND can be set up as a new default allowing subsequent trigs to be added with the default parameter settings. COND can only be set as a Parameter lock by holding [TRIG] + (D). The current value of each parameter is displayed when the control is adjusted or all parameter setting can be displayed by holding [TRIG] key within the TRIG pages. Press (DATA ENTRY) + [NO] to reset parameter to default. Press [TRIG] + [PLAY] to reset all TRIG page parameters to defaults. Copy [TRIG] + [REC] and Paste [TRIG] + [STOP] also operate within and across the TRIG pages PROB <> COND ** Conditional trig is available in record mode when holding a trig step. PROB changes to COND. This sets logical rules for determining the operation and function of the trig step. Default = OFF 4 Patterns Advanced (A) NOT1 Data Entry (B) NOT2 Data Entry (C) NOT3 Data Entry (D) NOT4 Data Entry Root Note Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Root note (C0-G10) sent by the midi track selected. Other notes reference the root. Sets the note 2 value which is set offset in semitones from root note trig. Sets the note 3 value which is set offset in semitones from root note trig. Sets the note 4 value which is set offset in semitones from root note trig. 0-127 semitones - default C5 -64 / +63 - Default 0 -64 / +63 - Default 0 -64 / +63 - Default 0 (E) VEL Data Entry (F) LEN Data Entry (G) PROB Data Entry (H) LFO.T Data Entry Velocity Duration of Trig Probability LFO Trigger Sets the velocity of the trig note that is sent out on the MIDI channel. Duration of the selected trig followed by a NOTE OFF midi signal. Sets the probability of the trigger step activation. Also COND when trig is held.** LFO Trigger. Sets whether the LFO env is triggered or not. 0-127 - Default 100 0.125 -127,INF - Default 1/16 0-100% ,Default 100% ON, OFF - Default On
▌SETTING THE DEFAULT TRIG PARAMETERS 1. Select [TRIG] page 2. Use data entry rotaries to adjust parameters NOTE, VELocity, LENgth, FLT.T Filter or LFO. 3. These default values set will be applied to the trig steps. ▌SETTING A PARAMETER LOCK 1. Select [TRIG] Page 2. Hold the trig key [1] … [16] + Adjust (A) … (H) depending on parameter on the SRC, FLTR, AMP, LFO to set a parameter trig on. Parameters can also be adjusted per step on TRIG page. ▌ADJUSTING SYSTEM TRACK LEVEL 1. Select any parameter page 2. Adjust the (LEVEL/DATA) rotary 3. The value of the track level (Screen bottom left) will adjust 0-127. ▌EMULATING A NATURAL VELOCITY PROFILE The trigs have a fixed velocity when recorded in. To create a variable velocity across a track 1. Select the audio track to adjust, example [TRK] + [1] 2. Select LIVE RECORDING mode, [REC] + [PLAY] 3. Manually adjust the (B) VEL - Velocity by small steps up/down while recording. 4. The velocity value will be recorded in the steps recorded creating a velocity profile that emulates natural velocity recording NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 51 Patterns Advanced4
52 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4.3 Conditional Trig Locks and Note Probability Note probability is the ability to set a trigger ‘chance’ i.e. the percentage chance the trig step has of playing in the pattern cycle. Probability is set on the Trig page using it’s rotary control. Conditional locks are are also set on the same control, which is available when holding a trig step in record mode. Conditional locks are set just like parameter locks and apply a set of defined rules to the selected trig step that must be fulfilled to enable the trig step to be triggered. Conditional trigs offer a great way to develop complex and evolving patterns especially in combination. Conditional trigs have the priority and override the probability setting is set on the same track / trig. TRIG Select Trig Page Audio Tracks In Grid / Step Recording Mode MIDI Tracks CONDITIONAL TRIGS When in record mode, apply a trig and then hold the TRIG Key [1] … [16] and adjust (D) for audio track conditional trigs and (G) for MIDI Tracks. PROB parameter switches to COND when in gird or step record mode and the Trig is held. NOTE PROBABILITY Default Option is Note Probability. Adjust the control to set the % Probability of the note triggering. + D or G 4 Patterns Advanced TRIG Page
NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 53 Patterns Advanced4 Probability Explained Probability operates on the tracks set trigs every cycle of the pattern irrespective of conditional lock states. 100% Probability means steps trigger as normal and 0% not at all on each cycle of the pattern across the track. Note: Any trig condition locks that have been set will take priority over the Probability %. Examples 1 1 1 16 16 16 Track 1 Kick Track 6 CHat Track 6 CHat 100% Default probability meaning triggers normally each cycle 25% Step has a 1 in 4 chance each cycle of triggering. 66% Step has a 1 in 4 chance each cycle of triggering. Probability While the examples here describe in terms of an X in Y chance, the triggering does not follow a defined or regular pattern of triggering or not on each cycle. Digitakt randomly sets when it will trigger. This randomisation is based on the selected and set probability defined on the specific trigger step. So for 50% the trigger will not necessarily be every second step but generally will trigger 50% of the time for each cycle. Probability is set in the Trig page using control D (Audio track) and G (MIDI Track) Conditional Locks take precedence over probability so if the conditional probability is also set, then this will be applied. Ensure conditional trigs are off if not required - trig + press (D) or (G)
54 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide Conditional Locks / Trig Conditions Explained Conditional trigs offer a great way to develop complex and evolving patterns set with parameter locks which apply a set of rules to the trig step. These predefined rules must be fulfilled to enable the trig step to operate. This mode is available ‘under’ the PROB parameter available while the Trig step is held when Digitakt is in grid or step record mode. The rules for trig conditions are set using parameter locks. A trig needs to be set first for the chosen rule to act upon. The condition rule set will determines how the trig behaves in the pattern sequence. Conditional locks take precedence over the probability setting. FILL FILL MODE Fill mode is a function that temporarily adds fills and variations such as pitch change or retrigger. This creates more interest in a pattern or at pattern change / cycle end. Fill mode is pre-requisite in the use of the Fill trig conditions. Fill mode would need to also be set on the same step such as the fill condition and would then be triggered by:- • Manually pressing [PAGE] key during pattern playback. Not available in grid recording mode. • A one pattern cycle during pattern playback. Set by pressing [YES] + [PAGE] Button. (Not available in Grid Recording Mode) • Latch fill mode ON. Set by [PAGE] + [YES] then release [PAGE] first, followed by [YES]. Press [PAGE] to unlatch. As well COND being set to FILL the step would also need a fill setting such as a retrigger to generate a drum roll and then this would only trigger when FILL is activated manually, one cycle or on latch. 1 16 Track 1 FILL Only triggers when FILL mode is active FILL Triggers when FILL mode is NOT active FILL Applies a fill on the chosen trig step and fill is then triggered when the fill mode is activated. FILL A fill is applied on the chosen trig step but does NOT apply the fill during the fill mode being activated. 4 Patterns Advanced
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 55 Patterns Advanced4 NOTES ▌SETTING UP A FILL 1. Set a TRIG in a pattern where a fill is needed 2. Set the action within the Trig that would be triggered. For example, this could be simply be a note or sample being triggered or something more elaborate such as a retrig to create a roll. 3. Select the [TRIG] Page 4. Hold the Target Trig [1] … [16] 5. Set up COND = FILL on the target Trig by adjusting (C) Audio Track or (G) Midi Track Trig 6. [PLAY] to play the pattern and ensure not in GRID RECORDING Mode. 7. Press [PAGE] while playing to trigger the fill condition on the selected trig. Also Fill can be activated for one cycle using [YES] + [PAGE] or latch fill by pressing [PAGE] + [YES] then release [PAGE] first. [PAGE] to unlatch.
56 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced NOTES PRE Track 2 PRE Triggers when a previous trig condition, same track has been triggered. PRE Does NOT trigger when a previous trig condition, same track has been triggered. PRE Conditions are dependant on the most recent trig conditions on the same track prior to the trig on which it is placed. PRE Applies the trigger on the chosen step when a previous, most recent trig event condition on the same track is triggered. Will not trigger if the prior condition is ‘false’ i.e. inactive. PRE Does NOT apply a trigger on the chosen step when a previous, most recent trig condition event on same track is triggered. Equally this trig will operate if the previous, most recent trig condition prior is not ‘true’ i.e. active.
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 57 NEI 1 16 Track 1 Track 2 NEI Triggers when a previous trig condition, neighbouring track is active / has been triggered NEI Triggers when a previous trig condition, neighbouring track is not triggered / inactive. NEI Conditions are dependant on the most recent trig conditions on the previous neighbouring track prior to the trig on which it is placed. NEI Applies the trigger on the chosen step when a previous trig condition on the neighbouring (one prior) track is triggered. Will not trigger if the prior track condition is ‘false’ i.e. inactive. NEI Does NOT apply a trigger on the chosen step when a trig condition on the neighbouring (one prior) track is triggered. Equally this trig will operate if the previous, most recent trig condition prior track is not ‘true’ i.e. active. Patterns Advanced4 NOTES
58 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced NOTES 1ST Track 2 1ST Will trigger on the 1st pass only of the loop cycle 1ST Will trigger on the all loop cycles except the first loop. PATTERN LOOP 1 PATTERN LOOP 2 PATTERN LOOP 3 PATTERN LOOP 4 Count Reset 1ST Conditions are dependant on the loop cycles. 1ST Applies the trigger on the chosen step when the pattern plays its first loop. Will not trigger on subsequent pattern cycles. 1ST Applies the trigger on the chosen step when the pattern plays on any loop cycle except the first loop. Will not trigger on the first loop of a pattern cycle.
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 59 A:B 2 : 4 Will trigger on the 2nd cycle of a 4 cycle loop count and reset at the end of 4th cycle. A Is the number of loop within the cycles before the trigger is active. In this example 2. B Is the number of loop cycles before the count resets. In this example 4. 1:2 Trigger is active on first loop, then third, fifth of new cycles etc. The loop count is every second loop. 2:4 Trigger is active on second loop, then fourth, sixth on next cycle etc. Loop count is end of fourth loop. 3:4 Trigger is active on third loop, then seventh, eleventh of new cycles etc. The loop count is every fourth loop. Track 2 PATTERN LOOP 1 PATTERN LOOP 2 PATTERN LOOP 3 PATTERN LOOP 4 Count Reset 1ST Conditions are dependant on the loop cycles and the condition initiates a trigger and also a reset of the counter. A : B Sets the cycles looped before triggering and the total cycles played before the cycle counter resets. Patterns Advanced4 NOTES
60 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced X% X% Applies the trigger on the chosen step at the frequency determined by the probability %. This will be perceived as a random like trigger. Track 2 X% Operates the rigger based on chance. The Chance % is called probability and can be set 0% (Never trigger) to 100% (always Trigger). Anything in between provides the probability level. X% Conditions are dependant on the ‘chance’ of a trig activating. This is similar to a random (within the % constraints) setting. While the functionality is similar to the dedicated probability function, the condition trig can operate and interact within the other conditional trig functions. Conditional trigs take precedence over the dedicated probability setting.
NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 61 Patterns Advanced4 4.4 Managing Patterns Patterns are mainly managed from within the [SETTINGS] options, located in the PATTERN Menu, although some functions are also available outside of the pattern menu. PATTERN Menu option selects pattern management for the currently selected working pattern. Use [UP] - [DOWN] keys to navigate and [YES] to select and [NO] to cancel. Note the previous state menu may be present when moving in and out of a menu. Use [NO] to move back through the menu. RENAME Opens the renaming screen and allows editing of the pattern name. ACCEPT + TRACK Import to [1] … [8] CANCEL / BACK CANCEL CLEAR Clears from working memory. No data lost until the project is saved. WHOLE PATTERN Both sequence and kit data is saved, reloaded or cleared. KIT DATA The patterns kit data (sounds and levels) only, sequence data unchanged. SEQUENCE The patterns sequence data only (trigs, params, locks), kit data is unchanged. IMPORT SOUND from the +Drive to the active pattern. [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/ DATA) to choose sound. EXPORT SOUND from the pattern to the +Drive. [UP] [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA) to choose memory slot. MANAGE SOUNDS Sound manager options menu. SAVE TO PROJ Saves the pattern to the Project in the +Drive. Project must have been saved first. RELOAD FROM PROJ The pattern is reloaded from the project +Drive to working memory. The pattern must have been saved first. IMPORT / EXPORT This feature enables SOUNDS to be imported and exported from +Drive to the active pattern. PATTERN
62 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide ▌SAVING A PATTERN - TEMPORARY 1. Press [FUNC] + [YES] to create a temporary save point for the current pattern 2. Pattern is saved temporarily and not in the permanent memory storage. ▌RESTORING A TEMPORARY PATTERN 1. Press [FUNC] + [NO] to restore the pattern from the previous save point 2. If no save has been made the permanently stored pattern will reload. ▌SAVING A PATTERN PERMANENTLY 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the settings menu. 2. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] or [DOWN] to highlight PATTERN. Press [YES] to select the pattern menu. 3. Navigate to SAVE TO PROJ using [UP] [DOWN] or using (LEVEL/ DATA) control. 4. Press [YES] to select and choose whether to save WHOLE PATTERN, KIT or SEQUENCE DATA with [UP], [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA). 5. Press [YES] again to save and [YES] to confirm. ▌OPENING / RELOADING A STORED PATTERN 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the settings menu. 2. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] or [DOWN] to highlight PATTERN. Press [YES] to select the pattern menu. 3. Navigate to RELOAD FROM PROJ using [UP] [DOWN] or using (LEVEL/DATA) control. 4. Press [YES] to select and choose whether to save WHOLE PATTERN, KIT or SEQUENCE. with [UP], [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA). 5. Press [YES] to load and [YES] again to confirm. NOTES 4 Patterns Advanced
▌CLEARING A PATTERN FROM WORKING MEMORY 1. Press [SETTINGS] to select the settings menu. 2. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] or [DOWN] to highlight PATTERN. Press [YES] to select the pattern menu. 3. Navigate to CLEAR using [UP] [DOWN] or using (LEVEL/DATA) control. 4. Press [YES] to select and choose whether to clear WHOLE PATTERN, KIT or SEQUENCE DATA with [UP], [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA). 5. Press [YES] to clear and [YES] again to confirm. Importing and exporting sound can be accessed from the quick menu function [FUNC] + [SONG]. Also available in the [SETTINGS} > PATTERN Menu under Import / Export. ▌IMPORTING A SOUND TO THE PATTERN / TRACK 1. Press [FUNC] + [SONG] to select the IMPORT/EXPORT Menu. 2. Navigate to IMPORT SOUND with [UP], [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA). 3. Press [YES] to open the sound browser list. 4. Use (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN] to navigate to the desired sound and press [YES] to select. 5. Select track to which the sound will be placed. [1] … [8] and the sound will be added to the selected track. ▌EXPORTING A SOUND 1. Press [FUNC] + [SONG] to select the IMPORT/EXPORT Menu. 2. Navigate to EXPORT SOUND with [UP], [DOWN] or (LEVEL/DATA). 3. Press [YES] to open the sound browser at the first free slot or select a new slot using (LEVEL/DATA) or [UP] [DOWN]. 4. Press [YES] to select, create a name for the sound in the naming menu. 5. Press [YES] and select meta data tags to add to the sound browser and / or select <SAVE> to save the sound then press [YES] or [NO] to abort. NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 63 Patterns Advanced4
64 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4.5 Chains NOTES A chain is a sequence of patterns linked to play together in a linear sequence one after the other and configured in the order desired. Chains cannot be saved and Digitakt chaining functionality can be limited and somewhat quirky A03 B02 C04 A05 B10 1 Chain Maximum : Up to 64 Patterns from Banks A-H Chains can be created with the sequencer stopped or running When creating chains it is important to follow the technique described precisely. This involves holding the prior key before pressing the next. This means at least 1 key (either a Trig key or PTN key) will be held throughout the chaining process. ▌CREATING A PATTERN CHAIN - EXAMPLE 1 Allows only 1 copy of the first pattern 1. Select the first the pattern bank, hold [BANK] + [A] … [H] 2. Press [PTN] and HOLD [1] … [16] for the FIRST pattern in the chain 3. Keep the trig in step 2 held and release the [PTN] key. 4. With the Trig still held, select subsequent patterns to the first within the chain by pressing [1] … [16] • Select individual pattern trigs [1] … [16] whilst always holding the prior Trig • Add multiple pattern trigs [1] … [16] to repeat instances in succession whilst holding the prior trig • Press [BANK] then [A] … [H] to change bank and choose trig patterns [1] … [16] from the new bank to add to the chain 5. Continue to build the chain length and assemble the pattern sequence. The chain is complete when the pattern trig is released 4 Patterns Advanced
NOTES ▌CREATING A PATTERN CHAIN - EXAMPLE 2 Allows the first pattern to be repeated 1. Select the first the pattern bank, hold [BANK] + [A] … [H] 2. Press [PTN] and HOLD [1] … [16] which is NOT the required FIRST pattern in the chain. i.e. if you want pattern 01 to be the first in the chain, then hold Pattern 02. 3. Keep the trig in step 2 held and release the [PTN] key. 4. Press and hold [PTN] key again whilst still holding the trig. 5. Press the trig key [1] … [16] required as the first pattern multiple times and HOLD the trig when on the last selection. 6. Release the [PTN] and the original trig, but retain holding the last trig selected (chaining is based in the last trig being held until the next trig is pressed and held). • Select individual pattern trigs [1] … [16] whilst always holding the prior trig • Repeat selection of pattern trigs [1] … [16] to repeat multiple instances in succession whilst holding the prior trig • Press [BANK] then [A] … [H] to change bank and choose trig patterns [1] … [16] from the new bank to add to the chain. 7. To complete chain release the trig. ▌PLAYING A PATTERN CHAIN 1. Press [PLAY]. The chain will play and each pattern chained will be played following completion of the previous pattern. 2. The chain will restart and loop once the sequence is completed. ▌CLEARING A PATTERN CHAIN 1. Select a new [BANK] and or [PTN] or create a new chain and the chain previously created will be lost The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 65 Patterns Advanced4
66 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced 4.6 Song Mode Song mode allows the creating of arrangements and chaining of patterns into full productions. Song mode is more advanced at creating a sequence of patterns than the chain function. Songs play by the designated rows and their assigned patterns in order. The pattern can be repeated and it’s length can be the same as the pattern default or an alternative step length set per row. Tempo can also be assigned per row. The option to mute rows is also possible. The default mode is to continuously loop the song from start to end then restart. Song Mode Overview C04 1 A04 8 01 04 END: LOOP 02 03 016 120.0 032 120.0 VERSE VERSE INTRO INTRO 016 064 118.0 120.0 B02 4 A03 4 Row # Label Pattern LABEL PTN Repeat Length Tempo BPM Mutes Each pattern row is played in sequence Attributes per row can be set for the behaviour of the pattern assigned to the row. Labels can be selected based on a predefined set or can be the pattern name. Song mode must be enabled to play the arrangement. Songs are built in the song mode editor. Songs are automatically saved as they are created but the project must be saved to retain the song when switching between projects. Song will play through each row and row loop, then will by default loop back to the start and continue to play again. Alternative option to STOP Playback at the end. Patterns selected to play on each row. Song Pattern A03 B02 C04 Play Direction per Row
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 67 Patterns Advanced4 NOTES Song Mode Menu’s Creating a song starts from within the Song Editor. This is accessible from the [SONG] Mode button. UP - Selects the Song Settings Menu DOWN - Opens the song browser to load from one of the 16 song slots RIGHT - Song editor (Song Mode must be ON) LEFT - Loop current row (Song Mode must be ON) The top header of Digitakt’s pages will reflect the song status when song mode is set to ON. The Middle section will display as a bar graph for row duration when playing. Press [YES] in the song menu to toggle song mode on or off Press [SONG] to open the song mode pop-up menu. Button is lit yellow when song mode is active. Use the arrow keys [UP], [DOWN], [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to navigate within the song menu. Current Song. Currently active / playing song number. Current Song Row. Currently playing row and total rows available Row Label. Assigned song row label Current Pattern. Currently active song row assigned / playing pattern
68 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced NOTES Some Song functions are also available in the settings menu. This is accessible in the Song Mode Pop-Up screen using [SONG] + [UP] or from within the [SETTINGS] Menu. The Song Settings option is also accessible by, Pressing [SONG] + Press [UP]. CLEAR Clears the current song and reverts to default blank setting. RENAME Rename the current song beyond the default S01, S02 etc LOAD Function to load saved songs from the 16 available slots per project. SAVE TO PROJ Saves the active song to the current project. 16 Save slots available.
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 69 Patterns Advanced4 NOTES Creating a Song. Songs can be created from scratch by editing a blank song or created from an existing song chain which can be imported as a starting point. Songs can be saved and loaded to / from the project. ▌CREATING A SONG FROM SCRATCH 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 3. In the Song mode pop-up menu, Press [RIGHT] for the ‘EDIT’ option to edit the song. This option is not available if song mode is off. Also Pressing [SONG] [SONG] opens the Song edit option. 4. Press [FUNC] + [DOWN] to add the first row to the song. If rows exists this will add a new row copying down the original. 5. The first row # ‘01’ is added with the currently active pattern and its defaults such as tempo and step length. If any mutes exist on the pattern tracks then the mute symbol will also be shown on the row. 6. The ‘END’ condition is also automatically added with a default of ‘LOOP’. This will cycle from the start to end the song when playing. To change to ‘STOP’, where the song will stop at the end, turn (LEVEL/ DATA) when the end state condition is highlighted. 7. Use the arrow keys [UP], [DOWN], [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to navigate across row columns and between rows. A highlighted element will show the currently selected parameter. The row being edited is shown between the dotted horizontal lines. 8. To edit the row parameters:- • Use the arrow keys to navigate and highlight the parameter to edit. • Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or a (DATA ENTRY) Knob to adjust the selected parameter options. 9. To add more rows, Press [FUNC] + [DOWN]. The current row will be copied down to the new row.
70 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced NOTES ▌CREATING A SONG FROM A CHAIN 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. Ensure the song is empty. A song can be cleared using the Song mode setting menu. In the Song mode popup, Clear the track or load and empty song. To Clear, Press [UP] to access the menu then CLEAR. 3. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 4. In the Song mode pop-up menu, Press [RIGHT] for the ‘EDIT’ option to edit the song. This option is not available if song mode is off. Also Pressing [SONG] [SONG] opens the Song edit option. 5. In the empty pattern, Press [YES] to create a song from a chain. 6. Press [UP] [DOWN] or Turn (LEVEL/DATA) to select either:- • FROM CURRENT CHAIN. This will automatically create a pattern from the currently existing chain. • FROM NEW CHAIN. The option to select patterns using the trig buttons as well as the ability to change banks. Press [YES] to confirm the chain selection to be imported. 7. The chains are automatically translated into the song rows using the pattern defaults. 8. The ‘END’ condition is also automatically added with a default of ‘LOOP’. This will cycle from the start to end the song when playing. To change to ‘STOP’, where the song will stop at the end, turn (LEVEL/ DATA) when the state condition is highlighted. 9. Use the arrow keys [UP], [DOWN], [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to navigate across row columns and between rows. A highlighted element will show the currently selected parameter. The row being edited is shown between the dotted horizontal lines. 10. To edit the row parameters:- • Use the arrow keys to navigate and highlight the parameter to edit. • Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or a (DATA ENTRY) Knob to adjust the selected parameter options.
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 71 Patterns Advanced4 NOTES Function Range Comments / Notes # Row 01-99 Row number. Automatically assigned. LABEL Options Keywords available from drop down menu. Optionally the pattern name or an empty slot can be used. PTN Selects the pattern to play in the row from the current bank. Use [FUNC] + (LEVEL/DATA) to change bank. ROW REPEAT 1-32 Number of times the pattern will play on the designated row before moving to next row. ROW LENGTH 2-1024 Number of sequencer steps that the pattern will play on the designated row . Default is pattern length. The 1000 value will be labelled K, i.e. 1024 = K24 ROW TEMPO 30-300 BPM of the specific pattern for the row. Press [TEMPO] or [YES] to select the row tempo and swing or turn (LEVEL/DATA) Knob for tempo. Song tempo or row can be selected. ROW MUTE Tracks can be muted. Press [YES] to edit and use Track buttons to mute or unmute. END The behaviour at the end of the song can be set to default LOOP or STOP. Loop will restart and cycle the song while Stop will stop playing at the end. Song Name. Assigned song name. Can be changed in settings menu. Song Number. Song slot number. 1-16 per project. Song Editor Row Label. Optional keyword or pattern name. Pattern. Selected row pattern. Use [FUNC] to quickly select bank. Length. Length, in steps, of the selected pattern in the row. Repeats. Number of times row will repeat playback. Song Playhead. Playing or pending play row Row Selected. Row selected for editing. [UP] [DOWN] to select. Mutes. Allows muting of any of the tracks in the pattern. Tempo. Dedicated tempo per row. Song tempo overrides rows. Song Pointer. Current time and position of playhead Song Row. Row number 1-99
72 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced NOTES ▌EDITING A SONG 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 3. In the Song mode pop-up menu, Press [RIGHT] for the ‘EDIT’ option to edit the song. This option is not available if song mode is off. Also Pressing [SONG] [SONG] also opens the Song edit option. The last played or edited song will be edited, but other songs can be loaded. 4. The basic controls for editing in the song mode editor: • Navigate between rows and end condition. Press [UP] or [DOWN]. Selected row is shown between dotted lines. • Navigate a parameter setting on a row. Press [RIGHT] or [LEFT]. • Insert Row. This will automatically copy from the currently selected row to insert in the row below. Press [FUNC] + [DOWN]. • Delete Row. This will delete the currently selected row. Press [FUNC] + [UP]. • Edit the selected, highlighted parameter. Turn (LEVEL/DATA) or Turn a (DATA ENTRY) Knob to change the setting. • The Copy, Paste and Clear functions can be used on rows. Press [FUNC] + [REC] to Copy Row, [FUNC] + [STOP] to Paste Row or [FUNC] + [PLAY] to reset row to current pattern defaults. 5. The parameters to edit in the song mode editor: • LABEL: The label drop down menu will allow a pre-defined keyword that represents a song arrangement, i.e. verse, intro etc. Also the pattern name can be selected. Turn (LEVEL / DATA). • PTN: Selects the pattern to play on the row. Turn (LEVEL / DATA). Also to select the equivalent pattern number from another bank, Hold [FUNC] + Turn (LEVEL/DATA). • REPEAT: Sets how many times the pattern will play before moving to the next row. Default is 1. Turn (LEVEL / DATA) to adjust. • LENGTH: Sets how many steps from the selected pattern to play. Default is the pattern step length. Turn (LEVEL / DATA) to adjust.
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 73 Patterns Advanced4 NOTES • TEMPO: Sets the tempo for the specific row. Turn (LEVEL/DATA). Also allows song wide tempo to be set and to adjust swing per row. • When highlighting the TEMPO parameter, Press [YES] or [TEMPO] to open the tempo editor. • The current row BPM can be adjusted with (LEVEL/DATA) and Swing by Data Entry (E). The ‘P’ tags are displayed when the pattern default setting is selected. • Press [FUNC] + [YES] to toggle between row and song tempo. Swing is only per row. Song tempo takes precedence over any dedicated tempo assigned individually to a row. • MUTE: Tracks can be muted and unmuted for a row within the song mute editor. With the mute slot column on the row highlighted for selection, Press [YES] to select the mute pop-up menu. • To mute or unmute a track, Press Trig [1] - [16] when the mute pop-up menu is displayed. • Rows with any muted tracks will show the mute symbol in the song row mute slot, otherwise this column will be empty. • The pop-up mute menu will display the tracks. Muted tracks will show unlit on the pop-up and track button. • END: The end function appears after the last row. This can be selected and changed from the default LOOP setting to STOP. Loop will restart automatically and cycle through the arrangement. STOP will play once then stop. Turn (LEVEL/DATE).
74 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 4 Patterns Advanced NOTES ▌PLAYING A SONG 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 3. Press [PLAY]. The song will now play and the top bar on the pages will represent the song status. Playing a song can be activated outside of the song menu when song mode is set to on. 4. Press [STOP]. The song will pause and will restart from the paused position when [PLAY] is pressed. 5. Press [STOP] [STOP] to restore the playhead to stop on the first row. ▌LOOPING A SONG ROW 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. With the Song Mode pop-up menu open, Press [YES] to toggle song mode on or off. Set to ON. The Song mode button will be lit yellow when song mode is active. 3. To set row loop on, Press [LEFT] from the Song Mode menu. This will set the loop playback, cycling on the current row. 4. To turn row loop off, Press [LEFT] from the Song Mode menu when looping is on. This will revert playback to continuous play through rows. The display header will show progress bar and status when song mode is active and a song is playing. [PLAY] and [STOP] will control the song playback in song mode.
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 75 Patterns Advanced4 NOTES ▌SAVING A SONG TO A PROJECT 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. To save a song. Press [UP] from the Song Mode menu. This will open the settings song menu. This is the same menu available in the [SETTINGS] menu under SONG. 3. Navigate with the arrow keys or Turn (LEVEL/DATA) to highlight and select SAVE TO PROJECT. 4. Press [YES] to open the 16 save slots. 5. Navigate with the arrow keys or Turn (LEVEL/DATA) to highlight and select one of the 16 slots to save into. 6. Press [YES] to open the naming window. A name can be added or edited before saving. 7. Press [YES] to save. 8. The song is saved followed by a confirmation message. ▌LOADING A SONG 1. Press [SONG] to select the song mode pop-up menu. 2. To load a song. Press [DOWN] from the Song Mode menu. This will open the 16 saved slots. 3. Navigate with the arrow keys to select a song to load. 4. Press [YES] to load the song. If a song is playing, the selected song will be queued to play after the current song, otherwise the song is loaded immediately ready to play. 5. Loading a song is also possible in the [SETTINGS], Song menu.
76 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES
The dive straight into the patterns in earlier sections is intentionally designed to get things started with creating music straight away. The underlying elements in forming a pattern and developing a sequence are of course also important whether using stock preset sounds, developing unique custom sounds or controlling external MIDI. All of these (and more) are all central features and building blocks in developing patterns. Digitakt contains 8 Audio tracks (1-8) where one of four sample engines can be placed or samples recorded in. These can then developed further with parameter adjustments and then by adding effects to create sounds. Also 8 MIDI tracks are available (9-16) to control and interact with external gear. In addition a number of track features such as mute conditions bring additional creativity when playing live or simply jamming. It’s worth remembering the difference between a sound and sample at this point. A sample is the raw audio file as recorded or imported and when parameter configurations, modulation and effects are used to alter the sample it becomes a sound. Digitakt contains 8 voices, one for each of the 8 audio tracks. Each track contains one sample and the associated parameter settings that accompany the sample and convert it to a sound and all associated track settings. All parameter pages TRIG, SRC, FLTR, AMP, LFO therefore operate in the context of each specific track. MIDI Tracks control external equipment and up to 4 note chords can be programmed to operate external gear along with various parameters such as velocity, pitch bend etc. MIDI tracks also operate with MIDI Control Change settings and with parameter lock functionality, LFO, micro timing etc. The basic principle is that a track would contain the source sound settings and configurations which is then programmed into a sequence using trig steps to develop the melody, beat or tune. Tracks 5 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 77
78 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 5 Tracks 5.1 Basic Track Navigation Navigating the 16 tracks is a simple process but has variations depending on the selected mode of operation. ▌SELECTING A TRACK 1. Press Track key [TRK] + [1] ... [8] to select one of the audio tracks or press [TRK] + [9] … [16] for a MIDI track selection. 2. The display indicates the selected track and whether the track is an audio : SMP or a MIDI : MID track. Also the display temporarily shows the audio sample name selected in the title area. Note that when not in the sequencer mode, tracks can be selected by pressing just the track [1] … [16] key. Using [TRK] + Key selects the track silently and is a good habit to adopt to avoid confusion and errors when in sequence recording mode where 1-16 are used to set trigs. SMP Sample Audio Track Selected MID MIDI MIDI Track selected Example: Audio track 5 is the current selected track TRACK Indicates track number 1-8 for audio tracks and for track 9-16 indicates MIDI A-H. NOTES 5 Selected track illuminates RED when not in a record mode Unselected tracks illuminate WHITE when the [TRK] Key is held. +
Tracks5 NOTES ▌CHANGING A TRACK PARAMETER 1. Press track key [TRK] + [1] ... [8] to select one of the audio tracks or press [9] … [16] for a MIDI track selection. 2. Select the parameter page for the desired parameter set i.e. [TRIG]. 3. Hold the parameter key to view the parameter setting currently in place. 4. Adjust the DATA ENTRY control (A) ... (H) to change its parameter. Note : Using [FUNC] + certain parameters will ‘jump’ through options. ▌CONTROL ALL - AUDIO TRACK PARAMETER CHANGES To change the parameter across ALL audio tracks at the same time for mass editing and creative effect changes:- 1. Hold Track key [TRK] + change one or more parameters using (A) … (H) data entry controls 2. The edited parameter will change on every audio track. 3. Pressing [NO] before releasing [TRK] will revert to the original setting. ▌QUICK ASSIGNMENT OF AUDIO SAMPLE TO A TRACK 1. Select the desired audio track [TRK] + [1] … [8]. 2. Press [SRC] to select the source page. 3. Adjust the SAMP Sample selection, data entry (D). 4. The sample list will open for sample selection, press [YES] or the press data entry control (D) to select the highlighted sample. [NO] to exit. Note: Pressing the selected Track [1] … [8] key while in the samples menu and highlighting a sample will play a preview (Max 10 sec). The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 79
80 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide Second [SRC] page shows sample waveform display as opposed to main page but with same parameters LFO 1 Default Oneshot Machine. Parameters change to suit Machine assigned. LFO 2 [FUNC]+[SRC] opens up the machine assignment page. Four machines are selectable. Master Page 1 - Compressor Master Page 2 - Internal Mixer Master Page 3 - External Mixer + 5.2 Audio Tracks - Parameter Menu Structure The Digitakt has 5 parameter setting pages per track, each with secondary functionality accessible with [FUNC] + Option. Holding the parameter key will display current settings. The 8 audio track options are as below. Some audio track parameters for SRC, FLTR, AMP and LFO can be randomised as explained in the Effects & Master Out section. A Trig note value B Velocity 0-127 C Trig Length 0-127,Inf D Trig condition E Filter Trig On/Off F LFO Trig On/Off G H A B C D E Current Track Timing F All Tracks Micro Timing G H A Tune Pitch -24 to +24 B Play Mode of Sample C Bit Reduction 0-127 D Sample Select E Sample Start Pos 0-120 F Sample Length 0-120 G Loop Start 0-120 H Sample Level 0-127 A Filter Env Attack 0-127 B Filter Env Decay 0-127 C Filter Sustain 0-127 D Filter Release 0-126,Inf E Cut Off Freq 0-127 F Resonance 0-127 G Filter Type H Env Depth -64 to +63 A Delay 0-127 B C D Sample Rate Redx 0-127 E Base Filter Freq 0-127 F Width Filter Freq 0-127 G H SRR Route Post-Pre Fltr A Delay Time 1-128 B Ping Pong On/Off C Stereo Width -64+63 D Feedback 0-198 E HiPass Cut Off Flt 0-127 F LoPass Cut Off Flt 0-127 G Del Send to Rev 0-127 H Delay Output Mix 0-127 A Amp Env Attack 0-127 B Amp Env Hold 0-126,Note C Amp Env Decay 0-126,Inf D Overdrive 0-127 E Delay Send Off -127 F Reverb Send Off -127 G Pan Left 64 Right 63 H Sound Level 0-127 A Pre-Delay Time 0-127 B Decay Time 0-126,inf C Shelf Frequency 0-127 D Shelf Gain 0-127 E HiPass Cut Off Flt 0-127 F LoPass Cut Off Flt 0 -127 G Pre or Post Compressor H Rev Output Mix 0-127 A LFO Speed -64 to +63 B LFO Multiplier (x SPD) C Fade In -64 / Out +63 D Destination of LFO Mod E LFO Waveform F Phase Start 0-127 G Trigger Mode H Mod Depth -64 to +63 A LFO Speed -64 to +63 B LFO Multiplier (x SPD) C Fade In -64 / Out +63 D Destination of LFO Mod E LFO Waveform F Phase Start 0-127 G Trigger Mode H Mod Depth -64 to +63 A Threshold 0-127 B Attack 0-127 C Release 0-127 D Make Up Gain 0-24 E Comp Ratio 1.5-20 F Sidechain Source G Sidechain Filter -64+63 H Dry / Wet Mix 0-127 MAIN PAGE 1 MAIN PAGE 2 FUNC PAGE 1 5 Tracks
Notes 2-4 are in semitones from root or 0 for no offset. [FUNC] + (DATA ENTRY) to Toggle function ON / OFF [FUNC] + (DATA ENTRY) to Toggle function ON / OFF Standard MIDI Control Change Messages 0-119 Interacts with SRC & FLTR Page parameters + 5.3 MIDI Tracks - Parameter Menu Structure The Digitakt has 5 parameter setting pages per track, each with secondary functionality accessible with [FUNC] + Option. Holding the parameter key will display the current settings. The 8 MIDI Options are: A Root note 1 C0-G10 B Note2 offset -64/+64 C Note3 offset -64/+64 D Note4 offset -64/+64 E Velocity 1-127 F Length 0.125-128, Inf G Trig Condition H LFO Trigger On/Off A B C D E Current Track Timing F All Tracks Micro Timing G H A Channel Send 0-16, Off B Bank Change 1-128, Off C Prog Change 1-128, Off D E Pitch Bend -/+128, Off F Aftertouch 0-127, Off G Mod wheel 0-127, Off H Breath Control 0-127, Off A CC Value 1 0-127, Off B CC Value 2 0-127, Off C CC Value 3 0-127, Off D CC Value 4 0-127, Off E CC Value 5 0-127, Off F CC Value 6 0-127, Off G CC Value 7 0-127, Off H CC Value 8 0-127, Off A Delay Time 1-128 B Ping Pong On/Off C Stereo Width -64+63 D Feedback 0-198 E HiPass Cut Off Flt 0-127 F LoPass Cut Off Flt 0-127 G Del Send to Rev 0-127 H Delay Output Mix 0-127 A Param to Change for Val1 B Param to Change for Val2 C Param to Change for Val3 D Param to Change for Val4 E Param to Change for Val5 F Param to Change for Val6 G Param to Change for Val7 H Param to Change for Val8 A Pre-Delay Time 0-127 B Decay Time 0-126,inf C Shelf Frequency 0-127 D Shelf Gain 0-127 E HiPass Cut Off Flt 0-127 F LoPass Cut Off Flt 0 -127 G Pre or Post Compressor H Rev Output Mix 0-127 A LFO Speed -64 to +63 B LFO Multiplier (x SPD) C Fade In -64 / Out +63 D Destination of LFO Mod E LFO Waveform F Phase Start 0-127 G Trigger Mode H Mod Depth -64 to +63 A Threshold 0-127 B Attack 0-127 C Release 0-127 D Make Up Gain 0-24 E Comp Ratio 1.5-20 F Sidechain Source G Sidechain Filter -64+63 H Dry / Wet Mix 0-127 MAIN PAGE 1 MAIN PAGE 2 FUNC PAGE 1 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 81 Master Page 1 - Compressor Master Page 2 - Internal Mixer Master Page 3 - External Mixer Tracks5
82 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 5 Tracks 5.4 Machine Overview A machine is a sound engine that can be assigned to an individual track. Oneshot machine is the default and operates with general sample features. There are 3 other machines available which focus more on specific rather than general functions. Machines are only available in audio tracks and each type is configured with it’s own specific parameter set located under the SRC parameters. NOTES Audio Track Sample Audio Track Selected ONESHOT Default General, linear sample management WERP Option Automatic warping timestretch options Werp Parameters REPITCH Option Automatic pitch based sample adjustment SLICE Option Automatic sample slicing options MIDI MIDI MIDI Track selected Machine parameters found under the SRC Options TRACK Indicates track number 1-8 for audio tracks and for track 9-16 indicates MIDI A-H. Oneshot Parameters Repitch Parameters Slice Parameters Machine Range ONESHOT Default Machine. Plays and controls a sample in a linear, more traditional way. Sample plays forwards, backwards or loops playback. WERP Samples and loops are automatically stretched to the project or pattern tempo. The engine uses a warping algorithm, dividing the sample into segments to apply the timestretch. Glitchy style timestretch. REPITCH Samples and loops are automatically pitched when aligning to the pattern tempo. The engine uses a pitch adjustment algorithm that targets the tempo. Smoother pitch orientated stretching. SLICE Slices a sample automatically into fairly evenly divided segments which can be triggered individually. Ideal for percussion sequences. Each engine may suit various applications differently. While the models applied are clearly defined, it is often a case of trying them in the application to evaluate the best fit. This is particularly relevant for the Werp and Repitch timestretch algorithms.
Tracks5 NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 83 ▌SELECTING AND ASSIGNING A MACHINE TO A TRACK 1. Select an audio track by Pressing [TRK] + [1] - [8]. Machines only exist on audio tracks. 2. Hold [FUNC] + [SRC] to open the machine assignment page. 3. Press [UP] or [DOWN] or Turn any Data Entry knob to navigate by scrolling the machine options. Ensure the machine to select is in focus. The current machine selected is highlighted while the option to select will show with a surround box. 4. Press [YES] to assign the selected machine to the currently selected track. Different machines can be assigned on different audio tracks. 5. Press [SRC] to access the parameters for the assigned machine. + Currently Active Machine. 4 Machine Options Pending Machine to Assign. When selected, Press [YES] to assign When navigating the machine list, the highlighted machine will become active when the bounding box is selected. To make the machine permanently active for the track press [YES] and the bound box will be filled solid. This operates in a preview style for machines.
84 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 5.5 Chromatic Track Mode Two special modes exist when working with tracks. One of these is chromatic mode to record piano-like chromatic scales within live recording mode and when playing slice machine slices. Quick press of [FUNC] + [TRK] to turn chromatic mode on / off. Long press selects keyboard options. ▌SELECTING CHROMATIC MODE 1. Select the desired track [TRK] + [1] … [8] or [9] … [16] for MIDI A - H. 2. Quick Press [FUNC] + [TRK] to select chromatic mode ON or OFF. Holding / Long Press [FUNC] + [TRK] will select keyboard settings. 3. The chromatic LED illuminates when ON. 4. Trig keys switch to chromatic keyboard layout, with available notes lit. ▌CHANGING OCTAVE OF TRIG KEYBOARD IN CHROMATIC MODE 1. In chromatic mode, press [UP] to move up, [DOWN] to move down in the range. 2. The range is 2 octaves down (-24) and 1 octave up (+12) from the default middle position i.e. 4 octaves total range for audio tracks and 11 octaves (-60, +60) for MIDI. 1 Octave C# C D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C 1 2 3 4 NOTES + 5 Tracks
▌RECORDING CHROMATIC NOTES 1. Select the desired track. 2. Quick Press [FUNC] + [TRK] to select chromatic mode ON or OFF. 3. Press [REC] + [PLAY] for LIVE RECORDING MODE 4. Play the keyboard notes to record the melody. 5. The TRIG page NOTE (A) Parameter is overridden by the notes being played. ▌EXITING CHROMATIC MODE 1. When In chromatic mode, quickly press [FUNC] + [TRK] to deselect chromatic mode. 2. The chromatic LED turns off 3. Trig keys switch to the normal layout, NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 85 Tracks5
86 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 5.6 Keyboard Setup Chromatic mode is a default setting for the trig keyboard or MIDI input. However these settings can be changed to suit the scale and other options across the range. Hold / Long Press [FUNC] + [TRK] to access the setup page. Keyboard setup parameters are ignored for a track with a slice machine loaded and with the SLICE parameter set to NOTE. + 5 Tracks Current Track. Currently selected track. Select with [TRK] + Trig in the setup menu. Keyboard Scale (E). Sets the scale that the keyboard operates to. Scales available are listed in the quick reference section. Root Note (F). Sets the key based on the chosen keyboard scale. Keyboard display image reflects setting. Chromatic mode. Trig keyboard reflects available notes in the chosen scale. KB Fold ON Keyboard Visualisation. Shows keyboard plus note(s) played. Illustration changes to match the available notes in the scale Keyboard Fold (H). Sets the keyboard trigs so that unavailable notes in the scale do not appear on the Trig keys or from external MIDI controllers. All Trigs play a note in the selected scale. When KB Fold is set to ON, all Trigs will represent a note in the selected scale. If the scale has less than 8 notes, the range will ‘wrap’ to represent notes at the bottom also at the top of the trigs. Blue Trigs signal notes 1 octave apart. If KB Fold is OFF, notes unavailable in the scale are still shown but are not active in the scale notes. KB Fold OFF is default mode. Notes Played. Shows current note(s) as played. Octave Increase / Decrease. [UP] and [DOWN] will change the keyboard octave range by -4 or +1. Display messaging also appears in heading. C# C D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C G# A C C# A# B D D# C E C# F D D# F# G 5 9
▌EDITING THE KEYBOARD SETTING 1. Select the desired track and chromatic mode. Also can be selected in the keyboard settings using [TRK] + Trig [1] - [12]. 2. Hold [FUNC] + [TRK] for approx 2 seconds. 3. The keyboard editor page will open and the settings can be adjusted. 4. Press [UP] or [DOWN] to transpose by +/-1 Octave. 5. Turn Data Entry (E) to change the scale for the keyboard. 6. Turn Data Entry (F) to change the root note. 7. Turn Data Entry (H) to switch KB Fold on or off. When on, only notes available in the scale will be presented on the keyboard trigs. All trigs represent a note. When off, the keyboard will operate as normal and notes not in the scale are blanked for the respective trig. 8. Press [FUNC] + [TRK] or Press [NO] to leave the editor. The Chromatic keyboard will now be presented based on the keyboard settings. NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 87 Tracks5
88 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 5.7 Mute Track Mode Two special modes exist when working with tracks. One of these is mute mode which allows on the fly muting of tracks while the sequence is playing or stopped. ▌BASIC SELECTION OF MUTE MODE 1. Play the sequencer pattern, Press [PLAY] 2. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to select MUTE mode 3. Press the Trig [1] … [16] to select the track to mute 4. The muted track will be unlit while other active tracks will be lit 5. Press the Trig [1] … [16] to UNMUTE a muted track and continue playback Mute mode operates in one of two states, GLOBAL mode enables muting of all patterns while PATTERN mute mode mutes only the currently active pattern. Pressing [FUNC] when playing or stopped shows muted tracks. MUTE MODES 5 Tracks PATTERN MUTE MODE • Mutes currently ACTIVE Pattern • Hold [FUNC]+[BANK] [BANK] - quick double press to select Pattern Mute Mode • Trig Keys PURPLE • Muted tracks FLASH PURPLE during playback • Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to exit Pattern mute mode • Saved with pattern GLOBAL MUTE MODE • Mutes ALL Patterns • Hold [FUNC] + [BANK] to toggle in and out of Global Mute mode • Trig Keys GREEN • Muted tracks FLASH GREEN during normal playback • Saved with project • The last mute mode used is recalled automatically on start up
▌MUTE CURRENT PATTERN TRACKS (PATTERN MUTE MODE) 1. Play the sequencer pattern, Press [PLAY]. 2. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] and quickly [BANK] again to enter PATTERN mute mode. Keys display purple. 3. Press the TRIG [1] … [16] to select the track to mute. 4. The key for the muted track will flash purple / off when silently triggered while the other unmuted tracks show up in white / purple. 5. Press other TRIG [1] … [16] to MUTE and UNMUTE 6. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to exit pattern mute mode. ▌MUTE ALL PATTERN TRACKS (GLOBAL MUTE MODE) 1. Play the sequencer pattern, Press [PLAY]. 2. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to enter GLOBAL mute mode. Keys lit green. 3. Press the TRIG [1] … [16] to select the track to mute 4. The key for the muted track will flash green / off while the other unmuted tracks show up in white / purple. 5. Press other TRIG [1] … [16] to MUTE and UNMUTE. 6. Press [FUNC] + [BANK] to exit global mute mode. ▌QUICKLY MUTE TRACKS 1. Play the sequencer pattern, Press [PLAY] 2. During playback, hold [FUNC] + [1] … [16] to mute / unmute tracks in the mode selected previously and shown purple or green. NOTES The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 89 Tracks5 Note: Colours indicate mute states. There maybe mutes in one mode when viewing another. This can be seen with the colours on the keys and where green and purple may be seen on the same key.
90 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 5.8 Track Levels There are multiple places that can be accessed to set and check the track levels. ▌ADJUSTING INDIVIDUAL TRACK LEVEL 1. Select the desired track [TRK] + [1] … [8] 2. Adjust the (LEVEL/DATA) control to adjust the selected tracks level. 3. Level LEV status shows on the display bottom left. LEVEL for each track is available with the Level / Data control as displayed on the screen SAMPLE LEVEL Specifically the level 0-127 on the Trig page for the sample, not to be confused with the Track level NOTES 5 Tracks
▌ADJUSTING COLLECTIVE TRACK LEVELS 1. Select the MIXER page, press [FUNC] + [LFO] + [LFO] to get to page 2. 2. Use the data entry controls (A) - (H) relevant to each of the 8 audio tracks. 3. Levels are relevant to the track numbers. + + NOTES TRACK 1 Kick TRACK 5 CB TRACK 2 Snare TRACK 6 Closed Hat TRACK 3 Tom TRACK 7 Open Hat TRACK 4 Clap TRACK 8 Cymbal The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 91 Digitakt Defaults Tracks5
92 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 5.9 Reloading Tracks Tracks can be reloaded to restore the saved sound functionality after adjustments. ▌RELOADING A SINGLE TRACK TO PREVIOUSLY STORED STATE 1. Press [TRK] + Trig [1] … [8] + [NO]. 2. The track selected by the trig will be restored to the original settings. ▌RELOADING MULTIPLE TRACKS TO PREVIOUSLY STORED STATE 1. Press [TRK] + Multiple trigs [1] … [8] + [NO]. 2. The tracks selected by the trigs will be restored to the original settings. NOTES 5 Tracks
The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 93 5.10 Track Status - Quick Reference The track status of Digitakt is indicated by various colours. Active means a track with trigs set and is not empty . Here is a quick reference summary. Key Colour Key Status Mode Mode Selection Comments / Notes None Unlit Pattern Selection [BANK] [PTN] Shows No Pattern available in the slot White Lit Pattern Selection [BANK] [PTN] Shows Patterns available - lit white keys White Flash Track Live Record [PLAY] [PLAY]+[REC] Flashes each active track when triggered White Lit Track Selection [TRK] Tracks illuminate when [TRK] is pressed White Cursor Play in Grid Rec [REC] [PLAY] Trig cursor steps through the pattern Red Lit Dull Track Stopped [STOP] Current track - lit dull with no key press Red Lit Pattern Selection [PTN] Current Pattern Selected Red Lit Grid Record [PLAY] [REC] Active Trig Steps illuminate bright red Red Flash Grid Record [PLAY] [REC] Trigs with parameter locks, slow flash Red Cursor Play / Live Record [PLAY] [PLAY]+[REC] Step cursor of active step in sequence Yellow Lit Record [REC] Trigs with lock trigs assigned (no sound) Yellow Flash Record [REC] Lock Trigs with Param Locks (no sound) Green Lit Play / Global Mute [FUNC] [FUNC]+[BANK] Track Active in Global Mute mode (ALL Patterns) Green Flash Play [PLAY] Track for this Trig is muted in Global Mute Mode and is being silently triggered None Unlit Mute Modes [FUNC] Plus both mute modes Track is muted and is not being triggered Purple Lit Play / Pattern Mute [FUNC] [FUNC]+[BANK]+[BANK] Track Active in Pattern Mute mode (ONLY current pattern) Purple Flash Play [PLAY] Track for this Trig is muted in Pattern Mute Mode and is being silently triggered Tracks5
94 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide NOTES
If a track is a house then a sound is the bricks and mortar. Samples are the bricks and parameter settings the mortar. Digitakt has the ability to store, manipulate and record samples as part of the entire creative process. The sample engines, called Machines in Digitakt allow manipulation of samples including time stretching and slicing. The understanding of the difference between a sample and a sound is an important starting point. A sample is the raw unaffected audio and a sound takes the sample assigns parameter values and edits and transforms it through effects and modulation into a unique sound. Of course every sound contains a sample of some-sort. Given that Digitakt is described as a drum computer and sampler it’s expected that the sound set will be drum and percussion based but the power of Digitakt offers much more. Samples being the oscillators in synthesised sound creation with crazy (and fast) modulations configurations for example. The key page in focus for sounds and samples is the [SRC] Page and this is covered in depth within this section. The SRC page allows editing of many sound parameters including the pitch tuning range of 7 octaves (-60 to +24 semitones). Management of sounds is also something to get to know well to ensure a good workflow and recognise where in the Digitakt structure you are working and how to bring sounds into the device from a PC/MAC. Transfer is the Elektron tool for moving files to Digitakt while a 3rd party alternative from loopcloud fully integrates sample management on Digitakt to the Loopcloud store and sample libraries. Other effects and functions also effect how a sound is created but these will be covered in later sections of this notebook. Samples & Sounds 6 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 95
96 The Digitakt Notebook : Reference & Guide 6 Sounds & Samples 6.1 Sounds v Samples AMP Envelope AHD ADSR Filter Envelope Modulation LFO Mono Audio 16bit, 48kHz Digitakt Native Format SAMPLE MACHINE SRC SOUND Sounds and Samples are not mutually exclusive and a sound contains a sample. There are complimentary features that integrate and combine a sample within a sound to develop and shape it using effects, filtering and modulation. SOUNDS & SAMPLES SOUNDS • +Drive (1GB): 2048 Sounds (256 per Bank A-H) • Project RAM: Contains 128 sound slots within the SOUND POOL • Sounds are created using samples and the settings of associated parameters. • Sounds can be managed with the SOUND BROWSER & SOUND MANAGER SAMPLES • +Drive (1GB): Sample Bank • Project RAM: Max 64Mb, 11 Minutes contained in 127 sample slots • Samples can be transferred to/from Digitakt or sampled directly • Samples must be in the project pool to be sample locked. • Samples can be managed within the SAMPLE BROWSER & SETTINGS menu, samples function.