(ii) Bandingkan tekanan pada titik P dan pada titik Q. [1 markah]
Compare the pressure at point P and at point Q.
(b) Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan jek hidraulik di satu pusat servis kereta.
Diagram 7.2 shows a hydraulic jack in a car service centre.
Rajah 7.2
Satu daya 50 N bertindak ke atas omboh kecil apabila pemegang ditolak kebawah. Luas
keratin rentas omboh kecil dan omboh besar masing-masing adalah 0.04 m2 dan 0.8 m2.
A force of 50 N is exerted on the small piston when the handle is pushed down. The cross-
sectional areas of the small piston and the large piston are 0.04 m2 and 0.8 m2 respectively.
(i) Hitung tekanan yang bertindak keatas minyak dalam jek hidraulik itu. [2 markah]
Calculate the pressure exerted on the oil in the hydraulic jack.
(ii) Hitung daya yang bertindak keatas omboh besar itu. [2 markah]
Calculate the force that the oil exerts in the large piston.
(c) Berdasarkan Rajah 7.2,
Based on Diagram 7.2,
(i) Terangkan bagaimana pemegang digunakan untuk mengangkat beban itu pada
ketinggian maksimum. [2 markah]
Explain how the handle is used to lift the load to its maximum height.
(ii) Terangkan satu pengubahsuaian kepada omboh besar untuk membolehkan jek itu
mengangkat beban yang lebih berat. [1 markah]
Explain one modification to the large piston that enables the jack lift a heavier load.
(iii) Nyatakan bagaimana beban itu diturunkan tanpa menggunakan pemegang. [1 markah]
State how the load is lowered without using the handle.
8. Susunan radas dalam Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan prinsip asas kerja sebuah hidrometer.
Kedalaman tabung uji tenggelam bergantung kepada daya apungan yang bertindak keatasnya.
The set-up in Diagram 8.1 shows the basic working principle of a hydrometer. The depth to
which the test tube sinks depends on the buoyant force acting on it.
(a) Namakan prinsip fizik yang berkaitan dengan prinsip kerja sebuah hidrometer. [1markah]
Name the physics principle associated with the working of a hydrometer.
(b) Nyatakan hubungan antara daya apungan dan berat tabung uji. [1 markah]
State the relationship between buoyant force and the weight of the test tube.
(c) Hitung daya apungan ke atas tabung uji apabila jumlah jisim tabung uji dan pasir ialah
(i) 0.05 kg. [2 markah]
Calculate the buoyant force acting on the test tube when the total mass of the test tube
and sand is 0.05 kg.
(ii) Tabung uji yang sama kemudiannya direndam di dalam sebuah bikar berisi petrol.
Ramalkan panjang tabung uji itu yang tenggelam. Terangkan jawapan anda. [2 markah]
The same test tube is then immersed in a beaker of petrol. Predict the length of the test
tube that is submerged. Explain your answer.
(d) Jadual 8 menunjukkan maklumat mengenai dua buah sampan yang digunakan untuk
membawa penumpang di sepanjang Sungai Perak.
Table 8 shows some information on two sampan used to ferry passengers along the Perak
Sampan Jisim maksimum penumpang ( kg ) Bentuk bucu hadapan sampan
Maximum mass of passengers ( kg) Shape of front end of sampan
P 700
Q 600
Jadual 8
Berdasarkan Jadual 8, nyatakan ciri-ciri sampan yang sesuai supaya dapat membawa
penumpang yang maksimum.
Based on Table 8, state the suitable characteristics of the sampan to enable it to ferry the
maximum mass of passengers.
(i) Bentuk bucu hadapan sampan/ Shape of front end of the sampan.
Sebab/ Reason
[2 markah]
Rajah 8.2 menunjukkan sebuah model sampan P atau Q yang digunakan untuk mengangkut
Diagram 8.2 shows a model of sampan P or Q used to ferry passengers.
Sampan akan karam jika aras air melebihi garisan WR.
The sampan will sink if the water level exceeds line WR.
Jisim dan luas permukaan purata sampan P dan Q adalah 100 kg dan 2 m2.
The mass and average surface area of sampan P and Q are 100 kg and 2 m2 respectively.
(ii) Hitung jisim maksimum penumpang yang boleh diangkut tanpa melebihi garisan WR.
(Ketumpatan air sungai: 1000 kg m -3)
[3 markah]
Calculate the maximum mass of passengers that can be ferried without exceeding the line WR.
(Density of river water: 1000 kg m -3)
(iii) Sampan yang manakah berupaya mengangkut semua penumpang tanpa tenggelam?
[1 markah]
Which sampan is able to carry the maximum passengers without sinking?
Section B
[20 marks]
The time suggested to complete this section is 30 minutes.
9. Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2 menunjukkan bagaimana air memancut keluar daripada bekasnya
apabila injap dibuka.
Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show how water spurts out from its container when the valve is
Water level
Aras air
Water level
Aras air
Apabila cecair diisikan ke dalam suatu bekas, ia mengenakan tekanan pada bekas itu.
When a liquid is held in a container, it exerts pressure on the container.
(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan tekanan? [1 markah]
What is meant by pressure?
(b) Merujuk kepada Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2, bandingkan kedalaman air di dalam kedua-dua
bekas, kadar air memancut keluar dan jarak pancutan air yang memancut keluar.
With reference to Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the depth of the water in both
containers, the rate at which water spurts out and the distance travelled by the water that
spurts out.
Hubungkaitkan jarak pancutan air yang memancut keluar dengan kedalaman air. Seterusnya,
buat satu kesimpulan tentang hubungan antara tekanan dengan kedalaman air.
Relate the distance travelled by the water that spurts out to the depth of the water. Hence
make a conclusion regarding the relationship between the pressure and the depth of the
water. [5 markah]
(c) Satu gelembung udara kecil dilepaskan daripada dasar sebuah tasik.
A small bubble of air is released from the bottom of a lake.
(i) Jelaskan apa yang berlaku kepada saiz gelembung udara itu semasa ia naik kepermukaan
air. [2 markah]
Explain what happens to the size of bubble as it rises to the surface of the water.
(ii) Jelaskan bagaimana perubahan ini mempengaruhi gerakan gelembung itu ke atas.
[2 markah]
Explain how this change affects the upward motion of the bubble.
(d) Rajah 9.3 dan Rajah 9.4 menunjukkan pandangan tepi dua model empangan yang berlainan
yang dibuat daripada bata dan konkrit.
Diagram 9.3 and Diagram 9.4 show the side view of two different models of a dam made from
bricks and concrete.
Water / Air Water / Air
Dam / Dam /
Empangan Empangan
(i) Model yang manakah lebih diutamakan? Jelaskan jawapan anda. [2 markah]
Which model is preferable? Explain your answer.
(ii) Cadangkan dua kegunaan air di dalam empangan itu. [2 markah]
Suggest two uses of the water in the dam.
(iii) Terangkan pengubahsuaian yang perlu dilakukan kepada empangan supaya
membolehkannya menyimpan lebih banyak air dengan selamatnya. [6 markah]
Explain the modifications that need to be made to the dam to enable it to store more
water safely.
Section C
[20 markah]
11. Rajah 11.1 menunjukkan dua picagari yang berbeza saiz dipenuhi dengan air dan
disambung dengan satu tiub getah. Susunan ini digunakan untuk demonstrasi Prinsip
Diagram 11.1 shows two different sizes syringes filled with water are connected by a
rubber tube. This set-up is used to demonstrate Pascal’s Principle.
Rajah 11.1
Diagram 11.1
(a) Nyatakan Prinsip Pascal. [1markah]
State the Pascal’s Principle.
(b) Terangkan bagaimana beban yang lebih besar boleh diangkat apabila daya yang kecil
dikenakan keatas omboh A? [4 markah]
Explain how a bigger load can be lifted up when a small force is exerted on piston A?
[4 marks]
(c) Jadual 11 menunjukkan jek empat hidraulik P, Q, R, dan S dengan spesifikasi yang berbeza.
Anda dikehendaki untuk menentukan jek hidraulik yang paling sesuai yang dapat mengangkat
beban yang berat dengan berkesan.
Table 11 shows four hydraulic jacks P, Q, R and S with different specifications. You are
required to determine the most suitable hydraulic jack that can lift up heavy load effectively.
Jek hidraulik P
Hydraulic jack P
Luas permukaan omboh kecil = 0.04 m2 Luas permukaan omboh besar = 0.15 m2
Surface area of small piston = 0.04 m2 Surface area of large piston = 0.15 m2
Jek hidraulik Q
Hydraulic jack Q
Luas permukaan omboh kecil = 0.04 m2 Luas permukaan omboh besar = 0.1 m2
Surface area of small piston = 0.04 m2 Surface area of large piston = 0.1 m2
Jek hidraulik R
Hydraulic jack R
Luas permukaan omboh kecil = 0.01 m2 Luas permukaan omboh besar = 0.15 m2
Surface area of small piston = 0.01 m2 Surface area of large piston = 0.15 m2
Jek hidraulik S
Hydraulic jack S
Luas permukaan omboh kecil = 0.01 m2 Luas permukaan omboh besar = 0.15 m2
Surface area of small piston = 0.01 m2 Surface area of large piston = 0.15 m2
Jadual 11
Table 11
Kaji spesifikasi keempat-empat hidraulik jek berdasarkan aspek-aspek berikut:
Study the specifications of the four hydraulic jacks based on following aspects:
(i) Nisbah bagi luas permukaan omboh besar kepada omboh kecil
The ratio of surface area of the large piston to the small piston
(ii) Jenis cecair yang digunakan
Type of liquid used
(iii) Bahan yang digunakan untuk paip penghantar
Material used for the transmission pipe
(iv) Saiz takungan cecair
Size of liquid reservoir
Terangkan kesesuaian setiap aspek dan seterusnya tentukan jek hidraulik yang paling
Beri sebab untuk pilihan anda. [10 markah]
Explain the suitability of each aspect and then determine the most suitable hydraulic
Give reasons for your choice. [10 marks]
(d) Rajah 11.2 menunjukkan sebuah system hidraulik ringkas. Luas keratan rentas omboh
kecil X dan omboh besarY adalah 0.004 m2 dan 0.2 m2 masing-masing.
Diagram11.2 shows a simple hydraulic system. The cross sectional area of small piston
X and large piston Y are 0.004 m2 and 0.2 m2 respectively.
Diagram 11.2
Rajah 11.2
(i) Tekanan yang dipindahkan dalam cecair hidraulik.
pressure transmitted in the hydraulic liquid.
(ii) Berat beban.
weight of the load.
(iii) Jarak pergerakan omboh besar Y apabila omboh kecil X ditolak ke bawah 0.3 m.
distance moved by large piston when the small piston X is pushed down 0.3 m.
[5 markah]
No. Marking criteria Mark
Sub Total
(a) 5 kPa 1
(b) (i) Berserenjang dengan skala 1
(ii) 165 kPa 14
(c) Meningkat
2. 1
(a) Daya / luas // daya per unit luas 2
(b) 3.0 x 1000 x 10
= 3 x 10 4 Pa 5
(c) Tekanan di Q lebih tinggi daripada di P.
Kerana kedudukan Q lebih dalam.
3. 1
(a) (i) lebih kecil 1
(ii) Lebih laju
(iii) Lebih rendah
(b) Prinsip Bernoulli
(d) D > F> E 1 6
4. 1 8
(a) Jisim per unit isipadu 1
(b) (i) 4.2 > 4.1 1
(ii) 4.2 > 4.1 1
(c) Apabila ketumpatan rendah , isipadu cecair tersesar lebih tinggi 1
(d) Daya apungan 4.1 > 4.2 1
(e) (i) Panjang hydrometer yang terendam bertambah
(ii) Daya apungan berkurangan 1
5. 1
(a) Daya per unit luas 1
(b) (i) Diagram 5.2 > Diagram 5.1 // vice versa 1
(ii) Diagram 5.2 > Diagram 5.1 // vice versa 2
(iii) Pressure increases, horizontal distance increases 1
(iv) Depth increases, pressure increases 1
(c) (i) Increases 1
(ii) M1 Atmospheric pressure exerted at the surface of water
M2 Increases the water pressure 1
(a) Kedalaman air
(b) (i) Tekanan di Q > tekanan di P
(ii) 5m x 1000 kg m-3 x 10
= 5x 10 4 Pa
(c) (i) Perbezaan tekanan
(ii) Paras P sama ketinggian dengan paras tangki air di rumah
Tekanan di kedua-dua tempat adalah sama // tiada perbezaan
tekanan 2
(iii) Letak tangki konkrit di tempat lebih tinggi // di atas bukit 18
Lebih tinggi perbezaan tekanan atau
Guna pam air untuk meningkatkan perbezaan tekanan
(a) (i) Prinsip Pascal 1
(ii) Sama 2
(b) (i) 50N 2
0.04m 2
= 5000 1
4 1
= 1 250 Pa
(ii) 1 250 Pa x 0.8 m2 = 1 000 N 1
(c) (i) Apabila pemegang digerakkan ke atas, injap tertutup dan cecair 2
hidraulik mengalir melalui injap A. 3
Apabila pemegang digerakkan ke bawah, injap A tertutup, 1
menyebabkan tekanan dikenakan . 1
Menggerakkan pemegang ke atas dan ke bawah secara
berulang –ulang akan menaikkan beban .
(ii) Tambahkan luas keratan rentas piston itu .
(iii) Buka injap pelepas 10
(a) Prinsip Archimedes
(b) Daya apungan adalah sama dengan berat tabung uji
(c) (i) m = 0.05 kg
FB = W = mg
= ( 0.05 ) x 10 = 0.05 N
(ii) Panjang tabung uji yang tenggelam semakin bertambah
Ketumpatan petrol adalah lebih rendah berbanding air
(d) (i) Streamline / bentuk larus
Mudah bergerak / bergerak dengan lebih laju / kurang
rintangan air
(ii) h = 0.5 – 0.12 = 0.38
( M +m ) g = pVg
(M + 100)(10) = ( 1 000 )x ( 2x 0.38) x 10
M = 660 kg
(iii) Sampan Q
(a) State the meaning correctly
Force exerted per unit area
(b) Compare the depth correctly
The depth of the water in Diagram 9.1 is higher than that in
Diagram 9.2
Compare the rate of water spurt out correctly 1
The water spurts out in Diagram 9.1 at a higher rate than that in 1
Diagram 9.2 1
Compare the distance which the water spurts out correctly 1
The water spurts out further in Diagram 9.1 than that in
Diagram 9.2 1
Relate the depth of water spurt with the distance of water 1
correctly 2
The deeper the water, the further the distance of water spurt 6
Relate the depth of water with the pressure of water correctly
The deeper the water, the higher the pressure of the water
(c) (i) Relate the pressure with the depth of water correctly
The pressure of water increases with the depth of the water
Relate the changes of volume of air bubble with the depth of
water correctly
The bubble expands upon reaching the surface of the
water//The volume of air bubble increases as the depth of water
(ii) Relate the buoyant force with the volume of air bubble
Buoyant force increases as the volume of the bubble increases
(d) (i) State the motion of the air bubble correctly
The air bubble moving with increasing acceleration
State the choice of the dam correctly
Diagram 9.3
State the correctly explanation 10
The weight of the dam is supported by the force exerted by the
(ii) Give two of the uses correctly
Water in the dam can be filtered and chlorinated to be used as
public water supply
To drive turbines for the generation of hydroelectricity//
For irrigation//Recreation centre
(iii) Give 3 suggestions correctly
Give 3 suitable explanations correctly
1. Thicker wall at the base
2. To withstand greater pressure at the bottom as the
pressure increases with depth
3. The wall is constructed using stronger materials / Using
reinforce concrete
4. To avoid the wall from breaking / To increase the strength
of the wall / To avoid leaking
5. Equipped with the water overflow system
6. To avoid flooding / To channel away the overflow water
(a) When force is applied to an enclosed fluid, the pressure 1
produced is transmitted equally throughout the enclosed fluid
(b) 1. When a small force is applied to piston A, pressure is 4
2. The pressure is transmitted equally throughout the
whole liquid
3. When the pressure exerted on surface area of the large
Piston B, a bigger force is produced to lift up the load
4. The force is bigger due to the bigger surface area //F α A
(c) Reason 10
The ratio of surface area To produce a bigger output force
of large piston to small
piston is larger Does not evaporate easily/does
Type of liquid use - oil not produce a bubbles/high
Material use for Strong/not easily to break/long
transmission pipe - steel lasting
Size of liquid reservoir To occupy large amount of
is big liquid/able to lift load
higher/avoid spill over
R is choosen Large ratio between large piston
and small piston, use oil, material
used for transmission pipe is steel
and size of liquid reservoir is big
(d) (i) P = F = 10 1
A 0.004
= 2500 Pa
(ii) FY = 2500 x 0.2 2
= 500 N
dy = 0.004 ´ 0.3 2 20
= 0.006 m
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.
1 Diagram 1 shows the set up of apparatus used to investigate the relationship between the
pressure and temperature of air at constant volume and mass.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan untuk menyiasat hubungan antara
tekanan dengan suhu udara di mana isipadu dan jisimnya tetap.
(a) Name the measuring instrument labelled X.
Namakan alat pengukur berlabel X.
[1 mark]
(b) Name the physical quantity measured by instrument labelled X.
Namakan kuantiti fizik yang disukat oleh alat pengukur berlabel X.
[1 mark]
(c) (i) What will happen to the reading of the measuring instrument X when the
temperature raised.
Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada bacaan alat pengukur X apabila suhu
[1 mark]
(ii) State the Gas Law involved.
Nyatakan Hukum Gas yang terlibat.
[1 mark ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
2. A substance X with mass 0.5 kg is heated by using a heater 100 W. Diagram shows graph
temperature against mass for the substance.
Suatu bahan X berjisim 0.5 kg dipanaskan dengan menggunakan pemanas 100 W.
Rajah menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi bahan tersebut.
Temperature (oC )
Suhu (oC )
Time (s)
Masa (s)
(a). What is the time taken by substance X to achieve melting point ?
Berapakah masa yang diambil oleh bahan X untuk mencapai takat lebur?
[1 mark]
[ 1markah]
(b). Based on information on graph, find specific latent heat for the substance X.
Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberi pada graf, hitungkan haba pendam tentu bagi
bahan X
[2 marks]
[ 2 markah]
(c). By using kinetic theory, explain why there is no increase in temperature at QR.
Dengan menggunakan teori kinetik, terangkan mengapa tiada kenaikan suhu pada
[2 marks]
[ 2 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
3. Diagram 3 shows a wet towel is placed on the forehead of a boy who has high fever.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan tuala yang basah diletakkan di atas dahi seorang budak lelaki yang
mengalami demam panas.
Diagram 3
Rajah 3
(a) What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium?
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan keseimbangan terma?
[1 mark]/ [1 markah]
(b) Explain how a thermal equilibrium is achieved in Diagram 3.
Terangkan bagaimana keseimbangan terma tercapai dalam Rajah 3.
[2 marks]/[ 2 markah ]
(c) The mass of water used to wet the towel is 0.3 kg and the specific heat capacity for
water is 4 200 J kg-1 oC-1 . The initial temperature of the towel is 30oC and the final
temperature is 38oC. Find the amount of heat energy from the boy is removed by the
wet towel.
Jisim air yang digunakan untuk membasahkan tuala adalah 0.3 kg dan muatan haba
tentu air adalah 4 200 J kg-1 oC-1 . Suhu awal tuala adalah 30oC dan suhu akhir
adalah 38oC. Hitung jumlah tenaga haba yang telah dibebaskan daripada budak itu
oleh tuala basah.
[2 marks]/[ 2 markah ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
(d) What happens to the final temperature if the water used to wet the towel is mixed
with ice cubes?
Apakah yang berlaku kepada suhu akhir jika air yang digunakan untuk membasahkan
tuala dicampurkan dengan ketulan ais?
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
4. Diagram 4.1 shows a metal P at 100 °C being placed in a beaker of water at 28 oC. After some
time thermal equilibrium state is achieved.
The mass of metal P and the water are 0.4 kg and 0.2 kg respectively.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan logam P pada suhu 100 °C di letakkan di dalam bikar yang
mengandungi air pada suhu 28 °C. Selepas suatu tempoh keseimbangan terma dicapai.
Jisim logam P dan air masing-masing adalah 0.4 kg dan 0.2 kg.
Diagram 4.2 shows the temperature against time graph of the water in the beaker.
Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi air dalam bikar itu.
Diagram 4.1 / Rajah 4.1 Diagram 4.2 / Rajah 4.2
(a) (i) What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium?
Apakah maksud keseimbangan terma?
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
(ii) Based on the graph in Diagram 4.2, what is the temperature when the thermal equilibrium
is achieved?
Berdasarkan graf dalam Rajah 4.2 ,berapakah suhu apabila keseimbangan terma dicapai?
[1 mark] / [ 1 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
(iii) What is the purpose of wrapping the beaker with a layer of cotton?
Apakah tujuan membalut bikar dengan lapisan kapas?
[1 mark] / [ 1 markah]
(b) (i) Calculate the specific heat capacity of metal P.
(Specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg-1 °C -1)
Hitungkan muatan haba tentu logam P.
(Muatan haba tentu air adalah 4200 J kg-1 °C -1)
[3 marks] / [ 3 markah]
(ii) State the assumption you made in (b)(i).
Nyatakan anggapan yang anda buat dalam (b)(i).
[1 mark] / [ 1 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
5 Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two identical polystyrene glasses are filled by hot water at the same
Diagram 5.3 and Diagram 5.4 shows the changes in temperature of the water after 5 minutes the water
are cooled.
Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2 menunjukkan dua biji gelas polisterina diisikan dengan air panas pada suhu
yang sama.
Rajah 5.3 dan 5.4 menunjukkan perubahan suhu air itu selepas 5 minit disejukkan.
(a) State the working principle used in the thermometer.
Nyatakan prinsip kerja yang digunakan dalam termometer itu
[1 mark ]
(b) Using Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 , compare the mass of water in the both glasses.
Menggunakan Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2 ,bandingkan jisim air dalam kedua-dua gelas.
[1 mark ]
(c) Using Diagram 5.3 and 5.4, compare
Menggunakan Rajah 5.3 dan Rajah 5.4 , bandingkan
(i) the reading of the thermometer.
bacaan termometer
[1 mark ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
the rate of loss of heat from the water in the glasses after 5 minutes.
kadar kehilangan haba daripada air dalam kedua-dua gelas selepas 5 minit.
[1 mark ]/[ 1 markah ]
(d) Based on your answer in c(ii) compare the quantity of heat in the water in the glasses in
Diagram 5.3 and Diagram 5.4.
Berdasarkan jawapan anda di c(ii) bandingkan kuantiti haba dalam air dalam kedua-dua
gelas pada Rajah 5.3 dan Rajah 5.4.
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(e) Based on your answer in (a) and (d), state the relationship between mass and quantity of
heat in the water.
Berdasarkan jawapan anda di(a) dan (d) , nyatakan hubungan antara jisim dan kuantiti
haba dalam air.
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(f) Sketch the graph temperature against time when the water in the glass in Diagram 5.1 is
cooled for a long time.
Lakarkan graf suhu melawan masa apabila air di dalam gelas padaRajah 5.1 dibiarkan
sejuk untuk suatu jangka masa yang panjang.
[2 marks]/[ 2 markah ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
6 Diagram 6.1 shows two identical metal balls heated for a few minutes in boiling water. The two metal
balls are then transferred into two beakers containing liquid X and liquid Y.
Diagram 6.2 and Diagram 6.3 show the initial and final readings of thermometers in liquid X and liquid
Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan dua bebola logam yang seiras dipanaskan selama beberapa minit dalam air
mendidih. Dua bebola logam itu kemudian dipindahkan ke dalam dua buah bikar yang mengandungi
cecair X dan cecair Y.
Rajah 6.2 dan Rajah 6.3 menunjukkan bacaan awal dan bacaan akhir termometer dalam cecair X dan
cecair Y.
Boiling water
Air mendidih
Diagram 6.1 / Rajah 6.1
40 oC
25 oC 25 oC 30 oC
Liquid X Liquid Y
Mass = 300 g Mass = 300 g
Specific heat capacity = 2 100 J kg–1 Specific heat capacity = 4 200 J kg–1
o –1 o –1
Diagram 6.2 / Rajah 6.2 Diagram 6.3 / Rajah 6.3
(a) What is the meaning of specific heat capacity?
Apakah maksud muatan haba tentu?
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
(b) (i)
State the physical quantity measured by a thermometer.
Nyatakan kuantiti fizik yang diukur oleh sebuah termometer.
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
(ii) Explain why the reading of the thermometer is taken after a few minutes?
Jelaskan mengapa bacaan termometer diambil selepas beberapa minit?
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
(c) Based on Diagram 6.2 and Diagram 6.3:
Berdasarkan Rajah 6.2 dan Rajah 6.3:
(i) Compare the specific heat capacity of liquid X and liquid Y.
Bandingkan muatan haba tentu cecair X dan cecair Y.
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
(ii) Compare the final readings of the thermometers in liquid X and liquid Y.
Bandingkan bacaan akhir termometer dalam cecair X dan cecair Y.
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
(iii) Compare the change in temperature of liquid X and liquid Y.
Bandingkan perubahan suhu bagi cecair X dan cecair Y.
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
(iv) State the relationship between specific heat capacity and change in temperature of the liquid.
Nytakan hubungan antara muatan haba tentu dan perubahan suhu cecair.
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
(d) Which liquid is more suitable to be used as a coolant in the cooling system of a car?
Cecair yang manakah lebih sesuai digunakan sebagai bahan penyejuk dalam sistem penyejukan
sebuah kereta?
[1 mark] / [1 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
7. Diagram 7 shows a tyre of a car that is going to be used to travel from Kuala Lumpur to
Kuala Terengganu.
Rajah 7 menunjukkan sebiji tayar kereta yang digunakan untuk perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke
Kuala Terengganu.
Diagram 7
Rajah 7
(a) After the long journey,
Selepas satu perjalanan yang jauh,
(i) what happen to the temperature of the air in the tyre
apakah yang berlaku kepada suhu udara di dalam tayar.
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(ii) state one other physical quantity that will also change.
nyatakan satu kuantiti fizik lain yang turut berubah.
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(b) Based on the answers in (a) (i) and (a) (ii), name the gas law involve.
Berdasarkan jawapan dalam (a) (i) dan (a) (ii), namakan hukum gas yang terlibat.
[1mark]/ [ 1 markah ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
c) Before a long journey, the driver checked the air pressure of his car tyres. The air
pressure of the tyres was 200 kPa at a temperature 27°C. After the journey, the air
pressure of the tyres was found to have increased to 230 kPa. What is the temperature
of the air in the tyre after the journey? [Assume the volume of the tyre is constant]
Sebelum memulakan perjalanan, seorang pemandu telah memeriksa tekanan udara tayar
keretanya. Tekanan udara tayar ialah 200 kPa pada suhu 27°C. Selepas perjalanan tersebut,
tekanan udara dalam tayar didapati meningkat dengan tekanan udara 230 kPa. Berapakah
suhu udara selepas perjalanan tersebut. [ Anggapkan isipadu tayar tidak berubah]
[3 marks ]/[ 3 markah ]
(d) The tyre in Diagram 7 is not suitable to be used on a muddy road. Suggest
modifications to be done based on the characteristics given.
Tayar di dalam Rajah 7 tidak sesuai digunakan di atas jalan berlumpur. Cadangkan
pengubahsuaian yang perlu dilakukan berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang diberi.
(i) Surface area of the tyre
Luas permukaan tayar
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(ii) Reason
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(iii) The track of the tyre
Alur pada tayar
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(iv) Reason
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
8. (a) A solid substance of mass 0.05 kg is heated using an immersion heater of
240V, 1 kW for 1.0 minute until its temperature is 78oC
Suatu bahan pepejal berjisim 0.05 kg dipanaskan menggunakan pemanas
rendam 240 V, 1 kW selama 1 minit sehinggan suhunya adalah 78oC.
(i) What is the meaning of temperature?
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan suhu?
[1 mark]/[1 markah]
(ii) Calculate the specific heat cpacity of the substance if the initial
temperature of the substance is 20oC?
Hitung muatan haba tentu bagi bahan itu jika suhu awal bahan itu
adalah 20oC?
[2 marks]/ [2 markah]
(b) The substance is then put into a beaker filled with water of mass 2.0 kg and
temperature 28oC.
Bahan itu kemudiannya diletakkan ke dalam bikar berisi air berjisim 2.0 kg
dan suhu 28oC.
Calculate the final temperature of the substance and water.
Hitung suhu akhir bagi bahan itu dan air.
(Specific heat capacity of water is 4 200 Jkg-1oC-1)
(Muatan haba tentu bagi air adalah 4 200 Jkg-1oC-1)
[2 marks]
[2 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
(c) Diagram 8.1 shows parts of the ice box used to store ice.
Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan bahagian bagi kotak ais.
Diagram 8.1
Rajah 8.1
Table 8 shows the characteristics of two different ice boxes.
Jadual 8 menunjukkan ciri-ciri bagi dua kotak ais yang berbeza.
Ice box Material X Specific heat capacity of Diameter of double
Kotak ais Bahan X inner box walled tube
R Air Muatan haba tentu bagi Diameter bagi tiub
Udara kotak dalam dinding dua lapis
S Polystyrene Kecil Small
Polisterin Big Kecil
Besar Big
T Polystyrene Besar
Polisterin Small
Kecil Big
U Air Big Besar
Udara Besar Big
Table 8/Jadual 8
Based on Table 8, state the suitable characteristics of the ice box to be used as
an efficient ice storage .Give one reason for suitable characteristics.
Berdasarkan Jadual 8, nyatakan ciri-ciri kesesuaian kotak ais untuk digunakan
sebagai tempat simpanan ais yang cekap. Beri satu sebab untuk kesesuaian ciri itu.
(i) Material X :
Bahan X :
Reason :
Sebab :
[2 marks]/ [2 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
The specific heat capacity of inner box :
Muatan haba tentu bagi kotak dalam :
Reason :
Sebab :
[2 marks]/ [2 markah]
(iii) Diameter of double walled tube :
Diameter bagi tiub dinding dua lapis :
Reason :
Sebab :
[2 marks]/ [2 markah]
(d) Based on the answers in 8(c) (i), 8(c)(ii) and 8(c)(iii), determine the most
suitable ice box to be used as an efficient ice storage .
Berdasarkan jawapan di 8(c) (i), 8(c)(ii) dan 8(c)(iii), tentukan kotak ais yang
paling sesuai digunakan sebagai tempat simpanan ais yang efisien.
[1 mark]/ [1 markah]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Section B
[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section.
9 Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show two identical polystyrene glasses are filled with hot water at the same
Diagram 9.3 and Diagram 9.4 shows the changes in temperature of the water after 5 minutes
the water are cooled.
Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2 menunjukkan dua biji gelas polisterina diisikan dengan air panas
pada suhu yang sama.
Rajah 9.3 dan 9.4 menunjukkan perubahan suhu air itu selepas 5 minit disejukkan.
(a) State the principle involved when the thermometer measure the temperature of water.
Nyatakan prinsip yang terlibat apabila termometer itu digunakan untuk mengukur suhu air.
[1 mark]/[ 1 markah ]
(b) Using Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 , compare the mass of water in the both glasses.
Using Diagram 9.3 and Diagram 9.4 , compare the reading of the thermometer and the rate of loss of
heat from the water in the glasses after 5 minutes.
Relate the mass of water and the rate of loss of heat from water to make a deduction
regarding the relationship between the mass of water and the quantity of heat in water.
Menggunakan Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2 ,bandingkan jisim air dalam kedua-dua gelas,
Menggunakan Rajah 9.3 dan Rajah 9.4 , bandingkan bacaan termometer dan kadar kehilangan
haba daripada air dalam kedua-dua gelas selepas 5 minit.
Hubungkait jisim air dengan kadar kehilangan haba daripada air untuk membuat
deduksi tentang hubungan jisim air dengan kuantiti haba d idalam air.
[5 marks]/ [ 5 markah ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
(c) Diagram 9.3 shows the phenomenon of sea breeze.
Rajah menunjukkan fenomena bayu laut.
Diagram 9.3 [4 marks]/[ 4 markah ]
Rajah 9.3
Explain how the phenomenon of sea breeze occurs.
Terangkan bagaimana fenomena bayu laut berlaku.
(d) Diagram 9.4 shows a cooling system of a motorcycle engine.
Rajah 9.4 menunjukkan sistem penyejukan sebuah enjin motosikal.
Diagram 9.4
Rajah 9.4
You are required to modify the fins in Diagram 9.4 so that it can cool the motorcycle
engine faster.
Anda dikehendaki untuk mengubahsuai sirip pada Rajah 9.4 supaya ia dapat menyejukkan
enjin motosikal dengan lebih cepat.
State and explain the modifications based on the following aspects:
Nyata dan terangkan pengubahsuaian berdasarkan aspek-aspek berikut.
(i) the specific heat capacity of the fin
Muatan haba tentu bagi sirip
(ii) the melting point of the fin
takat lebur sirip
(iii) the rate of expansion of the fin
kadar pengembangan sirip
(iv) the heat conductivity of the fin
kekonduksian haba sirip
(v) the number of the fin [10 marks]/[ 10 markah ]
bilangan sirip
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Section C
[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section
11. Diagram 11.1 shows a thermometer use by a doctor to check the temperature of patient’s
body during medical treatment.
Rajah 11.1 menunjukkan satu thermometer yang digunakan oleh seorang doktor untuk memeriksa
suhu seorang pesakit semasa membuat rawatan.
Diagram 11.1
Rajah 11.1
(a) What is meant by temperature?
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan suhu?
[ 1 mark ]/[ 1 markah ]
(b) According to the principle of thermal equilibrium and the working principle of a
thermometer, explain how a doctor can check his patient temperature during medical
Merujuk kepada prinsip keseimbangan terma dan prinsip kerja termometer, terangkan
bagaimana seorang doktor dapat memeriksa suhu badan pesakit semasa membuat rawatan
[ 4 mark ]/[ 4 markah ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
(c) Diagram 11.2 shows an ice cream container used by an ice cream seller using his
Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan bekas menyimpan ais krim yang digunakan oleh penjual ais krim
menggunakan motosikalnya
ice cream
Ice cream Ice cream box
Ais krim Kotak ais krim
Outer box
Kotak luar
Ice cube
Kiub ais
Diagram 11.2
Rajah 11.2
Table 11.3 shows the specification of four types of ice cream containers P, Q, R and S, that
can be used by an ice cream seller to carry ice cream.
Jadual 11.3 menunjukkan spesifikasi empat jenis bekas ais krim P, Q, R and S, yang boleh digunakan
oleh penjual ais krim untuk membawa ais krim.
Box P Q R S
Specific heat capacity of ice High High Low Low
cream box Tinggi Tinggi Rendah Rendah
Muatan haba Tentu kotak
aiskrim Large Small Small Large
Besar Kecil Kecil Besar
Size of ice cream box
Saiz kotak aiskrim
Material of outer box Copper PVC plastic PVC plastic Aluminium
Bahan kotak luar Tembaga Plastik PVC Plastik PVC Aluminium
Colour of outer box Dark Bright Bright Dark
Warna kotak luar Gelap Cerah Cerah Gelap
Table 11.3/ Jadual 11.3
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
You are required to determine the most suitable ice cream container to carry ice cream. Study
the specification of the four types of ice cream container based on the following aspects:
Anda dikehendaki untuk mengenalpasti bekas ais krim yang sesuai untuk membawa ais krim. Kaji
spesifikasi bagi empat jenis bekas ais krim berdasarkan aspek-aspek berikut:
- Specific heat capacity of ice cream box
Muatan haba tentu kotak ais krim
- Size of ice cream box
Saiz kotak ais krim kotak ais krim
- Material of outer box
Bahan kotak luar
- Colour of outer box
Warna kotak luar
Explain the suitability of the aspects
Terangkan kesesuaian aspek aspek tersebut
(d) A solid substance, of mass 0.05 kg, is heated using an immersion heater of
240 V, 0.1 kW. Diagram 11.4 shows the heating curve of the solid.
Suatu bahan dalam keadaan pepejal berjisim 0.05 kg dipanaskan menggunakan
pemanas rendam 240 V, 0.1 kW. Rajah 11.4 menunjukkan keluk pemanasan bagi pepejal
Temperature / °C
30 Time / min
0 1.0
3.6 4.8
Diagram 11.4
Rajah 11.4
(i) The specific latent heat of fusion of the substance
Haba pendam tentu pelakuran bahan itu
(ii) The specific heat capacity of the substance in liquid state
Muatan haba tentu bahan itu dalam keadaan cecair
[ 5 marks ]/[5 markah ]
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Soalan 1
Total 1
1 (a) Bourdon Gauge 1
(b) Pressure 1
(c) Increase 1
(d) Pressure Law 4
Soalan 2 1
2. (a) 300 s 2
Total 5
(b) Pt = ml
100 x ( 1050 – 300) = 0.5 l
l= 150 000 J kg-1m(with unit)
(c) Heat supplied is used to break up bonds between molecules
Heat is not used to increase kinetic energy
Soalan 3
3. (a) Net heat flow is zero / temperature is equal 1
(b) 2
(c) The initial temperature of cloth is lower than the body temperature
Heat energy is transferred until temperature is equal / no heat loss 2
Heat energy, Q = m c q 1
= 0.3 (4200) ( 38 – 30 ) 6
= 10080 J (with unit)
Decrease 1
Soalan 4 1
4(a) (i) Two objects at thermal equilibrium have no net flow of heat between them 1
(ii) 40 oC 7
(iii) Reduce heat loss to the surroundings
(b) (i) Change in temperature of P (100 – 40) //
Change in temperature of water (40 – 28)
0 4 × c × (100 – 40) = 0 2 × 4200 × (40 – 28)
c = 420 J kg–1oC–1
(ii) No heat is lost to the surroundings
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Soalan 5
5(a) Thermal equilibrium 1
(b) Mass of the water in Diagram 5.2 > 5.1 1
(c)(i) The reading in of thermometer in 5.3 < 5.4 1
(c)(ii) The rate of heat loss from water in Diagram 5.3 >5.4
(d) Quantity of Heat in Diagram 5.4 > 5.3
( e) When the mass increases quantity of heat increases
Total 8
Soalan 6 1
6(a) - Heat required to change the temperature of one unit of mass of a substance 1
by 1oC
(b) (i) - Temperature 1
(ii) - The thermometer needs some time to achieve thermal equilibrium with the
liquid 1
(c) (i) - Specific heat capacity of Y is higher than X 8
(ii) - Final reading of thermometer in liquid X is higher than in Y
(iii) - The change in temperature of liquid X is higher than Y
(iv) - The higher the specific heat capacity, the smaller the change in temperature
(d) - Liquid Y
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Soalan 7
7. (a) (i) Increase 1
(ii) Pressure 1
(b) Pressure Law 3
(c) T2 = P2 T1 = 230 x 300 = 345 K // 72 °C 1
P1 200 1
Mk 1- Conversion of unit from °C to Kelvin Total 10
Mk 2- Substitution
Mk 3- Answer with correct unit 1
(d) (i) Wider surface area 1
(ii) The pressure exerted on road is reduced 1
(iii) Thick tyre thread
To give better grip to the road 2
Soalan 8 2
8 (a)(i) The degree of hotness of an object Total 12
1 x 103 (1.0 x 60) = 0.05 c (78 – 20)
(c)(i) 2.069 x 105 Jkg-1oC-1
(c)(ii) 0.05 (2.069 x 105)(78 – θ) = 2.0 (4 200) (θ – 28)
(d) Polystyrene
Good heat insulator
Do not easily absorbed heat from surrounding // Not
easily hot // Not easily releases heat to the ice
Prevent heat from outside to easily enter
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Soalan 9
9 (a) Thermal equilibrium 1
Mass of the water in diagram 9.1 < 9.2 1
The reading in of thermometer in 9.3 < 9.4 1
The rate of heat loss from water in Diagram 9.3 >9.4 1
Mass decreases, the rate of heat loss is increases 1
When the mass increases quantity of heat increases 1
(b) Specific heat capacity of land is lower 1,2
Temperature of the land is higher 3,4
Air above the land rises 5,6
Cooler air from sea moves to the land
(c) Design Reasons
Total 20
Specific heat capacity Faster to get hot
is low Does not melt easily
Melting point is high
Good conductor of The heat can be lost
heat easily
Rate of expansion is The shape of the fin
moderate unchange
The number of fin is More heat is released
Bab 4 : Haba Chapter 4 : Heat
Soalan 11
11. (a) Temperature is the measure of the degree of hotness of an object. 1
(b) Ø Thermometer is placed in the mouth of patient,
Ø Heat is transferred from patient’s body to the thermometer.
Ø Thermal equilibrium between the thermometer and patient’s body is
reached when the net rate of heat transfer is zero.
Ø The thermometer and the patient’s body are at the same temperature. The
thermometer reading shows the temperature of the patient’s body.
(c) 1. Low specific heat capacity of ice cream box
2. Easy get cold // becomes cool quickly
3. Smaller size of ice cream box
4. Easier to carry // easy too become cool
5. Plastic PVC
6. Poor conductor of heat
7. Bright colour of outer box
8. Does not absorb heat from surrounding quickly
9. R is chosen
10. because Low specific heat capacity of ice cream box, Smaller size of ice
cream box, Plastic PVC, Bright colour of outer box
(b) (i) L = Pt 10
= 0.1 x 10 3 x 156 2
= 312000 J kg-1 2
Total 20
(ii) t = 72 s (from graph)
c = Pt
= 0.1 x 10 3 x 72
0.05 x 140
= 1028.57 J kg-1 °C
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
1 Rajah 1 menunjukkan suatu objek diletakkan, di hadapan sebuah cermin.
Diagram 1 shows an object placed in front of a mirror.
Rajah 1 / Diagram 1
(a) Namakan jenis cermin yang digunakan dalam Rajah 1.
Name the type of mirror shown in Diagram 1.
…………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
(b) Lukiskan imej dalam petak yang disediakan pada Rajah 1.
Draw the image in the box given in Diagram 1.
(c) Berdasarkan Rajah 1, tandakan () pada pernyataan yang betul mengenai imej yang
Based on Diagram 1, tick () the correct statement about the image formed.
Imej boleh terbentuk pada skrin.
The image can be formed on a screen.
Imej tidak boleh terbentuk pada skrin. [1 mark]
The image cannot be formed on a screen.
(d) Apakah yang terjadi pada saiz imej jika objek diletakkan pula di X?
What happens to the size of the image if the object is placed at X?
…………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
2 Seorang juruselam dapat melihat seekor udang kara yang tersembunyi di belakang seketul batu
dalam air seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.
A diver is able to see a lobster which is hidden behind a piece of rock in the water as shown in
Diagram 2.
Diagram 2 / Rajah 2
(i) Dalam Rajah 2, lukiskan lintasan sinar cahaya untuk menunjukkan bagaimana juruselam dapat
melihat udang kara itu.
On Diagram 2, draw the path of light ray to show how the diver is able to sees the lobster.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
(ii) Namakan fenomena yang terjadi.
Name the phenomenon that occurs.
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(ii) Explain how the phenomenon can occur.
Terangkan bagaimana fenomena ini boleh berlaku.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
3. (a) Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan satu objek O diletakkan dihadapan sebuah kanta cekung.
Figure 3.1 shows an object O placed in front of a concave lens.
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
(i) Lukiskan gambar rajah sinar cahaya untuk menunjukkan kedudukan imej pada Rajah
Draw ray diagram to show the formation of image on Figure 3.1.
[2 markah]
(ii) Nyatakan dua ciri imej yang terbentuk.
State two characteristics of the image formed.
[1 markah]
(b) Kanta cekung digantikan dengan sebuah cermin cembung.
The concave lens is then replaced with a convex mirror.
(i) Lukiskan gambar rajah sinar cahaya untuk menunjukkan kedudukan
imej pada Rajah 3.2.
Draw ray diagram to shows the formation of image on Figure 3.2.
[2 markah]
(ii) Nyatakan ciri-ciri imej yang sama di antara Rajah 3.1 dan 3.2.
State the similar characteristics of the images between Figure 3.1 and 3.2.
[1 markah]
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
4. Rajah 4 menunjukkan doktor gigi menggunakan cermin untuk melihat dengan teliti pada gigi
pesakit itu.
Diagram 4 shows a dentist used a mirror to look closely at his patient’s teeth.
Diagram 4
(a) Nyatakan fenomena cahaya yang menyebabkan imej gigi \
State the light phenomenon that causes the image of the teeth.
[ 1 mark ]
(b) Namakan jenis cermin yang digunakan oleh doktor gigi.
Name the type of the mirror used by the dentist.
[ 1 mark ]
(c) Menyatakan ciri-ciri imej yang terbentuk.
State the characteristics of the image formed.
[ 2 marks ]
(d) Dalam rajah di bawah, anak panah mewakili gigi sebagai objek cermin. Lengkapkan rajah
sinar dengan melukis sinar yang diperlukan untuk menentukan kedudukan imej.
In the diagram below, the arrow represents the teeth as the object of the mirror. Complete
the ray diagram by drawing the required rays to locate the position of the image.
[ 3 marks ]
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
5 Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan gambarajah sinar cahaya yang melalui kanta mata apabila seseorang
mengalami myopia.
Rajah 5.2 menunjukkan gambarajah sinar cahaya yang melalui kanta mata apabila seseorang
mengalami hyper-metropia.
Diagram 5.1 shows light rays passing through the eyelens when a person is having a myopia.
Diagram 5.2 shows the light rays passing through the eyelens when a person is having a
hyper- metropia.
Rajah 5.1 Rajah 5.2
Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2
(a) Namakan fenomena cahaya yang terlibat bagi kedua-dua rajah.
Name the light phenomenon involved in both diagrams.
[1 mark]
(b) Berdasarkan Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2, bandingkan;
Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, compare;
(i) jarak objek
their object distance
[1 mark]
(ii) jarak imej
their image distance
[1 mark]
(c) Bagi membolehkan seseorang melihat dengan jelas, nyatakan di manakah imej terbentuk di dalam
In order for a person to see clearly, state where should the image formed in the eye?
[1 mark]
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
(d) Berdasarkan Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2, nyatakan jenis kanta yang boleh digunakan untuk
membetulkan keadaan dalam;
Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, state the type of lens that can be used to correct the
situation in;
(i) Rajah 5.1:
Diagram 5.1:
............................................................................................................ …………………………...
[1 mark]
(ii) Rajah 5.2 :
Diagram 5.2 :
[1 mark]
(e) Dengan menggunakan jawapan anda dalam d(i), lukiskan kanta dalam kotak yang disediakan dan
lengkapkan gambarajah sinar dalam Rajah 5.3 untuk menunjukkan bagaimana masalah myopia
boleh diatasi.
By using your answer in (d)(i), draw the lens in the box provided and complete the ray diagram in
Diagram 5.3 to show how myopia can be corrected.
Diagram 5.3
ajah 5.3
6. Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan seorang bayi bersandar pada satu cermin satah.
Diagram 6.1 shows a baby leans against a plane mirror.
Diagram 6.1 Rajah 6.1
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
(a) Namakan fenomena cahaya yang membentukkan imej.
Name the light phenomenon that forms the image.
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(b) Saiz imej adalah sama dengan bayi dan tegak. Nyatakan dua ciri-ciri lain bagi imej bayi.
The size of the image is the same as the baby and is upright. State two other characteristics of the
baby’s image.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
(c) Apabila bayi bergerak 30 cm jauh dari cermin, berapakah jarak antara bayi dan imejnya?
When the baby moves 30 cm away from the mirror. What is the distance between the baby and the
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(d) Jika huruf “F” diletakkan di hadapan cermin, bagaimanakah kelihatan huruf itu?
If the letter “F” is placed in front of the mirror, how would the letter appear to be ?
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(e) Nyatakan satu fenomena lain yang disebabkan oleh cahaya bergerak dalam garis lurus.
State another phenomenon caused by light travels in a straight line.
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(f) Seorang murid berdiri di hadapan cermin satah dan boleh melihat imej lampu seperti yang
ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 6.2.
A student stands in front of a plane mirror and is able to see the image of a lamp as shown in
Diagram 6.2.
Diagram 6.2 Rajah 6.2
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
Lukiskan rajah sinar untuk menunjukkan bagaimana murid itu dapat melihat imej lampu.
Draw a ray diagram to show how the student can see the image of the lamp.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
7. Rajah 7.1 menunujukkan sebuah teleskop astronomi dalam pelarasan normal. Kuasa kanta objek
teleskop itu 2 D and kuasa kanta matanya 20 D. Diameter kanta objek lebih besar berbanding
dengan diameter kanta mata.
Figure 7.1 shows an astronomical telescope in normal adjustment. Lens power for the telescope
objective lens is 2 D and power eyepiece is 20 D. Eye lens power objective lens diameter greater
than the diameter of the lens of the eye.
Kanta mata
Kanta objek eyepiece len
objective lens
Diagram 7.1
(a) (i) Mengapakah kanta objek teleskop perlu mempunyai diameter yang besar ?
Why telescope objective lens needs to have a large diameter?
[ 1 markah ]
(ii) Hitungkan panjang teleskop itu .
Calculate the length of the telescope.
[ 2 markah ]
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
(b) Ali mendapati teleskop astromoni yang dibina tidak sesuai untuk melihat objek jauh pada
pemukaan bumi. Ali mengubah kedudukan kanta objek dan kanta mata teleskopnya serta
menambahkan 2 komponen optik, D, yang serupa untuk mendapatkan imej yang lebih baik..
Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan struktur alat optik yang diubahsuai oleh Ali.
Ali found astromoni built telescope is not suitable for viewing distant objects on the surface of
the earth. Ali changed the position of the objective lens and eyepiece of his telescope and
added two optical components, D, similar to get better image .
Figure 7.2 shows the structure of an optical device that is modified by Ali.
Kanta objek
objective len
Kanta mata
eyepiece len
RAJAH 7.2 / Diagram 7.2
(i) Teleskop pada Rajah 7.1 tidak sesuai bagi membuat pecerapan semasa aktiviti
perkhemahan. Terangkan.
Telescope in Figure 7.1 is not suitable for making observations while camping. Explain.
[ 2 markah ]
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
(ii) Namakan komponen optik tambahan, D, yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah
di (b) (i)
Name the additional optical components, D, which is needed to overcome
problems in (b) (i).
[ 1 markah ]
(iii) Lukiskan kedua-dua komponen optik tambahan, D, dalam dua petak ditandakan
supaya masalah yang dihadapi dalam (b)(i) dapat di atasi.
Draw two additional optical components, D, in two box indicated that the problems
encountered in (b) (i) can be overcome.
[ 2 markah ]
(iv) Lengkapkan lintasan sinar cahaya yang memasuki kanta objek sehingga sampai ke
mata pemerhati
Complete the ray path of light entering the objective lens up to the observer's eyes
[ 1 markah ]
(v) Nyatakan fenenoma cahaya yang berlaku dalam komponen optik tambahan itu.
State light fenenoma occurring in the optical components subsidiary.
[ 1 markah ]
8. Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu objek,O dengan ketinggian 2 cm diletakkan di sebelah kiri kanta
cembung,X. Panjang fokus kanta cembung ini ialah 10 cm.
Diagram 8 shows an object, O with height 2 cm placed on the left side of a convex lens, X. The
focal length of the convex lens is 10 cm.
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
(a) Pada Rajah 8 lukiskan lintasan sinar dari objek untuk membentuk imej. [2 mark]
In Diagram 8 draw the ray path from the object to form an image [2 markah]
(b) Nyatakan ciri-ciri imej yang terbentuk.
State the characteristics of the image formed.
……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) Jika objek diletakkan pada jarak 30 cm dari kanta, hitung:
If the object is placed at a distance 30 cm from the lens, calculate:
(i) Jarak imej
the image distance.
[2 mark]
[2 markah]
(ii) Pembesaran linear.
Linear magnification.
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(d) Anda diberi satu kanta cembung yang lain, Y dengan kuasa 2 Diopter. Anda dikehendaki
mereka satu teleskop astronomi ringkas menggunakan kedua-dua kanta cembung X dan Y.
You are given another convex lens, Y with power 2 Diopter. You are required to create a
simple astronomical telescope using convex lenses X and Y.
(i) Kanta manakah yang sesuai dijadikan kanta objek dan kanta mata?
Which lens is suitable to be objective lens and eyepiece?
Kanta objek : ………………………………
Objective lens : ………………………………
Kanta mata
[2 mark]
[2 markah]
Bab 5: Cahaya Chapter 5: Light
(ii) Berikan alasan bagi jawapan di ( d) (i).
Give one reason to your answer in (d) (i).
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(e) Lukiskan susunan kanta dan lakarkan lintasan sinar dari satu objekyang jauh dengan
menggunakan kanta cembung X dan Y untuk membentuk satu teleskop astronomi ringkas.
Draw the arrangement of the lenses and sketch the ray path from distance object using
convex lenses X and Y to form a simple astronomical telescope.
[3 marks]
[3 markah]
9 Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2 menunjukkan sinar cahaya daripada dua objek yang serupa melalui kanta
cembung R dan S. Kedua-dua kanta menghasilkan imej nyata. F ialah titik fokus bagi setiap kanta.
Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2 show the light rays from two identical objects passing through
convex lenses, R and S. Both the lenses produce real images. F is the focal point for each lens.
Diagram 9.1 Rajah 9.1
Diagram 9.2 Rajah 9.2