Lesley Koustaff
Su san Rivers
S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e ,p
B W ho a r e y o u r fa m ily a n d frie n d s ? Social Studies: Com m unity
f Families and Friends R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s mother, father, brother, sister, grandm other, Verb be
grandfather, family, friend
Page 6 Inform ational text (Nonfiction) 1am, You are, H e / S h e is, W e are, They are
R eading Strategy L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s uncle, aunt, cousin, parents, daughter, son H e's eight yea rs old.
Predicting from Pictures W o rd S tu d y Opposites
1 Elliot's New Friend R e a d i n g T e x t W o r d s elephant, tortoise, lonely, sad, scared, eat, D e m o n s t r a t iv e s: This, That, These,
play, sleep a n d Those
Page 16 Story (Fiction) This is a zebra.
L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s hamster, goldfish, bird, rabbit, lizard, kitten Those are lions.
R eading Strategy
Predicting from Pictures
I ►I W here can we see colors? There is . . . / There a r e ...
There's a b lack spider.
W ho's in The Tree? R e a d i n g T e x t W o r d s yellow, red, blue, green, purple, black, There are two white kittens.
Roses are Red brown, white
Page 26 I Like Colors L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s fireworks, dark, light, gray, orange, pink
Page 36 W ord Study Nouns
R h ym in g p o e m s (Fiction)
R eading Strategy R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s mix, mural, ocean, sand, seaweed, seashell, P re p o s itio n s o f Place: In, On, Under,
Predicting from Titles jellyfish, starfish N e x t To
Let's M ake Colors! L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s jacket, shorts, sneakers, T-shirt, hat, pants The starfish is under the seaweed.
The seashells are on the sand.
Inform ational text (Nonfiction)
R eading Strategy
Predicting from Titles
(“►"1 '•______ W here d o a n im a ls live? Life Science
Animal Homes R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s eagle, chick, nest, opossum , tree hollow, Where Q u e stio n s w ith V e rb Be
honeybee, hive, crab W here's the eagle?
Inform ational text (Nonfiction) L is t e n i n g T e x t W o r d s w oods, field, pond, squirrel, m ouse, frog Where are the chicks?
W o rd S tu d y Irregular plurals
Page 46 R eading Strategy
Predicting from Titles and Pictures
M y Friend, Anak R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s orangutan, rainforest, reserve, teach, What and Who Q uestions w ith Verb Be
take care of, miss, take a nap, p u t out W hat's that?
Realistic fiction W ho's this?
L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s day, night, morning, midday,
R eading Strategy afternoon, evening
Identifying Characters
BIG Q U ESTIO N 4 How a re s e a s o n s d iffe re n t? Earth Science
Page 66 The Four Seasons R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s warm, hot, cool, cold, rain, snow, long, short S im p l e P r e s e n t (It)
It gets h o t in the summer.
Inform ational text (Nonfiction) L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s weather, cloudy, sunny, windy, It s n o w s in the winter.
R eading Strategy snowy, rainy It doesn't sn o w in the summer.
U sing C aptions to Clarify Ideas W ord Study Com pound nouns
8 The Seasons of Arnold's Apple R e a d in g T e xt W o rd s watch, build a snow m an, build Sim p le P re sent (I/You/W e/They)
Tree a tree house, m a k e a sw ing, m a k e apple pie, grow, fall, brin g In the sum m er, I build a tree house.
Page 76 D o you watch honeybees?
Realistic Fiction L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s ride a bicycle, g o to the beach, eat ice No, I don't.
cream, drink hot chocolate, fly a kite, p lan t flowers
R eading Strategy
U sing Captions to Clarify Ideas
Gus Layla Dot
D ifferent Fam ilies In tro d u cin g People Tasks ■P ro je c t
People describing their fam ilies This is m y brother. Talk a b o u t yo u r fam ily and w rite a b o u t them. Family and Friends Collage
Listen ing Strategy It's nice to m eet you. (W orkbook)
Listening for details ■R e vie w
D e scrib in g Friends Capitals fo r N am es Units 1 and 2 (WB)
Friends and Pets This is Tim. H e h a s a hamster. M y friend's na m e is Eun.
People describing their friends and We p lay together. Tasks
their pets Talk a b o u t y o u r frie n d a n d w rite a b o u t h im o r her.
Listen ing Strategy (W orkbook)
Listening for details
Firew orks Invitin g and M a k in g Su gge stio n s Tasks
A conversation w hile watching D o y o u w ant to play with m e? Talk a b o ut rhym in g w ord s a n d w rite a p o e m w ith
fire w o rks Let's color! anim als an d colors. (WB)
OK. G ood idea!
Listen ing Strategy
Listening for color details • Project
Color M ix Chart
M y Favorite C lothes D e scrib in g U sin g Colors Capitals and Periods in Sentences
A conversation about clothes on a 1h a v e a yellow hat. The starfish is under the seaw eed • R e v ie w
clothesline There's a starfish ne xt to me. It's orange. Units 3 and 4 (WB) Q j
Listen ing Strategy Talk a b o u t y o u r favorite clothes and w rite a b o u t them .
Listening for color and place details (WB)
A nim al H om es W arn ing People Tasks • Project
A docum entary about animal hom es W atch out! B e careful! Talk a b o u t anim al h o m e s and w rite a b o u t one. (WB) A n Anim al Booklet
Listen ing Strategy OK. Thanks!
Listening for details Q uestion M a rks • Review
D e scrib in g A nim als W hat is it? Units 5 and 6 (WB) □
A nim als on a Reserve It's small. It's brown. Tasks
Descriptions of anim als' eating and It lives in the woods. Talk a b o ut anim als a n d their habits and w rite about
sleeping habits one. (WB)
Listen ing Strategy
Listening for tim e details
W eather and Seasons In vitin g People Tasks • Project
C o n v e rsa tio n s a b o u t t h e w e ather in D o yo u w ant to play in the sn o w with m e? Talk a b o u t y o u r favorite s e a so n a n d w rite a b o u t it. A Seasons Journal
different seasons Sure! (W B)
Listen ing Strategy Great! Let's go! • Review
Listening for details Com m as Units 7 and 8 (WB) □
A sk in g a nd Telling a b o u t Activities The four se a so n s are sp rin g summer, fall, a n d winter.
Se ason al Activities W hat do you do in the spring? Tasks
C onversa tion s a b o u t w h a t w e d o in 1ride a bicycle. Talk a b o u t w h at yo u d o in different se a so n s a nd write
different seasons a b o u t it. (W B)
Listen ing Strategy
Listening for details
( D B IG Q U E S T IO N 5 How d o num bers help u s? M ath
W orking with Numbers R e a d in g T e xt W o r d s num bers, plus sign, equals sign, problem, Sim ple Present w ith Verb Have
addition, answer, o d d num bers, even num bers (I, You, We, They)
Inform ational text (Nonfiction)
Page 86 R eading Strategy L is t e n i n g T e x t W o r d s pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, backpack, I h a ve six shells. You h a ve four shells.
Predicting from Headings notebook Together, we h a v e ten shells.
They d o n 't h a ve a pet.
W o rd S tu d y W riting num bers
Stone Soup R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s pot, stone, food, sausages, carrots, onions, Sim p le Present Q u e stio n s w ith
potatoes, soup V e r b H a v e (I, You, We, They)
Folktale (Fiction) W hat do you have? I have potatoes.
L is t e n in g T e xt W o r d s tomato, cucumber, avocado, orange, D o y o u h a ve carrots? Yes, I do.
R eading Strategy mango, peach
U nderstanding Beginning, Middle,
and End
BIG Q UESTIO N 6 W hat d o we n e e d ? Social Studies: Econom ics
Page 106 The Farmer and The Hat R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s farmer, cow, milk, market, sell, buy, Sim ple Present w ith R e gu lar Verbs
plain, fancy a n d V e rb H ave (He, She)
Fable (Fiction)
L iste n in g Text W o rd s games, com icbook, board game, She needs a cow. Sh e doesn't need a dress.
R eading Strategy doll, stickers, pins H e h a s a cow. H e d oesn 't h a ve a hat.
Understanding Sequence
W o rd S tu d y Verbs
n Wants and Needs R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s job, doctor, p olice officer, teacher, help, Sim p le Present Q u e stio n s w ith
money, clothes, water R e g u la r V e r b s a n d V e rb H ave (He, She)
Page 116 Inform ational text (Nonfiction)
L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s sandwich, grapes, juice, cookie, D o e s sh e w ork in a sc h o o l? Yes, sh e does.
R eading Strategy chips, soda W hat d oes S a n a h a v e ? S h e h a s a doll.
Predicting from Titles, Headings,
and Pictures 7 W here d o we live? Social Studies: Com m unity
13 Where's Your Home? R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s street, ne ighborhoo d, town, city, the P o s s e s s iv e 's
country, apartment, building, world Jenna's house is in the country.
Page 126 Inform ational text (Nonfiction) Is A li's house in the city?
L is t e n i n g T e x t W o r d s noisy, quiet, safe, d a ngerou s, boring,
R eading Strategy interesting
U sing Labels to Clarify Details
W o rd S tu d y W ords that are verbs and nouns
19 City Mouse and Country Mouse R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s departm ent store, restaurant, m ovie P ossessive Adjectives
theater, hotel, cornfield, orchard, new, old My, Your, His, Her, O ur
Page 136 Fable (Fiction) His h om e is in the city
L is t e n i n g T e x t W o r d s park, library, superm arket, drugstore, Is your apartment big?
R eading Strategy bakery, m useum
Understanding Contrast
How c a n we m ake m usic? Music
IS Percussion Instruments R e a d in g T e xt W o r d s instruments, cymbals, tambourine, Present C ontinuous
xylophone, drum, triangle, shake, strike I'm /You're / Sh e 's/
Page 146 Inform ational text (Nonfiction) H e 's / W e’re / T h e y 'r e ... in g
L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s fast, slow, loud, soft, awful, lovely
Page 156 R eading Strategy W o rd S tu d y Alphabetical order I'm playing the drum.
U nderstanding M ain Idea and Details She isn't sh aking the tambourine.
Let's Make Music! R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s dance, sing, get a n idea, practice an Present C ontinu ous Q uestions
instrument, b u y tickets, give m oney, clap, take pictures Are y o u s in g in g ? Yes, I am.
Realistic fiction Is sh e d a n c in g ? No, sh e isn't.
L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s parade, concert, ballet, play,
R eading Strategy puppet show, circus
Understanding Problem s and Solutions
- 3 " -- -m----- — —--m--: ------ m— :----- - ----- »rv:_ Life Science
17 Living and Nonliving Things R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s living, nonliving, breathe, move, change, air, Can a n d C an't
people, plant An anim al can grow.
Page 166 Inform ational text (Nonfiction) Sneakers can't breathe.
L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s bench, bush, statue, grass, rose, fountain
R eading Strategy W o rd S tu d y Adjectives
Understanding Contrast
13 The Gingerbread Man R e a d in g T e x t W o r d s run away, chase, catch, stop, cross, bake, Sh ou ld a n d Sh ou ldn 't
smell, open You should run away!
Page 176 Fairytale (Fiction) You sh o u ld n 't sta y here.
L is t e n in g T e x t W o r d s g o to bed, p la y outside, early, late, healthy
R eading Strategy food, ju n k food
Understanding Sequence
P LA Y S C R IP TS Elliot's New Friend
A d d itio n Problem s A sk in g about Age Tasks
Discussions about addition problem s H ow old areyo u ? Talk a b o u t your scho ol th in g s a n d h o w m a n y y o u have,
I'm seven years old. then write about them . (WB)
Listen ing Strategy
Listening for num ber details Exclam ation P oin ts • Project
I'm hungry! Oh, no! I'm scared! A Bar Graph
M a k in g Salads Sp e akin g a b ou t A ddition Tasks of Possessions
Conversations w hile m aking salads 1have tw o oranges. You have o n e orange. Talk a b o u t y o u r favorite s o u p a n d w rite a b o u t it. (W B)
How m any oranges do we have? • Review
Listen ing Strategy Units 9 and 10 (WB) Q
Listening for num ber details
T rading Toys Borrow in g and Lending Tasks • Project Q
Descriptions of w hat children have C an 1borrow y o u r com ic book, please? Talk a b o u t w hat yo u have and w hat you want, then Needs and Wants
and want Sure. Here y o u are. write a b ou t them . (WB) Survey
Listen ing Strategy Thanks.
Listening for details N ouns and Verbs • Review
Expressing W ants and Needs U n its 11 a n d 12 (W B)
M a k in g a Picnic We w ant so d a a n d chips. Farm ers (noun) gro w (verb) food (noun).
Conversation about w hat children We n e e d w ater a n d fruit.
w ant for a picnic Tasks
Listen ing Strategy Talk a b o u t thing s you need and write a b o u t them . (WB)
Listening for details
R e p o rtin g from K in g City C om plim enting Tasks
TV report from different locations W ow! Your h o m e is really nice. Talk a b o u t w h e re y o u live a n d w rite a b o u t it. (W B)
Listen ing Strategy Com plete Sentences
Listening for details ■P ro je c t
The tow n (noun) is (verb) small. A M ap of Your
O p in io n s a b o u t City a n d C oun try A sk in g a n d Telling a b ou t N e ig h b o rh o o d
Discussions about city / country N e ighborhoods Tasks
preferences Is there a p a rk in yo u r neighborhood? Talk a b o u t places in yo u r n e igh b o rh o o d and write •R e v ie w
No, there isn't. about them . (WB) U nits 13 a n d 14 (W B) □
Listen ing Strategy
Listening for details
D escrib in g M u sic A sk in g for H elp Tasks • Project
Descriptions of different musical C an you help me, please? Talk a b o u t a p e rc u ssio n in stru m e n t a n d w rite a b o u t it. M a kin g Percussion
sounds Sure! Let's d o it together. (WB) IrKtri im p n K
Listen ing Strategy Thanks!
Listening for details C ontractions • Review
A sk in g and G uessing l a m > l 'm It is n o t > It isn 't U nits 15 a n d 16 (W B) D
W atching Perform ances What are we doing? Tasks
Observations during different events You're w a lkin g a n d p la yin g instruments. Talk a b o u t your favorite kind o f perform ance and
It's a parade! w rite a b o u t it. (W B)
Listen ing Strategy
Listening for details
A W a lk in the Pa rk A p o lo gizin g Tasks
Conversation and observations about Oh, no! Talk a b o u t living and no n livin g thin g s and write about
th in g s in a park I'm sorry. them. (WB)
Th a t's OK.
Listen ing Strategy • Project
Listening for details A Venn Diagram
of Living and
Paren ts’A dvice G ivin g A dvice Pu nctuation Review D o you eat healthy food? Nonliving Things l
Conversations givin g advice You shouldn't run in the classroom. D o n 'tju m p o n thefox'snose
to children to take care o f them selves You sh ould walk. • Review
U nits 17 and 18 (W B) Q
Listen ing Strategy OK, y o u 're right.
Listening for details Tasks
Talk a b o u t taking care o f living thin g s and write about
w hat you should do. (WB)
In units WATCH LEARN READ about
1 and 2
y o u will: a video about fam ily that all fam ilies and fam ilies and two
and friends. frie nd s are different. anim al friends.
© Watch the video. | 3
o Look at the picture. W hat do you see?
1 How m any people can you see?
2 Do you th ink it's a special day? Why?
o Think and answ er the questions.
1 Is your fa m ily big or sm all?
2 W hat is your friend's nam e?
© Fill out the B ig Q u e stio n Chart.
W h a t do you know about
families and friends?
W ords
© Listen a n d point to the words. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the words. © 1.02
fam ily
grandm other grandfather
brother sister
O Look at the pictures. W hat people can you see? Circle.
mother) grandm other father grandfather father grandmother
sister brother mother grandmother friend mother
8 Unit 1 Vocabulary: Family
Before You Read t PR EV IEW
T h in k Are all fam ilies the sam e? R H u te
Predicting from Pictures
In this text, w e
Before you read, look at the pictures. They learn about
can help you w ork out w h a t the text is about. different kinds
of fam ilies and
Look at the pictures. W hat do you think the texts friends.
are about? Now read and check your answers.
T h is text is a n
This is my house. I think it’s inform ational text.
It has six rooms. abou+ a house. Inform ational
My bedroom texts tell u s a b o u t
is big. I like our world.
my house.
C om m unityS o cial Studies:
Look at my toy I think it’s
box. I have lots a b o u t ...
of toys. I play
with my toys
every day.
O Lo o k at the pictures on p a g e s 10 a n d 11
W h a t do you think the text is a b o u t?
Reading: Predicting from Pictures U n it 1
Families Vs/e worK
We live in families. People in families help
each other. "They love each other, too.
Not all families are the same. There
are many kinds o f families.
Meet 5eb. Ite s seven years old. 5eb’s
family is big. he lives tuith his mother,
father, three brothers, and tujo sisters.
This is Mandy. 5 h e s
eight years old. 5he has
one brother. They live uuith
their ^grandmother
and ^grandfather.
W e go places together.
This is Kim. 5he s six years old
der family is small. 5he lives
tuith her mother.
We spend time together.
Friends are also important. Friends have fun together
and they help each other, too.
5eb, PAandy, and Kim are _good friends.
They _go to school together.
They play together every day.
We share things
Who are your _good friends?
Com prehension
T h i n k W h a t d o you like a b o u t the text? Check
oO^ ^
1 Seb's fam ily
2 M andy's fam ily
3 Kim's fam ily
4 the friends
O A sk and answ er the question.
What’s your
favorite part?
S eb ’s family. I have
a big family, too.
O Answ er the questions. Circle Yes or No.
1 Is Seb seven years old? (Y e s No
2 Is Kim seven years old? Yes No
3 Is Seb's fa m ily sm all? Yes
4 Are Kim, Mandy, and Seb friends? Y e s
T h in k Talk to a partner.
1 W hat can friends do together?
2 W hat does your fam ily do together?
1 2 Unit 1 Comprehension
G ram m ar in Use W orkbook
L Gram m ar
pages 006-007
Q Listen a n d sing along. We A r e a F a m ily © 1.04
We are a family. We are a family.
A brother and a brother, She is our sister,
And a sister, that’s me! I’m their brother, that’s me!
A mother and a father, Grandmother
And kids, one, two, three!
We are a family. and grandfather,
And kids, one, two, three!
We are a family.
o L e a rn G ra m m a r Be
I'm s ix y e a rs old. He's eight y e a rs old. Ia m > I'm
He is > He's
M y family is big. Friends are important.
I’m Emma.
Write a b o u t yourself. Then tell a partner. I’m eight years old.
Me M y fam ily is big.
I ’m
y e a rs old.
M y family is
O Write a b o u t yo u r partner. Tell the class.
M y Partner
H e ’s / S h e ’s
_______________________ y e a rs old.
His / Her family is
Grammar: Verb Be U n i t l 1 3
C om m u n icate
W ords aunt parents
cousin daughter
© Think a b o u t the w ords in © a n d a d d them to the chart.
father _cnother^ ^ friend
brother W(iff ®1 s is t e r
L is te n in g
T h in k W hich fam ily m em bers do you live w ith?
O Listen. Are they talking a b o u t friends or fam ilies? H ow do you kn o w ? © 1.06
O Listen a g a in an d num ber the pictures. © 1.07
1 4 Unit 1 Vocabulary: Family Words • Listening: Details
Q Listen an d repeat. Then practice with a partner. © i-os
Emma. H Ben
This is my brother.
Hi. I ’m Emma. It’s
nice to meet you.
Word Study A sm al family.
Some words are opposites. A big family.
M atch the opposites.
W r i t e Tell y o u r p artn er a b o u t y o u r fam ily. N o w write a b o u t 15
it in yo u r W o rk b o o k .
Speaking: Introducing People • Opposites U n it 1
BIG Q U E ST IO N Q think families
live together.
Who a re
think all families
* ? your family are different.
and friends?
W ords
© Listen a n d point to the w ords. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the w ords. © i.oq
elephant tortoise lonely sad
scared eat play sleep
© Think a b o u t the w ord s in © a n d a d d them to the chart.
Anim als T h in gs We Feel Things We Do
1 6 Unit 2 Vocabulary: Animals, Feelings, a n d Verbs
Before You Read PREVIEW
T h in k Do you like a n im a ls? Do an im als have friends? 1
C0 3 CZ7
Predicting from Pictures
In this story, a n
Remember, before you read, look at the pictures. elephant called
They can help you w ork out w h a t the story is about. Elliot m akes a new
Look at the pictures. W hat do you think the stories T h is text is fiction.
are about? Now read and check your answers. In a fiction text,
the author invents
1 I think it’s about the characters and
the story.
M y dad and a happy boy
I look at the and his bike.
bicycles. I like
the blue bicycle.
M y dad buys
it. I’m very
Lily is at the I think it’s
playground. a b o u t ...
She’s lonely.
She doesn’t r
have a friend
to play with. 1
i v
o Lo ok at the pictures on p a g e s 18 a n d 19. iJ
W h a t do you think the story is a b o u t?
Reading: Predicting from Pictures U n it 2 1 7
: >'V7* " He can’t find his family. He w alks and walks.
He sees some tortoises.
"Hello, I’m Tuti. Who are you?”
“I’m Elliot. I can’t find m y family.
“I can help. Let’s go.”
m s..
They w alk and walk. They see some zebras.
“Is that your fam ily?”
“No! Those are zebras. I’m not a zebra.
I’m an elephant.”
The zebras see Elliot and Tuti. The zebras
are scared and they run away.
jjv ; v-j, •
I-*' '
m!»w-,r.v'a•r'iv \;‘ some lions.
f rjy.f ‘Is that your fam ily?”
‘No! Those are lions. I’m not a lion.
:- ,r.-- - .r "i.- I’m an elephant.”
-T /
The lions see Elliot and Tuti. Elliot and
Tuti are scared and they run away.
It’s nighttime. They sleep side by side.
The next day, they w alk and w alk again.
They see some elephants.
‘Is that your fam ily?”
‘YES! Those are elephants. I’m an elephant.
Thank you, Tuti. You’re
my best friend.”
Now Elliot has
a family and
a friend.
Com prehension
T h i n k W h a t d o you like a b o u t the sto ry? C heck (>/).
oO ^ — ^
1 Elliot the elephant | □□ i □i i
2 Tuti the tortoise □i i
3 Zebras run aw a y from Elliot and Tuti. □i ii □i i
4 Elliot and Tuti run aw ay from lions. □| i □i i
5 Elliot finds his family. □i □i i
□| i □i i
O A sk and answ er the question.
What’s your favorite part? mm*
The zebras run away from
Elliot and Tuti. It’s funny!
O W ho says these sentences? Match.
1 I can't find my family.
2 I can help.
3 Is th at your fam ily?
4 I'm not a zebra.
5 Those are elephants.
6 You're my best friend.
T h in k Talk about the story.
1 W hat an im als areTuti and Elliot scared of?
2 Is Elliot h a p p y a t the end o f the story? Why?
2 0 U nit 2 Comprehension
Gram m ar
pages 014-015
G ram m ar in Use ©
Listen and sing along. F rie n d s!
These are small tortoises, T h a t’s a lonely elephant,
They sleep and play. He eats from a tree.
Those are zebras, These are big elephants,
They run all day. This is his family!
Big animals, small animals, Big animals, small animals, J
Let’s play together. Let’s play together.
W e can all be friends! We can all be friends!
— ---------------*0 -
L e a r n G r a m m a r This, That, These, a n d Those
This is a zebra. That is a lion.
These are zebras. Those are lions.
That is > That's
Write, then practice with a partner.
Grammar: Demonstratives This, That, These, and Those U n it 2 2 1
C om m u n icate
W ords
o Listen and point to the words. Listen a g a in and say the words. ©
hamster goldfish bird rabbit lizard kitten
O Look at the pictures. M atch the ow ners to their pets.
lizard rabbit ham ster kitten goldfish bird
L is te n in g
T h in k Do your friends have pets? Which pets do they have?
© Listen. W hich o f these are they ta lk in g about: fam ilies, friends, pets? © 1.13
O Listen a g a in a n d n u m b e r the pictures. © mh
22 Unit 2 Vocabulary: Pets • Listening: Details
© D ra w a n d talk a b o u t y o u r friend. Use the w ord s in the box to help. © 1.15
This is... H e / S h e has... We...
This is Tim. He’s my MmNn TfUuVvWwXxYyZz
friend. He has a hamster.
We play together.
W riting^ tu dy Iliot
I t r m i C apitals for Nam es
The first letter of a nam e is a c a p ita l letter.
W hich letters need to be capital letters? Circle.
1(^eb 4 family 7friend
8 kim
2 my g r a n d m o t h e r 5 tuti
3 mandy 6 my sister
W r i t © Tell y o u r p artn er a b o u t y o u r friend.
Write ab out him or her in your W o rkb ook.
Speaking: Describing Friends • Writing: Capitals for Names U n it 2 2 3
o Listen and read along. © Me T h a t ’s Z a k ’s liz a rd .
T h is is m y friend,
Z a k . H e ’s eight
y e a rs o ld . H e ’s big.
Zak plays with my brother His fa m ily is sm a ll.
and me. W e have fun. T h is is his m other.
They love each other.
W e go places together W e share things. Zak
is m y good friend.
2*4 Review
P ro ject: A Collage
o M a k e a fam ily a n d friends collage. Mi) 1y and .p-te^d s Cotfacje
• M ake a list of your fam ily and friends. H • M m S r n k ~
• Find photos or draw pictures.
• Write about them.
O Put your collage on i f II A M rj
the wall. Tell the My
class a b o u t it. M 4/\ sister
This is my y
mother. k r o1her
O Look at all the collages. '.w
Talk about them.
That is ' ndrnothg r
O lly’s uncle.
*7 Q Watch the video. | 3 W h a t do you
know about family
BIG Q U ESTIO N 0 o Think more about and friends now?
Who are your the Big Question.
fam ily and
frie n d s? © Complete the
Big Question
Project: Family a n d Friends Collage • Big Q uestion! 2 5
3and 4 a video about colors. that colors are about colors and
everyw here. how to m ix them.
y o u will:
Big Question 2
about colors and a color
pictures. m ix chart.
can we see
c o lo rs?
o W atch the video.
r t nr- '2 O Look at the picture. W hat do you see?
1 W hat colors can you see?
'' ' ‘ ■ ' ___ t 2 Where can you see the color blue?
I-:.- v .4 -‘ O Think and answ er the questions.
1 How m any color words do you know?
2 Can you see tw o things in your
classroom that are the same color?
»V O Fill out the B ig Q u e stio n C h art.
W h a t do you
know about
W ords
o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 1.17
yellow red blue green
purple black brown white
O Look, read, a n d check (>/) the correct picture.
red, yellow, and blue black, white, and green
green, yellow, and purple brown, yellow, and blue
blue, red, and green green, white, and brown
28 Unit 3 Vocabulary: Colors
Before You Read IP R E V I E W
Color Poems
T h in k W hat colors can you see around you now ?
These texts are
oOv poems. A rhyming
poem h a s lines
Predicting from Titles that end with the
sam e sound.
Before you read, look at the title o f the text. It can
help you w ork out w h a t the text is about.
Look at the titles. W h a t do you think the texts are a b o u t?
Now read and check your answers.
Jake’s Blue Room I think it’s about Pie Corbett is a poet,
Ja k e ’s blue bedroom. storyteller, and
This is Jake, an d this is his teacher. You can
bedroom . It's big an d blue! O find his poem in
There's a bed with a blue this book.
blanket. There are a lot of It
toys. They're blue, too! Tamzin Thom pson
writes poem s and
2 I think it’s songs for children.
a b o u t ...
The Hamster Family
H arry Ham ster lives with his
fa m ily . His m other is white.
His fath er is brow n. H a rry
is brown and white. He loves
his fam ily.
O Look at the titles on p age s 30 an d 31. W hat do you
think the texts are about?
Reading: Predicting from Titles U nit 3 2 9
O ut in the g a r d e n
Up in the tree
There are six red butterflies
Can you see?
O ut in the g a r d e n
Up in the tree
There are five green lizards
Can you see?
O ut in the g a r d e n
Up in the tree
There are four brown birds
Can you see?
O ut in the g a r d e n $
Up in the tree
Now th e re ’s a problem ^
There are three purple cats L o o k at the tree!
Can you see?
There are twenty animals!
& O ut in the g a r d e n Can you see?
Up in the tree By Tamzin/Thompson
There are two yellow d o g s
Can you see?
Roses are red,
Spiders are black
Don’t lo o k now
But there s one on your b ack!
By Anon
Like G d l s F s
I like blue.
I like the sky
where birds fly high.
I like yellow.
I like the sun
when we have fun.
I like green.
I like fro g s
a s still a s logs.
I like black.
I like the d a rk
when foxes bark.
By Pie C o r b e t t
Com prehension
T h i n k W h a t d o you like a b o u t the p o e m s? C h e ck (>/)
S) * v . •y
2 the brown birds ooo o□o o
3 the black spider o
4 the green frogs o
O A sk and answ er the question. A
What’s your favorite part?
The purple cats. Purple
is my favorite color.
O M atch the colors to the th in gs in the poem s. cat
1 purple
2 red
3 green
4 brown
5 yellow
T h in k Talk about the poems.
1 Can you find the words in the poem s that end with the sam e sound?
2 Do the authors of the poem s like colors? W hat else do they like?
32 U nit 3 Comprehension
W orkbook
Gram m ar
pages 024-025
G ram m ar in Use JJ 4 M
o Listen a n d sing along. In M y Y a r d © i*iq "v A
There’s a black rabbit in my yard today.
One little rabbit. He wants to play!
Here’s another rabbit, say hello.
There are two black rabbits in my yard today.
There’s a white kitten in my yard today. J J3
One little kitten. She wants to play!
Here’s another kitten, say hello. J
There are two white kittens in my yard today. . 0
L e a r n G r a m m a r There is ... There a re .. #
There is a black spider. There 5s > There's
There are green frogs.
Practice with a partner. There are brown
There s a
black spider.
© Look around. Point to w h a t you can see, a n d tell yo u r partner.
Grammar: There Is ... There Are ... U nit 3 3 3
C om m u n icate
W ords
o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 1.20
fireworks dark light gray orange pink
O Read a n d circle the correct words.
1 An e le p h a n t is this color. It's pink /(gray.
2 The sky is black. It's dark / light.
3 A goldfish is this color. It's orange / gray.
4 Some flowers are this color.They're gray / pink.
5 The sun is in the sky.The sky is dark/ light.
6 These are in the dark sky. They are m any colors. They're orange / firew orks.
L is te n in g
T h in k Do you like firew orks? W hich color fireworks are your favorite?
O Listen. D o they like the firew orks? W h y or w h y n o t? © 1.21
O Listen a g a in a n d n u m b e r the firew orks. © 1*22
3 4 Unit 3 Vocabulary: Colors • Listening: Details
Speaking I
Q Listen a n d repeat. Then practice with a partner. © 1.23
Do you want to
play with me?
Let’s color!
OK. Good idea!
Word Study
N o u n s J ______________________________________
N o u n s are naming words. A noun is a person, place, or thing.
friend home book
person place thing
Read the w ords and match. 3 uncle 4 school
2 fireworks
place ("thing
5 ball 6 playground 7 Africa 8 teacher
V lr iT ® Tell y o u r p artn e r tw o w o rd s that rhyme. N o w write a poem in yo u r
W orkbook.
Speaking: Inviting and M aking Suggestions • Nouns U nit 3 35
BIG Q UESTIO N Q I think we can see
colors in anim als.
can we I think we can see
see colors? colors in the sky.
Get Ready
W ords
o Listen a n d point to the w ords. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the w ords. © 1*24
/ ----------------------------------------
mix mural ocean sand
seaweed seashell jellyfish starfish
O Are th ey the sa m e or different? C heck (>/).
Sam e D iffe re n t
S t a rfish
O Complete the sentences.
1 I can swim in the
2 A big picture on a w all is a ___________________
3 lean blue paint and yellow paint.
36 Unit 4 Vocabulary: Art and the Ocean
Before You Read t PREVIEW
Let's Make
T h i n k D o you like p a in tin g ? W h at do you like to paint?
In this text, yo u learn
o& how to m ake colors.
T h is text is a n
Predicting from Titles inform ationa l
text. R em em ber,
Remember, before you read, look at the title inform ational texts tell
to help you w ork out w h a t the text is about. us a b o u t our world.
G Look at the titles. W h at d o you think the texts are a b o u t? Art
Now read and check your answers.
Every Animal I think it’s about
is Different different animals.
There are a lot of anim als in
the world. Some are big, and
some are small. Animals can
be many different colors, too.
Orange Evergwhere! I think it’s
a b o u t ...
Lots o f things are orange. Some
hamsters, birds, kittens, and V
fish are orange. Some seashells
ca n be oran ge. M y T-shirt is
o ran ge, too! Is o ran ge y o u r
favorite color?
Q Look at the title on p a ge 38.
W h at do you think the text is a b o u t?
Reading: Predicting from Titles Unit1! 37
Bead ©
T here are th re e prim ary colors:
red, blue, and yellow.
There are th ree secondary colors
orange, purple, and green.
W e can mix prim ary colors to
make secondary colors.
The Color W heel shows us prim ary and
secondary colors. I t also te lls us how
to make secondary colors.
Look at orange. Red and yellow are
the prim ary colors next to orange.
W e mix red and yellow to make orange.
W h at prim ary colors are next to
purple? Red and blue. W e mix
red and blue to make purple. ,
The boys and g irls paint a mural of
the ocean at th e ir school.
In th e mural there's yellow sand
and th e re s a blue starfish. The
sta rfish is under a seashell. And
there's a big, red fish n e x t to th e
seaw eed. Can you see it?
The children only have blue, red,
and yellow paint. They w ant green,
orange, and purple to finish th e ir
mural. They look at th e Color
W heel and mix th e ir paints to
make th ese colors.
Now there's green seaweed, an
orange seashell, and lots o f purple
je lly fis h . The m ural is finished.
Com prehension
T h i n k W h a t d o you like a b o u t the text? C heck (>/).
1 mixing colors
2 the Color Wheel
3 the ocean mural
O A sk and answ er the question.
What’s your favorite part?
The mural in the school.
It’s fantastic!
o Look back at the ocean mural. Write the colors.
purple blue j^ra-nge- green
1 The seashell is o r a n g e ___. 3 The seaw eed is
2 The starfish i s ______________________ H The jellyfish are
Q Color the se co n d ary colors. Then write.
T h in k Talk to a partner.
1 What's your favorite prim ary color? And secondary color?
2 W ould you like to paint a m ural in your school?
4 0 U nit 4 Comprehension
W orkbook
Gram m ar
pages 032-033
G ram m ar in Use
o Listen and sing along. T he S t a r f i s h ©
The starfish is not in the ocean,
The starfish is on the hot sand.
The starfish is under the seaweed,
The starfish is lonely and sad.
So, pick up the sad little starfish,
And then put him back in the sea.
Now the starfish is next to the jellyfish,
And the starfish is happy and free.
L e a r n G r a m m a r In, On, Under, N ext to
I am in the ocean. The seashells are
on the sand.
The starfish is The seaweed is
under the seaweed. next to the fish.
Choose a picture. Practice with a partner.
It’s next to the
black spider.
It’s the orange
O Look around your classroom. The pencil is
Talk ab out things you see. Your partner points. on *he desk.
Grammar: Prepositions o f Place: In, On, Under, Next to U nit 4 41
C om m u n icate
W ords
© Listen a n d point to the words. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the words. © 1.27
jacket shorts sneakers T-shirt hat pants
O Look at the pictures. W hat clothes d o you see? Circle. jacket
2 mmst'Mm 1 . 3 pants
W 0: 1tw 4—1 shorts
sneakers / l l pants
hat LP M ' ;I T-shirt
L is te n in g
T h in k W hat are your favorite clothes? W hat color are they?
G Listen. D o they like these clothes or not? H ow do you k n o w ? © 1.28
O Listen a g a in a n d n u m b e r the clothes. © 1*29
4 2 Unit 4 Vocabulary: Clothes • Listening: Details
o D raw yourself at the ocean. Think a b o u t the colors you use.
Tell the class a b o u t y o u r picture. Use the w o rd s in the b o x to help. © 1.30
I have ... There's ... It's ...
I’m in the ocean. I have a yellow
hat and red shorts. There’s a
sta rfish next to me. It’s orange.
W riting Study
C a p ita ls and Periods
The first letter o f a sentence is a c a p it a l le tte r.
There's a p e rio d at the end o f a sentence.
The starfish is under the seaweed.
Are these sentences correct? Circle Yes or No. Then underline the mistake.
1 My hat is orange Yes (N o
2 blue and red make purple. Yes No
3 Green is a secondary color. Yes No
4 There's a big, red fish next to the seaweed Yes No
V lr it e Tell y o u r p artner a b o u t the colors of yo u r favorite clothes.
N ow write a b o u t them in your W o rk b o o k .
Speaking: Describing w ith Colors • Writing: Capitals an d Periods in Sentences U nit 4 4 3
o Listen a n d read a lo n g . © 1*31
There's blue and red paint on the table Red and blue make purple
Gus and Billy look at the colors.
It’s blue! ,,
There are more colors under the table
W hat color do yellow and blue make? Billy and Gus like mixing colors.
W Review
Proj e ct: Color Mix Chart
o M ake a color mix chart.
• Choose two prim ary colors and
the correct secondary color.
• Write the colors at the top.
• Draw or find pictures for
each color.
Put your chart on the wall
Tell the class a b o u t it.
There’s a
red apple
on my chart
O Look at all the charts aW atch the video.
Talk about them.
Think more about W h a t do you know
There’s a the Big Question. about colors now?
purple fish on
S ara’s chart. Complete the
BIG Q U ESTIO N G Big Question
can we see Project: Color Mix Chart Big Question 2
c o lo rs?
5and 6 a video about where that a n im a ls live about anim al
a n im a ls live. in different hom es h o m e s in the wild
yo u will:
about where an anim al
a n im a ls live. booklet.
do anim als
O W atch the video.
O Look at the picture. W hat do you see?
1 W hat anim al can you see?
2 W here do you th in k it is?
O Think and answ er the questions.
1 W hat anim al words do you know?
2 Where do pets live?
O Fill out the B ig Q u e stio n Ch art.
W h a t do you know about
where animals live?
UNIT C Get Ready
W ords
O Listen a n d point to the w ords. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the w ords. © 1-32
chick nest opossum
tree hollow honeybee hive crab
O T hink a b o u t the w ord s in Q a n d a d d them to the chart.
Anim als Places
4 8 Unit 5 Vocabulary: Anim als and Anim al Homes
Before You Read 1 PREVIEW
T h in k Where do you see anim als? A n im a l
Predicting from Titles and Pictures
In this text, w e
Remember, before you read, look at the title and look at different
pictures. They help you w ork out w hat the text is about. a n im a ls'h o m e s.
T h is text is a n
Look at the titles and pictures. W hat do you think the inform ational text.
texts are about? Now read and check your answers.
Life Science
1 I think it’s
Karen Latchana
Rafa andRio about a father Kenney writes books
and son. about lots of different
R io is eight years things. She also makes
old. R io is R a f a ’s anim al costumes!
son. T hey live in a
small house. R afa
shares things with
his son. R a fa is a
great father.
Your New Pet '\
I think it’s
Goldfish are very about.
interesting. They
can be orange or /
pink. Goldfish like
friends. It is good
to have lots of
goldfish together.
O Look at the title an d pictures on p a g e s 50 a n d 51.
W h a t do you think the text is a b o u t?
Reading: Predicting from Titles a n d Pictures U n it 5 4*1