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Published by SK KOTA MASAI 2, 2020-11-25 01:23:21

Oxford Discover 1 Student Book

Oxford Discover 1 Student Book

A rirm a i Herm es

Animals m ake their homes in many places. Where a re some animal homes?

High in a tree is a big e agle’s An opossum lives inside a tree hollow.
nest. There, eagles keep It lines it with leaves and grass.
their chicks safe. Inside, it stays safe and dry.

Some eagles are white Opossum s are gray or black.
and brown.
They eat rabbits, lizards, frogs, M other opossum s carry their
birds, an d even small dogs! babies on their backs.

Honeybees make a hive fo r their Some cra b s make their homes
home. They make honey in the in old seashells. They find
hive. The bees have fo o d all new seashells as they get big.
winter long.

Honeybees have five eyes Crabs live under w ater and
on land. They have ten legs
Honeybees can't see the
color red.

An animal's home is the best place fo r it to live.
Where is your home? How is your home right fo r you?

Com prehension

T h i n k W h a t do yo u like a b o u t the text? C heck (>/).

1 the eagle's home

2 the opossum's home □o o□
3 the honeybee's home □ o
4 the crab's home

Q A sk and answ er the question.

What’s your
favorite part?

The crab. It has
ten legs!

O Answ er the questions.
1 W hich anim al's hom e is up high?
2 W hich an im a l changes its home?
3 W hich an im a l makes food in its home?
4 W hich an im a l makes its hom e dry?

T h i n k Talk to a partner.
1 W hy do anim als live in different places?
2 Do you know where any other anim als live?

52 U nit 5 Com prehension

G ram m ar in Use bJ G r a m m a r
pages 042-043

e Listen a n d sin g along. W h e re i s T h e E a g l e ? © 1*34 j j J j j ' j

Where is the eagle? Is it in the tree? Where is the frog? Is it in the pond?
No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t.
It’s in the sk y . See! It’s on the log!

Where is the crab? Is it in the shell? Where are the honeybees?
Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
And it w alks so well! Are they in the hive?

Yes, they are. Yes, they are!

J3 1They’re asleep inside! J3 j J

o L e a r n G r a m m a r W here Questions W here is > W here's

Where's the eagle? It's under the tree.
Where are the c h ic k s? They're in the nest.

Look at the picture. Practice with a partner.


Where are the

They’re under
the hive.

G Now look around the classroom. A sk and answ er questions with your partner.

Where’s the pencil? It’s on the desk.

Grammar: W here Questions with Verb Be U n it 5 5 3


W ords

© Listen a n d point to the words. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the words. © 1.35

woods field pond squirrel mouse frog

© Look, read, an d write.

This is a _ f r o g The
is gray and brown.

A lot of animals live This is a
in a __________ . There are a lot

The & I

L is te n in g

T h in k W hat anim al homes are near your house or school?

O Listen. W h y do you think these a n im a ls live in these h o m e s? © 1.36
O Listen a g a in a n d check (>/) the a n im a l hom e. © 1-37

54 Unit 5 Vocabulary: Anim als a n d Anim al Hom es • Listening: Details

© Listen a n d repeat. Then practice with a partner. © 1.38


Word Study

Irregular Plurals

Most nouns change when there's more than one:

4eagle eagles fox foxes m ouse

OO o

Some nouns stay the same: fish fish

Look a n d write.




W r it e Tell y o u r p artn er a b o u t a n a n im a l home. N o w write a b o u t 55
it in yo u r W o rk b o o k .

Speaking: Warning People • Irregular Plurals Unit 5

BIG Q U EST IO N Q 4 think animals live C'
in different places.
W here
Q do anim als Yes, I think anim als live in the
place th a t’s best for them.

Get Ready

W ords

o Listen a n d point to the words. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the words. © 1.39

orangutan rainforest reserve teach

take care of m iss take a nap put out

O Read and write the words.

1 I'm tired. I w a n t to ta k e a n a p .

2 There are a lot of trees in a ______________ .

3 Parents their daughters and sons.

4 M y best friend isn't here. I ______________ her.

5 An ______________ is an anim al.

6 Teachers __________ us a t school.

7 The squirrels are hungry. We food for them.

8 Some anim als live in a

56 Unit 6 Vocabulary: Anim al Reserves

Before You Read I PREVIEW

T h in k Do you take care of an anim al? W hat anim als do AMnijaFkriend,
you think live in reserves?
In this story,
Identifying Characters we read about
an orangutan,
The people or anim als in a story are called characters. called Anak, and
When you read, look out for the characters. This helps a w om an, called
you understand the story. Dian, on a reserve
in In d on esia.
Read the stories. W ho are the characters? T h is story is realistic
fiction. In realistic
1 fiction, the story
There are isn 't true, b u t it
could happen.
firew orks Characters:
near Ali’s Ali m \I
home. Ali
FV ‘ i &
w atches them Ali's mother

with his parents. Ali's father
Ali’s parents like the

blue and yellow firew orks.

Ali likes the red fire w o rk s.

f I ’m Jin. My Characters:
fa vo rite toy is

* my purple ball.
It’s my kitten’s
VV fa vo rite toy,

too. My kitten’s

name is Jo -J o . We play with

the ball together.

O Look at the pictures on p a g e s 58 a n d 5R. W h o d o you
think the characters in the story are?

Reading: Identifying Characters U n it 6 5 7


Mij Friend, Anak

This is a sto ry a b o u t an o rangutan
called Anak, and how I teach her
to live in the rainforest.

My name is Dian. I take care o f young
orangutans at the Happy House
Reserve. These young orangutans
d o n ’t have families and can’t live
alone. The Happy House Reserve is in
a rainforest. I teach the orangutans
how to live in the rainforest.

Anak is a baby. She lives at the
reserve. I take care o f her every day.
I give her milk from a bottle. I teach
Anak about the rainforest. We have
fun together. Anak isn’t sa d or lonely.

Anak is now four years old. She eats
fruit, leaves, and flow ers, and she
can climb trees. She plays with her
orangutan friends. But I am still Anak’s
special friend.

Anak is eight years old now. She
sleeps and eats at the reserve.
I ’m always happy to see her.
She plays in the rainforest a lot.
Sometimes she takes a nap there.
I ’m not with her in the rainforest.

Anak is twelve years old now
and she is very big. She lives
and sleeps in the rainforest. I
put out Anak’s favorite foods,
fruit and flow ers, but she
doesn’t come. I miss Anak!

Look! W ho’s this? It ’s Anak,
and she has a baby! Anak and
I are happy to see each other.

I miss Anak every day, but I
am happy. Anak can now live
in the rainforest and teach her
b a b y how to live there, too.

Com prehension

T h in k W hat do you like a b o u t the story? Check (S ).

1 Dian teaches Anak.
2 Anak takes a nap.
3 Dian misses Anak.
4 Anak has a baby.

© A sk and answ er the question.

What’s your favorite part?

A n a k’s baby. It’s a surprise.

© W h o are the im portant characters in the story? Write.
12 3

© Read a n d m atch to the tim e line.
1 Anak eats and sleeps at the reserve. She plays in the rainforest.
2 A nak eats fruit, leaves, and flowers now.
3 Anak lives in the rainforest with her baby.
4 A nak drinks milk from a bottle. She lives at the reserve.

baby 4 years old 8 years old 12 years old

T h in k Talk about the story.

1 At the beginning of the story, w hy is A n a k at the reserve?
2 At the end of the story, is Dian happy or sad? Why?

6 0 Unit 6 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use W orkbook
Gram m ar
0 Listen and sing along. Two B ir d s
J »pages 050-051

© 1.41

Two birds sit in a tree one day. Two birds sit in a tree one day
They watch all the animals run and play. They watch all the animals run
W ho’s that? says baby bird
and play
to his mother. Baby bird asks, W ho’s that?
It’s a mother rabbit, taking
W ho’s that?
care of the others. It’s an orangutan, taking a nap.
And, who is that? he wants to know. And what is that? he asks his mother.
It’s an opossum in a tree hollow. It’s an egg ... it’s your baby brother!

•Q J

0 L e a r n G r a m m a r W hat and Who Questions

W hat's that? W ho's th is?
I t ’s a tree. It ’s Anak.

W h at is > W hat's
W h o is > W ho's

A sk and answ er with your partner.

O Now look around your classroom. A sk and answ er with your partner.

Who’s that? ji l t ’s K a rim a .y ^ "

Grammar: W hat and W ho Questions with Verb Be U n it 6 6 1


W ords

o Listen a n d point to the words. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the words. © 1.42

day night m orning m idday afternoon evening

o Think about w hat you do at different times of the day. Complete the chart.

sleep play eat work

M orning M idday Afternoon Evening Night

L is te n in g

T h in k W hat time of d ay do you sleep? W hen do you think anim als sleep?

Q Listen. W hich a n im a ls sleep in the d aytim e ? © 1.43

O Listen a g a in a n d check (>/) the correct pictures. © 1.44

m orning afternoon


6 2 Unit 6 Vocabulary: Times o f D a y • Listening: Time Details


o Think of an anim al with your partner.
Tell the class three clues. Use the w o rd s in the b o x to help. © 1.45
It's ... It liv e s ... It's a ...

It’s small gHhliJjKk V It’s brown RrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz

It lives in What is it?
the woods

It’s a mouse!

W riting Study

i|D Question M arks
There is a q u e s tio n m a r k at the end of a question.
What is it?

Read and write a question m ark or a period.

1 Who are they ? 4 Where is the crab

2 There's a chick in the nest 5 The honeybee is under the hive

3 What are these 6 Where's the reserve

V l r i t e Tell y o u r p artner a b o u t a n im a ls in reserves.

N ow write a b o u t them in your W o rk b o o k .

Speaking: Describing Anim als • Writing: Question M arks Unit 6 6 3

U n its

5and 6

Gus is in the tree hollow. Look at the
baby opossums.

W h a t am I?

Look at the honeybees! They aren't

6 4 Review

P ro je c t: An Animal Booklet

o M ake an anim al booklet. c

• Choose an animal. ■
• Fold and staple paper to make a booklet.
• Find or draw pictures.
• Write.

G Show your anim al booklet.
Tell the class a b o u t it.

o Look at all the booklets. pc^UreU live in +h«
Talk about them.
i”!? " ”' s
crab’s home AVe oJOoaS-
in a seashell. A squirrel’s bo^e 15

W atch the video. | 3 W h a t do you
know about animal
O Think more about
the Big Question. homes now?

G Complete the

Big Question

Project: Anim al Booklet • Big Question 3


7and 8 a video about what happens about seasons and a
the seasons. in the seasons. boy a n d his apple tree
y o u will:


about your a seasons
favorite season. journal.


How are

o W atch the video.

O Look at the picture. W hat do you see?
1 Do you like to play outside? Where?
2 What color are the leaves? Why?

G Think and answ er the questions.

1 How many seasons do you know?
2 W hat season is it now?

O Fill out the B ig Q u e stio n Ch art.

W h a t do you know
about seasons?

W ords

o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 1.47

warm hot cool cold

|Septem ber 2012 Septem ber 2012

^v long short
ram snow

O Write the w ords in the correct order.

r^ \ hot



© Think about the w ords and add them to the chart.

snow long Tim e W ords Weather W ords^
short rain

6 8 Unit 7 Vocabulary: Weather a n d Time

Before You Read PREVIEW

T h i n k W h at's your favorite se a so n ? W hy do you like it? ffis R s n ?
oOv 0323323

Captions In this text, w e
read about w hat
Sometimes pictures have captions. Captions tell you h a p p e n s in the
more about the pictures. When you read, look at the different seasons.
captions. They help you understand the text. T his text is an
inform ational
M atch the pictures and captions. text. R e m e m b e r,
1 inform ational texts
tell us a b o u t
a A s p r i'n ^ wt/Mmf txf our world.

(\ scWool m Cfapoi'n E a rth S c ie n c e

1 U.V i i . t , 3k. b Yo'lA ciX 'n se-e-
-f ire-worK-S i-n Tke-
,1 r
h M i-n TIa.6- 1AK.

C i-e-o’s -fcworife.
se-a.sO'H is S'Mhthcer.

d Be-e-s s t ^ i'H Tke-

kive- i'H m e. wmTer


© Look at the pictures an d captions on p a ge s 70 a n d 71.
W h a t do you think the text is a b o u t?

Reading: Captions Unit 7 6 9


F lo o rs P a w l'S ^

s p r in g IS a g r o w i n g s e a s o n . S'M n tn te -r d t x ^ s (xre, l o n ^ (X 'n d W o f

It g e t s w a r m o u tsid e . It ra in s a Sum m er com es after spring.
lot. The ra in h e lp s p la n ts grow .
Buds g ro w on trees a n d plants It g e t s h o t o u tsid e . T h e d a y s a r e
B ird s m a k e nests in trees. long a n d the nights a re short. The
sun h e lp s the b u d s g ro w into fruit
a n d flow ers. A n im a ls e a t the fruit.

tqs are- s b i o r f (X'vid t o l d

FaM fe-ave-s are- b e - a ^ f c o l o r s

Fall com es a fte r Winter com es a fte r fall. The d a y s a re

sum m er. It g e t s c o o l sh o rt a n d th e n ig h ts a r e lo n g . It g e t s c o ld
outside. L e a ve s turn o u tsid e a n d it sn ow s. The sn o w c o v e rs the
red, yellow, a n d g r o u n d . Lots o f t re e s d o n ’t h a v e le a v e s
orange. Then they now. The an im als e a t the fo o d they collect
fall to the ground. in the fall.
A n im a ls collect fo o d
fo r the winter.


Com prehension

T h in k W hat do you like a b o u t the text? Check
oOv- 'v- ^

1 Birds m ake nests in trees.
2 Buds grow into fruit and flowers.
3 Leaves turn red, yellow, and orange. □
4 It gets cold and snows.

O A sk and answ er the question.
What’s your favorite part?
Summer. It gets hot,
and there are flowers.

O Look and write the season.

T h in k Talk to a partner.
oO^— ^

1 W hich season is g o o d for anim als?
2 W hich season is g o o d for people?
72 U nit 7 Com prehension

W orkbook
Gram m ar

pages 060-061

G ram m ar in Use

Listen and sing along. D iffe r e n t S e a s o n s

It gets hot in the summer, It gets cold in the winter,
Days are long, and it’s sunny. Days are short, and it’s snowy.
It gets hot, it gets hot. It gets cold, it gets cold.

It doesn’t snow in the summer,
But it snows in the winter.
Then it’s cold, then it’s cold.

o L e a r n G r a m m a r Sim ple Present Does n o t > D oesn't

It g e ts hot. It sn o w s in the winter.

It d o e sn ’t get cold. It d o e sn ’t sn o w in the summer.

T h in k of three th in g s a b o u t the se a so n s w here y o u live. Write.

© N o w tell yo u r partner.

It gets hot in the summer.
It doesn’t snow.

Grammar: Simple Present with It U nit 7 7 3

^Communicate j

W ords

© Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 1.50

weather cloudy sunny w in d y snowy rainy

O Look at the pictures. W hat d o you think the w eather is like ou tsid e? Write.

L is te n in g

T h in k W hat's the best weather for a trip to the park?

O Listen. D o they like the w inter? W h y or w h y not? © 1.51

0 Listen a g a in and num ber the pictures. © 1.52


74 Unit 7 Vocabulary: Weather • Listening: Details


Q Listen a n d repeat. Then practice with a partner. © 1.53

Do you want to play
in the snow with me?

Great! Let’s go!

Word Study

Compound Nouns

Sometimes we can put two words together to make a new word.
This word is called a c o m p o u n d noun.

coat raincoat

a doorbell b bluebird -------- A ----------
c starfish

V f r V t e Tell y o u r p artn e r a b o u t y o u r favorite season. N o w write a b o u t

it in yo u r W o rk b o o k .

Speaking: Inviting • Com pound Nouns U nit 7 75

BIG Q U E ST IO N © I think anim als do
different things.
How a re
I think the weather
Q seasons is different.


OMIT f t Get Ready

W ords

© Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 1.54

watch build a snow m an build a tree house m ake a sw ing

m ake apple pie grow fall bring

Q Circle the correct answers. a swing sand
a rainforest a tree house
1 We make these things: apple pie
a desk fireworks
2 We build these things: a snowman trees flowers
ocean leaves
3 We watch these things: an im a ls apple pie winter

4 We grow these things: a book

5 These things fall: apples
6 We can bring someone
these things:

7 6 Unit 8 Vocabulary: Verbs

Before You Read PREVIEW

T h i n k W h a t do you do in the su m m e r? W h a t d o n 't you The Seasons of
do in the sum m er?
A rn o ld ’s
Apple Tree
Remember, as you read, look at the captions.
They tell you more about the pictures and help In this story, a boy,
you understand the story. Arnold, tells us
ab ou t his apple
M atch the story, picture, and caption. tree in different
In the summer, M arco •a * T h is story is realistic
go e s to the beach with his c fiction.
family. It's hot a n d sunny.
T h e y sw im in the o c e a n This flo w er is Gail Gibbons writes
and play on the beach. called a lily. only children's books.
She lives with her
/ fam ily and pets in a
place with lots of trees.
A big, g re e n fro g lives in
this pond. In the spring, A lot of people
the pond gets w arm and go to the beach
there are lots o f insects. in the summer.
The frog likes spring.
Frogs eat insects.
In the summer, m any
flow ers g ro w in the fields
and w oods. Flowers are
m a n y different colors, a n d
every flower has a name.

o Look at the captions on pages 78 and 79. D o you
think there are a lot of trees in this story?
Reading: Captions U nit 8 77

Read Hie Seasons of

* Apple Tree

It ’s spring.
My name is Arnold. I have an apple
tree. It keeps me busy all year.
I watch small buds gro w on my
apple tree.
They gro w into apple blossoms.
I watch honeybees collect nectar
from the blossoms.
I make a swing fo r my apple tree.

A rn o ld 's ap p le tree in the spring. A rn o ld 's ap p le tree in the summer.


It ’s summer.
I build a tree house in my
apple tree.
My apple tree sh a d e s me
from the hot sun.
I watch small apples begin
to grow.
I juggle some green apples
fo r my tree friend.


It ’s fall. 9 ^ &

^ My apple tree now has big, red, ^
tasty apples.

I bring some leaves up to my
tree house. I make a soft floo r
to lie on.

I shake the branches.
Red apples fall to the ground.

I put them in a b a ske t and %
take them home.

My family and I make apple pies.

& tax 42>„

A rn o ld 's ap p le tree in the fall.

It ’s winter.

In the winter, snow falls.
It ’s quiet.

The branches o f my apple
tree are bare.

I hang strings o f popcorn
and berries on the branches.

The birds eat them.

I build a snowman.

The snow melts.
It ’s spring again ...

A rn o ld 's ap p le tree in the winter.
_______ -J 7<\


Com prehension

T h i n k W h a t do yo u like a b o u t the sto ry? C h e ck [>/).
1 the things Arnold does in the summer
2 the things Arnold does in the fall
3 the things Arnold does in the winter

O A sk and answ er the question.
/What’s your favorite part?

Arnold and his family
make apple pies.

0 Read a n d circle the correct words.
1 In the spring,(buds)/ flowers grow on the apple tree.
2 In the summer, small leaves / apples begin to grow.
3 In the fall, the tree has red / green apples.
4 In the winter, the birds / Arnold's family eat the popcorn and berries.

e W hen does Arnold do these things? Write the season.
1 Arnold makes a swing.
2 Arnold hangs strings of popcorn on the branches.
3 Arnold watches honeybees collect nectar.
4 Arnold and his fam ily make apple pies.

T h in k Talk about the story.

1 What does Arnold make and build?
2 Does Arnold like his apple tree? Why or why not?
80 Unit 8 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use G r a m m a r i_

rpages 068-06°!

o Listen an d sing along. Do Y o u Like T h e S u m m e r ? © 1*56

In the fall, I make an apple pie. In the spring, I build a tree house.
Do you like the fall? Do you like the spring?
Yes, I do. I really do! Yes, I do. I really do!

In the winter, I build In the summer, I watch 9*
a snowman. the honeybees.
Do you like the winter? Do you like the summer?
Yes, I do. I really do! No, I don’t. I really don’t!

0 L e a r n G r a m m a r Sim ple Present

I make a swing. You build a snowm an.
I d o n ’t make apple pies. You d o n ’t build a tree house

Do you watch h one yb e es? Yes, I do.
D o you w atch b ir d s ? No, I d o n ’t.

Im a g in e yo u h ave a tree. L o o k a n d check (\/) the th in g s yo u d o at y o u r tree.

watch leaves fall □□□ build a snowman □□□
draw the tree watch birds
build a tree house bring your friends

Q Now ask and answer
with your partner.

Grammar: Simple Present with I a n d You Unit 8 8 1


W ords

o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 1.57

ride a go to the eat ice drink hot ^ ^ plant
bicycle beach cream chocolate flowers

0 T hink a b o u t the w ords in © . W hen d o you d o these th in gs? Write.

S p rin g Sum m er Fall W inter


L is te n in g

T h i n k W h a t do you do in the su m m e r? W h a t d o you do in the winter?
O Listen. D o they like all the se a so n s? W h y or w hy not? © 1.58
O Listen a g a in a n d n u m b e r the pictures. © 1-59

8 2 Unit 8 Vocabulary: Seasonal Activities • Listening: Details


Q Choose two seasons. Ask your classmates W hat do you do in ... ?
w h at they d o in the seasons. Use the w ords I swim / p la y ...
in the box to help. © 1.60

AaBbCcDdEeffGgHhliJjKk MmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWw YyZz

W h a t d o y o u d o in th e s p r i n g ?
I rid e a b ic y c le in th e s p rin g .

W hat do you do

in t h e s u m m e r ?3? iIi ///i///i/' i r

I //////////

• * I eat ice cream !

W riting Study

There are c o m m a s between the words in a list.
The leaves are red, yellow, and orange.
The fo u r s e a s o n s are spring, summer, fall, and winter.

Look at the sentences. Write com m as.
1 I see a mouse, a squirrel, and a bird in the woods.
2 There are leaves flowers and fruit on the trees.
3 M y mother father sister and brother go to the beach.
W r i t e Tell y o u r p artn e r w h a t yo u d o in y o u r favorite season.

N o w write a b o u t it in y o u r W o rk b o o k .

Speaking: Asking arid Telling about Activities • Writing: Com m as U n it 8

U n its w rap Up

7and 8

There are four seasons in a year. It's spring. It's warm. Dot plants
Each season is different. flowers. Gus and Billy watch the chicks.


It's summer. It's hot. They go to the
beach. Billy and Layla eat ice cream
Gus makes a swing.

This ice cream
is good!

They bring the apples home It's winter. It's snowy. They build a
They make apple pie. snowman. All of the seasons are fun!

W h a t a mess!

Proj ect: A Seasons Journal !r

0 M ake a seasons journal. At/

• Fold and staple paper to make a journal. Seasons
• Find or draw pictures and glue things in.

• Write.

© Show your seasons journal.
Tell the class a b o u t it.

It ’s spring. It # M y mom plants flowers
rains in spring. 'J
v_____________ / m tie spring.
It's Spring.
o Look at all the journals.
Talk about them. Spring comes a f h r winter.
It r a m s i n tine s p r i n g
Flowers Qnd t r e e s c,ro k/,
& ir d s m a ke nests.

Mi-Jin plays I nde my bicycle
in the leaves

in the fall. J

QBIG QUESTION Q Watch the video. | 3 W h a t do you
How know about the
0 Think more about
are seasons seasons now?
different? the Big Question.

e Complete the

Big Question

Project: Seasons Journal • Big Question H

In units WATCH LEARN READ about

9 a n d 10 a video about about counting m ath and adding
num bers. and addition.
y o u will: food together.

o Watch the video. | 3

Q Look at the picture. W hat do you see?
1 How m any soccer balls can you see?
2 W hat numbers can you see?

e Think and answ er the questions.
1 W hat number can you count up to?
2 What things do we count?

Fill out the B ig Q u e stio n Ch art.

W h at do you know
about numbers?

!®C3Qu“0 : Get Ready

v- J

W ords

o Listen and point to the words. Listen a g a in and say the words. © 2.02

numbers plus sign equals sign problem


addition answer odd numbers even numbers

0 Circle the correct answer.

1 This is a plus sign. 2 This is an equals sign.


3 This is an addition problem. 4 This is an even number.

19 10 + 10 = 20 49

5 This is an odd number. 6 This is the answer to: 9 + 2 = ?

56 18 11

8 8 U nitR Vocabulary: Math

Before You Read PREVIEW

T h in k W hat things do you count at school? In this text, w e
learn about
o& counting and
Predicting from Headings T h is text is a n
inform ationa l
Before you read, look at the headings. They text. R em em ber,
help you work out w hat the text is about. inform ationa l
texts tell u s a b o u t
Look at the headings. W hat do you think the texts our world.
are about? Now read and check your answers.
1 I think
it’s about
Lef®s count! counting.

Let’s count children! Let’s count trees! :----
Do you know how Do you know how
m a n y children are in m a n y trees are in the
y o u r class? Guess. park? People w ork in the
Now count them. park. They know how
Were you right? m a n y trees there are.

Look at all the clothes! I think it’s
about ...
Ten hats! Seven T-shirts!
Tanya loves hats. Leon's favorite
She has ten hats. clothes are his
There are three T-shirts. He has
hats for rainy days seven T-shirts. Four
and seven hats for T-shirts are blue
sunny days. an d three T-shirts
are white.

O Look at the headings on pages 90 and 91.
W h at do you think the text is a b o u t?

Reading: Predicting from Headings U n it R 89

Number Line

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819 20

Numbers Counting

Look a t the number line. It shows Read the even numbers aloud. When
the numbers 1 to 2 0 in order. Some there are a lot of things in a group, we
numbers are even and some numbers can use the even numbers to count
are odd. The even numbers are blue the things by twos. This helps us to
and the odd numbers are red. count fast. Count the fish by twos.


We use addition every day. It helps us count things.
Wejoin groups of things with addition.

Tllhllioc lioc nM rpdiunoc oiyii. This is an equals sign.
It tells us to a d d the It tells us th a t the

numbers together. numbers on both sides
are the same amount.

V This is the answer.


Addition problems

Let’s use addition to work out answers to these word problems.
You have eight orange seashells. I have nine green seashells.
How many seashells do we have?

They have six red crabs, five blue crabs, and four yellow crabs. o
How many crabs do they have?

&+ 5+


]How d o you use addition every d ay?


Com prehension

T h i n k W h a t d o you like a b o u t the text? C h e ck (\/).

.0^ - ^ s rV ___

1 odd and even numbers $ ja‘ nr i

2 counting things by twos

3 addition problems

O A sk and answ er the question.

What’s your favorite part?
The addition problems. They’re fun.

Q Read a n d circle the correct words.
1 Addition helps us learn about even numbers / count things.
2 Addition / Counting joins groups of things together.
3 Eight is an even / odd number.
4 Five is an even / odd number.

Q Use these num bers to m ake addition problems.

1 three eight five 3 +5 =8

2 six four two

3 seven nine two

4 five one four

T h in k Talk to a partner.

1 Count the shoes in your classroom. N ow count by twos. Is it faster?
2 Where do people add things together?

4 2 Unit 9 Comprehension

Gram m ar

pages 078-07°!

G ram m ar in Use

o Listen and sing along. How M a n y ? © 2. J Si

We want ten shells for a castle. They have ten shells together!
How many shells do we have? Four plus six is ten!

I don’t have ten shells, I don’t have ten shells,
I have four shells, I have four shells,
But you have six shells, But you have six shells,
So together we have ten! So together we have ten!

© L e a r n G r a m m a r Simple Present

You have a seashell. They have T-shirts.
I d o n ’t have a seashell. We d o n ’t have T-shirts.

Lo o k a n d check (>/) the th in g s yo u have.

\r \f

pet hat kite friend bicycle sneakers

N o w write a b o u t yourself. Tell y o u r partner.

I h ave ... I d o n ’t h ave ... I have sneakers.
I don’t have a pet.

Grammar: Simple Present with We a n d They U n it 9 4 3

Communicate w

W ords

o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 2.05

pen pencil eraser ruler backpack notebook

O W h at's m issin g? Circle an d write.


L is te n in g

T h i n k H ow m a n y boys a n d how m a n y girls are in yo ur class?
How m any children all together?

0 Listen. W hat things are they counting? © 2.06

O Listen a g a in a n d circle the correct problem . © 2*07

1 ( 6 + 9 = 15^) 2 14 + 5 = 19 3 8 + 8 = 16 3 + 4 +5 =12
8 + 9 =17 3 +5 +5 =13
6 + IO = 16 15 + 5 = 20

4 4 Unit 4 Vocabulary: Classroom Objects • Listening: Num ber Details


© Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. © 2.

Oily, how
old are you?

Word Study

Writing Numbers

We can write numbers in words.

11 eleven 15 fifteen 18 eighteen
12 twelve 16 sixte en 19 nineteen
13 thirteen 17 seventeen 20 twenty
14 fourteen

Read and answ er the problems.

1 nine + nine = e ig h te e n 4 eight + twelve =

2 seven + four = ________________ 5 eleven + five =

3 six + six = ________________
tv .

Milr i t e Tell y o u r p artn er a b o u t y o u r th in g s a n d h o w m a n y you have.

N ow write a b o u t them in your W o rk b o o k .

Speaking: Asking about Age • Writing Numbers Unit 9 45

BIG Q U ESTIO N 0 I think numbers help
us count things.
r? How do . '1 0 ,
numbers I th in k numbers help us
know how old we are.
help us?

W ords

o Listen a n d point to the w ords. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the w ords. © 2-oq

stone food sausages

carrots onions potatoes soup

O Think a b o u t the w ord s in . A dd them to the chart.

W e eat this. W e d o n ’t e at this.

4 6 Unit 10 Vocabulary: Food

Before You Read \ PREVIEW

T h i n k W hat's your favorite food? Do you like soup ? Stone
In this story, we
Beginning, Middle, and End read about people
a d d in g their food
Stories have three parts: a beginning, a middle, together.
and an end. As you read, look out for these three
parts. They help you understand the story. T h is text is a folk

Read the short stories. tale. A folk tale is a
Write B (Beginning), M (Middle), or E (End).
story that people
^ We swim an d collect seashells. told lo n g ago. Folk
We play in the sand an d walk tales often teach us
on the beach. a lesson.

B It's a beautiful, su n n y day.
My m om an d I go to the beach.

I'm happy.

It gets cool a n d cloudy, an d
then it rains. We go hom e.
I'm sad!

Cam ila draws potatoes, sausages,
carrots, and onions. She colors them.

C am ila's mom looks at her picture.
"C a m ila ," she says. "I th in k yo u 're

Cam ila wants to draw a picture,
but she doesn't know w hat to draw.
Then she has an idea. Food!

G In the story o n p a g e s R8 a n d RR, people m ake soup.

W h at do you think they put in their so u p ?

Reading: Beginning, Middle, a n d End Unit 10 R 7

Hans and his wife, Ann, and their daughter,
Olga, walk to a town. They see a woman.
“ We’re very hungry,” says Hans.
“ Do you have any f o o d ? ”

“No,” says the woman.
“I’m hungry, too!”

They see a man. O lg a says,
“ We’re hungry. Do you have any f o o d ? ”

“ No,” says the man.
“I’m hungry, too!”

The family has a big pot. Hans puts water in it.
Ann and O lg a look fo r stones. They each find
four stones and put them into the pot.

W hat’s th a t?” ask the woman and her friend

‘It’s stone soup,” says Hans. “It’s tasty.
You can try some, but we d o n’t have any

It’s g o o d with p o ta to e s .”


I have five! says the woman.
‘I have seven,” says her friend.
They put the potatoes into the pot.
‘W hafs th a t?” ask the man and his son.
‘It’s stone soup,” says O lga. “ It’s tasty.
You can try some, but we d on’t have any
sausages. It’s g o o d with sausages.'
‘I have tw o ,” says the man.
“ I have th re e ,” says his son. They put
the sausages into the pot.
Later, the people from the town smell the
soup and come out to look. “ We have
We have c a rro ts ,” they say, and put them
into the pot.
Everyone eats some soup. “ We didn’t
have enough fo o d ,” say the people.
“ But we a d d e d our fo o d together
and now we all have tasty

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