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Oxford Discover 1 Student Book

Oxford Discover 1 Student Book

Com prehension

T h i n k W h a t do yo u like a b o u t the sto ry? C h e ck (>/).

1 The people are hungry.

2 Olga and Ann put stones in the pot.

3 The people put food in the pot. □

4 Everyone has soup.

O A sk and answ er the question.
What’s your favorite part?

The end of the story. They
add their food together.

O Think ab out the story and look at the pictures.
N o w write B (Beginning), IV! (Middle), or E (End).

0 Answ er the questions. Write the number.

1 How many stones do the wife and her daughter put in the pot? stones

2 How many potatoes are in the soup? potatoes

3 How m any sausages do the man and his son have? sausages

T h in k Talk about the story.

1 Are the people hungry at the end of the story? Why not?

2 What's the lesson of the story?

1 0 0 Unit 10 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use I jG r a m m a r
pages 086-087

Q Listen a n d sin g a lon g. O n io n S o u p ! © 2*11 •aJ J J J3 J

Here comes Dot with a basket. Here comes Gus with a basket.
W hat do you have inside?
Do you have onions? W hat do you have inside?
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
I have four big onions. Do you have onions?
Let’s make an onion soup!
Yum! Yum! Onion soup, No, I don’t. No, I don’t. J
Onion soup for lunch! I have four red apples.

Let’s make an apple pie! JJ

Yum! Yum! Apple pie,

Apple pie for lunch!

J 3 J ______

o L e a r n G r a m m a r S im p le P re se n t Questions

Do you have fo o d ? Yes, I do.
What do you have? I have carrots.
D o you have p o ta to e s? No, I d o n ’t.

W h a t do yo u h ave in y o u r b a c k p a c k ? Lo o k a n d check (S ).


pencil food pot

G A sk and answ er with your partner.

Do you have Yes, I do.
a notebook? No, I d o n ’t.

Do you have food?

Gram m ar: Sim ple Present Questions with I a n d You Unit 10 1 0 1

C—- o m m u n#ic a t■ e

W ords

0 Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d say the words. © 2.12

tomato cucumber avocado orange mango ■>»

© Think about the words from . Add them to the chart.
It h a s a pit.
00 It has seeds.


L is te n in g j

T h i n k W h at food d o you put in a sa la d ?


© Listen. W hat are they a d d in g to the fruit sa la d ? © 2.13

0 Listen a g a in and write the addition problems. © 2.14

)4 + 2 = 6

++ )

1 0 2 Unit 10 Vocabulary: Fruit a n d Vegetables • Listening: N um ber Details


0 Count your things. Practice addition with a partner.

Use the w o rd s in the box to help. © 2.15

I have ... You have... How many...?

I have two oranges.
You have one orange. How
many oranges do we have?

Two plus one equals three.
We have three oranges.

mu mu

W riting Study

Exclam ation Points

Use an excla m atio n p o in t to show strong feelings.

I’m hungry! This means you are very hungry.

Oh, no! This means you are scared or worried.

Look! This means you are surprised.

Read the sentences and write a period, a question mark,

or an exclam ation point.

1 I have a pet . 4 Be careful

2 Do you have a notebook 5 Nice to meet you

3 It's a small, red tom ato 6 It's a big lion. I'm scared

tx .
W r i t © Tell y o u r partner w h a t's in y o u r favorite soup.

N o w write a b o u t it in yo u r W o rk b o o k . KEBSfr

Speaking: Counting a n d Addition • Writing: Exclamation Points Unit 10 1 0 3

U n its How many vegetables do they
put in the pot?
9 a n d 10

O Listen a n d read along. © 2.16

Billy has an idea.

How m any fruits do they put in the pot? They put five seashells in the pot!

I have three _ No> | d o n ’t | h a v e U I have two
peaches. Do you — four oranges! I have three seashells!
have a peach?

Dot smells the soup and comes out Dot doesn't like fruit, vegetable, and
to look. seashell soup!

(i rwrii

W h a t do you have We have soup. E e e w ! It’s Y um ! It’s ta s t y !
in th a t pot? Try some! not good!

1 0 4 Review

Project: A B a r G ra p h

M ake a bar graph.
• Choose and write your question.
• Ask your classmates your question
• Draw your bar graph.

Put your bar graph on the wall
Tell the class a b o u t it.

Ten people have
red backpacks.

O Look at all the bar graphs uej G r e M Sia cK , O ro n gl
Talk about them.

Four people have
peaches in their


aW atch the video. W h a t do you
know about
Think more about numbers now?
the Big Question.
Complete the
do numbers Big Question
help u s?
Project: Bar Graph • Big Question 5 1 0 5

In units WATCH LEARN about READ about a

121 1 a n d a video about things how wants and farm er and about
people need. needs are different. w hat we need.
y o u will:


about what a Needs and
you need. W ants survey.


o W atch the video. | 3

o Look at the picture. W hat do you see?

1 What does the boy want?
2 Do you think he needs it?

Why or why not?

G Think and answer.

1 What do you take to school every day?
2 What do you eat and drink every day?

O Fill out the B ig Q u e stio n Chart.

W h a t do you know
about things you need?

oprnc? Get Ready

W ords

o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 2.17

farm er cow m ilk market

sell buy plain fancy
O Look at the picture. Read and write the w ords from

A c o w is an anim al. It m akes milk. The farm er can sell The milk at a ___________

The farm er ____________s s o m e toaman.The m an ______ s th e

milk. The farm er has a ____________ jacket. The m an has a ____________ jacket.

1 0 8 Unit 11 Vocabulary: Farm s a n d Markets

Before You Read rP R E V I E W

T h i n k W h a t d o you like, but d o n 't h a v e ? T in #
oOv F a rm e r
aimdl tin #
Sequence is the order o f things. In this story, we
Numbers are in a sequence: learn ab o u t w hat a
Stories have a sequence, too. Things in the story farmer needs and
happen in an order. As you read, think about the w hat he wants.
sequence. This helps you understand the story. T h is story is a foble.
A fable is a sh o rt
N um ber the parts of the stories in the correct order. story that teaches
1 us a lesson.

I go to the market. I buy milk.

1 I'm thirsty!

I drink the m ilk. It's tasty.

In the afternoon, they fly their kites.
Its very w indy. Both kites fly high.

H a n a paints her kite blue. Its plain.
O m ar paints his kite purple and
orange. It’s fan cy.

Its time to go home. W h a t a fun day!

Its a w in d y day. In the m orning,
O m ar and H an a m ake kites.

O The story on p a g e s 110 a n d 111 is a b o u t a farmer.
W hat anim al do you think he has?

Reading: Sequence Unit 11 1 0 9

Tomas Flores is a farmer. He doesn’t have
a lot o f money. He grows carrots, potatoes,
and onions. He and his wife, Rosa, work
hard every day.

T ib # F a in n a < § if

Farmer Flores has a cow. It gives lots o f One day, Mrs. Flores comes home from town.
milk every day. Mrs. Flores sells the milk at She’s very excited.
the market in town. “There’s a dance in town on Saturday.
Can we go?"

“I’m sorry, but no,” says Farmer Flores. The next day, Farmer Flores has an idea.
“We’re plain people. It’s too fancy fo r us!” He takes the cow to town and sells it at
His wife is very sad. the market. He buys a very fancy hat for
himself and a beautiful dress fo r his wife.


He runs home. He puts on the fancy hat. His wife is angry!
He gives his wife the beautiful dress. “ Our cow gives us milk every day!” she
“We can go to the dance,” he says. says. “We sell the milk. We get money to
buy foo d !”

“But you want beautiful clothes for the dance,” says Farmer Flores.
“ Can we eat the fancy hat and the beautiful dress?” Mrs. Flores asks.
“Ho, we can’t,” says the farmer. “We need our cow!”

Farmer Flores takes the dress and the hat back to the
market. He buys his cow back. How he tells people, “ Hever
sell something you need to buy something you want.’



Com prehension

T h i n k W h a t d o you like a b o u t the sto ry? C heck (>/).

1 The farmer sells his cow. t: □□

2 The farmer buys his cow back. □o □□

3 The farmer buys the fancy hat □o
and beautiful dress.

4 The famer understands about
wants and needs.

O A sk and answ er the question.

What’s your favorite part?

The farmer buys his cow
back. The cow is very happy!

O T hink a b o u t the story. N um ber the pictures in order.

II 8 8 8 0

T h in k Talk about the story.
o d ° s- ^

1 Why was Mrs. Flores angry?
2 What's the lesson of the story?

1 1 2 Unit 11 Com prehension

G ram m ar in Use W orkbook
Gram m ar

I Ipages 096-097

G Listen a n d sin g a lon g. H e W a n t s ... ! © 2.19 J^ J J J3

She wants a purple scooter, He w ants a big hot chocolate, J
She wants a pretty kite, He wants sausages and soup, JJ
She knows she doesn’t need it, He knows he doesn’t need it,

But she wants a new red bike! But he w ants ice cream - three scoops!

O L e a r n G r a m m a r Simple Present

He has a cow. He d o e sn ’t have a hat.
He w an ts a hat. He d o e sn ’t w ant a cow.

Sh e needs a cow. Sh e d o e sn ’t need a d ress.

Write a b o u t yourself. Then tell a partner.

I have I want I need
I don’t have I don’t want I don’t need

I have a kitten. I d on’t have a cow!

G N ow tell the class a b o u t yo ur partner.

He wants a bicycle.
He d o e sn ’t w ant a backpack.

Gram m ar: Sim ple Present with He a n d She Unit 11 1 1 3

C om m unicate

W ords

o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 2.20

gam es comic book board gam e doll stickers

O Read, choose, and write the correct word.

board gam e ^tickers' games com icboo k pins doll

1 I put s tic k e rs on my notebooks.

2 I need a TV to play my .

3 I read my

4 I put my on my backpack.

5 My family and I play a together.

6 I have three beautiful dresses for my

L is te n in g

T h in k W hat toys do you have? W hat toys do you want?

Q Listen. W h y do the children trade their toys? © 2.21

O Listen a g a in and check (S ) the toys they want. © 2.22


1 1 4 Unit 11 Vocabulary: Toys • Listening: Details


o Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. © 2.23

I don’t have a com ic
book. Can I borrow your

comic book, please?

Sure, Sara. Here you are.

Thanks, Ben

Bring it back
tomorrow, please

Word Study

Verbs buy swim play
Some words are verbs. Verbs are action words.

Circle the verbs.

se iu sh o rts ra in fo re st
c o ld
rid e grow p la in go
e v e n in g
m ix sto n e b u ild


W r i t e Tell y o u r p artn er a b o u t the th in g s yo u have a n d the th in g s yo u want.
N ow write a b o u t them in your W o rk b o o k .

Speaking: Borrowing and Lending • Verbs U n it 11 1 1 5

BIG Q U EST IO N 0 I think the things we
want and the things
What do we need are different.
we need?
I think the things we
need are important.

U N ’T Get Ready

W ords

O Listen a n d point to the words. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the words. © 2.24

doctor police officer teacher

help money clothes water

O Look, read, and write the w ords from © .

M y father is a t e a c h e r ____
M y uncle is a
M y mother is a
They each have a good

M y jacket, pants, and T-shirt are old.

I need new .

The w om an in the store s me.

I have _______________. ,too.
I'm hungry and thirsty.
I buy an orange and

1 1 6 Unit 12 Vocabulary: Jobs and Needs

Before You Read PREVIEW

T h in k W ho helps you? In this text, w e
learn ab o u t the
oO V people and things
we need.
Predicting from Titles, Headings, and Pictures T h is text is a n
inform ationa l
Remember, before you read, look at the title, headings, text. R em em ber,
and pictures. They will help you work out w hat the text inform ational texts
is about. tell us a b o u t o u r
Look at the titles, headings, a n d pictures. W h a t d o you
think the texts are about? Now read and check. Econom icsS o cia l Studies:



Games to play with
your family

Board games are good
with more th an three people.

Games to play with a friend

Computer gam es are good to play with
two people.

l\ How to make I think it’s
I vegetable soup a b o u t ...
Li What do you need?
O '-
You need a big pot, water,
and vegetables.

What do you do?

Put w ate r in the pot. Cut up
your vegetables, and add
them to the water. Cook.

0 Lo o k at the title, headings, a n d pictures on p a g e s

118 a n d 119. G uess w h a t the text is about.

Reading: Predicting from Titles, Headings, a n d Pictures Unit 12 1 1 7

Bead ®

What do we want? What do we need?

W ants are things we w ould like to have Needs are things we m ust h ave to
P e o p le w a n t d iffe re n t th in g s . live. People need the sam e things.
We need a hom e to live in. We
M a ria w ants a kitten need food and w ater to grow and
keep healthy. We need clothes to
keep us warm.

N e e d s a re a ls o th in g s &' i
th a t a re im p o rta n t
to u s a n d h e lp us.

Ji-M in needs a pencil
to do her hom ew ork.

Akif w ants a new bicycle

W ho do we need?

Some people h ave service jobs.
These are jobs th at help other
people get w hat they need.
We need to learn, and to be safe
and healthy. Police officers have
a service job. They help us and
keep us safe. Doctors have service
jobs. They help keep us healthy.
Teachers have service jobs, too.
They help us learn.

W hat other people have jobs
th at help us?

\ \ \ \ \ it " a .ii I I
t t lir t - a i- . '■3IB1.II
■ u w jy iii i, hi

We need m oney to buy the things
we w an t and need. People have jobs
to get m oney. Some people m ake or
grow things to sell. A farm er grows
food. A truck driver takes the food to
the store. We go to the store to buy the
food we need.

Com prehension

T h in k W h a t d o you like a b o u t the text? C heck (>/).

>C)S 1 ^ /

1 the things people want □□
2 the things people need
3 how people get money

4 service jobs

o A sk and answ er the question.

What’s your favorite part?

The part about service
jobs. My father is a
police officer.

O Answ er the questions.
1 What does Maria want?
2 Why does Sam need new sneakers?
3 What things do we need to grow and keep healthy?
4 W hat is a service job?
5 W hatthreejobs help people?
6 How do teachers help us?

T h i n k Talk to a partner.
1 What do you need? Do you have these things?
2 What do you want? Do you have these things?

1 2 0 Unit 12 Comprehension

W orkbook
Gram m ar

pages 104-105

G ram m ar in Use

o Listen and sing along. W h a t D o e s S h e W a n t T o d a y ? © 2.

W hat does she want today? W h a t does he have today? J
She wants stickers jrom the He has a big, yellow bus.
teacher - hooray! He drives it all day. L
Does she want games to play? Does he drive our school bus?
No, she doesn’t. Not today. Yes, he does. He drives us.
W hat does she want today? W h a t does he have today?
Stickers jrom the teacher! A yellow school bus!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

O L e a r n G r a m m a r Simple Present Questions

Does Maria have a kitten? What does Akif want?
No, she d o e sn ’t. He w ants a bicycle.

C h o o se a girl or a boy. Your p artn er a sk s q u e stio n s to g u e ss w h o it is.

Sana T arik So fia

Tom M egan Lucas

What does she want? She wants stickers.

Does she have a doll? Yes, she does.

I s it M egan?

Gram m ar: Sim ple Present Questions with He a n d She Unit 12 1 2 1

C om m unicate

W ords

© Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 2.27

sandwich grapes juice cookie chips soda

0 Think a b o u t the w ords in Q . A dd them to the chart.

Things We Eat T hings We Drink
sandw ich

L is te n in g

T h in k W hat food a n d drink do you like on a picnic?

© Listen. W hat drinks do they have for their picnic? © 2.28
O Listen a g a in a n d write N if they need it a n d W if they w a n t it. © 2.29

1 2 2 Unit 12 Vocabulary: Food • Listening: Details

o Im a gin e you and your partner have a picnic. W hat do you w ant and need
to ta ke ? Use the w ords in the box to help. © 2.30
We w a n t ... We need ...

We want soda

Yes, we want soda.
And we want chips!


And we need water.

W riting Study

n T T ? 7 1 Nouns and Verbs
Remember, a noun is a person, place, or thing. A verb is an action.
In a sentence, there is a noun and a verb.
Farm ers grow food,
noun verb noun

Read the sentences. Circle the nouns. Underline the verbs.
1 The farmer; sells the cow.
2 Police officers help people.
3 Mi-Jun drinks juice.
4 The girl plays a game.
5 Nick runs home.
V l r i t e Tell y o u r p artner a b o u t th in g s yo u need.

N o w write a b o u t them in yo u r W o rk b o o k . EEgSEEfr

Speaking: Reporting Wants an d Needs • Writing: N ouns a n d Verbs Unit 12 1 2 3

© Listen a n d read a lo n g . © 2*31

Layla has stickers. Gus has pins. Layla wants Gus's cookies.
Gus wants Layla's chips. They trade.

Oh, I want I w a n t y o u r pins! L e t ’s Yum! Cookies! Yum! Chips!
your stickers! trade. I give you my
stickers. You give me X.
uour pins.

Gus wants Layla's game. Layla wants Gus likes the game, but he's sad.
Gus's goldfish, Boo. They trade again.

Gus goes to the doctor. Gus and Layla trade again!
Gus has Boo and Layla has the game.
H e ’s h e a lth y , Everyone's happy!
but he’s lo n e ly.

P roject: A Needs and Wants Survey

O Do a needs and w ants survey. /VcecU cind Wants

• Ask people what they need Chart
and what they want.

• Write their answers in a chart.
• Find or draw pictures.

G Put your chart on the wall. mo
Tell the class a b o u t it.

My mother needs
a new job. She
wants flowers.

o Look at all the charts. C O u s t V)
Talk about them.

Adam’s brother
needs new

clothes. He wants
a board game.

Q W atch the video. | 3

O Think more about W h a t do you know
the Big Question. about needs now?

G Complete the

Big Question


Project Needs and Wants Survey • Big Question 6 1 2 5

In units WATCH LEARN READ about different

13 a n d 14 a video about about how places hom es a n d tw o mice
w here p e op le live. we live are different. from different places.
y o u will:

26 Big Question 7


about where a map of your
y o u live. neighborhood.


Where do
we live?

O Watch the video. | 3
O Look at the picture. W hat do you see?

1 Is your house the sam e as these?
What's different?

2 Is this a good place to live? Why?

O Think and answ er the questions.
1 Where do you live?
2 What do you like about your home?

O Fill out the B ig Q u e stio n Ch art.


W ords

o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 2.32

street neighborhood town city

the country apartment building world

O M atch the pictures to the words.

the country street neighborhood

e Write the places in the correct order from sm all to big.
..a-PGrtmenf world town building city

apartm ent

1 2 8 Unit 13 Vocabulary: Places

Before You Read PREVIEW

T h in k Does your home have a name or a number? W h e r e ’s
Vour Hornet
Labels i___________________________
In this text, w e
Sometimes pictures have labels. As you read, learn about
look at the pictures and read the labels. They different people's
help you understand the text. hom es.
T h is text is a n
Read the labels a n d look at the pictures. Write. inform ationa l
c street text. R em em ber,
nest ^ building J inform ationa l
texts tell u s a b o u t
tree hollow j) ^ house J our world.

C om m unityS o cial Studies:

© Lo o k at the title, pictures, a n d labels on p a g e s 130
a n d 131. W h a t d o you think the text is a b o u t?

Reading: Labels Unit 13 12*1


Where’s Your Horne?

The world is verxj big, and people live in all kinds
o f places. We all live in homes. Some homes are
ap artm ents. Some homes are houses. Some homes
are big, and some homes are small.

Homes are in neighborhoods. A neighborhood

is w here fam ilies live, w o rk , and play. Some
neighborhoods are in to w n s and c itie s , and some

are in th e countrg.

Towns < The Country •

There are a lot of neighborhoods In the country there are woods,
in towns. In towns there are parks, farms, and fields. Many people live
trees, and a lot of small streets. on farms. People live in houses,
Many people live in houses. Some too. There are no apartment
people live in apartments. buildings. Houses in the nm mtn/
This is Matias. are far apart.
Matias’s house
is in a town. This is Jenna’s 9

live in Loreto I live on a farm hi
Loreto is a
small town. in the country.

W h a ls vjour address'?

Everyone’s home has an address.
I t -tells us w here i-t is.

M\j address is
19 M a in S ire e b , Riveriow>n

house number s ir e e i name

19 A/lain S -t r e e l

Rivertouun tow>n name

Cities Wfien do w e __
Cities are like very big towns. use an address?
There are a lot of people, streets,
and big buildings in cities. The We w r iie
buildings are close together. Many an address
people live in apartments. on a le iie r .
This is Nada.

I live in Cairo.
Cairo is a big city.

We use an address io
■Find our -friends house.

W hat’s your address'?

Com prehension

T h i n k W h a t do yo u like a b o u t the text? C heck (>/).

1 the city o
2 the country

3 how to write an address □

o A sk and answ er the question.

W h a + ’s y o u r f a v o r i + e p a r t ?

T h e ci+y. I live in
a ci+y. I lik e if.

O Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer.
1 We all live in apartments /(homes.
2 A Town is like a small / big city.
3 Houses / Apartm ents in The country are far apart.
4 The buildings in a city are close together / far apart.

e Answ er the questions.
1 W hat is a neighborhood?
2 W hat does an address tell us?
3 When do you need to know someone's address?

T h in * ? Talk to a partner.
1 W hat is good a b o u t a city? W hat is good a b o u t the country?
2 Where would you like to live?

1 3 2 Unit 13 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use © 2.34

o Listen and sing along. B illy h H o u se

Where? Where? Where? Where?
Where do people live? Where do people live?

People live in the country. People live in the city.

Where does Jenna live? Where does Billy live?

Je n n a ’s house is in the country, Billy’s house is in the city,

At 4 Walnut Street. At 18 Circle Road.

© L e a r n G r a m m a r Possessive 's Hannah

M a s o n ’s a d d re ss is 19 M ain Street, Rivertown.
I s this J e n n a ’s h o u s e ? Yes, it is.
Practice with a partner.


10 W est Road, A p a r tm e n t 6,
Bastrop 48 C a n a l Street,

18 Elm Street, N ew York City 12 Lake Street,
Fairtow n W hite City

Is A li’s a d d re ss A p artm ent 6, Yes, it is. A li’s
48 Canal Street, New York City? house is in the city.

Grammar: Possessive 's Unit 13 1 3 3

C om m unicate

W ords

O Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 2.35

noisy quiet safe dangerous boring interesting

O Look at the pictures. W h at d o you think these places are like? Write.

safe quiet interesting dangerous boring noisy

d a n g e ro u s __

L is te n in g

T h in k W hat's your neighborhood like?
O Listen. Is he in the sa m e place or different places? © 2.36
O Listen a g a in and num ber the pictures. © 2.37

13*4 Unit 13 Vocabulary:Adjectives • Listening: Details


Q Listen a n d repeat. Then practice with a partner. © 2.38

This is my house. C om e in

Wow, Emma! Your
home is really nice

Thanks, Sara.
Let’s go and play!

Word Study

Verbs and Nouns
Some words can be verbs and nouns.

work = verb work = noun

M atch the w ords to the pictures.
1 water

W r i t e Tell y o u r p artn er a b o u t w here yo u live. N o w write a b o u t Unit 13 135

it in yo u r W o rk b o o k . EEESIFfr

Speaking: Complimenting • Verbs a n d Nouns

BIG Q U E ST IO N Q I think people live
in different places.
Where do
we live? I think everyone lives in
a place with an address.

W ords

o Listen a n d point to the w ords. Listen a g a in a n d s a y the w ords. © 2-39

department store restaurant movie theater hotel

cornfield orchard new

O Look at the picture and write the places in the chart.

New Old
de pr artm e nt sto re

1 3 6 Unit 14 Vocabulary: City a n d Country Places

Before You Read I PREVIEW

T h i n k H ow is a city different from the country? City Mouse
oOv and Country
In this story we
To contrast things, we say how they are different. learn ab out a
As you read, look out for w hat is different ab ou t places m o u se 's h o m e in
and characters.This helps you understand the story. the country and
his cousin's hom e
Read the stories. Contrast the characters. Write. in the city.

1 T h is story is a
fable. Rem em ber,
Ben is eig h t y e a rs old. He has a pet cat. Ben’s f a v o rite a fable is a story
color is blue. His best friend's n a m e is J a e . J a e is nine that teaches us
y ea rs old. He has a p et lizard. J a e ’s lizard is green a n d a lesson.
his fa v o rite color is green, too.

Age? Ben Jae
Favorife color? 8 9

I'm Kim . 1 live in a cihf with m^ family. W e live in a sm all

apartm ent on a noiS'f street. best friend, MattKo, lives in the

country with h e r fa m ily Tbe>/ live in a big h o u se on a quiet street.

Kim M akiko

City / Counfry
House / Apartment
Quiet / Noisy

O The story on p a g e s 138 a n d 139 is a b o u t a country
m ouse an d a city m ouse w h o g o to each other's
homes. W hat do you think they do?
Reading: Contrasting Unit m 137


City M ouse lives in the city. "There are too m a n y
people and cars here. I w ant som e fresh air!
I can visit my cousin, Country M ouse," he says.
City M ouse flies to the country. Country M ouse runs
to him . "H ello, City Mouse! W elcom e to m y hom e!"
"Thanks, Country M ouse!" says City Mouse.
"I'm hungry. W hat's for dinner?"

They go to the cornfield and eat
som e corn. Then they go to the
orchard and eat some apples.
"This food is o kay, but it's too
plain for m e!" says City Mouse.
It's bedtim e and they're tired.
They sleep in an old b arn .
The next m orning, they w a lk to the pond.
"The co u n try is o kay, but it's too b o rin g for
m e," says City M ouse. "Com e w ith me to
the city! It's interesting there."
"O K," says Country Mouse.

City M ouse and Country Mouse take
a train to the city. They go to a movie
theater, a departm ent store, and a
restaurant. They eat cheese and cookies.
"This food is o k a y , but it's too fa n c y for m e,"
says Country Mouse.

It's bedtim e and they're tired.
Th e y sleep in a new hotel.

The next m orning, they hear a loud
noise. "Cats! Run!" says City Mouse.
City Mouse and Country Mouse run
and run until they are safe.

"The city is o kay, but it's too d an g ero us
for me!" says Country Mouse. "Come
with m e to the country. It's safe there."
"N o , the country is good for yo u,
an d the city is good for m e," says
City Mouse.

The two mice say goodbye
and go home happy.

Com prehension

T h i n k W h a t do yo u like a b o u t the sto ry? C h e ck (>/).

1 City Mouse in the country

2 Country Mouse in the city □ □

3 The mice eat cheese and cookies. □□ o□

4 City Mouse flies to the country.

o Ask and answ er the question.

Whaf’s your City Mouse and
favorite part? C ou n try M ouse in
the hotel. It’s funny!

o W ho says these sentences? Match.

1 "Welcome to my home!" •

2 "Come with me to the city" •

3 "Come with me to the country!" •

O How are Country M ouse and City M ouse different? Complete the chart.

Country M ouse City M ouse

He likes ... food. iplain
He thinks the city is ...
He thinks the country is ...---------------------------------------------------- r ----------------- j

T h in k Talk about the story.
oOv ^

1 Why do the mice go back to their homes?
2 W hat is the lesson of the story?

1 4 0 Unit 14 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use W orkbook

o Listen an d sing along. O u r G r a n d m a © 2.41 3 -G r a m m a r
pages 122-123


This is our grandma. This is our grandma.
We like her house. We like her house.
Her house is in the country. Her house is old and big.
We play in her cornfield. We run in her orchard.
Is it safe? Yes, it is! Is it quiet? Yes, it is!

O L e a r n G r a m m a r Possessive Adjectives

H is home is in the city. H er neighborhood isn ’t quiet.
I s yo u r apartm ent sm a ll? No, it is n ’t.

A sk y o u r partner a b o u t his or her hom e. C heck the a n sw e rs (>/).

home in the city □ in the country □

house /apartment big □ small □

neighborhood quiet o noisy

Q N o w tell the class a b o u t Yes, it is.
your partner's home.
Her home is in the city.
H er apartm ent is big.

Grammar: Possessive Adjectives Unit 14 1 4 1

C om m unicate

W o r d s __________________________

o Listen an d point to the words. Listen a g a in an d sa y the words. © 2.42

park library supermarket drugstore bakery museum

© Think a b o u t the places in © . A d d them to the chart.

We g o here to buy things. We d o n 't go here to buy things.
su p• e rm a rk e t

L is t e n in g____________________________________

T h i n k W h a t's in yo u r n e ig h b o rh o o d ? W hich is yo ur favorite place?

O Listen. D o they all like the city? W hy or w h y not? © 2.43
O Listena g a in an d circle the correct words. © 2*44

1 Jay likes /(doesrVtJjke the city. He likes / doesn't like thecountry.
2 Mrs. Perez likes / doesn't like the city. She likes / doesn't like the country.
3 Mr. Brown likes / doesn't like the city. He likes / doesn't like the country.
4 Ella likes / doesn't like the city. She likes/doesn't like the country.

1 4 2 Unit 14Vocabulary: Places • Listening: Details


Q A sk two classm ates about their neighborhoods.
Use the w o rd s in the box to help. © 2.45

Is there a park in
your neighborhood?

Is there a library in
your neighborhood?

No, there is n ’t

W ritin g S tu d y___________________________

Complete Sentences
A com plete sentence has a n o u n or nouns and a v e rb in it.

The town is small. M aria goes to the library.
tow n = noun is = verb
M a ria = noun g o e s = verb
library = noun

Is it a com plete sentence? Read a n d circle.

1 The blue jacket Yes

2 The mouse runs home. Y e s No

3 At my house Y es No

4 My brother lives in a town. Y e s No

5 Homes in the city Y e s No

6 Lucas goes to the bakery. Y e s No

tv .
W r i t © Tell y o u r p artner a b o u t the places in y o u r n e igh b o rh o o d .

N ow write a b o u t them in your Workbook.

Speaking: Asking and Telling about Neighborhoods • Writing: Complete Sentences U n it m 1*13

Billy, Gus, and Dot go to the country.
They take the train.

Goodbye, museums! W e don’t w a n t to
Goodbye, library! go to the country.

It’s boring!

They help in Grandpa's orchard.
It's interesting.


It's tim e to go hom e to the city.
They're sad.

G oodbye, orchard! W W e don’t w an t

Goodbye, cornfields! to go to the

u g K H B j — -------------- c ity . W e like the

country now.

144 Review

Proj e ct: A Map o f Your Neighborhood

o Draw a m ap of your neighborhood.

• Think about the places in your dir U 0 st0

• Draw the places on the map.
• Write labels and your address.

© Put your m ap on the wall.
Tell the class a b o u t it.

I live in an apartm ent in
a city. M y neighborhood

is big. There is a park
and a school in my

O Look at all the maps.
Talk about them.

There’s a movie
theater in Hana’s


© W atch the video. a W h a t do you
know about where
© Think more about
the Big Question. live now?

BIG QUESTION Q o Complete the

Where do Big Question
we live? Chart.

145Project: A M ap o f Your Neighborhood • Big Question 7

In units WATCH LEARN a b o u t READ a b o u t

15 a n d 16 a video about different instrum ents percussion and a
m usic. and how to keep a beat student perform ance
y o u will:


about instrum ents percussion
and perform ances. instrum ent.


can we make

m usic?

o Watch the video.

0 Look at the picture. W hat do you see?
1 Do you think it is noisy there?
2 Do you think it's a special day? Why?

© Think and answ er the questions.
1 Where do you hear music?
2 Can you make music?

U Fill out the Big Question Chart.

g E P fffg G e t R e a d. y

W ords ^m

o Listen a n d point to the words. Listen a g a in a n d sa y the words. © 3.02

instrum ents cym bals tam bourine xylophone

drum triangle shake strike

© Listen to the m usic a n d circle the correct words. © 3-03

1 (instruments drum

2 cymbals tambourine

3 tambourine xylophone

4 drum xylophone

5 triangle cymbals

6 tambourine triangle

7 shake strike

1 4 8 Unit 15 Vocabulary: Percussion Instruments

Before You Read PREVIEW

T h in k W hat things do we shake and strike? In this text,
ov w e learn
ab ou t m usical
M ain Idea and Details instrum ents
called percussion
M ost texts have a m a in idea. The m ain idea is w h a t the in strum en ts.
text is about. Details tell us more ab o u t the m ain idea.
As you read, look out for these. They help you T h is text is a n
understand the text. in form ationa l
text. R em em ber,
Read the text. W h at is the m ain id ea? W h a t are the details? in form ationa l
texts tell u s a b o u t
Addresses our world.

A n address tells us where someone lives. The house Music
or apartment number is in an address. T h e street
name and the town or city name is in the address, too.

Write the details from the text.

O Lo o k at the title, pictures, a n d h e a d in g s o n p a g e s
150 a n d 151. W h a t d o you think the text is a b o u t?

Reading: Main Idea and Details Unit 15 1 4 R

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