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เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 1 เล่ม 1 (ม.ปลาย) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

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Published by The School of Lesson Plans, 2023-06-29 10:50:53

Access to English Book I ราคา 200 บาท

เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 1 เล่ม 1 (ม.ปลาย) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

• Noun Clauses Beginning with a Question Word • Noun Clauses Beginning with Whether or If • Question Words Followed by Infinitive • Noun Clauses Beginning with That • Quoted Speech • Reported Speech : Verb Forms in Noun Clauses • Using the Subjunctive in Noun Clauses • Using -Ever Words • Vocabulary • Revision Sujinda Prakotwong

Access to English Book I A Name:…………………………...………………….……….Surname:…………………………….………….…………………. Nickname:………………………………….…….……Phone No. : ………………….………………….……………. Book I

Access to English Book I B This excersice book was made to help students learn the English language. The information inside this book was compiled from the English Grammar book. The contents of this book are collected to help improve English language skills for studying, doing excercise and in use in everyday life. I hope this book will help students better understand the use of the “English Grammar” in the English language. S. Prakotwong 15 May 2022

Access to English Book I C Unite Title Target Language Page Noun Clauses - The function of the noun clause. 1 Noun Clauses Beginning with a Question Word - The structure and use of noun clauses beginning with a question word 7 Noun Clauses Beginning with Whether or If - The structure and use of noun clauses beginning with whether or if 26 Questions Words Followed by Infinitives - The structure and use of questions words followed by infinitives 42 Noun Clauses Beginning with that - The structure and use of Noun Clauses Beginning with that 53 Quoted Speech - The structure and use of quoted speech 68 Reported Speech : Verb Form in Noun Clause - The structure and use of reported speech : verb form in noun clause 81 Using The Subjunctive in Noun Clauses - The structure and use of using the subjunctive in noun clauses 103 Using - Ever Words - The structure and use of using - ever words 72 Summary - Noun clauses : types, functions and important rules 86 Vocaburaly - Vocabulary from Student’s Worksheet 138 Revision I - Noun Clauses : uses in all patterns 144 Revision II - Noun Clauses : uses in all patterns 160 Revision III - Noun Clauses : uses in all patterns 177 Revision IV - Noun Clauses in use in all patterns (testing situation) N/A

Access to English Book I D Unite Title Target Language Page Revision V - Noun Clauses in use in all patterns (testing situation) N/A Revision VI - Noun Clauses in use in all patterns (testing situation) N/A Bibliography 209

Access to English Book I 1 A noun clauses refers to a clause that serves the same purpose as a noun and is usually dependent. Just like nouns do, a noun clause name people, things, places, and ideas. Noun clauses typically have a verb and a subject, but they can’t express a complete thought in a sentences; hence they are as dependent clause. Since noun clause can’t form compete sentence, they are usually used together with an independent clause. We use “who, what, which, whose, whoever, whatever, when, where, why, whether, how” and “that” in noun clauses. Structure Examples Subject + Verb that Subject + Verb • We know that the earth is round. whether • I don’t know whether I can afford all those textbooks. if • Sofia wonders if her husband will arrive in time. who • I want to know who he has chosen to marry. whom • I know whom you talked to. what • The little boy needs to know what love is. whose • Lucien wants to know whose book this is. which • You must choose which flavor of ice cream you want. where • We should ask him where he wants to stay. when • My father would like to know when the school will open after Covid 19. why • I don’t know why she is sad. how • This is how I bake a cake.

Access to English Book I 2 1. Subject Noun Clauses มีตำแหน่งอยู่หน้าประโยคหรือหน้ากริยาทำหน้าที่เป็นประธานในประโยค 2. Direct Object Noun Clauses มีตำแหน่งอยู่หลังกริยา ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรม 3. Object of Preposition Noun Clauses มีตำแหน่งอยู่หลังบุรพบท ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของบุรพบท 4. Subject as Complement Noun Clauses มีตำแหน่งอยู่หลัง to be ทำหน้าที่เป็นส่วนขยายประธาน 1. Subject Noun Clauses • What causes so many difficulties in the IELTS test is the writing section. จากประโยคข้างต้น What causes so many difficulties in the IELTS test เป็น noun clause อยู่ หน้าประโยค ทำหน้าที่เป็นประธานของประโยค 2. Direct Object Noun Clauses • I suggest you that you should go to a movie with me tonight. จากประโยคข้างต้น that we should go to a movie tonight อยู่หลังกริยา suggest เป็นกรรมตรง (Direct object) ของ suggest ตามหลังกรรมรอง (Indirect object) 3. Object of the Preposition Noun Clauses • Sarah is always proud of where she was born. จากประโยคข้างต้น where she was born เป็นคำนาม มีตำแหน่งอยู่หลังบุรพบท (Preposition) of ทำ หน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ of 4. Subject as Complement Noun Clauses • The stability of life is what Austin wants the most in his life. จากประโยคข้างต้น what Austin wants the most in his life มีตำแหน่งอยู่หลังกริยาช่วย (Verb to be) is ทำหน้าที่เป็นส่วนขยายหรือเป็นส่วนสมบูรณ์ของประธาน the stability of life เพื่อบ่งชี้หรือขยายความ the stability of life

Access to English Book I 3 Part I : 1 - 20 Underline Instructions : Underline the Noun Clauses. 1. I couldn’t her the teacher what did she say. 2. I couldn’t hear what the teacher said. 3. Where did Tom go no one knows. 4. No one knows where Tom went. 5. Where Tom went is a secret. 6. What does Anna want we need to know. 7. We need to know what Anna wants. 8. What does Alex need do you know. 9. Do you know what Alex needs. 10. What Alex needs is a new job. 11. We talked about what Alex needs. 12. What do you need did you talk to your parents about what you need. 13.The town where I come from is famous for its pizza. 14.That she decided to study abroad surprised me. 15. I must decide which English course to take. 16.Pay attention to what I am saying. 17.Everybody knows that he is an honest man. 18. I wondered if you would like to go to the barbecue. 19.That one is ignorant of school regulations is not an excuse to violate them. 20. What the English teacher said was downright inspiring. Part II : 21 - 45 Underline Instructions : Underline and identify the sentence what types of noun clause is (subject of clause, object of clause, object of preposition, or complement). S = subject of clause O = object of clause OP = object of the preposition C = complement 21. What causes so many difficulties in the IELTS test is the writing section. …………………………………… 22. I suggest you that you should go to a movie with me tonight. …………………………………… 23. Yaya is always proud of where she was born. …………………………………… 24.The goal of our company is what is explained in the profile. …………………………………… 25. I know why she comes home very late. ……………………………………

Access to English Book I 4 26. I never know how much of what I say is true. …………………………………… 27.The stability of life is what James ji wants the most in his life. …………………………………… 28.That she had decided to be engaged frightened me very much. …………………………………… 29. Can you tell me what time the show starts? …………………………………… 30. Whoever spilled the milk should clean it up. …………………………………… 31. Josie is not interested in whatever Kyle says. …………………………………… 32.That wasn’t what I meant at all. …………………………………… 33. I want to play with whoever is a good sport. …………………………………… 34. Sir, I would like to know whether you prefer coffee or tea. …………………………………… 35. My hope is that everyone here becomes friends. …………………………………… 36. Who won the election is still unknown. …………………………………… 37.You should speak about how your parents immigrated to this country. …………………………………… 38. Why we chose not to include you is none of your business. …………………………………… 39. My mom would like to know when our next meeting will be. …………………………………… 40.Studying hard is what a student needs to do in order to succeed. …………………………………… 41. I do not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. …………………………………… …………………………………… 42. What Peter loves most about reading mysteries is how the authors leave clues for careful readers. …………………………………… …………………………………… 43. In music, which note is played and how long it is played are both essential. …………………………………… …………………………………… 44. I know who the man is interviewing. Where the man works is down the street. …………………………………… …………………………………… 45. My cousin, who the man is interviewing, is applying for a job where the man works. …………………………………… …………………………………… Part III : 46 - 60 Multiple Choice Instructions : What is the function of the noun clause(s) in the following sentence? Choose the best alternative. 46. How the clouds drifted on that July afternoon still makes me smile. 1) subject of clause 2) object of clause 3) complement 4) object of the preposition

Access to English Book I 5 47. Jennifer doesn’t believe that Ron was at the office last night and she thinks that he might be cheating on her. 1) subject of clause 2) object of clause 3) complement 4) object of the preposition 47. Mom, Dad, at the parent-teacher meeting tonight, take whatever the teacher says to you with a grain of salt; she hasn’t liked me from day one. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition “with” 48. The shy, nervous girl on the stage reminds me of how I felt the first time I had to give a speech in front of a crowd of people. 1) object of clause 2) object of preposition “of” 3) complement 4) subject of clause 49. I’ll tell you why this had to happen - - it’s because the people at the top refused to see the troubles coming. 1) subject of clause 2) complement 3) object of clause 4) object of preposition 50. Whether you agree to the terms or not bears no relevance on its implementation; they are now in effect and will not be changed. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition 51. If this is really what you want, then I’ll support you all the way. 1) subject complement 2) object of clause 3) subject of clause 4) complement 52. This all-in-one tool can be used for whatever you need to do around the garden. 1) subject of clause 2) object of clause 3) complement 4) object of preposition “for” 53. You look beat, Pam. What you need is a spa treatment. I’ll take you tomorrow to my friend’s salon. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition 54. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I’m glad you’ve decided to join us. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition

Access to English Book I 6 55.English teachers dispense wisdom to whoever will listen. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition “to” 56. Although I respected what the teacher said, I disagreed with his conclusion. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition 57. How the thieves escaped from the prison is still a mystery. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition 58.Lacey talked at length about how she had won the perogy-eating contest. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition “about” 59. I can see by your bouncy personality that you’d enjoy bungee jumping. 1) object of clause 2) complement 3) subject of clause 4) object of preposition 60. How many noun clauses are in the following sentence? From my own personal experience, where you’ll have the most relaxing time on your break depends on where you think you’ll be able to have the most alone time. 1) one 2) two 3) three 4) four

Access to English Book I 7 In English grammar, noun clauses begin with a question word and contain a subject and a verb. question word + subject + verb Function Example Subject • What he did was a serious mistake. Object • She told me how I could raise more money for charity. Indirect object • The man enjoyed explaining his theory to whoever was interested in it. Object of a preposition • The question of when the election will be held will be answered by the Election Committee tomorrow. Subject complement • You are what you eat. Object complement • People call him whatever they like. What you ate this morning gave you diarrhea. You must drink this antidiarrheal.

Access to English Book I 8 Structure of Noun Clauses beginning with a “Question Word” in a sentence. Question Words Structure Example where where + Subject + Verb • I remember where I put my keys. why why + Subject + Verb • I don’t understand why she left early. what what + Subject + Verb what + Verb • She understands what the problem is. • I’m afraid of what will happen after that. who who + Subject + Verb who + Verb • I don’t know who she is. • I want to know who wrote this excellent report. when when + Subject + Verb • We are interested in when the conflict will be resolved. how how + Subject + Verb • We discussed how we solved the problem. which which + Verb • I’m not sure which is better. whose whose + Noun + Verb • I asked whose money was stolen. whom whom + subject + Verb • I remember whom you chose. Structure of Noun Clauses beginning with a “Question Word” in a question. Question Words Structure Example where where + Subject + Verb • Where was the bridge built? • Do you know where the bridge was built? why why + Subject + Verb • Why aren’t you coming with us? • Can you tell me why you aren’t coming with us? what what + Subject + Verb • What did you do last light? • Could you tell me what you did last light? who who + Subject + Verb • Who were those people? • Can you tell me who those people were?

Access to English Book I 9 Question Words Structure Example when when + Subject + Verb • When does the movie start? • Does it say when the movie starts? how how + Subject + Verb • How fast were you driving? • Do you know how fast you were driving? which which + Verb • Which book do you want to buy? • Can you tell me which book you want to buy? whose whose + Noun + Verb • Whose suitcase is this? • Do you know whose suitcase this is? whom whom + subject + Verb • Whom are you visiting? • Could you please tell me whom you are visiting? wh-words ที่ใช้นำหน้า noun clause จะมีหน้าที่บางประการใน noun clause ดังนี้ 1. who, whoever, whom, whomever ทำหน้าที่เป็นประธานและกรรมใน noun clause • I want to know who he has chosen to marry. 2. whose คำนามที่ตามหลัง whose ทำหน้าที่เป็นประธาน กรรม กรรมตามหลังบุพบท และส่วนเสริมประธาน ใน noun clause • Tell me whose book you are reading. • John doubted in whose house Jane lives. • I want to know whose book this is. 3. what, whatever ทำหน้าที่เป็นประธาน กรรม และส่วนเสริมประธานใน noun clause • What I did was acceptable. • I want to know what her name is. • You should give him whatever he likes. 4. which, whichever มักมีคำนามตามหลัง โดยทำหน้าที่เป็นประธานและกรรมใน noun clause • I don’t know which brand is worth buying. • It’s half price for whichever book you buy. 5. where, wherever ทำหน้าที่เป็นคำกริยาวิเศษณ์ใน noun clause บอกสถานที่ • You should ask him where he wants to stay. • Wherever you go is the right place for me.

Access to English Book I 10 6. when, whenever ทำหน้าที่เป็นคำกริยาวิเศษณ์ใน noun clause บอกเวลา • You must find out when he is due to arrive at the airport. • I don’t care whenever he does that. 7. why ทำหน้าที่เป็นคำกริยาวิเศษณ์ใน noun clause บอกสาเหตุหรือเหตุผล • Why he went to China was not known. • Maximus told the teacher why he could not finish his assignment. 8. how ทำหน้าที่เป็นคำกริยาวิเศษณ์ใน noun clause บอกกิริยาอาการ • Describe how you felt at that time. • How he was involved in the scandal needs to be investigated.

Access to English Book I 11 An information question is a question that asks for information by using a question word. Information question : Where does he live? Answer : He lives in Chicago or In Chicago Question word Question Answer Explanation When When did they arrive? When will you come? Yesterday. Net Monday. When is used to ask questions about time. Where Where is she? Where can I find a pen? At home. In that drawer. Where is used to ask questions about place. Why Why did he leave early? Why aren’t you coming with us? Because he’s ill. I’m tired. Why is used to ask questions about reason. How How did you come to school? How does he drive? By bus. Carefully. How generally asks about manner. How much money does it cost? How many people came? Ten dollars. Fifteen. How is used with much and many. How old are you? How cold is it? How soon can you get here? How fast were you driving? How long has he been here? How often do you write home? How far is it to Miami from here? Twelve. Ten below zero. In ten minutes. 50 miles an hour. Two years. Every week. 500 miles. How is also used with adjectives and adverbs. How long asks about length of time. How often asks about frequency. How far asks about distance. Who Who can answer that question? Who came to visit you? I can. Jane and Eric. Who is used as the subject of a question. It refers to people. Who is coming to dinner tonight? Who wants to come with me? Ann, Bob, and AI. We do. Who is usually followed by a single verb even if the a speakers is asking about more than one person. (continued)

Access to English Book I 12 Question word Question Answer Explanation Whom Who(m) did you see? Who(m) are you visiting? Who(m) should I talk to? To whom should I talk? (formal) I saw George. My relatives. The secretary. Whom is used as the object of verb or preposition. In spoken English, whom is rarely used; who is used instead. Whom is used only in formal questions. Note : Whom, not who, is used if preceded by a preposition. Whose Whose book did you borrow? Whose key is this? (Whose is this? David’s It’s mine. Whose asks questions about possession. What What made you angry? What went wrong His rudeness. Everything. What is used as the subject of a question. It refers to “things.” What do you need? What did Alice buy? What did he talk about? About what did he talk? (formal) I need a pencil. A book. His vacation. What is also used an object. What kind of soup is that? What kind of shoes did he buy? It’s been soup. Sandals. What kind of asks about the particular variety or type of something. What What did you do last night? What is Mary doing? I studied. Reading a book. What + a form of do is used to ask questions about activities. What countries did you visit? What time did she come? What colour is his hat? Italy and Spain. Seven o’clock. Dark brown. What may accompany a noun. What is Ed like? What is the weather like? He’s kind and friendly. Hot and humid. What + be like asks for a general description of qualities. What does Ed look lie? What does her house look like? He’s tall and has dark hair. It’s a two-story, red brick house. What + look like asks for physical description.

Access to English Book I 13 Question word Question Answer Explanation Which I have two pens. Which pen do you want? Which one do you want? Which do you want? Which book should I buy? The blue one That one. Which is used instead of what when a question concerns choosing from a definite, known quality or group. Which countries did he visit? What countries did he visit? Which class are you in? What class are you in? Peru and Chile. This class. In some cases, these is little difference in meaning between which and what when they accompany a noun, as the example. How tall is the statue? I don’t know how tall the statue is.

Access to English Book I 14 Part I : 1 - 20 Noun Clauses in a sentence Instructions : Change the question in parentheses to a noun clause. Example How old is he? I don’t know…………………………………… . 1. Where do you live? Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 2. How much does it cost? I can’t remember………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..………………… . 3. Which one does he want? Let’s ask him………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 4. Who is coming to the party? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 5. Who are those people? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 6. How many letters are there in the English alphabet? I don’t remember………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 7. Who is the mayor of New York City? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 8. How old does a person have to get a driver’s license? I need to find out…………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………………… . 9. What happen? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 10. Who opened the door? I don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 11. What happened at the party yesterday? I wonder……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 12. How far is it to the post office? Please tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 13. Where do you like to watch movies? She explained…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 14. Who knocked on the door? I don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 15. Why did you speak to him like that? I don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . how old he is

Access to English Book I 15 16. What was he talking about? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………….………was interesting 17. What did she say? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…………………wasn’t true. 18. Why did they leave the country? …………..………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………..……………is a secret. 19. What are we doing in class? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………is easy. 20. Where did she go? ……………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………..………………is none of your business. Part II : 21 - 30 Noun Clauses with a question Instructions : Change the question in parentheses to a noun clause. 21. When are they coming? Do you know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………? 22. How does she go to school? Do you know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………? 23. What time the movie begin? Do you know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………? 24. Whose dog is running? Do you know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….…………………? 25. Whom did she see at the party? Could you tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….…………………? 26. Where will you go for your holiday? Could you please tell me…………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….…………………? 27. What do you want to be in the future? Please tell me………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………….…………………? 28. Why didn’t you do your homework? Could you please explain to me…………………………………………………………………………………………..…….…………………? 29. Which bus goes to the Siam Center? Could you please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………? 30. When did you start studying English seriously? Please tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….…………………?

Access to English Book I 16 Part IIII : 31 - 40 Noun Clauses Instructions : Underline the noun clause and change the underline noun clause to a question. Example Question : ………………………………………………..………………………….…………………….…… ? Noun Clause : I don’t know………………………………………………..……………………..……… . 31. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Big John attempts to keep finding who he is nowadays. 32. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : I don’t know what you want from me. 33. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : I can’t tell you where he lives now. 34. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : I don’t know how much it takes from here to there. 35. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : I can’t fix how much time you take to do this project. 36. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Could I possibly trouble you to tell me where the post office is? 37. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Can you tell me what time it is now? 38. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Could you tell me where I can buy a Christmas tree ? 39. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Could you tell me what he said? 40. Question : …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Could you tell me what time the bus arrives? Why does he come here very often why he comes here very often

Access to English Book I 17 Part IV : 41 - 50 Noun Clauses Instructions : Make a question from the given sentence. Use a question words, then change the question to a noun clause. Example Tom will be here next week. Question : ………………………………………………..………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me………………………………………………….…………………….………… . 41. He is coming because he want to visit his friends. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 42. He’ll be on flight 645, not flight 742. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 43. Jim Hunter is going to meet him at the airport? Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 44. Jim Hunter is his roommate. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 45. Tom’s address is 4149 Riverside Road. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 46. He lives on Riverside Road in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 47. She was in London last week. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Please tell me……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 48. He has been working for Iphone since 1998. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Do you know………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . 49. She has an MacBook at home. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : Do you know………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . When will Tom be here when Tom will be here

Access to English Book I 18 50.She decided not to come with us. Question : ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….…………………….…………… ? Noun Clause : I don’t know.…………………..…………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………… . Part V : 51 - 60 Identify Instructions : Identify the subject (s) and verb (v) of each noun clause. Example I don’t know where she lives. 51. I couldn’t hear what he said. 52. Do you know when they arrive. 53. I don’t know who lives there. 54. Please tell me what happened 55. We don’t know whose those men are. 56. My sister knows which car belongs to Geroge. 57. My boss wants to know why he did not come yesterday. 58. He is wondering where the elevators are. 59.She would like to know when our next meeting will be. 60.You want to know where I went after class yesterday. Part VI : 61 - 65 Conversation Instructions : Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences. Use any appropriate verb tense. Some of the completions contain noun clauses, and some contain question. Example A : Where (Ruth / go)……………………………………? She isn’t in her room. B : I don’t know. Ask her friend Tina. She might know where (Ruth / go)…………………………………… . 61. A : Oops! I made a mistake. Where (my eraser / be)…………………………….………………? Didn’t I lend it to you? B : I don’t have it. Ask Sally where (it / be)…………………………….……………… . I think I saw her using it. 62. A : The door isn’t locked! Why (Fred / not lock)…………………………….………………it before he left. B : Why ask me? How am I supposed to know why (he / not lock)…………………………….………………it? Maybe he just forgot. s v did Ruth go Ruth went

Access to English Book I 19 63. A : Mr. Lee is a recent immigrant, isn’t he? How long (he / be)…………………………….………………in this country? B : I have no idea, but I’ll be seeing Mr. Lee this afternoon. Would you like me to ask him how long (he / live)…………………………….………………here? 64. A : Are you a student here? I’m a student here, too? Tell me what classes (you / take) …………………………….………………this term. Maybe we’re in some of the same classes. B : Math 1, English 1, History 1, and Chemistry 1. What classes (you / take)……………………………………? 65. A : Help! Quick! Look at the road sign! Which road (we / be supposed)…………………………….……………… to take? B : You’re the driver! Don’t look at me! I don’t know which road (we / be supposed) …………………………….………………to take. I’ve never been here before in my entire life. Part VII : 66 - 75 Noun Clause with who, what, whose + be Instructions : Add the word is to each sentence in the correct places. If nothing is needed, write a slash ( / ) in the blank. Example I don’t know what……………………..your assessment of the situation………………….. . I don’t know what……………………..on the menu today…………………….. . 66. I don’t know what……………………..her name…………………….. . 67. I don’t care who……………………..that man…………………….. . 68. I don’t know whose Ipad……………………..on the table…………………….. . 69. I don’t know who…………………… the door…………………….. . 70. I don’t know what…………………… these documents…………………….. . 71. I want to know whose…………………… this…………………….. . 72. I don't really know what……………………..on his mind…………………….. . 73. I don’t know whose…………………….pen this…………………….. . 74. I don’t know who…………………….in the kitchen…………………….. . 75. I don’t know what……………………..the tallest building in the world…………………….. . is / / is

Access to English Book I 20 Part IX : 76 - 85 Noun Clause with who, what, whose + be Instructions : Complete the sentences by changing the question to noun clause. 76. Who is that woman in the black hat? I don’t know………………………….……………………………………………………………….……..……………..…………………….………………. . 77. Who are my neighbors? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………….……..……………..…………………….………………. . 78. Whose shoes is this? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………….……….……..……………..…………………….………………. . 79. Whose keys are on the kitchen counter? Could you tell me…………………………………………………………….………………………...……………..……………………………………. ? 80. What are the principles of democracy? Do you know…………………………………………………………….……..……………..…………………….……………………………………………. ? 81. Whose sheep are these? I wonder………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..……………..…………………….………………. . 82. What is a Noun clause? Don’t you know………………………………………………………….……..……………..……………………………………………..………………. ? 83. What is your nationality? Could you tell me………………………………………………………….……..……………..……………………………………..….………………. ? 84. Who is in charge? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………….……….……..……………..…………………….………………. . 85. What is your age? I wonder………………………………………………………………………………………….……….……..……………..…………………….………………. .

Access to English Book I 21 Part XI : 86 - 95 Conversation (Noun Clause with who, what, whose + be) Directions : Complete the dialogues by changing the question to noun clause. Example A : What are we going to do today? B : Ask my father………………………………………………….…………………………………………………. . A : Whose handwriting is the best in my class? B : I don’t know………………………………………………….…………….……………………………………. . 86. A : Who are you to say that? B : Ask the my classmate………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………. . 87. A : What time is the last train to Chiang Mai? B : I’m not sure………………………………………………………...…………………………………..……………………………………………………. . 88. A : Who is the governor of this country? B : I don’t know……………………………………………………..….………….……………………………………………………………………………. . 89. A : Whose a bottle of water is this? B : Ask the my friend…………………………………………………………….…….…….……………………………………………………………. . 90. A : What are the main idea of this paragraph? B : Ask a student……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………. . 91. A : Whose green gaze was on the ocean? B : I don’t know……………………………………….………….………..……………………………………………………………………………………. . 92. A : What is your favourite football club? B : I’m not sure………………………………………………..….……………..………………………………………………………………………………. . 93. A : Who is your best friend? B : I don’t know………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 94. A : Whose name will be familiar to you? B : I’m not sure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 95. A : What are you going to do with us? B : Ask one of my friends………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………. . what we are going to do today. whose handwriting is the best in my class

Access to English Book I 22 Part VIII : 96 - 100 Multiple Choice Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 96. John asked me…………………………………… . 1) where was his wallet 2) where his wallet was 3) where is his wallet 4) where his wallet is 97. I couldn’t tell him…………………………………… . 1) where I am 2) where were I 3) where am I 4) where I was 98. I don’t know…………………………………… . 1) how many children he has 2) how many children does he have 3) how many children he had 4) how many children did he have 99. ……………………………………is not important. 1) How close we are 2) How close are we 3) How we are close 4) How are we close 100. ……………………………………was sad. 1) What did she say 2) What she said 3) What she say 4) What does she say 101. We are not responsible for…………………………………… . 1) what our children say 2) what are our children saying 3) what does our children say 4) what did our children say 102. Is it true……………………………………about you? 1) what did he say 2) what he said 3) what he says 4) what does he say 103. I’m not going to tell you…………………………………… . 1) what should you do 2) what you should do 3) what shall you do 4) what are you going to do

Access to English Book I 23 104. ……………………………………last night was very useful to me. 1) What did John teach me 2) What John taught me 3) What does John teach me 4) What is John teach me 105. The teacher told us……………………………………our finished exams. 1) where we should leave 2) where should we leave 3) where we left 4) where do we leave 106.Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn’t know where …………………………………… . 1) is our cat 2) our cat was 3) our cat is 4) was our cat 107. Now, our cat is home again, and we can’t believe how many…………………………………… . 1) kittens does she have 2) kittens has she 3) she has kittens 4) kittens she has 108. Can you imagine……………………………………? 1) how cute they are 2) how cute are they 3) how they are cute 4) are they cute 109.The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly hear what…………………………………… . 1) are saying you 2) that you are saying 3) are saying you 4) you are saying 110. Neighbors dropped by just to take a look. Everyone picked out…………………………………… . 1) which one he’s like 2) which one he likes 3) which one he liked 4) which one is he like 111.The audience was amazed by…………………………………… . 1) how the trick was done 2) how was the trick done 3) how does the trick is 4) how is the trick done 112. If there was an old skeleton up there, I wonder…………………………………… . 1) whose could it be 2) whose it could be 3) who is it 4) who it is

Access to English Book I 24 113. I wonder……………………………………to leave tomorrow. 1) what time will we going 2) what time are we going 3) what time we went 4) what time we are going 114. Do you know…………………………………… ? 1) what an earthquake is 3) what does an earthquake 2) what is an earthquake 4) what an earthquake means 115. Could you please tell us……………………………………busy on the telephone…………………………………… . 1) who is / when four of us arrived 2) who was / when four of us arrived 3) who is / when were four of us arrive 4) who was / when did four of us arrive 116. Which one is correct? 1) I don’t know who love Julie. 2) He didn’t understand at all what I said. 3) Passengers were told why was the flight delayed. 4) At the hotel on the lake where we went for our summer vacation. 117. Which one is incorrect? 1) I’m not exactly sure where is my brother going to live next year. 2) I don’t have any idea what kind of guitar that lady is playing 3) Derrick’s problem was how he could earn the money. 4) I am not sure which chapter we are on. 118. Which one is correct? 1) How it happened is still a mystery. 2) Where does she live is not considered. 3) What the members wants is a new club room. 4) Who will the new captain be has not been announced.

Access to English Book I 25 119. Which one is incorrect? 1) Do you know who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year? 2) Do you know how many minutes are there in 24 hours? 3) Do you know when the first man walked on the moon? 4) Do you know where Buddha was born? 120. Which one is correct? 1) Can you tell me when classes end for the year? 2) Can you tell me where is going to meetour class? 3) Can you tell me what time closes the computer lab? 4) Can you tell me how much we have time for the test?

Access to English Book I 26 When a yes/no question is changed to a noun clause “whether” or “if” is used to introduce the clause. “Whether” is more acceptable in formal English, but “if” is quite commonly used, especially in speaking. if / whether + subject + verb Function Example Subject • Whether my mobile phone works there is a mystery to me. • Whether she understands the lesson or not is unimportant to us. • Whether or not the battery is charged is my biggest concern. Object • I don’t know if this train goes to Times Square. • I don’t know if the next meeting will be in New York. • I wonder if this train goes to Times Square. • I wonder if the next meeting will be in New York. or not • I don’t know whether or not this train goes to Times Square. • I don’t know whether this train goes to Times Square or not. • I don’t know whether or not the next meeting will be in New York. • I don’t know whether the next meeting will be in New York or not. Question • Do you know if this train goes to Times Square? • Do you know if the next meeting will be in New York? • Do you know whether or not this train goes to Times Square? • Do you know whether or not the next meeting will be in New York? “How will you ever know whether you’re a flying squirrel if you don’t give it a shot?”

Access to English Book I 27 Structure of Noun Clauses beginning with a “Whether or If” in a sentence. Function Example Whether + clause • Whether the experiment succeeded is not known. Whether + clause + or not • Whether the experiment succeeded or not is not known. Whether or not + clause • Whether or not the experiment succeeded is not known. if + clause • I don’t know if the package has arrived yet. • I wonder if the package has arrived yet. if + clause + or not • I don’t know if the package has arrived yet or not. • I wonder if the package has arrived yet or not. whether + clause • I don’t know whether the package has arrived yet. • I wonder whether the package has arrived yet. whether + clause + or not • I don’t know whether the package has arrived yet or not. • I wonder whether the package has arrived yet or not. whether or not + clause • I don’t know whether or not the package has arrived yet. • I wonder whether or not the package has arrived yet. ***don’t know = wonder Remark 1. We don’t use “if” noun clauses as the subject of a sentence because they are confusing -they sound like conditionals! 2. The clause in every “if” or “whether” noun clause has regular sentence order, not question order. Function Example If + clause • If the experiment succeeded is not known. If + clause + or not • If the experiment succeeded or not is not known. If or not + clause • If or not the experiment succeeded is not known. if or not + clause • I don’t know if or not the package has arrived yet.

Access to English Book I 28 3. We can also use the phrase “or not” with “if”. When we do, “or not” comes at the end of the sentence, and we only use “or not” with if in statements (not questions) Function Example If + clause + or not • I don’t know if Jack passed his exam or not. • I wonder if the package has arrived yet or not. From of Yes/No Questions in Noun Clause Yes / No Questions Function do Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + Verb 1 + Object does Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + Verb s, es + Object did Subject + verb + if/whether r + Subject + Verb ed / Verb 2 + Object is Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + is + Object Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + is + Verb ing + Object are Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + are + Object Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + are + Verb ing + Object was Subject + Verb + if/whether + Subject + was + Object Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + was + Verb ing + Object were Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + were + Object Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + were + Verb ing + Object will Subject + Verb + if/whether + Subject + will + Verb 1 + Object would Subject + Verb + if/whether + Subject + would + Verb 1 + Object can Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + can + Verb 1 + Object could Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + could + Verb 1 + Object may Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + may + Verb 1 + Object might Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + might + Verb 1 + Object shall Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + shall+ Verb 1 + Object should Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + should + Verb 1 + Object must Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + must + Verb 1 + Object have Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + have + Verb 3 + Object has Subject + verb + if/whether + Subject + has + Verb 3 + Object had Subject + verb + if/whether r + Subject + had + Verb 3 + Object

Access to English Book I 29 Yes / No Questions Example do Do we need tomatoes for the pizza? I want to know if/whether we need tomatoes for the pizza. does Does your brother play football? My mom needs to know if/whether your brother plays football did Did they go to the swimming pool? The teacher wanted to know if/whether they went to the swimming pool. is Is there a ruler in your schoolbag? I wonder if/whether there is a ruler in your schoolbag. Is the train going to arrive? She is wondering if/whether the train is going to arrive. are Are the children at school? I want to know if/whether the children are at school. Are they visiting Paris? She wants to know if/whether they are visiting Paris. was Was he at the cinema? I don’t know if/ whether he was at the cinema. Was the baby crying a lot today? Do you know if/whether the baby was crying a lot today? were Were the photos in the newspaper? Can you tell me if/whether the photos were in the newspaper? Were you waiting long? I wonder if/whether you were waiting long. will Will it rain? I wonder if/whether it will rain. would Would she like coffee? The waiter wants to know if/whether she would like coffee. can Can we meet for lunch tomorrow? My friend wonder if/whether we could meet for lunch tomorrow. could Could you help me move this sofa? My brother wonders if/whether I could help him move this sofa.

Access to English Book I 30 Yes / No Questions Example may May I see your driver’s license? I wonders if/whether I may see your driver’s license. might Might it rain tonight? I don’t know if/whether it might rain tonight. shall Shall you turn off the TV? My mother wants to know if/whether I shall turn off the TV. should Should he be at the school? I need to know if/whether he should be at the school. must Must they leave today? My teacher wants to know if/whether they must leave today. have Have you ever eaten sushi? My friend wonders if/whether I have ever eaten sushi. has Has she done the housework? The mother wants to know if/whether she has done the housework. had Had he left when I called? She needs to know if/whether he had left when her called. We want to know whether you had seen an aeroplane.

Access to English Book I 31 A yes/no question is a question that may be answer by “yes” or “no”. Yes/No Question : Does he live in Chicago? Answer : Yes, he does or No, he doesn’t Question Word Auxiliary Verb Subject Main Verb She lives there Does she live there? If the verb is in the present simple, use does (with he, she, it) or do (with I, you, we, they) in the question. If the verb is past simple, use did. Notice : The main verb in the question is in its simple form; there is no final -s or -ed. Where does she live? They live there. Do they live there? Where do they live? He lived there. Did he live there? Where did he live? He is living there. Is he living there? If the verb has an auxiliary (a helping verb), the same auxiliary is used in the question. There is no change in the form of the main verb. Where is he living? They have lived there. Have they lived there? Where have they lived? Mary can live there. Can Mary live there? Where can Mary live? He will be living there. Will he be living there? Where will he be living? John lives there. Who - - lives there If the question words is the subject, do not change the verb. Do not use does, do, or did. Mary can come. Who can - come? They are there. Are they there? Be in the present simple (am, is, are) and past simple (was, were) precedes the subject when be is the main verb. Where are they? Jim was there. Was Jim there? Where was Jim?

Access to English Book I 32 Part I : 1 - 30 Noun Clauses in a sentence Instructions : Change each yes/no question to a noun clause. Example Will she come? I wonder………………………………………….……………………… . 1. Is Keila in the Writing Center? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 2. Does Irene have any classes on Friday? I wonder………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… . 3. Will Mr. Miller give his students an assignment over spring break? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 4. Will there be new computers in the Learning Center soon? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 5. Is Ethan doing well in his classes? Can you tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 6. Does Dominic live near the park? I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 7. Can Elizabeth speak French? I don’t know…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………… . 8. Are we taking a quiz tomorrow, Harold? You will have to ask the teacher…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 10. Are noun clauses easy? I wonder……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 11. Can you meet me tonight? He couldn’t tell me………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 12. Did he attend class yesterday? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………is a mystery to me. 13. Were you there? I can’t remember……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 14. Have you been to Chiang Mai? Can you tell me………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 15. Has he finished his homework? Do you know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………… ? whether/if she will come

Access to English Book I 33 16.Shall we go shopping after class? I wonder…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………… . 17. Did you walk to school yesterday? Could you please tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………… ? 18. Had we locked the door? I don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 19. Was he a doctor? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………is unimportant to me. 20. Could you tell me your name? Could you tell me……………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………… ? 21. Were they at school yesterday? I want to know…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………… . 22. Has she been reading this novel for 5 days? I wonder………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………… . 23. Should we turn here? I have no idea……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………… . 24. Had the car already been parked when we arrived? I don’t know…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………… . 25. Is this a good restaurant? Do you know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 26. May I help you? I don’t know………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 27. Should he be informed of the news? Can you tell me………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 28. Have you finished your homework? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………is my biggest concern. 29. Can the dog swim? I don’t know…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… . 30. Wasn’t the show interesting for you? Can you tell me………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ?

Access to English Book I 34 Part II : 31 - 50 if Instructions : Complete the sentences using noun clause. Use if. 31. A : Are grapes grown in California? B : I don’t know…………………………………………………………..……………..……………………………………………………………………… . 32. A : Is the test taken in room 3205? B : I didn’t hear you. Please could you tell me again? A : I want to know……………………………….……………….……………………………………………………………………in room 3205. 33. A : Was the book taken to the classroom? B : Oh, I am sorry I don’t know………………………………………………………………………………………to the classroom. 34. A : Were the students taught at home? B : I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that? A : I’d like to know………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………at home. 35. A : Will the house have been built? B : I don’t know what you are asking. A : I am asking you……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………… . 36. A : Did you order dessert as well? B : I’ll ask the waiter, Excuse me, we’re wondering……………………….……………………………………..……………… . 37. A : Are you coming with us? B : I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak up, please? A : I need to know………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………with us. 38. A : Has he returned the car? B : Sorry, it’s so noisy here, I didn’t catch that. A : I need to know……………….………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………… . 39. A : Do you want to build a snowman? B : I’m not sure……….…………………………………………….………………..…………a snow man. It’s very cold outside. I don’t need to go out. 40. A : Does she speak English? B : I can’t hear you, would you mind repeating that? A : I wonder……….………………………………..…………………………………………………………..………………………………………English? 41. A : Did you meet John yesterday? B : I couldn’t quite hear you. What did you say? A : I’d like to know…………………………………………………………………………………………..………..……..………………yesterday.

Access to English Book I 35 42. A : Did Maya tell you she wasn’t coming? B : Can you say louder? I can’t hear you. A : I am asking you…………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 43. A : Have you ever visited Argentina? B : Pardon, What did you say? A : Emm, I just asking you…………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 44. A : Will you help me? B : I am not sure………………………………………………………………..…….because I still busy with my homework. 45. A : Have you received an email? B : Let me check in my email inbox…………………….……..………………………………………………….…………………………… . 46. A : Has he returned from Japan? B : I am not sure, because I didn’t see him, but I’ll ask someone. Excuse me……………………………… ………………………………………………………………..……..……………from Japan 47. A : Did you know the answer? B : I am sorry teacher, what are you asking? A : I need to know…………………………..……………………………………………….……..……………on the exercise, page 10. 48. A : Did he get the book? B : I’m not sure, who do you ask? A : I wonder…………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..……..……………from the library. 49. A : Were you sleeping then? B : Could you say that again, please? A : I’d like to know……………..…………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… . 50. A : Was he reading his lessons? B : I don’t know, but I’ll ask his close friend for you, Excuse me………………………….……………..……………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………his lesson. Part II : 51 - 60 if Instructions : Complete the following sentences using if or whether. In some cases they are both possible. 41. I am not sure……………………………………I will have the time. 42. She asked me……………………………………I was working. 43. We discussed……………………………………we should throw a party to celebrate the occasion. 44. ……………………………………she will me recognize me I am not sure. 45. There was a big argument about……………………………………she should resign.

Access to English Book I 36 46. I can’t decide……………………………………to go on a diet or not. 47. ……………………………………she can get along with your mother is another matter. 48. He asked me……………………………………I had ever been to Europe. 49. I don’t know……………………………………she will come. 50. Janet is going to marry Charles……………………………………she likes it or not. Part II : 61 - 70 Conversation Instructions : Complete the following sentences using if or whether. Situation : The doctor has a new patient. His patient has amnesia and can’t remember anything. He wants to ask her some questions, but her just can’t remember. 51. Is your name Kelly? Doctor : Hello, could you tell me……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… ? Patient : I’m sorry. I don’t know…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 52. Do you have medical insurance? Doctor : Can you tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………… ? Patient : I don’t remember…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… . 53. Do you have any identification with you? Doctor : Do you know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..…… ? Patient : I wish I could remember………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 54. Did you come to the hospital alone? Doctor : Could you tell me……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ? Patient : I can’t tell you…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 55. Did a family member bring you to the hospital? Doctor : Can you recall…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? Patient : I don’t recall…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… . 56. Are you married? Doctor : Do you know………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..…… ? Patient : I really don’t remember………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 57. Do you have any children? Doctor : Do you remember……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..……… ? Patient : I don’t remember……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Access to English Book I 37 58. Do you hurt anywhere? Doctor : Can you tell me……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………… ? Patient : I don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………… . 59. Did you hurt yourself? Doctor : Do you know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? Patient : I can’t tell you…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 60. Did you hit your head in a car accident? Doctor : Can you recall………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………..………… ? Patient : I’m sorry, but I just don’t remember…………………………………………………………………………….…………… . Doctor : Ok, that’s all for now. I’ll send the nurse in to give you some medication in a few minutes. Patient : Thank you, Doctor. Part VIII : 71 - 100 Multiple Choice Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 71. Ellen can’t decide……………………………………to the concert or stay home. 1) whether she should go 2) whether should she go 3) if she should goes 4) if should she goes 72. Mr. Smith inquired……………………………………well. 1) whether my family was 2) whether my family were 3) if were my family 4) if my family is 73. My father always asks……………………………………well. 1) if I was 2) if I am 3) whether am I 4) whether I were 74. Could you tell me……………………………………us? 1) whether she can help 2) whether can she help 3) if she helps 4) if can she helps 75. I’m sure I will enjoy……………………………………for dinner. 1) if can you cook 2) whatever you cook 3) if you cooked 4) whatever does you cook

Access to English Book I 38 76. Please tell me……………………………………expensive. 1) if it was 2) if it can be 3) whether is it 4) whether it is 77. I’m not sure……………………………………there long. 1) whether they lived 2) whether they had lived 3) if they have lived 4) if they are lived 78. ……………………………………that movie is not unknown. 1) If they watch 2) If they are watching 3) Whether they watched 4) Whether are they watched 79. Do you know……………………………………up early? 1) whether Jude gets 2) whether is Jude get 3) if Jude is getting 4) whether Jude is gotten 80. ……………………………………help doesn’t concern me. 1) If she need 2) If she needed 3) Whether she needs 4) Whether is she need 81. Let me know……………………………………to be there. 1) whether you went 2) whether are you going 3) if you go 4) if you are going 82. Please check……………………………………to have Monday off. 1) if we go 2) if we went 3) whether we are going 4) whether are we going 83. I wonder……………………………………life on other planets. 1) whether there are 2) whether there is 3) if there was 4) whether there were 84. Let’s ask……………………………………a bike rack on the bus. 1) whether there was 2) whether there were 3) if there are 4) if there is

Access to English Book I 39 85. I’ll find out…………………………………….to dinner. 1) if he’d like to come 2) if he came 3) whether he comes 4) whether will he come 86. I wonder……………………………………to Times Square. 1) if this train is going 2) if this train goes 3) whether is this train go 4) whether was this train gone 87. I can’t remember……………………………………him. 1) if I were already paid 2) whether I paid 3) if I had already paid 4) whether I was already paid. 88. Do you know……………………………………yet? 1) if the restaurant opened 2) if does the restaurant opened 3) whether the restaurant is open 4) whether the restaurant is opened 89. A : Does Peter have to come with us? B : Don’t ask……………………………………with us. Of course he doesn’t. He is you brother. 1) whether Peter had to come 2) whether Peter has to come 3) if Peter has been to come 4) if Peter have to come 90. A : Will there be a talent show tonight on TV? B : I’ll ask my grandmother. Excuse me, I am wondering……………………………………on TV tonight. 1) if there will be a talent show 2) if will there be a talent show 3) whether will there be a talent show 4) whether does there will be a talent show 91. Which one incorrect? 1) I don’t know if you are ready. 2) I wonder if she likes to speak. 3) I don’t know whether she will comes. 4) We don’t know whether she speaks Spanish.

Access to English Book I 40 92. Which one is correct? 1) I wonder whether he need help. 2) Let me know if the financial report are ready. 3) Please check whether there are any paper left. 4) We need to figure if there is free Wi-Fi available. 93. Which sentence is correct? 1) I wonder whether the mail has arrived. 2) I haven’t heard if it supposes to be sunny. 3) It doesn’t matter to me if you brought your dog. 4) I don’t care whether will we go to a movie or watch one at home. 94. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) I need to know if you claimed on the insurance after your car accident. 2) I want to know if your dog often barked when he was young. 3) I wonder if you had nice teachers when you were at school. 4) I want to know if you buy a birthday card for her. 95. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) Could you tell me whether Scarlett and Nicasio has a son in middle school. 2) Can you tell me whether you study English in the library in the morning. 3) Could you please tell me whether he needs some money now. 4) Do you know whether she practices English at her company. 96. Which one is correct? 1) I’d like to know if they are waiting for any help. 2) I can’t remember if they are fighting this morning. 3) I don’t know if he is watching TV at 1 am last night 4) I want to know if Micheal was working in the garden. 97. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) I want to know whether she would like to play tennis with me later. 2) Do you know whether we should charge new phone for 8 hours? 3) Can you tell me whether I might disturb you for a moment? 4) I wonder whether he could says thanks to his mum for me.

Access to English Book I 41 98. Which one is correct? 1) My teacher wants to know whether she needed to do any special training. 2) My sister needs to know if the cat sleep on the table during the day. 3) My friend wonder whether I cooked dinner for you last week. 4) My mom wants to know if I had any plans on Friday night. 99. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) Do you know if the chef was preparing the dinner when he burned his hand? 2) Could you please tell me whether we were eating spaghetti tonight for dinner? 3) Can you tell me whether he is playing with this son in the park at the moment? 4) Do you know if the workers were crying after they heard the company will close? 100. Which one is correct? 1)The teacher wonders whether my brothers was all sports fans when they were young. 2) I wonder whether the dog has been acting strange before you took him to the vet. 3) My father need to know if Brazil has won the most soccer games this season. 4)She wants to know if he would liked to come to our house for dinner.

Access to English Book I 42 Question words in noun clauses can be followed by infinitives. The following examples all have the same meaning. The infinitive is equivalent to saying either should or can/could: Before the question word we can use a verb such as ask, decide, discover, discuss, explain, find out, forget, know, learn, remember, say, think, understand, wonder. Sometimes there is a verb + object before the question word. In this structure we can use advise, ask, show, teach and tell. wh-question + Subject + Modal Verb to + verb 1 wh-question + to + verb 1 Structure Example wh-question + Subject + Modal Verb + verb 1 • He asked me where I should stay. • I asked her how she could go there. • She told me when she could come for dinner. • They don’t know what they should do. wh-question + to + verb 1 • He asked me where to stay. • I asked her how to go there. • She told me when to come for dinner. • They don’t know what to do. Before the question word we can also use the adjectives clear, obvious and sure and the expressions have an idea and make up your mind. • I wasn’t sure who to ask for help. • Claire doesn’t have much idea how to cook. A preposition (e.g. of) can come before the question word. • There’s the question of who to invite to the reception. • You need to be informed about what to do in an emergency.

Access to English Book I 43 Remark 1. We cannot use why before a to-infinitive. • No one could explain why we had to wait. • No one could explain why to wait. 2. After what, which, whose, how many and how much, we can use a noun. • Sarah and Mark were discussing what colour to paint the walls. • We wondered whose story to believe • It’s difficult to know how much luggage to take with you. 3. We can use whether but not if. • We’ll have to decide whether to go ahead with the project (or not). • We’ll have to decide if to go ahead. • Melanie wasn’t sure whether to ring the doctor or not. • I was wondering whether to order some tea. I can’t decide whether to stay or move back to my homeland.

Access to English Book I 44 Part I : 1 - 10 Questions Words Followed by Infinitives Instructions : Rewrite the following sentences using question words + to infinitives. Example How can I use the washing machine? She asked me………………………………………………………………………… . 1. Where should we put the sofa? We don’t know……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….. . 2. How should I start the engine? No one could tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 3. Who should you speak to? The rules didn’t specify………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. . 4. What should I write my home paper about? I had no idea………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….. . 5. What should I do? Do you understand……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? 6. When can I press the button? Tell me…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….. . 7. Where can I put this little screw? I’ve forgotten………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….. . 8. Who should I call? I’m not sure I know………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..……………………….. . 9. Why should I have to do this? I can’t decide…………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..……………………….. . 10. How can I get to the Sandy Springs MARTA station? Please tell me………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..……………………….. . Part II : 11 - 20 Questions Words Followed by Infinitives Instructions : Change the question word + infinitive structure in the following sentences into noun clauses. Example I don’t know where to turn for help. I don’t know………………………………………………………………………… . 11. A good dictionary tells you how to pronounce the words. A good dictionary tells you…………………….…………………………………………………..………………………..……………………….. . how to use the washing machine where I should turn for help

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