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เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 1 เล่ม 1 (ม.ปลาย) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

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Published by The School of Lesson Plans, 2023-06-29 10:50:53

Access to English Book I ราคา 200 บาท

เอกสารประกอบการสอนเพิ่มเติมภาคเรียนที่ 1 เล่ม 1 (ม.ปลาย) เน้นแบบฝึกหัดและแบบทดสอบ

Access to English Book I 95 Part XII : 111 - 120 Channing Instructions : Complete the dialogues by changing the quoted speech to reported speech, Use “said”, “told”, “asked”, or “replied”. Practice using the formal sequence of tenses. Example : Bastien said, “Can you play tennis.” Bastien……………………………………………………………………… 111. She said, “My mom hasn’t arrived yet.” She……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 112. “Are you going now?” Marcus said. Marcus……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 113. Veronica said, “I went to Tokyo last week.” Veronica……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………….………………week. 114. Jasper said, “What is your favourite colour?” Jasper………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 115. “Where should you keep a copy of your passport?” Katherine said. Katherine………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………..………………… 116. Lionel said, “I don’t like living here.” Lionel………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 117. “Have you fed the dog?” said Benjamin. Benjamin………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….………………………… 118. Jolie said, “Could you please send me the pictures?” Jolie………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………….……………………the picture. 119. The teacher said, “Why is he shouting?” The teacher……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 120. “I’m going out now so you will have to wait until I get back.” Gabriella said. Gabriella………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….………………………… asked me if I could play tennis.

Access to English Book I 96 Part XIII : 121 - 130 Mixed Reported Speech Instructions : Complete the dialogues by changing the quoted speech to reported speech. Using the formal sequence of tenses. 121. Ronald said to Olivia, “Where does Maria park his car?” Ronald………………………………….………………………………………….…………………….…………………………………..…………..…………… . 122. “Do you want me to come?” Nancy said. Nancy………….…………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..…………… . 123. “I should go to the dentist,” Madison said. Madison………….…………………….…………………………………………………………………….……………………………..…………..…………… . 124. “Don’t worry,” replied the girl. The girl…………………………………………………………………………..…………………….…………………………………..…………..…………… . 125. Anne said, “Must I do the shopping?” Anna………….…………………………………………………………………………..……………….…………………………………..…………..…………… . 126. Jones said to me, “My mother will be 50 years old.” Jones………….…………………………………………………………..……………………………….…………………………………..…………..…………… . 127. Stephen and Claire said, “We have cleaned the windows.” Stephen and Claire…………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..…………..…………… . 128. Andrew said, “Will Axel have lunch with Julia?” Andrew………….……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..…………..…………… . 129. Fred said, “Wash your hands!” Fred………….…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..…………..…………… . 130. “Meet Sandy at the station!” said Sabine. Sabine………….…………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..…………… .

Access to English Book I 97 Part IX : 131 - 130 Dialogues Instructions : Read the following dialogues and fill in the blanks with the tense in Reported Speech. 131. Dominic : Can we still get tickets to the game? I : I’ve already bought them. ➢When Dominic asked me if we………………………………..……………………tickets to the game, I told him that I………………………………..……………………them. 132. Mrs. White : “Carolina, you have to clean up your room and empty the dishwasher before you leave for the game. Carolina : Okay, Mom. I will. ➢Mrs. White told Carolina that she………………………………..……………………her room and ………………………………..……………………the dishwasher before she………………………………..……………………for the game. Janice promised her mom that she………………………………..…………………… . 133. Victoria : Why do you still smoke? Morgan : I’ve tried to quite many times, but I just don’t seem to be able to. ➢When Victoria asked Morgan why he………………………………..……………………, he replied that he ………………………………..……………………to quit many time but he just………………………………..…………………… to be able to. 134. Argento : Are the concerts going to be rescheduled? The ticket seller : I don’t know sir. I just work here. ➢When Argento asked the ticket seller if the concerts………………………………..……………………to be rescheduled, he told me that he………………………………..……………………and said the he just ………………………………..……………………here. 135. The teacher : Dion, what is the capital of Australia? Dion : I’m not sure, but I think it’s Sydney. ➢Yesterday in class, Dion’s teacher asked him………………………………..…………………… . He answered that he………………………………..……………………sure but that he………………………………..……………………Sydney. 136. I : Where will the next class match take place? Boris : It hasn’t been decided yet. ➢When I asked Boris………………………….……………………place, he replied that it………………….……………………… yet.

Access to English Book I 98 137. The children : Will we able to visit the Air and Space Museum and the Natural History Museum, too? Father : We will if we leave the hotel before 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. ➢The children asked their father whether they………………………………..……………………able to visit the Air and Space Museum and the Natural History Museum, too. He told them that they………………………………..…………………….if they………………………………..……………………the hotel before 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. 138. Bastien : I’m very discouraged. I don’t think I’ll ever speak English well. Cassius : Your English is getting better every day. In another year, you’ll be speaking English with the greatest of ease. ➢Bastien complained that he………………………………..…………………….very discouraged, and then he………………………………..…………………….he………………………………..…………………….English well. Cassius told Bastien that his English………………………………..…………………….better every day. He assumed Bastien that in another year he………………………………..…………………….English with the greatest of ease. 139. I : It’s pouring outside. You’d better take an umbrella. Irene : It’ll stop soon. I don’t need one. ➢I told Irene that it…………………………….…………………….outside and that she………………………………..……………. an umbrella. However, Irene said she thought the rain………………………………..…………………….soon and that she………………………………..…………………….one. 140. A person in the audience : Are there presently available the necessary means to increases the world’s food supply? The agronomy professor : It might be possible to grow 50 percent of the world’s food in underwater cultivation if we can develop inexpensive methods. ➢A person in the audience asked the agronomy professor if there…………………………..……………………. presently available the necessary means to increases the world’s food supply. The agronomy professor stated that………………………………..…………………….possible to grow 50 percent of the world’s food in underwater cultivation if we………………………………..………………….inexpensive methods

Access to English Book I 99 Part X : 141 - 170 : Multiple Choice Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 141. Austin : “I love chocolate.” Byron : “Austin said (that) he……………………………………chocolate.” 1) loved 2) loves 3) loving 4) is loved 142. David : “I went skiing.” Ethan : “David said (that) he……………………………………skiing.” 1) went 2) had gone 3) have gone 4) goes 143. Harry : “I will eat steak for dinner.” Victoria : “Harry said (that) he……………………………………eat steak for dinner.” 1) willing 2) will 3) would 4) would be 144. Milada : “I have been to Sydney.” Jolie : “Milada said (that) she……………………………………to Sydney.” 1) had been 2) has been 3) was being 4) is being 145. Bella : “I have had three cars.” Lucy : “Bella said (that) she……………………………………three cars.” 1) has 2) has had 3) had had 4) is having 146.Phoebe : “I’m going to go to Long Beach.” Hugo : “Phoebe said (that) she……………………………………going to go to Long Beach.” 1) is 2) was 3) went 4) had 147. Rihanna : “I don’t like spinach.” Johnson : “Rihanna said (that) she……………………………………like spinach.” 1) doesn’t 2) don’t 3) didn’t 4) wasn’t 148. Jonah : “I have never been to London.” Fiona : “Jonah said (that) he……………………………………never been to London.” 1) had 2) has 3) have 4) had had spinach ปวยเล้ง

Access to English Book I 100 149. Selena : “I was swimming.” Leonard : “Selena said (that) she……………………………………swimming.” 1) has been 2) had been 3) have been 4) was being 150. Lucas : “I had a cat.” Owen : “Lucas said (that) he had……………………………………a cat.” 1) have 2) has 3) had 4) had had 151. Prince : “I can’t swim.” Ginny : “Prince said (that) he……………………………………swim.” 1) can’t 2) couldn’t 3) can not 4) couldn’t can 152. Charlotte : “I won’t buy a new car.” Steve : “Charlotte said (that) she……………………………………buy a new car.” 1) won’t 2) will 3) wouldn’t 4) will be 153. Kimber : “I have to do my laundry.” Nico : “Kimber said (that) she……………………………………to do her laundry.” 1) had 2) has 3) have 4) had had 154. My roommate came into the room and asked me…………………………………… . 1) why I wasn’t in class 2) that I wasn’t in class 3) if you weren’t in class 4) why you weren’t in class 155. ……………………………………what it was the purpose of our visit. 1) They asked Paul 2) My dad asked me 3) He told his friend 4) My mother told me 156. Dylan said, “I’m from Poland.” He told me…………………………………… . 1) I was from Poland 2) I’m from Poland 3) he was from Poland 4) he is from Poland 157. Victoria said, “I really like you.” She told me that…………………………………… . 1) she really liked my 2) she really liked I 3) she really liked you 4) she really liked me

Access to English Book I 101 158. Benjamin said, “I will try to cook.” Benjamin promised me…………………………………… . 1) he would tried to cook 2) he would try to cook 3) he will try to cook 4) he will try to cooked 159. Irene said, “You have to study more.” She insisted that…………………………………… . 1) I have to study more 2) she had to study more 3) I had to study more 4) you have to study more 160. Harmony said, “I’m sure my parents will like you.” She said…………………………………… . 1) she is sure we would like you 2) she is sure they would like you 3) she was sure we would like me 4) she was sure they would like me 161. He said, “I’ll try to find some Polish recipes.” He agreed that…………………………………… . 1) he would try to found some Polish recipes 2) he would try to find some Polish recipes 3) he will try to find some Polish recipes 4) he’ll try to find some Polish recipes 162. The passenger sitting next to me on the plane…………………………………me where……………………………… from. 1) asked / am I 2) asked / I was 3) said / I were 4) said / I am 163. “What are you doing?” the policeman said to me. 1) The policeman asked what I was doing. 2) The policeman asked if what I was doing. 3) The policeman asked me what I was doing. 4) The policeman asked me what was I doing. 164. He said, “Get out of my house immediately.” 1) He told me that I get out of his house immediately. 2) He told me to get out of my house immediately. 3) He told me to get out of his house immediately. 4) He said that I got out of his house immediately. 165. “Do you want to buy anything?” she asked him. 1) She asked him if he wanted to buy anything. 2) She asked him whether he want to buy anything. 3) She asked him if he had wanted to buy anything. 4) She asked him whether he has wanted to buy anything.

Access to English Book I 102 166. She said to me, “I am glad to see you.” 1) She said to me that she is glad to see you. 2) She told me that she was glad to see me. 3) She said that she is glad to see me. 4) She said I was glad to see you. 167. “Please open the window,” he said to me. 1) He said to me open the window. 2) He asked me to open the window. 3) He ordered me to open the window. 4) He told me please open the window. 168. “Don’t you like Austin?” I said to Odin. 1) I asked Odin that didn’t she like Austin. 2) I said to Odin if didn’t she like Austin. 3) I said to Odin doesn’t she like Austin. 4) I asked Odin if she didn’t like Austin. 169. He said to his son, “Don’t turn on the radio.” 1) He told his son not to turn on the radio. 2) He told to his son not to turn on the radio. 3) He told his son that not to turn on the radio. 4) He said to his son that he didn’t turn on the radio. 170. “We’re going to the cinema.” they said. 1) They said that we were going to the cinema. 2) They said they were going to the cinema. 3) They said they are going to the cinema. 4) They said we are going to the cinema.

Access to English Book I 103 A subjunctive verb uses the simple form of a verb. It does not have present, past, or future forms; it is neither singular nor plural. Sentences with subjunctive verbs generally stress importance or urgency. A subjunctive verb is used in that-clauses that follow the verbs and expressions listed below. Structure Example Subject + …. + that + Subject + Verb 1 • Emily suggests that we go out for dinner after the movie. It is + …. + that + Subject + (should ) + Verb 1 • It is necessary that we (should) work together as a team. Negative : not + simple form • I suggest that you not take the job without renegotiating the salary. Passive : simple form of be + past participle • It is necessary that these questions be answered at once. Notice Should is also possible after suggest and recommend. The subjunctive is more common in American English than British English. In British English, should + simple form is more usual than the subjunctive: The teacher insists that we should be on time. Common verbs and expressions followed by the subjunctive in a noun clause advise (that) propose (that) it is essential (that) it is critical (that) ask (that) recommend (that) it is imperative (that) it is necessary (that) demand (that) request (that) it is important (that) it is vital (that) insist (that) suggest (that)

Access to English Book I 104 In certain that clauses The base subjunctive is typically used in that clauses after two structures: 1. suggest-verb (or noun) + that advise ask command demand desire insist order prefer proposal propose recommend recommendation request suggest suggestion 2. advisable / anxious-adjective + that adamant advisable anxious best crucial desirable determined eager essential imperative important keen necessary unthinkable urgent vital Example; these sentences which include examples of the above: main clause suggest-verb that clause with subjunctive Paolo suggests that you be present at the meeting. The board recommend that he join the company. Anthony requested that the car park not be locked at night. Cara suggests that you be present at the meeting. main clause suggest-noun that clause with subjunctive They made a suggestion that we be early. Jamille made a proposal that the company buy more land. The president has issued an order that the secretary resign next month. They made a suggestion that we be early. main clause advisable-adjective that clause with subjunctive It is advisable that she rest for a week. It was essential that the army advance rapidly. After the landing, it will be vital that every soldier not use a radio. It is advisable that she rest for a week.

Access to English Book I 105 main clause advisable-adjective that clause with subjunctive Angelica is anxious that you return soon. They are keen that he not be hurt. We were determined that it remain secret. Cassius is anxious that you return soon. Notice the position of not when creating negation the main clause can be in any tense Sometimes use subjunctive be after if/whether, though this is rather formal, especially in British English. If that be (not) the case, I intend to report the matter. Whether he be prepared or not, were-subjunctive be I were you were he, she, it were we were you were they were Note The subjunctive is the same as the bare infinitive and it does not change according to person (I, you, he, etc). If he were to die tomorrow, the inheritance would be mine. I wish I weren't so bad at English.

Access to English Book I 106 In the following examples, sometimes use the were-subjunctive (instead of was) after: if as if wish suppose Note Were is always correct, but was is possible in informal language. Formal with were Informal with was I would go if I were younger. I would go if I was younger. If he were not so mean, he would buy one. If he wasn’t so mean, he would buy one. I’d tell her if I were you. We do not normally say “if I was you” even in colloquial language. It’s not as if I were ugly. It’s not as if I was ugly. She acts as if she were the Queen. She acts as if she was the Queen. I wish I weren’t so slow! I wish I wasn’t so slow! I wish the computer were working. I wish the computer was working. Suppose she were here. What would you say? Suppose she was here. What would you say? Strange as it may seem, although the words hope and wish seem to be similar, we do not use the subjunctive with hope. Correct sentences with hope would be, for example: • I hope that this computer works. • I hope that this computer is working I wish I were the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. I hope I get a chance to win it.

Access to English Book I 107 Part I : 1 - 10 Subjunctive in Present Form Instructions : Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Example : The airline recommended that Mabel……………………………………(arrive) two hours early. 1. I suggest that he……………………………………(stay) home in bed and rest. 2. It’s vital that my brother……………………………………(follow) the doctor’s instructions. 3. Emerson recommended that you……………………………………(join) the committee. 4. It’s important that you……………………………………(try) to study often. 5. Dr. Bryant asked that Andrew……………………………………(submit) his research paper before the end of the term. 6. Donovan asked that we……………………………………(attend) her graduation ceremony next week. 7. The teacher insists that her students……………………………………(come) on time. 8. It’s important that Janet……………………………………(remember) to take her medicine twice a day. 9. The sofa? The decorator recommended that it……………………………………(go) in front of the window. 10. It is imperative that politicians……………………………………(be) good communicators. Part II : 11 - 20 Subjunctive in Passive Form Instructions : Complete the following sentences using the Simple Present Subjunctive of the Passive Voice of the verbs shown in brackets. Example : She ordered that the most important details……………………………………(make) known. 11. It is important that teachers……………………………………(remind) to be on time to class. 12. The church requests that all prayers……………………………………(offer) at noon tomorrow. 13. My boss recommends that the cake……………………………………(order) from the pricey bakery. 14. The editor insist that a reference……………………………………(include) in the article. 15. Richard requested that his luggage……………………………………(keep) in safe place. 16. I proposed that Austin……………………………………(take) a bus tour through Northern England. 17. We asked that our suggestions……………………………………(consider). 18. They will insist that their colleague……………………………………(admit) to the association. 19. He advises that the plane……………………………………(fly) at a high altitude. 20. He demanded that 2-B pencil……………………………………(use) to write on the test paper. arrive be made

Access to English Book I 108 Part III : 21 - 30 Subjunctive in Negative Form Instructions : Fill in the blanks below with the correct negative form of the verb in parentheses. 21. Irene recommends that I……………………………………(eat) at that restaurant. 22.The company asked that employees……………………………………(accept) personal phone calls during business hours. 23. I suggest that you……………………………………(take) the job without renegotiating the salary. 24. He insists that he……………………………………(go) to the hospital. 25. I prefer that you……………………………………(invite) those gentlemen. 26.They would rather that you……………………………………(lose) all their money in the fire, of course! 27. It is important our spies……………………………………(reveal) their job! 28. We insist that they……………………………………(deny) his rights. 29. I recommend that you……………………………………(exercise) until you feel better. 30.Valdus suggests all spoilsports……………………………………(remain) in the party. Part IV : 31 - 60 Subjunctive Forms Instructions : Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Negative, passive and continuous are possible. 31. It is necessary that she……………………………………(be) present at the meeting. 32. I suggest that Jacob……………………………………(read) the directions carefully before assembling the bicycle. He doesn’t want the wheels to fall off while he is riding down a hill. 33. Gabriella demanded that the heater……………………………………(repair) immediately. Her apartment was freezing. 34. It’s vital that the United States……………………………………(focus) on improving its public education system. What we do now will affect our country for generations to come. 35. The monk insisted that the tourists……………………………………(enter) the temple until they had removed their shoes. 36. I am not going to sit here and let her insult me. I demand that she immediately ……………………………………(apologize) for what she just said. 37. Randel asked that we……………………………………(attend) her graduation ceremony next week. 38. Was it really necessary that I……………………………………(sit) there watching you the entire time you were rehearsing for the play? It was really boring watching you repeat the scenes over and over again.

Access to English Book I 109 39. It is important to remember that Riley……………………………………(think) very differently from you. She may not agree to the changes you have made in the organization of the company. 40. It’s a little difficult to find the restaurant. I propose that we all……………………………………(drive) together so that nobody gets lost along the way. 41. The woman insisted that the lost child……………………………………(take) to store’s information desk so his parents could be paged. 42. The nutritionist recommended that Ashley……………………………………(reduce) her daily fat intake. 43. The environmental leader felt it was extremely important that the people of the city ……………………………………(allow) to voice their concerns over the new hotel being built on the bay. 44. The Secretariat General proposes that each member……………………………………(turn in) his paper by the end of the month. 45. The sign at the pool recommended that you……………………………………(swim) after eating a large meal. 46. It is necessary that a life guard……………………………………(monitor) the summing pool while the children are taking their swimming lessons. 47. The sun is scorching today. I suggest you……………………………………(put) on sunblock immediately before you get a sun burn. 48. Owen insists that Jessica……………………………………(invite) to the wedding; otherwise he will not attend. 49. I think it’s an interesting fact that she……………………………………(come) from Estonia. 50. It is imperative that the world……………………………………(work) towards a solution to global warming before the weather patterns of the world are disrrupted irreparably. Part V : 51 - 55 Grab Filling Instructions : Fill in the following with verbs in the subjunctive form. return apply send not delay not break 51. I suggest that he……………………………………for the job. 52. All I ask is that they……………………………………the rules. 53. Her solicitor suggested that she……………………………………in signing the contract. 54. It’s vital that he……………………………………the information at once. 55. It’s essential that she……………………………………home as soon as possible.

Access to English Book I 110 Part VI : 56 - 58 Conversation I Instructions : Complete the following sentences using the subjunctive. Principal : I am recommending that Mrs. Phoenix 56)……………………………………(stay) home until after her baby is born. Christina : When is her baby due? Principal : Around September 15th . I requested that she 57)……………………………………(return) to school in January. Kardos : Who is going to teach us until then? Principal : Ms. Selena. I insist that you 58)……………………………………(be) as respectful to her as you are to Mrs. Phoenix! Part VII : 59 - 62 Conversation II Instructions : Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. not go let do choose Maximus : Hey Lowell, what’s up? Are you planning our surfing holiday? Lowell : No, my parents are insisting that I 59)……………………………………. . Maximus : Why? Is it because it’s too dangerous? Lowell : Yeah, they asked that we 60)……………………………………a safer activity. My sister suggested that we 61)……………………………………something in the city. Maximus : How about we go sightseeing in London instead? Lowell : That’s an idea. I’ll propose that they 62)……………………………………me do that. I’ll call you If they agree. Part VIII : 63 - 68 Miscellaneous (Error Recognition) Instructions : Underline the mistakes in the sentences and write the corrections using the present subjunctive. 63. Her doctor suggested that her remain in bed. 64. The commander ordered that the thief is arrested. 65. It is necessary that we’ll pack enough food for the hiking trip. 66. The bank manager demanded that he pays the debt on time. 67. The police asked them that they don’t drive during the storm. 68. The waiter’s recommendation was that she ordered the pancakes.

Access to English Book I 111 Part IX : 69 - 76 Underline Instructions : Underline the correct answers. 69. Waller suggested that I (gets / got / get) more exercise. 70. They demanded that we (do not be / are not being / not be) so loud. 71. I recommend that you (look / looking / to look) for a job that isn’t so stressful. 72. Stephanie asked that we (not disturb / did not disturb / are not disturb) her. 73. The weather reporter said it was advisable that we (taking / take / to take) an umbrella today. 74. The owner of the restaurant requested that he (smokes / smoke / to smoke) outside. 75. The police officer insisted that I (showed / show / am showing) him my license. 76. It is critical that you (not eat / do not eat / did not eat) anything the night before your surgery. Part XI : 77 - 81 Rephrasing Instructions : Rephrase the following sentences using the subjunctive 77. He should arrive on time. (essential) ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….………………………… . 78. We should deal with this problem as soon as possible. (necessary) ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….………………………… . 79. We must solve the problem immediately. (vital) ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….………………………… . 80. The opposition wanted to make all the facts public. (demand) ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….………………………… . 81. They said he shouldn’t be released from prison. (recommend) ………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….………………………… . Part XII : 82 - 120 : Multiple Choice Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 82. He recommended that she……………………………………with him. 1) go 2) goes 3) would go 4) was going 82. Vivian has been seriously ill, her doctor suggested……………………………………all work. 1) that she stopped 2) to her to stop 3) that she stop 4) to her that she would stop

Access to English Book I 112 83. It is essential you……………………………………some experience. 1) be had 2) have 3) are having 4) had 84. Our head department suggested that you……………………………………directly with the boss. 1) didn’t speak 2) not speak 3) not to speak 4) don’t speak 85.They demanded that the agreement……………………………………in black and white. 1) write 2) should write 3) be written 4) be writing 86. I insist that you……………………………………your offensive remarks immediately. 1) withdraw 2) be withdrew 3) are withdrawing 4) have withdraw 87. It is important that food……………………………………just minutes before frying. 1) bread 2) be breaded 3) should bread 4) is dreading 88. Zander asked that they……………………………………to leave. 1) allow 2) are allowed 3) should be allowed 4) allowed 89. It is vital that people……………………………………information on local issues from diverse sources. 1) be got 2) are getting 3) should be got 4) get 90. We recommend that this wine……………………………………within six months. 1) must be consumed 2) should be consumed 3) consume 4) is going to consume 91. It is critical that you……………………………………control of that decision-making function. 1) took 2) be taken 3) are taken 4) take

Access to English Book I 113 92. Doctors recommend that all children……………………………………against polio and tuberculosis. 1) immunize 2) should immunize 3) be immunized 4) not be immunize 93. A : Do you like your new job? B : Yes, but my employer insists that I……………………………………on time. 1) was 2) be 3) must be 4) have been 94. The region's indigenous peoples demand that they……………………………………in discussion about environmental issues and development. 1) include 2) are included 3) were included 4) be included 95. The suggestion that he……………………………………a vacation made him happy. 1) be take 2) not take 3) take 4) takes 96. It is essential that she……………………………………for the upcoming presentation. 1) prepared 2) be prepared 3) prepare 4) is preparing 97. It is advisable that everybody……………………………………outside during the night. 1) doesn’t go 2) not go 3) not going 4) didn’t go 98. Ethan recommended that they……………………………………to the stadium. 1) don’t go 3) didn’t go 3) shouldn’t go 4) mustn’t go 99. The teacher insisted that we……………………………………the homework. 1) do 2) did 3) be done 4) were done 100. I suggested that they……………………………………a decision immediately. 1) made 2) be made 3) have to make 4) should make

Access to English Book I 114 101. Walker recommended that Jolie……………………………………immediately. 1) hired 2) hire 3) be hired 4) is hired 102. They recommended that your friend……………………………………the house. 1) not leave 2) didn’t leave 3) doesn’t leave 4) hadn’t left 103. Claire demanded that I……………………………………to take part in the negotiations. 1) am allowed 2) allow 4) allowed 4) be allowed 104. The doctor recommended that she……………………………………a specialist about the problem. 1) be seen 2) should see 2) sees 4) might see 105. We suggested that you……………………………………to the organization. 1) admit 2) admitted 3) be admitted 4) were admitted 106.The doctor insisted that she……………………………………to the hospital for tests. 1) go 2) goes 3) is going 4) be gone 107. It is imperative that computer passwords……………………………………confidential. 1) werekept 2) bekept 3) beingkept 4) had beenkept 108. It is necessary that everything……………………………………ready by two o’clock tomorrow. 1) be 2) was 3) were 4) would have been 109. During the meeting,…………………………………… . 1) I proposed that we restructure the department. 2) I proposed them to restructure the department. 3) I proposed that we restructured the department. 4) I proposed that we be restructured the department.

Access to English Book I 115 110. The law is always changing and…………………………………… . 1) it’s extremely important that we are aware of any changes. 2) it’s extremely important that we be aware of any changes. 3) it’s extremely important being aware of any changes. 4) it’s extremely important be awarded of any changes. 111. Please don’t be late for the meeting. …………………………………… . 1) It’s important that we are making a good impression. 2) It’s important that we will make a good impression. 3) It’s important that be made a good impression. 4) It’s important we make a good impression. 112. I can’t take any days off around Christmas. …………………………………… . 1) Our supervisor insists that we not take vacation during the holidays. 2) Our supervisor insists that we don’t take vacation during the holidays. 3) Our supervisor insisted that we didn’t take vacation during the holidays. 4) Our supervisor insisted that we not to take vacation during the holidays. 113. A : What did your customer say about the quote? B : …………………………………… . 1) She requested that I matched a competitor’s price. 2) She requested me to match a competitor’s price. 3) She requested that I match a competitor’s price. 4) She requested me match a competitor’s price. 114. A : What did John suggest? B : …………………………………… . 1) He suggested that we consult an expert before deciding. 2) He suggested that we consulted an expert before deciding. 3) He suggested us that we consult an expert before deciding. 4) He suggested that we be consulted an expert before deciding.

Access to English Book I 116 115. Zeno knows what he’s talking about. …………………………………… . 1) I recommend that you take his advice. 2) I recommend that you takes his advice. 3) I recommend that you to take his advice. 4) I recommend that you be taken his advice. 116. We don’t want to lose any more employees. …………………………………… . 1) It’s important that we to keep our staff motivated and happy. 2) It’s important that we keep our staff motivated and happy. 3) It’s important that keeping our staff motivated and happy. 4) It’s important that be kept our staff motivated and happy. 117. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) It’s essential that every child has the same educational opportunities. 2) It’s important that you be standing there when he gets off the plane. 3) It is indispensable that he use the time intelligently. 4) It is important that we be on time. 118. Which one is correct? 1) It is important that we aren’t be late. 2) It is essential that she not write this letter 3) She suggested that I am not reveal everything about my former life. 4) The doctor suggested that she exercise more and not to work on weekends. 119. Which sentence is correct? 1) Psychologists recommend that we are trained to cope with stress. 2) The Director asked that he allow to advertise for more staff. 3) Mark insisted that Kelly be considered for the position. 4) He requested that fresh fruit bring to his room. 120. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) It is important that students attend all the lectures. 2) My supervisor suggested that we have fewer meetings. 3) Our teacher recommends that we speak in English every day. 4) Mum prefers that my sister be finished her homework before lunch.

Access to English Book I 117 “Ever” is defined as always, at all times, in any way or at any time. We use -ever words to mean no matter when, where, what, who, how, which. The actual time, place, thing, person, method or option are not important. A clause beginning with an -ever word can go before or after the main clause. -ever word + subject + verb Ever-words Meaning Examples Whoever (person) It has a similar meaning to “anybody or everybody”. • Whoever scratched my car like this should have at least left a note. whomever (person) It has a similar meaning to “anybody or everybody”. • Give the document to whomever in the department Whatever (thing) It has a similar meaning to “anything or everything” • You can do whatever you want now that you have finished your homework. Whichever (option) It has a similar meaning to “any out of a specific group”. • Hmm. I have a feeling I’m going to get lost whichever road I take. Whenever (time) It has a similar meaning to “any time”. • He asks me for money whenever he sees me. Wherever (place) It means “anywhere or everywhere”. • You can keep it wherever you want as long as it is safe. However (in which way) It has a similar meaning to “whichever way”. • You can’t just act however you want, you must be professional. Note whomever is an object pronoun and works like the pronouns him, her, and them It doesn’t matter to me, we can do whatever you want tonight.

Access to English Book I 118 Part I : 1 - 24 Wh-ever Words Instructions : Complete the following sentences by using -ever words. 1. You can come and visit us……………………………………you like. 2. I will follow him……………………………………he goes. 3. ……………………………………you do, don’t touch the red button. 4. You have three options; choose……………………………………you prefer. 5. ……………………………………hard you try, it will always have some flaws. 6. I’m tired of everybody blaming me for……………………………………I do. 7. ……………………………………is the principal must take responsibility right away. 8. ……………………………………I want to go fishing, it rains. 9. Ask……………………………………you want, they will tell you the same thing. 10. We will do……………………………………it takes and win that match. 11. You can’t just act……………………………………you want, you must be professional. 12. ……………………………………scratched my car like this should have at least left a note. 13. The whole house vibrates……………………………………a heavy lorry passes. 14. ……………………………………dress I wear tonight, I’m worried that my butt will look fat. What do you think? 15. Caroline never lost her social poise,……………………………………awkward the situation. 16. The criminal said he would do……………………………………he could in order to get out of jail. 17. Everyone knows that……………………………………you nominate will have my support. 18. You can do……………………………………you like, I don’t really care as long as it gets done. 19. Our teacher said, “ There is a bulletin board in a classroom that you can decorate ……………………………………you like to personalize it.” 20. They said we could have the use of their flat at the coast……………………………………they weren’t there. 21. We can do what we like and say what we like to……………………………………we like, without restriction. 22. We shall never leave you,……………………………………befalls. 23. ……………………………………you do, pay attention to the road when you are driving. 24. You can dress……………………………………you like for the party, it’s not formal.

Access to English Book I 119 Part II : 25 - 34 Conversation Instructions : Answer the following conversation below. Example A : Do you think we should go to Paris on our holiday? B : We’ll go……………………………………you like. 25. A : What’s for dinner? B : ……………………………………you decide is okay. 26. A : Is Monday a good time for a meeting? B : Let’s have a meeting……………………………………we can. 27. A : I always go to a gym to exercise. How about you? B : I exercise……………………………………I can. 28. A : Do you think we should ask Lucien to fix the light? B : We should ask……………………………………can fix it. 29. A : Who can I invite to the birthday party? B : You can invite……………………………………you like. 30. A : What time can I arrive at your place? B : You can arrive……………………………………you want. 31. A : Should I buy bananas or oranges? B : You can buy……………………………………you like. 32. What subjects should I take this term? B : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 33. Which one do you like? the red or the back one? B : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 34. How do we fix this machine? B : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . wherever

Access to English Book I 120 Part III : 35 - 40 Conversation Instructions : Complete the dialogues by using the given words. Conversation I : Number 35 - 37 Situation : Charlotte’s Birthday whatever who(m)ever whatever Charlotte : Sunday is my birthday, so I can do 35)……………………………………I want. Gianna : And will your parents buy you36)……………………………………you want? Charlotte : Yes! And I can invite 37)……………………………………I want to my birthday party. Conversation II : Number 38 - 40 Situation : Decorating a Christmas Tree whichever wherever however Olivier : Can I decorate the tree 38)……………………………………I want to? Phoebe : Hmm. That depends. Olivier : Can I put the big star anywhere? Phoebe : No, you can’t put the big star 39)……………………………………you want. You should put it on the top of the tree. Olivier : And does it matter what branches I put the bulbs on? Phoebe : No, you can put the bulbs on 40)……………………………………branches you want. Part IV : 41 - 50 Choosing Instructions : Under the correct answers. 41.They will gladly accept (whatever / whichever / however) you do it. 42. You should give him (however / whatever / whichever) he likes. 43. It’s half price for (whichever / whatever / wherever) book you buy. 44. He always blames me (wherever / whenever / whatever) anything goes wrong. 45. I will give (whatever / whomever / whoever) can help me one million baht. 46. (Whoever / Whosever / Whomever) wins must treat us to lunch. 47. (Wherever / However / Whenever) I see her, my heart beats fast. 48. (However / Whatever / Whichever) Brenda cooked made me happy. 49. (Whoever / Whomever / Whosever) you elect will serve a four-year term. 50. (However / Whatever / Whenever) you do it is my interest.

Access to English Book I 121 Part V : 51 - 60 Indefinite Pronouns Instructions : Change the Wh-ever Words to the correct Indefinite Pronouns. Example : Whoever wants to come is welcome ……………………………………wants to come is welcome. 51. However you do it, it is fine by me. ……………………………………you do it, it is fine by me. 52. I can come to your house whenever you are ready. I can come to your house……………………………………you are ready. 53. We can go wherever you want. We can go……………………………………you want. It doesn’t matter where. 54.You can invite whoever you like to the concert. You can invite……………………………………you like to the concert. 55.Emerson interrupts whenever I speak. Emerson interrupts……………………………………I speak. 56. I am happy to cook or go out. We’ll do whichever you prefer. I am happy to cook or go out. We’ll do……………………………………you prefer. 57.Trixie can paint the wall however she like. Trixie can paint the wall……………………………………she like. 58. Austin was free to marry whomever he chose. Austin was free to marry……………………………………he chose. 59.The children were allowed to do whatever they liked. The children were allowed to do……………………………………they liked. 60. Wherever you go in the world you’ll always find someone who speaks English. ……………………………………you go in the world you’ll always find someone who speaks English. Anyone who

Access to English Book I 122 Part VI : 61 - 70 Choosing Instructions : Choose the correct wh-ever word to complete the following sentences. wherever (3) however (2) whatever (2) whoever whichever whomever 61. Do……………………………………you want, just don’t come to me if it all goes wrong. 62. It’s impossible to say what time Lucien will arrive. He just turns up……………………………………he wants. 63. Sit down……………………………………you like. 64. ……………………………………broke the vase, can you please replace it? 65. ……………………………………hard I try, I still can’t find a job. 66. There are two dictionaries in the cupboard. Borrow……………………………………one you want. 67. I would love to be rich enough to buy……………………………………I wanted. 68. We had a great time in Botswana. The people were nice……………………………………we went. 69. My relationships are between me and……………………………………I’m with, not between me and the world. 70. They will gladly accept……………………………………you do it. Part VII : 71 - 100 Multiple Choice Instructions : Choose the best alternative. 71. You can come over……………………………………you like. 1) whoever 2) whichever 3) whenever 4) wherever 72. I’d like to speak to……………………………………is in charge of sales. 1) whenever 2) wherever 3) whatever 4) whoever 73. The model comes in all these colours. Choose……………………………………you like. 1) whenever 2) whatever 3) whichever 4) whoever 74. ……………………………………happens don’t forget to call me. 1) Wherever 2) Whichever 3) Whatever 4) Whenever

Access to English Book I 123 75. We can do……………………………………you like tomorrow. I have a day off. 1) whenever 2) whatever 3) wherever 4) whoever 76. I always have a good time with Sarah……………………………………we go. 1) whatever 2) wherever 3) whichever 4) whenever 77. ……………………………………used the car last forgot to switch off the headlights. 1) Whichever 2) Whenever 3) Wherever 4) Whoever 78. My boss criticizes me……………………………………I do. 1) whatever 2) whenever 3) wherever 4) whichever 79. I want to see both films so we’ll see……………………………………you decide. 1) wherever 2) whoever 3) wherever 4) whichever 80. I met someone from Oxford,……………………………………that is. 1) whatever 2) whichever 3) whenever 4) wherever 81. We can do……………………………………you want. 1) whatever 2) whichever 3) whenever 4) however 82. ……………………………………did you find that photo? I haven’t seen it in years! 1) Whatever 2) Whichever 3) Whoever 4) Wherever 83. ……………………………………he does it, I don’t care, as long as he finishes it this week. 1) Whatever 2) However 3) Wherever 4) Whoever

Access to English Book I 124 84. We’ll leave……………………………………you’re ready. 1) whatever 2) however 3) whenever 4) whoever 85. ……………………………………broke the window will have to pay to replace it. 1) Whatever 2) However 3) Whenever 4) Whoever 86. Call me back……………………………………it’s convenient. 1) whatever 2) whenever 3) however 4) whichever 87. ……………………………………is coming to the party needs to bring a swimsuit and a towel. 1) Whoever 2) Whomever 3) Whatever 4) Whichever 88. Do you prefer white or red wine? ……………………………………you prefer, I like both. 1) Whatever 2) Whichever 3) However 4) Whoever 89. His parents don’t control him. He can do……………………………………he wants. 1) whatever 2) however 3) wherever 4) whenever 90. Hagan will wear a blue or a red shirt,……………………………………is clean. 1) whoever 2) whatever 3) however 4) whichever 91. ……………………………………the truth may have been, many Thai people concluded that the previous government was clearly to blame for the corruption and the police’s abuse of power. 1) Whoever 2) However 3) Whatever 4) Whenever 92. A : I’m not sure how we should decorate the living room. B : Decorate it……………………………………you want. You have great taste. 1) whoever 2) wherever 3) however 4) whomever

Access to English Book I 125 93. A : Can I bring my new boyfriend to your party? B : Sure. Bring……………………………………you want. 1) whomever 2) whatever 3) whenever 4) whosever 94. A : How often does your boyfriend go to the gym? B : He goes……………………………………he can. 1) wherever 2) whatever 3) whenever 4) whoever 95. A : Where would you like to go for dinner tonight? B : ……………………………………you want. I don’t mind. 1) wherever 2) whenever 3) whatever 4) whoever 96. A : Do you want tea or coffee? B : I don’t mind……………………………………is easiest. 1) wherever 2) whenever 3) whichever 4) whoever 97. A : What should I buy you for your birthday? B : I don’t mind. I’ll be happy with……………………………………you give me. 1) wherever 2) whatever 3) whichever 4) whoever 98. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) Donovan should give the award to whomever he thinks deserves it. 2) Milada goes to the gym whenever she feels like eating chocolate. 3) People were really friendly to us wherever we went. 4) We’ll eat at wherever restaurant has a free table. 99. Which sentence is incorrect? 1) You can pick anything that you like. 2) Andrew rides his bike at anyplace that the weather is good. 3) I’m still going to the game, anytime that the weather’s like. 4) The adversary went about seeking anyone he might devour.

Access to English Book I 126 100. Which one is correct? 1) The political party nominates whatever they believe will win the election. 2) Valdus takes a picture whenever he sees an interesting sculpture. 3) You can dress however you like, it’s not a formal meeting. 4) It always seems to rain wherever I go out.

Access to English Book I 127 Part I : 1 - 10 Identifying Noun Clauses Instructions : Underline the Noun Clause in each sentence. 1. How the 2010 Olympics will impact Vancouver’s homeless is a serious issue. 2. Asked the lady in the front seat how old the little boy was. 3. Mother always insists that I should eat more vegetables 4. What an amazing magician! I don’t know how he did that! 5. My friend recommended that he take a taxi home from the party 6. It seems that he won’t be able to catch the last bus to the terminal. 7. Please tell me where I should meet you. 8. Whatever you decide is fine with me. 9. We will give whoever drops by a free Yogalates lesson. 10. It is essential that my son have his own cellphone. 11. Anyone who says that English teachers are boring will be punished. 12. They can’t decide whether they should go or stay home. 13. I think that the test was complicated. 14. We ask that all electronic devices be turned off and stowed at this time. 15.The mother asked the twins if they had tidied up their room. Part II : 16 - 35 Questions in Noun Clauses Instructions : Complete the sentences by changing the questions to noun clauses. Example : How did we get here? I don’t know…………….………………………………… . 16. Where did I leave my bag? I’ve forgotten…………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 17. Has he left his contract detail? I can’t remember……………………………….………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………. . 18. Will he recognise us after all these years? I won’t to know…………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 19. Why don’t you listen to me? I don’t understand……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 20. When did she arrive? I don’t know……………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . how we got there

Access to English Book I 128 21. What time does the class start? Can you remember………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ? 22. Would you mind turning the heat up? I wonder……………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 23. Which motorbike gets the best gas mileage? I don’t know……………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 24. How can you prove that carbon dioxide is essential for plants? Can you tell me…………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ? 25. Has he finished all the necessary preparation. I will ask him tomorrow morning. No one knows……………………..………….………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 26. What should we do to be healthy and fit? We need to know…………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 27. Should he try to heal the breach between Andrew and Lamont? He wants to know……………………………….………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………. . 28. Where can I exchange my American money for foreign money? Excuse me, Can you tell me………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………. ? 29. Who was that fantastic man? Asked a student…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 30. How much is the rent on your flat? Lander wonders……………………………….……………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………. . 31. Where should I apply for reissue? Zenon wants to know……………………………….………………….…………………………………………………………………………………. . 32. Has the boy been stealing cookies from the cookie jar? My grandmother wonders………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 33. Who lived in the house before we moved in? Do you know……………………………….………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………. ? 34. What’s on your mind? I wonder…………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 35. What is the name of the longest river in Europe? Could you tell me……………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ? Part III : 36 - 75 Mixed Noun Clauses Instructions : Combine the following sentences using noun clauses. 36. I don’t know. What kind of a battery is this? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 37. My brother doesn’t know. How tall is he? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 38. I am not sure. Which chapter are we on? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Access to English Book I 129 39. Scientists claim. They will cure cancer. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 40. Who is she? No one knows. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 41. Could you tell me? Where is the bookstore? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 42. Do you remember? How long did we stay in Qatar? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 43. Please tell us. What did you hear? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 44. She doesn’t know. Where does Susan live? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 45. I don’t know. Does Judy own a Honda? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 46. They’re getting married. I’m delighted. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 47. They didn’t lie to you. The suggestion is ridiculous. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 48. She hasn’t made a complaint. We should be grateful. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 49. He didn’t tell her the truth. She seems very angry about it. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 50. She’ll write to us. She promised. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 51. He’s laying to you. I’m sure about that. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 52. We might not get a pay rise. I don’t like the thought. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 53. I don’t know where to go on holiday. This is a problem. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 54. We were going to meet outside the club. It was my understanding. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 55. They won’t have enough money to pay their bills this month. They’re concerned. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 56. The said, “You can stay at our house.” ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 57. It surprised us that he said. I won’t do it. His statement. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Access to English Book I 130 58. I remember one time when my aunt said to me, “Don’t talk with your mouth full.” ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 59. “Henry, did you leave your keys in the door?” She said. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 60. Mrs. Dalloway says, “I’ll buy the flowers myself.” ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 61. Lowell’s coming round this evening. Have you forgotten? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 62. He isn’t dead. She still holds on that belief. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 63. I can’t remember. How can I solve the problem? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 64.She doesn’t know. Where should she place this information on her résumé? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 65. It is recommended. You must prepare a short speech before the ceremony. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 66.The finance department requests. He submits updated budget projections each month. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 67. The teacher asked. He has his homework done before he goes to play basketball. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 68. What is your name?The principal asked me. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 69.Excuse me, do you know? Where can I obtain a copy of her latest book? ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 70.“He listens carefully to the directions before starting the project,” we asked. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 71. How should you format your cover letter when sending it by e-mail? I wonder ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 72It’s important. You aren’t late for work. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 73.“The trip be postponed because of violence in the region,” we recommend. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 74. Maximus insisted. The student seeks the aid of a tutor. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 75. Whether or not they can stay awake during the lecture. The students don’t know. ……………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Access to English Book I 131 Part IV : 76 - 86 The Monologue Instructions : Read the monologue. Then complete the article. I’ve been with the circus since I was eighteen years old. I do a trapeze act and every night I hang by my toes from a bar twelve metres above the ground. I’ve been hanging off the bar for two years and I spent six years in the circus before that. I trained in dance and performing arts when I was younger and then I went to circus school. I wanted to join the circus because it combined all the skills I’d learnt up till then. I also wanted to do something a little crazy. I went to my first circus when I was fourteen and I loved it. I took up circus work as a hobby and now I do it professionally. I’ve done about 2,300 shows with the Cirque du Soleil. Next year the show moves to Brazil but I won't be going with them. The trapeze is always challenging but I want to do other things. I want to have a baby in two or three years. I'm also planning to learn how to sing, which wouldn’t be as hard on my body. Every night trapeze artist Gabriella hangs by her toes from a bar twelve metres above the ground. She says she….……………….…………………………………off the bar for two years and she (76)……………………………………………..………six years in the circus before that. Gabriella trained in dance and performing arts before she went to circus school. She told me that she (77)……………………………………………..………to join the circus because it combined all the skills she (78)……………………………………………..………up till then. She also wanted to do something a little crazy. She said she (79)……………………………………………..………to her first circus when she was fourteen. She (80)……………………………………………..………it so much that she (81)……………………………………………..………circus work as a hobby before working in the circus professionally. Gabriella says that so far she (82)……………………………………………..………about 2,300 shows with the Cirque du Soleil. She told me that when the show (83)……………………………………………..………to Brazil next year, she (84)……………………………………………..………with them. Her reason? She said that she (85)……………………………………………..………to learn how to sing and she (86)……………………………………………..………to have a baby in two or three years’ time. has been hanging

Access to English Book I 132 Part V : 87 - 92 Conversation Instructions : Choose the correct word to complete the following conversation. if whether how that (3) Emerson : Do you know yet (87)……………………………………or not you’ve got the position? Christopher : Yes, They rang this morning and offered it to me! Emerson : Congratulations! You deserve it. Christopher : Thanks. My only worry is (88)……………………………………I’m much younger than the people I’ll be managing. Emerson : Oh! I wouldn’t worry about that. I doubt (89)……………………………………any of them will even think about the age difference. Besides, they’ll soon get used to the idea (90)……………………………………you’re the boss. Christopher : I’m sure you’re right. And if there is a problem, I’ll decide (91)……………………………………to deal with it at the time. Emerson : Absolutely, I know you weren’t certain (92)……………………………………it was the right job for you-but I know you’ll be great. Part VI : 93 - 100 : Quoted Speech Instructions : Add punctuation and Capitalization. 93. I don’t want to waste time said Mary so let’s hurry 94. why did the mother bird fly away from the nest asked Jimmy 95. Valerie told the tour group please stay close together so no one gets lost 96. Mr. Donovan is our attorney Margaret said he is very good 97. Rolanda said to the students please talk quietly in the library. 98. let’s try to make it there by 6 pm said my dad otherwise we’ll miss the show 99. I can always count on you he said then a tear appeared in his eyes 100. Steve answered no I haven’t lived there for two years

Access to English Book I 133 Part VII : 101 - 105 Wh-ever words Instructions : Complete the sentence with wh-ever word. 101. A cell phone is very convenient. I can call my friend……………………………………I want. 102. A : Mummm! There are so many good things on the menu. It’s hard to decide. B : Please order……………………………………you want. 103. There are four good program on TV at eight o’clock. We can watch…………………………………… program you prefer. 104. He makes friends easily with……………………………………he meets. 105. She can go……………………………………she wants to go.

Access to English Book I 134 Noun Clauses Beginning with a Question Word 1. เรียง Question word + ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม 2. คำถามที่มี Verb เป็น do / does / did ให้ตัดออก 3. เปลี่ยน Verb ที่ตัดออกให้สอดคล้องกับ Verb do / does และ did do => Verb เหมือนเดิม does => Verb เติม s หรือ es did => Verb ช่อง 2 (เติม ed หรือเปลี่ยนรูป) 4. Verb อื่น ๆ ที่ไม่ใช่ do / does / did ให้คงเดิม แต่เปลี่ยนตำแหน่งจากหน้าประธานเป็นด้านหลังประธาน 5. Verb ที่ตามหลัง Question word หากทำหน้าที่เป็น Verb ของประโยค ให้คงที่ไม่เปลี่ยนแปลง (สังเกตจาก Verb เติม s / es หรือ Verb ช่อง 2 เพราะ Question word เป็นเอกพจน์ เมื่อทำหน้าที่เป็น คำถามและประธานในเวลาเดียวกัน Verb จะเติม s / es หรือ Verb ช่อง 2) 6. Question word (who, what. whose) + be + preposition เรียงเหมือนเดิม 7. Question word (who, what. whose) + be + Noun ขยับ be ไว้ด้านหลัง Noun Noun Clauses Beginning with Whether of If 1. ใช้ if / whether เป็นคำเชื่อม 2. เรียง if / whether + ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม 3. คำถามที่ขึ้นต้นด้วย Verb เป็น do / does / did ให้ตัดออก 4. เปลี่ยน Verb ที่ตัดออกให้สอดคล้องกับ Verb do / does และ did do => Verb เหมือนเดิม does => Verb เติม s หรือ es did => Verb ช่อง 2 (เติม ed หรือเปลี่ยนรูป) 5. Verb อื่น ๆ ที่ไม่ใช่ do / does / did ให้คงเดิม แต่เปลี่ยนตำแหน่งจากหน้าประธานเป็นด้านหลังประธาน 6. ตามหลังบุพบท (preposition) ใช้whether เท่านั้น 7. ไม่ใช้ that ตามหลัง Verb be 8. กลุ่มคำถาม Yes / No Question 6.1 Do / Does / Did 6.2 Is / Am / Are / Was / Were 6.3 Will / Can / Shall / May 6.4 Would / Could / Should / Might 6.5 Have / Has / Had ตัดออกและเปลี่ยน Verb ด้านหลังประธานให้สอดคล้องกับ Verb ที่ตัดออก เปลี่ยนตำแหน่งย้ายไปอยู่ด้านหลังประธาน

Access to English Book I 135 Question Words Followed by Infinitive 1. คำถามจะต้องมี can / could และ should ตามหลัง Question Words 2. เรียงได้ 2 แบบ คือ 2.1 Question word + ประธาน + can / could และ should + กริยา ช่อง 1 2.2 Question word + to + กริยา ช่อง 1 Noun Clauses Beginning with That 1. ใช้ตามหลัง verbs ที่แสดงความรู้สึก ความคิด หรือ ความคิดเห็น เช่น agree, feel, know, remember, believe, forget, realize, think, doubt, hope, recognize, understand 2. Verbs ใน main clauses มักจะเป็น present tense แต่ verbs ใน noun clauses จะเป็น tense อะไรก็ได้ 3. ถ้า Verbs ใน main clauses เป็นอดีต (past tense) verbs ใน noun clauses จะเป็น อดีตกว่า (past perfect) 4. ภาษาพูด มักจะละคำว่า that ซึ่งเป็นคำขึ้นต้น clause 5. that ไม่สามารถละได้ดังนี้ 5.1 ในกรณีที่noun clause เป็นประธาน ไม่สามารถละ that ได้(That - clause ขึ้นต้นประโยค) เช่น That she had decided to be engaged frightened me very much. 5.2 เมื่อ that - clause เป็นคำซ้อนนามที่อยู่ข้างหน้า เช่น The news that he was murderer is true. 5.3 เมื่อ that - clause อยู่หลัง It is / It was เช่น It is true that earth moves round the sun. Quoted Speech 1. จำนวนประโยค 1 ประโยค เขียนได้3 แบบ 1.1 Subject + said, “ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม .” 1.2 “ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม,” Subject + said. 1.3 “ ประธานของประโยค,”Subject + said, “กริยา + กรรม” 2. จำนวนประโยคมากกว่า 1 ประโยค เขียนได้2 แบบ 2.1 “ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม. ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม,” Subject + said 2.2 “ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม,” Subject + said. “ประธาน + กริยา + กรรม.” 3. ประโยคคำถาม (Question) เขียนได้2 แบบ 3.1 Subject + asked, “ประโยคคำถาม ?” 3.2 “ประโยคคำถาม ?” Subject + asked.

Access to English Book I 136 4. ประโยคคำอุทาน (Exclamation) เขียนได้2 แบบ 4.1 Subject + said, “ประโยคคำอุทาน !” 4.2 “ประโยคคำอุทาน !” Subject + said. 5. คำนามที่เป็นประธาน (ชื่อเฉพาะ) จะตามหลัง said เช่น said Anna 6. ใช้กริยาอื่น ๆ นอกจาก said / ask เช่น add, agree, announce, answer, replied, beg, begin, comment, complain… etc. Reported Speech : Verb Forms in Noun Clauses ประโยคบอกเล่า 1. said => said (เหมือนเดิม) 2. said to เปลี่ยนเป็น told + object 3. เปลี่ยนสรรพนาม 4. เปลี่ยน Tense ให้สอดคล้องกับ said, told คือเป็น อดีต ถ้าเป็นอดีตอยู่แล้วให้ทำเป็นอดีตกว่า (had + V3) 5. เปลี่ยน Adverb ใกล้ => ไกล ประโยค Yes/No Question 1. เปลี่ยน said to เป็น asked to (+ Object) 2. เชื่อมด้วย if หรือ whether 3. ตัด Verb ช่วย do, does, did ทิ้งแต่ตัวอื่นคงไว้ 4. เรียง Subject + Verb + Object ตามปกติ 5. เปลี่ยน Tense / สรรพนาม / Adverb ใกล้ => ไกล ประโยค Question Words 1. เปลี่ยน said to เป็น asked to (+ Object) 2. เชื่อมด้วย Question Words ตัวนั้นได้เลย 3. ตัด Verb ช่วย do, does, did ทิ้งแต่ตัวอื่นคงไว้ 4. เรียง Subject + Verb + Object ตามปกติ 5. เปลี่ยน Tense / สรรพนาม / Adverb ใกล้ => ไกล ประโยคคำสั่ง/ข้อร้อง/สั่งห้าม 1. เปลี่ยน said to เป็น told (+ Object) 2. ถ้าประโยคนั้นมีคำว่า Please ให้เปลี่ยน told เป็น asked + object 3. เชื่อมด้วย to + verb 1 4. สั่งห้าม เชื่อมด้วย not to + verb 1

Access to English Book I 137 Using the Subjunctive in Noun Clauses 1. ใช้ that ตามหลัง กริยาออกคำสั่งหรือขอร้อง (Subjunctive) และสำนวน 2. หลัง that ใช้กริยารูปปัจจุบัน (simple form) เท่านั้น 3. ไม่มีกริยาในรูป present, past หรือ future และไม่มีในรูปกริยาของเอกพจน์และพหูพจน์ 4. ประโยคจะสื่อความหมาย การเน้นย้ำความสำคัญและความเร่งด่วน 5. สามารถใช้ should หลังประธานและหน้ากริยาได้ในประโยคที่มี suggest และ recommend ได้ เช่น I suggested that she see a doctor. I suggested that she should see a doctor. 6. สามารถละ that ซึ่งเป็นคำขึ้นต้น clause ได้ในประโยคคำพูด 7. ประโยคปฏิเสธใช้ not + verb 1 8. ประโยค passive ใช้ be + verb 3 Using -Ever Words 1. Whoever ใช้หน้าประโยคทำหน้าที่ประธาน + Verb เติม s, es หรือ Verb ช่อง 2 หรือ Tense อื่น ๆ 2. Whomever ใช้ตรงกลางประโยค เป็นกรรม ตามด้วยประโยค 4. Whatever 4.1 ใช้หน้าประโยคทำหน้าที่ประธาน + Verb เติม s, es หรือ Verb ช่อง 2 หรือ Tense อื่น ๆ 4.2 ใช้ตรงกลางประโยค อยู่ตามหลัง Verb ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ Verb แต่เป็นประธานของกรรม + Verb เติม s, es หรือ Verb ช่อง 2 หรือ Tense อื่น ๆ 5. Whichever ใช้ตรงกลางประโยค อยู่หลัง Verb ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ verb + คำนาม + ประโยค 6. Whenever ใช้ตรงกลางประโยค อยู่หลัง Verb ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ verb + ประโยค 7. Wherever ใช้ตรงกลางประโยค อยู่หลัง Verb ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ verb + ประโยค 8. However ใช้ตรงกลางประโยค อยู่หลัง Verb ทำหน้าที่เป็นกรรมของ verb + ประโยค ***สามารถใช้ any + ……… + that แทน wh-ever ได้ในทุกประโยค whoever => anyone whomever => anyone whatever => anything whichever => any of the… whenever => anytime wherever => anyplace however => anyway

Access to English Book I 138 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 1. affluent adj. / n. ร่ำรวย ผู้ที่ร่ำรวย 2. afraid adj. กลัว 3. alike adj. เหมือนกัน 4. amenities n. ความน่าดึงดูด สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวก ความดี 5. anger n. ความโกรธ 6. annually adv. ทุก ๆ ปี 7. apathy n. ความเฉยเมย ความเฉื่อยชา ความไร้อารมณ์ 8. apparent adj. ปรากฏ เห็นได้ชัด 9. appreciate v. ซาบซึ้ง เห็นคุณค่า 10. appropriate adj. เหมาะสม 11. ardently adv. อย่างรุนแรง อย่างแรงกล้า ความกระตือรือร้น 12. arduously adv. อย่างตัวเป็นเกลียว 13. arrogant adj. อวดดี โอหัง 14. audible adj. ซึ่งดังพอที่จะได้ยินได้ สามารถได้ยินได้ 15. aura n. รัศมี กลิ่นหอมของสิ่งต่าง 16. aware adj. รู้ตัว รู้สึกตัว ทราบ 17. bills n. ใบเสร็จ 18. blizzard n. พายุหิมะ 19. bomb n. ระเบิด 20. chagrin v. / n. ทำให้ผิดหวัง ทำให้เสียใจ ความผิดหวัง ความเสียใจ 21. challenge n. ความท้าทาย 22. change v. เปลี่ยนแปลง 23. chief adj. สำคัญ สูงสุด 24. circumstantial adj. ที่เกิดขึ้นตามสถานการณ์แวดล้อม 25. clientele n. ลูกค้าทั้งหมด 26. clinic n. สถานพยาบาล 27. collaborate v. ร่วมมือ ช่วยเหลือ 28. compare v. เปรียบเทียบ

Access to English Book I 139 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 29. compete v. แข่งขัน แข่ง ชิงกัน ชิงชัย 30. contact v. ติดต่อ 31. contend v. แข่งขันต่อสู้ 32. conveniences n. สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวก สบาย 33. critique n. คำวิจารณ์ 34. customers n. ลูกค้า 35. deep adj. ลึก 36. delay v. ล่าช้า 37. dependent adj. ขึ้นอยู่กับ ต้องพึ่งพาคนอื่น 38. destitute adj. ขาดแคลน ยากจน 39. difficult adj. ยากลำบาก 40. dilemma n. สภาวะลำบาก สถานการณ์ลำบาก ภาวะวิกฤติ 41. disagreeable type n. การไม่เห็นด้วย 42. discriminating adj. แบ่งแยก แยกแยะ 43. dramatic adj. เกี่ยวกับละคร 44. dramatization n. การแสดงเกินจริง 45. education n. การศึกษา 46. eliminated v. กำจัด ตัดออกไป 47. embarrassment n. ความอับอาย 48. enervate v. ทำให้อ่อนแอ ตัดกำลัง 49. entice v. ล่อลวง ชักนำไปในทางผิด ทำให้หลงเข้าใจผิด 50. entirely adv. อย่างครบถ้วน โดยสิ้นเชิง 51. entrance n. ทางเข้า 52. evaluation n. การประเมิน 53. excited adj. รู้สึกตื่นเต้น 54. excluded v. เอาออก แยกออก 55. execute v. ดำเนินการ ประหารชีวิต 56. exist v. มีอยู่ มีชีวิต อยู่ 57. expansive adj. กว้างขวาง ขยายออก 58. expenses n. ค่าใช้จ่าย 59. expertly adv. อย่างชำนาญ 60. favorable adj. เป็นที่ชื่นชอบ

Access to English Book I 140 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 61. fireworks n. ดอกไม้ไฟ 62. firm adj. / n. มั่นคง บริษัท 63. fixed conception n. แนวความคิด จำกัด แนวความคิดตามกรอบ 64. frequently adv. เสมอ ๆ บ่อย ๆ ถี่ เป็นประจำ 65. frivolity n. ความเหลาะแหละ ความไม่เอาจริงเอาจัง 66. frivolous adj. ไม่จริงจัง ไม่สำคัญ 67. futile adj. เปล่าประโยชน์ไม่ได้ผล 68. get together v. มาพบเจอกัน 69. giving approval n. ให้การอนุมัติ อนุญาต 70. giving assistance n. ให้ความช่วยเหลือ 71. giving direction n. แนะนำทิศทาง 72. giving indication n. การบ่งชี้ การบ่งบอก 73. hard adj. ยากลำบาก 74. harmony n. ความกลมกลืน ความสามัคคี 75. headquarters n. สำนักงานใหญ่ 76. healing n. รักษา 77. heard v. ที่สามารถได้ยิน 78. housing benefits n. สวัสดิการที่พักอาศัย 79. huge adj. ใหญ่โต 80. hurricane n. พายุเฮอริเคน 81. ignorant adj. โง่เขลา เพิกเฉย 82. illegal adj. ที่ผิดกฎหมาย 83. illiterate adj. ไม่รู้หนังสือ ไม่มีการศึกษา 84. included v. รวมอยู่ด้วย 85. increases v. เพิ่มขึ้น 86. indecision n. ลังเลใจ 87. indication n. การบ่งชี้ การบ่งบอก 88. indicative adj. ซึ่งบอกเล่า ซึ่งบ่งบอก ซึ่งแสดง ซึ่งชี้แนะ 89. indifference n. ไม่แยแส ไม่สนใจ 90. indirection n. อ้อมค้อม

Access to English Book I 141 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 91. ineffectual adj. ไม่มีประสิทธิผล 92. inevitable adj. หนีไม่พ้น เลี่ยงไม่ได้จ ำเป็ น 93. inner part n. ข้ำงใน ชั ้นใน 94. innovation n. กำรเปลี่ยนแปลงใหม่ กำรปรับปรุง นวัตกรรม 95. instantly adv. ทันทีทันใด 96. integration n. กำรรวมกัน 97. intriguing n. วำงแผน กลอุบำย 98. invading v. บุกรุก 99. janitors n. ภำรโรง 100. justify v. ตัดสิน แสดงถงึควำมบริสทุธิ์ 101. knowledgeable adj. ที่มีควำมรู้ 102. light n. แสงสว่ำง 103. losing adj. แพ้ สูญเสีย 104. lucid adj. โปร่งใส สว่ำง 105. lucrative adj. มีก ำไร ร ่ำรวย 106. luxury n. ควำมหรูหรำ 107. made comfortable again v. ท ำให้สะดวกสบำย 108. made young again v. เป็ นหนุ่มเป็ นสำวอีกครั ้ง 109. moving adj. เคลื่อนที่ 110. musical adj. เกี่ยวกับดนตรี 111. musician n. นักดนตรี 112. obliged adj. เป็ นข้อผูกมัด 113. occupants n. ผู้ที่อำศัยอยู่ 114. on the surface n. เพียงผิวเผิน 115. opposite adj. ตรงข้ำม 116. paramount adj. ยิ่งใหญ่ ส ำคัญยิ่ง เยี่ยมยอด 117. participants n. ผู้เข้ำร่วมกำรเล่นกีฬำ 118. payments n. กำรช ำระเงิน 119. perceptive adj. เข้ำใจได้ดี 120. permit v. อนุญำต

Access to English Book I 142 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 121. pertinent adj. เข้ำเรื่อง ตรงประเด็น ตรงปัญหำ 122. poor people n. คนที่ยากจน 123. poverty n. ความยากจน 124. predicament n. สภาวะที่ยากลำบาก 125. principal adj. / n. สำคัญมากกว่าอย่างอื่น อาจารย์ใหญ่ 126. processing n. กำลังดำเนินการ การดำเนินการ 127. profitable adj. ที่มีกำไร ที่มีประโยชน์ 128. prosper v. เจริญ รุ่งเรือง 129. providing n. การจัดเตรียมให้ 130. put together v. นำมารวมกัน 131. raising n. เพิ่มขึ้น ยกขึ้น 132. register v. ลงทะเบียน 133. reimbursements n. การชำระเงินคืน 134. rejuvenated adj. ซึ่งกระปรี้กระเปร่า 135. reproduce v. คัดลอก สืบพันธ์ 136. salespeople n. พนักงานขาย 137. saving n. การประหยัด ความปลอดภัย 138. scheme n. วางแผน 139. scoff v. เย้ยหยัน 140. segregation n. การแยกตัวออก การแบ่งแยก (เชื้อชาติผิว กลุ่ม) 141. separation n. การแบ่งแยก 142. situation n. สถานการณ์ 143. slimmed again v. ผอมลง ตัวเล็กลง 144. snowstorm n. พายุหิมะ 145. spontaneously adv. อย่างเป็นธรรมชาติ 146. stand together v. ยืนหยัดร่วมกัน 147. stereotype n. แบบแผนตายตัว เครื่องพิมพ์แบบ ทัศนคติทั่วไป 148. strafing v. การยิงกราด 149. stratagem n. ยุทธวิธีเล่ห์เหลี่ยม อุบาย กลยุทธ์ 150. subjugated again v. เชื่อฟัง

Access to English Book I 143 Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning 151. succumb v. ยอมแพ้ยอมจำนน 152. summary n. การสรุป 153. supercilious adj. ที่หยิ่งยโสมาก 154. superficial adj. เพียงผิวเผิน ไม่ลึกซึ้ง 155. survive v. รอดชีวิต มีเหลือ มีอายุยืนกว่า ดำรงอยู่ 156. synopsis n. การสรุปความ เรื่องย่อ สาระสำคัญ 157. tempt v. ยั่วยวนใจ ดึงดูดใจ 158. tenants n. ผู้เช่า ผู้ครอบครอง 159. thrice adv. สามครั้ง สามเท่า 160. thunderstorm n. ฝนตกฟ้าร้อง 161. tiring adj. ที่น่าเบื่อ 162. tolerate v. ยอมให้อดทน อดกลั้น 163. tornado n. พายุทอร์นาโด 164. torture n. การทรมาน 165. trace v. สืบร่องรอย 166. transcend v. ชนะ ที่อยู่เหนือกว่า 167. tremendous adj. ใหญ่โต น่าเกรงขาม มหึมา 168. triviality n. สิ่งเล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ สิ่งที่ไม่สำคัญ 169. trying v. พยายาม 170. unavoidable adj. ที่หลีกเลี่ยงไม่ได้ 171. unhealthy adj. เป็นอันตรายต่อสุขภาพ 172. varying v. ที่เปลี่ยนแปลง ที่ผันแปล 173. vast adj. ใหญ่โต มโหฬาร กว้างใหญ่ 174. very adv. มากมาย 175. wealthy adj. มั่งคั่ง ร่ำรวย 176. work together v. ทำงานร่วมกัน 177. working on v. ดำเนินการ ทำต่อเนื่อง ทำงานต่อไป 178. yield v. ยอมจำนน ยอมทำตาม 179. zealously adv. อย่างกระตือรือร้น

Access to English Book I 144 Part I : 1 - 13 Noun Clauses Beginning with a Question Word Instructions : Choose the best alternative for each item. 1. ……………………………………was true and everyone believed it. 1) My father said 2) My father has said 3) What my father said 4) What did my father say 2. ……………………………………sensible turns out to be ridiculous in other people’s eyes. 1) What he thinks 2) What did he think 3) What he be thought 4) What he think 3. If I had the money, I would pay……………………………………I owe. 1) that 2) which 3) what 4) you 4. ……………………………………was that I had a test today. 1) What I forgot 2) What I had forgotten 3) What did I get 4) What had I forgotten 5.Scholars disagree over……………………………………some of Shakespeare’s sonnets. 1) who wrote 2) who writes 3) who will write 4) who has written 6. I can’t fix……………………………………to do this project. 1) how much time you take 2) how much time do you take 3) how much time did you take 4) how much time will you take 7. You must choose…………………………………… . 1) which flavor of ice cream you want 2) which flavor of ice cream is you want 3) which flavor of ice cream you wanted 4) which flavor of ice cream do you want

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