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Published by rupindrakatu, 2021-07-10 12:25:58



/xg n]Voj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f teacher non-verbally and
 ;ªs\ ]ts -yfK] nf, ;ª\s]t, j0f{ / verbally.
 oftfoftsf d'Vo
;fwgx¿sf] gfd cªs\ _ af6 j0f{sf] 9frF f lgdf{0f  Respond to simple
atfpg ug{
 k9]sf j0f{ -:j/ / Jo~hg_ tyf commands and questions.
 kl/jf/sf dfqfsf] ;ª\st] g / lj;ª\s]tg
;b:ox¿n] ahf/df u/L 9frF fsf] cg's/0f ug{  Perform different kinds of
lsgar] ug{]  zAbsf j0f{ ljefhg ug{ / j0f{
;fduL| x¿ klxrfg hf8] ]/, 56' o\ fP/, lems]/, yk]/ / listening tasks (e.g. drawing,
ug{ kl/jtg{ u/]/ zAb agfpg matching, etc.).
zAbe08f/ Speaking
 cg'ej tyf k"j{1fgdf cfwfl/t
eO{ wf/0ff / ZfAbnfO{ l;sfO;Fu  Pronounce grade appropriate
ldn] gldn]sf] nv] fhfv] f ug{
 bl} gs ko| f]udf cfpg] zAb, zLif{ words correctly.
zAb, nAw zAb tyf lj;ª\st] s
zAbsf] cya{ fw] / jfSodf k|of]u  Give basic personal
 kf7sf cg'R5b] k9/] gofF zAb information about themselves
klxrfg, cy{afw] / k|ofu] ug{ (e.g. name, address, family,
k7g k|jfx nationality) using short words
 xfpefp, ult / z'4tf;lxt and phrases.
lj;ª\s]ts kf7 k9\g
k7g afw]  Ask and answer short, simple
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/jz] sf
cfwf/df 5nkmn / kZ| gfQ] / ug{ questions.
 kl/jz] , kfq / ;Gbe{ klxrfg u/L
t'ngf ug{  Sing or recite a song/chant by
 kfq kl/jt{g;lxt syf lgdf0{ f
ug{ listening to the teacher or an
nv] fO audio.
 j0f{, zAb / jfSosf] cg'nv] g Reading
tyf >'ltn]vg ug{
 a9Ldf bz jfSo;Ddsf  Recognize and read familiar
cg'R5b] sf] cgn' ]vg ug{
words accompanied by
sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f visuals

 k"0fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,  Perform rhymes and chants
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]
k|ofu] u/L eGg / nV] g with appropriate rhyme and
 lj|mofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf]
ko| fu] u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt  Understand the meaning of
cleJolSt lbg
grade appropriate words.
!@= kmnkmn" / t/sf/L
 Read words, simple sentences
(Fruits and
and short paragraphs
vegetables) correctly.

 Retrieve specific information

from simple sentences.

 Do different kinds of

comprehension tasks
(answering verbally,
matching, action, etc.)

 Write letters and words in a

straight line from left to right
with regular spacing between

 Copy letters and highly

frequent familiar words and
phrases correctly and
reproduce them.

 Combine and recombine

different letters to form
words, and put the words in
correct order to form simple

 Use correct spelling of


 Write simple phrases and

sentences independently.

 Demonstrate good

handwriting skills.

Language function
Giving information

 Match spoken words to

printed words (e.g. the
teacher pronounces /pin/, and
the student selects pin from a

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 45

set of three word cards).

 Recognize and comprehend

words and simple


 Respond to the audio or the

teacher non-verbally and


 Perform different kinds of

listening tasks (e.g. drawing,
matching, etc.).

 Pronounce grade appropriate

words correctly.

 Ask and answer short, simple


 Sing or recite a song/chant by

listening to the teacher or an


 Name people, objects and

places and describe them
with adjectives.


 Recognize and read familiar

words accompanied by


 Perform rhymes and chants

with appropriate rhyme and


 Understand the meaning of

grade appropriate words.

 Read words, simple sentences

and short paragraphs


 Retrieve specific information

from simple sentences.

 Do different kinds of

comprehension tasks
(answering verbally,
matching, action, etc.)


 Write letters and words in a

straight line from left to right

with regular spacing between


 Copy letters and highly

frequent familiar words and

phrases correctly and

reproduce them.

 Combine and recombine

different letters to form
words, and put the words in

correct order to form simple

 Use correct spelling of the


 Write simple phrases and

sentences independently.

!#= afgL / ?lr Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f  Demonstrate good

(Hobbies and  dfqf gnf]usf / nfu]sf ª, r, 5, handwriting skills.
interests) h, em j0fs{ f] klxrfg u/L
pRrf/0f / zAbdf j0f{ Language function
46 lje]bLs/0f ug{ Expressing likes and dislikes
 lj;ª\s]tg zAbsf ;?' jf cGTosf
 Recognize and comprehend

words and simple

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

Wjlg klxrfg / pRrf/0f ug{  Respond to the audio or the
 zAbsf j0f{ ljefhg ug{ / j0f{
teacher non-verbally and
hf]8]/, 5'6o\ fP/, lems]/, yk/] / verbally.
kl/jtg{ u//] zAb agfpg
>Jo÷b[Zoafw]  Perform different kinds of
 >Jo jf b[Zo ;fduL| sf cfwf/df
d'Vo dV' o ljifoj:t' klxrfg ug{ listening tasks (e.g. drawing,
matching, etc.).
 cgd' fg / sNkgf u/L df}lvs Speaking
j0fg{ ug{
 Pronounce grade appropriate
nV] oj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f
words correctly.
 ;ªs\ t] s -yf]Knf, ;ª\s]t, j0f{ /
cª\s_ af6 j0f{sf] 9fFrf lgdf{0f  Ask and answer short, simple
 k9]sf j0f{ -:j/ / Jo~hg_ tyf
dfqfsf] ;ª\s]tg / lj;ª\s]tg  Sing or recite a song/chant by
u/L 9fFrfsf] cg's/0f ug{
listening to the teacher or an
 ` j0f{ klxrfg u/L 9fFrfsf] audio.
cgs' /0f ug{ Reading

zAbe08f/  Recognize and read familiar
 k"j{1fgdf cfwfl/t eO{ wf/0ff /
words accompanied by
ZfAbnfO{ l;sfO;Fu ldn] gldns] f] visuals
bfHF g
 zLif{ zAb, nAw zAb tyf  Perform rhymes and chants
lj;ª\s]ts zAbsf] cy{af]w;lxt
jfSodf k|of]u ug{ with appropriate rhyme and
 kf7sf cg'R5]b k9]/ gofF zAb rhythm.
klxrfg, cya{ fw] / ko| fu] ug{
k7g k|jfx  Understand the meaning of

 xfpefp, ult / z'4tf;lxt grade appropriate words.
lj;ª\s]ts j0f,{ zAb / ;/n
jfSo k9\g  Read words, simple sentences

k7g af]w and short paragraphs
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/jz] sf correctly.

cfwf/df 5nkmn / k|Zgf]Q/ ug{  Retrieve specific information

 kf7sf cfwf/df ;f/ atfpg from simple sentences.
 kl/jz] , kfq / ;Gbe{ klxrfg u/L
 Do different kinds of
tn' gf ug{
 cfkm\gf] cg'ej;Fu kf7sf ;Gbe{ comprehension tasks
(answering verbally,
ldn] gldn]sf] bfFHg matching, action, etc.)
nv] fO Writing

 j0f,{ zAb / jfSosf] cgn' v] g /  Write letters and words in a
>l' tn]vg ug{
straight line from left to right
 cgR' 5b] sf] cgn' ]vg ug{ with regular spacing between
sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f
 Copy letters and highly
 k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ sf] frequent familiar words and
k|of]u u/L eGg / n]Vg phrases correctly and
reproduce them.
 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf]
ko| fu] u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt  Combine and recombine
cleJolSt lbg
different letters to form
!$= r/f / hgfj/ words, and put the words in
correct order to form simple
(Birds and sentences.

animals)  Use correct spelling of


 Write simple phrases and

sentences independently.

 Demonstrate good

handwriting skills.

Language function
Describing birds and animals

 Match spoken words to

printed words (e.g. the
teacher pronounces /pin/, and
the student selects pin from a
set of three word cards).

 Recognize and comprehend

words and simple

 Respond to the audio or the

teacher non-verbally and

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ 47

!%= xfdf| ] j/k/sf]  ljleGg lsl;dsf verbally.
df};dsf] klxrfg
;;+ f/ (Our ug{ / ;fdfGo j0fg{  Respond to simple
immediate commands and questions.
world)  df};dcgs' n"
 Perform different kinds of
listening tasks (e.g. drawing,
matching, etc.).

 Pronounce grade appropriate

words correctly.

 Give basic personal

information about themselves
(e.g. name, address, family,
nationality) using short words
and phrases.

 Ask and answer short, simple


 Sing or recite a song/chant by

listening to the teacher or an

 Name people, objects and

places and describe them
with adjectives.

 Recognize and read familiar

words accompanied by

 Perform rhymes and chants

with appropriate rhyme and

 Understand the meaning of

grade appropriate words.

 Read words, simple sentences

and short paragraphs

 Retrieve specific information

from simple sentences.

 Do different kinds of

comprehension tasks
(answering verbally,
matching, action, etc.)

 Write letters and words in a

straight line from left to right
with regular spacing between

 Copy letters and highly

frequent familiar words and
phrases correctly and
reproduce them.

 Combine and recombine

different letters to form
words, and put the words in
correct order to form simple

 Use correct spelling of


 Write simple phrases and

sentences independently.

 Demonstrate good

handwriting skills.

Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f

 zAbsf ;'?sf s\ bl] v If\ ;Ddsf
xnGt j0f{ ko| fu] ePsf ;+o'St
Jo~hg j0fs{ f Wjlg klxrfg /

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

nu' fsf] 5gf]6 ug{ pRrf/0f ug{
 cfkmg\ f] 3/ tyf
 lj;ªs\ ]ts zAbdf ko| 'St
ljBfno jl/kl/sf] ;o+ S' t÷xnGt j0f{sf] Wjlg
hldgsf] :j¿k klxrfg / pRrf/0f ug{
klxrfg ug{
 sfuhnfO{ :jtGq >Jo÷b[Zoaf]w
¿kdf sf6]/ gofF
cfsl[ t agfpg  b[Zo ;fduL| sf cfwf/df d'Vo d'Vo
 kfgLsf ;f| ]tx¿ / ljifoj:t' klxrfg ug{
bl} gs hLjgdf
logsf] pkof]uLtf  pdª\u, pT;'stf / cfZro{ h:tf
atfpg ;+ju] fTds cleJolSt ae' m/]
 b}lgs hLjgdf kl| tlj|mof JoSt ug{
xfjfjf6 xg' ] sfd
cjnf]sg u/L nV] oj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f
;fdfGo ljm| ofsnfk
ug{  xnGt tyf ;o+ 'St Jo~hg j0fs{ f]
 ljleGg cfsf/x¿, pRrf/0f / n]Vo ;ª\s]t klxrfg
agf6] x¿, u/L nV] g
a6' 6\ fx¿df /ªsf]
ko| fu] ug{  cg'gfl;stfsf] pRrf/0f / nV] o
;ªs\ ]t klxrfg u/L n]Vg
!^= xfdf| ljm| ofsnfk
 n]Vo j0f{sf] ljljwtf Vofn u/L
(Our activities) zAbsf] ;ª\st] g / lj;ª\s]tg
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

 cfkm\ gf] k/Dk/fut dN" odfGotfsf
af/d] f 5nkmn ug{

 bl} gs k|ofu] df cfpg] zAb, zLif{
zAb, nAw zAb tyf lj;ª\s]ts
zAb cy{af]w;lxt jfSodf k|of]u

k7g k|jfx

 xfpefp, ult, olt, no /
z4' tf;lxt kf7 -uLt, sljtf_
k7g -;:j/, ou' n, ;dx" / b't| _

 ult, olt / xfpefp;lxt cgR' 5]b
-;:j/ / bt'| _ k9g\

k7g afw]

 kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/j]zsf
cfwf/df 5nkmn / kZ| gf]Q/ ug{

 kf7sf] ;fdfGo ;fª\u7lgs 9fFrf
-k|f/De, dWo / cGTo_ sf] af]w

 kf7sf] ;f/ k|:tt' ug{
nv] fO

 j0f{, zAb / jfSosf] cg'nv] g
tyf >'ltn]vg ug{

 lgwfl{ /t zLifs{ tyf ljifoj:t'sf
cfwf/df lgb]{lzt / :jtGq /rgf

sfod{ "ns Jofs/0f

 lnªu\ , jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf]
;rt] tf;lxt df}lvs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg

 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf]
ko| fu] u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg

 k0" fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]
k|ofu] cj:yf Vofn u/L eGg /
nV] g

Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f

 dfqf gnfus] f / nfu]sf /, n, j,
;, x j0f{sf] klxrfg u/L
pRrf/0f / zAbdf j0f{
lje]bLs/0f ug{

 ;dfg tyf c;dfg ;+/rgf ePsf
zAbsf ;'?sf Wjlg klxrfg /
pRrf/0f ug{


 lj;ª\st] g zAbsf dWo jf
cGTosf Wjlg klxrfg / pRrf/0f

 zAbsf j0f{ ljefhg ug{ / j0f{
hf8] /] , 56' o\ fP/, lems/] , yk]/ /
kl/jtg{ u/]/ zAb agfpg

 bZ[ o ;fduL| sf cfwf/df dV' o dV' o

ljifoj:t' klxrfg ug{
 pdªu\ , pT;'stf / cfZro{ h:tf

;+j]ufTds cleJolSt ae' m/]
kl| tlj|mof JoSt ug{
n]Voj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f
 ;ªs\ t] s -yf]Knf, ;ª\s]t, j0f{ /
cª\s_ af6 /, n, j, z, if, ;, x,
If, q, 1 j0fs{ f] 9frF f cgs' /0f
 k9]sf j0f{ -:j/ / Jo~hg_ tyf
dfqfsf] ;ª\st] g / lj;ª\s]tg
u/L 9frF fsf] cg's/0f ug{
 rGbl| aGb' - _F , lz/laGb' - +_ /
lj;u{ - M _ sf] k|ofu] ug{
 ;dfg c;dfg ;/+ rgf ePsf
zAbsf] ;"rL lgdf0{ f ug{
 bl} gs k|ofu] df cfpg] zAb, zLif{
zAb, nAw zAb tyf lj;ªs\ ]ts
zAb cy{af]w;lxt jfSodf k|of]u
k7g kj| fx
 xfpefp, ult / z'4tf;lxt
lj;ªs\ t] s kf7 k9g\
 cgR' 5]bsf] ;:j/ / b|t' jfrg
 zAbdf ePsf j0f{ut 9frF f /
cy{sf af/]df ;r]ttf;lxt k9g\
k7g afw]
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/j]zsf
cfwf/df 5nkmn / k|ZgfQ] / ug{
 kl/jz] ut, kfqut / 36gfut
;Gbe{ klxrfg / tn' gf ug{
 kfq kl/jtg{ ;lxt syf lgdf0{ f
nv] fO
 j0f{, zAb / jfSosf] cgn' ]vg
tyf >l' tnv] g ug{
 a9Ldf bz jfSo;Ddsf
cgR' 5]bsf] cg'nv] g ug{

sfod{ n" s Jofs/0f

 k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrx\gsf]
k|of]u cj:yf Vofn u/L eGg /
nV] g

 lj|mofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf]
k|ofu] u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg

50 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

tflnsf @@ M kf7o\ j|mdsf] PsLs[t ;+/rgfdf sIffut l;sfO pknlAwsf] lj:t[tLs/0f -sIff @_

ljifoIf]q xfdf| ] ;]/fk] m]/f] ul0ft gk] fnL cªu\ h|] L
!= d / d/] f] kl/jf/ Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f
 cfÇgf] sIffdf k9\g]  ;dfg ks| [ltsf  p:t} p:t} ;l' gg] Wjlg klxrfg u/L Language functions
(Me and my ;fyLx¿sf] 3/ 7]ufgf efF8fx¿sf] Greeting and leave taking
family) atfpg cjnfs] g u/L pRrf/0f ug{ Talking about age
Ifdtf tn' gf ug{  ;+jfb / 5nkmn ;'gL To;sf Introducing others
 5/l5d]sLsf] cfb/, Talking about home and family
;Tsf/ ug{  ljleGg ef8F f]x¿sf] cfwf/df kZ| gfQ] / ug{ Listening
Ifdtfsf] cg'dfg  Kff7 ;g' L gofF zAb klxrfg ug{
 cfÇgf] kl/jf/sf ug{ / ck|fdfl0fs  ;dfg tyf c;dfg ;/+ rgf ePsf  Identify and discriminate sounds.
;b:ox¿n] nufpg] gfkfå] f/f k'li6 ug{  Identify words that have the same
klx/gsf] gfd atfpg zAbsf ;?' / cGTosf j0fu{ t Wjlg
klxrfg u/L pRrf/0f ug{ initial, medial or final sound.
 3/kl/jf/sf  ljBfno tyf ;db' fodf k|of]u x'g]  Recognize, identify and produce
;b:ox¿;uF ;xof]u zAb / cfb/;r" s, cf1f;"rs zAb
lng / lbg klxrfg u/L pRrf/0f ug{ rhyming words. (e.g. cow
>Jo÷bZ[ oafw] →now)
 cfk"m / cfgf]  >JobZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf cfwf/df  Identify individual sounds in
kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿sf] xfpefp;lxt 5nkmn, s'/fsfgL / words.
sfd -k;] f_ / pd]/ k:| tl' t ug{  Comprehend words and simple
atfpg  lbOPsf lrqsf cfwf/df j0fg{ ug{ expressions.
n]Voj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f  Respond to the audio or the
 kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿  zAbsf] ;?' / cGTodf ;dfg Wjlg / teacher verbally and non-
la/fdL k/]sf] cj:yfdf ;dfg ;/+ rgf ePsf zAb klxrfg / verbally.
:jf:Yo ;]jf lng ko| fu] ug{  Identify key information from a
 ;+oS' t j0f{ k|ofu] ePsf zAb klxrfg short speech or conversation.
 kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿ ug{  Follow the message in short
la/fdL kbf{ ;xof]u  j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / n]Vg simple conversations.
ug{ zAbe08f/  Perform a variety of listening
 zAbx¿nfO{ :t/ -bl} gs k|ofu] x'g] comprehension tasks.
 l;s]sf hfg]sf uLtdf zAb, zLif{ zAb / ljifoIfq] ut_
v'66\ f / xftsf] rfn cg';f/ ;dl' rt ko| fu] ug{ Speaking
ldnfO{ xfpefp ;lxt  kfrF zAb;Dd k|ofu] ePsf jfSo
gT[ o ug{ lgdf{0f ug{  Decode phonetically regular and
k7g k|jfx
 3/ / cfgf] j/k/ irregular words using letter sound
kfOg] vfgs] '/fsf]  xfpefp, ult, olt, no / knowledge, e.g. rat, too, blank,
klxrfg / pkof]u ug{ z'4tf;lxt kf7 -uLt, sljtf_ k7g house, have, said, where, etc.
-;:j/, ou' n, ;d"x / b't| _ ug{
 /y} fg] vfgs] '/fx¿  Produce words, phrases, simple
klxrfg u/L ;"rL  ult, olt / xfpefp;lxt cgR' 5]b -
tof/ kfg{ ;:j/ / bt'| _ k9g\ sentences with intelligible
 :yfgLo :t/df kfOg] k7g afw]
xl/of] ;fukft /  zLifs{ tyf lrqaf/] cg'dfg ub{}  Participate in short conversation
kx]nF f kmnk"mn vfg]
afgL a;fNg k9g\ with teachers and friends using
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kj" 1{ fgsf cfwf/df simple English.
 kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿;Fu
vn] fg} f / :yfgLo kf7af/] cg'dfg ug{  Ask and answer short, simple
;fdu|Lx¿ k|ofu] u/L  cgd' fg ldn] gldn]sfdf 5nkmn,
v]Ng questions.
k|Zgf]Q/ / dN" ofª\sg ug{
 z/L/ ttfpg] ;fdfGo  ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df k|Zgf]Q/ ug{  Sing or recite a song/chant by
s;/t ug{ nv] fO
 cgR' 5]bdf ko| fu] ePsf zAb tyf listening to the teacher or an
 hf]8L hf]8L agfP/ audio.
rf/} lbzfdf lxF8\g jfSo uGg / nV] g
 k9]sf zAb, jfSo / cgR' 5b] sf] Reading
 lglZrt lbzfdf xlkª
ug{ >'ltn]vg tyf cg'n]vg ug{  Put sounds together to read
sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f words and sentences.
 lglZrt :yfgdf
6l] gSj]6 -/a/ l/ª_  lnª\u, jrg, k?' if / cfb/ ldnfO{ afN] g  Recognize and read words with
ˆofFSg the help of the visuals.
/ n]Vg
 lzIfs / ;d"x gt] fsf]  Understand the meaning of grade
lgbz{] gcg;' f/ syfcf appropriate words.
wfl/t vn] x¿ v]Ng
 Perform rhymes and chants with
 HofldtLo cfsf/df appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
cfwfl/t ljleGg
cfsl[ tx¿ agfpg  Read sentences and short
paragraphs correctly.
 3/fo;L bl} gs k|ofu] sf
;/;fdfgx¿sf] gfd  Retrieve specific information
atfpg / lxkmfhg;fy (names, number, etc) from
ko| f]u ug{ reading texts.

 JolStut ;/;kmfOdf  Decode words correctly which
ko| f]u xg' ] ;fduL| x¿sf] have consonant diagraphs in
klxrfg / k|ofu] ug{ initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

 ;fwf/0f pks/0fsf] aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
cjnfs] g ug{, blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cfjZostfcg';f/ cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
dfkgsf nflu ko| fu] sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
ug{ / t'ngf ug{ consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,
 b}lgs hLjgdf ko| fu]
xg' ] ;/;dfgsf] Writing
;fdfGo /v] fªs\ g ug{
 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Give basic personal information

in writing (e.g. name, address,
age, nationality, family
information, etc.).

 Use correct spelling of words.

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


@= d/] f] b}lgs hLjg  lzIfs / ;d"x g]tfsf]  38L x]/L 306f / Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f Language functions
lgb{z] gdf cfwf/e"t ldg]6df ;do eGg Talking about daily habits and
(My daily life) of]u cEof; -k'tnL / nV] g  kl/lrt zAbsf j0fu{ t Wjlg hf8] g\ /
cf;g, jhf| ;g / 56' \ofpg activities
52 a[Iff;g_ ug{  SofnG] 8/ x/] /] sg' } Telling the time
lbgsf] ldlt -;fn,  n]Vo lrxg\ sf cfwf/df x'g] Describing past actions and events
 ljljw lbzfdf esG' 8f] dlxgf, ut] / af/_ pRrf/0fut leGgtf klxrfg / ko| fu] Listening
kmfNg] / ;dfpg] eGg / n]Vg u/L eGg
cEof; ug{  Identify and discriminate sounds.
 kf7 ;'gL ;d"x / Psn jfrg ug{  Identify words that have the same
 ;fwf/0f nªhDk tyf >Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w
xfOhDk ug{ initial, medial or final sound.
 >Job[Zo ;fdu|Lsf af/]df s/' fsfgL,  Recognize, identify and produce
 ;ªu\ Ltsf] tfndf 5nkmn / kZ| gfQ] / ug{
ljljw lb;fdf z/L/ rhyming words. (e.g. cow
3'dfpg / a6fg{  lbOPsf lrsf cfwf/df j0fg{ ug{ →now)
n]Voj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f  Identify individual sounds in
 vfS] bf, xflR5pF ubf{ words.
gfsd'v 5f]Kg /  bl} gs ko| fu] df cfpg] zAbsf] ;r" L lgdf{0f  Respond to the audio or the
hyfefjL gy'Sg ug{ teacher verbally and non-
 z/L/sf ljleGg  ;dfg ;/+ rgf ePsf zAbsf] j0f{ hf]8\g /  Identify key information from a
cªu\ x¿ ;kmf ug{ 56' \ofpg short speech or conversation.
 Follow the message in short
 z/L/df kfgLsf] dfqf  ;o+ S' t j0f{ ko| fu] ePsf zAb klxrfg ug{ simple conversations.
;Gtn' g ug{ ;do zAbe08f/  Perform a variety of listening
;dodf kfgL lkpg  cy{ ;fdLKo ePsf zAbx¿ lrg]/ comprehension tasks.

 lkpg] kfgL ;/' lIft ko| fu] ug{ -6;' S' s a:g,' d;' S' s xfF:g'_ Speaking
/fVg] tl/sf klxrfg  lgb{l] zt zAbnfO{ jfSodf k|of]u ug{
ug{  b}lgs k|ofu] x'g] zAb, zLif{ zAb /  Produce words, phrases, simple

 l7s tl/sfn] lxF8\g, ljifoIfq] ut zAbsf] k|ofu] ug{ sentences with intelligible
pleg, a:g / ;T' g  kf7sf cgR' 5]b ;g' L gofF zAb klxrfg pronunciation.

 /ªx¿ lrGg / ug{  Participate in short conversation
ltgnfO{ ld>0f ug{
k7g kj| fx with teachers and friends using
 b}lgs hLjgdf ko| fu] simple English.
x'g] ks| fzsf ;|ft] x¿  pkoS' t ult, olt / no;lxt kf7
klxrfg ug{ k9g\  Describe familiar objects,

 b}lgs hLjgdf ko| fu]  ult j[l4 ug{] u/L jfSo tyf cg'R5]b persons and events using simple
x'g] tfksf ;f| t] x¿ k9\g adjectives and adverbs.
klxrfg ug{
k7g afw]  Ask and answer short, simple
 ljBt' s\ f kd| 'v ;|f]tx¿
klxrfg ug{ /  zLif{s tyf lrqaf/] kj" f{g'dfg jf questions.
ljB't\sf] 3/fo;L k|of]u cgd' fg ug{
atfpg  Sing or recite a song/chant by
 cfkm\gf] cg'ej;uF kf7sf ;Gbe{ ldn]
 r'DasnfO{ zlStsf gldns] f] bfHF g listening to the teacher or an
¿kdf klxrfg ug{ audio.
 :yfgLo kl/jz] / kf7sf] ;Gbea{ f/]

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

 ljleGg k|sf/sf 5nkmn / k|ZgfQ] / ug{  Talk about present and past.
Wjlgx¿ klxrfg u/L
o;sf ;f| t] x¿ vf]hL n]vfO Reading
 k9s] f zAb, jfSo / cgR' 5]bsf]  Recognize and read words with
cg'nv] g tyf >l' tn]vg ug{ the help of the visuals.

 kf7sf ljifoj:t'sf af/]df k|Zgf]Q/  Recognize and read high
ug{ frequency words including
compound words.
sfod{ n" s Jofs/0f
 Understand the meaning of grade
 lnªu\ , jrg, k'?if / cfb/ ldnfO{ af]Ng appropriate words.
tyf nV] g
 Perform rhymes and chants with
 nV] o lrx\gsf] ko| fu] u/L jfSo nV] g appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read sentences and short
paragraphs correctly.

 Understand plurals (-s), verb
tense, contractions and simple

 Show an understanding of
different kinds of reading texts
(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information
(names, number, etc) from
reading texts.

 Decode words correctly which
have consonant diagraphs in
initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,


 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of the words.

 Use present (with/without -s/es)

and regular past (-ed) forms of

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


#= xfdf| ] ;d'bfo (Our  cfcfÇgf] ufpF6f]ndf  tLg cªs\ ;Ddn] Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f
;fdflhs sfd ug]{ ags] f ;ªV\ ofx¿df
community) JolStx¿sf] gfd hf]/ / lahf]/  kf7 ;'gL zAbsf] z4' pRrf/0f ug{
atfpg ;ª\Vof klxrfg ug{  cg:' jf/ / rGb|laGb' k|of]u ePsf

 5/l5d]sdf cfk;L  tLg cª\s;Ddsf zAbsf] z'4 pRrf/0f ug{
;xofu] lng / lbg ;ªV\ ofx¿nfO{
t'ngf u/L a9\bf] >Jo÷b[Zoafw]
 ;fjh{ lgs :yn / jf 36\bf] jm| ddf
;fwgx¿ pkof]u ubf{ k9\g / nV] g  xfpefp;lxt s'/fsfgL, 5nkmn /
kªl\ Stdf kfnf] kvg{ / k:| t'ltsf] cg's/0f ug{
c¿nfO{ kfnf] lbg  lsnf]uf| d / u|fdsf]
;DaGw atfpg  bO' { bZ[ o cj:yfsf] ;DaGw klxrfg
 lgwf{l/t :yfgdf vl] ng] u/L tn' gf ug{
;fwf/0f vn] x¿ v]Ng  !)) u|fd bl] v !
 bZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf] cjnf]sg u/L kl| tlj|mof

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ 53

-;fwf/0f nv]6fO, lsnf]uf| d;Ddsf] JoSt ug{
ss' '/ kmS' of] cflb_ kf| dfl0fs 9ssf]
 ;fyLx¿;uF l:skLª k|ofu] u/L j/k/sf n]Voj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f
vN] g j:ts' f] tf}n lng
 lrqsf cfwf/df zAb eGg / lxHh] ldnfO{
$= xfd|f] ljBfno  t]n, sfa{g sfuh  ;dfg k|sl[ tsf sg' } nV] g Language functions
ko| f]u u//] ljleGg bO' c{ f]6f ;txsf] Talking about now
(Our school) cfsf/x¿ 5fKg  zAbsf] ;'? / cGTodf p:t} p:t} Wjlg Giving and responding to commands
cjnfs] g u/L tyf ;dfg ;/+ rgf ePsf zAb klxrfg
54  ;g{] / g;g{] /fu] x¿sf] u/L j0f{x¿ 56' \ofpg and instructions
gfd atfpg Ifq] kmn tn' gf ug{ Describing location
 kl/lrt zAbsf j0f{ kl/jtg{ u/L gofF Listening
 /fu] ;g{] dfWodx¿  l;ªu\ f,] cfwf / zAb agfpg
atfpg Ps rf}yfOsf]  Identify individual sounds in
zAbe08f/ words.
 :jf:Yo ;]jf lbg] cjwf/0ffsf]  ;d"xafw] s zAbx¿ pRrf/0f u/L
:yfgLo ;+:yfx¿sf]  Comprehend words and simple
5f]6f] kl/ro lbg cfwf/df j:t'x¿sf] cy{afw] / ko| fu] ug{ expressions.
 b}lgs k|of]u xg' ] zAb, zLif{ zAb /
 la/fdL x'bF f :jf:Yo tn' gf ug{  Respond to the audio or the
;j] f lng ljifoIfq] ut zAb k|ofu] ug{ teacher verbally and non-
 u0' fgnfO{ bf]xf]l/Psf] verbally.
 la/fdL, czSt / hf8] sf] ¿kdf JoSt k7g k|jfx
c;xfo JolStnfO{  Identify key information from a
:jf:Yo ;j] fsf nflu ug{  xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB /rgf short speech or conversation.
;xofu] ug{ ;:j/ / b|t' k7g ug{
 nDafOsf] gfksf]  Follow the message in short
 :jtGq¿kdf cufl8 / kf| dfl0fs PsfOsf]  xfpefp, ult, olt, no / z'4tf;lxt simple conversations.
k5fl8 kN6g] cEof; kB /rgf ;:j/, o'un, ;fdl" xs,
ug{ klxrfg ug{ / :jtGq / b|'t k7g ug{  Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.
 j/k/sf hldg / ?n/sf] ko| f]u u/L k7g af]w
kfgLdf a:g]  Show an understanding of simple
hgfj/x¿ lrGg j:ts' f] gfk  cfkm\gf] cg'ej / cg'dfgsf cfwf/df stories with visual clues.
k|ltljm| of JoSt ug{
 hgfj/nfO{ 3/kfnj' f ;]lG6ld6/ / Speaking
/ hª\unL ;dx' df  kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/jz] sf cfwf/df
juL{s/0f ug{ ldlnld6/ :sn] df kZ| gf]Q/ ug{

 hgfj/x¿sf] vfgf k9\g  ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df df}lvs tyf
lrGg / vfg] tl/sf lnlvt k|Zgf]Q/ ug{
atfpg  ljleGg j:ts' f]
nDafO ;]lG6ld6/ n]vfO
 hgfj/ /
la?jfx¿af6 kfpg] :sn] df cg'dfg ug,{  afGsL ldnfO{ zAb, jfSo tyf cg'R5b]
vfgs] '/fsf] gfd nV] g
atfpg gfKg / k'li6 ug{
 kb;ª\ult ldnfO{ n]Vo lrxg\ sf] ko| f]u
 cfgf jl/kl/ kfOg] u//] :jtGq /rgf ug{
kzk' G5Lsf] lx8F fO /
pk|mfO / af]nLsf] sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f
gSsn ug{
 lj|mofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf] ko| f]u
 ljBfnosf] sIffsf]7f u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
;/;kmfO ug{
 lnªu\ , jrg, k'?if / cfb/ ldnfO{
 ljBfnodf ko| fu] df}lvs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
ul/g] ;fdfgsf] htg
ug{ Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f

 auFr} fsf] lgdf{0fdf  kf7 ;'gL zAbsf] z'4 pRrf/0f ug{
;xofu] ug{  cg':jf/ / rGb|laGb' k|of]u ePsf

 ;ts{, uf8] fkmf6 / zAbsf] z'4 pRrf/0f ug{
lj>fd h:tf sfox{ ¿
ug{ / nfOgdf cufl8 >Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w
lx8F g\
 b'O{cf6] f bZ[ ox¿sf] ;dfgtf / leGgtf
 kL=6L= -tflnsf g=+ ! klxrfg ug{
bl] v % ;Ddsf_
s;/tx¿ tfn  bZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf] cjnf]sg u/L kl| tljm| of
ldnfP/ ug{ JoSt ug{

 @% ld6/;Ddsf] b/' L nV] oj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f
bf8} g
 lrqsf cfwf/df zAb eGg / lxHh]
 5flkPsf lrqx¿nfO{ ldnfO{ n]Vg
sf6/] jf Roft]/ 6fF;L
cfkmn" fO{ dgkg]{  zAbsf] ;?' / cGTodf p:t} Wjlg tyf
cfsl[ t agfpg ;dfg ;+/rgf ePsf zAb klxrfg u/L
j0fx{ ¿ 5'6\ofpg
 Rofts] f jf sf6s] f
sfuhsf 6j' |mfx¿nfO{  kl/lrt zAbsf j0f{ kl/jt{g u/L gofF
;o+ fh] g ug{ zAb agfpg

 zAbx¿nfO{ ;dx" df ;"rLs/0f ug{
 k7g ;fduL| / cEof;sf cfwf/df

klxrfg ul/Psf gofF zAbx¿nfO{

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

 3fprf]6 jf b3' {6gf ;fys{ jfSodf k|of]u ug{  Produce words, phrases, simple
ePsf] cj:yfdf  b}lgs ko| fu] xg' ] zAb, zLif{ zAb /
kf| ylds pkrf/ sentences with intelligible
ug{'kg{] eGg] s/' fdf ljifoIf]qut zAbsf] ko| f]u ug{ pronunciation.
;r]t xg'
k7g k|jfx  Participate in short conversation
 3/ tyf ljBfno /
;db' fodf x'g ;Sg]  xfpefp, ult / z'4tf;lxt uB /rgf with teachers and friends using
b'36{ gfx¿sf] sf/0f ;:j/ / b|t' k7g ug{ simple English.
atfpg / o:tf
b'36{ gfx¿kl| t ;fjwfg  xfpefp, ult, olt, no / z4' tf;lxt  Ask and answer short, simple
xg' kB /rgf ;:j/, ou' n, ;fd"lxs,
:jtGq / b't| k7g ug{ questions.
 JolStut ;'/Iffsf
pkfox¿ ckgfpg k7g afw]  Sing or recite a song/chant by

 j/k/ 36g\ ;Sg]  kf7ut ;Gbe{, kl/jz] / ljifoj:ts' f listening to the teacher or an
k|sf]kaf6 ;'/lIft x'g cfwf/df 5nkmn / kZ| gf]Q/ ug{ audio.

 Ps v'6\6fn] 6]sL  kl/jz] , kfq / ;Gbe{ klxrfg tyf  Talk about present and past.
z/L/ ;Gtn' g u/L tn' gf ug{
pleg / hf]8Ldf Reading
cEof; ug{  kf7 k9L 36gfj|md / ;f/ eGg tyf
n]Vg  Recognize and read high
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^ frequency words including
nv] fO compound words

 afGsL ldnfO{ zAb, jfSo tyf ;/n  Understand the meaning of grade
cgR' 5b] nV] g appropriate words.

 lgwfl{ /t kf7df kfq tyf ;Gbe{  Perform rhymes and chants with
kl/jtg{ u/L k'gn{]vg ug{ appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f  Read sentences and short
paragraphs correctly.
 k0" f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ k|ofu]  Understand plurals (-s), verb
u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg tense, contractions and simple

 Show an understanding of
different kinds of reading texts
(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information
(names, number, etc) from
reading texts.

 Decode words correctly which
have consonant diagraphs in
initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,


 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences .

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Give basic personal information

in writing (e.g. name, address,
age, nationality, family
information, etc.).

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of words.

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting



%= xfdf| j/k/sf  hgfj/sf] rfnsf] Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Language functions
hLjhGt' (Living tl/sf
atfpg / clego ug{  zAbsf ;'?, dWo / cGTodf /x]sf Talking about weather
beings of our j0f{ klxrfg u/L pRrf/0f ug{ Describing people and places
surrounding)  cfgf] j/k/ ePsf Describing pictures
hgfj/ / jg:kltsf  cg':jf/ / rGbl| aGb' k|of]u ePsf Understanding and using numbers
^= xfd|f] jftfj/0f ;fdfGo /v] fª\sg ug{ zAbsf] z'4 pRrf/0f ug{
(twenty one to fifty)
(Our  lj?jfx¿nfO{ kmnkmn" , >Jo÷b[Zoaf]w Listening
environment) cGgjfnL / t/sf/L
;d'xdf 5'6o\ fpg  bO' { bZ[ o cj:yfsf] ;DaGw klxrfg  Identify individual sounds in
ug{ words.
 7'nf], demf}nf / ;fgf
la?jfx¿nfO{ jm| dzM  bZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf] cjnf]sg u/L  Comprehend words and simple
?v, a6' o\ fg / k|ltlj|mof JoSt ug{ expressions.
emf/kftdf juLs{ /0f
u/L ;fdfGo a0fg{ ug{ n]Voj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f  Respond to the audio or the
teacher verbally and non-
 ljleGg la?jfsf  kl/lrt zAbsf ;"rL lgdf0{ f ug{ verbally.
efux¿ -h/f, 8fF7,  ;"rLdf ePsf zAbsf] ;?' , dWo /
kft, km"n / kmn_  Identify key information from a
klxrfg u/L o;sf] cGTodf j0f{ hf8] L jf 56' o\ fO{ gofF zAb short speech or conversation.
sfd jtfpg lgdf0{ f ug{
 Follow the message in short
 3/ tyf ljBfno ;kmf  zAbdf j0f{ ykL jf lemsL gofF zAb simple conversations.
/fVg] sfod{ f ;xefuL lgdf{0f ug{
 j/k/sf] jftfj/0f
kmfx] f/] x'g] sf/0fx¿  k7g ;fduL| / cEof;sf cfwf/df  Perform a variety of listening
atfpg klxrfg ul/Psf gofF zAbx¿nfO{
comprehension tasks.
 j/k/sf] jftfj/0f ;fys{ jfSodf k|of]u ug{
;kmf /fVg] pkfo  Show an understanding of simple
atfpg / ;/;kmfO
sfo{df ;xefuL xg'  bl} gs ko| f]u x'g] zAb, zLif{ zAb / stories with visual clues.

 cfÇgf] ufpF÷6fn] sf ljifoIf]qut zAb ko| fu] ug{ Speaking
;DklQx¿sf] ;"rL k7g k|jfx
agfpg / tL
;Dkbfx¿sf] ;+/If0f  xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB  Produce words, phrases, simple
ug{ /rgf ;:j/ / bt'| k7g ug{ sentences with intelligible

 j/k/sf j:t' tyf  xfpefp, ult, olt, no / pronunciation.
vf]hd"ns ;fwf/0f z'4tf;lxt kB /rgf ;:j/, ou' n,  Participate in short conversation
kZ| gx¿ ;fW] g ;fdl" xs, :jtGq / b'|t k7g ug{ with teachers and friends using
k7g afw] simple English.
 bl} gs hLjgdf xfjf,
kfgL / df6fsf]  kf7;uF cfkmg\ f] cg'ej ldn] gldn]sf]  Describe familiar objects,
pkofl] utf atfpg bfFhL ;fyL, ;dx" / cGo JolSt;uF persons and events using simple
5nkmn ug{ adjectives and adverbs.
 j:t'x¿nfO{ u0' fsf
cfwf/df juLs{ /0f ug{  cfkm\gf] cge' jsf cfwf/df lgb{l] zt Ask and answer short, simple
-8'Ag÷] pqg], ljifoj:ts' f] j0fg{ ug{ questions.
3'Ng÷] g3N' g],
kf/bz{s÷ckf/bzs{ _

 v/] uPsf jf j/k/
pknAw ;fdu|Lx¿
k|of]u u/L ljleGg
gdg' f ;+/rgf lgdf0{ f
ug{ -h:t}M ejg, v]Ng]
j:t,' /fjf]6_

 kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/j]zsf cfwf/df  Sing or recite a song/chant by
5nkmn tyf k|Zgf]Q/ ug{
listening to the teacher or an
 k9s] f kf7sf cfwf/df 36gfj|md
tyf ;f/ eGg / nV] g audio.
 Talk about present and past.

 lbOPsf] ljifoj:t'nfO{ j|md ldnfO{ Reading
nV] g
 Recognize and read high
 ljifoj:td' f cfwfl/t eO{ kZ| gsf]  frequency words including
 pQ/ n]Vg compound words

bv] ], ;g' ] / cg'ej u/s] f ljifodf Understand the meaning of grade

56 cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

:jtGq /rgf ug{ appropriate words.

sfod{ n" s Jofs/0f  Perform rhymes and chants with
appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
 k"0fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,  Read sentences and short
lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]
paragraphs correctly.
ko| f]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 Understand plurals (-s), verb
 ljm| ofsf sfnsf] ko| fu] u/L jfSo
tense, contractions and simple

lgdf0{ f ug{ comparatives.

 Show an understanding of

different kinds of reading texts

(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information

(names, number, etc) from

reading texts.

 Decode words correctly which

have consonant diagraphs in

initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),

vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,

aw, ai, ay), initial consonant

blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,

cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,

sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final

consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,



 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Give basic personal information

in writing (e.g. name, address,
age, nationality, family
information, etc.).

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of words.

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


&= d/] f] ;/;fdfg Language function
Asking and giving information about
belongings) immediate possession

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ Listening

 Comprehend words and simple

 Respond to the audio or the
teacher verbally and non-

 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.

 Follow the message in short
simple conversations.

 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.

 Show an understanding of simple
stories with visual clues.


 Produce words, phrases, simple


*= d]/f] l;hg{ f (My  /fli6o« ufg, sIffut  7f;] j:t'x¿ -h:t} Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f sentences with intelligible
uLt, kf7o\ k:' tsdf M l;Gsf, tf/, af;F , pronunciation.
 Participate in short conversation
with teachers and friends using
simple English.

 Describe familiar objects,

persons and events using simple
adjectives and adverbs.

 Ask and answer short, simple


 Sing or recite a song/chant by

listening to the teacher or an

 Talk about present and past.


 Recognize and read high
frequency words including
compound words

 Understand the meaning of
grade appropriate words.

 Perform rhymes and chants with
appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read sentences and short
paragraphs correctly.

 Understand plurals (-s), verb
tense, contractions and simple

 Show an understanding of
different kinds of reading texts
(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information
(names, number, etc) from
reading texts.

 Decode words correctly which
have consonant diagraphs in
initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,


 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of words.
 Use suffix -s/es to form plural


 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

ePsf afnuLtx¿, lsnf, afF;sf  ;+oS' t j0f{ ko| f]u ePsf zAb klxrfg
cfk"mn] hfgs] f :yfgLo rfo] f, 8f]/L, cflb_ u/L pRrf/0f ug{
uLtx¿ no ldnfP/ sf] k|ofu] u/L
ufpg lqe'h / rte' h{' sf  xnGt j0f{ k|ofu] ePsf zAb klxrfg
cfsf/x¿ agfpg u/L pRrf/0f ug{
 nodf tfnL ahfpg
 :yfgLo uLtdf g[To  lqe'h, rte' {'h / >Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w
j[Qsf cfsf/x¿
ug{ 6]«; ug{  ;~rf/sf jm| ddf k|rlnt cfs[lt, /ª
/ ;ª\s]t lrxg\ sf] ko| f]u ug{
 cfkmn" ] l;s]sf uLtx¿  eh' f / sg' fsf
no, tfn, efj / rfn cfwf/df lqe'h /  kf7o\ j:t'sf] afw] u/L j0f{g ug{
ldnfO{ Psn / rte' h{' sf] n]Voj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f
;fd"lxs gT[ o ug{ cjwf/0ff ljsf;
ug{  zAbdf ko| f]u ePsf ;o+ 'St j0f{
 :yfgLo afhfx¿ hf8] \g / 56' o\ fpg
ahfpg] cEof; ug{
 zAbdf ko| f]u ePsf xnGt Jo~hg /
 cfÇgf] ufpF÷6f]nsf] j0f{ ;ªs\ ]t klxrfg u/L k|of]u ug{
;fdfGo gS;f sf]g{ /
ToxfF /x]sf vf]nf, gbL, zAbe08f/
kfv] /L cflb b]vfpg  ;f:+ s[lts ;Gbed{ f ko| f]u xg' ] zAb

 cfsf/, :j¿k / ;ª\sng u/L k|ofu] ug{
/ªx¿sf] k'g/fjl[ Q
u/L ;fdfGo a'6\6fx¿  bl} gs k|ofu] x'g] zAb, zLif{ zAb /
agfpg ljifoIf]qut zAb k|ofu] ug{

 df6f], lk7f] cflbsf] k7g kj| fx
k|of]u u/L uf]nf] rK] 6f],
af6'nf], nfDrf] cflb  xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB
cfsf/sf j:t' agfpg /rgf ;:j/ / b't| k7g ug{

 l/lnkm lkG| 6 Ans  xfpefp, ult, olt, no /
z4' tf;lxt kB /rgf ;:j/, o'un,
(relief print block) ;fdl" xs, :jtGq / bt|' k7g ug{

sf] k|of]u u/L ljleGg k7g af]w
/ªx¿df 5kfO ug{
 ljleGg p2Z] osf nflu kf7 k9L
kZ| gfQ] / ug{

 kf7sf ljifoj:t;' uF ldNbfhN' bf cGo
ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df j0f{g ug{

 kf7ut ;Gbe{ klxrfg u/L cy{ jf
cfzo af]w ug{

 lbOPsf a'bF fsf cfwf/df cgR' 5b]

lgdf{0f ug{

 ?lrsf ljifoIfq] jf zLif{sdf
cfwfl/t eO{ :jtGq n]vg ug{

sfod{ n" s Jofs/0f
 lnª\u, jrg, k?' if / cfb/ ldnfO{

dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf] ko| f]u

u/L df}lvs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt

(= xfd|f] ;+s[lt (Our  cfgf 5/l5ds] df Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Language functions
dgfOg] rf8kj{x¿df Talking about months of the year
culture) ;xefuL x'g  ;+oS' t tyf xnGt j0f{ ko| fu] ePsf Talking about jobs
zAb klxrfg u/L pRrf/0f ug{ Listening
 kl/jf/df dgfOg]
rf8kjd{ f nufOg]  ljifoj:t,' kfq / 36gf;DaGwL dfl} vs  Comprehend words and simple
kf];fs klxrfg ug{ j0f{g ;'Gg / ;'gfpg expressions.

 kl/lrt JolSt;uF >Jo÷b[Zoafw]  Respond to the audio or the
cfaZos ;xof]u lng  ;~rf/sf j|mddf k|rlnt cfsl[ t, /ª teacher verbally and non-
/ lbg verbally.
/ ;ª\s]t lrxg\ sf] k|of]u ug{
 cfkm\ gf ;d'bfosf  lgwf{l/t kf7o\ ;fduL| , lrq /  Identify key information from a
;s+ f/x¿ -b;}F, ltxf/, short speech or conversation.
56, lj|m;d;, Ob, kqklqsf k9L afw] ug{
ljleGg hfqf cflb_  kf7 ;g' L ljifoj:t' j0fg{ ug{  Follow the message in short
sf] cj:yf emNsg] n]Voj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f simple conversations.
;fdfGo /]vfªs\ g ug{  ;+o'St Jo~hg j0f{sf] pRrf/0f u/L
 Perform a variety of listening
 /fli6o« lrxg\ x¿sf] n]Vo :j¿k lrGg / nV] g comprehension tasks.
 zAbdf ;o+ S' t j0fx{ ¿sf] klxrfg u/L

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 59

a0f{g ug{ n]Vg  Show an understanding of simple
60 zAbe08f/ stories with visual clues.
 k9]sf / cge' j u/]sf cfwf/df zAb
klxrfg u/L gofF zAbx¿nfO{ ;fy{s
jfSodf ko| f]u ug{  Produce words, phrases, simple
 bl} gs k|ofu] xg' ] zAb, zLif{ zAb /
ljifoIfq] ut zAb ko| f]u ug{ sentences with intelligible
k7g kj| fx pronunciation.
 xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB
/rgf ;:j/ / b't| k7g ug{  Participate in short conversation
 xfpefp, ult, olt, no /
z'4tf;lxt kB /rgf ;:j/, o'un, with teachers and friends using
;fdl" xs, :jtGq / b|t' k7g ug{ simple English.
k7g afw]
 ljleGg p2Z] osf nflu k9L k|ltljm| of  Describe familiar objects,
 ljifoj:t'df cfwfl/t eO{ k|Zgf]Q/ persons and events using simple
ug{ adjectives and adverbs.

 kf7sf ljifoj:t' h:t} jf ;dfg cGo  Ask and answer short, simple
ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df cfkm\gf] cge' j
j0fg{ ug{ questions.

 k|fKt ;r" gf tyf ;fdu|Lsf cfwf/df  Sing or recite a song/chant by
cy{afw] u/L j0f{g ug{
listening to the teacher or an
nv] fO audio.

 lbOPsf jfSo tyf cgR' 5b] sf]  Talk about present and past.
cgn' ]vg / >l' tn]vg ug{
 ?lrsf ljifoIfq] jf zLifs{ df
cfwfl/t eO{ :jtGq n]vg ug{  Recognize and read high
frequency words including
sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f compound words

 kb;ªu\ lt ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt  Understand the meaning of grade
cleJolSt lbg appropriate words.

 ljm| ofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf] k|ofu] u/L  Perform rhymes and chants with
dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read sentences and short
paragraphs correctly.

 Understand plurals (-s), verb
tense, contractions and simple

 Show an understanding of
different kinds of reading texts
(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information
(names, number, etc) from
reading texts.

 Decode words correctly which
have consonant diagraphs in
initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,


 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of words.

 Use suffix -s/es to form plural


 Use present (with/without -s/es)

and regular past (-ed) forms of

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^


 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


!)= ;~rf/ kl| jlw /  ljleGg ;~rf/  ?= !))) ;Ddsf Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Language function
ahf/ dfWodx¿dfkmt{ ;r" gf l;Ssf tyf gf]6  zAb zAb hf8] ]/ jf 5'6\ofP/ Asking and giving information
kf| Kt ug{ / lrGg Listening
(Communication cfbfgkb| fg ug{ pRrf/0f ug{
technology and  ¿kfGt/ ug{ gkg{]  cg'dfg / sNkgf u/L df}lvs j0f{g  Comprehend words and simple
market)  ;~rf/sf ;fwgx¿sf] db' |f;DaGwL hf]8 / expressions.
k|ofu] ubf{ ckgfpg'kg]{ 36fp ug{ ug{
;'/Iffsf pkfox¿kl| t >Jo÷b[Zoaf]w  Respond to the audio or the
;rt] /xg  lbOPsf] tflnsfaf6  ;~rf/sf jm| ddf k|rlnt cfsl[ t, /ª teacher verbally and non-
hfgsf/L lng lbg verbally.
 cfÇgf] ufpF÷gu/df / ;ªs\ t] lrxg\ sf] ko| f]u ug{
pTkflbt tyf lgld{t  lbOPsf]  lgwf{l/t kf7\o;fduL| , lrq /  Identify key information from a
j:t'x¿sf] klxrfg ug{ lrquf| kmaf6 short speech or conversation.
;b:ox¿sf] ;ªV\ of kqklqsf k9L af]w ug{
 kl/jf/sf] cfDbfgLsf ug/] tflnsfdf  kf7 ;'gL ljifoj:t' j0fg{ ug{  Follow the message in short
;|f]tx¿ klxrfg ug{ k:| tt' ug{ simple conversations.
n]Voj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f
 3/ tyf ljBfnodf  bO' c{ f]6f zAb hf]8/] jf 56' \ofP/ zAb  Perform a variety of listening
ko| fu] ul/g] ;fdu|Lsf] comprehension tasks.
k|of]udf ldtJooLtf eGg / nV] g
ckgfpg  zAbsf] pRrf/0f;lxt k9\g / n]Vg  Show an understanding of simple
zAbe08f/ stories with visual clues.
 dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolStsf
j|mddf :yfgLo ¿kdf k|rlnt
zAbx¿sf] ko| fu] ug{  Decode phonetically regular and
 bl} gs k|ofu] x'g] zAb, zLif{ zAb /
ljifoIfq] ut zAb k|ofu] ug{ irregular words using letter sound
k7g kj| fx knowledge, e.g. rat, too, blank,
 zAb zAb hf]8L ags] f l;ª\uf] zAb house, have, said, where, etc.
k|of]u ePsf kf7 k9g\
 kf7df lbOPsf zAbsf] kl/efiff,  Produce words, phrases, simple
pbfx/0f, tn' gfafw] s zAb / ljk/Lt
cya{ f]ws zAb ae' m/] k9g\ sentences with intelligible
k7g af]w pronunciation.
 ljleGg p2Z] osf nflu kf7 k9L
kl| tljm| of lbg / kZ| g lgdf0{ f ug{  Participate in short conversation
 kf7sf ljifoj:t' h:t} jf ;dfg cGo
ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df cfkmg\ f] cge' j with teachers and friends using
j0f{g ug{ simple English.
 kl/j]z, kfq / 36gfsf] tn' gf ug{
 kfq kl/jtg{ ;lxt syf lgdf0{ f ug{  Describe familiar objects,
 lbOPsf jfSo tyf cg'R5]bsf] persons and events using simple
cgn' v] g tyf >l' tnv] g ug{ adjectives and adverbs.

 ?lrsf ljifoIfq] jf zLifs{ df  Ask and answer short, simple
cfwfl/t eO{ :jtGq nv] g ug{
sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f
 Sing or recite a song/chant by
 lnªu\ , jrg, k?' if / cfb/sf] ;ª\ult
ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg listening to the teacher or an
 k"0fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]  Talk about present and past.
ko| fu] u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 ljm| ofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf] ko| f]u u/L
dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg  Recognize and read high
frequency words including
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ compound words

 Understand the meaning of grade
appropriate words.

 Perform rhymes and chants with
appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read sentences and short
paragraphs correctly.

 Understand plurals (-s), verb
tense, contractions and simple

 Show an understanding of
different kinds of reading texts
(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information
(names, number, etc) from
reading texts.


!!= kmnkmn" /  Decode words correctly which
t/sf/L (Fruits have consonant diagraphs in
initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
and vegetables) vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
62 blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,


 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of words.

 Use suffix -s/es to form plural


 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


Language function
Describing objects

 Comprehend words and simple

 Respond to the audio or the
teacher verbally and non-

 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.

 Follow the message in short
simple conversations.

 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.

 Show an understanding of simple
stories with visual clues.


 Produce words, phrases, simple

sentences with intelligible

 Participate in short conversation

with teachers and friends using
simple English.

 Describe familiar objects,

persons and events using simple
adjectives and adverbs.

 Ask and answer short, simple


 Sing or recite a song/chant by

listening to the teacher or an

 Talk about present and past.

 Recognize and read high

frequency words including

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

!@= afgL / ?lr Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f compound words
 Understand the meaning of grade
(Hobbies and  ;o+ 'St / hf]8d] f]8]sf Jo~hg Wjlg
interests) klxrfg u/L pRrf/0f ug{ appropriate words.
 Perform rhymes and chants with
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^  cgd' fg / sNkgf u/L dfl} vs j0fg{
ug{ appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
 Read sentences and short
>Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w
 ;~rf/sf j|mddf k|rlnt cfs[lt, /ª paragraphs correctly.
 Understand plurals (-s), verb
/ ;ª\st] lrx\gsf] ko| fu] ug{
tense, contractions and simple
 lgwf{l/t kf7o\ ;fduL| , lrq / comparatives.
kqklqsf k9L af]w ug{  Show an understanding of
different kinds of reading texts
nV] oj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f (stories, letters, etc.)
 ;+oS' t Jo~hg j0fs{ f] pRrf/0f u/L  Retrieve specific information
(names, number, etc) from
n]Vo :j¿k lrGg / n]Vg reading texts.
 Decode words correctly which
 zAbdf ;+oS' t j0f{x¿sf] klxrfg u/L have consonant diagraphs in
n]Vg initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
zAbe08f/ aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
 cfkm\gf] cg'ej / Jojxf/sf cfwf/df cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
klxrfg ul/Psf gofF zAbx¿nfO{ sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
;fys{ jfSodf k|ofu] ug{ consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,
 bl} gs k|ofu] xg' ] zAb, zLif{ zAb / Writing
ljifoIfq] ut zAb k|of]u ug{
 Write words in correct order to
k7g kj| fx
form simple sentences.
 xfpefp, ult / z'4tf;lxt uB
/rgf ;:j/ / b't| k7g ug{  Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Use correct spelling of words.

 Use suffix -s/es to form plural


 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting

Language function
Expressing likes and dislikes

 Comprehend words and simple

 Respond to the audio or the
teacher verbally and non-

 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.

 Follow the message in short
simple conversations.

 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.

 Show an understanding of simple
stories with visual clues.


 Produce words, phrases, simple

sentences with intelligible

 Participate in short conversation

with teachers and friends using
simple English.


 xfpefp, ult, olt, no /  Ask and answer short, simple
z4' tf;lxt kB /rgf ;:j/, o'un,
;fdl" xs, :jtGq / bt'| k7g ug{ questions.

k7g afw]  Sing or recite a song/chant by
 k|ZgfQ] / tyf ljleGg p2]Zosf nflu
listening to the teacher or an
k9L k|ltljm| of JoSt ug{ audio.
 kf7sf ljifoj:t' h:t} jf ;dfg cGo
 Talk about present and past.
ljifoj:t'sf cfwf/df cfkmg\ f] cge' j
j0f{g ug{ Reading
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ klxrfg u/L cy{ jf
cfzo afw] ug{  Recognize and read high
 ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df k|Zgf]Q/ ug{ frequency words including
n]vfO compound words
 lbOPsf jfSo tyf cgR' 5b] sf]
cg'n]vg ug{  Understand the meaning of grade
appropriate words.
 ?lrsf ljifoIf]q jf zLif{sdf
cfwfl/t eO{ :jtGq n]vg ug{  Perform rhymes and chants with
appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
sfod{ n" s Jofs/0f
 Read sentences and short
 k"0fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs, paragraphs correctly.
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]
k|ofu] u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg  Understand plurals (-s), verb
tense, contractions and simple
 ljm| ofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf] ko| fu] comparatives.
u/L df}lvs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt
lbg  Show an understanding of
different kinds of reading texts
(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information
(names, number, etc) from
reading texts.

 Decode words correctly which
have consonant diagraphs in
initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,


 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of words.

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


!#= xfd|f] j/k/sf]  ljleGg lsl;dsf Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f
;;+ f/ (Our df;} dsf ljz]iftfx¿
klxrfg ug{  dn" zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8
immediate cfPsf Wjlg hf8] ]/ / 56' o\ fP/ eGg
world)  ljleGg ks| f/sf df};d
cgs' n" cfgf] x/] rfx  zAbsf] pRrf/0f;lxt k9g\ / n]Vg
64 ug{ >Jo÷b[Zoafw]

 cfÇgf] 6fn] , ;db' fo /  bZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf af/d] f kl| tljm| of lbg
To; jl/kl/sf]  lgwfl{ /t kf7o\ ;fduL| , lrq /
efu} f]lns :j¿k
cjnfs] g u/L ljj/0f kqklqsf k9L af]w ug{
lbg nV] oj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f

 lqe'h,rte' h{' , jufs{ f/  zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf
tyf cfotfsf/df
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

sfuh k6o\ fpg ;u{ lrGg / eGg
/sfuhaf6 ljleGg  zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf
cfsl[ tsf j:tx' ¿
agfpg ;u{ 5'6\ofpg tyf hf8] /] zAb
 kfgLsf efl} ts u'0fx¿ agfpg
klxrfg ug{ zAbe08f/
 ;kmf kfgLsf ;f| t] x¿  ;Ddfgafw] s zAbsf] k|of]u ug{
klxrfg ug{ / b}lgs  bl} gs k|of]u xg' ] zAb, zLif{ zAb /
hLjgdf o;sf] dxŒj ljifoIf]qut zAb k|of]u ug{
 xfjfsf] efl} ts u'0fx¿ k7g kj| fx
/ b}lgs hLjgdf
o;sf] k|of]usf]  ;u{oS' t zAb ko| fu] ePsf kf7 k9g\
klxrfg ug{  kf7df lbOPsf zAbsf] kl/efiff,
 :yfgLo If]qdf pknAw
;fdu|Laf6 agfOPsf pbfx/0f, tn' gfaf]ws zAb / ljk/Lt
/ªx¿sf] k|of]u u/L cya{ fw] s zAb a'em/] k9\g
sfuhdf lrq agfpg
k7g afw]
!$= r/f / hgfj/
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/j]zsf cfwf/df
(Birds and 5nkmn / k|ZgfQ] / ug{
 kl/j]zut, kfqut / 36gfut ;Gbe{
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^ klxrfg / t'ngf ug{

 kfq kl/jtg{ ;lxt syf lgdf0{ f ug{

nv] fO

 kf7af/] lnlvt k|ltlj|mof lbg
 lbOPsf zLifs{ tyf ljifoj:t'sf

cfwf/df :jtGq n]vg ug{

sfod{ n" s Jofs/0f

 lnª\u, jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf] ;ªu\ lt
ldnfO{ dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt

 k0" fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ k|of]u
u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg

 ljm| ofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf] k|ofu]
u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt

Language functions
Retelling stories
Expressing ability


 Comprehend words and simple

 Respond to the audio or the
teacher verbally and non-

 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.

 Follow the message in short
simple conversations.

 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.

 Show an understanding of simple
stories with visual clues.


 Produce words, phrases, simple

sentences with intelligible

 Participate in short conversation

with teachers and friends using
simple English.

 Describe familiar objects,

persons and events using simple
adjectives and adverbs.

 Ask and answer short, simple


!%= xfd|f lj|mofsnfk questions.
activities)  Sing or recite a song/chant by

66 listening to the teacher or an

 Talk about present and past.


 Recognize and read high

frequency words including
compound words

 Understand the meaning of grade

appropriate words.

 Perform rhymes and chants with

appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read sentences and short

paragraphs correctly.

 Understand plurals (-s), verb

tense, contractions and simple

 Show an understanding of

different kinds of reading texts
(stories, letters, etc.)

 Retrieve specific information

(names, number, etc) from
reading texts.

 Decode words correctly which

have consonant diagraphs in
initial positions ( th, sh, ch, wh),
vowel diagraphs (oo, ee, ea, oa,
aw, ai, ay), initial consonant
blends (sw, sn, sk, bl, br, ch, cl,
cr, dr, fl, gl, ph, pl, pr, sh, sl, sm,
sp, st, th, tr, tw, wh, qu), and final
consonant blends (nd, nk, nt,

 Write words in correct order to

form simple sentences.

 Write dictated words, phrases

and sentences.

 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Express ideas in simple


 Use correct spelling of words.

 Use suffix -s/es to form plural


 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators, (e.g. 'and' and

 Demonstrate good handwriting


Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f

 zAb zAb ldn/] ag]sf zAb klxrfg
u/L pRrf/0f ug{

 bO' { zAb ldnL ag]sf zAbsf ;fy{s
zAbx¿ hf]8\g / 56' o\ fpg

>Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w

 bZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf af/]df kl| tljm| of lbg
 lgwf{l/t kf7o\ ;fdu|L, lrq /

kqklqsf k9L afw] ug{
n]Voj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f

 bO' { zAb ldnL ags] f zAbsf ;fys{
zAbx¿ hf]8]/ / 56' o\ fP/ nV] g

 zAbsf] pRrf/0f;lxt k9g\ / n]Vg

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

 ljleGg kf7\o;fdu|L k9L zAb;"rL
lgdf0{ f ug{

 bl} gs k|of]u x'g] zAb, zLif{ zAb /
ljifoIf]qut zAbsf] ko| fu] ug{

k7g kj| fx
 zAb zAb hf8] L ags] f l;ªu\ f] zAb

ko| f]u ePsf kf7 k9g\
 kf7df lbOPsf zAbsf] kl/efiff,

pbfx/0f, tn' gfaf]ws zAb / ljk/Lt
cya{ f]ws zAb a'em]/ k9\g
k7g af]w
 kf7sf] ;'?, lar / cGTosf dV' o
dV' o 36gf atfpg
 kf7nfO{ df}lns zAbdf eGg / nV] g
 kZ| gfQ] / tyf ljleGg p2Z] osf
nflu kf7 k9L k|ltlj|mof JoSt ug{
 kf7af/] lnlvt kl| tlj|mof lbg
 lbOPsf zLifs{ tyf ljifoj:ts' f
cfwf/df :jtGq nv] g ug{

sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f

 lnª\u, jrg, k?' if / cfb/sf] ;ª\ult
ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt

 k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrx\gsf]
k|ofu] u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg

 lj|mofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf] ko| fu]
u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt

!^= ;ª\Vofsf] 1fg  !))) ;Ddsf
!&= ul0ftsf ;ª\Vofx¿nfO{

cfwf/e"t ljm| of :yfgdfg tflnsfdf

!*= gfk k|:tt' ug,{ :yfgdfg

eGg, k9g\ / n]Vg

 !)) ;Ddsf


b]jgfu/L / lxGb'

c/]las ;ªV\ ofª\sg

k4ltcg;' f/ cIf/df

k9\g / nV] g

 ofu] kmn !,)))
;Dd cfpg] tLg


;ª\Vofx¿sf] hf]8


 tLgcª\s;Ddsf]
;ª\Vofsf] 36fp ug{

 !) ;Ddsf] u'0fg
tflnsf lgdf0{ f ug{

 !) ;Ddsf]
u0' fgtflnsfdf

cfwfl/t /x]/ b'O{

;ªV\ ofnfO{ !)
;Ddsf] ;ªV\ ofn]
lgzi] f efu hfg]

efu ug{

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ 67

tflnsf @# M kf7o\ j|mdsf] PsLs[t ;+/rgfdf sIffut l;sfO pknlAwsf] lj:t[tLs/0f -sIff #_

ljifoIfq] xfd|f] ;/] fk] m/] f] ul0ft sIff # cª\u]|hL
!= d / d]/f] kl/jf/
gk] fnL
(Me and my
family)  cfkm' a;s] f] j8fsf] Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Language functions
;fdfGo kl/ro lbg
68  kfl/jfl/s, ljBfnoLo / ;fdflhs Greeting and leave taking
 gft]bf/ / ultljlwdf k|of]u xg' ] zAb klxrfg
kfxg' fx¿sf] ;Tsf/ / pRrf/0f ug{ Talking about occupations
 s'/fsfgL, ;+jfb, cGt/lj|mof / Talking about home and family
 cfÇgf] / kl/jf/sf kZ| gfQ] /sf cfwf/df eflifs ;~rf/
;b:ox¿sf] gftf ug{ Listening
;DaGw atfpg
>Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w  Recognize, identify and produce
 cfÇgf kfl/jfl/s  zAbsf ;?' / cGTosf j0f{ 56' o\ fP/ rhyming words. e.g. near →here.
ki[ 7el" d atfpg
-kv' f,{ k':tfut_ / hf]8/] k9\g tyf n]Vg  Listen and respond to a wide
 j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / n]Vg variety of spoken stimuli (words,
 kl/jf/sf] sfddf nV] oj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f sentences, questions,
cfkm"n] ;ss] f]  >JobZ[ o ;fdu|Laf6 ;r" gf tyf instructions, etc.) both verbally
;xof]u ug{ and non-verbally.
hfgsf/L lng / lbg
 ;d'bfosf ljleGg  >Job[Zo ;fduL| sf] ;dLIff ug{  Follow the message in short
JolStx¿n] ug{]  j0f{ n]vgsf j}slNks 9fFrfx¿sf] simple conversations.
>dsf] ;Ddfg ug{
klxrfg ug{  Identify key information from a
 cfkmn" ] l;ss] f zAbe08f/ short speech or conversation.
uLtx¿nfO{ tfn /
efj ldnfO{ ;d"xdf  lgb]{lzt zAbsf j0fx{ ¿ k|ofu] u/L  Find out specific information
;fwf/0f g[To ug{ gofF zAbx¿ lgdf0{ f ug{ (names, dates, time, etc) from
different kinds of simple spoken
 ljleGg ks| f/sf  kf7df k9]sf zAbsf] cya{ fw] u/L language.
vfg]s/' fsf] ;f| ]t pxL cy{ lbg] c¿ zAbx¿ vf]Hg
klxrfg, juL{s/0f /  Perform a variety of listening
k|of]u ug{  lgb{l] zt zAbx¿nfO{ cy{ vN' g] u/L comprehension tasks.
jfSodf ko| f]u ug{
 ;fsfxf/L /  Listen and comprehend a range
df;+ fxf/L kf}li6s k7g kj| fx of songs and stories with a
vfg]s/' fsf] klxrfg variety of visual clues.
/ k|of]u ug{  lgwfl{ /t ;doleq zAb, jfSo tyf
cgR' 5b] k9\g Speaking
 cfÇgf] zf/Ll/s
:jf:yk|lt ;rt]  cfzo / efjcgs' "n xfpefp, ult /  Produce words, phrases, simple
/xg z4' tf;lxt kf7 k9\g
sentences with intelligible
 xft ;dfO nv6] /]  ;Gbe{ ;fduL| k9L k9fOsf] ult pronunciation.
v]lng] vn] x¿ vN] g a9fpg
 Participate in short
 5f6] f] b/' L lxF8g\ / k7g afw]
;;fgf prfO gf£g conversations.
 zLifs{ , lrq / k"j{1fg, kbfjnL /
 ljleGg tl/sfn] xk jfSosf cfwf/df :jtGq cg'dfg ug{  Sing or recite a song/chant by
 lgwf{l/t kf7 k9/] wf/0ff lgdf{0f ug{ listening to the teacher or an
 ;fO8 l:slkª / audio.
3d' ]sf] 8f/] Ldf  kf7ut ;Gbe{ / kl/jz] sf cfwf/df
l:slkª ug{ 5nkmn / kZ| gf]Q/ ug{ Reading

 ;fgf] tf}nsf anx¿ n]vfO  Recognise silent letters, e.g. e
lglZrt lbzfdf  zAb, jfSo / cg'R5]b n]Vg
kmo\ fSg  kf7;Fu ;DalGwt k|Zgsf pQ/ n]Vg (home), b (comb), k (knee), gh
(right), w (write), t (often), l
 tfFtL / kª\lStdf sfo{dn" s Jofs/0f (walk), etc.
l7s;Fu pleg
 lnª\u, jrg, k?' if / cfb/sf]  Read multi-syllabic words
 ;fd"lxs ¿kdf ;ª\ult ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt
sbd ldnfP/ cleJolSt lbg composed of roots, prefixes, and
lxF8g\ suffixes.
 k"0fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
 kf7\ok':tsdf ePsf lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]  Read common abbreviations
syf j:t'x¿nfO{ ko| f]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
;/n lsl;dn] (e.g., Dr., Mr., AM, and PM).
clego ug{  lj|mofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf]
k|of]u u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt  Perform rhymes and chants with
 cfkm," ;d"x / cleJolSt lbg
lzIfs lgldt{ appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read short texts silently and

retrieve specific information
(name, number, etc.).

 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar

words from contexts.

 Consult dictionary to find out the

syfx¿df cfwfl/t meaning of words.
v]nx¿ v]Ng
 Retrieve required information
 uf]nf], RofK6f],
af6n' f] / nfDrf] from para-orthographic texts
cfsf/nfO{ hf]8]/
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

ljleGg ks| f/sf such as charts, tables, graphs and
cfsl[ t agfpg maps.

 ;fwf/0f pks/0fsf]  Read poems and short stories for
cfjZostfcg;' f/
dfkgsf nflu k|ofu] pleasure.
ug,{ k/LIf0f ug{ /
lgisif{ lbg Writing

 bl} gs hLjgdf ko| f]u  Use capital letters, full stops and
xg' ] ;/;dfgsf]
/v] fª\sg ug{ question marks correctly.

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators (e.g. and, but,

 Write in a simple paragraph

about oneself, people, places and

 Use correct spelling of words.
 Use present (with/without -s/es)

and regular past (-ed) forms of

 Use words in meaningful


 Demonstrate good handwriting


@= d/] f] b}lgs hLjg  lzIfs / ;dx"  38L x/] L 306f, Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f Language functions
gt] fsf] lgb{]zgdf ldg]6 / ;]s]G8df Talking about future
(My daily life) cfwf/et" of]u ;do eGg / nV] g  s'/fsfgL, ;+jfb, cGt/ljm| of / Apologizing
cEof; -e'hu+ f;g, k|ZgfQ] /sf cfwf/df eflifs ;~rf/ Telling the time
kb\df;g, tf8f;g,  ;dosf PsfOx¿ ug{ Listening
cw{rGbf| ;g_ ug{ larsf] ;DaGw
eGg / n]Vg  afnuLt, afnsljtf, afnsyf tyf  Recognize, identify and produce
 esG' 8f] eO' {dF f -jif{, dlxgf, xKtf, ;"rgfdn" s kf7 ;g' L cfkmg\ } zAbdf rhyming words. e.g. near →here.
pkmfg,{ kmfNg / lbg, 306f, ldg]6 k'gsy{ g ug{
;dfpg / ;s] G] 8_  Comprehend words and simple
>Jo÷bZ[ oafw] expressions.
 s'sR{' rf / k~hfn]  sg' } sfddf nfus] f]
lx8F \g] cEof; ug{  >Job[Zo ;fdu|Laf6 ;"rgf tyf  Listen and respond to a wide
;do kQf nufpg hfgsf/L lng / lbg variety of spoken stimuli (words,
 7f8f] j:t'df r9\g] sentences, questions,
emg{] / jf/df  >JobZ[ o ;fduL| sf] ;dLIff ug{ instructions, etc.) both verbally
em' lG8g] cEof; ug{  j0f{ n]vgsf j}slNks 9frF fx¿sf] and non-verbally.

 z/L/sf cª\ux¿ klxrfg ug{  Identify key information from a
;kmf /fVg] afgLsf] short speech or conversation.
ljsf; ug{ nV] oj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f
 Find out specific information
 rkL{ tyf wf/f /  zAbsf ;'? / cGTosf j0f{ 56' \ofP/ / (names, dates, time, etc) from
j/k/sf] jftfj/0f hf]8/] k9\g tyf n]Vg different kinds of simple spoken
;kmf /fVg language.
 j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / n]Vg
 lkpg] kfgL ;/' lIft zAbe08f/  Listen in order to participate in a
/fVg  lgbl{] zt zAbsf j0fx{ ¿ k|of]u u/L variety of short conversations.

 /fu] nfUgaf6 aRg gofF zAbx¿ lgdf0{ f ug{  Perform a variety of listening
/ :j:ys/ afgL  kf7df k9]sf zAbsf] cya{ f]w u/L comprehension tasks.
cjnDag ug{
pN6f] cy{ lbg] c¿ zAbx¿ vfH] g Speaking
 z/L/sf nflu  lgb{]lzt zAbx¿nfO{ cy{ v'Ng] u/L
cf/fd, lgbf| /  Produce words, phrases, simple
Jofofdsf] ;Gt'ng jfSodf k|ofu] ug{
ldnfpg sentences with intelligible
k7g k|jfx pronunciation.
 dgkg{] ljifodf lrq
agfpg  lgwfl{ /t ;doleq zAb, jfSo tyf  Ask and answer a range of
cg'R5b] k9\g
 bl} gs hLjgdf questions.
ljB't\sf] pkof]uLtf  cfzo / efjcg'sn" xfpefp, ult /
pNn]v ug{ z'4tf;lxt kf7 k9\g  Talk about present, past and

 ljB'ts\ f] k|of]udf  ;Gbe{ ;fdu|L k9L k9fOsf] ult future events.
;fjwfgL ckgfpg a9fpg
 Sing or recite a song/chant by
 r'Dassf] k|ofu] u/L k7g afw]
r'DasLo / listening to the teacher or an
cr'DasLo kbfy{  cgd' fg tyf wf/0ff ldn] gldn]sf] audio.
56' \ofpg 56' \ofO{ ;w' f/ ug{
 Wjlg k|b"if0f /  cg'dfg ofU] o / ;r" gfd"ns kf7x¿
k9]/ zflAbs, tflss{ / j0fg{ fTds  Perform rhymes and chants with
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ kZ| gf]Q/ ug{
appropriate rhyme and rhythm.


dfgj hLjgdf n]vfO  Read short texts silently and
o;sf] c;/
;DaGwdf ;r]t xg'  ljifoj:t'sf cfwf/df zAbe/0f u/L retrieve specific information
jfSo k/" f ug{ (name, number, etc.).

 kf7ut kZ| gf]Q/, ab'F f l6kf6] / efj  Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
lj:tf/ ug{
words from contexts.
 ?lrsf ljifoIfq] jf zLifs{ df
cfwf/t eO{ :jtGq nv] g ug{  Read poems and short stories for

sfo{dn" s Jofs/0f pleasure.

 lnª\u, jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf] Writing
;ª\ult ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg  Use capital letters, full stops and

 k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs, question marks correctly.
lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrx\gsf]
k|of]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg  Connect sentences using simple

 lj|mofsf sfncg';f/sf jfSosf] coordinators (e.g. and, but,
ko| f]u u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt because).
cleJolSt lbg
 Write simple stories through

completion, matching with
pictures or ordering.

 Use correct spelling of words.
 Use regular and irregular plural


 Arrange words in alphabetical


 Use words in meaningful


 Demonstrate good handwriting


#= xfdf| ] ;db' fo (Our  5/l5ds] sf] sfddf  rf/ cª\s;Ddsf Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f
cfkmn" ] ;s]sf] ;ª\Vofx¿nfO{
Community) ;xofu] ug{ a9b\ f] jf 36\bf]  s/' fsfgL, ;+jfb, cGt/ljm| of /
j|mddf k9\g / kZ| gf]Q/sf cfwf/df eflifs ;~rf/
70  cfÇgf] j8fsf n]Vg ug{
;fdflhs sfddf
;xefuL x'g /  :yfgLo ;ªV\ ofªs\ g  afnuLt, afnsljtf, afnsyf tyf
;dfh;j] Lx¿sf] k4ltdf @) ;Dd ;r" gfd"ns kf7 ;'gL cfkmg\ } zAbdf
;Ddfg ug{ k9g\ / n]Vg) kg' sy{ g ug{

 Ho]i7 gful/s,  cfwf, Ps rf}yfO, >Jo÷b[Zoafw]
c;xfo tyf tLg rf}yfO, Ps
ckfªu\ tf ePsf ltxfO / bO' {  b'O{ b[Zo cj:yfsf] tn' gf u/L
JolStx¿nfO{ ltxfOnfO{ leGgsf] df}lvs tyf lnlvt j0f{g ug{
;Ddfg / ;xof]u ¿kdf n]Vg
ug{  >Job[Zo ;fduL| sf] ;dLIff ug{
 leGgx¿ , , ,
 3/kljf/ / n]Voj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f
;fyL;fyLdf , nfO{ ;fduL|
;demf/L sfod  zAbsf ;?' / cGTosf j0f{ 56' \ofP/ /
ugs{ f nflu cfgf] ko| f]u u/L bv] fpg hf]8/] k9g\ tyf n]Vg
e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{  lrqåf/f dflysf
 j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / nV] g
 afnclwsf/kl| t leGgx¿dWo] sg' } zAbe08f/
;rt] /xg bO' c{ f6] f leGgx¿
tn' gf ug{  lgb{l] zt zAbsf j0fx{ ¿ k|ofu] u/L
 :yfgLo vn] x¿sf]  ljleGg j:t'sf] gofF zAbx¿ lgdf0{ f ug{
klxrfg, k|bzg{ / nDafO ld6/ jf
;fdl" xs ¿kdf ;l] G6ld6/ :sn] df  kf7df k9]sf zAbsf] cy{af]w u/L
k|lt:kwf{ ug{ cg'dfg ug,{ gfKg w]/} cy{ lbg] zAbx¿ vf]Hg
/ kl' i6 ug{
 g;g{] /f]usf ;fdfGo  lgb{]lzt zAbx¿nfO{ cy{ v'Ng] u/L
sf/s tTjx¿ jfSodf k|ofu] ug{
k7g k|jfx
 la/fdL xFb' f :jf:Yo
;j] f lng / c¿nfO{  xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB
:jf:Yo;]jf lngsf /rgfsf] ;:j/ / b|t' k7g ug{
nflu pTk]|l/t ug{
 xfpefp, ult, olt, no /
 vfk] sf] cfaZostf z4' tf;lxt kB /rgfsf] ;:j/,
/ dxŒj atfpg ou' n, ;fd"lxs, :jtGq / bt'| k7g
 wd" kfg / dBkfgsf]
ko| f]un] kl/jf/ / k7g af]w
;d'bfodf kg]{ c;/
atfpg  lbOPsf cgR' 5]b k9L ;f]lwPsf pQ/
eGg / nV] g

 lgwf{l/t kf7sf] ;f/ eGg / nV] g

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

 w"dkfg / n]vfO
dBkfgjf6 6f9f
 ljifoj:t'sf cfwf/df zAbe/0f u/L
/xg jfSo k"/f ug{

 lglZrt lbzfdf  kf7ut kZ| gf]Q/, ab'F f l6kf]6 / efj
efnf lj:tf/ ug{

-6af]{ Hofalng_  ?lrsf ljifoIf]q jf zLif{sdf
k\mofSF g cfwfl/t eO{ :jtGq nv] g ug{

 hldg / kfgLdf sfo{dn" s Jofs/0f
a:g] j/k/sf
 lnª\u, jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf] ;ª\ult
hgfj/sf aflx/L ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt
cª\ux¿ lrGg /
 k0" f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
pkofu] Ltf atfpg lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]
k|of]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 j/k/sf
hgfj/x¿sf] vfgf  ljm| ofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf]
k|of]u u/L df}lvs tyf lnlvt
vfg ;3fpg] cleJolSt lbg

cªu\ x¿ lrGg

 ljleGg df;} d /
;dodf b]lvg]

hgfj/x¿ lrGg /

ltgLx¿sf] ;"rL

tof/ ug{

 dflg;n] hgfj/ /
la?jfx¿af6 kfpg]

kmfObf -vfgf /

nu' f_ atfpg

 cfgf jl/kl/ kfOg]

kz'kG5Lsf] lxF8fO /

pk|mfO / af]nLsf]

gSsn ug{

$= xfdf| ] ljBfno  ljBfnosf] xftfsf] Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f Language functions
Asking for and giving permission
(Our school) ;/;kmfO sfo{jm| ddf  ;/n tyf hf8] ]df]8s] f j0fo{ 'St Interrupting and getting attention
zAbsf] klxrfg u/L pRrf/0f ug{ Congratulating and praising
;xefuL xg' Listening
 ;+o'St j0f{ ko| f]u x'g] zAb pRrf/0f
 ljBfnodf ePsf] ug{  Comprehend words and simple
v]n ;fdu|L, expressions.
k':tsfno tyf a's  Listen and respond to a wide
 bO' { b[Zo cj:yfsf] tn' gf u/L variety of spoken stimuli (words,
sg/{ df ePsf df}lvs tyf lnlvt j0f{g ug{ sentences, questions,
instructions, etc.) both verbally
;fdfgsf] htg;fy  ljleGg bZ[ o ;r" gf tyf ;fdu|Lsf and non-verbally.
af/]df kl| tljm| of lbg
k|of]u ug{  Find out specific information
n]Voj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f (names, dates, time, etc) from
 ljBfnodf lglZrt different kinds of simple spoken
;dodf ul/g]  ;+oS' t j0f{;+/rgf ePsf zAbsf language.
lj|mofsnfkx¿ ;?' / cGTosf j0f{ 5'6\ofP/ /
hf]8/] k9g\ tyf n]Vg  Perform a variety of listening
atfpg comprehension tasks.
-h:t}M cleefjs  j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / n]Vg
lbj;, jflif{s pT;j, zAbe08f/  Listen and comprehend a range
cflb_  zAbsf] cy{ eGg, n]Vg / jfSodf of songs and stories with a
variety of visual clues.
 kL=6L=tflnsf g+= ! k|of]u ug{
b]lv & ;Ddsf tfn  ljBfnodf ko| fu] ul/g] j:t' hgfpg] Speaking

ldnfP/ s;/tx¿ zAbx¿sf] ;r" L agfpg  Produce words, phrases, simple

ug{ k7g k|jfx sentences with intelligible
 %) ld6/;Ddsf] b/' L  xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB
bf8} g /rgf ;:j/ / b'|t k7g ug{  Participate in short

 ljleGg lsl;dsf  xfpefp, ult, olt, no / conversations.
sfuhnfO{ z'4tf;lxt kB /rgf ;:j/, o'un,
;fd"lxs, :jtGq / b't| k7g ug{  Describe people, objects and
sf6/] ÷Roft]/ 6f;F L
k7g afw] events using adjectives, adverbs
cfkm"nfO{ dg kg]{ and prepositions.
 lgwf{l/t kf7sf] ;f/ eGg / nV] g
cfsl[ t agfpg  kf7 k9/] jf ;'g]/ :jd"Nofªs\ g ug{  Talk about present, past and
 kf7df ko| f]u ePsf d'Vo zAb tyf
 Roft]sf÷sf6s] f future events.
sfuhsf ljifosf af/d] f n]Vg
 lgwf{l/t kf7sf] kfq tyf zLif{s  Sing or recite a song/chant by
6'jm| fx¿nfO{ Psdfly
listening to the teacher or an
csf{] 6f:F b} lrq

;+ofh] g ug{

 ljleGg :yfgdf xg'
;Sg] b'36{ gfdf
kf| ylds pkrf/sf]
;]jf lng

 3/ tyf ljBfno /

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 71

;d'bfodf xg' ] kl/jtg{ u/L eGg / nV] g audio.
b'3{6gfx¿sf sf/0f
/ logLx¿af6 aRg] nv] fO Reading
pkfo ckgfpg
 ljifoj:t'df cfwfl/t eO{ kZ| gf]Q/  Read multi-syllabic words
 JolStut ;/' Iffsf ug{
pkfox¿ ckgfpg composed of roots, prefixes, and
 ljrf/ / wf/0ffnfO{ ;ªu\ l7t u/L suffixes.
 j/k/ 36\g ;Sg] df}lvs tyf lnlvt k|:tl' t lbg
ks| f]kaf6 ;'/lIft  Read common abbreviations
xg'  36gf j0f{g / a'Fbf n]vg ug{
(e.g., Dr., Mr., AM, and PM).
 kmn]s, a]Gr jf t];f{] sfod{ "ns Jofs/0f
sf7df lxF8g\ ]  Perform rhymes and chants with
cEof; ug{  lnª\u, jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf] ;ª\ult
ldnfO{ dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
 xftn] 6]sL 5]paf6
 k"0fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,  Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
kN6g] sfo{ ug{ lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrx\gsf]
k|ofu] u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg words from contexts.

 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf] k|of]u  Read poems and short stories for
u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg


 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators (e.g. and, but,

 Write in a simple paragraph

about oneself, people, places and

 Use correct spelling of words.
 Use words in meaningful


 Make compound words e.g.

roundtable, playground, etc.

 Write very short simple


 Demonstrate good handwriting


%= xfd|f j/k/sf  hgfj/ / jg:kltsf Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Language functions
hLjhGt' (Living cfwf/e"t nIf0fx¿ Describing people and places
-rfn, z/L/sf  kf7df k|oS' t ;dfg / c;dfg Wjlg Talking about seasons
beings of our efux¿ / vfgf ePsf zAbx¿ klxrfg / pRrf/0f Giving directions
surrounding) k|fKt ug]{ tl/sf_ sf ug{ Describing location
cfwf/df leGgtf
^= xfd|f] jftfj/0f 56' o\ fpg >Jo÷b[Zoafw] Listening

(Our  la?jfx¿nfO{  ljleGg bZ[ o ;r" gf tyf ;fdu|Laf/]
environment) juLs{ /0f ug{ -kmn"
k'mNg÷] gkm'Ng,]
72 hldgdf÷kfgLdf
Psjif÷]{ axj' if{_]

 ljleGg df;} ddf
kfOg] la?jfx¿
lrGg / ltgLx¿sf]
;r" L tof/ ug{

 la?jf /fK] g, o;sf]
cfjZos x]/rfx
ug{ / ;do ;dodf
cfpg] kl/jtg{
cjnfs] g u/L
clen]v /fVg

 vfB z[ª\vnfsf]
;fwf/0f pbfx/0f

 ljBfno, 3/,
5/l5d]s / 6fn] sf]
;/;kmfOdf ;xefuL

 cfÇgf] j/k/sf]
jftfj/0f k|bi" f0fsf

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

sf/0fx¿ klxrfg kl| tlj|mof lbg  Listen and respond to a wide
ug{ nV] oj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f variety of spoken stimuli (words,
 jftfj/0fLo  ;o+ 'St j0f{ ;+/rgf ePsf zAbsf sentences, questions,
:jR5tfkl| t ;hu instructions, etc.) both verbally
/xL k|b'if0f /f]Sg ;?' / cGTosf j0f{ 5'6\ofP/ / and non-verbally.
;xof]u ug{ hf8] /] k9\g tyf n]Vg
 s'lxg] / gs'lxg]  j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / nV] g  Find out specific information
kmf]xf/] x¿sf] zAbe08f/ (names, dates, time, etc) from
auLs{ /0f / plrt different kinds of simple spoken
lj;hg{ ug{  zAbx¿sf] cy{af]w u/L jfSodf language.
 cfÇgf] ;d'bfodf ko| f]u ug{
ePsf kf| s[lts  Listen in order to participate in a
;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f /  ljleGg ;Gbed{ f ko| fu] xg' ] zAbx¿ variety of short conversations.
k|of]u ug{ k9L jfSodf ko| fu] ug{
 j/k/sf j:t' tyf  Perform a variety of listening
36gfx¿;DaGwL k7g kj| fx comprehension tasks.
vfh] d"ns kZ| g ug,{  xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB
cg'dfg ug{,  Listen and comprehend a range
cjnfs] g ug{ / ts{ /rgfsf] ;:j/ / b|t' k7g ug{ of songs and stories with a
k:| t't ug{  xfpefp, ult, olt, no / variety of visual clues.
 7f];, t/n / Uof;
kbfy{sf cfwf/et" z4' tf;lxt kB /rgfsf] ;:j/, Speaking
u0' fx¿sf] cjnfs] g ou' n, ;fd"lxs, :jtGq / b't| k7g
/ kl/If0f ug{ ug{  Produce words, phrases, simple
 ljldGg j:tx' ¿sf] k7g af]w
k|of]u u/L  zAb / kbfjnLsf] cy{ ae' m/] ko| f]u sentences with intelligible
em'G8\ofpg ldNg] ug{ pronunciation.
vfnsf ;hfj6sf  kf7 k9L ;fl] wPsf kZ| gsf] pQ/ lbg
;fduL| x¿ lgdf0{ f  kf7sf cfwf/df 36gf j0f{g, cg'ej  Participate in short
ug{ j0f{g / aF'bf n]vg ug{
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ n]vfO
 kf7l;t ;DalGwt k|Zgsf pQ/  Ask and answer a range of

nV] g questions.
 cGo ljifosf zLif{s tyf
 Describe people, objects and
ljifoj:t'sf cfwf/df :jtGq nv] g
ug{ events using adjectives, adverbs
and prepositions.
sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f
 Sing or recite a song/chant by
 lnª\u, jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf] k|of]u
u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg listening to the teacher or an
 k0" f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrx\gsf] Reading
k|of]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 Read multi-syllabic words
 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf]
ko| fu] u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt composed of roots, prefixes, and
cleJolSt lbg suffixes.

 Perform rhymes and chants with

appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read short texts silently and find

out the main ideas and
supporting details of the text.

 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar

words from contexts.

 Consult dictionary to find out the

meaning of words.

 Read poems and short stories for



 Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators (e.g. and, but,

 Use correct spelling of words.

 Use regular and irregular plural


 Use words in meaningful


 Make compound words e.g.

roundtable, playground, etc.

 Write very short simple


&= d/] f ;/;fdfg messages.

(My  Demonstrate good handwriting
Language functions
Describing objects
Understanding and using numbers
(fifty one to hundred)

 Listen and respond to a wide
variety of spoken stimuli (words,
sentences, questions,
instructions, etc.) both verbally
and non-verbally.

 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.

 Find out specific information
(names, dates, time, etc) from
different kinds of simple spoken

 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.


 Produce words, phrases, simple

sentences with intelligible

 Ask and answer a range of


 Describe people, objects and

events using adjectives, adverbs
and prepositions.

 Sing or recite a song/chant by

listening to the teacher or an


 Read short texts silently and

retrieve specific information
(name, number, etc.).

 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar

words from contexts.

 Consult dictionary to find out the

meaning of words.

 Read poems and short stories for



 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators (e.g. and, but,

 Write in a simple paragraph

about oneself, people, places and

 Use correct spelling of words.
 Use regular and irregular plural


 Use words in meaningful


 Make compound words e.g.

roundtable, playground, etc.

 Write very short simple


cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

 Demonstrate good handwriting

*= d]/f] l;hg{ f (My  /fli6o« ufg, sIffut  lbOPsf] j:t'sf] Wjlg ;rt] Ls/0f
uLt, kf7\ok':tsdf lsgf/f jf
creation) ePsf afnuLtx¿  kf7df ko| S' t ;dfg / c;dfg Wjlg
no ldnfO{ ufpg ePsf zAbx¿ klxrfg u/L
/]vfv08sf] gfk pRrf/0f ug{
 tfndf tfnL ahfpg
 :yfgLo uLtdf gT[ o lng / lbOPsf]  cgR' 5b] ;'gL d'Vo d'Vo zAb
klxrfg / pRrf/0f ug{
ug{ gfksf] /]vfv08
 :yfgLo afhfx¿ lvRg
ahfpg] cEof; ug{  ;~rf/sf j|mddf k|rlnt cfs[lt,
 j/k/ kfOg] 7f]; /ª / ;ªs\ t] lrxg\ sf] ko| fu] ug{
 sfuh / l;Gsf j:td' f ags] f
k|of]u u/L ljleGg  lbOPsf ;fduL| sf cfwf/df
j:t'sf] lgdf{0f ug{ sf]0fx¿ b]vfpg ljifoj:t'sf] af]w u/L xfpefp;lxt
j0fg{ ug{
 :n]a -slab_ df  ?n/sf] k|of]u u/L
ljleGg k|sf/sf sf0] fx¿ lvRg, gfd nV] oj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f
cfsl[ t jf
kmnkm"nsf a6' 6\ f nV] g / t'ngf ug{  ;o+ S' t j0f{ ;+/rgf ePsf zAbsf
agfpg / j:td' f ;?' / cGTosf j0f{ 5'6o\ fP/ /
/ªsf] k|of]u ug{  ;dsf0] f klxrfg hf8] /] k9g\ tyf n]Vg
 df6fdf /v] f, cfsf/,  j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / n]Vg
6]S;r/, a'6\6f  l;wf lsgf/f zAbe08f/
cflb;DaGwL ljljw  kf7df ko| f]u ePsf zAbx¿ cy{afw]
ko| f]ux¿ ug{ / (straight edge)
df6fsf 3g jf u/L jfSodf k|ofu] ug{
cfotfsf/ Ansåf/f ePsf] j:t' /  b'O{ zAb hf8] ]/ l;ª\uf] zAb agfO{
7f]; df]8]nx¿, h:t}
M 3/, a;, hgfj/ l;;fsnd ko| f]u jfSodf ko| f]u ug{
cflb agfpg
u/L lqe'h / rte' {'h k7g kj| fx
 df6fsf :Nofa
(clay slabs) df lvRg / gfd n]Vg  xfpefp, ult / z4' tf;lxt uB
df6f]nfO{ a]//] /rgfsf] ;:j/ / bt'| k7g ug{
(coils) agfOPsf  cfotfsf/ /
a6' \6fx¿ tyf  xfpefp, ult, olt, no /
;;fgf ufn] fx¿ juf{sf/ ;tx z4' tf;lxt kB /rgfsf] ;:j/,
(pellets) åf/f o'un, ;fd"lxs, :jtGq / bt'| k7g
cnªs\ /0f ug{ klxrfg ug{ ug{

 5kfOsf ljljw k7g af]w
ljifoj:td' f cfwfl/t  ljifoj:t;' Fu ldNbfh'Nbf cg'ej
-theme based_ jf j0fg{ ug{
cfsl[ tljxLg -non
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ klxrfg u/L lnlvt
representational cleJolSt lbg

_ lkG| 6x¿ lgsfNg  tYo, ;Gbe,{ ;"rgf / k"j{1fgdf
cfwfl/t eO{ dfl} vs / lnlvt pQ/

 kf7sf cfwf/df 36gf j0fg{ , cg'ej
j0f{g, aF'bf n]vg / cgR' 5b] nv] g ug{


 zLifs{ tyf ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df
:jtGq nv] g ug{

 kf7af/] lnlvt kl| tlj|mof lbg
 36gf jf 5nkmn ul/Psf ljifo jf

l;s]sf zAbx¿nfO{ cfg} zAbdf
kg' n]v{ g ug{

sfo{dn" s Jofs/0f

 lnª\u, jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf] k|ofu]
u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg

 k0" f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrx\gsf]
ko| f]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg

 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf] k|of]u
u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ 75

(= xfdf| ] ;:+ sl[ t (Our  cfÇgf] ufpF 6fn] df Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Language functions
af]lng] efiff, kf];fs  cg'R5b] ;'gL dV' o dV' o zAb Narrating past events
culture) / rf8kj;{ Fu Asking and answering about past
kl/lrt x'g klxrfg / pRrf/0f ug{ Listening

 cfÇgf] ufpF 6f]ndf  kf| sl[ ts tyf ;fdflhs kl/j]znfO{  Listen and respond to a wide
dgfOg] lrqsf cfwf/df j0fg{ ug{ variety of spoken stimuli (words,
rf8kjx{ ¿df sentences, questions,
;xefuL x'g  ;Ddfgafw] s zAb ;'gL pRrf/0f ug{ instructions, etc.) both verbally
>Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w and non-verbally.
 kl/jf/df dgfOg]  lbOPsf ;fduL| sf cfwf/df
rf8kj{df ul/g]  Identify key information from a
dV' o dV' o ljifoj:ts' f] afw] u/L xfpefp;lxt short speech or conversation.
ljm| ofsnfkx¿sf] j0f{g ug{
;"rL tof/ ug{  ;~rf/sf j|mddf kr| lnt cfs[lt,  Find out specific information
/ª / ;ª\s]t lrx\gsf] ko| fu] ug{ (names, dates, time, etc) from
 cfgf ;db' fosf n]Voj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f different kinds of simple spoken
;s+ f/x¿ -b;,}F  zAbx¿sf] cya{ f]w u/L k9\g / nV] g language.
ltxf/, 56, lj|m;d;,  zAbsf j0f{ 56' o\ fP/ / j0f{ hf]8]/
Ob, ljleGg hfqf k9\g / nV] g  Listen in order to participate in a
cflb_ sf] cj:yf zAbe08f/ variety of short conversations.
emNsg] ;fdfGo
/v] fª\sg ug{ / /ª  zAbx¿sf] cy{afw] / k|ofu] ug{  Perform a variety of listening
eg{ comprehension tasks.
 bO' { zAb jf zAb ;d"x hf8] /] cy{af]w
 /fli6«o lrxg\ x¿sf] / k|ofu] ug{  Listen and comprehend a range
of songs and stories with a
dxŒj atfpg k7g k|jfx variety of visual clues.
 xfpefp, ult / z'4tf;lxt uB
/rgf ;:j/ / b|t' k7g ug{
 xfpefp, ult, olt, no /  Produce words, phrases, simple

z4' tf;lxt kB /rgfsf] ;:j/, sentences with intelligible
ou' n, ;fdl" xs, :jtGq / b|'t k7g pronunciation.
k7g af]w  Participate in short
 lgwf{l/t ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df 5nkmn
/ kZ| gf]Q/ ug{ conversations.
 kf7sf rl/q, kl/j]z / 36gfsf]
j0f{g ug{  Ask and answer a range of
 efjlj:tf/, zAbe/0f / ;f/ nv] g questions.
 :yfgLo kl/jz] , ;Gbe{ tyf  Talk about present, past and
ljifoj:t' emlNsg] zLif{s jf
ljifoj:t' 5gf6] u/L cg'R5]b n]Vg future events.

sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f  Sing or recite a song/chant by

 lnªu\ , jrg, k?' if / cfb/sf] listening to the teacher or an
;ªu\ lt;lxt dfl} vs tyf lnlvt audio.
cleJolSt lbg
 k0" fl{ j/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs,
lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]  Read multi-syllabic words
ko| fu] u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
composed of roots, prefixes, and
 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf] suffixes.
k|ofu] u/L dfl} vs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg  Perform rhymes and chants with

appropriate rhyme and rhythm.

 Read short texts silently and

retrieve specific information
(name, number, etc.).

 Read short texts silently and find

out the main ideas and
supporting details of the text.

 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar

words from contexts.

 Retrieve required information

from para-orthographic texts
such as charts, tables, graphs and

 Read poems and short stories for



76  Use capital letters, full stops and

question marks correctly.

 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators (e.g. and, but,

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^


 Write simple stories through

completion, matching with
pictures or ordering.

 Use present (with/without -s/es)

and regular past (-ed) forms of

 Use words in meaningful


 Write very short simple


 Demonstrate good handwriting


!)= ;~rf/, kl| jlw /  ;fjh{ lgs  ?lkofnF fO{ k};fdf / Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Language functions
ahf/ :ynx¿sf] ;"rgf, k;} fnfO{ ?lkofdF f  zAb zAb hf]8]/ jf 56' \ofP/ Using the telephone
;ªs\ t] , kDKn]6, ¿kfGt/ ug{ Asking and answering with a choice
(Communication kf]:6/, 6«flkms pRrf/0f ug{ Listening
technology and ;ª\st] cflb k9g\ /  d'bf| ;DaGwL hf8] /  cg'dfg / sNkgf u/L df}lvs j0fg{
market) ;fs] f] kfngf ug{ 36fp ug{  Comprehend words and simple
ug{ expressions.
 l;sfO Pjd\  ld6/, ;]lG6ld6/ / >Jo÷bZ[ oafw]
;~rf/sf nflu ldlnld6/sf]  ;~rf/sf jm| ddf kr| lnt cfs[lt,  Listen and respond to a wide
sDKo'6/ / df]afOn ;DaGw atfpg variety of spoken stimuli (words,
kmfg] sf] k|ofu] ug{ / /ª / ;ª\st] lrxg\ sf] k|of]u ug{ sentences, questions,
logLx¿sf]  ld6/nfO{ /  lgwfl{ /t kf7\o;fdu|L, lrq / instructions, etc.) both verbally
b?' kof]uaf6 x'g] ;l] G6ld6/ and non-verbally.
xflgk|lt ;r]t /xg ;]lG6ld6/nfO{ kqklqsf k9L afw] ug{
ldlnld6/df  kf7 ;'gL ljifoj:t' j0f{g ug{  Identify key information from a
 cfgf] ufkf÷ gkfdf ¿kfGt/ ug{ nV] oj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f short speech or conversation.
pTkflbt tyf lgld{t  bO' c{ f6] f zAb hf8] /] jf 56' \ofP/ zAb
j:tx' ¿sf] pkofu]  j:tx' ¿sf] tfn} sf]  Find out specific information
ug{ cg'dfg ug{ / eGg / nV] g (names, dates, time, etc) from
gfkåf/f olsg ug{  zAbsf] pRrf/0f;lxt k9\g / nV] g different kinds of simple spoken
 ldtJooL ¿kdf vr{ zAbe08f/ language.
 lsnf]u|fdnfO{
ug{ / cfgf] k;} f u|fddf ¿kfGt/  pxL tyf pN6f] cy{ lbg] zAbx¿sf]  Perform a variety of listening
art ug{] afgL ug{ cya{ f]w / k|of]u ug{ comprehension tasks.
 ln6/ /  afn zAbsf]zsf] k|ofu] ug{  Listen and comprehend a range
k7g kj| fx of songs and stories with a
ldlnln6/sf]  k7g ult j[l4sf nflu lgwf{l/t variety of visual clues.

;DaGw atfpg ;dodf tfl] sPsf] kf7 jf cgR' 5b] Speaking
 ljleGg Ifdtfsf  kf7df lbOPsf zAbsf] kl/efiff,  Participate in short
ef8F fx¿sf] Ifdtf pbfx/0f, tn' gfafw] s zAb / ljk/Lt
ln6/ / ldlnln6/ cy{af]ws zAb ae' m/] k9\g conversations.
PsfOdf gfk lng k7g afw]
 Ask and answer a range of
 ln6/ /  ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df kZ| gf]Q/ ug{
ldlnln6/;DaGwL]  lr7L, lgjb] g, ;fOg af]8,{ kf]:6/,
;"rgf / cGo ljj/0fx¿ k9L  Describe people, objects and
hf]8 / 36fp ug{ cya{ fw] ug{
events using adjectives, adverbs
 lrqu|fkm agfpg . nv] fO and prepositions.
 kf7;Fu ;DalGwt eO{ kZ| gfQ] / ug{
 lbOPsf ab'F fsf cfwf/df cgR' 5]b  Talk about present, past and

n]Vg future events.
 :jtGq ¿kdf ljleGg ks| f/sf /rgf
 Sing or recite a song/chant by
listening to the teacher or an
sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f audio.

 lnªu\ , jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf] ;ª\ult  Make simple telephone
ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs, Reading
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]
ko| f]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg  Perform rhymes and chants with

 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf] appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
ko| f]u u/L df}lvs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg  Read short texts silently and

retrieve specific information
(name, number, etc.).

 Read short texts silently and find

out the main ideas and
supporting details of the text.

 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar

words from contexts.

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ 77

!!= kmnk"mn /  Consult dictionary to find out the
t/sf/L (Fruits
meaning of words.
and vegetables)
 Retrieve required information
from para-orthographic texts
such as charts, tables, graphs and

 Read poems and short stories for


 Connect sentences using simple

coordinators (e.g. and, but,

 Write in a simple paragraph

about oneself, people, places and

 Use correct spelling of words.
 Use regular and irregular plural


 Use words in meaningful


 Make compound words e.g.

roundtable, playground, etc.

 Write very short simple


 Demonstrate good handwriting


Language function
Describing pictures
 Listen and respond to a wide

variety of spoken stimuli (words,
sentences, questions,
instructions, etc.) both verbally
and non-verbally.
 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.
 Find out specific information
(names, dates, time, etc) from
different kinds of simple spoken
 Listen in order to participate in a
variety of short conversations.
 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.
 Listen and comprehend a range
of songs and stories with a
variety of visual clues.

 Produce words, phrases, simple

sentences with intelligible

 Participate in short


 Ask and answer a range of


 Describe people, objects and

events using adjectives, adverbs
and prepositions.

 Sing or recite a song/chant by

listening to the teacher or an

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^

!@= ?lr / afgL Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Reading

(Hobbies and  kf7df ko| S' t ;dfg / c;dfg Wjlg  Perform rhymes and chants with
interests) ePsf zAbx¿ klxrfg u/L
pRrf/0f ug{ appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
 cg'R5]b ;'gL dV' o d'Vo zAb  Read short texts silently and
klxrfg / pRrf/0f ug{
retrieve specific information
>Jo÷bZ[ oafw] (name, number, etc.).

 ;~rf/sf j|mddf kr| lnt cfs[lt,  Read short texts silently and find
/ª / ;ª\st] lrx\gsf] ko| fu] ug{
out the main ideas and
 lbOPsf ;fduL| sf cfwf/df supporting details of the text.
ljifoj:ts' f] afw] u/L xfpefp;lxt
j0fg{ ug{  Guess the meaning of unfamiliar

nV] oj0f{ ;r]tLs/0f words from contexts.

 ;o+ 'St j0f{ ;+/rgf ePsf zAbsf  Consult dictionary to find out the
;'? / cGTosf j0f{ 56' \ofP/ /
hf]8/] k9g\ tyf n]Vg meaning of words.

 j:t' / lrqsf gfd eGg / nV] g  Read poems and short stories for
 cfkm\gf] k/Dk/f / /Lltl/jfhsf] Writing
j0fg{ ug{
 Connect sentences using simple
 ;Ddfgaf]ws zAb ko| f]u u/L jfSo
eGg / n]Vg coordinators (e.g. and, but,
k7g k|jfx
 Write in a simple paragraph
 xfpefp, ult / z'4tf;lxt uB
/rgf ;:j/ / b'|t k7g ug{ about oneself, people, places and
 xfpefp, ult, olt, no /
z4' tf;lxt kB /rgf ;:j/, ou' n,  Use correct spelling of words.
;fdl" xs, :jtGq / bt'| k7g ug{
 Use regular and irregular plural


 Arrange words in alphabetical


 Use words in meaningful


 Make compound words e.g.

roundtable, playground, etc.

 Write very short simple


 Demonstrate good handwriting

Language function
Expressing likes and dislikes
 Listen and respond to a wide

variety of spoken stimuli (words,
sentences, questions,
instructions, etc.) both verbally
and non-verbally.
 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.
 Find out specific information
(names, dates, time, etc) from
different kinds of simple spoken
 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.
 Listen and comprehend a range
of songs and stories with a
variety of visual clues.

 Ask and answer a range of


 Describe people, objects and

events using adjectives, adverbs
and prepositions.

 Talk about present, past and

future events.

 Sing or recite a song/chant by

listening to the teacher or an


k7g af]w audio.
 kfq kl/jt{g u/L kf7 k'gn{]vg ug{
 kf7ut ;Gbe{ klxrfg u/L lnlvt  Perform rhymes and chants with

cleJolSt lbg appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
 tYo, ;Gbe,{ ;"rgf / k"j1{ fgdf
 Read short texts silently and
cfwfl/t eO{ dfl} vs / lnlvt pQ/
lbg retrieve specific information
(name, number, etc.).
 kf7sf cfwf/df 36gf j0f{g, cg'ej
j0f{g, abF' f n]vg / cgR' 5]b n]vg ug{  Read short texts silently and find

nv] fO out the main ideas and
 kf7df cfwfl/t kZ| gsf] pQ/ n]Vg supporting details of the text.
 cfkmg\ f] k/Dk/fut d"NodfGotf
 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
ae' mfpg] ljifoj:t' 5gf6] u/L
cgR' 5b] nV] g words from contexts.

sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f  Consult dictionary to find out the

 lnª\u, jrg, k?' if / cfb/sf] meaning of words.
;ªu\ lt ldnfO{ df}lvs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg  Read poems and short stories for

 k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, kZ| gjfrs, pleasure.
lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrx\gsf] Writing
k|ofu] u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 Use capital letters, full stops and
 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf]
ko| f]u u/L df}lvs tyf lnlvt question marks correctly.
cleJolSt lbg
 Connect sentences using simple
!#= Birds and
coordinators (e.g. and, but,
animals because).

80  Write in a simple paragraph

about oneself, people, places and

 Write simple stories through

completion, matching with
pictures or ordering.

 Use correct spelling of words.

 Use regular and irregular plural


 Use words in meaningful


 Make compound words e.g.

roundtable, playground, etc.

 Demonstrate good handwriting

Language function
Expressing ability
 Listen and respond to a wide

variety of spoken stimuli (words,
sentences, questions, instructions,
etc.) both verbally and non-
 Identify key information from a
short speech or conversation.
 Find out specific information
(names, dates, time, etc) from
different dinds of simple spoken
 Perform a variety of listening
comprehension tasks.
 Listen and Comprehend a range
of songs and stories with a
variety of vasual clues.
 Participate in short conversations.
 Ask and answer a range of
 Talk about present, past and
future events.
 Sing or recite a song/chant by
listening to the teacher or an

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

!$= xfd|f] j/k/sf]  ljleGg k|sf/sf Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f Reading
df;} dsf] ljif]ztf  Perform rhymes and chants with
;+;f/ (Our klxrfg ug{ /  zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf
dfgjLo hLjgdf Wjlg hf8] ]/ / 56' \ofP/ eGg appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
immediate ltgsf c;/ JofVof  Read short texts silently and
world) ug{  zAbsf] pRrf/0f;lxt k9\g / n]Vg
>Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w retrieve specific information
 k|lts"n df};dkl| t  bZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf af/d] f k|ltljm| of lbg (name, number, etc.)
;rt] /xg  lgwf{l/t kf7\o;fduL| , lrq /  Read short texts silently and find
out the main ideas and supporting
 k[YjLdf lbg / /ft kqklqsf k9L afw] ug{ details of the text.
xg' 'sf] sf/0f atfpg nV] oj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f  Consult dictionary to find out the
 zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf meaning of words.
 df6fdf xfjf, hl} js  Retrieve required information
kbfyx{ ¿ / kfgL ;u{ lrGg / eGg from para-orthographic texts
xG' 5g\ eGg] tYo such as charts, tables, graphs and
k|bzg{ ug{  zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf maps.
;u{ 56' \ofpg tyf hf]8/] zAb  Read poems and short stories for
 cfgf] j8fsf] agfpg pleasure.
k|fsl[ ts :j¿k, Writing
;fdflhs /xg;xg zAbe08f/  Write simple strough completion,
canfs] g u/L matching with pictures or
atfpg  zAbsf] cya{ fw] / k|ofu] ug{ ordering.
 Use regular and irregular plural
 gS;fdf cfgf]  b'O{ zAb jf zAb ;d"x hf]8]/ cy{afw] nouns.
j8fsf ;fdfGo / ko| f]u ug{  Write very short simple
cfs[lt sf]g{ / messages.
ToxfFsf dxŒjk0" f{ k7g k|jfx Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
:ynx¿ bv] fpg  lgwf{l/t ;dodf tfl] sPsf] kf7 jf
 k[YjLsf] cfsf/ cgR' 5]b k9\g
j0fg{ ug{ / leqL
txx¿sf] gfd  kf7df lbOPsf zAbsf] kl/efiff,
atfpg pbfx/0f, tn' gfafw] s zAb /
ljk/Lt cy{af]ws zAb a'em]/ k9\g
 juf{sf/ sfuhaf6
r/f / ;hfj6sf k7g af]w
nflu j:t' tof/ ug{  kf7sf ;'?, lar / cGTosf d'Vo

 b}lgs hLjgdf dV' o 36gf atfpg
ultzLn kfgL]
zlStsf] k|of]usf]  kf7sf ljifoj:t'sf cfwf/df
JofVof ug{ / k|bzg{ kZ| gfQ] / ug{
 lgwfl{ /t kf7sf] d'Vo dV' o aFb' f
 bl} gs hLjgdf l6kf]6 u/L eGg tyf n]Vg
ultzLn xfjf
zlStsf] k|ofu] n]vfO

 kf7;uF ;DalGwt k|Zgsf pQ/ n]Vg
 lbOPsf ab'F fsf cfwf/df cgR' 5b]

nV] g
 :jtGq ¿kdf ljleGg k|sf/sf

/rgfTds n]vg cEof; ug{
sfod{ "ns Jofs/0f
 lnªu\ , jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf]

;ªu\ lt ldnfO{ dfl} vs tyf lnlvt

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

JofVof ug{ / k|bz{g cleJolSt lbg
 k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,
 kfgL] ;/+ If0fsf] lj:doflbaf]ws / p4/0f lrx\gsf]
pkfox¿ cjnDag k|of]u u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 ljm| ofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf]
 :jtGq lrq agfO k|of]u u/L df}lvs tyf lnlvt
/ª eg{ cleJolSt lbg

!%= xfd|f lj|mofsnfk Wjlg ;r]tLs/0f
 zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf
(Our activities)
Wjlg hf]8/] / 56' \ofP/ eGg
 zAbsf] pRrf/0f;lxt k9\g / nV] g
>Jo÷bZ[ oaf]w

 bZ[ o ;fdu|Lsf af/]df k|ltlj|mof lbg
 lgwfl{ /t kf7o\ ;fduL| , lrq /

kqklqsf k9L af]w ug{
nV] oj0f{ ;rt] Ls/0f

 zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf
;u{ lrGg / eGg

 zAbsf cufl8 Pjd\ k5fl8 cfPsf
;u{ 56' o\ fpg tyf hf]8]/ zAb


 pxL tyf pN6f] cy{ lbg] zAbx¿sf]
cy{afw] / ko| f]u ug{

 afn zAbsfz] sf] k|ofu] ug{
k7g kj| fx

 lgwfl{ /t ;dodf tf]lsPsf] kf7 jf
cgR' 5]b k9\g

 kf7df lbOPsf zAbsf] kl/efiff,
pbfx/0f, t'ngfaf]ws zAb /
ljk/Lt cya{ fw] s zAb ae' m]/ k9\g

k7g afw]

 kf7sf ;?' , lar / cGTosf d'Vo
dV' o 36gf atfpg

 kf7sf ljifoj:ts' f cfwf/df
kZ| gfQ] / ug{

 lgwf{l/t kf7sf] dV' o d'Vo a'bF f
l6kf6] u/L eGg tyf nV] g

nv] fO
 kf7;Fu ;DalGwt kZ| gsf pQ/ nV] g
 lbOPsf a'Fbfsf cfwf/df cg'R5b]

nV] g

 :jtGq ¿kdf ljleGg ks| f/sf
/rgfTds nv] g cEof; ug{

!^= ;ª\Vofsf] 1fg  kfFr cª\s;Ddsf sfo{dn" s Jofs/0f
82 ;ª\Vofx¿nfO{  lnªu\ , jrg, k'?if / cfb/sf]
bj] gfu/L / lxGb'
c/l] as ;ªu\ lt ldnfO{ dfl} vs tyf lnlvt
;ªV\ ofªs\ df cleJolSt lbg
:yfgdfg tflnsfdf  k"0f{lj/fd, cNklj/fd, k|Zgjfrs,
k|:t't ug,{ :yfgdfg lj:doflbafw] s / p4/0f lrxg\ sf]
eGg, k9g\ / nV] g ko| fu] u/L lnlvt cleJolSt lbg
 lj|mofsf sfncg;' f/sf jfSosf]
 !))) ;Ddsf k|ofu] u/L df}lvs tyf lnlvt
cleJolSt lbg

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^


bj] gfu/L / lxGb'

c/l] as ;ªV\ ofª\sg

k4ltcg;' f/ cIf/df

k9g\ / n]Vg

 ;ªV\ ofsf] 9frF f
klxrfg ug{

 rf/ cªs\ ;Ddsf

;ªs\ ]tx¿ =,

 >, < ko| fu] u/L
t'ngf ug{

!&= ul0ftsf  ofu] kmn !),)))
cfwf/et" ljm| of ;Dd cfpg] rf/

!*= gfk cª\s;Ddsf

;ªV\ ofx¿sf] hf]8


 hf]8 / 36fplarsf]
;DaGw klxrfg ug{

 rf/ cªs\ n] ags] f
;ª\Vofx¿sf] 36fp


 tLg cªs\ ;Ddsf]
;ªV\ ofnfO{ b'O{


;ªV\ ofn] u'0fg ug{

 tLg cªs\ ;Ddsf]
;ª\VofnfO{ !)

;Ddsf] ;ªV\ ofn]

efu ug{

 ju{ sf7] fx¿sf]
;ª\Vof ug]/

juf{sf/ jf


;dtnLo ;txsf]

Ifq] kmn kQf nufpg

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ 83

!@=@ lyd÷ljifoIfq] cg;' f/ cg'dflgt sfo3{ 06f

tflnsf @$ M lyd÷ljifoI

jm| = ;=+ lyd÷ljifoj:ts' f] Ifq] xfd|f] ;]/f]km]/f] ul0ft
sIff ! sIff @ sIff # sIff !
1. j0f{ (Alphabet) $) $) $)
2. d / d]/f] kl/jf/ (Me and my family) $% $) $) 25
3. d]/f] bl} gs hLjg (My daily life) #* $) $) 5
4. xfd|f] ;d'bfo (Our community) #* $) $) 55
5. xfd|f] ljBfno (Our school) !& !& !& 27
!* @) @)
xfd|f j/k/sf hLjhGt' (Living beings of our @) @) @) 9
!@ !@ !@ 7
6. surrounding) !! !) !)
!& !& !& !@*
7. xfd|f] jftfj/0f (Our environment)
@%^ @%^ @%^
8. d/] f] ;/;dfg (My belongings)

9. d/] f] l;h{gf (My creation)

10. xfd|f] ;+:sl[ t (Our culture)

;~rf/ kl| jlw / ahf/ (Communication

11. technology and market)

12. xfd|f] j/k/sf] ;+;f/ (Our immediate world)

13. ;ªV\ ofsf] 1fg (Number sense)

14. ul0ftsf cfwf/et" lj|mof (Basic mathematics


15. gfkÙ If]qkmn (Measurement; Area)

16. kmnkmn" / t/sf/L (Fruits and vegetables)

17. afgL / ?lr (Hobbies and interests)
18. r/f / hgfj/ (Birds and animals)
19. xfd|f lj|mofsnfk (Our activities)



If]qcg';f/ cg'dflgt sfo3{ 06f sIff # cª\u|h] L sIff @ sIff #

ljifoIfq] / sIffcg;' f/ sfo{306f 15 sIff ! 0 0
g]kfnL 10 21 18
15 60 17 17
sIff @ sIff # sIff ! sIff @ 15 18 0 0
7 17 17
7 15 15 0
68 11 10

13 20 12 15

19 12 15

20 20 20 5 21 18
5 8 12
7 16 15 15 0 0
15 15 15 0 12 12
15 4 11
12 27 15 10 10 4 7
15 15 8
15 8
18 15 7
46 39 67 0

3 15 5 7 !@*

15 15 7 11

15 15 15 0 0

!@* !@* !^) !^) !^) !@* !@*

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

!@=# sIff !–# sf] kf7\oj|mddf Jojxf/s'zn l;kx¿sf] PsLs/0f

tflnsf @% M kf7o\ jm| ddf Jojxf/sz'

j|m=;= ljifoIf]q÷ ljifos Ifq]

xfd|f] ;/] fk] m/] f] ul0ft

1. j0f{ (Alphabet)

2. d / d]/f] kl/jf/ (Me and my S1.1, S1.2, S3.1, S3.4 S1.4, S1.5, S3.2


3. d]/f] b}lgs hLjg (My daily life) S2.1, S4.3, S4.4, S5.7 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S3.1

4. xfdf| ] ;db' fo (Our community) S1.1, S3.2, S3.3, S5.4, S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S1.4, S1.

5. xfd|f] ljBfno (Our school) S1.1, S1.2, S2.3 S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S1.4

6. xfd|f j/k/sf hLjhGt' (Living S1.2, S1.3, S1.4

beings of our surrounding)

xfdf| ] jftfj/0f (Our S5.4, S5.7

7. environment)

8. d/] f] ;/;dfg (My belongings)

9. d/] f] l;hg{ f (My creation) S1.2, S1.3, S3.4 S1.1, S1.2, S1.4, S3.2

10. xfd|f] ;+:sl[ t (Our culture) S2.3, S3.5, S5.2, S5.6

;~rf/ k|ljlw / ahf/ S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, 1.4, S3.2,

11. (Communication technology S3.1, S4.2
and market)

xfdf| ] j/k/sf] ;+;f/ (Our S1.1, S1.2

12. immediate world)

13. ;ªV\ ofsf] 1fg (Number sense) S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S1.4

ul0ftsf cfwf/e"t ljm| of (Basic S1.2, S1.3, S3.2
14. mathematical operation)

15. gfk M If]qkmn (Measurement; S1.1

kmnkmn" / t/sf/L (Fruits and

16. vegetables)

afgL / ?lr (Hobbies and

17. interests)

r/f / hgfj/ (Birds and

18. animals)

19. xfdf| lj|mofsnfk (Our activities)

-tflnsfdf plNnlvt S1.1, S1.2, ... S5.5 n] v08 !! df ;dfj]z ePsf Jojxf/sz' n l;kx¿ hg

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

zn l;kx¿sf] PsLs/0f -sIff !, @ / #_ cªu\ h]| L

PsLs[t xg' ] Jojxf/sz' n l;kx¿ S3.1, S3.4, S3.2, S1.5
g]kfnL S1.5, S2.1, S2.3,S3.1, S3.2, S3.4, S5.4
S3.1, S3.2, S3.4
S3.1, S 1.2, S 1.1, S 3.2, S 4.3
S1.1, S1.5, S2.1, S2.5, S2.6, S2.7, S3.1,
.5, S3.1, S3.2 S 2.1, S 1.1, S 4.3, S 3.2, S4.1 S3.2, S3.4, S5.2
S 4.3, S 1.1, S 1.2, S5.3

S 4.3, S 4.4, S 1.1, S 3.2

S 4.3, S 1.3, S 4.4, S 3.1, S 1.1, S 3.2 S1.3, S2.7, S3.1, S3.2, S3.4, S4.4, S5.2,
S 3.2, S 1.1, S 3.1, S 1.3, S 3.3 S2.1, S2.3, S3.1, S3.2, S3.4, S4.4,
S 1.1, S 3.1, S 4.5, S 1.5, S 3.2, S 4.3
S1.2, S2.1, S2.4, S3.1, S5.1, S5.2, S5.5

, S4.3, S4.4 S 1.1, S 2.4, S 1.1, S 3.1, S 3.2, S 4.3 S2.1, S2.2, S2.4, S3.1, S4.5

S 1.1, S 1.5, S 5.1, S 3.2, S 4.3

S 1.1, S 3.1, S 4.3, S 1.5, S 3.2 S1.3, S1.5, S3.1, S4.4
S 1.1, S 3.1, S 4.3, S 1.5, S 3.2, S5.3 S1.3, S2.2, S2.3, S3.1, S3.2
S1.4, S2.6, S3.1, S3.4, S5.4

gfp5F g\ .


!#= PsLs[t kf7\ojm| d sfoG{ jogsf nflu lzIf0f l;sfO of]hgf lgdf{0f

cfwf/e"t txcGtu{t sIff !–# sf] kf7o\ jm| dsf] ;du| ;/+ rgfnfO{ xfdf| ] ;]/f]km/] f,] ul0ft / efiffcGtut{ gk] fnL / cª\uh|] L u/L rf/ ljifoIfq] df
;dfofh] g u/L sx] L axl' jifout / sx] L ljifout ljifoIfq] df ;ª\ul7t ul/Psf] 5 . dft[efiff tyf :yfgLo ljifosf kf7o\ jm| d eg] ;DalGwt :yfgLo
txdfkmt{ g} ljsf; / sfof{Gjog x'g] Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . axl' jifos 9fFrfcGtut{ ;dfjz] ul/Psf l;sfO pknlAw tyf ljifoj:tx' ¿
cGt/;DalGwt ljifoIfq] df cfwfl/t 5g\ . xfd|f] ;]/fk] m/] f] ljifoIfq] df ;dfj]z ePsf ljifox¿nfO{ cGt/ljifos 9frF fdf PsLs[t ul/Psf] x'bF f o;
ljifoIfq] sf] lzIf0f l;sfO lj|mofsnfk PsLst[ ¿kdf ;~rfng ugk{' b{5 . PsLst[ l;sfO ljm| ofsnfksf] dfWodaf6 lgwfl{ /t l;sfO pknlAw kf| Kt
xg' ] ;l' glZrt u/L l;sfO lj|mofsnfk 5gf6] / ;~rfng ug{'kb{5 . lglZrt ljifoIfq] df cfwfl/t ax'ljifout PsLs/0fn] l;sfOnfO{
cGt/;DalGwt / a9L ;fGble{s agfpg ;xofu] k'¥ofp5F . l;sfOsf] of]hgf lgdf0{ f ubf{ lzIfsn] lgDglnlvt kIfx¿nfO{ ;dt] Wofg lbgk' 5{ M

!= l;sfOsf] of]hgf lgdf0{ fsf nflu ljifout ;Ifdtfx¿ / ;du| kf7\ojm| d ;+/rgfsf] cWoog u/L ltgsf] cGt/;DaGw klxrfg ug'k{ 5{ .

@= cGt/ljifos ljifoIfq] df cfwfl/t xfd|f] ;]/f]km/] f] ljifoIfq] df ljifout ;Ldf lgwf/{ 0f gu/L Pp6} ljifoj:ta' f6 ;s];Dd PseGbf a9L ljifo
cGt/;DalGwt x'g] u/L l;sfOsf] of]hgf lgdf{0f ugk{' 5{ .

#= ax'ljifos ljifoIfq] df cfwfl/t eO{ xfd|f] ;]/f]km]/f,] ul0ft, g]kfnL / cª\uh|] L ljifoIf]qdf l;sfO of]hgf lgdf{0f ubf{ ljifoj:tn' fO{ bl} gs
hLjg;uF clwstd ;DaGw sfod x'g] u/L lgwf{l/t ljifoIf]qsf] jl/kl/ cfcfkm\gf] ljifoIfq] ut cjwf/0ff tyf l;kx¿ xfl;n u/fO{ lgwfl{ /t
l;sfO pknlAw kf| Kt xg' ] Joj:yf ldnfpg'k5{ .

$= 5gf]6 ul/Psf ljlw, kl| j|mof tyf ljm| ofsnfkx¿n] ljBfyL{nfO{ ;lj|mo agfpg], ;an} fO{ ;xefuL agfpg,] u//] tyf 5fP] / jf rnfP/ l;Sg] /
l;hg{ fTdstfsf] clej[l4 xg' ] cj;/ k|bfg ug{k' 5{ .

%= l;sfO ljm| ofsnfkn] ljBfyL{x¿df pd/] / cfjZostfcg;' f/ k|of]u, l;sfO, /rgfTds tyf ;dfnf]rgfTds ;fr] fO, lg0fo{ tyf ;d:of
;dfwfg h:tf ;f]rfO l;kx¿Ù :jJoj:yfkg, cfTdan, cgz' f;g, lhDdj] f/L cg's"ntf h:tf cGt/j}olSts l;kx¿Ù ;~rf/, ;xsfo,{
;xfg'e"lt h:tf jo} lSts l;kx¿Ù ljleGg lsl;dsf ax';fIf/tf l;kx¿ / gful/s bfloTj;DaGwL ljleGg lsl;dsf gful/s l;k kf| lKtnfO{
;xofu] ugk{' 5{ .

^= ljBfyL{x¿sf] eflifs tyf ;fdflhs k[i7el" d, l;sfOsf nflu ljleGg lsl;dsf] ckfªu\ tfsf] cj:yf OToflbnfO{ ljrf/ u/L ljljwtfsf]
Joj:yfkg ug{] / ;a}nfO{ ;dfjz] ug]{ u/L lzIf0f l;sfOsf] ofh] gf lgdf{0f ug'k{ 5{ .

&= ljBfyL{sf] l;sfOsf] nv] fhfv] f tyf d"Nofªs\ gnfO{ lzIf0f l;sfO lj|mofsnfksf] cleGg cªu\ sf ¿kdf ;dfjz] u/L ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO
;'wf/sf nflu lg/Gt/ ki[ 7kf]if0f k|bfg ug{] dfWodsf ¿kdf ljsf; ugk{' b5{ . Gog" td l;sfO ;'lglZrt u/L kT| os] ljBfyLn{ fO{ pRr:t/sf]
l;sfO ;Ifdtf k|fKt u/L j|mdzM dflyNnf] :t/sf] l;sfO ug{ ;Sg] agfpg ;xof]u ugk{' 5{ .

*= oyfzSo sIff lzIf0fsf] k|aGw ug{'kb{5 . PseGbf a9L lzIfsn] Pp6} sIffdf ljleGg ;dodf lzIf0f ug]{ ul/P klg l6ddf 5nkmn u/L
cGt/ljifos / ax'ljifos lzIf0f ofh] gf tof/ ug{k' 5{ .

(= sIffdf ko| f]u ul/g] efiffsf] sf/0f afnaflnsfnfO{ l;sfO ljm| ofsnfkdf ;l/s x'g / l;Sg afwf gxg' ] cj:yf l;hg{ f ug'{k5{ . o;sf nflu
sIffdf oyf;So dft[efiff jf axe' fiff k|of]u ug{,] 3/kl/jf/ tyf ;db' fodf af]lng] efiffdf ;~rf/ x'g;Sg] ka| Gw ug'{k5{ .

!$= l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlw tyf k|lj|mof

ckl] Ift ;Ifdtf / l;sfO pknlAw k|flKtsf lglDt pko'St jftfj/0fsf] l;h{gf u/L lzIfs, ljBfyL{ / ljifoj:tl' ar ;ljm| o cGtljm| o{ f ug]{ ljlw jf
kl| jm| of l;sfO ;xhLs/0f xf] . of] Ps ks| f/sf] lzIf0f snf xf] . o;df l;sfO / afndgfl] j1fgsf lglZrt ljlw tyf k|lj|mof / l;4fGt klg
cg;' /0f ul/g] ePsfn] of] Ps lj1fg tyf l;4fGt klg xf] . l;sfO ;xhLs/0f kl| j|mof ljBfyL{s]lGb|t, ;fGbles{ / l;sfOsf lglDt ;xofu] L
xg' 'k5{ . of] ofh] gfa4 / l;sfO pknlAw pGd'v jf k|ltkmn sl] Gb|t xg' k' 5{ . ;xhLs/0f kl| jm| of ljBfyL{nfO{ pTk|l] /t ug{], ;lj|mo agfpg] / ?lr
hufpg] klg xg' k' 5{ . o; k|lj|mofdf ljBfyL{] ;ljm| o eO{ l;sfO lj|mofsnfkdf ;n+ Ug xg' ] / cfjZostfcg;' f/ ki[ 7kf]if0f kf| Kt u/L l;sfOdf ;w' f/
ug{ ;Sg] cj;/ xg' 'kb5{ . of] k|ljm| of l;sf? / l;sfOsf ljljwtfnfO{ ;Ddfg ug{] / ;a}nfO{ ;dfj]z ug{] ;dfj]zL l;4fGtdf cfwfl/t klg
x'g'k5{ .

Pp6} k|sf/sf] l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlw ;w}F / ;al} t/ pko'St xg' g;Sg] ePsfn] Pp6} ljifoj:t' l;sfOsf nflu klg ljljw ljlw ckgfpg
;lsG5 . To;}n] lzIf0f ljlwsf] 5gf6] ubf{ ;se/ ljljwtf sfod ugk{' 5{ . l;sfO;xhLs/0f ljlwsf] rog ubf{ d'Vo ¿kdf ljBfyL{sf] k"j{ 1fg,
?lr, Ifdtf, rfxgf, pgLx¿sf] txut :t/, ljifoj:ts' f] :j¿knufot pknAw x'g ;Sg] ;|f]t;fwg, jftfj/0fLo cj:yf, lzIfssf] ?lr tyf tof/L
OToflbnfO{ ljrf/ ug{'kb{5 .

cfwf/et" lzIffcGtu{t sIff !–# sf] of] kf7o\ j|md ;dud| f ax'ljifos ljifoIf]qdf cfwfl/t PsLst[ :j¿ksf] ePsfn] o;sf] l;sfO ;xhLs/0f
k|ljm| of k/Dk/fut k4lteGbf km/s x'g'k5{ . km] l/ xfd|f] ;/] fk] m]/f] ljifoIfq] cGtut{ lj1fg tyf jftfj/0f, ;fdflhs cWoog, :jf:Yo tyf zf/Ll/s
lzIff / l;h{gfTds snf ljifox¿ cGt/ljifos 9fFrfdf PsLst[ ul/Psf] x'gfn] klg kr| lnt l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlw tyf kl| jm| ofdf ;'wf/
cfjZos 5 . PsLst[ kf7\ojm| ddf ljleGg ljifout Ifq] x¿sf] dfWodaf6 ckl] Ift l;sfO pknlAw kf| lKtsf nflu km/s km/s ljifoIf]qx¿larsf]
cGt/;DaGw klxrfg u/L l;h{gzLntf ljsf; ug{,] l;sfOnfO{ Jojxf/df k|ofu] ug{] Ifdtsf] ljsf; ug{] / cf gf l;sfO cg'ejsf] pkofu] u/L
;ª\ul7t 1fg xfl;n ug{ ;xof]u x'g] vfnsf l;sfO ljm| ofsnfkdf hf8] lbgk' 5{ . o;df nflu ;~rfng ul/g] l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mofdf ljBfyL{
;ljm| o eO{ l;sfO sfo{df ;l/s x'g] / jftfj/0fLo kl/jz] ;Fu cGt/ljm| of u//] l;Sg kf| T] ;fxg ug{] lj|mofsnfknfO{ k|fyldstf lbgk' b{5 .

86 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^


ljBfyL{x¿n] sg' } l;sfO lj|mofsnfk k"/f u/k] l5 bv] fpg jf cg'ej ug{ ;lsg] pknlAw kf| Kt xg' ] u/L l;sfO kl| j|mof tyf lj|mofsnfkx¿ ;~rfng
ug{k' b{5 .

l;sf?sf] ;jf{ª\uL0f ljsf; ug]{ p2Z] oaf6 bO' { jf b'Oe{ Gbf a9L cGt/;DalGwt ljifox¿lar ;x;DaGw :yflkt ub{} l;sf?n] xfl;n ug{'kg{] l;sfO
pknlAw Pjd\ ;IfdtfnfO{ sG] bd| f /fvL PsLst[ l;sfO lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ugk{' 5{ . l;sfOsf j|mddf ljBfyL{x¿sf] l;sfO ;lj|motfnfO{ ljzi] f
Wofg lbFb} ;4} flGts 1fg tyf l;knfO{ Jofjxfl/s hLjg;uF cfa4 ug{k' 5{ . l;sfOnfO{ a[xt\ ljifoj:t'df sl] Gb|t u/fpg] p2Z] on] b'O{ jf b'Oe{ Gbf
a9L ljifox¿sf ;fGbles{ kIfx¿nfO{ cy{k0" f{ tl/sfn] cGt/;DalGwt u/L PsLst[ kf7o\ jm| d lgdf0{ f ug{] k|of; ePsfn] ljleGg ljifoIfq] sf l;sfO
;IfdtfnfO{ ;/naf6 hl6nlt/sf] j|mddf l;sf?n] :jultdf l;Sg kfpg] cj;/ l;hg{ f u/L l;sfO Joj:yfkg ug{k' 5{ . ljlzi6Lst[
ljifoIfq] x¿nfO{ klg oyf;Dej cGt/;DalGwt xg' ] u/L l;sf?sf] k"j{1fg tyf cg'ej;Fu ;dt] ;x;DaGw :yflkt u/L l;sfO k|lj|mof ;~rfng
ug{'k5{ .

k|f/lDes sIffx¿df ljBfyLs{ l] Gbt| lzIf0f l;sfO lj|mofsnfkdf hf]8 lbO{ sIffnfO{ hLjGt agfpg / ljBfyL{nfO{ ljm| ofzLn agfpg lzIfsn]
;xhstf{sf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug{'kg]{ 5 . ljBfyLs{ ]lGb|t l;sfO lj|mofsnfkaf6 l;sfO ke| fjsf/L x'g,] ljifoj:tn' fO{ cGt/;DalGwt ug{ ;xh x'g,]
afnaflnsfx¿n] Jojxf/sz' n tyf hLjgf]kofu] L l;k cfh{g ug{ ;Sg] / pgLx¿df /x]sf] kl| tef k|ikm6' g ;xh x'g] ePsfn] l;sfO ;xhLs/0f
lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ubf{ ljBfyL{s]lGb|t / afndq} L lzIf0f ljlw ckgfpg'kg]{ 5 .

!$=! l;sfO ;xhLs/0f kl| j|mofsf nflu s]xL dfu{bz{g

sIff !–# ;Ddsf] l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|ljm| of b]xfoadfl] hd ;~rfng ugk{' g]{ 5 M

 afnaflnsfsf] JolStut leGgtf / Ifdtfsf cfwf/df :jtGq ¿kn] l;Sg] dfs} f kb| fg ug{] lsl;dn] sIff ;~rfng ug'k{ g{] 5 . ljljwtfnfO{
Wofgdf /fv]/ afnaflnsfsf] l;sfOnfO{ k|fT] ;fxg ug'k{ g]{ 5 . vn] , uLt, sljtf, syfsyg, k|bz{g, >JobZ[ o ;fduL| sf] k|bzg{ dfkmt{
l;sfOsf lj|mofsnfkx¿ ;~rfng ul/g'kg{] 5 . o;sf cltl/St cjnfs] g, ;dx" sfo,{ kl/ofh] gf sfo{, 5nkmn h:tf ljlwx¿sf dfWodaf6
afnaflnsfsf] ;jf{ªu\ L0f ljsf;df hf8] lbg'kg]{ 5 .

 l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof ;~rfng ubf{ ljBfyLs{ l] Gb|t / afnd}qL lzIf0f ljlw ckgfO{ lg/Gt/ l;sfOdf hf8] lbgk' g]{ 5 .

 ljBfyL{sf] l;sfOnfO{ s]Gbl| aGb' dfgL l;sfO ;xhLs/0f lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ug'k{ g]{ 5 . ljBfyL{sf] ;xeflutfdf of]hgf lgdf0{ f, kl/ofh] gf sfo,{
Ifq] e|d0f, ;d:of ;dfwfg, vfh] d"ns cWoog, k|jtg{ dv' L lzIf0f k4ltnfO{ l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlwsf ¿kdf sfof{Gjog ugk'{ g{] 5 .

 l;sfO kl| j|mof ;}4flGts kIfdf eGbf a9L u/]/ l;Sg] cj;/ k|bfg ug]{ ljm| ofsnfkdf cfwfl/t x'g'kg]{ 5 .

 lzIfsn] ;xhstf{, pTk]/| s, kj| w{s / vf]hstfs{ f ¿kdf e"ldsf lgjfx{ ug{k' g]{ 5 .

 k7gkf7gdf ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ k|ljlwnfO{ pknAw ;fwg, ;|f]t / cfjZostfcg';f/ pkof]u ugk{' g]{ 5 .

 ;a} ks| f/sf l;sfO cfjZostf / rfxgf ePsf -ckfªu\ tf, czSt, c;xfo, sdhf/] cflb_ ljBfyL{nfO{ ;d]6g\ ] u/L sIffdf ;dfj]zL l;sfO
;xhLs/0f k|ljm| of ckgfpg'kg]{ 5 .

 Efflifs sl7gfOsf sf/0f l;sfOdf afwf gx'g] ;'lglZrt ug{ oyf;Dej afnaflnsfsf] dft[efiff, 3/df afN] g] efiffdf ;~rf/ u/L l;sfO
lj|mofsnfkdf ;lj|mo ;xefuL x'g ;Sg] jftfj/0f tof/ ug{k' g]{ 5{ .

 l;sfO ljm| ofsnfkdf lzIfs / l;sf? tyf l;sf? / l;sf? larsf] cGt/lj|mof, ;d"x l;sfO, l;sfOsf nflu dN" ofªs\ g, lzIfs lzIfs ;xsfo,{
lzIfs–;d'bfo ;xsfo{ h:tf ;xsfon{ fO{ a9fjf lbgk' g]{ 5.

 l;sfO / bl} gs hLjg;Fu ljifoj:ts' f] tfndn] , k"j{cge' jdf cfwfl/t 1fg tyf l;k ljsf;, Jojxf/sz' n l;k / l;sfOlarsf] ;x;DaGw xg' ] u/L
hLjGt cg'ej;Fusf] tfbfTDo sfod ug{'kg]{ 5 .

 afns]lGb|t, l;sfOsl] Gbt| , cge' js]lGbt| , p2]Zodn" s / ljljwtfdf cfwfl/t l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlwsf] ko| f]u -kl/ofh] gf sfo,{ 36gf cWoog, vf]h
cg';Gwfgdf cfwfl/t lzIf0f, ;xkf7L l;sfO cflb_ u/L ;lj|mo l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlw ko| fu] ugk'{ g{] 5 .

 l;sfO ;xhLs/0f lj|mofsnfkdf l;sf?sf] l;sfO cg'udg, ljBfno tyf kl/jf/df ;xh l;sfO jftfj/0f ljsf;, k"j{1fgdf cfwfl/t ljifoj:t'sf]
5gf]6, ;d'bfo kl/rfng h:tf sfo{af6 ljBfno ;d'bfo ;x;DaGw hf]8\gk' g{] 5 .

 l;sf?sf] ?lr / l;sfO ult Pjd\ l;sf?sf] ;ljm| o ;xeflutfdf l;sfO lj|mofsnfk rog / sfofG{ jog ub}{ :j:km"t{ l;sfOdf hf8] lbgk' 5{ .

 lzIfs, ljBfno tyf ljBfyLn{ fO{ l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljm| ofsnfk rog, ;~rfng / dN" ofª\sgdf cfjZos ;xof]u, lg/Gt/ k;] fut 5nkmn, ;xsfo{
/ cge' j cfbfg k|bfg ub}{ z}lIfs kl/jt{gsf nflu ;xof]udf k|fyldstf lbg'kg{] 5.

 l;sfOnfO{ bl} gs hLjg k4lt;uF cfa4 ub{} Jojxf/sz' n l;k xfl;n ug{ l;sfOsf] v08Ls/0f x'g glbO{ Ps ljifoIfq] sf] l;sfOn] csf]{ ljifoIfq] sf]
l;sfOnfO{ ;xof]u ug{] u/L cGt/;DalGwt u/L PsLst[ l;sfOdf hf]8 lbgk' g]{ 5

 PsLst[ kf7\ojm| dn] l;sfOsf nflu ;/naf6 hl6nlt/sf] :ki6 dfu{ lgwf{/0f u5{ . ;/n ljifoIf]qaf6 jm| dzM hl6n ljifoIf]qdf kj| z] ub{} hfg
dfu{ kz| :t ug{] / l;sfO ;xhLs/0f klg ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO ultadfl] hd ug{ :jultdf xg' ] l;sfOdf hf]8 lbgk' g{] 5 .

ljifoIfq] sf] k|s[lt / :j¿ksf cfwf/df lzIf0f ljlw tyf k|ljlw tyf sIff lj|mofsnfkdf ljljwtf sfod ul/g' cfjZos 5 . lzIf0f l;sfO
kl| j|mofnfO{ j1} flgs, Jofjxfl/s / l;sf?cgs' "n agfpgsf nflu ljljw lzIf0f ljlw / k|ljlwsf] pkof]u, :yfgLo ;fwg / ;|f]t tyf pknAw

cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^ 87

pks/0f Pjd\ cfjZostfsf cfwf/df :yfgLo kl/jz] cg';f/ leGg leGg 9ª\un] Joj:yfkg ug{ ;lsG5 . l;sfO kl| jm| ofdf Psflt/ cfwl' gs
z}Ifl0fs kl| jlwsf] ko| fu] cTofjZos x'G5 eg] csf{tkm{ ljBfyL{cgs' n" sf] lzIf0f k|lj|mof ;~rfng ug{ :yfgLo kl/jz] cg's"nsf ljlw tyf kl| jlwsf]
k|ofu] klg cfjZos xG' 5 . To:t} :yfgLo jftfj/0f, ljBfyL{sf] ?lr, Ifdtf, :t/ / cfjZostfn] klg l;sfO ;xhLs/0f kl| j|mofnfO{ ke| fj kfg]{
ub{5 . lzIf0f l;sfOdf ljleGg ljlwx¿sf] k|of]u ckl] Ift pknlAw kf| Kt ug{sf nflu ul/G5 t/ o:tf ljlwx¿ ljleGg k4lt / kl| j|mofdf
cfwfl/t x'g'k5{ / ljleGg lsl;dsf cWoog, k|of]u / cg'ejaf6 l;4 ePsf klg xg' k' 5{ . o; k|sf/ lzIf0f l;sfO s'g} vf; j}1flgs,
dgf]j1} flgs jf zI} fl0fs l;4fGtx¿df cfwfl/t eP klg tL ljlw tyf kl| j|mofnfO{ Jofjxfl/s / ;fGbles{ z}Ifl0fs kl| jm| ofdf 9fNgk' 5{ .

!$=@ l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljlw tyf kl| jm| of 5gf6] ubf{ Wofg lbgk' g{] kIf

;DalGwt ljifoIf]qdf ko| fu] x'g] lzIf0f ljlw tyf kl| jlw rog ubf{ Wofg lbgk' g{] sx] L dxŒjk"0f{ kIfx¿ oxfF pNnv] ul/Psf 5g\ M

!= ;Ifdtf tyf l;sfO pknlAwx¿ M kf7o\ j|mddf plNnlvt nIo tyf p2]Zox¿cg;' f/sf l;sfO pknlAw kf| Kt ug{ ;Sg] lzIf0f ljlw 5gf6]
ug{'k5{ .

@= ljifoj:t'sf] :j¿k M ljifoj:ts' f] :j¿kcg;' f/ lzIf0f l;sfOsf /0fgLlt, ljlw tyf kl| jm| of 5gf6] ug'k{ b5{ .

#= afndgfl] j1fg M l;sf?sf] OR5f, ?lr, Ifdtf tyf ofU] otf, k|jl[ Q, k"j{1fg cflbnfO{ Wofg lbO{ lzIf0f ljlw 5gf6] ug{k' b{5 . To:tf ljlwn]
ljBfyL{nfO{ pTk|l] /t ug{ ;Sgk' 5{ .

$= ;|f]t ;fwgx¿sf] pknAwtf M lzIf0f ljlw tyf /0fgLlt cfly{s, dfgjLo, efl} ts cflb b[li6n] pkoS' t / :yfgLo ;|f]t ;fwgsf] clwstd
ko| f]u x'g ;Sg] x'g'k5{ .

%= ljBfno jftfj/0f / lzIf0f l;sfO kl/l:ylt M lzIf0f ljlw tyf /0fgLlt 5gf]6 ubf{ ljBfno jftfj/0f / lzIf0f l;sfO kl/l:ylt;Fu d]n
vfg] x'gk' b5{ .

^= ;do / ljBfyL{ ;ªV\ of M pknAw ;do / ljBfyL{ ;ª\Vofn] klg lzIf0f ljlw tyf /0fgLlt 5gf6] df ke| fj kfb5{ .

&= lzIfssf] ofU] otf, Ifdtf / ?lr M lzIfssf] cf gf] of]Uotf, Ifdtf, kj" 1{ fg, cfTdljZjf;, tflnd, lzIf0fk|ltsf] nufjh:tf kIfn] klg lzIf0f
ljlw tyf /0fgLltsf] 5gf6] df ke| fj kfb{5 .

o;/L s'g} klg ljifosf] lzIf0f ubf{ ljifosf] uxgtfsf ;fy} ljifoj:t'sf] ks| [lt, ljBfyLs{ f] kj" 1{ fg, Ifdtf, ?lr, :jefj, :t/ tyf pd/] Pjd\
pknAw ef}lts ;'ljwf / lzIf0f ;fdu|Lsf cfwf/df lzIf0f ljlwsf] 5gf6] ug{' cfjZos xG' 5 .

!$=# ljBfyL{sl] Gbt| / ljm| ofsnfkdv' L l;sfOnfO{ ;xofu] k'¥ofpg] ;DefJo s]xL lzIf0f l;sfO ljlwx¿

lj|mofsnfkd'vL l;sfOdf hf]8 lbO{ sIff !–# df l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ljm| ofsnfk ;~rfngsf nflu ko| f]u ug{ ;lsg] sx] L ljlw / kl| jm| of pbfx/0fsf
¿kdf k:| tt' ul/Psf] 5 . lzIfsn] oL / cGo ljm| ofsnfkdv' L / ljBfyL{s]lGb|t l;sfO ljlw tyf k|lj|mof 5gf]6 u/L lzIf0f l;sfO lj|mofsnfk
;~rfng ug'k{ b5{ .

1= syfsyg Pjd\ uLt M o; ljlwdf ljifoj:tn' fO{ syfsf] ¿kdf k:| tl' t tyf cjwf/0ffnfO{ uLtsf dfWodaf6 k|:t't ug{ ;lsG5 .

2= cfudg ljlw M o;df ;"rgfx¿sf] ;ªs\ ng, cjnfs] g, ljZni] f0f, cg'dfg, k'li6 tyf lgisifs{ f] kl| j|mof ko| f]u ul/G5 .

3= el" dsf lgjfx{ ÷clego M o;df ;Gbe{ / el" dsfsf] af/]df 5nkmn tyf lgwf/{ 0f, e"ldsf axg, 5nkmn / lgisif{ lgsfNg] sfo{ ul/G5 .

4= lgdf{0ffTds sIff M o; ljlwdf dlit:s dGyg, kf7;DaGwL k"j1{ fgsf] klxrfg, cGt/lj|mofTds sfo{ -h:t} M jo} lSts lrGtg, ;d"x
sfo{, kl/ofh] gf sfo{, k|ZgfQ] /_, cfjZostfcg;' f/ 6]jf k|bfg / ljrf/ cfbfg k|bfg u/L lgisif{ lgsflnG5 .

5= ;xofu] fTds sIff M o;df ;fdfGotof ;dx" ljefhg, ;d:of / ljifoj:t' k|:t'lt, ;dx" df 5nkmn / lgisif{ jf ;dfwfg lgsflnG5 .

6= kl/of]hgf sfo{ M ljBfyLs{ f] pd/] / :t/cg;' f/sf ljleGg kl/of]hgf sfo{ lbO{ ljBfyLn{ ] cfkmF} vfH] g] tyf u//] l;Sg] cj:yf l;h{gf ug{
;lsG5 .

7= 5nkmn / kZ| gfQ] / M o;df lzIfs ljBfyL,{ ljBfyL{ lzIfs, ljBfyL{ ljBfyL{ lardf k|Zg / pQ/ ug{ ;lsG5 . k|Zgx¿n] :d/0fsf]
kT| ofx\jfg eGbf klg ljBfyL{nfO{ ;f]Rg, sf/0f vfH] g, l;hg{ fTds tyf /rgfTds ;f]rfOnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . To;} u/L kZ| gf]Q/
/ 5nkmndf sIffdf ;as} f cufl8 k|Zg ;fW] g,] Psl5g kv{g,] sg' } klg ljBfyL{nfO{ tf]s/] pQ/ lbg nufpg], pQ/ /fd|f;] uF ;'Gg] /
cGtdf 5nkmn / dN" ofª\sg ug{] kl| jm| of k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

8= cGji] f0f, cg;' Gwfg tyf vfh] M o;df ;d:of jf kZ| gsf] k|:t'lt, ug'{kg{] / vf]h sfo{ / tl/sfsf] af/d] f 5nkmn u/L ljBfyL{x¿åf/f
vf]h u/L lgisif{ k|:tl' t / k[i7kfi] f0f lbOG5 .

9= kl| jlwo'St sIff M dfa] fOn, sDKo'6/, kf| ]hS] 6/cflbsf] pkof]u u/L wf/0ffx¿sf] b[Zofªs\ g ug{ ;lsG5 .

10= l;h{gfTds sfo{ M o;df lrq lgdf{0f, /ª eg],{ sfuh sf6\g] / k6o\ fpg,] ;DaGw :yfkgf h:tf sfox{ ¿åf/f l;sfO ug{ ;lsG5 .

11= ;d:of ;dfwfg ljlw M o; ljlwdf ;d:ofnfO{ a'‰g,] ofh] gf lgdf0{ f, of]hgf sfofG{ jog, k5fl8 kms/{] xg] ]{ / kl/0ffdnfO{ hfFRg]
k|lj|mofåf/f ;d:of ;dfwfg ul/G5 .

12= v]n ljlw M o;df ljifoj:tn' fO{ vn] sf dfWodaf6 k:| t't u/L cEof; u/fOG5 .

13= k|of]ufTds ljlw M o;df sIffsf7] f leq / aflx/ ko| f]ufTds sfo{sf dfWodaf6 l;sfO sfo{ u/fOG5 .

88 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^

14= e|d0f M ljleGg :yfgsf] ed| 0f u/fO{ ToxfFsf cge' j / l;ss] f] s/' f 5nkmn tyf k|Tofjtg{ u/fOG5 .

15= k|bzg{ ljlw M ljifoj:t;' uF ;DalGwt tl:a/ jf cGo b[Zo ;fduL| tyf >JobZ[ o ;fduL| k|bz{g ul/G5 .

16= :jfWoog tyf 5nkmn M ljleGg lsl;dsf ;fduL| sf cWoogsf] dfWodaf6 l;sfO ubf{ ;fdu|L 5gf]6, cWoog / wf/0ff jf ljrf/
lgdf0{ f ul/G5 / o;nfO{ cfjZostfg;' f/ ljBfyLl{ ar 5nkmn u/fpg ;lsG5 .

17= cGt/ljm| of M o;df 5nkmnsf] of]hgf / tof/L, ax[ t\ ;dx" df 5nkmn ;~rfng jf ;dx" ljefhg, sfo;{ "rL afF8kmf8F tyf sfo{
;~rfng, k:| t'tLs/0f, t'ngf, ljZni] f0f tyf d"Nofªs\ g / lgisif{ lgsflnG5 .

18= pbfx/0f / ko| f]u M kf7sf ljifoj:ta' f6 pbfx/0f, k|of]u / cEof;df hf8] lbg'k5{ . o;nfO{ efiff lzIf0fcGtu{t eflifs l;k,
zAbe08f/ / cleJolStsf] lzIf0fsf nflu k|ofu] ugk'{ 5{ . efiff l;sfOdf lrq jf cfsl[ t lgdf{0f, lgb]{lzt, Jofjxfl/s nv] g jf :jtGq
/rgf, ;:j/jfrg tyf b'|tk7g klg o;cGtut{ pkofu] ug{ ;lsG5 .

19= >JojfRosf cfwf/df l;sfO ;xhLs/0f M o;df JolSt, hf8] L, ;fgf] ;dx" / a[xt\ ;d"xdf ;'gfO / 5nkmn, gdg' f jfrg / cgs' /0f,
tn' gf, ljZni] f0f, dN" ofª\sg / lgisif{sf] df}lvs k:| t'tLs/0f ljm| ofsnfk ugk'{ 5{ . o;nfO{ efiff lzIf0fcGtu{t eflifs l;k, zAbe08f/
/ cleJolStsf] lzIf0fsf nflu k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

!%= ljBfyL{ dN" ofªs\ g

cfwf/et" txsf] sIff !—# df cfk} rfl/s k|s[ltsf] cfjlws k/LIff ;~rfng u/L ljBfyL{sf] l;sfOsf] d"Nofªs\ g cyf{t\ lg0f{ofTds k|of]hgsf]
k/Dk/fut k4ltsf] dN" ofªs\ gn] afnaflnsfnfO{ l;sfOsf nflu k|fT] ;fxg ug{] / l;sfOdf ;xof]u ug{] sfod{ f ofu] bfg ug{ ;Sb}g eGg] s/' fnfO{
cfTd;ft\ ul/Psf] 5 . o; ;Gbed{ f ljBfyL{ d"Nofªs\ gn] pgLx¿nfO{ l;sfOsf nflu kf| T] ;fxg ug{'sf ;fy} l;sfO ;'wf/sf nflu dfuk{ z| :t
ugk{' b5{ eGg] b[li6sf]0fdf cfwfl/t eO{ sIffsf7] fdf cfwfl/t dN" ofªs\ gsf k|lj|mof, /0fgLlt tyf ;fwgx¿ k|of]u ug'{ cfjZos 5 . sIffsf]7fdf
cfwfl/t dN" ofªs\ gsf nflu ljleGg lsl;dsf ;fwgx¿ k|ofu] u/]/ ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfOsf] lg/Gt/ n]vfhf]vf u/L lzIf0f l;sfO k|lj|mofsf] cleGg
cªu\ sf ¿kdf cEof; u/L l;sfO ;'wf/df pkofu] ul/G5 .

sIffsf]7fdf cfwfl/t o:tf] dN" ofªs\ gsf] clen]vnfO{ ;l~rt u/L cfjZostfg;' f/ l;sfOsf] d"Nofª\sgsf ¿kdf cyft{ \ ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO:t/
klxrfg ug{] ko| fh] gdf klg k|ofu] ug{ ;lsg] xG' 5 . o;/L lgdf0{ ffTds p2]Zon] ul/g] sIffsf7] fdf cfwfl/t d"Nofªs\ gsf] clenv] nfO{ lg0fo{ fTds
k|ofh] gdf klg k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] ePsfn] o:tf] d"Nofªs\ g k4ltnfO{ lg/Gt/ dN" ofª\sg k4lt klg eGg] ul/G5 . cfwf/et" txsf] sIff !—# df
ul/g] ljBfyL{ dN" ofª\sgsf] dV' o p2]Zo l;sfO ;'wf/ ug]{ lgdf{0ffTds xg' ] eP klg cfjZostfg';f/ o;sf] clenv] Jojl:yt u/L ;du| l;sfO:t/
lgwf/{ 0f ug]{ k|of]hgdf klg k|ofu] ug{ ;lsG5 .

cfwf/e"t txsf] sIff !—# sf] PsLs[t ;+/rgfsf] kf7o\ jm| dcg';f/ rf/cf6] f ljifoIfq] g]kfnL efiff, ul0ft, xfd|f] ;/] fk] m]/f] / cªu\ h]| L efiffdf
ljBfyLs{ f] d"Nofªs\ gsf nflu k|of]u ul/g] ljlw, k|lj|mof tyf ;fwgx¿ klxrfg ul/g] 5 . To;} u/L o; dfu{bzg{ df ck]lIft l;sfO pknlAwdf
ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO:t/sf] d"Nofª\sg tyf ;w' f/fTds l;sfOsf] clenv] Ls/0f ug]{ tl/sf / clen]vLs/0f ;fwg;d]t ;dfjz] ul/Psf] 5 . o;}sf
cfwf/df dft[efiff tyf :yfgLo kf7\oj|mddf ljBfyL{sf] d"Nofª\sgsf nflu cfjZos ;fwg tyf k|lj|mof ljsf; u/L clen]vLs/0f ug{ ;lsg] x'G5 .

!%=! l;sfOsf nflu dN" ofªs\ g

sIffsf7] fdf ul/g] d"Nofª\sgn] l;sfO ;xhLs/0f kl| jm| of cyft{ \ lzIf0f l;sfO kl| j|mofs} Pp6f cªu\ sf ¿kdf ljBfyL{sf] lgoldt nv] fhf]vf u/L
ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfOdf lg/Gt/ ;'wf/ u/L Gog" td l;sfO:t/ kf| lKtsf] ;l' glZrttf ub{5 . o;n] ljBfyLn{ fO{ Gog" td l;sfO :t/ kf| lKtsf ;fy}
pgLx¿nfO{ l;sfOdf lg/Gt/ ku| lt ug]{ cj;/ l;h{gf ug{ ;xof]u ub5{ . sIffsf7] fdf ul/g] o:tf] dN" ofªs\ gn] ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfOsf] jtd{ fg
cj:yf kQf nufO{ ;w' f/sf nflu dfu{ klxrfg ug{ ;xof]u ugs'{ f ;fy} ckl] Ift l;sfO ug{] ljBfyL{sf nflu clu|d l;sfOsf nflu lgb{]lzt klg
ub{5 . sIffsf]7fdf ul/g] o:tf] d"Nofªs\ gnfO{ ljBfyL{sf] :t/ jf u8]| lgwf{/0fsf nflu ul/g] l;sfOsf] d"Nofªs\ gsf ¿kdf glnO{ l;sfO ;'wf/
ug]{ k|ofh] gsf nflu ul/g] d"Nofª\sg cyft{ \ o;nfO{ d"ntM l;sfOsf nflu d"Nofª\sgsf ¿kdf k|of]u ul/g'kb5{ . csf{] zAbdf l;sfOsf] j|mddf
sIffsf]7fdf ul/g] o:tf] dN" ofªs\ g lgdf0{ ffTds ks| l[ tsf] x'g' kb{5 .

lgdf0{ ffTds k|ofh] gsf nflu ;~rfng ul/g] o:tf] dN" ofª\sgsf nflu ljBfyLn{ ] s] l;Sg] xf] eGg] s/' f lgwf/{ 0f ug{' kb5{ cyf{t\ ckl] Ift l;sfO
pknlAw to ug{' kb5{ . ljBfyLn{ ] s] l;Sg] eGg] s/' fsf] lgwf{/0f u/k] l5 ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfOsf] jtd{ fg cj:yf jf lglZrt l;sfO lj|mofsnfkkl5sf]
ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO cj:yf jf :t/ s] s:tf] 5 egL ljleGg ;fwg tyf dfWod ko| f]u u/L kQf nufpg'k5{ . o;/L ljBfyLs{ f] jt{dfg l;sfO cj:yf
klxrfg ul/;sk] l5 l;sfOsf] lgwfl{ /t nIodf s;/L k'Ug] eGg] dfu{ to ug'k{ b{5 . o;/L ljBfyLs{ f] ckl] Ift l;sfO :t/ to ug{], l;sfOsf]
jtd{ fg cj:yf jf :t/ kQf nufpg] / s;/L ckl] Ift l;sfO:t/ k|fKt ug{] egL to ug]{ sfos{ f nflu ljBfyLs{ f] lgdf{0ffTds dN" ofªs\ g ul/G5 .

sIff !—# df ul/g] ljBfyL{ dN" ofªs\ gnfO{ l;sfO k|lj|mofs} cleGg cªu\ sf ¿kdf ko| f]u ug'{ kb5{ . o:tf] d"Nofª\sgsf] dV' o p2]Zo ljBfyL{sf]
l;sfO pknlAw tyf sdhf]/Lx¿sf] lg/Gt/ n]vfhf]vf u/L l;sfO ;w' f/sf nflu k[i7kfi] f0f k|bfg ug{' xf] . o:tf] ki[ 7kf]if0f bO' { r/0fdf xg'
;Sb5 . klxnf] r/0fdf lzIf0f l;sfOsf] jm| ddf jf lglZrt ljifoj:t' l;sfOkZrft\ ul/Psf] dN" ofª\sgdf ck]lIft pknlAw k|fKt ug{ g;ss] f
ljBfyLs{ f sl7gfOsf Ifq] kQfnufO{ ;w' f/fTds l;sfO ljm| ofsnfk ;~rfng ug{' / bf;] |f] r/0fdf k6sk6ssf ;'wf/fTds l;sfO lj|mofsnfkaf6
klg l;sfO ;'wf/ xg' g;s]sf ljBfyL{x¿sf nflu pkrf/fTds l;sfO ljm| ofsnfk thd{' f u/L l;sfOdf ;'wf/ ug'{kb{5 . sIffsf]7fdf cfwfl/t
lgdf{0ffTds dN" ofªs\ gn] k|Tos] ljBfyLn{ fO{ Gog" td l;sfO :t/ kf| Kt ug{] ;l' glZrttf u/L dflyNnf] l;sfO :t/ kf| Kt ug{ ;xofu] ug{'kb5{ .
o;af6 ljBfyLx{ ¿sf] sIff bf]x¥ofpg] j|mdnfO{ Gog" u/L z}lIfs Iflt 36fpg ;xof]u k'Ugfsf ;fy} Go"gtd :t/sf] l;sfO ;'lglZrt eO{ yk
l;sfOsf nflu cj;/ ;h[ gf xg' ] 5 .

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 89

!%=@ dN" ofª\sg ljlw / k|ljm| of

sIff !–# df lglZrt ;dofjlwdf ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfOsf] nv] fhf]vf ug{] geO{ lg/Gt/, lgoldt tyf sIff ljm| ofsnfksf] cª\usf ¿kdf k|of]u
ugk'{ b{5 . sIffsf7] fdf l;sfO ljm| ofsnfksf] ofh] gf tyf ;~rfng lgwfl{ /t l;sfO pknlAw tyf ltgsf] lj:tt[ Ls/0fsf cfwf/df tL l;sfO
pknlAw kf| Kt ug{ ;Sg] lsl;dn] ugk'{ b{5 . ljBfyL{ dN" ofª\sgdf klg tL l;sfO pknlAw ljBfyL{n] s]slt xfl;n ug{ ;s] eGg] n]vfhf]vf ug{
;lsg] kl| jm| of / ;fwg k|ofu] ugk{' 5{ . o:tf] dN" ofª\sg l;sfO ljm| ofsnfks} cleGg cª\usf ¿kdf lgoldt ¿kdf ;~rfng u/L ljBfyL{sf]
l;sfO ;'wf/sf nflu lg/Gt/ ki[ 7kfi] f0f kb| fg ug{'kb{5 .

sIff !–# sf k|Tos] ljBfyLs{ f] sfo{;~rlosf -Portfolio_ Jojl:yt u/L /flvgk' 5{ . sfo;{ ~rlosf kmfonnfO{ ljBfyLs{ f] sIffsfo{, kl/of]hgf
sfo{, pknlAw k/LIff, ljBfyLd{ f cfPsf] Jofjxfl/s kl/jt{gsf] cjnf]sg, xflh/L cflbsf dfWodn] cBfjlws ug'k{ 5{ . ljBfnodf k7gkf7g
ePsf ljifoj:t' / ljBfyLs{ f] pknlAwsf af/]df kT| os] dlxgf jf lglZrt ljifoj:t' jf ljifoIf]qsf] cWoog k/" f u/]kl5 cleefjsnfO{ hfgsf/L
k7fpg] Joj:yf u/L sfo{;~rlosfdf To;sf] clen]v pNnv] ug{k' g]{ 5 . o; txdf u[xsfo{nfO{ clgjfo{ gu/L sIffsfod{ } a9L hf8] lbg] eP klg
cfjZos eP s]xL u[xsfo{ klg lbg ;lsg] 5 t/ b}lgs / Ps} lbgdf ljleGg ljifoIf]qdf ux[ sfo{ lbg' eg] pko'St xbF' g} . ljBfyL{sf] d"Nofª\sgdf
oyfzSo jf:tljs sfo{ (Authentic task) ;dfj]z ug{' pkoS' t x'g] 5 .

sIff !–# df ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sgsf] kl| jm| of ;fdfGotof lgDgcg;' f/ xg' ] 5 M

1= dN" ofªs\ gnfO{ l;sfO lj|mofsnfksf] cleGg cª\usf ¿kdf sIff ljm| ofsnfk;uF } PsLst[ u/L l;sfO ;'wf/df lg/Gt/ k|ofu] ug'{k5{ .
2= l;sfO pknlAw / ltgsf] lj:tt[ Ls/0f tof/ u/L ;fx] Lcg;' f/ ;DefJo dN" ofª\sg ljlw, k|lj|mof / ;fwgsf] tof/L ug{'k5{ .
3= bl} gs sIff lj|mofsnfk;Fu} ljBfyL{sf] l;sfOsf] nv] fhfv] f u/L l;sfOdf kl5 k/]sf ljBfyL{nfO{ ;w' f/fTds l;sfO k|lj|mofåf/f lgwfl{ /t

Gog" td l;sfO ;l' glZrt u/L ;a} ljBfyLn{ fO{ yk l;sfOsf nflu cj;/ k|bfg ug{k' 5{ .
4= ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO :t/sf] d"Nofªs\ g ubf{ d"ntM ljBfyLn{ ] ljleGg l;sfOIf]qdf ck]lIft l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n u/] jf gu/]sf] k/LIf0f

ug{k' 5{ .
5= ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfOsf] d"Nofª\sgdf ljifut l;sfO Ifq] df ck]lIft 1fg, ae' mfO, k|ofu] tyf cfjZostfg;' f/ ljZni] f0f, d"Nofª\sg /

l;h{gfnufotsf pRr Ifdtf k/LIf0f ugs{ f nlu pko'St ;fwg tyf kl| j|mof k|of]u ug'{k5{ .
6= dN" ofªs\ gsf j|mddf cfjZos Jojxf/s'zn l;kdf k|flKtdf ljBfyL{sf] xfl;n u/s] f ;Ifdtfsf] klg nv] fhfv] f u/L cfjZostfg';f/ l;sfO

ljm| ofsnfkdf ;w' f/ ug'k{ 5{ .
7= dN" ofª\sgkZrft\ sg' } ljBfyLn{ ] ck]lIft glthf k|fKt ug{ g;s]df ;'wf/fTds lzIf0f l;sfOsf] k|lj|mofcg?' k ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO ;'wf/ u/L

ckl] Ift l;sfO ;l' glZrt ug{k' 5{ . k6sk6ssf] ;'wf/fTds lzIf0f l;sfO kl| jm| ofaf6 klg Go"gtd l;sfOpknlAw xfl;n ug{ g;Sg]
ljBfyLs{ f pkrf/fTds lzIf0fsf] ka| Gw ug'{k5{ .
8= dN" ofª\sgsf] glthfnfO{ ljifoIf]q tyf l;sfO pknlAwcg;' f/ clenv] Ls/0f ugk'{ 5{ . ljBfyLs{ f] JolStut kmfon v8f u/L dN" ofªs\ gsf]
glthfsf ;fy} cGo ;fGble{s ljj/0f;lxtsf] sfo;{ ~rlosf -Portfolio_ Jojl:yt u//] /fVg'k5{ .
9= dN" ofª\sg glthfsf] clen]vnfO{ ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO cj:yf klxrfg ug,{ eflj l;sfOsf] ofh] gf lgdf0{ f ug{ / l;sfO pknlAwsf] k|ultsf]
clen]vsf ¿kdf ljBfno, lzIfs, ljBfyL{ tyf cleefjsn] cfjZostfg;' f/ k|ofu] ugk{' 5{ .
10= ljBfyL{nfO{ :jd"Nofª\sg tyf kl| tljDag ug{ / l;sfO ;w' f/sf] cfjZostf tyf pkfo klxrfg ug{ lzIfs tyf cleefjsn] k]l| /t ugk{' 5{ .

!%=# d"Nofª\sgsf tl/sf / ;fwg

k/LIf0f ul/g] l;sfO pknlAw tyf ljifoj:t'sf] :j¿k, ljBfyL{sf] pd]/ tyf ?lr, pknAw ;|f]t tyf ;fwg, sIffdf ePsf ljBfyL{ ;ª\Vof,
lzIfssf] Ifdtf tyf ?lr h:tf kIf ljrf/ u//] d"Nofªs\ gsf tl/sf / ;fwgsf] 5gf6] tyf ljsf; ug{k' 5{ . d"Nofªs\ gsf ;fwgx¿n] l;sfO
pknlAwcg';f/sf] ;r" s cyft{ \ ljBfyL{sf] ckl] Ift Ifdtf dfkg ug{ ;Sg'kg]{ ePsfn] ;fwgx¿ jw} xg' k' 5{ . d"Nofª\sgsf ;fwgx¿sf] csf{] u0' f
eg]sf] km/skm/s :yfg tyf JolStn] k/LIf0f ubf{ glthfdf Ps¿ktf cfpg'kb5{ cyf{t\ ;fwgx¿ ljZj;gLo x'g'k5{ . d"Nofª\sg ;fwgx¿sf]
csf]{ dxŒjk"0f{ u0' f eg]sf] ljljwtfsf] ;Daf]wg ug{ ;Sg' xf] . oxfF ljljwtfnfO{ d"ntM bO' { ¿kdf lng ;lsG5 . klxnf,] ljBfyLs{ f ljljw Ifdtf
dfkg ug;{ Sg] u/L ;fwgdf ljljwtf sfod ug'{ xf] eg] csf{] PseGbf a9L ;fwg ko| f]u ug'{ jf PseGbf a9L ;fwg ljsf; u/L ljBfyL{sf] ?lr
tyf k|fyldstfcg'?ksf] ;fwg 5gf]6 u/L ko| fu] ug{' klg ljljwtfsf] ;Daf]wg xf] .

dN" ofª\sgsf ljleGg tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿ xG' 5g\ . ss] :tf tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿ ke| fjsf/L xG' 5g\ eGg] s'/fdf ljleGg kIfn] ke| fj kf/s] f xG' 5g\
eGg] s/' f cl3Nnf] cg'R5]bdf pNnv] ul/;lsPsf] 5 . To;}n] o:t} tl/sf tyf ;fwg dfq k|of]u ugk'{ 5{ eGgs] '/f pko'St gxg' ] ePsfn]
d"Nofª\sgsf ;DefJo tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿ dfq oxfF pNnv] ul/Psf] 5 . o;sf] yk lj:tt[ Ls/0f ljifoIf]qut ¿kdf cg';"rLdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf]
5 . lzIfsn] cfjZostfg;' f/sf tl/sf tyf ;fwg 5gf6] u/L ljBfyL{sf] d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg{] xG' 5 .

ljBfyL{ dN" ofªs\ gsf nflu ko| f]u ug{ ;lsg] sfo{ tyf ;fwgx¿af6 k|fKt ;r" gfx¿nfO{ lglZrt :j¿kdf clenv] Ls/0f ul/g'kb{5 . sIff sfo{,
Jojxf/ kl/jt{g, l;h{gfTds sfo{, sIff ;xeflutf tyf ljBfyLs{ f sfos{ f] kb| zg{ sf] k/LIf0fsf] clenv] Ls/0f lzIfssf] cjnfs] gsf] dfWodaf6
ug{ ;lsg] ePsfn] o;sf nflu pko'St cjnfs] g kmf/fd tof/ ug'k{ b5{ . o;sf nflu ljleGg k|sf/sf ?h' ;"rL tof/ u/L ljBfyL{ k/LIf0f tyf
dN" ofª\sg ul/G5 . ljBfyL{sf sfo{ tyf pknlAw;lxt pgLx¿sf ljleGg ljj/0f Jojl:yt tl/sfn] /fVg] u/L sfo{;~rlosf
-Portfolio_ tof/ u/L ljBfyLs{ f] ku| lt s] slt dfqfdf / s] s;/L eO/xs] f] 5, s] s:tf l;sfO sdLsdhf]/L /x]sf 5g\ / tL sdLsdhf/] Lx¿
x6fO{ l;sfOdf ;'wf/ s] s;/L ug{] eGg] sfos{ f nflu o;af6 ;xof]u kU' b5 .

sIff !—# sf ljBfyLs{ f] dN" ofªs\ gsf nflu k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿ lgDgcg';f/ xg' ;Sb5g\ M

90 cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^


tflnsf @^ M ljBfyLs{ f] d"Nofªs\ gsf ;DefJo tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿

jm| = ;=+ dN" ofªs\ gsf tl/sf dN" ofª\sgsf ;fwg sl} kmot
! sIff ;xeflutf
cjnfs] g, ?h" ;r" L, ?la|S; / >0] fL dfkg, df}lvs kZ| g,
@ df}lvs sfo{ kmf/fd, 36gf j0fg{
# lnlvt sfo{
kZ| g, lrq, k7g ;fduL| , ;Gbe{, 36gf, >Jo tyf b[io ;fdu|L
$ kl/of]hgf tyf k|of]ufTds sfo{
% sfo{ ;Dkfbg tyf k|bz{g k|Zg, 5f]6f k/LIff, 36gf, ;Gbe{, k7g ;fduL| , >Jo tyf b[io
^ ;xkf7L d"Nofª\sg ;fdu|L
& :jdN" ofª\sg
* cleefjssf] kl| tlj|mof ?h" ;r" L, ?la|S; / >0] fL dfkg, dfl} vs k|Zg
( s'/fsfgL, 5nkmn
cjnfs] g, ?h" ;"rL, ?la|S; jf >0] fL dfkg, df}lvs k|Zg
cjnf]sg, ?h" ;r" L, >0] fL dfkg, kmf/fd

?h" ;r" L, >0] fL dfkg, kmf/fd

?h" ;r" L, >0] fL dfkg, kmf/fd

cjnfs] g, ?h" ;r" L, >0] fL dfkg, kmf/fd

plNnlvt d"Nofªs\ g tl/sf tyf ;fwgdWo] pko'St tl/sf tyf ;fwg k|ofu] u/L kT| os] l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyLs{ f] pknlAw k/LIf0f u/]/
pknlAw:t/nfO{ lgDgcg';f/ /]l6ª ug{'kb{5 M

tflnsf @& M ljBfyL{sf] pknlAw:t/ / To;sf] ;fdfGo JofVof

pknlAw:t/ dfkg pknlAw:t/sf] ;fdfGo JofVof
sdhf]/ (below basic)
! d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n ug{ g;s]sf,] ;a}h;f] l;sfO pknAwsf nflu ;w' f/fTds l;sfO
;fdfGo (Basic) cfjZos ePsf]
/fdf| ] (Proficient)
pRr (Advance) @ d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw cf+lzs ?kdf xfl;n u/s] f] t/ ;w' f/fTds l;sfO cfjZos ePsf]

# dV' o l;sfO pknlAw w]/} h;f] xfl;n u/]sf] / ;w' f/fTds l;sfO cfjZos ePsf]

$ d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n eO{ dflyNnf:] t/sf] pknlAw ;dt] xfl;n u/]sf]

klxnf] r/0fdf b}lgs sIff ljm| ofsnfksf ¿kdf ljBfyL{sf] l;sfOsf] d"Nofªs\ g u/L ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO ;'wf/ ug{'kb{5 . d"Nofª\sgsf] bf;] |f] r/0fdf
s'g} l;sfO pknlAw xfl;n eof] jf ePg egL plNnlvt tl/sf tyf ;fwgdWo] pkoS' t ;fwgx¿ ko| fu] u/L ljBfyLs{ f] d"Nofªs\ g u/L l;sfO:t/
clenv] Ls/0f ug{'kb5{ . o;/L clenl] vt l;sfO:t/ ! jf @ dfq ePdf ;'wf/fTds l;sfOsf] of]hgf lgdf0{ f u/L sDtLdf pknlAw:t/ # k'¥ofpg]
k|of; ug'{kb{5 . olb k6s k6ssf] k|of;af6 klg s'g} ljBfyL{sf] pknlAw:t/df ;'wf/ xg' g;sd] f o;sf] sf/0f vf]hL u/L pkrf/fTds
l;sfOsf] of]hgf agfpg'kb{5 eg] cGonfO{ clud| l;sfOdf ;l/s u/fpg'kb{5 . ;w' f/fTds l;sfO kl5 k'gM ljBfyL{sf] d"Nofª\sg u/L
pknlAw:t/ lgwf/{ 0f u//] k'gMclen]vLs/0f ug{'k5{ . lglZrt l;sfOIfq] sf l;sfOpknlAwx¿sf] l;sfO k/LIf0fkZrft\ ;f] l;sfOIfq] sf] cf;} t
l;sfO pknlAw;dt] u0fgf u/L ljBfyL{ / cleefjs;uF 5nkmn u/L ljBfyL{sf ;antf / ;w' f/sf Ifq] / pkfo klxrfg ug{k' 5{ .

oxL j|mddf ;a} ljifoIfq] sf] l;sfOkZrft\ ;a} l;sfO pknlAwsf] k/LIf0f u/L l;sfO k|To]s l;sfO pknlAwdf ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO:t/;lxt
ljifoIf]qut cf};t l;sfO pknlAw lgsfNg ;lsG5 . To;} u/L d'Vo Jojxf/sz' n l;kdf ljBfyL{sf] pknlAw:t/ klg clen]lvt ug{ ;lsG5 .
o;/L tof/ ul/Psf] clen]v g} ljBfyL{sf] jflif{s pknlAwsf] kl| tj]bg xg' ] 5 . ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] o:tf] clen]v tyf kl| tjb] gsf] k|ofu]
lzIfs, ljBfyL,{ cleefjs tyf ljBfnon] ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO:t/sf] ;l' glZrtf ug{,] l;sfO ;w' f/sf nflu k[i7kf]if0f kb| fg ug{ / efjL l;sfOsf
nflu of]hgfsf nflu ul/G5 .

ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sgsf nflu gdg' f ;fwg, ;fwg k|of]u ug{] tl/sf tyf dN" ofª\sgsf] clen]v Joj:yfkg;DaGwL yk ljj/0f cg';r" Ldf ;dfjz]
ul/Psf] 5 .

!%=$ ckfª\utf ePsf ljBfyL{sf nflu d"Nofª\sgsf tl/sf tyf ;fwgsf] k|ofu]

ljleGg lsl;dsf ckfª\utf ePsf ljBfyLs{ f nflu plNnlvt dN" ofªs\ gsf tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿dWo] sltko pkof]uL gx'g klg ;Sb5g\ eg]
sltko tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿sf] ko| f]udf leGgtf Nofpg'kg]{ xg' ;Sb5 . lzIfsn] cfkm\gf] sIffsf7] fdf ePsf ljBfyLs{ f] ckfª\utfsf] lsl;d tyf
:j¿kcg¿' k k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] dN" ofªs\ gsf js} lNks tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿sf] tof/L u/L pkoS' t tl/sf tyf ;fwg ko| f]u ug{'k5{ . d"Nofª\sgsf
s'g} ;fwg pkoS' t gePs} cfwf/df s'g} klg ljBfyL{nfO{ l;sfOsf] dN" ofªs\ g / k[i7kf]if0f kf| Kt ug{] cj;/af6 jl~rt gxg' ] u/L lzIfsn]
js} lNks tl/sfx¿sf] vf]hL tyf tof/L ug'{kb{5 .

ljleGg lsl;dsf ckfª\utf ePsf ljBfyL{sf nflu pkofu] L dN" ofªs\ gsf js} lNks tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿sf] ljljwtf / kl/l:ylthGotfnfO{ ljrf/
ubf{ ;a} tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿ pNn]v ug{ ;Dej b]lvbF g} / o;f] ug'{ pko'St klg x'bF g} . To;n} ] oxfF js} lNks tl/sf tyf ;fwgsf s]xL pbfx/0f
dfq k|:tt' ul/Psf] 5 .

cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7o\ j|md, @)&^ 91

 b[li6 Ifdtf sdhf]/ ePsf ljBfyL{sf nflu k9g\ k' g]{ sfo{ jf k|Zg 7'nf] cfsf/sf] cIf/df 5fKg,] cltl/St k|sfz ePsf] :yfgdf sfo{ ug]{
jf k/LIff lbg] Joj:yf ug{,] kl/l:yltcg'¿k cfjZos b]lvP cltl/St ;do lbg] OToflb .

 bl[ i6ljxLgdWo] an|] lnlk k9g\ / n]Vg ;Sgx] ¿sf nflu ;fx] Lcg;' f/ Joj:yf u/L cfjZostfg';f/ cltl/St ;do lbg] . t/ an|] lnlk
ko| fu] gug{]sf nflu ;xofu] L Joj:yf ug]{ jf df}lvs jf cGo s'g} js} lNks tl/sf tyf ;fwg ko| fu] ug]{ . h:t} ljsNksf ¿kdf kZ| g
jf sfos{ f] lgb]z{ gsf] /s] 8{ lbP/ pQ/ jf sfo{sf] ljj/0f /s] 8{ ug{ nufpg] . o:tf ljBfyLx{ ¿sf nflu lrq agfpg] tyf ko| f]ufTds
sfo{df ljsNk tof/ ug]{ .

 bl[ i6 Ifdtf sdhf]/ ePsf / b[li6ljxLgsf nflu lnlvt sfos{ f] ljsNk sDKo'6/ kl| jlw tyf ;km\6jo] / pknAw ePdf / k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]
ePdf To;sf] pkof]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

 sdhf]/ ;'gfO Ifdtf ePsfx¿sf nflu dfl} vs k|Zg tyf lgb{z] gdf ljz]if Wofg lbO{ cfjZos eP js} lNks tl/sf ko| fu] ug'k{ 5{ .
o:tf ljBfyLs{ f nflu ljsf; ul/Psf sDKo6' / k|ljlw tyf ;km\6j]o/ pknAw ePdf / k|ofu] ug{ ;s]df To;sf] pkof]u ug{ ;lsG5 .

 zf/Ll/s ¿kdf sdhf/] tyf ckfªu\ tf ePsfx¿sf nflu ckfª\utfsf] :j¿kcg¿' ksf] js} lNks ka| Gw ug{] .
 af}l4s ckfªu\ tf ePsf nflu cfjZostfg';f/ js} lNks tl/sf tyf ;fwgx¿sf] klxrfg, tof/L tyf ko| fu] ug]{ .

!^= lzIf0f l;sfOsf nflu dfWod efiffsf] 5gf]6

gk] fndf ax';f:+ sl[ ts / axe' flifs ;db' fosf] a;f]jf; /xs] fn] oxfF ljleGg hfthflt / ;f+:s[lts ki[ 7e"ld ePsf dflg;x¿ a:b5g\ . g]kfnsf
kf| oh;f] ;d'bfodf ldl>t k|sf/sf] a;fa] f; ePsfn] ljBfnox¿df ;dt] ljleGg eflifs tyf ;f:+ sl[ ts k[i7e"ldsf ljBfyL{x¿ x'g ;Sb5g\ .
g]kfndf w/] } ks| f/sf efiff afl] ng] ePsfn] w/] } h;f] ljBfnox¿df eflifs bl[ i6n] ldl>t sIff ePsfn] w/] }h;f] ljBfnodf låeflifs tyf ax'eflifs
cj:yf /x]sf] 5 .

ljleGg eflifs k[i7e"ld ePsf afnaflnsfx¿ ljBfnodf egf{ xF'bf 3/kl/jf/ jf ;db' fodf pgLx¿n] ko| fu] ul//xs] f] efiff k|ofu] u/L l;sfO
lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ul/Pdf l;sfO ;xh / k|efjsf/L x'g] 5 . bf;] f| ] jf t];f| ] efiffdf lzIf0fl;sfO ;'? ubf{ efiff ga'em\gfn] afnaflnsfx¿
ljBfno tyf sIffsf]7fdf g/dfpg,] sIff 5f8\g,] lzIf0f l;sfO ljm| ofsnfkdf ;xefuL gx'g] klg xg' ;Sb5g\ . To:t} efiffsf] ;d:ofn] ubf{
lzIf0fsf jm| ddf lbOg] 1fg, l;k pgLx¿n] ;xh ¿kdf k|fKt ug{ g;Sgs' f ;fy} pgLx¿df lg/;tf l;h{gf eO{ sIff 5f8\g,] ljBfno cfpg gdfGg]
h:tf ;d:of l;hg{ f x'g uO{ cGttM lgoldt ¿kdf ljBfnodf k7fpg g;Sg] ;d:of l;h{gf xg' hfG5 . afnaflnsfnfO{ dfte[ fiffsf dfWodn]
lzIf0f ug{ ;lsPdf lzIf0f kl| j|mof ?lrs/ / ke| fjsf/L x'g uO{ ;dud| f lzIffsf] u'0f:t/ clej[l4 ug{ ;xofu] k'Ug hfgs' f ;fy} cGo efiffsf]
l;sfOdf klg dfte[ fiff l;sfOsf] ;sf/fTds ke| fj kg]{ s'/f ljleGg cg';Gwfgx¿n] bv] fPsf 5g\ . o;/L k|f/lDes txsf ljBfyLn{ ] cf gf] klxnf]
efiffdf k9\g kfPdf l;sfO ;xh xg' fsf ;fy} klxnf] efiffdf cfwf/e"t bIftf xfl;n gu/];Dd ckl/lrt -bf];f| ] jf t;] f| _] efiffnfO{ lzIf0fsf] dfWod
efiffsf] ¿kdf k|ofu] ug{ pkoS' t dflgbF g} . afnaflnsfn] 3/kl/jf/ tyf ;db' fodf k|of]u ug{] efiffdf lzIf0f ubf{ sIffdf a9LeGbf a9L
cGt/ljm| of xg' uO{ l;sfO ;lhnf] / l56f] xg' fsf ;fy} cGo efiffsf] l;sfOdf klg klxnf] efiffsf] l;k ;ªj\ m| d0f ;xh x'g] cg;' Gwfgn] b]vfPsf
tYox¿nfO{ b[li6ut u/L dfte[ fiff jf 3/kl/jf/ tyf ;d'bfodf afl] ng] efiffaf6 l;sfO ljm| ofsnfk ;~rfng ug{ / lå jf axe' fifL ljBfyL{ ePsf
sIffdf l;sfO ;xhLs/0fsf nflu lå jf ax'efiffsf] k|ofu] x'g ;Sg] jftfj/0f tof/ u/L l;sfO ljm| ofsnfk ;~rfng ug'{ pkoS' t xg' ] 5 .
;du|df k|f/lDes txdf k9fO / l;sfOsf] ljsf;sf nflu dfWod efiffsf] lgwf{/0f lgDgfg;' f/sf kr| lnt l;4fGtx¿sf cfwf/df ug'{kb5{ M

 k9fO l;k ljsf;, ljifoj:t' af]w / k7g k|jfx ljsf;sf nflu afnaflnsfsf] klxnf] efiff÷dft[efiffdf l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ;Da4 ljm| ofsnfk
;~rfng ubf{ l;sfO ;lhnf] / l56f] x'G5 . afnaflnsfnfO{ pgLx¿sf] dfte[ fiffdf ;fIf/tf l;sfpg' ;a}eGbf pko'St x'G5 . dfte[ fiff
afnaflnsfn] /fd/| L ae' m\ 5g\ / pko'St ultdf af]Ng ;S5g\ . afnaflnsfn] efiff /fd/| L gae' m];Dd cy{k"0f{ l;sfO ;Dej xb'F g} .

 eflifs l;ksf cfwf/e"t kIfx¿sf] ljsf; ckl/lrt efiffaf6 c;lhnf] / sl7g x'G5 . a'emfOdf cfwf/e"t 1fg geP;Dd ckl/lrt
efiffnfO{ lzIf0fsf] dfWod agfpg' pkoS' t dflgbF g} . afnaflnsfnfO{ ckl/lrt efiffdf l;Sg afWo kfl/of] eg] p;n] Psflt/ gofF efiff
l;Sg'kg]{ / ;Fu;Fu} ckl/lrt efiffsf dfWodaf6 l;Sg] ko| f; ug'{kg{] bfx] f]/f] df/ v]Kg'kg]{ xG' 5 . ctM afnaflnsfnfO{ k0" f{ ¿kn] ckl/lrt
efiff l;Sg bafa lbOof] eg] ae' mfOdf sl7gfO eO{ l;sfOaf6 cnu x'g hfg] cj:yf klg cfp5F . o;f] ug{' egs] f] afnaflnsfnfO{ l;sfOsf]
cj;/af6 jl~rt ug'{;/x xG' 5 .

 klxnf] efiffdf l;s]sf l;k cGo efiffdf :yfgfGt/0f ug{ ;lhnf] xG' 5 . Pp6f efiffdf l;s]sf ;fIf/tfsf l;knfO{ pkoS' t ;dodf csf]{
efiffdf ;xh} :yfgfGt/0f ug{ ;lsG5 .

 eo/lxt tyf afndq} L jftfj/0fdf l;sfpg ;lsof] eg] afnaflnsfn] klxnf] tyf bf];|f] sIffd} b'O{ jf a9L efiff afN] g / a'e\mg ;S5g\ .
cfjZos ePdf cfwf/e"t txsf] lzIffsf] klxnf] kfrF jif{leq la:tf/} klxnfa] f6 bf];f| ] efiff jm| dfut ¿kn] ;ª\j|md0f u/fpg' k|efjsf/L xG' 5
eg] cfjZostfg';f/ dflyNnf sIffx¿df t];|f] efiffdf ;ªj\ |md0f u/fpg ;lsG5 .

 sDtLdf afnaflnsfnfO{ % jif{b]lv * jifs{ f] pd]/;Dd dfte[ fiffsf] dfWodaf6 lzIff lbg' pkoS' t dflgG5 . k|fylds lzIffsf kl5Nnf txdf
jm| dzM dft[efiffaf6 :yfgLo jf g]kfnL efiffnfO{ dfWod efiff agfpg ;lsg] x'G5 . t;] f| ] efiff cªu\ ]|hLnfO{ ;fdfGotof cfwf/et" txdf
dfWod efiffsf ¿kdf ko| fu] ug'{ ljifoj:t' l;sfO / efiff l;sfO bj' } bl[ i6n] pko'St gxg' ] ePsfn] dfte[ fiff, :yfgLo jf gk] fnL efiffnfO{
dfWod efiffsf ¿kdf ko| fu] ug{ ;lsg] 5 . o; txdf cfjZostfcg';f/ klxnf] efiffaf6 bf;] f| ] / dflyNnf sIffx¿df bf];|f] efiffaf6
t;] |f]df ;ª\j|md0f u/fpg ;lsg] 5 . o;f] ugf{n] ljifoj:t' l;sfOsf ;fy} bf;] f| ] / t;] f| ] efiffsf] l;sfO klg ;xh xg' ] 5 .

plNnlvt ;Gbe{;dt] sf cfwf/df ljBfnotxsf] k7gkf7gsf] dfWod rog ugk{' g]{ x'G5 . cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\oj|md @)&^ sf]
k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu kf7o\ ;fduL| / k7gkf7gsf nflu dfWod efiffsf] Joj:yf lgDgcg;' f/ xg' ] 5 M

 ljBfno lzIffcGtut{ cfwf/e"t tx sIff !–% df efiff ljifoafx]s cGodf kf7o\ ;fduL| tyf l;sfO ;xhLs/0f kl| j|mofsf nflu dfWod efiff

92 cfwf/et" tx -sIff !—#_ sf] kf7o\ j|md, @)&^


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