ljBfyL{sf] gfd M yk ;xfotfkl5sf] dN" ofª\sg sl} kmot
lgoldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g ldlt pknlAw
ldlt pknlAw
;sd] f -# cªs\ _
;s]df -@ cªs\ _
;s]df -! cª\s_
pg] / of]ukmn !)) ;Dd cfpg]
g] / of]ukmn !)) ;Dd cfpg]
n !)) ;Dd cfpg] bO' c{ f]6f
;Dd cfpg] b'O{cf6] f ;ªV\ ofx¿sf]
u/L k|:tt' ug{ ;s]df -$ cªs\ _
ofsf] 36fp ug{ ;sd] f -# cªs\ _
dsf ;ªV\ ofsf] 36fp ug{ ;s]df
;ªV\ ofsf] 36fp ug{ ;sd] f -!
u/L k:| t't ug{ ;sd] f -$ cªs\ _
ofsf] 36fp ug{ ;s]df -# cªs\ _
dsf ;ªV\ ofsf] 36fp ug{ ;sd] f
;ªV\ ofsf] 36fp ug{ ;s]df -!
k:| tt' ug{ ;sd] f -$ cª\s_
36fp ug{ ;s]df -# cª\s_
;ª\Vofsf] 36fp ug{ ;sd] f -@
Vofsf] 36fp ug{ ;sd] f -!
pknlAw k|ltzt
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^
sIff M ! ljifoIfq] M ul0ft ;r" s
lyd÷ljifoIfq] d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw
d]/f] l;hg{ f l;wf /]vf / jj|m /v] f klxrfg l;wf /v] f klxrfg ug,{ jj|m /v] f klxrfg ug,{ 6«;] ug
cleefjssf] b:tvt M ug,{ 6«]; ug{ / lrq sfg] { cª\s_
cfgf] j/k/ kfOg] HofldtLo dflysf sfod{ Wo] sg' } tLgcf]6f sfo{ ug{ ;sd] f -# cª\s
cfsf/x¿ -lqe'h, rt'e{h' /
jQ[ _ lrGg . dflysf sfo{dWo] s'g} b'O{cf]6f sfo{ ug{ ;s]df -@ cª\s_
dflysf sfo{dWo] sg' } Pp6f sfo{ ug{ ;sd] f -! cªs\ _
cfgf] j/k/ kfOg] j:td' f ePsf HofldtLo cfsf/x¿ -
lrGg ;s]df -$ cª\s_
cfgf] j/k/ kfOg] j:t'df ePsf HofldtLo cfsf/x¿ lq
s'g} bO' {cf6] f lrGg ;s]df -# cªs\ _
cfgf] j/k/ kfOg] j:td' f ePsf HofldtLo cfsf/x¿ lq
sg' } Pp6f lrGg ;s]df -@ cª\s_
cfgf] j/k/ kfOg] j:t'df ePsf HofldtLo cfsf/x¿ lq
j[Qfsf/nfO{ cfsf/ xf] eGg] yfxf ePsf] t/ 5'6o\ fpg g
lzIfssf] b:tvt / ldlt M
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M yk ;xfotfkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g s}lkmot
lgoldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g ldlt pknlAw
ldlt pknlAw
g{ / lrq sf]g{ ;sd] f -$
-lqe'h, rt'e{h' / jQ[ _
qeh' , rt'eh{' / j[QdWo]
qe'h, rt'e'h{ / j[QdWo]
qe'h, rte' '{h /
g;s]df -! cªs\ _
pknlAw k|ltzt
sIff M ! ljifoIf]q M ul0ft ;"rs
lyd÷ljifoIfq] d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw
;~rf/ kl| jlw / ahf/ rng rNtLdf /x]sf ?= !)) rng rNtLdf /xs] f ?= !)) ;Ddsf ;a} gk] fnL l;Ss
;Ddsf g]kfnL l;Ssf tyf gf6] -$ cªs\ _
rng rNtLdf /x]sf ?k}ofsF f ;a} g]kfnL l;Ssf t
lrqu|fkmaf6 hfgsf/L lng / cªs\ _
;fyLsf] ;xofu] df rng rNtLdf /x]sf ?= !)) ;D
cleefjssf] b:tvt M gf]6 lrGg ;s]df -@ cªs\ _
lzIfssf] ;xof]udf ?= !)) ;Ddsf gk] fnL l;Ssf t
cfFkm} lrquf| kmaf6 k"0f{ hfgsf/L lng / lbg ;s]df -$
cfFkm} lrquf| kmaf6 cfl+ zs hfgsf/L lng / lbg ;s]df
;fyLsf] ;xof]udf lrqu|fkmaf6 cf+lzs hfgsf/L lng
lzIfssf] ;xof]udf lrquf| kmaf6 cf+lzs hfgsf/L lng
lzIfssf] b:tvt / ldlt M
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M yk ;xfotfkl5sf] dN" ofª\sg sl} kmot
lgoldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofª\sg ldlt pknlAw
ldlt pknlAw
sf tyf gf]6 lrGg ;s]df
tyf gf6] lrGg ;s]df -#
Ddsf gk] fnL l;Ssf tyf
tyf gf]6 lrGg ;sd] f -!
$ cªs\ _
f -# cª\s_
/ lbg ;sd] f -@ cªs\ _
g / lbg ;s]df -! cªs\ _
pknlAw k|ltzt
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^
cg;' r" L # -u_ M cª\uh|] L ljifosf] ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO pknlAw d"Nofªs\ g clenv]
ljBfyL{ dN" ofª\sg dfkgsf cfwf/ M Award 1 to 4 in each learning outcome according to
Student can't do the task and needs remedial class : 1
Student can partly do the task but still needs some remedial class : 2
Student can satisfactorily do the task : 3
Student can perfectly do the task : 4
For example; regarding the learning outcome 'identify words that have the same initial, me
the student is able to identify the same initial, medial or final sound in all the wor
the student is able to identify the same initial, medial or final sound with one/two
the student is able to identify the same initial, medial or final sound in half of the
the student is almost unable to identify the same initial, medial or final sound in t
Theme M Alphabet Grade: 1
SN Areas/Skills Learning outcomes/outcomes indicators
1 Listening 1. Imitate, identify and discriminate sounds.
2. Identify words that have the same initial, medial or final sound.
3. Blend individual sounds in simple one-syllable words. (e.g. /s/ /i/ /t/
4. Recognize, identify and produce rhyming words. (e.g. cat →bat, sat
5. Link an initial sound to a picture of an object that begins with that so
picture of a book and identify the initial sound /b/).
6. Name a printed letter that matches with a sound (e.g. the teacher say
points to the /t/ letter).
7. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher pronounces /
selects pin from a set of three-word cards).
8. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expressions.
9. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and verbally.
2 Speaking 1. Imitate and produce sounds and words.
2. Blend the initial sounds with other sounds, i.e. onset with rime. (e.g.
3. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
4. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
5. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or an audio
3 Reading 1. Read small and capital letters.
2. Put sounds together to read words and sentences.
3. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by visuals.
4. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
the following interpretation. One example has been given below.
edial or final sound' for Grade 1,
rds given : 4
o errors in almost all the words given: 3
e words given : 2
the words given : 1
Name of the student: Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Regular Assessment
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
/ →sit)
ound (e.g. Show a
ys /t/ and the student
/pin/, and the student
. c+at).
5. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words
4 Writing 1. Hold pencil correctly to gain control to draw lines, curves, circles, e
2. Develop hand-eye coordination through drawing lines and patterns.
3. Trace the letters and write them.
4. Form lower- and upper-case letters of regular size and shape.
5. Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date...................
............. Achieved
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
Theme : Me and My Family Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Imitate, identify and discriminate sounds.
2. Blend individual sounds in simple one-syllable words. (e.g. /s/ /
3. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and verbally.
4. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing, matchin
2 Speaking 1. Imitate and produce sounds and words.
2. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
3. Give basic personal information about themselves (e.g. name, ad
nationality) using short words and phrases.
4. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
5. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or an audi
3 Reading 1. Put sounds together to read words and sentences.
2. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by visuals.
3. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
4. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
5. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs correctly.
4 Writing 1. Hold pencil correctly to gain control to draw lines, curves, circle
2. Develop hand-eye coordination through drawing lines and patter
3. Trace the letters and write them.
4. Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date..
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
Name of the student:
Regular Assessment Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
/i/ /t/ →sit)
ng, etc.).
ddress, family,
es, etc.
.............................. Achieved
Theme : My Daily Life Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Recognize, identify and produce rhyming words. (e.g. cat
2 Speaking 2. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher pr
the student selects pin from a set of three-word cards).
3. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expression
4. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and ver
5. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing, m
1. Imitate and produce sounds and words.
2. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
3. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
4. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or a
3 Reading 1. Put sounds together to read words and sentences.
2. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by visua
3. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and r
4. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
5. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs corre
4 Writing 1. Use correct spelling of the words.
2. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
3. Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date................
Name of the student:
Regular Assessment Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
t →bat, sat)
ronounces /pin/, and
matching, etc.).
an audio.
................... Achieved
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ j|md, @)&^
Theme M Our School Grade : 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expressio
2 Speaking 2. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and ve
3 Reading 3. Respond to simple commands and questions.
4. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing,
1. Imitate and produce sounds and words.
2. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
3. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
4. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or
1. Put sounds together to read words and sentences.
2. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by vis
3. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and
4. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
5. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs corr
6. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
4 Writing 1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to righ
spacing between words.
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and phr
reproduce them.
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form words,
in correct order to form simple sentences.
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
6. Give basic personal information in writing (e.g. name, a
7. Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date..............
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
Name of the student:
Regular Assessment Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
, matching, etc.)
an audio.
d rhythm.
ht with regular
rases correctly and
, and put the words
address, age, Achieved
.................. Percentage
Theme : Our Environment Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher
and the student selects pin from a set of three-word ca
2. Recognize and comprehend words and simple express
3. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and v
4. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing
2 Speaking 1. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
2. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
3. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher o
4. Name people, objects and places and describe them wi
3 Reading 1. Put sounds together to read words and sentences.
2. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by vi
3. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme an
4. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
5. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs co
6. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
7. Do different kinds of comprehension tasks (answering
action, etc.)
4 Writing 1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to ri
spacing between words.
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and ph
reproduce them.
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form word
words in correct order to form simple sentences.
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
6. Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date .............................
Name of the student:
Regular Assessment Assessment After Remarks
Remedial Class
Date Achievement Date Achievement
r pronounces /pin/,
g, matching, etc.).
or an audio.
ith adjectives.
nd rhythm.
g verbally, matching,
ight with regular
hrases correctly and
ds, and put the
.... Achieved
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
Theme : My Belongings Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening
1. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher p
2 Speaking and the student selects pin from a set of three-word card
3 Reading
2. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expressio
4 Writing 3. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and ve
4. Respond to simple commands and questions.
5. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing,
1. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
2. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
3. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or
4. Name people, objects and places and describe them with
1. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by vis
2. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and
3. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
4. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs cor
5. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
6. Do different kinds of comprehension tasks (answering v
action, etc.)
1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to righ
spacing between words.
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and phr
reproduce them.
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form words,
in correct order to form simple sentences.
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
6. Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date..............................
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^
Name of the student:
Regular Assessment Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
pronounces /pin/,
, matching, etc.).
r an audio.
h adjectives.
d rhythm.
verbally, matching,
ht with regular
rases correctly and
, and put the words
... Achieved
Theme: Our Culture Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher pronounces
selects pin from a set of three-word cards)
2. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expressions.
3. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and verbally.
4. Respond to simple commands and questions.
5. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing, matching,
2 Speaking 1. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
3 Reading 2. Give basic personal information about themselves (e.g. name, addr
nationality) using short words and phrases.
3. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
4. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or an audio.
1. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by visuals.
2. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
3. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
4. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs correctly.
5. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
6. Do different kinds of comprehension tasks (answering verbally, ma
4 Writing 1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to right with regul
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and phrases correctly
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form words, and put the
to form simple sentences.
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
6. Give basic personal information in writing (e.g. name, address, age,
7. Demonstrate good handwriting skills.
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date.......................................
Name of the student: Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Regular Assessment
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
/pin/, and the student
ress, family,
atching, action, etc.)
lar spacing between
y and reproduce them.
words in correct order
nationality). Achieved
... Percentage
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^
Theme : Communication Technology and Market Grad
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher pronounces /pin
selects pin from a set of three-word cards).
2. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expressions.
3. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and verbally.
4. Respond to simple commands and questions.
2 Speaking 5. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing, matching, etc.
3 Reading
4 Writing 1. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
2. Give basic personal information about themselves (e.g. name, address,
using short words and phrases.
3. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
4. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or an audio.
1. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by visuals
2. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
3. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
4. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs correctly.
5. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
6. Do different kinds of comprehension tasks (answering verbally, match
1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to right with regular
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and phrases correctly a
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form words, and put the wo
to form simple sentences.
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
6. Demonstrate good handwriting skills
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date...............................
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^
de: 1 Name of the student:
n/, and the student Regular Assessment Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Date Achievement Date Achievement
, family, nationality)
hing, action, etc.)
r spacing between
and reproduce them.
ords in correct order
Theme : Fruits and Vegetables Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening
1. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher pr
2 Speaking the student selects pin from a set of three-word cards).
2. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expression
3. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and ver
4. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing, m
1. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
2. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
3. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or
4. Name people, objects and places and describe them with
3 Reading 1. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by visu
4 Writing
2. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and r
3. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
4. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs corre
5. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
6. Do different kinds of comprehension tasks (answering ve
action, etc.
1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to righ
spacing between words.
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and phra
reproduce them.
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form words,
in correct order to form simple sentences
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently
6. Demonstrate good handwriting skills
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date .............................
Name of the student:
Regular Assessment Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Date Achievement Date Achievement
ronounces /pin/, and
matching, etc.)
an audio.
h adjectives.
erbally, matching,
ht with regular
ases correctly and
and put the words
....... Achieved
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^
Theme : Hobbies and Interests Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Recognize and comprehend words and simple express
2 Speaking 2. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and v
3 Reading 3. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing
1. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
4 Writing 2. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
3. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher o
1. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by vi
2. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme an
3. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
4. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs co
5. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
6. Do different kinds of comprehension tasks (answering
action, etc.)
1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to r
spacing between words.
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and p
and reproduce them.
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form wor
words in correct order to form simple sentences.
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
6. Demonstrate good handwriting skills
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date..............................
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
Name of the student: Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Regular Assessment
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
g, matching, etc.).
or an audio.
nd rhythm.
g verbally, matching,
right with regular
phrases correctly
rds, and put the
.. Achieved
Theme : Birds and Animals Grade: 1
SN Areas/ skills Learning outcomes
1 Listening 1. Match spoken words to printed words (e.g. the teacher pronounces /p
selects pin from a set of three-word cards).
2. Recognize and comprehend words and simple expressions.
3. Respond to the audio or the teacher non-verbally and verbally.
4. Respond to simple commands and questions.
2 Speaking 5. Perform different kinds of listening tasks (e.g. drawing, matching, etc
1. Pronounce grade appropriate words correctly.
2. Give basic personal information about themselves (e.g. name, addre
using short words and phrases.
3. Ask and answer short, simple questions.
4. Sing or recite a song/chant by listening to the teacher or an audio.
5. Name people, objects and places and describe them with adjectives.
3 Reading 1. Recognize and read familiar words accompanied by visual
2. Perform rhymes and chants with appropriate rhyme and rhythm.
3. Understand the meaning of grade appropriate words.
4. Read words, simple sentences and short paragraphs correctly
5. Retrieve specific information from simple sentences.
6. Do different kinds of comprehension tasks (answering verbally, mat
4 Writing 1. Write letters and words in a straight line from left to right with regul
2. Copy letters and highly frequent familiar words and phrases correctl
3. Combine and recombine different letters to form words, and put the
to form simple sentences.
4. Use correct spelling of the words.
5. Write simple phrases and sentences independently.
6. Demonstrate good handwriting skills
Teachter's Signature.................. Gardian's Signature and date.....................................
Name of the student: Assessment after Remarks
Remedial Class
Regular Assessment
Date Achievement
Date Achievement
pin/, and the student
ess, family, nationality)
tching, action, etc.
lar spacing between
ly and reproduce them.
words in correct order
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^
cg';r" L # -3_ M xfdf| ] ;]/fk] m]/f] ljifosf] ljBfyLs{ f] l;sfO pknlAw dN" ofª\sg clen]v
dfkg tl/sf M kT| os] l;sfO pknlAwsf nflu lbOPsf pknlAw ;"rs ljBfyLn{ ] xfl;n u/]df ;DalGwt sf]7f
- lrx\g_ uGg'xf];\ / Toltg} cªs\ cªs\ g dxndf nV] gx' f;] \ . tkfO{nF ] k|of]u ug{'ePsf] ;fwgdf lrx\gf nufp
ljifoj:ts' f] Ifq] /lyd M d / d/] f kl/jf/ sIff M !
ljifoj:ts' f] d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:tt[ Ls/0f /pknlAw ;r" s
!= cfkm" / cfˆgf] 1= cfkmg\ f] gfd, 7]ufgf / klx/g tyf kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿sf] gfd
kl/jf/sf] kl/ro lbg atfpg
2= kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿sf] gftf atfO{ pko'St clejfbg ug{
3= cfkme" Gbf ;fgfnfO{ dfof ug{
4= cfkm\gf] kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿n] ug]{ d'VodV' o sfd atfpg
1= ;dx" df ;fwf/0f afnuLtdf no ldnfO{ v'6\6f rfNg
@=;dx" df afnuLtdf 2= ;d"xdf ;fwf/0f afnuLtdf no ldnfO{ z/L/ xNnfpg
nodf v6' 6\ f / z/L/
rnfpg / /v] fxx¿ sfg] { 3= df6] f, dl;gf, l;wf /]vf sf]g{
d / d]/f
kl/jf/ 4= df6] f, dl;gf afFª\ufl6ª\uf /]vf sf]g{
1= cfkmn" ] vfg] vfgs] '/fsf gfd atfpg
#= ;kmf / tfhf vfgs] '/f 2= :yfgLo :t/df kfOg] ;kmf / tfhf vfg]s/' f klxrfg ug{
vfg] afgL a;fNg 3= vfg]s/' f ;kmf /fVg
$= cfˆgf] 4= :yfgLo :t/df kfOg] ;kmf / tfhf vfg]s/' f vfg] afgL
v]nfg} fsf] 1= cfkmg\ f] v]nfg} f atfpg / 3/df ePsf v]nf}gfx¿ k|of]u u/L v]n
k|ofu] u/L
v]n v]Ng] vN] g
2= ;fyL;Fu /dfOnf] ub{} :yfgLo vn] v]Ng
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
fdf ;s]sf] -_ lrGg / xfl;n geP - _ lrxg\ nufpgx' f];\ . k|To]s rf/ ;r" sdWo] xfl;n ePsf ;r" s
pgx' f];\ jf cGo ;fwg ko| f]u ug{'ePsf] eP ;fx] L dxndf nV] g'xf];\ .
ljBfyLs{ f] gfd M
lgoldt k9fOkl5sf]sf] d"Nofªs\ g yk ;xfotfkl5sfs] f] dN" ofªs\ g d"Nofªs\ gsf ;DefJo ;fwg
;ss] f] ÷ ldlt cªs\ g ;s]sf÷] ldlt cª\sg
g;ss] f] g;s]sf]
d"Nofª\sg kmf/d//l] 6ª :s]n
cjnfs] g
cjnf]sg -kl/ofh] gf_, dfl} vs
cjnfs] g
kZ| gf]Q/
k|ZgfQ] /
cjnfs] g, cleefjssf]
kl| tljm| of
cjnfs] g, k|Zgf]Q/,
cleefjssf] kl| tljm| of
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
cEof; ug{ 3= nfOgdfldn/] lx8F g\ afgLljsf; ug{
4= lzIfssf] lgb{]zgcg';f/sf ljleGg syfdf cfwfl/t vn] x¿ v]Ng
1= cfkm\gf] 3/df ePsf ;/;dfgx¿sf] gfd atfpg
%= 3/fo;L ;fdfgsf] 2= cfkmg\ f] 3/df ePsf ;/;dfgx¿sf] htg ug{
htgsf;fy pkof]u ug{ 3= cfkm\gf] 3/df ePsf ;/;dfgx¿sf] pko'St :ygfdf /fVg
4= ;fwf/0f pks/0fsf] cjnf]sg u/L cfjZostfcg;' f/ dfkgsf
nflu k|of]u ug{
cleefjssf] b:tvt M lzIfssf] b:tvt / ldlt M
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g, kZ| gf]Q/,
cleefjssf] kl| tlj|mof
cjnf]sg, kZ| gfQ] /,
cleefjssf] k|ltlj|mof
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ j|md, @)&^
ljifoj:t'sf] If]q/lyd M d]/f] b}lgs hLjg sIff M !
l;sfO pknlAw lj:t[tLs/0f /pknlAw ;r" s
ljifoj:t'sf] d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw lgo
If]q/lyd ;ss] f] ÷
d]/f] b}lgs hLjg cfwf/e"t zf/Ll/s 1= lzIfssf] lgb{]zgdf cfwf/e"t of]u
lj|mofsnfk ug{ cEof; ug{ -;v' f;g, lzz' cf;g / pknlAw
:j:ys/ / ;/' lIft afgL zjf;g_ k|ltzt
2= z/L/nfO{ ljleGg lbzfdf tGsfpg /
3= es'G8f] u'8fpg] / ;dfpg] cEof; ug{
4= l7s tl/sfn] lx8F \g, pleg, a:g, ;'Tg /
l;wf /]vfdf bf}8g
1= z/L/sf aflx/L cª\ux¿sf] klxrfg /
;/;kmfO ug{
2= xft wfP] / vfg] afgL a;fNg
3= rkL{df lb;flk;fa ug{] afgL a;fNg
4= ;kmf / ;/' lIft kfgL lkpg] afgL a;fNg
tfn ldnfP/ lx8\g / 1= l;wf / afFufl] 6ªu\ f] /v] fdf tfn ldnfP/
cfnF} f jf 5]:sfn] lxF8\g
sfuhdf :jtGq ¿kn] 2= ljljw lbzfdf tfn ldnfP/ z/L/ 3'dfpg
lrq agfpg / a6fg{
3= cfkmg\ f] j/k/ pknAw ;fduL| x¿af6
agfOPsf /ªx¿ k|ofu] u/L cf}nF f jf
5:] sfn] sfuhdf :jtGq ¿kn] lrq
4= cfkm\gf] OR5fcg';f/ :jtGq ¿kdf lrq
sfg] {
bl} gs hLjgdf ko| fu] x'g] 1= b}lgs hLjgdf ljBt' s\ f] pkofu] pNnv]
zlStsf ;|ft] klxrfg ug{
ug{ 2= 3/df vfgf ksfpg k|of]u ul/g] OGwgsf]
gfd atfpg
3= ljleGg k|sf/sf Wjlgx¿ klxrfg ug{ /
ltgLx¿sf ;f| t] atfpg
4= j:t' b]Vg k|sfz cfjZos kg{] tYo
atfpg / k|sfzsf dV' o ;|f]t klxrfg
lzIfssf] b:tvt M cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldltM
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M
oldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofª\sg yk ;xfotfkl5sf] d"Nofªs\ g d"Nofª\sgsf
;ss] f] ÷ g;s]sf] ldlt cª\sg ;DefJo ;fwg
÷ ldlt cª\sg cjnf]sg
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
kZ| gfQ] /,
kZ| gf]Q/,
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
kZ| gf]Q/
kZ| gfQ] /
kZ| gfQ] /
kZ| gfQ] /
ljifoj:t'sf] Ifq] /lyd M xfdf| ] ;d'bfo sIff M !
ljifoj:ts' f] dV' o l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:t[tLs/0f /pknlAw lgo
Ifq] /lyd ;"rs ;ss] f] ÷
g;ss] f]
xfdf| ] ;db' fo ;xofu] fTds efjgfsf] 1= cfˆgf bft}F /Lx¿;Fu ldnLh'nL a:g / vN] g
ljsf; ug{ tyf ;fyL / kl/jf/df cfk;L ;xof]u lng
/ lbg tyf ;xsfo{ ug{
2= wf/f, zf}rfno cflbsf] k|ofu] sf] sd| df
kfnf] klvg{
3= ;fyL;uF /dfOnf] ub}{ vn] -3]/fdf v]lng]
v]n, ;dx" df v]lng] vn] _ vN] g
cfkm\ gf] :jf:Yok|lt ;r]t 4= ;d"xdf sfd u/L kft, ?vsf af]jm| f,
x'g l;Ssf, sk8f cflbnfO{ 3f]6/] ljleGg
6S] ;r/ 5kfO ug{ / k|bzg{ ug{
1= cfkm" nfO{ ;Grf] gePsf] s/' f kl/jf/, ;fyL
/ lzIfsnfO{ atfpg
2= la/fdL kbf{ pkrf/ ug{ hfg] :jf:Yo
;:+ yfx¿sf] gfd atfpg
3= cfk"m la/fdL kbf{ kl/jf/, ;fyL /
lzIfssf] ;xof]u lng
cfˆgf j/k/sf 4= ;g{] /fu] x¿sf] gfd atfpg
hgfj/x¿ klxrfg ug{ 1= j/k/sf hgfj/x¿ klxrfg ug,{
ltgLx¿sf] vfgf lrGg
2= hgfj/x¿sf aRrf lrGg / ltgLx¿sf
gfd atfpg
cleefjssf] b:tvt M 3= hgfj/x¿sf] x/] rfxdf ;Sbf] ;xofu] ug{ pknlAw
4= cfkmgf] jl/kl/ /x]sf kzk' G5Lx¿sf] k|ltzt
lj|mofsnfksf] cjnf]sg u/L ltgsf]
clego ug{
lzIfssf] b:tvt / ldlt M
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M
oldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g yk ;xfotfkl5sf] dN" ofª\sg dN" ofªs\ gsf
;s]sf] ÷ g;ss] f] ldlt cªs\ g ;DefJo ;fwg
÷ ldlt cª\sg
cjnfs] g,
kl/ofh] gf sfo{
kl/of]hgf sfo
k|ZgfQ] /
k|ZgfQ] /
kZ| gfQ] /
kl/ofh] gf sfo{
d}lvs cleJolSt
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ j|md, @)&^
ljifoj:ts' f] Ifq] /lyd M xfd|f] ljBfno sIff M !
l;sfO pknlAw lj:t[tLs/0f /pknlAw ;r" s
ljifoj:t'sf] dV' o l;sfO pknlAw lgo
Ifq] /lyd 1= cfkmg\ f] ljBfnosf] gfd / 7]ufgf atfpg ;s]sf] ÷
2= cfkm\gf ;fyLx¿ / sIff lzIfssf] gfd g;ss] f]
xfdf| ] ljBfno ljBfnodf x'g] atfpg
ljm| ofsnfkdf ;xefuL 3= ljBfnodf ePsf ;/;fdfgx¿sf] gfd
3/, ljBfno / ;db' fodf 4= ljljw lbzfdf d9' femF} kN6g] cEof; ug{
36\g] b'36{ gf / k|sf]kkl| t 5= lzIfssf] lgb{z] gcg;' f/ prfO / nfdf]
;rt] /xg
6= z/L/ ttfpg] ;fdfGo s;/t ug{
7= kL=6L= tflnsf g+= ! b]lv # ;Ddsf
s;/tx¿ tfn ldnfP/ ug{
8= k|fsl[ ts j:t'x¿ 6f;F ]/ ;/n cfsl[ tx¿sf]
;+ofh] g ug{
1= km"naf/Lsf] tyf af6] la?jfx¿sf] x/] rfx
2= 3/ ljBfno, af6f]3f6f] / ;d'bfodf 36s] f
b3' {6gfaf6 ePsf] rf]6k6s atfpg
3= 3/, ljBfno / af6f]3f6fd] f xg' ] b3' {6gf /
ckl/lrt a]jfl/;] j:t'k|lt ;rt] /xg
lzIfssf] b:tvt M 4= j/k/ 36g\ ;Sg] k|sf]kk|lt ;hu /xg pknlAw
cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldlt M kl| tzt
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M
oldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g yk ;xfotfkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g d"Nofªs\ gsf
;DefJo ;fwg
÷ ldlt cªs\ g ;ss] f] ÷ g;ss] f] ldlt cª\sg
k|ZgfQ] /
kZ| gfQ] /
k|ZgfQ] /
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
kl/ofg] f sfo,{
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
kZ| gf]Q/
kZ| gfQ] /,
cjnfs] g,
df}lvs kT| ofjtg{ |
k|ZgfQ] /,
cjnfs] g,
dfl} vs k|Tofjtg{
ljifoj:t'sf] Ifq] /lyd M xfdf| ] j/k/sf hLjhGt' sIff M !
ljifoj:t'sf] dV' o l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:tt[ Ls/0f /pknlAw lgo
Ifq] /lyd ;"rs ;ss] f]÷
g;ss] f]
xfdf| ] j/k/sf ;lhj / lghL{j j:t'sf != ;hLj / lghLj{ j:tx' ¿ klxrfg ug{
hLjhGt' nIf0fx¿ klxrfg u/L
juL{s/0f ug{ @= ;hLj j:t'x¿ nIf0f atfpg
#= lghLj{ j:tx' ¿ nIf0f atfpg
j/k/sf lj?jfx¿ $= ;hLj / lghL{j j:t'df km/s 5'6\ofpg
klxrfg u/L juL{s/0f
ug{ 1= j/k/sf la?jfx¿ klxrfg ug{
2= 7'nf, d‰ofn} f / ;fgf la?jfx¿nfO{
jm| dzM ?v, a6' o\ fg / emf/kftdf
juLs{ /0f u/L ;fdfGo j0f{g ug{
3= ?v, a'6o\ fg / emf/kft 5'6o\ fpg
lzIfssf] b:tvt M 4= la?jfsf ljleGg efux¿ -h/f, 8fF7, pknlAw
kft, km"n / kmn_ klxrfg ug{ k|ltzt
cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldlt M
ljBfyLs{ f] gfd M yk ;xfotfkl5sf] d"Nofªs\ g d"Nofªs\ gsf
oldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g ;ss] f] ÷ g;s]sf] ldlt cªs\ g ;DefJo ;fwg
ldlt cª\sg k|ZgfQ] /,
kZ| gf]Q/,
kZ| gfQ] /,
kZ| gf]Q/,
kZ| gf]Q/,
kl/of]hgf sfo{
kl/ofh] gf sfo{,
cjnfs] g
kl/ofh] gf sfo{,
k|ZgfQ] /
kl/of]hgf sfo{,
k|ZgfQ] /,
cjnfs] g
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^
ljifoj:t'sf] If]q/lyd M xfd|f] jftfj/0f sIff M !
ljifoj:ts' f] dV' o l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:tt[ Ls/0f /pknlAw lgo
Ifq] /lyd ;r" s ;s]sf÷]
xfdf| ] jftfj/0f j/k/sf jftfj/0f
;/;kmfO ug{ /
Jojxf/df k|bzg{ ug{ 1= 3/df cfk\mgf] sf]7f ;/;kmfO ug{]
2= ljBfnosf] sIffsf]7f ;/;kmfO ug{]
3= :jR5 jftfj/0fk|lt ;r]t eO{ j/k/sf]
jftfj/0f ;kmf /fVg ;xof]u ug{
j/k/sf j:t' tyf 4= 3/ tyf ljBfnodf pTkGg x'g] kmf]xf/] nfO{
36gfsf] klxrfg ug{ tf]lsPsf] :yfgdf /fVg
1= j/k/sf j:t' tyf 36gf ;DaGwL
vfh] dn" s ;fwf/0f k|Zgx¿ ;fW] g
2= j/k/sf] k|fsl[ ts / dfgjlgldt{ j:tx' ¿
klxrfg ug{
3= cfkmg\ f j/k/sf j:t'nfO{ cfsf/, ;fOh,
lzIfssf] b:tvt M 4= cfkmg\ f j/k/sf j:tn' fO{ uGw, lr;f], pknlAw
tftf,] s8f, g/dnufotsf u'0fx¿sf kl| tzt
cfwf/df lrGg / 5'6\ofpg
cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldlt M
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\ojm| d, @)&^
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M
oldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofª\sg yk ;xfotfkl5sf] dN" ofª\sg dN" ofªs\ gsf
;DefJo ;fwg
ldlt cª\sg ;ss] f] ÷ g;s]sf] ldlt cª\sg
kl| tljm| of,
kZ| gf]Q/
cjnfs] g
kl/ofh] gf sfo,{
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
kZ| gf]Q/
kl/ofg] f sfo{
kl/of]gf sfo{,
k|ZgfQ] /
df}lvs tyf
cjnfs] g
ljifoj:t'sf] Ifq] /lyd M d]/f] l;h{gf sIff M !
ljifoj:t'sf] d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:t[tLs/0f /pknlAw lg
Ifq] /lyd ;r" s ;ss] f]÷
d/] f] l;h{gf ufog tyf gT[ oåf/f 1= ;g' s] f :yfgLo uLtx¿ ;d"xdf / PSn}
l;hg{ zLntf k:| t't ug{ ufpg
2= ;dx" df /fli6«o ufg tyf /fli6«o efjgfsf
uLt ufpg
3= ;d"xdf /fli6«o efjgfsf uLt ufpg
4= Psn jf ;dx" df tfnL ahfpg
5= afnuLt tyf sIffut uLtdf tfnL ahfpbF }
6= cfkm"n] l;ss] f uLtx¿ no, tfn / efj
ldnfO{ Psn gT[ o ug{
7= cfkm"n] l;ss] f uLtx¿ no, tfn / efj
ldnfO{ ;fd"lxs g[To ug{
lrq sf]/L /+u eg{ / 8= :yfgLo afhfx¿sf] gfd atfpg
df6f]af6 cfs[lt lgdf{0f 1= cfs[ltljxLg 5kfOsfo{ ug{
ug{ 2= df6f,] lk7f] cflbdf ljleGg cfs[ltsf j:t'n]
lyr]/ cfsf/ ks| f/ agfpg
3= :6l] G;n ljlwaf6 5kfO ug{
lzIfssf] b:tvt M 4= ;fdfGo lrqdf /ª nufpg pkn
cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldlt M kl| tz
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M
goldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g yk ;xfotfkl5sf] d"Nofªs\ g d"Nofª\sgsf
;DefJo ;fwg
÷ ldlt cª\sg ;ss] f] ÷ g;ss] f] ldlt cª\sg
sf] /l] 6ª :sn]
/l] 6ª :s]n
/l] 6ª :sn]
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
kZ| gfQ] /
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
cjnfs] g
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ jm| d, @)&^
ljifoj:t'sf] If]q/lyd M xfdf| ] ;:+ s[lt sIff M !
ljifoj:t'sf] d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:t[tLs/0f /pknlAw lgo
If]q/lyd ;r" s ;s]sf]÷
g;ss] f]
cfˆgf ;f+:s[lts 1= kl/jf/df dgfOg] rf8kj{sf] gfd gfd
lj|mofsnfkx¿;uF atfO{ kl/jf/df dgfOg] rf8kjd{ f vfOg]
kl/lrt x'g vfg]s/' fx¿sf] ;r" L tof/ ug]{
xfd|f] ;+:s[lt 2= 3/df ljleGg ;dodf ul/g]
lj|mofsnfkx¿ atfpg -h:t} M hGdlbg,
s'nk"hf, ljjfx, a|tjGw cflb_
3= cfˆgf ;d'bfosf ;+:sf/x¿ -bz}, ltxf/,
56, ljm| ;d;, Ob, ljleGg hfqf cflb_
sf] cj:yf emNsg] lrqdf /+u eg{
lzIfssf] b:tvt M 4= /fli6o« lrxg\ x¿sf] klxrfg ug{ pknlAw
cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldlt M kl| tzt
cfwf/et" tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\oj|md, @)&^
ljBfyLs{ f] gfd M
oldt k9fOkl5sf] d"Nofª\sg yk ;xfotfkl5sf] d"Nofªs\ g dN" ofª\sgsf
;DefJo ;fwg
ldlt cªs\ g ;s]sf] ÷ g;s]sf] ldlt cª\sg
lnlvt tyf
dfl} vs k|ZgfQ] /
dfl} vs
cjnfs] g
dfl} vs
ljifoj:t'sf] If]q/lyd M ;~rf/, kl| jlw / ahf/ sIff M !
ljifoj:t'sf] d'Vo l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:tt[ Ls/0f /pknlAw lg
If]q/lyd ;"rs ;ss] f]÷
;~rf/, k|ljlw / b}lgs hLjgdf ;+rf/sf 1= b}lgs hLjgdf k|ofu] x'g] ;~rf/sf
ahf/ ;fwgx¿sf] klxrfg / dfWodx¿sf] gfd atfpg
xf];Lof/ k"js{ ko| f]u ug{
2= cfkm\ gf] kl/jf/;Fu df}lvs ;~rf/ ug{
oftfoftsf ;fwg / 3= cfk\mgf] ;fyLx¿;Fu df}lvs ;~rf/ ug{
ahf/;Fu kl/lrt xg' 4= ;~rf/sf ;fwgx¿ k|ofu] ubf{
ckgfpg'kg{] ;'/Iffsf pkfox¿k|lt ;r]t
1= oftfoftsf dV' o ;fwgx¿sf] gfd
2= cfkm"n] k|ofu] ug]{ oftfoftsf ;fwgx¿
klxrfg ug{
3= cfkmg\ f] kl/jf/n] k|ofu] ug{] oftfoftsf
;fwgx¿ klxrfg ug{
4= kl/jf/sf ;b:ox¿n] ahf/df ahf/df
lsga]r ug{] ;fduL| x¿ klxrfg ug{
lzIfssf] b:tvt M cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldlt M pkn
kl| tz
ljBfyL{sf] gfd M
goldt k9fOkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g yk ;xfotfkl5sf] dN" ofªs\ g d"Nofª\sgsf
;DefJo ;fwg
÷ ldlt cªs\ g ;s]sf] ÷ g;ss] f] ldlt cª\sg
sf] kZ| gf]Q/
k|ltljm| of
cjnfs] g
kZ| gf]Q/
kZ| gfQ] /
kZ| gfQ] /,
kl| tljm| of
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7o\ j|md, @)&^
ljifoj:ts' f] If]q/lyd M xfdf| ] j/k/sf] ;+;f/ sIff M !
ljifoj:ts' f] dV' o l;sfO pknlAw l;sfO pknlAw lj:t[tLs/0f /pknlAw lgo
Ifq] /lyd ;r" s ;ss] f]÷
g;ss] f]
xfdf| ] j/k/sf] df;} dsf] cj:yf;Fu 1= ljleGg lsl;dsf df;} dsf] klxrfg ug{ /
;+;f/ j/k/sf] efu} f]lns ;fdfGo j0f{g ug{
:j?k;uF kl/lrt xg'
kl/lrt xg' 2= df};dcg's'n n'ufsf] 5gf6] ug{
3= cfkm\gf] 3/ jl/kl/sf] hldgsf] :j¿k
klxrfg ug{
b}lgs hLjgdf xfjf / 4= cfkm\gf] ljBfno jl/kl/sf] hldgsf]
kfgLsf] pkof]uLtf :j¿k klxrfg ug{
1= kfgLsf ;f| ]tx¿ / b}lgs hLjgdf logsf]
pkof]lutf atfpg
sfuh s6fO / 2= sfuhnfO{ :jtGq ?kdf sf6]/ gofF
/ª;DaGwL ;fwf/0f ko| f]u cfs[lt agfpg
3= ljleGg cfsf/x¿df /ª nufO{ /ª;DaGwL
;fwf/0f k|ofu] ug{
4= ljleGg agf6] x¿, a6' \6fx¿df /ª nufO{
/ª;DaGwL ;fwf/0f ko| f]u ug{
lzIfssf] b:tvt M cleefjssf] b:tvt / ldlt M pknlAw
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