1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The only thing you have to fear To be successful you must decide
is not giving 100%. exactly what you want to
- accomplish, and then resolve to
pay the price to get it.
- Bunker Hunt
A. F
There are no limitations to any Believe.. .and the
of our dreams. magic will follow.
- Gene Simmons
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 45
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Success is not where you are in 'I ~
life, but the obstacles you have
Life is an adventure! Live it while
overcome. you can. You can never have
- Booker T. Washington today again, tomorrow only comes
once, and yesterday is gone forev-
er. Make your choice wisely, then
live the adventure you create.
'% &I
Action may not bring happiness, Our intentions create our reality.
but there is no happiness
without action.
- William James - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 46
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
10 %- 40
We cannot always control what Some men have thousands of
goes on outside, but we can control reasons why they cannot do what
they want to; all they need is one
what goes on inside.
reason why they can.
goso usie u e a oto - Willis Whitney
W...e...... ....
'N'N =r===ha=t..r..-. 1% AV'
There are essentially two things If you realized how powerful your
that will make .u. s......w. ..is.er: the hbooks thoughts are, you would never
we read and the people we meet. think another negative thought.
-- Charles Jones - Peace Pilgrim
111%%, 0Ar1
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 47
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Experience tells you what to do. Everything you want is on the
Confidence allows you to do it. other side of fear.
- Stan Smith - Jack Canfield
If there is something to gain and If you consistently and
nothing to lose by asking, by all persistently do the things that
other successful people do, nothing
means ask! in the world can stop you from
being a big success also.
- W. Clement Stone
- Brian Tracy
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 48
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Your ability will grow to match I know of rto more encouraging
your dreams. fact than the unquestionable
- Jim Rohn ability of ma n to elevate his life by
con scious effort.
Ih . -I Henry David Thoreau
Ask yourself, "Am I now ready to Keep goingeg,for success lies just
make some changes." around the corner for those who
re fuse to quit.
- Jack Canfield
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 49
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Ask for the business...always! The majority of men meet with
failure because of their lack of per.
sistence in creating new plans to
take the place of those that fail.
b- - Na-poleon HillA
Things that matter most must Your income rarely exceeds your
never be at the mercy of things personal development.
that matter least.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Jim Rohn
'L -~ - ~-" , , "I 1
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 50
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
,fff YYoonu anrree tthhte- anrrechhiittie-vctt ooff vyoanurr oowwnne1rk Your habits will determine your
destiny; you are the master of your quality of life.
own fate; you are behind the steering
wheel of your life. There are no
limitations to what you can do, have, or
be. Accept the limitations you place on
yourself by your own thinking.
- Brian Tracy
A =====r'
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You must learn from your past It's so hard when contemplated in
mistakes, but not lean on your advance, and so easy when you
past successes. just do it.
- Robert M. Pirsig
-- Denis Waitley (about forming positive habits)
N'% 1111
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 51
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
All leaders are re aders. The individual who wants to
reach the top in business must
*Jim Rohn appreciate the mighty force of
habit and must understand that
=====.r practices are what create habits.
We must be quick to break those
======k old habits that break us and has-
ten to adopt those practices that
You can turn negnative will become the habits that will
consequences into posit ive rewards
help us achieve the success
simply by changin g your we desire.
habits now.
- J. Paul Getty'
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 52
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
If % -0-0
Somebody is always doing what The one thiing that separates the
somebody else said couldn't winners froam the losers, is, win-
be done.
ner~s take action.
- Anthony Robbins
If you have goals and Every welI-built house started
procrastination you have nothing. with a deffiinneeite plan in the form of
If you have goals and you take I)lueprints.
action, you will have anything
-NNapploeloeonn Hill (on setting goals)
you want.
- -Thomas JJ.. Vilord
Great Quotes f.r'roommGreat Minds Page 53
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Remember, if you want a different A brilliant idea without action is
result, do something different. like Mark McGwire playing
baseball without a bat.
- Jack Canfield
The life that is not examined is
not worth living.
- Socrates
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 54
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
. ......-..-.-
Develop the habit of changing One can dream of horizons bigger
your habits. than the imagination - how you go
about implementing those dreams
will be the key to your success.
Everyday is a gift, that is why it is -If %
called the present.
It is not what you say or hope,
wish or intend, but only what you
do that counts. Your choices tell
you unerringly who you really are.
A - Brian Tracy
Great Quotes from Great Minds
Page 55
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Happiness is not getting what you I'
want, but wanting what PI
you've got.
Man alone has the power to
transfer his thoughts into physical
reality; man alone can dream and
make his dreams come true.
- Napoleon Hill
0.. ff1
Success never comes to look for Commit yourself to life long
you while you wait around. learning. The most valuable asset
You've got to get up and work at you will ever have is your mind
it to make your dreams come true. and what you put into it.
- Poh Yu Khing - Brian Tracy
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 56
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
If I can dream, I can act and if I On the path to success always lies
can act, I can become. big O's. Some read them as
- Poh Yu Khing Obstacles, and others read them as
IIffm ====j'- ,
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Success is committing to give your There are no losers in losing, only
best no matter what the losers in not wanting to win.
- Jesus M. Trejo
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 57
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success I
PIa '
To the world you may be one A time comes when you need to
person, but to one person you stop waiting for the man you want
to become and start being the main
may be the world.
you want to be.
- Paulette Mitchell - Bruce Springsteen
.F ft
What have you done today to help A dream is not something that you
you reach your lifelong goals? wake up from, but
something that wakes you up.
- Brian Tracy - Charlie Hedges
I' It
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 58
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The only way to discover the limits If we always look back, we lose
of the possible is to go beyond sight of what's ahead.
them into the impossible.
- Justin Sims
- Arthur C. Clark
N- -
Believe you will be successful and You cannot have everything, but
you will. you can try.
- Dale Carnegie Page 59
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
00- You can never dream too big, but
you can think too little.
Success is measured in terms of reach-
ing your goals, dreams, and
expectations. Your success is
determined by hard work,
persistence, and determination. If you
are going to be a success in life it's all up
to you... .it's your responsibility.
Will Horton~
If you can dream it and you want The toughest part of working up
it bad enough, then the the ladder is fighting through the
reality will become real.
crowd at the bottom.
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 60
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
J ff V
A man has two names: the one he If at first you don't succeed, dust
is born with and the one that he yourself off and try again.
makes for himself.
- Aaliyah (song lyrics)
% ====Ir -%
Sometimes a winner is just a You are what you repeatedly do.
dreamer that never gave up. Excellence is not an event -
it is a habit.
Ommmmma - Aristotle
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Page 61
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Success comes from having dreams I'd rather attempt to do great
that are bigger than your fears. things and blow it, than succeed at
meaningless things and just get by.
- Terry Litwiller
I feel the most important
Hope doesn't guarantee anything requirement to success is learning
- hard work does. to overcome failure. You must
learn to tolerate it, but never
accept it.
- Reggie Jackson
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 62
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Spectacular achievement is Some things have to be believed
always preceded by painstaking to be seen.
- Roger Staubach - Ralph Hodgson
Man is not the creature of
circumstances; circumstances are rN
the creatures of man. I am not discouraged, because
every wrong attempt discarded is
another step forward.
- Benjamin Disraeli - Thomas Edison
Is ,
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 63
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Ofk f The secret of suce
learning how to use pain and
We will either find a way or pleasure instead of having pain
make one.
- Hannibal and pleasure use you. If you do
that, you are in control of your
life. If you don't, life controls you.
- Anthony Robbins
.f OfF
Money itself won't bring Things do not change -
happiness, but it sure makes we change.
paying the bills easier.
- Thomas J. Vilord - Henry David Thoreau
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 64
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Ask and you will receive, seek and Nothing happens unless first a
you will find, knock and the door dream.
will be opened to you. - Carl Sandberg
- Matthew 7:7
Take a risk - jump out of your Don't let self-doubt hold you
comfort zone! back!
k JI- .............................. ."
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 65
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
O i' mk
Overcome fear by taking action! Successful people in this world are
those who get up and look for
circumstances they want. If you
can't find them, then make them.
- George Bernard Shaw
Enthusiasm creates action. Where there is no vision,
people perish.
ts, - Proverbs 29:18 |
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 66
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Habit is either the best of servants Hold yourself to a higher
or the worst of masters. standard than anybody else
- Nathaniel Emmons expects of you.
A-= - Henry Ward Beecher
We lift ourselves by our thoughts. Imagination is more important
We climb upon our vision of than knowledge.
- Orison Swett Marden - Albert Einstein
A ==.1.rth .
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 67
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
I think, therefore I am. The price of excellence is disci-
pline. The cost of mediocrity is
- Rene Descartes
- William W. Ward
If we did all of the things we are Wealth is the product of a man's
capable of doing, we would ability to think.
literally astound ourselves.
- Thomas A. Edison - Ayn Rand
I, Page 68
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Every man is an impossibility Only those who have learned the
until he is born. power of sincere and selfless con-
tribution will ever experience life's
~- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Evrm a imp deepest joy; true fulfillment.
- Anthony Robbins
I ... "r
The history of the world is the his-
tory of a few men who had faith in
themselves. That faith calls out Success is having your best day
the divinity within. You can do everyday.
- Swami Vivekananda
1% BI
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 69
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The only difference between A powerful combination to ensure
success and failure is the ability success is having the vision of an
to take action. eagle and the heart of a lion.
- Alexander Grahm Bell
4' The average person puts about Em 'I
25% of his energy and ability into his
work. The world takes its hat off to Fear begins to melt away when
you begin to take action on a goal
those who put more than 50% of their
capacity into their work, and the world you really want.
stands on its head for those few and far
between souls who devote 100%.
- Andrew Carnegie - Robert G. Allen
I- F
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 70
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success V
Action must be taken at once! The greater the obstacle, the more
There is no time to be lost. glory in achieving it.
- Miguel Hidalgo - Moliere
.-- 'A ===.I
Ideas shape the course of history. To move the world, we must first
move ourselves.
- John Keynes % - Socrates
Great Quotes fromi Great Minds a QPage 71
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
It takes time to be a success, but Where are you going? What are
time is all it takes. you doing today to get there?
We must never be afraid to go too You see things and say "Why?"
far, for success lies just beyond. but I dream of things that never
were and say "Why not?"
- Marcel Proust - George Bernard Shaw
Great Quotes from Great Mhids Page 72
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
They can because they People are not lazy; they just have
think they can. impotent goals, that is, goals that
do not inspire them.
- Virgil - Anthony Robbins
'I p
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ff V
Nothing is possible if you think it
is impossible. Nothing is
impossible if you think it is Winning starts with beginning.
possible. Think positive and work
hard, and ANYTHING is possible.
- Thomas J. Vilord Page 73
A F/Ar
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
0, I&
Anything that enlarges the sphere If you do what you've always
of human powers and shows man done, you'll get what you've
he can do what he thought he always
could not do is valuable. gotten.
- Ben Johnson
'% AF
That which is achieved the most, Man is not the sum of what he
still has the whole of it's future has, but the totality of what he
yet to be achieved. does not yet have and what he
might have.
- Lao Tsu - Jean Paul Sartre
IGreat Quotes from Great Minds .... r
Page 74
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The great end of life is not Have a dream so BIG that you
knowledge, but action. cannot achieve it until you grow
into the person who can.
- Thomas Henry Huxley M==2==ff
,J- - - - - - - - - %I-
Success is neither a high jump nor If opportunity doesn't knock,
build a door.
a long jump; it is the steps of a
ammmmoff Page 75
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
mf I,
Take up one idea and act on it. If you have failed, do not worry.
Make that one idea your life. Think You have just cut the way to
of it, dream of it, and live on that success.
idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves,
and every part of your body be full of
that idea and leave all other ideas
alone. This is the way to success.
Failure is never as scary Successful people do what
as regret. unsuccessful people dare not to.
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 76
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Anything you vividly imagine, Without a goal, discipline is
ardently desire, sincerely believe, nothing but self-punishment.
and enthusiastically act upon must
come to reality.
.- F ~F
It is not enough to have Never let a day pass that will
knowledge; one must apply it. It is make you say, "I will do better
not enough to have wishes; one tomorrow".
must also accomplish it.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 77
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Become a possibilitarian. No matter The word can't is not in the
how dark things seem to be or successful man's vocabulary.
actually are, raise your sights and see
the possibilities - always see them, for
they are always there.
- Norman Vincent Peale &
Real success is not having things, I haven't failed; I have just found
but having victory over yourself. 10,000 ways that didn't work.
a - Thomas A. Edison
Great Quotes from Great Minds
Page 78
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Failure doesn't mean that we are Tomorrow is now.
off the track to success. It merely
- Elanor Roosevelt
forces us to take a detour to -k
bo '
I =.= a,
If your life is free of failures, you The secret to success is to be
are not taking enough risks. ready when opportunity comes.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 79
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Do extraordinary things; don't Exceed expectations. We are not
just dream them. driven to do extraordinary things,
but to do ordinary things
extraordinarily well.
- Bishop Gore
N- ffI
Practice is just as valuable as a Show me someone who has done
sale. The sale will make you a something worthwhile, and I'll
living; the skill will make you a
show you someone who has
fortune. overcome adversity.
- Jim Rohn - Lou Holtz
-N .. I,
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 80
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Success is peace of mind, which j
;a direct result of self-satisfaction
The world makes way for a man
in knowing that you did your who knows where he is going.
best to become the best you are - Ralph Waldo Emerson
capable of becoming.
- John Wooden
k Ar
Our limitations and success You may have a fresh start at any
will be based most often on our moment you choose, for this thing
own expectations for ourselves.
we call "failure" is not falling
What the mind dwells upon, down, but staying down.
the body acts upon. - Mary Pickford
- Thomas Dewar
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 81
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
We must walk consciously only Step by step. I can't think of any
part way toward our goal, and other way of accomplishing
then leap into the dark to
our success. - Michael Jordan
- Henry David Thoreau
-ff %,
Plan your work for today and The only limit of our realization of
everyday, and then work on your tomorrow will be our doubts
of today.
plan today and everyday.
- Norman Vincent Peale - Franklin D. Roosevelt
AA. = Ir
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 82
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The pessimist sees difficulty in
every opportunity; an optimist
sees the opportunity in
every difficulty.
- Winston Churchill
-P The viactory of success ishalf won
when one gains the habit of setting goals
and achieving them. Even the most
High expectations are the key to tedious chore will become endurable as
everything. you parade through each day convinced
that every task, no matter how menial or
boring, brings you closer to achieving
- Sam Walton h your dreams.
'I Aik - no Mandinn d
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 83
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The only place success comes It takes the hammer of persistence
before work is in the dictionary. to drive the nail of success.
- Donald Kendall - John Mason
I la WNI
.%-~~ hr 1'
Entrepreneurs are simply those
who understand that there is little
It is not the mountain we difference between obstacle and
conquer, but ourselves. opportunity, and are able to turn
both to their advantage.
- Sir Edmund Hillary - - Victor Kiam
A---- A
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 84
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
The quality of a person's life is in He who stops being better,
direct proportion to their commit- stops being good.
ment to excellence, regardless of
their chosen field of endeavor.
- Vince Lombardi - Oliver Cromwell
_V 10
Once you learn to quit it It is what you learn after you
becomes a habit. know it all that counts.
- John Wooden
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 85
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
If what you did yesterday seems He who asks a question is a fool
big, you haven't done anything for five minutes. He who does not
today. ask a question is a fool forever.
- Lou Holtz
Every great and commanding O-#
movement in the annals of the It is the constant and determined
world is the triumph of enthusi- effort that breaks down resistance
asm. Nothing great was ever and sweeps away all obstacles.
achieved without it.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson - Claude M. Bristol
'L ...........,.._-, . 11111. 1,11lr
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 86
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Every failure is a step to success. Commit yourself to a- dream.-
Nobody who tries to do something
great, but fails, is a total failure.
Why? Because he can always be
assured that he succeeded in life's
most important battle; he defeated
the battle of not trying.
6- Robert H. Schullera
Always do your best. What you Ap
plant now, you will harvest later.
Predetermine the objectives that
you want to accomplish. Think
big, act big, and set out to
accomplish big results!
- Og Mandino - Mark Victor Hansen
I -.. . ...............
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 87
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Courage is not the absence of fear, If I'm~
but rather the judgment that
In reading the lives of great men,
something else is more important I found that the first victory they
than one's fear.
- Ambrose Redmoon won were over themselves...
self-discipline with all of them
came first.
- Harry S. Truman
M -c ff
The men who succeed are the The difference between the impos-
efficient few. They are the few sible and the possible lies in a
who have the ambition and will man's determination.
power to develop themselves.
- Tommy Lasorda
- Herbert N. Casson
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 88
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Most of our obstacles would
melt away if, instead of cowering Obstacles are those frightful
things you see when you take
before them, we should make up
your eyes off you goal.
our minds to walk boldly
- Henry Ford
through them.
- Orison Swett Marden
A -t ====Id"
The rfight is won or lost far away
from witnesses - behind the lines, The man who says it cannot be
in the gym, and out there on the done should not interrupt the
road, long before I dance under man doing it.
those lights.
-- Muhammed Ali - Chinese Proverb
1A1% 10414
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 89
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Failure is good. It is fertilizer. Victory belongs to the most
Everything I have learned about persevering.
coaching, I have learned from
- Napoleon Bonaparte
making mistakes.
- Rick Petino
-I O ,
The ultimate measure of a man is
not where he stands in moments The person who goes the farthest
of comfort and convenience, but is generally the one who is willing
where he stands at times of to do and dare. The "sure thing"
challenges and controversy. boat never gets offshore.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Dale Carnegie
4, \ .. . . . ...
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 90
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
If you can dream it, you can do it. In each of us there are places we
have never gone. Only by pressing
the limits do you ever find them.
ft> - Walt Disney - Dr. Joyce Brothers
---- -
Man is so made that when Picture in your mind a sense of
anything fires his goal, personal destiny!
impossibilities vanish!
- Jean De La Fountaine Page 91
Ns -
Great Quotes from Great Minds
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
Twe,nty years from no 4A
be more disappointed by the things
you didn't do, then by the things you A dream is just a dream. A goal is
did do. So throw off the bowlines! a dream with a plan and a
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails. - Harvey Mackay
Explore, dream, and discover. '% = ==='I
-Mark Twain
Enthusiasm finds the It is good to dream, but it is better
opportunities, and energy makes to dream and work. Faith is
mighty, but faith with action is
the most of them.
mightier. Desiring is helpful, but
-Henry Hoskins desire and work is invincible.
- Thomas Robert Gaines
1' 11 I,
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 92
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
pM People become really quite
remarkable when they start
Many people dream of success. thinking that they can do things.
To me success can only be When they believe in themselves
achieved through repeated they have the first secret of success.
failure and introspection.
- Soichiro Honda - Norman Vincent Peale
A' a'=.
Df N
Real leaders are ordinary people The future belongs to those who
with extraordinary determination. believe in their dreams.
Great Quotes from Greet Minds Page 93
1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
We do not know who we are until Continuous effort! not strength or
we see what we can do. intelligence, is the key to unlocking
your potential.
- Martha Grimes - Winston Churchill
Your dreams come true when you Life without risk is not
act to turn them into realities. worth living.
- Charles Lindbergh
'I' ft
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 94