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Published by eddylia83, 2020-11-28 16:44:21




1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Take heed: you do not find Failing to plan is planning
what you do not seek. to fail.

- English Proverb - Effie Jones


Once a man has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest
strength in the world behind him. It's something we call heart power.
Once a man has made this commitment, nothing will stop him
short of success.
- Vince Lombardi

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 195

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step and if that
is of no avail, I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a

time is not too difficult. I know that small attempts repeated will

complete any undertaking.

-- Og Mandino
-1 1F

Many a man has finally succeeded Youth is not enough. Love is not
only because he has failed after enough. Success is not enough.
repeated efforts. If he had never And if we could ever achieve it,
met defeat, he would never have enough would not be enough.
known any great victory.
- Mignon McLaughlin
- Orison Swett Marden PI

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 196

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Courage changes things for the better. With courage, you can stay with
something long enough to succeed at it, realizing that it usually takes
two, three, or four times as long to succeed as you thought or hoped.

- Earl Nightingale


The intelligent man is one who There are no secrets to success.

has successfully fulfilled many It is the result of preparation,

accomplishments, and is still hard work, and learning from

willing to learn more. failure.

- Ed Parker

- Colin Powell

\-I,. 4,

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 197

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Nothing great will ever be You can do what you want to do,
achieved without great men, and and sometimes you can do it even
better than you thought you could.
men are only great if they are
determined to be so.

- Charles de Gaulle - Jimmy Carter

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The price of success is hard work,

A failure establishes only this: dedicated to the job at hand, and

that our determination to succeed the determination that whether we

was not strong enough. win or lose, we have applied the

best of ourselves to the task

- John Christian Boves at hand.
- Vi'lneo 1 "T~hamsrfliX'
bl a,
IA =I,= 4

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 198

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

J- Never mind what others do; do
better than yourself, beat your
If you want to be successful, it's own record each and everyday,
just this simple: know what you
are doing, love what you are doing, and you are a success.
and believe in what you are doing.

- Will Rogers - William Boetcker

I ==.I'

' If vail havp nathina TP.P In -
- A., Uu Beg, W Abut.....;, W.oW He

do, look at yourself and see if there

There is scarcely an instance of a isn't something close at hand that
man who has made a fortune by
you can improve. It may make
speculation, and kept it.
you wealthy, although it is more

likely it will make you happy.

- Andrew Carnegie -% -- --- Ao--- tAiz- AI me X

if "%,"JL V,, lvx"Imxx VV "

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 199

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

. ......-...-...

People rarely succeed unless they Success is never wondering what
have fun in what they are doing. if...

- Dale Carnegie - Karrie Huffman

't All of our dreams can come true
if we have the courage to
The greatest thing about a man is pursue them.
his ability to transcend himself, his

environment, and to be what
he dreams of being.

K1 - Tully C. Knoles - Walt Disney

ii, Page 200

Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

00K "I can't do it" never accomplished
anything; "I will try" has
It is a fabulous country, the only performed miracles.
fabulous country; it is the only
place where miracles not only - George P. Burnham
happen, but they happen all of the


- Thomas Wolf

The great accomplishments of 10 V
man have resulted from the
transmission of ideas, into Throughout the centuries there
have been men who took the first
enthusiasm, into actions. steps down new roads armed with

nothing but their own vision.

- Thomas J. Watson - Ayn Rand
Great Quotes from Great Minds

Page 201

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Start by doing what is necessary, Don't limit yourself. Many people
then what is possible, and limit themselves to what they think
suddenly you are doing the they can do. You can go as far as
- Francis of Assisi your mind lets you. What you
believe, you can achieve!
The only thing ever achieved in - Mary Kay Ash
life without effort is failure.
-m F

There are two ways of meeting
difficulties: you can alter the
difficulties, or you can alter
yourself to meet the difficulties.

- Phyllis Bottoms

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 202

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Believe in yourself! Have faith in Remove failure as an option.
your abilities! Without a humble,
but reasonable confidence in your - Joan Lunden

own powers, you cannot be N
successful or happy.
- Norman Vincent Peale


Far better is it to dare mighty things to win glorious triumphs, even
though checkered with failure, than to make rank with those poor
spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in

the gray twilight that knows not victory or defeat.
- Theodore Roosevelt

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Men succeed when they realize There isn't a person anywhere
that their failures are the that isn't capable of doing more

preparation for their victories. than he thinks he can.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson - Henry Ford

'1 1

Never stand begging for To succeed it is necessary to
something that you have the accept the world as it is and

power to earn. rise above it.

- Miguel de Cervantes - Michael Korda
\ At
Page 204
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The individual activity of one Pr
man with a backbone will do
more than a thousand men Failure is just an opportunity
to begin again.. .this time more
with a mere wish bone.

- William Boetcke

What would you attempt if you If you are not going to think big,
knew you could not fail? don't bother thinking at all.

- Anthony Robbins - Thomas J. Vilord

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

There is real magic in enthusiasm. In the end, the size of a man's
It spells the difference between accomplishments can best be
mediocrity and accomplishment. measured by the size of their



A mediocre idea that generates A man can succeed at almost
enthusiasm will go farther than a anything for which he has
unlimited enthusiasm.
great idea that inspires no one.

- Mary Kay Ashe - Charles Schwab

'I if Ii

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 206

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


A man's dreams are an index to Nothing is hopeless; we must hope
his greatness. for everything.

- Zadok Rabinowitz - Madeline L'Engle

When you come to the edge of What we must decide is how we
all that you know, you must are valuable, rather than how
believe on one of two things:
there will be earth upon which to valuable we are.
stand, or you will be given
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
wings to fly.

M-- Page 207

Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


You can often measure a man The uncommon man is merely
by the size of his dreams. the common man thinking and
dreaming of success in larger
- Robert H. Schuller
terms and in more
fruitful areas.
- Melvin Powers

-IIf===% ... r

The poorest man in the world The recipe of success is to study
is not a man without a cent while others are sleeping, work
to his name, but it's the man while others are loafing, prepare
who does not have a dream. while others are playing, and
dream while others are wishing.

- William A. Ward

A ...

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 208

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Success consists of getting up just To have more than you've got,
one more time than you fall. become more than you are.

- Oliver Goldsmith - Jim Rohn
v-F F

0= . -- -

- I stIill say that I am a little

different because success to me is

not having the most money, or The future is purchased by
what you do in the
having the biggest car or the present.

biggest house. Success is

just being happy.

- Herschel Walker

'% Ar

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 209

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Success is doing what you want The only way to excellence is
to do, when you want, to consistently improve yourself

with whomever you want, every single day.
as much as you want.
- Thomas J. Vilord
- Anthony Robbins

Enthusiasm is the vital element I want to seize fate by the throat.
toward the individual success of

every man or woman.

- Conrad Hilton - Ludwig van Beethoven


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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The very essence of leadership The successful man will
is having vision. profit from his mistakes and
try again in a different way.

- Father Theodore Hesburg - Dale Carnegie


Pfrtf Some of mv fondest memoriesI%
-.- ..- ..... ---.

in sports were a result of failure,

Success comes to those who injuries, setbacks, and mistakes. I

make it happen, not those who learned far more about myself and

let it happen. gained more character in those

difficult times than I ever did when

success came early.

11 ID#- lArAProt]-

I -I

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 211

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

In the marathon of life, success r
calls for dedication to the goal,
perseverance, compassion for my Wherever you see a successful
fellow man, and faith in God. business, someone once made

courageous decision.

- John A. Kelley. - Peter Drucker
1% AT-


Courage is daring to take the The currents that determine
first step, or a different path. our dreams and shape our lives,

It is the decision to place your flow from the attitudes that
dreams above your fears. we nurture everyday.

Great Quotes from Great Minds I,

Page 212

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

ftmm "

Happiness, wealth, and success Triumph is just a little
are the byproducts of goal setting; "umph" added to try.

they cannot be the goals

- Denis Waitley

This is the beginning of a new The happiness of your life
day. You have been given this depends on the quality
of your thoughts.
day to use as you will. You can
waste it, or use it for good.

What you do today is important

because you are exchanging a
day of your life for it.

.. .

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 213

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Its kind of fun to do the 'I
Put your goals in writing.
- Walt Disney If you can't put it on a sheet of
paper, you probably can't do

what it takes to achieve
the goal.

-A- 'I

Failure is the path of least Hard work is the yeast that
PERSISTENCE. raises the dough.

la tb Ir

% C20091MOMM Page 214

Great Quotes from G' Minds a s

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Goals are like the stars: If you want your dreams
they are always there. to come true,
Adversity is like the clouds:
they are temporary and will don't oversleep.
move on. Keep your eyes

on the stars.


ff %,

Our lives are not determined by what

happens to us, but how we react to what

God's retirement plan is happens; not what life brings to us, but
out of this world. the attitude that we bring to life. A posi-

tive attitude causes a chain reaction of

positive thoughts, events and outcomes.

It is a catalyst... a spark that creates

jmrtroirfinorv rvuutc i


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 215

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Past failures are guideposts We cannot change yesterday, we
for future success. can only make the most of today

by F and look with hope toward

A positive attitude is a powerful The one who lacks the courage to
force.. .it can't be stopped. start has already finished.

AGreat Quotes from Great Minds Page 216

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

We are what and where we are The highest courage is to dare
because we have first imagined it. to be yourself in the face of

- Donald Curtis adversity. Choosing right over
wrong, ethics over convenience,
and truth over popularity.
A quitter never wins and These are the choices that
a winner never quits. measure your life. Travel the

path of integrity without
looking back, for there will
never be a wrong time to do

the right thing.

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 217

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The reward for work well done is IThere are two ways to live your
the opportunity to do more. life. One is believing that nothing
is a miracle, and the other is
believing that everything is a


of Most of us are just as happy as we
make up our minds to be.
If you aren't fired up with
enthusiasm, you'll be fired with


- Abraham Lincoln

Now An-F

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 218

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

11 V'4t 0,-

The darkest hour of any man's life It takes a single idea and a single
is when he sits down to plan how action to move the world.
to get money without earning it.

0IIff 00, - Horace Greeley


You can do it if you put A leader's job is to look into the
your mind to it. future and see the organization not

as it is, but as it can become.

CUMM==09 Page 219

Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Our life is what our thoughts make Happiness doesn't depend on what
it. Do the best that we have, but it does depend on

you can, where you are, how we feel toward what we have.
with what you have. We can be happy with little and
miserable with much.
- Marcus Aurelius - William Dempster Hoard

Attitude is a little tiiing that A bump in the road is either
makes a big differrence. an obstacle to be fought, or an
opportunity to be enjoyed...

it's all up to you.

Id (

Great Quotes from Great Minds Pave 220


1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Great customer service is still Our destiny is shaped by our
the best way to beat the pants thoughts and our actions. We
cannot direct the wind, but we
off the competition.
can adjust the sails.

Off O-u--t o- f rsnpet of t--hing-.s-, I

- -.

was never destined to do, I have

Success is the person who year learned that my strengths are a

after year, reaches the highest result of my weaknesses, my suc-

limits in his field. cess is due to my failures, and my

style is directly related to my

- Sparky Anderson limitations.
- RilIv InpI a

L~~ .... -if

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 221

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The most absurd and reckless You must think of failure and
aspirations have sometimes led to defeat as the spring boards to new
achievements, and to the next level
extraordinary success.
of accomplishment.

- Les Brown

Even a mistake may turn out to be Cherish your visions and your
the one thing necessary to a dreams, as they are the children of
worthwhile achievement.
your soul, and the blueprints of
your ultimate achievements.

- Henry Ford - Napoleon Hill
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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


So many or our dreams at first

seem impossible, then they seem

Hope is not a dream, but a way of improbable, and then, when we
making dreams become reality.
summon the will, they soon
- Cardinal Sueneus
become inevitable.

bn - Christopher Reeve I


America is the greatest country in the world. You can be anything you

want to be within the laws of God and man. You can make your dreams

come true if you work hard, stay fo,ccuusseedd on your goal, and give back to

the community supports you.

-- R. David Thomas
% 441I
Page 223
GGrreeaatt Quotes ffrroomm GGrreeaatt MMiinnddss Page 223

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

04, I Action, to be effective, must be
directed to clearly conceived ends.
Dreams do come true if we only
wish hard enough. You can have
anything in life if you will sacrifice

everything else for it.

- Sir James M. Barrie - J. Nehru

The moment of enlightenment is Don't let failure get you down.
when a person's dreams of Babe Ruth struck out 1,300 times.

possibilities become images of

- Vic Bruden - Lou Holtz

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 224

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

When defeat comes, accept it as a or
signal that your plans are not
sound. Rebuild those plans and You can do what you what
set sail once more toward your to do, accomplish what you
coveted goal. want to accomplish, attain
- Napoleon Hill any reasonable objective you
may have in mind, not all of a
Ideas are the beginning of all sudden, perhaps not in one swift
achievement. and sweeping act of achievement,
but you can do it gradually, day
by day, and play by play, if you
want to do it, if you work to

do it, over a sufficiently
long period of time.

- Bruce Lee - William E. Holler


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 225

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success
I, ...--..-.I. 'V A'f

Success has always been easy to May your future be worthy of
Emeasure. It's the distance between your dreams.

one's origins and one's final - Barbara Bush
- Michael Korda 5A


I have had dreams and I have had nightmares.
I overcame my nightmares because of
my dreams.

- Jonas Salk

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 226

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

I have learned that we cannot forgget or throw away our past, but we
must not let our past to control us e4ither. We must learn and grow from

our past failures, disappointmaeennttss,, and painful experiences.
Reset our goals and priorities anad move forward. Start today by

untying the knots that are limiting you.
-_TTyy Howard

If noNelivvet rou u J Never LyiveUD. If yvoomuu7wmwamannmttmtotmoX
PIl -- - **- I

be something, be conceited about it.

made. And they are made just like Give yourself a chance. Never say

anything else - through hard work. that you are not good for that will

and that is the price we'll have to never get you anywhere. Set high

pay to achieve any goal. goals. That is what life is all about.
- Vince Lomnbardi - Mike McLaren%

_r I

a1% &II

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 227

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


Success is the progressive Let me tell you the secret that has
realization of predetermined, led me to my goal: my strength lies
worthwhile, personal goals.
solely in my tenacity.

- Paul Meyer - Louis Pasteur

- '%

Discipline is the bridge between p ==='A
goals and accomplishment.
Happiness is not in the mere
possession of money. It lies in
the joy of achievement and in

the thrill of creative effort.

- Jim Rohn - Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 228

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The goal of every married couple Think little goals and expect little
achievements. Think big goals and
indeed and every Christian home
should be to make Christ the head, win big success.

the Counselor, and the Guide. - David Joseph Schwartz

he gaofeey marred oupl -N .. Jl-

- Paul Sadler

''NN N -.----- .J"


When we are motivated by goals

Dream no small dreams, for that have deep meaning, by

they have no power to stir dreams that need completion, by

the souls of men. pure love that needs expressing, it

is then when we truly live.

-- Victor Hugo - Greg Anderson

"'%I%, 0R1I .1
Ia Page 229

Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Every great work, every great accomplishment, has been brought
into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often comes
apparent and temporary failure and discouragement just before the

big achievement.
- Florence Scovel Shinn

~I All -uivv~P-.fWu ni-n 2n#I The man who gives up
A-I w- ---- ,J - "-.- a11 accomplishes nothing and is only a
hindrance. The man who does not
women are big dreamers. They
F0imagine what their future could give up can move mountains.

e, ideal in every respect, and then - Ernest Hello
they work everyday toward their
distant vision, goal, and purpose! tbX.X B'!A

- Brian Tracy

O If

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 230

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The achievement of your goal is PI" . Nothing s-t--o---ps-t a----m- an-' who v 1q
assured the moment you commit
desires to achieve. Every obstacle
yourself to it! is simply a course to develop his

- Mark R. Douglas achievement muscles. It's a
strengthening of his powers

toward accomplishment.
- Eric Butterworth

th Id


Great things are completed by talented people who believe
they will accomplish them.

- Warren G. Bennis

Great Ouotes from Great Minds Page 231

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The reason most people never reach their goals is because they do not
define them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable.
Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along

the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.
- Denis Waitley

ff Therip iq no fin&er. .Pn in 'i Onn
egI lif-e at_ha-n-_trh--at which comaes wi--t-h.. ..

victory over one's self. Go for- If you want to reach a goal,
you must see yourself reaching it
ward to a goal of inward
in your own mind before you
achievement, brushing aside actually arrive at your goal.

all of your old internal enemies

as you advance.

IN, - Vash Young

_N ==.j-i

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 232

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

5 You can have anything you N Optimism is essential to achieve-
want if you want it badly enough. ment and it is also the foundation
You can be anything you want to
of courage and true progress.
be, do anything you set out to
accomplish if you hold to that - Lloyd Alexander
desire with singleness of purpose.

- William Adams

. . .. .

For a man to achieve all that is He who labors diligently
demanded of him, he must regard need never despair, for all
things are accomplished by
himself as greater than he is.
diligence and labor.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Menander

1% a, Page 233

Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


Lord, grant that I might always The game of life is to come up a
desire more than I can accomplish. winner, to be a success, and to
achieve what you set out to do.

- Michelangelo - Richard Nixon

04, -I,

If you want to be successful,

find someone who has achieved To achieve the impossible, it is

the results you want, and copy precisely the unthinkable that

what they do, and you'll achieve must be thought.

similar results.

- Anthony Robbins - Tom Robbins

IN, 4

if 'I

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 234

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Iff V& There are two things to aim at
in life: first, to get what you
Every achiever that I have ever want and second is to enjoy it.
met says, "My life turned around Only the wisest of mankind
when I began to believe in me."
achieve the second.
- Robert H. Schuller - Logan Pearsall Smith


off Success iks aancpchhhieipevevean

maintained by those who tryy,, and

keep trying, for there is nothing to The roots of true achievement lie

lose by trying and a great deal to in the will to become the best that

gain if successful. By all means you can become.

TRY! Do it NOW!!! - Harold Taylor

- W. Clement Stone .... r
-,% *IF41 'N
Page 235
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Use failures as stepping-stones to 'If
deeper understanding and greater
Outstanding leaders go out of
achievement. their way to boost the self-esteem

%4 of their personnel. If people
believe in themselves, it is amazing
F %,
at what they can accomplish.
If you can imagine it, you can
achieve it; if you can dream it, IN. - Sam Walton,

you can become it. IJ ===Mlr

- William Arthur Ward =====IL

One can choose to go back toward

safety or forward toward growth.

Growth must be chosen again and

again; fear must be overcome

again and again.

Ml - Abraham Maslow

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 236

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The real risk is doing nothing. Your current situation is
no indication of your
ultimate potential!

- Denis Waitley - Anthony Robbins
A ===.=Jr
What a man thinks of himself
j =====% is what determines, or rather
indicates his fate.
What you can do, or dream you
can, begin it. Boldness has genius,

power, and magic in it.

- Johann Wolfgang von Gooeetthhee - Henry David Thoreau
I-1S%I A6"41

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 237

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


If we don't change, we don't No life ever grows great until
grow. If we don't grow, we aren't it is focused, dedicated,
and disciplined.
really living.

- Gail Sheehy - Henry Emerson Forsdick

04'7 In adversity keep motivated,
Dream pass into the reality of because often the best results come

action. From this action comes the from difficulties.

dream again, and this produces

the highest form of living.

- Anais Nin


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 238

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

......-... I.-...-

It's always too soon to quit. First thing every morning before
you arise out of bed, say out loud

three times "I believe I can."

E-A I.

Offf =====%, - a =.%

The belief that becomes truth forr

me... is that which allows me the Never use the word "impossible".
best use of my strength, the best

means of putting my virtues into Throw it into the verbal waste

action. bucket.

- Andre Gide

I1-10% A*v4-1 Page 239
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

When you expect the best, you Our real problem is not our
release a force in your mind that strength today; it is rather the
tends to bring out the best in you. vital necessity of action today to
ensure our strength tomorrow.

- Calvin Coolidge

If you think you can win, you can Time is our most valuable asset,
win. Faith is necessary for victory. yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and

spend it rather than invest it.

- William Hazlitt - Jim Rohn

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 240

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


Set too many goals and keep Success is directly proportional
adding more goals. Goals have a to effort.
tendency to be realized all at once.

- Mark Victor Hansen

1% , ==.J" . ..

Nothing is so contagious as Opportunities are multiplied
enthusiasm; it is the genius as they are seized.
of sincerity, and the truth

nothing without it.

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 241

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

W ff I..'-._...


There are risks and costs to a

Plan to succeed or arou have plan of action, but they are far
planned to fa il. less than the long-term risks

and costs of comfortable


Dreams come true ifor those There are those who see an
who work while they opportunity, and those who
SEIZE an opportunity.

Great Quotes from Great Minds Pa2e 242

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The future belongs to those When facing a difficult task,
who see possibilities before act as if you cannot fail.

they become obvious.

Great people are created by great Motivation is what gets you
mistakes that are learned from, started; habit is what keeps
not from great successes that are
you going.
gloated upon.

- Elmer Clark b, - Jim Ryun

- 1% /4

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 243

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


Those who want to succeed will It's amazing what ordinary people
find a way; those who don't will can do if they set out with
preconceived notions.
find an excuse.

- Leo Aguila - Charles F. Kettering

... -- ..... ----- - OfF
No matter how small,
-ff %-
If you mess up and learn nothing, acknowledge the achievement.
it's a mistake. If you mess up and

learn something, it's an

- - Mark McFadden- - Greg Henry Quinn

A -, Great Quotes from Great Minds

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