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Published by eddylia83, 2020-11-28 16:44:21




1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


I believe that the road to Today is the best preparation for
pre-eminent success in any line of what tomorrow may bring.
work is to make yourself master of
that line of work.
- Andrew Carnegie The first step is to fill your life
with positive faith that will help
If Carnegi you through anything. The second
step is to start where you are.
0I4,f mmmmmk
- Norman Vincent Peale
Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success. If
you love what you are doing, you

will be successful.
- Herman Cain

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Page 145
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Tomorrow's life is too late Success depends upon our
- live today. previous preparations, and
without such preparations there is
- Martial
sure to be failure.

- Confucius

Look to today. Procrastination The law of culture is to let each of
is the art of keeping up with us become all that we are capable

yesterday. of becoming.

- Don Marquis

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


Achievement comes when you Live life with a fire that can never
decide to live your be extinguished.



In order to succeed you must fail Stumbling is not the same as
so you know what to do better falling.
the next time.

- Anthony D'Angelo - Portuguese Proverb

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 147

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


If you believe you can, then you Tomorrow belongs to those who
will. Have confidence in your have vision today!
abilities, and then follow through
with them.



If you can command yourself, you It may seem that those who do
can command the world. the most, dream the most.

- Chinese Proverb - Stephen Leacock

N----- F
Page 148
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Accomplishment, like life, will We each build our own future.
prove to be a journey, not a We are the architects of our own

destination. fortune.

- Appius Caecus

.- .... . ... ..

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The greatest discovery is that a A wise man makes more
human being can alter his life by opportunities than he finds.
altering his attitudes of his mind.

1'%1% -- William James th'. - Francis Bacon
Great Quotes from Great Minds 4

Page 149

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

0*# Assert your right to make a few
mistakes and learn from them.
The major reason for setting a
goal is for what it makes of you to Mistakes are the lessons of
accomplish it. What it makes of wisdom.
you will always be the far greater

value than what you get.
- Jim Rohn

~ ~r .. ... .

Climb high, climb far, your goal Success is all in the mind.
the sky, your aim the stars.

"a %I, Page 150
Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

As a rule, he or she that has the P.r -P-l.-e--ase -.d. o-n-'t-- naga Jy--o- urself S't
most information will have the with thoughts of failure. Don't set

greatest success in life. goals far beyond your capacity
to achieve. Simply do what you
- Benjamin Disraeli can do, in the best way that you
know how and the Lord will
accept your effort.

- Gordon B. Hinkley g
'% -If

Make a success of living by seeing Small opportunities are often the
the goal and aiming at it beginning of great enterprises.

- Cecil B. DeMille - Demosthenes

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Great Quotes from Great Minds
Page 151

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

To achieve, you must believe Live everyday fully as if it were
something and want something your last.
with all your might. Then you
-~ - BuddhaA
must be willing to commit
yourself to a course. Ii
I =pI

Above all, life should be fun. Women will never be as successful
as men because they do not have

wives to advise them.

Great Quotes from Great Minds - Dick Van Dyke


Page 152

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


I like the dreams of the future Nothing will come of nothing;
better than the history of the past. we must dare mighty things.

- Thomas Jefferson - William Shakespeare

Every strike brings me closer to -I,
the next home run.
ff====I V


The key to happiness is having
dreams. The key to success is
making your dreams come true.

- Babe Ruth .... r
Page 153
Great Quotes from'NGreat Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Success is a state of mind. If you History has demonstrated that
want success, start thinking of the most notable winners usually

yourself as a success! encountered heart-breaking
- Dr. Joyce Brothers obstacles before they triumphed.
They won because they refused to
Go confidently in the direction become discouraged by their defeat.
of your dreams. Live the life
-B.. ores
you've imagined.

If anyone else can do it, or make
it in life, so can I.

- Henry David Thoreau - Thomas J. Vilord
A...... ... ...Ai.f..
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 154

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

It is not enough to have a good Vj `
mind; the important thing is You can't hit a home run unless

to use it well. you step up to the plate. You can't
- Rene Descartes catch a fish if you don't put your
line in the water. You can't reach
your goals if you don't try.

-- - Kathy Seligman'A


There is one quality that one

must possess to win, and that Go as far as you can see,

is definiteness of purpose, the and when you get there you

knowledge of what one wants, will see further.

and a burning desire to possess it.

- Napoleon Hill - Orison Swett Marden

'% 1% &AO, I I

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 155

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success MMMMMN,

Do not let the future be held No one knows what he can do
hostage by the past. until he tries.

- Neal A. Maxwell - Publilius Syrus
v% a

j mmmmmm

If one advances confidently in

the direction of his own dreams You can't hit a target you cannot
and endeavors to live the life see and you cannot see a target

that he has imagined, he will meet you do not have.
with a success unexpected

in common hours. - Zig Ziglar

I - Henr~v~D~a~v.1id Thoreau 1,.


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 156

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Each problem hasi Success is willing to do what the
opportunity so powerful that it average person is not willing to do.
literally dwarfs the problem.
The greatest success stories were
created by people who recognized

a problem and turned it into
an opportunity.

It is the man who is waiting for What am I willing to sacrifice to
his ship to come in that is always become what I want to become?

missing the boat.

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


If there is any one axiom that I have tried to live up to in attempting to
become successful in business, it is the fact that I have tried to surround
myself with associates that know more about business than I do. This

policy has always been very successful and is still working for me.
- Monte L. Bean

/1 MM0m

The state of your life is nothing Always look at what you have left
more than a reflection of your and what is left to come. Never

state of mind. look at what you have lost.

- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer -I - Robert H. Schuller
F if

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 158

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


If you believe you can, you Minds are like parachutes - they
probably can. If you believe you only function when open.
won't, you most assuredly won't.
Belief is the ignition switch that - Thomas Dewar
gets you off the launching pad.

- Denis Waitley

-/ AA ggrreaat aatttittuddee ddoees mucch \. Jm

more than turn on the lights in

our worlds; it seems to magically

connect us to all sorts of Happiness is not by chance,
serendipitous opportunities that but by choice.

were somehow absent before

we changed. - Jim Rohn
-1% -- Eraal rlI N1,41iggliuhligfaliunp-gales oh 1


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 159

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Live with passion. Keep on trying.. .each failure is
one step closer to a success.

- Anthony Robbins - Thomas J. Vilord
-- -
I never expect to lose. Even when A'
I am the underdog, I still prepare
a victory speech.
Attitude determines altitude.

- H. Jackson Browne Page 160


Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

ff If vou chance .q..-n- vt--h--iniI1 2nT-

O tJE-- .......,.-.... .. .
the way you approach selling, the

thing that would make the biggest Success is not final and failure is
not fatal. It is the courage to
difference would be your attitude - continue that counts.

your attitude toward your customer, - Winston Churchill

your service, the benefits of your

products, your employer,

and yourself.
-s OKB- - van BDre-AntdnDu.r-sn. tm

For a righteous man falls seven The horizon is out there
times and rises again. somewhere if you just keep
looking for it, chasing it, and

working for it.

- Proverbs 24:16 - Bob Dole

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

What counts is not necessarily the The most important thing is to
size of the dog in the fight, but the know that you can do it.

size of the fight in the dog. - Robert G. Allen

- General Dwight Eisenhower

The more you prospect, the more ff Before success comes in anyv
you prosper.
man's life, he is sure to meet with
- Steve Johnson much temporary defeat, and perhaps
a-- some failures. When defeat overtakes a
man, the easiest and most logical thing

to do is to quit. That is what the
majority of men do. That is why the

majority is just ordinary.

i~1 - N.lp-r-- -iII

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 162

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

If you are truly flexible and go
until...there is very little you can't

accomplish in your lifetime.

- Anthony Robbins

01 How long should you try?
The ultimate is not to win, but to
reach within the depths of your
capabilities and become the best

you can possibly be.

- Thomas J. Vilord b

1R QPage 163

Great Quotes from Great Minds a

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

It is the man's dreams and his I don't dream at night, I dream
inspiring attempt to make them all day; I dream for a living.
come true that remain important.

- Francis Ford Coppola - Steven Spielberg
1% p-

Vision without action is merely a W10I
dream. Action without vision just
We should show our lives not as it
passes time. Vision with action is or how it ought to be, but only
can change the world.
as we see it in our dreams.

- Joel Barker - Count Leo Tolstoy


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 164

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

ff / %\%- Unless you have tried to do
Throw back the shoulders, let the something beyond what you have

heart sing, let the eyes flash, let already mastered, you will
never grow.
the mind be lifted up, look
- Ronald E. Osborn
upward and say to yourself,
1% 0r
"Nothing is impossible!!!"

- Norman Vincent Peale

-% 0F-/

#-v 0A,

The real secret to success is To change one's life we must
enthusiasm. start immediately and do it
flamboyantly. No exceptions.

- Walter Chrysler - William James

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Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Beware when God lets loose a -I2v
thinker on this planet.
Forget past mistakes and forget

failures. Forget everything

except what you are going

to do now and do it.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson - William Durant

It is our attitude at the end of a ====.A
difficult task, which more than
V10 V
anything else, will affect its
successful outcome. o

We cannot become what we want
to be by remaining what we are.

- William James - Max Depree

L~-- , '"' I,

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 166

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

ff Dllpevvpellonpn annn aattttiititmudriep noff 'k Success as I see it is a result,
gratitude, and give thanks for not a goal.

everything that happens to you, - Gustave Flaubert
knowing that every step forward is

a step toward achieving something
bigger and better than your
current situation.
- Brian Tracy


If you want to know your past,

A great pleasure in life is doing look into your present conditions.

what people say you cannot do. If you want to know your future,

look into your present actions.

-- Walter Gagehot

1-1%%, fJAwO- I,

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 167

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

' I have missed more than 9.000o II

Jr - -- -- -- - ----- I,
shots in my career. I have lost

almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I I am not telling you that achieving
success is going to be easy, I am
have been entrusted to take the game telling you that it's going to be
worth it!
winning shot...and I missed. I have h - - Art Williams

failed over and over and over again

in my life and that's precisely why

I succeed.

I succehed . I A-- A


-. f

The greatest mistake you

A person is led on the path that he can make in your life is to be
truly wants to travel on. continually fearing that you

will make one.

- The Talmud - Elbert Hubbard


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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

You are today where your The trouble with many plans is
thoughts have brought you; you that they are based on the way
things are now. To be successful,
will be tomorrow where your your personal plan must focus on
thoughts take you. what you want, not what you have.
- James Allen
- Nido Qubein
It takes time to succeed because ff '

success is merely the natural -.
reward of taking time to do
Life is either a daring adventure,
anything well. or nothing at all.

- Joseph Ross - Helen Keller

'I 'N Page 169

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


For with God all things are Nothing can add more power to
possible. your life than concentrating all of

- Mark 10:27 your energies on a limited
set of targets.
L~~ .......... . . ... ........... - Nido Qubein

ah la



A man is a success if he gets up in There is only one success - to be
the morning and goes to bed at able to spend your life in your own
night, and in between does what
way that you want.
he wants to do.
- Bob Dylan - Christopher Morley

'I 11 1

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

You can change all things for the Aim for success, not perfection.
better when you change yourself Never give up your right to be
wrong, because then you will lose
for the better. your ability to learn new things
and move forward in your life.
- Jim Rohn
- Dr. David M. Burns


J ti A successful individual

typically sets his next goal

Men are born to succeed, somewhat, but not too much above

not fail. his last achievement. In this way

he steadily raises his level of

- Henry David Thoreau aspiration.

- Kurt Lewin

s Xa

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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Whenever I hear it can't be done, You always pass failure on the
I know I am close to success. way to success.

- Michael Flatley - Mickey Rooney
-I, ===.

J Formiulnt and stqmn vt

indelibly on your mind a mental A minute of success pays for
picture of yourself as succeeding. years of failure.
Hold this picture tenaciously and
never permit it to fade. Your mind
will seek to develop this picture!

- Norman Vincent Peale - Robert Browning

4 I,

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 172

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Success is to go from one failure To achieve great things, we must
to another with no loss of dream as well as act.
- Anatole France
- Winston Churchill -F

Those who dream by day are There is nothing like a dream to
cognizant of many things that create the future. Utopia today,
escape those who dream only
flesh and blood tomorrow.
by night.

- Edgar Allen Poe - Victor Hugo

lb Page 173

Great Quotes from Great Minds

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Your talent is God's gift to you. Don't go through life,
What you do with it is your gift GROW through life.

back to God.

- Leo Buscaglia - Eric Butterworth
.- .


I have heard it said that the first Vision is the art of seeing things

ingredient of success, the earliest that are not yet visible.

spark in the dreaming youth is

this: dream a great dream.

- Jonathan Swift


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1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

You must do the things you I have had enough success for two
think you cannot do. lifetimes. My success is talent put
- Elanor Roosevelt together with hard work and luck.

... L - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

ou% mt i

Enthusiasm is contagious If at first you don't succeed, you
- start an epidemic. are running about average.

Great Quotes from Great Minds - M.H. Alderson


Page 175

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

The most successful men in the

Most success springs from an end are those whose success is the

obstacle or failure. result of steady accretion. It is the

man who carefully advances step

- Scott Adams by step, with his mind becoming

wider and wider, and progressively

better able to grasp any theme

A desire to be in charge of our or situation - persevering in what
he knows to be practical, and

own lives, and a need for control is concentrating his thought upon it.
born in each of us. It is essential This is the man who is bound to
succeed in the greatest degree.
to our mental health, and our

success, that we take control.

lh~ - Robert F. Bennett'a Ad - Alexander Graham Bell

M 'a


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 176

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


One must have strategies to The difference between success
execute dreams. and mediocrity is all in the way

you think.

The truth is that all of us can Nature gave us two ends: one to
attain the greatest success and sit on and one to think with. Ever
happiness possible in this life since then, man's success or failure

whenever we use our native has been dependent on the one
capacities to its greatest extent. he used most.
- Robert Albert Bloch.
- Smiley Blanton

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 177

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success - ..-. 1-1-1-
V If7

You are neveir too old to set Never let your failures go to
another goal or to dream a your heart or your successes

new d[ream. go to your head.

- Les Brown

The first and mo,st important step Studies indicate that the one quality
toward success is the feeling that all successful people have is persistence.

we can! succeed. They are willing to spend more time
accomplishing a task and to persevere in ti
- Nelson Boswell face of many difficult odds. There is a ver y

positive relationship between people's
ability to accomplish any task and the tim

they are willing to spend on it.
o- Dr. Joyce Brothers


Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 178

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

It takes twenty years to make Nobody succeeds beyond his or
an overnight success. her wildest expectations unless he

- Eddie Cantor or she begins with some wild
- Ralph Charell

- -- L
A,fft TThhpe gcrrrepantt csmuvcrcPe-.sQsff1uWl mmpenn oaff %\ ,
A' If I had permitted myv
the world have used their failures, or what seemed to me at
imagination. They think ahead
and create their mental picture in the time a lack of success, to
all its details and steadily building discourage me, I cannot see any
way in which I would have ever
upon it.
- Robert J. Collier made progress.
- Calvin Coolidge

1% N ArO,

Great Quotes fruem Great Minds Page 179

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success MMMMMMV

I don't know the key to success, Failure is instructive. The person
but the key to failure is trying to who really thinks, learns just as
much from his failures as he does
please everybody.
from his successes.
- Bill Cosby - John Dewey


The secret to success in life is To succeed you need to find
for a man to be ready for his something to hold onto, something
opportunity when it comes.
to motivate you, and something
- Benjamin Disraeli to inspire you.
- Tony Dorsett

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 180

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

f#f To drearmn anyvthingq yvnonu want VN 1111
to dream, that is the beauty of the
human mind. To do anything that or
you want to do, that is the strength
of the human will. To trust yourself Persistentt people begin their
success where others end
to test your limits, that is the in failure.
courage to succeed.
- Edward Eggleston
II -- ""UUII 111111aall UU

The greewwTest happiness is to
One sound idea is all that you trraannssftitorm your feelings
need to achieve success. iiiiinto actions.

- Napoleon Hill 1111 - Madame de Stael

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 181

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Working hard overcomes a whole lot of other obstacles. You can have
unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, and you can have
opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true,

enduring characteristic of successful people.
- Marsha Evans


It is only as we develop others There is no point at which you can
that we permanently succeed. say, "Well I am successful now,
I might as well relax".

- Harvey Samuel Firestone '1% - Carrie Fisher
% &I
Great Quotes from Great Minds
Page 182

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Coming together is the beginning. AV 1
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success. Champions know that success is
inevitable, that there is no such
- Henry Ford thing as failure, only feedback.
They know that the best way to
forecast the future is to create it.

- Michael J. Gelb


Success gravitates to those who

Losers visualize the penalties of are perceived to be successful.

failure; winners visualize the Regardless of how you feel

rewards of success. within, you must emanate success

if you want to be a success.

- William S. Gilbert I ...-



Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 183

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Patience, persistence, and Success isn't magic or hocus-pocus
perspiration make an unbeatable - its simply learning how to focus.

combination for success.

- Napoleon Hill - Jack Canfield


Of course we all have our limits, but how can you possibly find your
boundaries unless you explore as far and as wide as you possibly can? I
would rather fail at an attempt at something new and unchartered, than

safely succeed in a repeat of something I have already done.

Great Quotes from Great Minds - A.E. Hotchner

Page 184

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

A man achieves according to It is the man who has done
what he believes. nothing that says nothing can be


If you have talent and you work The man who believes he can do
long and hard at it, anything in the it is probably right, and so is
the man who says he can't.
world can be yours.

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 185

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


An optimist expects his dreams to The secret of success is this: there
come true. A pessimist expects his is no secret to success.

nightmares to come true.

b~ - Elbert Hubbard

The road to success is always There is plenty of room at the top,
under construction. but there is no room to sit down.

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 186

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

A successful man is one who earns The secret of success is to never
more than his wife can spend; a let down and never let up.

successful woman is one who
marries such a man.

Mi - .-.. .. - -- . .

None of the secrets of success Our belief at the beginning of a
will work unless you do. doubtful undertaking is the one
thing that assures the successful

outcome of any venture.
- William James

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 187

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Success comes in can's. IBehind every successful man
Failures come in cant's.
I stands a surprised mother-in-law.

- Hubert H. Humphrey

%& I rN v

7 The men who try to do something
and fail are infinitely better than
There are no speed limits on thte those who do nothing and succeed.
road to success.

- David W. Johns()n - Lloyd Jones

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 188

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

oIff CChhnarrnacetteprr ceannnnnoatt hbiep I\k

developed in ease and quiet.

Only through experience, trial,

and suffering can the soul be Champions believe in themselves,
even if no one else does.
strengthened, vision cleared,

ambition inspired, and t.&4
-%OInNIv-trusgufcxceeiisnnseceatic--slhXHXie..%%ev11l11eo11dp.. e.d

OIf JIV At _

Get a good idea and stay with it. An inventor fails 999 times and,
Dog it, and stay with it until it's and if he succeeds once, he's
0 , done right.
victorious. He treats his failures
as practice shots.

IN - Walt Disney - Charles Franklin Kettering

1% P1I0 ====I,

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 189

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success


You've got to say, "I think that if Intelligence without ambition is
I keep working at this and want like a bird without wings.
it badly enough, I can have it."
- C. Archie Danielson
It's called perseverance.
- Lee Iacocca

00 Vff %
Yes, risk taking is inherently
failure-prone. Otherwise it would I wasn't afraid to fail. Something
good always comes out of failure.
be called sure-thing taking.

- Tim McMahon - Anne Baxter

Great Quotes from Great Minds 4.,

Page 190

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Just like a turtle, we only make Learn something new every
progress if we stick our neck out. single day. You will never get

old if you do.

- James Bryant Conant - Lois Bey

The desire of knowledge, like the AA =...r
thirst of riches, increases ever with
AV %,
the acquisition of it. Great minds have purposes, others

have wishes. Little minds are
tamed and subdued by misfortune,
but great minds rise above them.

- Laurence Sterne - Washington Irving

IGreat Quotes from Great Minds =..=.r
Page 191

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Of It

Those who are quite satisfied sit The one thing worse than a
still and do nothing; those who are quitter is the person who is

not quite satisfied are the sole afraid to begin.
benefactors of the world.

- Walter Savage Landor

-,% AV'

=..... -- %

There is no great success We make a living by what we
without great commitment. get, but we make a life by
what we give.

- Winston Churchill

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 192

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

Doing your best is more O#
important than being the best. The difference between a
successful person and the others

is not a lack of strength and
not a lack of knowledge, but

a lack of will.
- Vince Lombardi


Between each down and setting An obstacle may be either
sun, set aside some time for fun. a stepping-stone or
a stumbling block.

Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 193

1001 Motivational Quotes For Success

A' A'v

Give me a lever long enough, and What we do today, right now,
a prop strong enough and I can will have an accumulated effect
single-handedly move the world.
on all of our tomorrows.

- Archimedes - Alexandra Stoddard

ks -
A'- S

Wisdom is knowing what to do Our imagination is the only
next; virtue is doing it. limit to what we can hope to

have in the future.

'A - Charles Kettering
I, 1'
Great Quotes from Great Minds Page 194

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