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Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1978-1979 school year.

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Published by Omaha South High Alumni Association, 2020-12-07 22:10:10


Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1978-1979 school year.

Spanish Club

•• •

The Spanish Club co nsists of
22 pa rt i cipat ing stu dent s th is
year. In order to pa rtic ipate in
Spanish Club you must first be
enrolled in a Spanish class. Fund
rais in g th is yea r i nc lud ed t he
selling of Packer but to ns, the
profit of w hich w ill be used for
Ho no r Soci ety ini ti ati c;ms and
t ickets to the National Folkloric
Ballet from Mexico Ci ty.

Honor Society members are
those students w ho have main-
tai ned o ne grad e average for
four straight semesters.

Pictu red above are (I l o r): Judy Stoysich, Marybeth Redwi ne
(sec.) Lola Becerra (treas.) Maggie Falcon (vice) Vicki Sedla-
cek (pres.), Dee D ee Dailey, A lfredo Vera, Ronald Smith,
Kevin Rosemann (Also p ictured are award w inning Pinatas:
Owl by M i cha le Frede ri c kso n , and Tucan Sam by A nn
Nohava, M ichelle Alva rez, Dee D ee Dailey.)

Sponsor M rs. Joanne Sokalsky.

Al left are (I lo r) Mic-

helle Alvarez, Shari
Bily, Socorro Carrera,
Leah Smi th, Felicia
Graybiel, Lori Radden,

Lola Becerra, Linda
Boro, Gina Freeman,
Krista l ong, Sam Rabi-
ola, Jerry Priebe, Dee


Activities - 45







LI e


Pictured below are the sophomore members of science club.
They are (first row, 1-r) K. Petroski, C. Stopak, C. Longo, L. Gar-

field, L. Golesia, J. Wilson, C. Nosal; second row; J. Nisti, D.
Och, D. Trouba, G. Tuttle, K. Davis, S. Sorenson, L. Heinz, J.
Macrander, J. Stoysich, A. Benton.

46- Activities

The Science Club is a very active club and one of
the largest at South High with 93 members. The
club deals mainly w ith nature projects and out-
door studies.

The number one goal of the year is their trip.
Throughout the year they work very hard selling
gifts to help in the funding of their trip. This year
their trip is to the Grand Canyon.
Officers of the 1978-79 science club are Stan Rosin-
ski, president; Brian Fricke, vice-president; Donna
Jacobson, secretary; Lori Radden, treasurer. The
club is sponsored by Mr. Dan Zanders.

Students enrolled in the club pay a fifty cent fee
at the beginning of the schoo l year. Students who
enroll must also have taken a class in science at

Pictured at left are the senior members of science club. First
row (1-r) ,S. Rosinski (president), B. Fricke (vice-president), L.
Radden (treasurer); second row, M. Redwine, Janet McConnell,
Marg Pedersen, B. O'Donnell, M. Hazuka, A. Nohava, J. Stoy-

sich, J. Buckley, L. H einz; third row, R. Christiansen, R. Smits, D.

Macrander, R. Montelongo, K. Schult z, C. Buller, M. Nistl, and
D. Lett.
Pict~red below left are junior science club members. They are
first row (1-r) T. Redden, S. Reynolds; second row, K. Roseman,
P. Craig, and M. Ducharme.
Mr. Zanders, below, helps a student .

Activities - 47

ROTC. • •

The South High R.O.T.C. unit is in its 37t h year at South. This yea r many o ld traditi o ns as well as new
habits were practiced in the R.O.T.C. area sof rooms 135 and 136.

South High cadets have participat ed in such th ings as Orienting, Co lumbus and Flo rence Day
Parades, Homecomi ng activities, M ilitary Ball, Fort Riley Orientation trip, a flag raising ceremo ny at
Metro Tech South campus, and vario us courtesy patrols and colo r guard s at sporting events.

This year the first annual senior cadet o fficers fa rew ell dinner w as hosted by th is year's outgo ing
Battalion Commander Tony Rabio la. The dinner was held al the O ffut Air Fo rce Base Officers Club
and included as guests Dr. Leonard E. Hanson, Colonel Carl E. Erw in, M ajor Haro ld E. Hornbeck, Ser-
geant Jerry 0. Watson, and their w ives. The ceremo ny was highlighted by the announcement o f next
year's commander and staff.

Pictured at right are the Batta lion
Staff (1-r) Glenn Waldon, Penny
Snodgrass, Lee Roark and Sam Rabi-
ola. (Not pictured) is Beth Conkling.

Pictured at right are the Drill Team
(1-r) David Ferdon, Larry Rolfson,
Tho~as Roe hr, Ken Voud rey, Sam
Rab1ola, Karen Voudrey, Margaret
Hunt, Lee Roark, and Penny Snod-

48 - Activities

Pictured at the right are the Color
Guard (1-r) of Commander Thomas
Roehr, Glenn Wa ldon, Nelea Burrnn

A Company is pictured above: They are Commander Thomas Roehr, Michael Grabowsky,
John Fast, Marlin Widdershoven, Ed Nemetz, Pau l Costello, James Wright, Steve Brasel,
Mark Shukis, and Theresa McBeck.

Pictured above is Tony Rabiola
B Company is pictured al lefl : Com·
m ander Larry Rol fson, Kari Han se n,
Margaret Hunt. Della Braymen, Sharon
Fundaun , Mi c h ae l Pe tri e, Thort on
Grosse. Kenneth Voudrey.

Activities - 49

Math Club • • •

Math club consists of a group of students who
are interested in developing additional skills in
math. Many are interested in attending college
after graduation from high school and majoring in
some field of mathematics.

The club, which meets once or twice a week, is
composed of 15 members. Mr. Richard Wohlfarth
is the sponsor.

Mr. Wohlfarth, right,

explains a problem.

Pictured at right are the off icers
of the 1978-79 math club. They
are To n y Rabi ola, president ,
(seated) and (1-r) Jim McAullife
treasurer; Brenda Kaula , sec re-
tary; and Steve Kaspar, vice-pres-
Pictured below are the 1978-79
math club members: first row (I -
r) Stan Rosinski, John Cisar, Sieve
Kaspar; second row, Don Jami -
son, Ri c hard Christian se n ,
Brenda Kaula; third row, Ro n
Smits, Tony Rabiola, and Jim


Library League

1978-79 Library League I a

group of s\udent who provide

mo t of their free time m help-
ing Mr Alice T:hof)'lpson in
keeping the Sou h H1gh-- L1brary

1n order. They help keep track
of all checked out books, 'put-

ting them in alphabe.tical ortJer
and f11mg any information l)er-
tammg to the library

The Student of the Library l ~agut .ir~~a;
P1 tured at lefl front to back
0 CQnnor. Th~re a Cl h Michelle
lamb, Debbie Koperski V1 k1 Sedlacek

Auto Body. • •

Mr. Pistone makes a point Ri <rh Miller relaxes
to his auto body students. w~ile sanding a Ford
pi k up.
'."tr. Petrini sneaks up
Mechanics to inspect the work of
his students.
Mr. Stansel lectures first
year studen ts.

'~..... ..'

Drafting . • •

Mr. Pribramsky offers some helpful hints to
Randy Flock regarding his drafting work.

Dale Koupsky sneaks a q uick peek at the cam-
era during a drafting class.

Pr.inti ng . • •

Printing class is a busy place before a deadline. Mr. McDonald gives some help to Bob Janousek
in printing class.

Activities - 53

Electricity. • • I II\IiiIllIll;

Mr. Bernardi below, prepares 10 work on a T.V.

Larry Garcia, Mr. Mandi, and Malthew Wolf o bserve an elec-
tricity project.

Machine Shop


Bozo Straley works ir. machine shop.

Mr. Ruecker and Jerry Bogatz make project plans.

54-Activjties._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Wood • • •

Mr. Kratzke explains th e situ a tion to
o ne of South High's wood stude nt s.

Mr. Cummings discusses a pro jec t in wood class.

Metals • • •

Tim Siedlik, Mr. Massey, and Gl e nn
Wees work o n a mac hine in me ta l class.

Mr. Massey and stude nts inspect work
res ults.

Activities - 55

Varsity Cheerleaders . • •

The varsity cheerleading squad was composed of eight members and two
mascots. Miss Ginger Riffel sponsored the squad.

Senior Connie Dubas was the cheerlead ing captain. She sa id, " I have enjoyed
my years of cheerleading a~ South and the girls I worked with were all good
ch eerl ead ers."

The girls performed at all South High athletic event s during the school year
and helped general~ support for the different Packer squads.

The girls organized car washes at different times during the year to pay the
cost of attending camp in Missouri.




Th e J.V. c h eer l eade rs
bega n p repari ng for the 1978-
79 season last summer. Girls
w ho tri ed o ut in May and
mad e t he t ea m att e nd ed
ca mp in M i ssouri . Eac h o f
South's cheerl eading sq uads
earned a spirit st ick in this
competit ion.

Ca p ta in M i c h ell e Mi ll er
sa id, "As cap tain , I w as
pleased wi th the devoti o n
and hard work shown by the
gi rls."

Pictured at right are the J.V. cheer-
leaders: first row ( 1-r): Michell e
M i ller, Barb LaFerla, Dee Ze leny;
standing, Gina Freeman, Patt i Clark,
Betty Siciunas,


Reserve Cheerleaders . • •

This year's reserve cheerlead-
ing sq uad was composed of six
sophomore girls.

Th e girls, all of whom
attended nea rby junior highs
last year, tried-out in the sping
of 1978 for positions on the

Thi s yea r's reserve capta in
Merri McCaig said, " It has been
alot of work, but along with the
work there have been alot of
good memories."

The sq uad is sponsored by
Miss Ginger Riffel.

Pictured at left c1re the Reserve Cheer-
leaders: bottom row (1-r): Lisa Mascar-
ello, Merri McCaig, and Karen Duffy.
second row: Ju dy Bartunek, Debbie
Laferla. top, Chris Bolt.

Girls warm-up
before the start of a
reserve football



Pomperets are a group
of girls who help uphold
the spirit of South High.
They perform at every
home game. Cathy Bolgar,
the captain, is the only

Miss Judy Schneider has
been the pomperets spon-
sor for eight years now.
She helps greatly in
upholding the high spirit
of the girls.

The 1978-79 Po mperets are: f irst row (I-r) : ). Masloski,

S. Morrow, P. Dilly, M . Balaban, D . Trouba, M . Freder-

icksen, W . N ist I. second row (I -r) : S. Malzahn, W . Har-
less, D. Simo nea u, ). Svacina, M s. Schne ider, C. Bo l-
gar, ). Stoysich , C. Cisar, C. Fox.


Majorettes . • •

This year's majorettes worked harder due to the
fact that there were only two majorettes.

Captain Kellie Karnes said, "We have worked
hard this year to make our routines look good. We
put in a lot of hours practicing and learning new

Although Donna Fiarkoski enjoyed her first year,
the season proved to be a year of learning and

They performed at home games during half time
while football and basketball seasons were in

The sponsor this year was Mr. "Red" Travis.

leit, and
wer(' the

61 .

Fal I Play . • •

The fall play "Pure as the Driven Snow"
was presented at South o n November 3-4.
Directed by Mr. Douglas Young, the play was
a melodrama dealing with allempts by the
villain, Martin Frothingham to disrupt the
happy life of Purity Dean, the heroine.
Cast Members and their roles included: S.
Foley as Purity; P. Cody as Logan; R. Baesler as

Longfellow; J. Cisar as Frothingham; J. Barrett .

as Mrs. Hewlilt; B. Barrell as Allison Hewlelt; .
T. Glismann as Imogene Pickens; T. Roehr as
Mr. Pickens; T. Yousling as Mr. Lunn; L. Har-
vat as Mrs. Hogue; P. Snodgrass as Lelly Bar-
ber; and M . Pedersen as Nellie Morris. The
Student Director Stage Manager was Chris
Riza; the Assistant Stage Manager was Jim

Oockwise from top right:
Thad Yousling dresses for the
performance; Julie Barrett,
Terry Glismann, and Mary
Pedersen rehearse some lines;
students check the board on
opening night; Karen Holubar
applies make up.

62 ·

The Christmas Vespers were presented by the department of vocal music and Mr. Roland Hinrichs. They presented
" Music and the Spoken W o rd" on Sun·day, December 1(?, at 3:00 p.m. in the South High auditorium. All Choirs and
soloist s participated in the Vespers. A choir o f 250 ?lumn, ':"as added to the p rogram. Classes from 1955 to 1978 came
to celebrate Mr. Ro land Hinrichs' 25 years of teaching music at South High. There was a feeling among the observers
that th,s was one of the best Christmas Vespers E:ver pu~ on by South Hi gh students. This was one event in the 25 years
Mr. Roland H inrichs has been at South that he will cherish forever . . . "


Ambassadors .. •

Ambassadors are the diplomats of
South High School. They are a group of
young students who carry along the fine
reputation of the music department and
of South High.

They spend a lot of long hard hours
each day in learning new songs for the
performances they put on. They are stu-
dents who care a lot about music and
they respect Mr. Roland Hinrichs as one
of the best music teachers in all music
departments in the city.

Pictured top right are :he Ambassadors: first row
(1-r): Tony Trout, Julie Barrett, Judy Burns, Tony
Mendiola. second row: Theresa Olberding, Jeff
Sheibal, Ken Young, Bonnie Liekhus. third row:
Rich Swoboda, Barb Sinkevich, Chris Riza, Jerry
Urban. fourth row: Scott Stovie, Rogene Foster,
Dan Cornell. fifth row: Dawn Ellefson, Paula
Melies. six row: Andy Whiting.

Mr. Roland Hinrichs, above, was the founder of the Ambassadors and devel-
oped all choirs to their current point of excellence. Although bei ng at South
High for 25 long year!i, Mr. Roland Hinrichs enjoys his work very much.

I -

1 • f).:::_~ ~--,


Choir. • •

Pictured at top are (I tor) 1st row: Kathleen Lenczowski, Donna Cich, Lori Garfield, Sheila Sequenzia, Constance Fox_, lacq_ueline
Svacina, Jane Stoysich; 2nd row: Anita Boldt, Lori Koch, Lori Holoubek, Angela Dowdy, Christine Boldt, Caroline Scaife, Eliza-
beth Mendiola, Janine Masloski; 3rd row: Debbie Trouba, Diane Yates, Rulita Roark, Sheri Pugsley, Diane Hauptm_an, Laureen
Harvat, Julienne Wilson, Robin Brown; 4th row: Michael Piccolo, Bawn Froning, Scott Grothe, Billy Kurtz, Bruce Vickers, Samuel
Madison, Michael Petrie, Lawrence Tesch, Patrick Cody, lames Powers, Michael Zak, lames Wright.

G iris

Choir. • •

Pictured above are the Girls Choir ... (I tor) 1st row: Kim Ferrin, Cathleen Prokop, Sheri Hansen, Peggy Wilson, ludy Bartunek,
Lisa Mascarello; 2nd row: Belinda Cotton, Roosevelt Sims, Cassandra Brentlinger, Susan Olmstead, Lori Rybensky, Karen Davis,
DeAnna Nielsen, Marcy Foreman, Debrarah Feria; 3rd row: Margaret Balkoric, Lenna Kirkpatrick, loka Lawson, Nancy Noah,
Susan Mead, Melody Tolles, Cathleen Longo, Judy JanousPk, Kari Hansen.




First Choir is a group of
studel)ts who are picked
by RoAald Hinrichs, Music
Director. They are the top
singers in all the other
choirs. One of their most
important performances is
the Christmas Vespers.
These students sing every
day, learning new songs
and all kinds of music.
From this group of young
students are actors and
actresses that perform in
the musical which is put
on every spring. Also the
group called "AMBASSA-
DORS" are students cho-
sen from first choir.

Pic tured at top are (I tor) 1st row: Dawn Ellefson, D ebra Briggs, Barbara Sinkevich, Teresa Olberding, Julia Barrett, Susan Sterba,
Su~an Albino; 2nd row: Susan Foley, Teresa Machacek, Lynne Schulze, Carolyn Byrd, Pamela Durr, Tracy Redden, Ann Bennington,
Glen Muncy, Scott Stovie; 3rd row: Rogene Foster, Holly Greenlee, Renee Jeck, Dwayne Nabity, Richard Swoboda, Jeffery Sheibal,
Ron Seifert, Glenn Erikson.
Pictured above are (I tor) 1st row: Penny Brown, Kathleen Simmons, Sandra Almquist, Susan Reynolds, Mary Skipton, Christine
R_iza; 2nd row: Daniel Cornell, Kenneth Young, Barbara Hagelstien, Judy Burns, Jacqueline Heydenreich, Mary Pederse n, Bonnie
Liekhus, Michelle Hazuka, Linda Warchol; 3rd row: Andrew Whiting, Gerald Urban, Anthony Trout , Antonio Mendiola, Lynda H en-
derson , Paula Melies, Jolynn Fleming. (Not Pic tured Cindy Hamblen.)


Chess Club • • •

Chess club consists of students who are

interested in developing finer points in
p laying chess. They encounter much com -
pe titio n fro m o th er sc hools. Thei r skill s
and kn owledge increase as the year prog-
resses, and their ga mes become more of a
chall enge. M r. Gl enn Tiessen is the spo n-

M r. Tiessen and Carolyn Bryd, pic-
tured at top left, begi n a morning
chess meeting.
At left , D ave Benes and Don Jam ison
watch an opponent's move.

Pic 1ured a1 lefl are the 1978-79
c h ess club mem bers: first row (I-
r), Caro lyn Bryd, Mark Wal ters,
Do n Jam ison, Tom Wallace, Scott
Curran; second row, Chris Grim-
mond, Joh n Cisar, Dave Bones,
and Ken Curran.

Activities - 67


· -· .,; ~••'\




68- Faculty


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The South High administration for 1978-79 is pictured above. They are (from 1-r) Bill Nystrom, Dr. Leonard Hanson (prin-
cipal), Laurel Mauro, and Bob Whitehouse. Mr. Nystrom, Mrs. Mauro, and Mr. Whitehouse are all assistant principals.

Mrs. Mauro offers some early morn-
ing advice.

70- Faculty


Counselors ..

South High counselors for 1978-79 are (from 1-r): Jim Swanson, Dean Meisinger, Neal Mosser, Karen Clark, Bette Norton, and
Mary Beck.

Miss Clark and Anna Fox dis-
cuss college prospects.



The 1978-79 South High English Department is pictured above. They are (from 1-r): Dave Martin, Jacquelyn Davis, Mellanee Kvasnicka, Sue
Raftery, Laura Haugse, Ginger Riffel, Jim Faiman, Darlene Brown, Margaret Hall, Pat Salerno (department head), Doug Young, Mike Rice,
Ann Underriner, Beverly Rone, and Dallas Hemenway.

Mr. Faiman demonstrates the art of collar Dr. Salerno anticipates a week of organization
arrangement for his English students. while getting his lesson plans prepared.

Social Studies

The 1978-79 Social Studies Department is pictured above. They are (front row, 1-r): Bob Christie, Ted Mal-
sukis, Sally Fellows (department chairman); second row, Wa rre n Wilham, Tom O ' Hara, and Ray Brown;
third row, Jim Meisenheimer, Ray Kennedy, Joe Neuberger, George Wildrick and Dave Kahm.

Mr. O'Hara lectures his stu-

Faculty_- 73


The remainder of the Math Department is pictured above. Pictured are (l-r): Ernest Carey, Phil Gradovllle, Barb
Seifert; Richard Wohlfarth (department head), Mary Ann Kelly, and Jeff Potter.


The South High Business Department for the 1978-79 school year is pictured above. They are (1-r): Larry Masters, Glenn Tiessen (department
head), Mary Ann Knappenberger, Pat Pruss, Carol Limoges, Jean Whiting, Edith Niederhoefer, Floyd Wozniak, Kent Yaw, Roz;mne Mac, and

Marjorie Fishel.

Mr. Wozniak prepares his daily lesson Mrs. Pruss explains one aspect of typing elec-
plans. trically.


\ "' - ·

IJ ~ = -~11 ·.:'


Foreign Language.

The foreign Language Department of 1978-79 is pictured above: Judy Schneider, Joanne Sok-
alsky, and Barb Oldfield.

Traveling German teacher Richard

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The Music Department of 1978-79 is pictured above. They are (1-r): Albert "Red" Travis, Marie
Dusatko (acrnmpanist), and Roland Hinrichs (department head).


Physical Education .

.;r. - - ~ I~ - - ---


-- ·.-.- === .~.....

P.E. department head Beau Haizlip.

Coach Jack Oholendt.

78- Faculty


Sergeant Jerry Watson (left) and
Major Harold Hornbeck (right)
jointly handle all ROTC classes
and activities. This was Major
Hornbeck's first year at South
and Sergeant Watson's third.

Special Education .

The Special Education Department also includes (1-r): Juanita Asue 79
and Jon Welch.

-faculty -

Industrial Arts .

The Industrial Arts Department of 1978-79 is pictured above. They are (l-r): Dennis Bem~dt, Ed Cummings, Fred
Kratzke, Pete Petrini, Ken Hightower (department, Al Pribr~msky, Ken Stansel, Ed Mandi, Charles Massey, Frank
Ruecker, Gene McDonald, Frank Pistone. Not pictured is Norene Andre.

Mr. Petrini before the day begins •••

Home Economics.

The Home Economics Department of 1978-79 is pictured above. They are (1-r): Dee Crane, Jenene Kunzman, Sue Rohde, and
Nancy Nicol (department head.)

The Art Department of 1978-79 is pictured above. Thev are (l-r): Da,e Minino, Toni Turnquist (department head), Marcia
Sl hutz, and Nelse Jones.


Office Women, Librarians,Nurse

The office ladies of 1978-79 are pictured abo11e. They are (1-r): First row: Jackie Young, Pat Podjenski, Barb
Rider, and Dorothy Curtis; second row: Ruth Da11is, Josephine Janiak, Jean Schwalm, SuAnn Gengel, and
Nadine Rickley.

.. - ......................

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H P D N L ••

D V HT LU 11
c wo u c T T

lihrariam Connie Kleber (para professional) and Ali<e Thomp-

Ca·feteria Women

The cafeteria women of 1978-79 are pictured above. They are (l-r): Sarah Hofer, Polly Baker, Georgia
Nosek, Frances Kaster, Lillian Kendall, Helen Nielsen, Alice Hall, Vivian Klepper, Faye Bashus, Helen
Barger, Marge Hunt, Maria Preston, and Ardith Smith.


Some of the custodians of 1978-79 are
pictured at the right. They are (1-r):
Floyd Townley, John Harms, Red Rho-
ten (head custodian), and Al Zymball.
Not pictured are: Howard Avery, Tony
Jablonski, Bill Konwinski, and Betty
Green, all day crew members.


:-tfi ittf



, ,. .


Footbal I • • •

The South High football Pictured at right are the Var-
sit y Football Players and
team concluded the 1978 Coaches for 1978-79: first row
(1-r): Tim Cubric h, Lannie
season wi th four w ins and Hollowell, Doug Nodgaard,
Dennis Z.o n gker, Gene
five losses. McKenna, Don Kallhoff, John
Hayes, John Sherlock, Mike
Th e defense p osted Steinhauer, Rich Bravo, Bob
Kwasnieski, M ike Stoley,
shutouts in three of the Frank Cupak. second row :
Coach George Drinnin, M ike
victories. The "Blacks- Hooks, Dan Pe sek, Tim
Napora, Scott Osmera, John
h i rt s" as the fir st team Martinez, Greg Ros emann,
Ron Prchal, Bob Greco, Ray
defense were called, were Hrdy, Jeff Holland, Coach Jeff
Potier. third row: Coach Jack
led by Andrew Naikelis, Oholendt, Ron Va lla, Sco t t
Pries, Andy Naikelis, Socorro
Socorro Carrera, John Mar- Carrera, Mark Dolphens, Scott
Mecseji, Steve Ashford , Bon
tinez, Scott Pries, Don Matulka, Jeff Mikkal so n,
Coach Nelse Jones.
Kallhoff, Tim Cubrich, and
Offensive players take a breather whi le the defense attempts to shut down an opponent.
John Sherlock.

The first game of the

seaso n was aga in st the

Brya n Bears. The Be ars

took a 14-0 lead to the

lockerroo m at half, but

Ron Prchal passed to

Doug Nofgaard for a 30

yard touchdown in the

third quarter. The Pa c k

could only add a safety in

the fourth quarter to pro-

duce the final 14-9 score.

The Packers next met

the Benson Bunnies and

won their first game o f the

year, 21 - 7. Ron Valla

scored two touchdowns

and Frank Cupak sco red

th e ot her six pointer to

provide the offensive

punch for the Pack.

Th e defense again

showed its strength as the

Pack shut o ut Bellevue

East, 7-0. The "Blackshirts"

stopped every East drive

wit h th e help of Scott

Mecseji's three intercep-

tions. Aga in Prchal hit

Nodgaard o n a scoring

strike for the only points.

Richard Bravo booted a

34 yard field goal in the

first quarter to account for

al l of the scoring in

South's 3-0 w in over Cen-

tral for the Blackshirts sec-

ond shutout.

The Packe rs l ost the

Homecom in g game

against then-number o ne

Burke, 7-0. Th e defense

kept South in the game by

holding Burke sco re less

for three quarters and

most of the fourth but

South lost the game in the
last minutes v ia a 70 yard
touchdown pass play. ·

Papillion swamped the

Pack, 26-0, the following

week to drop their record
t o 3-3. Th e Packe rs
showed t he after-effects
of playing o ne of the
states best teams the pre-
vious week and suffered
their worst defeat of the
yea r.
Northwest led the Packers
14-0 at half, but So uth
ca me back fire d up and
Prchal hit Nodgaard fo r a
to uchdown and a two
point conve rsion to pull
the Pack to w ithin six at
14-8. But th e Hu skies
scored once mo re to lock
the g~me _away at 21 -8.

The Pack next traveled
to new l y- co n stru c t ed
Bryan Stadium determined
to spoil Gross' Homecom-
ing. Gross scored first but
South drove to the o ne
yard Iin e and Prchal
busted over for the touch-
down. South then
attempted a two point
convers ion to take the
lead, but Gross tightened
and held and went on to
win 7-6.

The last effo rt of the
season was triumphant as
Bravo kicked two 38 yard
field goals to lead South to
a 6-0 v ictory over M illard.

Head coach Jack Oho-
lendt was assisted in hi s
second year b y Ne lse
Jo nes, George Drinnin ,
Dave Martin, Joe Neuber-
ger, and Jeff Potter.

John Sherlock was
nam ed honorary captain
of the 1978-79 A ll Sta t e
and All Metro teams.
Andrew Naikelis and Ron
Valla were also named to
the first team All Metro.

Named to th e second
team were: Tim Cubrich,
Richard Bravo, and Scott

Honorable Mention
were: John Martinez,
Socorro Carrera, Don Kall-
ho ff, Frank Cupak and
Doug Nodgaard.


John Martinez (63) and Sco11 Pries (60),
lefl penelrale and pursue againsl Bryan.
Tim NaJ?Ora (33) be low, lries 10 cul to
lhe o u1s1de.

Al left, Burke's defense
shuts down an

attempted sweep by

Sou th .


J.V. Football • • •

The 1978-79 junior varsity football tea m
compiled a 3-4 record last fall. Te spirit w as
high despithaving fewer participans than

Mr. JeffPotter and M r. George Drinnin,
w ho coached the juni or varsity, empha-
sized the dedication and hard work shown
by the players as being factors in the Pack-
ers' victories.

The defense shut out Benson, 14-0, in
th e ope ner and th e o f fe nse sco red 30
points in dumping Papillion, 30-8.

Ri chard Bravo,
top left, is tack-
led by a Pre p

Pic tured at left
are the 1978-79
J.V. Footbal l

fro nt row (1-r):
Kevin Roseman,
Mark Godek,
Rick Bravo,
Dennis Zongker,
Rob Kwasnieski,
M ike Mart incik,
D o n Ba rbe r ,
Dan Pesek. back
row: Coach Jeff
Potter, Jeff Hast-
ings, Frank Ryan,
Pat Lucas, Joh n
Grabowski, Sam
Madison, Frank
Dennell , Jeff
Holland, Mike
Staley, Tim
McGee, and
Coac h George
Drinnin . The
Packer offense
prepares to

mov e the ba ll
aga i n st Prep,

below left.

South 14 Benson 0

South 3 Central 12
South 8
Prep 30
South 15
South 0 Gross 14

South 0 M illard 6
South 30
South 14 Northwest 22

Papio 8

A.L. 14


Reserve Footbal I • • •

The South High rese rves finished the
1978 football season wit h a 3-4-1 record
under the guidance of coaches Joe Neu -
berger and Dave Martin.

Both coaches were pleased with th e
hard work the young men put into the
daily practice sessio ns.

The defense was the strong point o f the
reserve unit, but the offense was able to
score points w hen needed.

At right, Coach Neuberger and Coach Martin plot
st rategy.

Reserve Results :

South 32 Benson 6 At right, the
South 12 Central 14 Reserves run
South 20 Prep 28 drills before
6 Thursday game.
South 14 Gross 6
South 16 M illard 28
South Northwest 14
South 6 Papio 14
South 48 A,L, 6

front row (1-r) : Brad Jacoby, Dale Vincent, Bob Price, Rich Pet ers, Clyde Powel l, Paul Anderson, Dennis Kinsella, Ken Linier, Don Zim-
merer, Dan Genier, and Steve Staley. hack row (1-r): Coach Joe Neuberger, Kurt Schramm, Wi llie Kousgaard, Jeff Hammcrnik, Dave
Laney, Mark Knight, Don McCuthen, Bob Snelling, Bob Hebrad, Russ Liekhus, Joe Godek, John Macrander, lo hn Stoysich, and Coach
Dave Martin. Not pictured are: Joe Savas, Don Barber, and Rich Espejo.


Pi ctured at left are t he
1978-79 Cross Cou nt ry
Team members. first row

(I-r): Steve Thed ens, John
Grebl, Barry Reafling, Don
lamison, Manuel Falcon,
and Mr. Wayne Boldt. sec-
ond row: M ike Pet rie, Tim

Beebee, Tom Wallace, Tim
lohnson, and Dave Cleve-



(:ountry. • •

The 1978-79 cross country
team, coac hed by M r. Wayne
Bo ldt, ended the season w ith
a record of two wins and
eight losses.

Led by se niors Don Jami-
so n, Jo hn Greb! , and Barry
Reafling, " the gro up o f ath-
letes showed lots of determi-
nation," said M r. Bo ldt.

John Grebl, Don Jamison ,
and Barry Reafling, left, loo-
sen up and begin running.

South 43 Prep 20
Sou th 39 22
South 45 Bellevue E. 17
South 15 Benson
South 34 North so
South 25 Centra l
No rthwest 21
South 43 Papio 32
South 45 M illard 18
South 41 24


Ralston Invitational: 8th

M illard Invitati ona l: 6th
Bryan Invitational: 17th
Roncalli Invitatio nal: 11th

Metro: 17th
Districts: 7th


Varsity Volleyball. • •

Girls varsity vo lleyball team ended the year w ith a
season record o f 7-6. The team placed third in Metro
and tenth in State.

Coa c h Su san Pe te rs, w ho ha s bee n coac hin g
So uth's Voll eyball tea m for three years attributed
their success ful season t,9 long hard practi ce sessions
and excellent team work.

The team w as dominated by seniors. Mary Nekola,
Diane M acrander, Jeanne Shamp, Cathy Kurtz, M ic-
helle Hazuka, Lo la Becerra, Debbie M ostek, Sheila
Kerw in and Kathy Konyek were big factors in the
team's winning year.

So uth - Tech.
South - Brya n
So ut h - Benson
So uth - A. L.
So ut h - Cent ra l
South - No rthwest
South - Papi llio n
South - Nort h
So uth - Westside
South - Marian
Sout h -Gross
Sout h - Be ll. E.
So ut h - M illa rd


Picture at left are the members of the Varsity Volleyba ll team for
1978-79. front row (1-r): Connie Fox, Coach Susan Peters, Lola
Becerra. middle row: Debbie Mos tek , Sheila Kerwi n, Teresa
Hunter, Helen Pleuler.
back row: Mary Nekola, M ichelle Hazuka, Student manager Jean-
nie Stevens, Kathy Ku rcz, Diane Macrander.

15-5, 15-1

17-15, 15-13

15-3, 15-10

16-14, 11 -15, 15-2
15-2, 15-8
15-6, 15-4

15-9, 6-15, 7-15
15-1 , 15-13

13-15, 15-12, 12-15
1-15, 9-15

8-15, 12-15
6-15, 11 -15

4-15, 6-15


J.V. Volleyball. • •

The junior varsity girls' volleyball tea m fini shed th e 1978-
79 season with a record of_9-3.

Mi ss Rozanne Mac, th e J.V. coach, said, " I think they dis-

played outstanding physical skills both in setting, spiking,
and rece iving. The outlook for next year is bright." ·

Pictured below are the members of the J.V. volleyba ll team

for 1978-79. Front row (1-r): Krista Long, Coach Roza nne
Mac, Lori Record . Middl e row: Lori Lukowski, Eil een Ker-
win, Stephanie Montes, Sharon Rosenthal. Back row: Gina
Freeman, Lisa Persing, Chris Stopak, Aldana Gasiliunas.

top right : Eileen
Kerwin prepares a
left: Chris St opak
drives a spike
aga inst Gross.


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