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Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1978-1979 school year.

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Published by Omaha South High Alumni Association, 2020-12-07 22:10:10


Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1978-1979 school year.

Boys Golf. • •

The boys' golf team of 1978-
79 finished w ith two w ins and
seve n losses, placed 14th of 20
teams in th e Met ro To urney,
an d we re l ed co nsistent ly
througho ut the year by Mike
Dropinski .

Coach Phil Gradoville had
prai se fo r Dropinsk i and also
menti o ned Paul Ri za, Dave
Doerr, and Joe Fonfara as hav-
ing bright golfi ng futures.

Dave Doerr, Mike Dro-
pinski, and Paul Riza,
pictured at top le ft, led
the 1978-79 golf team.
Pau l Riza, left, works
on his swi ng.

Coach Gradoville,
be low, coached t he
golf team this year.


Boys' Gymnastics...

Pictured above are the 1978-79 state champions of Nebraska Sout h 119 Burke 100, Westside 85
gymnastics: (1- r) front row: John Patrick, John Mai tland, Phillip
Cahoy, Bruce Kalchik, Bob Harrison, second row: Bob O rs,, Jeff Art Harris~n Inv itationa l f irst: 138.41
Hartung, Coach Richard Beran, Mario Vazques, John Chmelka.
South 131, Prep 125, Ralston 74
South High's pride in their boys' gym nasti cs
team rose to new elevatio ns w h en the team won Sout h 122, Benson 111, A. L. 99
the state championship for the fourth consec~t ive
year. Coach Richard Beran and the team realized Sout h 120, Bellevue E. 92, Tech 0
this goal after posti ng a season record of 15-3. The
team on ly placed seventh in the Metro, but team South 135, N.W. 140, T. J. 92
leader Phil Cahoy was competing in .the
time. He returned in time to compete in districts South 136, Lincoln 112
and state com pet ition, however, as South (303.27}
edged North west (302.07}. Coach ~ichar.d Beran South121, North102, Bryan101
said " It was a thrill to see the team w in their fo urth
stra(ght state championship. The hard. work paid So uth 125, Lincoln E. 147
off w ith an outstand ing performance In the state
meet!" Millard Inv itati onal Third: 141.24

South 130, Central 125, M illard 121

South 119, Papio 124, Bell evu e W. 101

Metro seventh: 120

District first: 152
State first: 303.27


Jeff Hartu ng works on the side horse, at left.
Below: Phil Cahoy dismounts from the hori zontal bar.

Coach Beran, above, assists John Chmclka on the


·\- -----








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Senior Phillip Cahoy led the Pac k to its fo urth straight state titl e thi s year. He was th e first p erson to w in
every event in the state m eet and accounted fo r practi cally all o f South's p o int s. He scored above 9.0 o n
every event.

Ph il start ed gymnast ics w h en h e was about five yea rs o ld . Hi s coach and fa ther, Phillip Cahoy Sr., was th e
mai n person w h o influenced Phi l t o start parti c ipat in g in gymnasti cs. H e was seven years o ld w he n h e f irst
competed .

Coach Rich ard Beran sa id, " Phil Cahoy has been a rea l asset to South Hi gh Sch ool. As well as being an
excellent stud en t and an o utstand ing gymnast, he is a super pe rson. It has been a real p leasure t o work w ith
him for these past three years at South!"

Ph illip Cah oy sa id, "On e thin g about South High that I w ill al ways re m e m ber, besides th e gymnastics
team, is how well the teachers and the st udent s got alo n g w ith each o th er."

Girls'Golf. • •

The 1978-79 golf team members are pictured
above from left to ri ght : Teresa O lberding,
Karen Hermsmeier, Melissa Weyant, Rita
Monzu, Shari Bily, Sharon Thedens, and Lo ri
Persing. Not pictured is Carol Schmidt. Coach
Mrs. Mary Belitz is being clubbed by the team.

Pictured at left are the sen ior members Sharon
Th ede ns, Lori Persing, Shari Bil y, and Rita

Mrs. Belitz feels that the team did well this sea-
son despite having three girls w ho never held a
golf club before. "The team came through in
the clutch," said Mrs. Belitz.

South 222 Marian 177
235 201
South 234 Papillion 263
South 303 Bellevue East 213
247 Millard 252
South 245 202
South Gross
South 184 A. l . 197
167 Benson forfeit 177
South Central


Tennis. • •

Although the 1978-79 tennis team won only one match,
Doug Greenw ald established himself as a solid performer.

Greenwald earned the positio n of runner-up in second
singles in M etro competition. He defeated Millard's first
seed to earn the right to compete in the finals.

The South High tennis team is coached by Mr. Tom

Pic1ured at right are lhe 1978-
79 l en ni s l ea rn members:
kneeling, Ron Kalch ik, Ernie
Escobedo, Ken Curran. stand-
in g, Chri s Veti ck, Dou g
Green wa ld , M i ke Flowers,
and M r. To m O'Hara.

At r i gh t, M r . O'H a ra ~ n d Dou_g
Greenwa ld d isc uss serv ing tech ni-



Bellevue East


Below, Doug Greenwald, demonstrates hi s devas-
tating serve. ·


The members o f the 1978-79 Varsity Basketba ll team are pictured above. They are (1-r) front row: Coach Jeff Potter, Bob Greco,

Greg Johnson, Kevin Lytle, Dennis Hopgood, Reese Crouch, and Darnell Lewis. back row: Coach Nelse Jones, Wes Henry, Brent

Douglas, Bob Janousek, Wi llie Hill, John Hayes, Dick Miller, Doug Nodgaard, and Head Coach Joe Neuberger.

Packer Cagers Post Best Record Si nee 1960

The 1978-79 varsity basketball row to go 4-2 in the f irst gam es South 38 Ra lston 35
team tied for f irst place in the of 79. South 52 Roncalli
Metro Nat iona l Division w ith a Th e Pa ck had n o trouble South 57 Northwest 52
7-2 re cord (15-4 .overall). Th e defea ting Bellevu e East, and 66 Papi llion 56
Packers were preparing for their Bryan, but had to go into over- South 65 North
South 53 Benson s3o5
last regular season game at Rya9- time to beat Benso n . Then Tech Sout h 61 Prep
and Districts at press time. and Prep caused Packer Backers 51 Gross 65
to worry by knocking off the South 47
The cagers started the year Pack in succession. South 6so3 North 54
with a b laze, w inning six
straight b e fore bowing . Th e Al the end of two months of South Bellevue East 42
the season, South had a 12-3 South 54 Bryan
Pack disposed of Ralston, Ron- record and number four ranking South 44
calli, North west, Papio, North, in the state. The Packers were South 53 Abe Lincoln 39
also leading the Metro Nat io nal 72 Benson 71
and Benson, before los ing t o Division with a 5-1 mark. South 63 Tech
Prep. They then beat Gross and South 72
North to finish December 8-1. Jano u se k was back in All- South 43
The Packers finished f ifth in t he South 40 Prep
Holiday To urnament, also. Metro form in January as h e 62 Millard
pumped in 14.5 points a game South 70 Central 44
Brent D ouglas scored at a 14 to lead the t ea m . Do u g las
point clip, Bob Janousek 12.5, added 11 a game and Mi ller 9. In South 51 Gross 58
and Dick Mi ller 11 a game to February South 66 prepared for South 59
lead South scorin g. Greg Jo hn- di stric ts by whipping Mi llard, 54 Lincoln 52
son was the defensive leader in Central, and Lincoln. A loss to
Gross forced South into a t ie
January was a m o nth of w ith Prep for t he Nat io nal Divi-
ext re m es as So uth wo n fo ur sio n title.
straight but then lost two in a


lop lefl : Senior Dick M iller loosens up before 1he
Norlhwesl game.
above: Coach Joe Neuberger w atches his l earn pre-
pare for a game.
lefl : W illie Hill goes up wi1 h a rebound .
bo l to m lefl : Dick Miller lakes a base line shol.



lop: Kevin Lylle shoots a 15
fool er.

lefl : Brent D ouglas demo ns-
tat es hi s so ft to uch againsl
No nhwest. Th e agi le se nior
scored 24 points againsl lhe
Husk ies.

bo1tom: D ick M iller lips a
jump ball 10 Bob Jano usek to
star! lhe game.


South 48 Ralston 54

South so Roncalli 46

South 62 Northwest 50

South 45 Papio 63

South 56 North 46

South 43 Bellevue E. 44

South 55 Bryan 41
South 58
South 44 A.l. 42

South 78 Benson 55

South 35 Tech 52
South 63
South 44 Prep 53

Millard 60

Central 45

The 1978-79 J.V. Boys' Basketball
Team Members are pictured at
left: first row (I to r): Bob Greco,
Jeff Blount, Donnell Lewis, Kevin
Rosemann; second row: Scott
Washington, Donal Russell, Wil-
lie Hill, Russ Liekhus, Joe Misiu-
nas, Jeff Edwards.

J. V.

Bas ketbal I • • •

Backed by the leadership of juniors Wi l-
·1ie Hill, Bob Greco, and Kevin Rosemann,
the junior varsity basketball team broke a
mid-winter slump and, in the words of
Coach Nelse Jones, "began to play excep-
tional basketball."

Coach Jones also included the seven
sophomore members of the team in his
compliments. "Their hustle and energetic
play on the court complemented the other
three members perfectly," he said.

The team scored impressive wins against
Tech and Mi llard after the semester break.
The ball handling ability of Donnell Lewis
and Bob Greco and the inside scoring of
Willie Hill were factors in both victories.

W illie Hill jumps to block an opponent's shot as Bob Greco prepares to
rebo und if the shot is missed.


Pictured at right,
are the 1978-79
Boys' Reserve
Basketball Team:
front row (I tor):

Coach Jeff Potter,
Joe Godek, Don
Washington, Phil-
lip Saunders, Bill

Regner, John
Macrander, Kevin
McGaugh; sec-
ond row: John
Conley, Paul Riza,
Don Briggs, Mike
O'Brien, Jerry
Priebe, Derrich
Cribbs, Willie

Reserve Basketbal I ..

The reserves turned their season around
with back-to-back wins over Millard and
Northwest and Papio. After losing the
opener to Westside, the young Packers
had dropped five straight.

Coach Jeff Potter feels that the purpose
of the program is to develop the skills of
young players within the system.

At right, (I to r): John Macrander, Don Briggs, and
Paul Riza play defense.

1 ·------------=

South 39 Westside 44 ____ _J
37 Benson 45
South 35 Bellevue 43
38 Central 61
30 Prep 47
South 56 Gross 59
39 Millard 37

58 Northwest 55

58 Papio 53

At right, (I tor) : Willie Kousgaard,

John Macrander, and Jerry Priebe set
up a zone defense.




The boys' swimming team placed 11th in
the Metro to urn am ent by sco ring 22
points. Prep won the compet ition with 234
total poi nts.

Earl ier in t he season, the team placed
fi fth in the National D ivision relays held at
Be llevue East.

Coach Way ne Bo l dt's sw i mme rs
recorded wi ns over Gross, North, Central,
and A.L. in dua l competition.

South 22 Prep 61
South 50 Gross
South 29 Bellevue 33
South 40 Benson 54
South 59 North
South 49 Central 43
South 21 Norlhwest 20
South 19 Millard 34
South 35 Papio 39

South 27 Bryan 56
South 31
South 55 Bellevue W. 52

A.l. 2B

Rams. Relays 9th place
Nat"I Division Relays 5th
Millard Invitat ional 12th
Metro 11th

The 1978-79 Boys'

Swimming Team Mem-

bers are pi ctured at

left: first row (I to r):

Chris Hays, Paul Stark,

Ray Hrdy, Bruce Kai-

ch ik, Mark W il ting,

Doug Greenwald, and

Denn is Lett; seco nd

row (sitting): Coach

Wayne Boldt, Dave

Czaplewski, Don Pier,

LuAnn Shipley, Ginger

Calhoun, Stan Rosinski,

Ron Smits; third row

(standing): Je ff Har-

tung, Bob Harrison,

Debbie Briggs, Bob

Grunder, Cindy Baier

and Kevin Hays. '


Girls' Basketball . • •

The girls' varsity basketball Another highlight in the long
team ended their season with a season was South's 41-22 wi n
record of 1-13. After starting out
the season with 13 girls, the over North. Th e girls played
team lost four of their starters well in this victory.
for various reasons and had to
move three girls up from J.V. Rita Monzu and Judy Jano u-
sek were both ranked in the top
The highlight of the season
fifteen in the Metro in fi eld goal
was playing Bellevue West in
Metro Holiday Tournament. percentage. Rita averaged over
After losing to Bellevue West by 10 points a game. Patti Duff was
32 points the first game of the also ranked in the top fifteen in
the M etro for freethrow per-
season, the Pack forced Belle- centage.
vue West into overtime after
Patti Duff sank two freethrows Coach McLaughlin sa id, "The
with no time remaining on the morale of the team was one of
the most gratifying experi ences
clock. Even though South lost I ever hpQ. I never associated
by two points, Coach Kirk with a,ch of girls who had
Mclaughlin said, "That was. the so mu c h fun and got along
most exciting game of our together~~ well!"
whole season because we got

beat so badly the first time and
then came back and played so
we ll."

Guard Rita Monzu passes off o n a fast break against Be nson in the second game of the season.


South 28 Bellevue West (:J)
South 23 Benson
South 62 Bryan 3B
South 29 Papi ll ion 73
Soulh 44
39 Bellevue Easl 53
South 36 Lincoln s6o3
South 35 Northwest
South 36 Burke
South 48 Cen1ral
South 41 North 60
South 30 Gross 22

32 Marian 40
22 Millard 61

Pictured at left are the 1978-79 Girls' Varsity Basketball Team

Members: (I to r): Mary Montalvo, Aldona Gasiliunas, Mary
Nekola, Diane Macrander, Judy Janousek, Brenda McCain,
Cathy Kurcz, Lori Persing, Patti Duff, Rita Monw, Lola
Becerra, Coach Kirk McLaughlin.

Rita Monzu d rives to the basket and takes a 15 footer against Benson.


J.V. Girls'

The junior varsity
team began the year as
a young, inexperienced
group, but by the time
the season ended, the
girls had improved their
skills both as individu-
als and as a team,
according to Miss Sue

Peters, the J.V. coach.

South 30 BellevueW. 24
South 41 Ben son 43
South 18 Bryan
18 Papio 44
South 29
South 24 Bellevue E. 45
South 13 Lincoln 52
South 41
South 6 Northwest 67
32 Bu rke 42
South 29 Central 41
South 26 Gross 41
South 42 North
36 Maria n 62
South 32 Millard 48

The 1978-79 Girls' J.V. Basketball Team Members are pictured above: (I to r) : C hri s Boldt, Monica Espejo, Sa ndra Watson , Linda
Turner, G ina Freeman, Lisa Persing, Pam McCain, Paula Mel ies, Sha ro n Fundaun, Deborah Lilll e ton, Shelly G raser, Tracy Ringo,
Connie Kozol, Miss Sue Pete rs.



Swimming. • •

The girls' sw imming team ,
coached fo r the second year by
Mrs. Ellen Johnson, posted a 1-
11 record thi s season. Although
the record w as no t outstanding,
Mrs. Johnson felt that the team

" This was a learn in g and
rebu ilding year," she said.

Mrs. John son, left, en-courages

her swimmers.

Pictured at le ft are the
1978-79 girl swimmers: (I-
r) Cindy Baier (100 and 200
yd. freestyle). Debbie
Briggs (100 yd. freestyle) ,
Cheryl Kn app (diver) ,
Tracy Redde n (b ack-
strok e), Melanee Balaban
(50 and 100 yd . freestyle),
V ic ky Sedlacek (100 yd.
free sty le and 100 yd .
breaststro ke), Robin Mahl-
berg (100 yd. freestyle),
an d Lauri e Harva th (200
and 500 yd. freestyle).

Cheryl Knapp, right , develops her diving skill
in the Sou th High pool.



Varsity Wrest Ii ng

John Sherlock defended hi s By decisioning Gable in the heading t o UNL n ex t fa ll to
Nebraska state heavyweight sta t e m ee t , Sherlo c k ran hi s compete in foo tball and w res-
wrestling title by deci sioning string o f consecutive unbeaten tling.
Dan Gable of Papillion, 8-0, on matc~es to. 61 over a two-year
Saturday, Feb. 17 in Linco ln. peri od. Sherl ock was· 33-0 as a Although the w restlers failed
Sherloc k was the only South junio r and finish ed 28-0 this to w in a dual meet duri ng the
wrestler to qualify for the state yea r. year, Coach Beau Haizlip was
meet. pleased that his w restlers hung
The 235 pound senior w ill be in and d id their best.

Pictured at right are the 1978-
79 Va rsit y W rest lin g Team

Members: standing (I-r): Ken
Lindmi er, Paul A nd e r so n
Jo hn Sherlock, Dennis Har~

din, Tim Bee Bee, Coach Beau
Haizlip. kneeli ng: Bob Price,

Dave Haizlip, Richard Bravo,
Gerald Rollins, John Patrick,
R!ch Christian, and Steve

At right, Coach Haizlip
offers encouragement to a
South w rest ler during a
dual meet at South.

South 12 Benson 48

South 22 Papio 57

South 6 Central!

South 12 Prep 57
South 11 Northwest


South 11 Millard 57

South 12 Gross 56

South 18 Bellevue E.


South 12 A.L. 59

South 13 Lincoln 44

North Invitational 14th

Bryan Invitational 17th

Titan Invi tati onal 4th

Millard Invitatio nal 12th


(Clockwise sequen~e from upper left): John Sherlock begins a double leg take~own on Bill ?lanek, the number
t~o rated heavywe ight in the state at the time. Sherlock, who has been ranked first from th_e first day of the wres-
tling season, completes his takedown in the second frame. In frame three, Sherlock begins to break down his
opponent in order to secure a fall. In the fourth frame, Sherlock's arm is raised in victory. The dejection of the
Gross heavyweight is obvious.


J.V. Wrestling. • •

Coach Ed Wi lli ams wa s meet record and posted wins The 1978-79 J.V. Wrestlers are pictured
pleased w ith the progress his over North west, Millard, and above: kneeling (I tor): Bob Price, Dave
junior va rsity wrest le rs mad e
during the cou rse of the 1978-79 Bell evue East . Viecel li, Bob Snellin g, Bi ll Core, Dan
wrestli ng season. Coach Wi lli ams felt that Bob Lindmeir, Rich Christi an; standing: John
Mendenhall, Scott Grothe, Ralph Pane,
The squad posted a 3-7 dual Price, Scott Bonacci, Bill Core,
and Ralph Pane d id we ll. John Stoysich, Sco tt Bonacci, Rodn ey
Mead, Coach Ed Williams.

South High has had its share of great athletes, but John Sherlock may be the most yersatile and skilled athlete in school history. John has partic-

ipated in three major sport s d uring his four yea rs at Sou th - football, wrestling and track.

John has been p laying footba ll since he was 14 years o ld. At South, he has lettered three times, and has won acclaim for the team as well as

himsel f. (South won the Metro t itle in 1976 and 1977 w ith Sherlock starting at tackle.) His honors include being named All Metro, All State, Line-

man of the Year, Prep All-American, and B'nai B'rith Athlete of the Year. .

John began w restling at age 11 at the Boys' Club. He won his first trophy when he was 12 years o ld at the North High Novice Invitational.

During his sophomore year at South he placed f irst in districts and. third in the state. John went o n a Foreign Exchange tour to Germany and

returned wit h a record of 26-4. John went through his junior ye~r w ith an undefeated record of 33-0 and was the Nebraska heavyweight cham-

pion. He had since extended his undefeated siring lo fifty, (as this book goes to press).

John started participat ing in track at the age of 12. In his sophomore year he took second in districts and fifth in state in the shot put. During

hi s jun ior year he broke the state meet record with a shot of 59'11 ½". He received a gold medal for this outstanding feat. .


Gymnastics. • •

Despite injuries during the Th e 197B- 79 G irl s'

course of the season two stars Gy mna sti cs Tea m
Marybeth Redwine and Carol Members are pi ctured
Chmelka, the girls' gymnastics at right : first row (I to
team won four meets and r) : Pauline Dilley, Mar-
placed third in district competi - ybet h Red w in e, Dee
tion. Zelen y; second row:

Coach Elleh Johnson said that Caro l Chmelka, Ti na
the girls worked w ell together Va squ ez, Mrs. Ell en
and made a coordinated effort Jo hn son, W endy Har-
to make the season rewarding. less, and Cindy Kil -

South defeated Central, Belle- born.
vue East, Ralston, Marian, Papio
and A.L., blit suffered _losses to
Mil!ard , Linco_ln, Beatrice,
Northwest and Benson during
the regular season.

Below: D ee Zeleny performs a ro utine

on the ba lance beam w hile the judges
evaluate her.


Above: Mr. Ri ch Beran watches the action
during a d ual meet.

South 109.05, Millard 114.01, Central 93.15
South 116, Bellevue East 100.25
South 108.75, Papio 85.95, A.L. 43.02
South 82.95, Lincoln 105.40, Beatrice 87.65
South 99, Ralsto n 80.95
Sout h 86.55, Northwest 113.65, Marian 76.25
South 81.20, Benson 107.15
Dist ricts: South 3rd

Above: Pauline Di lley perfo rms a floor
Left: Carol Ch melka performs on the
balance beam.
Far left: Wendy Harless works o n the
uneven bars.



"To us, 1riendsh1p
meant the most during
our three years at
South. We'll never for-
get all the frif'nds
we've made, and all
the memories
we have shared."
Mary Nekola and Suzi<'



~ha7.i !BdJ;

"My years at South have been
incredible. I'll always remember
the great times. The friends I've
made have spoiled me rotten and
I love it."

Reese Crouch


duza.wu: !Bwwn 'Jd!Bwwn


"These past four years
at South have been the
best. I knO\\ when I
look back at my high
school years there will
always be a feeling of
happiness and great

Lola Becerra



" I'm glad that I spent
my high school years at
South. It has been a
most enjoyable and
memorable experience
for me."

Rich Miller


d'aott Cuuan !BobCutaia


My rondesl memory
al Soulh is represenl -
ing 1he school al Girls
slal e, each gymnas11c
meel I've compe1ed in,
being a member of S1u-
den1 Council, and mo~I
or all, being elected
Pres1den1 of I he Senior


i\,larybC'lh Redwine



''South High is a good
,chool with a nice stu-
dent body and good
t('achers who care. I
reall) enjoyed my three
years at South. "

Tom Holland

1, 131


"My fondest memory
at South is being on
Student Council since
my freshman year and
now being president."

Peggy Ostronic


!Baibauz d-/iatt


'' \ly invohemen1 and
all 1he friends I mdde
my SE'n1or year in Band
and on the "Tooter"

s1a1f will be \,hal I mi~s

most afler I gradual!'
The people here drl'
the besl parl of 1he
sc hool."

foe For('man



"There is no one spe-
ciaI memory. I have
many memories of
South High. I guess the
one th ing I'll always
remember is t rying to
organize all 20 cheer-
leaders for pep rally or
any other events."

Connie Dubas




"South High ... what
a school' I have
en joyed four years at
South because, of
course. the teachers
are great and my fellow
st udents are the great-
est. "

Jeff Patterson



"My fondest mc-mory al South
was being Miss Congeniality of
Homecoming '78. Also, the peo-
ple here al South are the be,t."

Cari Stodolka


Cl'tnionio d/lfuu/iof'a


" The mC'mory th at I "111 al \\ ays
treasure the most is bC'ing cro\, nt>d

HomPcom1ng Qur<'n ror Sou t h

High, and a lso all th<' PC'O(~lc that I
have met these past 3 y<'.ir~

Maggit> F.ilcon
"fl,ly fond<'~I mC'mor\ di South \\as
becoming Hom<'lom1ng a nd
mre11 ng all t h e peopl<' hrrr at
South "

LJ11111C' HallO\\ ell



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