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Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1978-1979 school year.

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Published by Omaha South High Alumni Association, 2020-12-07 22:10:10


Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1978-1979 school year.

"My fondest memory
or South High \~as get-
ting my first basC' hit as
a member or the
Packer baseball team."

Dal<> Hanna



"Being a student at
South for four y!'ars has
brought m(' many
m!'mories. \.ly fondest
memories are those of
band and be>ing drum-

Rhonda \.\'('yant



Cindy il-t~

. ." " " " -- •IPll!l--1111

"The nicest memories
that I wi ll remember
are the Friends that I've
made and ser\ 1n g as a
senior cla~s representa-

Jerrv Dubvak



",'v1y memory 01 South
High was playing on
Basketball and making
new friends."

Sue Kava



"My fondest memory of South is
1he sports !hat I have participated
in, and all the lricnds that I made
while I was at South."

Socorro Carrera



"My io ndest memory is all the
friends I have made and lh<' peo-
p le I've m et."

Andre,~ aikcl,s



''My fondest memor, or Sout h is lilting

weights wit h all the o lhN animals."

Jai me Rosales


9htffip .YE4-ki d/l(a'lind'f'a .2'ol?CO

Seniors Not Pictured. • •

Jeanie Arnold Darrell Hensley Vic1or Pecha
Steven Ashford Thomas Hogan Tony Pleasant
Ri chard Jankevicius Kelly Powers
Roscoe Bass Roylee Jenn ings Scott Pries
Timothy Bilek Edgar Pulido
James Bolter David Jensen Colleen Quinlan
Thomas Bragg Donald Kallhoff Raymond Redding
David Budin Randall Karasek
David Calderon Peggy Kennedy Gail Rickards
Terri Rickards
Francisco Castillo Jo hn Kinsella Robert Risk
Jenine Cherek Roger Kline Richard Rix
Stephen Conley Linda Kling
Pal rick Coschka Paul Klostermeyer Deborah Ross
Martin Cunningham Burton Kragskow Calvin Russell
Peggy Cunningham Daniel Kramolisch Randall Schmilt
Dearlhur Davis Frank Kresl Matthew Schulle
Donald Deane
Richard Dennell Michael Kroupe Rosalie Sepeda
Lisa Dewitt David Krupa Brian Sevick
Joseph Diggins David Krupa Lenyo n Starb
Mark Domayer John Kyles Pal rick Stopak
Terry Dunbar Craig Svatos
Vfanda Early Robert Larson John Swiniarski
Laura Elliott Perry Lawson Richard Swoboda
Sherry Fletcher David Leeder Carl Tolles
Kevin Florez Patrick Leonard David Torres
Duran! Floyd Kevin Ly1le Edward Ulpis
Anna Fox Diane Mackey David Vanderyacht
Mario Fuentes Samuel Mattox Michael Vasla
Robert Grim John McPeck Alfredo Vera
William Griffin Thomas McQuinn Melvin Wade
Mary Guillen Patrick Meschede Glenn Waldon
Brian Hamilton John Waltman
Michael Harbin Andrew Monasterio Elaine Weinbrandt
Frand Hardman Leroy Moore Brenda West
John Hardman Michael Moore Deborah York
Wesley Henry Terrie Morlan
Timothy Napora
Jack Nisi








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Mr. Bill Clark of Arnold-Clark studio allowed yearbook staff
members to use his darkrooms in producing the book.

Rose Ling, left, printed many of the pictures in the 1979 year-
book. Mr. M ike Rice, above, was the new yearbook advisor.



I .·~ •-






Noteworth -
Events of 1978-79

. Iran:
The rise of the Ayatollah Khomeini spelled
trouble for the U.S. with regard to oil prices.

Pope Paul VI died in August and was fol-
lowed by Pope John Paul I who died in Octo-
ber. Pope John Paul II succeeded him.

Middle East:
The Camp David Summit between Israel 4nd Egypt
in the fall led many people to believe ttiat peace
was at hand. The talks between Begin a'nd Sadat
were plagued with misunderstandings, howevet.

Los Angeles:
The New York Yankees defeated the Los
Angeles Dodgers in six games· to claim the
world championship of baseball.

The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks between
the Soviet Union and the U.S. continued
throughout the year with no clear progress
being in evidence.

United States:
Inflation continued to rise as the real value of
the dollar decreased. American consumers
found themselves strapped as inflation
neared 10%.

Lincoln, NE:
Nebraska football fans received a taste of
pure ecstacy as the Cornhuskers ended six
years of domination by Oklahoma in Novem-
ber. Nebraska won at home, 17-14.


Jonestown, Guyana:

More than 900 Americans followed the leader

of the Peoples' Temple to oblivion as Jim

Jones urged or forced his followers to drink

cyanide-laced punch. ..

American farmers turned to violence in their
attempt to force the government to grant them
parity for their products. Some observers felt the
violence cost the farm~rs sup_Port in some ~reas,

San Diego:
The worst air disaster in American aviation
history cost the lives of almost 200 peopie as
a United Air Lines flight was hit by a smaller
private plane.


Rumors ahd hints that the draft may be
resumed persisted as American military
branches failed to reach quotas of volunteers.

President Carter, hat in hand, went to see
Mexican President Portillo in an attempt to
reach an understanding with the Mexicans
about oil sales to the U.S.

Irritated by Vietnamese incursions into Cambodia
and Chinese territory, China, a new-found friend
of the U.S., invaded Vietnam on a wide front. As
this book goes to press, Russia was ordering China
out of Vietnam.

Terry Bradshaw led the Pittsburgh Steelers to
an exciting 35-31 victory over the Dallas Cow-
boys in the 1979 Super Bowl.


Consumer Prices 7
In 1979
Gasoline (Regular) GALLO

Concert Ticket

Lunch in 520

Line of Bowling

Large Godfather's Combo


Pai r o f Levis

1 7-4

Nebraska Football Ticket

Burger King Whopper

Movie Ticket

Pack o f Cigarettes

Six Pack (Beer)

Postage Stamp

Can of Soda Pop

Playboy Magazine
$2.50 (Newsstand price)



Below are the 15 most popular answers given by the Class of "79"

1. " Three Times A Lady" was the favorite song.

2. "Commodores" were the favorite group.
3. Steak was the fa vorit e food.

4. The bar was the favorite place to go.

5. "Animal House" was the favorite movie.
6. Mr. C's was the favorite restaurant.

1. Living was the favorite thing in li fe.

8. Burt Reynolds was the favorite actor.
9. Sa lly Field was the favorite actress.
10. Mr. Faiman was the favorite teacher.

11. The three favorite cars were Corvette, Trans Am, and Camero.
12. The favorite way to spend money was on clothes.
13. "Commodores Live" was the favorite album.

14. Friday nights were spent going to a game and party afterwards.
15. South High was the favorite footbal l team.
Favorite things recei vi ng considerable support as runner-ups were the movie
"Grease," Caniglia's Restaurant, the Styx album "Grand Illusion," and men
and women as favorite things in li fe. Thanks to all the seniors and teachers
that helped with the survey.

By Nancy Kucirek and Becky Bel l

Thi s year has ended quickly,
but the past w ill remain in
my mind .
I'll move on to better things,
if better things are what I
The memori es of learnin g how
are captured w ithin this book.
M y past I'll relive today
each year I thumb back to
The times I stood in study
hall, the times I cheered
South on, the good ti mes
I always w anted to keep,
are just li ke ti me:
They're gone.
Doing w hat I was born to do,
accomplishing w hat I might,
I've always had the problem
of distinguishing w rong from
Laughter, ideas and sm iles
I shared wi th all my peers,
I never thought in growing
up, I'd ever miss this year.

Ka thy Konyek


Dr. Hanson Retires. • •

Dr. Leonard H anson retired D r. Hanson, stand ing to the Dr. Hanson 's ret irem ent con-
from hi s positio n·as principal o f ri ght o f hi s successor M r. Wil- cl udes nearl y a half century in
South Hi gh School o n February public ed ucatio n.
li am Nystrom, plan s to d o a
16, 1979. D r. Hanson had been considerable am ount of golfing M r. Nystro m, w ho served as
the principal o f South High fo r and fi shi ng in t he yea rs to interim princ ipal the last half o f
c o m e. th e schoo l year, began working
14 years. He assumed the pos i- at South in 1967.
t ion i n 1965, fo ll ow ing the
reti rem ent of D r. Richard Krebs.


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A Beebee, Timo thy (10) 91, 112 C
Adam, Cynthia (12) 120 Bell, Twilla (1 2) 36, 122 Caha, Ca rol (12) 124
Adams, Linda (10) 26 Benis, Dave (12) 122
Albino, Susan Benningto n, Ann Cahoy, Phill ip (12) 96, 97, 98, 124
Aldrich , Sandra (11) 65, 66 Bento n, A lesia (12) 122
Almquist, Sandra (11 ) 120 Beran, M r. Ri chard (11) 65,66 Cain, Michael (12) 125
Alvarado, Marc Bernadt, Mr. Dennie
Alvarez, Mic helle (11) 65, 66 Bidro w sk i, Susan (10) 46 Calhoun, G i nger (12) 28, 125
Anderson, Ms. Paula (12) 120
Anderson , Gerald 76, 96, 97, 98 Carey, M r. Earnest 74
Anderson, Paul (12) 45, 120
Andre, M s. Norene 79 54, 80 Carey, Leslie (12) 125
Andrew s, Sandra
Andrysik, Pearl (12) 120 (12 ) 122
An ton iak, Joseph (10) 90, 112
Arbogast, Angela (12)45, 99, 122 Carmic hael, Douglas (12) 125
Armst rong, Jennifer 40
Armst rong, Patty (12) 120 Bi ly, Shari Carrera, Soco rro (12) 45, 86, 125, 153
Ashford, Steven (12)120
Asue, M s. Juanita (12) 120 Black, Ronald (12) 122 Carter, Marsha (12)1 25
Ayala, Geri Blount, Je ffery (1 0) 105
Ayala , Leno (10) 42 Casart, Gregory (12) 125
(11) 22, 25, 56 (11) 38
B Bober, Rita Casart, Leanne (12) 29, 125
(12) 120
(12) 86 Bobzien, Debra (11 ) 38 Casey, James (11) 62
79 Bogacz, Dan iel
(10) 25 P ?) 122 Cerveny, Richard (12) 125

(12) 120 Bogatz, G erald (1 2) 54, 122 Ch me lka, Caro l (12) 115, 126

Bogatz, Nicole (12) 122 Ch melka, John (Norri s Freshman ) 97

Bo gatz, Patric ia (12)123 Christen, Mary (11 ) 27

Bogenreif, Nancy (12) 123 Christian , Rich (10 ) 112, 114

Bo ham, Catherine (1 2) 44, 60, 123 Christian, Robert (1 2) 126

Bokelman, Angela (10) 123 Christiansen, Richard (12) 47, 50, 126

Boldt, A n ita (10) 66 Christie, M r. Ro bert 73

Boldt, Ch rist ine (10) 51, 59, 66, 110 Churc hi ch , Mary (12) 28, 36, 126

Bo ldt, Mr. Wayne 74,91 Ci ch, Donna (10) 46, 66

Bolgar, Catherine (12) 44, 60, 123 Cic h, Robert (12) 126

Bonacci, Scott (10) 114 Cich, Theresa (10) 51

Bo rcyk, Daniel (1 2) 123 Cisar, Ch ristine (10 ) 60

Bo ro, Li nda (1 2) 45, 123 Cisar, Jo hn (12) 50, 63, 126

Babic, Donald (12) 120 Bragg, Tab (12) 36 Citta, Jacob (12) 126

Baesler, Richard (1 2) 43, 62, 120 Brand es, M o lly (12) 123 Clark, Diane (12) 29, 35, 126

Baesler, Sylvia (10) 43 Brandt, Michelle (12) 57, 123 Clark, Ms. Karen 71

Baez, Li nda (12) 121 Brasel, Stephen (10) 33, 49 Clark, Patricia (11) 37, 58

Bah r, Karen (1 1 ) Bravo, Becky (12) 23, 57, 123 Clark, Susan (12) 126

Ba ier, Ci ndy (11)1 11 Bravo, Ric hard (10) 86, 89, 112 Claycamp, Cheryl (12) 126
Baji, Sharo n (12)1 21
Brayman, Della (10 ) 49 Clayton, David (12) 32, 34, 126

Baker, Chery l (12) 121 Brentl inger, M ichael (10) 66 Cleary, M ic hael (1 0) 43
Baker, Jul ie (12) 121
Baker, M ark (12) 121 Brown, M s. Darlene 39, 72 Cleveland, David (10) 91
Balaban, Melanee (11) 60, 111
Balko vi c, M argaret Brown, Penny (12) 39, 65, 66, 124 Cleveland, Joh n (10) 91
(10) 66
Barat ta, D i no (12) 121 Brown , Mr. Raymond 73 Cobb, Francine (11) 32
Barber, Donald
(10) 89 Brown, Robin (10 ) 66 Cody, Patrick (10) 62, 66
Brow n , Sue (12) 124
Brown , Ted (12) 124 Co dy, Vic ki (1 2) 26, 36, 126
Bruner, Sco tt (12) 124
(12) 121 Bruno, Ric hard (12) 124 Colby, Penny (12) 127
(11) 26 (12) 47, 124
Barela, Jeanet te Buckley, Jan n Collett, Roger (12) 127
Barnes, Sa ndra Budin, Greg (11 ) 34
Buller, Cindy (1 2) 47, 124 Co ll in s, Scali (12) 127
Barrett, Julie (1 2) 27, 35, 62, 64, 65, 66, Burns, Judy (12) 64, 65, 66, 124
Burns, Richard Co nkl ing, Beth (12) 127
121 Burt, Lee (10) 32
Bu rto n, Nelea (12) 124 Contreras, Jo hn (1 2) 36, 127
Bartunek, Judy (10) 51, 59, 66 Bu ton, Ron
By rd, Carolyn . (11) 49 Core, Bill (10) 11 4
(1 2) 121 (11) 42
Basile, Mary (12) 32, 65, 66, 124 Cormona, Jacq ueline (11) 32

Bauer, Thomas (12) 28, 121 ,, Cornell, Daniel (12) 65, 66, 127
Bauw ens, Sandra (12) 122
Costantine, Joseph (12) 127
Becerra, Delores (1 2) 45, 92, 93, 108, 122,
Cosetello, Paul (11) 49
Cotto n , Bel inda (1 0) 66
Beck, Nancy (1 2) 36, 122
Couch, Henry (12) 127
Beckard, Diane (11 ) 32
Coufa l, Susie (1 2) 56, 127


Craig, Penny (11) 47 Durbin, Michael (11) 32 Froning, Dawn (10) 66
Duron, Sophie (11) 39 Fundaun, Shardon (10) 32, 49
Crane, Ms. Dee W. 81 Dusatko, M s. Marie Furmanski, Robert
Duvall, Cheryl 77 (12) 131
Cratty, Sandra (12) 127 Dvorsky, Jeffery (12) 43, 130

Crogham, Deann (12) 128 (12) 130

Croisant , Suzann e (11) 44, 57

Crouch, Reese (12)26,28, 102,123,128 G

Cubrich, Timothy (11) 86 E

Cummings, Mr. Edward 55,80 Galaska, Patt y (1 2) 131

Cupak, Frank (11) 86 Garabrandt, David

Curran, Daniel (11) 34 76 (1'1) 40
(12) 130
Curran, Kenneth (10) 25, 32, 100 Earle, Ms. Adela Garcia, A nthony (12) 23, 132
Edmo nds, Timo thy
Curran, Scott (12) 26, 27, 128 Garcia, Larry (1 2) 25, 54, 132

Curran, Julie (12) 128 Edwa rds, Jeffery (10) 105 Garcia, To ny (12) 25, 31, 32, 33, 34
Eisenh auer, Mr. Paul 76
Cutaia, Bob (12) 728 Gasiliunas, Alda na (10) 43, 94

Czaplewski, David (12) 107, 120, 728 Ellefson Dawn (1 2) 36, 44, 35, 65, 66, 64, Garfield, Lo ri (10) 39, 66
' 130
Gingel, M s. Sueann 82
Engardt, Renae (12)1 30 Glasessmann, Linda (12) 132
Erikson, Glen
Escobedo, Ernest (1 2) 36,65,66, 130 Glismann, Terry (11) 27, 32, 62
Ethofer, Mark (10) 100
Evener, Laura (12)1 30 Godek, Joseph (10) 90

D (10) 32, 33 Godek, Mark (11) 89
Golezia, Lori (1 0) 46, 66
Dailey, Teresa (12) 128 F Gonzales, M r. Gary
Gonzales, Gloria 76
Daly, Denise (12) 45, 128 Graber, Fred (12)132
Grabowsk i, Stan ley (12)1 32
Danahy, Tim (1 2) 128 Grabowski, Jo hn (12) 132
Gradowsky, Michael
Davis, Karen (10) 46, 66 Falcon, Maggie (12) 24,35, 45,130,143 Gradoville, Mr. Phil (11) 89
Graybiel, Feli cia (11) 49
Davis, Ms. Jacquelyn 72 Falcon, Manuel (11) 23, 32, 34, 91 Greb! , Jo hn
Faiman, Mr. James 72 Greco, Robert 74, 95
Dejoy, Denise (12) 128 Green, Ms. Betty (11)27,45
Green, Susan (1 2) 43, 91 , 132
Demitruk, Cinthia (12) 128 (11)42,49 Greenw ald, Douglas (1 1) 86, 102, 105
Demkowsk i, Margaret (12) 128 Fast, John 83
Fellow, Ms. Sally (1 2) 132
Dennell, Frank (10) 89 (11) 32, 34, 48 (11) 32, 33, 100,
Ferdon, David (10) 66
Desantiago, Sandra (12) 129 Ferrin, Kimberly

Deuchler, Ms. Betty 82 Fiarkoski, Donna (11) 32, 61

Dewitt, Je ffery (10) 32 Fishel, Ms. Marjorie 75 101, 107
(12) 132
Diaz, Catherine (12) 129 Fifi, Rickey (12) 130 Greve, Mary (11) 65,66
Greenlee, Ho lly (12) 132
Diaz, Veronica (12) 729 Fleming, Joylnn (11) 65 Grice, David (12) 31, 32, 34,

Dilley, Pauline (10) 60, 115 Flock, Randy (12) 131 Grimmond, Christopher

Doerr, David (10) 32, 45, 95 Flock, Ronald (10) 32

Dolphens, Mark (12) 86, 129 Flowers, Michael (11) 100 132
(12) 132
Douglas, Brent, (12) 102, 104 Foley, Cathleen (12) 131 Gross, James
Grosse, Tho rnton (10) 49
Dowdy, Angela (10) 66 Foley, Susan (12) 62, 65, 66, 131 Grothe, Scott (11)65,114
Grunder, Robert
Dowdy, Deborah (12) 129 Forema n, Joseph (1 2) 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, (11)107

Dragoun, David (12) 129 34,131 , 135

Drinnin, Mr. George 76,86,89 Foreman, Marcy (10) 66
Drelicharz, Jo hn (12) 129 Foster, Rogene (11) 32, 64, 65, 66
Dropinski, Mike (1 2) 95, 729 Fox, Connie (12) 71 H
Drummond, Luann (11) 43
(10) 60, 66, 92, 93
Dubas, Connie (1 2) 23, 56, 129
Franker, Jerry (12) 131
Dubyak, Gerald (12) 28, 35, 129, 149
Frederickson, Michelle (11) 22, 25, 60
Ducharme, Michelle (11) 47
Frederickson, Richard (12) 131 Haltings, Maragret (1 2) 133
Duff, Pam (12) 65, 66, 130 Hagelstien, Barbara (11) 26, 65, 66
Duff, Patti (1 2) 108,130 Freeman, Gina (10) 32, 45, 58, 94, 110 Haines, Mark
Duffy, Karen Haines, Monica (12) 133
Duffy, Maggie (10) 32, 51, 59 Freer, Cheryl (12)131 (12) 28, 133
(12) 29, 130
Fricke, Brian (12) 47, 131


Haizlip, Mr. Beaufo rd 78 Ho man, Sherri (10) 66 Kallhoff, David (12) 86

Haizlip, David (12) 112, 133 Hood , Kim (12)134 Karnes, Kelly (11) 31,32,61

Hall, Ms. Alice 83 Hooks, M ic hael (11) 86 Karnes, Leeann (12) 29, 36, 136

Hall, Ms. Maragaret 72 Hopgood, Dennis (10) 102, 105 Karasek, Steven (12)136

Hallowell, Lanni e (12) 24, 35, 86, 133, 143 Ho rto n, James (12) 27, 134 Karnish, Tho ma s (10) 40

Hamblen, Cindy (12) 133 Ho rvath, Lauralyn (12) 135 Kaspar, Steven (1 2) 31, 32, 50, 137

Hamernik, Jeff (10) 90 Horvath, Mark (12) 135 Kava, Susan (12) 137, 151

Hamernik, Frank (11) 40 Hornbeck, Mr. Harold 79 Kerwin, Eileen (11 ) 94

Hamilton, D elo res (1 2) 28, 133 Hrabik, John (12) 135 Kerwin, Shei la (1 2) 92, 93, 137

Hanna, Dale (12) 133, 145 Hrdy, Raymond (11 ) 38 Kilbo rn, Cindy (11) 11 5

f lansen, Kari (10) 49, 66 Huerta, Eddie (11) 38 Kinsella, Annette (12) 137

Hansen, Sheri (10) 66 Hunt, M s. Marge 83 Kinsella, D enni s (10) 90

. Hansen, Sheri (10) 66 Hunt, Margaret (11) 48, 49 Kinsella , Nancy (12) 137
Hanson, Linda (10) 32
Hanson, Dr. Leonard 70, 178 Hunt, Scott (12) 27, 32, 34, 135 Kirkpatrick, Lenna (1 0) 66

Hunter, Theresa (11) 92,93 Klein, Peggy (12) 137

Hardin, Dennie (10) 112 Hynes, Patty (1 2) 135 Klusaw, Mary (12) 137

Harless, Wendy (10) 60, 115 Klusaw, Robert (12) 137

Harbour, Wayne (12) 133 Knight, Mark (10) 90

Harms, Mr. Jo hn 83 Kobie, Kelly (12) 36, 37, 137

Harness, Kathryn (12) 133 Koch , Lo ri (10) 66
Harrison, Robert (11) %, 107
Jacob s, Patric ia (10) 32 Kohler, Fred (12) 137

Hartung, Jeff (9)%,97 Jacob se n, Barbi e (12) 29, 36, 37, 135 Koksa l, Cyunthia (12) 138

Harvat, Laureen (10) 39, 62, 66, 111 Jacobson , D o nna (12) 23,32,36,37, 135 Konw inski, Lynnette (12) 138

Hastings, Jeffery (11) 89 Jacoby, Brad (10) 90 Konyek, Kathy (12) 28, 138

Haugse, Ms. Laura 72 Jacoby, Suzie (1 2) 28, 121, 135 Koperksi, Deborah (10) 51

Hauptman, Diana (10) 66 Jamison , Donald ('12) 50,91, 135 Koperski, Terrance (10) 38

Hazuka, Michelle (12) 47, 65, 66, 92, 93, Janiak, M s. Joseph ine 82 Kopiasz, Debra (12) 138

108, 134 Janousek, Judy (10) 66, "108 Kosisk i, Kathryn (12)138
(11) 32,107
Hays, Chri s Jano usek, Ro bert (1 2) 23, 25, 53, 102, 104, Koterba, Jeffrey (1 2) 27, 38, 138

136 Ko ubsky, Dale (11) 53

Hayes, Jo nathan (10) 102, 86 Janovich, Ca theri ne (1 2) 135 Kozeny, John (12)138

Hays, Kevin (11) 32, 43, 107 Jasso, Joaquin (1 2) 26, 29, 136 Kozlik, Kenneth (12) 138

Hebrad, Bob (10) 90 Jeck, Renee (11) 65,66 Kraft, Debra (12) 138

Heinz, Beverly (10) 22, 25 Jensen, David (12) 28 Kratzke, Mr. Fred 55, 80

Heinz, Linda (12) 23, 36, 37, 46, 134 Jensen, D o n (10) 25, 31, 32 Kreiser, Kim (1 2) 138

Hemenw ay, M r. Dallas 72 Jerabek, Nancy (12) 136 Krupa, Carrie (11) 23, 25, 27

Henderson, Lynda (11) 65 Jewell , T imothy (12) 29, 36 Krula, Brenda (12) 138

Henley, Renee (10) 39 Jimerson, Caro line (1 2) 136 Krula, D ebbie (10) 23, 42

Henry, Wesley (12) 102 Jo hnson , Amee (10) 32 Krupski, Dennis (12) 138

Hermsme ier, Karen (11) 99 Jo hnson, M s. Ellen 78,111 Krys, Mary (11) 37, 57

Heydenreich, Jacquline (12) 65, 66, 134 Johnson , Gregory (11)1 02 Kvasnicka, Ms. Mellanee 72

Hiatt, Barbara (12) 134 Johnson , Lori (12) 136 Kucirek, David (12) 139

Hightower, Mr. Kenneth 80 Johnson , Timo thy (10) 91 Kucirek, Nancy (1 2) 29, 139

Hilario, David (12) 134 Johnst on, Martin (12) 136 Kunzman, M s. Jenene 81

Hilger, Mark (11) 32 Jo nes, Ms. Nelsc 81 ,86 Kurcz, Cathy (1 2) 92, 93, 108, 139

Hill,Willie (11) 102, 103 Jones, Susan (12) 136 Kurtz, Billy (10) 66

H inrichs, Mr. Roland 66,77 Jurek, Barbara (12)29,136 Kwasn iesk i, Robert (11 ) 86, 89

H irsh, Judith (12)1 34 L

Ho bza, Joseph (12)134 K

Ho fer, M s. Sarah 83

Holo bek, Lori (11) 66 LaFerla, Barb
LaFer la, D e borah
Ho lland, Jeffery (11) 86, 89 Kalchik, Bruce (11) 96 Lamb, Deborah (11) 32, 33 44, 58
Kalchik, D ebra (12) 136 Lamb, Miche lle (1 0) 51, 59, 66
Ho lland, To m (12) 131, 134 Kallhoff, Constance (1 2) 136 (12) 139
(11 ) 51
Ho llinger, Lisa (1 2) 134

·Holubar, Karen (12) 62, 134


Lane, Cath erine n:n -139 Mathews, Stephen (12)141 Montes, Stephanie (11) 94
Monzu, Joseph (12) 144
Laney, David (10) 90 Matsukus, Mr. Theodore 73 Monzu, Rita (12) 99, 108, 144
Moody, Diane (1 2)28,144
Larki n, Phi llip (12) 139 Matulka, Robert (1 2) 86, 141 Moore, Leroy
Moore, Do uglas (12) 39
Lawless, Barbara (12) 36,139 Mauro,Ms. Laurel 70 Morlan, Terrie (12)144
Morris, Denita (1 2) 29, 39
Lawson, loka (10) 66 M cAuliffe, James (12) 38, 50, 141 Morrow, Susan (12)144
Mosser, Mr. Cornelius
l ee, Ms. Janet 82 M cCaig, Marri (10) 51, 59 Mostek, Deborah (10) 60
Mueller, Gary 71
Lenczowski, Kathl een (10) 40, 60 McCain, Brenda (11)10, 1 08 Mulligan, Jerri
Mullner, Susan (1 2) 92, 93, 144
Le11, Daniel (1 2) 47, 107, 139 McCalli ster, Moe (12) 23, Muncey, Darwin (12)144
Muncey, Darlene
Lewi s, D arnell (10) 102, 105 25, 141 Murphy, James (12) 26, 144
Murray, Kevi n (12) 36,37, 144
Lew is, M ichelle (12) 139 McCaw, Daniel (10) 32 Mynster, Karen
McConnell, Janet (12) 141 (11) 65, 66
Licht as, So phia (1 2) 139 McCutchen, Donald N (12)144
(10)90 (1 2) 144
Liekhus, Bonnie (12) 64, 65, 66, 140 McCutchen, Colleen (12)141 (12)144
McDonald, Mr. Gene (12) 145
Liekhus, Russell (10) 23, 25, 90, 105 53,80
M cGee, Tim (11) 89
Limoges, M s. Carol 75 McGeorge, Ei leen (12) 142
M cGeorge, Lacy (1 2) 142
Lindmeir, Kenneth (11) 90, 112 (10) 32
M cGinnis, Kevin (12) 142
Ling. Rosemari e (1 2) 29, 140 M cIntosh, George (11) 86
McKenna, Gene 78, 108
Long, Cynthia ("I 2) 39 Mclaughlin, Mr. Kirk (12) 142
Mclaughlin, Rita (10) 49
Lo ng, Kri sta (11) 32, 45, 94, 11 5 M cPeak, Theresa (12) 142
McPeake, Theodore (10) 66
Longo Cat hleen (10) 46, 66 (12) 86, 142
M ead, Susan
Lopez, Josephine (12)140 Mecseji, Scott

Lo renz Jacqueline (12) 140

Love, Jo h n (1 2) 140

Lovell, Ru ssell (1 2) 140 Nabity, Dwayne (1 2) 65, 66, 145
Naikelis, Andrew . (1 2) 86,145, 155
Lucas, Pat rick (11) 89

Ludwig, Caro l (1 2) 140 Napora, Tim (12) 86, 88

Lukowski , Mark ("1 2) 140 Meisinger, Mr. Dean 71 Nary, Kathy (12) 145

Lukowski , Lo rene (10) 94 M eisenheimer, Mr. James 25, 73 Nebrigich, Leann (10) 32

Lukow ski, Steven (11) 32 (11) 32, 42, 64, 65, 110 Nekola, Mary (12) 28, 92, 93, 108, 121,
(12) 142
Lytle, Kevin (1 2) 102, 104 Melies, Paula 145
Mell, Charles
(1 2) 142 Nemecek, M r. Lad 74
M (10) 114 Nemetz, Ed (10) 49
Mendenhall, John
Mendiola, Tony (12)23, 64,65, 66, 142 Neuberger, Mr. Joseph 73,90, 103

M endiola, Elizabeth ·(10) 66 Newburn, Anthony (12) 145

M ac, Ms. Rozanne 35,75,94 M enichetti, John (12) 142 Nicol, Ms. Nancy 81

Machacek, Terersa Cl1) 65,66 Merriman, Veronica (12) 142 Niederhoefer, M s. Edith 75

Macrander, Diane (1 2) 47, 92, 93, 108, Meston, Christopher (12) 142 Nielson, Ms. Helen 83

140 Meyer, Marilyn (11) 43 N ielsen, Deanna (10) 66

Macrander, John (10) 46, 90 Mikkalson, Jeffery (12) 38, 86, 143 Niemiec, Raymond (1 2) 145

Madison, Sa muel (10) 66, 89 Milan, Robert (12) 143 Nigrin, Nancy (12)145

Mahlberg, Robin (1 2) 111 , 140 Miller, Daniel (10)13,25 NistI, Margo (12) 47, 145
Mahoney, Mary (12)140
Miller, LuAnn (11) 37 Nistl, Wanita (10) 44, 46, 60

Maitland, John (1 2) 96, 140 Miller, Gayle (1 2) 36, 143 Noah, Nancy (10) 66

Maitland, Mary (12) 141 Miller, Michelle (11) 23, 25, 58 Nodgaard, Douglas (11) 22, 25, 86, 102
Malzahn, Sand ra (11) 60
Miller, Patricia (1 2) 28, 143 Nohava, AnnMarie (12) 28, 47, 145

Mandi, Mr. Edward 54,80 Miller, Richard (12) 25, 52, 102, 103, 104, Norton, Ms. Bette 71
Marino, Cindy (12) 141
Markhofer, Paula (12)141 127, 143 Nosal, Kristine (10) 46

Minino, Mr. David 38, 81 Nosek, Ms. Geo rgia 83
Novotony, James (12) 146
Martin, Mr. David 72, 90 Misiunas, Joseph (12) 105
Martincik, Michael (11)37,89 Mista, Dawn (12) 143 Nowecki, Cynthia (1 2) 28, 146
Martir:iez, Jo hn (1 2) 86, 88, 141 Money, Ronald (12) 143
Nystrom, Mr. William 70, 178

Mascarello, Li sa (10) 27, 42, 51 , 59 Monjarez, Lori (12) 143 Nyberg, Patri cia (12) 146
Maslosk i, Janine (10) 60,66
Montalvo, Mary (12) 25,143,108 0

Massey, M r. Charles 55,80 Montelongo, Elda (10) 32
Masters, Mr. Lawerence 35, 75
Montelo ngo, Roberto (12) 47, 143


0 Powers, James (10) 66 Roehr, Thomas (11) 48, 49, 62
Prchal, Li nda (12) 148
O'Connor, Edward (1 1) 51 Prchal, Ronald Rohde, Ms. Sue 81
(11) 86
O'Connor, John (10) 38 Preister, Wayne Rolfson , Larry (11) 48, 49
Preston, Maria (12) 148
O'Connor, Kevin (12) 146 Preston , Nina Rollins, Gerald (10) 112
Pribamsky, M r. Albert 83
Odom, Michael (12) 32, 34, 146 Price, Robert (12)148 Rom melfanger, Daniel (12) 150
Priebe, Jerald
O'Donnell, Bridget (12) 27, 47, 146 Priebe, Jeffrey 53,80 Rone, Ms. Beverly 72
Pries, Scott (10) 90, 112, 114
O'Hara, Mr. Thomas 73, 100, 101 Prokop, Cathy Rosales, Jamie (12) 150, 157
Proksel, Diane (10) 44, 45
Oholendt, Mr. Jack 78,86 Pruss, Ms. Patricia (12) 148 Rosemann, Gregory (12) 86, 150
Pugsley, Sheri
Olberdi ng, Theresa (11) 32, 64, 65, 66, 99 Pulido, Edgar (12) 86, 88 Rosemann, Kevin (11) 45, 47, 89, 105
Pu ls, Cindy
Oldfield, Ms. Barbara 42,77 (10) 66 Rosenthal, Mary (12) 150
O lmstead, Susan (10) 66 Rosenthal, Sharon (10) 94
O lson, Robert (12) 146 (10) 66 Rosinski, Stan (12)43,47,50, 107, 150
(12) 44
Ondracek, Koreen (12) 146 (12) 36, 37, 149 Roth, Robin (10) 27

O rsi, Robert (10) 32, 34, 96 Ruelas, Daniel (12) 150

Oseka, Russel (12) 146 Ruecker, Mr. Frank 54,80

Osmera, Scott (12) 23, 86, 146 Rumsey, John (12) 150

Ostronic, Peggy (12) 25, 36, 56, 133, 146 Russell, Denny (12) 151

O urada, James (12) 146 Russel, Donald (10) 39, 105

O urada, Jeanne (12)147 Ryan, Frank (11) 89

p Q Rysensky, Lori (10) 66

Quinlan, Colleen s

Padilla, Theresa (12) 147 R (12) 40
Pakes, Mark (12) 147
Pane, Ralph (10) 114 Salerno, D r. Patrick 72
Parks, Richard (12)147
Parys, Craig (12) 147 Sanchez, Pau l (12) 151
Patrick, John (11) 22, 25, 96,112
Patterson, Jeffrey (12) 23, 28, 36, 37, 139, Schamp, Jean (12) 23, 25, 92, 151

Pederson, Mary 147 Raabe, Delores (12) 149 Schlesiger, David (12)151
(12)62,65,66, 147
Rabiola, Ant hony (12) 44, 49, 50, 149 Schimidt, Carol (11) 32, 43

Rabiola, Samuel (10) 45, 48 Schmidt, Theresa (12) 151

Radden, Lori (12) 45, 47, 149 Schneid er, Ms. Judith 44,60, 77

Raftery, Ms. Susan 72 Schram m, Durt (10) 90

Ramirez, Roger (12) 149 Schroeder, A lan (12) 151
Rasmussen, Wi lliams (11)33,34
Perina, M r. Joseph 76 Schultz, Kay (12) 65, 66, 151

Peroutka, James (12)147 (12) 91, 149 Sch ulze, Lynn (12) 65, 66, 151

Persing, Lisa (10) 22, 25, 32, 44, 94, 110 Reafleng, Barry Schwery, Fred (12)151

Persing, Lori (12) 31, 32, 33, 34, 44, 99, Record, Lori (10) 94 Schul tz, Ms. Marcia 38, 81

108, 147 Redden, Tracy (11) 22, 25, 37, 47, 65, 66, Schwa lm, Ms. Jean 82
(11) 39
Perry, Frederick 11 1 Scaife, Caroline (10) 66
Pesek, Daniel (11) 86, 89
Peters, Richard (10) 90 Redwine, Marybeth (12) 23, 25, 35, 44, Scott, Kathryn (12) 29, 151
Peters, Ms. Susan
Petrie, Michael 78,92,98,110 45,115,129,149 Sedam, Vicky (12) 152
Petrin i, M r. Pietro (10) 49, 66, 91
Petroski, Karen Remar, James (12)149 Sedlacek, Victory (12) 152
Pleuler, Helen 52,80 Renner, Susan . (12) 149
Pfeffer, Rodney (10) 46 Revers, Michael (12) 149 Seifert, Ms. Barbara 74
Piccolo, Michael (11 ) 92 Reynolds, Charles
Pirruccello, Jetta (10)66 (11) 43 Seifert, Ronald (12) 65, 66, 152
Pistone, Mr. Frank (10) 66
Pleasant, Tony (12) 28, 148 Reynolds, Sue (11)47,65,66 Selfridge, Mark (12)152
Podjenski, Robert Rhoades, Sue (12) 150
Pope, Dawn 52,80 Rhoten, Mr. Red 83 Sequenzie, Sheila (10) 66
Popelka, Patty (12) 34 Rice, Mr. M ichael
Porter, Kandy (12) 148 Rickley, Ms. Nadine · 26,29,72 Serefko, Annette (12) 152
Potter, Gregory (10) 66 82
Potter, M r. Jeffery (12) 35,148 Shanahan, Julie (11) 37
Povondra, Sharon (12) 148
Powell, Clyde (12) 148 Shanahan, Terri (12) 152
(12) 148 Rider, Ms. Barbara 82 Sheffield, Leanne (12) 152
(10) 90 Riddle, Rona ld (12)150
Riffel, Ms. Ginger Sheibal, Jeffrey (12) 64, 65, 66, 152
51, 52
Sherlock, John (12) 23, 65, 112, 113, 115,

Ringo, Steve (11) 112 152

Rischling, Janet (12)150 Sh ipley, Luann (12)152

Riza, Christine (12)62,64,65,66, 150 Shradar, Paul (12)152

Riza, Paul (10) 95 Shukis, Mark (10) 49

Roark, Rul ita (10) 48,66 Sici unas, Betty (10) 27, 58

Roberts, Roy (12) 150 Sici unas, Jeffrey (12) 152

Siderewicz, Pau line (12) 153


Siedlik, Timothy (1 2) 55, 153 Tolles, Melody (10) 66 Whitehouse, Mr. Robert 70
Tomasello, Eugene (12) 155 75
Simmons, Kathleen (11) 65, 66 Tomasiewicz, Terasa Whiting, Ms. Jean
Simon, David (12) 153 Townley, Mr. Floyd (10) 32 (11 l 32
Tracy, Ruth 83 Whitten, Majorie
Travis, Mr. Albert (10) 49
Simoneau, D enise (10) 44, 60 Trawicki, Colleen (12)155 Widdershoven, Marlin
Trouba, Debbie 31,61,77 73
Sims, Rooseveh (11) 66 Trouba, laura Widrick, Mr. George (10) 107
Trout, Anthony (10) 51 35, 74, 114
Si nkevich, Barbara (1 2) 54, 65, 66, 153 Turner, Rae (10) 44, 46, 60, 66 Wilting, Mark (12) 156
Turnquist, Ms. Toni ' (10) 46, 66
Skalla, Belinda (12) 153 Tuttle, Gretchen (10) 39 Williams, Mr. Edward
(11) 64,65, 66 (10) 66
Skalla, Vicky (12) 153 u Williamson, Donald (12) 156
(12)155 (12) 27, 156
Skipton, Mary (12) 44, 65, 66, 153 38,81 Wilson, Julienne
(10) 46 73
Sm ith,Amy (12) 153 Wilson, Peggy 50,74

Smith, Ms. Ardith 83 Winebrenner, Matt (12) 29, 156
(12) 157
Smith, Laurie (12) 153 Wipfler, John
(12) 54, 157
Smith, Leah (12)45,153 Witham, Mr. Warren (12) 157
Smith, Mary (12) 36, 37, 154 Wohlfarth, Mr. Richard
(12) 157
Sm ithberg, Kelli (10) 44 Wojtalewics, M ichelle
(10) 49, 66
Smits, Ronald (12)35, 45,47,50, 154 Wojtowicz, David (12) 157
(12) 157
Snelli ng, Ro bert (10) 90, 114 Ulpis, Edward (10) Wolf, Matthew (12)157
Underriner, Ms. Ann
Snodgrass, Penny (10) 48, 62 Urban, Gerald 72 Wortman, Delores
Urzendowski, Daniel
Sobczyk, Rodney (12) 154 (11 l 38, 64, 65, 66 Wozniak, Mr. Floyd
Sobczyk, Timothy (11) 32 (12)155 Wright, Christopher

Soka lsky, ty\s. Joanne 45, 77 Wright, James

Sommer, Darlene (12) 28, 154 Wynn, Cindy

Soren son, Steven (10) 46 Wzorek, Sherri

Sousa, Georgia (12) 43, 154 Wzorek, Terri
Spencer, Philli p (1 2) 43, 154
Vancanti, John (12)155 y
Stansel, Mr. Kenneth (12) 52, 80 Vacek, Allen (12) 156
Stark, Ch ristopher (12) 154 Valla, Ronald (12)86,156 Yablonski, Gary (11)
Stark, Paul (10) 32 (12) 156 (12) 157
Van Cleave, Joh n
Steinhauer, Michael (12) 86, 154 Vasta, Michael (12) Yablonski, Thomas (10) 65
Vasquez, Charo 37, 75
Sterba, Su san (11)65, 66 (12) 156 Yates, Diane 39, 41 , 62, 72
Vasquez, Tina (11) 115
Stevens, Jeann ie (10) 92, 93 Vasques, Mario Yaw, Mr. Kent 82
Vera, Alfredo (10) 96 (11) 64, 65, 66
Stevens, Richard (11 l 32, 44 Vitick, Christopher (12) 45 Young, Mr. Douglas
Vickers, Bruce (11) 100 39
Stodolka, Cari 23,36,37, 141,154 Viecelli, Dave Young, M s. Jackie (12) 62, 157
(10) 66
Stoley, Michael (11)86, 89 Vincent, David (10) 114 Young, Kenneth (~0) 40, 66
Voudry, Karen 47,76
Stoley, Stephen (10) 90 Voudry, Kenneth (10) 90 Young, M ichelle
(10) 48 (12)157
Stopak, Christine (10) 46, 94 w (10) 48, 49 Yousling, Thad z (10) 45, 115
Stovie, Scott (11) 23, 25, 64, 65, 66
(12) 158
Stovie Shelley (12) 22,25,29,35,36, 154 (10) 90
Stoysich, Jani e (12) 158
Stoysi ch, Jo hn (10) 60, 66 Zak, Michael (12)1 58
(10) 90, 114 Zanders, Mr. Dan (10) 86, 89
Stoysi ch, Judy
(1 2) 32, 45, 46, 47, 154 Zaporowski, Karen 83
Straley, Gil Zeleny, Dianna
(12) 23, 54, 154 Zeski, Phillip
Suput, Georgia Zimmerer, Dan
(10) 42 Zocco, Marinella
Svacina, Timothy Wages, James (12) 156 Zongker, Dan
(12) 155 Zongker, Dennis
Svaci na, Jacq ueline Wajda, Debra (12)156 Zymball, Mr. Al
(10) 44, 66
Swan son, Mr. James Walden, Glenn (12) 48, 49
Swoboda, Richard Walpus, Thomas (11) 22, 25
(12) 39, 64, 65, 66
Wallace, Thomas (10) 32, 91
Waltman, Rosanne (10) 40

Warchol, Linda 65,66

Tanner, Glenda Washington, Scott (10) 105

Taylor, Patricia (12) 155 Watson, Sgt. Jerry 79

Tesch, Lawerence (12) 155 Watson, Sandra (10) 110

Tessin, Thomas (10) 66 Wawrzynkiewicz, Mark (11) 33

(12) 155 Welch, Mr. Jon 79
Thed en s, Sharon (1 2) 32, 33, 34, 56, 155
Theden s, Steven Welna, Susan (10) 156
(11)32, 91 Weyant, Melissa
Thompson, Ms. Alice (11 l 32, 33, 34, 99

Tiessan, M r. Gleen 51, 82 Weyant, Rhonda (12) 31 , 32, 33, 147, 156

75 Whiteing, Andrew (11) 32, 64, 65, 66

_ __~ - - - 187

_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ - -

~------------- ~- -

Compliments, Complaints. • •

The 1979 yearbook was pro- Monica Haines, Lea nne Casart
duced through the hard work
and dedication of the following Spanish Club: Diane Cla rk
p e o p l e.
Fa cu l ty Sect ion : Reese
Editor: Joe Foreman
Associate Editors: Shelley Ste- Crouch, Diane Moody, Dave
vie, Reese Crouch
Photography: Dave Jen sen, Jensen
Barb Jurek, Rose ling, Leanne
Casart, Joe Foreman , A nn Sports Section: (ed itor: Reese
Art: (Di v i sion Pages) Jerry Crouch)
Dubyak, Tom Bauer
Cover Design: Tom Bauer, Football: (va rsit y ) Re ese
Jeff Patterson
Opening Section: Joe Fore- Crouch, Na n cy Kucirek Rose
man, Shelley Stevie
ling; (junior varsity) Jerry Dub-
Ambassadors: Shelley Stevie ya k; (reserves) Suzie Jacoby,
Annual Staff: Tom Bauer, Gin-
ger Calhoun, Michelle Wojta- Mary Nekola
Art Club: Tom Bauer Cross Country: Diane Clark
Band: Joe Foreman
Cheerleaders : (varsity ) To m Boys' Golf: Jeff Patterson
Bauer; (junior varsity) Terri e
Morlan; (reserves ) Leeann Volleyball: (varsity) Suzie
Chess Club: Ginger Calhoun Jacoby; (junior varsity ) Kathy
Choirs: Shelley Stovie
DECA: Barb Jacobsen Konyek, Mary Nekola
Drama: Patty Miller, Monica
Hai nes Girls' Golf: Kathy Konyek
FFA: Cindy Nowicki, Jetta Pir-
ru cce llo Girls' Swim: Becky Bell
French Club: Patty Galaska
German Club: Dee Hamilton Boys' Swim: Diane Clark
Homecoming: Joe Fo reman,
Shelley Stovie Boys' Te nnis: Rose ling,

Latin Club: Dee Hamilton Leanne Casart
Majorettes: Barb Jurek
Math Club: Diane Clark Boys' Gymnastics: Joe Fore-
Pomperettes: Ginger Calhoun
ROTC: Sue Clark man, Suzie Jacoby, Mary Neko la
Science Club: Ginger Cal-
ho un Girls' Gymnas tics: Barb
Shops: Darlen e Sommer
Mary Churc hi ch, Patty Miller: Jacobse n

Boys' Basketball: (varsi ty)

Cindy Nowick i, Reese Crouch;

(ju ni or v arsity) Joe Foreman,

Becky Bell ; (re se rves ) Nancy


Girls ' Ba sketba ll: (va rsity )

Becky Bell, Joe Foreman; (junior

varsity) Patty Galaska

Wrestling: (varsity) Jetta Pir-

ru ccello; (junior varsity) Cindy

N O\vick i

Cah o y, Sherlock individual

pages: Mary Neko la, Suzi e


Senior Section: Mary Nekola

Suz ie Jacoby '

Closing Section: Shelley Stev-

ie, Joe Foreman

Advertisements: Terrie Mor-

lan , Kathy Sco tt , Mich e ll e

Index: Ann Nohava, Darlene

Sommer, Mary Nekola, Suzie

Jacoby, Barb Jacobsen


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