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Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1991-1992 school year.

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Published by Omaha South High Alumni Association, 2021-01-16 22:50:57


Omaha South High School Taurus yearbook for the 1991-1992 school year.

'East Lynne' held at Omaha Playhou se

"East Lynne," the drama depart- stagecrait instructor, and students Shannon
ment's spring production was held Baldwin, Monica Hansen and Charlie Wagner.
at th e Omaha Community Playhouse.
Members of the cast were Mariel Smejkal,
Because renovation ha$ moved Frank Mascarello , Tom No·✓ak , Heather Locke,
to South's auditorium, the Omaha Play- Brandi Krimmel, Amy Rezac, Dave Marshall,
house, one of our Adopt-a-School Angie Griffith, Mandy Smith, Clint Huey, Tasha
partners, volunteered one of their Helms, Mike Masters and Sarah Tefft.
stages for the performances.
A melodrama about one young
woman's stru ggle to find real love,
"East Lynne." was directed by drama
instructor, Mr. James Eisenh2.,dt.

Assisting him were Mr. Doug Young,

Isabel speaks to her maid Joyce (Brandi Krimmel) about
her plan to run away with another man.

Cornella Carlyle (Amy Rezac) finds true love when Dill
(Dave Marshall) shows her his pocket book_


The 19~2 Prom King and Queen: Mario Rodriguez
and Kori Rech.

Below right, the 1992
Royal Court.
Senior Kevin McChristian waits for
the next-dance as Adam Nowka and
Lorie McClure take advantage of this


'It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday


When the word 'Prom· is mentioned, Prince was Julian Johnson and
many things come to mind: a romantic t11ere was a tie for Princess between Dawn Swiney
dinne r, dancing, wonderful decorations and Debbi Zimmerer.
and beautiful music.
The ballroom was tastefully dscorated in
This year's Prom was all of these and red, white and gold and music was provided by
more. Held at the Scoular Building on Magic Music.
April 10, the evening was a magic2I one.
The other members of the Roy2I Court were
Reigning over this special evening Mike McIntosh, Amy Rezac, Shawn Turecheck;
were seniors Mario Rodriguez as King Carrie Warsocki, Chris Kirby, Roman C2no,
and Kori Rech as Queen. They were Brandi Wasinger, Martha Gonzales. Letisia Mir-
crowned by Mrs. Joyce Christensen, anda, Matt Digilio, Denise Biodro\':ski, Rod ney
who w as assisted by last year's royalty Brun, Kevin McCl1ristian, and Theresa Herrera.
Terrance Badgett and Kari Foral.
Senior Cla:,s sponsored the evening.

Co-Rita Dawson and Monica Mason dance to Magic
Music at the Scoular Building. This was the first
year South held its Prom at this location.

Aprll 10 was a night of music and dancing as
this crowd shows.


TENN'l8 Senior Alicia Carmona shows her
powerful serve.

Senior Carrie Hunter returns the

ball perfectly.




Tennis team faces challenging season


l The 1992 girls' tennis team faced a Altt1ough the w eather was responsible fo r

challenging season. the cancellation, postponement and resched-

Under the direction of coach Gerard uling of both matches and practices, the team

Kowal, math and Latin teacher, the team managed to keep their spirit and work level high.

had a successful year. Team member Amy McPhillips said, "Tennis

Members of the team were seniors : is fun and we're getting better each year'"

Alicia Carmona and Carrie Hunter; juniors,

Rachael Thurman, Amy McPhillips, Mar-

dell Andersen , Carrie Foreman, Tracy

Olechoski, and Rita Kuchinski; and

sophomores, Angie Williams and Christy


Junior Rachel Thurman serves her way to victory.

Junior Rita Kuchinski awaits the ball. Rita is
playing at Lynch Park, where South holds its
home matches.



Girls' Soccer team: front row, Maria Carri-
zales, Sonia Valadez, Christina Lopez; second
row, Terri Herrera, Laura Stillmock, Leslie Still-
mock, Wendy Jongewaard, Wendy Chapman;
third row, Katie Delaney, Jennifer Diesing, Che-
ryl Biodrowski, Nicole Simonetti, Sandy Kosiski;
back row, Cindy Yoder, Kristina Dale, Amy
Thompson, Amanda Thompson, Cory Modra,
Carrie Robinson. Not pictured: Alicia Miranda,
Leticia Miranda.

Frank Feiner sends the ball on a direct kick.


Fundamentals key for soccer teams

"Even though we have not won any Standout player on the girls' squad is junior
games, we've still worked hard and hope- Leslie Stillmock who is goalie . She has been play-
ing since her freshman year.
fully we'll do better next year," said team
member Kristina Dale, a sophomore. Lack of experience has been a handicap fo r the
boys' soccer team. The majority of the team is made
Under the direction of coach, Ms. up of first-year players.
Lisa Curry, the girls' team was 0-6 at press
time. "The team has a lot of potential," according to
coach Mr. Robert Kaufman, now in his third·
"The team is young, but we still are try- year in that position . Assisting him is Rod Wash-
ing to reach ou r goal and have some fu n in g t o n.
at the same time," said Nico!e Simonetti.
The team was led this year by senior co-captains
Coach Curry noted, "Al:hough the com- Russ and Rod Brun, brothers and four-year veter-
petition is tough at the varsity level, these ans·of the sport.
girls are dedicated and put forth a lot of ef-

Senior Rodney Brun heads the ball past a Northwest

Bart Kukura, senior, and Aaron Hill, sophomore, try to take
the ball from Northwest.



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