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freshman Krista Miller leads a cheer during a ninth CREERL
grade basketball game.
Junior Varsity cheerleader Angie Williams, a
sophomore, takes a break for some food.
squads JV, freshmen
cheer for support teams
under- tion of sponsor, Miss Li sa Curry, English teach- The freshmen cheer their
er. Thi s was Miss Curry's first year at South team on to a victory. Fresh-
classmen and she replaced M iss Jana Crisler as freshman man cheerleaders t ry out in
sponsor. the fall for the ninth grade
Backing up the varsity cheer- squad.
leaders in their support of the Freshman cheerleader Cathy Ryan said,
school's ath_letic teams are the "Being on the squad is fun, but it can be very The Junior Varsity squad
junior varsity and the fresh- complicated." struts its stuff at the Home-
man cheerleading squads. coming pep rally.
Led by co-captains Tina Mehser and She was referring to the fact that the squad
Laura H ernandez, the Junior Varsity members must organize their schedules to
cheerleaders had a great year. allow for cheering at all freshman games. They
also practiced every night after school unti l
Mrs. Laurie Arn, DRC teacher, is in her four p.m.
second year of sponsoring t he sq uad.
These cheerleaders cheer at all junior var- In addition to cheering, the girls on both
sity and sophomore games. Their season squads also performed during pep rallies and
started in t he fall with JV football and vol- made signs and posters for the teams.
leyball and continued through basketball
season, w hich ended at the end of Febru- Both the junior varsity and the freshman
ary. cheerleading squads worked on fundamentals
and perfected their cheering and jumping tech-
The freshman cheerleaders, w ho were niques so that they might move up to the varsi-
selected in the fall, are under the direc- ty squad when tryouts were held at the end of
March or the beginning of April.
The Porn Squad performs at a pep rally to DRILL
"Mamma Said Knock You Out."
Senior captains Karen Hernandez and Laurie Par-
sons discuss upcoming events with sponsor Mrs.
Darlene Brown.
Drill Team
works to Captains: 'We
perfect are very proud'
their tains, was thrilled with the squad's attitude. The Porn Squad performs
the routine which won a
routines "They have done very well under all the stress fourth place trophy at sum-
Karen (Hernandez) and I put them under. They mer camp in Lincoln.
The Porn-Pon Squad, composed all know that our squad is not considered the
of 15 g irl s, 10 returning best, but we broke that reputation this year Drill team performs at a
and five new, had the with our trophy. Karen and I are very proud of home game to "Play-
experience and talent to per- them." ground."
fo rm wel l this yea r.
The Drill Team left for camp at Lincoln This year's squad practices from 3 to 4 p.m.
in July and came home with many awards every day which readies them to perform at
to be proud of: fifteen blue ribbons for football games, parades, pep rallies, wrestling
individual routines, four spirit sticks and a tournaments and during halftimes at home var-
fourth place trophy for their home rou- sity basketball games.
Being a drill team m ember takes a lot of
The trophy was an invitation for the practice and dedication. Junior Gina
squad to attend the National Competition Kirschbaum said, "The Porn Squad was a great
in Florida but they were unable to go. experience for me. It helped me with my hand
This home routine was des igned by a and feet coordination. It was fun."
hired choreographer who led the team in
practices for two hours every day for two The sponsor of the Porn Squad is Mrs. Dar-
months. lene Brown. She is very supportive, helps the
team organize their fundraisers and watches
Senior Laurie Parsons, one of the cap- practices.
Senior Tiffany Gamble stands at ease during a FLAG1
practice in the new gym.
Amy Longo, Rhonda Horg, Cristina Montelongo,
Linda Chantry and Gina Dutcher perform at South's
first home game in the new gym.
Flag corps
performs Team puts effort
during into routines
football the cheerleaders, the band and the R. 0. T. C., Juniors Rhonda Horg, Kristi
the flags were on hand to open the new gym Jac kson, an d Amy Lon go
games for our first home basketball game in over 50 work on their flag routine.
South 's Flag_.Team was one of Sophomore Angie Griffin
our spirit squads during the This year t he Flag Corps worked under the looks to the side fo r
past year. supervision of Mr. Mark Miller, band director instructions during a prac-
Organized three years ago, t ice routine.
the flags have found their niche new to South this year. Routines were chore-
at So uth. Th e busiest season fo r thi s ographed wit h the assistance of Mr. Walker,
squad was the fall as they performed dur- w ho developed the Fifties theme they used last
ing the halftime shows at home varsity year.
football games.
As part of the Fifties theme, the ladies on the
In addition to t heir football perform- squad wore pood le skirts and red sweaters
ances, they also participated in parades, w hich did double duty this year during Spirit
such as the one held for Cinco de Mayo. Week-Fifties and Sixties Day.
The Flags were also in attendance at The Flag Corps' regular uniform consisted of
the dedication of the new gym in Decem- a white body suit, red briefs and a net skirt in
ber. Together with t he pom-pon squad, w h ite.
Captain of this year's squad was j unior
Cyndy Yoder, w ho was co-captain last year.
Tryouts for the 1992-'93 squad were held in
March. Students are required to be at least
sophomore level to t ry out.
96 flags
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Ryan Blohn Michelle Boicourt J Jolene Brown Joseph Brown
Michael Boldt
The year of 1991-'92 has passed very
qui ckl y.
Soon we will be leaving each other
and memories wi ll take t he place of
daily meetings.
For the past four years, we, the Class of '92,
has stuck together through thick and thin. Now it
is time to say good-bye.
For some of us, moving on will mean starting
college, some of us will be working and some
may even just be sitting and "chillin'."
Now is the time to take "One Last Look" at
South High and our friends.
South holds many memories. For Mike Bosco,
the most memorable moment came when he met
his girlfriend, Gina Kirschbaum. For Mike Perez, it
was "the party after Homecoming. "
Shannon Crawford summed up the seniors'
feelings w hen she said, " I will miss seeing my
friends every day."
Mishelle Bullis Kevin Busch Kevin Butler
Roman Cano Alicia Carmona Daniel Carnes Deborah Carney Tammy Carroll
Toni Casale Julie Cerny Stacie Chunka Walter Colvin Shannon Crawford
seni.ors IOI
Sharon Cullum Anthony Curtis Ryan Deane Shannon Deloa Angel Deporte
Lori Dietz Matthew Digilio John Dizonno Todd Dodson Brian Dungan
Juan Franco Trent Gade Tiffany Gamble Soren Garcia Byron Gardner
102 seni.ors
Christopher Gardner Todd Gillespie Cory Gomez Thomas Gonzales Martha Gonzales
Daniel Henson Dietta H enson Anita Hernandez Karen Hernandez Soledad Hernandez
Rocio Herrera Rachel Holtgrave Jennifer Hrubsky Joni Hrubsky Stacey Huffaker
seni.ors 103
Jason Kopiasz Amy Koricic Clifford Krings
Bart Kukula Jesse Lantz Melissa Lawrenz Ralph Layman Michaela Leahy
Katina M cCarty Lisa M cClure Jessica M cCormack M ichael McIntosh Adell McKinney
Catrina M cKinney Roecio M ejia Ronnie M enicucci Desiree Metzler Danny Miracky
~I . . I
• _I -
Rachel M inarik
Edward Pariseau Laurie Parsons Jonathan Pearson Michael Perez Larry Petersen
Delores Rubek Robert Sanchez Christopher Sanders Michael Shaffer Alicia Simmons
seni.ors 101
- -- - - ~ - ~ -- -_ ~,,....,,-,,.'
Joseph Tranisi Adam Tripp Shawn Turechek Kenya Varela M aria Vazq uez
Terrie Youngblood Derek Zeman D ebra Zimmerer Amy Grotelueschen Corita Dawson
Seniors not pictured ... M elinda Hiatt William M ize Ir:;
Lem Beaugard Michael Hichman
John Bell Ahmad Jackson Brian Mosites Angela Robinson Diana Thompson
Michael Bosco James Nellor
Alicia Cardenas Steve Janak Terry Nimerich ter r,
Damien Collins James Johnson Lora Patton
Antonio Cortez Frank Preiksailis II seni.ors 109
Bryon Croft Lagina Jones Kevin Primes
Chad Devore Reina Jones Ealene Q uarles
Jose Falcon angel Kaasch Felipe Ramos
Timothy Fantroy Esther Laizure Tammy Ricks
Bobvette Ford Keith Lasovich Margari to Robles
Christina Gardner Shawn Lester Patricia Rock
Richard Gladden Phillip Leymaster Lisa Santi
William Godfrey Tamika Seals
M organ Gosch Jose Lopez Raymond Serna
M onica Lopez Zachariah Simmer
Jennifer Greenwald Gloria Lucero Damon Smi th
Sherice Gresham Jacob M allory
Lisa Griffith M onica M ason Richard Summers
Lyle Hardin Nicole M cClain Jerry Swain
Alfredo Hernandez Joel M cWilliams Lataunya Wilburn
Pauline Millsap Tenisha W right
Arturo M iranda
110 senior collage
senior collage Ill
What's HOT!!
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Vanilla Ice
Old Spice
Always NOT!!
rA lill ltIm~ lillgJ lb)llJllt
0 m©J~ ©J S© llJllt~
Senior Survey
Most Popular Best Eyes Oddest Couple Most Likely to be on the Honor Roll
1. Carrie Hunter - Frankie Hupp 1. Rachel Minarik-Soren Garcia 1. Laurie Parsons and Mike McIntosh 1. Laurie Parsons
2. Amy Rezac - Mike McIntosh 2. Pauline Millsap-Rodney Brun 2. Vanessa Rinderknecht and Ralph 2. Ralph Layman
3. Kori Rech - Jerry Swain 3. Rachel Holtgrave-Frankie Hupp 3. Mike McIntosh
Most Successful Most Likely to Succeed 3. Debbie Zimmerer and Chris Kirby Most Likely to Roam the Halls
1. Carrie Warsocki-Mike McIntosh 1. Carrie Warsocki- Julian Johnson 1. Mike Lopez
2. Laurie Parsons-Julian Johnson 2. Laurie Parsons-Mike McIntosh Best Build 2. Rachel Minarik
3. Alicia Carmona-Rodney Brun 3. Jennifer Edgell-Ralph Layman 1. Rachel Minarik-Jose Falcon 3. Vanessa Rinderknecht
2. Kori Rech-Scott Walter
Funniest Most Likely to Come Back and Best Hair Most Likely to be Teacher's Pet
1. Debbie Zimmerer-Alan Addison Read the Bulletin 1. Letisia Ramos-Soren Garcia 1. Laurie Parsons
2. Amy Grotelueschen-Bart Kukula 1. Amy Rezac 2. Kori Rech-Ralph Layman 2. Alicia Carmona
3. Vanessa Rinderknecht-Chris Lynch 2. Alicia Carmona 3. Desiree Metzler-Ralph Layman 3. Carrie Hunter
Most Unique Couple Best Looking Best Smile Most Over-used Expression
1. Vanessa Rinderknecht and Ralph 1. Kori Rech-Soren Garcia 1. Kori Rech-Mike McIntosh 1. "Haye a nice day."
2. Letisia Ramos-Damien Collins 2. Amy Rezac-Mario Rodriguez 2. "What's up, 'G'?''
Layman 3. Laurie Parsons-Russell Brun 3. " Imagine that! "
2. Laurie Parsons and Mike McIntosh Friendliest
3. Debbie Zimmerer and Chris Kirby 1. Shelly Smith-Rodney Brun Most Likely to Become an Most Over-used Word
2. Debbie Zimmerer-Jose Falcon Actor or Actress 1. "Not!"
Class Clown 3. Amy Rezac-Russell Brun 1. Mike Ellison-Amy Rezac 2. "Okay"
1. Debbie Zimmerer - Jack Barton 2. Dave Marshall-Natalie Adams 3. "Dude"
2. Vanessa Rinderknecht • Bart Kukula Smartest 3. John Bell- Vanessa Rinderknecht
3. Natalie Adams - Dave Marshall 1. Laurie Parsons-John Novak Cutest Underclassman
2. Carrie Warsocki-Ryan Deane Most Likely to be Late for Class 1. Mario Casteneda
Best Legs 3. Carrie Hunter-Mike McIntosh 1. Rachel M inarik 2. Scott Pease
1. Rachel Minarik-Damien Collins 2. Russell Brun 3. Gina Kirschbaum
2. Carrie Hunter-Ray Barnes 3. Mike Bosco
3. Susan Andersen-Rodney Brun
Seniors Vanessa Rinderknecht and Ralph Layman were voted the "Most Unique Voted first in the category of "Oddest Couple" were seniors Laurie Parsons and
Couple." They have been dating approximately three years. Mike McIntosh. Laurie comments about their relationship, "Mike's not only my
boyfriend, he's my best friend."
Songs summing up the year
1. It's So Hard to Say Goodbe to 2. The Thing That Should Not
Yesterday by Boyz II Men Be-by Metallica
3. Ice, Ice, Baby-Vanilla Ice 4. Dream-Bonham
Seniors Carrie Hunter and Frankie Hupp were voted
"Most Popular. " Carrie and Frankie were also Home-
coming Queen and King.
Sophomore Mario Casteneda was selected "Cutest
Underclassman" by the seniors.
Nole: Senior Survey sclec•
lions arc the results oi J
questionnJire circul.1tl'd by
!he ye.ubook staff among
.,II seniors JI South.
Winning in the category of "Best Hair" was senior Letisia Seniors Debbie Zimmerer and Alan Addison were voted
Ramos. Letisia also won second place for " Best Looking."
" Funniest" by their classmates.
Junior Randy Todalan models a "Code Showing off his Air Jordan shirt is
William Mitchell.
Zero" sweatshirt.
Team logos provide T-!!-IIRT! Senior Rod Brun
w ears the casual
popular text for w ~ OU, fu4 o1 ,/dill "" ""tlr8 Jf!I,,, o p ~ (D1t, white t-shirt.
""tlr8 oeto4lo«,. WhM woulJ, ult, be, wdltd OUk, T££r'l
116 t-shirts
Junior Melissa Piatt shows off a
popular styl~ ... Pepe!
Senior Jack Barton
stuts his stuff in a
long-sleeved tee.
South's own book store sells
tee's with the Packer insignia,
popular with students and staff
Junior De na Burriell h •Junior Kristi Kellogg wears a revival style from the 117
and senior Amy
t-s Jrts60's ... tie-dye!
Grotelueschen show
off their attire.
... Katie Solberg d ecided s he no away. ... Amy G. and Dena B. ... Amy thought Jenny
longer wanted to d rive o n the right ... Angel D., Angie R. and Nicki turned
side of the road. their sophomore biology class into a "got in touch" with Jim Edgell's dog was a
... Everybody went to t he Metallica New Kids rap session.
concert. ... Deb Carney got bitten fou r times Morrison. horse.
.. . Am y G and De na 8. became by a turtle that was attracted to her
comatose on Corrie's couch. pink swimming suit. ... Laurie Pratt' s purse ... Tina's taco poem.
... Vanessa R. hydroplaned down the ... Michael Brown held CoRita Daw- was the hottest item at
Interstate and wrecked her car son and she cried in his a rms, then the garage sale. ... Pete chased Chad
. .. Taun isha Joh n son decided s he they fi na lly exp ressed the ir feelings because he blew up
wanted to be Puerto Rican. for each othe r as the music p layed in We read "The the bathroom.
... The "blue death t rap" was a the background. Book."
respectable vehicle. ... Chris Navarrette was frustrated at ... We used mace in
... We started a "mosh pit" and went Bart Kukula's house and knocked a ... Rita D., Amy G. Lau- English.
sailing in the darkroom. hole in the wall, and Todd Gillespie rie P. and Dena B. a;;
... Amy G.'s car had a "car" diac arrest sat on a stool and broke it. had a certain skin Pete and Tonya
in Millard. ... Carlos and Dennis used to be cool problem. came out of the bath-
... Amy G., Dena 8., and friends dined g uys. room together.
and dashed at Pizza Hut in Millard. ... The SFL reigned supreme. ... Rita Dawson had a
... The fire alarm went off for a pur- ... Frankie and Desiree were insepara- hole in her nose. ... Amy sat at West-
pose. ble. roads thinking of
... Karen and Debbie took a road trip ... Stacie C hunka "blessed " us all at ... Teri L. went out with Remember When's.
to Burke High and had to get direc- the Taco John on 24th Street a guy over the age of
tions from a British woman. ... Jeffrey W. d ro pped a fly ball in cen- 14. ... Laurie Parsons felt
... Lori Dietz walked into a wall at a ter fi eld against North. the need to examine
haunted house and got a bloody nose. ... Jennifer Edgell needed something ... Melissa E. hexed our Karen's orange juice
... E. W. wrote the best poem about a "with sugar in it." green light streak on very closely.
love triangle involving squirrels. Dodge Street.
... Scott W., Greg R., Mike 8., and Ray ... Amy was the flying
B. egged Angie while she was walking Mrs. Waterman "V" ... still is.
down the street. admitted to attending
... 1992 seemed like a m illion years an Alice Cooper con- ... Bart K. said he only
cert. had a few Remember
... Shawn Turechek tripped English class. W h en ' s.
and rolled down the hill at ... Dena Burriell could make ... Zack G. still went to
the beginning of a football up her mind. South. ... Alan Addison prom-
game. ... Ralph Layman and Vanessa ised Dena a picture
... Shelly Bullis, Desiree Met- Rinderknecht broke up for ... Amy and Katie hated I'm still waiting!
zler and Amy Rezac drove up half an hour. each other.
to Drake in Desiree's little ... We could fall asleep in
Fiero. class without being awak-
... Laurie Pratt and Dena Bur- ened by construction
riell drew a chalk outline of ... Amy G. and Melissa E.
Chris Navarrette in Yearbook. waited eleven hours for the
... DeeMae cried for a "4" in Metallica concert.
... Susan dressed like a Carnes, Deb Carney and ... Katie and Amy took
bum. Karen watch their lives flash the last paper towel
... Melanie would laugh like and tho ught it was
before their eyes. funny.
a hyena. ... Deb Carney liked a new
... Dee Mae fell up the stairs
andslid back down. BUY every week.
... Phil Pe/shaw threw a
..• Matt Digilio drove Karen
Hernandez's car and bowling ball through the
ceiling of the Athletic Bowl.
crossed Dodge Street at
rush hour, making Dan ... l.etisia went out with Fer-
min Lara.
... Deb Carney's car got tee- gans snuck into Rosenblatt Sta-
... Carrie Warsocki got a piece of ... Angie R., Angel D. and Nicki S. peed at Hy-Vee. I know who dium, only to be escorted out
the rock on Dodge Street. sat together at lunch and sang the
you guys are. You will not get by security.
... The gymnastics team got a Alphabet cereal commercial and
off that easily ... PeeWee Herman visited the
"wave"going around the Bob were called B.T.C. by the football
Devaney Sports Center during team. .... Jodi P. insisted she was Yearbook class.
State. ... We all worked at Unimart.
leaving work exactly at mid- ... Mike Martinez came back
... Alan Addison worried more ... Paula M. and Stef C. went
night. for a visit and told about his
about a $54 ticket than being in a camping.
tornado. ... Everyone was slam dancing in ... Carol C. tipped over the near death experience with a
... Don Bitler, Shawn Lester and the Old Market at Lana B's birth-
boat while reaching for an oar dolphin.
Bart Kukula cornered a muskrat day party.
downtown, and Todd Gillespie ... Matt Digilio was Italian. on the Outdoor Club field trip. ... Adam Fischer drove careful-
and Alan Addison didn't know
... Jody Phillips was known as Juju She continued to tip it three ly.
what it was. (a beaver with a shiny Beans by Deb Carney.
tail?) ... Elvis was dead. more times. ... Vanessa couldn't get out of
... Taunisha Johnson was her driver's side door.
invaded by wrinkled people in ... Dee Mae did her hair.
a sauna. ... Denise Biodrowski wasn't a
... Todd Gillespie's car we thought her dad ... Ray Barnes sat in a wad of blond.
blew up on the way to was going to murder
gum and was too scared to go ... Lisa Olsen agreed with the
the State Champi- her. to Miss Smith so Dizzi picked newspaper staff.
onships in Lincoln. ... Vanessa's car got it off for him. ... The Bugle Boy was sighted
... Laurie Parsons felt stuck going up Dena's ... Joe Tranisi and Shawn in gym class by Lisa and Amy.
Turechek got into a fight ... We actually called Rachel by
we wouldn't like her hill, and Dena and because Shawn had cold sores her real name-Barbie.
anymore after her Angie Zuck atte_mpted andJoe got dumped. ... The Pudding Child!
decision. to push the beast. ... The all-night volleyball game ... Shannon Crawford couldn't
We could get ... Frankie Hupp set off at Lynch Park played with no keep them in her shirt.
refunds from the pop a car alarm at a U.N.O.
and candy machines. field trip. ... The hamburger with tire
... Melissa E. asked ... Carrie Warsocki did
that neat trick with her marks on it in an innocent
Mrs. Waterman what feet.
...The only thing Brian bystander's mailbox.
her husband's last V. would wear was an
name was. orange shirt. ... A bunch of immature hoo/i-
... Keith locked his
... Katie snored in ... Amy T. got Russ Brun and Phil L. lost in
keys In his car every Iowa.
Physics class. day and had to leave ... Katie Solberg swore she'd never carry a
homeroom to get book bag. On Dec. 11, 1991, she finally broke
... Paula, Dena and Ms. them. down and bought one.
"Petey" Peters discov- ... Amy G. tried to fake ... Rachel M. dated Frankie H.
ered T.S.B. sleeping for a picture ... Our freshman year when all the seniors
but couldn't do it. were really cool.
... Dez finally broke .•• Katte Solb•rg wore ... Vanessa said she was from Guam.
... Rachel got a day of I.S.S.
down and gave us our gum lh her hair. ... Jennifer Edgell got stuck with a date that
wouldn't leave.
photos. ... Captain Nemo remembered the date.
... Vanessa used a cal- ... We were in awe of the electrician.
culator for more than
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Juniors unior year is a time for The one thing that really
change. scares me is starting over and
Junior Toni Jones catches up on some sleep after her assignment is done. being separated from friends
Juniors are just one and family. Welcome to reali-
year away from being a ty!"
senior and w ith that
realization comes the maturity Money, or the lack of it,
to accept more responsibilities adds more stress to eleventh
and strive to achieve more. graders, causing many of
"Working, school and keep- them to go out and get a job!
ing up with my friends is a Parents begin to contribute
real challenge," commented less and less w hile bills stack
Heather Locke. "My junior higher and higher.
year has been ... unforget-
table! " "The minute you earn your
College presents a big money, it' s sucked right out
worry for juniors. Grades now from under you," said Burriell.
may mean the difference
between scholarships or "This year I have car insur-
working. Some students ance payments," said Becky
choose to spend Saturday Fruge. "I never have any
nights at home studying in money for clothes or goi ng
order to keep grades up. out anymore."
" I went to t~e College Fair
last year/ said Dena Burriell, Being in the middle, antici-
"and now Loyola, Denver and pating th at last year of high
Kearney won't leave me alone. school, can be hect ic and
annoying, but it is worth it!
Junior Heather Locke ponders what her life w ill be like next year as a senior.
Junior Dena Burriell tries to cool o ff in the newspaper office.
Andre Adams
Tina Aldrich
Tracey Alexander
M onica Allen
Nate Allen
Gilber10 Almazan
Bethany Anderson
M;:irdc!I Andersen
Eric Anderson
Amber Arnold
Andrew Ashcraft
Scott Babka
Kyndra Baring
Nancy Barnell
Joel Barrell
Diana Barrientos
Raquel Barrientos
Patty Barry
Julie Bashore
Dorothy Baucom
Demond Bennett
John Berleu
Maritza Betancourt
Cheryl Biodrowski
Denitra Blocker
Tanisha Briggs
Justin Broberg
Lynetta Brown
t...\ike Brown
Chris Budde
Dena Burriell
Linda Burton
Jana "yrd
Jeff Cahill
i\·1ichael Campbell
Monty Cannon
Eliseo Cano
Lisa Carodine
David Chandler
Lamar Chappell
t\,'1ary Cherco
Jason Christianson
Al Clark
Am)' Clements
Paul Coate
Stefanie Coffman
Bill Colcord
Anthony Collins
Marci Cook
Adam Cooley
Zachary Craft
Mand)' Croft
Warren Cumerford
Bernard Davis
Patricia Derry
Traci Derry
Tamm)' Deterding
Gemini Donaldson
Dana Doole>•·
Nicole Eddy
Mozeue Edwards
Mike Elliot
Keith Elsasser
Chad Engelke
Jose Flores
Valdemar Flores
Tracy Fora!
Carrie Foreman
Charles Foxworth
Becky Fruge
Am)• Galas
Aaron Gdanov
Nicole Gibson
Chad Giesing
Roy Golka
,\dam Grarnkc
Don Graunke
Bonnie Gra)'
Kolby Gray
Nicole Green
Son1ia Green
Hea1her Grie,-cs
Teresa Gu)'Oll
Tanya Haley
Tina HJl\'erson
Tracy Hamplon
Jefire)' Hansel
L..1nce Hanson
Tracy Hatcher
Brian Hedrick
laNette Hernandez
Allison Herold
Aaron Herrera
Shainnia Hill
Tanisha Hill
Lashana Hluchoweckyj
Shannon Hoffman
Rhonda Horb
Tammy Hulbert
Craig Hutfless
Isela Jacinto
Ivy Jackson
Kristi Jackson
Vershan Jackson
David Janda
James Janousek
Krista Johnson
Lindsy Johnson
Louis Johnson
Patrick Johnson
Terrance Jones
Toni Jones
Posedo Joynoosaeng
Michelle Karnes
Kristi Kellogg
Gina Kirschbaum
Ronald Koch
Andrew Kolb
Tarance Kole
Tina Komasinski
Tracey Kozak
Brandi Krimmel
Traci Krupa
Joe Kuchinski
Ri la Kuchinski
Anna Lacz
Malt Larsen
Thon Leul faimany
Shorn Leo.vis
Sonny Lipscomb
Heather Locke
Amy Longo
Carol Longton
Christina Lopez
Estefana Lopez
Chrisla Mally
Eric Malo!epszy
Samantha Marchese
Mike Masters
Tereisa McGrigg
Marcy McNeal
Amy McPhHlips
Linda Meyers
leshann Miller
Dawn Minshall
Alicia Miranda
Matt Mona
Mike Montalvo
Christina Montelongo
Gisela Montes
Chris Monzu
Clootha Moun tain
Tiffany Mynster
Jeff Nacarelli
Frank Navarrette
Rencsha Neal
Dawn Neller
Leslie New sam
Jodi Nielsen
Jason Novak
Loiena Ocon
Tracy Olechoski
Lui s Olvera
Jeff Owen
Robert Palermo
Mike Patlan
David Pedersen
Phil Pelshaw
Jesse Perea
Kimberly Perry
Shawna Peterson
Tony Pfeiffer
Roseanne Pfeiffer
Melissa Piatt
Alan Plymale
Jackie Polite
Dan Pollreis
Katherine Poole
Robert Pope
Denis Pertrey
Lana Prange
Detria Price
Kevin Prince
Angela Ramirez
Grey Ramirez
Lisa Rathbun
Dar Reed
Vanetta Reed
Scott Regerus
John Reh
Becci Renshaw
Jose Reyes
Stephanie Reyes
Andrew Rickley
Rachel Rico
Michelle Rieper
Sarah Riesberg
,\.1ichael Roberts
Saul Robles
Adrienne Rodriguez
Otto Rowell
Jill Sandberg
John Savala
Chris Scurlock
Michelle Shorny
Danyell Sides
Chris Sidzyik
Julie Sidzyik
Shawn Sigbornson
Nickie Simonelli
Mariel Smejkal
Anita Smith
Tron Smith
Tonya Spawn
Desadie Stark
Jeremy Sternberg
Leslie S1illmock
Thomas Stodolka
Lisa Struz
Patrick Struz
Steve Sullivan
Nicole Talley
Denise Thomas
Kim Thomas
William Thomas
Amos Thomas
Am)• Thompson
David Thompson
Rachel Thurman
Ken Townsend
Mike Townsend
Neil V.1cek
Arasel Valadez
Cipriana V,11.ldez
Matt Vanderwerf
Lester V,1ughn
Shantelle \Valton
Amanda Washka
Mau Welch
Clarence Whi1ner
Sandy Wickert
Jason Wicken
Vickie \Villiams
Becky Witecki
Carlos Woolard
Doug Woodcock
Cindy Yoder
,\.1ark Youngs
Martin Zezulak
Steve Ziemba
Sophomores ophomore year shows er's license, starting to date all
a change in maturity. are signals th at it is time to start
David Ayala acting like an adult.
Bill Badberg Students are not
Malica Baerde Setting goals becom es impor-
Sharefa Baerdc Sfreshmen anymore, tant the sophomore year. With-
Victor Baez and life becomes more out the pressures of college or
full of responsibilities, but also graduation, students can enjoy
Teri Baker more fun. Now is the time to life as they set goals and explore
Jack Barbaria seriously begin thinking about a variety of interests.
Dave Barclift the future.
Felissa 8Jrnes Getting a job, earning a driv-
Ralph Barraza
Kim Bashore Sophomore Staci Edwa rd s a nd
Aimee Baughman junior Gina Kirsch baum practice
Christopher Bauman porn-pons.
Guillermina Becerra
Brian Allen
Pamela Bell Bentura Antunez
Robert Bendig
Tammie Adkins
Mariela Betancourt
Heather Bishop
Jon Blaaz
Thomas Black
Adam Blocks
Shelli Bobier
Angie Bodnar
Corina Boettger
Tanya Boet1ger
Andrea Bogacz
Joe Boylan
Chris Bragg
Jonie Brown
Tu Bui
Pat Burget
Charles Busch
Michael Campbell •
Kay Cano
M ary Cardenas
Carrie Carman
Carol Carney
Niki Carodine
Maria Carrizales
Mario Casteneda
Fred Chanves
Wendy Chapman
Helen Chan1ry
M ike Chereck
Chane Chonis
Troy Christensen
Amy Ciechomsk1
Jennifer Costanzc
Jeff Clevelanc
Catina Crail
Gene Crawfon
Jenni Crayne
Kristina Dali
Lisa Davi•
Sybil DeBcrri
Mary Delonei
Heather Dewitt
Rene Deleon
Steven Dickey
Scott Dinges
John Dole
David Dorris
Tony Downie
Mike Driscoll
Marshall Driver
Jackie Duncan
Gina Dutcher
Jennifer Dymek
Melissa Edgell
Staci Edwards
Charlie Engle
Heather Feldmann
Aaron Fehy
lester Ferris
Brandon Fisher
Barry Filch
Stacey Fill
Gabino Flores
Crystal Flynn
Shelly Ford
Stacie Fox
Justina Fritz
Michaellyn Gaines
Rodney Gamache
Dina Garcia
Juan Garcia
Tony Garcia
Wally Gaters
Mikeal Gatewood
Rosalva Gaytan
Todd Geislar
Mary GenO\'CSi
Ton)-a Gomez
Genevive Grant
Lillie Gray
Dana Gresham
Lisa Griffin
Karen Griffin
Cory Grzebielski
Mike Gutierrez
Andrea Hagelstein
Robert Haite
Christopher Hammers
Tara Hane)•
Harry Hart
Rob Hayek
Brian Helmbergcr
Tasha Helms
laura Hernandez
Villin Herrera
Beck Hilburn
Aaron Hill
Jeremy Hoeft
Jinny Hoffman
Darin Houfek
Talitha House
Clinton Huey
Alicia Hughes
Kurt Hulsing
Chris Humpal
i\ndy Hunter
Daron Hunter
Rober! Hurley
John Hutiless
Chris Hulzell
Pilar Jacinto
1\n10i11c Jackson
Kena Jackson
M ilric Jaime
Chrislin,1 J,mda
Allen Johnson
Jerclle Johnson
Joanne Johnson
Lat-aurus lohnson
Wendy Jongcw,1ard
Julie K.1asch
Sean Karrer
Loda Niel Kendr'.ck
Shane K1ce
Tia Kimble
Thomas Kirkman
Ladonna Klabu~de
Felicia Knrght
Rob Knobbe
Sandy Kosiski
Andrea Kress
Brandy Kirkpatrick
Brian Kud~
Ron Lakin
Bernie Lambrecht
Shawn Lane
Brad Lester
Cheryl leu~ing:
Angle linner
Mark Loder
Tracy Lopez
Tom lovings
Kevin Maracky
Frank Mas~arello
Daronn Washington
Robert ,\11atthews
Brandy McCabe
Lorie McClure
Rachel McCu1chen
Lola McNew
Jill McNulty
Tina Meh~er
Jeffery Me,er
Danielle Messing
Sara Meyer
Romas 1
Travis Mitchell
Corine Modra
M ikeModra
Chauntelle Montgomery
Jamie Morey
Tracy Morse
Shanedia Morrow
Brian Moss
M;ke Nalley
Ivon Natera
ulie Naujokaitis
Chrls1ina Navarrette
Ricardo Navarro
Shawna Nelson
Heidi Netzel
Ron N imeric.hter
Cindi N1xo.n
Randy Noms
Tom Novak
Katie Nowaczyk
Br:~ie\le Olsolnd
Darlene Par~er
Julie Parrish
Melissa Payn:
Ano Pea
Scott Pease
Jaimie Peck
Carmen Peguer~:
Suzanne Pera
Charley Ph~ll~ps
Jay Ph,lhps
Sar.ah Piatt
Al Pickard
Mike Pokorski
David Pollock
Chris Poole
Domina Ran_ge~
Karen Ra1a1sk1
Chris Reagan
MArk Reeve
Shannon Reeves
Ed Reno
Mike Renshaw
Antonio Reyes
Christina Reyes
Jesse Reyes
Robert Rhode
Becl-y Richardson
Eric Ridenour
Jack Roach
Roni Robbins
Carrie Robinson
Donna Robinson
Juan Robles
Brenda Rodriguez
t-.-\iriam Rodriguez
Rosa Rodriguez
Teresa Rodriguez
Richard Sahs
Lisa Sandoval
Pat Sargent
Jenny Savicky
Tom Schultz
Tony Sedlacek
Maria Serrano
Dominic Settje
Amanda Shiller
Janelle Siedlik
Nance Simmons
Conchita Sinecio
Greg Shelly
Trina Shelly
Kelly Smith
Ken Smith
Tanuel Smith
Kristi Snyder
Casey Sole
Elisha Spellman
Roxann Springer
Heather S1afford
Jenny Stankiewicz
Tawneesha Starks
Chasiti Stevens
Chris Stein
Laura Stillmock
David S1ull
Toby Siurek
Tenille Summers
Jennifer Svab
Scott Swanson
,\.tichaela Swartzell
Ed,v.1rd Sykora
Lashonda Taylor
Sarah Tefft
Tina Thill
Don Thomas
Jamie Thomas
Wil liam Thomas
Kenneth Tolliver
Rodney Turner
Shawn Twyman
Sonia Valadez
Juana Vallecillo
Lupe Vallesillo
Rosa Vallesillo
James Vogel1anz
Charlie \V,1gner
~1ichcllc Wagner
Chastily Waules
Sherman Wells
Dorotha White
Lisa Whitesides
Angela Wi lliams
Chris Wilson
Michelle Woodrich
Ronald \Vor1hing1on
Sally Wynn
Shernea Young
Angie Ziccardi
Charlie Ziemb.t
Trish Zook
Freshmen lass of '95' ... new much embarrassment. "I
to South this year remember w hen I went to get
from a vari ety up fro m m y des k and th e
wh ole desk fl ipped fo rward
Cof junio rs highs w ith me in it! "
around the city.
For thi s cl ass, fo ur year s Philip Kirschbaum said his
will pass quickly as they make m o st exciting mom ent was
their way to t he graduation when Coach O holendt said he
ceremony thousands of other w ould be suiting up for varsity
Sou th High gradu ates have fo otball.
experi enced.
Tara Bosco remembers her
But for now, for the school most embarrassing moment
year 1991-'92, these freshmen as the time her brother, Mike,
had to suffer th e indignities, and senior Joe Tranisi " put me
th e embarrassm ent and th e in a garbage can."
confusion that is part of enter-
ing a new school, especially a Through all the exciting and
school w here some of the stu- embarrassing moments, the
dents are four years older, a freshmen made it through to
lot wiser and a lot bigger. start next year as sophomores,
more confident about what
For Chad Slump, being a lies ahead.
freshm an bro ught with it
Freshmen Jerry Rody, Scott Rebecca Aceveda
Taff, Wayland Vacek, Ch ri s Brandy Addison
Hargis and Philip Kirschbaum
stop for a quick picture on Kun Allen
their way to weightlifting. BobbiJo Andersen
Johnie Andrews
Kateaka Andrews
Patrick Anson
Mario Alunez
George Archer
Jeff Armentrout
Brandy Ashcraft
Mare Ashcraft
Matt Atkinson
Zhannon Aylor
Kari Bailey
Shannon Baldwin
Leza Barber
James Beebee
Bernard Benesh
Mayra Betancourt
Chris Bober
Brian Borden
Tara Bosco
Jason Bouc
Carrie Brennan
Phillip Brewer
Billy Brooke
Jackie Brown
Kesha Brown
Melinda Brown
Theresa Brown
Carey Bruns
Cindy 8ryan1
Quetran Bui
Charlene Burns
Damion Bush
Jul; Byfield
Jona1han Cain
Jessica Cano
Genny Capalile
Yolanda Carrera
Tamika Carter
Ruben Castro
Linda ChJnlrey
Luis Chavez
Adam Chmura
Michelle Christiansen
Edward Colvin
Helena Cotton
Alan Crane
Cathrine Crawford
Jessica Cunningham
Jonathan Cunningham
Ray Davison
Angelica Delgadillo
Nina Deloa
Tremain DePerkins
Olivia Detienne
Racheal Dewitt
David Dibelka
Jennifer Oiesing
Susan Dizonno
Veronica Dolinchek
Daniel Dooley
Jeff Duncan
Greg Earnest
Latasha Edwards
Mike Ellerbracht
Cerise Elliott
Jeff Evenson
Chris Fielder
Rick Finn
Jimmy Fisher
Danedtria Flemming
Karen Fleshman
Sha,vn Fletcher
Gustavo Flores
Maria Flores
Rodolfo Flores
Shannon Fox
Orlando Fuller
Rodney Fuller
Jeremy Genrich
Michael Gilbert
John Gillespie
Chandra Cray
Paul Graylord
David Griess
Mark Gosch
David Gusman
Chris Halsey
Sonya Hamaker
Heather Hanson
Shana Hanson
Chris Hargis
Tiffany Haskins
Gregory Heckard
Jim Heffernan
Katey Herman
Diana Hernandez
Kris Hernandez
Maria Hernandez
Heather Hilburn
Lmy Hinton
Andrea Hluchowecky
Shawn Hollenbeck
Danny Holmes
Mike Holzapfel
Keith Howard
Rodney Hufiman
Nate Hughes
Carl Humbert
Jason Hunl
L,1rry Hutfless
Jay Ignowski
Jimm)' Ignowski
Dan Janousek
Joseph Janssen
Felicia Jimenez
Am)' Johnson
Emma Johnson
Jon Johnson
Corina Juarez
Andrew Kidder
Jessica Kidder
Philip Kirschbaum
Porcha Kelly
Catti Kimble
Zsa-Nate Kirke
Heather Koch
Jeff Kohler
Kristan Kopiasz
Nick Kratochvil
Kara Kuiper
I Lafournaise
Char esPatrick Lakin
Patrick Lampkins
Terry Lantz
Sara Lapacek
~f;Tammy Larsen
Jeremy Leymhaa
Erin Locke
Josh Loth
Kevin Lucas
Jason Lurks
Darie!le Mackins
Paul Marshall
Israel Martinez
Andy Masters
Jimmy Mauer
Nicol Mauer
Dawn McC~rt
Jayson McCormick
Brandon McGary
Mike McGinty
Sabrina McNulty
Ana Merizalde
Tony M ertz
David Meyers
Krista Miller
W"lliam Mitchell
S~awn Moment
Lora Monjar~z
Gene Morns
William Mosby
Judy Nielsen
Jessica Neubert
Nicole Newton
Dave Nadean
Donald Novy
Eric NySlrom
Christopher Oliver
Marisol Ondar
Steve Ozmun
Regina Pappas
Chris Patterson
Tonnie Peder~n
Greg Perkins
Brian Petersen
Frances Peterso_n
Amy Pettis
Katie Pfeiffer
Trever Pfei_ff~r
Alvaro ~.mtodePalyrcm1malee
Brianna . h
William Podkov1c
Joshua Preister
Alice Quarles
Maria Quint~ro
James Rab1ola
Victor Ram:~
Jessica Rang
Lorie Reed
Jenelle Reisdor(f
M 'chael Rewolinski
i Ana Reyes
Ra mond Rhodes
Bra~di Richards~n
Melissa Rich11g
Dawn Roberts
Carrie Robertson
Katisha Robertson
Lamar Robinson
Rochelle Rocha
Marissa Rodriguez
Terry Rody
Jaci Ross
Regina Ross
Mike Rudol
John Russell
Catherine Ryan
Lisa Sanchez
Brian Schaaf
Melanie Schafer
Jennifer Schicker
Jeremy Schrat
Jolyn Schmeling
Ronda Sedam
Erica Serrano
Aaron Seydlitz
James Shaw
Adam Shes1ak
Jenniier Shomy
Melissa Short
Michael Sidzyik
Chris Siegel
Chad Slump
Duane Smith
Mandy Smith
Travis Smith
Waylon Sommer
Nick Stafford
Sheryl Star
Douglas Stevenson
Dave Stonys
Nathan Strachota
Aenea Stubblefield
Becky Stull
Angela Styles
Nate Sullivan
Sam Swanson
Noah Swanson
Rene Swartzell
Shawta Sweeney
Joohn Swendroski
Matt Synowiecki
Kristi Szczepanowski
Heidi Tablas
Scott Taff
Jessica Thomas
Llo)'tl Thomas
James Thompson
Bobby Tkaczuk
Becky Todd
t-.·tichelle Tripp
Christina Trusler
Bernie Vacek
Matt Vannier
Rosa Vera
Cacobie Vasser
Chaz Vasquez
Jeff Vasiliauskas
Jo Walker
Suzanne Walker
Falisa Ward
Lakisha i.vashington
Greg Webber
Jeff Wei kle
Cheryl \.Vermuth
Ronald White
Charles Williams
Demetrius Williams
Kachele Williams
Christina Winden
Dan Wolfe
Rulh Yates
Fred Young
Melanie Z.idina
Ra)• Zaracki
Joseph Zolck
Tony Zurek
freshmen 133
TMH program offers
variety, stimulation,
caring and fun
T he TMH (Trainable Mentally Handicapped) pro- Leroy Williams and Curtis Austin warm up before their
gram is a special part of South High. bowling party at the Athletic Bowl gets underway.
TMH offers daily living instruction for students
to learn and apply work skills. This year there
were 31 students in .the TMH program, ranging in
age from 15 years to 21 . Of those 31, six were graduates who
leh the program in June.
TMH students who attend South come from all over the
city. Their activities are community based, such as going on
outings, gaining experience in the workplace and gaining
independence. The purpose of the classes at South is to pre-
pare the students for life after they leave school, so students
gain practical knowledge and experience in everyday activities
such as riding a bus.
Other activities for the students includes Special Olympics
and the Just Friends Club. The club allows TMH students to
meet and socialize with other students in the school. The club
members plan social functions which are fun and serve to
develop special relationships.
In Special Olympics, the athletes participate in basketball,
track, bowling and soccer. When the games are held, our stu-
dents compete against TMH students from other schools.
Leroy Williams and Brandi Obermeyer approach the line and concentrate on Decked out in their party clothes, these students enjoy Homecoming '91 as
they pose with this year's queen, senior Carrie Hunter.
their delive,y.
134 tmh
Tina Driscoll
Daryl Flowers
Juana Navarrette
Brandy Obermeyer
Leo Salinas
Leroy W illiams
Curtis Austin
Chris Bednarz
Steve Conklin
Jennifer Connick
Krista Edgermeier
Chanel Glass
Noreen Ganow
Carol Hruska
Donald Hudnall
Courtney Mahan
Steve McClain
Cindy McCown
Blanca Salinas
Terry Scott
Donna Thompson
Elijah Wade
Eric Watt
tmh 135
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Money, money, money!
Clubs work to raise cash
C ookies, candy, gourmet choco- order to raise money. Even the pop and candy
lates, sausage, cheese, suntan- machines help raise money for the school.
ning oil, wrapping paper ... the
list seems endless. The expenses of running an organization are
These assorted items are just a sometimes high. Funds raised allow club mem-
few examples of what organizations around bers to go on field trips or have parties. Out-
Sout h High sell to rai se money for their doors Club, for example, sponsors a ski trip to
accounts. Colorado each year. To help pay for the trip,
members sell items throughout the school
Every Friday morning in front of the book-
store, Senior Class representatives and Mrs. year.
Linda McNair-Felton, sponsor, sold donuts to The yearbook staff has even held a garage
help them finance Spring Prom.
sale for the past two summers to raise money
The Academic Decathlon team sold candy for publishing costs.
for months before their competition in Febru-
ary. Mr. Jerry Bexten, assistant principal, is in
charge of the activities at South and oversees
Cheerleaders, porn-pan members and flag any fundraising activities. Sponsors must place
team members sell an assortment of items to their event on his calendar so there are not too
help defray the cost of their uniforms. many groups selling at any one time.
Senior Class Officer Laurie Parsons and Mrs. In February, members of the "O" Club held
Linda McNai r- Felton sell donu ts each Friday their annual volleyball game w ith the faculty in
Seniors Arturo Miranda and Alysia Carmona and junior Sophomore Brad Lester sells a candy bar to sophomore Rob-
Amy McPhillips are ready for their contest with the faculty. bie Hayek befo re his English class s tarts. Brad is selling candy
"O" Club members hold an annual volleyball game against to he lp raise money for h is Spanish class.
the faculty which is played in front of the student body.
139' fundraising
Selling popcorn balls during passing periods are
EM H students Lisa Skinner, Ed Reno and Lori Niel-
son. These students prepare the treats in their class-
es and then sell outside room 318.
Mrs. Joyce Pribyl, DECA instructor, finds that a
good deal of her time involves raising money. Mrs.
Pribyl is in charge of the popcorn machine which
many clubs use to make and sell popcorn after
sc ho ol.
Senior Chris Navarrette makes a purchase Jun ior Jason Christianson tries to get
from Mr. Floyd Wozniak, business teacher. sen ior Chri s Navarrette to order some
candy to help the baseball team.
fundraising 139
Involved sponsors •••
Key to successful clubs
Seniors Mario Rodriguez, Brian Villafuerte and ' 'Students need to know National Honor Society were named as clubs
~hat to do in their spare that present teachers belonged to when they
Amy Rezac have a bite to eat at a Spanish Club time." were in high school.
meeting. Mr. Mario Remijio sponsors this group. This was an observation
by Ms. Carole DeBuse, art To persuade students to join Student
teacher and sponsor of Outdoors Club. She Council, sponsor, Mr. Jim Yelnek said, " I
was explaining why she devotes so much of look to see who should be involved and
her free time to this organization. encourage them to join."
Sponsors are a major part of any club. Senior Class sponsor Mr. Shawn Hoschar
They bring fun to the activities and organize said, "We hold meetings for interested
functions as well as motivate thf! members.
juniors in the spring."
For most sponsors, their involvement is Miss Sally Fellows, sponsor of National
not just based on charity. For them there are
rewards such as keeping involved, getting to Honor Society said, "Membership is an aca-
know students outside of the classroom and demic honor."
keeping their own lives more interesting.
Many of the clubs hold special social
Many of the club sponsors were involved events throughout the school year: parties,
in clubs when they were in high school. Stu- banquets and picnics. These functions serve
dent Council, Drama Club, "O" Club and to allow members and sponsors to have a
good time and get to know one another bet-
English as a Second Language (ESL) students decorate Outdoors Club sponsor Mr. Richard Benak tries to get his
their classroom for the Christmas season. Mrs. Susan
horse under control as members Karen Hernandez, a senior,
Aguilara-Robles teaches the ESL classes. and Carrie Foreman, a junior, look on.
140 involvement