Outdoors Club members enjoy an autumn hayrack
ride. This club's head sponsor is art teacher Ms.
Carole DeBuse, who manages to organize a ski trip
for the group each spring, as well as several other
Spanish Club members Shannon Hoffman, Marissa
Rodriguez, and Bethany Andersen, all juniors, enjoy
the food served at one of their regular meetings.
Sophomore Heather Bishop works on an Juniors Krista Johnson and Heather
art project in class. Many art students are Grieves wait patient!)' for the bus to
interested enough in art that they belong to Youth to Youth Camp to arrive.
the school's Art Club.
involvement 141
Keeping up the pace
Club members are active
Senior Science Club member Cindy Yoder There were over twenty clubs at son, Ms. Sue Peters and Mr. Robert Hohn.
looks over the bamboo fence at the Henry Door• South this year. Other groups new to South were men's
ly Zoo Lied Jungle. Science Club visited the for- The organizations met a wide
est in September. range of student needs, from volleyball and girls' softball clubs.
social to academic to athletic to For Art Club, the year was special as they
were chosen to decorate one of the Christ-
New to South this year was the Students mas trees at the General Dodge House in
H elping Students Club. Its purpose is to Council Bluffs. Members of the club made
keep South High students drug and alcohol their original decorations and then senior
free. Their activities during the year included Art Cl ub members Debbie Z immerer and
hayrack rides, pizza parties and an annual Don Bitler went with Mrs. Debbie Larson,
drug-free convention in w hich area public sponsor, to do the actual decorating.
and private schools get together and commit
to being chemical free. Other sponsors of Art Club are Ms. Toni
Turnquist and Mrs. Caroline Schmitz.
Se ni o r John Dizonno said , " I join ed
because I enjoy helping little kids out and A building goal this year was to have all
teaching them about our organization." the clubs involved in at least one community
service project. These ranged from Honey
Sponsors of the club are Mr. James Swan- Sunday to Walkathons for charity.
Junior Bethany Andersen tries to break the pinata at the Junior Gina Kirschbaum tries to "Knock O ut" senior Bart
annual Spanish Club Christmas party. Juniors Susan Peralta Kukula during a halftime show performed by the Porn Pons at
a home varsity basketball game.
and Shannon Hoffman look on.
142 activities
-- Senior Art Club member Karen Hernandez works
on a project for the club.
.. Junior Leslie Newsam looks with surprise as she
walks through the jungle at the Henry Doorly Zoo.
Art Club sponsor Mrs. Debbie Larson stands Spanish Club members Krista Johnson,
by the Christmas tree that the club decorated Mario Rodriguez, Brian Villafuerte, Susan
for the General Dodge House. Peralta, Rachel Kuchinski, Kevin McChris-
lian and Rita Ku chinski enjoy food
catered by Howard's.
activities 143
Renovation in full swing
Face of South changes
The new instrumental music room opened sec- A the construction crews worked to and the DRC classroom.
ond semester, complete with individual lockers complete South's renovation, the On the ground floor are industrial education
and curtains to control acoustics levels. staff and students saw their school
ake on a whole new look. classrooms, a weight room, a training room
Virtually every part of the build- and coaches' offices.
ing was affected by changes this year.
Also completed this year was the Social
The new athletic and industrial education Studies wing on fourth floor north. Rooms
building south of the main building was com- remained about the same, but were given new
pletely finished this year. A formal dedication of
the new gym came in December, although the carpet and painting.
wing has been in use since the opening of Instrumental music students moved into
their renovated band room, located where the
For the first time in 50 years, South fans old girls' gym was, on second floor east.
could enjoy watching their home games in
their own gym. A spacious mezzanine area and The new band room has " private" rooms for
concession booth make the gym appealing and individual practice purposes, curtains and slant-
functional. ed window panels to control acoustics, person-
al lockers for the students and a " pet shop"
On the main floor of the new wing, north of where school instruments are locked in cages.
the gym area, are located the security office
New drama offices opened this year as work
on the auditorium continued.
New paint and new carpet brought a brightness to the Ms. Rosemary Kouhout, secretary in the new Guidance cen•
Social Studies wing on fourth floor-north. These rooms ter, checks on two students who await meetings wit h their
counselors. This new facility opened during first semester and
were completed as school opened in the fall. houses offices for each of the counselors, as well as a class-
room for meetings. Mrs. Rosemary Salcedo, who assists stu-
144 renovation dents w it h college and career choices, also works out of this
The new Guidance Center has plenty of room
available for students who w ant to plan their choic-
es for after graduation.
The new band room offers a large area for band to
meet, as well as smaller practice rooms.
A South High banner hangs in one of the On land where the old shop building
newly refinished social studies rooms. once stood is the new athletic-industrial
education complex. Opened this year, the
gym is now used for home games. This
view shows the east face of the building.
renovation 145
What's coming?
New areas are exciting
Mrs. Christensen, principal, spent most of the If one were to ask South High students The new kitchen also serves as a satellite
year in this temporary office awaiting the com- what part of the renovation they were kitchen preparing lunches which are trans-
pletion of the new administrative offices. most excited about this year, the con- ported to area elementary schools.
sensus would be "The cafeteria!"
Due to be completed by fourth For the administration, their new offices
quarter this year, the new cafeteria replaces have been long awaited. What used to be
the former one located in Room 520. the passageway on second floor to the girls'
gym, is now occupied by an office complex.
The new cafeteria is located on first floor
where the industrial tec hnology cl asses Mrs. Christensen's office, the main office,
were located. the nurse's office, attendance and tardy
facilities are all part of this new area. The
The new lunchroom has a restaurant type administrative area will be bounded on the
setting, including booths. A credit card sys- north by the new Guidance Center so peo-
tem is used to speed up the normally long ple in these two areas can work together.
and slow lines. In th e new cafeteria, two
registers will replace the four that were used The renovation has been messy, noisy
in 520. "Thi s cafeteria will be the most and generally disruptive, but as each phase
advanced in the w hol e state," said Mrs. is completed, students and staff members
Christensen, principal. agr ee that it has been compl etely wor th
waiting for.
The new cafeteria, located on first floor, has a restaurant The front of the building has been remodeled to accommo-
style decor involving booths as well as free-standing tables. date the new cafeteria on the first floor. The new facility
rep laces the old cafeteria on fifth floor.
146 renovation
The new lunch lines will move faster w ith the new
credit card system which w ill be implemented.
The new attendance office will be located in the
area once occupied by the second floor hallway to
the girls' gym.
One of the "Burger King" type booths is just Booths which line the walls of the new
waiting to be occupied. The new cafeteria cafeteria will offer the students both pri-
vacy and comfort.
opened in early March.
renovation 147
New work is underway
Completion target: 1993
The former courtyard area will now be used as Through all of the noise created by Another area of work is the second floor
the dock area. This is due to be completed by hammering, sawing, drilling, and where the nurse's office, attendance office,
the end of the school year. other machinery, the construction tardy office, mai n office and Mrs. Chris-
crews continue working to give tensen's office will be located. This area as
South High a new look. well as the math classrooms should be done
One area in which work is now underway next year.
is the Science Department. Loca t ed on
second floor south, the Science Department The last area which will be finished is the
will consist of ten c lass room s and p rep Home Economics Department, slated for
areas. August of 1993. By that date, the entire ren-
ovation of South High School should be
One of the changes planned for this area completed, according to Mrs. Christensen.
is a huge salt water aquarium, called a vivar-
ium, w hich will allow students to study In the meantime, students and staff mem-
marine biology. bers put up with the noise and the dirt, pack
up their classroom belongings and move to
Expected completion of the science wing temporary quarters, and live w ith confusion,
is summer of 1992. The biology area should looking forward to th e day w hen a new
be done in June and the chemistry area in South H igh School will be unveiled for the
July, according to Mrs. Joyce Christensen, public.
This picture shows work proceeding in the Science Work is now underway on the large aquarium which will be
Department. June and July will see the completion of this
part of the Science Department. The aquarium will house salt
wing. water fish.
149' renovation
Work is proceeding on the swimming pool and will
be finished next school year. The swim team has
not been able to use our pool for the past two years
due to construction.
This shows the hallway leading to the Drama
D epartment. Much of this department is finished,
but the auditorium renovation is still in progress.
~ ,.,,.,,_..,____~----
During the summer of '91 the Home Eco- A view of second floor hallway facing
nomics Department rooms were gutted in north shows the now fqmiliar exposed
preparation for work there. This will be the ceiling work, boarded up walls and artifi-
last area comp leted , in August of 1993. In c ial w alls w hich have become part of
the meantime, H orne Ee classes are being Sout h 's appearance for the past tw o
held o n fourth f loor i n the form er TMH years.
room. renovation 149
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Mrs. 'C' leads South High
Ad01inistrative staff
sets acade01ic tone
For the principal of any Assisting Mrs. Christensen is
high school, life can be her staff of three assistant princi-
hectic, and this holds pals, Mrs. Laurel Mauro, Mr.
true for South High's Jerry Bartee and Mr. Jerry Bexten.
own Mrs. Joyce Chris-
tensen. In charge of the sophomore
class and part of the freshman
In her temporary office on the class as well as data processing,
main floor, Mrs. 'C' worked to is Mrs. Mauro, who came to
coordinate school activities, from South from Bancroft Junior High
meeting with the public, to advis- where she was principal.
ing construction crews w ho are
working on the school's renova- Mr. Jerry Bartee, who came to
t ion . South from Nathan Hale Junior
High, is in charge of the junior
In spite of her busy schedule, class and serves as athletic direc-
Mrs. Christensen managed to tor.
find time to meet with students
and staff members alike in order Mr. Jerry Bexten directs stu-
to hear their concerns. She is dent activities and manages the
always in attendance at school senior and part of the freshman
functions, such as Homecoming classes.
and Prom to athletic games.
M rs. Joyce Christensen works her way through_the stacks of pa_pers on her
desk. In her ninth year at South High, Mrs. Christensen 1s awaiting her new
permanent office site to be completed.
152 administration Enjoying herself at Homecoming, M rs. Ch ristensen relaxes ~utsicle t he ballroom of
the Stockyard Exchange Building.
Mrs. Laurel Mauro is working on the computer in her office. M rs. Mauro handles
grade sheets, scheduling and room assignments.
Jerry Bartee
Jerry Bexten
Laurel M auro Mr. Jerry Bartee helps Mr. Ted ,vlatsukis, social studies teacher, with a request.
administration 153
Counselors provide
guidance for students
Celeste Bibbs 0- ffering assis- their responsibility can be a
Karen Clark tance to stu- large one. Mr. Swanson sees
Ruth Cook / dents in a wide his biggest challenge as help-
Dean Meisinger range of areas ing students "accept responsi-
is South High's bility for themselves."
counseling department. For Mr. Hahn, " helping stu-
dents take control of their
Under the leadership of Mr. lives" is the biggest challenge.
John Moore, who head s the The counselor's day is filled
with seeing students about
department, the counselors college plans, difficulties in
classes, scheduling problems,
work closely with stud ents job choices and personal
and staff alike.
Sorr.etimes the personal
Making up the department counseling is squeezed into ' -"~Witf~l
last place. --IJ
are Ms. Celeste Bibbs, Ms. It ..
" Due to the responsibilities
Karen Clark, Ms. Ruth Cook, that come with my job, I feel need someone to talk to.
that I don't really have enough
Mr. Dean Meisinger, Mr. time to 'cou n sel ' with stu-
dents," noted Ms. Bibbs.
Robert H ahn and Mr. James
A special adjunct to the
Swanson. counseling department is the
School-Within-A-School pro-
To assist the counselors in gram which was established
to meet the special needs of
their daily activities, a new some students. This program
seeks to help motivate stu-
guidance center was complet- dents who might otherwise
not succeed.
ed in November as part of the
The Chicano Awar eness
renovation plan. Center also provides coun-
selors to assist students who
Located at the north east are at risk or who may ju st
end of second floor, the cen-
ter houses offices for each of
the counselors, as well as
Mrs. Rosemary Salcedo, the
community liason; Mr. Lad
Nemecek, who is in charge of
attendance, and th e Chicano
Awareness counselors.
"After 27 years of waiting,
it's fantastic!" commented Mr.
Hahn about the center.
The coun se lors note that
John Moore Robert Hahn Jim Swanson
154 counselors
Job demands involve
helping students achieve
Mr. John Moore, head of the Guidance Department, and Ms. Karen
Clark discuss an upcoming meeting w ith the seniors.
Ms. Rut h Cook read s over some college applications in her office in the newly Filing her progress reports is M s. Celeste Bibbs.
completed guidance center.
counselors 155
Shown at top, Mr. Robert H ahn finishes a meeting w ith one of his students. Mr.
H ahn is assigned to the School-Within-a-School program.
Teachers •••
make the difference
T eachers are people who can For many of the students w ho leave South High,
make a difference in everyone's
life. the teachers are the people they remember most.
Many students do not realize Recess from college often means a trip to South to
the importance a classroom
Susan Aguilara Robles, ESL teacher is to hi s life, but w ithou t our visit former teachers. These instructors have impact-
instructors, where would we be in life?
David Andersen, Social S1udies Without teachers showing us how to be ed on lives far beyond the classroom.
creative or how to solve the steps to a
Laurie Arn, M C/DRC problem, life might become too complex. W hat draws a person into teaching? Some are
Many times students do not appreciate
Charlotte Belitz, Ma1hema tics the time and effort teachers devote to their pulled by a desire to "make a difference in society
career. For them, school does not start and
Richard Benak, Mathematics stop at the doors to the school. These indi- or in individuals." Some come to teaching out of a
Richard Beran, Science viduals can be seen at Saturday night bas-
Wayne Boldt, French/ ketball games, or after-school cheerleading love for their curricu lum area. Some just "like kids."
Computers .practice, or 6:30 a. m. band practice, or on
DECA trips to Lincoln, or grading research Whatever the reason, salaries don' t figure highly in
Dolores Bristol, Malhema!ics papers at midnight.
Darlene Brown, English It takes a great deal more to become a the decision.
teacher than a college degree. Dedication,
Margaret Brown, M Q'DRC a caring attitude, an enjoyment of yo ung Teachers appear to have their likes and dislikes
Roseanne Carmichael. M C/DR~ people and a sense of humor all help to
make a person into a teacher that teenagers about their profession. " I like the vacations," "I
Ronald Cisar, Science can relate to.
Wanda Clarke, Science enjoy working with youn g people," " The other
Jana Crisler, English teachers are fun, " " It keeps me young." These are
Lisa Curry, English
Carole DeBuse, Art just some of the comments summing up their feel-
James Eiscnhard1, Fine Arts ings. .
Paul Eisenhauer, Science
James Faiman, English And what about the negative side to this profes-
Sally Fellows. Social Studies sion ? Frequent observations would include " too lit-
Chai r
tle time," "overcrowded classrooms," "unmotivated
SueAnn Filzpa1rick, M C/ORC
Robert Garcia, Mathematics students."
Sue Gibson, Science
Aside from these few complaints, most teachers
Cathie Godbcrsen, Home Econ.
Gary Gonzales, Science seem to gain satisfaction with their profession and
Patricia Hopkins, English
Harold Hornbeck, ROTC are rewarded by the success and fu lfillment of the
Shawn Hoschar, Social Studies students they teach.
156 faculty
Working in h is new office, going over absent and tard y students, M r. Lad N emecek seems quite intent. Mr. Nemecek
also teaches math and supervises tardy d etention assignments.
Brigiue Howard. German
Maureen Irwin, TM H
Mary Lou Jackson, Vocal 1'•\usic
John Jensen, Mathematics/
Science Chair
Tom Jodlowski, TMH
Angela Johnson, TMH
Thredrice Jones, Mathematics
David Kahm, Socail Studies
.\•1ary Kaipust. Business
Gary Kastrick, Social Studies
Robert Kaufman, Science
Ruth Kidd, English
Gerard Kowal,
Fred Kratzke. Industrial Aris
M ellanee Kvasnicka, English
Juan Lara, Spanish
Deborah Larson, Art
Elaine Libby. Art
Fred Longacre, English
Sherri Macht, Computers/Social
Befo1'"e 1. Mr. Longacre a.cook 4·51
teaching, 2. Mr. Welch b. alfalfa mill P· t-L
what did 3. M r. Pulverenti J•El
they do? 4. M r. Kowal c.bank q•zl
5. M r. Neuberger d. brewery U·l l
Match 6. M r. Kahm e. bouncer at a bar !·01
7. M r. Yelnek f. army 0·6
them up! 8. M r. Swoboda g. stock broker
9. M s. Sokalsky h. insurance o ffice !·8
10. M s. DeBu se i. endowment assistant at KU
11. M s. Schultz j. data processing ~-L
12. M r. Gonzales k. Brandeis
13. Ms. M ims I. cook at Clarkson Hospital lll·9
14. M r. Miller
15. M s. Underriner m . radio station D. J. •P··S~
n. living home health instructor t·(
o. insurance company
faculty 15 1
Mrs. Wanda Clarke sits atop the lion sculpture at Henry Doorly Zoo. Mrs. Clarke was visiting the zoo with Science
Club members when she decided to show them that the lions were not just for children.
Joseph i\1· ancuso. Physical Ed.
Robert ,\-tanning, M.ithematics
Enid Martin, Social Studies
Larry M asters, Business
Ted Matsukis. Social S1udies
Kirk Mclaughlin, Physical Ed.
lmda McNair-Fclton, Special
Education Chair
Mark Milh."t, ln slrumenlal Music
Charnella Mims, Business
lad Nemecek, Mathematics
Joe Neuberger, Social S1udies
Nancy Nicol, Home Economics
Jack Oholendt, Physical Ed, Chair'
Pam Oholendl, Home
Sue Peters. Physical Ed.
William Pierson, English
Jeff Potter. Mat hem atics
Al Pribramsky, Industrial Arts
Joyce Pribyl, Business
Steve Pulvcrenti, Social Studies
Ed Radanovich, Computer Chair
Richard Ramirez, ROTC
Mario Remijio. Spanish
Holly Rogers, Physical Ed.
Frank Ruecker
Industrial Ans Chair
Caroline Schmitz, Art
Cynthia Schultz. Science
Barbara Seifert. Ma1hema1ics
Barbara Smilh, Science
159' faculty
Mr. Mario Remijio, Spanish teacher, glances Joanne Sokalsky, Spanish
over some homework assignments.
Mr. Richard Be nak, ma t hem at ics teacher, Larry Swoboda, Mathmelics
shows a formula application on the board.
Alice Thompson, Librarian
- --
Glen Tiessen, Business
Toni Tumquisl. Fine Arts
Ann Underriner, English
Marjorie \Vaterman, ~nglish
Granville \Velch, Soc1al
Jean \·\lhiting, Bu siness
Greg Wilcox, A'<\C/DRC
Floyd Wozniak, Business
James Yelnek. Social
Doug Young, Fine Arts
Working diligently at his desk in the Social Studies Department is Mr. Steve faculty 15 9
Support staff • • •
keeps school humming
W orking behind the scenes available from the time school opens in the morn·
at South High to keep
the sch o ol runnin g in ing until 4 p.m., answ eri ng phones, filing fo rms,
Albert Gonzales, Chicano good o rd er are several tracking down student paperwork, welcoming vis·
Awareness Cen1er counselor individuals w ho make up
our support staff. itors and preparing transcripts. O ne office secre·
Kim Grabenstein, accompanist
From the school nurse to the commu - tary, M rs. Helen Sliwa, operates the school store.
Rosemary Salcedo, community
liaison nity liaison, from the cafeteria workers to Paraprofessio nals accomplish a w ide range of
the custodians, from the office secretaries
Eleanor Vendetti. nurse to the paraprofessionals, these people are tasks during their day. These people run the ~tte~-
Food Service an integral part of the schoo l, as neces- dance office, work in the computer lab, assist in
Kerstin Bird sary to its functioning as the rest of the
staff. the library or w ork w ithin each department typ·
Mary Ann Brand
Martha Childs Working w ith students who need guid- ing, filing and preparing reports
Hyla Diwnno ance is Albert Gonzales, a representative
of the Chicano Awareness Center. The security guards patrol the parking lot, the
Delores Garfield
Margaret1e Hunt A familiar sight to any student w ith a school hallways and the bus loading area in an
Ellen Livermore · sore throat or a sprained ankle is Mrs. effort to maintain a safe enviro nment for the stu·
Jan Mason Eleanor Vendetti, the school nurse,
dents and staff.
Barb Pryjmak Also part of the support staff are Mrs.
Marie Schlueter Rosematy Salcedo, 'who works w ith stu- Even before sunup, the cafeteri a wo rkers are
Toretta Tippery dents on college and career opportunities
Office Personnel and M s. Kim Grabenstein, w ho serves as preparing breakfast and lunch fo r each day. Mak·
Bernadine Benak accompanist for the vocal music gro ups.
Doro1hy Curtis ing a meal w hich is bo th nu t riti o us and tasty
Erma Helmberger W hat do these other groups contribute
to the school ? The office secretaries are requires imagination and skill w hich these ladies
Connie Kleber
Rosemary Kohout bring to their job. .
Johni1a Moody Every t ime a toilet is clogged, a classroom lit·
Barbara Rider
Helen Sliwa tered or a piece of furniture is broken, the custo·
Jackie Young
dians are called into actio n. Keeping a school the
Paraprofessio nals
Ooro1hy Andrysik size of South cl ean and ru nning smoothly is a
Barbara Barta large task w hich the custodians handle well.
Joanne Fas1
Just look around the school makes one appreci·
Voyage Franklin
ate the dedication we see.
160 support staff
Remodeling at South has rem oved the permanent east wall in the main office, with a temporary sheet of wood
replacing it. Here Mrs. Conn ie Kleber works w ithout the sweater she keeps on hand for cool d ays.
Jean Fritsch
Janel Hamlin
Virginia Hernandez
Juli Krysl
Betty Petty
Carol Young
Jeanne WilCZ)'llSki
1'·1atlhew Broderick
B)•ron Fasl
Vlilliam Faust
Jose Gonzales
Phil Gould
Elhel Johnson
William Kitta
Richard Knott
Salvatore Marino
Secu rity
Harley Godbcrsen
Michael Rhodes
Don S1epanek
Helene Williams
Assist ing
Pauline Mill-
sap with her
question are
M r. Harley
and Mrs.
support staff 161Mrs. Erma Helmberger organizes drop slips on students who
are leavingSouth.
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Personal ' 1Buns",
Ads We are all very proud of
you! You've come a long way,
Mom, Dad, Mike, Karan, Nick,
Ronna, &
Mark Bubbles
Dear Laurie, Jo lene,
I want you to know that in spite One of my most precious gifts
of our differences now I really love on this earth is having you as my
you. I m ay not have been the best daughter. I know your future will
mother to you, but I always was be a bright one.
thinking of you. I wish I had more Love,
time and could understand more. I Dad
am sorry for that.
I Love You,
Dear Kori. Hi Jesse,
You have really made us proud.
When I look at this picture. I sec my sweet.
smiling, li11le girl. It's hard to believe you're You 've been a great son. I hope
graduating from high school already. I would you use your head and go for
like to take this ti me 10 tell you I am very things you want in life.
proud of the person you've become. I feel
very fortunalc to have you as my daughter. I If you want something, go for it!
will alw.1ys be your # 1 f.'ln. And )'OU will Love,
always be my sweet. smiling, little girl!
Mom and Dad
I Love You, Kori.
Jennifer: Shannon,
How proud we were of our dear At times we were not sure you
little girl. At 12 hours old you have would make it but you did.
started a exciting journey ... " Life." We are very proud of you and
As you gr aduate you wil l be we know you will succeed in your
closing a chapter in life's journey future plans. We love you very
only to go on to many more new much and you will always be our
beginnings. We are so proud of "little" gi rl.
Best W ishes and Love, Mom & Dad
Mom, Dael, Melissa, & Grandma
Dear Vancss.1, Dear Laurie,
Hey, you're finally out of here (b)' means of You have been everything a
gradualion, that is!) Look, it's the G u;un b,1by! daughter should be and more! We
You've been that highlight of Ill)' life (notice are so proud of you. What a beau-
"high"I. We've made so many memories, too tiful, sensitive young woman you
b,1c.l I can' t men1ion tlfl)' of them! Bui you have become. We wish you the
remember the importanl "ones." You're one best in your college years, which
we know will be a Slkcess. \/Ve
of my closest friends .1nd you've helped rne will always be there for you when-
ever you need us. Love Always,
through so much. Thank )'OU a lol! Keep in
Touch because I will miss rou! Good luck in Mom & Dad
all )'OU do and don' t ever forget .1bout me. I
want 10 be at le<1s1 a bridesmaid in 1hc wed-
All Ill)' love&· friendship forever,
Dena Burricll
Tiffany, Jeff,
I'm very proud of you. You are Congratulations on )'Our gr,1duation. I hope
destined for great things in life. you hilvc .1s much pride in )'Our .:1ccomplish-
Love always, your mo ther, men1s as I do, because they h,1vc been earned
Demetris by h.ird work. Even !hough there have been
some tough tim es. you Jlways h,we been
thoughtful Jnd w illing to help. I wi sh )' OU
every success in the future. I ,un proud that
you are my son!
!\·\ om
Ryan, Adam,
We can't believe your high school gradua- t-ferc you are al a young age striving ror that
tion is here. Seems like only yesterday you special look. Yo u've since tr.idC'd 1hc shades
were just starting school. You have achieved and stocking hal for long hair and a different
so much, and we are very proud of you. type oi he.1d gear. Through the years you r
looks .1nd style arc l ruly your very own. You
\\1a1ching you grow has given us more happi- have .JhVJ)'S been a ple,1sa111 surprise lo us.
ness than you will ever know. We hope you We always will be very proud o f you. \Ve w ish
accomplish everything you want in life, and
that all your dreams come true. Thanks for you all the bcsl in whal ever you do. CongrJl ·
coloring our world beauliful. May God bless ulations.
you ahvays. Love,
Mom & Dad
Mom and Dad
Dee & Dan, D esiree,
Before you were born we need-
It seems like only yesterday we
ed to pick ou t your name. We
were getting the two of you ready went through every book on
names we could find. Finally we
to start school. Since that time you c hose your beautifu l nam e
because it said what w e were feel-
have crossed many bridges. Grad- ing. D es i ree m eans desired,
longed for, a dream for a daughter
uating is the biggest bridge yet. fulfilled . We will al ways love you
with all our hearts.
Now we are getting you ready to
Love & Luck, Mom & Dad
be adults. We are proud of all you
accomplish. ' You have always been our
Love, favorite Christmas presen t, and
like a present, you have always
Mom & Dad been full of surprises. When you
are gone away to college we w ill
Chris, miss you. However, we w ill proba-
b ly enjoy the empty bathroom and
You've worked hard and we're full shampoo bottle.
all very proud of you. As you con-
tinue on your journey you'll never Love always,
travel alone, we'll be there for you. Mom & Dad
We love you very much. Tom & Patty
Dad, Mom, & Eric
;l..., Tony. Letisi,l,
:~ Wow! It had been 10 years since th is pit.- The years have p,,ssed ,ind it's unbelievable
lure was 1aken. 1\1 firs! glance you seem 10 1ha1 this is your lasl ye<1r in high school. You
have changed so much, but .is I look closer, have grown from a litlle girl wearing pig1ails,
you haven't changed al all. Your hair, your to a bea utiful young wom,111 . The beginning is
eyes, your smile arc all the same. You have upon you as .t young adult. You will h,1ve c hal-
m,inaged IO remain the !)Jm c sensitive loving
lenges, barriers and ,1ccomplishmcn 1s i n }'Our
person tha1 you were as a child. I 1hank God life. Wh.:11 ever road you choose. rn,1y ii be
every day for bringing you in10 life. I am very paved in gold. WhJt ever go.ii you choose .:rnd
proud of you and love you with all my heart. you need a helping fritmd, I'll ,1lw,1ys he 1herc
The joy you bring c,1nnot he dcsuibed. al your side. 1V1y words only can'! express my
love and 1he happiness you have given me.
Mom Love,
Your Morn
Dear Alan, Susan,
Hey Jo Bob Jim Willy! Remem- It's been a long four years. And
ber when you had b lond hair? We too m any late weekends. But
never dreamed you would go so you're a great kid. We hope all
far in gymnastics. Your energy as your dreams for the future come
the Packer Bull is contagious. Keep true. Good luck in college.
drawing those ca rtoons. Do the
girls still give you candy now that Love,
your hair is brown? Mom and Dad
Love, To Rita, •...,,.,
Brandy, Heather, My daughter and best friend,
Dad & Mom you did it ... Just like I knew you
would. And I'm more than proud! ".. ' .
DearC..urie, The road was bumpy at times, but
Congra1ula1ions! We .ire very proud of you it's only just begun. Hang in there .. ..~' ·.'...· ,
- Go for it. And get it!
and )'OUr many achievements ,1t Sou th High.
You and your wonderful friends have given us Good Luck,
many great memories. Love you always, Mom
As you head off 10 college. remember 1ha1
you will always be our little girl and we will
support you 100%. Sci your goals high, work
hard, l>c a true friend and there is nothing you
can'! accomplish!
God Bless You,
Slot JV\ achine,
Mommy Dearest and 1he Boys
Shannon, Dear Laurie,
Thi s picture shows you at the Thanks for always being there
age of 3 weeks and I had so many when I needed you. I' ll always
dreams for you, this is the first of love you - You' re the greatest sis-
m any to come true. ter a guy could ever have!
You are my first born my only Love,
daughter and I'm so proud of you Rick
and love you so for always.
Dear Kori. Mishelle,
Gosh, we used 10 be some cu 1e kids! Now The steps that you have taken,
look what happened to us! (\a\1E JUST GOT and the strides, that you have
CUTER!J made ... they alone are responsi-
ble for w here you stand today.
Kori, we've been through soooo much and Take them into the future, with the
now, I can't believe you're gr.1duating! I know dreams and plans you hold. Con-
we haven'! lal ked a 101 1hroughou1 high gratulations, Shelly, from two very
proud parents.
school, but I just remember the good times
we used lo have! I hope you get everything P. S. The countdown is over,
your little he.irt d esires! Don'I ever forget me,
Mom & Dad
I love ya like a sis!
Gina ~,\arie
( K I A)
Shelly, Karen,
CongrJtul<llions. You did ii. \Ve knew you ,vtany years have passed since
could. \·Ve are all so proud of you. Who ever this picture and each year has
1hought that thi s lillle girl in this picture would brought me a lifetime of memo-
1urn out to be so Ueau 1iful, kind & s uch a ries. As graduation approaches I
"pizza lover. " Good luck in everything you wish you love, laughter, and hap-
do. Follow your dreams and keep your head piness for the future. Congratula-
tions Kar-Bear!
high. II gels lough out there. We .ire alw1)'5
behind you I 00%! Love,
Love You, Shell)' Belly,
Mom. Dad, Becky. Cris, Sid & Tippy 169
To 1992 Varsity Cheerleading Squad, Krista: You're practically ffiy little sister, God knows we used to fight like it .
Tracy: Don't ever forget. Don't gel wild! And if we aren'I W\VF CHA!vtPS, nobody is!!
Jen, Joni, and Ellyn: We\•e had fun cheering with you guys, and even though we will all be going Mardell: We'll all have to float down the river and gossip again somelime. but this time get a
our separate ways, we'll never forget any of you! REAL innertube!
Joe and AJan: You #Guys" were tons of fun and made our squad different from any other one in Beth: I'll never forget the famous slumber parties you had. Ya want to roast some pizza?!?!
C.1rrie F.: You can now have OUR name all to ~'Ourself. Hey, ,ue you a fake blonde?! Just kidding.
Omaha! Jason: You're Ions of fun but you're a "ll,\R" and a "SKIPPER." Stay out of trouble, ok Carl l ewis?!
Junior Cheerleaders: We hope you had a lillle fun this year. Good luck next year, keep Mims in Kolby: "Linle Jeff". Really, }'OU guys aren't 1hat much alike. Right P. D. ?
line! You guys all belier stay oul of !rouble next year. And always remember 1hc fun we've had!!
Katie: Thanks for all your help. You are really a cutie! Carrie
Mims: You're the best! Thanks for all you 've done, and for all the pizza parties! Keep trying. you'll
get those moves ... SOMEDAY!!
l ove you all,
HSheily" Shelly and Captain Carrie
Karen, Little J.,
I am really proud of you now that you have finished High School. I
Well, can you believe it? You're finally out o f here! We've had some
wish you all the best in your life ahead of you. Now hurry up and go to GREAT times together ! I' m really going to miss seeing your cute little
college, so I can have both bedrooms. face everyday. I w ish you the best of luck in the future. Remember that
I' ll always be here for ya! Keep In Touch!
Love always, your sis,
Laura Love,
Dear Kalie Spit Solberg. To Dena, Amy, Pauline, Dawn,
Greetings. You're finally checking oul of 1he "looneybin." My, we have had the best of limes. To my favorite lunch time crowd ! May your lunch times in your
And the water and bread will always be free! Rocky Horror was the greatest. I enjoyed time warp- futures be fun, but not as fun as our's were. Great "pickles" guys.
ing with you. You're a wonderful dancer (is it a jump 10 the left or right?). Seen any good Linda P. 5. Dena-"Cure" rules.
Blair movies? Hang out at Perkins at one in the morning a lot? We do! Thanks for mashing and Amy- just plain " weird" but yet great.
head banging wi1h me a1 Homecoming! Did Jesse James meet Frank 's daughter yet? Have a grea1 Pauline- a lover of fine men.
post high school and always warn before splitling. Happy Helper! Keep in Touch because you Dawn- A new comer in the "mist".
have become one of my bestest friends. And all I wanted was a Pepsi.
Have a great life guys. Keep in Touch. I'm out of here.
Friendship and Love always, Dena (Gatorade) 0urriell Dawn
Dear Dena TAZ Burriell, .
As I embark on a more "advanced" lifestyle, I will take with me very
funny if not fond, memories of you. You helped me with my problems or Well I saved a single one just for you. I just want to say that you're a
at least, you thought you were, but it was a comfort to just hear you try.
Thanks for it all babe. May your life be filled, but never fulfilled. Always great friend and a very fun person to know. I've only known you for that
Remember Ray, Soren, Ronnie and Mark. You were great. last couple years but I've learned A Lot from you Good Luck in college
life and keep in touch always. I'll never forget ya!
Lover of fine men,
Pauline Love -n- Friends,
P. 5. Always Remember Jeremiah was a bull frog. And he was a great Letisia
friend of mine. So Paw s off.
To All My Senior "Droopies," D ear Jennifer Edgell,
Too bad the year is over! We've had so many good times. We made You've been my best friend since I can remember. You've been there
the garage sale a hit. Laurie Pratt, did you enjoy your beverage? Amy G. through my ups and downs, good times and bad and you've never for-
and Corita D. the literature reading was very informative! Yearbook has saken me. You 're the ideal image of what a friend should be. I thank you
brought us so much closer and we've shared so many secrets. Hey Lau- for everything, I love you sis.
rie how's the foodstamp? Rita owes you "one". Keep in touch! lnka binka
bottle of ink, the cork flew off. Too bad that woman bought your vest, Pauline M illsap
Rita. Take care my loves !
Friendship and Love,
Mikey Bosco, To My Closest Friends,
Hi, sweetheart, yes it's m e! Just wanted to w ish ya all the luck in the
We finally did it! Thanks a lot for all of the GREAT MEMORIES, like
wor ld c u z you do deserve it! Wel l , it's you r last year of high going to the games, Homecomings, movies, shopping, eating, talks, a
school !(hopefully huh!) We've been through a lot together, haven' t we? ride with a stranger, and just having someone close and caring to share
But through everything w e stuck together! I' m glad for that because you
are the best thing that's ever happened to me! Good Luck in whatever all these memories was such a BLAST!!! I'll never forget you guys !
you decide to do after you get ou t of here! I LOVE YOU, SWEETHEART! Seniors, I wish the BEST of LUCK that life holds ahead and Underclass-
Love, men, whatever would I do w ithout you guys!!!!!!
Your Little Girl, Love and Friends,
Shelly Smith
Gina Marie
Dena, Amy Rezac, Kori Rech, Shelly Bullis, Karen Hernandez, Shelly Smith and
I w ill always miss those little chats in newspaper class, your craziness, T-Rex,
and of course Mark hanging out the w indow on the interstate w ith his Well, guys, we have finally made it, can you believe it!! We have all
masking tape. Have fun next year cuz it 's your last. And remember: Time become really close this year. We've had lots of great times together. I'm
Warp, Rocky, and LINDA BLAIR RULZ!!!!! really going to miss all o f you. I wish you all the very best of luck. Keep
in Touch.
(Spit) Love Ya,
Frankie 'T-Bone' Hupp, To Carrie Hunter and Laurie Parsons,
Well, honey, were almost outta here! It's our last year. We've really "There's a miracle called Friendship
that dwells w ithin the heart and you don't know
had lots of great times during our high school years. You'll always have a how it happens or when it gets its start.
place in my heart and I wish you lots of luck iP your future. I'm sure But the happiness it brings you
you'll go far. always gives you a special lift
and you realize that Friendship
Love Always, is God's most precious gift.".
D esi ree God has truly blessed me. You two will be in my heart forever.
Amy Rezac
To the Gang, To Mystery,
Thank you for all the wonderful memories. I Love you guys. God Bless.
Love, Thank you.
Amy Rezac
Letisia, Leticia and Rachel,
Well, we are out of here! No more gossip in first hour! You are a great Pals, Friends, Amigas, Rachel Pumpkin-Head and Leticia Prorna of
friend. I w ill never forget you. I wish you the best of luck in the future. m ine! Thanks for the best chats in 1st hour. My Gosh, I' ll never forget
Love -n- Frenz, the chats we had. Thanks!! Congratulations!!
Rachel M inarik
Love Always,
Estefana Lopez
P.S. Always:
Carrera, Perea, Porraz and Perales.
To Amy "Droopy" Grotelueschen, Stephen Paul,
Well, my friend, you're leaving this place. We've had some good times Three Cheers, Sam. You're the best!
Father, Mother and Sister
in yearbook and out. Those dresses were so ugly! I hope we can "go sail-
ing" in the dance room again! The chats second hour w ith the "Bug"
were great. Don't crack on my "blue death trap." At least it runs! Keep
the monster in line and thanks for the "creative reading." Your yard was
a thrill! Lawn bowling. Keep in Touch and remember my 7-digits. I know
you have to study but try! Good Luck in the life and any other!
Love always,
To: Patty, Vanessa, Stacey and Anita (NiNi), Dear Mike,
Well, we've finally made it! I just want to say thanks for everything. I can't believe the end is here. I have had a wonderful time in the past
I've known you guys forever and I hope we don't lose touch after gradua- three years. What we have is so special that it will always be a part of
tion. I wish you guys all the luck in the world and you' ll all be very spe- me. The importance of our relationship strengthened my ability to care
cial to me always. and love someone. I'm glad that person was you. Our college years are
going to be fresh, new, and frightening. Gather in all you can from the
Love and Friends Always, world around you, while others do the same from you. You have so
Letisia much to give and share, so don't ever hold back, because what you have
to offer is priceless.
I love you,
Dear Amy and Carrie, Dear Porn Squad,
It's the end. It's what we've been waiting for, but now I'm not so Our year's over and we've done terrific. I know we've had our bad
happy that it has arrived. You two are my best friends and deep down times, but we made it through. I know I was rough, but hopefully you'll
you always have been. Our friendship is so special that I cherish every understand why. All of you are beautiful dancers and I loved working
moment, even the bad. I love you guys, and I'll always be here. Thank with all of you. Best of luck to next year's squad and captains (you'll see
you for being a part of my life. God bless you! how hard a job it is!) Great job!
Love Always, Love Always,
Laurie Laurie
Cathy Hrabik and Jesse Perea: Laurie,
Well, I am going to miss you two! I w ish you two the best of luck in I will never forget the day I met you. You are the most wonderful thing
the future, and hope you guys stay together forever. Cathy, I w ill never that has happened in my high school years. We have shared our good
forget all the good times we had, some were bad, but most were good. and bad times which have only drawn us closer together. If we do
You will always be a close friend to me and I will never forget you as we
both go our separate ways. become separated after graduation, good luck with everything you do. I
know you will be or do anything you want. One more thing, I will NEVER
Love Always, forget your sweetness.
Rachel Minarik
I love you,
M ichael
Amy and Carrie, Ryan and Mishelle,
As we near the end of possibly our last year together, I just want you
You've danced your way
both to know how much you mean to me. I have enjoyed all the good through our hearts and our lives.
times we have shared along with all the memories we possess. I don' t We love you both.
want any of us to ever lose touch. I cherish our friendship deeply and
would hate to ever lose it. Good luck in college! Love,
Your Proud Parents
I love you both,
172 personals
,_, l .~I,-- -,-- .
Jeramie Thompson
For Ever and Always Our Son Remember When!
So many memories have filled our lives,
with a mixture of heartache and fun.
But through it all you have remained,
forever and always our son.
Now as you stand by the door to tomorrow,
wP are proud o f who you've become.
No matter what the future may bring, you're
forever and always our son.
So open the door and live your dreams,
for you tomorrows have just begun.
Just remember we love you and you'll always be,
forever and always our son!
Congratulations Jeramie! !! !
We Love You,
Mom & Dad, Amos & J_ R.
,t (r,r'IJ 1 .,,.. lllll/lod~ • t.\11t I "
f t.Ji.. 4/.,"1,I (J'I '11/'fllt"
• ful1ot II lt,ur 41111•" .,,.\,It
• ,,.,, .,,g,\• 11,n ,,-a,, o• "'f'' '"""'
Index Baerde, Sharefa 126, 180
Baez, Victor 1 26
a Bailey, Karen 71, 130, 174, 180
Baker, Andrew 100, 1 6 7
Accueda, Becky 84, 85 Baker, Ter i 126
Aceveda, Rebecca 84, 85, 130 Baldwin, Shannon 1 30
Barbaria, Jack 126
Adams, Andre 122
Barber, Leza 69, 13 0
Adams, Natalie 36, 38, 1oo Barclift, Dave 126
Baring, Kyndra 37, 97, 123
Addison, Alan 10, 72, 73, 88, 9 1, 100,
Barnes, Felicia 83, 126
1_15, 169, 1 73,174,178 Barnes, Ray 63, 100, 1 75, 1 78
Addison, Brandi 36, 73, 93, 130, 1 73, Barnett, Nancy 123
174, 178, 180 Barraza, Ralph 126
Barrett, Joel 123
Student C~u_ncil: Front Row, Julie Naujokaitis, Carrie Hunter, Bethany Adkins, Tammie 126 Barrientos, Diana 123
Ande~son, Lillie Gray, Dorotha White, Cindy Yoder, Jim Fisher; second row,
M~. Jim Yelnek, spon~or, Rhonda Horg, Shannon Hoffman, Mariel Smejkal, AD":"INISTRATION 1 52, 153 Barrientos, Raquel 1 23
Cristy Janda, Stephanie Reyes, Carrie Foreman, Romas Mitchell, John Rus- Barry, Patty 123
sell, Mr. St~ven Pulverenti, sponsor; third row, Bobbi Jo Anderson, Jad Ross," Aguilara-Robles, Susan 22 Barta, Barbara 160
Amy McPh1lh~s, ~randi K,:immel, Krista Johnson, Tracy Foral, Jay Phillips;
back row, Kan Bailey, David Thompson, Michael Perez, Lanette Hernandez, Aldrich, Tina 122, 1 76, 181 Bartee, Jerry 153
Sue Peralta, Tony Dutcher. Barton, Jack 100, 11 7
Alexander, Jeff 100, 183 Bashore, Julie 36, 95, 123
Bashore, Kim 126
Alexander, Tracey 122
Bates, Ruth 85
Allen, Brian 126 Baucom, Dorothy 36, 123
Baughman, Aimee 75, 126
Allen, Kurt 130
Bauman, Christopher 126
Allen, M onica 80, 8 1, 122 Beaugard, Lem 37, 179
Allen, Nate 122 Becerra, Guillerm ina 126, 182
Bednarz, Chris 15, 1 35, 183
Allen, Tommy 100
Beebee, James 58, 73, 130
Almazon, Giberto 122, 175, 182 Belitz, Charlotte 75, 156
AMBASSADORS 38, 39 Bell, John 37, 38, 43, 1 79
Bell, Pam 36, 126, 1 79
Andersen, Bobbi Jo 71, 85, 130 Benak, Bernadine 160
Andersen, David 156 Benak, JoAnn 89, 176
Benak, Richard 3 1, 140, 156, 159,
Andersen, Mardell 67, 122
1 75, 176, 1 77
Andersen, Susan 50, 70 71 100 169 Bender, Scott 100
176 ' ' ' ' Bendig, Robert 126
Benesh, Bernard 130
Anderson, Bethany 1o, 54, 72 , 73, 76, Bennett, Courtney 43
Bennett, Demond 123
77, 91,122,141, 142 174 175 Beran, Richard 156
177, 178 ''' Berlett, John 12, 123
Betancourt, Mariela 126
Anderson, Bobbi Jo 1 74, 1 76 Betancourt, Maritza 123
Anderson, Eric 122 Betancourt, Mayra 36, 130
Bexten, Jerry 153
Anderson, Jill 100 Bibbs, Celeste 154, 155
Anderson, Susan 14, 54 Bigsby, Keith 83
Biodrowski, Cheryl 123
Andrews, Johnny 65, 130 Biodrowski, Denise 45, 100
Andrews, Kateaka 3, 130 Bird, Kerstin 160
Bishop, Heather 126, 141
Andrysik, Dorothy 160 Bitler, Don 1 3, 54, 100, 1 76
Anson, Patrick 36, 130 Blaaz, Jon 126
Black, Dana 5
Antunez, Bentura 126 Black, Tom 63, 65, 126, 178, 1 79
Antunez, Mario 182 Blocker, Denitra 123
Blocks, Adam 126
Arana, Gricelda 100 Blohn, Ryan 33, SO, 74, 75, 100, 1 76
Archer, George 130 Bloomquist, Russell 36
Bober, Chris 65, 130
Armbrust, Luke 100 Bobier, Shelli 93, 126
Bodnar, Angie 126
Armentrout, Greg 65 Boettger, Corina 34, 35, 126, 178
Armentrout, Jeff 85, 1 30 Boettger, Tanya 36, 126
Arn, Laurie 156 Bogacz, Andrea 126
Boicourt, M ichelle 44, 45, 100, 176
Boldt, Mike 36, 37, 38, 100
Arnold, Amber 122 Boldt, Wayne 156, 174
Borden, Brian 1 30
Ashcraft, Andrew 122 Bosco, Tara 1 30
Bouc, Jason 130
Ashcraft, Brandy 1 30 Boylan, Joe 126
Ashcraft, M are 130 Braggs, Chris 79, ~3, 126
Atkinson, M att 130 Brand, Mary Ann 160
Brand, Willie 89
Atunez, Mario 130 Brennan, Carrie 36, 1 30
Fre~ch Club: back row, Waylon Sommer, Brad Lester; middle row, Alan Augustine, Ellen 58, 100
Austin, Curtis 134, 1 35
Add1s<;>n, 'A'.endy Chapman, Kari Bailey, sponsor Mr. Wayne Boldt; front row, Ayala, David 126
Brand, Addison, Danielle Mackins, Mariel Smejkal, Lanette Hernandez Amy Aylor, Zhannon 36, 69, 130
Pettis. '
174 index b
Babka, Scott 122
Badberg, Bill 56, 126
Baerde, Malica 126
Brewer, Phillip 130 Chappell, Lamar 123 Students Helping Students: back row, sponsors Mr. Jim Swanson, Ms. Sue
Briggs, Tanisha 123 Chavez, Luis 130 Peters, Mr. Robert Hahn; third row, Heather Grieves, Jay Phillips, Karen Grif-
Bristol, Dolores 156 Cherco, Mary 123 fin, Faustino Lopez, Romas Mitchell, nna Mehser, Brandi Krimmel; second
Broberg, Justin 50, 79, 83, 123 Chereck, Mike 65, 126 row, Amanda Washka, Amy Galas, Susan Dizonno, Chris Lynch, Cindy
Broderick, Matthew 161 CHICANO AWARENESS CENTER 165 Yoder, Shannon Hoffman, Christy Janda; front row, Krista Johnson, Bethany
Brooke, Billy 130 Childs, Martha 160 Anderson, Amy McPhillips, Julie Naujokaitis, Tracy Fora!, Jason Christianson,
Brown, Darlene 94, 156 Chmura, Adam 52, 131 John Dizonno, Shawndell Nelson.
Brown, Jackie 130 CHOIR 36, 37
Brown, Jo lene 7, 100, 167 Chonis, Chane 126 Volleyball Club: front row, Debbie Zimmerer, Alicia Carmona, Arturo
Brown, Jonie 93, 126 Christensen, Joyce 152
Brown, Joseph 100 Christensen, Troy 126 Miranda, Jeff Cleveland, Rocardo Navarro, Mike McIntosh; back row, Assis-
Brown, Kesha 130 Christiansen, Michelle 36, 131 tant Coach Angie Johnson, Ray Barnes, Joe Weaver, Brian Kudym, Giberto
Brown, Lanetta 14, 123 Christianson, Jason 123, 139, 175 Almazan, Jeff Nacarelli, Coach Richard Benak.
Brown, Margaret 156 Chunka, Stacie 50, 51, 101
Brown, Margie 181 Ciechomski, Amy 126 index 175
Brown, Melinda 130 Cisar, Ronald 156
Brown, Melinka 36, 179 Clark, Al 78, 79, 123
Brown, Mike 79, 123 Clark, Karen 154, 155
Brown, Theresa 130 Clark, Reggie 78, 79
Brun, Rod 101, 116, 1 77 Clarke, Wanda 156, 158, 180
Brun, Russell 101 Clements, Amy 123
Bruns, Carey 130 Cleveland, Jeff 126, 1 75
Bryant, Cindy 130 Coate, Paul 36, 37,38,40, 123
' Buchanan, David 101 Coffman, Stefanie 123
Budde, Chris 123 Colcord, Bill 123
Bui, Quetran 130 Collier, La Shonda 36
Bui, Tu 126 Collins, Anthony 62, 63, 123
Collins, Damien 58, 63, 78, 79
Bullis, Shelly 36, 38, 39, 101, 169 Colvin, Edward 131
BURGER KING 165 Colvin, Walter 101
Burget, Pat 126, 180 Conklin, Jack 183
Burns, Charlene 69, 130 Conklin, Steve 135, 183
Burriell, Dena 12, 16, 47, 49, 117, Connick, Jennifer 135
Conway, Lori 37
122,123,186 Cook, Marci 36, 123
Burton, Linda 123 Cook, Ruth 154, 155
Busch, Charles 52, 77, 126, 1 78 Cooley, Adam 123
Busch, Kevin 44, 45, 54, 101 Costanza, Jennifer 83, 89, 126
Bush, Damion 1 30 Cotton, Helena 36, 131
Butler, Kevin 101 COUNSELORS 154, 155
Byfield, Juli 1 30 Covos, Mike 123
Byrd, Jana 123 Craft, Zachary 63, 123, 178
Craig, Catina 126
C Crane, Alan 1 31
Crawford, Cathrine 131
Cahill, Jeff 123 Crawford, Gene 25, 83, 126
Cain, Jonathan 130 Crawford, Shannon 25, 37, 42, 47,
Campbell, Michael 123, 126
Cannon, Monty 63, 123 101,169,186
Cano, Eliseo 123 Crayne, Jenni 126
Cano, Jessica 69, 1 30 Crisler, Jana 30, 48, 156
Cano, Kay 12 6 Croft, Mandy 123
Cano, Roman 74 75 101 183 Cruz, Matt 18
Cantu, Tony 3 ' ' ' Cullum, Sharon 36, 71, 81, 102
Cumerford, Warren 123
Capalite, Genevieve 7 93 130 Cunningham, Jessica 131
Cardenas, Mary 126, 176; 180 Cunningham, Jonathan 131
Carman, Carrie 126 Curran, Dan 36
Carmichael, Roseanne 1 56 Currie, Kenosha 36
, Carmona, Alicia 21 31 54 101 138 Curry, Lisa 156
Curti s, Anthony 63, 102
175, 1 77,178,181:182,183 , Curtis, Dorothy 160
Carnes, Dan 21, 54, 101
Carney, Carol 126 d
Carney, Deb 45, 95, 101
Carodine, Lisa 12 3 Dale, Kristina 126
Carodine, Niki 36, 126, 1 79 Davis, Bernard 36, 37, 38, 43, 123
Carr, Shawn 40 Davis, Lisa 126
Carrera, Yolanda 1 30 Davison, Ray 1 31
Carrizales, Maria 126 Dawson, CoRita 14, 36, 4 7, 109,169,
Carroll, Tammy 101
Carter, Tamika 130 185,186
Casale, Toni 45, 101 Deane, Ryan 11, 50, 54, 102, 168,
Casteneda, Mario 11 5, 126
Castro, Ruben 130 1 76
Cerny, Julie 101 DeBerry, Sybil 32, 126
Chandler, David 1 23 DeBuse, Carole 156, 1 76
Chantrey, Linda 36, 96, 97, 1 30 DECA 50, 51
Chantry, Helen 126 Delaney, Mary 126
Chanves, Fred 126 Deleon, Rene 12 7
Chapman, W endy 75, 126, 174
Outdoors Club: sitting, Miss Holly Rogers and Ms. Carole DeBuse, spon- Delgadillo, Angelica 131 Feldman, Heather 36, 127 ,,
sors; front row, Amy Rezac, Carrie Hunter, Mr. Richard Benak, sponsor, DeLoa, Nina 84, 85, 89, 93, 131 Fellows, Sally 55, 156
Shelly Smith, Tony Dutcher, Karen Hernandez, Desiree Metzler; second DeLoa, Shannon 91 , 102, 167 Feiner, Frank 73, 102
row, Laurie Parsons, Susan Andersen, Christina Lopez, Tracy Olechoski, DePerkins, Tremain 1 31 Felty, Aaron 1 2 7
Bobbi Jo Anderson, Jessica Rangel, JoAnn Benak; third row, Scott Walter, Deport, Angela 20, 102 Ferris, Lester 12 7
Amy Galas, Rich Sobetski, Andy Hunter, Shannon Hoffman; fourth row, Tina Derry, Patricia 123 Fielder, Chris 13 1
Aldrich, Gina Dutcher, Mary Cardenas, Sarah Tefft, Don Bitler, Ryan Blohn; Derry, Traci 123 Finn, Rick 13 1
back row, M ike McGinty, Carrie Foreman, Stephanie Reyes, Lynette Hernan- Deterding, Tammy 123 Fischer, Adam 102
dez, Kelly Smith. Detienne, Ol ivia 131 Fisher, Brandon 83, 127
Dewitt, Heather 12 7 Fisher, Jim 131, 174, 181
Art Club: front row, Mrs. Caroline Schmitz, sponsor, Michelle Boicourt, Dewitt, Racheal 131 Fitch, Barry 12 7
Shelly Smith, Karen Hernandez, Debbi Z immerer, Mrs. Debbie Larson, Dibelka, David 65, 84, 85, 131 Fitl, Stacey 36, 127
sponsor; back row, P. J. Lakin, Steve Ozman, Ryan Deane, Don Bitler, Chris Dickey, Steven 127 Fitzpatrick, SueAnn 156
Oliver. Diesing, Jennifer 68, 69, 84, 85, 131 Fli\G TEAM 96, 97
Dietz, Lori 50, 102 Fleek, Jimmiann 183
176 index Digilio, Matt 77, 102 Flemming, Danedtria 69, 131
Dinges, Scott 87, 12 7 Fleshman, Karen 1 31
Dizonno, Hyla 160 Fletcher, Shawn 131
Dizonno, John 15, 54, 102, 175, 1 78 Flores, Gabino 127
Dizonno, Susan 131 , 1 75 Flores, Gustavo 1 3 1
Dodson, Todd 21,102 Flores, Jose 42, 123
Dole, John 127 Flores, Maria 131
Dolnicheck, Veronica 36, 69, 1 31 Flores, Rodolfo 24, 131
Donaldson, Gemini 123 Flores, Valdemar 1 23
Dooley, Dana 123 Flowers, Daryl 135
Dooley, Daniel 131 Flynn, Crystal 127
Dorris, David 127, 1 79 Fora!, Tracy 10, 37, 38, 54, 70, 71,
Downie, Tony 127
DRILL TEAM 94, 95 95, 123, 1 74, 175
Driscoll, M ike 6, 120, 12 7 Ford, Shelly 6, 12 7
Driscoll, Tina 135, 183 Foreman, Carrie 3, 9, 18, 47, 90, 91,
Driver, Marshall 1 2 7
Dudley, Jonathan 53 123,140,174, 1 76, 186
Duncan, Jackie 34, 35, 1 2 7
Duncan, Jeff 131 Foster, Ernie 84, 85
Dungan, Brian 102 Fox, Shannon 69, 131
Dutcher, Gina 96, 97, 127, 176 Fox, Stacie 12 7
Dutcher, Tony 77, 168, 174, 1 76 Foxworth, Charles 123
Dymek, Jennifer 12 7 Franco, Juan 58, 102
Franklin, Voyage 160
e FRESHMEN 130, 131, 132, 133
Fritsch, Jean 161
Fritz, Justina 12 7
Fruge, Becky 47, 89, 123, 186
Fuller, Orlando 85, 131
Fuller, Rodney 131
Earnest, Greg 65, 87, 13 1 Gade, Trent 102
Eddy, Nicole 80, 81, 83, 123 Gaines, Michaellyn 69, 83, 127
Edgell, Jennifer 167 Gaines, Michaelynn 83
Edgell, Melissa 12 7 Galas, Amy 89, 1 23, 175, 176, 181
Edgermeier, Krista 1 35, 183
Edwards, Latasha 36, 131 Gamache, Rodney 12 7
Edwards, Mozelle 123 Gamble, Tiffany 96, 102, 168
Edwards, Staci 95, 126, 1 2 7
Egermeier, Krista 183 Garcia, Bob 71, 156
Eiland, Tanya 36 Garcia, Dena 24, 1 27
Eisenhardt, James 156 Garcia, Juan 63, 65, 87, 12 7, 178
Eisenhauer, Paul 156 Garcia, Soren 24, 102
Ellerbach, Mike 76, 77, 131 Garcia, Tony 71, 127
Elliott, Cerise 69, 131, 180 Gardner, Byron 7, 32, 37, 4 3, 58, 71
Ellison, Michael 38, 40, 41, 102, 123
Elsasser, Keith 123 102, 179
ENCORE 40, 41 Gardner, Chris 36, 103
Engelke, Chad 123 Garfield, Delores 160
Engle, Charlie 127 Gaters, Wally 127
Evenson, Jeff 65, 1 31, 1 78 Gatewood, Mikeal 127
Gaylord, Paul 65
f Gayton, Rosalva 36, 93, 12 7
Gdanov, Aaron 123
FACULTY 156, 157, 158, 159 Geislar, Todd 127
Faiman, James 156 Genovesi, Mary 12 7
Falcon, Jose 181 Genrich, Jeremy 131
Fantroy, Tim 71, 1 79 Geronimo, Jorge 85
Fast, Byron '161 Gibson, N icole 123
Fast, Joanne 160 Gibson, Sue 67, 69, 156
Faust, William 16 1 Giesing, Chad 123
Gilbert, M icr,ael 65, 1 31
Gillespie, John 131
Gillespie, Todd 103
GIRLS' GOLF 74, 75
Glass, Chanel 135, 183 Helmberger, Brian 127 Senior Class Officers: front row, Amy Rezac, Carrie Hunter, sponsor M r.
Goanw, Noreen 135 Helmberger, Erma 160, 161 Richard Benak, Alicia Carmona, sponsor Mr. Shaw n Hoschar; middle row,
Godbersen, Cathie 156 Laurie Parsons, Karen Hernandez, Brian Villafuerte, Rod Brun, M ichael McIn-
Godbersen, Harley 161 Helms, Tasha 127,1 80 tosh, sponsor Mrs. Joanne Sokalsky; back row, sponsor Mrs. Linda McNair-
Golka, Roy 123 Henson, Dan 103, 168, 1 73 Felton, Chris Sanders, Jesse Lantz, Chris Kirby, Debbie Zimmerer.
Gomez, Cory 103
Gomez, Nancy 131, 182 Henson, Dee 22, _36, 103, 173 Spanish Club: front row, Shannon Hoffman, Bethany Anderson, Brandi
Gomez, Tonya 12 7 Herman, Katey 131 Wasinger, Brian Villafuerte; back row, Mario Rodriguez, sponsor Mr. Mario
Gonzales, Albert 160 Remijio, Kristi Jackson, Susan Peralta, Eddie Reyes.
Gonzales, Gary 156 Hernandez, Anita 103
Gonzales, Jose 161 Hernandez, D iana 131 index 177
Gonzales, M artha 103, 182
Gonzales, Thomas 62, 63, 103 Hernandez, Karen 36, 94, 95, 99,
Gosch, M ark 131 103, 140, 143, 169, 176, 1 77
Gould, Phil 161
Grabenstein, Kim 160 Hernandez, Kris 131
Grabowski, Corey 83
Gramke, Adam 71, 123 Hernandez, Lanelle 36, 124, 1 74
Grant, Genevive 95, 12 7 Hernandez, Laura 93, 127
Graser, Harold 103
Graunke, Don 123 Hernandez, Maria 131
Gray, Bonnie 123, 183 Hernandez, Maria S. 182
Gray, Chandra 36, 131
Gray, Jackie 91 Hernandez, Soledad 103
G ray, Kolby 63, 123, 178 Hernandez, Virginia 161,182
G ray, Lillie 93, 127, 174, 179 Hero ld, Allison 124
G raylord, Paul 131 Herrera, Aaron 124
G reen, Nicole 36, 42, 123 Herrera, Rocio 103, 181
Green, Sontia 123 Herrera, Teri 49
Gresham , Dana 127, 1 79 Herrera, Viii in 12 7
Gresham , Sherise 1 79 Hilburn, Beck 38, 127, 181
Griess, David 131
Grieves, Heather 123, 14 1,175 Hilburn, Heather 36, 131
Griffin, Angela 37, 96, 1 79 Hill, Aaron 127
Gri ffin, Karen 127, 1 75 Hill, Shainnia 36, 37, 38, 124
Griffi th, Lisa 127 Hill, Tanisha 36, 38, 124
Grotelueschen, Amy 12, 4 7, 109, 11 7, Hinton, Larry 131
182, 186 Hluchoweckyj, Andrea 85, 93, 131
Gruhn, Vocia 38, 123 Hluchoweckyj, Lashana 75, 124
Grzebielski, Cory 127 Hoeft, Jeremy 12 7
Gusman, David 52, 87, 131 Hoffman, Jinny 12 7
Gutierrez, Mike 34, 35, 127 Hoffman, Rodney 53
Guyott, Teresa 123 Hoffman, Shannon 47, 54,124, 141 ,
142, 174, 1 75, 176, 177, 186
h Hollenbeck, Shawn 131
Holmes, Danny 131
Hagelstein, An drea 127 Holtgrave, Rachel 103
Hahn, Robert 154, 155, 175 Holzapfel, Mike 131
Haile, Robert 12 7 Hopkins, Patricia 156
Haley, Tanya 36, 123 Horg, Rhonda 50, 87, 96, 97, 124,
Halsey, Chris 131
Halverson, Tina 123 174,178
Hamaker, Sonya 131 HORIZON BALLOON 165
Hamlin, Janet 161 Hornbeck, Harold 53, 156
Hammers, Chris 65, 83, 127 Hoschar, Shawn 3, 156, 1 77
Hampton, Tracey 1 79 Houfek, Daren 87, 127
Hampton, Tracy 69, 123 House, Talitha 127
Haney, Tara 127 Howard, Brigitte 157, 1 78
Hans, Jessica 103 Howard, Keilh 131
Hansel, Christine 103 H rubsky, Jennifer 91, 103
Hansel, Jeffrey 123 H rubsky, Joni 91
Hansen, Heather 93, 131, 180 Hruska, Carol 15, 135
Hanson, Heather 180 H udnall, Donald 135, 183
Hanson, Lance 123 H uey, Clinton 127
Hanson, Monica 8 103 Huffaker, Staci 20, 103
Hanson, Shana 131
Hargis, Chris 85, 130, 131 Huffman, Rodney 131
Hart, Harry 127 Hughes, Alicia 83, 127
Haskins, Tiffany 131 Hughes, Nate 131
Hatcher, Tracy 123 Hulbert, Tam my 124
Hayek, Robbie 87, 127, 138 H uIsing, Kurt 127
Heckard, Gregory 131 Humbert, Carl 131
Hedrick, Brian 123 Humpal, Chris 127
Heffernan, Jim 131 Hunt, Jason 131
Heinz, Beth 103 Hunt, Margarette 160
Hunter, Andy 127, 176
Hunter, Carr ie 10, 15, 47, 54, 74, 75,
91,104, 115, 134, 169,174, 176,
1 77, 186
Hunter, Daron 12 7
Hupp, Frank 15, 24, 104, 115
Hurley, Bob 73, 127, 180,181
Hutfless, Craig 124
Hutfless, John 83, 127
-IHutfless, Larry 13·1
Hutzel!, Chris 127
'0' Club: _front row, Arturo Miranda, Ray Barnes, Alan Addison, Jeff Walters, Ignowski, Jay 65, 85, 1 31 Kenter, Stacey 50, 104
Juan Ga~c,a, ~achary Cra~t; second row, Chris Kirby, John Dizonno, Kolby Ignowski, Jimmy 131 Kice, Shane 128
Gray, Bnan_V1ll~fuerte, Mike McIntosh, Tom Black; third row, Brandi Addi- Kidd, Ruth 15 7
son,_ Debb'.e Z1m~~rer, Alicia Carmona, Amy McPhillips, Cindy Yoder, J-Irw in, Maureen 157,183 Kidder, Andrew 36, 131, 181
Manel SmeJkal, Knst, Jackson, Laurie Parsons, Shelly Smith, Bethany Ander- Kidder, Jessica 1 32
son; back row, Adam Nowka, Jerry Swain, Mike Pokorski, sponsor Mr. Jack Jacinto, Isela 124, 182 Kidder, Michael 104
Oholendt. Jacinto, Pilar 127, 182 Kimble, Calli 132
Jackson, Antoine 63, 79, 127 Kimble, Tia 82, 83, 128
German Club: front row, Rhonda Horg, Shelly Rieper, Cindi Nixon, Corina Jackson, Ivy 124 Kirby, Chris 63, 104, 177, 1 78
Boettger; back row, Amanda Shiller, Tracy Morse, Bernie Lambrecht, Charles Jackson, Kena 12 7 Kirke, Zsa-Nate 3, 132, 179
Busch, Jeff Evenson, sponsor Frau Brigitte Howard. Jackson, Kristi 54, 87, 96, 97, 124, Kirkman, Thomas 128
Kirkpatrick, Brandy 128
179' index 1 77, 178, 181 Kirschbaum, Gina 46, 47, 95, 124,
Jackson, Mary Lou 38, 157
Jackson, Vershawn 14, 63, 79, 124 126, 142, 169, 186
Jacobsen, Sandy 104 Kirschbaum, Phil 65, 130, 132
Jaime, Maria L. 127, 182 Killa, W illiam 161
Janda, Christy 7, 93, 127, 174, 175 Kja, Becky 34
Janda, David 40, 44, 45, 124, 1 81, Klabunde, Ladonna 128
Kleber, Connie 160, 161
183 Knight, Felicia 67, 81 , 128
Janousek, Dan 13 1 Knobbe, Rob 128
Janousek, James 124 Knoll, Richard 161
Janssen, Joe 36, 1 31 Koch, H eather 36, 93, 132
Jensen, John 157 Koch, Ronald 124
JIM'S ATHLETIC BOWL 1 65 Kohler, Jeff 1 32
Jimenez, Felicia 1 31 Kohout, Rosemary 160
Jodlowski, Tom 157, 183 Kolb, Andrew 124
Johnson, Allen 36, 37, 43, 127, 179 Kole, Tarance 1 24
Johnson, Amy 131 Komasinski, Tina 124
Johnson, Angie 69, 157, 175, 183 Kopiasz, Jason 104
Johnson, D amien 25 Kopiasz, Kristan 132
Johnson, Deshawn 25 Koricic, Amy 104
Johnson, Emma 1 31 Kosiski, Sandy 75, 128
Johnson, Eric 65 Kouhout, Rosemary 144
Johnson, Ethel 161 Kowal, Gerard 75, 1 57, 180
Johnson, Jerelle 127 Kozak, Tracey 124
Johnson, Joanne 127 Kratochvil, N ick 1 32, 180
Johnson, John 36, 38, 40, 1 31 Kratzke, Fred 157
Johnson, Julian 5, 104, 1 79 Kress, Andrea 3 7, 128
Johnson, Krista 37, 38, 54, 90, 91, Kress, Nichole 36, 38, 95, 104
Krik, Zsa-nale 1 79
124, 141,143, 174, 175 Krimmel, Brandi 37, 38, 90, 91, 124,
Johnson, Lataurus 127
Johnson, Leslie 104 174, 175
Johnson, Lindsy 124 Krimmel, Katie 88, 91
Johnson, Louis 124 Krings, Clifford 104
Johnson, Pat 37, 38, 40, 41 , 54, 76, Krupa, Traci 124
Krysl, Juli 161 , 1 82
77, 124 Kuchinski, Joe 124
Johnson, Taunisha 45, 48, 49, 104 Kuchinski, Rachel 89, 104, 143, 182
Jones, Tammy 180 Kuchinski, Rita 89, 124, 143, 182
Jones, Tamyron 104 Kudrna, Brian 65
Jones, Terrance 124 Kudym, Brian 128, 1 75
Jones, Thredrice 15 7 Kukula, Bari 75, 104, 142, 183
Jones, Toni 36, 122, 124 Kuiper, Kara 132
Jongewaard, Wendy 75, 77, 127 KUSH FLORIST 1 65
Joynoosaeng, Posedo 1 24 Kvasnicka, Mellanee 44, 4 5, 157
Juarez, Corina 36, 1 31
JUN IO RS 122, 123, 124, 125 I
k Lacz, Anna 124, 182
Lafournaise, Charles 53, 132
Kaasch, Julie 1 2 7 Lakin, P.J. 36, 40, 132, 1 76, 180
Kahm, David 1 57 Lakin, Ron 128
Kaipusl, Mary 157 Lambrecht, Bernie 3, 52, 128, 1 78,
Karnes, Michelle 124
Karrer, Sean 37, 128 181
Kasirick, Gary 157 Lampkins, Patrick 36, 85, 1 32
Kaufman, Robert 157 Lane, Shawn 65, 87, 128
Kellogg, Kristi 6 7, 8 1, 11 7, 1 24 Lantz, Jesse 8, 19, 86, 8 7, 104, 16 7,
Kellogg, LaChondra 1 79
Kelly, Porcha 53, 1 32 ·177
Kendrick, Loda Niel 128 Lantz, Terry 87, 132
Kendricks, Danielle 36, 83 Lapacek, Sara 132
Lara, Juan 71, 1 5 7
Larsen, Mall 16, 3(,, 124
Larsen, Tammy 1 32
Larson, Deborah 15 7, ·176
Lasovich, Keith 58
Lawrenz, Melissa 36, 38, 104
Layman, Ralph 18, 22, 104, 11 4 McClain, Steve 135, 183 African-American History Club: front row, Zsa-nate Kirk, Sherise Gresham,
Leahy, Michaela 104 Ealene Quarles, Niki Carodine, Lillie Gray, Pam Bell, Tracey Hampton,
Le beau, Dan 132 McClure, Lisa 56, 105 Melinka Brown, Katika Williams; middle row, LaChondra Kellogg, Dana Gre-
sham, Dawnyea Lumpkin, Romas Mitchell, John Bell, David Dorris, Angie
Lengyel, David 105, 183 McClure, Lorie 128 Griffin, LeShann Miller, Lem Beaugard; back row, sponsor Mr. Granville
Welch, Kevin Mcchristian, Ano Peak, Shannon Reeves, Falisa Ward, Allen
Lester, Brad 71, 128, 138, 174 McCormack, Jessica 105, 181 Johnson, Katrina McKinney, Ade ll McKinney, Nichole Talley, Tim Fantroy,
Le utfaimany, Thon 124 McCormick, Jayson 132 Byron Gardner, Chris Lynch, Julian Johnson, Shawntrese Moment.
Leutzinger, Cheryl 74, 75, 128, 180 McCown, Cindy 135 Barbell Club: Je rry Swain, Adam Nowka, Brian Villafuerte, Mike McIntosh,
Lewis, Shorn 124 Mccutchen, Rachel 36, 67, 128 Mike Pokorski, Tom Black, sponsor Mr. Jack Oholendt.
Lewis, Teri 12, 105 McGary, Brandon 85, 132 index 179
Leymaster, Jeremy 132 McGinty, Mike 132, 176, 180
McGraw, Andre 83
Libby, Elaine 1s7 McGrigg, Tereisa 14, 36, 124
Life, Trisha 132 McIntosh, Mike 19, 54, 63, 99, 105,
Linnertz, Angie 12 8 114, 175, 177, 178, 179
McKinnel, Katrina 48
Lipscomb, Sonny SO, 124
LITTLE KING'S 165 McKinney, Adell 105, 179
McKinney, Katrina 31, 49, 105, 179,
Live rmore, Ellen 160
Locke, Erin 132 182
Mclaughlin, Kirk 8 1, 158
Locke, Heather 41, 47, 4 8, 49, 122, McNair-Felton, Linda 138, 158, 177
124, 186
McNeal, Marcy 124
Loder, Mark 37, 38, 40, 128 McNew, Lola 128
Longacre, Fred 1s7 McNulty, Jill 128
McNulty, Sabrina 36, 132
Longo, Amy 96, 97, 124 McPhillips, Amy 54, 67, 80, 81, 124,
Longton, Carol 124
138, 174, 175, 178, 181
Lopez, Ch ristina 47, 59, 72, 73, 90, Mehser, Tina 7, 93, 128, 175
Meie r, Jeffery 128
Lopez, Estefana 21, 121 , 124 Meisinger, Dean 154
Lopez, Faustino 105, 175 Mejia, Roecio 105, 181
Lopez, Michael 1OS Menicucci, Ronnie 37, 38, 40, 58, 105
Lopez, Tracy 68, 69, 128 Merizalde, Ana 132
Loth, Josh 132 Mertz, Tony 36, 65, 87, 132
Lott, Jos h 65 Messing, Danielle 128
Lovings, Tom 128 Metzler, Desiree 7, 4 7, 50, 58, 105,
Lucas, Jon 42, 83 168,176,186
Lucas, Kevin 132
Meyer, Sara 128
Lumpkin, Dawnyea 23, 37, 46, 47, Meyers, David 132
98, 105, 179, 186 Meyers, Linda 3, 124
Miller, Krista 68, 69, 92, 93, 132
Lurks, Jason 65, 132 Miller, LeShann 124, 179
Lynch, Chris 105, 175, 179, 182, 183 Miller, Leshesundre 128
Miller, Mark 35, 158
m Millsap, Pauline 161, 186
Mims, Charnella 150, 158
Macht, Sherri 1s7 Minshall, Dawn 124, 181
Mackins, Danielle 174 Miracky, Danny 105
Mackins, Darielle 132 Miracky, Kevin 36, 38, 40
Miranda, Alicia 181 , 182
Mahan, Courtney 135
Mally, C hrista 124 Miranda, Arturo 50, 54, 138, 175,
Malolepszy, Eric 124 1 78, 181 , 182, 183
Mancuso, Joseph 158
Manning, Robert 158 Miranda, Leticia 54, 106, 181
Manzer, Heidi SO, 5 1, 105 Mitchell, Me lanie 14, 106
Maracky, Kevin 128 Mitchell, Romas 36, 128, 174, 175,
Marchese, Samantha 1 24
1 79
MA~CHING BAND 32, 33 Mitchell, Travis 52, 128
Manno, Salvatore 161 Mitchell, William 116, 132
Marion, Chris 78 79 Minarik, Rache l 20, 47, 60, 72, 73,
36,Marshall, Dave 1OS 106, 186
Modra, Corine 128
Marshall, Paul 132 Modra, Mike 65, 128
Martin, Enid 67 69 158 Moment, Shawn 132
Martinez, Israel' 132 Moment, Shawntrese 179
Martsukis, Ted 158 Mona, Matt 124
Mascarello, Frank 37, 40, 128 Monjarez, Lo ra 93, 132
Mason, Jan 160 Montalvo, Mike 83, 124
MaSters, Andy 36, 71, 84, 85, 132 Montelongo, Christina 32, 96, 97, 124
Mas ters, La rry 158 Montes, Gisela 124
Masters, Mike 37, 38, 40, 124 Montgomery, Chauntelle 128
Matsukis, Ted 3, 153 Monzu, Chris 124
Moody, Johnita 160
Matthews, Robert 82, 83, 128 Moore, John 154, 155
Mauer, Jimmy 132 Moran, Rick 106
Mauer, Nicol 132 Moreland, Timothy ·106
Mauro, Laure l 153 Morey, Jamie 128
McCabe, Brandy 128 Morris, Gene 43, 132
McCart, Dawn 36 132 Morrison, Chris 183
Morrow, Shanedia 128
56McCarther, Ann Morse, Tracy 128, 1 78
Mosby, William 132
Mccarther, Lynn 56 Moss, Brian 128
McCarty, Katina 1OS Mountain, Cleotha 124
McChristian, Kevin 1 43, 179, 181
McClain, Nicole 50
Science Club: front row, John Russell, Bob Hurley, Cindy Yoder, Brandi Mraz, Lisa 36, 106 Palermo, Robert 124
Mynster, Tiffany 124
Addison, sponsor Mrs. Wanda Clarke; middle row, Nick Kratochvil, Cerise Pappas, Regina 132
Elliott, Kari Bailey, Amy Pettis, Heather Hanson, Jaci Ross; back row, Mike n Pariseau, Edward 106
McGinty, Ruth Yates, James Rabiola. Parker, Darlene 128
Nacarelli, Jeff 63, 124, 175
Latin Club: front row, Cheryl Leutzinger, Sharefa Baerde, Heather Hanson, Nalley, Mike 128 Parrish, Julie 128
Nalley, W illiam 106 Parsons, Laurie 19, 47, 54, 55, 91, 94,
Tammy Jones, Tasha Helms; back row, Mary Cardenas, P. J. Lakin, Pat Bur- Natera, Ivon 128
get, Jaci Ross, sponsor Mr. Gerard Kowal. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY 54, 55 95, 99, 106, 11 4,138,167, 169,
Naujokaitis, Julie 93, 128, 174, 1 75 176, 177, 1 78, 186
IB'O index Navarrette, Chris 47, 106, 139,185, Patlan, M ike 124
Patterson, Chris 132
Navarrette, Christina 128 Payne, Melissa 128
Navarrette, Frank 124 Peak, Ano 128, 179
Navarrette, Juana 135, 183 Pearson, Jonathan 106
Navarro, Ricardo 128, 175 Pease, Scott 128
Neal, Renesha 124
Nellor, Daw n 124 Peck, Jaimie 128
Nelson, Shawna 128 Pedersen, David 124
Nelson, Shawndell 1 75 Pedersen, Tonnie 132
Nemecek, Lad 157, 158 Pegueros, Carmen 21 , 128
Nernandez, Lynette 1 76 Pelshaw, Phil 124
Netzel, Heidi 128 Peralta, Susan 128, 142, 143, 174,
Neuberger, Joe 158
Neubert, Jessica 36, 38, 132 177
Newsam, Leslie 124, 143 Perea, Jesse 83, 124
Newton, Nicole 69, 132 Perez, Michael 32, 106, 174
Nicol, Nancy 158 Perkins, Greg 132
Nielsen, Jodi 124 Perry, Kimberly 124
Nielsen, Judy 132 Pertrey, D enis 125
Nielsen, Lori 106, 139 Peters, Sue 3, 158, 175
Nimerichter, Ron 128 Petersen, Brian 132
Nixon, Cindi 128, 178 Petersen, Larry 106
Nodean, Dave 132 Peterson, Frances 132
Norris, Randy 128 Peterson, Shawna 125
Novak, Jason 75, 124 Petsche, Chad 107
Novak, John 54, 106 Pettis, Amy 132, 174, 180
Novak, Tom 36, 40, 128 Petty, Betty 161
Novy, Donald 132 pfeiffer, Katie 132
Nowaczyk, Katie 128 Pfeiffer, Roseanne 125
Nowka, Adam 63, 106, 168, 178, 1 79 Pfeiffer, Tony 125
Nystrom, Brian 106 pfeiffer, Trever 132
Nystrom, Eric 85, 132 PHILLIP'S PHARMACY 164
Phillips, Charley 128
0 Phillips, Eric 107
Phillips, Jay 128, 1 74, 175
O'Connor, Brandy 93, 128
Obermeyer, Brandi 134, 135 Phillips, Jodi 107
Ocon, Loiena 124 Piatt, Melissa 117, 125
Ocon, Manuela 106 Piatt, Sarah 128
O holendt, Jack 151, 158, 178, 1 79 Pickard, Al 128
O holendt, Pam 158 Pierson, William 158
Olechoski, Tracy 124, 176, 181 Pintodearcinie, A lvaro 132
Oliver, Chris 132, 1 76 Pittman, Marsha 37, 42, 107
O lsen, Lisa 49, 106
Olson, Michelle 66, 67, 128 Plymale, Alan 125
O lvera, Luis 124 Plymale, Brianna 36, 132
Ondar, Marisol 69, 132 Podkovich, W illiam 36, 132
ORCHESTRA 34, 35 Pokorski, M ike 63, 128, 178, 179
O rduna, Jason 65
O rduna, Jodi 32, 106 Polite, Jackie 125
Oswald, Amy 128 Pollock, David 43, 128
Owen, Jeff 124 Pollreis, Dan 125
Ozmun, Steve 132, 1 76 Poole, Chris 36, 128
Poole, Katherine 125
p Pope, Robert 125
Post, Charles 107
Potter, Jeff 158
Prange, Lana 125
Pratt, Laurie 17, 47, 107, 167, 186
Pratt, Marlon 78, 79
Preister, Joshua 132
Pribramsky, Al 158
Pribyl, Joyce 50, 139, 158
Price, Detria 125
Price, Grindell 83
Prince, Kevin 78, 79, 125
Pringle, Kim 37
Pryjmak, Barb 160
Pulverenti, Steve 158, 159, 174
PACKER'S NATIONAL BANK 165 Quarles, Alice 132
Quarles, Eale ne 20, 36, 42, 179 Robinson, TaRonda 20
Quinteraos, Maria 182 Robles, Juan 129
Quintero, Maria 132 Robles, Saul 125
Robles, Susan Aguilara 156, 182
R.M. AUTOMOTIVE 164 Rocha, Rochelle 36, 69, 133
Rodriguez, Adrienne 125
Rabiola, James 132, 180, 181 Rodriguez, Brenda 36, 89, 93, 129
Rodriguez, Mario 107, 140, 143, 177
Radanovich, Ed 158, 183 Rodriguez, Marissa 93, 133, 141
Rodriguez, Miriam 129, 182
Ramirez, Angela 125 Rodriguez, Rosa 129
Rodriguez, Teresa 93, 129
Ramirez, Grey 125 Rody, Jerry 130
Rody, Terry 133
Ramirez, Richard 158 Rogers, Holly 89, 158, 176
Ross, Jaci 77, 133, 174, 180
Ramos, Le tisia 47, 107, 115, 168, 186 Ross, Jacki 77
Ross, Larry 85
Ramos, Victor 132 Ross, Regina 133
Rowe ll, Otto 125
Rangel, Domina 128 Rubek, Delo res 17, 107
Rudo!, Mike 133
Rangel, Jessica 132, 176 RUDY'S 164
Ruecker, Frank 158
Ratajski, Karen 128 Russell, John 133, 174, 180
Ryan, Cathy 69, 93, 133
Rathbun, Lisa 125
Sahs, Richard 129
Reagan, Chris 128 Salcedo, Rosemary 160, 161
Salinas, Blanca 135, 183
Rech, Kori 107, 167, 169 Salinas, Leo 135, 183 National Spanish Honor Society: front row, Kenya Varela, Arturo Miranda,
Sanchez, Lisa 133 Amy McPhillips, Alida Cannona, sponsor Mrs. Joanne Sokalsky; middle row,
Reed, Aarian 8 3 Sanchez, Robert 107 Roecio Mejia, Rocio Herrera, Alicia Miranda, Kristi Jackson, Amy Ga las,
Sandbe rg, Jill 44, 45, 54, 87, 125 Tracy Olechoski; back row, Leticia Miranda, Jose Falcon, Kevin McChristian,
Reed, Becky 97 Sanders, Chris 63, 107, 168, 177 David Janda.
Sandoval, Lisa 129
Reed, Dar 83, 125 Sanning, Todd 18 Pep Club: front row, sponsor Mrs. Margie Brown, Robert Hurley, Andy Kid-
Sargent, Pat 129 der, Jessica McCormack, Jimmy Fisher, Bernie Lambrecht; back row, Tammy
Reed, Lorie 132 Savala, Jo hn 125 Ricks, James Rabiola, Dawn Minshall, Tina Aldrich, Becky Hilburn.
Savicky, Jenny 129
Reed, Rebecca 107 Schaaf, Brian 133 index 18'1
Schafer, Melanie 36, 133
Reed, Vanetta 125 Schicker, Jennife r 133
Schlueter, Marie 160
Reeve, Mark 128 Schmitz, Caroline 158, 176
Schrat, Jeremy 133
Reeves, Andre 20, 25, 107 Schultz, Cynthia 158
Schultz, John 87
Reeves, Shannon 66, 67, 128, 179 Schultz, Tom 129
Scott, Terry 135
Regnerus, Scott 52, 125 Scurlock, Chris 125
Sedam, Ronda 133
Reh, John 125 Sedlacek, Tony 129
Seifert, Barbara 158
Reisdorff, Jenelle 77 132 SENIORS 98, 99, 100, 101 , 102, 103,
Remijio, Mario 158,'159, 177 104,105,106,107,108, 109
Serrano, Erica 133
Reno, Ed 128, 1 39 Serrano, Maria 129
Settje, Dominic 129
Renshaw, Becci 36, 125 Seydlitz, Aaron 133
Shaffer, Mike 11 , 47,107, 186
Renshaw, Mike 129 Shaw, James 71, 85, 133
She lly, Greg 129
Rewolinski, Michael 132 Shelly, Larry 36
Shelly, Trina 129
Reyes, Ana 132 Shestak, Adam 133
Shiller, Amanda 129, 178
Reyes, Antonio 129 Sho rny, Jennifer 133
Shorny, Miche lle 125
Reyes, Christina 129 Short, Melissa 133
Sides, Donye ll 125
Reyes, Eddie 1O7 1 77 Sid zyik, Chris 63, 86, 87, 125
Sidzyik, Julie 125
Reyes, Jesse 129' Sidzyik, Michael 133
Siedlik, Janelle 12, 129
Reyes, Jose 125
Reyes, Kristine 95
Reyes, Stephanie 19 36 95 125
174, 1 76 ,,, ,
Rezac, Amy 36, 38, 99, 107, 140,
176, 1 77
Rhode, Robert 53, 129
Rhodes, Michael 161
Rhodes, Raymond 132
Richardson, Becky 129
Richardson, Brandi 132
Rlchtig, Melissa 132
Richtig, Patricia 107
Rickley, Andy 44, 45, 71, 77, 125
Ricks, Tammy 181
R!co, Rachel 125
Ridenour, Eric 36, 129
Rider, Barbara 160
Rieper, She lly 125, 1 78
Riesberg, Sarah 125
Riesdorff, Jennelle 69
Rinderknecht, Vanessa 18, 36, 37,
107, 11 4,167
Roach, Jack 129
Robbins, Roni 129
Roberts, Dawn 36 132
Roberts, Michael 125
Robertson, Carrie 36, 52, 132
Robertson, Katisha 132
Robinson, Angela 24, 47,109,185,
Robinson, Carri 24, 129
Robinson, Donna 129
Robinson, Katisha 36
Robinson, LeMar 85, 133
English as a Second Language (ESL): back row, Nancy Gomez, Mario Siegel, Chris 133 Swartzell, Rene 30, 48, 49, 133
Antunez, Giberto Almazon, Mrs. Virginia Hernandez, paraprofessional aide; Sweeney, Shawta 133
middle row, Mrs. Susan Aguilara Robles, instructor, Miriam Rodriguez, Rosa Sigbornson, Shawn 125 Sweeney, Tonya 108
Vallesillo, Maria L Jaime, Guillermina Becerra, Ise la Jacinto, front row, Alicia Swendroski, John 71 , 133
Miranda, Maria S. Hernandez, Maria Quinteraos, Pilar Jacinto, Ms. Julie Simmons, Alicia 54, 107 SWIMMING 76, 77
Krysl, teacher aide. Simmons, Nance 129 Swiney, Dawn 44, 45, 108
Swoboda, Larry 73, 159
Future Teachers of America: front row, Catrina McKinney, Rachel Kuchins- Simonetti, Nicki 91, 125 Sykora, Edward 129
ki, Arturo Miranda, Alicia Carmona; middle row, Martha Gonzales, Rita Simonetti, Tina 108 Synowiecki, Matthew 133, 183
Kuchinski, Anna Lacz, Debbie Zimmerer, Amy Groteluesche n; back row, Szczepanowski, Kristi 85, 133
Chris Lynch, Tenisha Wright, Tasha Wilburn. Sinecio, Conchita 129
Skinner, Lisa 108, 139 t
18'2 index
Sliwa, Helen 160 Tablas, Heidi 133
Slump, Chad 133 TACO DURANGO 166
Taff, Scott 63, 65, 130, 133
Smejkal, Mariel 54, 95, 125, 174, 178 TALENT SHOW 42, 43
Talley, Nicole 91, 125, 179
Smith, Anita 3, 58, 91, 125 Taylor, Billey 108
Smith, Barbara 158 Taylor, Lashonda 129
Tefft, Sarah 37, 129, 176
Smith, Damon 50 Thill, Tina 129
Thomas, Amos 125
Smith, Dennis 108 Thomas, Denise 67, 81, 95, 125
Smith, Duane 36, 133 Thomas, Don 129
Thomas, Jamie 36,129
Smith, Kelly 129, 1 76 Thomas, Jessica 133
Smith, Ken 129 Thomas, Kim 36, 125
Smith, Mandy 57, 133 Thomas, Lloyd 133
Thomas, William 125, 129
Smith, Shelly 15, 46, 47, 54, 55, 58, Thompson, Alice 159
91, 108,169,176,178,186 Thompson, Amanda 57, 93
Thompson, Amy 90, 91, 125
Smith, Tanuel 129 Thompson, David 125, 174
Smith, Travis 36, 133 Thompson, Diana 109
Smith, Tron 125 Thompson, Donna 135, 183
Smith, Yvette 14 Thompson, James 85, 133
Snyder, Frankie 50, 108 Thompson, Jeramie 108, 116, 173
Thurman, Rachel 66, 67, 80, 81, 125
Snyder, Kristi 129 Thurman, Rachel 81
Sobetski, Rich 108, 1 76 Tiessen, Glen 159
Sokalsky, Joanne 159, 177, 181 Tippery, Toretta 160
Tkaczuk, Bobby 133
Solberg, Katie 9, 50, 108, 168 TMH 134, 135
Sole, Casey 129 Todalan, Randy 116
Sommer, Waylon 133, 174 Todd, Becky 133
SOPHOMORES 126,127,128, 129 Tolliver, Kenneth 129
Spawn, Tonya 36, 125 TOOTER 48, 49
Spellman, Elisha 129 Townsend, Ken 125
Spellman, Patricia 108 Townsend, Mike 125
Springer, Roxann 129 Tranisi, Joe 6, 10, 73, 91, 108, 185
ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL 164 Tripp, Adam 108
Stafford, Brooke 108 Tripp, Miche lle 133
Stafford, Heather 129 True, Jeff 129
Stafford, Nick 133 Trusler, Christina 133
Stankiewicz, Jenny 36, 129 Turechek, Shawn 62, 63, 87, 108
Star, Sheryl 53, 133 Turner, Rodney 129
Stark, Desadie 125 Turnquist, Toni 45, 159
Starks, Tawneesha 36, 129 Twyman, Shawn 129
Stein, Chris 129
Stepanek, Don 161 u
Sternberg, Jeremy 125
Stevens, Chasiti 129 83, 84,85
Stevenson, Do uglas 133
Stillmock, Laura 81, 83, 89, 129 92,93
Stillmock, Leslie 80, 81, 89, 125
Stodolka, Thomas 125 UNDERCLASSMAN FOOTBALL 64, 65
Strachota, Nathan 133
Strachota, Nicholas 8, 108 69
Struz, Lisa SO, 125 Underriner, Ann 159
Struz, Patrick 125
Stubblefie ld, Aenea 30, 49, 133
Stull, Becky 71, 84, 85, 133
Stull, David 129
Siurek, Chad 65
Siurek, Toby 63, 129
Styles, Angela 85, 133
Sullivan, Nate 85, 133
Sullivan, Steve 83, 125
Summers, Reccie 49
Summers, Richarda 36
Summers, Tenille 3, 36, 83, 129
Svab, Jennifer 129
Svengard, Jeanne 3 7, 183
Swain, Jerry 63, 178, 1 79
Swamp, Chad 63
Swanson, Jim 154, 175
Swanson, Noah 133
Swanson, Sam 133
Swanson, Scott 71, 129
Swartzell, Michaela 129
V Williams, Angela 92, 93, 129
Williams, Charles 133
Vacek, Bernie 133 Williams, Damond 36 Just Friends Club: front row, Arturo Miranda, Steve Conklin, Blanca Salinas,
Vacek, Neil 77, 125 W illiams, Demetrius 133
Vacek, Wayland 63, 65, 130, 133 Williams, Eric 109 Juana Navarrette, Eric Watt, Shanelle Glass, Jeannie Svengard; middle row,
Valadez, Araseli 36, 38, 125 Williams, Helene 161 Sponsor Ms. Angie Johnson, Chris Bednarz, Jimmiann Fleek, Tina Driscoll,
Valadez, Cipriana 36, 125 Williams, Kachele 133
Valadez, Sonia 89, 129 Williams, Katika 179 Bonnie Gray, sponsor Ms. Maureen Irwin; back row, sponsor Mr. Tom Jod-
Vallecillo, Juana 129 Williams, Leroy 134, 135
Vallesillo, Lupe 129 Williams, Vickie 125 lowski, Jack Conklin, Chris Morrison, Donna Thompson, Steve McClain,
Vallesillo, Rosa 129, 182 Wilson, Chris 129 Chris Lynch, Leo Salinas, Donald Hudnall, Krista Egermeier, Alicia Carmona.
Vanderwerf, Matt 125 Winden, Christina 133
Vannier, Matt 133 Witecki, Becky 18, 54, 91, 125 Chess Club: front row, David Janda, Roman Cano, Bart Kukula; back row,
Varela, Kenya 108, 181 Wolfe, Dan 133
VARSITY BOYS' BASKETBALL 78, 79 Woodcock, Doug 125 Matthew Synowiecki, David Lengyel, James Vogeltanz, Jeff Alexander, spon-
VARSITY CH EERLEADERS 90, 91 Woodrich, Michelle 129 sor Mr. Ed Radanovich.
VARSITY FOOTBALL 62 63 Woolard, Carlos 125
VARSITY GIRLS' BASKETBALL 80 81 Worthington, Ronald 129 index IKS
VARSITY VOLLEYBALL 66 67 , Wozniak, Floyd 139, 159
Vasiliauskas, Jeff 133 ' WRESTLING 86, 87
Vasquez, Chas 36, 133 W right, Tenisha 182
Vasser, Gacobie 133 Wynn, Sally 93, 129
Vaughn, Lester 125
Vazquez, Maria 98, 108 Yates, Ruth 133, 180
Vendetti, Eleanor 160 YEARBOOK 46, 47
Vera, Rosa 133 Yelnek, James 159, 174
Villafuerte, Brian 63, 109, 140, 143, Yoder, Cindy 34, 35, 54, 97, 125,
177, 178, 179 137, 142, 174,175, 1 78, 180
Vogeltanz, James 129 183 Young, Carol 161
Vokt, Leda 36, 109 ' Young, Doug 159
Young, Fred 133
w Young, Jackie 160
Wade, Elijah 135 Young, Shernea 129
Youngblood, Terri 50, 109
Wagner, Charlie 129 Youngs, Mark 13, 49, 125
Wagner, Michelle 129 z
Walinski, Stephen 36 109 Zadina, M elanie 36, 69, 133
Zaracki, Ray 133
Walker, Jo 133 ' Zeman, Derek 109
Zezulak, Martin 125
Walker, Suzanne 133 Ziccardi, Angie 129
Ziemba, Charlie 65, 129
, Wallace, Jason 109 Ziemba, Steve 63, 125
Zimmerer, Debbie 21, 48, 49, 67,
Wallace, Mary 50, 109
Walter, Scott 63, 109, 176 109, 115, 175, 176, 177, 178, 182
Zolck, Joseph 133
Walters, Jeff 75, 109, 168, 178 Zook, Trish 34, 35, 129
Zurek, Tony 133
Walton, Shantell 46, 47, 95, 125, 186
Ward, Falisa 36, 133, 179
Warsocki, Carrie 50 99 109
Washington, DaRon' 62 ' 63 86 87
128 ' ' ' '
Washington, Lakisha 36, 133
Washka, Amanda 16 125 175
Wasinger, Brandi 109, 177
Waterman, Marjorie 159, 186
Watt, Eric 135, 183
Wattles, Chastity 30, 49, 69, 129
Weaver, Joe 175
Webber, G reg 133
Weikle, Jeff 133
Welch, Granville 159 179
Welch, Matt 125 '
Wells, Sherman 129
Wermuth, Cheryl 1 33
W hite, Antone 56
W hite, Dorotha 93 129
White, Ronald 133'
Whitesides, Lisa 3 7 129
Whiting, Jean 159 '
Whitner, Clarence 125
W icken, Jason 125
Wickert, Sandy 32, 125
Wilburn, Tasha 182
Wilcox, Greg 87, 159
Wilczynski, Jeanne 161
As those who have gone
before us, we are reaching
the end of the 1991-'92
school year and it's time to
take one last look.
South High School now
has a new gym, new class-
rooms, a new cafeteria and
ONE other new facilities. As the
school changes and moves
ahead, our memories are at
a standstill.
LAST We are remembering
our years here, trying to
visualize South without us
The Class of '92 is full
LOOK of promise . Graduates are
now ready for the world
beyond high school, yet
saddened for the one they
are leaving behind.
The memories of the
seniors are special and
many, for these are
moments that have been
captured in the heart and in
the mind.
It is time to say "Good-
•J. bye" to the old and familiar
and say "Hello " to the
~ unknown . It is time to
remember the past with
pride and look ahead with
High school will never
oreally rgnoettLeanStasL0w0ek
l.tion diY
Seniors Joe Tranisi and CoRita Dawson Looking forward to the sunrise are be fo
share a hug in the m ezzanine area as seniors Chris Navarrette and Angela
their final year at South comes to an end. Robinson, as they view it from South g1·ve
High's steps. at what we are leaving and
fix our vision on the future.
closing 15'5
Rachel Minarik Angela Robinson Shannon Crawford Dena Burriell CoRita Dawson Drrie Foreman
Shannon Hoffman
' l"l '•.. ~ii·
HealhN Locke
•I . Desiree Metz ler
J, •
Rebecca Fruge Laurie PJrsons Amy Grotelueschen
Managing Editor Photography Editor
Gina Kirschbaum
Christina Lopez I: 1991-'92'; :':..1.· \
Carrie Hunter Staff Marjorie Waterman
Design Edi1or Advisor
The theme of the 1992 South High yearbook is Dorothy Curtis, Mrs. Connie Kleber, Mrs. Johnita
Moody, Mrs. Barbara Rider, Mrs. Bernie Benak,
"One Last Look . " Senior Debbie Z im mer er Mr. Greg Wilcox, Mrs. Mary Lou Jackson, Mr.
Robert M anning, M rs. Carole DeBuse, Mrs. Deb-
designed the cover. Colors used on the cover bie Larson, M rs. Wanda
Clarke, Ms. Cindy
were French Blue (278), Royal Blue (RRB), Cherry Schultz, Ms. Jana Crisler
and the Tooter staff, Mrs.
Red (185) and Black. This Debbie Grotelueschen,
Mrs. Nancy Nicol, Arnold
year 4 75 copies of the Clark Studios, Julian John-
son, and our advertisers.
book were sold at 25 dol-
Thanks also to all the
lars each. st udents who offered us
p hotographs and sugges-
The yearbook staff tions.
would like to thank those Thank you all again.
who helped the staff Dawnyca Lumpkin
complete the book: Mrs.
Joyce Christensen, Mrs .
Laurel Mauro, Mr. Jerry
Bartee, Mr. Jerry Bexten,
Mr. Mike Diffenderfer,
Mrs. H elen Sliwa, M rs.
Le1isia Ramos Er ma Helmberger, Mrs.
Pauline Millsap Chris Navarre11e Lo1Urie Prall Mike Shaffer Shelly Smith .Shantell Walton
Walsworth Publishing Cm1,pm,y
306 North Km™ A,·c:nuc I M :ucdinc:, Missouri 64658 USA
tta:utus t 992
@ut -Witb
ttbt @l~...
Cover designed by Amy Grotelueschen
and Dena Burrie/1.
LYNNE i8. T fft) is shocked when told
~ sEhmemwaasVanionteas(Syaoruanhg ooking as she thought.
Isabel Carlyle (Mariel Smejkal)
finally meets her dying daugh~r
Mary (Mandy Smith) after elev , n
WIison (Tasha Helms) recover~
after being scolded by her mis-