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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 13:06:09

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 7°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 7°

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

7. Speak Answer Key
1 fibre (carbohydrate)
(40 minutes) 2 protein
3 vitamins
▪▪ Copy the chart on the board 4 protein
5 carbohydrates
and review how to play Tic Tac 6 vitamins and minerals
Toe (TTT).
▪▪ Discuss how balanced the
▪▪ The teacher is X and students
typical dishes are. Ask: Is the
are O. Ask: What can we do to paisa breakfast a balanced dish?
be healthy? If students answer Why? Why not? Ask about the
correctly, write O in the box other two dishes.
the students choose. Repeat
the procedure until either you Extra Activity (15 minutes)
or the students have filled in
three boxes in a straight line. Students make notes about their
favourite dishes: name of the dish
▪▪ Students copy the chart in and the ingredients. Students
then play a guessing game:
their notebook. You may want student A names the ingredients
to bring in photocopies of the and student B says the name of
chart to save time. the dish.

▪▪ In pairs students decide who 9. Speak

is X and who is 0. Students (45 minutes)
take turns to ask and answer ▪▪ Each student chooses a
questions: when they answer typical Colombian dish and
correctly they fill in a box. finds out information about it,
Students may use their notes for example, name of dish and
from exercises 5 and 6 to region it is from, ingredients,
answer the questions. nutrients and how they
benefit the body.
▪▪ Monitor and check students ▪▪ Students design posters to
illustrate their presentations.
are speaking English. Help if ▪▪ Organize the class into small
necessary. groups: ensure the students
in each group have chosen
▪▪ Extend the game: students different dishes.
▪▪ Students give the oral
write their own questions. presentation to their group.
Then students swap partners ▪▪ Display the posters around
and play again. the classroom.

8. Write T22

(30 minutes)

▪▪ Ask students about their

favourite Colombian dishes
and the ingredients. Ask them
what they know about typical
dishes from other regions:
What typical dishes from other
regions do you know? Where do
they eat them? What ingredients
are in the dishes?

▪▪ Students look at the photos

of the dishes. Ask: Have you
eaten …? Do you like it?

▪▪ Students copy and complete

the information about the
dishes and nutrients in their

▪▪ Check the answers.

module 1 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » Be Smart: Do Exercise!

1. Read Read the slogans (1–6) and match them with the photos (a–f).

a. b. c. d. e. f.

1. Exercise 2. Exercise 3. Exercise 4. Exercise 5. Exercise 6. Exercise
can can can can fight
improve can make can help reduce increase diseases.
your stress. energy.
mood. bones you

and control

muscles your

stronger. weight.

8 2. Listen Listen to a P.E. teacher giving students some
health tips. Decide if the statements (1–5) are
true or false.

1. Some of the students think doing exercise is hard. True
2. A horrible way to do exercise is to take your dog for a walk.
3. The teacher recommends 60 minutes of exercise every day.
4. An exercise schedule can help you to develop a good exercise routine.
5. You can do exercise when you play outdoors with your friends.

3. Read Match what the person can do (1–4) with the sport he/she plays (a–d) and

then answer the questions (a–f).

1. She can ride a bike. a. football

2. He can run and throw the ball at the same time. b. cycling

3. He can control a ball with his feet. c. swimming
2 3 4. She can breathe underwater. d. basketball

a. Can the girl ride a bike? Yes, she can. Study Tip
b. Can the boy ride a bike? No, he can’t.
c. Can the boy play football? Make a study schedule:
d. Can the girl swim? plan what to learn and
e. Can the boy do two things with a ball at the same time? when and find a quiet
f. Can the girl play basketball?
place to work.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U2.indd 4 02/12/2016 10:23

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

1. Read Audio Script 8 Write on the board:

(15 minutes) PE Teacher: Come on students. I can skip. I can’t (cannot)
▪▪ Students look at the photos play jacks. Can you skip? Yes,
(a–f) and describe them. If you can’t find time to exercise, I can.
▪▪ Ask: What kind of exercise do She can speak Spanish, but
you do and how does it help you? you can easily get very sick. I she can’t (cannot) speak
▪▪ Students read the rubric. Japanese. Can she speak
Explain what a slogan is: a know some of you think it’s hard Japanese? No, she can’t.
short catchy phrase often
used in advertising or politics. to develop and follow an exercise ▪▪ Students do the matching
▪▪ Remind students about
the use of can to express routine, but it isn’t. Here are some exercise in their notebooks.
possibility. Check
understanding of new tips to make things easy for you. ▪▪ Check answers.
▪▪ Students do the task in their Number 1: Start small. Do you take Answer Key
notebooks. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
▪▪ Check answers. your dog for a walk every day?
▪▪ Students copy the questions
Answer Key Well, that’s a great way to exercise!
1. c  2. f  3. b  4. d  5. e  6. a (a–f) and answer them in their
… See, it’s easy! notebooks. Focus students’
2. Listen attention on how modal verbs
Number 2: Do some exercise for are used in short answers.
(50 minutes) track 8
▪▪ Discuss how much exercise about 40 minutes three to four ▪▪ Check the answers.
students do. Ask: Do you play
any sports or do exercise? How times a week. That’s about two Answer Key
often do you do exercise? c. Yes, he can.
▪▪ Students read the rubric hours a week. So turn off your TV d. Yes, she can.
and copy the statements e. Yes, he can.
in their notebooks. Check and go to the gym! f. No, she can’t.
understanding of new
vocabulary. Number 3: Plan a schedule for Study Tip
▪▪ Play the audio track so Talk about the importance and
students can decide if the your physical activity. A weekly benefits of having a study
statements are True or False. schedule. Give students some
Play the audio track as many schedule helps you to see when time to design their study
times as necessary. schedule and to decide the
▪▪ Check the answers. and where you can do exercise … place to study. You may also
want to encourage students
Answer Key AND your homework of course!
2. False to include other activities
3. False Number 4: Don’t play video games in their schedule. Promote
4. T rue family and friends time and
5. True online with your friends … go resting time.

▪▪ Brainstorm the P.E. teacher’s outdoors and play with them, …

tips and write them on the playing tag or hide-and-seek is a
board. Refer students to the
audio script if necessary. Ask great way to do exercise … and
students if they think the tips
are good ideas and if they TALK to them, don’t chat on your
are willing to put them into
action. phone or online!

And the last one, number 5. Track

your progress. This makes you

feel motivated. Remember, find a

physical activity that you like. That

way you can be active and stay


3. Read T23

(35 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
describe the pictures using
can. He can play basketball. He
can ride a bike.

Grammar Box
Modal verb can to express ability
Explain that the modal verb can
is also used to express ability.
Remind students that can only
has one form for all persons: I can
cook. She can swim.

Focus on:

negative form: cannot or can’t

interrogative form: Can … ?

short answers: Yes, I can. / No,
she can’t.

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

9 4. Listen Listen to some friends talking about their abilities.

Complete the table.

ACTIONS Sofía Paola Nico
can can’t can can’t can can’t
skateboard I can swim,
run fast but I can’t skateboard.
ride a bike
dance 21st Century Skills
sing · Critical Thinking
speak English
speak French What new things are you learning this
year? What skills are you improving?

5. Write Complete the chart so it is true for you.

Physical activity I can ... I can’t … I want to learn how to …
Arts swim, skip skateboard play basketball
Technology play the guitar
Hobbies and skills

6. Speak Interview two classmates and make notes about their abilities and what

they want to learn how to do. Use the chart in exercise 5 to help you.

Pablo can … Pablo can’t … He wants Sara can … Sara can’t … She wants to learn
run skip to learn how to …
how to ...

Physical activity play the flute

What can or can’t you do, Pablo? Sara, what do you want to learn how to do?


I can run, but I can’t skip. I want to learn how to play the flute.

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Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

4. Listen Audio Script 9 5. Write
Sofía: Hi Paola, hey Nico, what
(45 minutes) track 9 (20 minutes)
are your plans for tonight?
▪▪ Students practise the ▪▪ Brainstorm and write on the
Paola: I don’t have any plans.
pronunciation of can/can’t. board examples of actions
Nicolas: I’m going to watch the related to physical activities,
Write some sentences on the arts, technology and hobbies:
Paralympic Games on TV. for example, Arts - play the
board for students to repeat guitar.
Sofía: Oh great! That’s what I’m going
after you: ▪▪ Students copy and complete
I can dance. I can’t sing. I can to do! Do you want to come to my
speak English. I can’t speak the chart in their notebooks.
French. house and watch the games with Give any new vocabulary they
may need.
▪▪ Students copy the chart into me!
▪▪ Students write complete
their notebooks. P & N: Yes, please!
sentences about their
▪▪ Play the audio track and Sofía: I love watching the Paralympics, personal abilities in their
notebooks, for example, I
students mark the correct those athletes are incredible! They can swim and skip, but I can’t
skateboard. I want to learn how
form can/can’t on their charts. can swim, run, play basketball and to play basketball.

▪▪ Play the audio track again football … I can’t do any of those 6. Speak

so students can check their things! (15 minutes)

answers. Paola: Oh Sofía, don’t be silly! ▪▪ Students read the rubric

▪▪ Students write sentences Everyone can do things that other and copy the chart into their
about what the speakers can people can’t … for example, my
▪▪ Focus students’ attention
or can’t do. Explain that we sister can sing really well, but I
on the speech bubbles, for
use but to express contrast. can’t. example, What can or can’t you
do, Pablo?
Write an example on the Sofía: You’re right. It’s true, I can’t
board: Sofía can’t swim or run ▪▪ Students prepare the
fast, but she can ride a bike. swim and I can’t run fast, but I can
questions they want to ask
ride a bike. their classmates.

Paola: Yes, you can Sofía! In my case, I ▪▪ Students choose two of their

can dance very well, and I can run classmates to interview.

very fast, but I can’t skateboard. ▪▪ Volunteers tell the class what

What about you, Nico? they have learned about their
Nicolas: Well, for example, I can speak

English, but I can’t speak French.

Answer Key

Actions Sofia Paola Nico 21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking
can can’t can can’t can can’t
Highlight the importance of being
swim ✗ critical and objective about our
own strengths and weaknesses.
skateboard ✗ Invite students to share their
strengths teaching others
run fast ✗✗ something they can do very well.
Likewise, point out how we can
ride a bike ✗ improve by not being ashamed
of what we can’t do and learning
dance ✗ from others. Individually, students
reflect upon their abilities,
sing ✗ limitations and desire to learn
something new. They should
speak ✗ ask themselves the questions
English in their books and add others if
they wish. What new things are you
speak ✗ learning this year? What skills are
French you improving? What can you teach

module 1 // Unit 2

7. Speak Work with the same classmates from exercise 6. Make suggestions about
what they can do to learn new things.

Sara, you want to Pablo, you want to
learn to play the learn how to … .
flute. Why don’t you You could … .
look at some flute
lessons for beginners
on the internet?

Useful Language: Why don’t you take swimming classes? You could ask María to teach you.

8. Write Follow the instructions and design a slogan Final task activity!

noticeboard to motivate you and your
classmates to do more exercise.

You need:

some large thick card pictures cut out from marker pens

1. Write some slogans, for example, ‘Be smart: Do Exercise!’
2. Decorate your poster with the magazine pictures. Or draw your own.
3. Put the poster on your classroom wall.

25 DO

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Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

7. Speak 8. Write

(15 minutes) (40 minutes)

▪▪ Focus students’ attention ▪▪ Bring these materials to class:

on the useful language for pieces of large thick card,
making suggestions. Explain pictures from magazines,
that in English can (present scissors, marker pens and
simple) isn’t used to offer glue.
advice, so we use expressions
such as: Why don’t you …? You ▪▪ Bring examples of slogans for
could …
different products to show
▪▪ Students read the rubric and the kind of language used and
usual length of a slogan.
then work with the same
classmates as in exercise 6. ▪▪ Students read the rubric.
Allow time for students to
think about what suggestions Check understanding and
to give their partners. explain if necessary.

▪▪ While students are talking, ▪▪ In groups, students discuss

monitor and assess their oral what kind of messages would
production. motivate them to do exercise.

▪▪ Students write a variety of

slogans to stick on their

▪▪ Display the noticeboards

around the classroom.
Students vote for their
favourite. If possible, reward
the winning team.


Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » Being Clean is Cool and Fun!

1. Read Read the infographic about personal hygiene and complete

it (1–7) with the headings (a–g).

a. Use deodorant d. Dental care g. Keep your fingernails
b. Change your clothes e. Wash your hands clean and short
c. Wash your hair regularly f. Have a shower

7… : Dirty clothes can also cause 1… : This removes oils
skin infections and body odour. and dirt. It makes your
Wear clean clothes every day. hair smell nice and
prevents hair-loss.

6… : Wash your hands Personal 2… : Clean
before you eat and Hygiene your body
after you use the and skin with a
toilet. This can prevent 4 … : It isn’t cool to refreshing shower
stomach infections. smell bad! So use every day. Also
deodorant under have a shower after
5… : Long, dirty nails can your armpits and you do exercise.
spread infection. You on your feet!
can prevent horrible skin 3… : Take good care of your
infections if you cut your teeth and your smile! Brush
nails regularly and keep your teeth at least twice a day
them clean. (morning and evening). This can

also help prevent gum disease.

2. Write Label the hygiene products (a–f) and then answer the questions (1–6)
so they are true for you.

1. Do you use a hairbrush

to brush your teeth? No, I

26 don’t. I use a hairbrush to
d. brush my hair.
b. 2. Do you use deodorant to

c. smell nice? Yes, I do.

3. Do you use soap and water

to wash your face?
e. 4. Do you brush your teeth

twice a month?

5. Do you use nail clippers to

cut your hair?

6. Do you use shampoo to

f. wash your hair?

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U2.indd 7 02/12/2016 10:24

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

1. Read 2. Write

(45 minutes) (20 minutes)

▪▪ Students read the title of ▪▪ Ask students to bring pictures

the lesson and give their from magazines of the objects
opinion about it. Ask: Do you to class. Bring in some extra
agree/disagree with it? Why? pictures yourself too.
Why is good personal hygiene
necessary? ▪▪ Students show their pictures

▪▪ Students read the rubric to their partners and name the
objects: This is a …
and the headings in the box.
Check understanding of new ▪▪ Students stick the pictures in
vocabulary and expressions.
their notebooks: in the same
▪▪ Students copy the infographic order as they appear in the
exercise (a–f) and label the
in their notebooks and pictures.
complete it with the correct
headings. ▪▪ Check the answers.

▪▪ Check the answers. Answer Key d. soap
a. hairbrush e. nail clippers
Answer Key b. shampoo f. deodorant
1. c    2. f    3. d   4. a  c. toothbrush
5. g   6. e   7. b
▪▪ Students copy the questions
▪▪ Write on the board: How often
(1–6) in their notebooks. Then
do you take a shower/ brush your
teeth, etc.? Are your personal students answer the questions
hygiene habits good enough?
Can you improve any of them? so they are true for them.
Which ones?
When students answer in
▪▪ In pairs, students talk about
the negative, make sure they
their personal hygiene habits.
The objective is to focus their explain their answer as shown
attention on their personal in the example: No, I don’t. I use
habits and make them think a hairbrush to brush my hair.
about how they can improve
them. ▪▪ Check the answers.

Suggested answers
3. Yes, I do.
4. No, I don’t. I brush my teeth

twice a day.
5. No, I don’t. I use nail clippers

to cut my nails.
6. Yes, I do.


module 1 // Unit 2

10 3. Listen Listen to Camila talking about her personal hygiene routines and

complete the chart.

Personal Hygiene Routines Always Often Sometimes Never
a. have a shower
b. wash hair
c. brush teeth
d. keep nails clean and short
e. wear clean clothes
f. wash hands before you eat
g. use deodorant

4. Speak Work with a partner and describe Camila’s personal hygiene

routines. Use the information in the chart in exercise 3.

She always takes Yes, that’s right
a shower. and she sometimes

washes her hair.

5. Write Use the secret code to discover how to wash your hands properly.

Write the complete sentences.

Letters: A BC D E F GH I JK LM N O PQ R S T U VW X Y Z

Secret code: Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A

1. Wash your hands for … seconds. G S R I G B

27 2. Use … and … to wash your hands. D Z G V I H L Z K
3. Wash your hands before you … . V Z G

4. Wash your hands after you go to the … G L R O V G

5. … your hands with a clean towel. W I B

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U2.indd 8 02/12/2016 10:24

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

3. Listen Audio Script 10 Answer Key
1. thirty
(20 minutes) track 10 Girl: Good morning everyone. 2. water… soap 4. toilet
3. eat 5. dry
▪▪ Students read the rubric and Today I’m going to tell you about

the information in the chart. my personal hygiene routines.

Explain that a good listening I always have a shower in the

strategy is to read the morning, every day. But I only ▪▪ Students compare the

questions or tasks in advance. wash my hair sometimes. I often procedure on the board

This focuses your attention brush my teeth twice a day. I don’t with the statements in their
notebook. Are they similar? Can
on the exact requirements of always keep my nails clean and cut we combine both procedures to
get a better result? How?
the task. short, only sometimes.

▪▪ Students copy the chart into I always change my clothes every

their notebooks. day. I have to confess, I never

▪▪ Play the audio track. Students wash my hands before I eat, but I

mark how often the speaker do wash my hands after I use the

performs the actions. toilet! I always use deodorant after

▪▪ Play the track again so I have a shower.

students can check their 4. Speak

answers. Repeat if necessary. (15 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
▪▪ Students write complete examples.
▪▪ In pairs, students talk about
sentences about the girl’s the girl’s hygiene habits: they
can refer to their answers in
personal hygiene routine. exercise 3. Monitor and assess
students’ oral production.
Write an example on the
board: She always has a shower. 5. Write

Remind students about the (20 minutes)
3rd person singular -s in the ▪▪ Brainstorm the procedure for
washing your hands properly.
present simple. Write students’ suggestions
on the board.
▪▪ Monitor and assess students’ ▪▪ Students read the rubric
and look at the secret code.
written production. Make sure all the students
understand how the code
Answer Key works.
▪▪ Students copy the statements
Actions Always Often Sometimes Never in their notebooks and use the
secret code to complete them.
a. have a ✗ ▪▪ Check answers.

b. wash hair ✗

c. brush teeth ✗

d. k eep nails ✗
clean and

e. w ear clean ✗

f. wash hands ✗
before you
eat T27

g. u se ✗

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

6. Write In groups, prepare a hygiene exhibit. Follow the instructions (1–5).

To wash your hands you need
soap and water. Always wash
your hands before you eat and

after you use the toilet.

Use soap Rub your hands together Use your
and water. under the water. fingers.

Don’t forget Rinse your hands. Dry your
your wrists. hands.

Instructions Final task activity!
1. Choose one personal hygiene habit: for

example, how to wash your hands properly.
2. Make a list of the steps to follow: for example,

Step 1. Get some soap. Step 2. …
3. Design a picture collage to indicate the steps:

you can draw or paint pictures or use photos
from magazines.
4. Display your collage on your classroom wall.
5. Give a talk to your classmates (or to a different
class) about the hygiene habit you chose.

7. Speak Think about your eating, physical activity and personal hygiene

habits. In groups, discuss how healthy your habits are.

I don’t think my
physical activity habits
are healthy because I
sometimes / never …

I think my eating
habits are healthy
because I always eat

2 8 fruit and vegetables.

11 8. Pronunciation Listen and repeat the sentences. Make sure you pronounce
the short forms.

It’s good to do exercise every day. I can’t skateboard, but I can ride a bike. It’s good
to do exercise!

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U2.indd 9 02/12/2016 10:24

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

6. Write 8. Pronunciation

(45 minutes) (15 minutes) track 11
▪▪ Write on the board these full
▪▪ Bring these materials to and contracted forms:

class: cardboard, marker I am you are
pens, pictures cut out from
magazines, scissors and glue. it is don’t cannot

▪▪ In groups, students read the can’t do not

instructions on how to design I’m you’re it’s
their collage. Give them any
extra vocabulary or expressions ▪▪ Students come up to the
they may need to explain the
habit they have chosen. board and match the full
forms with the contracted
▪▪ Allow enough time for forms.

students to prepare their ▪▪ Explain that contractions
are very common in English,
▪▪ Display the picture collages on especially in spoken English;
therefore, it’s important to
the walls of the room where pronounce them properly and
the exhibit will take place: get into the habit of using them.
either in the students’ own
classroom or in the school ▪▪ Play the audio track. Students
assembly hall or gym, for
example. listen and repeat. Focus on
the contracted forms. Ask
▪▪ Students give their different students to say the
contractions out loud for the
presentations in groups. class.

▪▪ Monitor and assess students’ Audio Script 11
It’s good to do exercise every
oral and written production.
day. I can’t skateboard, but I can
7. Speak
ride a bike. It’s good to do exercise!
(10 minutes)
Extra Activity (30 minutes)
▪▪ Students think about their
Bring in two sets of cards: set 1
personal hygiene habits: Are has full forms written on the
they good or bad? Can they cards; set 2 has the equivalent
improve them? contracted forms written on the
cards. Shuffle the cards and put
▪▪ Students read the rubric and them face down on a large table.
Divide students into two groups.
the examples in the unit. Each group takes turns to turn
Point out the use of the over two cards: if the cards match
connector because to express (i.e. full form and equivalent
consequence/effect. contracted form) the group keeps
them. If the cards don’t match,
▪▪ In groups, students discuss they are put back on the table
face down again. The winner is
their personal hygiene habits: the group with more cards.
they can refer to the examples
in the unit.


module 1 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress Icrcaeargneardhdeaibsncigtrsidbaieentpd(efrroosouodtni)na. el s
Very well
1. Write Look at the picture of a meal and name the Quite well
foods (1–3) and the nutrients they provide (a–d). With difficulty

Say if the meal is balanced or not and why.

Food: 1… Food: 2… Nutrient: c…
Nutrients: a… b… Food: 3… Nutrient: d…

12 2. Listen Listen to people talking about their abilities
and complete what they say (a–e).

I can express abilities.

Very well

a. He … b. He … c. She … d. She … e. He … Quite well
With difficulty
3. Write Decide which sentences show that
something is possible or not and copy them. I can express possibilities.
Very well
1. You can make a healthy meal with simple ingredients. Quite well
2. I can’t read a book in French.
3. Can you come to my party? With difficulty
4. I can always do my Maths homework.
5. My teacher can see me tomorrow.
6. She can’t come to my party.

Answer the questionnaire about your personal

4. Write habits and routines. Then, think about your

answers and decide how you can develop
your healthy habits and routines.

How healthy are your habits and routines?
2 9 How often do you …
Always Often Sometimes Never I can describe personal
care habits and routines
a. eat fruit and vegetables?

b. play a sport? regarding physical activity.

c. sleep eight to nine hours?

d. have a shower?

e. eat carbohydrates? Very well
f. brush your teeth?

g. drink water? Quite well

h. go for a walk? With difficulty

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U2.indd 10 02/12/2016 10:24

Module // 1 Unit // 2 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write Audio Script 12
1. Boy: I can ride a bike.
(10 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric 2. Boy: I can’t skateboard.
and copy the task into their
notebook. 3. Woman: I can’t speak French.
▪▪ Allow enough time for
students to complete the task. 4. Girl: I can’t solve maths problems.
▪▪ Don’t help with vocabulary:
the objective is to help 5. Boy: I can play the violin.
students assess their
knowledge of food (balanced 3. Write
diet) vocabulary.
▪▪ Correct the answers. (10 minutes)
▪▪ Students complete the self- ▪▪ Students read the rubric.
assessment section. ▪▪ Allow enough time for
students to read the
Answer Key sentences and decide what
1. potatoes can expresses in each of
2. green beans them: ability or possibility.
3. chicken/meat Students should only choose
a. carbohydrates, vitamins the sentences in which it
b. vitamins expresses possibility.
c. protein ▪▪ Correct the answers.
▪▪ Students complete the self-
2. Listen assessment section.

(15 minutes) track 12 Answer Key
▪▪ Students read the rubric 1, 3, 5, 6
and copy the incomplete
sentences (a-e) in their 4. Write T29
▪▪ Play the audio track twice. (15 minutes)
Allow enough time for
students to complete the ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
▪▪ Students correct each other’s copy the questionnaire into
answers: focus on the correct their notebooks.
use of can/can’t.
▪▪ Students complete the self- ▪▪ Allow enough time for
assessment section.
students to answer the
Answer Key questionnaire.
a. He can ride a bike.
b. He can’t skateboard. ▪▪ Don’t help with vocabulary:
c. She can’t speak French.
d. She can’t solve maths the objective is to help
students assess their ability
problems. to understand short written
e. He can play the violin. texts.

▪▪ Students think about their

own habits and routines and
how they can improve them:
students make notes in their

▪▪ Monitor and check students’


▪▪ Students complete the self-

assessment section.

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can describe stressful situations and
Taking Care of Myself their effects, and respond appropriately
and of Others in social situations.

» I can describe beliefs and emotions.
» I can describe states of health.
» I can express abilities.

In Context » Getting to Know Yourself

1. Read Read the reasons why people feel stressed (a–f). Which ones make you feel

stressed? Rank them: frequently, sometimes, never.

What Makes You Feel Stressed? Study Tip
a. School pressure: homework, marks, tests,
When you rank things,
classmates, teachers you put them in order of
b. Parents/Family: pressure to do well, losing importance. Ranking identifies
what is most important so you
someone, moving to a new home, parents’
divorce, new brother or sister can focus properly.
c. Social life: relationships with friends, girlfriend/
d. Time: not enough time, doing lots of things at
the same time
e. Money problems: parents losing their job,
change in lifestyle
f. Physical or psychological changes: smelly feet,
sudden mood changes you can’t control

Frequently: parents/family Sometimes: teachers
Never: smelly feet

2. Speak 21st Century Skills
· Critical Thinking
In groups, discuss your How do you manage your stress?
answers to exercise 1. What do you do to avoid stress?
Which situation(s) make
you feel stressed?

The cause of my stress is my The physical changes in my
family: My parents are getting body never make me feel
stressed because I know it’s
divorced. normal: I’m just growing.

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

Unit  3 Taking Care of Myself and of Others

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Identify expressions about states of health and emotions using short descriptive oral
and written texts.
Vocabulary Make a simple oral description about stressful situations and their effects, and
Grammar respond appropriately in social situations.
Exchange information about beliefs and emotions through questions and answers.
Make sentences to express gratitude and willingness to help friends.

Actions related to reflection and emotions; Stressing situations; Expressions to
describe symptoms of stress; Expressions to describe how we can help others;
Expressions to respond in an assertive way; Expressions to make compliments

Simple present tense; Can/can’t

1. Read 2. Speak T30

(40 minutes) (35 minutes)
▪▪ Say the title of the unit and ▪▪ Students think about their
discuss as a class what it answers to exercise 1 and also
means. make notes about what makes
▪▪ Check understanding of taking them feel stressed.
care of and getting to know ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
yourself. the example.
▪▪ Read the can-do statements. ▪▪ In groups, students discuss
▪▪ Students read the rubric and their ideas and feelings.
text. Check understanding of Encourage them to talk about
new vocabulary. both: what makes them feel
▪▪ Students rank the statements stressed and what doesn’t
in their notebooks: rank really bother them.
depends on their own
personal experience. 21st Century Skills
Critical Thinking
Study Tip
Draw students’ attention to the
Explain what ranking is about fact that sharing concerns and
and how it helps to identify the analyzing them with others help
most important information in a to find better solutions.
reading selection and focus on
it. Explain that they will apply ▪▪ In the same groups, students
this strategy to understand
the text they read. talk about the questions: How
do you manage your stress?
▪▪ Answers will vary. Volunteers What do you do to avoid stress?

tell the class about how they ▪▪ Monitor and assess students’
have ranked the situations.
oral production.

module 1 // Unit 3

Read the story of a student who is Study Tip

3. Read stressed because of pressure in school.
Underline the ways his body reacts Underlining helps you identify

to stress. and remember important details.

A Case of Stress
Pedro is having problems in his Maths class. He often can’t do his homework because
he doesn’t understand it and he never gets good marks in his exams. When he gets bad
marks, his stomach turns, his hands sweat, he gets a headache and he feels physically
sick. He also feels depressed and often very sad. Pedro is a normal healthy teenager, but
stress is affecting him both physically and psychologically!
Pedro really doesn’t want to tell his parents about his bad marks because he thinks they
will be angry with him. When he goes to bed he can’t sleep because he is thinking about
his exam marks. In the morning, he doesn’t want to have breakfast and he doesn’t want to
talk to anyone. He really doesn’t want to go to school and he definitely doesn’t want to go
to his Maths class, so he tells his parents that he has a stomach ache.

4. Write Write sentences about how stress can affect these things (1–7).

When people are stressed, their muscles get tense.

1. head 5. appetite
2. stomach 6. heart
3. hands 7. muscles
4. sleep
Listen to a psychologist talking about how to deal with stress. Complete
13 5. Listen the statements with the words from the Word Bank.

How to Deal with Stress Effectively Word Bank

• develop healthy habits and routines: 1react calmly enjoy trust
• organize your time efficiently meditate pray
spend time react calmly

3 1 • do something you 2… . share

• 3…, 4…, appreciate nature, e.g. watch a beautiful sunset

• 5… with people who have a positive attitude

• 6… your problems and talk about your feelings with
someone you can 7…

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 2 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

3. Read bed he can’t sleep because he is ▪▪ Students compare the list
thinking about his exam marks.
(45 minutes) In the next morning, he doesn’t of their ideas on the board
want to have breakfast and he with the psychologist’s
▪▪ Students read the rubric doesn’t want to talk to anyone. suggestions in the audio.
He really doesn’t want to go to Ask: Do you already do any of
and the story. Check school and he definitely doesn’t the psychologist’s suggestions?
understanding of new want to go to his Maths class, so Which ones do you think are
vocabulary. he tells his parents that he has a useful?
stomach ache.
▪▪ If possible, make copies of the Answer Key
2. enjoy
story so that students don’t 3. meditate/pray
need to copy the whole text in 4. meditate/pray
their notebooks. 5. spend time
6. share
Study Tip 4. Write 7. trust

Explain that an excellent strategy (45 minutes) Audio Script 13
to understand the details in a
reading activity is highlighting/ ▪▪ Brainstorm what Pedro (from Do you sometimes feel that life
underlining key information.
When they highlight, they can exercise 3) feels when he is very difficult? Do you often feel you
find important information gets bad marks in Maths:
his stomach turns, his hands don’t have enough energy? Do you
more easily. sweat, he gets a headache.
Students describe what shout and get angry with your friends
▪▪ Ask questions that help they feel when they have a
problem. and family for no reason? Well, you’re
students to confirm they
have highlighted the most ▪▪ Check understanding of probably doing these things because
important information. Ask
them if they can answer these phrases. you are stressed. But don’t worry –
questions by referring only
to the highlighted/underlined ▪▪ Check their answers. I’m going to give you some easy tips
sentences. What is Pedro’s ▪▪ Students write sentences
problem? Why is Maths a to deal with your stress effectively.
problem for him? What happens describing how stress affects
to him when he gets bad marks? them. Monitor and assess OK, first, it’s important to develop
What happens to him when he their writing production. healthy habits and routines, for
is at home? Why does he tell his example, eat well, get enough sleep
parents he has a stomach ache? ▪▪ Students discuss how stress and do exercise, and always react
calmly in difficult situations.
▪▪ Students do the task in their affects them with a partner.
It’s also important to organize your
notebooks. 5. Listen time efficiently, so that you can do
everything on time. So, for example,
▪▪ Check their answers. (45 minutes) track 13 if you have lots of homework, don’t
start at ten o’clock at night!
Answer Key ▪▪ Discuss with your students
Pedro is having problems in his Also you can avoid stress if you do
Maths class. He often can’t do his what they usually do when something you enjoy, for example,
homework because he doesn’t they feel stressed. Write their your hobbies and your favourite
understand it and he never gets ideas on the board. leisure time activities.
good marks in his exams. When
he gets bad marks, his stomach ▪▪ Students read the rubric Another good tip is to take care
turns, his hands sweat, he gets a of your spiritual needs. You can
headache and he feels physically and the vocabulary in the meditate, you can pray or you can
sick. He also feels depressed and word bank. Check their just sit outdoors and appreciate the
often very sad. Pedro is a normal understanding of new beautiful sunset.
healthy teenager, but stress is vocabulary.
affecting him both physically and It’s also a great idea to make sure you T31
psychologically! ▪▪ Students copy the incomplete spend time with people who have a
Pedro really doesn’t want to tell positive attitude.
his parents about his bad marks statements about how to deal
because he thinks they will be with stress effectively in their And finally, remember, share your
angry with him. When he goes to notebooks. problems and always talk about your
feelings with someone you trust.
▪▪ Play the audio once. Students
I’m sure these tips will help to deal
complete the statements. Play with your stress. Thank you for
again, and pause for students listening.
to include more information in
their answers.

▪▪ Check their answers. Monitor

and assess students’ listening

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

14 6. Listen Listen to a radio programme about how to meditate and order the

steps (a–f).

a. Decide on the d. Focus on your
best time for breathing.
you to meditate.

b. Sit with your e. Find a distraction-
back straight. free place. Step 1

c. Wear comfortable f. Start with 3–5
clothes. minute sessions.

7. Speak Work with a partner and role-play one of the stressful situations (1–6).

Stressful Situations Student A: You are feeling stressed. Tell
Student B what is making you feel stressed
1. Too much homework
2. Arguments with parents and how it is affecting you.
3. Arguments with friends
4. Not enough free time to relax Student B: Ask Student A about his/her
5. Money problems: parents lost their job stressful situation. Give him/her ideas how to
6. Moving to a new house
deal with the situation.

Hey, what’s wrong?

32 Really? What’s
the problem?
I feel sick. I can’t
sleep or eat. Why don’t you talk to
your grandparents?
My parents are
getting divorced. I’m sure they can
help you.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 3 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Listen Answer Key 5. b
1. e 3. a 6. d
(40 minutes) track 14 2. c 4. f

▪▪ Find out if any of your Audio Script 14
Good morning, listeners.
students meditate. Ask: When
do you do it? Why do you do it? Meditation is an excellent way to

▪▪ Students read the rubric deal with stress effectively. It relaxes

and copy the steps in their you completely. I do it every day, and
I’m always very calm and relaxed.
▪▪ Explain that the steps in
Today I want to share with you the
the written exercise are
paraphrases of what the basic instructions of how to meditate.
speaker actually says in the
audio. Write an example of It isn’t difficult, so listen and try it at
paraphrasing on the board:
The teacher told her students home.
to finish the exercise, read
the following text and write a The first thing you need to do is to
summary. find a place with no distractions. This
Paraphrase: The teacher gave means no television, no loud music
the students three instructions. and no young children playing.
Provide more examples if
necessary. Second, make sure you are wearing
comfortable clothes. Don’t wear
▪▪ Play the audio so students tight trousers or jeans. Your favourite
old T-shirt and sports trousers are
can become familiar with perfect.
the accent and pace of the
speaker. Next, decide which is the best time of
the day for you to meditate – in the
▪▪ Play the audio again, pausing morning, in the afternoon or in the
evening before you go to bed?
so that students can identify
the parts where the speaker It’s important to start gently. Start
talks about the different with three- to five-minute sessions
steps. Ask students to write and then work your way up to half
numbers (1–6) next to the an hour, or longer if you want. I
statements. Play the audio often meditate for an hour a day, but
again so students can check sometimes I only meditate for ten
their answers. minutes.

▪▪ Monitor and assess students’ Next, concentrate on your posture
and sit with your back straight.
listening skills.
Finally, focus on your breathing.
▪▪ Check their answers. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply.
▪▪ In pairs, students discuss
And, remember, don’t be too hard on
the order of the steps using yourself. It’s not easy at the beginning,
full sentences and sequence but you can learn to meditate if you
words: first, second, next, then, practise every day or twice a week.
after that, last of all.
7. Speak T32
Extra Activity (30 minutes)
(40 minutes)
If you have a student who knows
how to meditate, ask them to ▪▪ In pairs, students read the
show their classmates how to
meditate. Help with vocabulary rubric and the stressful
and expressions to give situations. Students choose
instructions. You may also need the situation they want to
to demonstrate the movements role-play.
▪▪ Students develop their role-

play based on the model
given. Allow enough time for
students to rehearse their

▪▪ In pairs, students perform

their role-play in front of the
class. Monitor and assess their
oral production.

module 1 // Unit 3

Expanding Knowledge » Getting on with Others

1. Read Read the emotional health questionnaire and Emilia’s answers.

Then, answer the questions (a–d).
Do you take good care of other people?
Read the statements and answer honestly.

How often do you … Emilia

1. keep in touch with your family and friends? always often sometimes never
2. do leisure activities with them? always often sometimes never never
3. remember their birthday and special dates? always often sometimes
4. listen to their problems? always often sometimes never
5. tell them what happens to you and share your feelings?

always often sometimes never
6. help them when they need you? always often sometimes never

Score: always = 3 points  often = 2 points  sometimes = 1 point  never = 0 points

a. What is Emilia’s score? 7 points
b. Which aspects of her relationships are Emilia’s strong points?
c. Which aspects are OK, but she needs to improve?
d. Which aspects need a lot of work?

2. Speak Answer the questionnaire in exercise 1 so it is true for you. Add up your
score and read your score results. Then, discuss the questions (1–3) with

a partner.

3 3 Score Results:

14–18 points Excellent! You take very good care of
your family and friends.

7–13 points Not bad. But there are aspects of your
relationships that you need to improve.

0–6 points You need to work a lot on your relationships.
Your family and friends need you to make some
changes. But if you work hard, you can do it!

1. How good are you at taking care of others?
2. Which aspects of your relationships do you need to improve a little?
3. Which aspects do you need to improve a lot?

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

1. Read ▪▪ Students add up Emilia’s 2. Speak

(60 minutes) score. Then, in pairs, students (30 minutes)
answer the questions (a–d).
Grammar Box ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
Adverbs of frequency: always, ▪▪ Check the answers.
often, sometimes, never answer the questionnaire
Answer Key using full sentences. Students
We use adverbs of frequency b. Strong points: keep in touch then add up their score.
to say how often we do things.
Adverbs of frequency usually with her family and friends, do ▪▪ In groups, students discuss
come before the main verb. leisure activities with them
Write on the board: c. W hat she needs to improve: their answers and analyze
listen to their problems, help what aspects they are strong
100% I always have a shower them when they need her at, which ones need to
in the morning. d. Aspects that need a lot of improve and which ones need
work: remember her family a lot of work.
80% I often wash my hair. members and friends’ birthdays
and special dates, tell them
50% I sometimes go what happens to her and share
shopping with my her feelings.
Extra Activity (30 minutes)
0% I never watch TV.
Play Find someone who …
▪▪ Ask questions using How often
Students do a class survey to
do you …? find who has done what and
how often. Students must ask
▪▪ Read the title of the lesson complete questions: Do you
sometimes have breakfast in a
and check understanding of restaurant? How often do you have
getting on. Ask: Do you have breakfast in a restaurant?
a good relationship with your
parents/classmates? Do you get Find someone who Name
on with them?
… sometimes has
▪▪ Students read the rubric. breakfast in a restaurant.

Explain that the questionnaire … never does exercise.
measures how much people
care about others. … often watches TV.

▪▪ Students read the questions … always wakes up early.

and Emilia’s answers. Check … is never late for class.
understanding of new
vocabulary and expressions. ... sometimes reads the
▪▪ Demonstrate how to change
... often goes to bed late.
questions into affirmative
sentences and where to put T33
the adverbs of frequency.
Write on the board:
She always keeps in touch
with her family. Identify the
changes in pronouns, verb
conjugations and possessive

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2 Final task
3. Write Follow the instructions and make a friendship chain.

1. You need:

strips of paper marker pens glue

2. Think about how well you get on with your friends and family. Then,
on the strips of paper, write sentences about the things you can do to
improve your relationships, for example: I can keep in touch with them
more often. I can write emails to them and tell them what I am doing.

3. Glue all the strips of paper together and make a friendship paper chain.
4. Display the friendship paper chains in your classroom.

15 4. Listen Listen to a boy telling his friends what he can do to help his family.
Match the family members (1–5) with what the boy says he can do
to help them (a–e).

I can help my … . a. to wash the dishes
b. to clean the car
3 4 1. brother c. to solve some Maths problems
2. sister d. to read the newspaper
3. dad e. to learn how to use the computer
4. grandpa
5. mum

5. Speak Work with a partner and discuss what changes you can make to improve

your relationships with your friends and family.

I need to keep in touch with my friends more often. I can call them
regularly. I can meet them in person more often. I can use social
networks and applications to send them messages.

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Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Write Audio Script 15 ▪▪ Students use this conversation
Boy: I really want to get on
(40 minutes) as a model:
better with my family. Everyone in A: N atalia, do you get on with
▪▪ Bring the materials to the
my family is always busy and has every member of your
class or ask students to bring family?
them themselves. lots of things to do. But I know we B: Not really. I don’t get on
very well with my brother.
▪▪ Students read and follow the need to spend more time together A: Why?
B: He’s very noisy.
instructions. Help them with and I need to help them more. So, A: W hat can you do to change
vocabulary and expressions that situation?
to express their ideas about I have some ideas about what I B: I can be more patient. I can
how they can improve their ask him to make less noise.
relationships. can do!
▪▪ In pairs, students discuss the
▪▪ Students show their friendship My mum does a lot of chores at home,
changes they can make to
chains to their classmates. she’s always working and tired, so improve their relationships.

I can help her to do some chores. T34

For example, I can offer to wash the


4. Listen And my dad is very proud of his car,
it’s an old car, but he loves it and he
(45 minutes) track 15 wants to keep it clean. So I can help
him to clean his car.
▪▪ Go over the vocabulary
And my little brother is having trouble
related to family members. with Maths. He thinks Maths is very
difficult, but I’m good at Maths, so I
Students describe their can help him do his Maths homework.
families. Ask: Who do you live
with? Students tell the class My grandpa loves reading the
newspaper, but he can’t see very well,
how they help their families. so I can help him to read it.

▪▪ Students read the rubric And, finally, my sister needs to learn
how to use a computer for her new
and the options. Check job. I know lots about computers, so I
can teach her how to use it.
their understanding of new
5. Speak
(40 minutes)
▪▪ Students copy the family
▪▪ Students read the rubric
and example. Check their
▪▪ Play the complete audio track
understanding of new
so students become familiar
vocabulary and expressions.
with the accent and pace of
▪▪ Students think about their
the speaker. Play it again,
personal relationships,
pausing if necessary, for
especially those that aren’t
students to do the matching very good. Ask: Why do
you think you have a difficult
exercise. Play it again if relationship? How can you
change the situation? What can
needed. you do to make the relationship
work better?
▪▪ Check the answers. Students

write full sentences. Write a
model on the board: He can
help his brother solve Maths

Answer Key 5. a
1. c 3. b
2. e 4. d

module 1 // Unit 3

6. Read Follow the instructions (1–6) and make a friendship poster for your
best friend.

Instructions: marker pens
1. You need: To My Best Friend

a large sheet of I like … with
coloured card you.

2. Copy the (write an
template onto activity)
the sheet of

a picture of
your friend

You can count on me when you … .
(write something you can help your friend with)

3. In the circle, glue a picture of your friend. If you don’t have a Final task
photo, do a drawing. activity!

4. In the square, write an activity you enjoy doing with your friend.
Illustrate the activity with a picture or a drawing.

5. In the rectangle, write a sentence offering to help your friend.
6. Give your friend the poster and a huge hug!

7. Speak Work with your friend and discuss the reasons why he/she is your
best friend and what you can do to help each other more. Use the

suggestions in the table and your own ideas.

You are my best friend. I like playing Thank you! You are
my best friend, too!
games with you. I want to share my

problems with you more often. I can

help you to do your homework.


I like … with you. I want to … more often. I can help you …
playing games keep in touch with you to do your homework
going to the cinema spend time with you
doing sports listen to you with Maths exercises

going for a walk share my problems with you to play sports more regularly

to learn how to use your

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 6 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

6. Read 7. Speak

(45 minutes) (40 minutes)

▪▪ Bring the materials to the ▪▪ Students read the rubric and

class or ask students to bring look at the suggestions in the
them themselves. chart. Help them with useful
vocabulary and expressions.
▪▪ Students read and follow the
▪▪ Students decide who they
want to work with.
▪▪ Students design their
▪▪ Students talk about the
posters. Help them with the
vocabulary and phrases to activities they like doing
express their ideas in order to together, what they want to
complete the template. do together more often and
how they can help each other.
▪▪ Students can give the poster
▪▪ Volunteers tell the class what
to their best friend or display
it in the classroom. they have talked about.

▪▪ Tell students that this activity

will help them to have better
ideas for their final task.


Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » It’s a Matter of Communication

1. Read Read the blog. Decide if the statements (1–7) are true or false according

to the information in the blog.

Assertive Communication & Positive Relationships

Posted: 25 July 2017

Assertive communication is an
important social and communication
skill. When you learn how to
communicate assertively you can
express what you need, want, feel
or believe, in a calm and positive
way. Assertive communicators
speak honestly, but they are never
aggressive or rude: they always respect
other people.

This communication skill can reduce conflict, build your self-confidence and improve
your relationships. Here are some tips on how to be an assertive communicator.

a. Express negative thoughts and feelings in a positive way.
b. Stay calm. Breathe normally, look the person in the eye, relax your face muscles and speak

in a normal voice.
c. Accept both criticism and compliments positively.
d. Listen actively.
e. Speak clearly.
f. Remember that the other person is not your enemy, even if he or she doesn’t agree with you.
g. Learn to say ‘no’ when you need to.
h. Use mobile technology carefully and be aware of its disadvantages.

3 6 Leave your comments:
1. It’s possible to talk in a positive way about negative feelings.
2. It’s OK to express our negative feelings when we aren’t calm.
3. Only compliments are positive, criticism is always negative.
4. Both listening and speaking are equally important.
5. If you don’t have the same opinion as someone, you can’t be friends.
6. It’s OK to say ‘no’.
7. Mobile phones always have advantages.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 7 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Read

(40 minutes)

▪▪ Students read the title of

the lesson. Check their


▪▪ Students say why they

think this lesson focuses on


▪▪ Students look at the structure

of the blog to become familiar
with this type of text. Ask: Do
you read blogs? Do you write a
blog? What kind of blogs do you

▪▪ Students read the rubric and

do the exercise.

▪▪ In pairs, students compare

their answers.

▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Students justify their answers

with evidence from the text,

e.g. It’s possible to talk in a

positive way about negative

feelings. This is true because
the text says a. Express
negative thoughts and feelings in
a positive way.

Answer Key 5. False
1. True 6. True
2. False 7. False
3. False
4. True


module 1 // Unit 3

2. Read Match the situations (1–5) with the aggressive or rude responses (a–e).

1. A girl is using her friend’s Maths book and returns it with pages missing.
2. A boy is watching his favourite TV show. His mum asks him to lay the table for dinner.
3. A girl is waiting for the shop assistant to serve her. He serves an adult instead.
4. A boy is studying for an exam. He can’t concentrate because his brother is listening to

loud music.
5. Somebody is offering a cigarette to a girl.

a. Hey, Felipe, shut up! d. Are you crazy or
stupid? I don’t smoke!
b. I can’t, I’m busy!
e. Hey! Hey! I’m first.
c. Hey! Look at my book! You Get in the queue!
have to buy me a new one!

3. Write Excuse me, but …
Could you please …?
Imagine you are in the situations in exercise 2. Sure ..., just a minute, please.
Write positive assertive replies. Thank you very much.
Thanks, but I’m afraid I can’t …
Excuse me, but my book has some pages I’m sorry, but …
missing. Could you fix it, please? I’d love to …, but …

16 4. Listen Match the questions (1–5) with the replies

(a–e). Listen and check your answers.

21st Century Skills
· Social Skills

Can you communicate assertively?
Are you able to say ‘no’ nicely?


1. Can you help me with my Science a. I’m so sorry, but I can’t come. We’re going
project, please? on holiday.

2. Do you want to come to the cinema b. Thanks for the offer, but I’m afraid I don’t
with me this afternoon? drink coffee.

3. Would you like a cup of coffee? c. I’d love to help you, but I’m very busy at
the moment.
4. Are you coming to my party
on Saturday? d. Sorry, I can’t today. What about Friday?

5. Let’s play football. e. Thank you very much for asking, but I
can’t today.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 8 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

2. Read 4. Listen Audio Script 16
Conversation 1
(40 minutes) (60 minutes) track 16
Girl 1: Bibiana, can you help me with
▪▪ Ask: What situations make you ▪▪ Students read the rubric.
my Science project, please?
feel uncomfortable? How do you Explain that they will hear
react? some questions and offers and Girl 2: Oh, Gloria, I’d love to help you,
polite negative responses.
▪▪ Students read the situations but I’m very busy at the moment.
▪▪ Students copy the
and the reactions in the Conversation 2
speech bubbles. Check questions (1–5). Girl 1: Do you want to come to the
their understanding of new
vocabulary. ▪▪ Play each conversation once cinema with me this afternoon?
Girl 2: Thank you very much for
▪▪ Students imagine they are in so students become familiar
with the accent and pace of asking Sarah, but I can’t today.
situations 1–5. How would the speaker. Play them again
they react? for students to do the task. Conversation 3
Play again if necessary. Boy 1: Would you like a cup of coffee,
▪▪ Students copy the situations
▪▪ Check the answers. Eduardo?
and do the exercise in pairs. ▪▪ In pairs, students role-play the Boy 2: Thanks for the offer, Daniel,

▪▪ Check the answers. situations. but I’m afraid I don’t drink coffee.

Answer Key 5. d ▪▪ Talk to the students about Conversation 4
1. c 3. e Girl: Jim, are you coming to my party
2. b 4. a situations in which they have
to say no. Ask: Are you able to on Saturday?
say no? How do you say no to an Boy: Oh, Ofelia. I’m so sorry, but
invitation/offer? How do you say
no to someone who needs your I can’t come. We’re going on
help? holiday.

3. Write 21st Century Skills Conversation 5
Social Skills Girl 1: Let’s play football.
(45 minutes) Girl 2: Sorry, I can’t today. What
Invite students to reflect upon
▪▪ Discuss how students feel the importance of having good about Friday?
communication with others;
when someone close is rude how communication affects
to them. Students think about relationships; and, why it is
how other people might feel important to be assertive when
when the students are rude expressing our feelings, ideas or
to them. thoughts.

▪▪ Students read the rubric and Answer Key 5. d
1. c 3. b
the useful expressions. 2. e 4. a

▪▪ Students think about their T37

possible reactions to the
situations in exercise 2.

▪▪ Students look at the example.

Then, they write positive
assertive responses for each
situation using the useful

▪▪ Volunteers read out their

answers and the class gives
them feedback.

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

5. Speak Work with a partner. Take it in turns to choose a situation (1–4) and

respond assertively.
1. Your friend often asks you to lend him/her money, but he/she never pays it back.

You want him/her to stop doing it.

Can you lend me Yes, of course, but
some money? please remember to
pay it back as soon

as possible.

2. You are at the cinema watching a film. Someone behind you is very noisy.
3. You are waiting for a friend who is going to help you with your English homework,

but she never arrives. She calls you the next day, but she doesn’t apologize.
4. You are at a party. Someone offers you an alcoholic drink. You refuse it.

6. Write Follow the instructions (1–4)
and play Writing Compliments.


1. Each student tapes a large sheet of

paper on his/her back. How to pay a compliment
2. All the students walk around the

classroom and write one positive I love the way that you …

comment on every classmate’s piece I admire you because you …

of paper. You're so special/smart/helpful.
3. At the end of the game read what your You’re so good at basketball/singing/dancing.

classmates say about you. You’re one of a kind!

38 4. Show your piece of paper

to your classmates. Final task


17 7. Pronunciation Listen and repeat the sentences. I’m good at taking
Make sure you pronounce the care of others. You’re so
short forms.
good at dancing!

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 9 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

5. Speak Extra Activity (30 minutes)

(50 minutes) Play the game Compliment Tag.

▪▪ Students read the rubric and Students sit in a circle. Choose a
student to be it. The student who
the situations. Check their is it tags another student with a
understanding of the task compliment. When they give the
and new vocabulary and compliment, they say Tag, you are
expressions. it! The tagged student says thank
you and tags another student
▪▪ In pairs, students plan what to with a compliment. The game
ends when all the students have
say in the first situation. Help been tagged and have given a
them with useful vocabulary compliment.
or expressions.
You may want to divide the class
▪▪ Students choose a new into smaller groups.

partner and repeat the 7. Pronunciation
procedure with a different
situation, until they have (20 minutes) track 17
practised all the situations.
▪▪ Remind students that
▪▪ Monitor and assess students’
contractions are very common
vocabulary, sentence structure in spoken English; therefore,
and oral production. it is important to pronounce
them properly and get into the
6. Write habit of using them.

(45 minutes) ▪▪ Play the audio track. Students

▪▪ Discuss with students how listen and repeat. Emphasize
the contracted forms.
they feel when people say
nice things to them. Ask how ▪▪ Ask different students to
they express their admiration
for others. Write the ideas and say the sentences out loud,
expressions on the board for focusing on the contracted
students to refer to when they forms.
do the task.
Audio Script 17
▪▪ Students read and follow I’m good at taking care of

the instructions. Ensure that others. You’re so good at dancing!
all students get positive
messages from their ▪▪ Play a memory game. Bring T38
in cards with the full forms
▪▪ At the end of the game, and contractions taught in
this unit and in previous units.
students read the messages Place the cards face down on
on their backs. the table and play the memory
game. You can divide the class
▪▪ Create a compliment wall in into two teams. Alternatively,
bring in several sets of cards
your classroom. so that students can play the
game in small groups.
▪▪ Tell students that this activity

will help them to have better
ideas for their final task.

module 1 // Unit 3

18 Chant

I am going to the park

I am going to the park,
Do you want to come?
We can dance, we can skip,
And have lots of fun.
We can go to the cinema,

Later in the day,
Or you can come to my house

And find a game to play.

I am sorry, I would love to,
But I need to do some chores:
Do some cleaning and some cooking,
And go shopping at the stores!

I need soap and shampoo,
And some dairy products, too.

I need pasta and some fish,
To make a yummy dish.

I am going to the park …

I am sorry, I would love to,
But I’m going to the gym,

I really like skipping,
And I want to have a swim.

I like to exercise,
It’s important to keep fit.

I also meditate,
39 And I try to never quit.

I am going to the park …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 10 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4


I am going to the park

Introduction to chants There is one chant in each module. Chants are great activities for improving
confidence and accuracy of pronunciation. Specific guidance and ideas on how best
to use the chants in your class are included in the notes for each section.

Associating actions with key vocabulary items helps students to memorise the word
and associate it with the movement, and is a powerful learning tool. A lot of students
enjoy these activities, and they often make for fun and creative lessons.

Activities based on chants gradually increase in complexity and difficulty as the
module progresses, so it is best to teach activities in the order in which they are
presented in the book. If you have time for an additional classroom activity at the
end of the lesson, often there are further activities for more advanced students.
These additional activities are often slightly more complex than others within the
unit and demand some creative thinking from students. It is also opportunity for
them to include vocabulary from other lessons and topics.

Lesson 4 text reasonably well, move on ▪▪ dance – mime dancing T39
to the listening. ▪▪ skip – mime skipping
Speaking ▪▪ game to play – mime
(5 minutes) playing a computer
(10 minutes) track 18
Before playing the audio for game, e.g. using a two-
the class, ask the group to tell Play the audio a couple of
you what the chant is about, times, encouraging students handed controller
and any themes that they just to listen and really ▪▪ cleaning – mime cleaning
notice. If there are items of focus on the rhythm and
vocabulary or constructions pronunciation, especially of a window
that the group is not familiar words or phrases they are less ▪▪ cooking – mime stirring
or confident with, take time familiar with.
to highlight these, and get something in a saucepan
students to use an educated Once they have had chance to ▪▪ shopping at the stores –
guess as to what they mean. practice saying the chant along
Ask the students if there are with the recording themselves, mime putting something
any words or phrases that get them to suggest mimes to
they don’t understand, and accompany the chant. Here into a shopping basket
as a group, work through all are some suggestions to get ▪▪ shampoo – mime
items of difficulty. Encourage you started, however, it is
students to write down new always best to use the mimes washing your hair with
constructions and vocabulary. that the students themselves
When you are comfortable suggest, as this helps greatly shampoo
that the class understands the with their recall of vocabulary. ▪▪ yummy dish – rub

stomach and lick lips as

if it’s a really tasty dish
▪▪ going to the gym – mime

using a weights maching

at a gym, e.g. doing

shoulder presses

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

1. Read Look at the chant. Circle all the actions
and underline the nouns.

2. Speak What suggestions and excuses do the singers make?

Put them in the table.

Suggestions Excuses
We can dance and skip at the park.

3. Speak Work with a partner. Take turns to use the prompts and make

suggestions and polite excuses.

I’m …, do you want to come? I’m (really) sorry, I would love to, but …
Do you want to … with me? I’m (really) sorry, I can’t because …
Do you fancy ….? I can’t make it because …
Let’s … . I would love to, but …. I’m sorry.

Do ycoinuewmaanwt tiothgmo teo? the I’m sorry, I can’t because I’m
going to the park.

1 go to the cinema/going to the park
2 go dancing/cooking a meal
4 0 3 come to my house/going shopping for dairy products
4 go to the gym/meditate
5 help me clean the house/go to the gym
6 go to the park/play the guitar
7 do some chores/need to buy some fish and eggs
8 play in a band/have a swim

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

▪▪ skipping – mime jumping 2. Speaking can’t make it because …’ to
rope with a skipping check understanding of these
rope (10 minutes) phrases and review if needed.

▪▪ have a swim – mime front Activity 2 requires students Extra Activity (15 minutes)
crawl to understand the text and As an extension of activity 3,
differentiate between the sug- you might like to ask students
▪▪ meditate – mime zen gestions made by one of the to write up the suggestions and
position, hands out singers and the polite excuses excuses that they discussed with
infront and middle made by the second singer to their partner. Students should be
fingers touching thumb decline the invitation. discouraged from using the same
on both sides, eyes The word ‘excuses’ does not two phrases for every suggestion
closed. appear in the chant itself, so and excuse, and you can award
before pairs start this exer- extra points for any constructions
Play the recording as many cise together, ensure that the that they use that aren’t included
times as you feel is necessary whole class understands the in the phrase bank.
for students to become meaning of this word. En-
confident with the meaning courage students to decline Extra Activity
and the pronunciations, before the suggestions politely, and Ask students to reflect on what
moving on to the activitites. to notice the constructions they have learnt since the start
that are used in the chant to of the lesson. Get them to write
1. Reading indicate that someone cannot down any new vocabulary in their
accept an invitation. They will notebooks.
(10 minutes) continue to build on this in
activity 3. T40
Activity 1 requires students
to look for actions and nouns 3. Speaking
in the chant and focus on
the actions (there are a lot!) (15 minutes)
and nouns described by both
singers. Searching for actions Activity 3 is quite an advanced
rather than just verbs speaking activity. It requires
encourages students to students to work in pairs to
focus not just on grammatical make suggestions and politely
structure but on the meaning decline invitations/make polite
behind the grammatical excuses.
structure. Please note that in
some cases, words will have Some constructions are
both a circle and an underline; included in the phrasebank
this is intentional. that do not appear in the
chant, so before setting
Students should complete this students up to complete this
exercise in pairs. Once all the exercise in pairs, ensure they
pairs have completed their can extrapolate the meaning
answers, go round the class to of each of the phrases and
ensure all students are able to are able to use them. It is
hear the correct answers, and worth doing a couple of
reasons for selection. examples as a whole class,
using ‘Do you fancy …?’
and ‘Let’s …’, followed by ‘I
would love to, but …’ and ‘I

module 1 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress I can express abilities.
Very well
1. Read Read the statements (1–6) and Quite well

complete the chart so it is true for you. With difficulty

My Well-Being Test I can describe beliefs
and emotions.
1. I’m happy with my Very well
Quite well
physical appearance. With difficulty
2. I’m good at taking

care of others.
3. I can accept criticism

and compliments.
4. I help others when

they need me.
5. I can communicate

6. I can say no when

I need to.

2. Write Look at the pictures and write sentences I can describe
to describe how stress physically affects states of health.

these people. Very well

When she feels stressed, ...

Quite well

a.    b.    c.  With difficulty

19 3. Listen 1. a. Sure, mum. Just a Isacintaudnartdeieospsncosrnaibdnedasptthpreeroisrspefrufiafletcetlys,
minute, please. in social situations.
41 Listen to the conversations
(1–4). Which reply do b. I can’t, I’m busy. Very well
2. a. No. Leave me alone! Quite well
you hear: a or b? Which With difficulty
b. No, thanks. I’m fine.
responses are aggressive 3. a. Yes, but don’t lose it! 

or rude and which are b. Yes, but please take
care of it.
4. a. No, I don’t want to.
b. I’m sorry, I can’t
today. What about

Colombia_Book 7_L7M1U3.indd 12 02/12/2016 10:30

Module // 1 Unit // 3 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Read 3. Listen

(15 minutes) (15 minutes) track 19
▪▪ Students read the rubric.
▪▪ Allow enough time for ▪▪ Students read the rubric.
students to read the ▪▪ Play the audio track twice so
statements and do the task.
▪▪ Check the answers. that students can write down
▪▪ Students complete the self- their answers. Play again if
assessment section. necessary.

2. Write ▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Students complete the self-
(15 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and assessment section.
look at the pictures.
▪▪ Allow enough time for Answer Key
students to complete the task. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Students complete the self- Aggressive or rude responses:
assessment section. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a

Answer Key Assertive responses: 4. b
a. W hen she feels stressed, she 1. a 2. b 3. b

gets a stomach ache. Audio Script 19
b. W hen she feels stressed, she Conversation 1

can’t sleep. Woman: Carlos, can you help me to
c. W hen she feels stressed, she wash the dishes?

has a headache. Boy: Sure, mum. Just a minute, please.

Conversation 2

Boy: Would you like something to

Girl: No, thanks. I’m fine.

Conversation 3

Girl 1: Can I use your English book?
Girl 2: Yes, but please take care of it.

Conversation 4

Girl: Shall we go swimming?
Boy: I’m sorry, I can’t today. What

about tomorrow?


Module // 1 Review

START Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Go back
FINISH to the start
Question 30 Question 4

Miss a turn Review Race

Question 29 Tcs[Uqohurperaetfriocertss4,t.sDpptalloaayyyooeernrrsat]tnohTseagwkeseetqrtutwouarrhtnehas.etItfiFottIshNraoeIylSlasHtnihnssewqedeuaircaehriseasniwqnducinmoasrro.erev. ceIftt,thhmeeisnasunamswtbueerrnr i.osf

Question 28 1. Name five free time activities.
2. What activities do you do after school?
Question 27 3. How often do you watch TV?
4. How often do you play a sport?
Question 26 5. What are you going to do next Saturday?
6. What are your friends going to do after school today?
Bonus 7. Ask a player what he/she is going to do next Sunday.
8. Name some activities you can do in an arts club.
mQouveestfoiornw2ar6d 9. Name two traditional games.
3 squares 10. What do you have to do to be healthy?
11. What is your favourite traditional game?
Question 25 12. Name three personal hygiene habits.
42 Go back to 13. Does anyone in your class go to a literary club?

question 20

Question 24 Question 21 Bonus Question 20 Go back to
question 10
QurBoelsol taniogunais2n 3 Question 22 move forward
2 squares

SB7 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 1 02/12/2016 10:32

Module // 1 Review
module 1 // Review

Bonus Question 6 Miss a turn Question 7 Question 8

move forward Question 5
2 squares
Go back 4

Question 9

14. Which foods provide vitamins and minerals? Question 10
Go back to
15. Which foods give you fibre? question 7
Question 11
16. Can you swim?

17. Who in your class can ride a bicycle without using
his/her hands?

18. Name something you can’t do.

19. Why is it important to take care of your teeth?

20. Describe the food in a healthy, balanced lunch.

21. How often do you clean and trim your nails?

22. Name two foods that provide carbohydrates.

23. Do you have healthy habits? What are they?

24. What is your favourite typical dish? Question 12

25. For a healthy diet, eat ——— to ——— servings of fruit
and vegetables a day.

26. What makes you feel stressed? Miss a turn

27. Describe how you feel when you’re stressed.

28. What are some strategies to deal with stress?

29. Act out something you do at home to help without saying Question 13
what it is.

30. You can’t go to a friend’s party. Say ‘no’ to your friend.

Question 14 43

Question 19 Question 18 Miss a turn Bonus Question 17 Question 15
Question 16
move forward
2 squares

SB7 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 2 02/12/2016 10:32

Review Race

Pairs or small groups of up to four students
play the game. They must take it in turns
to roll the die and move their counter the
corresponding number of squares. When they
arrive at a square, players have to answer
the question or do what it says there. If they
answer correctly, they stay on the square. If
they answer incorrectly, they return to the
previous square. The first team to get to the
FINISH is the winner. Since most answers will
vary, circulate and monitor the activity.


Module // 1 Review

Review Race Answers

Page 42-43

1. A nswers may vary but some 12. T aking a shower, combing
suggested activities are: making hair, brushing teeth, etc.
models, horse riding, playing
video games, reading, playing a 13. Answers may vary.
sport, etc.
14. Protein.
2. Answers may vary.
15. F ruit and vegetables, whole
3. Answers may vary. grains, legumes, etc.

4. Answers may vary. 16. Answers may vary.

5. Answers may vary. 17. Answers may vary.

6. T hey’re going to ride their 18. Answers may vary.
19. To avoid cavities and maintain
7. What are you going to do next good oral hygiene.
20. A nswers may vary but the
8. Answers may vary but some description should include a
suggestions are arts and crafts protein group, carbohydrates
projects, origami, etc. and fruits and vegetables.

9. Jacks, hopscotch, tag, etc. 21. Answers may vary.

10. Eat healthy food, sleep well, 22. Rice, bread, pasta, etc.
keep active, drink water. 23. Answers may vary.

11. Answers may vary.


Module // 1 Final Task

Final Task

Organizing a Healthy Habits Exhibit

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module. Use the checklist
to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Enjoy your Free time! I Can Take Care of Taking Care of Myself

Lesson 2, exercise 7 my Body and of Others
My Daily Activity Planner
Lesson 3, exercise 6 Lesson 1, exercise 9 Lesson 2, exercise 3
Poster about traditional Short presentation about Friendship chain
games the nutrients in your Lesson 3, exercise 6
favourite typical dish The compliments your
Lesson 3, exercise 6 classmates have written
Hygiene Exhibit about you

2. Decide which information you want to include in the material for the exhibit.

3. Make sure you include different types of healthy habits – at physical, psychological,
intellectual, emotional and social levels.

4. Review the healthy habits we have seen throughout the module and answer the following
questions. Try to reflect the answers in the material you are going to use for the exhibit:

• Which healthy habits do
you think are important to
lead a better life?

• How can we practise
healthy habits?

4 4 • What benefits can we get

from these habits?
• Do hobbies provide physical

and intellectual health

5. Look at the two options for presenting your information. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each option: portfolio or collage mural.

Module 1 Final Task

A healthy Habits Exhibit

1. Have students get together in 2. Students discuss what materials 4. Make the purpose of the task clear
groups. Allow them to create their own they want to include. to students. Have them answer the
groups; or you may want to create the four questions which are meant to
groups yourself. The following web 3. Encourage students to include focus their attention on the purpose.
pages provide good ideas on how to different habits. Ask them to review Answers will vary.
make groups. the module for ideas.
5. Students are to check and discuss both options for the task and choose
arrange-students-group-work the one they prefer for their group.
They should discuss the pros and cons of each option and get to a consensus.

Make sure each member of the team
has a clear role. Depending on the
class characteristics, roles may vary.
Some examples of roles are: Facilitator,
secretary, time keeper, designer/
drawer/ painter, speaker

Groups are to gather the material
they designed/ created through the
mini-tasks done along the units of the
module. Ask them to copy the check
list and tick what they have with them.
This checklist will help them to make
sure that they won’t miss anything.


module 1 // Final Task

6. Read the suggestions for what to do before, during and after the exhibit. Can you think
of other ideas?

Portfolio Collage mural

Before a. Design your own paper portfolio a. Work in groups of three or four
folder to store your work. students.

b. Collect the information and b. Look for a space to create a collage
materials from module 1 and include mural and ask for permission.
it in the paper folder.
c. Find materials to create your collage
c. Add photos and other visual mural (What will you put it on? How big
information. will it be?).

d. Write a creative title for the folder d. Collect the information and materials
encouraging others to take care of from module 1 and include one task
themselves. from each unit.

e. Decide on a date to present the e. Add photos and other visual
portfolio. information.

f. Announce the date and invite people f. Design the collage mural.
to the presentation.
g. Decorate your work and write a
creative title encouraging others to take
care of themselves.

h. Decide on a date to present the collage

i. Announce the date and invite people to
the presentation.

During g. Give a presentation of your portfolio j. Display the collage on a mural.
(e.g. a PowerPoint presentation or a
presentation to the class). k. Present the information while people
look at the collage.
h. Answer questions.
l. Answer questions.

After i. Hand out feedback forms (see Step m. Hand out feedback forms (see Step 7)
7) to the class and collect them. to the class and collect them.

j. Evaluate your presentations. n. Evaluate your presentations.

7. Create a feedback form using questions 1-5. Ask the audience to give feedback on the
4 5 presentation:

Yes No
1. Was the presentation clear?

2. Was the presentation well organized?

3. Was the presentation complete?

4. Did the presentation meet its objective?

5. Did everyone in the group participate?

SB7 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 4 02/12/2016 10:32

Module 1 Final Task

6. Students follow, one by one, the 7. The presentations may become an
steps of the option they choose. excellent opportunity for students
to give and receive feedback from
When the products are ready, students their peers. Make sure to guide this
present it to the class. An alternative assessment possibility by providing
option is to give the presentation to the rubrics they should use to assess
students in other grade levels, what others’ presentations. The following
is a must is that the activity is held in form is a suggestion; you may create
English. Coordinate with the other one of your own which may suit your
English teachers in your school to students’ needs and characteristics.
program the activity.
Oral presentation Rubric (Assign 1
mark per item achieved; cero if it is

Aspect Details Score T45
1. Language skills / 10
2. Content a. appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure
3. Knowledge of the topic b. clear intonation, pronunciation, and accent
4. Body language & eye contact
a. clear and organized
5. Visual aids b. logical structure

a. presentation is spoken, not read
b. ability to answer questions

a. c ontact with the audience is established and gestures
support speech

b. speed of speech is appropriate

a. relevant to the topic and attractive
b. properly used


Module // 1 Evaluation



Circle the word or phrase that doesn’t belong in the same category. There is one example.

0. A. play a musical B. sing C. be stressed D. read
B. go to the cinema C. take a shower D. use deodorant
1. A. trim your nails C. parents’ divorce
2. A. play sports B. move to a new D. have too much
home C. fish homework
3. A. fibre
B. carbohydrates D. vitamins and
4. A. a literary club minerals
B. a dance class C. a cyber club
5. A. read D. a problem with
B. get enough sleep C. eat healthily a friend

D. keep active


Circle the correct question for each answer. There is one example.

0. Yes, he is going to join a sports club. 8. I can swim.

A. What does he do in his free time? A. What do you do in your free time?

B. What is he going to do in his free time? B. I can dance. What can you do?

C. Does he like sports? C. Is sport important for your health?

6. I paint. 9. I have too much schoolwork.

A. Can you paint? A. What can you do to reduce stress?

B. What are you going to do after school? B. How are you feeling?

4 6 C. What do you do in your free time? C. Hey, what’s wrong?
7. Yes, she can. 10. Twice a week.

A. Is bike riding a fun activity? A. How often do you do sports?

B. Can she ride a bike? B. Are you an active person?

C. Is she going to ride a bike? C. Can you dance?

SB7 MOD1 RPE pp42-47.indd 5 02/12/2016 10:32

Module // 1 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 46 Grammar

Vocabulary 6. C
7. B
1. B 8. B
2. A 9. C
3. C 10. A
4. D
5. A


module 1 // Evaluation


Read the following passage. Choose True, False, or No Information according to the text.

Team UNICEF is a programme organized by UNICEF that promotes sports around the
world. Team UNICEF believes that every child has the right to play sports in a safe and
healthy environment. They work with schools, institutions and Physical Education teachers
in rural and urban areas to encourage children to play sports. For example, in France, they
help refugees by giving them the opportunity to play football. That way, they make friends
and don’t feel so stressed and alone. In a rural area of Jamaica, coaches help elementary
schools to do different sports and play games. Students are going to school more and feeling
happy. Children learn communication and teamwork, and they become confident and have
better self-esteem. Team UNICEF believes that everybody can participate and play!

True False No

0. Team UNICEF only helps refugees. ✔

11. Team UNICEF promotes sports around the world.

12. Team UNICEF only works with schools in rural areas.

13. In France, Team UNICEF helps elementary school children by
giving them the opportunity to play football.

14. In Jamaica, children only learn how to play a sport.

15. Team UNICEF also provides food for the children.


Read the letter and complete the answers using the expressions. Write your answers in the letter to Josh.

stay healthy help at home wash the dishes water the plants
solve maths problems with her/two or three times a week

Dear friend, Dear Josh,

I’m very stressed. My parents are always It’s good that you like basketball. Sports help
angry with me. They say I don’t help at home. you to (0) stay healthy , but maybe you

What can I do? My mother says I never help can play only (16) and help

4 7 in the kitchen. My father says I never help in more at home. You can help your mother
the garden. And my little sister has problems if you (17) sometimes.

at school because she can’t understand some You can help your father more if you (18)

maths problems, and I am good at maths. It’s . Also, you can help your

true that I have free time after school, but I little sister if you (19) .

only want to play basketball with my friends. You can continue to play basketball and (20)

. So everyone is happy.

Please help me! Regards,
Kind K regards, Josh Your friend.

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