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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 13:06:09

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 7°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 7°

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

3. Speak Answer Key ▪▪ Students write their
1. most incredible
(30 minutes) 2. most beautiful paragraphs in their notebooks.
3. best Remind them to include as
▪▪ Students read the rubric and 4. most interesting much detail as possible.
5. most amazing
the example. Check their 6. most spectacular ▪▪ Volunteers read their
understanding. 7. most fascinating
8. most beautiful paragraphs out loud to the
▪▪ Divide the class into two class.
a. Barranquilla
groups. Group 1 writes as b. (the) Quinta de San Pedro ▪▪ Collect students’ notebooks
many questions as they can c. (the) Rosario Islands
about the information in d. Tayrona National Park and correct their work. Assess
exercise 1 in one minute. their written production.
Group 2 has one minute to Audio Script 65
study (and remember!) the Laura: Last week I went to 6. Read
information in exercise 1.
Barranquilla to the most (30 minutes)
▪▪ Put students in pairs to do the ▪▪ Ask: What do you know about
incredible party. It was carnival!
task: Student A from Group 1 the Carnival of Barranquilla?
and Student B from Group 2. People were wearing the most
▪▪ Students read the rubric
▪▪ Monitor and assess their oral beautiful costumes. And the best
and take turns to read the
production. bands in Colombia were playing in text out loud. Check their
understanding of new
▪▪ Ask follow-up questions: the streets. vocabulary.

Which is the most crowded city? Robert: The last trip I went on was ▪▪ Students answer the questions
And the least crowded? Which is
the oldest city? And the newest? to the place where Simón Bolivar in their notebooks.

4. Listen died – the Quinta de San Pedro! It ▪▪ Check the answers.

(25 minutes) track 65 was the most interesting place I’ve Answer Key
1. From January to February.
▪▪ Students look at the pictures. ever visited! 2. No. People from all around the

Ask: Where are these places? Carlos: I went diving in the Rosario world come to the carnival.
Why are they famous? Do you 3. Parades, concerts and other
think these places are important? Islands last weekend. While I was
Why? activities.
diving, I saw the most amazing fish! 4. Students’ own answers
▪▪ Students read the rubric
The sea life near the islands is the Extra Activity (5 minutes)
and the notes. Check their Ask: What are monocucos and
understanding of new most spectacular in that area! marimondas? They are traditional
vocabulary. costumes of the Carnival of
Sara: I went to Tayrona National Park Barranquilla. When people
▪▪ Play the audio track once. wore these costumes, everyone
last summer and I learned a lot looked the same, so there was no
Students listen and take notes. distinction between the rich and
about the Tayrona culture, which the poor during the carnival.
▪▪ Play the audio track again for
is one of the most fascinating Students invent and design their
students to complete what own monocuco or marimonda and
the speakers say in their cultures in Colombia. I think the explain what they represent.
countryside there is the most
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Play the audio track again. beautiful I’ve ever seen.

Students do the second part of 5. Write T147
the task in their notebooks.
(30 minutes)
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Ask: What have you learned

about Barranquilla, Santa
Marta and Cartagena? Are they
important cities? Why? In what
ways are they similar? And

▪▪ Students read the rubric and

choose a town.

▪▪ Students do some research

about the town they chose,

either at home or in the library.

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

66 7. Listen Listen and put the events (1–5) in the correct order.

1. The family was going back to the hotel, but Mrs Gómez got sick.
2. The family met the carnival queen.
3. Mr Gómez and his wife were watching the dancers, singers and musicians, while their

children were watching the flower show.
4. Mr Gómez was checking in, while his son was looking on the internet for activities to do.
5. On the first day, they arrived at their hotel in Barranquilla in the afternoon.

8. Write Look at the photos of the carnival (1–4) and write sentences about what

the people were doing.

1 3
These children were …


9. Speak Tell your class about your favourite, or an important, festival or celebration.

Use the ideas (1–6) to help you.

148 1. Name of festival/celebration 21st Century Skills
2. When people celebrate it · Communicating
3. Most interesting activities to do
4. Most exciting things to do What do you think about the
5. Special food festivals/celebrations that your
6. Special dances or music
classmates describe?

The most important festival in Villa de Leyva is the
Kite Festival which takes place in August. People from
Bogotá, Medellín and other cities come to the town.
The most interesting activity is the kite contest. People

design wonderful kites and fly them …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U2.indd 9 02/12/2016 12:03

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

7. Listen 8. Write 21st Century Skills
(25 minutes) track 66 (30 minutes)
Advise students about the
▪▪ Brainstorm what you can see ▪▪ Students look at the pictures. importance of being respectful
about other people’s opinions.
and do during a carnival. Write Ask: Which do you think is the Tell them that discussing ideas
students’ suggestions on the most interesting activity? Which is important within the limits
board. Ask: What celebrations is the most fun? Which is the of respect: never attacking the
or festivals take place in your most exciting? person, but supporting or finding
home town? When are they? a different point of view regarding
How long do they last? What ▪▪ Students read the rubric and an idea. Discussions should lead
kind of activities are there to do? to agreements and negotiations,
do the task in their notebooks. not violence. Tell them not to take
▪▪ Students read the rubric Monitor and help them it personally when somebody
with new vocabulary and disagrees with an idea they have.
and the events. Check expressions.
their understanding of new
vocabulary. ▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Ask: What do you think about
▪▪ Play the audio track once.
these activities? Would you like
Students listen and take notes. to participate in any of them?
Why?/Why not?
▪▪ Play the audio track again for
9. Speak
students to complete the task
in their notebooks. Repeat if (25 minutes)
▪▪ Brainstorm Colombian
▪▪ Check the answers.
festivals and celebrations.
Answer Key Write students’ suggestions
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 on the board, e.g. the Carnival
of Barranquilla, White and
Audio Script 66 Black Carnival in Pasto,
We had a terrific week in Bambuco Festival in Neiva,
the Feria de Cali, the Feria de
Barranquilla during carnival, which Manizales, etc.

is the most important celebration in ▪▪ Ask: What kinds of things can

Colombia. We saw lots of parades, you do at these festivals? Write
students’ suggestions on the
went to lots of concerts and enjoyed board. Use a mind map to
separate the activities into
the performances of the Colombian different categories.

comparsas. Comparsas are groups of ▪▪ Students read the rubric and

singers, dancers and musicians that the ideas.

take part in carnivals. We arrived ▪▪ Students make notes for

in the afternoon, and while I was their presentations. Monitor
and help them with new
checking into the hotel, my son was vocabulary and expressions.

looking on the internet for different ▪▪ Students give the

activities to do there. presentations in class. Assess
their oral production.
During the first day, while my wife
Extra Activity (10 minutes)
and I were watching the comparsas,
In groups, students invent their
my son and my daughter were own festival or celebration.
They should include when and
watching the flower show. where, types of activities, music,
food, etc. Students present their
In the afternoon, we went to the festivals to the class.

carnival queen ceremony. And we

actually met the carnival queen – she T148

was lovely and very friendly. That

night, while we were walking back

to the hotel, my wife got sick and we

stopped at a chemist’s. Luckily, she

was fine the next day!

module 4 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Write Read the fact files and answer the questions (1–4).

POPAYÁN PASTO I can compare
Population: about 227,000 Population: about 280,000 characteristics of cities.
Area: 483 km2 Area: 1,181 km2
Average temperature: 21°C Average temperature: 13°C Very well
Founded: in 1537 Founded: in 1539 Quite well
Celebrations: Easter Celebrations: Black and With difficulty
(Holy Week) White Carnival

VALLEDUPAR 1. Which city has the
Population: about 350,000 biggest population?
Area: 4,493 km2
Average temperature: 32°C 2. Which city is the
Founded: in 1550 biggest?
Celebrations: The Legend of
Vallenato Festival 3. Which city is the

4. Which city is the oldest?

2. Speak Work with a partner and answer aI bcaonutelxifpersetsysleasninopciintiieosn.
the question. Very well
Quite well
1. In your opinion, which is the most interesting city
in Colombia? Why? With difficulty

67 3. Listen Listen and choose the correct options I can talk about activities
in the past.
149 (a, b or c).
Very well
1. While Robert was cleaning his room, his brother … Quite well
a. was eating a sandwich. With difficulty
b. was washing the dishes.
c. was playing on his mobile phone.

2. While María was doing her homework, her mother …
a. was helping her father with the chores.
b. was reading a book.
c. was talking on the phone.

3. While Carlos was packing for his trip, John …
a. was making their hotel reservations.
b. was buying things for their trip.
c. was taking some photos.

4. While Lucía’s mother was watching a movie, Lucía …
a. was playing some videos.
b. was listening to some music.
c. was talking to a friend.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U2.indd 10 02/12/2016 12:03

Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // Check your progress

1. Write Audio Script 67
(20 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric, the Boy: Yesterday, while I was cleaning
information about the cities
and the questions. my room, my brother was washing the
▪▪ Allow enough time for
students to do the task. dishes. My mother thought he was
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Students complete the self- playing on his mobile phone, but he
assessment section.
wasn’t. After I cleaned my room, I had
Answer Key
1. Valledupar a sandwich.
2. Valledupar
3. Valledupar 2
4. Popayán
Girl: My mother was talking on the
2. Speak
phone while my father was helping
(15 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and me to do my homework. Then I read a
do the task in pairs.
▪▪ Allow enough time for book while my father did the chores.
students to do the task.
▪▪ Monitor and assess their oral 3
▪▪ Students complete the self- Man: While I was packing for our
assessment section.
trip, John was making our hotel
3. Listen
reservations. He also made a list of
(20 minutes) track 67
▪▪ Students read the rubric and things we needed to buy for our trip
the statements.
▪▪ Play the audio track. Students and found our camera so we could
listen and decide which
answers are correct (a, b or c). take photos.
▪▪ Play the audio track again
for students to check their 4
▪▪ Allow enough time for Girl: Yesterday evening, while my
students to do the task.
▪▪ Check the answers. mother was watching a movie, I was
▪▪ Students complete the self-
assessment section. listening to some music. I wanted

Answer Key to play some video games with my
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b
friend, but that wasn’t possible.


Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can talk about experiences.
» I can compare cultures with my own.
Wonderful Cultures » I can express points of view.

In Context » Great Experiences

1. Read Read the descriptions of different traditional dishes (1–4) and
match them to the pictures (a–d).

150 If you like food, you’ll love these fabulous recipes for a.
traditional dishes from around the world. b.
1. Chilaquiles is a typical Mexican dish and the d.
ingredients are corn tortillas, cheese, hot chilli
sauce, and beef or chicken. I’ve only made them
once, but they were wonderful! If you like spicy
food, you’ll love chilaquiles!

2. Have you ever tried Spanish potato omelette?
To make this simple but delicious dish you just
need eggs, potatoes, onions and olive oil. Fry the
potatoes and onions slowly, then add the eggs.
Finally, put all the ingredients back in the frying pan
and slowly fry again. My family loves it; in fact, I’ve
made it for breakfast twice this week!

3. Have you ever eaten delicious spaghetti carbonara?
This classic Italian dish is quick and easy to make.
You just need spaghetti, eggs, bacon and cheese.
I usually make spaghetti carbonara three times a
week and everyone loves it!

4. Has anyone ever said to you, ‘British food is
horrible!’? Well, that’s because they’ve never tried
cottage pie! This traditional British dish is simply
delicious. To make it you need minced meat, mashed
potatoes and cheese – some people add carrots and
peas as well. I’ve made it lots of times because it’s
one of my favourite dishes!

68 2. Listen Listen and say which traditional dish in exercise 1 the speakers (1–4)
are describing.
Speaker2:… Speaker3:… Speaker4:…

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 1 02/12/2016 12:11

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

Unit  3 Wonderful Cultures

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Produce a short descriptive text to express peoples’ differences in their customs and
traditions orally and in writing.
Vocabulary Exchange information about traditions and characteristics of people and places
Grammar based on questions and answers.
Identify phrases and expressions to express opinions and points of view in short
descriptive texts.
Produce a short descriptive text to describe cultural differences orally and in writing.

Countries; Languages; Typical food; Celebrations

Present perfect; Ever/never; Present perfect vs present simple; Usually

1. Read Grammar Box: Present perfect 2. Listen

(35 minutes) We use the present perfect to (30 minutes) track 68
describe actions that started
▪▪ Ask: What is your favourite at some point in the past and ▪▪ Students read the rubric. Refer
continue in the present, or to
food? Can you name any typical describe something we have them to the dishes in exercise
Colombian dishes? Which ones? often done in the past and 1 and revise the names.
Have you ever eaten typical continue to do.
Mexican, Italian, Spanish or ▪▪ Play the audio track once.
British dishes? Which ones? We use non-specific time
expressions with the present Students listen and take notes.
▪▪ Students look at the pictures. perfect, e.g. just, once, twice, never.
▪▪ Play the audio track again
Ask: Do you know what these We form the present perfect with
dishes are? Where are they from? have/has + past participle. for students to write their
Have you eaten any of these answers in their notebooks.
dishes? Write on the board: Repeat if necessary.

▪▪ Students read the rubric Have you ever tried Spanish ▪▪ Check the answers.
potato omelette? (Question)
and take turns to read the Answer Key
I have eaten spaghetti 1. Spanish potato omelette
descriptions out loud. Check carbonara twice this week. 2. Cottage pie
(Affirmative) 3. Chilaquiles
their understanding of new 4. Spaghetti carbonara
She hasn’t cooked cottage pie
vocabulary. this week. (Negative) Audio Script 68

▪▪ Students do the task.
▪▪ Check the answers.

Speaker 1: My favourite food is

potatoes and eggs, so this dish is

perfect for me! I usually have it for

breakfast, but I’ve also eaten it for

lunch, too! T150

Speaker 2: I really love this dish,

especially when my mother makes

it! She always puts in lots of

carrots, but no peas … peas are

not my favourite vegetable! And

my mother’s mashed potato is the


Speaker 3: I’m a big fan of hot spicy

food, so I love these! I prefer the

chicken ones, because I don’t

really like beef very much.

Speaker 4: I love pasta, all kinds of

pasta and I hate cooking, so this

dish is perfect for me because it’s

simple and easy to make.

module 4 // Unit 3

3. Write Think of your five favourite Colombian dishes. Then, ask some of your

classmates questions to complete the food survey.

Have you ever tried coconut rice pudding? Name of student: Andrés Name of student: Camilo
Have you ever made it? Yes, he has.

No, he hasn’t.

4. Speak Present the results of your survey to your class.

21st Century Skills

· Media Literacy

Andrés has eaten coconut rice pudding Use surveys to find out
and Colombian meat pies, but he hasn’t people’s opinions
eaten sancocho. Camilo’s never eaten … or experiences.

5. Read Read the article and choose the correct options (1–8).

Lots of tourists come to Colombia every year, and we asked one of them why they’ve
chosen to come to our country on holiday. Ariana is from California in the USA and this
is what she had to say:

Hey, everybody! I came to Colombia because to some amazing Colombian rhythms, for
I wanted to learn more about its culture and example, the cumbia and the vallenato, and
people. I’ve been here now for two weeks I’ve been to some great rock concerts, too.
and I’ve fallen in love with this amazing
country! I’ve eaten some wonderful food, I’ve also visited a lot of different historical
for example, sancocho and coconut rice monuments and museums and I’ve learned
pudding, which is the most delicious dessert a lot about Colombian history. I’ve had a
I’ve ever tasted! brilliant time and the most important thing
is that I’ve met some wonderful people.
But I haven’t spent all my time eating, I’ve The Colombian people are all so friendly!
also done lots of other things! I’ve danced

1. Ariana is on holiday in Colombia / the USA.

2. She arrived two days / weeks ago. Study Tip
3. She loves / hates Colombian desserts.
1 5 1 4. She likes / doesn’t like going dancing.
Sometimes the words in the
5. She likes / doesn’t like Colombian rock music.
questions are not the same
6. She is / isn’t interested in the history of Colombia.
as the words in the text.
7. She is / isn’t enjoying herself.
Always read the questions
8. She likes / doesn’t like the people she’s met.
carefully and identify the

part of the text they refer to.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 2 02/12/2016 12:11

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

3. Write 4. Speak Study Tip

(35 minutes) (30 minutes) Tell students that an important
▪▪ Students read the rubric. part of understanding a text is
Check their understanding ▪▪ Students read the rubric. Refer expressing their ideas about it
of survey: a survey is a set of in their own words. To do so,
questions that you ask people them to the results of their they can use similar words or
to find out their opinion on a class survey in exercise 3. ideas. Tell them that it is very
topic. important to read carefully
▪▪ Students analyze their survey to completely understand
21st Century Skills what a text is trying to tell us.
Media Literacy and count how many people Mention some examples from
have/haven’t eaten or made the reading: I’ve been here for
A survey is a very important tool the dishes, etc. two weeks is the same thing as I
for research. It helps to know
people’s opinion on a certain ▪▪ Students present their findings arrived here two weeks ago. Help
topic, either if it is an opinion students to express other ideas
or experience. Tell students to the class. Encourage in different ways.
that surveys are used in media. students to use visual aids to
Journalists and researchers ask show their results. Extra Activity (5 minutes)
people questions on the phone,
by email, on the internet or in ▪▪ Monitor and assess their oral Students read the article again
person. They study people’s and identify the past participles.
answers and come to conclusions. production. In their notebooks, they write
a list of the past participles and
▪▪ Brainstorm typical Colombian 5. Read their infinitives, e.g. been – be.

dishes and write students’ (35 minutes)
suggestions on the board, e.g.
ajiaco (Bogotá), carimañolas ▪▪ Ask: What do you like most
(Atlantic coast), lechona
(Tolima), mamona (Orinoquía), about Colombia? Ask about
bandeja paisa (Antioquia and places, culture, food, music,
Caldas), pepitoria (Santander). climate, etc. Write students’
Bring in pictures of these suggestions on the board.
dishes and show them to the
students. ▪▪ Students read the rubric

▪▪ Students make a list of their and take turns to read the
article out loud. Check
favourite dishes and complete their understanding of new
the survey. Refer them to the vocabulary.
example questions.
▪▪ In pairs, students do the
▪▪ Monitor and assess their oral
task and write the correct
production. sentences in their notebooks.

▪▪ Check the answers.

Answer Key 5. likes
1. Colombia 6. is
2. weeks 7. is
3. loves 8. likes


Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Write Complete the questions (1–7) for the answers.

1. Why have you come to Colombia? 5. What places …?
I’ve come to Colombia on holiday. I’ve visited some monuments
and museums.
2. How long … here?
I’ve been here for two weeks. 6. … a good time in Colombia?
I’ve had a great time in Colombia!
3. What food …?
I’ve eaten traditional Colombian food. 7. … any Colombian friends?
I’ve made lots of Colombian friends!
4. What other things …?
I’ve danced and I’ve been to concerts.

69 7. Listen Listen and identify the things (a–f) the speaker has done during her trip.


152 de f

8. Write Complete the tweets (1–4) with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. I’ve never … (see) such amazing countryside as this! In love with #Colombia <3
2. I’ve … (listen) to Colombian music all morning. I want to sing cumbias #LoveMusic
3. My new friends and I have … (laugh) all day. They’re really funny people! #BestFriends
4. Colombia has the greatest music! I’ve … (dance) like crazy this morning!!

I’ve … (have) an amazing time here. I’ll never forget you, #Colombia!!

9. Speak Play Find Someone Who. Use the ideas in the box and add your own.

Find someone who ... Have you danced to
• has danced to vallenato music vallenato music?
• has cooked food at home
• has listened to Colombian rock music Yes, I have!
• has travelled to different places in Colombia

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 3 02/12/2016 12:11

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Write Answer Key ▪▪ Students complete the tweets
Students should identify the
(30 minutes) pictures of the beautiful town, in their notebooks.
▪▪ Students read the rubric and the museum, friends eating
the questions and answers. together and beach football. ▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Draw their attention to the ▪▪ Ask students to write their
answers. Ask: What tense are Audio Script 69
the answers in? Present perfect. Hi from Colombia! I’ve been own personal messages
▪▪ Revise how to form questions about their favourite things
in the present perfect. here for nearly a week now and I’ve in Colombia. Finally, display
Refer to the grammar box in them around the classroom.
exercise 1. loved every moment! I’ve seen some
▪▪ Students complete the Answer Key
questions in their notebooks. beautiful towns and villages; I’ve also 1. seen
▪▪ Check the answers. 2. listened
played football on the beach and 3. laughed
Extra Activity (15 minutes) 4. danced, had
I’ve met some wonderful people! My
Students read the article in 9. Speak
exercise 5 again and write more new friends have made me some
questions and answers about it. (35 minutes)
Students role-play an interview. amazing food and taken me to lots ▪▪ Ask: Have you ever played
Student A is a journalist and asks ‘Find Someone Who’? Explain
the questions: Student B answers of interesting places – we went to a the rules: you ask questions
the questions. to find someone who has
great museum yesterday! They are the done an action. Ask: Have
Answer Key you ever danced to vallenato
1. have you come to Colombia nicest people I’ve met for a long time! music? Write the names of the
2. have you been students who have done this
3. have you eaten I’ve got to go! They’re calling me! Bye! on the board.
4. have you done ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
5. have you visited 8. Write the ideas. Brainstorm some
6. Have you had more ideas and write them on
7. Have you made (35 minutes) the board.
▪▪ Students write at least ten
7. Listen ▪▪ Brainstorm ideas on social questions in their notebooks.
Monitor and help them
(35 minutes) track 69 networks and write students’ with new vocabulary and
▪▪ Students look at the pictures. suggestions on the board. Ask: expressions. Monitor and
Ask: Which of these things have What social networks do you check the use of questions in
you done? Have you been to a use? What kind of things do you the present perfect.
museum or visited a beautiful post? Do you post how you are ▪▪ Students play the game.
town or village? Have you been feeling or what you are doing? Monitor and assess their oral
to a shopping centre or to a Do you share photos and music? production.
restaurant with friends? Have
you been to the beach? Have you ▪▪ Students read the rubric T152
played tennis?
▪▪ Students read the rubric. and the tweets. Check
Check their understanding. their understanding of new
▪▪ Play the audio track once. vocabulary.
Students listen and take notes.
▪▪ Play the audio track again 21st Century Skills
for students to do the task. Technology Literacy
Repeat if necessary.
▪▪ Check the answers. In social networks, people use the
hashtag symbol (#) to identify a
specific topic. All the statuses or
messages that are identified with
the same hashtag become popular
and people can search opinions
in their social networks by using
the hashtag topic, which can be
one or several words without
spaces between them (for example,
#Maths or #SchoolTripIsToday). Ask
students to identify the hashtags
from the exercise and suggest they
write messages using their own

module 4 // Unit 3
Expanding Knowledge » Cultural Diversity

70 1. Listen Listen to people talking about countries they’ve visited and choose the
correct options (1–4). Then find the countries on the map.

1. This year I’ve been to the USA, Spain and Mexico / the USA, Spain and Argentina.
2. On this tour I’ve been to Brazil, Argentina and Peru / Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.
3. On this trip I’ve been to England, South Africa and Egypt / Egypt, South Africa

and Australia.
4. This year, I’ve been to Thailand, Malaysia and China / China, Japan and Thailand.


70 2. Listen Listen again and choose the 21st Century Skills
· Social Skills
correct answers (a, b or c).
What interesting places or
1. Speaker 1 ate the best food in … countries have you been to?
Would you like to visit a different
a. Spain b. Mexico c. USA
country one day?
2. Speaker 2 thinks the nicest people he’s met are from … Why? / Why not?

a. Brazil b. Argentina c. Mexico

3. Speaker 3 saw the strangest animals in …
a. South Africa b. Australia c. Egypt

4. Speaker 4 loved relaxing on the beach in …

a. China b. Thailand c. Japan

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 4 02/12/2016 12:11

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

1. Listen Audio Script 70 2. Listen

(40 minutes) track 70 Speaker 1: So far this year, I’ve (40 minutes) track 70
▪▪ Ask: What countries did the
▪▪ Students read the rubric and been to the USA, Spain and speakers visit? Write their
answers on the board. Refer
the statements. Check their Mexico. I loved the USA and Spain, students to exercise 1.
but the place I liked the most was 21st Century Skills
▪▪ Ask: What do you know about Social Skills
Mexico … the food was incredible!
the countries mentioned in the Lifestyles vary from country to
statements? What languages do Spicy and very hot! Next week, I’ll country – different weather,
the people speak there? Can you clothes, food, traditions, etc.
name any typical dishes from be in Argentina, I’m really excited! Tell your students that trying
these countries? to approach new lifestyles
Speaker 2: This tour has been and understand them will help
▪▪ Play the audio track once. them to be more tolerant and
incredible! Mexico and Argentina to respect other ways of life.
Students listen and take notes. Discuss with your students the
were wonderful. But the country importance of interacting with
▪▪ Play the audio track again people from different parts of the
I liked the most was Brazil. They country and the world.
for students to do the task.
Repeat if necessary. are some of the nicest people I’ve ▪▪ Students read the rubric and

▪▪ Check the answers. ever met! Before I went to Brazil, the statements.
▪▪ Students locate the countries
my favourite people were the ▪▪ In pairs, students try and
on the map.
Peruvians. answer the questions based
Answer Key on what they remember.
1. the USA, Spain and Mexico Speaker 3: What can I say about this
2. Mexico, Argentina and Brazil ▪▪ Play the audio track for
3. Egypt, South Africa and trip? Everything I’ve experienced
students to do the task.
Australia. so far has been awesome! Egypt Repeat if necessary.
4. China, Japan and Thailand
and South Africa were fabulous, ▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Ask follow-up questions:
but Australia was the best! They
Which country/countries do you
have the strangest animals there. think are the most interesting?
I wanted to take a kangaroo home
Answer Key
to England, but my parents said no. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b

Speaker 4: I’ve discovered wonderful

places around the world! This

year, I’ve been to China and Japan,

which were great. But the best

place was Thailand – the beaches

there are so white and clean. I

loved relaxing on the beach and

listening to the waves of the sea. I

want to go to Malaysia next.


Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Read Read the texts and complete the mind maps (1–7) with the missing information.

Hello and welcome to Spain, Konnichiwa means hello
a country that has a rich in Japanese! Come and
history and culture. discover amazing Japan,
Have you tried any of our where ancient traditions
food? Well, one of our most live side by side with the
popular dishes is paella, a delicious rice latest technology. Visitors to Japan love
dish made either with seafood or meat kabuki, our traditional theatre plays that
and vegetables. Have you heard any of our combine song, dance and drama. If you like
traditional music? Flamenco is great for literature, you’ll love our famous poems,
dancing to, but you have to practise a lot if haikus. And visitors to Japan must try our
you want to do it well. Oh, and by the way, delicious dishes made with vegetables and
did you know that we speak Spanish here? fish. You’re going to like them a lot!
Bienvenidos, amigos!

SPAIN Language: 1… Language: 4… JAPAN

Food: 2… Arts: 3… Arts: 5... & 6... Food: 7…

4. Write Work with a partner. Choose two countries from the box and find out more

information about them. Then complete the mind map.

Egypt Mexico China the USA Study Tip
Thailand Brazil Argentina South Africa
Australia Spain Japan the UK Organize difficult
topics into smaller
Country ideas to understand
them more easily.

Continent Language Food Arts


5. Speak With your partner, give a presentation to your class about the countries

you researched in exercise 4.

In Brazil, people speak Portuguese.
The food in Brazil is …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 5 02/12/2016 12:12

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

3. Read 4. Write 5. Speak

(40 minutes) (35 minutes) (35 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
▪▪ Students read the rubric and the mind map. Check their ▪▪ Bring (or ask students to bring
the categories in the mind ▪▪ In pairs, students choose from home) the following
maps. Remind them what two countries and do items: marker pens, coloured
a mind map is – a tool to some research about them. pencils, large pieces of
categorize ideas. Encourage students to go to cardboard, glue, pictures of
the library or use the internet. the countries from exercise 4.
▪▪ Ask: What do you know about ▪▪ Students design mind maps to
show what they have learned ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
Spain and Japan? Write about the countries: language,
students’ answers on the food and arts (music, work with the same partner as
board. literature, theatre, festivals, in exercise 4.
▪▪ Students read the texts. ▪▪ Students make a poster to
Study Tip
Check their understanding of use as a visual aid for their
new vocabulary. In order to understand complex presentations.
topics more easily, organizing
▪▪ Students complete the mind them into smaller ideas can ▪▪ Students prepare their
be very useful. Help students
maps in their notebooks. to explore and understand presentations.
different topics using this
▪▪ Check the answers. ▪▪ Students present their
▪▪ Ask follow-up questions: What technique.
research to the class.
new things have you learned Monitor and assess their oral
about Spain and Japan? production.

Answer Key
1. Spanish
2. Paella
3. Flamenco
4. Japanese
5. Kabuki
6. Haikus
7. Vegetables and fish


module 4 // Unit 3

6. Read Read the blog and decide if the statements (1–6) are true or false.

Correct the false statements.

My new life in Japan – Camila’s Blog

Since we moved here three months ago, life in Japan has sometimes been difficult, but
it’s also been amazing. The most difficult thing I’ve done up till now has been trying
to learn Japanese. Japanese is very complicated to learn, but my teacher says it’s not
impossible. I don’t speak it very well yet, but I’m trying to learn as fast as I can.

The Japanese are kind and very respectful. Especially the children, who are always very
polite to people who are older than them. People are also very helpful and they like
meeting new people. I’ve already made some new friends!

Anyway, it’s time to go to bed now. But tomorrow, I’ll tell you about all the amazing
technology I’ve used over the last few months, for example, our fridge talks to us and
tells us what food we need to buy!

1. Camila has lived in Japan for a year.
2. She’s found it easy to learn Japanese.
3. She’s had Japanese classes.
4. She’s discovered that Japanese children are polite.
5. She hasn’t made any friends.
6. She’s used some incredible new technology.

7. Speak Work with a partner and discuss the questions (1–3).

1. What do you think is the most The most difficult thing, I think, is leaving
difficult thing about moving to your old friends behind. The easiest
another country?
thing is learning the language: I’m good
2. What is the easiest thing? at learning languages …
3. Would you like to live in another

country? Why? / Why not?

8. Write Imagine your family has moved to a new country. Write a blog post

about your experiences. Use Camila’s blog in exercise 6 as a model.

155 Since we moved here … 21st Century Skills
life in … has sometimes been …, · Technological literacy
but it’s also been …
Do you always browse the
internet with the help of
your parents? Do you share
personal information on

social networks?

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 6 02/12/2016 12:12

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

6. Read 7. Speak 8. Write

(40 minutes) (35 minutes) (35 minutes)
▪▪ Ask: Can you remember what
a blog is? Refer them to the ▪▪ Refer students to the blog ▪▪ Ask: What country in the world
blogs in module 2, unit 2.
in exercise 6. Ask: What did would you most like to live in?
21st Century Skills Camila find easy about living Why? What do you think life in
Technological Literacy in Japan? What did she find that country is like?
Always browse the internet with ▪▪ In pairs, students discuss and
the help of your parents, but ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
never share personal information make notes about what they
on social networks. the questions. Check their think life in that country might
understanding. be like: language, food, making
▪▪ Ask: What do you know about friends, different customs, etc.
▪▪ In pairs, students discuss the Ask: What do you think it’s like
life in Japan? What kind of food to live in that country?
do they eat? Do you know any questions. Monitor and help
Japanese traditions? them with new vocabulary ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
and expressions.
▪▪ Students read the rubric the example.
▪▪ Assess their oral production.
and take turns to read the ▪▪ Ask the questions (1–3) to ▪▪ Students write their paragraph
blog out loud. Check their
understanding of new the whole class and write in their notebooks. Remind
vocabulary. students’ conclusions on the them to organize their ideas
board. logically. Monitor and help
▪▪ Students read the statements them with new vocabulary
and expressions.
and in pairs decide if they
are true or false. Ask them to ▪▪ Collect students’ notebooks
correct the false statements in
their notebooks. and correct their work. Assess
their written production.
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Volunteers can read out their
Answer Key
1. F alse. She has lived in Japan paragraphs to the class.

for three months. Extra Activity (15 minutes)
2. F alse. Learning Japanese has
Students write about a city or
been difficult. town they would like to live in.
3. True They should include a description
4. True of the place, what they can do
5. False. She has made some new there, why they would like to
live there, etc. Students should
friends. illustrate their work. Display
6. True the descriptions around the


Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » Celebrate Traditions

71 1. Listen Listen to Belén talking about a Spanish festival and complete the
summary (1–8) with the words in the box.

Belén is from Buñol in Spain, which is famous Wednesday fun
for 1…! La Tomatina is a Spanish 2… and it’s festival year
great fun! The whole town takes part. fight shower
On the last 3… of August, people throw streets tomatoes
tomatoes at each other in the 4… . After the
tomato 5…, they go home and have a 6…! Belén
has taken part twice and had lots of 7… Next
8…, she’s going to take part again!

2. Read Read the text.

The Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead is a traditional Mexican celebration, when people honour and
remember their dead family members. Mexicans have celebrated this day for thousands
of years, and it dates from the time of the Aztecs. People celebrate the Day of the Dead
on 2 November, two days after Halloween. On this day many families go to the cemetery:
they clean the graves and decorate them with flowers, candles, and photos and food, and
they tell their favourite funny stories about the dead person. La Calaca, which is a skull,
represents death and is usually made from wood or stone.You can see calacas everywhere
on the Day of the Dead, and many people also give sugar calacas as presents on this day.
156 There are also lots of parties on the Day of the Dead. Many Mexicans paint their faces,

wear masks and fancy dress costumes and dance and sing in the streets.

3. Write Identify the most important information in the text in exercise 2 and

make notes. Then write a summary of the text.

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican festival, which people
celebrate on … There are lots of activities, for example, …

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Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Listen 2. Read

(30 minutes) track 71 (35 minutes)
▪▪ Students look at the pictures.
▪▪ Students look at the pictures. Ask: What can you see in the
pictures? Can you name the
Ask: What do you think is celebration? Where do you think
happening in the pictures? Are this celebration takes place?
the people happy? What do you ▪▪ Students read the rubric
think they are celebrating? and take turns to read the
text out loud. Check their
▪▪ Students read the rubric, understanding of new
the words in the box and ▪▪ Students do the task.
the summary. Check their ▪▪ Check the answers.
understanding of new
vocabulary. Answer Key
a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 1
▪▪ Play the audio track once.

Students listen and take notes.

▪▪ Play the audio track again

for students to do the task.
Repeat if necessary.

▪▪ Check the answers.

Answer Key 5. fight 3. Write
1. tomatoes 6. shower
2. festival 7. fun (35 minutes)
3. Wednesday 8. year
4. streets ▪▪ Ask: In which country do they

Audio Script 71 celebrate The Day of the Dead?
Hi! My name’s Belén and I’m When is it? What do people do
on this day?
from a small town in Spain called
▪▪ Students read the rubric.
Buñol. My town is famous for …
Revise the definition of
tomatoes! Yes, tomatoes! Have you a summary – a short text
including only the main points
ever heard of La Tomatina? It is one of of a longer text. Refer them to
the text in exercise 2.
the most famous festivals in Spain and
▪▪ In pairs, students identify the
it’s definitely great fun! Everybody
main information in the text
enjoys it and all the people in Buñol and make notes.

take part. ▪▪ Students write their summary

On the last Wednesday of August, in their notebooks.

people go out into the streets and ▪▪ Collect students’ notebooks to

throw tomatoes at each other. Then, correct their work.

when the tomato fight has finished, ▪▪ Volunteers can read out their

we all go home and have a long summaries to the class.

shower! I’ve been to the tomato fight Extra Activity (10 minutes)

twice and each time I’ve had the time Students write about the
similarities and differences
of my life! It’s so much fun! Next year, between how people celebrate
the Day of the Dead in Mexico
I’m going to take part again! and how Halloween is celebrated
in Colombia.

module 4 // Unit 3

4. Speak Work with a partner and answer the questions (1–2).

1. Do you think these celebrations sound like fun I’ve never been to a festival like
or do you think they sound boring? Why? La Tomatina, but I think it sounds

2. Have you been to a festival like La Tomatina or like fun because …
The Day of the Dead? What were they like?

5. Write Think about your favourite Colombian festival or celebration. Then complete

the chart with the missing information (1–7).

Day of the La Tomatina Your favourite
Dead Colombian celebration
Spain Colombia
Country Mexico 3… 5…

When is the November They throw 6…
tomatoes at
celebration or festival? each other. 7… Final task
4… activity!
What do people do? 1…

What do you think 2…
about it?

6. Read Read the text and complete the chart on the next page.

Hello! I’m Mei, from China. The New Year is coming and I’m so excited! To welcome in
the New Year, we usually clean our house very well. In this way we say goodbye to the
old year and hello to the new one with lots of good positive energy. We usually put lots
of decorations on the doors of our houses; this year, we’ve put good-luck sentences on
the front door, too. And we’ve invited our family and friends to our house to eat jiaozi
(dumplings) and niangao (rice cakes).

On New Year’s Eve, my parents usually give me a red envelope with money in it and they
wish me health and good luck with my studies. The next day, we go and watch dragon
dance shows and firework displays: I’ve loved these things ever since I was very young!


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Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

4. Speak 6. Read Grammar Box: Past simple vs
present perfect
(30 minutes) (35 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric, the We use the past simple to talk
questions and the example. ▪▪ Ask: Who do you celebrate New about finished actions in the
Refer them to the information past. We use the past simple with
in exercises 1 and 2. Year’s Eve with? What kind of specific time expressions, e.g. last
▪▪ In pairs, students discuss the food do you eat? What special year, yesterday.
questions. Monitor and help things do you do?
them with vocabulary and We use the present perfect to
expressions. ▪▪ Students look at the pictures. talk about past actions when we
▪▪ Assess their oral production. don’t know the exact time or to
Ask: Do you know how people talk about actions that started in
5. Write celebrate New Year’s Eve in the past but haven’t finished. We
China? New Year in China use the present perfect with non-
(30 minutes) is usually celebrated during specific time expressions, e.g. for,
▪▪ Ask: What typical Colombian February because Chinese twice, ever.
celebrations can you name? people have a different
Where do they take place? calendar. Take the opportunity Write on the board:
When are they? What do they to briefly explain the
celebrate? traditional Chinese calendar. Sole went to China last year.
▪▪ Students read the rubric She’s been to China three
and the chart. Check their ▪▪ Students read the rubric times.
▪▪ Students complete the chart and take turns to read the We’ve lived here for a year. We
in their notebooks. Refer text out loud. Check their moved here in 2015.
them to the information in understanding of new
exercises 1 and 2. vocabulary.
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Volunteers can tell the ▪▪ Students complete the chart
class about their favourite
Colombian celebration. in their notebooks. Answer
True, False or No information
Answer Key in text.
1. They honour and remember
▪▪ Check the answers.
their dead family members.
3. O n the last Wednesday of Answer Key
1. No information in text
August 2. True
3. False
4. True
5. No information in text
6. True


Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

True False No information
in text

1. The New Year celebrations last for two weeks.

2. The Chinese clean their houses in preparation
for the New Year.

3. The Chinese don’t put up decorations at
New Year.

4. This year, Mei’s family and friends are going to
eat dumplings and rice cakes.

5. Mei’s parents usually buy new clothes for

6. Mei has loved dragon dance shows and
fireworks since she was a child.

72 7. Listen Listen and complete the notes (1–8) with the words in the box.

Colombia money
firework good luck
wishes midnight

New Year’s Eve in 1… is a happy time. Families have dinner and go to 2… displays. At 3… people
eat twelve grapes and make 4…
Some people wear yellow underwear for 5… and 6… At midnight, others run around their home
with a 7… full of clothes – they believe they’ll go on more 8… during the next year!

8. Speak Think about how you usually celebrate New Year’s Eve.

Make notes and then tell your class what you do.

158 To celebrate 21st Century Skills
New Year’s Eve · Communicating

in my town, Express your opinions clearly
we usually ... and respectfully.

Final task activity!

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Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

7. Listen Audio Script 72 ▪▪ Students read the rubric and

(35 minutes) track 72 New Year’s Eve in Colombia is an make notes.

▪▪ Students look at the pictures. experience you’ll never forget! This ▪▪ Students prepare their

Brainstorm what students is one of the happiest celebrations of presentations in pairs or on
do at home to celebrate their own. They should use
Christmas and New Year’s Eve. the year. Families usually have dinner the items to make visual aids
Ask: What’s your favourite thing for their presentations.
to do at Christmas/New Year? together, go to firework displays and
Write their ideas on the board. ▪▪ Students give their
have a wonderful evening with their
▪▪ Students read the rubric, presentations in class.
families. At midnight, people wish Monitor and assess their oral
the words in the box and production.
the notes. Check their each other a Happy New Year and
understanding of new 21st Century Skills
vocabulary. some people eat twelve grapes – one Communicating

▪▪ Play the audio track once. grape for each month – and make Expressing points of view clearly
is very important in order to avoid
Students listen and take notes. special wishes. misinterpretations about what
is being said. Advise students to
▪▪ Play the audio track again But some people also do crazy things think before speaking. Respect
is also necessary in order to
for students to do the task in on New Year’s Eve, for example, they listen and speak to other people.
their notebooks. Remind students to always be
wear yellow underwear because they respectful about other people’s
▪▪ Check the answers. opinions and to discuss with
believe it will bring good luck and arguments. Different points of
Answer Key view enrich discussion.
1. Colombia money. And, at midnight, some people
2. firework
3. midnight put their clothes in a suitcase and run
4. (special) wishes
5. good luck as fast as they can around their home.
6. money
7. suitcase They believe this means they will go
8. trips
on more trips during the new year!

8. Speak

(30 minutes)

▪▪ Bring (or ask students to bring

from home) the following
items: marker pens, paper,
cardboard, glue and pictures
from magazines.

▪▪ Ask: What happens in your

home town on New Year’s Eve?


module 4 // Unit 3

73 Chant It’s carnival time, 159
It’s festival time!
It’s carnival time The streets are crowded,
Let’s have a good time!
159 There’s always a reason
To enjoy every season.
Hip hip hooray!
Enjoy the parade!

Here comes the winter,
It’s cold at night.
The air is cool,

And the snow is white.

When it’s the spring,
The trees turn green.
There’s lots of rain,

It’s astonishing!

Next comes the summer,
With dry and sunny days.

It’s a hot season,
With school holidays!

Then it’s the autumn:
It’s windy and cold.

Leaves fall down
All over the town.

It’s carnival time, …

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Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4


It’s carnival time

Lesson 4 Gradually encourage students 2. Reading
to sing along with the chant.
Speaking You may wish to introduce (10 minutes)
(5 minutes) movements to accompany
each of the main verses and Activity 2 is slightly more
Before playing the audio to the chorus to aid their recall of challenging reading exercise.
the class, elicit from students the vocabulary, for example: Some of the vocabulary that
the theme of the chant. Tell appears in this activity does
them to use any clues they can ▪▪ chorus – mime dancing not appear in the chant, but
from the text, artwork, or key as if at a carnival the words are all ones that
items of vocabulary. have appeared in previous
▪▪ verse (winter) – mime modules and with which
Once the group has being cold, or wrapping students should be familiar.
established the main theme of up in warm clothes
the chant, ask them to identify If you suspect that some
key items of vocabulary, and ▪▪ verse (spring) – mime students in your class may
to practice the pronunciation trees and plants growing have difficulty remembering
of any words that they aren’t and there being lots of some of the words from
familiar with. rain previous lessons, you might
like to include a quick recap of
To check their understanding, ▪▪ verse (summer) – mime any difficult items of
you might like to ask students being too hot, wiping vocabulary within this
to tell you which months fall your brow particular exercise.
into each of the seasons in
their own country. ▪▪ verse (autumn) – mime No example answer has been
being caught in a strong provided for this activity – this
Ask students to identify any gale, having to hold on is intentional, so as not to
words they don’t know how to your hat, or holding make the activity too easy for
to pronounce, and encourage an umbrella against the the students to deduce the
them to specifically listen wind and rain. remaining three answers.
carefully for those words in
the recording. Giving movements to each T159
of the verses helps students
Listening to relate specific items of
(10 minutes) track 73 vocabulary to their meanings.

Once students have under- 1. Writing
stood the gist of the chant,
play the audio a couple of (10 minutes)
times. Ask students to pay
close attention to pronuncia- Activity 1 is a writing activity.
tion and rhythm. Students are required to read
the information in each stanza
in the chant that relates to a
particular season, and fill in
the gaps with the word from
the box.

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

1. Write With a partner, describe the seasons. Use the

words in the box.

snowy warm windy cold green hot dry dark
rainy rainy sunny leaves fall

1. Spring is warm , and . 3. Autumn is , and .
and . 4. Winter is , and .
2. Summer is ,

2. Read Read the descriptions. Which season?

1. It’s cold, there’s sometimes snow. It’s cold and rainy. It’s the coldest season.
2. It’s getting warmer, and there’s a lot of rain. Plants and flowers grow quickly.
3. It doesn’t usually snow at this time of year, but it is cold, dark and rainy.
4. This season is hot and dry. The days are long, it doesn’t rain much and never snows.

3. Write Which activities do you do in different seasons?

play football play basketball athletics give presents ride my bike ski snowboard
run play chess skate canoe body board receive presents

160 1. In winter, I like to . I don’t like to .
2. In spring, I like to . I don’t like to .
3. In summer, I like to
4. In autumn, I like to . I don’t like to .
. I don’t like to .

4. Write What’s your favourite season? Write My favourite season is …
I like it because it’s …
about why you like it. I like it because I can …
I don’t like … because it’s …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 11 02/12/2016 12:12

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

3. Writing Some students may Extra Activity (5 minutes)
struggle with having to
(10 minutes) express an opinion, and may Once students are reasonably
want to put ‘I like to play confident with both the chant
For activity 3, students are football’ in every season. It’s and the vocabulary, you could
required to use the words fine for them to do that, as play a guessing game, using the
in a box to complete some long as they understand the vocabulary students have learnt
sentences describing seasons. meaning and are accurately in this module.
There are some items of forming the sentences. They
vocabulary in the box that do should also be encouraged to One at a time, invite students
not appear in the chant, e.g. use all the items of vocabulary describe in English a seasonal
give presents and receive available, so if they don’t like festival. Some examples you
presents, which students doing something in a particular might like to suggest are:
should be familiar with from season, they should accurately Christmas time, Easter, Carnival,
previous modules. express this as well. your birthday, spring, summer,
When all students have sutumn, winter, Halloween,
This activity is a completed their sentences school holidays, exam time.
personalisation activity, and individually, bring the group
requires students not only to back together and go round Students are only allowed to
understand the words, but the class, asking a few speak in English and they will
also to form an opinion about students what they do and need to use lots of adjectives to
whether they like to do that don’t like to do in each season. describe the different festivals.
activity in a particular season, They will need to think on their
in order to make a decision 4. Writing feet and use vocabulary from
about what to write for each this module and from previous
answer. Some activities listed (10 minutes) modules. If students are nervous
automatically lend themselves about talking in front of their
to a particular season (e.g. with Activity 4 is an ideal peers, you might like to give the
a few exceptions, skiing and homework activity which class a short amount of time to
snowboarding are only builds on the previous prepare what they are going to
possible when there’s snow, activities and new vocabulary. say.
therefore in winter or early Encourage students to include
spring), so ensure students as many of the adjectives If you want to add a competitive
take this into account. describing weather as they element to this activity, you
can, as well as some of the could split the class into teams
hobbies included in the box in and award a point for each
activity 3. description that a team guesses

Extra Activity (5 minutes)

Ask students to reflect on what
they have learnt since the start
of the lesson. Get them to write
down any new vocabulary in their


module 4 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Read Complete the text (1–5) with the correct I can talk about
form of the verbs in brackets.
Very well
Everybody around the world celebrates New Year, but the Quite well
celebrations in New York City are simply out of this world! They’re With difficulty
amazing! Over the years many famous artists 1… (give) concerts
and the public 2… (see) some of the best firework displays ever.

This is the third time that my family and I 3… (come) to celebrate
New Year’s Eve here. The lights 4… always … (be) beautiful, but
this year they are absolutely magical! I 5… always … (love) the
lights since I was a child; in fact, they’re my favourite part of the
celebrations. But the most exciting moment is always the big
bright ball that descends into Times Square. It is so beautiful!

2. Write Look at the information in the chart and write

a paragraph comparing the two celebrations.

Independence Day I can compare cultures
with my own.
Colombia United States
Very well
Firework displays Yes Yes
Concerts No Yes Quite well
Parties Yes No
Parades Yes Yes With difficulty
Family dinner No No

3. Speak With a partner read the text and discuss the

importance of festivals and celebrations.

Festivals and celebrations are very important for the people who I think that festivals

are/aren’t important

live in the towns and villages where they take place. These events because …

teach us about how people lived a long time ago and what things

1 6 1 were important to them, for example, famous historical events, like
battles and people, like kings and queens, or religious events. Some

festivals have survived through the ages and were first celebrated

by ancient cultures and civilizations. Festivals and celebrations are I can express

opportunities to remember our history. points of view.

Every culture has a special way of celebrating these events. You may Very well
not like some of them, or you may think that others are strange or Quite well
boring. But in the end, it’s important to remember that celebrations With difficulty
offer opportunities to learn about and respect other cultures, and to
enjoy all the activities they have to offer. Festivals and celebrations
are occasions to be happy!

Colombia_Book 7_L7M4U3.indd 12 02/12/2016 12:12

Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Read 2. Write 3. Speak

(30 minutes) (25 minutes) (30 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
the text. ▪▪ Students read the rubric and ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
▪▪ Students complete the text in
their notebooks. the information in the chart. the text.
▪▪ Allow enough time for
students to do the task. ▪▪ Students write a paragraph ▪▪ In pairs, students discuss the
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Students complete the self- comparing the two importance of festivals and
assessment section. celebrations in their
notebooks. celebrations.
Answer Key
1. have given ▪▪ Allow enough time for ▪▪ Allow enough time for
2. has/have seen
3. have come students to do the task. students to do the task.
4. have, been
5. have, loved ▪▪ Collect students’ notebooks ▪▪ Monitor and assess their oral

and correct their answers. production.

▪▪ Students complete the self- ▪▪ Students complete the self-

assessment section. assessment section.


Module // 4 Review Everyone picks a square in the same category and
answers the question or instruction there. When you
Challenge! answer correctly, you get the points. The person with
the most points at the end of the game wins!

Places Clothes and Experiences Cities
Describe a place Describe something What is the most
you visited. Imagine you visited that happened to you interesting city in
Quito. Describe the Colombia? Describe it.
800 points weather and clothes you during a trip.
800 points
Say a fact about took. 800 points
the UK.
800 points

What’s the weather like Ask a friend where Compare your town with
during winter? he/she went on their another one.

last holiday.

700 points 700 points 700 points 700 points

Name a tourist Mention an Which is the noisiest
attraction where What clothes should you interesting landmark in city in the world?
wear during winter? your town.
you live?

600 points 600 points 600 points 600 points

Imagine you travelled to What’s the weather like Say some facts
Brazil. What did where you live? What is a place in your about Cartagena.
you do? region you have visited?

500 points 500 points 500 points 500 points

What place is Jim What season is this? What was she doing Imagine you visited this
visiting today? while she was on place. Describe the
the train? experience.

162 400 points 400 points 400 points 400 points

Is Cairo bigger than What’s the weather like What place would you What is the most
Bogotá? in spring? like to visit? stressful city in


300 points 300 points 300 points 300 points

What is the official What clothes should What did you do on your What is the second
language of Egypt? you take to the Illimani last holiday? biggest city in

Mountain in La Paz? Colombia? Describe it.

200 points 200 points 200 points 200 points

SB7 MOD4 RPE pp162-167.indd 1 02/12/2016 12:17

Module // 4 Review

module 4 // Review

Complete the Comparisons Have you…? Countries
Compare two Describe something Compare two countries.
While I was … Colombian cities. incredible you have


800 points 800 points 800 points 800 points

The most interesting There are/ people/ Find someone in Say a fact about
place in my town is … Mexico/ Colombia the class who has been the USA.

in a band.

700 points 700 points 700 points 700 points

One of the most China/ big/ Egypt Find someone in Where is the
beautiful cities in the class who has Yangtze river?
participated in a
Colombia is …

600 points 600 points 600 points 600 points

This city is … Compare the weather Say something this Where is this?
here with the weather in person has done.

your town.

500 points 500 points 500 points 500 points

The most crowded city Barranquilla / hot/ Have you ever What country do you
in my department is … Bogotá danced cumbia? think is interesting?

400 points 400 points 400 points 400 points 163

The most important Rio de Janeiro/ big/ Have you tried a new Describe a typical dish
celebration in my town Quito sport recently? from your region.

is …

300 points 300 points 300 points 300 points

While Charles was There are / more Have you met a new Name a typical dish
getting ready for the languages/ India/ in friend recently? from another country.

trip, his mother … Colombia. 200 points 200 points

200 points 200 points

SB7 MOD4 RPE pp162-167.indd 2 02/12/2016 12:17


Students play in pairs or groups of up to five
people. They need some paper and a pencil.
Explain that they should all choose a square in
one of the categories on the board and answer
the question or complete the statement. If the
answer is correct, they can collect the points
indicated. The player marks this question
as answered and writes down the number of
points collected. If the answer is not correct,
the player doesn’t win any points and, on
their next turn, can try to answer again or
can answer a different question. When all
the questions have been answered, the player
with the most points wins. Walk around the
classroom helping students with vocabulary and
structures as they play.


Module // 4 Review


Page 132-133 Cities, row 7: Medellín. Other answers may vary. T163
Complete the sentence, row 1: Answers may vary.
Places, row 1: Answers may vary. Complete the sentence, row 2: Answers may vary.
Places, row 2: Answers may vary, but an example is: The Complete the sentence, row 3: Answers may vary.
UK has a population of about 62 million. Complete the sentence, row 4: (Tokyo. The descriptions
Places, row 3: Answers may vary. may vary.)
Places, row 4: Answers may vary. Complete the sentence, row 5: Answers may vary.
Places, row 5: Jim is visiting the Amazon River. Complete the sentence, row 6: Answers may vary.
Places, row 6: Yes, it is. Complete the sentence, row 7: Answers may vary.
Places, row 7: Arabic. Comparisons, row 1: Answers may vary.
Clothes and Weather, row 1: Answers may vary, but Comparisons, row 2: There are more people in Mexico
students may say: ‘It’s a bit cold, so you should wear a than there are in Colombia.
sweater and a jacket. Comparisons, row 3: China is bigger than Egypt.
Clothes and Weather, row 2: Cold and rainy. Comparisons, row 4: Answers may vary.
Clothes and Weather, row 3: jacket, scarf, hat, sweater, Comparisons, row 5: Barranquilla is hotter than Bogotá.
etc. Comparisons, row 6: Rio de Janeiro is bigger than Quito.
Clothes and Weather, row 4: Answers may vary. Comparisons, row 7: There are more languages in India
Clothes and Weather, row 5: Autumn. than there are in Colombia.
Clothes and Weather, row 6: warm and sometimes rainy. Have you…? Row 1: Answers may vary.
Clothes and Weather, row 7: sweater, jacket, hat, etc. Have you…? Row 2: Answers may vary.
Experiences, row 1: Answers may vary. Have you…? Row 3: Answers may vary.
Experiences, row 2: Where did you go on your last Have you…? Row 4: It is Shakira. Answers may vary.
holiday? Have you…? Row 5: Answers may vary.
Experiences, row 3: Answers may vary. Have you…? Row 6: Answers may vary.
Experiences, row 4: Answers may vary. Have you…? Row 7: Answers may vary.
Experiences, row 5: She was listening to music. Countries, row 1: Answers may vary.
Experiences, row 6: Answers may vary. Countries, row 2: Answers may vary, but an example is:
Experiences, row 7: Answers may vary. There are 50 states in the USA.
Cities, row 1: Answers may vary. Countries, row 3: It’s in China.
Cities, row 2: Answers may vary. Countries, row 4: It’s the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
Cities, row 3: Answers may vary. Countries, row 6: Answers may vary.
Cities, row 4: Answers may vary, but an example is: It has Countries, row 7: Answers may vary.
a temperature of 30-33°C.
Cities, row 5: Answers may vary.
Cities, row 6: Answers may vary.

Module // 4 Project


Enhance the Learning of Different
Countries and Cultures

1. In groups, collect the information and materials you created in this module. Use the checklist
to make sure you have everything you need.

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Let’s See the World! Travelling Around Wonderful Cultures

Lesson 1, exercise 2 Colombia! Lesson 3, exercise 5
Video log feed of a Facts and opinions about
professional travel Lesson 1, exercise 6 festivals and celebrations
blogger People’s opinions about Lesson 3, exercise 8
Lesson 3, exercise 6 lifestyles in Colombian Different ways of celebrating
Tourist guide for visitors cities New Year’s Eve
to your town Lesson 2, activity 1
Tourist reviews
Lesson 3, exercise 4
Comparison of cities

164 2. Decide which information you want to include in your video script.

3. A video script is a text that describes everything you want to say and show in a video.
Video scripts usually include:
• Places where you are going to record the video.
• Information that you are going to present.
• What you are going to show to the audience (photos, posters, other videos, etc.).

4. When writing a script, follow these guidelines:
• State the main topic in a clear and concise way.
• Organize the topic into smaller points so it can be easily understood.
• Search for information on the internet, in books or in magazines; you can also interview people.

5. Choose a town or city to talk about. It can be your own.

6. Include the following aspects in your video script:
• Physical characteristics of the town or city: location, size, population, etc.
• Places to visit.
• Weather information.
• Cultural features – is there anything of special cultural interest, for example, an indigenous
• Traditions, festivals, carnivals, etc.

7. Organize resources: photos, posters, interviews, etc.

Module 4 Final Task

1. Ask students to go back to the 3. Remind students about what a 6. Have students do the research
activities developed throughout the video script is. Tell them that it is a text about the country they chose. Remind
module and which were identified to in which they describe what they are them to include information like:
be helpful with the final task. Such going to say in a video. They usually physical characteristics of the town or
activities are named in the table. show the main topics, exactly what the city they choose: location, size, number
Ask students: What do these people person in the video is going to say, the of people, places to visit, weather
have in common? According to the location, the things that the person in information, characteristics of their
characteristics of a school leader, were front of the camera is going to show. In culture: Do you come from a special
they leaders, too? order to have a better comprehension culture (an indigenous community,
of the text, have students read the text for example?), customs, celebrations,
2. Students discuss what materials aloud and ask questions while reading: carnivals, etc.
they want to include. What is a script? What does it include?
What recommendations you have to
follow in order to write a video script?

4. Ask students to revise the

5. Ask students to choose a town, city
or country of their interest.


module 4 // Project

8. Look at the two options for presenting the video script. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each option : a document or a video.

9. Read the suggestions for what to do before, during and after the presentation of
the video script. Can you think of other ideas?

Document Video

Before a. Decide on the type of document a. Find a location to record the video and
you want to use (PowerPoint, Word, ask for permission, if necessary.
b. Write the script.
b. Write the video script in the format c. Set up the camera.
you have chosen. d. Act out the text and record the video.
e. Add resources: photos, posters,
c. Add resources: photos, posters,
interviews, etc. interviews, etc.
f. Decide on a date to release the video.
d. Present the document to the class. g. Announce the date and invite people to
During e. Answer questions.
the release.

h. Present your video to the class.
i. Answer questions.

After f. Hand out feedback forms (see Step 10) j. Hand out feedback forms (see Step 10)
to the class and collect them. to the class and collect them.

g. Evaluate your video scripts. k. Evaluate your video scripts.

10. Create a feedback form using questions 1-5. Ask the audience to give feedback on
the video script:

165 a. Was the topic interesting? Yes No
b. Were the contents well organized? Yes No
c. Did the video script meet its intended purpose? Yes No
d. Were the resources visually appealing? Yes No
e. Was the presentation clear? Yes No

SB7 MOD4 RPE pp162-167.indd 4 02/12/2016 12:17

Module 4 Final Task

7. Tell students to define the things 8. Explain to your students the two 9. For both ways of presenting their
they are going to show in their video: options they have to present their task, have students present their work
pictures, posters, drawings, tourist task. They can make either a digital to the class, and finally assess their
guides, books, etc. presentation or a bulletin board in own performance.
which they describe their characters’
lives. .

For the first option, have them use 10. The presentations may become
the model shown in the activity 2, an excellent opportunity for students
lesson 1, unit 1 (Gerard’s video log to give and receive feedback from
feed). They can work on power point their peers. Make sure to guide this
and use a slide per topic to include assessment possibility by providing
in the script. Tell students to follow the rubrics they should use to assess
the steps on the diagram and explain others’ presentations. The following
them. form is a suggestion; you may create
one of your own which may suit your
For the second option, they may students’ needs and characteristics.
record a video. Students will work
with a camera (using their own Oral presentation Rubric (Assign 1
devices –mobiles, tablets–), and mark per item achieved; zero if it is
present the topics mentioned in not)
the diagram. Tell students to follow
the steps given on the diagram .
corresponding to that option



Module // 4 Evaluation



Circle the word or phrase that doesn’t belong in the same category. There is one example.

0. A. summer B. rain C. spring D. winter
1. A. shirt B. scarf C. sweater D. clothes
2. A. the best B. the most beautiful C. the most stressful D. the most interesting
3. A. museums B. carnival C. parks D. shopping centres
4. A. chilaquiles B. potatoes C. cheese D. olive oil
5. A. wear costumes B. make offerings C. visit cemeteries D. tradition

166 Grammar

Circle the sentence or question that is correct. There is one example.

0. A. Today we are visiting the pyramids.
B. Yesterday we visiting the pyramids.
C. We has visiting the pyramids.

6. A. The UK is more smaller than India.
B. The UK is smaller than India.
C. The UK is smaller that India.

7. A. Which is the most long river in the world?
B. Which is the longer river in the world?
C. Which is the longest river in the world?

8. A. The day we arrived in Italy, it rains.
B. The day we arrived in Italy, it was raining.
C. The day we arrived in Italy, it has rained.

9. A. Have you ever eaten Argentinian empanadas?
B. Have you ever ate Argentinian empanadas?
C. Were you ever eaten Argentinian empanadas?

10. A. Lucia has tried sushi, but she didn’t try soba noodles.
B. Lucia tried sushi, but she is trying soba noodles.
C. Lucia has tried sushi, but she hasn’t tried soba noodles.

SB7 MOD4 RPE pp162-167.indd 5 02/12/2016 12:17

Module // 4 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 166 Grammar

Vocabulary 6. B
7. C
1. D 8. B
2. C 9. A
3. B 10. C
4. A
5. D


module 4 // Evaluation


Read the following text and choose True, False, or Not enough information.

Hello! My name is Peter McLeod and right now I’m visiting
Zimbabwe, a beautiful country in south-central Africa. The
country has many different, delicious, traditional dishes. Many
dishes are made with cornmeal. Other common ingredients
include peanuts, beans, squash, avocados and cucumbers. People
who have visited Zimbabwe are surprised to see markets that
sell caterpillars and ants. I have tried them and I like them! They
have a buttery taste. While I was visiting the south of Zimbabwe,
I tried Mapopo, a sweet made with papaya, lemons and sugar.
It is very tasty! It is common in Zimbabwe to wash your hands
in a small dish before eating. During special celebrations like
Christmas, vegetables and meat are served. It’s a wonderful
country with a variety of food!

True False Not enough
✔ information

0. Peter went to Zimbabwe a long time ago.

11. Zimbabwe is a country in northern Africa.

12. Some ingredients in traditional food from
Zimbabwe are peanuts, corn and avocados.

13. During Christmas, people in Zimbabwe eat
vegetables and meat. They also have special sweets
on this occasion.

14. Mapopo is a sweet made of sugar and beans.

15. Peter is planning to visit other parts of Zimbabwe.


Write about a place in Colombia you like. Use the questions as a guide.

0. What is the name of the place? (0) is a wonderful

1 6 7 16. Where is this place? place. It is (16) .
17. What do you like about it? I like (17) .

18. What special landmarks are there? Some important landmarks are:
19. What natural parks or landscapes can
(18) . Also, we have
you see there?
20. What special food do people eat there? (19) . In this place,

people eat (20) .

SB7 MOD4 RPE pp162-167.indd 6 02/12/2016 12:17

Module // 4 Evaluation

Evaluation Answers

Page 167 Writing

Reading 16. Answers may vary.
17. Answers may vary.
11. True 18. Answers may vary.
12. False 19. Answers may vary.
13. Not enough information 20. Answers may vary
14. False
15. Not enough information


Module // 1 Gap Activity

Gap Activity

Student A

Stage 1
This text is about athletes. Read it quickly. Check any difficult words.


Stage 2 Stage 4

Now, look at these questions and add the Student B has different questions
missing word. from Stage 2. Now, listen and answer
Student B’s questions with the
When does an athlete normally wake a ? information in the text.

b does an athlete do later in
the morning?

342 c is a good balance of food for
an athlete?

d is important for an athlete after lunch?

When e an athlete go to bed?

Stage 3

Now, ask Student B your questions from Stage 2.
Student B will find and say the answers. Is Student
B correct?

module 1 // Gap Activity

Student B

Stage 1
This text is about athletes. Read it quickly. Check any difficult words.


Stage 2 Stage 4

Now look at these questions and add the Now, ask Student A your questions
missing word. from Stage 2. Student A will find and
say the answers. Is Student A correct?

a does an athlete often do
before breakfast?

What b an athlete have with
their coach?

c does a good diet include
for athletes?

When d training normally finish?

How long e an athlete normally sleep?

Stage 3 343

Student A has different questions from Stage 2.
Listen and answer Student B’s questions with the
information in the text.

Module // 2 Gap Activity

Gap Activity

Student A

Stage 1
Read the instant chat conversation. Fill in gaps A–E with the words in the Word Bank.

Stage 2
Then, complete the questions. Ask the questions to Student B to find out the missing information,
and fill in gaps 1–5 in the conversation. Listen and answer Student B’s questions as well.

St udent A: You won’t believe it! I was at the Word Bank
Eagles vs. Lions soccer game last night.
aggressive  rude  concerned  
St udent B: Wow! You must have been really energetic  polite

Stu dent A: I was, because I am a big Eagles

fan. My mum was A because she

doesn’t like the B behaviour of Questions

some of the fans.

St udent B: Yeah I know! I don’t like that. 1 How you feeling?
Hey, I heard that the Eagles players were really
2 How the Eagles
2 because the Lions won the
players feeling?
last time!

Stu dent A: Well, they were definitely 3 an d 4 What the crowd’s
C ! And this time the Eagles attitude?
won 4–2!
5 What should our
St udent B: Was the crowd 3 or be more?
were they yelling 4 comments at

the players?

344 St udent A: Well there are always some

D people but, in general,

everyone was really E .

St udent B: That’s great! Our society should be

more 5 !

module 2 // Gap Activity

Student B

Stage 1
Read the instant chat conversation. Fill in gaps A–E with the words in the Word Bank.

Stage 2
Then, complete the questions. Ask the questions to Student A to find out the missing information,
and fill in gaps 1–5 in the conversation.

Stu dent A: Wow! You won’t believe it! I was at Word Bank
the Eagles vs. Lions soccer game last night.
tolerant  motivated  offensive
Stu dent B: Wow! You must have been excited  respectful

really A !

St udent A: I was, because I am a big Eagles

fan. My mum was 1 because

she doesn’t like the 2 Questions

behaviour of some of the fans.

St udent B: Yeah I know! I don’t like that. 1 How your mum feel?

Hey, I heard that the Eagles players 2 What behaviour does your
not like?
were really B because the

Lions won the last time!

St udent A: Well, they were definitely 3 How the Eagles
3 ! And this time the Eagles
players feeling?
won 4–2!
4 What are some always like?

St udent B: Was the crowd C 5 What was everyone like in  ?
or were they yelling D
comments at the players?

St udent A: Well there are always some

4 people but, in general,

everyone was really 5 .

Stu dent B: That’s great! Our society needs

to learn to be more E ! 345

Module // 3 Gap Activity

Gap Activity

Student A

Look at the pictures of the two animals. Describe them to your partner. Include details about what
they look like and also where they live.
Can your partner guess what they are?

Humming Bird


Black Spider Monkey

module 3 // Gap Activity

Student B

Look at the pictures of the two animals. Describe them to your partner. Include details about
what they look like and also where they live.
Can your partner guess what they are?



Scarlet-fronted parakeet

Module // 4 Gap Activity

Gap Activity

Student A

Stage 1
Think about travelling. Put the words in the correct order to make questions about travelling
around Colombia.

1 you/Where/been?/have
2 What/do/did/in Leticia?/you
3 last week?/What/you doing/in Santa

Marta / were
4 in Medellín?/were/last night/you doing/

5 the coldest/city?/Which/is
6 Medellín or Leticia?/city,/Which/the

7 most rainfall?/city/has the/Which

Stage 2
Look at the pictures and expressions. Imagine you did these things while travelling around Colombia.

Climbing Monserrate in Bogotá Eating seafood in Cartagena White water rafting in San Gil

348 Read the information about Bogotá, Cartagena and San Gil. Student B will ask questions about this
information and your ‘travelling’.

Average Temperature Bogotá Cartagena San Gil
Number of people 15°C 28°C 23°C
Average Rainfall 42,998
Elevation 7,878,783 895,400
824mm/year 870mm/year 1274mm/year
2,640m 2m

Now, ask your questions from Stage 1 to Student B. Listen and write down the answers. Answer
Student B’s questions about travelling with the information from Stage 2.

module 4 // Gap Activity

Student B

Stage 1
Think about travelling. Put the words in the correct order to make questions about travelling
around Colombia.

1 you/Where/been?/have
2 What/do/did/in Bogotá?/you
3 last week?/What/you doing/in

San Gil/were
4 in Cartagena?/were/last night/you

5 the highest/city/Which/has/rainfall?
6 Cartagena or San Gil?/city/Which/

7 biggest population?/city/has the/Which

Stage 2
Look at the pictures and expressions. Imagine you did these things while travelling around Colombia.

Dancing salsa in Medellín Swimming in the ocean in Visiting isla de los micos
Santa Marta in Leticia

Read the information about Medellín, Santa Marta and Letica. Student A will ask questions about
this information and your ‘travelling’.

Average Temperature Medellín Santa Marta Leticia 349
Number of people 22°C 27°C 26°C
Average Rainfall 32,450
Elevation 2,441,123 454,860 2846mm/year
1612mm/year 1777mm/year 96m

1495m 6m

Now, ask your questions from Stage 1 to Student A. Listen and write down the answers. Answer
Student A’s questions about travelling with information from Stage 2.

Grammar Chart

Module 1

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Present simple Modal Can Assertive communication
Use it to express what you usually do or Use can to talk about possibilities and Use this type of communication to talk
like to do. abilities. to people in a respectful but confident
We play the piano. Exercise can improve your mood. manner.
I enjoy painting very much. (possibility) Could you please be quiet?
For the third person singular (he, she, it) She can jump very high. (ability) I’m sorry, but I can’t go.
you need to add an –s to the verb. Tomás can’t swim. (ability) Excuse me, but could you close
Víctor enjoys cycling. How can music help you? (possibility) the window?
Yes / No questions Adverbs Can you help me, please?
Do you enjoy listening to music? Yes, I do. Always; Usually; Sometimes; Never
Does Carla like playing football? No, she express the frequency of an action.
doesn’t. I always play football in school.
Frequency expressions Cathy never plays sports.
These are used to find out about the I usually brush my teeth after I eat.
frequency of activities. Imperative
How often do you play sports? Use it to give advice.
We play sports every day. Eat four to five portions of fruit and
She plays hockey twice a week. vegetables every day.
Present continuous Be safe: wear a bike helmet.
It is used to talk about future plans.
What sport are you going to play this year?
I’m going to play baseball this year.
Are you going to go to the cinema?

Module 2

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Giving reasons Past simple Modal should / shouldn’t
Use because to give reasons why we do or This tense is used to talk about past This is used to make suggestions and give
feel something. experiences and situations.   recommendations.  
Carlos is tired because he had a long Last week we went to a museum and we
journey. saw paintings. You should be helpful.
They played basketball last Saturday. You shouldn’t be rude.
Similarities between adjectives and nouns
Many adjectives and nouns are similar. Use the same tense to ask questions Modal have to / don’t have to
e.g. happy / happiness; concerned / about past experiences and situations.   Use this to express obligation and lack of
concern obligation.
What did you eat for lunch?
The supporters were happy. They couldn’t Where was the concert? You have to study hard, but you don’t
hide their happiness. have to be the top of the class.
Biographical information is given in the
350 past simple tense.
Mozart died when he was 35.

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