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Published by @editorialsonar, 2021-05-02 13:06:09

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 7°

Way To Go! - Teacher's Guide 7°

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

1. Read 2. Read 3. Write

(40 minutes) (20 minutes) (60 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
▪▪ If possible, bring photocopies questions. Refer them to the ▪▪ Students read the rubric.
letter in exercise 1. ▪▪ Brainstorm possible topics for
of the letter to class: one per ▪▪ Students answer the
student or one between two. questions in their notebook. the letter and write them on
▪▪ Check the answers. the board
▪▪ Students read the rubric,
Answer Key ▪▪ Students choose a topic to
the information in the box 1. Mateo Gil
and the letter. Check their 2. Mr Martínez write a letter about.
understanding of new 3. Make the Minister for the
vocabulary. ▪▪ Refer students to the letter
Environment aware of the
▪▪ Ask: Why did the person situation of sloths and prevent in exercise 1. Focus on the
their extinction. structure.
write the letter? According
to the writer, why are sloths ▪▪ Write on the board, e.g.:
– Topic: Protecting the
▪▪ If photocopies are not rainforest

possible, students copy the – Who will receive my
letter in their notebooks. letter: Owners of furniture
▪▪ In pairs, students do the task.
▪▪ Check the answers. – Purpose of the letter: Make
factory owners aware of the
Answer Key damage they cause to our
1. Sender’s name and address: planet when they cut down
trees to make furniture.
Mateo Gil, 31 Santa Maria
Road, Bogotá, Colombia ▪▪ Students write their letters
2. Date: 19 August 2016
3. Name and address of in their notebooks. Monitor
person receiving the letter: and help them with new
Mr Martínez, Minister for vocabulary and expressions.
the Environment, Bogotá,
Colombia ▪▪ Volunteers read their letters
4. Greeting: Dear Mr Martínez
5. Body of letter: ‘I am writing out to the class.
this letter … it will affect us
personally.’ ▪▪ Collect notebooks and check
6. Conclusion: ‘Please, Mr
Martínez, you must do and correct the letters. Assess
something to help the sloths students’ written production.
and prevent their extinction.’
7. Closing: Sincerely,
8. Signature and name of sender:
Mateo Gil


Module, // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

4. Read Read the text and answer the questions (1–3).

Colombia: A Country with Two Oceans!
There are five oceans on Earth: the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian, the Arctic and
the Southern (or the Antarctic). Colombia is privileged in terms of oceans due to its
location, which means it has access to two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic.

Unfortunately, many ocean species are in danger of extinction, mainly due to pollution
and overfishing. Some endangered species in the Pacific are sea otters, seals, and
turtles. In the Atlantic, some endangered species are sea lions, dolphins and whales.

1. Which ocean has two names?
2. How many ocean coastlines does Colombia have?
3. What are the main reasons some ocean life is in danger of extinction?

5. Speak Work in small groups and discuss the questions (1–2).

1. Who should protect the native animals I think the government should protect the native
and plants in your area? animals and plants in our area, because …

2. How can you help to protect them?

6. Speak Read the instructions and play the game Go Fish.

1. Make two sets of cards. Set 1: places, e.g. the Atlantic Ocean. 21st Century Skills
Set 2: animals e.g. whales. · Flexibility

2. Take two bags. In bag 1 put the places cards. In bag 2 put the Were you a good winner
animal cards. (or loser) when you
played ‘Go fish!’?
3. Take turns to pick a card from bag 1 and give it to a classmate.
Your classmate asks: Have you ever been to …?

If you answer Yes, I have, the person on your right takes a card from bag 1.
If you answer No, I haven’t, you Go Fish and take a card from bag 2.
Give the card to a different classmate who asks: Have you ever seen a …?
If you answer Yes I have, the person on your right takes a card from bag 1.
If you answer No, I haven’t, you Go Fish and take a card from bag 2.

98 7. Listen Listen and repeat the poem.

40 The waves have whispered to me and called out the
names of extinct animals in the sea. I hope the others

have adapted and survived. I hope we have learned we

need them to stay alive!

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U1.indd 9 02/12/2016 11:30

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // 3

4. Read 6. Speak 7. Listen

(30 minutes) (40 minutes) (20 minutes) track 40
▪▪ Students read the rubric
and the text. Check their ▪▪ Divide the class into small ▪▪ Explain that we can
understanding of new
vocabulary. Revise some groups. Refer them to the pronounce the -ed ending in
names of animals: whale, instructions on how to make three different ways: /id/ /d/
seal, turtle, sea otter, sea lion, the Go Fish cards. /t/.
manatee, dolphin, albatross,
etc. ▪▪ Students make the cards and ▪▪ Write on the board using a
▪▪ Students answer the
questions in their notebooks. then play the game. Monitor different colour for –ed:
▪▪ Check the answers. and help if necessary. Assess
their oral production. /id/    /d/    /t/
Answer Key
1. The Southern or the Antarctic 21st Century Skills wanted ended learned played
2. Two (the Pacific and the Flexibility stopped walked

Atlantic) Stress the importance of being ▪▪ Say the words. Draw students’
3. Pollution and overfishing a good winner/loser. Focus
students’ attention on the attention to the different
5. Speak importance of participating in pronunciations of -ed.
games and contest with a flexible
(30 minutes) attitude. When winning, being ▪▪ Say the words again: students
▪▪ Ask: Can you name some humble; when losing, accepting
endangered species in your the winner’s victory without listen and repeat.
area? Why are these species getting upset. Invite students
endangered? to analyze how good winners/ ▪▪ Write more examples on the
▪▪ Students read the rubric and losers they were during and after
questions and do the task in finishing the game. board, e.g. has/have helped,
small groups. has/have decided, has/have
▪▪ Monitor and help them walked, has/have smiled, has/
with new vocabulary and have saved, has/have added.
expressions. Assess their oral
production. ▪▪ Students come to the board

and write the word in the T98
correct column: /id/ /d/ or
/t/. For example, /id/ added,
decided; /d/ smiled, saved;/t/
walked, helped.

▪▪ Play the audio track. Students

listen and read the poem.

▪▪ Play the audio track again,

pausing after each line of the
poem for students to repeat.
Repeat as necessary.

▪▪ Students practise saying the

poem. Monitor and check
their pronunciation.

▪▪ Have a poetry contest.

Students recite the poem.
The best student at reciting is
the winner.

40Audio Script

The waves have whispered to me
and called out the names of extinct
animals in the sea. I hope the others have
adapted and survived. I hope we have
learned we need them to stay alive!

module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Speak Ask the questions (1–8) to your classmates. I can give and ask for
Then, present your findings to your class. information.

1. Have ever been to the Lost City in Buritaca? Very well
2. Do you live near a river? What’s its name? Quite well
3. Have you ever been to Cabo de la Vela? With difficulty
4. Do you live near a mountain? What’s it called?
5. Have you ever been to Gorgona Island?
6. Do you live near a forest? Which one?
7. Have you ever been to Tatacoa Desert?
8. Have you seen any endangered animals? Which ones?

41 2. Listen Listen to the speakers and decide if the pI hcaennodmesecnraibaensditeuvaetniotns.s,
information (1–5) is true or false. Correct Very well
the false statements. Quite well

1. Armadillos have had to migrate because people are With difficulty
buying them as pets.
aI ncadnsmugagkeesrteioconms. mendations
2. The scarlet macaw is endangered because people keep Very well
them as pets. Quite well

3. People don’t make products from the skin of sea cows. With difficulty
4. People are destroying the sloth’s habitat and keeping

them as pets.
5. Illegal mining and the cutting down of trees are killing

the golden frog.

3. Write Match the situations (1–4) to the

recommendations (a–d).

1. You’re visiting a a. Do not feed the animals.
natural park.

2. Some animals are losing b. Take your rubbish home

their forest habitat. with you.

3. You’re visiting a zoo. c. Don’t throw rubbish in

99 4. You’re having fun at the water.
d. Stop cutting down trees.

the beach.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U1.indd 10 02/12/2016 11:30

Module // 3 Unit // 1 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Speak Answer Key 3. Write
1. False: They have lost
(15 minutes) (10 minutes)
their homes because of ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
▪▪ Students read the rubric and deforestation. copy the situations and the
2. True recommendations in their
copy the survey questions in 3. False: People make all different notebooks.
their notebook. kinds of things with the skin of ▪▪ Allow enough time for the
sea cows. students to do the task.
▪▪ Allow enough time for 4. True ▪▪ Students complete the self-
5. True assessment section.
the students to do the
task. Students record their Audio Script 41 Answer Key
classmates’ answers in their 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
notebooks. Reporter: Well, a lot of people

▪▪ Students report their findings have come here today to protest

to the class. for animal rights. Let’s hear what

▪▪ Assess their oral production. they have to say. Good morning,
▪▪ Students complete the self-
madam. Can you tell me why
assessment section.
you’re here today?
2. Listen
Woman: I’m here to protect the
(20 minutes) track 41
▪▪ Students read the rubric and armadillo’s habitat. Large numbers
copy the statements in their
notebooks. of armadillos have lost their homes
▪▪ Play the audio track. Students
listen and decide which because of deforestation. We must
statements are true or false.
▪▪ Play the audio track again stop cutting down trees.
for students to check their
answers. Reporter: Thank you. And what about
▪▪ Allow enough time for students
to correct the false statements you, young man?
in their notebooks.
▪▪ Students complete the self- A young boy: We must stop buying
assessment section.
and selling macaws. They

aren’t pets, you know! They’re

endangered animals and should

live in the wild!

Reporter: OK, thanks. And let me talk

to this gentleman. Can I ask why

you are here today?

Man: We have to protect the sea cow

from extinction. People hunt sea

cows for their skin and make all

different kinds of things with it.

Woman 2: And I’m here to protect the

sloth. Sloths live in trees and we

are cutting down hundreds of trees

every day! Soon sloths won’t have

anywhere to live!

Reporter: Thank you, madam. And,

finally, what about you, sir?

Man: We must protect the golden

frog. We must stop illegal mining

and the cutting down of trees.

Reporter: And so you have it ….


Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »2 » I can discuss natural resources and
their uses.
Nature Is Life
» I can express advice.
» I can exchange information about

everyday activities.

In Context » The World Around Us

1. Speak Work with a partner. Look at the photos and answer the questions (1–3).

1. In which countries are the natural wonders in the photos?
2. Have you ever been to any of these places?
3. What did you do and see there?

Watery Wonders in Latin America

Iguazu Falls The Amazon River Angel Falls Lake Titicaca Lake Tota

100 I’ve been to Iguazu Falls. I went last year with my family. The
falls are on the border between Argentina and Brazil. We saw

some incredible wild animals when we were there!

42 2. Listen Listen to an expert talking about water. Complete
the summary with the missing numbers (1–6).

Water makes up about 1… per cent of the Earth’s total surface.
Only 2… per cent of the water on our planet is freshwater.
3… per cent of all the freshwater in the world is in the polar ice caps.
4… per cent of our planet’s freshwater reserves are located in only 5… countries.
6… of people in the world don’t have access to enough freshwater sources.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 1 02/12/2016 11:34

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Unit  2 Nature is Life

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Exchange information about experiences with nature and environmental issues with
questions and answers.
Vocabulary Identify words and expressions about the use of natural resources and environmental
Grammar problems in short oral and written texts.
Make a simple description to recommend ways to protect natural resources, orally
and in writing.

Conservation; The environment; Sources of and uses for water; Natural resources
and products that come from them; Environmental problems

Wh- questions; Present simple; Present perfect; Should/Shouldn´t

1. Speak 2. Listen Audio Script 42
The natural wonders you can
(30 minutes)  (30 minutes) track 42
see in the pictures all have one thing
▪▪ If possible, bring in a map of ▪▪ Revise what a summary is: a
in common, and that thing is … water!
the American Continent and short overview of the main
extra information and photos points of something. Lots and lots of water! Now, water is
of the places.
▪▪ Students read the rubric an extremely valuable natural resource
▪▪ Students look at the photos.
and the summary. Check and it seems to be everywhere …
Ask: Do you recognise these understanding of new
places? What do you know vocabulary. especially in the rainy season. But what
about them?
▪▪ Play the audio track: students do we know about water? Well, here
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
listen and make notes. are some interesting facts and figures
the questions.
▪▪ Play the audio track again for for you.
▪▪ Students do the task in pairs,
students to do the task in their Did you know that scientists estimate
or small groups if not enough notebooks. Repeat if necessary. that water makes up about 71 per cent
students have been to the of the Earth’s total surface? But only
places. ▪▪ Check the answers. 2.5 per cent of the water on our planet
is freshwater, that is water that we can
▪▪ Monitor and assess oral Answer Key 4. 50 drink. The rest is saltwater, or saline
1. 71 5. six water, and is in the world’s oceans.
production. 2. 2.5 6. One third And did you know that 70 per cent
3. 70 of all the freshwater in the world is in
Answer Key the polar ice caps? And 50 per cent of
Answers will vary. our planet’s freshwater reserves, for
example, lakes and rivers, are located
in only six countries! Those countries T100
are Colombia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia,
China and Russia. But there are lots of
other countries that don’t have enough
water. In fact, one third of all the people
in the world don’t have access to
enough freshwater sources. Thank you
for listening to me today. If you have
any questions …

module 3 // Unit 2

3. Write Complete the statements (1–4) with the words from the Word Bank.

Word Bank 1. Saline water, or 1…, contains salt, so people and
saltwater x2 animals can’t drink it. Our oceans and 2… are 3…
freshwater x2
seas 2. 4… is water that people and animals can drink. Some
snow covered mountains sources of 5… on our planet are 6… and 7…
rivers 3. The polar ice caps are also a big 8… of freshwater,
source but it is frozen water.

4. 9… also provide freshwater, but only when the snow
melts and goes into the rivers, etc.

4. Speak Work with a partner and talk about the sources of water where you live.
5. Read Read the article and choose the correct answers (1–4).

21st Century Skills Water Is Life
· Creative Thinking
All living things, humans, plants and animals, need
Can you think of other ways to water to survive. People need water for drinking, to
save water? Brainstorm ideas produce food, clothing, energy and technology, and we
also need water to stay clean and healthy. We use a
in groups. lot of water, but unfortunately a lot of people haven’t
learned how to save water and use it efficiently. Did
you know that we use more water for showering
and washing our clothes than we do for cooking and
drinking? Have you forgotten that a third of the world’s
population doesn’t have access to freshwater? We
must all learn how to use, share and conserve water.

101 Tips to Save Water
a. Collect rainwater to water the plants in your garden.
b. Only flush the toilet when you need to. And don’t throw tissues, etc. in the toilet. Put

them in the bin!
c. Only wash your clothes once a week.
d. Turn off the water when you wash your hands or face and when you brush your teeth.
e. Have a quick shower not a bath – five to ten minutes is enough.

1. All life on Earth needs / doesn’t need water to survive.
2. People use water for a variety of purposes / only one purpose.
3. More / Less water is used for cooking and drinking than for showering and washing clothes.
4. One third / Two thirds of people have access to freshwater.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 2 02/12/2016 11:34

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

3. Write 4. Speak 21st Century Skills
Creative Thinking
(30 minutes) (30 minutes) In groups, students review the
tips in the article. Students
▪▪ Students read the rubric, the ▪▪ Before the lesson, students discuss other ways to save water
and write a similar set of tips.
Word Bank and the statements. find out information about Groups share their ideas with
Check understanding of new sources of water in their area the class.
vocabulary. based on the following criteria:
Type of source (river, lake, etc.) Extra Activity (40 minutes)
▪▪ Students do the task: students Name of the source Students make signs with tips for
Where it’s located saving water. Student display the
should write the complete Characteristics (big, clean, little, tips in appropriate areas around
statements in their notebooks. wide, thin) the school.

▪▪ Monitor and help if necessary. ▪▪ In pairs, students discuss what Answer Key
▪▪ Check the answers. 1. needs
they have found out. Model 2. a variety of purposes
Answer Key the interaction: 3. Less
1. Saline water, or saltwater, A: There’s a lake near our town. 4. Two thirds
B: Really? Where is it?
contains salt, so people and A: It’s in the north of the town. It’s
animals can’t drink it. Our
oceans and seas are saltwater. not very big, but it’s very clean.
2. Freshwater is water that
people and animals can drink. ▪▪ Monitor and assess
Some sources of freshwater on
our planet are lakes and rivers. oral production.
3. The polar ice caps are also a
big source of freshwater, but it ▪▪ Volunteers role-play their
is frozen water.
4. Snow covered mountains also interactions for the class.
provide freshwater, but only
when the snow melts and goes 5. Read
into the rivers, etc.
(40 minutes)
▪▪ Ask: What do you use water for?

How long do you spend in the
shower? Do you turn off the tap
while you brush your teeth? How
often do you use the washing
machine in your house?

▪▪ Students read the rubric and

take turns to read the article
out loud. Check understanding
of new vocabulary.

▪▪ Ask: Which of the tips do you

do at home? Which tips can you
start doing?

▪▪ In pairs, students discuss the

statements (1–4) and choose
the correct answer.

▪▪ Check the answers.

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Write Look at the pie chart. Write about the amount of water people use.

People use 30% of their total water
consumption to have showers.

102 7. Read Read the test and answer the questions (1–6) so they are true for you.

Nature Gives Us More than We Think.

Have you ever thought about all the benefits we get from nature? Besides using natural
resources for food, clothing and fuel, we can use them for several other purposes.

Do our quick test to see how nature benefits you.
1. Have you ever meditated outdoors, for example in your garden or a park?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
2. Have you ever been trekking in the mountains?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
3. Have you ever camped in the wilderness?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
4. Have you ever felt physically better after you’ve spent the day in the countryside?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
5. Has nature ever inspired you to create art: painting or writing a song or poem?

Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
6. Has nature ever inspired you spiritually?

Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.

43 8. Listen Listen to people answering some of the questions in the test in
9. Write exercise 7. Say which questions they answered.

Write a short paragraph about the benefits you get from nature.

I like doing sport in the countryside.
I always feel much better when I’ve

been in the fresh air …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 3 02/12/2016 11:34

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Write ▪▪ If the answer is yes, then Audio Script 43

(40 minutes) students ask their classmates Speaker 1: I’ve always been very
the follow-up questions.
▪▪ Students read the rubric and spiritual, and I’ve always tried
▪▪ Monitor and assess oral
look at the pie chart. Check to connect with nature. So, I’ve
understanding. Ask: What do production: focus on correct
people use water for the most? use of present perfect yes/no often meditated outdoors. My
What do they use water for the questions and short answers.
least? What other things do favourite place to meditate is in
people use water for? ▪▪ Volunteers report their
the mountains near my home.
▪▪ Refer students to the example findings to the class.
Speaker 2: I love going on holiday, but
given. In their notebooks Grammar Box
students do the task. Present Perfect: Yes/No questions because I’ve never liked hotels and
and short answers
▪▪ Monitor and assess written Revise how to form the present cities, I’ve always camped in the
production. Positive: subject + has/have + wilderness. I love waking up every
past participle
▪▪ Check the answers. Negative: subject + has/have morning and hearing nothing, … no
▪▪ Ask: Do the percentages in this (never) + past participle
Interrogative: has/have + subject cars, no buses …
pie chart reflect what happens + (ever) past participle
in your homes? How are they Short answers: Yes, + subject + Speaker 3: I love riding my bike in the
similar? How are they different? has/have
N o, + subject + hasn’t/haven’t mountains and through the forest.
Answer Key
People use 20% of their total water Write on the board: When I’ve spent the day out in the
consumption to flush the toilet.
People use 20% of their total water Have you ever been to the fresh air I always feel wonderful
consumption to wash clothes. desert? Yes, I have. / No, I
People use 10% of their total water haven’t. after and I have lots of energy to
consumption to wash the dishes. Has your mum ever cooked a
People use 10% of their total water strange meal? Yes, she has. No, do other things.
consumption to clean the house. she hasn’t.
People use 10% of their total water Speaker 4: I am a writer. I love writing
consumption to water the plants. Answer Key
Answers will vary. poems about what surrounds me,
7. Read
8. Listen and I’ve often used nature for
(40 minutes)
(30 minutes) track 43 my inspiration.
▪▪ Ask: What benefits do you think ▪▪ Students read the rubric: refer
them to the test questions in 9. Write T102
we get from nature? Brainstorm exercise 7.
the things we get from nature ▪▪ Play the audio track: students (30 minutes)
(natural resources) and write listen and make notes.
them on the board. ▪▪ Play the audio track again: ▪▪ Students read the rubric: refer
students do the task in their
▪▪ Students read the rubric and notebooks. Repeat them to the examples they
if necessary. heard in exercise 8.
the test. Check understanding ▪▪ Check the answers.
of new vocabulary. ▪▪ On the board write one of the
Answer Key
▪▪ Students answer the test in Speaker 1 answered question 1 examples from the audioscript
(and 6), Speaker 2 answered in exercise 8 for students to
their notebooks. question 3, Speaker 3 answered refer to as a model, e.g.
question 4, Speaker 4 answered I love riding my bike in the
▪▪ Brainstorm follow-up question 5 mountains and through the
forest. When I’ve spent the
questions and write them on day out in the fresh air, I
the board, e.g. always feel wonderful after
Where did you meditate/go and I have lots of energy to do
trekking/camp? When did you other things.
…? Did you enjoy the experience? The first sentence describes
Why? Why not? the things students do and
what they like doing outdoors.
▪▪ Students ask and answer The second explains how
students benefit from nature.
the questions with their
classmates for a class survey. ▪▪ Students do the task in

their notebooks.

▪▪ Monitor and help with

vocabulary and expressions
if necessary. Assess students’
written production.

▪▪ Volunteers read their

paragraphs to the class.

module 3 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » Our Natural Resources

1. Read Read the text and complete the graphic organizer (1–10).

Natural resources

1… resources 2… resources

3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9… 10 …

Natural resources come from nature and humans cannot create them. There are two
categories: renewable and non-renewable.

Renewable resources are constantly available and nature can replace them: water,
sunlight, wind, plants and animals.

Non-renewable resources cannot easily be replaced: fossil fuels, minerals and soil.

2. Write Find five natural resources and 21st Century Skills
three things they are used for. · Analytical Thinking

Complete the sentences (1–3). Graphic organizers can help you
to understand new topics better,
103 K Y K PDOROB I S because you can concentrate on the
V C C S B E UMU S A connections between the information.
ELECTR I C I TY Do you use graphic organizers?
Why? Why not?




NL T PC E XAGG S 1. Wind and … can produce …
S E N I HC AMS UG 2. People use … to grow … and produce food.
K WM X N O Q C A Z V 3. … have industrial uses, for example, making
cars, … and …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 4 02/12/2016 11:34

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

1. Read 2. Write

(40 minutes) (40 minutes)
▪▪ If possible, bring in
▪▪ Students look at the pictures. photocopies of the word
search: one photocopy
Ask: What can you see in between two.
the pictures? ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
copy the word search in their
▪▪ Students read the rubric and notebooks if necessary.
▪▪ In pairs, students find
copy the graphic organiser in the words.
their notebooks. ▪▪ Students complete the
sentences in their notebooks.
▪▪ Students read the text: ▪▪ Check the answers.

check understanding of new Answer Key
▪▪ Students complete the graphic
organiser in their notebooks.
▪▪ In pairs, students compare
their answers.
▪▪ Check the answers.
21st Century Skills
Analytical Thinking
Explain that it is helpful to use
graphic organisers: besides S E N I H C AMS UG
helping us to understand topics
and illustrate connections, they K WM X N O Q C A Z V
improve our mental organization
and our ability to remember details. H K G C I Y Z Z S WG
Ask students if they use any
type of organiser and if so what.
Invite them to draw samples of
their organizers on the board and
explain what they use them for.

Answer Key 1. Wind and water can produce
 1. renewable electricity.
 2. non-renewable
 3. animals 2. People use soil to grow plants
 4. plants and produce food.
 5. wind
 6. water 3. Minerals have industrial uses,
 7. sunlight for example, making cars,
 8. minerals machines and buildings.
 9. fossil fuels
10. soil


Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

44 3. Listen Listen and say which natural resource the speakers are talking about.
Complete the summaries (a–j) with the words in the box.

Speaker 1: water silver farm lake stones
Lives near a a… and in summer goes b… and c… there. fishing gold climbs trees
swimming food
Speaker 2: …
Has a d… and grows e… , e.g. cereals. Has fruit f…. and
sells fruit at market. Sometimes g… highest tree.

Speaker 3: …
Makes h… and i… jewellery. Sometimes uses
semi-precious j…., too.

4. Read Read the paragraph and answer the questions (1–2).

We all know how useful animals are; they provide us with Study Tip
food, and we use their skin to make clothes. People have
also used animals for transportation for centuries. Before Don’t look up every
the invention of cars and planes, donkeys, horses, elephants word you don’t
and camels transported people and goods. And we shouldn’t understand in a
forget that some animals have always occupied an important
place in our hearts as pets. The most common pets have dictionary. Use the
always been dogs and cats. But, nowadays, many people are context to work out
buying exotic wild animals as pets. And in circuses many wild
animals live in horrible conditions just for our entertainment. the meaning.

1. Is it acceptable to take wild animals out of their natural
habitat? Why?

2. Is it acceptable to have animals in circuses? Why?

5. Write Use the information in the chart to write about natural resources and
their uses.

Natural resources Products

plants food, medicine, clothes, furniture, paper

104 animals food, clothes, shoes

fossil fuels toys, petrol, computers

minerals tins, cars, bicycles, machinery

We use plants to make lots of things. Most of the clothes
we wear come from plants, for example, cotton T-shirts, …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 5 02/12/2016 11:34

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

3. Listen 4. Read Extra Activity (40 minutes)

(40 minutes) track 44 (40 minutes) Play Pictionary with the new
vocabulary students have learned
▪▪ Brainstorm natural resources. ▪▪ Brainstorm how animals are in this module.

Ask: What natural resources useful to people. Ask: In what 1. T he purpose of the game is to
can you name? Write students’ ways are animals useful to us? guess a word based on what
Write their suggestions on your partner draws.
answers on the board. the board.
2.  You can only draw the word:
▪▪ Read and focus on the first ▪▪ Students read the rubric no speaking or miming.

part of the rubric: Listen and and the paragraph. Check 3.  You can’t write numbers
say which natural resource the understanding of new or letters.
speakers are talking about. vocabulary.
4.  You have one minute to draw
▪▪ Play the audio track: students ▪▪ In pairs students compare your word. Once the minute is
up, you must stop drawing.
listen and take notes. the uses for animals in the
text with their previous 5. Y ou must name the category
▪▪ Ask: Which natural resource is suggestions. beforehand, e.g. Uses of
water (shower, toilet, washing
speaker 1 talking about? And ▪▪ In small groups students clothes, washing the dishes,
speakers 2 and 3? Replay the cleaning the house, watering
discuss the questions the plants).
audio track if necessary. and make notes on their
classmates’ opinions. Monitor 5. Write
▪▪ Students read the second part and help with vocabulary and
expressions if necessary. (40 minutes)
of the rubric, the words in ▪▪ Students read the rubric,
▪▪ Students answer the the table and the example.
the box and the summaries. Check understanding of new
questions in their notebooks. vocabulary.
Check understanding of new ▪▪ Use the example as a model.
Study Tip First the paragraph should
vocabulary. state the natural resource
Explain how new words can chosen. Then it should
▪▪ Play the audio track again: be understood by checking describe the uses of this
what comes before and after natural resource.
students take notes and the words. The context that ▪▪ Students write the paragraphs
surrounds a word helps students in their notebooks.
complete the summaries in to understand what it means ▪▪ Monitor and help with
without looking in a dictionary vocabulary and expressions
their notebooks. Replay the or translating it. if necessary: assess written
audio track if necessary. Have students find the word ▪▪ Volunteers read their
“provide” and what comes paragraphs to the class.
▪▪ Check the answers. before and after it in the text.
What does “provide” mean?
Answer Key Do the same with other words
from the text.
Resources they are talking about:

Speaker 1. water, Speaker 2: soil,

Speaker 3: minerals

a. lake f. trees

b. swimming g. climbs

c. fishing h. gold

d. farm i. silver

e. food j. stones

Audio Script 44

Speaker 1: I live near a big lake

and during the summer I go there

every day to swim. My family’s got

a boat and I often go fishing too.

I’ve even caught enough fish to T104

make dinner for five people!

Speaker 2: We have a farm and so

we grow lots of different food, for

example, cereals. We also have a lot

of fruit trees. We pick the fruit and

sell it at the local market, but I also

sometimes climb to the top of the

highest tree to watch the sunset.

Speaker 3: I make jewellery, rings,

bracelets, necklaces, etc. from gold

and silver. Sometimes I use semi-

precious stones too. I usually sell

my jewellery online or to friends

and family.

module 3 // Unit 2

6. Speak Read the instructions and play Find the Source in small groups.

How to play Find the Source: Trees!
One student names a natural resource, for example, trees. The
first student to name a product made from that resource then Notebooks. … OK,
it’s my turn: water!
names another product to continue the game.

7. Write Follow the instructions and make a Natural Resource Noticeboard.

1. Decide which natural resource your group is going to write about.
2. Do some research on the natural resource. Use the internet, the library, etc.
3. Illustrate your natural resource.
4. Design a graphic organizer. Include:

a. Heading: Natural resources
b. Type of natural resource: where it comes from, etc.
c. Benefits of this natural resource
d. Uses and products made from it

Type of natural Natural
resource resources

Uses and products Benefits of this
made from it  natural resource

1 0 5 8. Speak Present your noticeboard to your class. 21st Century Skills

We’re going to talk about fossil fuels. · Communicating
These are a non-renewable resource.
People use fossil fuels to produce ... Use different formats to
give a presentation. It will

make your ideas stand

out! Do you use multimedia

when you present your

work to your classmates?

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 6 02/12/2016 11:34

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 2

6. Speak 8. Speak

(20 minutes) (40 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
the instructions. Focus their ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
attention on the example.
▪▪ Divide the class into groups. the example.
Students play the game.
▪▪ Monitor and assess oral ▪▪ In the same groups as
exercise 7 students prepare
7. Write their presentations: they
can use PowerPoint or other
(40 minutes) multimedia if they want.
▪▪ Bring these materials to class
(or previously ask students to ▪▪ Allow enough time for
bring them from home): pieces
of large thick card, pictures students to prepare the
from magazines, marker presentation.
pens, glue.
▪▪ Students read the instructions: ▪▪ Monitor and help if necessary.
check understanding. ▪▪ Each group does its
▪▪ In groups students do the task.
▪▪ Monitor and help with presentation for the class.
vocabulary and expressions
if necessary. ▪▪ Assess oral production.
▪▪ Display the noticeboards

around the classroom or
the school.

21st Century Skills


Explain that using visuals and
multimedia to support an oral
presentation will make the
presentation more engaging for
the audience, and help them to
understand and remember
your message.


Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » What Are We Doing to Our World?

45 1. Listen Listen and complete the sentences with the words from the Word Bank.

1. … is due to an increase in the Earth’s Word Bank
temperature. It causes the polar ice caps to
melt and the sea level to rise. climate change
loss of biodiversity
2. … is due to the cutting down of trees. pollution water scarcity
It damages the land and causes soil erosion. deforestation soilerosion

3. … happens when the ground gets very dry
and the wind blows it away.

4. … refers to the damage caused to the air,
water or land through the use of chemicals or
other toxic substances.

5. … is when there is very little, or a complete
lack of, a very important liquid.

6. … refers to the process of extinction of a
variety of species.

2. Write Label the environmental issues in the photos with the words from the

a. Word Bank in exercise 1. Then answer the questions (1–3).
b. c. d. e. f.

1. Have you ever experienced any of I’ve experienced climate change! When
these problems? Where? I was younger, the temperatures in

2. Have you ever heard of these problems? summer were cooler. But now summers
What did you hear? here are very, very hot!

3. Have you ever thought about how we can
prevent them? How can you help?

106 3. Speak Discuss the environmental problems in the pictures (1–5).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This person is wearing a fur coat. That’s terrible! When we kill animals for
An animal died to make this coat! their skins, they are at risk of extinction.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 7 And that affects our biodiversity!

02/12/2016 11:35

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

1. Listen Audio Script 45 ▪▪ Monitor and help with
Good morning everyone.
(45 minutes) track 45 vocabulary or structures
Today I’m going to tell you about the if necessary.
▪▪ Ask: What are we doing to
main problems our planet has today. ▪▪ Volunteers read out their
our world? Explain that the
question refers to the damage The first big problem is climate answers to the class.
we are causing to our planet. change: our planet is getting warmer
Write students’ answers on and the temperatures are increasing. 3. Speak
the board. So, the polar ice caps are melting and
causing a rise in the sea levels. (40 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric, the
The second problem I’m going to talk ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
words from the Word Bank about is deforestation. Deforestation
and the sentences. Check happens because we are cutting down look at the pictures. Ask:
understanding of too many trees, for example, to make What are the people doing in the
new vocabulary. houses. This seriously damages the photos?
land and causes soil erosion….
▪▪ Students copy the sentences ▪▪ In pairs students do the task:
Soil erosion is another serious
in their notebooks. environmental problem: when the soil refer them to the example as a
gets very dry it is easily blown away model. Monitor and help with
▪▪ Play the audio track: students by the wind and this means plants vocabulary and expressions
can’t grow properly. if necessary. Assess oral
listen and take notes. production.
I also want to tell you about pollution.
▪▪ Play the audio track again Pollution occurs when chemicals ▪▪ Check the answers.
or toxic substances get into the
for students to complete the air, water or land. Pollution can kill Answer Key
sentences in their notebooks. animals, plants and people. 2. This person has his laptop
Repeat if necessary.
Another big problem we face today on and his mobile phone is
▪▪ Check the answers. is water scarcity: when there isn’t charging. He is using his tablet
enough of this vitally important liquid, while he’s listening to music.
Answer Key people, animals and plants die. He is overusing electricity.
1. Climate change When we overuse electricity
2. Deforestation And finally, I’m going to talk to you we increase climate change.
3. Soil erosion about the loss of biodiversity on 3. This person is cutting down
4. Pollution our planet. At least 10,000 species a tree. Cutting down trees
5. Water scarcity become extinct every year. That’s a causes deforestation. It
6. Loss of biodiversity lot of plants and animals that we will causes climate change, loss of
never see again. biodiversity and soil erosion.
4. This person is taking a very
So let me begin with … long shower. This means
wasting water and energy
2. Write (from gas or electricity). These T106
are related to climate change.
(45 minutes) Also, during showers people
use soap, shampoo and other
▪▪ Students look at the pictures. chemicals which can pollute
the water.
Ask: What can you see in the 5. This person is throwing the
pictures? Help with vocabulary rubbish on the floor. Rubbish
and expressions, e.g. pipes, can create air and water
smoke, dumping dirty water, dry pollution.
land, etc.

▪▪ Students read the rubric and in

pairs identify the environmental

issues in the photos.

▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ In pairs students discuss the

questions and write their

answers in their notebooks.

module 3 // Unit 2

4. Read Read the questionnaire and answer the questions. What was your score?

Daily Habits that Affect our Environment
These actions can seriously damage the environment. How often do you do them?

Always Sometimes Never

1. Do you turn the lights off when you leave a room?
2. Does your family use the car every day?
3. Do you use only one side of a sheet of paper?
4. Do you turn off the water when you brush

your teeth or wash your hands?
5. Do you ask for plastic bags in the supermarket?
6. Do you throw rubbish on the ground?

How to score: 2 points: always 1 point: sometimes 0 points: never

Add up your score and find out how well you take care of the environment.
1–4 points: Congratulations! You take great care of the environment.
5–6 points: Be careful! You show some concern for the environment,

but you should still do more!
7–10 points: It’s time to change your habits completely and help the environment!

5. Speak Discuss your answers to exercise 4 21st Century Skills
with a partner. Give your partner · Communicating

advice on how to improve their score. Always try to give constructive
feedback and be respectful of
My family uses the car every You should walk to school
day. My parents always drive and your parents should your classmate’s ideas.
me to school and then they
use public transport.
drive to work.

46 6. Listen Listen and complete the statements (1–5) with should or shouldn’t.


1. We … plant another tree to replace every tree we cut down. 02/12/2016 11:35
2. You … mistreat animals. You … keep animals in small cages.
3. We … waste energy or water.
4. You … turn off the lights when you aren’t in a room.
5. You … leave the tap on when you brush your teeth.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 8

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

4. Read Extra Activity (40 minutes) Audio Script 46
Well, I’d like to give you
(40 minutes) Brainstorm other situations that
▪▪ Students read the rubric that affect the environment: write some advice about how we all can
and the questionnaire. them on the board. Students
Check understanding of new find or draw a picture depicting take better care of our planet.
vocabulary. the situation. Underneath
▪▪ Students answer the the picture, students write a First of all, we should look after our
questionnaire in their short paragraph including the trees. Sometimes it’s necessary to
notebooks. following: a description of what cut down trees, but in that case, we
▪▪ Students add up their score. is happening in the picture; how should always plant another tree in
▪▪ In their notebooks students it affects the environment; and a a different place to replace the ones
answer the questions using recommendation about how to we’ve cut down. And animals … they
complete sentences: revise stop or solve the problem. really need our help. You should take
adverbs of frequency. care of animals and look after them.
6. Listen It’s really not cool to mistreat them!
5. Speak And if you have a pet, then make sure
(30 minutes) track 46 it has a great home. For example, lots
(30 minutes) ▪▪ Students read the rubric of people keep their hamsters in small
▪▪ Ask: What can you do to and copy the statements cages. But this is terrible! You should
improve your score in exercise 4? in their notebooks. Check always keep your hamster in a large
Write students’ suggestions understanding of new cage so they have lots of space to run
on the board. vocabulary. around in.
▪▪ Revise the use of should to give ▪▪ Play the audio track: students
advice or recommendations. listen and take notes. And we should also save energy. You
▪▪ In pairs, students discuss their ▪▪ Play the audio track again should always turn off the lights when
answers and give each other for students to complete you leave a room and of course you
advice. Refer students to the the statements. Repeat if should always try and save water.
model to help them: focus necessary. So you should always remember to
on how often they do these ▪▪ Check the answers. turn the tap off when you brush your
things, how they affect the teeth.
environment and which ones Answer Key
they should change to help 1. should These simple actions will really make
take care of the environment. 2. shouldn’t/shouldn’t a difference to our planet: so, do
▪▪ Monitor and help if necessary: 3. shouldn’t them!
assess oral production. 4. should
5. shouldn’t
21st Century Skills

Point out the importance and
effectiveness of communicating
with others in a constructive way.
Stress the positive effects of giving
constructive feedback and being
respectful of other people’s ideas.

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

7. Write In groups, follow the instructions and design a poster to increase awareness

of environmental problems in your school.

1. Identify places in your school where there are environmental problems, for example, the

2. Write some slogans to make students aware of the problem. For example, Take care of our
plants and trees!

3. Use pictures cut out from magazines, or draw your own, to illustrate your slogans: Don’t
waste water!

4. Make a poster showing what students should do to protect their environment.
5. Display your posters around your school in the places where you have identified the


8. Listen Pronunciation. Listen and repeat the questions (1–4).
Pay attention to the intonation.

1. What have you done to help the environment? Study Tip
It’s important to use
47 2. When do you turn the lights off? the correct intonation
because it helps the
3. Which is your favourite animal? listener to understand

4. What do you get from it? you better.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 9 02/12/2016 11:35

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // 3

7. Write 8. Listen Study Tip

(45 minutes) (25 minutes) track 47 Focus students’ attention on the
tip. Stress the fact that when
▪▪ Bring these materials to class ▪▪ Write on the board: we speak, using appropriate
intonation is as important
(or previously ask students to Where are you from? for being understood as
bring them from home): pieces How old are you? pronouncing individual sounds
of large thick card, pictures
from magazines, marker ▪▪ Read the sentences out loud: and words correctly.
pens, glue.
students listen and repeat. Pay Audio Script 47
▪▪ Students read the rubric
attention to their intonation. 1. What have you done to help
and the instructions. Check
understanding of new ▪▪ Explain that in English Wh- the environment?
questions have rising then 2. When do you turn the lights off?
▪▪ In groups students discuss
falling intonation. 3. Which is your favourite animal?
the issues and choose the
ones they are going to focus ▪▪ Refer back to the questions 4. What do you get from it?
on: ensure that the groups
address a variety of topics. on the board and draw a line

▪▪ Monitor and help with to indicate the intonation: the
line starts to rise from Where
vocabulary and expressions up to you and falls on from.
if necessary.
▪▪ Play the audio track: students
▪▪ Display the posters around the
listen and repeat. Repeat as
classroom or in appropriate
places around the school. often as necessary, pausing to

allow students to repeat the

questions or check intonation.

▪▪ Students practise saying the

sentences: monitor and check


▪▪ If possible, record the

students so they can hear

themselves and compare with

the audio track.


module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Write Complete the graphic organizer (1–6). Iiencvfaeonrryemdxacathyioaanncgtaeibvoituiets.

Water is a

1… We use Very well
resource. water to 2…

Quite well

Water With difficulty

People use We use anInacdtauntrhdaeliisrrceuusssoesusr.ces
water to 3… water to 5… Very well
their bodies and to 6…
and 4… Quite well
With difficulty
48 2. Listen Listen and match the pictures (a–d) to
the speakers.

c. d.

109 I can express
3. Speak Ask your partner about how he/she
Very well
takes care of the environment. Quite well
With difficulty
Do you turn off the Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
water when you brush

your teeth?

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U2.indd 10 02/12/2016 11:35

Module // 3 Unit // 2 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write 2. Listen 3. Speak

(10 minutes) (10 minutes) track 48 (15 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
copy the graphic organiser in look at the pictures. ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
their notebooks. ▪▪ Play the audio track: students
▪▪ Allow enough time for students do the task in their notebooks. look at the example.
to do the task. ▪▪ Replay the audio track for
▪▪ Check the answers. students to check their ▪▪ In pairs, students ask and
▪▪ Students complete the answers. Repeat if necessary.
self-assessment section. ▪▪ Check the answers. answer questions. You can
▪▪ Students complete the self- write more situations on the
Answer Key assessment section. board to extend the task.
1. renewable
2. water plants Answer Key ▪▪ Allow enough time for
3. clean/wash Speaker 1: d
4. clothes Speaker 2: c students to do the task.
5. drink Speaker 3: a
6. cook Speaker 4: b ▪▪ Monitor and assess oral

Audio Script 48 production.

1. You should take your rubbish ▪▪ Students complete the self-

home with you and throw it in the assessment section.

bin when you get there. Answer Key
Suggested answers
2. Please turn off the tap. You should 1. Do you turn off the water

try and save water when you wash when you brush your teeth?
Yes, I do./No, I, don’t.
your hands. 2. Do you throw rubbish on the
street? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
3. Trees provide us with oxygen 3. Do you use both sides of a
sheet of paper? Yes, I do./No,
to breathe. People should stop I don’t.
4. Do you use plastic bags when
you do the shopping? Yes, I
do. / No, I don’t.

cutting down trees.

4. People shouldn’t use their cars

every day. They should use public

transport instead.


Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1 Objectives

Unit »3 » I can discuss environmental issues.
Conservation » I can express strong recommendations
Is a Must
and suggestions.

In Context » A Place for Everything

1. Read Read the text and match the words (1–3) to the definitions (a–c).

Have You Heard about The Three Rs?

• We can preserve our natural resources and Study Tip
help to prevent climate change and protect
our planet by Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Identifying how words are
our rubbish.

• When we use The Three Rs, we need fewer
natural resources to produce or manufacture
new items.

• When we follow The Three Rs, we throw away
fewer things; this helps to reduce the amount
of greenhouse gases we release into the

1. Reduce a. Separate rubbish and use it formed helps us to learn new
to make other things revowcrraietbeduomlameryae:narsentsmotewoardnitoseaaagggaaaiininn..
2. Reuse So
3. Recycle b. Use less of something and
c. Use something again

110 2. Listen Listen to people talking about The Three Rs. Complete the statements
(1–3) with should or shouldn’t and say which R they are talking about.

49 1. We … buy fewer things and we … buy things with lots of packaging.

Speaker 1 is talking about …
2. You … use things again and again. You … buy things you only

need for a short time. You … give away the things you don’t need.
Speaker 2 is talking about …
3. You … separate your rubbish and you … buy products made from recycled materials.
Speaker 3 is talking about …

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 1 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

Unit  3 Conservation Is a Must

Unit Objectives

Basic Standards of Competences Exchange information about preventing/stating solutions to environmental problems
on questions and answers.
Vocabulary Identify words and expressions about how to prevent/solve environmental issues in
Grammar the locality in short oral and written texts.
Make a simple description to recommend how environmental issues can be
prevented/solved, orally and in writing.

Environmental issues and conservation

Imperatives; Modals should/ shouldn’t, must/mustn’t

1. Read Answer Key Audio Script 49
1. b 2. c Speaker 1: I think we all have
(40 minutes)  3. a
▪▪ Students read the rubric and too much stuff! We should buy
the text. Check understanding
of new vocabulary. fewer things, nobody needs ten
▪▪ Students do the task in their
notebooks. pairs of shoes or ten different
▪▪ Check the answers.
▪▪ Ask: Do we reduce, reuse 2. Listen bags – it’s ridiculous! And also
and recycle in our school?
Give examples. (20 minutes) track 49 we should look at how much
▪▪ Revise should for advice and
Study Tip recommendations. packaging is used; for example,
▪▪ Students read the rubric
Explain that one strategy for and the statements. Check don’t buy apples that are in a
learning new words is to look at understanding of new
their parts. Some words have vocabulary. plastic container and then put
prefixes at the beginning that ▪▪ Play the audio track: students
modify their meaning. Explain listen and take notes. them in another plastic bag!
that the prefix re- means ▪▪ Play the audio track again for
‘again’. Give students a list of students to do the task in their Speaker 2: The first step is to start
words that have the prefix notebooks. Repeat if necessary.
▪▪ Check the answers. by using the things you already
re- (e.g. reread, rebuild) and ask
them to suggest definitions of Answer Key have again and again. And also you
the words. 1. should / shouldn’t (reduce)
2. should / shouldn’t / should should borrow or rent things that

(reuse) you are only going to need for a
3. should / should (recycle)
short time. You can also give away

the things you don’t need to other

people, so they can use them. And

you should take reusable bags with

you when you go shopping.

Speaker 3: You should always

separate your rubbish. Separate

materials like glass bottles, cans

and newspapers. People can

remake bottles, cans and paper

into new things. And you should

always try to buy products made

from recycled materials.

Extra Activity (30 minutes) T110
Write on the board:

Prefix Meaning Example

re- again redo, replay
extra- outside of extracurricular
in-, im- not invisible,

Divide the class into groups and
see which group can add most
words to the chart: students can
use their dictionaries.

module 3 // Unit 3

3. Write Write a paragraph giving recommendations about how

to reduce, reuse and recycle rubbish.

Reducing: I think we all have too much stuff! We should buy fewer things. Nobody needs ten pairs of shoes
or ten different bags – it’s ridiculous! And also we shouldn’t buy things that are packaged in unnecessary
bags and boxes. Don’t buy apples that are in a plastic container and then put them in another plastic bag!

4. Read Read the leaflet and complete the chart.

Save our forests!

We should recycle. Let’s start with paper!
Paper comes from wood and it’s recyclable. So, if we recycle paper,
we save trees, reduce the amount of rubbish we produce and save energy.
Recycle newspapers, office paper and magazines. If possible, take them to a recycling centre:
find out where the nearest one to you is.
Recycled paper can be made into newspapers, telephone directories, paper towels
and egg boxes.

Protect our environment!

We should also recycle plastic bottles.
Plastic comes from oil, which is a fossil fuel and produces a lot
of pollution. If we recycle plastic bottles, we reduce pollution,
reduce rubbish and save energy.
Recycled plastic bottles can be made into lots of different things:
new bottles, boxes, and they can even be made into T-shirts!
We can also reuse a plastic bottle again and again: refill it with
water or juice, don’t just throw it away.

Object Comes from Can be recycled and made into Benefits
Plastic bottle

111 5. Speak Look at the Rubbish Diary and discuss with a partner what the items
are made of: paper, glass, metal or plastic.

On Monday, the girl threw My Rubbish Diary
away a shoebox. Shoeboxes
Day What I threw away Material made from
are made of paper. Monday
Tuesday An empty shoebox Paper
Some old CD covers
Friday Some broken silver

An empty milk carton

An old frying pan

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 2 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

3. Write 4. Read 5. Speak

(40 minutes) (40 minutes) (40 minutes)
▪▪ Draw a chart on the board.
Ask: Does your family produce a ▪▪ Brainstorm how students use ▪▪ In pairs, students read the
lot of rubbish? Does your family
reduce, reuse and recycle? What paper and plastic in their daily rubric and the Rubbish Diary.
suggestions can you make to help activities. Write their answers
your family improve the three on the board. ▪▪ Ask: What kind of things do you
Rs at home? Write students’
suggestions in the chart. Refer ▪▪ Ask: Do you know where paper throw away?
students to the audio script in
exercise 2 for ideas. and plastic come from? Do you ▪▪ Students discuss the girl’s
know how they are produced?
Reduce Reuse Recycle diary and say what the items
▪▪ Students read the rubric she throws away are made of.
▪▪ Students read the rubric and Monitor and help if necessary.
and the leaflet. Check
the example. understanding of new ▪▪ Assess oral production.
▪▪ In pairs, students choose Answer Key
▪▪ Students complete the chart On Tuesday, she threw away
one of the three Rs and some old CD covers. The covers
discuss their ideas and in their notebooks. are made of plastic or paper.
recommendations. Monitor On Wednesday, she threw away
and help with vocabulary and ▪▪ Check the answers. some broken silver earrings. The
expressions. earrings are made of silver. Silver
Answer Key is a metal.
▪▪ In small groups, students Paper comes from wood. It On Thursday, she threw away an
can be recycled and made empty milk carton. The carton is
read out their paragraphs and into newspapers, telephone made of paper.
discuss the suggestions they directories, paper towels and On Friday, she threw away an old
have made. egg boxes. Benefits: save trees, frying pan. The pan is made of
reduce the amount of rubbish, metal.
▪▪ Assess written production. save energy.
Plastic bottles come from oil. They
can be recycled and made into
new bottles, boxes and T-shirts;
they can be refilled. Benefits:
reduce pollution, reduce rubbish,
save energy.


Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

50 6. Listen Listen to a student explaining the recycling process. Put the
7. Write instructions (a–g) in the correct order (1–7).

a. From the recycling centre, the recycled materials go to factories,
where they use them to make new products. …

b. The first thing to do is make sure you separate your rubbish properly
at home. 1

c. Then, you buy the products made from recycled materials. …
d. Next, the recycling company empties the bins and takes it all to a

recycling centre. …
e. Finally, the process starts again: your rubbish can be recycled often. …
f. The second thing to do is put your separated rubbish into the correct

recycling bins for collection. …
g. After that, the new products go to shops. …

Work with a partner and write a chant that encourages people to reduce
the amount of rubbish they produce.

If we want to help our world,
Recycling is the word!

8. Speak Label the items (1–10) with the words in the box. Then work with a
partner and decide which items you can recycle and what you can do

with them.

newspapers a plastic bottle a can of fizzy drink a box of cereals fish bones

a tin of tuna banana peel a glass bottle batteries a carton of milk

1 ... St Patrick’s School: Eco-Campaign We can recycle the plastic
112 A Place for Everything bottle and make plant pots.
6 ...
2 ... It’s easy, you just cut the
3 ... 7 ... top off the bottle, put some
soil and seeds in it and wait
8 ...
for the plants to grow.

4 ... 5 ... 9 ... But don’t forget to
10 ... water them!

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 3 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Listen 7. Write 8. Speak

(40 minutes) track 50 (40 minutes) (40 minutes)

▪▪ Students read the rubric and ▪▪ Review some chants students ▪▪ Students read the rubric and

the instructions about the already know, e.g. Old the words in the box.
recycling process. Check MacDonald had a farm, Five
understanding of new little monkeys, etc. Focus ▪▪ Students label the items in the
students’ attention on the poster in their notebooks.
▪▪ Play the audio track: students
words that rhyme. You can ▪▪ Check the answers.
listen and take notes. also repeat the chant: If ▪▪ In pairs, students discuss
we want to help our world,
▪▪ Play the audio track again Recycling is the word! which items can be recycled
and what can be done with
for students to do the task ▪▪ Students read the rubric and them: refer them to the
in their notebooks. Repeat if example. Students may need
necessary. in pairs write their chants in to do some research about
how the items can be recycled
▪▪ Check the answers. their notebooks. and used for new purposes.
▪▪ In their notebooks, students This research could be done at
▪▪ Monitor and help with home or in the school library.
write the recycling process in
the correct order. vocabulary, rhyming words or ▪▪ Monitor and help with

Answer Key g. 5 structures. vocabulary and expressions.
a. 4 d. 3
b. 1 e. 7 ▪▪ Students rehearse the chant: ▪▪ Students work in small groups
c. 6 f. 2
if possible they should and present their ideas.
Audio Script 50
The first thing to do is make memorize it. Answer Key
 1. a tin of tuna
▪▪ Students perform their chants  2. a can of fizzy drink
 3. newspapers
for the class.  4. banana peel
 5. a plastic bottle
▪▪ Assess written and oral  6. a glass bottle
 7. fish bones
production.  8. a box of cereals
 9. a carton of milk
sure you separate your rubbish 10. batteries

properly at home.

The second thing to do is put your

separated rubbish into the correct

recycling bins for collection.

Next, the recycling company empties

the bins and takes it all to a recycling


From the recycling centre, the

recycled materials go to factories,

where they use them to make new


After that, the new products go to


Then, you buy the products made

from recycled materials.

Finally, the process starts again: your

rubbish can be recycled often.


module 3 // Unit 3

Expanding Knowledge » Let’s Prevent Water Pollution!

1. Read Read the magazine article and identify the paragraphs (A–D) that answer

the questions (1–4).

We Must Conserve Water

A. Water conservation is the preservation, control and development of our freshwater sources.
We must conserve our water sources so that we have freshwater in the future.

B. The number of people in the world is increasing and the climate is getting hotter and drier.
So, we will need more water to cool down our homes and workplaces and to grow plants
for food.

C. Human activity is polluting our water. Toxic emissions from factories and cars are released
into the air, then fall to the ground when it rains and go directly into our water sources.

D. We can conserve water by not polluting it. Don’t use your toilet or sink as a rubbish bin.
Don’t throw rubbish into rivers, lakes or the sea. Let’s keep our water clean!

1. How can we conserve water?
2. Why will we need more water in the future?
3. What is water conservation?
4. What is the main cause of water pollution?

51 2. Listen Listen to an expert talking about conservation and complete the

113 notes (1–7) with must or mustn’t.

The Dos and Don’ts of Conservation

It’s not difficult to prevent pollution. But we must change our behaviour
now if we want to do something about the problem.
1. You … pour fat/oil/grease down the sink: recycle it.
2. You … throw cleaning products down the sink/toilet.
3. You … recycle medicine: take it to the chemist.
4. You … throw tissues/toilet paper in the bin. You … throw them down

the toilet.
5. You … use a lot of detergent when washing clothes/dishes.
6. You … throw papers/rubbish on the ground.
7. You … pick up dog waste. You … leave it on the ground.

3. Write Write ten strong recommendations to tell people what they

must or mustn’t do to protect the environment.

You must use less water. You mustn’t pick wild flowers.

52 4. Listen Listen to the poem and complete it.

Polluting water is very … Pollute no …!
It makes people sick and … Let’s make our …
Throwing rubbish on the … Clean and …!
Will pollute our … We can do it
It’s time to …! If we do it …!

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 4 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

1. Read Write on the board: 3. Write
Strong recommendation,
(30 minutes) obligation or necessity: (30 minutes)
▪▪ In groups, students discuss
▪▪ Say the title of the lesson: We must protect our planet. the environmental problems in
We mustn’t destroy our planet. their neighbourhood or school.
students repeat. Ask: Is the ▪▪ Students write their strong
water clean where you live? Is Recommendation: recommendations in their
it safe to drink? If it’s polluted, notebooks: focus on the use
what polluted it? You should encourage people of must/mustn’t.
to do the three Rs. ▪▪ Volunteers read their
▪▪ Students read the rubric, the You shouldn’t ignore the sentences to the class.
three Rs.
article and the questions. 4. Listen
▪▪ In pairs, students discuss (30 minutes) track 52
▪▪ Students copy the incomplete
which paragraph answers poem in their notebooks.
▪▪ Play the audio track twice
which question: monitor and for students to complete the
poem. Repeat if necessary.
assess oral production. ▪▪ Students practise saying the
poem. Volunteers recite the
▪▪ Students write their answers poem for the class.

in their notebooks. Extra Activity (50 minutes)

Answer Key Audio Script Have a poetry reading competition:
1. D Good morning, everyone. As students must learn the poem by
2. B heart. Demonstrate how to recite
3. A you all know, water pollution is a a poem: focus on delivery and
4. C pace, expressing meaning and the
very serious problem for our planet. message of the poem. Here are
some memorization techniques:
It is a problem that affects all of us.
1.  Recite the poem out loud
And all of us must act now to save several times.

our water. It’s not difficult to prevent 2. S tart at the end of the poem
and add one line at a time.
2. Listen water pollution. But we must change
3.  Learn the poem verse by verse.
(30 minutes) track 51 our behaviour now if we want to do
Set a time limit for students to
▪▪ Revise the modal verb must: something about the problem. memorize the poem. They recite
the poem in front of the class.
refer to grammar box. So, here are some dos and don’ts The class vote for the best recital.

▪▪ Students read the dos and that I strongly recommend:

don’ts of conservation. 1. You mustn’t pour fat, oil or grease
down the kitchen sink. Instead,
▪▪ Play the audio track: students collect it in a jar and recycle it.

listen and take notes. 2. You mustn’t throw cleaning
products down the sink or toilet.
▪▪ Play the audio track again
3. You must recycle medicine
for students to do the task in properly. Take it to the chemist and
their notebooks. they will dispose of it for you.

Grammar Box 4. Y ou must throw tissues and toilet
Modal verbs: must vs should paper in the bin. You mustn’t throw
them down the toilet.
We use must to express a strong
recommendation, obligation or 5. You mustn’t use a lot of detergent
necessity. We only use must in when you are washing clothes or
the present tense; for all other the dishes.
tenses we use have to. Must has
the same form for all persons: I/ 6. You mustn’t throw papers or
you/he/she/it/we/they must obey rubbish on the ground.
the rules. We use mustn’t to
express negative obligation: You 7. You must pick up your dog’s waste.
mustn’t be cruel to animals. You mustn’t just leave it on the
ground for someone to step in.
We use should to express a
recommendation or moral Answer Key Answer Key T113
obligation. Should/shouldn’t has 1. mustn’t bad, sad, streets, seas, stop, more,
the same form for all persons: I/ 2. mustn’t water, better, together
you/he/she/it/we/they should be 3. must
respectful. 4. must / mustn’t Audio Script 52
5. mustn’t Polluting water is very bad.
6. mustn’t
7. must / mustn’t It makes people sick and sad.

Throwing rubbish on the streets

will pollute our seas.

It’s time to stop!

Pollute no more!

Let’s make our water clean and


We can do it, if we do it together!

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

5. Speak Did you like the poem? Why? Why not? Discuss your reasons with a partner.

I thought the poem was Well, I don’t agree. I thought
terrific because … it was terrible because …

6. Read Read the article and choose the correct answers (1–3).

Living Water!

In 1994, Japanese researcher and author Masaru Emoto decided he wanted to study water
in more detail. So, he took water from different places, for example, city tap water, and water
from rivers and lakes that were near big cities, and froze it so he could look at the ice crystals
it formed under a microscope in a laboratory. Then, Emoto also collected and froze water from
natural places where there wasn’t any pollution, and he also studied this frozen water under a
microscope. When he compared the results, they were surprising: the ice crystals formed by the
city water were ugly, but the ice crystals formed by the natural clean water were beautiful.

So, Emoto decided to do an experiment to see how water is affected by its surroundings. He put
some water in his laboratory and prayed and played beautiful music there, and he also praised
to the water. He observed that the ice crystals the water formed were very beautiful. Next, he
reversed the experiment and said horrible things to the water and played really loud aggressive
music: the ice crystals that formed were horrible and distorted.

Emoto was amazed by the results and published lots of books showing the different ice crystals.
Check them out and see what you think!

1 1 4 1. Emoto collected water from the same / different places.
2. When Emoto first compared the ice crystals, they were the same / different.
3. During his experiment, Emoto always played the same / different music.

7. Speak Read the article in exercise 6 again and discuss the questions (1–2)

with a partner.

1. What do you think about Emoto’s experiment?
2. Do you think that nature reacts to positive or

negative influences?

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 5 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

5. Speak 6. Read 7. Speak

(20 minutes)  (30 minutes) (20 minutes) 

▪▪ Students read the rubric and ▪▪ Students read the rubric ▪▪ Students read the rubric and

the example. and the article. Check the article in exercise 6 again.
understanding of new
▪▪ Brainstorm expressions for vocabulary. ▪▪ Ask: What adjectives can

expressing an opinion. Write ▪▪ Ask: Who was Masaru Emoto? describe Emoto’s experiment?

students’ suggestions on the What type of water did he study ▪▪ Write students’ suggestions
board, e.g. I thought … , I don’t first? What were the results?
agree … Remind students What kind of water did he study on the board, e.g. interesting,
next? What were the results? innovative, creative, useless,
of the difference between pointless.
terrific (positive) and terrible ▪▪ Students answer the
▪▪ In pairs, students read and
(negative). questions in their notebooks.
discuss the questions. Monitor
▪▪ In groups, students discuss ▪▪ Check the answers. and help with vocabulary and
what they thought about the Answer Key
1. different ▪▪ Assess students’ oral
poem. Monitor and help with 2. different
3. different production.
vocabulary and expressions.

▪▪ Assess oral production.


module 3 // Unit 3

8. Write Work in small groups and follow the instructions (1–7) to make a Water

Conservation Poster.

You need:

a large piece of thick cardboard strips of paper
marker pens photos cut out from magazines
scissors glue

Conserving Our Water Resources! Final task activity!

1. Collate all the information you’ve learned
about water in this module: how people use
water, how to conserve it, etc.

2. Collect pictures of water sources and of
people using water in different ways. Use
magazines or draw your own.

3. Think of a heading, for example, Conserving
Our Water Resources! and write it on your

4. Divide the piece of cardboard into two
columns: 1. Uses of Water 2. How to Conserve Water.

5. On the strips of paper, explain how people use water and also give some
recommendations (strong ones, too!) on how to conserve it.

6. Glue the pictures and your explanations and recommendations on the poster in the
correct column.

7. Display your poster in your classroom or around your school.

Uses of Water How to Conserve Water

115 cooking have a shower, not a bath!

9. Speak With your group, present your poster to 21st Century Skills
the class. · Collaborating

Knowing how to work in
groups is important if you

have common goals.
Make sure each member of
the team has a responsibility.
What skills do you have that

can help your group?

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 6 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

8. Write 21st Century Skills 9. Speak
(60 minutes) (50 minutes)
Highlight the importance of group
▪▪ Bring these materials to class work. Invite students to reflect ▪▪ Each group presents their
on their individual skills and how
(or previously ask students they can contribute to the group’s poster to the class. Assess
work by using and sharing those their written and oral
to bring them from home): a skills. Students assign roles to production.
each member of the group:
large piece of thick cardboard, ▪▪ Students could also present
•  Facilitator – will be the
strips of paper, marker materials gatherer their work to other classes.

pens, photos cut out from •  Secretary – will be the one
writing on the poster
magazines, scissors and glue.
• D esigner – will be the one
▪▪ Students use the information putting the photos in the
poster and/or drawing
in their books and their notes, images if necessary
and do some more research if
they wish. •  Speaker – will be the one
requesting the teacher’s
▪▪ Students read the rubric help. (This is usually
the person presenting
and the instructions. Check the product, but in this
understanding of new case the idea is for each
vocabulary. member of the group to
explain part of their poster
▪▪ Monitor and help with so that everyone in the
group speaks.)
vocabulary and expressions.
Suggest students write a
interesting heading for the

▪▪ Display the posters in your

classroom or around the school.

▪▪ Tell students that this activity

will help them with the
module final task.

▪▪ Therefore, it is important that

they keep their posters after
they take them off the walls.


Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

Preparing Your Task » We Must Save Energy

53 1. Listen Read the text and guess the missing word. Then listen and check.

Did you know that you use … every day? … makes things happen. Every time you turn a light on,
use hot water, bake a cake in the oven, or ride in a car, bus, train or plane, you are using … Each
time you watch TV or use a computer, you are using … All of the clothes that you wear, the toys
you play with, and the food you eat, are products made from processes that require …

2. Speak Look at the list of daily activities (1–5). Work with a partner and discuss
what kinds of energy source they use. Use the words in the box to help you.

electricity gas Daily Activities To prepare a hot meal we
batteries petrol 1. Prepare a hot meal need gas or electricity.
2. Have a hot shower
3. Take the bus to school
4. Iron clothes
5. Set an alarm clock

3. Read Read the text and the crossword clues and complete the
energy crossword.

Where Does Energy Come from?

Energy comes from renewable and non-renewable
sources. Non-renewable resources that give us
energy are oil (petroleum), natural gas and coal.
1 1 6 We process oil into fuels to run cars, lorries and
airplanes. We use both natural gas and coal to heat
homes and make electricity.
Among the renewable resources that give us energy
are sunlight, wind and water. People use sunlight
for several things, from drying clothes, growing
food, heating water and cooking, to generating
electricity. Wind turbines use wind to make
electricity. The water in rivers creates electricity.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 7 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

1. Listen 2. Speak 3. Read

(30 minutes) track 53 (25 minutes) (45 minutes)
▪▪ Write on the board: turn a light
▪▪ Read the title of the lesson: on, have a hot shower, bake a ▪▪ If possible, bring in
cake, ride in a car, watch TV, use
students repeat. Ask: Why a computer. Ask: What sources photocopies of the energy
must we save energy? of energy do we use to do these crossword.
▪▪ In pairs, students read the text ▪▪ In pairs, students read the ▪▪ Ask: Where does energy
rubric and decide the type of
and try to guess the missing energy source the activities come from? Write students’
word. Elicit students’ answers require. Refer students to the suggestions on the board.
and write them on the board. example as a model.
▪▪ Check the answers. ▪▪ In pairs, students read the
▪▪ Play the audio track: students
Extra Activity (40 minutes) rubric, the text and the
listen and check their answer. crossword clues. Check
Play a miming game. Divide the understanding of new
▪▪ Check the answer with class into teams. Tell students to vocabulary.
make a list of other daily activities
the class. that require energy. ▪▪ Students copy and complete

▪▪ Students copy the completed The members of the teams take the crossword in their
turns to choose an activity and notebooks.
text in their notebooks. mime it: their teammates have to
guess the activity and say what ▪▪ Check the answers.
Answer Key type of energy it requires. The time
All the blanks are completed with limit for guessing is one minute. Answer Key
the word energy. Across 2. coal 4. natural
Every correct guess is worth one 6. oil 7. wind 8. water
Audio Script 53 point. Set a time limit for the Down 1. electricity 3. heat
OK, class, today we are going length of the game: the winning 5. sunlight
team is the one with the most
to talk about energy. Did you know points.

that you use energy every day? Answer Key
1. electricity or gas
Energy makes things happen. Every 2. electricity or gas
3. petrol
time you turn a light on, use hot 4. electricity
5. electricity or batteries
water, bake a cake in the oven, or ride

in a car, bus, train or plane, you are

using energy. Each time you watch

TV or use a computer, you are using

energy. All of the clothes that you

wear, the toys you play with, and the

food you eat, are products made from

processes that require energy.


1 module 3 // Unit 3
3 2. A black rock used as fuel
4. A gas found underground that is used as fuel
45 6. A thick liquid that comes from petroleum
7. Moving air
6 8. A liquid that is essential for all living things

7 Down
1. An electric current or charge
3. A form of energy that makes you feel warm
5. The light from the sun


4. Read Read the blog and answer the questions (1–5).

Our School Energy-Saving Blog 1. Why did Ricardo decide
to create a blog?

By Ricardo García 2. When did Ricardo write
15 September 2018 his first blog post?

Hi, everyone! 3. How many days later did
There are loads of things we can do to reduce our daily Patricio write a comment
energy consumption. I’ve decided to create this blog for us on the blog?
so that we can share our ideas.
4. What recommendations
did Ricardo post?

Here are some of mine: 5. What recommendations

• You mustn’t leave TVs, computers or any other did Patricio post?

electronic devices on when you aren’t using them.

• You mustn’t keep electrical devices plugged in if you 21st Century Skills
aren’t going to use them for a while. · Critical Thinking

Anyway, guys, I’m really looking forward to reading your

comments ;) Every little bit helps!

Comments: What can you and your

Patricio said on 17/09/2018 family do to save energy

Hi, Ricardo! Some great ideas! Here are my at home?
recommendations for saving energy when you use a fridge:

• You mustn’t put too much food inside.

• You must only open the door when you know what you

want to get from the fridge.

• You mustn’t put hot items in it.

• You mustn’t keep the fridge temperature too low.

Hope these recommendations are useful. Bye J

5. Write Write some recommendations on how to You must turn off
save energy to post on Ricardo’s blog. lights that you’re

not using.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 8 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

4. Read 5. Write

(45 minutes) (20 minutes)

▪▪ Ask: What is a blog? Do you read ▪▪ Students read the rubric. Refer

any blogs? What type of blogs them to the recommendations
do you like reading? Bring in in the blog in exercise 4.
some samples of blogs, in case
students aren’t familiar with ▪▪ Revise must/mustn’t for strong
this text type.
▪▪ Students read the blog.
▪▪ Students write their
Check understanding of new
vocabulary. recommendations in their
▪▪ Students answer the question
▪▪ Monitor and help with
in their notebooks.
vocabulary: assess students’
▪▪ Check the answer. written production.

21st Century Skills ▪▪ Volunteers read their
Critical Thinking
recommendations to the class.
Encourage students to reflect
with their families on the
importance of saving energy
and how to do so. Devote some
time to discussing the different
ways students’ families can save
energy and how simple but also
important it is.

Answer Key
1. To share ideas for reducing

daily energy consumption
2. 15 September
3. Two days later
4. You mustn’t leave electrical/

electronic devices switched on
or plugged in when you’re not
using them.
5. Recommendations to save
energy when you use the fridge


Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Read Read about the special days and say what they all have in common.

Earth Day is on 22 April. On this day, people around the world get
together to show their support for environmental issues.

World Water Day is on 22 March. The day focuses attention on the
importance of conserving freshwater.

World Energy Day is on 22 October. It was created to raise
awareness of global energy.

7. Speak Work with a partner and talk about which of the special days in
exercise 6 you think is most important and why.

I think that World Water Day is
the most important because …

8. Speak Work in small groups and follow the steps (1–3) to invent a special day.

1. Choose an environmental issue that interests the whole

group and decide what aspects you want to focus on. Write

118 short informative texts about the issues.
2. Think of how you are going to celebrate your special day and

write short descriptions of the activities.

3. Present your special day to your class.

54 9. Listen Listen and repeat the sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation
of shouldn’t and mustn’t.

1. You shouldn’t buy products with a lot of packaging.
2. You mustn’t take long showers.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 9 02/12/2016 11:39

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 3

6. Read 8. Speak 9. Listen

(20 minutes) (60 minutes) (20 minutes) track 54
▪▪ Students read the rubric.
▪▪ Students take turns to read ▪▪ Students read the rubric and ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
the text out loud.
▪▪ Ask: What do the special days the steps. Check understanding the sentences.
all have in common? of new vocabulary.
▪▪ Play the audio track: students
Answer Key ▪▪ Students discuss their ideas
They are global events to listen and repeat. Focus on
raise awareness of important and make proposals for new
environmental issues. Also, they special days. They may need contracted forms.
are all on the 22nd of the month. to do some research at home
or in the library. ▪▪ Write the contracted forms
7. Speak
▪▪ Students write short on the board: students repeat
(35 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric: refer informative texts in their them.
students to the special days in notebooks: monitor and help
exercise 6. with new vocabulary and ▪▪ Elicit other short forms
▪▪ In groups, students discuss expressions.
the importance of the special students are familiar with.
days and their relevance. ▪▪ Students discuss what
▪▪ Monitor and help with Write them on the board,
vocabulary and expressions if activities/events they are e.g. I’m, you’re, he’s, she’s,
necessary. going to do to celebrate their we’re, they’re, I’ll, you’ll, I’ve,
▪▪ Assess oral production. special day, e.g. design posters you’ve, etc. Include some
promoting sensible use of negatives: isn’t, aren’t, haven’t.
resources, ask for permission
to celebrate the special day ▪▪ Have a contractions
at school, write a letter to
a local newspaper about pronunciation race. Slowly
the activities they want to
implement, etc. point to different contractions

▪▪ Students present their on the board: students say the

proposals for special days to contractions. Gradually point
the class.
to the contractions more and
▪▪ If possible, put the students’
more quickly. See how quickly
proposals into action.
students can respond and

pronounce the contractions


Audio Script 54

1. You shouldn’t buy products

with a lot of packaging.

2. You mustn’t take long showers.


module 3 // Unit 3

55 Chant

The environment rap

Mother nature we must protect,
And treat our world with respect.

Do the environment rap with me.

Animals are endangered,
We must treat them with respect.

They need looking after,
Or there won’t be many left!

Dolphins and whales like to swim.
Lizards and frogs have scaly skin.
Bears have fur and birds have feathers,
Let’s do the environment rap together.

Mother nature we must protect …

Reduce your time in the shower,
To save some water for a flower!
Wash your dishes and clean your clothes,
But just remember how plants grow!

To keep our world fantastic,
We must recycle plastic:

Fossils fuels are running out,
It’s something we must think about!

Mother nature we must protect, …

Animals are endangered,
11 9 We must treat them with respect.

They need looking after,
Or there won’t be many left!

We must stop deforestation
To help prevent this situation!
Forests, jungles and mountain ranges
Need our help with climate changes.

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 10 02/12/2016 11:40

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4


The environment rap

Lesson 4 As soon as the class is ready
to start doing so, encourage all
Speaking students to chant along with
the rap. It may take a few tries
(5 minutes) for them to feel confident, so
don’t be afraid to play the rap
Before playing the chant to multiple times.
your students, get the class to
turn to the correct page in the When the class is getting more
Student’s Book. confident with the words to
Encourage them to scan the the rap, break the class into
text to deduce the overall two groups of roughly even
meaning. Elicit the theme of sizes. Explain to them that one
the rap from the class as a group will take on the role of
whole. the main rapper, and the other
group will shout out the final
Once the class has concluded word of each line (or letter
that the theme of the rap is in the case of the line ‘R-E-
the protecting the S-P-E-C-T’). This encourages
environment, ask individual students to pay very careful
students to identify specific attention to the rhythm of
words in the text that are each line.
related to the topic. Ask
students if there are any words Group 1 Climate change we must
they don’t understand, and
encourage more advanced Group 2 protect!
students to explain the
meaning of words to their Group 1 And treat our world with
peers, in English, if they can.
Group 2 respect!
Group 1 R-E-S-P-E-C-
(10 minutes) track 55
Group 2 T!
Play the rap for the class to
listen to all the way through a Group 1 Do the environment rap with
couple of times. Get them to
pay special attention to the Group 2 me!
rhythm and pronunciation of
words that are unfamiliar to T119
them. Replay specific
sections to help them with
this, if needed.

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

What rhymes with climate

1. Speak Say the rhyming words with a partner. Mountain ranges.

1. climate changes 4. shower
2. respect 5. swim
3. feathers 6. fantastic

2. Write List the animals and places from the rap.

animals places


3. Read Look at the chant. Fill in the missing instructions.

1. your clothes. 6. mother nature.
2. animals with respect. 7. your time in the shower
3. deforestation. 8. your dishes.
4. the environment rap. 9. how plants grow.
5. about fossil fuels 10. plastic.

running out.

4. Speak Use the phrases to make true and false sentences about protecting the

environment. Your partner says if they are true or false.

120 1. use more plastic 6. use more fossil fuels
2. stop deforestation 7. look after animals
3. waste water 8. protect endangered animals We should …
4. treat our world with respect 9. use less fossil fuels We must …
5. 5recycle plastic 10. endanger animals We mustn’t …
We shouldn’t …

We should use more Thatr’escfyaclslee.pWlaestsich.ould

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 11 02/12/2016 11:40

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // 4

1. Speaking students) by describing the T120
animal or place in basic
(10 minutes) English.

Activity 1 is a rhyming 3. Read
activity which will build on
the chanting work the class (10 minutes)
has just done as a group. It
draws students’ attention After students have
to the strong rhymes and completed this activity, ensure
pronunciation of each of the they have good
words in the exercise and comprehension of each of the
encourages them to read the verbs. Ask them to supply the
text more closely. infinitive form of each verb,
and for especially advanced
Take some time to supervise students, you could ask them
each pair as they participate to say the opposite of each
in this activity, paying special phrase using a negative, e.g.
attention to weaker or less ‘Don’t wash your clothes./
confident students. Don’t treat animals with
For confident pairs who finish
the activity quickly, ask them 4. Speak
to write a list of any other
rhyming pairs they can think of (10 minutes)
to do with the environment.
Activity 4 is a speaking
2. Write activity. Students must make
true and false phrases about
(10 minutes) protecting the environment.
Encourage students to use
Activity 2 focuses more deeply variety of vocabulary and
on comprehension of concepts, and to say some
specific nouns in the rap. This sentences that aren’t true so
can be done as a pair activity that their partner can correct
or for homework, or if you feel them. Give extra points for
that the group would benefit using vocabulary from
from a whole class recap of previous lessons or that does
the answers, it can be done not appear in the rap.
together as one large group,
with students taking it in turns Extra Activity (5 minutes)
to shout out an answer as you Ask students to reflect on what
go round the class. they have learnt since the start
of the lesson. Get them to write
Even if they put the noun into down any new vocabulary in their
the correct category, ensure notebooks.
that students understand the
meaning of each word before
moving on to the next item by
asking them either to translate
it, or (for more advanced

module 3 // Check Your Progress

Check Your Progress

1. Write Complete the sentences (1–5) with the words in the box.

conserving water recycling reducing
reusing saving energy

1. When you separate rubbish, you are … I can discuss
2. When you buy fewer things, you are … environmental issues.
3. When you use things you’ve already used, you are …
4. When you turn off the water when you brush your Very well
Quite well
teeth, you are … With difficulty
5. When you turn off devices that you are not using,

you are …

2. Speak Talk to a partner about what you can

do every day to protect the environment.

3. Write Look at the pictures and use some of the prompts to write sentences with

should/shouldn’t or must/mustn’t.

1. reduce rubbish / separate / plastic / glass / paper / materials

121 srIuecgcaognemesmxtipoernnesds.satsitornosnagnd
2. conserve water / shower / bath Very well
Quite well

With difficulty

3. save energy / turn off / lights / electronic devices / fridge door

Colombia_Book 7_L7M3U3.indd 12 02/12/2016 11:40

Module // 3 Unit // 3 Lesson // Check Your Progress

1. Write 2. Speak 3. Write

(10 minutes) (10 minutes) (10 minutes)
▪▪ Students read the rubric and
copy the sentences in their ▪▪ Students read the rubric and ▪▪ Students read the rubric and
▪▪ Allow enough time for make notes. look at the pictures and the
students to do the task. prompts.
▪▪ Allow enough time for
Answer Key ▪▪ Students do the task in their
1. recycling students to do the task.
2. reducing notebooks.
3. reusing ▪▪ Monitor and assess oral
4. conserving water ▪▪ Collect the notebooks and
5. saving energy production.
assess their written production.
▪▪ Students complete the
▪▪ If necessary, you can increase
self-assessment section.
the difficulty of the task
by telling students to write
affirmative and negative

▪▪ Students complete the self-

assessment section.

Answer Key
Suggested answers:
1. To reduce rubbish, you should/

must separate materials like
plastic, glass and paper.
To reduce rubbish, you
shouldn’t/mustn’t throw
materials like paper, plastic and
glass in the same bin.
2. To conserve water, you should/
must take short showers.
You shouldn’t/mustn’t have
To conserve water, you
shouldn’t/ mustn’t have long
3. To save energy, you should/
must turn off lights.
To save energy, you should/
must turn off electronic
To save energy, you should/
must open the fridge door
only when it’s necessary.


Module // 3 Review

Environment Bingo

2 How do you begin a
Is it necessary to write What is a common Complete the first part
letter? the date on a letter? expression to end a of the letter:
“Dear Sirs,
I am writing to you
because … ”

3 Imagine you visited Imagine you visited Imagine you visited Imagine you visited

this place. Describe this place. Describe this place. Describe this place. Describe
where it is, what where it is, what where it is, what where it is, what
animals there are, etc. animals there are, etc. animals there are, etc. animals there are, etc.

Name some products Name some products Where is Lake Where are the Iguazú
people make that Titicaca? Falls?
4 people make that require fossil fuels.
require water.

5 Describe one way to Describe one way to Name one renewable Name a non-
save water at home. save water at school. resource. renewable resource.


122 Name this animal and Name this animal and Name this animal and Name this animal and
say where it lives. say where it lives. say where it lives. say where it lives.

Describe an Complete the Do you leave the Do you use too many
sentence: When we kill lights on? (Always/ plastic bags? (Always/
7 environmental animals, we promote Sometimes/ Never) Sometimes/ Never)
problem. …

8 What can you do to What can we do to help What can people do Explain why people
reuse resources? the environment? to protect our water should use less
resources? plastic.

SB7 MOD3 RPE pp122-127.indd 1 02/12/2016 11:44

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