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Core 3 - Obeying and observing traffic rules and regulations

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Core 3 - Obeying and observing traffic rules and regulations

Core 3 - Obeying and observing traffic rules and regulations


Welcome to the module in “Obeying and observing traffic rules and
regulations”. This module contains training materials and activities for you
to complete.

The unit of competency " Obey and observe traffic rules and
regulations” covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes on identifying and
measuring objects based on the required performance standards. It is one
of the specialized modules required to complete the qualification Driving NC

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order
to complete each learning outcome of the module. Each of the learning
outcomes is provided with Information Sheets (Reference Materials for
further reading to help you better understand the required activities). Follow
these activities on your own and answer the self-check at the end of each
learning outcome. You may remove a blank answer sheet at the end of each
module (or get one from your facilitator/trainer) to write your answers for
each self-check. If you have questions, don‟t hesitate to ask your facilitator
for assistance.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills
covered in this learner's guide because you have:

 been working for some time

 already completed training in this area.

If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a
particular skill or skills, talk to him/her about having them formally
recognized so you do not have to do the same training again. If you have a
qualification or Certificate of Competency from previous trainings, show it to
your trainer. If the skills you acquired are still current and relevant to the
unit/s of competency they may become part of the evidence you can present
for RPL. If you are not sure about the currency of your skills, discuss this
with your trainer.

A Record of Achievement is also provided for your trainer to
complete once you complete the module.

This module was prepared to help you achieve the required
competency in Preparing and displaying petits fours. This will be the source
of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular
trade independently and at your own pace, with minimum supervision or
help from your instructor.

Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the
Training of this unit. Read through the module carefully. It is divided into

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
Rules and Regulations July 20, 2020
Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 2
Asst. Prof II

sections, which cover all the skills, and knowledge you need to successfully
complete this module.

Work through all the information and complete the activities in each
section. Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this

Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager.
He/she is there to support you and show you the correct way to do things.

Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to
consider when you are completing activities and it is important that you
listen and take notes.

You will be given plenty of opportunities to ask questions and practice
on the job. Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work
shifts. This way you will improve both your speed and memory and also
your confidence.

Talk to more experienced workmates and ask for their guidance.

Use the self-check at the end of each information sheet and
performance criteria checklist every after task/operation sheet to test your
own progress.

When you are ready, ask your trainer to observe you as you perform
the activities required in this module.

As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on your
progress. Your trainer keeps feedback/ pre-assessment reports for this
reason. When you have successfully completed each element, ask your
trainer to mark on the reports that you are ready for assessment.

When you have completed this module (or several modules), and feel
confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your trainer for the
arrangement of the schedule for an institutional assessment. Once you have
confidently demonstrated the competency you gain to your assessor he/she
will give you a Certificate of Competency on Obey and observe traffic
rules and regulations. The results of your assessment will be recorded in
your competency Achievement Record, Progress Chart and Trainee‟s Record

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
Rules and Regulations July 20, 2020
Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 3
Asst. Prof II


No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Basic Competency

1 Participate in workplace Participating in workplace 50031105
communication communication

2 Work in a team Working in a team 50031106
environment environment

3 Practice career Practicing career 50031107
professionalism professionalism

Practice occupational Practicing occupational 50031108
4 health and safety health and safety

Common Competency

1 Apply Appropriate Applying Appropriate ALT723201
Sealant/Adhesive Sealant/Adhesive

2 Move and Position Vehicle Moving and Position ALT723202

3 Perform Mensuration And Performing Mensuration ALT311202

Calculation And Calculation

4 Read, Interpret And Apply Reading, Interpret And ALT723203
Specification And Manuals Apply Specification And

5 Use And Apply Using And Apply ALT723204
Lubricants/Coolant Lubricants/Coolant

6 Perform Shop Performing Shop ALT723207
Maintenance Maintenance

Core Competency

Carry Out Minor Vehicle Carrying Out Minor
1 Maintenance And Vehicle Maintenance And ALT723348

Servicing Servicing

2 Drive Light Vehicle Driving Light Vehicle ALT832302
Obey And Observe Obeying and Observing
3 Traffic Rules And traffic signs and road

4 Implement And Coordinate Implementing And ALT832304
Accident-Emergency Coordinate Accident-

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Rules and Regulations July 20, 2020
Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 4
Asst. Prof II


HOW TO USE THIS COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING MATERIALS ...............................................................2

LIST OF COMPETENCIES...........................................................................................................................................4

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................5

MODULE CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................................6

LEARNING OUTCOME 1: Observe Traffic Signs and Road Markers ..............................................................7
LEARNING EXPERIENCES ....................................................................................................................................8
INFORMATION SHEET 3.1-1 Traffic Lights ..........................................................................................................9

SELF-CHECK 3.1-1 .......................................................................................................................................... 9
ANSWER KEY 3.1-1 ...................................................................................................................................... 18
INFORMATION SHEET 3.2-1 Road Signs and Markers, Warning Signs, Regulation Signs Mandatory
Signs Information Signs ...............................................................................................................................19
SELF-CHECK 3.2-1 ........................................................................................................................................ 46
ANSWER KEY 3.1-2 ...................................................................................................................................... 49

LEARNING OUTCOME NO. 2: Obey Traffic Rules and Regulations ............................................................. 63
LEARNING EXPERIENCES ..................................................................................................................................64
INFORMATION SHEET 3.2-1 Traffic Rules and Regulation................................................................................65

SELF CHECK 3.2-1......................................................................................................................................... 92
ANSWER KEY 3.2-1 ...................................................................................................................................... 93
INFORMATION SHEET 3.2-2 Driving Outfit/Attire............................................................................................94
SELF CHECK 3.2-2....................................................................................................................................... 105
ANSWER KEY 3.2-2 .................................................................................................................................... 106

LEARNING OUTCOME NO. 3: Practice Curtesy...............................................................................................107
LEARNING EXPERIENCES ................................................................................................................................108
INFORMATION SHEET 3.3-1 Drivers Code Of Ethics .......................................................................................109

SELF CHECK 3.3-1..................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
ANSWER KEY 3.3-1 .................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

LEARNING OUTCOME NO. 4: Respect Traffic Enforcers and Other Traffic Management Unit ........114
LEARNING EXPERIENCES ................................................................................................................................115
INFORMATION SHEET 4.4-1 Traffic Violations and Penalties .........................................................................116

SELF CHECK 4.4-1....................................................................................................................................... 126
ANSWER KEY 4.4-1 .................................................................................................................................... 127


Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
Rules and Regulations July 20, 2020
Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 5
Asst. Prof II


Qualification: DRIVING NC II

Unit of Competency: Obey and Observe Traffic Rules and Regulations

Module Title: Obeying and Observing Traffic Rules and

Module Descriptor :

This unit involves the skills and knowledge and attitudes required in
obeying and observing traffic rules and regulations while driving light

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. observe traffic signs and road markers;
2. obey traffic rules and regulations;
3. practice courtesy; and
4. respect traffic enforcers and other traffic management unit.

Assessment Criteria:
1. identify and follow traffic signs and road markers in
accordance with concerned traffic.
2. identify and follow traffic rules and regulations in
accordance with concerned traffic authorities.
3. maintain license and registration as prescribed by law.
4. wear driver outfit/ attire as prescribed by law.
5. demonstrate positive work values as per code of ethics of
6. respond and handle complaints with respect based on
driver‟s code of ethics.
7. convey reminders to passengers politely.
8. comply traffic authority instruction as prescribed by law.
9. issue traffic violation tickets/ receipts by traffic enforcers
are accepted and appropriate action is taken.

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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 6
Asst. Prof II


Learning Outcome 1:
Observe Traffic Signs and Road Markers

1. Traffic light
2. Road Signs
3. Road Markers

Assessment Criteria:
1. Identify and follow traffic signs and road markers in accordance
with concerned traffic.

Trainee must be provided with the following:
 Ample space with traffic signs and symbols for driving and
maneuvering the vehicle, persons to act as passengers and traffic

 Well lighted and ventilated room with table and chairs for
written/oral assessment

 No blowing of horns
 Yield
 No Parking
 One way
 No U-turn
 Merging traffic
 No overtaking
 Pedestrian lane

o Light Duty Vehicle

Assessment Method:
 Written Test
 Demonstration with Oral Questioning
 Interview

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Asst. Prof II


Learning Outcome 1 - Observe Traffic Signs and Road Markers

Learning Activities Specific Instructions

SHEET 3.1-1 on Traffic After reading you are encouraging to

light answer the SELF CHECK on Traffic

2. ANSWER SELF-CHECK 3.1- Refer to ANSWER KEY 3.1-1 Compare
1 on Traffic light
answer with the answer key. You are
required to get all answers correct. If

not, read information again to answers
all questions correctly.

SHEET 3.1-2 on Road Signs After reading you are encouraging to
answer the SELF CHECK on Road
Refer to ANSWER KEY 3.1-2 Compare
5. READ INFORMATION answer with the answer key. You are
SHEET 3.1-3 on Road required to get all answers correct. If
Markers not, read information again to answers
all questions correctly.
After reading you are encouraging to
answer the SELF CHECK on Road
Refer to ANSWER KEY 3.1-3 Compare
answer with the answer key. You are
required to get all answers correct. If
not, read information again to answers
all questions correctly.

SHEET 3.1-4 on Traffic 4After reading you are encouraging to

Authorities answer the SELF CHECK on Traffic

8. ANSWER SELF-CHECK 3.1- Refer to ANSWER KEY 3.1-4 Compare

4 answer with the answer key. You are
required to get all answers correct. If
not, read information again to answers

all questions correctly.

After doing all the activities of this Learning Outcome, you are ready

to proceed to the next Learning Outcome on Obey traffic rules and

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
Rules and Regulations July 20, 2020
Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 8
Asst. Prof II

Traffic Lights

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Distinguish the meaning of traffic lights and signal;
2. Identify the reasons of choosing the colors in the traffic lights;
3. Enumerate the other signal aside from traffic lights that drivers

and pedestrian should understand.


Understanding the use of traffic lights is one of the basics that every driver
and pedestrian should know. But aside from learning that the lights signal when to
stop, pause, and drive ahead, have you ever wondered why out of seven flashing
colors in rainbow, traffic lights use green, yellow, and red? I mean, why not violet,
blue or orange?

To feed your curiosity, we have made a rundown of interesting facts about
traffic lights

The history of traffic lights
Going centuries back, there had been various attempts made to come up with
the best possible solution to control the traffic. In 1868, the first-ever gas-powered
traffic light, which only housed colors green and red, was installed in London.
There’s a policeman in charge of the traffic light as it was manually operated.

After that, the first electric traffic lights were introduced and were posted
at Cleveland, Ohio in 1914. Unlike the previous one, this electric traffic lights come
with a warning buzzer, which indicates that light was about to change. However, in
a bustling and noisy street, a warning buzzer was not enough to notify the drivers
inside the vehicle, causing numerous accidents in the area. That’s why in 1920, a
police officer in Detroit named William Potts, added the yellow signal to visually
warn the drivers.

Garett Morgan then came into the scene and invented an automated traffic
light. He patented it in 1923, which was then granted by the U.S. Patent Office on the
same year, and was adapted in different countries.

In the Philippines, the first traffic light was installed in Plaza Lacson located
at Santa Cruz, Manila in 1938.

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 9
Asst. Prof II

Anatomy of the three-colored traffic lights

The reason why red was chosen to represent the stop signal is that it has
always been associated with the word ‘danger’. Another reason was that red has the
longest wavelength, so it can be visible in greater distance compared to other colors.

If you happen to be a driver who likes to beat the red light, well, I’m telling
you that it’s not cool. The yellow sign is designed and included in the stop light for a
reason. It simply serves as a caution for you to wait, and not to accelerate.

On the side note, did you know that signal lamps were used originally in
railroads? In fact, color white was once used for the ‘go’ sign, and color green for the
caution. However, white lights caused some problems because train conductors
could not see it all the time, especially during the day. Adding to this tricky situation
is the tint that causes the red light to appear white, creating confusion to the
operators, which leads to mishaps.

To avoid dangerous situations, officials decided to get rid of white light, and
replaced it with green as go signal. Green was chosen as it can be easily
distinguished from the other two. Viola! That’s how we get the three-colored signal
lights that we use in traffic right now.

I. Traffic Signal Lights and Their Meanings

Some of us may not have noticed but the Philippines is one of the
luckiest countries to have a lot of traffic lights along the national and local
highways. Unfortunately, we don‟t really maximize its use.

In fact, in some cities or towns, traffic enforcers are even present to
manage the traffic flow, even if the traffic lights are functioning properly.
Hence, let‟s start by understanding these lights in depth.

1. Steady and Flashing Red Light Red light means stop

It is a known fact that when the
traffic light turns red, as a driver, you
need to make a full stop. This also means
that you need to allow people to cross the
pedestrian. With the red light on, you can
also make a red turn against it, as long as
there is no longer pedestrian and vehicle
traffic. You can also do so if you do not
see any signs that say “No Turn on Red”.

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Asst. Prof II

2. Red Arrow Light

Almost similar to the standard red light, a red light with an arrow sign
means that you are not allowed to proceed in the direction where the arrow
is pointing. That is until the red arrow light is gone or the green arrow sign

In contrast to the red stop light (circle), you are not allowed to turn
against a red arrow light. Additionally, when the red arrow starts to flash,
you must make a complete stop before you proceed.

3. Steady and Flashing Yellow Light

The yellow light is actually the most
misunderstood traffic signal in the
Philippines. This light indicates that the red
light, which means stop, is about to appear.
Hence, drivers should stop (when it‟s safe) or
when not in an intersection.

If you just need to slow down, like you

are in the middle of an intersection, you must The Different Arrows and Their Meaning
make sure that you carefully look at the
oncoming traffic from the intersection and safely drive your car before the

red light appears.

4. Yellow Arrow Yellow light: the most misunderstood
A yellow arrow simply means that the red traffic signal
arrow is about to appear. As such, you need to
stop if you are not in the intersection, If in case Be cautious: You have yielded the
you are in an intersection, proceed with caution. oncoming traffic

5. Flashing Yellow Arrow
This indicates that you are allowed to
proceed to the area where the arrow is pointing.
However, make sure that you do this with caution
and you have yielded the oncoming traffic.

6. Green Light
The green light is also often the most
abused traffic signal colors, especially in the
Philippines. Since it indicates “Go”, drivers often
do not care about people and bicycle crossing,
causing accidents.

That being said, although green means go, Ensure to allow the pedestrian to
you have to make sure that you allow those who cross first when you go ahead with
are still on the pedestrian to cross before you
even proceed. the green light

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 11
Asst. Prof II

Similarly, when the green light is on, turning left is not always
allowed. You must make sure that space is enough for you to turn
completely and you won‟t become a hazard or a source of traffic.

In case you can make a left turn, you also consider the fact that those
heading straight from the other direction are a priority. Additionally, a green
light does not also mean that you can enter an intersection. You should
ensure that you have enough space before doing so.

7. Green Arrow
Again, green means “go”, so it has the same meaning as the standard
green light. However, for a green arrow, you are allowed to turn right or left,
depending on the direction of the arrow.

II. Other Signals

Apart from the basic traffic signal and their meaning that we have
discussed above, there are also other signals that both drivers and
pedestrian crossers should understand.

1. Walking Person

As self-explanatory as it may seem, a
walking person symbol light means that you
can cross the pedestrian. In the Philippines,
it usually has different colors, such as green
and red, indicating go and stop, respectively.
Some walking person symbols will start to
walk fast when the walk safely light is about
to turn red.

2. Raised or Upraised Hand

This may not be a common symbol in the Philippines, but it is
something that one should learn, especially those who travel a lot. A steady,
raised hand signal light means that no individual should cross or approach
the pedestrian. That is because they will have no time to reach the other
direction or side of the street.

3. Timer Do NOT Proceed
Most of the time, a traffic signal light will be
accompanied by a timer. This is usually called the
timer signal. It indicates the time you have
remaining to either cross the street or drive your car
to a certain direction.

For example, if the timer near a green light
flashes 15, it means that you only have 15 seconds
left before the light changes.

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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 12
Asst. Prof II

III. The traffic light is for safety

The traffic signal light is an
important concept that drivers and the
public should learn and understand for the
safety of everyone. That being said, it
should always be kept in mind that even if
you‟re rushing, the concept of “give and
take” should be practiced.

If the light is green and someone is
still crossing and driving on the

intersection, wait until they are safe. The timer is for the corresponding

Likewise, if you are crossing and/or are in traffic light color or symbol

the middle of the pedestrian or intersection

when the light turns green, move fast with caution.

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 13
Asst. Prof II


Traffic Lights

Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the following questions and select the correct
answer from the choices.

1. Where do you stop at temporary traffic lights?

a. After the traffic lights, but before the construction zone.
b. At the ‘Stop here on red signal’ sign
c. Where the lane ends

2. Temporary traffic lights at road works _______.
a. Must be obeyed.
b. Apply to road works vehicles only.
c. Are installed to warn motorists of construction works.

3. You wish to turn left at this intersection and the traffic lights are green. What
should you do?

a. Wait behind the stop line until there is room for
you to enter the new road.

b. Move forward slowly, make the left turn and
wait behind car A

c. Enter the intersection and sound the horn.

4. In the intersection when the traffic lights change from green to yellow. What
should you do?

a. Keep going
b. Drive through and sound your horn
c. Stop
5. You wish to turn left at this intersection. The traffic lights are red and you see
this sign. You should –

a. Stop then go straight ahead
b. Stop until the light turns green
c. Stop, then if you see it is safe turn left

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 14
Asst. Prof II

6. What are these lights mean?

a. You can turn left, but not go straight ahead
b. You can turn left or go straight ahead
c. You can turn left only if a sign 'TURN LEFT AT ANY TIME

WITH CARE' is displayed

7. At traffic lights what is meant when a red light appears?
a. Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lights change to yellow.
b. Stop, make sure there is no traffic, then drive straight ahead.
c. Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lights change to green.

8. As you approach an intersection with traffic lights, the yellow light turns to red.
You must –

a. Speed up to avoid traffic from the left and right.
b. Stop and wait for the green light.
c. Sound your horn and proceed through the red light.

9. You approach an intersection showing a red light and the sign shown. You
wish to turn left. You must –

a. Stop and wait for a green light.
b. Stop and turn left only if it is safe.
c. Slow down and turn left or right if it is safe.

10. You are waiting at an intersection and the lights are red. The traffic lights
change to green. You should –

a. Check both sides of the intersection and then proceed.
b. Wait until the traffic behind you makes you move.
c. Cross the intersection as quickly as possible.

11. This light means, you -

a. Can go straight ahead, or turn left or turn right, if it is safe to
do so.

b. Must stop and wait for the red light before proceeding.
c. Can make a U turn provided it is safe to do so.

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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 15
Asst. Prof II

12. As you approach a set of traffic lights at an intersection, they change from
green to yellow (amber). You must –

a. Stop before the lights, unless you are so close that sudden braking might
cause an accident.

b. Drive through the intersection without accelerating
c. Accelerate to clear the intersection before the lights change to red.

13.What may you do at an intersection with traffic lights at which this sign is

a. If the lights are red you must first stop, then you may turn left if it
is safe to do so.

b. You may turn left only if a green arrow is shown.
c. You should slow down and check if anyone is coming before

turning left.

14. It is 3 o'clock in the morning. You cannot see any other traffic. You want to
turn right. You may -

a. Not turn right while the arrow is red.
b. Turn right when you have waited one minute.
c. Turn right if it is safe to do so.

15. You want to turn right at an intersection and see this traffic light. You should –

a. Stay behind the stop line until the green arrow shows
b. Enter the intersection and wait for the green arrow.
c. Move forward slowly.

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16. Are you permitted to make a U-Turn at traffic lights?
a. No, unless there is a U-TURN PERMITTED sign at the intersection.
b. Yes, at all times.
c. Yes, if there is no danger of colliding with another vehicle.

17. You are facing traffic lights (as shown). What do they mean?

a. You may proceed only in the direction of the green arrow
b. You may proceed only in the direction of the green arrow

when the red light has changed to green
c. You must give way to oncoming traffic.

18. What should you do when approaching traffic lights which change from green
to yellow?

a. Stop at the stop line unless you are so close that sudden or sharp braking
might cause an accident

b. Stop, only if a red light camera is in use.
c. Speed up to clear the intersection before the lights change to red.

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Asst. Prof II


Traffic Lights

Multiple choice

1. B - At the „Stop here on red signal‟ sign
2. A - Must be obeyed.
3. A - Wait behind the stop line until there is room for you to enter the new

4. C - Stop
5. B - Stop until the light turns green
6. A - Can turn left, but not go straight ahead
7. C. Stop, wait behind the stop line until the lights change to green.
8. B - Stop and wait for the green light.
9. B - Stop and turn left only if it is safe.
10. A - Check both sides of the intersection and then proceed.
11. A - Can go straight ahead, or turn left or turn right, if it is safe to do so.
12. A - Stop before the lights, unless you are so close that sudden braking

might cause an accident.
13. A - If the lights are red you must first stop, then you may turn left if it is

safe to do so.
14. A - Not turn right while the arrow is red.
15. A - Stay behind the stop line until the green arrow shows
16. A - No, unless there is a U-TURN PERMITTED sign at the intersection.
17. A - You may proceed only in the direction of the green arrow
18. D - Stop at the stop line unless you are so close that sudden or sharp

braking might cause an accident

Code No. Observing and Obeying Traffic Date: Developed: Revised by: Issued By: Page #
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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 18
Asst. Prof II

Road Signs

Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU
MUST be able to:

1. Distinguish the meaning of road signs;
2. Identify the different colors of road signs;
3. Name the different kinds of road signs.


Call it road signs, street signs, or traffic signs, the main goal of these
signs are to provide instructions and

information to drivers and road
users. Basically, it‟s for the safety and
proper flow of traffic in the highway.
They may be placed above roads or
on the sides in order to ensure that
people easily see them whenever they
are on the road. Before, signs are
made of stones and wooden
milestone, but with the advancement
of technology nowadays, modern sign
boards are made to prevent rod accident and manage traffic flow every time
people people are using the highway.

Growing Importance of traffic signs in the Philippines

With the increase in traffic volumes in the Philippines, gantry and
photolumiscent street signs were now used. The standardized sign boards
are essential in overcoming language barriers as well as in enhancing traffic

safety. For instance, pictorial signs contain symbols like silhouettes with a
few words to make sure people quickly understand them. This is especially

required by international protocols to ensure everyone is safe on the road no
matter the nationality.

However, there are categories to be familiar of. Not all Filipinos know
this, but that is why traffic signs are made simpler to help them recognize
the symbols easily. The categories include danger warning signs, priority
signs, prohibitory signs, mandatory signs, special regulation signs, service
signs, indication signs additional panels, and many others. For guide signs
these include street name signs, welcome signs, freeway signs, expressway
signs, route marker signs and information signs.

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Jesus F. Sausa LGPC 19
Asst. Prof II

In the Philippines, advance directional sign boards help rod users in
taking precautions when entering or exiting an intersection or switching
lanes. However, these signs are normally seen on motorways and
expressways where more vehicles on the Philippines, more complex traffic
signs systems are used instead of text-based signage boards.

Benefits of the Street signs Philippines

The street signs developed in the Philippines are more important than
ever. This is due to the growing number of road users every year. In
addition, the need to provide safety measures and guides to drivers
increasingly becomes a main concern to the Philippine government. Hence,
reliable signage makers in the country are in the country are needed to
ensure high quality street signs nationwide.

Road marking and traffic signs actually serve as silent speakers in the
highway. They help rod users when navigating the road until their desired
location is reached. However, all road users need to understand each sign
and marking placed on the highway. Below are some of the important
guidelines to keep in mind when using the road:

A. Various street signs are seen long the highway. They mainly provide
advance information regarding the direction that drivers are going
through. These road markings are also important in giving warning,
orders or guidance to riders.

B. Rod traffic signs are basically created to inform riders and road users
of the rules and regulations they need to follow including special
obligations, restrictions and prohibitions. And violating any of the
mandatory signs could bring person to a certain legal offence.

C. Informatory signs are created to properly guide riders along routes
while informing them about the distance between destinations. In
addition, it helps recognize points of historical ad geographical
interest along with the details of a safer, more pleasant, and easier
travel for rod users.

Standard Color Scheme of Traffic Signs

Red- it means stop, but it also used in yield signs, wrong way signs,
do not enter, multi-way supplemental signs and in other regulatory symbols

Fluorescent pink – incident management sign bords used this color
in the background to provide better milestones to riders.

Coral – this color is unassigned, but is reserved for future use.

Orange – this is the background color of temporary signs to control
traffic flow.

Yellow – school signs and warning signs mainly use yellow as their
background color except for temporary signs.

Fluorescent Yellow Green – bicycle, pedestrian and school warning
signage use this color as background.

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Green – parking signs, permissive regulation signs, information and
guide signs use this color.

Light Blue – another unassigned color that is reserve for future use.
Blue – this is the background color used in emergency evacuation
routes, traveler service information signs, and other route markers on the
Purple – this color is again reserved for future use.
Brown – information and guide signage use brown as background
color as well as other signs that are associated with cultureal and
recreational points.
Black – this is the background color of one wy signs, truck regulatory
signage, night speed limit, and other signs with fluorescent pink, orange,
yellow, white and yellow green background colors.
White – regulatory signs use white in the background as well as signs
with brown, black, blue, green, and red background colors.

Philippines’ Signage Maker Choice
The standard traffic signs used in the Philippines are sully in the Road

signs and Pavement Markings Manual. The Department of Public Works and
Highway is the government body that regulates traffic nationwide. Most
waning sign boards show black symbols on white background in a red
bordered equilateral triangle. However, there are added panels to help
supplement meanings so that road users easily understand them.

Warning signs:
Warning Signs are types of signs which indicates a potential hazard,

obstacle or condition requiring special attention. Some are traffic signs that
indicate hazards on roads that may not be readily apparent to a driver.
While warning traffic sign designs vary, they usually take the shape of an
equilateral triangle with a white background and thick red border.

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1. Horizontal Signs
These signs are used to indicate the type of road curve ahead of

the motorist.
2. Intersection Signs

Signs when one approaches an intersection or junctions.

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3. Advance Warning / Traffic Control Device Signs
Signs when one approaches an intersection or junction

4. Road Width Signs

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a. Road Obstacle Signs

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b. Pedestrian Signs

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c. Railway Level Crossing Signs

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5. Supplementary Signs

9.Other Signs

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Regulatory Signs:

One type of regulatory signs are traffic signs intended to instruct
road users on what they must or should do (or not do) under a given set of

1. Priority Signs

driver must stop at yield to the vehicle MUST GIVE WAY
designated STOP on right side of
LINE. No Parking intersection.
within 6 Meters

a. Directional Signs

These signs indicate the direction(s) in which the motorist is
obliged to follow

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b. Prohibited / Restriction Signs

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c. Speed Signs
d. Parking and Stopping Signs

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e. Miscellaneous Signs

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Informative/Guide sign:
Informative sign is a very legibly printed and very

noticeable placard that informs people of the purpose of an object, or gives
them instruction on the use of something. An example is a traffic sign such
as a stop sign.

1. Advance Direction Signs

2. Intersection Direction Signs

3. Reassurnce Direction Signs

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4. Fingerboard Direction Signs
5. Street Name Signs

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6. Town Names and Geogrphical Feture Signs
Signs that convey the general information of interest, such as geopraphical


7. Service Signs

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8. Tourist Information and Tourist Destinations Signs

9. Route Markers
Identification route number of arterial and ntional highway and direction of

the route.

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10. Asian Highway route Markers

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Signs on Expressway
These signs are essentil for the driver to hve an advance information to

ensure that they cn position their vehicles in the correct lanes.
1. Expressway approch Signs

Installed in advance or t the nearest intersection or interchange leading to
the expressway.

2. Express Information Signs

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3. Advance Exit Signs
Placed at the advance of an exit toll

4. Expresswy Exit Direction Signs
Exit signs posted overhed before the exit ramp of the interchange.

5. Expressway Service Signs

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6. Start and End of Expressway Signs

7. Expressway Traffic Instruction and Regulatory Signs
Traffic Instruction Signs

These special signs are normally seen exclusively for expressways

Traffic Instruction Signs

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These signs insturct the motorist to follow direction or to obey a
course of action. It is in conjunction with regulatory or warning signs to
form a standard treatment, and to support the operation of traffic rules.

A. Supplymentary Signs

B. Movement Instructions signs

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Hazard Markers
These are used to emphasize to the pproaching driver a marked change in

the direction of travel and the presence of an obstraction.
Type of Hard Markers

ONE-WAY HAZARD MARKERS – indicate to the
approching driver the direction to be followed at

the end of the road.

the drivers through a
change in horizontal
alignment of the road.

TWO-WAY HAZARD MARKERS- warns the diver
ahead that the road ahead is about to change

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Road Work Signs

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Self-Check 3.1-2
Road Signs

Multiple Choice:

Direction: Read the following questions and select the correct answer
that describes the pictures.

1. What does this sign mean?

a. Highway changes ahead to the right
b. Hiking trails ahead to the right
c. Hotel ahead to the right
d. Hospital ahead to the right

2. What does this sign mean?

a. An intersection
b. A crosswalk
c. A railroad crossing
d. A blasting zone

3. What does this sign mean?

a. Dog crossing ahead
b. Deer crossing ahead
c. Zoo ahead
d. Hunting zone ahead

4. What does this sign mean?
a. You have entered a one way road the wrong
b. Stop immediately and carefully back up or turn
c. Do not enter this road
d. All of the above

5. What does this sign mean?

a. Pedestrians only
b. Intersection ahead
c. Hiking trails ahead
d. School crossing ahead

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6. What does this sign mean?

a. All traffic turn left
b. No left turn
c. No U-turn
d. Truck route to the left

7. What does this sign mean?

a. Four-lane traffic ahead
b. Divided highway ahead
c. Two-way traffic ahead
d. Intersection ahead

8. What does this sign mean?

a. Low clearance ahead
b. Narrow road ahead
c. Small vehicles permitted only
d. Road under water ahead

9. What does this sign mean?

a. Reduce speed to 35 mph before stopping, then
turn right

b. Low speed sharp right curve ahead, advisory to
reduce speed to 35 mph in ideal driving

c. Right turn ahead, advisory to reduce speed to 35 mph in ideal driving

d. Low speed right curve ahead, advisory to reduce speed by 35 mph in all
driving condition

10. What does this sign mean?

a. Scooter route
b. Motorcycles only
c. Bike route only
d. No bikes allowed on route

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11. What does this sign mean?

a. Merging traffic is approaching from the right
b. Winding road ahead
c. Right lane ends ahead, stay to the left
d. Divided highway ahead

12. What does this sign mean?

a. Drivers can turn left and take a U-turn
b. Drivers coming from either direction can only make a left turn
c. Drivers coming from either direction can only make a right turn
d. Drivers on one side can only turn left; drivers on the other side

can only turn right

13. What does this sign mean?

a. Number of race tracks
b. Number of tracks at a railroad crossing
c. Number of songs in an album
d. Podium for winner and runner ups

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Road Signs
1. (D) Hospital ahead to the right
2. (C) A railroad crossing
3. (B) Deer crossing ahead
4. (D) All of the above
5. (D) School crossing ahead
6. (B) No left turn
7. (C) Two-way traffic ahead
8. (A) Low clearance ahead
9. (B) Low speed sharp right curve ahead, advisory to reduce speed to 35
mph in ideal driving conditions
10. (C) Bike route only
11. (C) Right lane ends ahead, stay to the left
12. (B) Drivers coming from either direction can only make a left turn
13. (B) Number of tracks at a railroad crossing

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Road Markers

Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU
MUST be able to:

1. Identify the different road markers,
2. Classify the road markers,
3. Name the type road markers.
Road markings are a great mystery to most of our local drivers. Many
hate to admit it, but ask them to explain what a painted center island is and
you‟ll probably get the same response you get when you try and explain the
proper use of a shoulder to a Filipino: I don‟t know or I don‟t care. It also
doesn‟t help that our local government units and infrastructure developers
have ambiguous standards when it comes to proper road markings, do we
have yellow lines or not? Why do we have some European style markings
mixed with United States standards?

So in order to identify those simple painted lines on the road, the
simplify the meaning and understanding of these lines which most drivers
treat merely as nice decorations

Single White / Yellow Dotted Line

Dotted white / Yellow line on a two lane
road separates traffic moving on opposite

On a one way street it separates traffic
moving in one direction.

Overtaking is possible when other lane is
clear of oncoming traffic.

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