Advanced Dungeon~ragons
Fantasy World Adventure
Castle Greyhawk
CRE b lt S tasl€ o~ Cont ents
Editing: Mike Breault with Wha t 's Happening Now a t Castle Greyhawk . .... 2
Jon Pickens by Chris Mortika
Cover Art: Ke ith P arkinson Level 1: Against the Lit tle Guys ............ 12
Interior Art: J im Holloway with by Steve Gilbert
Jeff Easley Level 2: It's My Party and
Typography: Kim Janke I ' ll Die if I Want to . . . . ... . .. . . .... 2 1
Cartography: Stephen Sullivan
Keylining: Stephanie Tabat and by Rick Swan
Dave S. LaForce
Olotributed to th• book trade in lhe United tetto by Ran· Level 3 : Too Many Cooks ....... . . . .. . . . ... 32
dom Houu. Inc•• and in Canada by Random llou•e ol Can· by Guy McLimore, Greg Poehlein, and David Tepool
ad.a. lld. Oittributed to t he toy and hobby trade by r«&ional Level 4: There's No Place Like Up ......... . . 44
by Paul Jaquays
dl11ribu1on. Dl•1ri bu1ed in th• t:n it•d Kina dom by TSR UK
Level 5 : The Name of the Game . . .... . .. . . . . 54
Ltd. by John Terra
PRODt'CTS OF ' 'OUR IMACINATIOS. and the TSR loce> att
1rademari<.o olTSR, In<'..
Th11 ad• entUtt I• prolttted under lhe cop)rig!ll Iowa o( lht Level 6 : The Temple of Really Bad
United StalH ol America.• Any 1tproductlon or Olhu unau- De ad Things . ... . . . ...... . ....... 63
thorb.ed u.e o< thf' mate.rial or an•~ork contained h~rt"in 11 by Greg Gorden
prohibllcd whhou1 lhe Uprt'H wri11en permlulon or TSR,
• 1988 TSR. Inc. All Rillh1t Reserved. Printed In U.S.A.
TSR, Inc. TSR UR Level 7: Queen of the Honeybee Hive . .. ..... 73
P08 756 The Miii, Rethrnore Road by Grant Boucher and Kurt Wenz
Lake Con•••. Cambridge CB I 4AO
WI S3147 U A United Kingdom
~·· Level 8 : Of Kings and Colonels . . ... .. .... .. 83
by John Nephew
TSA, Inc.
Level 9: Vices ' N Virtu es .. . . .... . . . ....... 92
~llOOUCTI 0 , YOUR IMAGINATION '" by Scott Bennie
Level 10 : Fluffy Goes Down the Drain . . . . ... 102
by Rick Reid
Prin1ed on t:.S.A. Le ve l 11: Mordenkainen's Movie Madness . . . 111
by Ray Winninger
ISBN 0-088038-530-8
9222 Level 12: Where the Random 119
Monsters Roam
by Steve Perrin
what's happen1nq now
v,~4Jt castle CjR€yhaWk?
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T he self-proclaimed Herzog Akitrom the ish monsters and ghastly creatures that tle is surrounded by a clearing, whose tall
has inexplicably overrun the proud
Merely Worried is the latest in a long line dungeons under the castle. Wherefore grasses are poor and damaged by the
this invasion? Someone must find out! usually inclement weather. The clearing
of lords of Castle Greyhawk. He has initi- extends in all directions from the com-
ated an intense campaign of advertise- A Layout and pound for 500 yards, and the castle
ment meant to encourage worldl y Description of guardsmen are frequently called upon to
powers such as the Queen of Celene and the Castle clear away any woodland encr oachment.
the petty nobles of the Wtld Coast to send
daring settlers to the lands about the cas- Castle Greyhawk is more properly a The wall itself consists mainly of un-
tle. walled compound that encloses two great
towers and the Citadel Union, a semicir- worked metals (iron, lead, and perhaps
A s the Player Character s begin their cular building positioned so that its some copper and zinc) with a brickwork
adventuring, the Herzog is cucrying the rounded side faces away from the t ow-
favor of three VIP guests and all seems to ers. The wall is circular, 25 feet high with covering. Thus it confounds rock to mud
be going well. But hold! The druids of the a diameter around 400 feet. The ,ortJy
Golden Bough (m retaliation for the Her- spells and it produces unusually strong
zog's Fireball Fun in the Forest program building outside the wall is a stables next defenses (80 defense points per 10-foot
for visiting mages) ar e pummeling Castle section). The wall is patrolled by 14
Greyhawk with ferocious predators, to the southern gate. Otherwise the cas- members of the castle guard (one myrmi-
tragic agricultural disasters, and horrific don with long bow and broad sword every
weather effects. M ost disturbing of all, 100 feet; see the description of the guard
below) who scan both .inside the com-
however, is the mysterious Oood of fiend- pound and out. Should a guardsman see
something amiss, he will shout for help
before rushing to attack. The " What's It Worth to Ya?" Table severely. banished from the compou~d,
The wall has one gate, on its southern or executed. Likewise, no NPC magic-
DlOO user would ever consent to teach, or
face. The gatekeeper is a crotchety old RolJ Reaction from NPC even admit to know, the spell. Even re-
Below NPC refuses to have anything to questing such a spell at the Temple of
man who will demand a toll of 40 gold Wizardry is a great taboo. Nonetheless, a
pieces less one for each point of Charisma 15 do with the PC and contracts an merchant or guard will occasionally fall
of any females in the group desiring pas- assassin at the earliest opportu- into the particular type of stupor which
sage. This toll is for the whole party. nity. results from being simultaneously under
the effects of three or more charms.
The compound is the home of about 15-30 NPC remains calm but refuses to
150 NPCs. An early effort on the part of cooperate. Given a chance, NPC As with the clearing outside Castle
Herzog Akitrom to interest adventurers shouts to the guard to arrest the Greyhawk, the areas of the compound
in settling at Castle Greyhawk, in combi- between buildings suffers from the mete-
PC as a dangerous assailant. orological onslaught of the local druids.
nation with an understandable craving for 31-40 NPC immediately attacks the PC Characters traveling between buildings
security, spurred the Herzog to hire al- must allow for the weather as per the Wil-
chemists, sages, trainers, and many oth- for no good reason.
ers whose professions might serve a 41-50 NPC appears cooperative but derness Survival Guide. Each game day,
party of adventurers well. Indeed, the
castle contains nearly every luxury the takes active steps to frustrate the DM must roll percentile dice and con-
PCs might desire. the PC whenever possible. sult the following table.
51-75 The NPC simply has better
Qualifying this convenience, however, things to do than deal with the Weather Table
is the general attitude on the part of most PC.
NPCs toward strangers. Whatever the 76-85 The NPC , if approached kindly, DlOO
reasons, no citizen <>f Castle Greyhawk is gives the time of day, but nothing RolJ Day's Forecast
inclined to cooperate with the party un- more. 1-20 Bright sun, or partly sunny day,
less doing so would be to the NPC's ad- 86-95 NPC cooperates with the PC as
vantage. In all cases, dealing with the long as no danger or great incon- with pleasant temperatures and
shopkeepers, clerics, guards, herdsmen, venience is involved. birdsong audible in the trees. A
cheap trollops, and other castle inhabit- 96-105 The NPC cooperates to any rea- simply lovely day.
ants should be expensive and exasperat- sonable extent, and is even 21-40 Torrential rains and winds gust-
ing, calling upon the DM's observation of pleasant about it. ing to 50-90 miles per hour.
the most petty and unattractive aspects 106 and There is a 35% chance of a tor-
of human nature. Consider the following nado touching down somewhere
example: above The NPC is deliriously loyal to in the compound.
the PC and goes out of his way to 41-45 Chilly temperatures and over-
The fighter Celowin Silvershield, fresh follow the PC 's dictates. (True cast skies. There is a percentage
from rescuing the castle from demonic fiendishness must be the DM's chance equal to the first two dig-
hordes, has worked up an appetite and rule of thumb here.) its in the DM's telephone num-
seeks repast in the Inn of the Snooty Sal- ber that there will be a hailstorm
amander, a tavern ·Of high repute. Ho:-v- There are, of course, modifiers to this (largest possible hailstones).
ever, Celowin's inquiries are met WJth 46-60 Arctic conditions, with tempera-
derision from Tregillish Mui, the maitre roll, as follows: tures between 0 degrees and
d', who informs brave Celowin that "All -40 degrees. There is often
the tables are filled. There's a 10-tum Each 10 gp worth of bribe + 1% heavy sleet or snow. and winds
wait just to get on the reservation list. reach 50 miles per hour.
Now be off with you!" Unless Celowin is Magical bribe + 20% 61-75 Blisteringly h<>t temperatures
quick with a pouch of gold (or perhaps (ranging from 90 degrees to 130
even a minor item of magic!), the maitre PC's Charisma modifier As per PH degrees evaporates any precipi-
d' will slam the door, and dinner will be tation from the previous day. The
iron rations yet again. PC has helped the castle + 5% sun is merciless, the air is still
and dry.
Roll ldlOO and consult the following PC has personally helped the NPC + 10%
chart when the party interacts with an
NPC. PC is of a different race -10% to -20%
PC is known to be of a differing
alignment -10% to - 25%
PC has charmed the NPC + 50%
PC has interacted with this NPC be-
fore + 10 to - 50%
The casting of charm person spells or
the like as a means of ensuring coopera-
tion is considered a criminal act by the
community of Castle Greyhawk. Discov-
ered perpetrators are likely to be fined
76-80 Temperatures are mild, winds are referred to by name, occupation, and General Layout
are strong (30 to 50 miles per pertinent details. Others are merely
hour) and there is some rain if hinted at. It falls to the DM to flesh these AU levels except the top floor of the
the roll of ld20 is greater than NPCs out and make them truly memora- Tower of Wizardry have identical floor
that of ld8 rolled simultaneously. ble. plans. There is a circular central room (35
But best of all, there is a tremen- feet in diameter) with a spiral staircase
dous electrical storm. Charac- The Tower rising through the center that connects
of Wizardry with the adjacent levels. There is a door
ters caught outside are 10 times to the north and one to the south. The
as likely to be struck by lightning This edifice is in the northwestern sec- rest of the level, an annulus (like a dough-
as in the WSG rules (due to the tion of the compound. It is a five-storey nut) 20 feet wide, is divided into two
localization of the storm). There structure, with all but the top floor re- rooms: the northern half of the annulus
is a 20% chance for manifesta- served for the study and tutelage of and the southern half.
tions of ball lightning, which is magic. The tower is 75 feet in diameter
harmless but closely resembles a and reaches a like distance toward the By each door in the central room is a
sky. Another, hidden level lurks below crevice marked with a sign reading (in
will-o-wisp. ground, where illusionists practice their
81-90 Pea-soup fog with incessant driz- mysterious arts. common), "In case of Emergency." In-
side is a scroll with anti-magic shell in-
zle. There are several means of entrance scribed thereon. AU rooms on all levels
91-100 Dust storm of greatest severity. into the Tower of Wizardry. The most ob- are lit with continual light spells except
vious is a set of pouble doors on the north
The DM should note that any attempt side. The doors are wizard locked at 15th where otherwise noted. Should the
level but otherwise free of locks or traps. emergency scrolls be used, of course,
at predicting weather will fail utterly. In- Any Player Character who uses the re- the continual lights will blink out. In the
sources of the tower frequently will have event that a PC uses an emergency
deed. attempting to cast such a spell will the option of buying a ring of passage, scroll, the cost of replacing the scroll
which allows the wearer to open the (2,000 gp) as well as that of the magical
subject the caster to ldlO rounds of stun- doors simply by speaking a command studies and experiments which must, the
ning with a 5% chance of temporary in- word. The price of this ring is 1,500 gold wizards insist, be restarted from scratch
pieces, less 100 gp for each level of expe- (100-2,000 gp) will be assessed. If the
sanity. rience the character has obtained. residents of the tower do not agree that
Regardless of where in the compound the situation warranted the use of the
Should a PC not wish to buy a ring, he scroll (and they are loath to admit that
the party wanders, the DM should roll for may simply knock on the door to be let in. their own abilities miglnt not have proven
chance encounters once every two turns Of course, anyone answering the door superior to unforeseen contingencies),
(a 1 on ld6 indicates that an encounter loathes such minor annoyance, and will then the PC will be charged triple the
occurs). The chart in Appendix C of the charge 10-120 gp each time a character above costs, to discourage such hooligan-
needs to be let in or out. (A PC who does ism in the future. The scrolls disintegrate
DMG is to be consulted with the follow- not buy a ring ofpassage would be well- outside the tower.
advised to carry a pouch laden with gold
ing addendae.: and gems!) First Floor
* The compound is certainly not a place Unfortunately, the castle's Thieves' Center Room: This room contains
Guild has made sport of these rings. storage and supplies for the rest of the
where one finds travelers frequently Every one to three months, the burglars tower. Because of the value of many of
passing through. Hence, all encountered and magsmen get hold of a ring and the the spell components, such as vellum
characters are residents of Castle Grey- corresponding password. When this hap- sheets with demons' true names in-
hawk rather than visitors, with the ex- pens, the Tower of Wizardry will regret- scribed thereon, only authorized magi
ception of the visiting diplomats and fully inform the PCs that the password are allowed here. The door is enchanted
officials covered below. Thus encounters needs to be changed, and that new rings with a permanent magic mouth, which
are to be conducted within the guidelines are available for the same price as the old. will shout "Naughty, naughty!" at anyone
set up for the inhabitants as detailed over trying to open the portal. Since all the au-
the next few pages. For example, there thorized wizards are o{ at least enchanter
are no druid encounters in the city! level, most of them merely cast dimen-
sion door to enter the storage area. Un-
As a general rule of thumb, any en- authorized intrusion into this chamber is
countered NPC is four levels higher than
half that of the most powerful PC in the
party. In all cases, encountered charac-
ters assume an air of haughtiness and dis-
dain, for no particular reason.
However, lest the DM think that all is
mapped out for him, and that all he need
do is consult his copy of this data, he is in
for a serendipitous treat! There is not
enough space to detail every NPC. Many
punishable by expulsion from the Tuwer her abilities, but she is stem with anyone drained the continual light in this room
of Wizardry (often from its highest pinna- who speaks in the library above a whis- long ago, and their inky black forms are
cle!), banishment from the compound, or - 4 to be hit in the dark comers of this
even execution. ln extreme cases, per- per. (A typical punishment might be a si- room. Should the regulatory device in the
petrators may be subject to the lecture of room receive at least 25 points of damage
tedium by Ch' phon the Alchemist. Des- lence spell made permanent on the from detonating xeg-yi, it will cease to
perate characters facing such a terrible offender.) function. ln the case that the PCs are re-
fate have volunteered to impromptu ex- sponsible for this disaster, the dungeons
perimentation involving potion miscibil- Second Floor under Castle Greyhawk might seem a
ity. welcome haven.
Center Room : This is the trauung
North Room: Tillis is the residence of chamber for magic-users learning new Thirdly, and perhaps best of all, this
Merrang the Enchanter, one of the two spells. It is a sparsely decorated room, room contains three chests, for some
sages in Castle Greyhawk. Merrang's at- containing little other than a few buckets reason reason or other. All three are
titude of imperious disdain toward any of sand and some scattered bone frag- made of boxwood and are securely bound
who dare disturb his celestial musings ments. This room is bound by two en- in silver. Each is locked. The first chest
hide an acute business acumen. He wears chantments. The first prohibits cantrips contains 50 copper pieces and a cloaker
a ring of truth and only memorizes one from operating within the confines of the (AC 3(1);MV1" /15"; HD 6; hp 22; #AT
spell: suggestion. His favorite use of this chamber. The second acts as a dispel
spell comes in casting it just as he casually 2 + special; Dmg ld6/ld6 + special; SA
asks, "Oh, that depends. Tell me, just magic, cast at 12th level, on any magical special; SD special; MR standard; IN
how much money do you have?" His
knowledge in the areas of the supernatu- effect trying to leave the room. There is a High; AL CN; SZ L) that lies in wait and
ral and the physical universe are average concealed door in the southern half of the tries to radiate magic until someone puts
for a sage, but his fees tend to be 20% floor, leading to the storage room below. it around his shoulders. The second chest
higher than normal. He will unhesitat- contains 50 copper pieces. The third
ingly double these fees should he hear North Room: This is a workroom for chest contains another 50 copper pieces,
the scribes and clerks of the compound. but painted on the bottom is a map of a
that his client has seen Zuphaitz (see Should the party require a translation of a section of the seventh dungeon level.
page 9), as the two sages are bitter ri- text, it is 85% likely that at least one of
vals. the scribes will be able to read whatever Should an anti-magic scroll be read on
is asked. Various inks, used in preparing
South Room: This is the common li- scroll spells, are kept here. A less-than- this floor of the tower, it will cancel out
brary in the tower. The number of tomes scrupulous clerk may be persuaded (on a the effects of this machine for the dura-
is impressive. Any character able to read reaction roll of 125 after modifications as tion of the spell. This will not occur if the
both Suloise and Old Oerdian or Common given on page 3) to sell a couple of vials
can act as a sage with no fields of exper- for 500 gp per dram, as one dram is re- anti-magic is invoked from any other
tise by consulting the library for 12 hours quired for the inscription of each spell.
every day. Each day of study runs a cu- This cost is over and above any bribe the room.
mulative 1% chance (1% the first day, 2% buyer might wish to offer.
the second, and so on) of coming across Third Floor
the only magical tome in the library, a South Room: Contained in this room
is a large magical device that regulates Center Room: This chamber seems
Wicuous Grimoire. As the book moves the temperature and humidity in the en- to be yet another storeroom, littered
around, it is possible for a character to tire Castle Greyhawk. Therefore, try as with chests. In truth, this is the head-
come across the cursed manual even by they might, the local druids cannot affect quarters of the Castle Greyhawk Assas-
picking up previously perused books. the interiors of any of the structures as sins' Guild. Casseulet the Chief Assassin
The librarian (Allam Oad, a bookish little long as this machine, which has ties to the (AC 3; MV 12"; Lvl 12; hp 42; #AT 1;
thaumaurgist) has !heard that the pesky elemental planes of both Fire and Water, Dmgbyweapon type; THACO 16; ST17,
book is present, but she will not warn the remains. Likewise, were this machine IN18, WI12, DX15, C016, CHll; AL
party without a hefty bribe. destroyed, say by saboteurs, all charac- LE. Carries a short sword +3, a ring of
ters in the compound would be affected protection +4, and a cloak ofelvenk.ind.)
Additionally, along the northern comer by the weather. and his two 5th-level henchmen train
of the eastern wall is a secret door that here most of the day, unless contracted
leads down to the illusionists' quarters Also in this room are four xeg-yi (AC O; to do a job.
below. Allam has yet to notice the traffic MV 6": HD 5,5,5,7; hp 23,36,21,35;
to and from that corner of the room. #Kr 1; Dmg 7-12; SA Energy Drain; SD Should any character investigate this
+1 to hit, special; MR 15%; IN High; AL room, the assassins quickly disguise
Allam is a gentle and helpful soul, will- N; SZ M) that rush to attack anyone who themselves as delicate elven maidens.
ing to answer any questions to the best of lingers in this room (10% cumulative Unfortunately, they can do nothing to im-
chance per round) . The xeg-yi have prove their Charisma scores and hence
appear to be particularEy homely delicate
elven maidens. Their honey-sweet (if Also in this room are five novice presti- of a magical item worth at least 2,000 gp.
digitators, eager to outdo one another in Cardoon's spell books contain any spell
baritone) invitations to come in and "join an attempt to hire out as someone's
henchman. Between the five novices, he might need. He prefers to teach one of
us in a frolic amongst da old cases and, they have collected virtually every can- the spells known by his apprentices, and
trip they can find, and have bad no end of charges an extra 50 gp to teach another.
uh, some vials of, er, sumpthin' or amusement in casting these at embar-
odder" will require a saving throw vs. rassing moments. This behavior might The exception to this rule is the charm
well persist if one of these NPCs is per- person spell, which neither Cardoon nor
paralyzation on the part of the character suaded to join the party.
his assistants will ever reveal.
who might attempt to stay. (As most PCs Fourth Floor South Room: This. is Cardoon's per-
will race to see who's first out the door, This is the inner sanctum of the Tower sonal library. All the books are written in
of Wizardry. Permission must be granted Suloise and are extre mely valuable. The
this ought not be a problem.) before entrance is allowed. books detail almost every spell known in
the land, and provide recipes for inks and
North Room: Here is the workshop of Center Room: The lighting in this command words for legendary items of
chamber is dark and oppressive. The sole magic.
Ch'phon the Alchemist. He works with- source of illumination is a brazier of coals,
enchanted to remain warm and burning This information is protected from un-
out assistants and is expert at his work. 10 times as long as normal. Two bowls of authorized prying by the random inser-
incense are kept by the coals. In the cen- tion of booby-trap spells throughout the
However, he insists on being paid in the ter of the room is a pentagram inlaid into texts. Interlopers have a 5% chance per
the floor itself. Should red incense be day (noncumulative) of running across
form of rare herbs that can be found "just placed into the fire, the pattern shifts and one of these booby-trapped texts and suf-
becomes a magical circle. Black incense fering 30d6 of damage. Only Cardoon
a few miles to the East." Indeed, such also changes the pattern, fashioning it knows the locations of all the traps.
into a thaumaturgical triangle. (Yellow in-
herbs are both readily identifiable (with cense changes it back into a pentagram.) Fifth Floor
This room is of course the conjuring labo-
the proper nonweapon proficiency) and ratory, and it is here that the mage of the This floor is unlike the rest of the
tower conducts his experiments. tower. As the highest point in Castle
plentiful. Retrieving such plants, how- Greyhawk, the fifth floor was designed to
North Room: These are the personal be a key element in the defense of the
ever, might prove to be an adventure in quarters of the mage Cardoon (AC 0; MV place. The entire floor is one big room.
10"; MU 17;)lp 40; #AT l ; Dmg per
its own right as a trip to harvest the herbs weapon or spell; ST 11, IN18, Wll6, DX There are two ways of entry. The first
8, CO 16, CH 13; THACO 13; AL N).
is certain to run afoul of many gruesome The DM should arrange his room such and most common is by teleporting. Al-
that Cardoon is unassailable here. His
creatures in the mountains. most as likely a means of entrance is the
only weapon is a staffof the magi. Every- door leading from the fourth floor, which
South Room: This is the quarters of
thing else was sold for the books in the is wizard locked to prevent curious or un-
Trucran and Ybenso, 14th-level wizards southern room.
invited people from descending the
and apprentices of the great mage Rasp. Cardoon is a crusty old man who stairs. The floor here includes slots in the
charges triple normal training costs. walls for the shooting of arrows, plus a
Each knows the following spells (they However, he is so expe rt at his skills and
at his teaching that he takes only half the catapult to launch normal rocks that poly-
share a spell book): Affect Normal Fires, usual time to train a pupil to rise in level. morph into black pudding or rust mon-
Buming Hands, Charm Person, Detect Once the stude nt reaches 10th level,
Magic, Friends, Grease, Identify, Melt, Cardoon insists that the character assist sters upon landing. Thus far, this floor
Message, Nystul'.s Magic Aura, Taunt, in the training of less advanced students. has gone unused throughout the castle's
Wizard Mark, Detect In visibility, Flaming The magic-user will find his duties taking history.
Sphere, Levitate, Protection from Can- up five weeks every six months, during
trips, Scare, Shatter, \it~b. Whip, Blink, which time he will receive 250 gold. This Underground Leve l
Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Item, Mate- assignment may be waived for a donation
rial, Sepia Snake Sigil, Tongues, Dig, This level is arranged much like the
Fear, Polymorph Other, Shout, Contact floors above, with a circular room flanked
Other Plane, Extension JI, Mor- by two semi-annular rooms. But a pecu-
denkainen 's Faithful Hound, Wall of liar addition to the floor plan marks the
Stone, Mordenkainen's Lucubration, Re- utilization of this floor by illusionists.
pulsion, and Mordenkainen's Sword.
Center Room: This room is the train-
These two wizards are in charge of ing arena for illusionists wishing to rise in
training magic-users below 7th level.
Trucran is grim, and speaks only to cor-
rect and to reprimand his charges.
Ybenso, on the other hand, seems to en-
joy torme nting his charges nearly as
much as the OM enjoys torturing play-
ers. He takes pains to show his stude nts
just how hopeless they are. Should a PC
find himself being tutored by Ybenso,
training will take an extra two weeks, at
full cost. and there will be no 10% bonus
to experience for one game month, so
traumatized is the PC.
experience level. Its walls are covered Somewhere in the labyrinth is a one- to sell any magical weapon the party
with mirrors, but the room is otherwise way teleporting pad. Anyone who stands might name, and 2% capable of producing
barren. A secret door in the ceiling leads on the pad for one round is immediately most artifacts of which the characters
to the storeroom immediately above. teleported to a randomly chosen spot in might have knowledge.
the sixth level of the Greyhawk dungeon.
North Room: It is here that Paneuch Keilbasa is also willing to purchase
the Illusionist (AC 3; MV 12"; ILL15; hp The Citadel Union magical items from the party and will
37; ST7 IN15 WU5 DX16 CN14 CH14; press the matter if the characters have a
NAT 1; Dmg by weapon or spell; T HACO The hub of the day-to-day activities in particularly attractive item of magic.
the compound, the Citadel Union stands
16; AL N) and his two visionist assistants as a single -storey edifice to the routine Keilbasa sets prices for magic at five
that has become unique to Castle Grey- times list price for potions and a full 10
reside. Paneuch wields a staff +4, a ring hawk. The union has two doors on its times list price for any other ite m. He is
ofprotection +4, and a wand oflightning. north wall and frequent windows along all willing to bargain, but will incessantly
Paneuch keeps this level of the tower se- its sides. but alas. no more can be de- point out the fine workmanship and deli-
cret; not even Cardoon or the He rzog tailed regarding the interior of the Citadel cate composition of his wares. Likewise,
himself know of the illusionists . How- Union's Ooor plan. The amount of space he will pay only 75% of the s tandard price
ever, should a PC illusionist find this lair necessary to describe every nook and of any magical item unless it is unques-
and wish to train, Paneuch will be more cranny of the building is prohibitive. tionably pristine. "Used wands aren't
than happy to assist, for appropriate pay- Should the OM recognize in himself a
ment of course. He will reduce payment deep spiritual need for maps, it is recom- worth much more than used scrolls, you
to 80% normal for gnome illusionists, and mended that he seek out a copy of the Hill know," he has been heard to say.
will charge deep gnome students only Giant Fort (module Gl, Gl-3, or GDQ 1-
60% of nonnal training fees. This is due 7) and cut out an appropriately-shaped Keilbasa gets away with much of this
in part to the illusionist's earnest desire section of the map, relabeling the rooms by employing eyes of charming that an
to learn how to pronounce "svirfneblin," as he sees fit. adventuring party once foolishly sold to
and in part to .his amusement at the possi- him, as well as any potions ofglibness he
The Union houses all manner of NPCs, has on hand and can swig while the party
bilities of the Test (see below) . and again the task of fleshing out the pop- isn't looking.
South Room: The western half of this ulation of goodwives, brazen strumpets.
and vampires that players naturally ex- Keilbasa is somewhat dwarve n-
room is filled with gems, delicately pect to meet must fall on the able shoul- looking, with bright e yes and a keen wit.
ders of the DM. Herein are described He keeps the shop himself, although he
carved figures, and other material com- just those locations and businesses in the e mploys efreeti as guards in most cir-
ponents for illusionist spells . The eastern Union with which a party of bold adven- cumstances.
half, howeve r, forms the Test Chamber. turers might make frequent contact.
The Merry Memory Moss Tavern:
In order for an illusionist to pass his Above Ground Run by the intelligent stone golem Hops,
level training, he must pass a test devised this is the only bar in Castle Greyhawk
The Citadel Union has two levels, one and hence the only place to take out ag-
by Paneuch. P refabricated walls can be above ground and one below. While one gressive feelings without suffe ring im-
erected so as to engineer a diabolical lab- might imagine that living underground prisonment. There is a perpetual bar
yrinth in this area. which Paneuch is cer- might produce a "bunker mentality" or at fight in the joint, which has a cumulative
tain to change each time. The goal of each least a Vitamin C deficiency, it is assur- 3% chance per round of sweeping up any
test diffe rs . Sometimes the student need e dly preferable to seeing the local individual characte r. Should a PC be
merely thread the maze. At other times weather every day. The following loca- caught up in the fight, he will find himself
the pupil might be required to combat a tions are found on the upper level. facing three to five veterans, all of whom
foe , recover a treasure, or cast a particu- are very intoxicated. In addition to any
The Bazaar: T his is one of the most other experience a character might re-
lar spell at a target . complete magic shops in the Wild Coast. ceive, he earns 5 x.p. each round he re-
To spice things up a bit, Paneuch hires mains inside the tavern. All prices are
Its proprietor, Goodmerchant Keilbasa, reasonable, and Hops has more than ade-
three duergar warriors to provide opposi- is always eager to make a deal on any quate product to offer. For 150 gp, he will
tion in the maze. These fighters attack item in stock. He is 80% likely to have drug anybody's drink with sleep poison.
with anklys, but only to subdue, as Pa- handy any potion the party might desire.
neuch does not desire to see his cus- 50% likely to have any miscellaneous The Castle Greyb awk Guard
tomers killed in his Test. The gray magical item, 35% probable to be willing Headqua rte rs : This is the place to find
dwarves will make an exception to this both the offices and barracks of the
policy should a deep gnome be found in the guardsmen. The Captain of the Guard is a
maze. In this case, the gnome must Oee or superhero who calls himself McDougal.
defend himself, as the duergar will seek to He is generally uncooperative with any
kill their hated rivall. As gray dwarves are
totally immune to illusion, the svirfneblin
may be in for quite a battle.
Player Character {-30% on the Reaction Power in the Greyhawk pantheon, even Bheannhe is herself a druid, an initiate
Table). He most likely refuses to allow those antithetical to one another. The of the Sixth Circle, and will train any PC
any of his guardsmen to accompany a priests here have noted that the Powers druid for half the standard fees in return
party into the depths of Greyhawk's do not engage in direct confrontation but for that character's sworn word to com-
dungeon complex, but if he is persuaded rather employ agents to achieve their mit dire acts of espionage on her behalf.
otherwise, he chooses the most ineffec- goals. Seeking to emuJate their masters These activities might range from the
tual, noisome, and irritating guards he in all things, the clerics, too, employ theft of an important item of magic from
can find. agents rather than take direct action some powerful NPC to getting an accu-
against each other. And those agents, rate accounting of the number of guards-
In the center of the barracks area is a too, employ underlings rather than act on men to a quest to discover the means by
red square painted on the floor. Anyone their own. Somewhere in the Castle, which the Castle Greyhawk buildings are
who stands on this shape and says the there are street urchins calling one an- impervious to the siege of weather ef-
magical phrase ("Euler's Constant, other names, such is the extent of the an- fects.
Square root Pi. Take me to a circle on tagonism between these priests.
high! ") will be te/eported to the fifth floor Lower Level
They are all eager to render any aid
of the Tuwer of W1Zardry (see above). that the PCs might request. Because of Untouched by sunlight, the lower level
Unfortunately, McDougal and his men of the Citadel Union is lit only in some of
hum this ditty most of the day, so every intense competition, the individual orders the shops and businesses, and not at all in
now and then a guard disappears acciden- hold frequent sales on particuJar types of the passageways between such estab-
spells they are willing to cast (roll ran- lishments. The inhabitants, of course,
tally. Because the teleporting is one-way, domly each game week). They are also know their way around the Union so the
and because the door to the fifth floor is willing to sell the party any magical items black-as-pitch sections do not bother
locked from below, some guards have relating to their deities, such as mantles them, but the PCs will most likely need
starved to death before anyone in the of Celestian or rings of Boccob, or even either torches or some other source of
compound noticed their messages for cough syrup ofIncabulos. They will bless light. If the party insists on stumbling
help tied to rocks and hurled from the top each item they sell, charging thrice around in the dark, then they might well
of the tower. standard price for such. The DM shouJd find a forgotten, one-way passage that
consider this somewhat tasteless compe- has led them to the dungeon's fourth
The Headquarters of the Cava- tition as a hybrid between a souvenir level. And let nature (or what passes for
liers' Club: Located near the guard stand and the medieval peddlers of reli- it in the dungeons) take its effect.
headquarters and in rivalry with them, gious icons.
the cavaliers and paladins here find fre- Because of the dampness on this lower
quent excuses to practice combat either H erbalist's S hop: On the top floor of level of the Union, all doors are swollen
outside in the courtyard (in all but arctic the Citadel Union, close to the staircase shut . This means an "open doors" roll by
weather) or in the ballroom on the lower leading to the lower level, can be found the party each time they wish to enter or
level. Every month, the cavaliers declare the shop of Bheannhe ofTenser's Keep, a leave any establishment.
a "friendly" war on the local barbarians smaller proprietary than most, but at-
(including any PC barbarians) and issue a Ballroom: Close to the stairwell lead-
challenge. So far the barbarians have sent tached to a greenhouse and a fungus gar- ing to this level, the original purpose of
a token force to battle the knights while a den, each of prodigious dimensions. this 65 foot by 80 foot by 40-foot-high
major expedition sacks this headquar- room has been lost in legends. There are
ters. This seems to satisfy both camps. Bheannhe is a pleasant-looking woman in torches lining the walls, but anyone who
her mid-forties, but best of all, she is an touches one must save vs. spell or be
The leaders among the cavaliers are expert herbalist. Her prices range from a cursed to speak only lies until a remove
curse spell is cast. Various organizations
between 8th and 13th level, while the ma- few coppers for common plants to 200 gp that require large areas for practice their
jor paladin is Edrithabew the Antiseptic, a for exceedingly rare specimens. How- skills are often found here. The room
paladin of 11th level who refuses to teach ever steep her price, however, she can gets its name from the grandiose masked
any weapons other than long sword , guarantee to have just the sprigs, leaves, ball the Herzog holds here every year.
broad sword, lance, and scimitar, believ- roots. fruit, bark, etc. that the party
ing all other weapons to be beneath the might require. And yes, she does carry Former Tor ture Chamber: This
calling of a noble paladin. He does not the herbs that Ch'phon demands. room was once an arena for physical pun-
charge for his services as a trainer, per ishment and torture. Now it is a squash
se. but he scorns to tutor anyone who Bheannhe is, however, a spy for the court. primarily patronized by yuppie
does not reward him handsomely, as gen- Golden Bough. She seems curious about cavaliers.
erosity is a hallmark of knighthood. such matters as castle defenses and ac-
tivities in the forest. If the party answers Should a PC wish to play, a game costs
Temple Greyhawk: This temple is a her questions. she will subtract 50 gp
masterwork of political influence. Here from the price of any goods they pur-
can be found clerics of literally every chase.
3 pp. An opponent can be generated us- stuck doors for the party for 50 gp. Even silver pieces for more convenient coins
ing Method Five in the Unearthed Arcana in the dungeons, these two have a knack or gems. He can convert any amount the
tome. Players aJtemate rolls of 4d6 for showing up just when they are most PCs request to any medium, with his
against their Dexterity scores. The first magical bag ofexchange (which converts
player to roll above his PC's Dexterity needed. monies according to the will of its owner),
score loses the point. {Games go up to 21 Citadel Sage's Quarters: In and for a fee of 100 gp.
points.) A player may subtract one from
his roll for every two experience levels of among the seamier sections of the Cita- Thieves' Den: This is not precisely a
the player and for each nonweapon profi- del Un.ion can be found the dwelling of location, as the den is never in the same
ciency slot the PC has assigned to his Zuphaitz, a sage of high repute. His major place twice. The den master, a 17th-level
squash skills. The first player to win two field is humankind, with special emphasis Master Thief, goes by the name Prain-
games wins the match. in legends, history, customs, and mixed gaim. Lest thief-acrobats fret, it should
drinks. He has no minor fields. Due to an be pointed out that Praingaim owns a hat
Money rarely changes hands here. but unusual (in a sage) stupor, he will take of difference, with which he becomes a
a PC can earn (or forfeit) respect in the 17th-level Master Thief-Acrobat. He
eyes of an opponent ( + 1 or -1 on the twice the normal time to research an an- never holds den meetings in the same lo-
Reaction Rolls for the NPC for every swer for any employer. cation twice. Possible locations include
the uppermost floor of the Tower of Wiz-
game won or lost). Moreover, a rivalry exists between ardry, the Dwarven Pride Smithy, the
Combat Training Facility: The phil- Zuphaitz and Merrang (see page 5), and Headquarters of the Guard, the kitchen
of the Herzog's Sanctum, and the ninth
osophical differences between Rhie, a neither sage will aid a party that admits to level of the dungeon.
neutral evil Lord of 12th level, Vemol, a seeing the other sage. However, should
neutral good 13th-level ranger Lord, the party be short of money, Zuphaitz will Praingaim is always assisted by 1-4
Gorp, a chaotic neutral barbarian of 12th waive his fees in return for the PCs' students of levels 4-9. The Master Thief
level, and Sushi, a lawful neutral Master has a particular fondness for anything
of the West Wind, have been put aside so agreement to steal a particular treatise magical and is more than happy to relieve
that the four may profit from the opening on magical intoxicants from Merrang's li- the PCs of anything magical that isn't
of this facility. The rates for training are held tightly. Supply Praingaim with lots of
standard, and this is one of the best brary. The details of this misadventure nasty equipment if the PCs are foolish
places in the Castle to look for fighting are left to the DM, whose mind no doubt enough to attack him.
henchmen. already races with sinister ideas.
The Herzog's
Rhie is a brutal trainer, having learned Dwarve n Pride Armory and
torture methods from a half-ore once. His Smithy: Here is the workshop of Hard- Sanctum
students suffer 1-2 points of damage per tack the Mighty, who can craft anything
from metals that the party would desire. The third building of Castle Greyhawk
day of training. As Rhie does not allow He can turn out goods at the rate listed in is a three-level tower in the northeast
breaks in the schedule for healing, many the DSG, but insists on payment in the area of the compound. ln this bemoated
of his slow-learning students die in train- form oflabor, with two PCs serving asap- cylinder may be found the living quarters
ing. prentices for one day per 10 gp cost. of the Herzog, his family, and guests; it is
here that the PCs can find lodging and
Vemol is a lover of the woods, and will Moneychanger, Vault, and Tax companionship.
insist that his students practice their
skills in the forests. His area is Car enough Collector: At the entrance to the Like the Wizards' Tower, the Herzog's
away that the weather is not too bad, but dungeons waits Fudge the Incessant, Sanctum has but three chambers per
the woods are not known for safety. hand-picked by the Herzog to monitor level. However, the floor plan is arranged
the monies corning from the dungeons a bit differently. The central spiral stair-
Gorp, as mentioned earlier, leads his and make certain that the castle gets case has one door every three feet of ele-
charges against the snooty cavaliers each more than its fair share. Fudge is vation (three doors for every 360-degree
month. equipped with a wand of metal and min- full circle of the spiral). Thus doors 1, 2,
eral detection Gust enough charges) and and 3 (leading to rooms 1, 2, and 3, re-
Sushi's training involves the success of will spot any attempt to sneak money spectively) are on the first floor {even
the student in personal combat. He will past him. Tax rates at Castle Greyhawk though room 2 is three feet higher than
insist that the PC seek out someone ofhis room 1, and room 3 is three feet higher
own level and. without explanation. beat are 1% times the average level of the still). Rooms 4, 5, and 6 form the second
them in some sort of combat. He will PCs. floor, etc. The arrangement is such that
sometimes assign such a target; this tar-
get may be another PC. Aside from taking money, Fudge can
also store it for the party (2% interest
Stuck Doors B Us: These two enter- charge per game month) or lend it (at an
prising characters, a dwarf named Snap- interest rate of 2% per game week and
per and a half-ogre named Fido, will open the borrower's finest item of magic as
One genuinely useful service Fudge
provides is to exchange bulky copper and
room 4 is directly above room 1 and is Room 5: This is the headquarters of a Room 6: T his room is normally un-
nine feet higher. Likewise with rooms 2 competing adventuring party. Higher
level than the PCs and bullying whenever used, but any other adventuring parties
and 5 and rooms 3 and 6. the opportunity arises, these adventur· or additional guests may be boarded
ers have fallen on hard times of late. Re- here.
The rooms in this tower are all in the cently, they were attacked by trolls and
shape of pie slices. All rooms are locked, slaughtered unlil only the druid, LeDurt, Room 7 : The foreign diplomats and
and only Herzog Akitrom and his fair remained. Mighty though he was, L e- envoys the Herzog wishes to entertain
daughter have keys. However, once a Durt could only reincamare his allies and stay in these opulent quarters. The spe·
hope for the best. They did not get lucky. cific occupants should come and go at
thief can pick any lock successfully, he regular intervals, but they should without
Nesselrode is a 12th-level wizard who exception be haughty and condescending
may add a + 30% bonus to any roll in an to the loutish PCs, as it is beyond their
attempt to pick any other lock in the finds that a badger body, being ill· understanding why the Herzog would
Sanctum thereafter. equipped for eill1er verbal or somatic embarrass himself by keeping such
Lighting arrangements in the Sanctum components, is a severe handicap for a scoundrels within his walls.
spell-caster. He carries with him a ring of
were designed by the Herzog's grandfa· shooting stars and a sraffofthe magi. His Room 8: This double-sized room is
ther, whose sense of decor was a bit bi· mood is generally dour, and he has been
zarre. Each room is lit by a ceramic frog, known to bite characters on the ankle for tlle lair of both His Excellency, the Her·
its open mouth revealing the light of a little or no provocation. zog Akitrom, and (behind a screened-off
continual light spell. These light sources area) his lovely daughter Risotta.
are permanently affixed with a quantity of Kashahr was a 10th-level paladin be·
sover eign glue, and any attempt to budge The Her zog is blond, with a heavy
fore he came back as a pixie. Although he
one results in its destruction instead. still retains his paladin abilities, his war- beard and 40 pounds of encumbrance
Room 1: This northern room has an horse died of laughter upon seeing his
new condition, and he has not yet been around his waist he could do without. He
outer door leading to the bridge across is a 15th-level Lord (96 hit points) who al·
the moat. This room, the parlor of the able to summon a new one. Not surpris· ways wears bracers of defense, A C3, a
Sanctum, is populated by six permanent ingly, K ashahr carries no magical items.
unseen servants, who will attempt to ring of protection +3, a cloak of protec·
strip all visitors of cloaks, weaponry, ar- Brabu's thieving skills were drastically tion +2, a n'ng ofmagi(; resistance, 15%,
mor, and perhaps clothing. These items
are stored in a small anteroom off to the affected by her reincarnation as a cen· and a defender sword +4 named Her-
southwest, under Room 3. There are a taur. (Racial modifiers to thieving skills bert. He may wear other items of magic
few comfortable chairs in the parlor, but are as follows: PP: -15%, OL : -10%, as the DM feels appropriate.
little else. FT/ RT: + 5%, MS: -50%, HS: - 25%,
The Herzog is a kindly man who does
Room 2: This is the kitchen for the HN: + 5%, CW: -85%, RL: +15%.) his best to accomodate the PCs, within
reason. As long as they carry out his will,
Sanctum. Two servants, j'nierce and En· She treasures her ring of flying. he is most generou s. H owever, he
frahl, are always busy here. Their rec· The NPCs were willing to kill them-
ipes run the gamut from the mundane to brooks no foolishness, and his will can be
the decidedly exotic, such as Gorgon- selves and try again, when LeDurt was
burgers and the breakfast feature of attacked by a handful of wights and re· hard at times. He has an 18 Wisdom and
sweet-trolls, the latter to be eaten with duced to third level. He carries a staffof cannot be intimidated.
inordinate promptness. the woodlands +2 and has decided that
the dungeons underneath Castle Grey- His daughter is the most treasured of
Room 3: This is the Dining Hall. Along his possessions, his fine dungeons com·
hawk are too lucrative to pass up, and ing a close second. Risotta is the arche·
the tastefuJly wood-paneled walls are type of romantic princesses. Her black
portraits of the Herzog's ancestry. He hence has not allied himself with the
can spend hours recounting their ex· Golden Bough in their efforts to reduce hair sweeps around the classic lines of
ploits. On the table is a candelabra, which the castle to rubble.
is usually lit during meals. There is a 5% her face. She is graceful, charming, and
chance each meal for the candles to actu· The Dungeon Master should feel free tasteful. Alas, she also has the brains of a
ally be a form of incense of obsession. If to use this party to irritate the PCs at any three-day-old tuna fish sandwich. Her
so, any cleric at the table must make a reasonable opportunity. They have a most endearing qualities are her delicate.
save vs. paralyzation to avoid the effects knack for finding secret doors llle party piercing scream and her ability to faint at
of the smoke. over looks and for claiming any mound of will.
Room 4 : This room has plenty of treasure the PCs abandon. These NPCs Unless the PCs break into this room,
bunks and a wash basin. T his is the room are also more than willing to undertake they will never enter, as the Herzog
given to the PCs during their stay here. any assignment for the Herzog, and are keeps these quarters closely guarded.
The beds are comfortable but spartan. spiteful enough to do o for the sole pur· The most noticeable feature may be the
pose of denying the assignment to the three efreeti he keeps here as guards.
The Herzog's Problem spare for such delights, as his guests
Akitrom has reason to be proud of his must be wined and dined and the Golden
accomplishments. Delegates from Bough must also be tackled. And so, he
nearby lands have finally begun coming to calls the party together and requests
Castle Greyhawk in order to observe the their aid.
security of the place and its worthiness as
a place to send, that is set- He will put the resources of Castle
tlers. Greyhawk at the PCs' disposal (for the
appropriate user-fee, of cour~e) if t~ey
But the idiot druids of the Golden can determine the cause of the infestabon
Bough are making a hash of things and, to and put an end to it. There are items of
make matters worse, there's something power as well as vast treasure in the
going on in the dungeons. rooms below, and the PCs are welcome
to all they can carry, minus the small tax
Of late, the voluminous passageways as noted earlier. Also, if they could con-
and labyrinthine chambers below have sent to map out the layers below, the
been filling up with monsters of all sorts. Herzog would deeply appreciate it, and
Indeed, some of them have been spilling
over into the castle proper. At appropri- will in fact pay 1,000 gp per dungeon level
ate times in the campaign, the OM should entirely mapped. He can offer no more.
alert the PCs to such emergencies as:
"Oh, please;' sighs Princess Risotta,
1 Mustard Jelly: AC 4; MV 9" ; HD "Say you'll do it."
7+14; hp 47; llAT 1 or 2; Dmg 5d4 or
2d4/2d4; SA special; SD special; MR And so begins the adventure!
10%; INT Average; AL N; SZ Lin the
3 Ixitachitl: AC 6; MV 12"; HD 1 + l ;
hp 4, 6, 9; llAT l ; Dmg 3d4; SA Nil; SD
Nil; MR Standard; lNT Average; AL CE;
SZ M in the Sanctum moat.
10 Tiraphegs: AC 10; MV 3" ; HD 2; hp
10 each; llAT 3; Dmg ld4 (x3); SA Stran-
gle; SD illusions; INT Average; AL N; SZ
Mmaking a nuisance of themselves in the
200 Mini-onions of Set: AC 9; MV 611 ;
HD 1/4; hp l ; llAT l ; Dmg l ; SA Nil; SD
Nil; MR 2%; INT Low; AL LE; SZ S (1
inch tall] terrorizing the Tower of Wiz-
ardry as agents of the Golden Bough, as a
distraction from a force of vegepygmies
or needlers attacking tbe gate.
1 Crypt Thing: AC 3; MV 12" : HD 6;
hp 19; llAT l ; Omg ld8; SA Teleport; SD
Magic needed to hit; MR Standard; INT
Very; AL N; SZ M hanging around the
party's quarters for lack of anything more
constructive to do. It will teleport party
members 0-3 (ld4-l ) levels below the
deepest they have explored i~ th.e
dungeon below, if the characters fail their
saving throws vs. paralyzation.
And so on.
The Herzog would gladly clear his
dungeons himself, but he has no time to
Greyhawk Dungeon-Level 1 Key
1\~~tJ.1'::1 1
*8 Column
• Pit
• • o.,o
Iron Bars
---•·I I·· Gate
............._ Dry Moat
Secret Door
This adventure is for five to eight charac- DM's Information teleported to the first level.
ters of 0 to 2d level. The dungeon itself is It is there that Zando the Great, a mi-
very light-hearted in tone, with a wide va- The dungeon in this adventure is the
riety of humorous creatures and charac- first. level beneath Greyhawk Castle. nor magician, first encountered some of
ters whose behavior ranges from zany to While this adventure can be played inde- these deviant monsters. Zando, known
comic-bookish. DMs looking for a hard- pendent of the other adventures, the to his friends as "The Weasel," immedi-
core dungeon dive should probably by- story line is linked with the grander ately had a plan. With a little work this
pass this adventure. But for those of you dungeon level could be fixed up, cages in-
interested in a break from your typical scheme of the dungeon. stalled, a spot of paint, a few posters and
save-the-universe-before-sundown ad- The Random M onsLer Generator, lo- viola! ...Zando's Emporium of Exotic and
venture, this may be what you were look- Rare Beasts.
ing for. Be forewarned, though, that cated on the lowest level of the dungeon,
some of the encounters in this dungeon is nunning on Full Automatic. Most of the Three weeks later Zando was almost
are exceptionally dangerous and require random monsters created are normal, ready, the cages were built, the beasts
thoughtful play Ito overcome. gathered and the dungeon cleaned. The
but a few, as always .happens in mass tpro- day before Zando was going to make his
big announcement to the citizens of
duction, have a defect or two. Fortu- Greyhawk, djsaster struck. One of the
nately, the Random Monster Generator creatures escaped, captured Zando,
is equipped with an internal quality con- threw him into a large cage and released
trol mechanism that teleports below- all of the other monsters; many of whom
standard monsters out of the immediate immediately turned on the would-be
area. To be specific, these monsters are
zoo's employees. The only person to es- Culum McCreedy: AC 9; Move 12"; little monster who ought to be packed off
cape was Culum, a small boy, who was HD 0: hp 2; ST7 IN13 Wl2 DX15 CNll to reform school. Culum remains silent
able to slip through the bars of the cage CH14; #AT O; Dmg O; THACO 20; AL during the accusations until the adventur-
and make his way to the Greyhawk ba- CN. ers move away from the shop keeper.
zaar. Then he apologizes saying, "Miss Tucker
Culum speaks with a cockney accent, was tell'n the truth. I have wronged her,
Culum is a well-known troublemaker and will answer all of the players' ques- but my poor ol' dad was sick at the time
and is often found nearby whenever tions with a "Yes, Sir;' "No, Sir," "Beg'n and l had to get him some food or he'd
something breaks or falls or disappears. your pardon, Ma'am," etc. Occasionally, have died, and that's the truth!'
Because of his reputation, no one in Culum's tiny body is wracked with sobs
Greyhawk is willing to listen to, much Eventually Culum leads the characters
less help, Culum rescue Zando (who isn't when speaking of how his "Dear ol' dad into a two-storey shop. ln the center of
overly popular either). was just tryin' to earn a few coppers for the floor is a trap door, bolted shut.
the evenin' stew. (Sob) His dream has al-
The adventure begins in the Greyhawk ways been for me to taste a bit o' potato "That's it. That's where my poor 'ol' dad
bazaar with Culum looking for a "mark," before I'm a full-grown man. Bless his went." Culum explains.
someone he can trick into rescuing Zando soul."
for free. Observant players may have a number
Show no mercy when playing Culum. of questions. such as "II your poor ol' dad
The Adventure Lay it on thick and pull every heart string is so poor, how can he afford a shop like
you can find. this?" and "Why is there a private en-
As the party reaches the end of yet an- trance in your house to the dungeons be-
other in the endless rows of stalls, tell Culum's goal is to get the adventurers
them that they hear a disturbing noise. It to go down into the dungeon. To this end, low?" To all such questions Culum simply
sounds like a child crying. When they go answers, " I don't know, Sir."
to investigate, read the following aloud. he'll continually use phrases like "pre-
sumed dead," and "assume the worst," in II your adventurers want, they can in-
As you turn the comer you see a small an attempt to get the characters to volun- vestigate the rest of the house. The first
red-haired boy, perhaps nine or 10 teer to search the dungeon for his dad. Ii floor contains nothing of interest. Up-
years old, sitting with his back against that doesn't work, Culum pathetically of- stairs they find a small but well-stocked
the wall. His clothes are dusty and fers them his one battered copper, (actu- kitchen and a combination bedroom/
ragged. His face is tear-streaked, with ally he has 15 silver stashed in his boot) to study with a single bed.
dark smudges covering his freckled look for dad. II the adventurers still won't
cheeks. His hands are clutched around go to rescue dear ol' dad then Culum will In the bedroom is a table filled with pa-
a small battered ·tin cup that contains a pers and legal documents, all of which
single copper coin. From his neck flat out ask them. Continued refusal
hangs a tattered sign with the word means that you have no adventure this concern zoning rights for keeping animals
"Orphan" written on it. within the castle walls. A hidden com-
evening-close the book, fold up the partment in the table contains 50 gold
Upon seeing your party, the boy at- screen, and stare at your players until pieces. A closet is filled with moderately
tempts to dry his eyes with the tom they get the hint. priced magicians' cloaks. Characters may
sleeve of his shirt, smiles bravely, and note that there is absolutely no evidence
says, "Copper for a new orphan?" Culum is a scoundrel and a scamp, (not that Culum lives in this building.
evil, just annoyingly neutral). The only
This is Culum Mccreedy. Culum has reason he's doing any of this is because If questioned about this, Culum breaks
already decided these adventurers are Zando promised him "a piece of the down crying, "he was like a father to
just the pigeons he's looking for. The action" if Culum would find someone to me." As usual, Culum is lying.
"new orphan" comment is designed to
get the conversation rolling, but if your rescue him. When the adventurers finally get ready
players are an especially hard-hearted Once your players agree to help, Cu- to go down into the dungeon, Culum in-
bunch, then Culum won't hesitate to sists on coming along. If the adventurers
speak first. He'll tell the sad tale of how lum beams with gratitude, thanking them refuse, Culum pretends to relent but fol-
"Poor ol' dad has been lost in the repeatedly. He then takes a PC's hand (if lows them down after they leave, catch-
dungeons below the castle for two days possible, that of the female with the high- ing up as soon as they encounter the first
now. I can only assume the worst, est Charisma) and starts to lead the party monste r.
ma'ams and sirs." to the dungeon entrance. As your adven-
turers make their way back through the Thereafter feel frne to use Culum to
bazaar, comment on how the shop own- your advantage, having him run off at in-
ers keep eyeing Culum with obvious hos- opportune moments, or urging the ad-
tility and fear. (One pudgy apple seller venturers on if they're about to give up.
actually throws her arms over her apple As Culum was present during the con-
basket as Culum walks by.)
struction of the zoo, he is thoroughly fa-
If the PCs talk to any of the store own- miliar with most of the monsters. From
ers, they're told that Culum is a thieving time to time you might want to have him
share this knowledge with the PCs. For point. Observant players who stop to ex- concession stand. Once the zoo opens, a
example: amine the passage will note that while it is free tour of the zoo will leave this cham-
a natural tunnel, the floor has been ber every hour. Between tours, zoo visi-
Culum (clapping hands on side of head): smoothed and dried, giving it a finished tors must wait here, while their taste
"Oh no, not (dramatic pause) look. Ceiling height in the dungeon's tun- buds are tantalized by the aroma of Zan-
...horizontal jet-propelled piercers!" nels varies from eight feet to 12 feet. do's Monsterburgers, (no they aren 't
made from monster s but they are very
Life In The Dungeon Area 2 large).
Besides being populated with defective The tunnel leads into a large chamber Stored in cabinets beneath the counter
monster s, this dungeon is constructed with grey, fitted-stone walls and a are a number of untapped kegs of ale,
like a zoo. This means the PCs are going finely-polished limestone floor. A few several dozen mugs in three different
to see a number of unusual sights during reddish-brown stalactites and stalag- sizes, 20 steak knives , 30 cloth napkins,
the adventure. (Not many dungeons have mites protrude from the ceiling and three lanterns, 15 flask s of oil, and a large
a turnstile by the main entrance). When floor, attesting to the fact that this is a supply of rapidly deteriorating vegeta-
running the adventure, think of the Island natural chamber. I n the center of the bles, (primarily tomatoes and onions for
room are four pinewood tables, each the Monsterburgers). Character s who
of Misfit Toys from Rudolf the Red- surrounded by five stools. Against the search the counter have a 25% chance of
Nosed Reindeer- toy trains with square northern wall stands an elbow-high finding a secret drawer (the register),
counter. Two beer taps are built into which contains 53 sp and 110 cp.
wheels, a Jack-in-the-box named Her- the counter, and a small, stone fire-
man, etc. place is recessed into the wall behind The fireplace is perfectly normal and
the counter. A sign above the counter the chimney actually adjoins the chimney
As the adventurers journey into the reads as follows: of Zando's house on the street above.
dungeon, point out how clean and well Beside the fireplace is a wooden crate
Ale, Pixie mug 10 copper filled with 40 pounds of coal. (Cooking
ventilated it is. M any of your players will Peasant mug 1 silver over a coal fire tends to smother the fla-
2 silver vor of the meat , a highly desirable result
probably think the entire dungeon is an il- Jumbo mug 1 silver considering the meat Zando plans on us-
lusion. Let them, they'll find out the truth Monsterburger Free ing.)
soon enough. Full tour
The tables and stools are of your typi-
Most of the monsters have left their T hree small passages lead out of the
cages. A few, such as aquatic creatures, chamber to the north, east, and south. cal barroom variety. The only thing of in-
had no choice but to remain where they
were. As is always the case whenever An arrow painted at the entrance to terest about them is that they seem to be
large numbers of monsters are left alone the southern passage has a profile of a newly made (Zando just purchased
together, the creatures of the dungeon sea serpent emblazoned upon it. A them).
have already begun to stake out lairs and similar arrow pointing toward the
prey upon one another. northern passage shows a bear. T he Area 3
third passage, the one you just en-
Sigh. Monsters will be monsters. tered from, has an "Exit " sign T he door opens to reveal a short T-
shaped corridor. The t wo ends of the
The Dungeon of Misfit Monsters mounted above it. Other exits from T each end in another wooden door.
Emblazoned upon one of the doors is a
Area 1 the chamber include a wooden door silhouette of a barbarian warrior hold-
set into the southern wall and a large ing abattle axe. Upon the other door is
The trapdoor opens to reveal a stur dy natural passage leading farther to the a silhouette of well-proportioned
wooden staircase leading downward. west. A plaque mounted beside the woman wearing a long flowing gown.
Attached to the wall to either side of last passage reads •'This way to tre-
the staircase is a hand rail. mendous monster of gigantic propor- These are the bathrooms, or r ather
At the bottom of the stairs, built into these will be the bathrooms when the zoo
the wall, is a small wooden guar d This chamber is a combination conces-
house with barred windows, and an sion stand/tour meeting area. Most of a opens (neither one has ever been used
elbow-high shelf with a tiny slot just zoo's profit comes from concessions, before). The door with the barbarian sil-
above it. On the front of the guard- namely selling low-quality food at high houette (area 3A) leads to the men's
house is a sign. It reads, "Adults-3 prices. To this end, Zando set up his own room. The other door leads to the wom-
copper, Children under 12- Free." en's (area 3B).
The guardhouse is empty. When the adventurers open one of the
A natural passage runs west from this
doors, regardless of which one, tell them erated, at which time both heads will re- room, ld4 horizontal piercers attack.
they see a small bathroom. The accom- sume the battle. As with the lernaean Thereafter, for every round that the
modations are primitive but clean. A mir- hydra, burning the neck stump perma- characters remain here, ld4 more pierc-
ror. wash bowl, and towel sit on a shelf nently kills a head. lf both heads are dead, ers will attack until all 24 have fired.
attached to one of the blue-tiled walls. the hydra dies.
The toilet itself is simply a round opening The pit is roughly cut about 10 feet
that disappears into darkness (the pipe Incidentally, any character who uses ei- deep and lined with fitted stones. The
leads to a central septic tank between the mushrooms are called leakers.
ther bathroom before the hydra attacks is
two bathrooms- more on this in a mo- in for a big surprise. 4 Leakers: AC 7; Move l " ; HD 3; hp
ment). You might also want to include a 12,12, 12,10; #AT O; AL N.
potted plant in the lady's room, perhaps a Area 4
hanging fem. A leaker is actually a strange variety of
This bizarre chamber looks as if it's shrieker. Unlike a shrieker, however, a
When the characters open the second been tilted on its side. Stalagmites and leaker makes no sound whatsoever, but
door, describe the room as " identical to stalactites are growing horizontally when it is prodded or damaged, a brightly
the last room, but there is a strange from the walls! In the center of the glowing green sap flows from the leaker's
sound coming from the toilet. almost like room is a pit covered by an iron grate. body. This sap will continue to glow, illu-
a rumbling." Milling slowly about the bottom of the minating an area 30 feet in radius, for up
pit are a number of giant mushrooms, to eight hours before fading. Each leaker
This rumbling comes from a two- can produce enough sap to fill a lantern,
headed hydra that has taken up residence their color varying from light green to thereafter the leaker must rest for 24
bright blue. hours.
in the septic tank.
1 Hydra: AC 5; Move O" [stuck in sep- The stalagmites and stalactites are ac- Area 5
tic tank]; HD 2; hp 16; #AT 1 in each tually horizontal jet-propelled piercers. On the outer edges of the cavern, nu-
bathroom; Dmg l ,d6; THACO 16; SD re- merous stalagmites and stalactites
24 Horizontal Jet-Propelled Piercers: cover the ceiling an.d floor, obscuring
generates severed head in ld4 melee the room's perimete r in dark
rounds; AL N. AC 3; Move 111 HD 1; hp 7,7,7,7,7, s hadows. In marked contrast, the cen-
; ter of the chamber has been cleared of
This hydra has an exceptionally long all natural rock formations. Pock-
neck. It has only two heads with 8 hit 6,6,6,6,6,4,4,4,4,4,3,3.3,3,3, 3,3,2,2; marks and stumps are all that remain
points each. While the hydra does grow of the stalagmites and stalactites
back severed heads (i.e .• heads that have #AT 1; Dmg ld6; THACO 19; AL N which once stood there.
been reduced to 0 hp) , it does not grow
them back at the two to one ratio as do Horizontal jet-propelled piercers are On the outer edges of the chamber are
normal lemaean hydras . However, what two features of interest. The first is a
this hydra lacks in physical abilities it indistinguishable from horizontal stalag- door on the northern wall. Painted on the
makes up for in intelligence. door are the words, " EMPLOYEES
mites until they are examined closely ONLY." The second feature of interest is
The rumbling sound heard by the charac- a two-foot-diameter black sphere, hidden
ters is a ploy by the hydra to get the adven- (from five feet away or less). These bi- in the shadows against the west wall. The
sphere feels smooth and rock-like to the
turers to turn their backs on the other zarre creatures collect methane from the touch, but when tapped it reverberates
bathroom. Immediately after making the with a hollow sound.
rumbling noise in one bathroom, the hydra dungeon air, storing it in a special lung lo-
sticks his head up through the other bath- Solid gas spore (AC O; Move O"; HD 4;
cated at the base of their cone. Adjacent hp 16; NAT 0; Dmg 2d4 + save vs. poi-
room and attempts to attack one of the ad- son otherwise character is infected as per
venturers from behind. If the door to the to the storage lung is another organ called normal gas spore; SA Explode when
bathroom is closed, the hydra opens it with punctured; AL N.
his teeth. Characters who aren't watching the pyreen. On command the pyreen
the door behind them are automaticaJly sur- Solid gas spores differ from normaJ gas
prised. As soon as the characters tum to emits a small flame, igniting the stored spores in two way. First, they aren't
face this attack then the second head rises nearly as easy to puncture (edged non-
out of the other bathroom and attacks, with methane , which propels the piercer magical weapons break on a roll of 1 when
surprise if possible.
through the air toward its target. Hori-
If one of the heads is defeated (treat
them as two separate 8 hit point crea- zontal piercers have a range of about 20
tures). then the o ther head will suddenly
retract back down the hole for ld4 melee feet and can actually adjust their trajec-
rounds until the second head has regen-
tory in mid-flight simply by altering the di-
rection of the methane emissions.
These piercers mindlessly attack any
creature that comes within 20 feet and is
directly in front ofthem, regardless of the
size of the creature (they sense body
heat). After attacking once. it takes sev-
eral days for the storage lung to restock
its supply of methane, until then the hori-
zontal pie rcer can do nothing but cling
helplessly to a wall.
As soon as the characters enter the
used against a solid gas spore). Second, gizzard-like organ that contains 3d6 plati- has been barred by the characters then
when solid gas spor es explode they inflict num pieces and may contain ldlO gems the sharks retreat back behind the
2d4 points of damage to everyone within (35% chance). columns and hide on the bottom where
30 feet due to sheU fragments. they are immune to all missile attacks.
As a simple advertising gimmick, Otherwise the sharks charge out of the
Area 6 Zando plans on asking tour groups to play cage and attack with mindless fe rocity. (If
"Spot the monster." The first person to the battle is going too much in the sharks'
Against the northern wall, separated spot the ropeless wins five copper favor, have them stop attacking and circle
from the rest of the chamber by a dry pieces. for a while- walk around the adven-
moat, stands an iron-bar cage. A turers-until the party regroups.)
plaque at the base of the cage reads, Area 8
" Extreme Danger-Do Not Feed Area 9
Meat." The cage is empty except for a The passage opens up into an unusual
few bones littered about its floor. cavern. The left half of the room is This crowded room, smelling of salted
blocked off from your area by iron meats, is lit by a glowing crystal ball
This cage used to house the two mini- bars. An iron door in the center of the attached to the ceiling high above. A
taurs now in area 9. bars is shut. On the far side of the bars small wooden table sits in the center of
is a pool of water. Stalactites and the room, surrounded by several
There are two exits from the room-a stalagmites droop down from the ceil- chairs. In one comer stands an oak
natural tunnel leading south, and a ing and rise out of the water, occasion- desk, the brass plaque upon it reads,
wooden door with the words "EMPLOY- ally meeting to form glistening white " Zando- Office Manager." Stacked
EES ONLY" printed on it. columns. Swimming in the shallow against the far wall are several dozen
pool between the columns are several crates and barrels labeled, "Meat."
A ranger will recognize the bones as sharks . Two creatures are struggling to tip
those of a bear. The bones were placed over one of the barrels. The creatures
there by Zando to impress visitors. A wooden door to your right leads are three feet tall with bodies like
out of the chamber. A sign hung on this those of men, but heads like bulls.
Area 7 door reads, "EMPLOYEES ONLY."
If Culum is with the group he screams
An iron gate lies propped against the These are not normal sharks- these in terror, (destroying any chance of sur-
wall. Brownish-red stalagmites and are land sharks. prise), crying out "Oh no, not mini-
stalactites, light grey columns, and nu- taurs!" Upon hearing the scream, both of
merous patches of grey flowstone 3 Land Sharks: AC 6; Move 24" 16"; the minitaurs wheel about and snarl at the
compete for space within the chamber. HD 3; hp 17,12,11; NAT l ; Dmg ld4+1; party.
A tiny stream of clear water winds its THACO 16; AL N.
way through the chamber occasionally 2 Minitaurs: AC 6; Move 12"; HD 1
widening into a small pool. As their name suggests, land sharks +2; hp 10,9 ; NAT l; Dmg ld6; THACO
can leave the water; in fact they can stand 18; AL CN.
Lurking amongst the flowstones and upright, walk, and even manage a short
stalagmites is a ropeless (i.e., a s mall loping sprint on their rear fins when nec- These are two very hungry minitaurs
roper without any strands). essary (such as when the prey is running and they've staked out their claim. Uthe
away). characters make any hostile gestures or ap-
Ropeless: AC 0; Move 3"; HD 5; hp proach the barrels, then the minitaurs at-
15; NAT l; Omg ldlO; THACO 15; AL Characters who check find that the lock tack, trying to drive off the invaders. If the
CE on the cage door is broken. Adventurers characters offer the minitaurs food, then
may tie the door shut with available sup- the minitaurs drop all signs of hostility and
The ropeless is hiding in the southeast plies (rope, cloth, wire, etc.). scamper over to the party, whining and
comer of the room and can only be spot- snorting like two playful pit bulls. Thereaf-
ted (10% chance) by characters actively When the characters enter the cham- ter the minitaurs follow the characters
looking. (Exception: Adventurers with- ber the sharks immediately spot them. where ever they go, behaving as domesti-
out torches who are using infravision au- swim over to the bars, and glare menac- cated dogs (snarl at strangers, etc.).
tomatically spot the ropeless.) The ingly. This is meant to scare the party
ropeless continues to hide until a charac- away (the sharks aren't particularly hun- This room is a combination storeroom/
ter approaches within five feet, at which gry right now). office/employee lounge. The dimensions
time it suddenly springs up and attacks. of the room are 30 feet by 30 feet, with a
surprising on a 1-5. If the adventurers attack or taunt the 15-foot-high ceiling.
sharks in any way, all three sharks will
Like a roper, the ropeless has a rise up out of the water (the water is only
waist high) and move toward the cage
door with surprising speed. If the door
The crystal ball is attached lo the ceil- This room is frequently occupied by deep, he behaves more like a dolphin,
ing with magical glue. A dwarf or gnome monsters stopping to quench their thirst. frolicking about the pool, attempting to
may attempt to remove the globe by Roll for a random encounter as soon as splash the character s as they walk by. (Of
making a Dexterity Check. Success the characters enter this chamber. course, your adventures might not real-
means that the globe has been detached ize Howard is playing.)
intact. Failure means that the globe shat- The stream passing through this cham-
ters and the spell is broken. ber is just one of several that flow be- If attacked, Howard casts hold person
neath Greyhawk Castle. The water is on the offending party and then retreats
The crates and barrels in the corner dark and cool, but quite clean and re- to the bottom of his pool to sulk. lf espe-
contain, for the most part, low-quality cially hard pressed in !battle, Howard can
meats and grains for feeding the animals. freshing. Characters checking for depth cast a blinding flash of light from his main
The meats are packed in salt and must be discover the water level to be just over eye once per day. All characters within
washed thoroughly before they are given waist deep (chin high on a halfling). Ad- this conical ray (cone 1/2" at eye extend-
to the monsters. No human food is kept venturers may freely wade up- or down- ing 3" to a 2" diameter base) must save
here. (Employees go to the bazaar during stream if they so choose. When heading vs. death ray/poison or be blinded for 2d6
their lunch hour.) upstream, the ceiling gradually becomes turns.
The oak desk in the comer is Zando's. lower and lower. until character s are Howard has no need for the treasure in
forced to completely submerge them- his pool. lf the characters show a strong
Stacked upon it are a number of papers selves to continue. PCs who proceed be- desire for this treasure without attacking
dealing with employee salaries, release (such as trying to fish some of it out with a
forms, tax forms, etc. There is nothing of yond this point will eventually drown. small net). Howard will help out, scoop-
interest in the desk. A poster above the ing up large mouthfuls of coins and then
desk shows a number of cartoonish fig- Characters who wade downstream reach shooting them at the players (no damage
ures laughing hysterically and rolling but it stings a little). In all there are 500
around the floor. The caption beneath the area 12. cp and 75 sp in the pool.
figures reads, "You want it when?"
The bridge over the stream is sturdy, The moat around the pool is five feet
Area 10 made of newly cut oak, sanded and pol- deep.
ished, with guardrails on either side.
The passage opens into a large, low- The water troughs in the floor are one
ceilinged cavern, the walls of which The fungus covering the walls is a foot wide and eight inches deep. Zando
are covered with a luminous green harmless variety of green slime. Charac- carved out these I.roughs so he could refill
fungus. Flowing through the center of ters who touch the fungus find that it Howard's pool and the dolphin pool in
the cavern is a stream. A newly-made readily stains fingers and clothes. There
wooden bridge crosses the stream. area 13 at will.
On the far side you see a holding pool are no other effects. The stain will wash
of some type. Built around the holding Area 11
pond is a five-foot-wide dry moat. out in warm water.
The holding pond is a natural depres- This is a small cavern. ln the center,
A water trough has been cut into the supported by several sawn off stalag-
sion in the floor, some 20 feet in diameter mites, is an oaken table, on top of
natural stone floor, leading from the which sit four large aquariums. A rail-
stream to the holding pool. Another and about 15 feet deep at its central point. ing surrounds the table. Two ores are
trough winds its way around the out- standing beside the table. They look
side of the chamber, exiting down a The floor of the pool is carpeted with a surprised to see you.
layer of copper coins, sprinkled with a
wide, dark passage. Asign beside this few silver pieces. Floating just above the The ores standing before the party
aren't really ores at all-they're gas ores,
passage reads, "Zando's Performing coins is a spherical creature with one a strange mutant variety of the gas spore.
Porpoises-Showtimes: 10:00. 12:00, large eye in the center of its body, two Gas ores look almost identical to real
2:00, 4:00." At present both water eye stalks, and two thin arms, each of ores, including the appearance of armor
troughs are dry, their connections to and weapons (one of the gas ores is carry-
the stream blocked by boards. which end in claws. A small plaque at- ing a gas spear and the other a gas
Two other passages lead out of the tached to the floor of the cavern beside
cavern. One follows alongside the the pool reads, "Cast a coin, and the de- 2 Gas Ores: AC 9; Move 3": HD 1 Hit
stream, the other. a small damp pas- mon of the deep shall grant your wishes."
sage, heads south. Point; NAT O; Dmg 2d4; SA Explode
This is the official zoo wishing well.
The treasure in the pool was placed there when punctured; AL N.
by Zando to encourage people to throw
more coins in.
The creature is an eye of the shallows
(sort of a cross between an eye of the
deep and a dolphin). His name is Howard.
Eye of the Shallows: AC 5; Move 6";
HD 8; hp 35; NAT 3; Dmg ld6/ ld6/ ld6;
THACO 12; SA Hold person spell once
per round; AL CG
While Howard looks like an eye of the
Gas ores sense body heat. Whenever a The room is empty. ror more informa- are 300 sp. T hese were placed here,
living creature comes within 20 feet, the tion on uniducks, see the Wandering once again, by Zando in an attempt to g7t
Monster Encounters section (on page the crowds to throw money. Zando still
gas ore will drift slowly toward the crea- 20). doesn't know that these are killer dol-
phins, altilough he is a little suspicious
ture, propelling itself with the millions of Area 13 since three of his dolphin trainer s have
tiny cilia on its outer skin. If a gas ore suf- disappeared.
fers even one point of damage it explodes The tunnel descends into a large rec-
and all creatures within 10 feet receive tangular chamber. On either side of Area 14
ld4+1 points of damage, plus they must you are bleachers, cut into the natural
save vs. poison. Characters who fail their stonework, all facing toward the far This long, wide, natural corridor leads
saves are infected with gas ore spores. half of the room. There, well lit by to Zando's main exhibit ar ea. Ever as-
T hereafter the victim has 24 hours to get more of the green fungus, is a swim- tute, Zando has used the great length of
a cure disease spell cast upon him or he ming pool, its bottom sprinkled with the corridor to build suspense. Posted
will die two days later and sprout 3d4 silver coins. Above the pool is a along the walls are a series of signs-
more gas ores. wooden bridge, suspended beneath "500 Feet to Terrible M onster of Gigan-
which are three hoops, several feet tic Proportions," "400 Feet to Terrible
When the party enters, the ores simply above the surface of the water. As you Monster of Gigantic Proportions," etc.•
stand there staring at the adventurers. enter, three dolphins simultaneously the last sign, just outside the curtain to
During the first round there is a 90% leap from the water, fly through the
hoops, and fall back into the pool's area 15 reads, "O Feet to Terrible M on-
chance that the characters will mistake cool, clear water.
the gas ores for real ores. U the charac- ster of Gigantic Proportions." While
In the last chamber the characters en- walking down the corridor, dwarves and
ters don't attack immediately. then the countered Howard. the friendly eye of gnomes have a 50% chance of noticing
gas ores' true nature becomes apparent the shallows. Remember how Howard that it gently slopes downward.
as they drift toward the characters sev- got all his goodness from his dol~hin half,
eral inches above the floor, in the best and his horrid appearance from his eye of Area 15
balloon fashion, without moving their the deep half? These dolphins are just the
legs. Char acters using just infravision reverse-these are killer dolphins. The chamber is circular in construc-
cannot see the gas ores. tion. Dominating the center of the
3 Killer Dolphins: AC 5; Move 30"; HD room is a 30-foot-diameter, conical-
Once the characters have dealt with 2 + 2; hp 16, 14, 12; NAT 1; Dmg 2d4: shaped, steel bar cage surrounded by
the gas ores, they can examine the rest of T HACO 16; AL CE. a small moat. The door to the cage lies
the chamber. As stated, there are four bent and twisted near the far wall, as if
aquariums on the table, each containing a These dolphins are highly intelligent, tossed there by whatever was once
creature captured by Zando and a name and they're also very hungry. When the held within. On the floor of the cage
plate identifying it. In order, the crea- characters enter the room, the dolphins lies the leg bone of some great beast,
tures are a normal gar. a normal crab, a pretend not to notice them. Instead the
normal crayfish, and a normal pike. dolphins put on a show- they leap shattered on one end. The air in this
through the hoops, tread water on their chamber feels thick and smells of ani-
With all the giant varieties of these
cr eatures running about, people don·t back fins, summersault in the air, etc. mal fur. A small bronze plaque on the
get to see the small o~es anymore. (l nc_i- After a few minutes one of the dolphins side of the cage reads, "Gigantic Mon-
dentally, Zando is pulling a fast one on his ster of Incredible Proportions."
customers, the crab isn't normal, it'sjust will pretend to suddenly see the party.
a baby giant crab, but that won't become When this happens the dolphins step up This is Zando's main exhibit room. T he
apparent for several more years.) the pace of the show as if they are trying main exhibit has obviously escaped. In
to impr ess the character s. The dolphins' fact, this was the creature that released
Area 12 ultimate objective ls to coax one of the all of the other creatures in the zoo.
characters into the water. If a character
T he path opens into another large ca- does come near the water. one of Uie dol- On the floor of the cage are several
vern . Here the stream forks, flowing phins will swim by, chatter excitedly, and tufts of hair. A ranger who makes a suc-
around a lar ge moss-covered island, splash the character lightly, using its side cessful Intelligence Check can identify
then comes together again to flow out flipper. As soon as a character enters the the hair as that of a mammoth. Similarly,
the far side of the cavern. A fence of water. tile dolphins attack mercilessly. the bone in the cage is t.1e leg bone of a
long steel spikes and rope surrounds mammoth. The bone is covered with
the two forks of the stream and the is- Scattered about the bottom of the pool teeth marks.
land. A plaque by the fence reads.
"Uniduck Island." In the center of the northern portion of
the wall is a wide tunnel leading north. An sonable tricks may also work (convincing Lf the characters want, they can try to
arrow sign, hung just inside the tunnel's Burt and Jimmy to club each other to signal Zando by throwing a rock near the
entrance, reads, " Herbivore Exhibit death, telling them that cretins are sup- cage. II successful, and if Burt and Jimmy
This Way." posed to be vegetarians, daring them to haven't been alerted, Zando will sud-
swim underwater downstream as far as denly become very animated, trying to
Area 16 possible, etc.). come up with a plan for getting around
Burt and Jimmy. In fact, he may become
The corridor ends abruptly in a bal- Strapped to the cretin's hip are keys
cony. Fifteen feet below is a large nat- for the cage . Thieves attempting to so animated that the characters fear dis-
ural stone chamber. Reddish-purple sneak up on Burt and Jimmy have their covery because of Zando's wild arm ges-
stalagmites and stalactites cover the percentage chance of success reduced by tures. If the characters start to leave
floor and ceiling. occasionally meeting 15% (two heads are better than one. as after signaling, Zando becomes very irri-
to form huge, multi-colored columns. they say). tated. In fact, he becomes irritated to the
Flowing through the center of the point of yelling, "Don't leave me." (If
chamber is a swift, dark stream. On Players who try to wait until Burt and nothing else, more prisoners mean more
the far side is a gigantic two-headed gi- Jimmy are asleep before acting will be
ant. Scattered on the floor beside him sorely disappointed, as both heads never appetizers for Burt and Jimmy to select
are a variety of bones. sleep at the same time. from, reasons Zando.)
Beyond the giant is a cage, within Some players may opt for the more di- lf Zando is rescued, Culum immedi-
which sits a dejected blue-robed fig- rect hack-n-slash approach. If attacked, ately walks up to him, plants both feet in
ure . Burt and Jimmy become enraged, charg-
ing at the nearest opponent and attacking front of the magician, and demands,
The air is hea vy with the smell of him repeatedly until he is oatmeal. Burt "That's 15 silver pieces you owe me for
burning flesh. and Jimmy can easily climb onto the bal- rescuing you.''
cony in one round. They won't stop at-
This room was o riginally intended to be tacking until all perceived enemies have Zando grumbles, reaches down inside
a natural habitat for dungeon herbivores, his robe, pulls out 15 silver pieces, and
allowing them to ro am free while watched left the immediate area (or been turned counts them out, one at a time for Culum.
by the paying public. Unfortunately for into oatmeal) . "Now get outta my face, kid, you bother
the herbivores, the cretin (sort of like an me.''
ettin but not as smart), moved here after If the cretin spots the characters while
escaping from the cage in area 15 and they're still on the balcony, then Burt and Needless to say, your players may be
freeing the other monsters. Since then, Jimmy simultaneously let out a blood- somewhat disgruntled by this tum of
all of the herbivores have been eaten as curdling yell, designed to scare off the ad- events, especially if several of their com-
have all of the zoo personnel. Zando, the venturers. (Normally Burt and Jimmy panions died during the adventure.
magician locked in the cage, is next on the would attack but, having just eaten an en-
menu. Incidentally, the two heads of the tire herbivore habitat over the last two Zando then turns to the adventurers
cretin are named Burt and Jimmy; like days, they're rather bloated.) and makes them an offer. U they'll help
most giant heads, they speak with a cock- him get the zoo back into running order
ney accent. Zando (4th-level magician): AC 10; he'll give them 5% of the first year's
Move 12"; MU 4; hp 12; #AT l; Dmg by gross. Hard-bargaining players might
Cretin: AC 5: Move 12"; HD 8 ; hp 38; work Zando up to 20%, but he won't go
NAT 2; Dmg ld12/ld12 (each hand holds weapon; THACO 20; ST 10 IN14 WS7 any higher than that ("Hey, I gotta pro-
a giant spiked club); THACO 12; SD Sur- CN11 DX13 CHS; AL CN. Spells7 none tect my profit margin, right?")
prised only on a 1; AL CE. memorized. Wears a small key on a silver
chain around his neck. This is the master Getting the zoo back in running order
If the adventure rs are very quiet, allow key to all of the locks on this level of the means rounding up all the creatures run-
them to observe the cretin without alert- dungeon. ning loose and putting them back in their
ing it. Of course, at your discretion. Cu- cages unharmed. After that Zando has a
lum can always point and shout , "Look, a Because of his hectic business sched- secret room where, "These critters just
monster! " ule, Zando hasn't studied any spells for appear out of thin air, from time to time."
Burt and Jimmy are not very bright. In the last three weeks. Not having any The room Zando refers to is area 18.
fact, just about any reasonable trick will spells at his disposal, fearing that Culum The Random Monster Generator on the
work against them (getting the heads to failed, and knowing that he's next on Burt lowest level teleports defective monsters
argue with each other, throwing a rock in and Jimmy's list of appetizers, have all to that room at a rate of about one mon-
the com er to distract them, etc.). Unrea- left Zando feeling rather depressed. ster per week.
When the adventurers arrive, Zando is If the adventurers agree to Zando's of-
sitting in the cage with is head hung low. fer, then Zando shows them the secret
At some point in the rescue, Culum whis- door leading to his private office (area
17), takes them there. and has them sign
pe rs, "There's dear ol' dad" and points numerous legal documents.
toward Zando.
During the entire proceedings, play the floor so that it won 't get damp and to 2 . Four Little Guys : AC 8; Move 9";
Zando like an overly slick, used-car sales- cover up the deep hole. Unknown to
man. If you're doing it right, paladins and Zando this hole leads to the next level of HD 1 + l ; hp 9,9,8,7; NKI 1; Dmg ld8;
lawful good characters should fear for the the dungeon.
pureness of their spirits. THACO 18; AL CN. T hese are miniature
Area 18 giants (about five feet tall). 1n order of
At the end of the one-year period each most hit points to least, there is Arghh
percentage point ofprofit is worth 25 gold This is the room where defective mon- the fire guy, Glacon the frost guy, Rocky
pieces. For example, if the characters sters are teleported. Fearful of escapes, the stone guy, and Jethro the hill guy.
agreed to Zando's offer of 5% of the Zando had a solid iron door installed to Since they got smaller and became sub-
gross, they would receive 125 gold keep the creatures in. Zando keeps this ject to being eaten by bears and wolves
pieces to split amongst themselves. gate locked at all times and wears the key and gelatinous disks, they' ve become
around his neck. Once per day Zando pretty nice to most adventurers. In fact,
Area 17 drops by to see if there are any new arriv- these guys will do just about anything to
als. If the adventurers get past the lock get out of fighting.
The winding tunnel ends in a small nat- and open the door, tell them it appears to
ural cavern. Stalagmites and stalacti- be a normal empty room, except for one 3 . Four Uniduck s : AC 7; Move 3" I
tes circle the perimeter of the room, wall that shimmers grey, twinkling almost 15"; HD 1-1; hp 4 ,4,2,1; NAT l ; Dmg
but in the center all such obstructions as if it was sprinkled with silver dust. ld2; T HACO 20; AL LG. Like unicorns,
have been cleared. Situated at one end uniducks are loyal and true beasts, the
of the clearing is a finely polished ma- This unusual wall is the portal that con- very essence of all that is noble and good.
hogany desk, behind which sits a blue nects the Random Monster Generator However, unlike unicorns, uniducks
plush chair. A set of bookshelves stand with this level. Creatures flop through make very poor steeds, as they are just
against the far wall and covering the this wall at a rate of about one per week. knee-high, and tend to squash when sat
floor is an exquisite silver-threaded For all practical purposes, the wall is solid upon .
rug. As you step across the rug, you to the characters (i.e., it is a one-way
hear the hollow sound of wooden portal, monsters check in but they don't 4 . S ix Goblins: AC 6; Move 6"; HD
planking beneath it. check out). 1-1; hp 7,7,4,4,3,2; IJKI 1; Dmg ld6
(spiked club); THACO 20; AL LE. These
This is Zando's private office. Wandering Monst e r Encounters really are normal goblins. They wan-
The bookshelf contains numerous edi- dered onto this dungeon level two days
tions of various tax manuals, along with This table is included as an aid to the ago and have been exploring it ever
all of Zando's spell research material. OM. Roll ld4 once per tum. On a 4, the since. The leader of the goblins, Gunter,
The desk also contains files on the vari- party has encountered one of the wan- is an especially nasty fellow. he's always
ous employees, as well as notes on the dering monsters listed below. Roll again quick to commit his troops to a fight to
various creatures (what they eat, how to see which monster is encountered. the death.
much they eat, how to care for them, Note that there are a limited number of
etc.). Characters who search the desk wandering monsters in this dungeon;
find a small secret compartment in the once one of the monsters listed below has
back of the top right-hand drawer. There, been slain or captured it cannot be en-
wrapped in soft cloth, is a 50-gp ruby with countered again. If the encounter die roll
a continual light spell cast upon it. This is calJs for a second encounter with the
Zando's office light. same monster, there is no encounter.
The blue chair is extremely comfort-
able. Characters who search the chair 1. One Gelatino us Dis k (AC 8;
have 25% chance of finding the secret Move 114"; HD 4; hp 14; NKI l; Dmg
compartment beneath the seat. There, 2d4 ; SA Paralyzation; THACO 20; AL N.
neatly stacked, are 350 gold pieces. Similar to a gelatinous cube in most re-
The rug is of fine quality and was won spects, the gelatinous disk is much less
by Zando in a card game several years feared because its unusual shape leaves it
ago. At the bazaar similar rugs sell for almost immobile. T hus while the gelati-
200 gold pieces. Beneath the rug is an nous disk has 4 Hit Dice, it only attacks as
even layer of pine boards. These were a 1-1 Hit Die creature. There is nothing
placed here by Zando to keep the rug off of interest within the body of this gelati-
nous disk.
I level 2: it's my paRty anb
I 'll b1e 1f 1want to
II II I 21- Greyhawk
1~3 )( I Level2
I IF,) I "4 21 E§3 Door
~ Locked Door
x ' ~ Broken Doo r
22 I ICC:: Trap Doo r (Ceiling)
-x ' - IX - [ Errap Door (Floor)
[ D Broken Wall
I 1Q
[][) Pit
-IX ':In ~1
CXJ Random Encounter
..- ~ ., L -1 ,- ll Check
,- - x I- IX Scale: 1 Square = 10 Feet
x~ ~i ~ - ~
12 ]X ·-
.- A I ·1u- .I
- -·1-
x 5I
,-.IX 14 '
J II - -~ ,_ x
IX j l
I ~
!I !1 x 13
·-.... I i - --
I xI
-H 0-i,..--Entryway
T his adventure is designed for up to Trouble is, nobody knows how to go iJs and demons and impress them with
five characters of levels 3.4. A variety of about this, since there's not exactly a how good they were at serving and grov-
character classes will help, but not much. surplus of brain cells in these parts. Wy-
perag, the bugbear chieftain, has trouble eling. And out of all the evil powers that
DM Introduction finding the pointy end of his sword. let
alone a halfway-decent demon lord. Gor- were sure to show up, at least one of
This level of the castle is entirely occu- gie, the ogre leader, can' t remember how them would be impressed enough to take
pied by ores, ogres, goblins, and other to work a doorknob. The evil mage M or- them on as followers.
tykraken and his assistant M udstone
evil types. They' re all bored stiff and hate have come up with a few semi-interesting The plan was met with immediate en-
magical devices, but ha\•e zippo for plans thusiasm. Nobody was quite sure what
being stuck here because there's nothing to attract an evil master. kind of party to throw, but M ortykraken
to do. Sure, there's an occasional gang figured that even demons must like to
fight between the ores and goblins, and Until recently, that is. A few days ago. eat , so they decided to make it a banquet.
while trying to decipher some of the big Also, nobody was quite sure how to go
once in a while there's a lost adventurer words in a volume of arcane lore, M orty- about inviting the guests of honor, but
kraken got an idea. Since everybody likes M ortykraken came up with an idea for
to slaughter, but most of the time it's dull, a good party, why not throw a big get-to- that. too (see room 26 for details) .
dull, dull. Everyone dreams of finding an know-you bash for the evil powers and in-
evil power to serve, a mighty demon or vite them all to attend? They could Unfortunately, the day before the
devil who'll take them away from their
miserable existence and lead them on a introduce themselves to au the local dev- party. M ortykraken brought in a giant
glorious conquest of Greyhawk and the frog which promptly ate him. Without the
organizational talents of M ortykraken.
rest of the known world.
meager though they were. the plans be-
gan to falter, until Wyperag and Gorgie AL CE. Carries 2d4 x 10 gp. This is the giant frog that escaped from
rose to the occasion and sorted out as- room 11 (see Encounter Key for de tails).
signments as best they could. Impress upon the PCs that these crea- It attacks the PCs from around the near-
tures are all over the place. If the PCs est corne r (choose randomly). The frog
General Course of Play want to demolish a few, that's fine, but is hungry and will eat as many PCs as it
there are plenty of replacements. For can. If the PCs flee, the frog pursues, but
The adventure opens on the morning game purposes, assume there are as if the PCs duck into a room or e lude it for
before the party. T he residents are under many bugbears, ores, ogres, goblins, and three rounds, the frog loses interest and
the impression that special servants have guards as you need. Use the above statis- hops away. (If the PCs kill it and this en-
been summoned to help out at the ban- tics when running any of these creatures, counter is rolled again, roll for another.)
quet. This may have been the inte~tio~, but feel free to vary the hit points, weap-
but nobody every got around to domg 1t. ons, and treasure, within the guidelines 4. Baby Bugbe ar: (see room 2 for
When the PCs show up, the residents will statistics)
assume they're the expected servants given in the Monster Manual.
and will treat them accordingly. A baby bugbear is casually crawling
Random Encounters down the corridor. This is the escaped
T he Setting baby from room 2 (see Encounte r Key
Whenever a PC enters an area on the for details). If the P Cs haven't been
All the rooms and corridors in this level there, they probably won't attach any
are made of stone. Torches are set in the map marked with an X, roll ld8. On a roll special significance to it. All other crea-
walls at regular intervals to provide illu- of 1 or 2, there is a random encounter. tures in the corridor will ignore the PCs'
mination. The whole place is filthy and requests for help or information, and no
stinks of rotting garbage and ore dung. All Roll ldlO to determine which one, as fol- one else will take the infant. The PCs can
of the doors are numbered and none of lows. take it along if they lik e or let it crawl
them are locked, except those at the en- away, whichever they prefer.
tryway and room 24. l. Goblin Butchers (l d6) : (same
statistics as regular goblins) If the P Cs have been to room 2, they
Ores, goblins, bugbears, and ogres '.lfe
everywhere, pushing carts, hauling From around the nearest corner should recognize this as the missing baby.
crates, and carrying out all the tasks ne:- (choose randomly), a group of goblins They are still free to let it crawl away, but
essary to prepare for the party. Their dressed in white aprons and armed with if they return it to room 2, Yekki (who will
typical statistics are given below. meat cleavers (Dmg ld8) charge the be back on duty) will thank them and re-
PCs. The goblins believe the PCs would ward them with mouse-head hors
Ore: AC 6; MV 9" ; HD l; hp 6; #AT l; make a tasty dish to serve at the party
and intend to butcher them on the spot. If d'oeuvres. (If the PCs return the baby
Dmg ld8 (axe or sword); THACO 19; AL more than half of the goblins are killed, and this encounter is rolled again, roll for
LE. Carries 2d6 ep. the rest flee. another.)
Goblin: AC 6; MV 6"; HD 1-7 hp; hp 5; 2 . He adless Mouse Horde (100): 5 . Fles h Golem Butle r : (see entry-
#AT l; Dmg ld6 (short sword or spear); AC 10: MV 6"; HD 1-1; hp 1; Dmg 1: way encounter in Encounter Key for sta-
THACO 20; AL LE. Carries 3d6 sp. T HACO 10; SA claws; AL N. tistics)
Bugbear: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 3 + l ; hp From around the nearest corner The PCs see a flesh golem stumbling
(choose randomly), a horde of headless towards them, mutte ring, " Hors
16; #AT l ; Dmg 2d4 (sword); THACO mice runs frantically toward the PCs. d'oeuvres?" over and over. Like the go-
16; AL CE . Carries 2d4 gp. Each PC must make a Dexterity Check lem they met in the e ntryway, this one
on l d20. Those who fail fall down and get carries a covered tray of mouse-head
Ogre: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4 + l; hp 21; swarmed by the mice. The mice only at-
tack for one round, then they continue on hors d'oeuvres. T he golem misunder-
#AT l; Dmg ldlO (two-handed sword); their way. Every successful hit from a P C stood his orders and believes that all
T HACO 15; AL CE. Carries 2d4 x 10 gp. kills ldlO mice. guests must take one , and he assumes
the PCs are guests.
Additionally, the·re are a number of Mudstone has been making mouse-
bugbear and ogre guards patrolling the head hors d'oeuvres for three days in lf the PCs each take an hors d 'oeuvres
corridors and stationed at various rooms. room 25, but he is too lazy to dispose of (they don't have to eat it), the golem con-
Here are their typical statistics. the bodies. He uses a special animate tinues on his way. If they refuse, he gets
dead spell to order the bodies to run to angry and insists. He wo n't attack, but he
Bugbear guard: AC 4 ; MV 9"; HD 4; the swill pit (room 18) and dispose of follows the PCs relentlessly until they
hp24; #AT 1: Dmg 2d4 (sword); THA~O themselves. each take one of his treats. If they go into
15; SA + 1 to damage; AL CE. Carnes a room, he will be waiting outside.
2d4 gp. 3. G ia nt frog: AC 7; MV 3"; HD 3; hp
22; #Kr l; Dmg ld3/ld6/2d4 ; THACO 6 . Frantic Ore: An ore breathlessly
Ogre guard: AC 3; MV 9"; HD 7; hp 16; SA surprise on 1-4, leap 18". tongue runs up to the party and says they've
strikes at +4 to hit; AL N.
30 ; #AT l; Dmg 2d6 (two-handed been ordered to a particular room. (Roll
sword); SA + 1 to damage; T HACO 13;
ld20 to see which room; for instance, on roll of 2, the PC is attacked by green ishable crime. Squabbles of all kinds often
a roll of 6, the ore is referring to room 6.) slime (must be scraped off or otherwise result in a fatality or two, so nobody pays
The ore doesn' t know why they' re disposed of or the affected PC turns into much attention to bodies lying around. If
wanted, but insists they'll all be killed if green slime in four rounds; see the Mon- the PCs go on excessive and unwar-
they don' t go. Questioning him does no ster Manual for details). These creatures ranted killing sprees, however, the OM
good. If the PCs try to hold him, the ore are hidden in the garbage and cannot be has the option of a swill pit trip to con-
says he has to go. If they don' t release spotted by ordinary means. vince the PCs to lighten up.
him, the ore screams for help, attracting
lf the garbage is delivered to the swill Getting Started
the attention of as many guards as it takes pit, the guards there accept it for disposal
to convince the PCs to release him. and send the PCs on their way. The PCs begin the adventure by drop-
ping through a trap door in the ceiling into
In truth, the PCs aren't wanted any- 9. Dish Carrier: An ore scurries the entryway. Since the PCs need all the
where. Like so many here, the ore is around a comer (choose randomly) and time they can get to explore this level be-
hopelessly confused. If the PCs don't go heads toward the PCs. He carries a tall fore the party begins at midnight, tell
to the room, nothing happens. If they do stack of dishes that prevents him from them it is early morning when they ar-
go, use the information in the Encounter seeing where he's going. The PCs must rive. If circumstances are such that the
Key and treat it as a nonnal encounter. make Dexterity Checks on ld20 to avoid PCs arrive here at a later time of the day,
crashing into him. The first PC to fail his have them wait in the entryway until
7 . Ogre Guards (2): Two ogre guards throw collides with him, sending dishes morning to get a good rest. In any case,
confront the PCs and order them to go to flying everywhere. The ore is furious. If no amount of pounding or lock picking will
a particular room (choose as in random the PC apologizes, the ore mutters to open the north door of the entryway be-
himselfand tells the PCs to get lost. If the fore morning.
encounter 6). If the PCs resist, have as PC doesn't apologize, the ore yells for
many additional guards arrive as needed the nearest guards who will take the en- As the PCs explore this level, it should
to convince them to cooperate; unlike the tire party to the swill pit for punishment. dawn on them that something is sched-
previous encounter, the PCs have no (See the Disobedience section below.) uled to happen at midnight. If they don't
choice but to go. figure this out themselves, they have a
10. Magical Broom: An animated couple of chances to learn the details in
The guards will accompany the PCs to broom is whisking down the corridor to- rooms 18 and 25. When midnight rolls
the indicated room. If the door is closed, ward the PCs. It is sweeping up dust and around, go to the final encounter, Party
the guards wait until the PCs knock, then debris. When it nears the PCs, it attacks Time. The only way out of this level is
them as if it were a 4 Hit Dice monster. It through the trap door in room 25.
leave. Use the information in the En- attacks with its blunt end twice per
counter Key and treat it as a normal en- round, causing ld3 points of damage Encounter Key
counter. when it hits. It is AC 7 and has 18 hit
points. If the PCs stand and fight, it will Entryway
8. Garbage Collector: A goblin attack until destroyed. If they flee, it
pushing a cart full of rotting vegetables, sweeps on. You're in a dark stone room where the
decaying meat, and other fetid garbage air is cold and dry. The room is 20 feet
approaches the PCs. He demands they If the PCs destroy the broom and this square with a 10-foot high ceiling. A
relieve him and take the stuff to the swill encounter is rolled again, roll for another. 10' x 10' rusty iron door is set in the
pit. If they refuse, he calls for guards, and north wall. The door has no ornamen-
enough show up to make sure the PCs do Disobedience tation or visible locks of any kind.
what the goblin asks. If the PCs don't
know the locationof the swill pit, the gob- When punishment is called for, as many From the other side of the door
lin gives them directions. guards as necessary immediately show come the sounds of heavy bolts and
up to take the entire party to the swill pit. latches slowly unlocking. The door
It only takes one PC to push the cart. Unless otherwise specified, guards will groans open, moving toward you. You
Any time the cart turns a comer, the PC take the PCs back to the scene of the can see the door is nearly three feet
(or PCs) pushing it mast make a Dexter- scene of the crime after they've been thick.
ity Check on ld20. If a check fails, the punished, usually for another chance to
cart topples over and garbage spills all complete their task. Don't roll for ran- Standing in the doorway is a seven-
over the floor. The guards in the area de- dom encounters on trips to and from the foot-tall man, ghostly pale, looking as
mand that the PCs clean jt up. If they swill pit. (For details about the swill pit if he has been stitched together from
refuse, the guards take them to the swill punishment, see room 18.) pieces of dead bodies. He wears a tat-
pit for punishment. (See the Disobedi-
ence section below.) Note that killing ores, goblins, and
other residents isn't necessarily a pun-
Any PCs who pick up the garbage must
roll on ld6. On a roll of 1, the PC is at-
tacked by rot grubs (apply flame or cast
cure disease to avoid l d6 damage). On a
tered black waistcoat and carries a pass the other way carrying long night, supervised by Gorgie and Wy-
tray covered with an iron bowl. He wooden planks. They in turn pass two perag. A few fights broke out, resulting in
speaks in a low monotone, "What-is- ores pushing a cart overloaded with these dead bodies.
the-password?" meat scraps and other garbage. Two
fierce-looking ogres armed with large The scraps of paper contain onJy mean-
The monster is a flesh golem, ordered swords stalk by. They all glance in ingless scribbles. If the PCs search the
to make periodic checks to see if any of your direction, but none of them bodies, they come up with 24 ep and 10
the extra help has arrived. The golem shows much interest in your group. sp.
was instructed to ask for a password, but
nobody ever got around to thinking one The golem ushers the PCs inside, then Room 2-The Nursery
up. The golem is actually asking the PCs pulls the door closed behind them, lock-
if they know what it's supposed to be. ing it. With the entryway door secured A huge bugbear female is standing in
behind them, the PCs can't get back the the doorway, looking up and down the
Flesh golem: AC 9; MV 8"; HD 9: hp way they came in; there are always corridors. She shouts at you. "Get
40; #AT 2; Dmg 2d8/2d8; THACO 12; enough guards around to make sure they over here! Now!" 1\vo large male
SA 1% per melee round cumulative don't try. bugbears emerge from the room and
chance to go berserk; SD no harm from stand beside her, pointing their
normal weapons, fire- and cold-based Note to the OM: Make it clear to the swords in your direction.
spells slow it by 50% for 2d6 melee PCs that all of these evil creatures see
round, other spells have no effect; AL N. them standing in the doorway but basi- The males are bugbear guards, the fe-
cally ignore them. This should puzzle the male is aamed Yekki (same statistics as a
The golem accepts any response from PCs, as these creatures normally would bugbear guard). II the PCs don't come as
the PCs as the password. Ifthey hesitate treat them as enemies. What the PCs asked or if they attack, Yekki yells for
or try to talk to him, he repeats his ques- don' t know is that the creatures assume help, and enough guards instantly appear
tion until he gets some kind of answer. the PCs are the expected extra help. to make sure the PCs comply.
The golem won't attack, but he will de-
fend himself by kicking (Omg 2d8). Get- Unless directed otherwise in the En- This room is a bugbear nursery, and
ting past the golem does the PCs no counter Key or by a random encounter, Yekki is the nanny who's been waiting im-
good, as the next chamber of the entry the creatures ignore the PCs and go on patiently for someone to show up to re-
way has a similar iron door that only the about their business. If the PCs question lieve her from caring for the obnoxious
golem can open. or speak to any of these creatures, the tots. There are nine bugbear infants
reaction will always be a gruff "Mind your crawling all over the place, some crying
If the PCs pacify the golem by giving own business!" or "Get back to work!" lf hysterically, some playing with their
him a password, he bows and takes the lid the PCs persist, the creatures will run or toes, some whacking each other with
off his tray. He then offers the PCs one of fight back, whichever the OM feels is stuffed bugbear dolls. Ten empty wooden
his treats, sugar cookies frosted with most appropriate. Killing the creatures crates line the walls.
whipped sour cream with a mouse head in won't generate any particular interest
the center. The golem will not let them by from other passing creatures. The OM Yekki and the guards usher the PCs
until they each take one. Whether they should assume he has an unlimited num- into the room and close the door. Yekki
eat the treats is up to them, but anyone ber of creatures to fill the corridors and says she has business elsewhere and or-
who does must roll a Constitution Check use as he pleases. ders the PCs to take care of the babies.
on ld20. Failure means a sick stomach She says the babies must be diapered,
and 1 point of damage. Room 1- Meeting Room fed, and tied into their cribs. Since no-
body wants this miserable job, Yekki as-
When the golem is satisfied, he leads This room appears to be the site of a sumes that whatever the PCs tell her is
them into the next chamber and closes recent battle. It is filled with over- an excuse to get out o( it, so she ignores
the door behind them. He unlocks sev- turned tables and broken chairs. Pa- anything they say. Uthe PCs resist. Yekki
eral bolts and latc hes on the next door pers and broken dishes litte r the floor. and the guards threaten them. calling for
and pulls it open wide. A goblin with a knife in his back is more guards if necessary to haul them to
slumped over one of the chairs. Three the swill pit (see room 18 for details). If
Ahead of you is a stone corridor, dank dead ores are piled in a corner. swill pit punishment is necessary, the
and stinking, lit !by flickering torches PCs will be returned here to do what
imbedded in the walls. The corridor This is the room where the creatures Yekki wants.
teems with scurrying creatures. Five had their final organizational meeting last
goblins rush by carrying armloads of Assuming the PCs agree to cooperate,
boxes and sacks. Several bugbears Yekki gives them an armload of diapers.
baby bottles filled with weasel milk , and
strands of heavy rope. She offers no fur- tion connected with the pany prepara- A black silk robe has been carefully laid
ther instructions before leaving. The tions. If the PCs knock on his door or out across a large straw sleeping mat. A
guards stay behind to keep an eye on the open it, the troll jumps out and attacks chest at the foot of the mat contains Wy-
PCs, ready to summon help if the PCs re- them in the corridor. The troll will fight to perag's regular clothes, along with a
quire punishment for disobedience. the death, but if the PCs flee, he only leather pouch containing 10 sp and eight
chases them for 30 feet before returning gp. An ink pot, a feather pen, and a parch-
9 Baby bugbears: AC 6; MV 611 ; HD 1; to the privacy of his room. ment are on a wooden desk in the corner.
hp 4; #PU 1; Dmg l (bite); THACO 19; T he parchment contains many boxes and
ALCE. If the PCs defeat the troll and search check marks; " ME " is written in large
his room, they find a cloth sack under a letters across the top. Any PC succeed-
The babies are used to a very specific garbage heap in the corner containing 900 ing in an Intelligence Check on ld20 rec-
routine. If the PCs attempt to feed or dia- gp, a black opal worth l,000 gp, and a ognizes this as a crude seating chart with
per them before tying them into their cribs, clay jug containing two doses of potion of " ME " in a position of honor.
the babies attack; they won't do much sweet water.
damage, but they refuse to eat and will rip Room 7-Construction Room
off their diapers. If the PCs wise up and tie Room 4-Barracks
them into their cribs first, the babies coo From behind this door come the
contentedly while the PCs put on their dia- These are the barracks for the bug- sounds of hammering, sawing, and
pers and give them their bottles. When the bears. Most of them are occupied else- other construction activity. There's
babies are fed, diapered, and tied, the where, but 12 of them are here now, much shouting as the worke rs strain
guards tell the PCs they are free to go. relaxing after a hard night's work. to be heard above the racket.
Observant PCs will notice that there The exhausted bugbears ignore any There are 20 bugbears and 18 goblins
are 10 cribs but only nine babies. If calls from the outside or knocks on their doing carpentry work in he re; the east
asked, the guards shrug, saying they door. If the PCs enter, the bugbears an- wall connecting with room 9 has been
have no idea what happened to the other grily stare at them, hands on their weap- broken down to give the workers more
one. (Earlier the baby crawled away un- ons, refusing conversation. If the PCs space. The work is being supervised by
noticed. For details, see random e n- persist, the bugbears attack, fighting to Rampit, a bugbear guard. Rampit is in a
counter 4. The only way the P Cs can the death or until the PCs leave. bad mood because he has been given too
recover the baby is by discovering it many workers to supervise by himself.
through a random encounter.) If the PCs search the room, they find
little here other than dozens of straw No amount of pounding on the door by
lf the PCs return a second time by choice sleeping mats and a few wooden chests the PCs can be heard inside. li they open
or because of a random encounter, and the containing filthy bugbear clothing and the door, an exasperated Rampit demands
baby has not yet been found, Yekki tells dirty eating utensils. Hidden among this to know what they want. Rampit makes it
them they better bring back the baby or junk are 500 ep, 40 gp, and an axe +1. clear that he doesn't need any more help
they will pay for it later. If the baby has been and tells them to go away. If the PCs are cu-
returned. Yekki tells them to go away be- Room 5-Closet rious about what's going on inside, they
cause the babies are sleeping. (See the final need to convince·Rampit why he should let
encounter, Party Tune, to see what hap- This is a dark closet containing rows of them in. Rampit doesn' t have time to ar-
pens to the PCs if they don't recover the wooden shelves tilled with towels, gue, and he'll let them in if they come up
missing baby by midnight.) bedding, and rags. Piles of dirty laun- with any reasonable excuse.
dry are stacked in the back. Aprons,
Room 3-Barracks smocks, and similar garments in all The goblins and bugbears ignore the
sizes hang on hooks along the wall. PCs as they go on with their work. Most
This room used to be a barracks for of them are making tables and chairs of
some of the ores, but a troll wandered in, The PCs are free to outfit themselves various sizes. One chair under construc-
killed all the ores, and took it over for in work clothes if they think it' ll help them tion has legs that are about 30 feet long.
himself. He is very nasty and has no in- fool the creatures, but it isn't necessary, (This is for Wyperag; the workers don't
terest in the plans for the party or any- since the creatures are fooled already. know what it's for, they've just been or-
thing else that g.oes on in this level. dered to make it.) In one corner is a large
Except for an occasional foray in search Room 6-Private Quarters burlap bag, tightly bound with thick rope.
of food. he never leaves his room. Something is moving inside. The work-
This is the private quarters of Wy- ers don't know what this is, either, but
Troll: AC 4; MV 12"; HD 6 + 6: hp 48; perag, the bugbear chieftain. The room is they tell the PCs to leave it alone. (It con-
#AT 3; Dmg ld4 +4/ ld4 +4/2d6; empty, as Wyperag is presently arguing
THACO 13; SA can fight three oppo- with Gorgie in room 15.
nents at once; SD regeneration; AL CE.
The troll is fed up with all the commo-
tains a lurker above which will later be There are 12 ogres and 40 ores work- squabbling. The ores slap at each other,
made into a party decoration. If the PCs ing here; the east wall connecting with toss hammers across the room, and con-
are stupid enough to let it out, it attacks room 10 has been broken down to give stantly insuJt each other, much to the
everyone in sight. Its statistics are given the workers more space. The work is be- amusement of the ogres.
in the final e ncount er, Party Time.) ing supervised by Scrud, an ogre guard.
Unlike his counterpart across the corri- The PCs are ordered into a comer to
If the PCs linger too long, Rampit orders dor, Scrud welcomes all the help he can pound nails into boards with a group of
them to leave. If the PCs resist or start a get because his workers spend too much eight ores. (Resistance is handled in the
fight, Rampit yells for guards who instantly time fighting. usual manner.) No sooner do the PCs
show up in sufficient number to take the start work than the ores begin to insult
PCs to the swill pit for punishment. Since Scrud is hoping more help will ar- them and flick nails at them. Regardless
rive, he's at the door immedfately if the of the PCs' response, the ores attack
Room 8-Construction Room PCs knock or peek in. He demands they them with their hammers (Dmg ld8). As
enter. If they resist, Scrud summons the fight begins , the rest of the workers
From behind this door come the enough guards to see that they do. stop what they're doing and rush to form
sounds of hammering, sawing, and a tight circle around the PCs and ores,
other construction activity. Sounds of Once inside, the PCs see construction
shouting are mixed with loud banging work similar to that going on in room 7. forcing them to fight to the death.
and screaming. There's no huge burlap bag, but there is Assuming the PCs are victorious, the
another 30-foot chair being built. (Gorgie
has the same idea as Wyperag.) Unlike circle breaks up and everyone goes back
the other work room, there is a Jot of to work. Scrub tells the PCs to get out-
he doesn't need any more trouble-
makers. (If the PCs return as a result of a The liquid in the fountain is actually a vomit and retch for the next three rounds
random encounter or for any other rea- transformed varrdig. The varrdig took and will be at 50% normal strength for the
son, Scrud refuses to let them in, calling great pains to assume shape and next six hours. If the PCs don't clean up
for the guards if necessary.) hopes to impress the evil powers at to- any messes, Hock summons guards to
night's banquet. take them to the swill pit.
Room 9-Construction Room
Varrdig: AC 5; MV 6" 1/18"; HD 6 +6; The weeds are strangle weeds. There
The west wall of this room has been hp 45; #AT 2; Dmg ld4/ ld4 (4d4); is a 25% chance that a given armload con-
tom down to give the workers in room 7 tains one still-living frond. Because the
more space. Treat an encounter here the THACO 13; SA water jets; SD +1 or frond has been out of the water for some
same as for room 7. time, it has enough strength for only one
better weapon to hit, immune to water- attack. The frond grabs the nearest PC
Room 10-Construction Room based spells; AL NE. for ld6 points of damage, then expires
from the effort. Hock finds this quite
The west wall of this room has been If the PCs disturb the liquid o.r the foun- amusing.
torn down the same as in room 9. Treat tain in any way, the varrdig instantly re-
an encounter here the same as for room sumes its actual form and attacks with its Inside, eight ogres are seated around a
8. water jets until dead or until the PCs long table, putting together centerpieces
leave the room. for tonight's banquet. The centerpieces
Room 11-Broken Door . consist of a pile of strangle weeks with a
There is nothing here of interest. The retch fruit carefully placed in the center.
The door to this room has been com- barrels contain goat tripe, glazed ticks, If the ogres see any sign of movement
pletely shattered. Wood splinters are and other delicacies. among the strangle weeds, they beat the
scattered on the floor as if something weeds savagely with clubs.
burst through the room. Room 13-Centerpiece Room
When the PCs finish their job, they are is the room where a giant frog was An ogre guard is standing in the door- sent on their way. If a random encounter
kept. It was the intention of some goblin way, looking up and down the corri- brings them back later, Hock tells them
chefs to use the frog in a special dish for dors. Beside him is a piJe of they aren't needed and sends them away.
the banquet, but the frog ate the goblins coconut-sized purple globes and an-
and broke down the door. Unless the PCs other pile of weeds. He shouts at you. Room 14- Dessert Room
have already found it and killed it (see " Hurry up! We haven't got all day!
random encounter 3), the frog is hopping Where've you been?" Six female bugbears are seated at a ta-
through the corridors looking for more ble in the center of this room facing the
food. The ogre guard is named Hock. About door. Next to the table is a large tank
an hour ago, he sent another ogre to find filled with floating eyes. The bugbears re-
The room is empty, except for some somebody to move the globes and weeds move the eyes with tongs, place them on
tom ropes and a scribbled parchment. into room 13. (The ogres won't do it- the table, then use spatulas to completely
Any PC succeeding in an Intelligence that's what servants are for.) Hock as- cover the eyes with whipped cream.
Check on ld20 recognizes the scribblings sumes that's what the PCs are here for,
as a recipe for frog's legs. and he won't listen to any excuses. If the If the PCs knock on the door, one of the
PCs won't do as he says, he summons bugbears sweetly calls out, "Come on in!
Room 12-Storage enough guards to convince them. Door's open!" If they like, the PCs may
open the door without knocking first.
This is a storage room containing Hock wants the PCs to pick up this
s helves stacked with iron plates, stuff and put it on the tables inside for the If the PCs open the door, find out spe-
wooden cups, and eating utensils workers to process. There are 12 globes cifically which ones are looking inside.
carved from bone. There are a few and six armfuls of weeds. The PCs can di- There is no way for these PCs to avoid
covered wooden barrels along one vide the chores among themselves any gazing into at least one of the floating
wall. In the back of the room is a large way they please, but Hock insists they do eyes. These PCs must make saving
crystal fountain nearly 10 feet in diam- it now; there's no time to look for a cart throws vs. paralyzation or become hyp-
eter. The fountain is filled with a or any other carrying device.
golden liquid that gives off a greenish notized and remain stationary for 2d4
tinge. The globes are actually retch plant
fruit. Regardless of how they are trans- rounds.
ported, each globe has a 10% chance of 20 Floating eyes: AC 9; MV 30''; HD
bursting. If a globe bursts, it splashes
nauseating fluid over a five-foot-radius 1-4 hit points; #AT nil; Dmg nil; SD hyp-
area (25% chance for contact at five to
nine feet away). Those splashed will notism; AL N.
The bugbear females weren't expect-
ing anyone as ugly as the PCs. When they
see them, one of the bugbears shrieks at
the top of her lungs. Two bugbear guards to the swill pit" commands Wyperag, and taking ld6 points of damage each when
instantly show up and fight to the death. off they go. (The PCs are released in the they hit the layer of sludge on the bottom.
Paralyzed PCs can do nothing until the ef- corridor outside the swill pit when their The guard then pulls the release chain,
fects wear off. The female bugbears do punishment is complete.) and the PCs are drenched in a torrent of
nothing but huddle inside the room. disgusting muck from the kitchen and la-
Room 16-Barracks trine. There is always enough muck per
Assuming the PCs win the fight, the fe- torrent to fill the pit to a depth of four to
male bugbears demand they leave. If U1e This is the barracks for the ogres. Four five feet.
PCs hesitate, the females scream for of them are here now, resting.
guards to take them to the swill pit. (Af- After the muck is released, each PC in
ter punishment, the PCs will not be re- The ogres hate to be disturbed. If the the pit must make a Constitution Check
turned to the scene of the crime, but PCs knock or open the door, two of the on ld20. Those who fail take ld6 + 3
instead will be released in the corridor ogres angrily rush to the doorway to see points of damage. Those who succeed
outside the swill pit.) who's bothering them. The ogres con- take ld4 + 2 points of damage. The dam-
sider anyone other than a guard or a fel- age represents injuries from heavy
There is nothing in the room of interest low ogre to be fair game, so they attack
to the PCs. If they return later as a result the PCs. As long as the PCs stay and chunks of debris and general nausea.
of a random encoun.ter or for some other fight, the ogres continue their attack. If At the end of the punishment, the
reason, the females cry for guards as things go badly for the ogres, they are
soon as they see the PCs. If the PCs joined by their two companions. If the guards lower ropes into the pit and haul
don't take off, the guards show up for an- PCs flee, the ogres let them go.
other swill pit trip. out the offenders. The walls are too slimy
If the PCs kill all four ogres, they can to climb, and the watchful guards stand
Room 15-Private Quarters search the room to find an iron chest con- ready to summon help if necessary to
taining 300 sp, 350 gp, five emeralds thwart any serious escape attempts.
Two creatures are arguing loudly in- (1,200 gp each), and a ring of shooting
side this room. One sounds like an stars. When the PCs are hauled out. they are
ogre, the other a bugbear. doused with a bucket of water. Guards
Room 17- Latrine then escort them back to the scene of
If the PCs listen at the door, they hear their crime, unless otherwise specified in
that the creatures are arguing about seat- As the stomach-wrenching stench
ing arrangements. "All the good ideas clearly indicates, this room is used for a the Encounter Key.
was mine! So I get to sit in front!" "Ore latrine. Waste products from the latrine If the PCs are brought to the pit a sec-
dung! I'm gonna sit in front!" run through grates on the floor and are
collected in a large pipe that empties into ond time for punishment, they find an ore
The creatures are Wyperag and Gor- the swill pit. named Kurd in the bottom waiting to be
gie. They have spent most of the day ar- punished along with them. Whether the
guing about the party. Each wants to Room 18-Swill Pit PCs ask or not, Kurd mumbles about be-
make sure he's the one who makes the ing treated unfairly by someone name
best impression. They've both ordered The swill pit always has two ogre Garcan (see room 19) . "How am I sup-
special thrones built, now they're argu- guards stationed outside. If the PCs posed to know how much time's left? Do I
ing where they'll put them. come here on their own, the guards send look like a clock?"
them away.
Wyperag (bugbear chieO : AC 3; MV The PCs have about 15 minutes to
9"; HD 4; hp 30; #AT l; Dmg 2d4 The room has a 15-foot-diameter pit question Kurd while tile guards wait for
(sword); THACO 15 +2 to damage; AL centered in the floor, about 30 feet deep the pipes to fill up with muck. Since Kurd
CE. Carries eight gp. with an iron grid lining the bottom. About is angry, he'll talk freely with the PCs if
five feet from the top are two large pipes they ask the tight questions. Kurd was
Gorgie (ogre chieO: AC 4; MV 9"; HD opening into the pit. One pipe leads from assigned to pluck sea gulls in the kitchen
7; hp 35; #AT l; Dmg 2d6 (two-handed the latrine, the other from the kitchen. and was sent here for plucking too slowly.
sword); THACO 13; SA + 2 to damage; When a guard pulls a chain near the door- He knows everybody is frantically getting
AL CE. Carries 50 gp. way, both pipes open and spill the last ready for a big party tonight at midnight.
hour's worth of sewage and garbage into Demons and other evil powers are in-
Wyperag and Gorgie will not tolerate the pit , where it eventually seeps vited, and if they're impressed, they'll
interruptions while they hash out these through U1e grid in the bottom and into a lead the locals on a grand conquest of
important decisions. Therefore, if the bottomless cavern.
PCs open the door or knock, Wyperag Greyhawk and the rest of the world.
and Gorgie scream for guards who in- When the PCs are brought here for Kurd is fuzzy on the details, but knows
stantly descend on the PCs. " Haul them punishment, they are tossed in the pit, that Mortykraken, the mage, thought it
all up before he died.
When everyone is hauled up after the
punishment. Kurd is escorted back to the
kitchen while other guards escort the
PCs to wherever they're supposed to be. offers the PCs a spoonful of thin gray The coins were left behind when the gob-
This is the only opportunity the PCs have soup with black lumps. "Cream of leech," lins were abruptly ordered to work.
to meet Kurd; if they make it to the he says. ''Eat it!" If a PC resists, Garcan
kitchen. Kurd has already been sent else- whacks him with the spoon; further re- Room 21- Barracks
where. Treat subsequent trips to the sistance is met with the usual threats of
swill pit as regular punishment routines. the swill pit. The soup tastes as good as it The sound of deep snoring comes
sounds; a failed Constitution Check on from behind this door.
Room 19- Kitchen l d20 results in l d4 points of damage from
nausea. Garcan repeats his request with This room is the ore barracks. Only
The delicious aroma of roasting meat the other selected PC, this time offering nine are here now. They were ordered to
drifts from behind this door, mixed a forkful of steamed beetle and goat clean up their filthy quarters, but they're
with some definitely less appetizing cheese casserole. Same threats, same sleeping instead.
odors that are difficult to identify. damage on a failed Constitution Check.
He asks the PCs how the dishes tasted; if The ores have stacked a tower of metal
If the PCs knock or open the door, an the PCs aren't enthusiastic, Garcan cups behind the door. If the PCs knock,
imposing bugbear wearing a greasy apron forces them to eat another sample. there is no response, but if they open the
and holding a large iron spoon immedi- door even a crack, the cups fall over and
ately appears and looks at them with dis- After the dishes are sampled, Garcan wake up the ores. The ores leap out of
gust. "Don't stand there like idiots," he announces that the time has come to pre- bed and pretend to be cleaning, certain
says. "There's still a lot of work to do!" If pare the main course. He asks for volun- the PCs have been sent to check on
the PCs resist, the bugbear hollers for teers to be the butchers. Of course, them.
nearby corridor guards who make sure there aren't any, so he selects the PCs
they go inside. and gives them each a meat cleaver (Dmg The ores are fearful and cooperative,
ld8). He orders the guards to take them although they have no information. The
The bugbear is named Garcan (same to the butchering room (see room 22 for PCs may freely inspect the barracks
statistics as a bugbear guard, spoon does details). If the PCs put up a fight, enough while the ores pretend to clean. The con-
ld6 points of damage). He is in charge of guards show up to make sure they com- tents are similar to those in room 21. If
this kitchen and assumes the PCs have ply. they search the place, the PCs turn up a
been sent to help. Attempts at conversa- box containing 10 pink pearls (200 gp
tion are ignored. lf a PC resists any of When the PCs finish their business in each), 50 gp, a flask containing two doses
Garcan 's orders or starts a fight, Garcan room 22, the guards bring them back to of potion of healing, and another flask
summons guards to take him to the swill the kitchen where Garcan thanks them containing one dose of potion ofdairaudi-
pit, after which he will be returned here and sends them on their way. If the PCs ence. The ores are too intimidated to
to pick up where he left off. return to the kitchen because of a random stop the PCs from taking their treasure.
encounter or for any other reason, Gar- If the PCs go along with the charade, the
The kitchen is a !flurry of activity. Along can will force one of them (choose ran- ores won' t attack, although they defend
the west wall, eight bugbears remove domly) to sample his scalloped scum themselves if necessary.
dead sea gulls from a large pile, chop off creeper (same threats and damage as
their heads, pluck their feathers , and im- with the other recipes), then sends them Room 22-Butchering Room
pale them on spits to roast over a large on their way, saying he has no further use
fire pit. Six goblins scrub pans and dishes for them. Vigorous scratching and clawing can
in a long sink that covers half of the east be heard from behind this door.
wall. Seven more goblins stir sizzling Room 20-Barracks
pans and boiling pots on three iron stoves The room is empty except for a carrion
along the south wall, while five bugbears This large room is the barracks for the crawler and the remains of a large burlap
work at a counter on the west wall, bag. The carrion crawler is intended as
kneading black dough and chopping vege- goblins. It is empty now, as the goblins the main course for tonight's banquet,
tables. Four bugbear guards circulate but so far nobody has gotten around to
throughout the room to make sure every- are all occupied elsewhere. killing it.
one keeps busy. The room is filled with sleeping mats,
Carrion crawler: AC 3/7; MV 12"; HD
Garcan selects two PCs (choose ran- assorted goblin debris, and several 3 + 1; hp 18; IIAT 8; Dmg paralysis;
domly) and sends the rest to wash wooden chests containing their personal THACO 16; AL N.
dishes. He takes the chosen PCs to the items. Ir the PCs rummage through the
stoves. "I want you to taste this," he chests, they only turn up 22 cp and a If the PCs have been brought here
says. "Give me your honest opinion." He chunk of rock crystal (value of 70 gp). from the kitchen, the guards throw them
However, in the northwest corner of the in, tell them to kill the crawler, and slam
room is a pair of bone dice and a pile of
coins totalling 150 cp, 110 sp, and 80 gp.
the door shut. The guards won· t let them is needed for the banquet, have a squad of Mudstone was the assistant to the late
out until the battle is finished. If the PCs guards show up to chase the PCs out of Mortykraken. He is middle-aged and has
succeed in killing the carrion crawler, the the freezer if they attempt to thaw it out. a pot belly and long greasy hair. He wears
guards take them back to the kitchen, a wrinkled purple robe that hasn' t bee n
leaving the body for someone else to Room 24-Banquet Room washed in months. He spends most of his
process. time sulking in his room.
The entrance to this room is a 20' x 20'
If the PCs go to this room before they iron door, securely locked with a num- The room is sparsely furnished with a
go to the kitchen, they are under no pres- ber of heavy bolts and latches. Two table, two sagging beds, two dusty
sure to fight the carrion crawler, although ogre guards stand at attention on each desks, and s helves of seldom-used
they may if they wish. If they kill it and side of the door. books. In the northwest corner is an
are brought here later by the kitchen enormous pile of dead mice. A flesh go-
guards, the guards return them to the This is where the party will be held to- lem (see Entryway encounter for statis-
kitchen after they see the crawler's body. night. If the PC linger in the area, the tics) sits beside the pile, cutting off
guards angrily tell them to go away and mouse-heads to make sugar cookie and
The carrion crawler fights viciously come back at midnight. lf necessary, the sour cream hors d'oeuvres . When the
with its tentacles. It intends to paralyze guards summon help to chase them away. mouse bodies pile up, Mudstone uses his
all its attackers (saving throw vs. paraly- special animate dead spell to send them
zation when hit to avoid effects), then eat Note to the DM: Although a few guards to the swill pit.
them at its leisure. are occasionally allowed through the door
to help set up for the party, do your best If the PCs enter, the s miling Mudstone
Room 23- Freezer to keep the PCs out until you're ready for greets them and seats them around the
the final encounter, Party Time. (If the table. He eagerly asks them how the
This 20-foot-wide door is made of PCs miss the party, the adventure will be party preparations are coming along,
iron. Its surface is cold. The door is a lot less fun.) If the PCs do manage to sighing that he wishes he had more to do
unlocked. sneak in (say, by turning invisible and fol- than prepare hors d'oeuvres. If the PCs
lowing in an ogre delivery boy), tell them ask the right questions, Mudstone tells
In spite of its size, two PCs of average that all they see is a few ogres and bug- them whatever the y want to know: the
or higher Strength can pull it open. If they bears setting up tables and chairs. A purpose of the party, what happened to
do, they are hit \vith a blast of cold air. stack ofchairs covers the trap door so the Mortykraken, what's supposed to hap-
PCs don't see it. pen at midnight. He doesn' t know a way
This room is used for a freezer. Frost out of this level and als-0 refuses to leave
covers the walls, and heavy slabs of fro- Room 25-Private Quarters his room. At some point, he'll mention
zen meat hang on hooks from the ceiling. that he's got a plan to make the best im-
In the back of the room is a block of ice 20 As you approach this door, a friendly pression at the party, cackling, "Tonight,
feet across and 15 feet high. The block is voice calls from inside the room. the dead will rise! "
completely covered with a black cloth. A "Come on in! I know you're out
large white toad sits in the center of the there!" If attacked, Mudstone uses feign death
room, facing the door. on himself. The golem ignores any bat-
This is where Mudstone the magician tles, except to defend himself.
Ice toad: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 5; hp 25; lives. His ESP informed him the PCs
llAT l; Dmg 3d4; THACO 15; SA radi- were in the corridor. Since nobody ever Room 26-Message Center
ates cold; AL N. visits him, he is eager for company.
The room is empty except for the ceil-
The ice toad keeps the freezer cold and Mudstone (9th-level magic-user): AC ing, which is completely covered with
also protects the block. If the PCs come 7; MV12" : hp20; llATl; Dmgld4 (dag- bats. All of the bats have notes at-
in, the ice toad attacks and continues to ger); THACO 19; St 7, In 10, Wi 7, Dx 6, tached to their legs with string.
attack as long as PCs remain in the room. Co 9, Ch 6; AL LE.
Because a lot of its power is used to keep Unless the PCs startle them with a loud
the room cold, creatures within l " suffer Spells: noise, the bats stay clinging to the ceiling.
only 2d6 points of damage instead of the 1st level: dancing lights (x 3), light Since the ceiling is only about six feet
usual 3d6. 2d level: ESP (x 3) high, a bat can easily be plucked from the
3d level: feign death (x 3) ceiling without disturbing the rest.
If the PCs kill the toad or otherwise 4th level: charm monster, plantgrowth
manage to get past it, they can uncover 5th level: animate dead 100 Bats: AC 8; MV l " /24"; HD 1-2
the block. It is a sollid ice block containing hit points; hp l ; #AT l; Dmg l ; THACO
a frozen ceratosaur. The ceratosaur is to 20; SA cause confusion by swarming
be a special offering at the banquet.
Note to the DM: Since the ceratosaur
when startled; AL N. impressive. Mudstone is seated at a table ld4+4/ld6+6; THACO 9; SA Pyro-
All of the bats have the same message: oear the high chairs. Behind them, the
lurker above is spread out and nailed to technics, produce Dame, wall of fire, de-
"ATTENTION FIENDS OF ALL the wall. The greeting "WELCOME
PERSUASIONS- PARTY TONIGHT AT HELLSPAWN" is painted across its body tect magic, detect invisible, polymorph
MIDNIGHT. ALL YOU CAN EAT! JUST in large red letters.
FOLLOW THE BATS." self, hold person, gate, all once per tum
When the PCs get inside, four ogre or melee round; srmbol ofpain once per
Mudstone released these bats out of a guards hand them water pitchers and or- day; SD +2 or better weapon to hit; MR
small window located in the east wall of der them to keep glasses filled. 65%; AL LE.
this room. was Mortykraken's plan
for sending invitations to the evil powers. By 10 minutes before midnight, every- Asmodeus studies the room, shaking
All of the bats have now returned. one is seated, except the servers (includ- his head in disbelief. At last he speaks, his
ing the PCs). Jn all, there are about 400 voice like thunder. " Who dares
There is a sheer drop from the window summon-"
into a bottomless cavern. present. Five minutes later, several
servers bang iron gongs, signaling that Mudstone leaps to his feet, and Asmo-
Party Time midnight is at hand. The room falls silent.
deus stops in mid-sentence. Mudstone
About half an hour before midnight, all Tension is high as the final minutes thrusts his hands in the air and cries,
of the residents stop what they're doing crawl by. Midnight arrives. Nothing hap- "Let the dead arise!" Instantly, Mud-
and move toward room 24. If the PCs pens. stone's special animate dead spell takes
don't join them. guards approach and
force them in the right direction. More time passes. No one moves a effect and every roasted sea gull in the
muscle (guards guarantee silence from room begins to dance on the table tops.
When they near the door, the PCs see the PCs). Still nothing.
swarms of goblins, ores, bugbears, and Asmodeus watches the dancing sea
ogres pouring into room 24, chattering An hour goes by. Gorgie and Wyperag gulls for a moment, then erupts in a roar
excitedly. If necessary, guards are availa- shift uneasily in their high chairs. Some of of laughter. He and the pit fiends cast a
ble to herd them inside. the creatures begin to mutter. Two ores total of nine produce Dame spells around
begin an argument. One breaks a retch the room, then vanish, never to return.
If the PCs didn't recover the missing globe over the other's head.
baby bugbear, Yekki and her two guards All this happens so fast, the PCs can do
spot the PCs in the corridor outside room Just as it looks as if a food fight is about little else but watch. However, if they try
24 and attack them, crying " Baby to start, the room begins to tremble, gen- to escape, attack, or otherwise draw at-
killers!" They fight to the death, but stop tly at first, then hard enough to rattle the tention to themselves, the pit fiends cast
if the PCs duck into room 24. glasses. The room grows silent again as pyrotechnics and produce Dame as nec-
the tremors increase. essary to keep them in their place.
Once in the room, the PCs see it has
been prepared for a magnificent banquet. There is a crack of thunder from out- When Asmodeus departs, the entire
There are tables and chairs for hundreds side the south wall, and the door slams to room is ablaze, and panic sweeps the
of guests. The tables are loaded with the floor. Standing in the doorway is a room as quickly as the flames. Creatures
platters of roasted sea gulls along with homed fiend over 13 feet tall; he looks are screaming and trying to make their
serving dishes of soup, casseroles, and angry. Three 12-foot-high homed mon- way to the south exit.
other treats from the kitchen. The tables strosities accompany him.
also contain frosted floating eyes and cen- One of the fire blasts struck near the
terpieces of strangle weed and retch Asmodeus (arch-devil): AC -7; MV ice block. The ceratosaur will be free in
globes. On a platter on the main table par- 12"/24"; HD 199 hit points; #AT l; Dmg five minutes.
allel to the north wall is the roasted car- 2d6 + 2; SA pyrotechnics, produce flame,
rion crawler with a retch globe stuck in its wall offire, ice stonn, wall ofice, contin- Ceratosaur: AC 5; MV 15"; HD 8; hp
mouth. In the center of the room is the 50; #AT 3; Dmg ld6/ld6/4d4: THACO
varrdig fountain (assuming the PCs didn't ual light, read languages, read magic, de- 12; AL N.
kill it) . The ice block \vith the frozen cera-
tosaur is centered against the west wall. tect invisible, locate object, invisibility, The ice block was concealing a trap
Under the ice block and out of sight is a door. When the ceratosaur is free. the
trap door leading out of level. dispel magic, hold person, hold monster. trap door is revealed. (If the PCs aren't
shape change, beguile, rulership, mass looking, have the ceratosaur roar to at-
Near the middle of the main table are tract their attention.) The confused cera-
two 30-foot-high chairs. Wyperag and charm, geas, restoration, raise dead tosaur won' t leave the area, so the PCs
Gorgie are already in them, trying to look will have to kill it or drive it away with
fully, wish, all once per tum or melee torches to get to the trap door.
round; symbol ofpain, symbolofinsanity,
When the ceratosaur is out of the way,
symbol ofhopelessness, unholy word, au the PCs can open the trap door and es-
cape to the next level. As for the locals
once per day; gaze causes fear. fear and and their problems, they'll have to dream
weakness, or ch.ill; SD +3 or better up a new plan some other time.
weapon to hit; MR 90% AL LE)
3 Pit fiends (greater devils): AC -3;
MV 6"1/15"; HD 13; hp 70; NAT 2; Dmg
..'=<·P,~ngeon-Level 3
~~M~~~=t:~-::i=;~~~: i-\ .:_o: 0- Door
~+,~~hr, A=-,~~t+:;,~+--+:~~~
-<fr Secret Door
•• •• Bars
""' Curtains
Scale: 1 Square = 10 Feel
Too Many Cooks is prepared for use by long imprisonment after one disastrous searched for the perfect menu that would
five to eight characters of 5th to 6th level, effort that left 30 important guests in the win them back into the good graces of the
though DMs should be prepared to be care of the castle's healers. rulers of Greyhawk. Years passed, and
flexible, based on the performance of the Galomohgen's alcoholic excesses finally
characters in the first two levels of the With the help of Galomohgen, an ine- got the better of him. Knowing he was
Castle Greyhawk dungeon. briated wizard who was similarly impris- soon to die, the crocked-but-kindly
oned, the cooks escaped into a series of magic-user prepared magical items that
Encounter Setting caverns connected to the dungeon level. would help the cooks survive until they
Apparently swept away in the current of could return to the outer world as true
The entrance from the level above an underground river, the cooks and the masters of the culinary arts.
leads to a prison level once used by the wizard were forgotten and the level was
rulers of Greyhawk. area was walled sealed off. The quartet of fugitives actu- But after the wizard's passing, the
up years ago but has recently been ally survived, however. Though they strain of magical cookery on the less-
reopened-from the inside! The pris- feared pursuit, in truth everyone was than-keen brains of the chefs just made
oners of this level were a trio of inept glad to be rid of them. The cooks have them more and more eccentric. The ec-
cooks: Chef Molenhowad, Baker Lari- made their borne below ground ever centricity would have remained harmless
fyne, and Candymaker Kurlenshembes, since, learning a bit of magic from their had it not been for the activation of the
who served many inedible meals in the companion and growing increasingly Random Monster Generator. Somehow,
castle above. They were consigned to dotty as time wore on. the cooks· magical kitchen utensils tied
into the vast power of bizarre arti-
Galomohgen created a safe haven for
his friends in the hidden caves, while they fact, bringing their culinary creations to
life. Some of these melt-in-your-mouth shembes has a candy probe/taster of unreliable source of information at best.
monsters are harmless, some are Though he will try to pace himself if
strange and dangerous, and a few are cooling and an apron ofprotection +2 (as asked, he loves wine, ale, etc. and will
downright evil. guzzle it rapidly as long as it is available.
ring). He also has a key ring, but it is
To survive this level of the dungeon and rarely with him. (At this time, he has lost Mentu the Mind-Fileter: AC 5; MV
pass on to the next, the characters will it and it can be found by the characters.) 12"; HD 6; hp 20; NAT 1; Dmg 2d4 or by
need to deal with the cooks' creations, The Candymaker is open and friendly but weapon; THACO 13; SAmind fileting; SD
find the key to their connection with the hopelessly scatterbrained. He is child- nil; AL NE. Mentu is seven feet tall, and
Random Monster Generator, and defeat like and subject to a child's mood swings, his body is stitched together from various
the plans of their most intelligent and dan- tantrums, etc. He gets bored easily, and cuts of meat. His thighs are huge hams,
gerous creation, Mentu the Mind-Fileter. is very much a coward, even more so his arms are legs of lamb, his fingers are
An ally is available to them in the pudgy, sausages, etc. His head is a rather poorly-
adorable form of Poppinfarsh, a miniature than the other two. preserved octopus. Mentu avoids combat
dough golem. It is also possible that the Poppinfarsh the Dough Golem: AC 5; whenever possible, preferring to use his
party can summon the spirit of Galo- special mind-fileting attack. By concen-
mohgen himself for aid. MV 6"; HD 3; hp 12; NAT l ; Dmg nil or trating, Mentu can cause the minds of up
by weapon; THACO 16; SA nil; SD see to 10 intelligent foes to become fogged.
NPCs Victims of this power suffer a - 4 penalty
below; AL LG. Poppinfarsh is unfailingly to all saving throws and rolls to hit for as
Chef Molenhowad: AC 8; MV 12"; MU friendly, helpful, courteous, and cute to long as Mentu concentrates. If Mentu is
1; hp6; NKT 1; Dmgby weapon; THACO the point of making the average person wounded for more than 3 points of dam-
20; ST 12 IN 12 WS 3 DX 11 CN 17 CH age, or directly engaged in melee, his con-
11; AL N. Molenhowad has a spoon of ill. He has a pleasant little giggle that rap- centration is broken.
stirringand an apron ofprotection +2 (as idly becomes annoying, a bouncy way of
ring). He also has a key ring that opens all walking that gets on people's nerves after The mind-fileter is a born plotter, de-
doors in the cooks' complex. The Chef is a while , and an innocently optimistic out- lighting in elaborate and dastardly plans
the most belligerent of the three cooks; look on life that would make the mildest to conquer the Upper World (which he
he tends to be suspicious of everything has never seen). In fact, he is better at
and everyone that is new or unfamiliar. saint want to strangle him after about 20 planning than at carrying through his
He is strong-willed, tricky, and hard to minutes. Poppinfarsh has the mind and plans. (Otherwise, he'd have been out
reason with under the best of circum- attention span of a six-year-old. Despite and conquering long since.)
stances. Molenhowad and his two part- this, he is the closest thing to a friend the
ners are only magic-users by the characters are likely to find on this level. Mentu is very strong-willed and his in-
broadest definition. They have received fluence over the cooks is very great.
enough training to operate Galomohgen's Galomohgen the Wizard: AL CG. They recognize his intelligence (but not
magical items, but they know no speUs of Standard statistics are meaningless for his evil) and consider him their most
their own. Galomohgen, since he exists at this time trusted adviser. He uses this position of
only as a disembodied spirit called by the trust to feed their egos and manipulate
Baker Larifyne: AC 8: MV 12": MU l ; Goblet of Ghosts. Unlike a true ghost, them into creating ever-more-powerful
hp 6; NKT l ; Dmg by weapon; THACO and useful creations, which Mentu will
20; ST 11 IN 10 WS 3 DX 12 CN 16 CH spectre, etc., Galomohgen cannot affect soon gather into a conquering army.
11; AL NG. Larifyne has a self-rolling or be affected by anything on the Prime Mentu is convinced of his physical and
rolling pin and an apron ofprotection +2 Material Plane, except to drink from the mental superiority over "breadthings"
(as ring). He also has a key ring that Goblet and converse with those who like Poppinfarsh and "unenhanced ani-
opens all doors in the cooks' complex. summon him. He cannot roam more than mals" (his private name for intelligent be-
The Baker is the most reasonable of the 30 feet from the Goblet of Ghosts (and ings who do not consist of sewn-together
trio, but he is easily swayed from one would not want to in any event), and will meat products).
viewpoint to another by his fellow cooks remain only as long as the Goblet has
or by others of strong will, such as Mentu wine or other alcoholic beverage inside it. Encounter Key
the Mind-Fileter.
Galomohgen is constantly drunk, and The Prison Section
Candymaker Kurlenshembes: AC 8; gets more drunk still as he guzzles from
MV 12"; MU 1; hp 7; NAT l ; Dmg by the Goblet. The characters will have a The exit from the level directly above
weapon; THACO 20; ST 12 IN 8 WS 3 hard time making the beverage in the leads only to a large archway that was ap-
DX 10 CN 18 CH 12: AL CG. Kurlen- Goblet last long enough to keep Galo- parently bricked up at one time but is now
mohgen's spirit on this plane for any passable. Broken bricks lie mostly to the
length of time. He is friendly \vith anyone
who buys the drinks and seems to have
the best interests of the chefs at heart,
but he is hostile and uncooperative to
those who are stingy and mean-spirited.
Even at his most cooperative, Galo-
mohgen's mind wanders, making him an
outside of the walled-up area. Any char- of Greyhawk. A set of tally marks, num- strictor snakes. They make a similar
acter making a reasonable inspection will bering 394 in all, covers one section of a hissing sound, but are actually just hollow
realize that the brickwork was smashed wall in the SE cell. A number of tic-tac- tubes of licorice that cannot bite, but can
from the inside (by gummy werebears toe games have been scratched in the swallow and eventually digest prey sev-
sent on a surface errand by Mentu). wall near the bars between the NE and eral times their diameter after killing it in
There are unidentifiable footprints of NW cells. A number of recipes for choco- their crushing coils. They smell sharp/
something large, shoeless, and two- late mousse are scratched in crude hand- sweet, like black licorice, and once killed
legged in the dust. Beyond the entrance writing on the walls of the NW cell. are just inanimate candy. They are also
is a stairway going down to the prison Magical symbols and numbers adorn the available in red strawberry flavor, if the
level, opening into a second archway and walls of the SW cell. At the end of one in- DM wants another encounter some-
the Entry Hall. comprehensible string of symbols is writ- where. (See MM/ entry for giant con-
ten the word "Eureka!" The wall and strictor snakes for details on constriction
Area 1: Entry Hall floor near this point are blackened, as if attacks.)
by a small fire.
This room was once the place where Area 6: Food Storage Caves
arriving off-shift guards checked in. lt is Area 4: Corridor
in a state of disrepair. It is rough-hewn This natural cavern section was discov-
from the surrounding rock, with large This corridor is breached at one point ered when tine corridor to the south was
wooden pillars and beams now beginning on the north by a crude hole in the wall. first dug. It is used to store foodstuffs to
to dry-rot. A wooden rack for cloaks, Again, there is evidence this had been make the prisoners' gruel. There are
sword belts, etc. still hangs crookedly on walled up, then broken out from the in- various broken and empty barrels here.
the north wall. The open eastern door is side. Down the corridor to the east is a A small spring of cool, clean water is lo-
of heavy but now-rusting metal, and lightweight wooden door that hangs open cated in one corner.
hangs loosely from broken hinges. It has on one hinge.
a small, barred peephole at eye level. Area 7: River Opening
Area 5: Kitchen/Dining Area
Area 2: Guard Room This tunnel opens onto a small section
Once used by the guard on duty, this of a fast-moving underground river,
The guard for this cell block once spent was a small kitchen in which both the which runs into the cavern and out again
most of his time here. The room is now in guard's lunch and the prisoners' gruel through openings below the surface of
a state of disrepair similar to that in area was prepared. A heavy table with two the water. A rickety wood-and-vine
1. A half-rotted wooden table and a decid- chairs still stands in the room's center, bridge has been slung across the water to
edly rickety chair are the only furnishings though it is dusty and covered with spider an opening on the far side. It is safe, but
left. The door to the south leads to a stor- webs. A few cupboards along the east the DM is urged to make the PCs as ner-
age area that holds racks, shelves, and a wall stand open and empty, with a few rat- vous as possible here, descnbing the
couple of empty barrels. (The storage gnawed bags and casks still inside. A swaying, creaking, decaying bridge in
room was cleared out years ago.) small fireplace is set in the south wall, loving detail. The water is cold , clear, and
with a couple oflogs in it along with lots of rather deep. It moves fast from south to
The door to the west is of similar con- ashes. An odd sharp/sweet smell can be north and has a tricky undertow. Anyone
struction to the door from area 1. It is detected faintly near the cupboards or jumping or falling in will be very lucky not
closed, but not locked. The door to the the fireplace. to be swept away to drown. (This is
north is of lightweight wood and has no where the cooks and the wizard were
lock. Two black licorice snakes are curled up thought to have been killed.) The tunnel
in the fireplace. lf it is approached and ex- across the bridge leads north and south.
Area 3: Cell Block amined closely (ashes stirred, etc.) they
will be disturbed and will attack. A third Area 8: The Greenhouse
This corridor has two barred cells each black licorice snake is in one of the floor-
to the north and south. The cells are sep- level cupboards and will attack by sur- The door into this cavern is heavy
arated from the corridor and each other prise anyone searching the cupboards. metal, in excellent repair, and is light-
only by closely spaced iron bars. The cell Disturbing one snake awakens all of tight (thanks to strips of leather around
doors are all open, and each cell contains them. the inside of the doorjamb). It is not kept
only a thin metal platter and a ragged pile locked. There are two empty torch-
ofcloth and sawdust that might have once 3 Licorice Snakes: AC 6; MV 12"; HD holders affixed to the walls just outside
been a crude mattress. 2; hp 7; NATI; Dmg2d4: THACO 16; SA the door.
constriction; SD none; AL N. These ap-
There is graffiti scrawled on the walls pear at first glance to be large black con- The spacious room is brightly lit from
of the cells, mostly in the common tongue
above. Anyone looking up will see three disguised. All chances for discovering it minutes of play, there is a 1 in 6 chance of
glowing quartz crystal spheres hanging by nonmagical search are reduced by an encounter. If left alone, they move
from the 20-foot-high ceiling. The one-half. The door is a heavy section of through the halls and rooms, eating any-
spheres are three feet in diameter and wall that slides back on a counterweight. thing organic and leaving the tunnels neat
are enchanted with permanent continual It is triggered by the insertion of the and tidy, with a fresh strawberry scent.
light spells as bright as noon sunlight. Re- proper thin metal strip from any key ring Of course, the residents know enough to
moval of any sphere will cause it to shat- into a narrow slit between the rocks. stand aside when one comes through.
ter violently and stop glowing. (This will Finding the slit and the proper key from
annoy the cooks no end if they find out- Kurlenshembes's key ring will be difficult The Mithril Breadknile
they have no way to replace the and time-consuming. Even if the door is of Greyh awk
spheres.) discovered, it cannot be forced open
without blasting or tunneling. Halve all Back when the cooks were employed
The southem part of the cavern is filled chances of picking this lock, as it is of a in the kitchens of Castle Greyhawk, they
with a large stand of wheat and a few particularly cunning type. made the mistake of serving the manor
r ows ofcom. Both are tall enough to con- lord a loaf of bread that he could not cut
ceal a full-grown man. The grain rustles, As the characters start up the corridor with a battle axe. Enraged, he ordered
and stray noises can be used to lead char- to the north toward area 10, they detect a them put to death if they ever again
acters to believe someone or something strong odor of strawberries. served him bread too tough to cut. The
is inside. (The OM may wish to place an terrified cooks bribed the castle armorer
encoun ter with several licorice snakes Area 10: Cave 2 to forge a specially enchanted breadknife
here.) The yield of com and wheat seems made of rnithril that was able to cut any
unusually large- much larger than any Moving up the corridor toward area 10, sort of bread or pastry with ease. Thus,
the character s have seen before. the odor of str awberries gets even the manor lord never again had problems
stronger. as the party sees a transparent cutting the bread. When sent to the
There are many types of vegetables pink jelly-like wall moving toward them. dungeons, Kurlenshembes brought the
and herbs growing in the northern por- T he corridor is blocked at the north end knife with him. The guards confiscated
tion of the greenhouse cave, including by a strawberry gelatinous cube moving and used the knife, but it was misplaced
sugar beets, carrots, lettuce, and onions. slowly south. Several metallic objects are after a time. The strawberry gelatinous
All seem enormously healthy and very caught up in it , including three spoons, a cube recently turned it up on a sweep
large. All the plant life is irrigated by a small dagger, a flour scoop, and a through the prison wing.
well-tended network of small ditches, fed breadknife (the Mithril Breadknife of
by a small spring in the southwest com er. Greyhawk-see below). The Mithril Breadknife will cut any sort
The entire installation is nothing short of of baked goods with ease. This is a minor
ingenious. Strawberry gelatinous cube: AC 8; MV magical ability, to be sure-unless you
8"; HD 5; #AT l ; Dmg 2d4; THACO 15; are faced by monster s made of pastry or
Anyone walking through the carrot SA paralyzation, smell: SD sec below: dough! Against creatures such as the
patch will find a large key ring holding AL N. Strawberry gelatinous cubes were Gingerbread Man. Oapjacks, doughple-
several keys and a number of thin strips one of the first magical cr eations of the gangers, bread pudding, or poor Little
of metal of various lengths and shapes. cooks. These monsters are scavengers
This is Kurlenshembes's key ring, and it similar to their non-edible cousins. They Poppinfarsh, it serves as a dagger +6
opens most of the doors in the complex have the same paralyzing touch and dis-
(except those to Mentu's lab, study, and solving effect as the normal gelatinous that does twice normal damage! U driven
quarters, and the secret doors in that cubes (see MM]). Because of their pink into the pulsating raisin on the back of the
wing). color and strong odor, they cannot sur- Gingerbread Man (by a successful back-
prise their victims. Instead, they lure stab). it will kill him outright!
Area 9: Cave 1 their victims, salivating hungrily, to them
(saving throw vs. poison to resist). Once T he Mithril Breadknife is not balanced
This open cave has several empty familiar with the cubes, no saving roll is for throwing and doesn't really look like a
metal torch holders set about three needed. fighting weapon. It is obviously very valu-
feet from the floor. It is very clean for a able, however (perceived \'alue about
cave and has a small spring outlet with The cube is affected by weapons, fire. 2.000 gp). and radiates a strong aura of
a pool of cool water in the southwest magic, etc. just as a normal gelatinous magic. The Seal of Greyhawk is engraved
comer. cube. When killed, it loses its shape and in the handle. The cooks and Mentu will
becomes a pile of yummy strawberry gel- all recognize it on sight. and want it back
The secret door to the west looks like atin that soon becomes a sticky mess if very badly. Poppinfarsh has never seen it
part of the rock wall and is very cunningly not cleaned up. There are several of and knows nothing about it, but the very
sight of it will make him very nervous un-
these cubes in the complex: for every 15 til it is put away.
There are two secr et sliding r ock
doors on the north and west walls. Both SD see below; AL N. These close cous- order the intruders to surrender and drop
open with keys from either Poppinfarsh ins of the regular shrieker fungus have their weapons. If the party surrenders,
or Kurlenshembes's key rings, but they been raised by the cooks for their mouth- they are marched directly to Mentu in
are well-concealed. Treat as the secret watering flavor. Unlike the normal area 13, with Poppinfarsh dragged along
door in area 9. shriekers, they are not mobile, nor does as well. If not, the guards attack.
movement disturb them. This makes
A narrow leg of the cavern to the east them a bit easier to tend. Bright light 2 Gummy werebears: AC 6; MV 3";
is illuminated by a small torch set in a HD 5; hp 18, 17; llAT l; Dmg ld6 or by
holder on the north wall about three feet (such as from a torch or unshuttered lan- weapon; THACO 15; SA nil; SD see be-
off the ground. Tbe torch is half burned tern) within about 15 feet causes them to low; AL CN. These critters are intelli-
down. The tunnel to the east is covered suddenly emit a painfully piercing shriek gent guards now under Mentu's orders.
at one point by a series of thick, coarse that lasts for ld3 melee rounds and can be They resemble big, muscular man-bears
curtains made of woven vines. These heard at least 200 feet away with ease. made of some sort of flexible, transpar-
form a "light trap" to keep light out of the These specimens are about four feet tall ent material in bright red, green, blue,
mushroom room. The curtains can easily and are crowned with tall, spongy caps yellow, and purple. They move slowly
be pushed aside to enter this corridor. rather than the broad flat caps associated and are not very dextrous, but they are
with normal shriekers. much stronger than a normal human.
Area 11: The Mushroom Room They have no sharp claws, but their big
If the shriekers start making noise, rubbery paws hit for ld6 points of dam-
This room and the corridors leading to Poppinfarsh will panic. He knows the age.
it are deliberately !kept dark. Mushrooms noise will disturb the gummy werebear
grow best in the dark, and the special guards. He will pop out of hiding and run Gummy werebears speak the common
mushrooms grown here are rather around frantically. The party can easily tongue, but are no smarter than the aver-
annoying when exposed to light. As the fade back into the shadows of the other age ore. Impact weapons such as maces
characters enter, from either entrance, big normal mushrooms and hide. If they do only half normal damage against the
take note of what light sources they have. stay in plain view, with torches lit, Pop- rubbery werebears. They do not bleed or
have vital organs, therefore cutting and
The corridor opens up ahead of them, pinfarsh will see them and run for the far slashing weapons such as swords and
and their light will dimly show a room exit. daggers do half damage as well. Magical
ahead. The room 's walls seem to glow weapons, spells, and fire do full damage.
very, very dimly of their own accord. One tum after the noise starts (or Gummy werebears are an odd form of ly-
There is a strong odor of decay in the when Poppinfarsh tries to leave), two canthrope that never changes from the
room, as if from a compost pile. Decaying gummy werebear guards (one red, one were-form except in death. When killed
stalks, leaves, and clippings can be seen green) enter through the opening oppo- they become cute, one-foot-tall jelly ba-
scattered about. The shapes of large site the one the players entered. Each is bies of humanoid shape.
mushrooms can be seen in the gloom carrying a short spear made of candy
ahead. Suddenly, the party will notice the Poppinfarsh will be grateful to anyone
movement of something white among the cane and has a short sword at his belt. who rescues him from the cruel gummy
shadows. If the party is hidden, the guards will werebears. He is quite unconcerned
about their deaths. "Easy come. easy go.
The white shape is Poppinfarsh, the blame Poppinfarsh for the noise, and The Great Chefs will just make more, I
dough golem (see NPCs). If the charac- start kicking him around a bit, calling him suppose;' he will say. If questioned, he
ters call out, he will hide. Whether the in- a "clumsy dough-thing" and a "lazy refu- will introduce himsel! as "Poppinfarsh.
truders are strangers or bullying gummy the dough golem," and declare himsell
werebears, he has nothing to gain by gee from a cookie-cutter." The punching the servant of the Great Chefs of Grey-
speaking up. Poppinfarsh can see well and kicking won't actually injure Poppin- hawk. This, of course, will make the
enough in the half-dark created by the farsh, but it hurts and he will cringe and party want an explanation, and Poppin-
phosphorescent moss on the walls to find complain. The aim of the DM should be to farsh will be only too h.appy to oblige, tell-
his way about. II the characters approach get the party interested in protecting the ing the story as the chefs have told it to
with torches or unshuttered lanterns, poor little dough golem from the big bul- him.
they will spot Poppinfarsh's little wheel- lies. If the party stays hidden, the guards
barrow about the time they come within will go away after awhile. Poppinfarsh will " Long ago," Poppinfarsh says in his
range of the morel shriekers. The lights brush himself off and go retrieve his cute, squeaky little voice, "three won-
will cause the shriekers to emit a pierc- wheelbarrow. He will spot the hidden derful chefs lived in the Castle of
ing, high-pitched scream. party at this time. Greyhawk far above our caverns.
They were the greatest chefs in all the
20 Morel shriekers: AC 7; MV 011 ; HD It, for any reason, the guards see the
2; llKf O; Dmg nil; THACO nil; SA nil; party, they will drop-kick the little dough
golem out of the way. He will cringe in the
comer as one of the guards blows a whis-
tle. This calls four more guards, who will
arrive in five melee rounds. The guards
world, and everyone loved them. Chef Poppinfarsh will insist that the party was closed upon his death, but Mentu
Molenhowad, Baker Larifyne, and follow him immediately. "Great Mentu convinced the chefs to reopen it so he
Candymaker Kurlenshembes were would be angry if I did not bring you to would have a "place to work and do their
known by everyone as the finest of bidding." The characters will be brought
men and greatest of chefs. him," he says. He will shrug off any other here to be pres~nted to Mentu by Pop-
pinfarsh, or by the guards if captured
"But one day, they had a tiny acci- questions. preferring to quiz the charac- elsewhere in the complex.
dent in the kitchen and a meal they ters endlessly about "the Upper World."
prepared was abit less marvelous than The room is lit by small globes similar
usual. The cruel nobles then impris- He will go on and on if they let him, and to those seen in the greenhouse (area 8).
oned the poor chefs in a deep The walls are covered with cabinets and
dungeon, until they could redeem the DM is encouraged to make Poppin- the open floors are covered with alchemi-
themselves by creating a meal so won- farsh as pesky as possible. If the charac-
derful that everyone could see what ters allow him, he will lead them to the cal symbols. A fireplace with a huge oven
great chefs they really were. secret rock panel in the western wall of
area 10 and up the corridor to the guard is set in the west wall. The oven is open,
" Imprisoned with the chefs was the station at area 12. with a large metal platform pulled halfway
mighty wizard Galomohgen. who had out. No fire is built below, so the oven is
also fallen from favor with the nobles Area 12: Guard Station
of Greyhawk. One day, the chefs and cool. Alarge table lies in the exact center
Galomohgen escaped into the caverns The rough tunnels and caverns give
adjoining their deep dungeon. Pursued way to smooth, straight hallways and of the room. Mentu is sitting on a stool
by evil men, they fell into the under- rooms (crafted by gummy werebear la-
ground river and were thought borers, no doubt). There are two gummy behind it, looking over the calculations on
drowned. But Galomohgen's magic werebears stationed at this intersection several pieces of parchment. If the char-
saved their lives, and they escaped at all times. These are the guards who in-
into these caves. vestigate the noise in area 11. U those acters get achance to examine the parch-
guards were killed, there are none here. ments, a wizard knowledgeable in such
"Aided by the mighty wizard, they things will recognize some similarity to
built new homes and created me to Uthe guards are still here and the party spells used for animating lifeless materi-
help them. The old wizard died after a is escorted by Poppinfarsh. they are als.
time, but he taught the Great Chefs surly. They do, however, comply with
wondrous and magical ways to pre- Poppinfarsh's suggestion that the Upper Mentu himself is rather frightening in
pare food, so they could continue their World visitors be taken to Mentu immedi- appearance. looking something like a
search for a magical meal that would ately. and they escort the group to area large Frankensteinian version of a mind-
win them a pardon from the Lords of flayer (see NPCs for description). He
Greyhawk. Perhaps someday the 13. hates the name "mind-fileter," and cuffs
lords will be satisfied, and the chefs Poppinfarsh every time he uses it. Pop-
will reenter the Upper World. And Normally the guards here have orders pinfarsh always forgets and introduces
maybe...just maybe...they will take to stop anyone from entering either Men- Mentu that way, anyway.
me with them, so 1can at last see the tu 's wing or the kitchen wing to the
sky and the stars and all the things north. The guards interpret orders fairly Mentu will be annoyed when he is in·
they have told me about!" strictly, however, They will not prevent terrupted, and will threaten to "make
anyone from leaving the two areas if the popovers" out of Poppinfarsh, but when
After they hear his story, Poppinfarsh he gets a good look at the guests, he will
will gather up his little hoe, shovel, and passers-by don't make too big a deal ofit. change his tune abruptly. Smiling, he will
wheelbarrow and tell the party that they (After all, if these people weren't sup- say the following:
must be taken to meet the "Great posed to be here, how did they get in in
Mentu ," who is the chief servant of the "Forgive me. It has been a long time
Great Chefs. "Great Mentu is some- the first place?) The heavy wooden door since we have received visitors. I am
times impatient," ihe warns, " and he's to Mentu's wing is usually locked and the Great Mentu, first servant to the
awfully scary. But strangers from the Up- Mentu has the only key, but it opens eas- Great Cooks of Greyhawk in exile. It
ily without a key from the inside. is my humble duty to see that they are
per World must meet him. I am sure he not disturbed in their work, and that
If these two guards are attacked by suf- they have all of the supplies that they
will present you to the Great Chefs as ficient force to give them a hard time, need for their cr eations. How may I
honored guests!" they blow whistles and four more guards help you?"
join them from the guard barracks (area
20). Mentu will pump the characters for all
the information he can get about their
Area 13: Mentu's Lab mission and the current state of affairs in
the Upper World. He will reveal as little
This was originally the laboratory of
the wizard Galomohgen. This whole wing
as possible about what is really going on and thank the party. He will close the The bell summons two gummy werebear
here, and will answer their questions oven door and order the gummy were-
with more questions whenever possible. bears to stoke the fire , turning over a guards in two melee rounds , with four
He will tell the party that the Chefs "can't large hourglass as he gives his orders. more arriving five rounds after that.
possibly be disturbed at this time," and Even if some have refused to help,
will not change his. mind on that score. If Mentu graciously offers to help put them Inside the closet are several garments
the characters mention that they are on a on their way to the lower depths, and will worn by Mentu, some of which once be-
mission to the lower depths, or that they lead them to the secret door in area 15. longed to Galomohgen. Four sets of
robes are decorated with gold thread and
are searching for the Random Monster lf the lab is approached at any other semi-precious stones. These are worth
Generator, he will look thoughtful, strok- time in the adventure, it is locked. The about 250 gp each. One rather drab grey
ing his tentacled chin. heavy metal door can be opened only by robe (that Mentu never wears) is a r obe
major force or by a key on Mentu 's own of useful items containing the standard
" Perhaps I can help you," Mentu will key ring. The lab is empty at such times,
say. " I know of a secret tunnel that goes with something in the hot oven if the items called for in the DMG, plus the fol-
down into the depths of this dungeon characters have earlier aided Mentu in
moving the loaves. If the baking loaves lowing: two flasks of fine elven wine, 1
where none of us have ventured in recent are checked, they are discovered to be scroll (Tenser's floating disc), 1 potion of
years. I will take you there, if you will half-formed but recognizable duplicates
of the characters who carried them. If extra-healing, 1 bag of 100 gold pieces
give me a bit of assistance first." found in the oven, they are not yet alive. (these are very old coins, worth three
The task Mentu wants performed is These are dougbplegangers. explained
further in encounter 24. times face value to a collector), and one
very simple. In the storage area adjoining five-foot-wide by four-Jfoot-deep cast-iron
Area 14: Mentu's Quarters cauldron. AU other items of clothing are
the lab are several huge loaves of un- virtually worthless.
baked dough. He will tell them to handle The heavy wooden door here is kept
the loaves carefully once unwrapped, locked. Mentu has the only key. The in- The floor has a concealed pane.I (found
commenting that the gummy werebears side is not opulently furnished, but it is like a secret door) beneath which Mentu
are too clumsy to do the job right. He will more comfortably maintained than any- has stashed a large chest containing trea-
place else in this complex, with a couple sure that the gummy werebears have
ask them to place the loaves in the large of rather nice tapestries that were once
oven in the lab. the property of the wizard Galomohgen. brought back from their expeditions to
(These two bulky tapestries are worth the upper levels and the surface. The
If the characters agree, Mentu will un- about 200 gp each, if they can be brought trap door is neither locked nor trapped,
lock the airtight door into the storage to the surface.) but the locked chest has a concealed nee-
chamber to the east (only his keys work). dle on the Jock mechanism that will jab
The chamber is cool and dry "to preserve There is a bed with a worn but still anyone who tries to pkk it (unless spot-
the dough," Mentu explains. He has no serviceable mattress. Beneath it is a non- ted and disarmed first). The needle is
idea how this is done-it has always been magical wooden staff. A large table is covered with Essence of Blueberry,
that way. (Powerful magic is at work covered with papers and notes, most of which will cause the stung hand to turn
here, provided years ago by Galomohgen which are impossible to read because of blue and swell up like a balloon, making it
the Wizard.) Mentu's poor handwriting. useless for holding items, picking locks,
Inside are 15 man-sized loaves of The wooden door to the west leads to a etc. for about 24 hours. No saving throw
dough wrapped carefully in wax-coated walk-in closet. It is locked and Mentu has is allowed.
parchment. He will unwrap one loaf at a the only key. Inside, just above the door-
time and ask each character in turn to sill, is a counterweighted bell and a thin The chest contains three green gems
carry it to the oven and shove it inside. glass sphere filled with Instant Taffy. The worth about 150 gp each, 200 gp in coins,
The loaves are heavy, but none of the bell will ring and the sphere will fall if the two flasks marked "Nectar of the Gods"
characters will have any trouble moving door is forced in any way. but not if the (actually they contain a rather bitter
one. He will admonish them to be gentle, lock is successfully picked. When bro- dwarven wine. but Mentu has a weak-
while trying to ensure that each character ken, the sphere releases a gas that ness for the stuff), and a golden crown set
has carried one loaf. (DM Note: Keep a hardens instantly into tough taffy-like with red jewels worth about 1,000 gp.
secret record of who has and has not car- strands that act as a web spell. This fills a The latter is something Mentu intends to
ried a loaf. The players should not be al- 10-foot space around the doorway. These wear when he becomes Ruler of the Up-
lowed to suspect anything unusual at this strands remain until burned or cut away. per World.
point!) If any characters refuse, Mentu
will appear reluctant to give them the in- The western wall of the closet slides
formation they need. "After all, if one aside to reveal a secret door. The narrow
cannot count on one's friends...." passage behind it leads to the Ginger-
bread Man's lair in area 18. This is the en-
Once one loaf per PC is placed in the trance that Mentu would normally use to
oven, Mentu will lock up the s torage area approach the monster. Anyone coming
into the lair this way automatically gains
surprise on the contentious ctoonufesectitohni~ mov~s, it releases its characteristically Area 17: The Trash Pit
who expects only his master
atrocious stench. which the party must . The h.eavy iron door to this room is
door. overcome to battle it. Poppinfarsh has no tight-fittmg and unlocked. Beyond is a
knowledge of the pudding. It will not at- smooth, bowl-shaped room. The cavern
Area 15: Small Guard Station tack him, however, because both are ce~g rises 30 feet above the doorway
There is a recessed nook in the corri- bread creatures. Poppinfarsh does not and 1s covered with stalactites and out-
dor at the bend, where a single gummy
w~rebear guard is always stationed. He attack unless directly ordered to do so cro~pings. From the doorway, torches il-
will ~hallenge anyone corning through the
corndor except Mentu or the cooks (or but he yells encouragement throughout lunu~ate the ceiling dimly, with Jots of
tho~e escorted by them). A secret panel
behind the guard's chair reveals a rough- the. battle. (''Wow! This is great! Hit it dancmg shadows. A huge pile of junk al-
hewn cavern corridor through which
Mentu disposes of intruders. He will lead agam! Ow, J bet that smarts!") most fi.lls the room. Stone steps wide
the party here, claiming that this is the
Bread pudding: AC 6; MV 6"; HD 5; hp enough for one person at a time lead
way to the lower dlepths. In fact it is, but
Men~ doesn't know that. He is really 21; #A Tl; iDmmmgu2nde8t;oTsHhaArCp Owe1a5~· SnAs see down into the room. the characters into a trap, in- below; SD and
tending for them to be killed by the bread The junk includes discarded items of all
pudding. He will allow Poppinfarsh to ac- fire; AL~· The bre~d pudding is a sloppy
company the characters, and Poppinfarsh sorts. such as bent spoons. broken
will be quite happy to go. lf the PCs won't and hornble-smelhng concoction that
take him, Poppinfarsh will be taken by the crockery, cliscarded boxes, barrels, and
guards to Mentu's quarters and Jocked in even the cooks won't admit to creating.
after the characters leave. bottles. Also present are a few rusty
Ms~eeandtuhwe ahsidtoalndd to ctispose of ~itebwuttoina-
The sliding rock that conceals the en- fed it until it suits of armor, bent swords, and other
trance is closed behind the characters af-
ter they proceed down the corridor a bit. s1ze of about eight feet across. It is now weapons, none of which prove useful if
Onc:e closed and blocked from the out-
side, it carmot be opened again from the loyal only to Mentu, and will attempt to e~arnined. The mounds of junk are so
inside short of a major explosion or multi-
ple attacks by forces as powerful as a devour anything else it encounters. ~gb that the party must climb over them
lightning bolt.
T~e pudding is free-flowing, formless. m order to cross the room.
greyish-brown, and lumpy, thus it con- One item will attract the attention of
ceals itself well among rocks and dirt. Poppinfarsh if he is here-a battered
T~e disgusting smell of the pudding is un- ~eta! bottle that looks vaguely like a
rrustakable and is its greatest weapon. It pitcher. If the dough golem is not with the
smells. bad when standing still, but its party, the first person to declare he is
scent 1s overpowering when it moves to ~ooking through the junk will find this
attack. This requires all in the area to roll item. The bottle is made of an odd and at-
a saving throw vs. poison. Failure leaves tr~ctive reddish metal. It is tightly closed
the victim uunncaobnletrotlolabdlyeffeonrdldh6immesteelf~ with a metal stopper marked with a set of
throwing up
unusual runes. Poppinfarsh will recognize
rounds. (Poppinfarsh can smell the pud- the marks as the signature-runes of the
ding, but it doesn't bother him.) old wizard, Galomohgen.
It attacks by flowing over a victim The stopper is tightly wedged into the
Area 16: The Bread Pudding's causing damage with an acid-like secre: bottle, requiring a Strength Check on 3d6
tion. Full plate armor protects a victim for to pull free. Poppinfarsh will be enthusi-
The corridor widens at this point into a
dark cavern, with stalactites hanging two melee rounds before the acid gets in- ~stic about opening the bottle, sure that it
from the ceiling. Large boulders are side. Other forms of armor protect for ·~ full of one of the wizard's wonderful po-
strewn randomly across the ground.
~badow~ move across the uneven ground only one round. The pudding is not tions. The bottle is heavy, but does not
m all directions as the torches move
making this a perfect location for an am: harmed by sharp weapons. Impact weap- slosh. It must be opened to determine its
bush. The characters detect an awful
smell as they approach, as if something ons such as maces hurt it by breaking up contents, if any.
large and unsanitary had died here. The
opening to the west is clearly visible from the lumps that form it. It is invulnerable If opened, the bottle will rapidly fi.11 with
the eastern entrance.
to fire, but other attack fom1s cause nor- a .translucent yellow liquid, with floating
Once the characters are halfway into
the room, the bread pudding flows si- mal damage. slices of lemon and chunks of ice. It is, in
lently to the attack from a hiding place
near the southern wall. As the monster The nthicehepuadgdaiinngstisthwe asitoinugth. ecronntwaialnl~ fact, a decanter of endless lemonade.
The lemonade is cold ainndthdeelibcoiottuls~ and
the skeletal remains of some of its other continues to well up and
victims. Among the awful-smelling debris overflow as long as it is unstoppered.
can be found 180 gp in miscellaneous . As soon ~she sees what is inside , Pop-
coins. a normal long sword. and a mace pmfarsh will squeal delightedly and grab
+2. for the bottle to take a drink. In the proc-
ess, he will knock the stopper from the
hands of the person holcting it and it will
bounce away into lhe trash pile. lf lhe quite accurate. Each successful attack little dough golem is cute and soft, the
characters look for it, Lhey will not find it ends wilh the pie creature splattered in Gingerbread Man is nasty and powerful.
immediately among all the metal and the face of the victim. Those hit suffer lit- He is flattened grey-brown gingerbread
crockery. Meanwhile, the lemonade con- tle damage, but are blinded by gooey pie of unusual toughness and his arms and
tinues to flow, complete wilh lots of ice for ld3 melee rounds. U a victim fails to legs are outlined with icing. His body is
chunks and lemon slices. The flow accel- roll his Dexterity or less on ld20, he is studded with crushed nuts and oversized
erates the longer the bottle is open, until knocked down. raisins. If viewed from behind, one raisin
lemonade is gushing out at a rate of gal- in his back seems to throb and pulsate. If
lons every second. Covering the bottle There are at least 12 flying pies in the this raisin is stabbedl with the Mithril
wilh a hand only works until lhe pressure swarm, but the GM should feel Cree to Breadknife (requiring a -4 penalty to the
builds up a bit. Likewise, any other sort add a second swarm and keep up the at- attack roll for the small size of the target),
tacks as long as they are funny. The pies the gingerbread monster dies instantly.
of stopper only holds back the delicious concentrate on those characters climbing The Gingerbread Man is only semi-
flood for a few minutes. Drinking the lem- the stairs, trying to knock them back into intelligent, but he is a fearless and tire-
onade is a temporary solution at best. the lemonade lake. When the players be- less fighter. He is the guardian of this area
gin to get bored, allow them to make it up and attacks all who enter. except Mentu.
The intent here is to get the characters the stairs.
frantically searching among the junk for lf the PCs manage to kill the Ginger-
the missing stopper. Roll dice secretly for If anyone decides to make one last dive bread Man, they find that only the east-
their attempts, but ignore the results. for the stopper, he will find it with little ernmost door is unlocked. This leads to
They just can't seem to find that stopper! difficulty. Poppinfarsh will offer if no one Mentu's quarters. The other is locked
DMs are encouraged to play this for all it else wants to try. Once found, the stop- and only Mentu has the keys. A success-
per can easily be replaced. The decanter ful lockpick attempt or major force will
is worth. The high-pressure stream of can then be taken along by the party. U open it. The door also has a small amount
lemonade should soak everyone. It will the stopper is not replaced, the level of of open space at the bottom. If a charac-
soon fill the bowl-shaped room, lapping at the lemonade in the room will continue to ter suggests it, Poppinfarsb is flexible
their ankles within five minutes. Of rise. Note whether or not the characters enough to shove his doughy body under
course, looking for the stopper gets close the door behind lhem if the lemon- the door. It opens easily without a key
much harder in ankle-deep lemonade. ade is left running. Also, require saving from the inside. Poppinfarsh will not think
throws for any items carried by the party of this on his own.
If the characters decide to abandon lhe that might be damaged by moisture Oike
lemonade gusher, introduce a couple of scrolls and books). The party will be Area 19: GaJomohgen's Tomb
new complications. The sides of the pretty sticky until they have a chance to
bowl-shaped floor are too smooth to dean up. The door opens onto a short corridor,
climb, so lhe only way up and out is lhe decorated with crude but recognizable
Area 18: Lair of the Gingerbread paintings of an elderly wizard. The paint-
narrow stone steps. When the PCs start Man ings show various scenes, including the
up, lhey hear a rustle from above. Look- escape of Galomohgen and the chefs from
ing up they see moving shadows amo.•g The northern door is made of heavy the prison cells, the rescue at the rushing
the stalactites. Wlhen they are halfway iron, like that of area 17, but it is not underground river, and the creation of
up, a group of flat, disc-shaped forms locked. The room is darkened and rough- the greenhouse cave. (OM: Make up de-
cut, looking more like a natural cavern tails as you desire.) ln each scene, the
dives down into the room. These are lhe than something lhat was deliberately dug wizard is carrying a golden goblet.
flying pies, an odd me-form for which the out of the rock and soil. The roof is dome-
cooks could find no use, and abandoned like and rises 20 feet above the rocky The corridor opens into a large cavern.
here. floor. There are two similar doors on the Against one wall, on a raised stone plat-
wall to the south. Sitting on the ground in form, is a marble vault adorned with the
12 Flying Pies: AC 6; MV 18" flying; front of them is an eight-foot-tall mon- rune-signature of Galomohgen. A golden
hp l; llAT 1; Dmg ld2; THACO 15; SA strosity of baked goods- the Ginger- goblet, now dusty and long-unused, sits
see below; SD nil; AL N. T hese mon- bread Man. atop the ,·ault.
sters resemble spinning, flying cream
pies about 10 inches across. They come Gingerbread Man: AC 5; MV 6"; hp If Poppinfarsh is present, he will enter
in lemon. coconut, and Boston cre me va- 50; IAT 1; Dmg 3dl0; THACO 10: SA with reverence. "This is the tomb of the
rieties. They normally re main attached to nil; SD nil; AL N. The Gingerbread Man great and powerful Galomohgen, wizard
high ceilings, feeding off moss and ab- is actually the ultimate product of the to kings and king of wizards!" He will e n-
sorbing water through their bottom same series of experiments lhat pro- courage characters to remove hats and
crust. Movement attracts them, causing duced Poppinfarsh. However, while the helmets and approach with dignity.
them to swarm about and make suicidal
diving attacks on anything in motion.
They are fast and hard to hit. They con-
trol their flight weUI, making their attacks
'' I haven't been here to see the mighty lifeforce into simple food. Certainly I am Two gummy werebear guards are always
one since Mentu took over," Poppinfarsh not surprised that the poor chefs could be on duty immediately inside the doorway,
will explain. "I'd ahnost forgotten he was tricked by an evil one. They are simple armed with candy-cane spears and short
here." Then he will become agitated. souls-not in the least evil, just mis- swords. The southern wall on either side
"Oh, dear! Oh, my! Do any of you have guided. I imagine. Be gentle with them." of the doorway has racks holding 30 each
any wine?" If the characters do, he will If the Random M onster Generator is of these weapons. All of the other walls
ask to have the cup filled in honor of the mentioned, Galomohgen will express the are broad shelves set floor to 15-foot-
old wizard. " He so loved his wine," ex- theory that the magic utensils somehow high ceiling. Gummy werebears of all col-
are drawing on the wicked power of the ors lie unmoving on these shelves. When
plains Poppinfarsh. evil artifact in the dungeons far below. more guards are needed, the guards on
If the characters do not have Poppin- duty simply drag them down from the
Galomohgen's main concern is with the shelves to activate them, and send them
farsh as a companion, they will have to welfare of the chefs. " Promise me that out. If the inert werebears are disturbed
figure things out for themselves. The you will get rid of those who use my at all, they will begin waking up.
magical runes around the edge of the friends as dupes, and that you will escort
golden cup can be r ead by any magic- them safely to the upper world. lf you will Area 21: Kitchen Wmg Entry
do this. and get them the pardon of the Hall
user. They read "May your cup never
run dry." The cup itself is exquisitely Lords of Greyhawk, I will grant you a gift, As the party rounds the comer at area
15, they see Mentu leading the chefs
made and decorated with small jewels, and point you on the correct path for your through the door into this room. By the
worth no less than 400 gp in the city. quest." He will insist that the cooks be time they reach the light wooden door, it
rescued and brought to his tomb before is bolted from the inside. The characters
I f wi ne (or any other alcoholic he discusses the bargain further. Once will have to chop it down. Meanwhile,
beverage-lemonade doesn't work) is the wine is gone (and before the charac- Mentu herds the by-now-terrified chefs
ters ask more questions), his spirit will through the eastern secret door. It is
poured into the cup, a satisfied sigh can be burp once and r eturn to its resting place. closed and well-concealed by the time the
characters enter.
heard from within the marble vault. The Pursuit of the Chefs
transparent ghostly form of Galomohgen The southern door, however, is wide
will rise from his body's resting place, pick The return, which must be made open, and leads to a trap prepared at area
through the secret entrance into Mentu's 23. If the characters stop to search, they
up the cup, and take a deep drink. quarters, is without incident. No one is have the usual chance to locate the east-
present in the quarters or labs at this
"Thal hits the spot," says Galo- time. At the guard station (area 12), the ern secret door. Poppinfarsh is not famil-
mohgen. His voice is deep but his words guards only fight to stop the characters if
are a bit slurred. He looks at the now- the party acts guilty or suspicious. iar with this part of the complex, so he is
much-lowered level of fluid in the cup and of no help navigating.
says "Looks like I haven' t long to be As the party enters the corridor at area
here. Who summons me?'' 12 again, they see Mentu come around Area 22: Griddle Controls
the comer at area 15. He is accompanied
Galomohgen will answer questions as by three men in chef hats and aprons. The cooks had this special griddle pre-
long as wine is placed in his cup, but it They all stop and stare at the party for a pared to cook giant Oapjack s. When the
never takes him long to drink it all, no second, then turn and run back around flapjacks turned out to be dangerous (see
matter how o~en the characters tell him the comer. "It's the Great Chefs," says area 23), they closed them off in the grid-
to take it easy. He will explain, hesitantly Poppinfarsh. " We must warn them of dle room and abandoned it. This room
Mentu's treachery!" The guards will contains the controls for the griddle.
and in a rambling, undirected sort of way, suddenly realize something is up at this Mentu has sent the cooks ahead to the
that he used his magic to help the cooks point, and will try to delay the party. main ki tchen. He is waiting here and
for many years before his liver finally Don't let them be delayed more than a watching through the grating overlooking
few melee rounds, though. It is important the griddle until all the characters enter.
gave out on him. " They're good men. that the party have the opportunity to Using these controls, he pulls a large le-
pursue the chefs at this time. ver that locks the counterweighted door
though they never were much in the behind the PCs.
kitchen without me, to tell the truth. But Area 20: Guard Barracks
they were my friends. so when I knew I A second sliding control operates the
was dying, I made them each a magical The door to this area is of metaJ- magical fire that heats the griddle. Mentu
kitchen tool that would protect them and banded heavy wood and is never locked. sets the heat on high to warm up the
let them tum the few things they could
raise down here into decent food. Little
Poppinfarsh was my final gift to them- a
loyal and true servant."
Galomohgen will be surprised to hear
about the variety of nasty food-creatures
that have been cooked up since his de-
mise. " I can't imagine how my magical
kitchenware could have instilled such evil
party (and stir up the flapjacks). He then try to land on the nearest moving object. Above the door is a bronze plaque with
proceeds to the main kitchen. Anyone trapped by a flapjack is thoroughly the phrase "Don't disturb the Chefs!"
pinned by its bulk and strength, and cannot
Area 23: T he Griddle use weapons or spells. Others must free The room is lit b}' two of the perpetual
the victim within six melee rounds or he light globes seen earlier in the green-
Both northern and southern doors are will smother. Flapjacks are immune to all house. T he walls are lined with cabinets
made of heavy metal, but they swing eas- fire and heat attacks. They are repelled by and shelves containing an incredible array
ily, as if counterweighted by a hidden cold, which causes them to withdraw rap- of cooking utensils and supplies. The
mechanism. If the doors are examined idly and leap back to the ceiling. great fireplace in the western wall con-
closely from the outside, the party will ceals a secret exit. A huge cook pot hangs
·see that the mechanical lock system can The characters have four melee rounds within. There is an open !fire pit contain-
to free the trapped member of the party ing hot coals in the center of the room. A
be disabled with a few minutes work (or a before a second flapjack falls. Arrows or
spells may be used against the Oapjacks metal spit is suspended over the fire; it
couple of good whacks with a battle axe). on Lhe ceiling once they are recognized. turns constantly with no visible means of
The room inside has stone walls and a The third falls five melee rounds after the operation. T here is a smaller archway to
second. When a flapjack falls, all un- the southeast. Against tl1e southern wall
smooth metal floor. The ceiling is stone, trapped characters, including Poppin- sits a four-foot-tall by seven-foot-wide
with three circular discolored spots about farsh, must roll 1d6. The character with closed wooden bin marked "Flour."
10 feet across. (DM: Do not describe the the lowest roll is trapped. Break ties with
ceiling unless the characters make a point As soon as the PCs have had time to
.of examining it. They are likely to be in a a second roll. After Lhe first surprise at- get a look around the room. they hear
hurry and might miss this clue.) There is someone sneeze. A second sneeze is
a metal grating set in the center of the tack. victims get a last weapon attack be- soon heard from the direction of the flour
eastern wall at eye level, through which fore they are crushed to the floor. bin. If the characters attack. or call for
light can be seen. the hidden individuals to surrender. the
Besides the danger of smothering. vic- cooks pop out of lhe bin in acloud of Oour.
The door may be spiked to prevent its tims trapped beneath a flapjack suffer ld6
closing, but there is only a l in 6 chance points of damage per melee round from the Alternatively, if someone opens the
that a single spike will do the job. F'ailure hot floor. Those standing on the hot noor bin, Molenhowad pops up and brains the
will only delay the closing for one melee take ld3 points of damage per rnelee intruder with his magical spoon. No dam-
round. More spikes will improve the round.
chances-2 in 6 chance for two spikes and age results, but the character is sur-
so on. Six will hold it firmly open. jam- lJ .characters look through the grating, prised and stunned for one melee round.
ming the closing mechanism. they can see into area 22. The iron grat- All the cooks, covered with flour, jump
ing is set firmly into the stone and cannot out and run around the room. Play this for
The floor begins to heat up rapidly once be removed. The bars are two inches as many faughs as possible. The panicked
the doors close. The characters hear Men- apart. The control panel is only half- cooks toss flour, sugar, and other food-
tu's evil laughter and hear a door close be- visible from the grating, but one big lever stuffs, shoot whipped cream from small
yond the grating. Barefoot characters. like can be seen sticking up. It is about six tubes they get out of a cabinet, run
Poppinfarsh, and those with thin footgear feet from lhe grating. A long pole weap- around and around the fire pit. etc. Use
will notice the rising warmth first. on's haft or a slim staff could be used to your imagination.
push it. or it could be hit by an arrow ( - 6
Just as the floor begins getting really penalty to the attack roll). This opens the If the characters get serious about
hot (after about five melee rounds), the doors. A safety mechanism turns off the hurting the cooks, the three flee through
characters will hear a popping sound from griddle when the doors are open. The the southwest archway to the safety (?)
above. As they look up, one of the discol- floor cools enough to be nondamaging in of their individual rooms, where they
ored patches on the ceiling pops loose. It three melec rounds. must be coaxed out from under the beds.
is a flapjack, wh.ich falls on the PC with
the lowest Dexterity and forces him to If Poppinfarsh is trapped, he does not If the party ceases all attacks and
the floor, smothering him. smother. but if not freed in three melee makes an effort to calm the cooks down,
rounds, he comes out as a flat, brown, they are willing to chat. They had no idea
3 Flapjacks: AC 8; MV 2"; HD 4; hp 17, cookie golem. He is othenvise unhurt, that Mentu tried to kill the characters.
19. 16: #AT special; Dmg special: and his statistics do not change. Only his Mentu had told them that the par ty was a
'THACO nil; SA smothering; SD nil; AL N. appearance is altered. group of assassins sent from Greyhawk
About 10 feet wide and severa!I inches to hunt them down and slay them. Once
thick, the flapjacks are attracted by heat. Area 24: Main Kitchen the cooks are convinced that this isn't
which is why the griddle hasn't been used true, they beg the party to intercede with
in a while. When they sense heat, they fall The northern entrance to this room has the Lords of Greyhawk to allow the cooks
from the ceiling, where their rough exte- no door, just a high arched entryway. to return to the surface.
rior conceals them. They glide down and
Wait until the party notices that Mentu
is not present. Then one of the cooks will monsters?) and cranny. Under the bed can be found a
wonder about him. "He told us to hide, Doughplegangers (number varies): AC couple of doz.en comic books featuring
and he'd take care of you," says Larifyne. "Captain Koala" and "ZapMan."
"Where did he go?" 5; MV 9"; HD as the original; hp as the
original: Dmg ld6 or by weapon: THACO What's for Dessert?
At this cue, the big fireplace slides 15: SA nil: SD nil; AL N. The doughple-
away and Mentu makes his dramatic en- gangers are a variant of the dough golem With Mentu destroyed and his crea-
trance. With him are any doughple- and Gingerbread Man formulae. Mentu tions dealt with, the cooks are grateful for
tricked the cooks into making a set of the party's help in exposing his plotting.
gangers activated earlier by the party loaves, which he then hid until forgotten. They make a great ceremony of present-
(see area 13). He also has two gummy These loaves have the potential to de- ing the party with their greatest trea-
werebear guards for each member of the velop into living forms because of the sure, a set of heavy gold-decorated cook
party who refused to carry one of the magical utensils' connection with the pots thail are worth 1.200 gp. These are
loaves in that encounter, and one each for Random Monster Generator. Once very bulky and heavy, and weigh about
the three cooks and Poppinfarsh. "I'm touched by a living being, then baked, 100 lbs., counting the trunk in which they
right here," says Mentu, "and now I will they become duplicates of the person are kept. The cooks fix a snack for the
slay you all! Then my edible army will who touched them. party, then propose that they take a skin
march on the Upper World! " The in- of wine to Galomohgen's tomb.
truders then aLtack the pany. A baked doughpleganger has the gen-
eral appearance of its original and has hit When Galomohgen is summoned by
Each doughpleganger attempts to en- points and weapon abilities to match. filling his goblet, he thanks the PCs for
gage its original. and the werebears at- Mentu has provided candy cane dwpli- their help. (Heaven help them iI they've
tack the others. Mentu stays out of direct cates or the appropriate weapons as well, hurt the cooks! Galomohgen may haunt
combat as long as possible and uses his although the weapons do not duplicate them forever, or at least until they per-
special mind-fileting power on the party, magical abilities. Doughplegangers have form some sort of task to redeem them-
reducing their concentration and ability to no spell abilities. They have only their selves!) He confirms that the magical
fight. He stops concentrating only iI di- natural armor class to protect them, utensils are trapping the power of the
rectly engaged in combat and wounded. though they appear to be wearing the Random Monster Generator. He re-
T he dougbplegangers and Mentu fight to same armor as their originals. A dough- moves the magic from the items with a
the death. The guards, however, surren- pleganger above all wants to kill its origi- wave of his hand. At this point, all the
der iI Mentu is killed or captured. nal. and will fight its original to the death creations except Poppinfarsh cease to
before turning to any other foes. exist.
Role play the combat for maximum fun
and excitement_ The cooks and Poppin- Area 25: Molenhowad's Room II the party promises to see the cooks
farsh should be able to hold their own safely back to Castle Greyhawk and ob-
against one guard each with no trouble, This is a bare little cubicle, with a bed, tain a pardon for them (which will be
hitting them with their magical utensils or desk, and large closet full of identical granted swiftly, as no one even remem-
throwing things at them. If one of the white pants, tunics, aprons and hats. bers the cooks anymore). Galomohgen
party finishes oft his foe too quickly, make Dirty clothes tossed on the floor of the will show the party a se.cret button that
it necessary for that person to rescue one closet magically clean themselves and causes his marble vault to move aside,
of the cooks or Poppinfarsh to keep hang themselves up, thanks to Galo- revealing a hidden corridor. The tuMel
things interesting. Bring in more gummy mohgen 's magic. The attached privy also moves past an odd section of smooth wall
werebear guards iI you need to- there is is magically self-cleaning. that glows with a mild pearly light to a
an endless supply available. stairway leading down.
Area 26: Larifyne's Room
lf, on the other hand. the party seems Galomohgen then returns to his final
overwhelmed, the cooks and Poppinfarsh Similar to area 25, including the magical rest, and his goblet vanishes with him.
can finish off their foes quickly and then res- closet. The walls are lined with shelf after Poppinfarsh decides to return to the Up-
cue their rescuers. JI the characters earlier shelf of cookbooks. Many are truly odd. per World and remain with the cooks.
left the decanter ofendless lemonade run- like "Trollburgers: The Never-Ending Once the party has helped the cooks,
ning somewhere, this would be agood time Meal'' and "1001 Wc!ys to Prepare Yellow they may use this level as a base camp for
to bring a flood of lemonade, ice. and float- Mold:· explorations deeper into the dungeons.
ing slices oflemon in to sweep everyone off This provides the party with food and wa-
their feet and break Mentu's concentration. Area 27: Kurlenshembes 's Room
The more outrageous this combat is, the ter and .a relatively safe place to rest, at
better. In the end, however, the party will Just like the other two, except that
no doubt triumph over the nasty meat-thing empty food containers clog every nook least until monsters start wandering in
from the other levels.
and his hordes. (Surely your party is not so
inept as to be beaten by crummy candy
The fourth dungeon level of Greyhawk tracted. these creatures will soon have a Area 1: The Entryway from
Castle is designed as a challenge for yummy snack that builds bodies in twelve Anywhere
about six PCs of 7th-8th experience disgusting ways. Any nearby low-level
levels. Although this level need not be castle guards are already just smears on The stair down from the castle (or
played before attempting the dungeon's the wall. down or up from any other dungeon level
lower levels, the PCs may gain some ad- or darkened passage) ends at a locked
vantage if they attain this level 's magical For this scenario, the OM must make door just outside area 2.
prize first. up three monsters from the Random
Monster Generator. All three should be The stair ends at an eight-foot-
The Dungeon Master's Guide, the of the icky-awful variety and have at least diameter circular stone door carved
Player's Handbook, the Dungeoneer's one special ability. Two of them have 7 and painted in the likeness of a huge
Survival Guide. Monster Manuals 1 and jack o' lantern face. Magical light
Hit Dice, the biggest (and ickiest) will streams from its eyes, nose, and
ll, and the FIEND FOLIO"' tome are have 10 HD and at least two special abili- mouth. On the pumpkin face's fore-
necessary to tplay this level. Other ties. During the fight, the monsters will head is a carved sign that reads: "Are
You Prepared for Eternal Autumn?"
AD&D® game manuals are not required go out of their way to trash up the place.
Herzog Akitrom tbe Merely \\brried is To the left of the door is a familiar-
but may be used as desired. looking patch of opalescent wall.
distraught. Never have monsters actually
DM's Information invaded the castle in such force. A balu- Deep in the recesses of the jack o' lan-
chiterium in the dining hall is one thing, tern's mouth is a keyhole that, once un-
The builders of Castle Greyhawk and but such ickyness in the Citadel Union is locked, will open the door. The key
its dungeon took great precautions altogether untoward. Something is seri- provided by the castle owners (or any of
against the eventuality that their crea- ously wrong down in the dungeon. the Thme keys) will unlock the door. Any
tions would get out of hand. For this pur- Maybe it's time to get out the dungeon's attempt to pick the lock, or use any oilier
secret instruction manual. type of key (including a magical key) will
pose, they created Ye Secrete Tome of cause the trapped mouth to rapidly shut
Inestimable Knowledges and carefully hid In response to questions of "Why and open again (doing 2dl0 damage to the
didn't you give this to us before?" "What violator who fails to make a Dexterity
it on the dungeon's fourth level. secret instruction manual?" or just Check). The door is 1vizard locked (as by
The tome was supposed to be used " Huh?" Herzog Akitrom will explain that
he doesn't actually have the manual, just a 12th level magic-user)_ A magic mouth
only in case of an emergency, such as
huge hordes of monsters invading the instructions on how to find it. Actually, it spell shrieks "trick-or-treat, trick-or-
castle. Although it is centuries old, the never really seemed all that important treat!"
item's magical effect is to provide current before.
and useful secrets (for details, see page lf the door is forced. all orifices on the
53). From a secret compartment in the cas-
tle's wine cellar, a crumbling wooden box pumpkin face belch eight-foot-long
The Herzog Akitrom knows of the
is brought forth. In it are instructions on tongues of magical fire while the magic
Tome and its potential value, but until mouth spell shrieks "trick-or-treat. trick-
how to find the entrance to the fourth or-treat!" The Oames do 14 points of
now he has ne\•er seen a need for its use. dungeon level (which, coincidentally, is
For all he knows, it could be just a one- the same door the monsters just came damage to characters who do not save
use item. from) and a sparkling skeleton key carved vs. spell (the effects are similar to aglyph
from a single ruby- one of the Tome~ 12
The Adventure gemstone keys (this key checks in at of warding).
about 5,000 gp). Unfortunately. what ap-
To get the party to investigate dungeon parently were at least a dozen pages con- Characters who make the saving throw
level four, set up the following scenario: take half damage.
cerning the Tome's defenses have been
Somewhere in the castle's Citadel Un-
ion (where the adventurers reside) a reduced by centuries of neglect to "and
scream echoes, loud enough to drown rememberest thou to looketh out for
out even the 24-hour (no waiting) bar ye . . . ."
fight. When the PCs arrive, a group of
very attractive and obviousEy quite "Of course.'' the Herzog harrumphs,
wealthy young men and women (cour- "If you ist not interested in returning mil
tiers on a holiday-including the lovely, der Tome und basking in glory und riches.
but menace-prone princess Risotta) are dose odder adventurers may be inter-
being menaced by three of the most grue- ested in making an easy hundred
some horrors yet seen. Unless dis- 'tousand or so gold pieces."
Greyhawk Dungeon-Level 4 Ladder to A.:.;.re,a;..2;. __ _
Cross Section of
Spherical Arena
(Area 18)
D Front View 150
Map 4-The Upcountry Side View
Scale: 1 Hex = 1,000 Feet
t Cathedral Views
(Area 12)
Up to 164
509 SrDown to and I
Helllvator Door
Area9 1~\I I to 7
I 1ooor
Current Flow-::!_ --t -..
---..: Tentacles
Area 2: Ye Secrete Tome of Area 2A: ...and fall and fall.... Below you, and on a collision course
Inestimable Knowledges with you, is a huge, writhing, bloated
The mist parts and you seem to be fall- mass of dark gelatinous goo.
The room beyond the jack o' lantern ing just above tree tops. The air is
door is plain and unadorned except for If the PCs attempt to destroy the goo,
a tapestry on the far wall, a small sign chilly and leaves show the brilliant
next to it and a door mat beneath it and golds, oranges, and reds of autumn at treat it as a super-dooper ochre jelly.
a pile of pumpkins in the corner, its peak. The autumnal forest extends Subsequent contact (collision) will result
coated lightly in frost. The rapestry in damage (each colliding character in-
depicts angelic beings walking up and as far as you can see above and below flicts ld6 damage to the goo).
down a glowing stair case that ascends
toward a heavenly glow. Inscribed you. It also seems to surround you like Inflated Ego (ochre jelly): AC 8; MV
above the stair is the motto "Be Pre- you're falling through the inside of a 3"; HD 12; hp 45; IAT 2; Dmg 3d4;
pared." tube or shaft. Through the treetops, T HACO 10; SD lightning divides crea-
you glimpse piles of raked leaves and ture into smaller blobs; SZ XL (" Holy
The sign next to the tapestry reads bushels of ripe apples. The branches Cow, Get a Load of That!").
as follows: sting as you fall through them.
The impact with the smelly goo causes
" Ereh eb ey eterces e mot of rJ the PCs wish, they can fall forever. it, the disgusted PCs. and a small flock of
elbamitsen i segdelwonk." pigeons to careen into disgusting entan-
However, the sting of the branches in- glement with the tree tops, leaving the
The door mat says, " lf\elcome." party hanging on huge stringers of mucus
flicts 1 point of damage every two rounds a few feet above the ground. Unfortu-
Beneath the door mat is a sapphire of falling. Eventually, this will batter a nately, their Charisma scores are re-
gemstone key, another of the 12 (hey, duced by 2d4 until they can properly
character to death. bathe (if they do not remove the goo
where else would anyone keep a 4,000- The PCs can stop themselves by grab- within 48 hours, reduce Charisma by 1
point permanenUy). The party is to-
gp sapphire key?). The pumpkins are bing on to tree branches (a Dexterity
here solely for color. gether on encounter map 4.
Check to grab and a Strength Check to
Behind the tapestry is a vault door with Area 4: The Upcountry
hold on), lassoing branches (only a Oex-
12 key holes arranged in a three-by-four To reach the ground, the party must
terity Check if the rope is tied to the PCs, climb down the tree limbs. (Note: The
pattern. To open the door, at least seven otherwise it's just as if they grabbed at first PC to land is assumed to be at en-
branches), casting web spells between counter 6 and follows directions given
of the Tome Keys must be inserted and
the branches ahead of them, using there.) A non-thief can climb down a tree
turned, each key within 30 seconds of the feather fall to slow their rate of descent,
previous key. any flying magics to control their descent at 30'/round (or about three rounds. to
or anything that would reasonably work. reach the ground). A thief climbs twice as
Lf any other attempt is made to open on fast. Thieves climb at their normal climb-
the vault door or if the party pWJs aside Assume that each round the PCs fall ing skill plus a tree bonus. Non-thieves
1,000 feet regardless of physics. So if it climb at a base climbing skill of 40% plus
the tapestry and does nothing to open the takes five rounds for all characters to the tree bonus. The tree bonus is 20%
come to a complete stop, they will be (characters in metal armor are
door (for at least a minute), then IT hap- strung out over about a mile of territory -15, those in leather or padded armor
pens. on encounter map 4 . The first PC to stop are - 5 and those in plate mail of any kind
IT is the following:
always stops at area 6. cannot climb at all). Characters who fail to
Everything (including tapestries, wel- make their climbing roll take ld6 of dam-
Area 3: Yuck age for each full 10% by which their roll
come mats, pumpkins, stupidly enci- exceeds their climbing chance, minimum
If the player s are running out of hit of l d6 damage.
phered signs, walls, ceilings, the room
with the pumpkin door...just every- points because they can't figure a way to Once the party is all down, they find
thing) disappears and the floor rips stop falling, then warm up the 'ol deus ex
open loudly like overstressed paper, machina (an improbable plot device used themselves in the endless expanse of the
and you fall into swirling mist and fall to re solve a tangled situation). Unfortu-
and fall and fall. ... nately, the only one available at the time Eternal Autumn Woods (area 4) . Al-
is a large, bloated blob (the inflated ego of though the woods continue on endlessly
Go to area 2A. something with little to be proud oO.
Needless to say, the goo is unpleasant. in every direction, its major landmarks
are repeated. Assume that when the Encounter Table Area 5: Why is up?
party leaves one edge of map 4, they en-
ter again on the opposite edge (though D 20 You encounter an uptight little man
foes encountered are left behind). Ro ll Result wandering around in the black robes of
1-9 Nothing a university professor. Oblivious to
Even though the landscape appears 10 A random monster the world, he is up to his nose in a
le\'el from where the party stands. the 11-13 Flail Snail: AC 4; MV 6*": HD 6; scroll of some sort. Something crys-
cardinal directions here are not north, talline dangles on a cord at his waist.
hp 35: #AT 12•; Omg ld8/
south, east and west-they are up, down Of course the "something crystalline"
and sideways (right or left). Characters tentacle; THACO 13; SNSD Its is a gemstone key, a 6,000-gp emerald
move sideways at their normal speeds. gemstone key to be exact. It is in the pos-
shell causes a special magic session of Verticulous Vibratiuncle, a
Characters move up at half their normal resistance-40% chance of a spell strange little philosopher who has been
malfunction, 30% chance of spell wandering through Eternal Autumn for
rate (unless flying) and feel as if they are working normally, 20% chance of what seems like...well.•.an eternity. If
climbing a steep hill. Characters move failure, 10% chance of spelll af- distracted from his reading he will look
down at double their normal rate, as if fecting someone else (usually the the party straight in the eyes and ask,
running down a sleep hill. Once they be- PC nearest the snail). The hasted ''Why is up?"
gin to move down, it is hard to stop (Dex- flail snail is smashing its way
terity Check required) without falling through the woods, mace-like Like all philosophers, deep thinkers.
down. Characters mo\'e diagonally up at tentacles a blur as they mow and sports broadcaslers, he is serious
314 normal speed and diagonally down at down trees before it. It searches and thinks that his question is a reason-
1 1/2 times normal. for the PCs and attempts to close able one. Any reasonable answer will do:
with them. Killing the snail sum- "Without up, there would be no down,"
The PCs can see three hexes (3,000 mons the levitraitors (see below). or " Without up, we would have nothing
feet) in all directions. Food is plentiful to see when we tilted our heads back;• or
here (fall is harvest time). 14-15 3 Garbugs (violet): AC 5; MV 6" I ''The sky gods would be out of ajob," etc.
9"; HD 3+1: hp 17, 19, 21: #Kr Uinsulted, ignored, or attacked, Verticu-
Meanwhile, the servants of Voyeux are 2 and 6; IDmg ld6/ ld6/ par- lous begins to ooze tar Crom his pores and
on the move. Make an encounter check sprout wings as he pol)'ITlorphs into a
on the following chart for every five alyzation: THACO 16: SA Paraly- farastu (tarry) demodand and makes the
hexes of travel. zation from tentacle attacks. party pay for their uppity attitude.
These Oying purple lobsters with
Of the fixed encounters, encounter 7 rellow claws harry the party. On a Tarry Oemodand: AC -1 ; MV 15"/
cannot occur until the party has met Ver- d8 roll of 7-8. the le,·itraitors are 30H: HD 11 : hp 62; IAT 3; Dmg ld6+1/
ticulous Vibratiuncle (encounter 5). En- near enough to hear the commo-
counters llA and 118 are airborne. tion. ld6+1 /3d4; T HACO 10; SA spell
powers and sticky skin that makes any
16 Levitraitors. Through the forest, object it strikes or that strikes it have a
5% chance of sticking; SD immune to
the party can see a group of four nonmagical weapons. fear. illusion. acid.
men in oriental garb Ooatiog and poison, half damage from cold and
above the trees, obviously fire; MR 15%
searching the woods for some-
thing. These are former adven- If the party answers his question he
turers, now the servants of the thanks them and goes on his way, then
wizard Voyeux (see encounter 19 stops and says " Was there something
for details). They are searching else?" Ir the party asks for the gemstone
for the party to prevent them key, he will continue to ask questions like
from gaining more keys and the "Sideways-fact or fiction?" and " If
there were no down. would there be an
Tome. The nail snail and garbugs up?" Uthe party answers with something
reasonable again, he is amiable to trade
are their allies. If the party fights the key for something (preferably food
them here, the garbugs join the other than apples). Again, uppityness
battle in round three and the flail brings out the demodand in him.
snail joins the battle in round
17-20 Verticulous Vibratiuncle (see en-
counter 5).
Area 6: Up the Down Staircase then opens and asingle step is visible (but a dim light.
only through the door). A second coin re· If the party climbs up the slippery stone
You find the ruins of a grand staircase. ceptacle sprouts from the step. The cost
N o building, no upper floors, just a for the next step is another silver piece. shaft (the 50-foot-deep well can be
grand stair case. Next to it is a histori- This continues for each step. However,
cal marker that reads: "On this site steps 11 through 20 cost two sp each, climbed only by thieves , at the rate of six
...oh, about an eternity or so ago...che steps 21 through 30 cost three sp, and so feet per round, with a 10 times normal
upwardly mobile young upstart, Verti- on up to step 101 at the glowing door
culous Vibratiuncle, built the first chance of falling).
stair, symbolizing the belief that the which costs 11 sp (for agrand total of 561 An opening in the side of the shaft 30
only way out of Eternal Autumn is up."
sp). feet up leads to encounter 13, the slime
From this point, if they look up, the However. each step only lasts 20 sec· slide. The top of the well opens onto the
PCs should be able to see a glowing door paved stone floor of area 12.
hanging at least 500 feet in the air above onds if the step beyond it is not pur-
them. Above the door in glowing red let- chased. Thus it is possible to lose ground The bottom of the well feels pebbley. If
ters is the word " EXJT." if delay is incurred. the PCs check it , they find treasure:
2,000 cp, 300 sp, 500 gp, three gems
Area 7: And She's Buying a If the party does not have sufficient sil- (2,000 gp each), a 1,500-gp jade dog
Stairway to...
ver pieces (only silver works), Ascendus sculpture, chain mail + 1. a mace of dis-
This encounter can only occur after the will make change (he always cheats by ruption, and atopaz Tome key (4,000 gp).
party has encountered Verticulous Vibra- ld3 sp/gold piece). If caught, he is
tiuncle. It then occurs within ld3 hexes of shocked and aghast and quickly makes up L et the party bob for goodies for four
movement thereafter. the difference. rounds. On the fifth, somebody grabs a
tentacle (or vice versa). Regardless. on
lf the party descends the well (area 9) The EXIT door only opens with a the fifth round in the weU, eight tentacles
1,000-gp citrine gemstone Tome key come up out of the water and attack the
and opens the door at the bottom, the possessed by Ascendus the gripplt). As- PCs (use giant squid statistics).
drop down to the ground is 500 feet. cendus couldn't part with the key for less
than 5,000 gp. 8 Giant squid tentacles: AC 7; MV Nil;
A smaU wooden hut stands next to a HD 12; hp 10 per tentacle; #AT 8; Dmg
shiny metal box with a door in it. the After step 30, begin rolling an en- 1d6 (x8) + 2d6 constriction on subse-
brightly glowing sign above both of counter check on ld20 each 10 steps. quent rounds; T HACO 9; SA constriction
them proudly proclaims "Ascendus's
Scandent Coin-Op Acclivity." The en- 1-10 No encounter Area 10: Upfitter 's Emporium
tire affair is surrounded by many glow- 11-16 The party has been sighted by lhe
ing, blinking, and flashing arrows, all Multicolor lights proclaim the en-
pointing skyward. The floating exit Levitraitors (see area 4) trance to "Upfitter's Emporium. spe-
door is clearly visible from here. 17-2:0 A nasty random monster is either cializing in all that's fit to go up and
stay up." Through the glass you can
The hut belongs to Ascendus, a flying up or cllimbing the stair be- see a vast array of bottles, ropes.
smartly dressed little grippli (a 2 1/2 foot hind the party. spikes, wings, cloaks, boots, and
somethfog moving around.
tall tree frog-lik,e humanoid) smoking a Area 8: Pearly Gates
This is a store that contains items use-
big cigar and talking like a gangster. "Up Shimmering like mother-of-pearl, an ful to the PCs in their upward quest. Of
good people? Up? Only a coin, one coin opalescent panel stands uprighl be- course they are all hideously expensive.
will take you up." he says with a froggy nveen a pair of lustrous posts. Upfitter's Emporium reappears later in
,grin. the adventure to allow lhe adventurers to
This is one of the gates from the Ran· restock. but each time the prices go up.
Ascendus the grippli: AC 9; MV 9" I The proprietor. Garbug Upphitter (pro-
15"; HD 1 +l; hp 7; #!\f 1; Omg ld4; dom M onster Generator on level 12. If it nounced Up-filler) is an in telligent violet
THACO 16; SA surprise on l-4 garbug. Around his neck is violet garnet
is touched, roU ld6. On a roll of 1·2. a U key (worth 1,000 gp and on sale now
Ascendus's Scandent Coin-Op Accliv- random monster steps through. for only 3.000 gp).
ity is a coin-operated stairway. To oper-
ate, the PCs must insert a coin (a silver Area 9: Upwelling Garbug Upphitter: AC 5; MV 6" 19" ;
piece) into the slot in the door. The door
The exit from map 4 opens onto a 10- HD 3 +1 ; hp 25; #AT 2 and 6; Dmg ld6/
foot-diameter. dark, cylindrical shaft (a ld6/paralyzation; THACO 16; SA tenta-
well) made of mo.rtaired field stone and cle hil s paralyze
filled with fresh water to a depth of four
feet. A strong current runs through the Upfiner's sells both normal and magical
waler. If the party looks up, they can see
items. The normal items are to be had at confines of level 4. Throwing it up in the sponge. It begins at location llA above
a mere 10 times their usual cost. How- air allows the party to escape or avoid one map4.
ever, each time the PCs visit Upfitter's, encounter (see encounter 11).
the cost is double the previous time. Far below the cloud, the endless forest
• Items marked with an asterisk are for of Eternal Autumn can be seen.
Terms and Cre dit sale only.
All around the PCs are other clouds
Garbug Upphitter prefers to take the All displayed items are fake, but repre- similar to their own. Some even have oc-
PCs' magical valuables in trade for his sent what is available. Upphitter will ex- cupants (roU random monsters if the PCs
items. He will take promissory notes but plain each if asked. All the real items are move to these clouds).
states that the PCs will owe double the stored out of sight.
sum borrowed upon repayment. Magical Uthe party surveys their surroundings
items are initially for sale at the prices Killing the garbug causes the store to closely, read this:
given in the DMG. However, they may coUapse in on itself and all goes dark.
be rented for l/l Oth that amount (return- When light returns. the characters are Several miles away is a flashing sign
able intact at the end of the adventure). once again falling across the Eternal Au- that brightJy states " EXIT" as it
tumn landscape (area 2A) . hangs above a shimmering door set
50' of rope: 2 gp into the side of another cloud.
Iron spikes: 10 cp each Garbug Upphitter and a few friends re-
10' pole: 30 cp turn (even if killed) later in the adventure The Exit cloud is located at position
Hammer: 1 gp to coUect any rented items (see en- 118 above map 4.
Grappling hook: 10 gp counter 21).
12' Wooden ladder: 20 gp If the PCs did not buy the bag of winds,
Leather gloves: 5 gp Encounter 11: Using the Magical djinn bottle, or air elemental Dask, their
Wings ofDying (l ): 7,500 gp Rope cloud is probably motionless, a sitting
Gauntlets of swimming and climbing duck.
(1): 10,000 gp This encounter occurs if the party buys
Ebony Dy (1): 5,000 gp the magical rope from Upfitter's Emporium If the PCs possess any magical item or
Serpentine owl (1): 4,000 gp or if they climb the rope in room 160. The can command any creature that can make
Broom of Dying (1): 10,000 gp PCs can use the rope to bypass any one en- wind, the cloud is class E maneuverability
Carpet ofDying (1): 25,000 gp counter. Whenever magical rope is thrown and has a speed of 9" .
Boots of levitation (1): 15,000 gp upward, read the following:
Ring of feather falling (2): 5,000 gp The red dragon's fire will punch a hole
Potion of Dying• (7): 750 gp The rope seems to Oy upward, stiffen- 20 feet in diameter all the way through
Potion of levitation• (6): 400 gp ing into an easily climbable pole that the cloud. The hole reseals in two
Potion ofdiminution* (4) : 500 gp fades into nothingness at the top. rounds, but the cloud loses 5 feet of diam-
Bag of winds (1): 5,000 gp eter.
This bag contains wind. When opened a If they climb up. read the foUowing:
stiff breeze blows out, equivalent to the Red dragon: AC - 1; MV 9" /24"; HD
MU speU, gust of wind. You climb upward into thickening, damp 10; hp 60: llAT 3; Dmg ld8/ ld8/3dl0;
Djinn bottle: 8,000 gp mist. Suddenly you break free into THACO 10; SA breath weapon
Opening this bottle (once per week) bright light on top of a fluffy cloud. As
summons a commandable djinn for six soon as you are up, a fiery blast strikes If the party causes its cloud to collide
turns. Djinn: AC 4; MV 9" /24 " ; HD the cloud, destroying a huge tract of with another cloud, 1 to 310d6 dice light-
7+3; hp 37; llAT l ; Dmg 2d8: T HACO fluffy real estate and barely missing you. ning bolts are generated. They hit any-
13; SA create whirlwind Less than 1,000 feet away, a red dragon thing within 300 feet (to give the hint,
Flask of Air Elementals: 6,000 gp wheels about for another pass and, as have the PCs· cloud accidentally collide
Opening the flask summons a command- luck would have it, a black gemstone with another).
able air elemental for three turns (once per key hangs around its neck.
week). Air elemental: AC 2: MV 36"; HD Ucharacters fall off the cloud (whether
8; hp 45; llKf l; Dmg ldlO; THACO 10; The black opal Tome key is worth dead or alive) or if the dragon is killed, the
SA whirlwind; SD + 2 or better weapon to 3.500 gp. The dragon will not consider bodies drop until they are once again fall-
giving it up. ing endlessly over the crisp orange tree-
hit tops of Eternal Autumn. It is possible to
Magical Rope: 1,000 gp The cloud is roughly 100 feet in diame- bring the PCs' cloud low enough to re-
This one-use rope works only in the ter and billy. It is like walking on a soft cover lost friends or keys. The dragon's
belly is encrusted with 50,000 gp worth
of gold coins and gems (it takes one tum
to remove 5,000 gp worth).
If the PCs use the magical rope to come
to this encounter and then use the Exit
door in the cloud, it takes them to the en-