Jak Briddon (human): AC -3; FTR 13; money or glory, she just likes shooting ar- for help, and he swore a sacred Oath to
hp 78; NAT 2; Dmg ld8+5; T HACO 5; rows. She is friendly with elves and half- protect her from harm. She died-ore
elves, but cool to everyone else. snipers shot her full of arrows while she
STR 18 DEX 17; AL C(G); plate mail was in his protection. Percival was so
lalko (human): AC 6; RNG 8; hp 41; grief stricken that he renounced his pala-
+2, long sword +3. Briddon is not from IKI l; Dmg ld8+3; THACO 14 (11 w/ dinhood and quit the Order. Life was un-
bearable for him; in time, he lived for one
the Flanaess, he comes from a world bows); STR 11DEX18: AL NG: Weapon thing-an honorable death in combat .
called Arra. He will challenge any specialization in long bow. lalko is also Hearing of the slaad's arena, he decided
doughty fighter to a contest, wagering from Arra; he is a good friend ofJak Brid- to go there and fight until he dies, since
large sums of money (20,000 gp-he is don and will serve as his second in duels. hjs honor is already dead. He appears to
very rich). He is very boastful, but other- lalko likes to talk a lot about the multi- be a " Black Knight:' a knight without a
wise he will be friendly. However, to en- verse, but will say little about his home, shield device.
sure the success of a private wager, a which appears to be dominated by great
member of the Colossus of Chaos wiU If any obviously high-level fighter tries
evil. to talk with him, he will immediately chal-
place a tasteless drug in the competing Combat: There are a number of po- lenge him to combat, pretending to be of-
character's drink that will rob him of 2 tential adversaries in the arena who are fended by the pretense of comradeship,
points of Strength and Dexterity. If Brid- willing to engage in duels of a fiercer vari- in the hopes of being slain in an honorable
don is accused of cheating, he will chal- ety. Two of these combatants fight one- fashion. If Percival finds himself winning
on-one contests, the rest, such as the such a contest, he will beg the opponent
lenge the character to a duel with Colossus of Chaos, fight as groups. to accept his mercy and let him spare him
weapons to defe nd his honor. (unless the opponent has shown himself
Lan-wing (monk of the Scarlet Broth-
Arch ery: This is a tournament with to be evil). If the characters accept his
free choice of the bows provided, except erhood, human): AC -4; MV 29" ; MNK mercy and talk with him later, or if they
crossbows. The targets are mounted on talk to other competitors beforehand Oak
pendulums, which are swung rapidly, in 15; hp 66; NAT 3; Dmg 6d4; THACO
12 +; ST 15 IN 16 WS 15 DX 17 CN 16 Briddon knows his story), the characters
order to make the challenge more diffi- CH 15; SA stun, kill, quivering palm; SD might be able to help him.
cult. Each contestant fires a dozen shots,
six from medium range and six Crom long immune to poison, disease, slow, geas, The Colossus of Chaos consists of five
range, with nonmagical bows and arrows quest, dodge missiles, heal self (ld4+10 evils: the cambion Drumorg, son of De-
provided by the generous slaad. The hp, 1/day); AL LE. He has a ring ofpro- mogorgon, the death knight Duke Grave,
character then calculates what the lowest and his steed, a retriever, the lich Rahz
Armor Class that his shot could hit: the tection +3. Lan-wing is one of the most
location of the shot is based on the Armor (currently polymorphed into human
Class value. Then the character calcu- prominent members of the Scarlet Broth- form). and the dragon IFearforge (also po-
lates the number of points for the shot, e rhood: he is stoic, ruthless, and cun- lymorphed as a humm).
and after 12 shots, the most points wins. ning. He is here lo observe; here,
The amount of points is based on what everyone and everything is his enemy. The Colossus is in the arena to find the
color of the target he hit. link to the dungeon, where they are to
He is particularly disturbed by the Colos- get the Random Monster Generator for
T he bullseye is gold, AC -8, and is sus of Chaos; if he feels they are too pow- their master. Demogorgon. If Fearforge
worth 9 pts. Then there is red, AC -4, erful, he will offer to ally with the finds out where the PCs are from, she
worth 7 pts; blue. AC 0, worth 5 pts.; characters to kill the Chaos Group in the will tell the others, and Drumorg will is-
black. AC 4, worth 3 pts; and white, AC arena. sue a challenge, "Meet us in the arena, or
8, worth 1 pt. (e.g., If a character's shot bow before us and acknowledge that our
rolls hits AC - 3, that shot lands in the Lord Percival (ex-paladin, human): AC way is the strongest force in existence:
blue; if he had roUed e nough to hit AC -5; MV6" ; DAV 15; hp81; NKI2; Dmg freedom without discipline, power with-
-4, the shot would have hit in the red). ld8 +9; THACO 2; ST 18(88). IN 14, WI out restraint, the whims of the mighty be-
13, DE 16 CO 16 CH 18; SD regenerates ing appeased without moral limits."
There are two top archers in the arena 2 hp/round (cannot regenerate from
at this time: death. but regenerates fire and acid dam- Drumorg (cambion): AC -5; MV 15";
age); AL LG. He has full plate armor + 2,
Hasophel (elO: AC -1; FTR 10: hp 54; shield +3. long sword + 5, gloves ofmis- HD 16; hp 110; #AT 2; Dmg
NAT 3/2; Dmg ld8 +2; THACO 10 (8 w/ sile snaring, ring of free action, ring of ld8+12(x2); THACO 2; ST 19 IN 16 WS
bows); STR 11 DEX18; AL CG; Weapon protection + 2. Percival served on one of 18 DX 17 CN 16 CH 17: SA spells (16th-
specialization in long bow, elfin chain + 2, level cleric). levitate. cause fear (touch),
long sword + 2. Hasophel is originally the most prestigious Orders of Knight- detect magic. polymorph self. SD + 1 or
Crom Celene, but she decided that she hood, the Order of the Golden Lion, better weapon to hit: MR 40%: AL CE;
wanted to travel, so she left that king- which protected the Wild Coast from in- XP 8,700. He has stvdded leather + 1,
dom, and eventually ended up in the truders (especially Crom the PomaI)). He
arena of Zgotar. She does not care about was a paragon of paladinhood, well re-
spected, receiving many honors.
One day, a woman came to him, asking
longsword + 5, ring of vampiric regener- ESP, levitate, shatter If the party tried to help Pe rcival out of
Level 3: blink, dispel magic, hold per- his depression (talked to him, gave con-
ation, ring offree action, brooch ofshield- vincing arguments why he is important)
ing. son, lightning bolt, slow and if the party looks to be in serious
Level 4: confusion, dimension door. ice trouble in this battle, Percival will shout a
Level 1: command (x3) , cure light
wounds (x2), detect evil, precipitation, storm, polymorph seir, stonesJcin• battlecry: " Evil shall not prevail!" and
resist cold•, sanctuary Level 5: avoidance, cloudkill, cone of leap into the battle, attacking the Colos-
sus. He will have come to realize that he
Level 2: aid (x3), hold person (x3), cold, passwall, wall of iron cannot shirk duty because he failed; fail-
messenger. silence (15' radius) Level 6: death spell, disintegrate, ure is no reason to Jose one's pala-
dinhood. Nor do the gods feel that way;
Level 3: animate dead, curse, death 's globe of invulnerability", repulsion his paladin powers will be restored.
door. dispel magic (x3), locate object,
prayer • Level 7: reverse gravity, teleport w/ o If the Colossus is losing badly, they will
e ither be cut down, or members will open
Level 4: cure serious wounds (x2), error, volley a portal or plane shift to the Abyss. If the
Level 8: maze, power word: blind, Colossus wins, and they are given the
protection from good (10' radius) •, spell route into dungeon, they will spit on the
symbol last surviving party member, leave him in
immunity (lightning bolt)*. spike stones Level 9: Bigby's crushing hand, shape the dust, and depart. The Colossus will
Level 5: cure critical wounds (x2), dis- explore some of the upper levels first,
change giving the PCs a chance to race them for
pel good, plane shift, true seeing• the bottom (if you choose to further in-
T he strategy of the Colossus is to kill volve them. Otherwise, they won 't ap-
Level 6: harm, heal, word ofrecall enemy clerics first (to prevent the dis- pear again in this adventure.) .
Level 7: unholy word guised Rahz from being turned) while dis-
rupting any attempts to cast spells. T hey
Fearforge (ancient huge red dragon): want to kill the party, except for one
AC - 1; MV 9" /24" (D); HD 11; hp 88; member, whom they will threaten to kill.
llAT 3; Dmg ld8/ ld8/3dl0; THACO 10; unless they are told exactly how to enter
SA breath weapon, spells, aura; SD the dungeon of the Random Monster
saves as 22-HD monster; AL CE: XP Generator.
Le vel 1: reduce, shield•
Level 2: stinking cloud, web
Le vel 3 : dispel magic (x2)
Level 4: dimension door, polymorph
Duke Grave (death knight): AC -0;
MV 12" ; HD 9; hp 90; llAT l; Dmg
ldlO +8; T HACO 7; SA fear (5' radius).
detect magic, detect invisibility, wall of
ice, dispel magic (2x day), gate (Types I,
20%; II , 25% ; III , 30% : IV, 20% ; VI (5%
chance of success) : power word (any, 1/
day), symbol of pain or fear (l/day), 20d6
fireball (l/day); AL CE; XP 5.140. He
has a sword of life stealing +2.
Retriever: AC 2; MV 18"; HD 10: hp
58; llAT 4; Dmg3d6(x4); THACO 10; SA
rays of cold. fire, lightning, transmutation
(mud , stone, gold or lead) ; XP 5,888
Rahz (20th-level lich): AC 0: MV 6" ;
HD 11 ; hp 69; llAT l; Dmg l dlO;
T HACO 10: SA paralyze: SD + 1 or bet-
ter weapon to hit. immune to charm.
sleep, cold, electricity, insaniLy, death
spells; AL CE; XP 11 ,604
Level 1: light. magic missile, push,
sleep, taunt
Level 2: continual light, detect evil,
level 10: rlurry qoes
own the l>Ra1n
to Level 9 to Level 11
Greyhawk Dungeon-Level 1O ~
EQ8 Secret Door
~ 3' Dralns
Scale: 1 Square = 10 Feet
This is an adventure for four to six in honor of the event, a magnificent feast wedgers, and nut picks. Perfect gifts for
characters of 19th to 20th level. A good and masquerade ball has been planned for a formal occasion.
mix of character classes is recommended the evening.
but not necessary. Animal lovers and Then there is the matter of the dress
those without an aversion to getting their The PCs, having been guests at the for the masquerade. The Castle Boutique
feet wet should do quite well. castle for a few days now, all receive has set up a special section of costumes
beautifully engraved invitations to the for rent, just for the big event. Here the
The Adventure night's festivities. Being guests of honor, PCs can choose to be big bad pirates or
they are naturally expected to attend. Al- fuzzy little lambs. Almost any costume
Party Time low them to spend the morning in prepa- the characters can imagine is available for
ration for the party. They may have their rent, but of course the range of sizes is
Our story opens at the Herzog's tower hair done at the stylish Castle Salon very limited.
on the mom of a very special day. On this ("Bowl Cuts Are Our Specialty") and
day, 20 years ago. a brave band of tour- perhaps while there, partake of a mani- It seems that wherever the characters
ists held off an army of invading Dirtballs cure. The manicurist's name is Suzette wander on this beautiful morning, THE
by tossing water-filled sheep bladders and she is said to be a whiz with file and topic of conversation is the upcoming
from the castle parapets. Their heroic emery board. party.
action not only saved the owner a huge
cleaning bill, but it gave the castle an ex- A small gift for the host to show their In the afternoon the PCs have been in-
cuse to hold another annual party. Thus, appreciation would be in order, and of vited to participate in a charity croquet
course the Castle Gift Shoppe stocks the match hosted by the Herzog in the Castle
finest in silver cheese slicers, potato Gardens. Dress is informal but should be
tasteful. The grueling match, between
the PCs and the Castle serving wenches, 'cause we sold the most cookies in our The Dog-Gone Pool
goes neck and neck until the final crack of cookie sale and I even sold two boxes
the mallet when t!he group manages to Once the characters have pledged to
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat to that mean old Mr. Crotchet who help Penny she will lead them to the scene
with a well-placed ball. All in all an excit- of the crime at the back of the tower. The
ing game! lives down the street and hates kids . bowl-shaped stone pool is 12 feet in diame-
And my Daddy, he's the mayor, not ter and sunk about three feet into the
Returning to your rooms, sweaty and here, back where I live, he said if I ground. The sloping sides of the pool are
sore from a hard round of croquet, could be a big girl I could go, as long as covered with slimy green algae and there is
thoughts of tonight's banquet and I minded Miss McGillicutty, she's our a three-foot-diameter hole in the center. A
masked ball swirl in your head. You leader, and I even got to bring Fluffy rank odor of sweat and unwashed bodies
draw your bath and add just a touch of seems to emanate from the hole. Whatever
persimmon-scented bath salts and be- 'cause she's sorta our mascot and water was once in the pool has drained out.
gin to ponder your choice of costume . she's my dog and I didn't want to leave
Perhaps a cute bunny, or a dainty fairy he r at home 'cause I don't think Cook A two-foot-wide rim composed of grey
princess. Maybe something unique likes her and probably pulls her tail paving stones circles the outside cir-
like a bowl of fruit or a rock. As you cumference of the pool. Standing on
immerse your big toe in the sudsy liq- when I' m not around. Well we were the rim is a nine-foot-tall man-like
uid to test the temperature, a sudden playing a game of " Kill the Ores" in stone statue holding a length of chain
high-pitched scream shatters your Miss McGillicutty's room and she told attached to a three-foot-diameter,
reverie. Grabbing a puce towel embla- us to go to our rooms and get ready for one-foot-thick stone plug.
zoned with pink seahorses (compli- the party tonight 'cause she had a lot
ments of the house) you rush into the to do but as we were leaving I saw her The statue is actuallly a stone golem.
hallway and the source of the distur- lay down on her bed with a bag of ice The stone golem was. a present to the
bance. on her head so I think she really He rzog from one of rus guests, a very odd
wanted to get rid of us so she could but powerful magic-user. the visiting
A Mystery in the Hallway take a nap. She does that a lot. So then mage so admired the pool that he wanted
I took my bath and combed my hair to insure that it would always re main in
Outside their r ooms the P Cs e n- and put my dress on and then I saw good condition. Thus the stone golem
counter a 10-year-old blond, blue-eyed Fluffy looking at me real sad, like she was give n a few simple commands by its
girl standing in the middle of the hall wanted to be cleaned up pre tty too. creator including: " periodically drain and
screaming for help. She is wearing a frilly Well. I 'membered my daddy telling fill the pool" (which it is now in the proc-
light blue party dress streaked with some me that dogs weren't supposed to ess of doing) and "repel anyone who
kind of green scum. Pinned to the front of take baths in people bathtubs, I ' mem- might pose a threat to the completion of
the dress is a damp pape r name tag read- bered 'cause I got spanked for it once , your duties." F luffy just happened to be
ing " Hi! I'm Penny! Who Are You?" Her and then I 'membered that old pond unlucky enough to be in the pool at the
once-pretty face is bright red and with the statue we seen out in back so time of one of the drainings .
streaked with tears and she is yelling I grabbed Fluffy and her brush and a
something about dogs and drains. Be- towel and soap and a ribbon and took When the characters come within a few
cause of he r hysteria. her words are very her there to give her a bath. Well I put feet of the statue, the gole m will swing
incoherent. lf the characters can calm her Fluffy in the pond and she was pad- the large stone plug as a weapon. The go-
down enough to question her, perhaps dling around and having a good time lem will purposely miss on its first attack
with offers of assistance, she will relate 'cause she likes water and I was get- as a warning, but if the PCs retaliate, or
the following story in a halting, sobbing ting ready to wash her 'cause the wa- do not back off, it will strike in earnest.
voice: ter was kind of scummy when
suddenly that ugly statue started mov- Stone Golem: AC 5; MV 6"; HD 60 hp;
Penny's Story ing and reached into the water and lfKf l; Dmg 3-24; THACO 10; SA able to
pulled up a big chain on a big plug and cast slowspell on any opponent within l " of
My name's Penny and I'm in the Dam- before I could move , Fluffy and all the its front facing every other melee round;
selettes and I got to come here with 12 wate r drained out down a big hole in
other girls and stay for two days the bottom of the pool. And then I SD + 2 or greater weapon to damage, only
started yelling at that statue and told it affected by the following spells: rock to
to bring Fluffy back but it just stood mud slows the golem 50% for 2d6 melee
there looking stupid and I WANT MY rounds, mud to rock restores all damage
FLUFFFFY! !!!! Waaaaahhhh! !!!! suffered by the golem, stone to flesh makes
the golem vulnerable to normal attacks on
the following melee round; AL N
Conducting an Investigation statue or by some magical means (of Giant Spider (3) : AC 4; MV 3" /12";
course the braver or more foolhardy HD 4 +4; hp 19,19,18; #AT 1; Dmg 2d4;
If the PCs investigate the drain hole, characters may choose to jump in). At- THACO 15; SA Poison; AL CE
read the following: tempting to climb down the slippery pipe
is very risky, even for a thief, as there are Once the party has escaped the web
Looking into the drain you see nothing no handholds or footholds to be found trap and survived their encounter with
but a dark hole with smooth stone Jack, read the following:
sides extending downward as far as (see WSG, page 33 for Movement Rates
the eye can see. Even with a light You find yourselves in a 10-foot-
source, no bottom is revealed. A very on slippery surfaces). However the PCs diameter stone tunnel that appears to
offensive odor emanates from the decide to descend, when they reach the be part of an old sewage system. T he
hole. bottom they will discover that a thick web cracked limestone walls are dank and
basket has been constructed over the covered with a greenish-grey growth
One of the larger paving stones on the bottom of the drain pipe (where it con- of algae. A grey foul-smelling liquid
edge of the pool next to the statue is re- nects with the ceiling of the larger pipe) drips from between the cracks and
movable . Under the stone is a metal and festooned with small silver sleigh there is about six in.ches of stagnant
valve and spigot that can be used to refill bells. The web (as per web spell) will halt water cove.ring the floor. An obnox-
the pool. the PCs descent, for anyone falling on or ious smell of decomposing matter pe r-
touching the web will be stuck tight and meates the tunnel. From where you
If the Herzog is questioned about the set the bells to jingling. are standing, the tunnel appears to
statue he will say that it was given to him stretch north and south, although un-
a few months ago by one of his guests, a At the sound of the bells, a Plumber et- derground it is hard to tell directions.
very famous but eccentric magician, as
thanks for an enjoyable stay. Before he tercap riding in a small two-wheeled Area 2: It's No Picnic
left, the magician instructed that the wooden cart pulled by three giant spiders
statue be mounted by the pool, telling the will appear from the north to check out The south passage continues for 60 feet
Herzog it would come in handy in keeping the disturbance. The ettercap is wearing from the point where the party entered and
the pool clean. Not wanting to offend a a cloth vest emblazoned with the words ends in a 40-foot-ruarneter stone chamber.
guest, or bring the mage's wrath down on "Jack's Plumbing" and carrying a A small brass plaque over the entrance
the castle, the Herzog did as he was told. plumber's helper on one hand. On his cart reads "Sewage Treatment Plant- Guided
So far the statue has proved quite harm- are painted the words "Drain A Pain? Call Tours Every Hour:· Beneath the brass
less, going about its duties very effi- Jack!" plaque a small wooden sign reads "Closed
ciently, except for one time when it Until Further Notice-Lack of Funds:' The
scared the heck out of two old larues who "Jack" and his three helpers have the walls and high-domed ceiling of the cham-
happened to be soaking their feet in the job of removing all obstructions caught in ber are composed of the same material as
pool at the time it began a cleaning. the web filters that they've spun over the the tunnel.
drain pipes feeding into the main sewage
As for the pool itself, the Herzog will tunnel. As all the other drains seem to This chamber once housed the machin-
recall that it is still connected to an old have fallen into rususe, they tend to re- ery necessary to treat the raw sewage
sewer system that is no longer used by main in this immediate area, ever alert to flowing through the pipes before it was
the castle because of the sour odor that unclog a filter. dumped in the river. Now all the machin-
kept wafting up from below. Guests kept ery has been removed from the room and
complaining about t he smell, so last year Jack works for the Scum God (see area the flow route to the river has been
a new system was dug and the old one 10) and has orders to bring anything of in- sealed by a large plaster patch on the
sealed off. terest that gets caught in the filters to his southernmost wall. Pieces of rusty, bro-
chambers (which is what he did with ken metal pipes of various sizes protrude
Area 1: Down the Drain Fluffy). Thus he and his spiders will at- at odd angles from the walls and ceiling,
tempt to subdue the PCs and encase periodically dripping moisture.
The pool is drained through a smooth- them in webbing. ln the event that the
sided three-foot-ruameter stone pipe ex- characters were able to avoid the web ln the center of this roughly circular
tending 100 feet straight down and trap without setting off the bells, they will room, on a raised mound of sand and
connecting with a larger 10-foot-diameter encounter Jack and his spiders, standing silt, sits a hideous 10-foot-tall two-
pipe that runs north and south under the at attention, 30 feet down the north pas- headed creature. The man-like mon-
castle grounds from the point at which it strosity has a roast turkey drumstick
intersects the drain pipe. The PCs can sage with the same results as above. Jack
enter the drain using rope tied to the takes his job very seriously, and will not
answer any questions or give out any in-
formation unless it concerns plumbing.
Ettercap (1): AC 6; MV 1211 ; HD 5; hp
29; #Kr 3; Dmg ld3/ld3/ ld8; THACO
15; SA Poison; SD Traps; AL NE
clamped between each pair o~ jaws ~d sign around its neck reads " Puffy." This hp 15 .11 ,11 ,8,6,5; KAT l ; Dmg ld6;
is holding one endl of a large wishbone m THACO 16; SA 1 bas !Poison sting; AL N
crude little toy was crafted by the troll to
each hand. Around each rubbery neck is Area 3: The Phantom of the
tied a white bib decorated with a picture while away the time between picnics. Cesspool
of a lobster. Spread out on the ground
before him is a red and white checke red Two-headed trolls are easily amused. As you continue north down the pas-
table cloth. On the cloth are four large sage, the smell of sewage and decay
pots and jars and a tin plate piled high Giant Two-Headed Troll: AC 4; MV becomes much stronger. Spaced along
with bones. Tu the right of the creature the ceiling of the tunnel are the pro-
sits a large wicker picnic basket. A small 12" ; HD 10; hp 50; KAT 4; Dmg ld6/ ld6/ truding ends of several more thr~e
fluffy white head protrudes from one foot-diameter pipes, all capped with
end of the basket. Directly behind the ldlO/ldlO; T HACO 10; SD Regenera- webbing. With every step your b<>?ts
knoll, gathered around a piece of cake, make a loud squishing sound, adhenng
are six giant ants. tion; AL CE to the slime and muck lying below the
standing water. He re and there a
Hot Mustard Jelly (1): AC 4; Move 9" melon rind, orange peel or wad of
gummy hair bob lazily on the su:£ace.
(or 12-18" if the creature divides in half);
Suddenly a dim light appears direc~y
HD 7 +14 ; hp45; llAT 1 or2; Dmg 5d4 or in front of your path. As you watch m
horror, a spectral figure, garbed in a
2+d14/o2rd4b·~tTtHerAwCeOap1o3n; SA see below; SD ghostly flowing hooded .robe and carry-
to hit; AL N; This ing a large phantasmal pipe wrench, ma-
terializes in front of you.
creature, like a regular jelly, exudes a va-
The apparition is the ghost of Melvi~,
por within a 10-foot radi~s that causes an evil human who in life delighted m
stopping up sinks and toilets, c~using
The giant two-headed troll was given victims to become lethargic and move at much embarrassment and suffenng to
those who followed him in using the bath-
the job of maintaining the sewage treat- half-normal speed unless they save room. He also e njoyed overflowing the
against the effect. In addition, the va~or bathtub and switching the cold and hot
ment plant, again by the Slum God (see water knobs in the s!hower. Such were
of the hot mustard jelly causes a burning the extent of his evil deeds that in death
below) . .. he was consigned to wander the sewers,
in the mouth, a watering of the eyes and carrying a phantom pipe wrench and fo~
Since there is nothing left to marntam ever searching for lealks, to atone for his
an overwhelming desire for water. evil acts. The ghost of Melvin hates all
(all the machinery was removed when the living things, especially ~os~ that prac-
Olive and Pimento Slime (1): AC 9; MV tice good hygiene, and will 1mmediately
new sewer system was dug) he spends all attempt to magic jar the clean~st P~.
O"; HD 2 +2; hp 11; #AT O; Dmg Nil; Once this is accomplished, he will serru-
his time having a picnic. When he spots materialize and attempt to age them with
TphHoAsiCs Oin1to6·~eSgAetcaobnlteacctrceaaut usrees metamor- a touch of his ghostly finger, moaning in a
the party, figuring them to be.spies abo~t (see olive chilling voice, "I am the Ghost of M~lv~!
In life I hated all things clean and hygienic.
to put an end to his cushy JOb, he will slime MM II pg 110); SD harmed only be If you have no wish to share my fate ,
wash your hands before every meal."
scream in rage spraying bits of turkey acid, freezing colds, fire , or by a c~re dis-
Ghost: AC 0 (or 8); MV 9 "; HD 10; hp
meat in all directions. With a cry to " Find ease spell; AL N; Oliv~ ~d p1me~to 39; llAT l ; Dmg Age 10-40 years;
your own picnic spot!" he will hurt!~ the THACO 10; SA magic jar; SD can only.be
slime is a strange combination of olive harmed by silver (halfdamage) or magical
jars and pots at the party, one at a ume . weapons when semi-materialized; AL LE
slime and pimento slime which has no
The crockery contains condiments (gath- properties of its own bu~ is deli~ious. in
ered in the tunnels by the troll) but of a cooking. It may be recognized by its olive
most deadly variety. The first jar ~ontains color flecked with small bits of red.
hot mustard jelly. The second 1s filled Crystal Lite Ooze: AC 8; MV 1" /3";
with olive and pimento slime. A clay HD 4; hp 14; llAT 1; Dmg 4d4; THACO
pitcher contains crystal lite ooze and an 15; SA exudes paralyzing poison; SD Un-
open pot is filled with chocolate fudge harmed by acid, cold, heat, or fire, elec-
pudding. tricity and magic missiles do full damag~,
After the troll has exhausted his supply weapons do 1 point of damage per hit,
of missile weapons, or if the party moves wooden weapons must save vs. acid or
within melee range, he will attack, first break; AL N; Unlike the norm~ crys~
with the drumsticks and then with his ooze, the crystal lite ooze comes ma van-
claws. lf the party retreats, he will follow ety of colors and flavors.
and attempt to stop them on the assump- Chocolate Fudge Pudding; AC 6; MV
tion that they are leaving to report him for 6"; HD 10; hp 45; #AT l ; Dmg 3d8;
goofing off. In adctition, the six giant ants SDTHACO 10· SA Dissolve wood, metal
will move into the fray, attracted by the and teeth; Blows, cold, and lightning
spilt food , attacking whoe"'.e~ gets in the~ do no harm; AL N; The chocolate fudge
way. If the picnic basket 1s inspected, 1t pudding is a very close r~lative of the
will be found to contain a metal cake plate black pudding except for its chocolate-
smeared with white frosting , a metal pie brown coloring, its pungent cocoa odor,
pan smeared with dried blueberries, and and its ability to dissolve teeth on con-
a crude sock puppet of a dog. The pu~pet
is covered with cotton balls and a little
Giant Ants (6): AC 3; MV 18"; HD 2;
Area 4: New Construction candle mounted on the top of its hat, and mune to poison, electricity, magic
the hot wax runs in rivulets over the sur- missiles , death magic, and cold spells,
Traveling further north through the faces of their undead faces. These zom- fire attacks do half damage; AL NE
clammy sewer, you encounter a no- bies were hired by the Slum God to
ticeably newer 6' x 6' passage <?ITTed expand the sewer system. Because they Area 5: Take a Bath
into the right-hand wall of the ~1i>e;. A work cheap, don't take long breaks and
large mound of dirt and rubble 1s piled are non-union, they are perfect for the The stone sewage pipe in which you
up near the entrance next to a wooden have been traveling ends in a "T" in-
placard proclaimin g " Dig or J?u~t." A job. The zombies will not attack the party tersection and continues onward to
dim light glowing from deep w1~ ~he the right and left a few feet ahe~d .
smaller tunnel highlights the swirling unless the party attempts to interfere These new sections are the same s1.ze
with their last command which was to and constructed of the same material
clouds of dust in the air, and the " keep digging." They are treat~d as r~g as the one in which you are standing.
ular juju zombies except for their magical The sour, gaseous odor seems t? be
sounds of digging and cursing can be hard-hats which give them a -1 bonus to drifting in from the pipe to your ~ght.
detected echoing from within. Armor Class. The hats can be worn by
anyone for the same bonus protection. Directly in the center of the mter-
Forty feet into the tunnel .is ~ gan~ of They carry nothing else of value, except section is a three-foot-diameter, foot-
for the picks and shovels (two of each) high circular pool composed of
four hard-hat juju zombies wielding picks and a few dented steel lunchboxes con- medium-sized gray rocks. A very
and shovels and we.aring yellow hel~s . taining dead rat sandwiches and ther- strong sulphurous smell rises fro~ ~e
The zombies, dressed in filthy tom w?1te moses of bad coffee. pool and the thick yellow water within
short-sleeve shirts and thread-bare w1de- bubbles and smokes. The bleached-
bottom denim pants are busily excavating 4 Juju Zombies: AC 6; MV 9"; HD white skull of a steer with long curving
the dirt and rock facing at the tunnel 's 3+12; hp29,26,23,22: llAT 1; Dmg3d4 horns lies next to the pool. There is a
end. Periodically a pick or shovel c?n- with picks and shovels; T HACO 16; SA small brown hand towel draped over
nects with zombie flesh instead of d~, Attack as 6th-level monsters, SD + 1 or one of the skull 's horns and a brown
with no apparent reaction fr.om the rec~p1 - better magical weapon to hit, piercing or
ent. Each zombie has a thick sputtenng blunt weapons do half damage_. u~af
fected by magic that affects the mmd, trn-
hooded robe bung on the other. Next Area 6: Where the Sewer Ends live steps you hear a loud creaking
to the skull is a small weather-beaten noise and feel the entire section of
sign with the word "Pizzen" burned The path to the east extends about 20 pipe dip a few inches downward.
into its face. feet and then is blocked by a huge
wooden sign filling the entire corrid or. Many moons ago, a shifting in the inner
The rock pool encircles a natural un- Cr ouched directly in front of the sign, earth caused this section of pipe to split
derground mineral spring that forced its a menacing snarl on its whiskery face, apart. The resulting fissure opened up a
way through the bottom of the pipe. The is a giant sewer rat. The rat is wearing huge chasm below the split, and over the
a black eye patch and a wicked-looking years, the run-off from the pipe created a
sulphurous spring is actually about 200 dagger is gripped between its pointed fetid man-made lake Car below.
feet deep and the water is scalding hot. If You find yourselves on the edge of a
When the PCs approach, the rat will huge chasm stretching several hun-
the party tarries at the intersection for dred feet below. The section of pipe in
more than three r ounds, the cow skull point to the sign with its long pink tail and which you are standing extends a few
emit a warning growl. In large letters the feet over the edge and tilts slightly
will begin to shake and rattle and a skele- sign reads "STOP! This is the Exit to downward. Looking down, you catch a
Level 9 above and Level 11 below! lf you
tal hand will slowly rise from the center of have not successfully completed this reflection of standing water far below.
the pool holding a cake of pink heart- level, please do not go any farther! Thank
shaped soap in its bony fingers. In a raspy You. Signed The Management." The sign Approximately 100 feet across the
is actually only about one-eighth inch gorge you see the other half of the
growl the steer skull will command "Take broken pipe continuing onward. Look-
it! Take the soap!" and then fall silent. Af- thick and easily removed. The rat will ing up at the dirt ceiling approximately
ter five rounds the hand will slowly lower only attack if the PCs insist on exiting be- 10 feet above the top of the pipe, you
discover clusters of long gnarled tap-
back into the pool whether the soap is re- fore they finish their quest. Beyond the
moved or not. The boney hand belongs to sign, the sewer pipe has crumbled into a roots hanging from the earth and ex-
a submerged crypt thing that is currently mass of broken stone and fetid mud. Two
bathing in the pool. It is this creature's tunnels branch off from this point leading tending across the entire width of the
voice that seemed to emanate from the to Level 9 and Level 11 respectively. gorge.
skull, seeking to confuse the party. This
particular crypt thing is of the aberrant Giant Rat: AC 7; MV 12" /6"; HD 1/2; If the PCs choose to cross the chasm,
variety and has the ability to paralyze its hp 4; KAT 1: Dmg ld3; T HACO 20: SA they may do so by magical means, with a
victims while simultaneously turning Disease; AL NE rope and grappling hook, or by hanging on
them invisible. If anyone reaches for the to the taproots, which hang almost in
soap, the thing will snake out i ts other Area 7: A Big Hole their faces, and going hand-over-hand.
hand and grab his wrist, employing its The taproots will support the characters'
Emtering the right-hand section of
powers to make it seem like he has been pipe. you find it encased in a thick weight ii they choose to cross that way,
pulled into the scalding bath, when in re- layer of brownish muck. There is still a
ality he has been invisibly paralyzed at the few inches of standing water on the with maximum movement being 30 feet
floor, but it is thick and muddy. per round. The width of the cavern is 100
pool's edge.
It hopes to entice one of the other PCs If the PCs are actively searching for se- feet and a Dexterity Check with a +2
cr et doors, there is a chance they may
to jump into the burning water (ld6 hit discover the secret entrance to the lair of modifier must be made every 10 feet.
points of burn damage per round unless the Scum God. lf this occurs, proceed di- Failure means the character has lost his
rectJy to encounter 10 and read the de- grip on the rope, and will fall 300 feet to
suitably protected) to rescue their sup- scription. Otherwise. continue reading
posedly submerged comrade. If someone the following: the 20-foot-deep pool below. (See DSG.
does jump into the pool. the crypt thing
As you continue along the tunnel, your pgs. 35-36 for effects of falling damage.)
will swim toward the bottom and silently light source reveals that the path
ahead seems to drop off into nothing- Area 8: Tick...Tick...Tick
watch their futile attempts at rescue. ness. As you take a few more tenta-
The soap is a normal, rose-scented bar. Any character who enters the 20-foot-
deep and 100-foot-wide pool. either vol-
However. if the cake is completely used
up a small tin whistle will be found embed- untarily or involuntarily will experience
ded in the center (a prize for keeping
clean). the follo'wing:
Crypt Thing: AC 3; MV 12H; HD 6; hp
26: #AT 1: Dmg ld8; THACO 13: SA
cast paralyze and invisible: SD only hit by
magical weapons: AL N
You're floating in a large pool of ice- the force of the upheaval embedded him that some of you have heard of me. So
in the stone wall. Beyond the cap is Lons
cold scum-coat ed water. The foul liq- of solid earth. much tlle better. But perhaps you are
uid fills the entire floor of the chasm; wondering how I managed to make my
there are no ledges or hand-holds with Area 10: At Last...The Scum way to your lovely plane of existen-
which to climb out. As you frantically God ce.. .all in due time. First let me show
try to keep your head above water, you around my humble abode:·
you hear a loud ticking sound. seeming On the north facing of the sewer pipe
to come from all directions. L ooking directly behind a large fissure created by This said, Juiblex will spread himself
around , you see several log-like a rupture in the stone pipe is a 40' x 40' into a pool of slime and drip off the ham-
shapes, gliding through the water, natural stone cavern. The five-foot-wide mock.
heading directly for you. crack leading to the cavern is concealed
by an old outhouse door propped up Tbe Guide d Tour
The creatures in the pool are giant tick- against the tunnel wall. Because the door
ing crocodiles. They were Gushed down is as thickly muck-en crusted as the r est Juiblex will slime around the 40-foot-
the sewers when lheir owner s. who of the tunnel, the PCs must be acti,1ely square by 20-foot-high room pointing out
bought them as babies for pets, realized searching to notice its presence. (Tr eat all of its :salient features to the PCs. Pro-
that they had grown too big. Tlhe eight as a secret door for detection purposes.) truding from the ceiling in the NW comer
crocodiles will encircle their hapless vic- of the room is a broken section of three-
tim and attempt to rend him to shreds. As you pry open the muck-encrusted foot drain pipe. The pipe has been uncap-
Giant ticking crocodiles resemble normal door, a nauseating odor of ancient out - ped and is being used by Juiblex as a
giant crocodiles except for lhe loud tick- houses, unwashed socks, and 1.m- shower. ln the NE comer of the room sits
ing noise they generate when they sense earthed graves assaults your nostrils. a rickety shelf composed of bits and
prey. If the crocodiles are disposed of and T here before you, in a roughly square pieces of swollen rotted wood. These
cut open, a wooden leg, an eye patch, and stone cavern, you see a nine-foot-long shelves hold the items Juiblex has ac-
a cutlass will be found inside the largest disgusting heap of blackish green, foul quired during his visit to the sewer s,
one. brown-and-yellow, and sickly translu- brought to him by Jack (see area 1).
cent grey-and-amber stretched out on
8 Giant Crocodiles: AC 4; M ove 6" I a filthy hammock. The hammock is Juiblex will lovingly point to each item in
supported by ropes held on either side
12"; HD 7; hp44,41,34,29,29,25,21, 19; by two large slime creatures. Tihe tum, pointing out it s intrinsic value to the
llAT 2; Dmg 3d6/2d10: T HACO 13; AL lower body of the reclining monstros- PCs. Tucked among the broken bottles,
soggy pizza crusts, gum wrappers, fish
N ity is encased in a pair of orange, heads, dead rats, string, bones and
snakeskins are jars labeled " hairballs,"
Area 9: A Dead End gr een, yellow and blue shorts embla- ''feces:' "soap scum," " teeth," "cigar
zoned wilh scenes of palm trees and butts," and "used undergarments."
As you enter the broken section of grass-skirted dancers. Small pairs of
pipe, a deep feeling of dread seems to dark-tinted glasses cover the rest of But Juiblex has saved the best for last.
envelope you. Shining a light :around From a splintered rectangular wood box
the area, you see that the pipe ex- the creature's form. In one of its hands in the SE com er, a tom label on the front
tends for 30 feet and then ends in a showing a dancing banana, he will pro-
large stone cap. Embedded in the is a fruit jar filled with a lumpy brown- duce two battered wire cages. The first
stone cap is a human skeleton. cage contains a green, nearly feather-
ish liquid with a thin r eed straw rising bald parrot and the second, a small fluffy
Closer examination of the area around white dog curled in a ball and sleeping fit-
lhe skeleton reveals a small gold badge from the jar to the creature's mouth. fully. Replacing the cages in their con-
bearing the legend "Inspector .¥24 ''lying Jn the other hand is an unfolded paper tainer, and slithering back over to face the
on the floor next to a scrap of parchment. fan with which the creature seems to
The parchment reads "Check tl1e west be fanning itself. PCs, Juilblex will relate the following:
pipe for possible leaks. No sleeping on
the job. Signed, The Boss.'' As soon as the party enters the room You see, I've always had a desire to
the heap will gurgle, visit your quaint little plane, but alas,
If the badge or paper is touched, the
"Ah, visitor s! Come in! Come in! Al- the only war 1could do so is if someone
embedded skeleton will wail " I'm not low me to introduce myself. These pa-
sleeping!" and then fall silent. This is the summoned me. But then the most
remains of a sewer inspector who was thetic creatures down here call me tlhe
Scum God, but you may address me amazing thing happened! It seems
caught in the pipe when it was rent apart; as•..Juiblex. Ah, I see by your faces there was a pirate, who, in what I ' m
sure he thought was an act of clever- while he spews his jelly-like slime around PCs agree to this proposal he will teleki-
ness, named his parrot after me. Not the room. Then he'll probably counter by nese himself and the group up through
only that, he taught the bird to say his tossing offan unholy word or maybe a dis- the "shower pipe" to their destination, a
own name, among other foul epithets, pel magic to mess up the magic-users in men's room on the first floor of the cas-
and day and night he squawked "Juiblex! the party. After that he might mix it up tle.
Juiblex!" (At this point the parrot will with a few forceful blows and noisome se-
give a short demonstration by squawk- cretions, while his living hammock joins 2 Slime Creatures: AC 9; MV 6"; HD
ing "Juiblex...Awwwkklk... Call me in the fun. 8 +2; hp 54,39; #AT 1; Dmg 4d4;
Juiblex" from the depths of the crate.) THACO 12; SA Olive slime; SD only af-
Well, that was all it took. One of the calls When you, as DM. think that the char- fected by acid, freezing cold, fire, magic
pierced the Abyss and here I am. Natu- acters have had enough, Juiblex will call a missiles and magical powers which affect
rally, I killed the pirate and sunk his boat halt to the proceeding by declaring plants; AL N
for his troubles, bringing my cute little "truce." He will then tell the PCs that if
namesake here with me to my vacation they swear blind obedience to him and Juiblex: AC - 7; MV 3"; HD 88 hp;
retreat. kiss his feet, he won't kill them but will #AT 1; Dmg 4d10; T HACO 7; SA shed a
instead take them with him to his place in circle of darkness, 15' radius at will,
I refer to this lovely place as my va- the Abyss to be his slaves for eternity. If C<luse fear (as a wand), cast a circle of
cation retreat, and yes, I was quite they refuse (which they should) he will cold, 10' radius, plus do any of the follow-
ready for a vacation. I was tired of the make another proposition. ing during a melee round: detect invisi-
other demons shunning me and whis- ble, locate object, ESP, fiy, dispel magic,
pering behind my back, just because I Forget the slave business, he'll tell invisibility 1O' radius, charm monster,
didn't have a face, so I came here to them, just kiss his feet and swear obedi- hold monster, telekinese 15,000 gp
ence and he'll let them live. Unless the weight, project image, phase door, pu-
andget away from it all. And what better characters are really perverted, they trefy food and water, cause disease,
should spurn this offer as well. speak with monsters, speak an unholy
place for a little rest relaxation, word once per day, and gate in 1-4 Type
than the sewers. Juiblex has one final proposal. Turning 11 demons (70% success chance). In addi-
towards his shelves of "collectibles" he tion, he can spew forth a three-cubic-foot
But before I bore you,. let's get to will remove a soggy gold-embossed piece blob of jelly-like slime combining the ef-
the heart of the matter. With my infi- of paper with one slimy appendage and fects of ochre jelly and green slime once
nite genius, I've deduced that you've present it to the party. The characters per tum with a 15' range; SD +2 or bet-
probably come for the dog. Well, you will immediately recognize it as an invita- ter weapon to hit, regenerates 2 hit
see, she was a gift to me from Jack, points per round; AL CE; for more infor-
one of my most loyal minions, and as tion to the masked ball. Juiblex will state mation on Juiblex or demons see MM,
such I really can't give her up. In fact that the invitation floated down here ear- pg. 16-17) .
I've even given her a name-Stinky- lier in the day (apparently someone
do you like it? This, coupled with the dropped it in the pool before it was Fluffy's Fun Fax #38-Juiblex
fact that somebody obviously flushed drained) and he would really like to at- (The Faceless Lord)
her down the drain, makes her mine tend. Being a demon, and a disgusting
now. one at that, he's never been to a party As a boy, Juiblex was teased and
and feels it would be the perfect climax to taunted by the other young demons who
But knowing what stubborn crea- his vacation. He'll give the characters his used to laugh and call him names (Scum
tures you humans are, I suppose you'll sacred oath that if they'll accompany him Face or Barf Breath being the most popu-
want to fight for her. Very well, take to the ball, he'll promise to behave, won't lar). They never let poor Juiblex join in
that! any demonic games. While it is true that
eat too much and will leave promptly at young Juiblex was extremely disgusting
The Fight for Fluffy midnight. In addition he'll return Fluffy and had a tendency to spout caustic se-
and give them the parrot if they desire. cretions at the most inopportune mo-
With these last words, Juiblex will Juiblex doesn't really want Fluffy any- ments, the only playmates he could find
spray a glob of jelly-slime at the party, way. He'll tell them this is bis final offer, that seemed not to mind his loathsome
signaling the beginning of combat. and if they don't accept they can resume appearance were slimes, jellies, and pud-
battling to the death. dings. It was at this point in his life he was
Attention DMs: Here's your chance to given the cruel nickname "The Faceless
knock those snooty high-level characters Juiblex was just being naughty when he Lord," a moniker that bas stuck with him
around a little! Juiblex will fight as nasty made his first demands. He never really to this very day.
as possible using every dirty trick in the expected the PCs to kiss his feet. All he
book. He'll start the fight by gating in 1-4 really cared about was going to the party, Perhaps this unhealthy beginning is
Type II demons to distractthe characters but he figured by letting the PCs choose
between the lesser of the evils they
would be more willing to cooperate. If the
what led the adult Juiblex to seek the life several glaring red eyes, the beady orbs But the highlight of the evening was
of a recluse on the 528th layer of the seeming to dare passersby to make a when you quietly slipped away from
Abyss. Here he constructed a little cot- smart comment. Of course his putrid the crowd and softly made your way
tage composed of living fungus and rot. odor would be a dead giveaway, as it is up the stairs carrying your precious
Since the entire layer is composed of de- noticable blocks away. cargo. Slowly creaking open the pol-
caying matter, he never has to mow the ished wood door, you stepped silently
lawn or rake leaves. He has no mailbox as IfJuiblex were ever to be invited to any toward the moonlit bed and the small
no one ever writes to him and a large social functions, he would probably be the pale figure lying within. As you depos-
moldy "Get L ost " mat in front of his life of the party. Being a certifiable ge-
domicile warns away the occasional nius, he would be able to expound his ited the wiggling little bundle in the
salesman. Therefore Juiblex whiles away views on a wide range of conversational
the centuries with his favorite hobby, topics. If the festivities began to lag, he child's empty arms and heard the
spreading himself into a vast pool of slime could entertain with a few simple parlor drowsy sleep-filled sigh of " Fluffy" as
and raising up into a 20-foot column of tricks, among them being locate object. girl and dog snuggled together under
sickening ordure. When he's not doing ESP, fly, putrefy food and water and the the thick quilts, you. knew it had all
this, he can be found sitting in his favorite ever-popular cirde ofdarkness. been worthwhile.
fungi chair, thinking evil thoughts. His
only visitors are the occasional black pud- Although the chances of you ever strik- Just Desserts
ding or gray ooze (and even they don't ing up a friendship with Juiblex are pretty
A few days after the adventure a large
hang around very long). slim, be warned. If he happens to take a box arrives for the PCs. Inside is a note
that reads: "Dear PCs, Thank you so
Like all demons, Juiblex can visit the liking to you, he is apt to carry you away
to his home to become his permanent much for rescuing Penny's little dog. I
planes of Tarterus, Hades, or Pandemo- slave. One way to prevent this is to make was going to send each of you a 1,000-gp
nium or take a short jaunt to the Astral sure you have plenty of holy symbols and
plane. Before he became entrenched in perhaps a pentacle or two on hand if he gem as a reward, but Penny insisted on
his hermatic lifestyle, he used to take ad- should come to visit. And just to be on the picking out your reward herself. En-
vantage of this ability but found Tarterus closed please find a lifetime supply of
too crowded, Hades too gloomy, and safe side, don't talk in your sleep. Damselette cookies. Sincerely, Penny's
Pandemonium too windy and noisy for his father."
liking. His secr et desire is to visit the Juiblex at the Party
Prime Material plane (he has heard that Fluffy and Penny are characters copy-
some excellent mushrooms and toad- Needless to say, your appearance in
stools grow there) but lo do so he needs the midst of a discussion on polo tech- righted by Rick Reid.
some help, which so far he has been niques between Lord But tertub and
loathe to ask for. the Duke of Biscuit caused quite a
commotion. Making your apologies
Juiblex's prize possession is a small and hurriedly leaving the startled gen-
glass jar that once contained catfish bait tlemen, you steeled yourselves for
and now contains his vital essence. The your grand entrance. Your fears how-
ever, proved to be unfounded. The
jar is attached to a thin silver chain and guests soon found themselves drawn
to the new arrival, captivated by his
well secreted in his lair. If someone were droll wit and unique outlook on life. Al-
to find this "amulet ," perhaps by looking though most conversations were kept
under the rotted-log bed in the master necessarily brief, Juiblex soon proved
bedroom, that person would gain power to be the belle of the ball and actually
over Juiblex for a whole day. As Juiblex behaved quite well for a demon. And
tends to be quite stubborn and indepen- even though your ears were burning
dent, this would probably make him very with the few whispered comments
mad. that your costumes were "tacky," you
felt a certain perverse pride when
If you were to meet Juiblex on the Juiblex won first prize for best cos-
tume. And true to his word, he de-
street, he would be instantly recogniz- parted at midnight, amid offers to
able. He would most likely be slithering return next year and invitations to visit
by in his favorite form, that of a nine-foot- country estates.
tall cone-like heap of disgusting matter in
shades of blackish greens, browns and
yellows. and translucent grays and am-
bers. Protruding from this mess would be
level 11: moROenka1nen's
ov1e maoness
Setting by comparison (well, cheaper). In return 010
for his services. M ordenkainen asked for
The eleventh dungeon level below a Oat 35% of the box office gross (paid in Roll R esult
Castle Greyhawk is the home of the mas- gold and gems of course) plus exclusive
ter mage M ordenkainen (of " Faithful distribution rights in Greyhawk . Sam and l Attack strikes foe's left arm. Lots
Hound" fame.) The arch-mage cleared Irwin drove a bard bargain- the wizard of blood and pain. Uyou look closely
out the entire level about four years ago only got 30%.
you can see tiny little bone frag-
in order to make room for his, uh, film This arrangement has worked out ments.
rather well for both parties over the past
studio. Needless to say, the reports of his four years. Originally, Mordenkainen set 2 Attack strikes foe 's right arm. Lots
death were greatly exaggerated. up shop just outside his stronghold in the
Great Kingdom; but after a while !busi- of blood and pain. Nerve tendrils
You see, after completely exploring the ness expanded so much that he was
Wor ld of Greyhawk. growing weary of forced to set up another branch of his stu- spring out from wound .
expeditions to the relatively boring outer dio. He chose the dungeons beneath Cas-
planes, and wincing at the thought of just tle Greyhawk for this subsidiary effort so 3 Attack strikes foe's left leg. Ouch.
one more voyage to the extremely boring he could be close to the Random M onster 104 tendons are plainly visible.
inner planes, M ordenkainen turned his Generator (on level 12), which provides
attention toward mapping out the various 4 Attack strikes foe's right leg. I n 20
alternate Prime M aterial planes he had him with constant cast members for his years he/she/it will certainly de-
discovered during his adventures. films. velop arthritis.
On one such plane he found a world Recently, Mordenkainen has grown as 5 Attack strikes foe 's left hip. Unusu-
very similar to our own 20th-Century an artist and has began branching out of
the Sword and Sorcery genre. When the ally resilient pelvis puts huge notch
Earth. There he met Sam and Irwin Split- players arrive on level 11. the archmage
tstein, a pair of down-on-their-luck film in attacker's swor d. Left leg
will be in the process of making three
makers. Sam and Irwin had popularized spasms 104 times.
the so-called "Sword and Sor cery" flicks. These are "Seven Secrets of Kung 6 Attack strikes foe's right hip send-
movie (the Splittsteins like to refer to Fu Death"-a typical chop sockey star-
their efforts as " flicks"). These films ring the Cabled Grand Master of Flowers ing foe's armor deep into the
usually feature one or more bronze- and an unlikely horde of exotic ninjas,
skinned body builders portraying hulking " M onster Fraternity Vacation II : Day- wound. Damage caused by the
barbarians, on e or two scantily clad tona Daze" - the sequel to last year's
models. and a horde of "guys in rubber popular " Monster Fraternity Vacation," blow is the percentage chance that
suits" (portraying the monsters that in which the boys once again head to Fort the wound will turn blue and ugly.
make up the barbarians' opposition). Un- Lauderdale for spring break, and "Fan-
fortunately. just before M ordenkainen's tasy: The M ovie"- the long-awaited film 7 Attack strikes foe in the mouth,
version of fantasy role-playing games. knocking out 104 teeth. Foe can-
arrival, "Free the POW" and "Grim Vigi- The latter film is M ordenkainen 's pet not eat com -on-the-cob for 106
lante ofJustice" movies had a sudden re- weeks.
surgence of popularity, cr owding the A Word
Splittsteins· Sword and Sorcery Oicks 8 Attack strikes foe in the tongue. In-
right out of the B-movie bonan:ia. About Combat
credibly realistic r esults defy de-
Always the entrepreneur. Mor- Level 11 has a couple of "realism" scription.
denkainen offer ed the Splittsteins a deal. rules the DM may incorporate into the
Borrowing some equipment. Mor- combat rules to make things more inter- 9 Attack strikes foe in the shoulder.
denkainen offered to r eturn to Greyhawk esting for the players.
and make Sword and Sorcery flicks on a Collar bone pops out and shoots
tiny fraction of the budget with which Option 1
across the room striking foe's near-
Sam and Irwin were currenllr operating. Whene,·er there i s a successful attack
r oll. roll ldlOand con sult the following ta- est ally for l d20 points of damage.
In addition, M ordenkai.nen promised that ble : 10 Scream "Critical Hit! " and r oll ld6.
his films would capture a much larger
share of the viewing audience because 1 Sever toe. Incredible hit. + 1 to
the arch-mage could cast real barbarians,
dragons. and sorcerers. guaranteeing next strike.
spectacular scenes and effects that would
make Sam and Irwin 's flicks look cheap 2 Deep wound. Random organ
plops out onto the floor, foe slips on
it, and cannot get up for ldl 0
3 Random limb severed.
4 l ncredibly good strike. Foe's al-
lies lose two rounds while they ap-
5 Cosmic Cataclysm-everyone
roll all the dice you. have. Make fun
of the player with the lowest total
for ldl2 rounds.
6 Awesome strike. Foe cleaved in
half. Universe no longer a grape.
+ 7 to next strike and an automatic
first down.
Greyhawk Dungeon-Level 11 Scale: 1 Square = 1O Feet
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Option 2 picting frolicking elves are tacked to each The theater itself seats about 150 mon-
of the four waUs. sters. When the party enters, they will
This option, believe it or not, is even find the theater completely dark. On the
more " realistic" than option one. but you Area 2: Bijou
screen is a film depicting huge armies of
can only use it if you are playing with min- M ordenkainen has converted this area 90-foot-tall ores storming aU over Grey-
into a smaU movie theater. He holds two hawk, lead by a severed head Doating in a
iature figures. shows per day here, and charges the
Whenever battle erupts, each combat- monsters Crom the surrounding dungeon fishbow~ (presumably Tenser). Three
ant grasps his miniature and holds it out levels 50 gp each for admission (on Sun- melee rounds after the party enters the
over the table. The various combatants theater there is a problem with the pro-
then attempt to stick each other's figures days there are 20-gp matinees). jector, and the audjence begins groaning.
with their little swords and scream out The only way lo enter the bijou is Two rounds after that. a huge riot breaks
the amount of damage they think each out and the various members of the audi-
blow would have done, while trying to through the huge double doors on the ence begin to attack the theater and each
avoid being stuck by the others. Whom- north waU, which lead into the lobby. The other. There is a good chance that the
ever gets bored first loses and is dead. PCs will become entangled in the festivi-
Make sure to have plenty of little cutting other doorways are aU one way, leading ties. The following creatures are in-
implements on hand for all of the severed volved in the riot :
limbs, broken weapons. etc. out. Just outside the lobby entrance is a
poster for the current feature. "They Buford (insane evil titan) : AC -3; MV
Wandering Monsters Saved Tenser's Brain:· 21"; HD 22; hp 88: IKI 1: Dmg 8d6;
on Level 11
Immediately inside the lobby doors is a THACO 7; SA see MM. pg 94. Buford
RoU ldlO on the table below every two box office where ~fort and Gort (two of wears a 1colossal backpack that is stuffed
turns. Mordenkainen's apprentices) will stop with 440 gp, three 75 gp gems. and two
the party and ask them each for their 50- potions ofgi,lnt strength.
010 gp admission fee. lf the PCs refuse to
RoU Result pay, the wizards will attack and summon Todd and Sid (beholders): AC 0/217;
1-6 No Encounter the iron golem ushers (see below). If the
7-8 2d6 Giant TroUs (AC 4; MV 12" ; party members pay the full amount, the MV 3"; hp 75: IAT 3: Dmg ld8/ld8/
two wizards will offer to sell them pop-
HD 8; NAT l ; Dmg 2d8; T HACO corn for five gp per box. 3dl0; T HACO 10; SA breath weapon
12; SA Regeneration). The giant Galgathrax (huge ancient red dragon):
troUs are some of Mordenkainen's Mort and Gort: AC - 2 (bracers ofde-
groupies from the Pomarj fense AC 2): MV 12"'; MU 22; hp 42. 48: AC -1 ; MV9"/24"; HD 11 ; hp88; #AT
9 ld3 Nycadaemons (AC - 4; MV ST 12, lN 18, Wl 14. DE 18, CO 13. CH
12"/36"; HD 12+36; NAT 2; Dmg 15; IAT 1: Dmg ld4: THACO 11: AL 3; Dmg l d8/ld8/3d10; THACO 10; SA
ld8 +8; THACO 7: SA magic. see CN. Both Mort and Gort wear a ring of breath weapon
regeneration and have the following
FF, pg 69). The N}•cadaemons are spells memorized: Ygordrim (death slaad): AC -4 ; MV
Level 1: Charm Person (x2), Enlarge, 12"; HO 15+7; hp 127; NKf 3: Dmg
here as representatives of certain Protection From Evil. Sleep 2dl0/3d6/3d6; THACO 7: Special see
high-ranking officials of Gehenna Level 2: Detect Invisibility, Invisibility,
who are trying to seU the film rights Mirror Image (x2). Scare FF. pg. 81. Ygordrim is on vacation from
to their life stories. Level 3: Blink, Hold Person (x2), Light-
Limbo. He carries 27,000 gp in traveler 's
10 Demogorgon (AC - 8; hp 200: I KI ning Bolt (x2) checks, :redeemable at any bank in the
lower planes.
3; Dmg Special: T HACO 4; SA Level 4: Fear (x2). Minor Globe ofInvul-
magic, demon lord of the abyss. nerability, Polymorph Ocher, Hhl/ of Fire Stan (death Knight): AC O; MV 9"; HD
see MM. pg 16). Level 5: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold (x2), 9; hp 97: #AT l; Dmg ld10 + 6; THACO
Encounter Key Feeblemind, w.iu of Force 12; Spedal see FF. pg. 23.
Area 1: Entry Chamber L evel 6: Anti-Magic Shell. Bigby's M ordenkainen has posted an iron go-
Forceful Hand, Geas. Flesh to Stone lem (AC 3; MV 6": hp 80. 80: IAT 1:
There is very little of value in this Level 7: Duo-Dimension, Morden- Dmg 4d10; T HACO 4; Special poison
r oom. WeU-wom steps blanketed in dust gas) at each of the theater 's two exists.
lead up to level 10 Crom the center of the skainen Sword, Power Hbrd Scun (x2) Three rounds after the riot begins, the
chamber. and moth-eaten tapestries de- golems will attempt to queU it.
Level 8: Antipathy, M'mdblank, Otto's Ir-
Area 3: Projection Room
resistible Dance, Serten's Spe// Immu-
nity This chamber houses the projector
Level 9: Imprisonment, Power llt>rd K ill, that services the adjacent bijou. The pro-
Shape Change. jectionist is another of M ordenkainen's
apprentices, Bort (with stats identical to
those of Mort and Gort from area 2). If
the party enters this room during the ~\brd Stun, Statue back lo his stronghold in the Great King-
Level 8: Incendiary Cloud, Mass Charm dom. The room currently holds 15 sacks.
riot. they will find Bort completely tan- (.'<2), Mind Blank, Power Rhrd Blind, each containing 200 pp.
g.led in film, desperately trying to restart Level 9: Power Hbrd Kill (x2). Prismatic Area 6: Records/Script Hall
the movie. Sphere, Shape Change, Wish (x2)
The door to this room is locked. This is
Needless to say, there is a 70-mm pro- Fiona: AC 1; MV 12"; T 14; hp 84; ST where Mordenkaineo keeps his business
jector in the room which is enough of an 16, IN 15, WI 10, DE 18, CO 16, CH 17; records, scripts, and other important pa-
oddity in Greyhawk to fetch aprice of 500 NAT: Dmg ld8+6; THACO 9; AL N. pers. Inside is a large oak desk (worth
gp or so on the open market. Lining the 250 gp), and several filing cabinets, all of
east wall are several film reels bearing ti- Fiona wears a ring of protection + 5 and which are literally choked with old pa-
Ues like: "Balzor The Warrior," " Island of is armed with a long sword +5. pers.
the Sorceresses," and "Anak !" Con-
cealed in a film canister marked ''Mon- Also in the room are Mordenkainen's Lying on the desk are several impor-
ster Fraternity Vacation" are four 500-gp three nycadaemon bodyguards (AC ·-4 ; tant papers that may attract the PCs' at-
gems. MV 12" /36"; HD 12 +36: hp 130, 128, tention. These are described below:
116; IAT2 ; Dmg ld8+8; THACO 7; SA
Area 4: Mordenkainen's Office • Paper 11: A memo from Sam and
magic, see FF. pg. 69). Irwin to Mordenkainen. It reads, " M-
On the door leading to this chamber is a We got the OK! This is our big chance.
sign reading "PRIVATE KEEP OUT." If any of the PCs entering this room has Remember, we are going to get hassled
From here Mordenkainen carries on all of a Charisma of 16 or higher, Mor- unless the film is as accurate a represen-
his day-to-day operations. The office fea- denkainen will frame his or her face be- tation of fantasy games as possible. You
tures alarge ivory desk (worth 750 gp}, a tween his two hands and immediately better give us alook at the screenplay be-
collection of file cabinets stuffed full of old offer to make all of the PCs "stars." Re- fore you start shooting -Sam & I. PS: Is
papers, and the fabled hot tub of relaxa- fer to this level's A'Ppendix for the out- there some way we can get Tom 'the
tion. Mordenkainen himself will be in the come of any deals. Bomb' Brannigan into this one?"
hot tub with Fiona, his very special
friend , when the PCs enter. If none of the PCs meet the Charisma • Paper 12: The first page of the fan-
requirement, Mordenkainen will order tasy movie script:
Mordenkainen: AC - 2 (bracers of de- his bodyguards to remove the tres- " FANTASY: THE MOVIE
fense AC 2); MV 12"; MU 29; hp 110: passers from his office. He and Fiona will A Screenplay by Edgar Gordon Galaxy
ST 9 , IN 20. WI 17, DE 18, CO 12, CH join in if necessary.
18; #AT 1; Omg ld4: T HACO 11 ; AL CAST OF CHARACTERS
CN. Mordenkainen has a staff of the Buried in the mass of papers found in
the filing cabinets is a scroll containing the Boffo: A bold, hearty dwarf who often
magi. a ring of regeneration, and the spells wizard lock, M ordenkainen'.s faith- relies upon his formidable combat skills
ful hound, delayed blast fireball and time (instead of his brains) to solve his prob-
crown of might. He has memorized the stop. In one of the desk drawers is a dag- lems.
following spells:
Level 1: Charm Person (x2), Enlarge, ger +2 and amap showing the location of Vebvennena: A bold, hearty wizard
Light. Magic Missile (x2), Shocking who often relies upon his mighty magic
Grasp Mordenkajnen's secret stronghold i111 the (instead of his brains) to solve his prob-
Level 2: Invisibility (x3), Mirror Image, Great Kingdom. lems.
Stinking Cloud, M~b (:c2)
Level 3: Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic Area 5: Mordenkainen's The Weasel: A bold, hearty thief who
(.'<2) , Hold Person, Lightning Bolt (.'<2), Antechamber often relies upon his devastating back-
Protection from Normal A1issiles stabbing ability (instead of his brains) to
Level 4: Charm M onster (x2), Fear (x2), This is a small alcove just off Mor- solve his problems.
Minor Globe ()f Invulnerability, Poly- denkainen's office. Located in this room
morph Other (x2) is the dimensional gateway that Mor- Buongiorno: A bold, hearty cleric who
Level 5: Bigby's Interposing Hand, denkainen uses Lo make the journey to often relies upon his potent healing magjc
Cloudkill, Cone of Cold (x2), Magic Jar. the Splittstein's plane. The gateway ap- (instead of his brains) to solve his prob-
pears as a huge shjmmering silver arch. lems.
Mordenkainen 's Faithful Hound Anyone stepping through the arch finds
himself in Sam and Irwin Splittstein's of- SCENE ONE: The PARTY is in an un-
Level 6: Anti-M agic Shell, Death Spell, fices on the alternate Prime Material derground complex deep beneath the
plane. On the other plane the gateway is planet's surface.
sDisintegrate. Geas, Otiluke Freezing disguised as a cheap wall hanging.
Sphere, Tunser's Transformation Mordenkainen also uses this room to
Level 7: Delayed Blase Fireball (x2), store the treasure that he plans to bring
Mordenkainen 's Sword (x2), Power
BOFFO: Quickly my friends, let us en- Greyhawk for the climactic scene of the private casting office. The only furniture
ter this chamber in search of gold and ex- fantasy movie. If he and his apprentices in the smaller room is the unique couch of
perience! are still alive three weeks from now you c.asting. The couch tries to charm anyone
should create this encounter and run it. sitting upon it (save at - 2) for the direc-
VEBVENNENA: Gold and experience Most of the creatures on this level will be tor.
do little to whet my appetite, friend involved in the attack on the castle. (The
Boffo. I come questing magic. druids of the Golden Bough will also join Note: The DM should also place as
in, once they see what's going on.) many monsters created by the Random
THE WEASEL: Spleeb this debate! Monster Generator as he feels appropri-
Come Boffo, help me listen at this door Area 7: Wardrobe Room ate in the casting office. These creatures
whilst Veb prods for traps with his 10-foot are also auditioning for parts in the
pole and Buongjomo attempts to disbe- Mordenkainen uses this room to store movie.
lieve. Need I remind you that we .have but the costumes he needs on hand for his
six wishes and 411 charges left in the sraff films. Lining the wails are racks contain- Area 9: Prop Storage Ill
ing every sort of cheap movie costume
o f curing! imaginable: ninja suits, army uniforms, There· is an ivory placard outside the
shining armor, space suits, police uni- door leading into this room reading,
BUONGIORNO: Yes, and I am sure forms, etc. "PROP STORAGE #1." Mordenkainen
that any moment now thousands of the stores a lot of the little odds and ends he
demons will be unleashed onto this plane When the players enter this room they needs to make his films here. There are
in order to spirit all our princesses J)ff to will encounter 12 mummies (AC 3; MV shelves llining each of the chamber's four
the Abyss! 6"; HD 6+3; hp 51, 49, 47, 49, 50, 41 , walls that hold hundreds of props, gad-
40, 46, 49, 44, 48, 50; llAT 1; Dmg ldl2; gets, and doodads. Some of the items on
• Paper 113: This is a list of the props THACO 13: SA Fear, see MM, pg 72) the shelves include: a yo-yo, a pair of
needed for the fantasy movie. It reads: that are being fitted for new bandages by boar's tusks, a number oJ rubber swords
Vort (same stats as Mort and Gort from and spears , a pith helmet, a stuffed os-
" Potion of climbing. six potions of extra area 2), Mordenkainen 's tailor. The trich, the Venom Pikes' 1044 single "An-
mummies are going to be playing a bit archy in the Spindrift Isles," a buddha
healing, six assorted scrolls, ring ofdjinni part in the fantasy movie. statue with a clock in its stomach, a nor-
mal shield and helmet, and full length sil-
summoning, ring of fire resistance, ring Hanging on the racks amid the other ver mirror. The latter item is worth 450
costumes are a cloak of elvenkind and a gp, all the others are worthless.
of spell storing, ring of multiple wishes, suit of leather +3. In the pockets of a
phony wizard robe are two necklaces and In a concealed compartment behind
rod oflordly might, rod ofrulership, staff a ring, each worth 400 gp. one of the shelves are a ring ofspell stor-
ing, a carpet of flying, and helmet of te-
ofcuring, wand offear, wand ofnegation, Area 8: Main Casting
alchemy jug, apparatus ofkwalish, boots 1111 this room the party will find a large
desk immediately opposite the door. Sit- None of the items listed in Paper #3 in
of elvenkind, bracers of defense, carpet ting; behind the desk is Cort, another of area 6 are here.
Mordenkainen 's apprentices (same stats
offlying, doak ofprotection +3, cube of as Mort and Gort from area 2). There is Area 10: Special Effects
force, eyes of minute seeing, gem of also a long line of ghouls (AC 6; MV 9" ; Department
HD 2; hp 16, 14. 15, 16, 16, 14, 12, 16,
brightness, helm of telepathy, javelin of 16, 15, 14; #AT 3; Dmg ld3/ld3/ld6; Two of Mordenkainen's apprentices,
THACO 16; SA Paralyzation) auditioning Qort and Xort (same stats as in area 2)
piercing, necklace ofadaptation, portable for a small walk-on part in the fantasy are on duty filming the special effects se-
movie. The ghouls approach the desk one quences for the fantasy movie. There are
hole, talisman of zagy, trident ofsubmis- at a time and tap dance. Cort responclls to two large tables in the room. On one table
sion, plate mail +5 (2 suits), shield +5, theiir efforts with either "Next!" . or is huge model of the fabled City of Brass
"Don't call us, we'U be in touch.'' There which was constructed out of solid gold (it
shield +4, defender sword +5, luck are 11 ghouls in all. Cort wears a ring that was easier to work). On the other are
is worth 1,000 gp. various models of dragons, xoms, ti-
blade. tanotheres, etc. Acamera is set up in the
On the south wall of the casting office is comer of the room to record everything
These items are gathered and in Prop a wooden door leading to a much smaller that happens.
Storage Area Ill - M."
As the party enters the room, they will
• Paper #4: This is a memo from Mor-
denkainen to his assistants. It reads,
" For the climactic scene of the movie we
are going to have to trash Castle Grey-
hawk. Make sure you perform all the nec-
essary camera maintenance. I don't want
to have to waste another castle again be-
cause you are using bad cameras. Filming
is scheduled for DATE- M."
The date on the memo is exactly 21
days after the players find the message.
Mordenkainen is indeed planning to
gather his forces together and travel to
the surface in order to destroy Castle
find Qort and Xort hard at work over the 85, an umber hulk (AC2; MV 6"(6") ; HD assume that each of the xorns have all the
City of Brass model, using pyrotechnics 8 + 8; hp 59; I AT 3; Dmg 3d4/3d4/4d3-2;
spells to simulate a huge firestorm. If the abilities of 5th-level ninjas.
party members do nothing to disturb T HACO 10; SA Confusion}, an ettin (AC As the PCs enter, Fu Han will shout
their work, the two wizards will ignore 3; MV 12H; HD 10: hp 77; IAT 2; Dmg
them: otherwise. one of the pair will try 2d8/3d6; T HACO 10; SA low surprise), " Action." At that point one of the xorns
to Oee to Mordenkainen's office (area 4) and 16xvarts(AC 7. MV6H: HD 1-1: hp will Lrade a couple of blows with the
to summon the arch-mage and his body- 7. 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5. 4, 6, 7, 7, 5. 6, 7. 5, 6; Grandmaster. pause. say "Ah, I see
guards to deal with the intruders. you've been practicing your Kung Fu!,"
IAT l ; Dmg ld4 +l ; THACO 20. and motion for the other xorns to sur-
The City of Brass model is worth ap- The creatures in this room will ignore round the monk. The Grandmaster then
proximately 3,500 gp, and most of the fig- proceeds to beat the tar out of the whole
urines are worth 100 gp each (tlhere are the PCs unless they are disturbed. None group.
20 in all). Hidden in with the small dragon of the creatures has any Lreasure.
models is a figurine of wondrous power- Fu Han is recording this entire scene
Area 13: Kitchen with acamera (worth 750 gp in Greyhawk
ebony Oy. as an odd curiosity). Plainly visible on the
The food for the commissary is pre- Grandmaster is a necklace of adapration
Area 11 : Prop Storage 112
pared in this room. There are cabinets, and a ring worth 75,000 gp. No one will
This room is similar to Prop Storage 11
(area 9). It too has an ivory placard out- tables. chopping blocks, pots, pans, etc. disturb the PCs unless attacked or inter-
scattered about the room. In the center fered "~th.
side the door. Items stored here include a of the chamber is a huge iron cauldron.
Suspended above the cauldron are four Area 15: Soundstage 112
sack of 450 gp. a plastic crown. a basket- unconscious halflings (AC 10; MV 12"; F
4; hp 12, 11, 10, 12; ST 10, IN 10, WI 11, This soundstage will also be used for
ball. three cases of beer, a pile of old DE 16, CO 9, CH 13). As the PCs enter the filming of "Seven Secrets of Kung Fu
newspapers. a model of a luxury yacht, the room. Mike and George, Mor- Death." It is currently completely empty
an 90-foot-long coil of rope. a bass guitar. denkainen's djinni chefs (AC 4; MV 9" I save for the piles of tools and boards that
an electric fan, a pair of knitting needles. 24"; HD 7+3; NAT l ; Dmg 2d8; SA see
MM, pg 28). are about to lower the half- Mordenkainen's workmen will be using
and a Lrash can. Other than the gold, lings into the boiling water in the caul-
dron. The halllings are actually wealthy to construct the next set. The entire floor
there is no treasure here. princes from the Awesome Halfling King- of the soundstage is covered by wooden
dom. If rescued and returned, they will boards. In one corner of the room (indi-
Area 12: Comm.issary cated on the map) there is no real floor,
r eward each of the PCs with 3.000 gp. and the boards cover a deep pit. Anyone
This is where the cast and crew of stepping on the boards in this area falls 50
Mordenkainen's films come for lunch. Area 14: Soundstage Ill feet (and suffers appropriate falling dam-
There are cafeteria tables and benches age).
scattered all along the room. Along the This is one of five soundstages on the
west wall is a counter where one can buy level. The film, "Seven Secrets of Kung Area 16: Dressing Rooms
food. Working behind the counter is Port, Fu Death" is currently being shot here.
another of Mordenkainen's apprentices Mordenkainen's prop men have fixed up These chambers house the quarters of
(same stats as in area 2). On the wall be- the soundstage to resemble a giant Hong the various stars of "Seven Secrets of
hind the counter is a price list that reads Kong warehouse. Currently inside the Kung Fu Death." Each dressing room
as follows: Soundstage is SSKFO 's director, Fu Han features a bed, table, mirror, wardrobe,
(AC 9: MV 21"; Th 15; hp 70; ST 11, IN and desk . The individual dressing rooms
Cream of Human soup-40 gp 13, WI 13, DE 15, CO 13. CH 16: are described in more detail below:
French Fried Dwarves-35 gp THACO 14; Dmg ld4). 12 xorns dressed
Elf Kidney Salad-60 gp a ninjas (AC - 2: MV 9": HD 7+1; hp A) Skrod 's room: Skrod is the xorn
63.61,61 ,61 ,62,63,62,51. 61,60,54, king from the elemental plane of Earth.
TODAY'S SPECIAL: He has signed a four-year, six-picture
14; IAT 4; Dmg ld3(x3)/6d4; THACO deal with M ordenkainen. When the party
Halfling Legs-20 gp. 12; SA see MM. pg 102. and the Grand enters, Skrod not here. Skrod keeps
nothing of value in his quarters.
When the party members enter, they Master of Flowers (AC -3; MV 32";
will find a number of creatures in the com- Mnk 18: hp 85: ST 15, IN 16, WI 16. DE B) Cheeha's room: Cheeha is one of
missary. sitting down to a pleasant lunch. 17, CO 17, CH 15: #AT 4; Dmg 8d4. If King Skrod's assistants. He too is out
These include a salamander (AC 5/3; M\I you have the Orienta/ Adventures rule when the players arrive in his dressing
9H: HD 7+7; hp 56: /AT 2; Dmg ld8/ book use the rules for oriental monks and room. Cheeha keeps the 550 gp that
2d6; THACO 12; SA Heat, see .\IM pg. Mordenkainen paid him to do SSKFD un-
der his bed. Lying on Cheeha's table is a Area 17: Soundstage #4 quarters 20 ogres and looks like it! The
pound of coal (a late night snack). room is an absolute mess. All of the furni-
T~i.s is another e mpty soundstage ture is in splinters and half-eaten hunks of
C) Grandmaster's room: This room is awaibng conversion for use in " Monster cheese and haunches of meat are scat-
the temporary home to the Grandmaster Fraternity Vacation II " (similar to area te red everywhere. The ogres sleep on a
of Flowers. The Grandmaster has five 15). It too features a concealed 50-foot- pile of skins on the (Joor.
500-gp gems hidden under a loose floor- deep pit. Scattered all across the sound-
board, and a pair of cufflinks ofprotection stage are 650 sp, the remnants of last A_s co~ld be expected, the ogres blew
night's wild party. their e ntire fee for appearing in " Monster
+2 on his table. Fraternity Vacation IJ" on fine wine and
Area 18: Write rs' Chamber meat. ln one corner of the room are two
D) Fu Han's room: "Seven Secrets of casks of excellent wine worth 250 gp
Kung Fu Death's" director, Fu Han, is The screen writers for "Monster Fra- each. When the player characters enter
quartered in this room. In his wardrobe this room the ogres are in area 16.
are two expensive oriental robes worth ternity Vacation U" spend most of their
300 gp each. Fu Han is in area 14 when B) Dragon's room: This area serves as
the party enters his dressing room. time in this area. As they enter the room, temporary quarters for the huge old
green dragon that is appearing in "Mon-
Area 16: Soundstage #3 the party members will find the six writ- ster Fraternity Vacation II." The dragon
h~s had all of the furniture except for the
This soundstage has been converted ers (fat ores with perms, AC 6; MV 9"; nurror removed, and bas moved in a
into a cheap bar for use in " Monster Fra-
ternity Vacation II: Daytona Daze." In its HD l; hp 6, 7 , 8, 8, 8, 7; NAT l; Dmg small portion of his horde so that he can
curre nt state, the soundstage features a
number of tables and stools, a bar, and a ld~; T HAC0.19) busily clacking away on feel at home. The room currently con-
few neon beer signs. As the PCs ap- tains 200 gp, 2,000 sp, 500 ep, 75 five-gp
proach this room they will hear bubble their typewnters. The film's director gems, and a philter of love. The green
gum rock and roll music (the film's sound dragon is in area 16 when the player char-
track, provided by a tape machine in the Yort . (one of Mordenkainen's ap: acters ente r his dressing room.
soundstage·s southeast comer).
prenu~es-same stats as those in area 2) Area 21: Soundstage #5
As the party members enter this cham-
t>;r they will notice 20 ogres (AC 5; MV 1s also ID the room, waiting for the writers This huge soundstage is in the process
9 : HD 4 + l; hp 33 (x 19), 5; KAT l ; of being converted into the small dungeon
Dmg ldlO; THACO 15), four frost giants to finish the next scene. You see, Mor- complex that makes up one of the highly
(AC 4 , MV 12"; HD 10 + ld4; hp 77, 73, detailed and realistic sets of " Fantasy:
80. 68; KAT 1; Dmg4d6; THACO 10: SA denkainen is rushing this film out in order The Movie." Each area is described in
Hurl Rocks), and a huge old green dragon more detail below:
(AC 2; MV 9" /24 "; HD 9; hp 54; #AT 3; to cash in on the success of the original
A) An e mpty, smooth chamber. As
BDrmeagthldW6e/alpdo6n/)2.dT10h;esTe HmAoCnsOter1s2~· aSkAe " Monster Fraternity Vacation." The ~oon as anyone opens the door leading
mto area A, a huge hammer swings down
up the .~ast of " Monster Fraternity Vaca- screen~lay is being written scene-by- from the ceiling and strikes him for ld12
points of damage.
tion 11. They are all wearing sweatshirts scene ID order to save time-as each
e mbroidere d with Alpha-Delta-Delta B) Yet another empty, s mooth cham-
symbols. As the party enters the sound- scene is written, it is filmed. ber. Anyone entering area B is instantly
stage, the monsters will all be gathered teleported to area C!
around in a cluster, waiting for their direc- Each of the writers wears a small sack
tor to return (see area 18). C) Yet again another empty, s mooth
containing 2 sp (what did you expect chamber. Anyone e ntering area C is in-
Upon seeing the party, the green stantly teleported to area B!
dragon says, "No, you guys want the fan- these are writers!). '
tasy movie, soundstage #5-out the door D) Still another empty, smooth cham-
and take a right." The monsters will not Area 19: Incredible Treasure ber. Other than the fact that there is no
attack the party unless molested. Lying Give-Away Room treasure, there is nothing extraordinary
on the ground by the door the party en- about this room.
ters, next to a clapboard bearing the This is an empty room containing 1000
film's full title, is a 100-gp gem that some- gp, six 200-gp gems, 500 pp, 22,000 sp, a E) Anothe r empty, smooth chambe r.
one must have dropped. necklace worth 400 gp, a ring worth 275 As the party members approach this area
gp, a potion offrost giant control, two jars
they will hear the sounds of the power
of Keoughtom's ointment, a short s ivord
+3, and a cursed two-handed sword - 5. tools that the three stone giant mainte-
~o. Mordenkainen is not using these nance men (AC 0; MV 12"; HD 9 + ld3;
items as props for any movies-this room
is here so the players quit complaining
about the lack of treasure. Hope it works.
Area 20: Dressing Rooms
Except for their occupants, these
rooms are identical to the dressing rooms
found in area 16. These rooms are de-
scribed in more detail below:
A) Ogres' room: This dressing room
hp 73, 69, 50; #AT l ; Dmg3d6; THACO tarrasque (AC -3; MV 9"; hp 300; llAT Appendix
12; SA Hurl boulders) are using to sand 6; Dmg ld12/ld2/2dl2 /5dl0/ ld10/ ldl0;
down the walls in order to "make them THACO 4; SA see MMJJ, pg 117) is Random Monste rs from Level 12
nice and smooth for filming. Whether the s leeping, but if any of the party members
player characters disturb them or not, makes the slightest sound the beast will Needless to say, there is a huge pro-
the stone giants willl mindlessly leap to at- leap up and viciously attack them all until cession of monsters created by the Ran-
tack, fighting until dead. dead. The creature is wearing a dark pair dom Monster Generator on level 12 that
of sunglasses that makes it immune to passes through Mordenkainen's terri-
F) Not a smootih, empty chamber! In light or continual light spells cast on its tory.
the movie, this area will represent the eyes. The tarrasque has no unusual trea-
obligatory dead end passage minotaur sure. Cutting a Deal
lair. With Mordenkainen
C) Red Dragon's room: Giliwampat,
G) Still another incredibly empty, the red dragon, has become something of When the players enter area 4 there is
smooth chamber, perhaps even emptier a star in Mordenkainen's films ("Fantasy: a possibility that Mordenkainen will see
and smoother than areas A through E. The Movie" will be his eighth picture). something he likes and offer to give the
There are four more stone giant workers As the PCs approach this room they will party members starring roles in "Fan-
notice a group of four orcish groupies (AC tasy: The Movie" (see area 4 descrip-
(AC O; MV 12"; HD 9 + ld3; hp 60, 40, 7; MV 9"; HD l; hp 1, 1, 1, l; THACO tion).
20) waiting for autographs outside the
50, 28; #AT l; Dmg 3d6; THACO 12; SA dragon's door. Before giving the PCs a part in the film,
Hurl boulders). These giants ignore the Mordenkainen will insist on an audition.
PCs unless the PCs attack. Inside the dressing room, Giliwampat He will order the party members to kill
(AC -1; MV 9" /24"; HD 11; hp88; #AT the giant work crews in area 21 while the
H) The emptiest, smoothest chamber 3; ld8;1d8;3dl0; THACO 10; SA Breath cameras roll. lf the audition goes well
weapon) is being interviewed by two film (i.e., the party wins), Mordenkainen will
of all. In the middle of this room is a stair- critics (AC - 10; MV 48"; MU 53; hp 86, offer each party member his (Strength +
94; ST 21, IN 18, WI 4, DE 21, CO 19, Charisma + (Experience Level x 5)) x
case leading down to level 12. CH 8; #AT l; Dmg 3dl0) for television. 1000 gp to sign a contract to appear in the
The dragon sits perched atop a small por- film. lf the signing goes well, the party
Are a 22: Dressing Rooms tion of his horde (4,000 gp, 35 swords members must report back to level 11 for
the next 20 days in order to shoot the
Again, these rooms are similar to those +1, a ring of zero wishes, and an item movie. On each day of the filming they
in areas 16 and 20. This block of dressing will be called upon to viciously and gorily
rooms houses the stars of "Fantasy: The that resembles a copper piece but is actu- slay some random creatures (from the
Movie." ally worth 2,000 gp). Giliwampat, who Random Monster Generator) for the
wears sunglasses of hipness, will gladly cameras.
A) Tom "the Bomb" Buchannan 's welcome any opportunities to vanquish a
room: Tom is a popular professional party of dungeon explorers for the TV
wrestler on the Splittstein's plane. Sam cameras.
and Irwin managed to sign him to a two-
year, 20-picture deal and insisted that Area 23: Pointless trick Room
Mordenkainen use him in the fantasy
movie in order to cash in on his popular- Anyone who enters this empty room is
ity. When the party enters the room, the instantly teleported right back out into
Bomb (AC 6; MV 12" ; F 15; hp 100; ST the hall.
18(00), IN 4, WI 4, DE 18, CO 18, CH
16; T HACO 6; Dmg grappling/
pummeling) is sitting on his bed with two
elven women (AC 10; MV 12"; HD 1: hp
2, 3; llAT 1; Dmg l d3; THACO 20) . His
only comme nt wiU be, "Uh I don't sign
autographs-why don't you leave?"
The Bomb bas quite a bit of treasure in
his room, but unfortunately it is all in U.S.
dollars . T here is about $14,000 stuffed
under Tom's mattress.
B) The tarrasque 's room: Mor-
denkainen managed to convince the
dreaded tarrasque to make a cameo ap-
pearance in " Fantasy: The Movie."
When the party enters this chamber the
level 12: wheRe the
anbom monsteRs Roam
--.:·.-.. 11 ·~,.'~~~.c C11 B '),'11-:f 11 ?!t.-::.~.'-~·:;-..-,::,.:,_.:~ ::;~~
~~,, l~tm li~iiJ ~Iiil-i11i~~;Jlf~f'.~i~;;iiw11t~
..,·. ~..., 11 M ,.. ...,. 110..................,. ·::·.... ·:. .,,,.~
l:::~,i Portal Path
~ Depression
Note : Read the entire adventure, espe- tics by angering a denizen or playing on centuries of life.
cially Voyeux's Hospitality before begin- the psychological weaknesses of his com- The second was the Random Monster
ning. This scenario requires extensive panions to provoke a confrontation.
DM preparation. Generator (his name for it). This exotic
Voyeux was confident that he would artifact took up a large chunk of a lower
Background: Voyeux never be truly hurt. In fact, he only died level of a dungeon he adventured into late
The Whimsical three times in his entire career, and each in his career as a magic-user.
time he was duly brought back to the !iv-
Several hundred years ago, Voyeux ing by surviving party members. Totally entranced by the device, Voy-
was an aspiring young chaotic good magi- eux determined how to pry it loose from
cian. He set out to make a name for him- Despite his antagonistic ways, Voyeux
self as an adventuring magic-user and was quick and intelligent and never know- its moorings and bring it out to where he
succeeded very well. For the most part, ingly let his party down if they were in could use it. He had to return to his main
he had a name as a tourist - an onlooker true trouble. Tnerefore, Voyeux was in- base, recruit a small army of helpers, and
who got involved when the battle came cluded in many adventuring bands. By refight his way into the dungeon shep-
near to him. but who preferred to ob- the time he had reached 21st level. he herding a set of ingenious carts. They
serve the antics of his companions and had great power and a number of magical took the device apart. loaded it into the
the denizens of the areas his party adven- objects. Two of these set his path for the carts, and fought their way out again, the
tured in. Sometimes he instigated the an- rest of his life. carts pulled by several adventurers who
had taken giant strength potions.
The first was a cache of longevity po-
tions. Voyeux is still hale and hearty, look- Once the device was his, Voyeux de-
ing perhaps 35 years of age, after several termined to become worthy of it. He left
it in safe-keeping with an old friend, for-
sook his magic-user career, and began to Key To living beings may only pass one way, from
adventure as a thief, converting his align- Voyeux's Domain area 1 to area 2. Furthermore, spells do
ment to chaotic neutral in the process. not pass at all through the portal. This
His natural talents helped him and he Area 1: Entry Room does not mean that sensory spells, such
gained the 13th level of master thief be- as clairvoyance, ESP, or wizard eye do
fore he once again made a career change The stairway from level 11 comes out not work. It does mean that any fireballs,
and began operating as an illusionist. in the west wall of this room. The room is lightning bolts, or the like effectively hit
entirely walled, floored and roofed in the portal and go off, filling the room with
Once he had reached his current level stone. The stone has been recently the party, rather than the room with the
of Wizard 23/Master Thief 13/Illusionist cleaned. There is an opening in the east mantitrices.
27, Voyeux looked about and de termined wall, on the south comer, leading to area
that Greyhawk Castle would be the ideal 2. The only furniture is a free-standing Unused spells, such as those residing
retirement spot for his extremely ex- stone bench along the west wall, posi- in spell books, wands and staves , magic-
tended old age. tioned to look into area 2. There are no users' and clerics' minds, etc. are un-
inhabitants. harmed by this block, and can travel with
Using the Random Monster Generator, the possessor to the other room. For that
he called forth some burrowing creatures Area 2: Guard Room matter, wands and staves and other magi-
who dug him a hole to the bottom of the
castle's dungeons. He then linked the This room is a relatively s mall room, cal objects, being essentially unliving, can
various dungeon levels to his hideaway with all but the northwest com er easily
with portals and set the Generator on visible from the opening in area 1. There go back and forth through the portal.
are four mantitrices in the room. However, their owners cannot. Not even
random generation - herding the results once-living beings with any hope of a suc-
through the portals to the other levels. 4 Mantitrices: ACS; MV 9"; HD 6 + l ; cessful raise dead can pass the wrong
hp30,26,27,29: THACO 13; #AT3: Dmg way.
At this time, Voyeux has explored the ld3/ld3/ ld6; Beak, Tail Spikes (ld6): AL
entire dungeon complex. This is rela- CE; Size L These restrictions on movement can
tively easy when all you want to do is each be removed with a limited wish, and
peek in and then scamper. Certain secret Mantitrices are a combination of manti-
rooms and rooms heavily defended by core and cockatrice. Unlike either of their the entire enchantment of restriction can
trigger-happy magicians and clerics of proge nitors, they do not Oy and have no be removed with a full wish. Successful
high levels have been left alone, though wings . They mainly resemble a manti- use of dispel magic against a 23d-level
he has scanned the m with wizard eye if at core. but rather than a man-like face, spell destroys the entire portal.
all possible . they have the cock-like head and comb of
a cockatrice. Of course, a party can use teleport, di-
Now he stays at ease in how own cham- mension door, or passwall to get around
bers in the core of his level, observing Like a cockatrice, their peck can tum a this problem. Voyeux does.
events throughout the dungeon (and victim to stone. Their tail spikes (which
elsewhere in the world) in his Tapestry of seem to be stone rather than a manti- Opposite the opening is an air-tight
Rooms and unleashing random monsters core's iron) can do the same thing. stone door that leads to the rest of Voy-
to random levels to keep the life in the eux's domain.
dungeon e xciting and worth watching. These mantitrices are on guard duty.
Unless the first person they see is promi- Area 3: Main Corridor
Voyeux the Whimsical: AC -2; MV nently wearing a special amulet (Voyeux
12"; M/T h/I 23/13/27; hp 60; #AT l ; wears the only one known), they attack This corridor connects most of the res-
with their tail spikes, fired singly against idential areas of this level. It is rough-
Dmg by weapon; T HACO 10; ST 10, IN single opponents, or all at one if the party hewn from bedrock, with no supporting
18, WI 12, DX 18, CN 15, CH 13: AL has all appeared together. beams. Very experienced adventurers
realize that the tunnel is the sort of thing
CN . Voyeux has bracers of AC 2), (dag- There are certain aspects of this situa- done by an umber hulk. There are seven
tion which are not immediately apparent. openings in the corridor, including the
ger +1), (ring of spell turning), (ring of The "ope ning" is, in fact, a very selec- door at the west e nd, leading to the guard
tive teleportation portal. Area 2 is actu- room. the side corridor leading to the
multiple wishes (2 left), wand of fear (56 ally 30 feet away through solid stone. The Generator, and the door at the other end
charges) with him at all times. The re- portal lets any non-living object through of the corridor, leading to Voyeux's cham-
mainder of his magical possessions are either way. Ar rows, tail spikes, thrown bers. The two doors are made of stone
described in the Room of the Tapestry. knives, etc. may pass as if the opening and are air-tight. The corridor itself has a
was just a chunk of open air. However, 10-foot by 10-foot cross-section.
3a. The Portal with bows around their necks and dande- Area 7: Doggy Den
This 10' x 10' area on the surface of lion heads for tails.
the east wall of the corridor has a pearly This cave has been converted into a
opalescence. It is the exit portal from the ESP or any other kind of mind reading kennel. The cave mouth is blocked with a
12th Gate in the Generator area. There is wide mesh steel gate. In the cave are six
a 1 in 12 chance (roll 1 on dl2) that a mon- shows that they are unintelligent food an- large (wolfhound-sized) canines with
ster will exit from this portal when a party imals, obviously kept here for the satis- soulful eyes and bristly, brindled fur who
is next to it. faction of other residents . One of these whine dog-fashion to be released and play
man-sized creatures may weU pretend to with the party.
Area 4: Side Corridor take an affection for a party member and
follow him around like a dog. These are actually shockhounds. A
This corridor leads directly to the Ran- shockhound has an appealing personality
dom Monster Generator. There is a 1 in Closer observation shows another and a malevolent heart. Their mode of
12 chance (roU 1 on dl2) that a monster story entirely. The lurkboars are a highly operation is to get close enough to rub up
will be in the corridor when a party enters intelligent race who use their powers of against a targe t, then shock it to death
it or looks into it. The monster may be mindlying and camouflage to seem like with their incredible static electric
going in either direction, either coming simple barnyard animals. Careful obser- charge .
from the Generator, or finding its way vation will spot the bones of some of their
back to the Generator from the portal in victims in the muck of the room. 6 Shockhounds: AC 8; HD 9; hp 42, 45,
3a. 47, 40, 43, 44; INT 2; MV 9"; THACO
4 Lurkboars : AC (7r 3; HD 18: hp 78;
Area 5: Lair of the Hexacrabs 85, 90, 82; MV 9"; THACO 7; #Kr 5; 12; #Kr 2; 8d10 (contact with fur), ld6
ld8/ ld8 (tentacles that look like dande-
This cave-like room has become the lion heads), 4d6 (tusks that look like (tongue); Special Attacks nil; Special De-
lair of the hexacrabs , totaUy unintelligent tusks); SD Immunity to Lightning, Re- fense - any touch of the fur, including
creatures that have carapaces and front with the blade of a weapon, sends a 4dl0
claws like a crab, but also feature a long ge nerate 2 pts/round; Camouflage and shock up the weapon to the user; Special
tentacle extruded from the top carapace Abilities - poly self(usually into very ap-
and a rosette of stings surrounding the Mindlie; AL CE. pealing dog shape) and I nvisibility (when
te ntacle. they want to ge t away); AL CE
The creatures have two magical de-
6 Hexacrabs : AC 2; HD 6; hp 26, 27 vices with them. The gem ofturning rock Close examination s hows that these
28. 30, 26, 25; MV 12"; THACO 13; #AT to swill is an amber stone (seemingly creatures have no teeth, but their
7; 4d6 (tentacle), 8d8 (x4) (stings), 4d8 worth about 300 g.p.), now buried in the tongues are very hard and sharp. they
(x2) (claws); Special Attacks - claws filth of the sty. This turns the rock around carve up their meat with the tongues and
have s harpness, like a Sword of Sharp- ~t into primordial ooze by basically bring- absorb it that way.
ness; Truesight; AL N. ing out all of the organic material imbed-
ded in the rock. This is how they made If ignored by a party. the shockhounds
The hexacrabs are recent additions to the sty out of a cave in the first place, and go invisible and poly self themselves into
the local menagerie. They are largely in- why the sty has a lowered floor. Once it snakes to get out of the kennel, then fol-
ert, as they have not found much to eat in has accomplished its purpose, it lies quiet low the party invisibly until they have a
the bare walls of the level, though they until placed into a new area of bare stone. chance to attack.
attack other wande ring manufactured
monsters, and the bones of these deco- The root of all evil is a fossilized tree Area 8: Grayhouse
rate the cavern floor. Their instinctual root with a spell of suggestion enchanted
tactic is to grasp a target with their tenta- into it (saving throw vs. spell). He who This room is lit by a luminescence
cle and kill it with their claws. while fend- given off by fungus on the walls. The floor
ing off any other attackers with their possesses it has an uncontrolJable lust for is covered by large fungal growths that
stings . money. The lurkboars have, in fact, no grow almost up to the 10-foot-high ceil-
ing. The fungi are a riot of obscure colors.
Area 6: Lair of the Lurkboars real concept of money, and the rather un- There are mauve, puce, lavender, and
defined urges they experience in the other pastels; anything but a true white
This room looks like a pigsty, and the presence of this thing have no meaning or gray color.
sounds issuing from its inhabitants rein- for them. Voyeux had the thing in his loot
force the image. The inhabitants even store (it made him become a thief) and Scattered among the fungi are four
look like pigs-rather comical ones. They decided that the lurkboars were the ideal special fungi that look like attempts to ape
look like nothing so much as warthogs guardians. normal greenhouse flowers. They have
petals and stamens and pistils and leaves
The lurkboars also have 3.500 g.p., and stand about three feet tall. These are
1,500 p.p., and 35 ge mstones worth an actually gray composters .
average of 450 g.p. each. These are left
over Crom the purses of another party of 4 Gray Composters: AC 3; HD 4; hp
adventurers who made the mistake of de-
ciding the lurkboars were dinner.
17, 19, 18, 20; MV immobile; THACO of a balcony looking out into a sun-filled or (larger than some peasant huts) is ori-
15; #Kr 9; 4d8/4d8 ("fangs" - stamens star-lit garden (this depends on the actual ented for the best view of the Tapestry.
and pistils) , 3d4/3d4 (constriction from time of day outside). The far walls of the There is also a scribe's desk with ready
long leaves) , 4d6 (x4) (pincer leaves); garden are blocked by interposed trees writing materials so situated that Voyeux
Special Attacks - 3 sucker "roots" that and high brush. You can only glimpse can command his permanent unseen ser-
hold on to the victim; AL N enough of them to know they are there, vant to write down particular facts he
not how far away they are. Strange ani- finds interesting about what he is watch-
These semi-intelligent fungi provide mals lurk among the shrubbery. ing. Unseen servants are rarely literate
extra fertilizer for the other fungi in the - being forces rather than beings - but
room. Anything organic is grist for their The west wall has two doors in it. One this one has been around so long that it
mill, as one lurkboar found out. Their leads into the Random Monster Genera- has obtained some sentience of its own.
usual attack is to grab a victim with tor and is where Voyeux can control the It still does not fight or otherwise hinder,
sucker roots (which negates any AC from creation of monsters if he wants to. The or help, anyone but Voyeux. Due to the
Dexterity or displacement), then attack controls are currently set on "random effects of the Tapestry, Voyeux rarely
with the leaves and fangs. Evidence of generation." The other door leads to the does anything about his records, but any-
previous victims is buried under the bot- corridor by which the room may be en- one obtaining them will find an excellent
tom "fronds" of the various fungi. tered. guide to the hazards of the other levels of
the dungeon, and interesting snippets of
Area 9: Room of the Porcupains The north wall is entirely covered by
the Tapestry of Rooms. This Tapestry is information on other areas throughout
This is another fungus-filled room, but an amazing artifact Voyeux stole from the the world of Greyhawk, for Voyeux trav-
without the composters. It is also the lair tyrant of Elredd on Woolly Bay. The user eled extensively before he settled down
of a group of porcupains, which look like of this Tapestry can see any room (or rel- here. Among all his various careers, he
harmless herbivores. They look mostly atively enclosed outdoor space) he has poked his nose into places many people
like porcupines or hedgehogs, and have ever been in, just by mentally command- have never heard of.
not obvious inclination to attack a party ing the picture to appear. The point of
that observes them from the corridor. view given is one that the viewer previ- DM Note: This is for DMs who want to
ously occupied. lf all the viewer has done leave clues for future adventures in other
They look rather comical, especially is duck his head into the room and out parts of the WORLD OF GREYHAWK®
when they rear up on their hind legs and again, the view is from the door of the game world.
waddle about, trying to get at the top
parts of the fungus. The one part of the room. If he is very familiar with the room Jn the southwest comer of the room is
creature that does not look like a porcu- and has walked every inch of it, the view- a larder of holding that holds Voyeux's
pine is the tail, which has a large, horny, point is any that he wants. food supply. It has a man-sized door that
knob at the end. may be walked through, giving access to
Like many artifacts, this one has its an area 30' x 30' x 30', stocked with
These creatures are porcupains, an drawbacks. In this case. it is a very subtle prepared food. One of the few times Voy-
evil creature that is, in fact, herbivorous, one. The viewer is more and more in- eux bestirs himself is to restock this im-
but likes to cause pain to others, anyway. clined to just sit on a couch or other seat- mense larder, which he must do every
ing furniture and watch the Tapestry - three months or so.
4 Porcupains: AC -1; HD 15; hp 68, forsaking any activity to watch what is go-
70, 74, 69; MV 12"; THACO 8; #AT 3; ing on in places where the viewer has The larderofholdingbolds prepared food
4d6/4d6 (quills), 4d8 (tail); AL CE. been before. in a perfect state of preservation, but re-
jects any other substance (except the ma-
Area 10: The Room of the The viewer has only the basest instinct terial the storage shelves and bins inside
Tapestry remaining - the only time he moves is to are made oO. If an inappropriate substance
obtain food. As soon as he has food in is placed inside, it reappears outside as the
This room is Voyeux's private cham- hand, he races back to the Tapestry in door is closed. Some dead bodies might be
ber. It seems to lbe airy and spacious, hopes of not having missed any of the ac- considered "prepared," such as a Oash-
which is peculiar for a cave 12 levels be- tivity. Even the food is not savored. It is fried dragon victim, and the cupboard could
neath Castle Greyhawk. just shoved into whatever eating orifice be used to preserve them until they can be
the viewer has and is consumed without
In actuality, the room is 30 feet by 30 any real appreciation of its nature. It is brought to a priest capable of casting a raise
feet. The east wal], however, has a (per- said that Voyeux gained the artifact by dead spell, but mostly the cupboard is only
manent) illusion of a long, 30-foot-wide poisoning the tyrant who previously useful for carrying food. It has all the bulk
corridor with archways leading to other owned it.
rooms every 10 feet on both sides. It and normal weight of an empty 6' x 30" x 3'
seems to stretch to infinity. The furnishings of the room are di- wooden cupboard.
rected toward full utilization of the Tapes-
The south wall is a permanent illusion try. Voyeux's elegant four-poster bed Under his bed, Voyeux keeps his trea-
sure, accumulated over 150 years of ad-
venturing. Much of his hoard has gone Level 8: incendiary cloud, Otto's irre- Under the bed, Voyeu.x has:
over the years to support his life on this sistible dance, trap the soul (1) a small chest with five potions of
level, but there are still rich pickings for extra- healing, three elixirs ofhealth, and
anyone crass enough to kill the wizard/ Level 9: Bigby's crushing hand, cry- four applications of oil ofdisenchantment.
master thief/illusionist. stalbrittle, meteor swarm., shape change,
succor, time stop He also has his last four potions of longev-
Among the items are Voyeu.x's spell ity, which he doesn't mention to visitors.
books, carefully arranged on a bookshelf As one can see, Voyeu.x has no real af-
built into the headboard of the bed. There finity for fire magic or transformations on (2) In a five-slot scroll holder, he has a
are six books of magic-user spells and or to rock.
four books of illusionist magic. For some- scroll of protection from magical edged
one of Voyeu.x's experience, it is easier to Illusionist spells:
weapons, a scroll of protection from pa-
list the spells the books do not contain. Cantrips: all present,
Cantrips: chill, dampen, salt, tie, hairy, Level 1: color spray, light, wall of fog ralysis, scroll ofprotection from undead,
Level 2: deafness, detect magic, invisi-
sour, giggle, gnats bility, magic mouth, mirror image, scroll of protection from demons, and a
Level 1: burning hands, erase, push, Level 3: continual light, rope trick, scroll of protection from elementals.
phantom wind, suggestion
precipitation, ventriloquism Level 4: confusion, dispel magic, mass- (3) Jn a larger trunk he has a small ring
Level 2: flaming sphere, Melfs acid ar- morph, rainbow pattern,
Level 5: major creation, maze, shadow box with a ring of djinni summoning
row, pyrotechnics, strength magic
Level 3: explosive runes, fireball, Level 6: death fog, mirage arcane, (three uses left) and a ring of spell
flame arrow, Melfs minute meteor Level 7: 1st-level magic-user spells storing, a periapt of proof against poison
Level 4: Evard's black tentacles, fire
wrapped in a robe of blending, a rod of
trap, wa/J of fire portal creation which was used for creat-
Level 5: airy waler, stone shape, ing all the various portals on this and
other levels (it has three charges left,
Level 6: contingency, globe of invul- each capable of creating an entrance and
an exit), and a sword case holding a bas-
nerability, stone to flesh tard sword + 3 frostbnmd (INT 15, EGO
Level 7: cacodemon, delayed blast fire-
16, AL CN, detects shifting wa/Js, eleva-
ball, statue
tors, etc. in 1" radius, detects gems, de-
tects precious metals, speaks dwarf,
gnome, kobold, gold dragon). Its name is
Deepdelver and, once exposed, it tells at least one scene that clearly demon- first with no real prohibitions) and then
the world how it has been used by thieves make their way home !from there.
(including Voyeux). dwarves, and greedy strates to the characters that the Tapes-
humans and it has loved every minute. try is showing what is happening at the l l a. Portal To 1 s t Level
This only allows low-level monsters
In a money chest, Voyeau:x has a jew- player's home base for example .
elry case with four items of jewelry worth Voyeux has no interest in letting the entrance. This can include creatures with
1,500 g.p., 4,600 g.p., 5,200 g.p., and either high ACs, high damage attacks, or
8,000 g.p. , 13 gems worth an average of characters have the tapestry, letting the high hit dice, but no more than one of
550 g.p., 2,000 p.p., and 15,000 g.p. characters have the Random Monster these attributes.
Generator, or spending any time at all
Voyeux's Hospitality llb. P ortal to 2 d Level
away from the Tapestry. He's quite proud This portal allows only evil creatures
lf any party makes it to Voyeux's domi-
cile, and does not charge in swinging, he of both artifacts and likes to brag about with relatively weak abilities to enter.
welcomes them effusively and congratu- them, explaining everything he knows
lates them on their feat. He also jokes about them. l lc. Portal to 3 d Le vel
with them about any mishaps they had on This portal allows nothing to enter. It
the way. Any party member looking at lf threatened, Voyeux 1]1akes an escape
using dimension door to the inside of the only serves as a conveyance of the es-
the Tapestry can see the corridor outside Random Monster Generator and begins sence of the Generator to help create the
sending monsters at the characters. All strange things that prowl that level.
the room. Anyone looki ng at the desk these monsters have an INT of at least 8,
sees a pen writing down (in shorthand) AC of 0 or less, Hit Dice of at least 13, lld. Port al to 4 th Le vel
the conversatfon as it takes place. Any- and at least one special attack, one spe- Anything can walk through this portal,
one looking down the archway behind his cial defense, and one special ability. The
bed sees, in the distance, indistinct hu- rest of their attributes can be rolled ran- and often does.
manoid shapes looking at them Crom domly, or adjusted to avoid the strengths
around various pillars. Looking at the and e xploit the deficiencies of the charac- l l e . Portal to 5th Level
garden over the balcony, they see indis- ters. Be sure to have a half dozen of Creatures that go through this portal
tinct monstrous shapes moving in the these monsters ready to go before the
ga rd e n . adventure. A new monster arrives every are often ones that look like they stepped
combat round. into the wrong game.
Voyeux offers them food Crom his lar-
Voyeux also has a full complement of l lf. Portal to 6th Le vel
der olholding, mentioning that he just got spells ready both as mage and illusionist. Only creatures that share some, or all,
Which he has ready and which he uses de-
a fresh supply from Colonel Sandpaper on pends on the DM, who has seen the play- their abilities and attitudes with tradi-
the 8th level. Characters who have sur- ers at work earlier, just as Voyeux has. tional undead can transit this portal.
vived both the 3d and 8th levels should
find some familiar e lements in the repast. Area 11 : T he Random Monster llg. Porta l to 7th Level
If any characters have suffered great Anything can step through this portal.
loss in the adventure, Voyeux does what This complex consists of a grid of corri-
dors surrounding the central device. At llh. Por tal to 8th Level
be can with the potions of extra- healing), the areas shown on the map, there are Most things walking through this portal
(elixir of health, and oil of disen- 10'-by-10' squares of pearly opalescence
chantment. He does not use the last use on the walls. These are the entrance por- tend to be edible and look like fast food
tals to the exit portals described on other products. T heir outward appear ance is
of any of these. He also may hand out levels of this dungeon. frequently that of various traditional
some of the magical items that he has ac- slimes or puddings.
cumulated and no longer has much use Many of the entrance portals have dis-
for, if a character has lost a major item. criminatory mechanisms that prohibit any llj . P or tal to 9th Level
but the proper sort of creature to walk Almost anything walks through this
However, as he talks to the characters, through them. Others are wide open to
they note that he is constantly looking at anyone, even an adventurer, walking level's portal.
the Thpestry and acting as if he wishes through. If a level has been destroyed, or
they would just go away. Anyone looking the main impetus behind its theme l l k . Portal to 10 th Level
stopped, the prohibitions also end. It is Because this leads to a sewage level,
at the Tapestry sees the scene change a entirely possible for a party to finish its
business on this level and simply step the monsters going through this portal
number of times, emther reflecting what is through the portal to the 4th level (the tend to be scavengers of one sort or an-
going on on upper levels or, if the charac- other, capable of eating anything.
ters have effectively wiped out all the
previous levels, showing events in other
places in the game world. T here may be
111. Po rtal t o 11th Level millions of other worlds that the machine Using the
Due to the stringent requirements of reaches into and brings out, but Voyeux Random Monster Generator
really doesn't know. Neither do the mon-
"Fantasy: The Mo vie," only monsters sters. To determine what sort of creature has
with a minimum Int elligence of 6 are al- been brought forth on an unsuspecting
lowed through. Conversation witl1 some of these vic- dungeon, take up percentile dice.
tims of the machine's outreach program
11 m . Po rtal to 12th Le ve l confirms that they think they come from Any time the monster's power is de-
This allows creatures to come out of some other world, but their believed past scribed as being like a particular spell, the
histories might just be a further creation
the portal exit at 3a. on this level. They of the artifact. monster can be assumed to have unre-
generally wander around corridors 3 and
4 for awhile, then wander back to the Voyeux does know how to control the stricted use of the spell, rather than just
Generator and take another portal. Some Random Monster Generator to get just one use a day, unless the DM wishes to
exitees have found tenants in areas 5 the monster he wants; however, he usu- so restrict it.
through 9 and displaced them. The most ally leaves it set to generate random cre-
recent group to do this are the hexa- ations. I. Size and Number of Monsters
Wandering Monsters 01 Tmy (1-100)
Inside the 02-15 Small (1-20)
Random Monster Generator New creatures come out of the Ran- 16-85 Man-sized (1-10)
dom Monster Generator every hour or 86-99 Large (1-6)
This strange device consists of a large so. Unless drawn instinctively to a level 00 Gargantuan (1-2)
room with odd metal grids, finely drawn best suited for it, the creature wanders
wire connections, and s mall flashing around a bit and finally finds a portal it is Explanation: "Tiny" means something
lights. There is evidence that the entire attracted to. For the first six hours or so
object has been taken apart relatively re- of their existence, most inductees do not insect-sized or smaller.
cently (within the last couple of centu- attack anyone who does not attack the m "Small;' " Man-Sized," and "Large"
ries) and reassembled without any real first, but there are still the re mains of
regard for making the reassembly look several creatures who died fighting other are the same as found in the Monster
pretty. Many of the supporting members creatures littering the halls. Thus, it is Manual
have been roughly sawn apart and recon- likely that there are at least five monsters
nected with very perfunctory welds. or groups of monsters in the corridors at "Gargantuan" refers to something the
any one time.
Three of the doors to the room holding size of a brontosaurus or a blue whale.
the artifact are blocked entirely by fields Every five minutes the party is in the
of pearly opalescence. No one can walk level, roll to see if a monster is gener- II. Looks
past these fields. However, one door is ated. If they are in the Generator area it-
not blocked, allowing some access into self, roll for a 1 on ld6 to get a monster 01 indescribable
the artifact. every time they tum a corner until you 02-25 Hideous
get one. 26-35 Hilarious
Some things, however, walk out of the 36-95 Average
fields into the corridors outside the Battle with such a monster (keep in 96-00 Beautiful
rooms. Usually, these are monstrous mind that they can come in groups) can
creatures never before seen in this produce another monster with a roll of 1 Explanation: Indescribable means what
world. They are mostly dumb beasts that or 2 on ld6 after each round of combat. If
are easily herded down the corridors and five monsters or groups are produced in it says. The shape and form and colors of
into the stairwells or portals that lead this fashion, stop rolling, they've all the creature are impossible to describe,
them to other levels. Some are more in- showed up. Of course, you can always usually because it is too horrifying.
telligent. and cause some strange prob- add the inhabitants of the various rooms,
lems. Usually, Voyeux comes to an too. Voyeux will not come out to see Hideous means that it is unpleasant to
agreement with them, and they fre- what's happening. That's what be has the
quently also march off to another level. Tapestry for. look at, but not impossible
Some are still in residence in Voyeux's
level (see areas 5 through 9.) Hilarious means that the creature is
How the device manages to get the very funny looking. Th:is can disguise an
creatures it creates is a mystery. Voyeux extremely deadly monster, so don't be
feels that they are probably denizens of afraid to have an AC - 5, energy-
draining, death spell-using, 20 Hit Dice
cream puff.
Average covers a lot of sins. An ore or
troll can be considered average by this
Be;wtiful is positively awe-inspiring.
III. Intelligence V. Armor Class VII. Move
01-15 0 0 1-05 9 0 1-05 Ground Speed
16-40 1 06-10 8 06-10 Immobile
41-45 2 11-15 7 11-20
46-48 16-20 6 21-40 1"
49-51 3 21-25 5 41 -65 3"
52-54 4 26-30 4 66-90 6"
55-57 31-37 91-99 9"
58-60 5 38-44 3 00 12"
61-64 6 45-50 2 15"
65-68 7 51-60 1 18"
69-73 8 61-70 0
74-78 9 71-80 -1 01 -25 Airspeed (30% chance)
79-83 10 81-84 -2 26-50 15"
84 -86 11 85-87 -3 51 -70 18"
87-89 12 88-90 -4 71-85
90-92 91-93 86-95 21 "
93-95 13 94-96 -5 96-99 24"
96-97 14 97-99 -6 00 30"
98-99 15 -7 36"
00 16 00 40"
17 -8
18 -9
19 +
Special Movement
Explanation: These numbers correspond VI. Hit Dice 01-20 (25% chance)
21 -30
with those found in the Monster Manual 01-05 ld8 dimension door (as the spell)
06-07 2d8 31-50 dimension walk (as psionic disci-
IV. Alignment 08-09 3d8 51-65
10-12 4d8 66-80 pline)
01-05 Lawful Good 13-16 5d8 81-95
06-10 Lawful Neutral 17-20 6d8 96-00 e t he r e a l
11-15 Lawful Evil 21-25 7d8
16-35 Chaotic Good 26-30 &18 leap
36-55 Chaotic Neutral 31-35 9d8
56-75 Chaotic Evil 36-40 10d8 te/eport (as the spell)
76-80 Neutral Good 41-45 lld8
81-85 Neutral Neutral 46-50 12d8 tunnel
86-90 Neutral Evil 51-58 13d8
91-00 Hungry 59-66 14d8 wind walk (as the spell)
67-75 15d8
76-83 16d8 Use the Ground Speed table to deter-
84-90 17d8 mine the distance moved with Ethereal,
91-96 1&18 Leap or Tunnel.
97-99 19d8
00 20d8 VIII. Number of Types of
Explanation: Hungry simply means 01-25 1
26-65 2
that the creature has only satisfying its 66-85
appetites in mind. 86-95 3
96-00 4
IX. Number of Attacks Per Type
01-40 1
86-95 2
96-98 3
99 4
X. Types of Attack Attacks table to determine how much XI.F. Visual Attacks
damage the attack does if the special ef-
01-65 Physical feet does not work. 01-04 Blindness (as Power Rhrld Blind
66-00 Special spell)
05-24 Charm (as vampire)
XI. Special Attacks XI.B. Breath Attacks 25-29 Confusion (as spell)
30-39 Death (as spell)
01-05 Acid 01-05 Acid 40-49 Fear (as spell)
06-09 Aging 06-15 Chlorine gas 50-54 Feeblemind (as spell)
10-15 Breath 16-30 Cold 55-64 Life Energy Draining
16-18 Cancellation 31-40 Fear gas 65-69 Paralysis
19-23 Clerical Spells (ld6) 41 -55 Fire 70-99 Stoning (as basilisk)
24-30 Cold 56-65 Lightning 00 Time Stop (as spell)
31-40 Heat 66-70 Paralysis
41 -45 Life Draining 71-80 Repulsion XII. Number Of Special Defenses
46-50 Lightning 81-90 Sleep gas (25% chance)
51-55 Magical Spells 91-00 Slow gas
56-60 Paralysis
61-65 Poison All breath attacks are treated as the 01-40 1 Special Defense
66-68 Presence similar dragon breath attack. 41-70 2 Special Defenses
69-74 Psionic Attacks (ld4) 71-90 3 Special Defenses
75-77 Rusting XI.C. Poison Types 91-00 4 Special Defenses
78-79 Sharpness (See DMG, Pg. 20)
80-82 Sonic 01-10 Ingestive/Injected A XII.A. Types Of Special Defense
83--87 Suckers 11-20 lngestive/lnjected B
88-92 Visual 21-35 Ingestive/Injected C 01-30 Camouflage
93-97 \brpal 36-50 Ingestive/Injected D 31-50 Immunity
98 Wounding 51-60 lngestive/lnjected E 51-70 Magic Resistance (01- 100%)
99-00 61-70 Insinuated A 71-80 Mindlie
71-80 Insinuated B 81-95 Regeneration {ld3 pts per
Explanation: Except as shown on the 81-90 Insinuated C round)
Special Attack Effects Table, the Special 91-00 Insinuated D 96-00 Spell Turning (as ring)
Attack does damage according to the
Damage Per Attack table. XI.D. Presence Attacks XIl. B. Immunity Table
XI.A. Special Attack Effects 01-18 Charm 01-10 Charms and Holds
19-48 Disease (10-100') radius) 11-20 Cold
Attack E ffec t 49-88 21-25 Confusion
89-98 Fear 26-29 Detects
Aging As Staffof Withering 99-00 Repulsion (as spell) 30-39 fear
\\-Orship 40-49 Fire
Cancellation As Rod of Cancellation, 50.55 Lightning
Magical Devices
but always works 56-60 Magical Weapons
61 Normal Weapons
Life-Draining ld3 life levels as Undead XI.E. Sonic Attacks 62-66 Psionics
67-71 Sonics
Paralysis As Ghoul 01-40 Blasting (as Hom) 72-76 Spells, magic user
41-80 Deafening (10% permanent) 77-79
Rusting As Rust Monster 81 Death (as Power Hbrd Kill) 80-83 Spells. clerical
Disintegrate (as spell) 84-85 Spells. aU
Sharpness As Sword of Sharpness ~ 82-91 Unbalance (10% permanent) 86-95 Stoning
92-00 96-00 Wands, Rods and Staves
Slow As Stone Golem
Spells Pick those that seem ap-
pr opriate
Sucker Holds victim with Ogre
Vorpal As Vorpal Weapon•
\\bunding As Sword of l4bunding•
• Go back to Physical Attacks table to
determine mode of attack and Damage of
XIII. Number Of Special Abilities DM Notes Considering the special attributes of
other levels of this dungeon, be sure to
01-50 1 Special Ability Use of the Random Monster look at monsters for their applicability to
51-85 2 Special Abilities Generator Tables being described as food, or a game piece ,
86-00 3 Special Abilities or a defective monster, etc., and be sure
DMs must realize that some monsters to shuffle them off to those levels to keep
XIII.A. Special Abilities found on this table are going to be totally up the spirit of the situation.
unplayable. Feel no compunction about
01-05 H aste discariling a monster and rolling a new For playing this adventure, be sure to
06-15 Invisibility one. Alternately, feel free to change the pre-roll lots of monsters from the random
16-20 Passwall (as the spell) monster, or set up special cri teria for monsters table for Voyeux to call on for
21-30 Phantasmal forces some of the categories and just randomly his defense. Conjuring up a monster from
31-40 Polymorph self assess the rest of them. this table in the middle of a game slows
41-55 Silence down the game unacceptably.
56-70 Special Sense, 1
81-85 Special Senses, 2
86-90 Special Senses, 3
X.III.B Special Senses
01-05 Clairvoyance
06-10 Clairaudience
11-15 Detect astral
16-30 Detect ethereal
31-35 Detect gems
36-40 Detect gold
41 -50 Detect illusion
51-60 Detect invisible
61 -70 Detect metals
71-85 ESP
86-95 Locate object
96-00 True sight
XIV. Shape
This is not a random table, because by
now the monster creator should have
some idea of what the critter looks like.
Remember that the various level s some-
tjmes have requirements for the mon-
sters that go to them, so look for features
that can be adapted into looking llke what-
ever seems likely to be suitable for levels
with restrictions.