Electrically coupled by gap junctions
Pace of contraction set by pacemaker cells
Energized by ATP
Activated by a calcium pulse
Calcium binds to calmodulin (protein bind)
Contract of extended period at low energy cost without fatigue
1. Autonomic nervous system (inhibit or stimulate)
2. Pacemaker cells
3. Hormones
4. Local chemical factors
5. Mechanical stretch
• 1.Agonist (prime mover)
• : Biceps brachii & Brachialis
• 2.Antagonist(against prime mover)
• : Triceps brachii
• 3.Synergist(complement prime mover)
• : Brachioradialis & pronator teres
• 4. Fixator (postural)- stabilize prime mover
• Eg : biceps curl (elbow flexion)
The end of a muscle attached to the
bone that does not move
2. Insertion
The point of attachment of the
muscle on the bone that moves
1. Shape • Trapezius (trapezoid), deltoid (triangular or delta-shaped),
2. Size
• Maximus (largest), minimus (small), longus (long), brevis (short)
3. Location e.g. gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, adductor longus, Extensor carpi
radialis brevis, etc
4. Attachment • Temporalis (temporal), intercostal (costal=rib), supraspinatus (above
5. Action the spine of the scapula), infraspinatus (below the spine of the
scapula), tibialis anterior (in front of the tibia), etc
6. Number of
origins (heads) • Origin - sternum (sterno) and clavicle (cleido)
7. Direction of • Insertion - mastoid process of the temporal bone
muscle fibers e.g. sternocleidomastoid
• Flexor, extensor, or adductor
e.g. Extensor digitorum (extends the finger (digits), levetor scapulae
(raises/elevates the scapula), adductor longus, supinator, etc
Bi (two), tri (three), quad (four)
e.g. biceps brachii, triceps brachii, quadriceps, etc
Rectus (straight), transversus (across), oblique (obliquely)
e.g. rectus femoris, transversus abdominis, internal oblique, etc
Pattern of Fascicle Arrangement:
• specific pattern of fascicles :determines the range of movement and
power of muscle
1. Parallel
- Long axes of the fascicles run parallel to the long axis of the muscles
1. Straplike
2. Fusiform
2. Pennate – short oblique
1. Unipennate - Fasicle insert into one side of the tendon
2. Bipennate - Fasicle insert into tendon from opposite side
3. Multipennate - arrangement look like feathers situated side by
side inserted to one large tendon
3. Convergent
- Broad origin converse towards insertion ( triangular / fan shaped )
4. Circular - Sphincters
Major Skeletal of the Body:
• Muscle of the Head; Anterior Neck & Throat;
Vertebral Column; Thorax; Abdominal wall;
Pelvic Floor & Perineum; Shoulder Joint;
Elbow Joint; Forearm; Hand; Hip & Knee
Joints; Leg; and Foot.