presenting th
Investec email invitation guidelines 2012
he brand
a refreshed ne
corporate ema
ew look for our
ail invitations
Investec type face usage on the electronic media Arial - R
All Investec electronic media uses the Arial font family for all electronic ABCD
communication and presentation of the Investec brand. The Arial font abcde
family is universally available and compatible across all platforms.
Arial - It
Of the font family, Arial Regular and Bold are used. It is preferable not
to use Italics on all Investec electronic communications. ABCD
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used if it is created in a non-editable
graphic such as a Jpeg, PDF or ash le. Arial - B
Arial - B
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
Bold Italic
Electronic media colour palette - Brand
The primary Brand colour palette consists of Investec Blue
(Pantone 655c) and Investec Sky (Pantone 279c). This colour
palette is called:
- Brand These colours make up the Investec identity
All electronic media must include the 2 colour Investec logo on
all collateral in the RGB breakdown as shown.
The supporting Investec RGB colour palette has been expanded
to allow for a wider variety of colour usage. The colour palette
is divided into four different sections chosen to compliment one
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
Investec Blue 80% Investec Sky 80%
R 51 G 77 B 113 R 132 G 170 B 220
Pantone 655c # 334d71 Pantone 279c # 84aadc
R0 R 101
G 32 60% G 149 60%
B 78 R 102 G 121 B 149 B 211 R 163 G 191 B 229
# 00204e # 667995 # 6595d3 # a3bfe5
40% 40%
R 153 G 166 B 184 R 193 G 213 B 237
# 99a6b8 # c1d5ed
20% 20%
R 204 G 210 B 220 R 224 G 234 B 246
# ccd2dc # e0eaf6
Electronic media full colour palette selection
The electronic media colour palette is divided into four different Vibrant
sections, chosen to compliment one another. These sections
are: Pantone 2726
Red 72
- Brand These colours make up the Investec identity as Green 93
- Vibrant seen on page 2 Blue 197
- Natural These colours are bright and colourful and should HEX: #485dc5
- Shades be used as accent colours Pantone 299c
The natural colours are earthy shades of the Red 0
vibrant colour palette Green 160
A selection of dark greys are available to accent Blue 223
and compliment all of the above colour palettes HEX: #00a0df
Pantone 7473
All of these colours are usable within any electronic media to Red 13
allow flexibility and vibrancy to any specific design requirements. Green 155
Blue 140
Each individual colour has been further broken down in 20% HEX: #0d9b8c
increments from 20% to 100%. For the full breakdown please Pantone 368c
see pages 4-6. Red 102
Green 188
Blue 41
HEX: #66bc29
Pantone 377c
Red 113
Green 149
Blue 0
HEX: #719500
Pantone 136c
Red 225
Green 188
Blue 65
Pantone 158c
Red 234
Green 113
Blue 37
HEX: #ea7125
Pantone 710c
Red 227
Green 71
Blue 97
HEX: #e34761
Pantone 718c
Red 203
Green 79
Blue 0
HEX: #cb4f00
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
6c Pantone 285c Natural Pantone 551c Shades Pantone
Red 0 Red 161 Cool Gray 11
Green 114 Pantone 665c Green 196 Pantone Red 77
Blue 207 Red 200 Blue 208 Process Black Green 78
Green 189 HEX: #a1c4d0 Red 29 Blue 83
5 HEX: #0072cf Blue 210 Pantone 291c Green 29 HEX: #a1c4d0
c Pantone 638c HEX: #c8bdd2 Red 158 Blue 29 Pantone 405c
Pantone 543c Green 206 HEX: #1d1d1d Red 95
Red 0 Red 158 Blue 235 Pantone 411c Green 87
Green 174 Green 195 HEX: #9eceeb Red 94 Blue 79
Blue 216 Blue 223 Pantone 5585c Green 79 HEX: #5f574f
f HEX: #00aed8 HEX: #9ec3df Red 184 Blue 74 Pantone 432c
3c Pantone 3258c Pantone 5503c Green 203 HEX: #5e4f4a Red 54
Red 75 Red 153 Blue 194 Green 66
Green 200 Green 190 HEX: #b8cbc2 Pantone 4625c Blue 74
Blue 182 Blue 196 Pantone 5875c Red 88 HEX: #36424a
c HEX: #4bc8b6 HEX: #99bec4 Red 214 Green 44
c Pantone 104c Pantone 578c Green 212 Blue 27
Red 175 Red 185 Blue 174 HEX: #522c1b
Green 154 Green 207 HEX: #d6d4ae
Blue 0 Blue 150 Pantone 7403c Brand
9 HEX: #af9a00 HEX: #b9cf96 Red 235
c Pantone 115c Pantone 453c Green 206 Pantone 655c
Red 252 Red 196 Blue 123 Red 0
Green 220 Green 193 HEX: #ebce7b Green 32
Blue 65 Blue 160 Pantone 721c Blue 78
0 HEX: #fcdc41 HEX: #c4c1a0 Red 227 HEX: #00204e
c Pantone 145c Pantone 7502c Green 174
Red 207 Red 212 Blue 129
Green 118 Green 191 HEX: #e3ae81
Blue 0 Blue 149 Pantone 4665c
HEX: #cf7600 HEX: #d4bf95 Red 206
c Pantone 485c Pantone 728c Green 169
Red 220 Red 211 Blue 141
Green 113 Green 169 HEX: #cea98d
Blue 37 Blue 133 Pantone 700c
5 HEX: #dc291e HEX: #d3a98d Red 239
c Pantone 701c Pantone 692c Green 171
Red 229 Red 228 Blue 185
Green 138 Green 194 HEX: #efabb9
Blue 158 Blue 200
1 HEX: #dc291e HEX: #e4c2c8 Pantone 279c
c Pantone 686c Red 101
0 Red 215 Green 149
Green 165 Blue 211
Blue 189 HEX: #6595d3
HEX: #d7a5bd
Electronic media colour palette - Vibrant Pantone 2726c
R 72
This section of the colour palette is called: G 93
B 197
- Vibrant These colours are bright and colourful and should # 485dc5
be used as accent colours
Pantone 285c
All of the colours in the vibrant section of the colour palette are R0
usable. G 114
B 207
# 0072cf
Pantone 299c
G 160
B 223
# 00a0df
Pantone 638c
G 174
B 216
# 00aed8
Pantone 7473c
R 13
G 155
B 140
# 0d9b8c
Pantone 3258c
R 75
G 200
B 182
# 4bc8b6
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
80% Pantone 368c 80% Pantone 158c 80%
R 109 G 125 B 209 R 102 R 133 G 201 B 84 R 234 R 238 G 141 B 81
# 6d7dd1 G 188 # 85c954 G 113 # ee8d51
B 41 B 37
60% # 66bc29 60% # ea7125 60%
R 145 G 158 B 220 R 163 G 215 B 127 R 242 G 170 B 124
# 919edc Pantone 104c # a3d77f Pantone 485c # f2aa7c
R 175 R 220
40% G 154 40% G 41 40%
R 182 G 190 B 232 B0 R 194 G 228 B 169 B 30 R 247 G 198 B 168
# b6bee8 # af9a00 # c2e4a9 # dc291e # f7c6a8
20% Pantone 377c 20% Pantone 710c 20%
R 218 G 223 B 243 R 113 R 224 G 242 B 212 R 227 R 251 G 227 B 211
# dadff3 G 149 # e0f2d4 G 71 # fbe3d3
B0 B 97
80% # 719500 80% # e34761 80%
R 51 G 142 B 217 R 194 G 174 B 51 R 227 G 84 B 75
# 338ed9 Pantone 115c # bfae33 Pantone 701c # e3544b
R 252 R 229
60% G 220 60% G 138 60%
R 102 G 170 B 226 B 65 R 207 G 194 B 102 B 158 R 234 G 127 B 120
# 66aae2 # fcdc41 # cfc266 # dc291e # ea7f78
40% Pantone 136c 40% Pantone 718c 40%
R 153 G 199 B 236 R 255 R 223 G 215 B 153 R 203 R 241 G 169 B 165
# 99c7ec G 188 # dfd799 G 79 # f1a9a5
B 62 B0
20% # ffbc3e 20% # cb4f00 20%
R 204 G 227 B 245 R 239 G 235 B 204 R 248 G 212 B 210
# cce3f5 Pantone 145c # efebcc # f8d4d2
R 207
80% G 118 80% 80%
R 51 G 179 B 229 B0 R 141 G 170 B 51 R 233 G 108 B 129
# 33b3e5 # cf7600 # 8daa33 # e96c81
60% 60% 60%
R 102 G 198 B 236 R 170 G 191 B 102 R 138 G 145 B 160
# 66c6ec # aabf66 # ee91a0
40% 40% 40%
R 153 G 217 B 242 R 198 G 213 B 153 R 244 G 181 B 192
# 99d9f2 # c6d599 # f4b5c0
20% 20% 20%
R 204 G 236 B 249 R 227 G 234 B 204 R 249 G 218 B 223
# ccecf9 # e3eacc # f9dadf
80% 80% 80%
R 51 G 190 B 224 R 253 G 227 B 103 R 234 G 161 B 177
# 33bee0 # fde367 # e3544b
60% 60% 60%
R 102 G 106 B 232 R 253 G 234 B 141 R 239 G 185 B 197
# 66cee8 # fdea8d # ea7f78
40% 40% 40%
R 153 G 223 B 239 R 254 G 241 B 179 R 245 G 208 B 216
# 99dfef # fef1b3 # f1a9a5
20% 20% 20%
R 204 G 239 B 247 R 254 G 248 B 217 R 250 G 232 B 236
# cceff7 # fef8d9 # f8d4d2
80% 80% 80%
R 61 G 175 B 163 R 255 G 201 B 101 R 213 G 114 B 51
# 3dafa3 # ffc965 # d57233
60% 60% 60%
R 110 G 195 B 186 R 255 G 215 B 139 R 224 G 149 B 102
# 6ec3ba # ffd78b # e09566
40% 40% 40%
R 158 G 215 B 209 R 255 G 228 B 178 R 234 G 185 B 153
# 9ed7d1 # ffe4b2 # eab999
20% 20% 20%
R 207 G 235 B 232 R 255 G 242 B 216 R 245 G 220 B 204
# cfebe8 # fff2d8 # f5dccc
80% 80% 4
R 111 G 211 B 197 R 217 G 145 B 51
# 6fd3c5 # d99133
60% 60%
R 147 G 222 B 211 R 226 G 173 B 102
# 93ded3 # e2ad66
40% 40%
R 183 G 233 B 226 R 236 G 200 B 153
# b7e9e2 # e2ad66
20% 20%
R 219 G 244 B 240 R 245 G 228 B 204
# dbf4f0 # ecc899
Electronic media colour palette - Natural Pantone 665c
R 200
A natural colour palette has been chosen to accent the Vibrant G 189
colour palette. These colours can be used individually or B 210
alongside the existing colours from the vibrant colour palette. # c8bdd2
- Natural The natural colours are earthy shades of the Pantone 551c
vibrant colour palette R 161
G 196
All of the colours in the natural section of the colour palette are B 208
usable. # a1c4d0
Pantone 543c
R 158
G 195
B 223
# 9ec3df
Pantone 291c
R 158
G 206
B 235
# 9eceeb
Pantone 5503c
R 153
G 190
B 196
# 99bec4
Pantone 5585c
R 184
G 203
B 194
# b8cbc2
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
80% Pantone 578c 80% Pantone 728c 80%
R 211 G 202 B 219 R 185 R 199 G 217 B 171 R 211 R 220 G 186 B 164
# d3cadb G 207 # c7d9ab G 169 # dcbaa4
B 150 B 133
60% # b9cf96 60% # d3a98d 60%
R 222 G 215 B 228 R 213 G 226 B 192 R 229 G 203 B 187
# ded7e4 Pantone 5875c # d5e2c0 Pantone 4665c # e5cbbb
R 214 R 206
40% G 212 40% G 169 40%
R 233 G 229 B 237 B 174 R 227 G 236 B 213 B 141 R 237 G 221 B 209
# e9e5ed # d6d4ae # e3ecd5 # cea98d # edddd1
20% Pantone 453c 20% Pantone 692c 20%
R 244 G 242 B 246 R 196 R 241 G 245 B 234 R 228 R 246 G 238 B 232
# f4f2f6 G 193 # f1f5ea G 194 # f6eee8
B 160 B 200
80% # c4c1a0 80% # e4c2c8 80%
R 180 G 208 B 217 R 222 G 221 B 190 R 216 G 186 B 164
# b4d0d9 Pantone 7403c # deddbe Pantone 700c # d8baa4
R 235 R 239
60% G 206 60% G 171 60%
R 199 G 220 B 227 B 123 R 230 G 229 B 206 B 185 R 226 G 203 B 187
# c7dce3 # ebce7b # e6e5ce # efabb9 # e2cbbb
40% Pantone 7502c 40% Pantone 686c 40%
R 217 G 231 B 236 R 212 R 239 G 238 B 223 R 215 R 235 G 221 B 209
# d9e7ec G 191 # efeedf G 165 # ebddd1
B 149 B 189
20% # d4bf95 20% # d7a5bd 20%
R 236 G 243 B 246 R 247 G 246 B 239 R 245 G 238 B 232
# ecf3f6 Pantone 721c # f7f6ef # f5eee8
R 227
80% G 174 80% 80%
R 177 G 207 B 229 B 129 R 208 G 205 B 179 R 233 G 206 B 211
# b1cfe5 # e3ae81 # d0cdb3 # e9ced3
60% 60% 60%
R 197 G 219 B 236 R 220 G 218 B 198 R 239 G 218 B 222
# c5bdec # dcdac6 # efdade
40% 40% 40%
R 216 G 231 B 242 R 231 G 230 B 217 R 244 G 231 B 233
# d8e7f2 # e7e6d9 # f4e7e9
20% 20% 20%
R 236 G 243 B 249 R 243 G 243 B 236 R 250 G 243 B 244
# ecf3f9 # f3f3ec # faf3f4
80% 80% 80%
R 177 G 216 B 239 R 239 G 216 B 149 R 242 G 188 B 199
# b1d8ef # efd895 # f2bcc7
60% 60% 60%
R 197 G 226 B 243 R 243 G 226 B 176 R 245 G 205 B 213
# c5e2f3 # f3e2b0 # f5cdd5
40% 40% 40%
R 216 G 235 B 247 R 247 G 235 B 202 R 249 G 221 B 227
# d8ebf7 # f7ebca # f9dde3
20% 20% 20%
R 236 G 245 B 251 R 251 G 245 B 229 R 252 G 238 B 241
# ecf5fb # fbf5e5 # fceef1
80% 80% 80%
R 173 G 203 B 208 R 221 G 204 B 170 R 223 G 183 B 202
# adcbd0 # ddccaa # dfb7ca
60% 60% 60%
R 194 G 216 B 220 R 229 G 217 B 191 R 231 G 201 B 215
# c2d8dc # e5d9bf # e7c9d7
40% 40% 40%
R 214 G 229 B 231 R 238 G 229 B 213 R 239 G 219 B 229
# d6e5e7 # eee5d5 # efdbe5
20% 20% 20%
R 235 G 242 B 243 R 246 G 242 B 234 R 247 G 237 B 242
# ebf2f3 # f6f2ea # f7edf2
80% 80% 5
R 198 G 213 B 206 R 233 G 190 B 154
# c6d5ce # e9be9a
60% 60%
R 212 G 224 B 218 R 238 G 206 B 179
# d4e0da # eeceb3
40% 40%
R 227 G 234 B 231 R 244 G 223 B 205
# e3eae7 # f3dfcd
20% 20%
R 241 G 245 B 243 R 249 G 239 B 230
# f1f5f3 # f9efe6
Electronic media colour palette - Shades
A selection of darker shade colours has been chosen to accent
both the vibrant and Natural colour palette.
- Shades The shade colours are dark accent colours. A
selection of dark greys is available to accent any
of the colour palettes
All of the colours in the shade section of the colour palette are
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
Pantone Process 80% Pantone Cool 80%
Black R 74 G 74 B 74 Gray 11 R 113 G 113 B 117
R 29 # 4a4a4a R 77 # b4d0d9
G 29 G 78
B 29 60% B 83 60%
# 1d1d1d R 119 G 119 B 119 # a1c4d0 R 148 G 149 B 152
# 777777 # c7dce3
Pantone 411c Pantone 405c
R 94 40% R 95 40%
G 79 R 165 G 165 B 165 G 87 R 184 G 184 B 186
B 74 # a5a5a5 B 79 # d9e7ec
# 5e4f4a # 5f574f
20% 20%
Pantone 4625c R 210 G 210 B 210 Pantone 432c R 219 G 220 B 221
R 88 # d2d2d2 R 54 # ecf3f6
G 44 G 66
B 27 80% B 74 80%
# 522c1b R 126 G 114 B 110 # 36424a R 127 G 121 B 114
# 7e726e # 7f7972
60% 60%
R 158 G 149 B 146 R 159 G 154 B 149
# 9e9592 # 9f9a95
40% 40%
R 191 G 185 B 183 R 191 G 188 B 185
# bfb9b7 # bfbcb9
20% 20%
R 223 G 220 B 219 R 223 G 221 B 220
# dfdcdb # dfdddc
80% 80%
R 121 G 86 B 73 R 94 G 104 B 110
# 795649 # 5e686e
60% 60%
R 155 G 128 B 118 R 134 G 142 B 146
# 9b8076 # 868e92
40% 40%
R 188 G 171 B 164 R 175 G 179 B 183
# bcaba4 # afb3b7
20% 20%
R 222 G 213 B 209 R 215 G 217 B 219
# ded5d1 # d7d9db
Generic email invitations
600 pixels (h) 600 pixels (w)
The identity should be positioned in the top right hand corner. The copy
is aligned with the middle of the focus symbol.
The logo should always be in full colour (2 colour).
The heading colours should take cues from the image selection and
be selected from the Investec colour palette. This is kept consistent
throughout the invitation.
The zebra may or may not be included in the email template examples,
but should be used as a preference. If the Zebra is not used then the
Investec identity must be accompanied with the ‘Out of the Ordinary’
positioning statement.
The tabs are aligned to the bottom of the email template, above the
disclaimer and below the zebra. A solid 1px keyline is positioned directly
beneath the tabs, and spans the width of the email, matching the width
of the vigniette and body copy.
The grey shadow needs to be applied to all emails following the
below format
- An email that has a length of 600px or less must have the grey shadow
applied on the left and right sides only
- An email that has a length of 600px or more must have the grey shadows
applied on the top and bottom only
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used in an email invitation if it is created
as a graphic.
1 Main Header 3 Body Copy
Arial Bold Arial Regular
Size. 18 pt Size. 12 pt
Leading. 21.6pt Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0 Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB Colour. Black
2 Highlighted Copy
Arial Bold
Size. 12 pt
Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
160 px Example without a header
78 px
46 px
32 px
1 Main Heading
2 Dear Name
700 px 3 You are invited to lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
Helvetica Neue LT aliquam erat volutpat.
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning Date Friday 1 October 2010
9.5px Time 13:00 - 14:00
RSVP email
Please advise us if you have any dietary requirements.
We look forward to you joining us.
28 px
276px (w) x 14px (h)
600 px
Example with a header
225 px
1 32 px
46 px
2 28 px
700 px
Helvetica Neue LT
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning
276px (w) x 14px (h) 160 px 78 px
600 px
Money email invitations
710 pixels (w) Content defines height
The identity should be positioned in the top right hand corner. The copy
is aligned with the middle of the focus symbol.
The logo should always be in full colour (2 colour).
The heading colours should take cues from the image selection and
be selected from the Investec colour palette. This is kept consistent
throughout the invitation.
The zebra may or may not be included in the email template examples,
but should be used as a preference. If the Zebra is not used then the
Investec identity must be accompanied with the ‘Out of the Ordinary’
positioning statement.
The tabs are aligned to the bottom of the email template, above the
disclaimer and below the zebra. A solid 1px keyline is positioned directly
beneath the tabs, and spans the width of the email, matching the width
of the vigniette and body copy.
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used in an email invitation if it is
created as a graphic.
1 Main Header 3 Body Copy
Arial Bold Arial Regular
Size. 18 pt Size. 12 pt
Leading. 21.6pt Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0 Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB Colour. Black
2 Highlighted Copy
Arial Bold
Size. 12 pt
Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
160 px 270 px
40 px
58 px
32 px
342 px Main Heading
Dear Name
You are invited to lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
aliquam erat volutpat.
Date Friday 1 October 2010
Time 13:00 - 14:00
RSVP email
Please advise us if you have any dietary requirements.
We look forward to you joining us.
Defined by
content of
Helvetica Neue LT 28 px
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning 8
276px (w) x 14px (h)
710 px
Specialist Banking email invitations
600 pixels (w) Content defines height
The identity should be positioned in the top right hand corner. The copy
is aligned with the middle of the focus symbol.
The logo should always be in full colour (2 colour).
The heading colours should take cues from the image selection and
be selected from the Investec colour palette. This is kept consistent
throughout the invitation.
The zebra may or may not be included in the email template examples,
but should be used as a preference. If the Zebra is not used then the
Investec identity must be accompanied with the ‘Out of the Ordinary’
positioning statement.
The tabs are aligned to the bottom of the email template, above the
disclaimer and below the zebra. A solid 1px keyline is positioned directly
beneath the tabs, and spans the width of the email, matching the width
of the vigniette and body copy.
The grey shadow needs to be applied to all emails following the
below format
- An email that has a length of 600px or less must have the grey shadow
applied on the left and right sides only
- An email that has a length of 600px or more must have the grey shadows
applied on the top and bottom only
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used in an email invitation if it is
created as a graphic.
1 Main Header 3 Body Copy
Arial Bold Arial Regular
Size. 18 pt Size. 12 pt
Leading. 21.6pt Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0 Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB Colour. Black
2 Highlighted Copy
Arial Bold
Size. 12 pt
Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
160 px 78 px
46 px
32 px
Defined by
content of
Helvetica Neue LT 28 px
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning 9
273px (w) x 14px (h)
600 px
Specialist Banking email invitations
600 pixels (h) 600 pixels (w)
The identity should be positioned in the top right hand corner. The copy
is aligned with the middle of the focus symbol.
The logo should always be in full colour (2 colour).
The heading colours should take cues from the image selection and
be selected from the Investec colour palette. This is kept consistent
throughout the invitation.
The zebra may or may not be included in the email template examples,
but should be used as a preference. If the Zebra is not used then the
Investec identity must be accompanied with the ‘Out of the Ordinary’
positioning statement.
The tabs are aligned to the bottom of the email template, above the
disclaimer and below the zebra. A solid 1px keyline is positioned directly
beneath the tabs, and spans the width of the email, matching the width
of the vigniette and body copy.
The grey shadow needs to be applied to all emails following the
below format
- An email that has a length of 600px or less must have the grey shadow
applied on the left and right sides only
- An email that has a length of 600px or more must have the grey shadows
applied on the top and bottom only
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used in an email invitation if it is
created as a graphic.
1 Main Header 3 Body Copy
Arial Bold Arial Regular
Size. 18 pt Size. 12 pt
Leading. 21.6pt Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0 Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB Colour. Black
2 Highlighted Copy
Arial Bold
Size. 12 pt
Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
Example without a tagline
160 px 78 px
46 px
32 px
Helvetica Neue LT 28 px
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning 273px (w) x 14px (h)
600 px
Example with a tagline
160 px 78 px
46 px
32 px
28 px
15 px
Helvetica Neue LT
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning
273px (w) x 14px (h) 28 px
600 px
Specialist Banking email invitations
600 pixels (h) 600 pixels (w)
The identity should be positioned in the top right hand corner. The copy
is aligned with the middle of the focus symbol.
The logo should always be in full colour (2 colour).
The heading colours should take cues from the image selection and
be selected from the Investec colour palette. This is kept consistent
throughout the invitation.
The zebra may or may not be included in the email template examples,
but should be used as a preference. If the Zebra is not used then the
Investec identity must be accompanied with the ‘Out of the Ordinary’
positioning statement.
The tabs are aligned to the bottom of the email template, above the
disclaimer and below the zebra. A solid 1px keyline is positioned directly
beneath the tabs, and spans the width of the email, matching the width
of the vigniette and body copy.
The grey shadow needs to be applied to all emails following the
below format
- An email that has a length of 600px or less must have the grey shadow
applied on the left and right sides only
- An email that has a length of 600px or more must have the grey shadows
applied on the top and bottom only
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used in an email invitation if it is
created as a graphic.
1 Main Header 3 Body Copy
Arial Bold Arial Regular
Size. 18 pt Size. 12 pt
Leading. 21.6pt Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0 Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB Colour. Black
2 Highlighted Copy
Arial Bold
Size. 12 pt
Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
160 px 25 px
700px 1 115 px
2 32 px
Helvetica Neue LT 15 px
Std - 65 Medium 3
10 Kerning 182 px
273px (w) x 14px (h)
600 px
Wealth and Investment Banking email invitations
600 pixels (w) Content defines height
The identity should be positioned in the top right hand corner. The copy
is aligned with the middle of the focus symbol.
The logo should always be in full colour (2 colour).
The heading colours should take cues from the image selection and
be selected from the Investec colour palette. This is kept consistent
throughout the invitation.
The zebra may or may not be included in the email template examples,
but should be used as a preference. If the Zebra is not used then the
Investec identity must be accompanied with the ‘Out of the Ordinary’
positioning statement.
The grey shadow needs to be applied to all emails following the
below format
- An email that has a length of 600px or less must have the grey shadow
applied on the left and right sides only
- An email that has a length of 600px or more must have the grey shadows
applied on the top and bottom only
The tabs are aligned to the bottom of the email template, above the
disclaimer and below the zebra. A solid 1px keyline is positioned directly
beneath the tabs, and spans the width of the email, matching the width
of the vigniette and body copy.
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used in an email invitation if it is
created as a graphic.
1 Main Header 3 Body Copy
Arial Bold Arial Regular
Size. 18 pt Size. 12 pt
Leading. 21.6pt Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0 Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB Colour. Black
2 Highlighted Copy
Arial Bold
Size. 12 pt
Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
Example with heading strip
160 px 78 px
1 46 px
2 32 px
3 12 px
38 px
Defined by
content of
Helvetica Neue LT 28 px
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning
267px (w) x 14px (h)
600 px
Example without heading strip
160 px 45 px
2 46 px
32 px
25 px
Defined by
content of
Helvetica Neue LT 28 px
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning 12
267px (w) x 14px (h)
600 px
Wealth and Investment Banking email invitations
600 pixels (w) Content defines height
The identity should be positioned in the top right hand corner. The copy
is aligned with the middle of the focus symbol.
The logo should always be in full colour (2 colour).
The heading colours should take cues from the image selection and
be selected from the Investec colour palette. This is kept consistent
throughout the invitation.
The zebra may or may not be included in the email template examples,
but should be used as a preference. If the Zebra is not used then the
Investec identity must be accompanied with the ‘Out of the Ordinary’
positioning statement.
The tabs are aligned to the bottom of the email template, above the
disclaimer and below the zebra. A solid 1px keyline is positioned directly
beneath the tabs, and spans the width of the email, matching the width
of the vigniette and body copy.
The grey shadow needs to be applied to all emails following the
below format
- An email that has a length of 600px or less must have the grey shadow
applied on the left and right sides only
- An email that has a length of 600px or more must have the grey shadows
applied on the top and bottom only
NB. Helvetica Neue may be used in an email invitation if it is
created as a graphic.
1 Main Header 3 Body Copy
Arial Bold Arial Regular
Size. 18 pt Size. 12 pt
Leading. 21.6pt Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0 Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB Colour. Black
2 Highlighted Copy
Arial Bold
Size. 12 pt
Leading. 14.4pt
Kerning. 0
Colour. Optional Colour RGB
April 2012
Investec electronic media guidelines 2012
170 px 25 px
110 px
35 px
36 px
Defined by
content of
Helvetica Neue LT
Std - 65 Medium
10 Kerning
45 px
267px (w) x 14px (h)
600 px
Investec Global C.I. Email Signatures
The specification for an e-mail signature dictates that it is necessary to be widely accessible and
legible. In conjunction with that aim the following requirements were to be met:
• Must be capable of fully displaying across a wide range of small-screen devices including
BlackBerry, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone 7 while still retaining legibility on large-
screen devices such as the desktop PC.
• Must be compatible across a wide range of popular e-mail clients and platforms, including
Microsoft Outlook, Google Mail, Microsoft Hotmail and Apple’s
• Must retain its overall appearance and layout even when images have been disabled or
cannot be displayed (such as during poor network conditions).
• Must be capable of displaying an optional advertising.
• Must be capable of displaying one or more optional awards.
• Must be efficiently constructed so as to minimize file size and mail download times to
reduce impact on Investec e-mail infrastructure.
Content grouping best practices
Information relating to the sender of the mail is
grouped together, in order of relevance:
Name, Title, E-mail Address, Landline Number,
Mobile Number, Switchboard Number
Information relating to the company is
grouped together. This includes the company
address as well as any logos and badges
relevant to the base corporate identity.
Social and online information is grouped
together, in order of relevance:
Investec Website Address, Facebook Page,
Twitter Profile, YouTube Channel
Approach (cont.)
HTML e-mail best practices
When producing a fixed-width e-mail element (such as a signature, brochure, etc.) it is not
recommended to exceed 600 screen units in width, as this allows most desktop screen
resolutions to display the e-mail fully without any horizontal scrolling.
However, as this signature is required to conform to mobile devices as well, this
recommendation has to be dropped to 400 screen units in an effort to target as many devices
as possible.
This horizontal size has the benefit of being able to target most modern/popular smart phones
such as BlackBerry, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone 7 devices, while still being able to be
legible on larger screen devices such as a desktop PC. The downside however is that the
content of the signature needs to be spaced out appropriately to not appear to “squeezed in”.
Finally, to retain maximum compatibility across multiple e-mail clients such as Microsoft
Outlook, Google Mail, Microsoft Hotmail and Apple’s, the signature HTML makes use
of simple inline CSS styling and tables for layout. While a less efficient approach than was it
being developed as a webpage/website, it is the best practice method of ensuring broad
Approach (cont.)
Additional notes and addenda
• When an e-mail originates from South Africa the signature should have the line “Investec
Bank Limited” between the sender’s name and e-mail address.
• When an e-mail originates from London the signature should have the line “Investec Bank
PLC” between the sender’s name and e-mail address.
• In the Social Media group within the signature, the Investec website address is displayed
instead of “Website”. This is to provide users the ability to better recall the website address
in the future.
General Banner only Awards only Banner + Awards
400 units • Defines the most basic signature.
220 units 120 units • 400 screen units wide to fit small-screen
73 units devices while retaining legibility.
Font size: • No margins or borders, edge of content
9 units 60 units sits flush with edge of e-mail.
Line height: • Each line is 18 screen units high.
11 units
• Arial font @ 12 screen units in size
chosen for cross-device compatibility.
Bold used to emphasise important
• Logo height standardized at 73 units for
uniformity. Do not add borders, padding
or margins to logos using CSS as this will
push layout out.
Breakdown (cont.)
Banner only
400 units • Inherits all common elements from the
General layout, therefore same rules
220 units 120 units apply.
73 units
• Contains an additional banner for
66 units advertising/promotional purposes. Banner
is 400 screen units wide (same as
Font size:
9 units 60 units content) and 66 screen units high.
Line height: • Border around banner is optional,
11 units depending on whether it is desired for
content to appear separate from the
background or not.
• Do not use CSS to define borders around
the banner. Bake the border into the
banner image as this will otherwise cause
the signature to become wider.
Breakdown (cont.)
Awards only
400 units • Inherits all common elements from the
General layout, therefore same rules
220 units 120 units apply.
73 units
• Contains an additional section for listing
50 units awards. This section is split into 2
columns of variable height.
Font size:
9 units 60 units
Line height: • Each award should have an icon 50
11 units screen units wide and 50 screen units
high. Do not use CSS to define borders
around the award images as this will push
out the layout.
• The text content can be taller than 50
screen units.
• No more than 2 awards can be displayed
per row.
Breakdown (cont.) • Inherits all elements from the Banner
Only and Awards Only signatures,
Banner + Awards therefore same rules apply.
400 units • Should be used sparingly as it is both
lengthy and the largest signature in
220 units 120 units 60 units overall download size.
73 units
50 units
66 units
Font size:
9 units
Line height:
11 units
68.7mm 21.5mm
48mm 13.5mm
Heading: 22pt, Arial, Non-bold, Title Case
Subtitle: 18pt, Arial, bold, sentence case
Date: 16pt, Arial, bold
08.2mm 08.2mm NB
Keep headings and
subtitles short and to
a maximum of 1 line
43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm
26mm 08.7mm
21.5mm 05.7mm
Slide Title: 22pt, Arial, Non-bold, Title Case
Subtitle: 16pt, Arial, bold, sentence case
First level of the body copy text has no bullet: All body copy 14pt or 12pt but not lower, Arial.
Bold to be used as highlight in body copy. Text casing should generally be applied to proper
nouns or any term that may require special emphasis
Always start a new point with hard return between each new point
Spacing rules within bullet points
• First level bullet: Directly below the main point without any spaces
̶ Second level bullet: Directly below the first level bullet without any spaces
• Third level bullet: Directly below the second level bullet without any spaces
• When starting a new first level point, keep the category of points separate with a
hard return between points.
Keep headings and
subtitles short and to
a maximum of 1 line