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Published by , 2015-11-26 06:40:04

Investec _Ci Guide 2012

Investec _Ci Guide 2012

43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Slide Title: 22pt, Arial, Non-bold, Title Case

First level of the body copy text has no bullet: All body copy 14pt or 12pt but not lower, Arial.
Bold to be used as highlight in body copy. Text casing should generally be applied to proper
nouns or any term that may require special emphasis

Always start a new point with hard return between each new point

Spacing rules within bullet points

• First level bullet: Directly below the main point without any spaces
̶ Second level bullet: Directly below the first level bullet without any spaces
• Third level bullet: Directly below the second level bullet without any spaces

• When starting a new first level point, keep the category of points separate with a
hard return between points.


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Indenting Bullet Points: Placeholder

A Bullet Point is Not a Sentence

Too many times a presenter puts an entire sentence as a bullet point. This defeats the entire purpose of the bullet point, which
is to convey the key point only. It also tends to lead to the presenter reading each bullet point. If you plan to just read each bullet
point, save the audience the time by just e-mailing them your slides and they can read the points on their own.

Promoting and Demoting
When your content is created in a Placeholder (refer to Master Layout Functions – Slide 12), your bullets and indents are pre-
defined as a part of the slide style

Think of promoting and demoting much like how it work in business
• First level bullet = General Manager

̶ Second level bullet = Manager
• Third level bullet = Supervisor

There are 3 ways to set your indentation levels
1. To Demote your text simply highlight your text and press Tab until the text is at the level you require
2. To Promote the text back to a first or main level, highlight the text and hold down your shift key while pressing the Tab key
3. On the Ribbon under the Home tab find the Paragraph section. Locate the Increase or Decrease icons next to the bullets

and numbering icons and select your setting by increasing or decreasing your text level.


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Indenting Bullet Points: Textbox

Unlike in the Placeholder where the style is automatically set. In every other case the Promoting and Demoting would have to
be done manually.

This text sits in a text that does not contain and predefined styles

First level bullet = General Manager
Second level bullet = Manager
Third level bullet = Supervisor

Select the text and apply the required bullet styles
• First level bullet = Font: Normal text, Character code: 2022, Colour: Black
̶ Second level bullet = Font: Arial, Character code: 0336, Colour: Green
• Third level bullet = Font: Normal text, Character code: 2022, Colour: Black

Manually set the hierarchy level by moving the tab stops on the ruler to the required setting.

• First level bullet = General Manager First level bullet position Second level bullet position Third level bullet position
̶ Second level bullet = Manager
• Third level bullet = Supervisor

Tab stops The bottom tab stop controls the distance between the bullet
and the text. To adjust the distance, click down and hold click
The top tab stop controls the position of the bullet. on the bottom tab stop. For smooth handling hold down the
To move only the bullet position, click down and hold click on Ctrl key
the top tab stop. For smooth handling hold down the Ctrl key

The square below the bottom tab stop is a function that allows
you to move both tab stops at the same time.

To move both tabs at the same time press down and hold click
on the square. For smooth handling hold down the Ctrl key


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm21.5mm 08.7mm

Table Styles 05.7mm

10mm • Main heading are separated from the body copy with a blue line: Line weight = 1,5pt
• Sub-points are each separated from each other with alternating every second row in colour:
Row colour = Light grey: R: 242 G: 242 B: 242 XX
• In the case of a numbered list with a total at the end, the total is highlighted with a Blue row: XX

Row colour = Light blue: R: 158 G: 195 B: 223 XX
Main heading: 12pt, Arial, Bold XX
Sub-point 1: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold
Sub-point 2: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold XX
Sub-point 3: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold

Main heading: 12pt, Arial, Bold
Sub-point 1: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold
Sub-point 2: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold
Sub-point 3: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold

Main heading: 12pt, Arial, Bold


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm


• Organograms can become very intricate, keep in simple with as little effect as possible
• Keep colour use to a minimum and only use extreme colours were highlighting is required
• Use as little text as possible, too much text defeats the purpose of a clean layout and results in a more difficult slide to read

Main level

Support level

Second level Second level
hierarchy hierarchy

Third level Third level Third level Third level Third level
hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy 32

43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Bar Graphs: 1 Per Slide

• Keep the graph symmetrically placed with equal white space around the graph

• For a cleaner layout keep category point short and number formats consistent e.g. Category points 1 to 2 words and
numbers must have the same decimal points

• Keep colours to a minimum and only use extreme colours as a highlight points

Category 4 2.8 5.0
Category 3 3.0
1.8 4.4

Category 2 2.0 3.5 4.3
Category 1 2.5
4 5

012 3 6
Series 3 Series 2 Series 1


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

2 Graphs per slide


Category 4 5.0 5.0
2.8 4.5
4.5 4.3 2.8

Category 3 3.0 4 4.4 3.5
1.8 3.0
3 2.5
3.5 2.4 2.0 1.8
Category 2 2.0 4.4
2.5 2

2.0 1
Category 1


01234 5 6 0
Series 3 Series 2 Series 1 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

10mm Pie Chart: 1 Per Slide

Chart title

Chart title, 1.2
Chart title, 1.4

Chart title, 3.2 Chart title, 8.2

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Pie Chart: 2 Per Slide

Chart title Chart title

Chart title, 1.2 Chart title, 1.2
Chart title, 1.4 Chart title, 1.4

Chart title, 3.2 Chart title, 8.2 Chart title, 8.2
Chart title, 3.2

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Combination graphs

Chart title Category 4 5.0
Chart title, 1.2 Category 3
Chart title, 1.4 Chart title, 8.2 4.5

Chart title, 3.2 Category 2 3.0


2.0 4.4

Category 1 2.0


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 01234 5 6
Series 3 Series 2 Series 1


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

General elements and objects

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4

Callout Callout Callout

1 1

52 52


68.7mm 21.5mm

48mm 13.5mm



Section Title


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Title Only


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Slide Title



43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm


Best Practice Suggestions: Pictures
Try and use as much of the white space on a slide where only one
image is used. It makes for a much more cleaner slide


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Best Practice Suggestions: Pictures

When using more then one image, symmetrically size and evenly distributed the images, it gives slides a
cleaner look and feel and when using effects do not over do it by applying too many effects and also
not to everything.


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm


For compatibly across systems it is recommended that a standard font is used. This way, when your
presentation is opened on a system other then the one it has been created on, the chances on font designs
corrupting is zero.

Font type suggested and used in this template: Arial

Arial Regular

1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Arial Bold

1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Arial Italics

1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Colour Usage 1

Many design software recognises or reads colour in various forms such as, Pantone, RGB, CMYK or HEX. This
is important for getting your colour calibration consistent on all materials designed for print of used on online
material such as a presentation.

As within Word or Excel, PowerPoint's colour template mainly drives the available default colours you have to
work with. However PowerPoint has the unique ability whereby various colour schemes can be defined.

The schemes that are defined and set as default drives the following colour behaviours of the:
• Slide background
• Slide title
• Shapes
• Hyperlinks
• Text

Steps in defining new custom colours or schemes
1. Select Design Tab on your Ribbon
2. Navigate to the top right of the screen and select the Colours dropdown
3. Scroll to the bottom of the expanded list and select Create New Theme Colours

Under the Custom section you will find all the user defined Colour Themes. On all Custom Themes you can right
click and edit your colours. All other pre-sets un Built In that are defined my PowerPoint itself can only be
applied to your template and is not available for edit.


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Colour Usage 2

Edit Theme Colours
This is where you define the behaviour of all the colours in your presentation. At
the bottom of this screen in the Name: field you can give your Theme Colour a
custom name

Changing a colour
Select a colour to amend. In the example Accent 2 is selected, indicated
by the highlighted colour is the Theme Colours screen that appears once
the colour is selected

Theme Colours
On the bottom of the screen select
More Colours, upon doing so the Colours
screen will appear. This is where you specify
the values of you colour, in this case an RGB
value is required

Hyperlinks and Followed Hyperlinks Once your colour is defined select OK and
follow this steps for the remaining colours. If
This colours will not appear in your default view. It only applies to you have completed your customisation press
text that has been hyperlinked. E.g. Save on the Edit Theme Colours screen. (the
screen will close on pressing save).Your
Colour Theme will automatically be applied to
the template.

Pantone Pantone 655c Pantone Pantone 2726c Pantone 377c Pantone 158c Pantone 7473c Pantone 718c Pantone 368c Pantone 638c Pantone 485c
Process Black Red 0 Cool Gray 11 Red 72 Red 113 Red 234 Red 13 Red 203 Red 102 Red 0 Red 220
Red 29 Green 32 Red 77 Green 93 Green 149 Green 113 Green 155 Green 79 Green 188 Green 174 Green 41
Green 29 Blue 78 Green 78 Blue 197 Blue 0 Blue 37 Blue 140 Blue 0 Blue 41 Blue 216 Blue 30
Blue 29 HEX: #00204e Blue 83 HEX: #485dc5 HEX: #719500 HEX: #ea7125 HEX: #0d9b8c HEX: #cb4f00 HEX: #66bc29 HEX: #00aed8 HEX: #dc291e
HEX: #1d1d1d HEX: #a1c4d0


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Master Layout Functions

Master slides are defined in the background of the presentation. It handles the predefined
layouts of each slides style and design. All Placeholders and Branding elements are placed on
the master layouts.

Placeholders The function of Placeholders on the master page is applied when
content has been imported or corrupted from the defined styles.
Placeholders are the element that you see on a slide when you insert To Reset or reapply a master Layout, on a blank space on the
a new slide. It consist of special programmed behaviours, much like desired slide, right click and scroll down and select either of the
how styles are defines in MS Word, the Placeholders has the same desired options Layout or Reset
function. It can be recognised by the fine dashed line boarder (upon
typing the boarder disappears) Reset
Placeholders have very specific
defined positions and styles. The
reset function helps set a slide
back to the defined default state
should it have been changed.

In the template there are various
automated designs setup to
separate each section in a
presentation such as e.g. A Title
slide or a section divider


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Adding a Master Layout 1

On the Ribbon Navigate to the view tab and select Normal view until the Slide/Outline pane
appeared (see screen print example below), the on the same tab scroll to the right and select
Slide Master

Normal view Master view


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Adding a Master Layout 2

Slide Master Slide Master view
There are 2 sections in the Slide Master view, the Actual Slide Master itself and
Associated the Associated views (see example on left).
Steps to adding a new Layout
1. In the Master view on the Slide Master tab select Insert Layout
2. Your new layout should appear within the associated views
3. Customise your layout by adding or removing Placeholders
4. The new layout should automatically have all the branding elements of the

template on it, it draws in from the Slide Master. To customise your branding
design on your new layout, right click on a blank area of the slide and select
Format Background and in the format screen check the tick next to Hide
background graphics. The slide should then appear blank allowing you to now
customise the look and feel of the layout.
5. Define your styles by setting the positions of the Placeholders, font styles and
general appearance of all elements
6. Upon completion, on the Slide Master tab navigate to and select
close Master View
7. In Normal view, on a blank section of the slide right click and select Layout to
view or apply your newly added Master Layout


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

PowerPoint PC to MAC and Back

If you create in PowerPoint 2011 on Mac, then move to PC
• Save your files in PowerPoint XML file format. Uppercase/lowercase doesn’t matter, but don’t use punctuation characters or

spaces in your filenames. Some punctuation marks are PC-safe but may cause problems in email or web applications if files
are converted. Dashes (-) and underscores (_) are safe, though.
• QuickTime content is supported only in PowerPoint 2010 for Windows. Older versions don’t support QuickTime.
• Links to external graphics files will break. Embed all graphics.
• Use fonts in Font Collections > Windows Office Compatible when choose fonts.
• Use only RGB colour for your PowerPoint graphics. PowerPoint will convert CMYK or Pantone colours to RGB anyway. It’s
better to do it yourself so you can control the conversion. In case that’s not a convincing argument, try this: PowerPoint may
substitute a red X for CMYK graphics. Ouch. Stick with RGB.
• Don’t squeeze your text too tightly into placeholders. Font substitution and slight differences in text rendering on Mac vs. PC
can cause your text to get truncated or spill out of too-tight text boxes.

If you create on PC then move to Mac PowerPoint 2011
• Save your files in PowerPoint’s XML file format.
• Any valid file name you save on Windows is OK when bringing it to a Mac.
• Links to external files will break. Embed all graphics, sounds and movies.
• Use Windows Media (.wmv) or QuickTime for audio and movies. Windows Media requires the free Flip4Mac QuickTime

codec on the Mac.
• Don’t embed fonts. Instead, provide copies of fonts to your Mac users. Mac users should install fonts with Font Book

application on their Mac before running your presentation. Many fonts are not free, so don’t steal.
• Don’t squeeze your text too tightly into placeholders. Font substitution and slight differences in text rendering on Mac vs. PC

can cause your text to get truncated or spill out of too-tight text boxes.

There are more Mac to PC tips here on Creating a Presentation on


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Best Practice Suggestions: Tabs

2 advantages of using AutoShape tabs
• Can serve and a tracker in the presentations, indicating which part of the presentation you

are in at the point of presenting.
• Each tab can be hyperlinked to a section, allowing for a quick and easy navigation in

presentation mode.

Commodities FX Money Market Interest Rate Structuring
Commodities FX Money Market Interest Rate Structuring
Commodities FX Money Market Interest Rate Structuring
Commodities FX Money Market Interest Rate Structuring


43.7mm 11.2mm 21.5mm

26mm 08.7mm

21.5mm 05.7mm

Best Practice Suggestions: Template

When importing information into the new template, only copy over the content from each slide
onto a new slide in the template, instead of copying over the entire slide
• Copying over a complete slide from an older file into the new template, PowerPoint

automatically copies over the Master pages along with it.
• With a second master in your file you will experience odd colours and master layouts.
• After placing content on your slide and before formatting it, make sure to Reset the slide to

ensure all the elements used are defaulted to your Master Layouts



68.7mm 21.5mm

48mm 13.5mm



Thank You

08.2mm 08.2mm





52.5mm 31.5mm



Main Header, Arial non-bold, and 21pt, Title Case

Sub Headers and Copy, Arial non-bold, and 14pt, sentence case
Date: Arial bold, and 14pt


52.5mm 21.0mm
50.5mm 10.5mm



Main Header, Arial non-bold, and 16pt, Title Case

First level of the body copy text has no bullet: All body copy format: 10pt, Arial non-bold and a line spacing of
Before 0pt and After 6pt. Text casing should generally be applied to proper nouns or any term that may require
special emphasis. When starting a new point, do not create empty hard returns between points except for after
a sub-level bullet point or a numbered list.
Bold to be used as highlight in body copy. Format: 10pt, Arial bold and a line spacing of Before 0pt and
After 6pt.

Bold and colour should be used for special emphasis over and above highlights. Format: 10pt, Arial
bold and a line spacing of Before 0pt and After 6pt.

Sub Headers, Arial non-bold, 11pt and a line spacing of Before 12pt and After 6pt.

Spacing rules within bullet points

• First level bullet: Directly below the main point without any spaces
Second level bullet: Directly below the first level bullet without any spaces
• Third level bullet: Directly below the second level bullet without any spaces

• When starting a new first level point, keep the category of points separate with a hard return between

Applying styles

Styles have been predefined in the document, thus Formatting has been simplified, this document has
been formatted using the method described below. To apply styles simply follow the steps below.
1. Press: Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S
2. The Styles floating screen will appear listing all the styles defined in the document (see example below)
3. Select the text that requires formatting and click on the item in the list with the applicable title.

Adding a Style

1. On the floating style screen in the bottom left corner, locate New Style the icon and select it

2. A new screen with formatting options will appear. This will provide you with various options to customise
how you would like you style to display

3. Create you style by setting up the formatting
and giving It a specific name. It is
recommended that you start the name with
a common thread (see example below). E.g.
Investec_New style, this way all your style
would list as a group


21.0mm 21.0mm

List of styles

Title page
• Investec_Title page Main Header
• Investec_Title page Sub header and copy
• Investec_Title page Date

Body pages:
• Investec_Body page Main Header 0 before
• Investec_Body page Main Header 12 before
• Investec_Body page Sub header
• Investec_Body page Body copy
• Investec_Body page Body copy Bold
• Investec_Body page Body copy Italics
• Investec_Body page Body Highlight
• Investec_Bullet: First level
• Investec_Bullet: Numbered
• Investec_Bullet: Second level
• Investec_Bullet: Third level
• Investec_Table: Main header
• Investec_Table: Body copy

Defining a custom colour scheme in MS Word

Much like in in PowerPoint changing a theme colour scheme follows the same steps. This is where you define
the behaviour of all the colours in your document. On the Ribbon under the Page Layout Tab, to the left, top
right corner; locate the colours icon and select the drop down, at the bottom of the drop down screen select,
Create New Theme Colours. (See examples below)

Changing a colour

Select a colour to amend. In the example Text/Background – Dark 2 is selected, indicated by the highlighted
colour is the Theme Colours screen that appears once the colour is selected

Theme Colours Window

On the bottom of the screen select, More Colours, upon doing so the Colours screen will appear. This is where
you specify the values of you colour, in this case an RGB value is required

Once your colour is defined select OK and follow these steps for the remaining colours and give your Theme a
custom name. If you have completed your customisation press Save on the Edit Theme Colours screen. The
screen will close on pressing save; your Colour Theme will automatically be applied to the template.

Hyperlinks and Followed Hyperlinks

This colour will not appear in your default view. It only applies to text that has been hyperlinked. E.g.


21.0mm 21.0mm

Pantone Pantone 655c Pantone Pantone 2726c Pantone 377c
Process Black Red 0 Cool Gray 11 Red 72 Red 113
Red 29 Green 32 Red 77 Green 93 Green 149
Green 29 Blue 78 Green 78 Blue 197 Blue 0
Blue 29 HEX: #00204e Blue 83 HEX: #485dc5 HEX: #719500
HEX: #1d1d1d HEX: #a1c4d0

Pantone 158c Pantone 7473c Pantone 718c Pantone 368c Pantone 638c Pantone 485c
Red 234 Red 13 Red 203 Red 102 Red 0 Red 220
Green 113 Green 155 Green 79 Green 188 Green 174 Green 41
Blue 37 Blue 140 Blue 0 Blue 41 Blue 216 Blue 30
HEX: #ea7125 HEX: #0d9b8c HEX: #cb4f00 HEX: #66bc29 HEX: #00aed8 HEX: #dc291e


For compatibly across systems it is recommended that a standard font is used. When your presentation is
opened on a system other than the one it has been created on, the chances on font designs corrupting is zero.

Font type suggested and used in this template: Arial

Arial Regular

1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Arial Bold
1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Arial Italics
1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


21.0mm 21.0mm

18.0mm 17.5mm

Table Styles

• Table format = width 17.5cm, Alignments: Centre and Tex wrapping: None. Table have to be setup

Main heading are separated from the body copy with a blue line: Line weight = 1,5pt

Sub-points are each separated from each other with alternating every second row in colour:
Row colour = Light grey: R: 242 G: 242 B: 242

In the case of a numbered list with a total at the end, the total is highlighted with a Blue row:
Row colour = Light blue: R: 158 G: 195 B: 223

Main heading: 12pt, Arial, Bold •

Sub-point 1: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold xx
Sub-point 2: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold xx
Sub-point 3: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold xx

Main heading: 12pt, Arial, Bold xx
Sub-point 1: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold xx
Sub-point 2: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold
Sub-point 3: 12pt, Arial, Non-bold xx

Main heading: 12pt, Arial, Bold

Best Practice Suggestions: Pictures

When using more than one image, symmetrically size and evenly distributed the images, it gives slides a
cleaner look and feel and when using effects do not overdo it by applying too many effects and also
not to everything.


21.0mm 21.0mm

Chart and Graphs


When creating an image made up of AutoShapes and Textboxes is best to create it in PowerPoint and then
pasting the Chart/Image in MS Word as an Enhanced Metafile (EMF). Ms Word has the tendency of corrupting
formatting AutoShapes and its formatting that is created with loose and editable objects. EMFs results in a high
quality image with less formatting issues.

To paste a graphic as an EMF, navigate to the Ribbon under the Home Tab select the Paste icon to the left of
the screen. Select the drop down option and from it select Paste Special. In paste special window select Picture
(Enhanced Metafile). Below the Organogram was created in PowerPoint and pasted and an EMF.

Main level

Support level

Second level Second level
hierarchy hierarchy

Third level Third level Third level Third level Third level
hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy

Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy


• Keep the graph symmetrically placed with equal white space around the graph
• For a cleaner layout keep category point short and number formats consistent e.g. Category points 1 to 2

words and numbers must have the same decimal points
• Keep colours to a minimum and only use extreme colours as a highlight points

Category 4 2.8 5.0
Category 3 3.0
Category 2 1.8 4.4
Category 1
3.5 4.3
2.0 5



01 2 3 4 6
Series 3 Series 2 Series 1


21.0mm 21.0mm

2 Graphs per page

Category 4 5.0 6 5.0
2.8 4.5
4.5 4.3 2.8

Category 3 3.0 4 4.4 3.5
1.8 3.0
3 2.5
3.5 2.4 2.0 1.8
Category 2 2.0 4.4
2.5 2

Category 1 2.0 1

0123 4.3 6 0
Series 3 Series 2 45 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Series 1
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Pie Chart: 1 per page

Chart title

Chart title, 1.2
Chart title, 1.4

Chart title, 3.2 Chart title, 8.2

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


21.0mm 21.0mm

Pie Chart: 2 per page

Chart title Chart title

Chart title, Chart title,
1.2 1.2

Chart title, Chart title,
1.4 1.4

Chart title, Chart title,
8.2 8.2

Chart title, Chart title,
3.2 3.2

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Combination graphs

Chart title Category 4 5.0
Chart title,
1.2 4.5

Chart title, Category 3 3.0
1.4 1.8


Chart title, Category 2 2.0 4.4
8.2 2.5

Chart title,

Category 1 2.0

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 0123 4.3 6
Series 3 Series 2 45
Series 1

Colour Usage 1

Many design software recognises or reads colour in various forms such as, Pantone, RGB, CMYK or HEX. This
is important for getting your colour calibration consistent on all materials designed for print of used on online
material such as a presentation.

As within Word or Excel, PowerPoint's colour template mainly drives the available default colours you have to
work with


21.0mm 21.0mm

18.0mm 17.5mm

Steps in defining new custom colours or schemes

1. Select Page Layout Tab on your Ribbon

2. Navigate to the top left of the screen and select the Colours dropdown

3. Scroll to the bottom of the expanded list and select Create New Theme Colours

Under the Custom section you will find the entire user defined Colour Themes. On all Custom Themes you can
right click and edit your colours. All other pre-sets under Built In that are defined by MS Word itself can only be
applied to your template and is not available for edit.

Colour Usage 2

Edit Theme Colours

This is where you define the behaviour of all the colours
in your document. At the bottom of this screen in the
Name: field you can give your Theme Colour a custom

Changing a colour

Select a colour to amend. In the example Accent 2 is
selected, indicated by the highlighted colour is the Theme
Colours screen that appears once the colour is selected

Theme Colours

On the bottom of the screen select More Colours, upon doing so the Colours screen will appear. This is where
you specify the values of you colour, in this case an RGB value is required

Once your colour is defined select OK and follow these steps for the remaining colours. If you have completed
your customisation press Save on the Edit Theme Colours screen. (The screen will close on pressing
save).Your Colour Theme will automatically be applied to the template.

Hyperlinks and Followed Hyperlinks

These colours will not appear in your default view. It only applies to text that has been hyperlinked.

Pantone Pantone 655c Pantone Pantone 2726c Pantone 377c Pantone 158c Pantone 7473c Pantone 718c Pantone 368c Pantone 638c Pantone 485c
Process Black Red 0 Cool Gray 11 Red 72 Red 113 Red 234 Red 13 Red 203 Red 102 Red 0 Red 220
Red 29 Green 32 Red 77 Green 93 Green 149 Green 113 Green 155 Green 79 Green 188 Green 174 Green 41
Green 29 Blue 78 Green 78 Blue 197 Blue 0 Blue 37 Blue 140 Blue 0 Blue 41 Blue 216 Blue 30
Blue 29 HEX: #00204e Blue 83 HEX: #485dc5 HEX: #719500 HEX: #ea7125 HEX: #0d9b8c HEX: #cb4f00 HEX: #66bc29 HEX: #00aed8 HEX: #dc291e
HEX: #1d1d1d HEX: #a1c4d0





Main Header, Arial non-bold, and 16pt, Title Case

Sub Headers and Copy, Arial non-bold, and 12pt, sentence case
Date: Arial bold, and 12pt

Main heading: 10pt, Arial, Bold 10
Sub-point 1: 10pt, Arial, Non-bold 20
Sub-point 2: 10pt, Arial, Non-bold 30
Sub-point 3: 10pt, Arial, Non-bold
Main heading: 10pt, Arial, Bold 20
Sub-point 1: 10pt, Arial, Non-bold 30
Sub-point 2: 10pt, Arial, Non-bold
Sub-point 3: 10pt, Arial, Non-bold 60


Best Practices for MS Excel 2010

When using Excel 2010 in page view many of the formatting can be controled in a very similar way to MS

The starting point would be to first set the view to Page Layout. On the Ribbon navigate to the view Tab and
select the page layout.

When in Page Layout view you should see a view similiar to figure 1. This view creates a lok and feel as if
you are in MS word but with all the benefits of excel.

Inserting a logo and Tabs
In Page Layout view (refer to figure 1) notice that the page has Header and Footer indicated to the top and
bottom of the page. To insert a logo to the top right of the file as in this document, double click on the top right
hand block where the word Header is indicated (see figure 1). Browse to the location where you image is
saved and select to open it.

It is preferable that your image is saved to the desired size you would like to see in the document. After your
image is selected to open you should see the words &[Picture] in your block. Click on an empty cell, and your
image should automatically appear in the size and position that it was placed in the block.

Inserting Tabs in the Footer
The process remains the same for inserting a Tabs. Simply click on the position of the footer where you
would like to place the image, in this case it was placed in the bottom left corner. The graphic was saved of
as 1 image with the line at the bottom of the Tab.

Note: In Excel, bullet and indenting is not possible.


Figure 1 6
Figure 2 5

2 Graphs


Further formatting in Excel

In this case, functions like line spacing or paragraph breaks are not possible, so you can make use of
the actual rows and seperators or merging cell together to create the adequate space to add text. With
the grid line active, see the setup of thsi file as an example of how rows and merged cell are used to
create spacing.

It is a default setting to see the Page Layout view with the gridlines active, this still give you a feel that
you are working in Excel. To view your document and the formatting with out the Gridlines, Navigate to
the View Tab on the Ribbon and untick the Gridlines option, unde the Show section. You will immediatly
see the result.
(See figure 2)

Formatting Tables

This is much easier then in Word. The entire canvas in built on cells, this gives you the options to format
cells as a group or individuals.

The table on page 1 was mirrored from the Word layout, by simply applying boarder styles and fills to cell

Using Graphs and Diagrams Main Heading totals Point 7 Point 8 Point 8
35 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3

When creating an image made up of AutoShapes and Textboxes is best to create it in PowerPoint and
then pasting the Chart/Image in MS Word as an Enhanced Metafile (EMF). Ms Word has the tendency
of corrupting formatting AutoShapes and its formatting that is created with loose and editable objects.
EMFs results in a high quality image with less formatting issues.

Main level

Support level Second level
hierarchy hierarchy

Second level

Third level Third level Third level Third level Third level
hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy

Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy Fourth level hierarchy
Fourth level hierarchy


Use of Excel charts

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Category 1 4.3 2.4 2

Category 2 2.5 4.4 2

Category 3 3.5 1.8 3

Category 4 4.5 2.8 5

Keep the graph symmetrically placed with equal white space around the graph

For a cleaner layout keep category point short and number formats consistent e.g. Category
points 1 to 2 words and numbers must have the same decimal points

Keep colours to a minimum and only use extreme colours as a highlight points

1 Graph per page

6 4.4 3.5 5
3 4.5
5 2.5
4.3 2 1.8 2.8






Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

2 Graphs Per page

Category 4 5 5 4.5
2.8 4.5 4.3

Category 3 3 4 3.5
1.8 3.5

2 3 2.5
4.4 2.5

Category 2 2


Category 1 2 1

0123456 0
Series 3 Series 2
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4


Font Usage

For compatibly across systems it is recommended that a standard font is used. This way, when your
presentation is opened on a system other then the one it has been created on, the chances on font
designs corrupting is zero.

Font type suggested and used in this template: Arial
Arial Regular
1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Arial Bold
1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Arial Italics
1234567890.:,;’ ”(!?) +-*/=
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Pie Chart: 1 per page

Series 1, 4.5 Series 1, 4.3

Series 1, 3.5 Series 1, 2.5
Category 4
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3


Pie Chart: 2 per page

4.5 4.3 4.5 4.3
2.5 2.5

3.5 3.5

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Combination graphs

5 4.5
4.5 4.3

4.5 4.3 4 3.5
2.5 3.5

3.5 3 2.5
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 2.5





Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4


Colour Usage 1

Many design software recognises or reads colour in various forms such as, Pantone, RGB, CMYK or
HEX. This is important for getting your colour calibration consistent on all materials designed for print of
used on online material such as a presentation.

As within Word or Excel, PowerPoint's colour template mainly drives the available default colours you
have to work with

Steps in defining new custom colours or schemes
1. Select Page Layout Tab on your Ribbon
2. Navigate to the top left of the screen and select the Colours dropdown
3. Scroll to the bottom of the expanded list and select Create New Theme Colours

Under the Custom section you will find the entire user defined Colour Themes. On all Custom Themes
you can right click and edit your colours. All other pre-sets under Built In that are defined by MS Word
itself can only be applied to your template and is not available for edit.

Colour Usage 2

Edit Theme Colours
This is where you define the behaviour of all
the colours in your document. At the bottom
of this screen in the Name: field you can give
your Theme Colour a custom name

Changing a colour
Select a colour to amend. In the example
Accent 2 is selected, indicated by the
highlighted colour is the Theme Colours
screen that appears once the colour is

Theme Colours

On the bottom of the screen select More Colours, upon doing so the Colours screen will appear. This is
where you specify the values of you colour, in this case an RGB value is required

Once your colour is defined select OK and follow these steps for the remaining colours. If you have
completed your customisation press Save on the Edit Theme Colours screen. (The screen will close on
pressing save).Your Colour Theme will automatically be applied to the template.

Hyperlinks and Followed Hyperlinks

These colours will not appear in your default view. It only applies to text that has been hyperlinked.

Pantone Pantone 655c Pantone Pantone 2726c Pantone 377c Pantone 158c Pantone 7473c Pantone 718c Pantone 368c Pantone 638c Pantone 485c
Process Black Red 0 Cool Gray 11 Red 72 Red 113 Red 234 Red 13 Red 203 Red 102 Red 0 Red 220
Red 29 Green 32 Red 77 Green 93 Green 149 Green 113 Green 155 Green 79 Green 188 Green 174 Green 41
Green 29 Blue 78 Green 78 Blue 197 Blue 0 Blue 37 Blue 140 Blue 0 Blue 41 Blue 216 Blue 30
Blue 29 HEX: #00204e Blue 83 HEX: #485dc5 HEX: #719500 HEX: #ea7125 HEX: #0d9b8c HEX: #cb4f00 HEX: #66bc29 HEX: #00aed8 HEX: #dc291e
HEX: #1d1d1d HEX: #a1c4d0


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